VOL. XXXIII Unoaltnn'o FALL AND WINTER SHOES It uoCl lUll 8 Aii k ;; Lar ,u! WE SHOW YOU Mc;e Jrlylish, Servicable. Lower Priced Footwear Thar Any Other Shoe in Town Besides The Greatest Variety to Chose From. You can examine every j.article that goes to maV'.- this !ine < 1 Shoes ,ro1 ! 1 1 e LI tt< IT up. We show them in everv sty eoft - - Bui Dog. Rnz' r. e <-o cam! L 0..- d«n. Ikuble Sole and Extension Vdge. The;, are up-to-date. Patent Leather, Fr.airtl, Ctidcian, Willow Tan Calf Besides this line our Men's Working and Dress Shoes at fi.oo, $125, f 1 s°. ?2.t» and . $2.50 are great values and find ready sale. Boys and Girls JSctool Shoes —Made strong, servicable, stylish, heel or spring. r ''- They are water and cold resisters; they will Vo, carry a boy or girl a long roar! to school. u \Jt We have them in oil gram, kangaroo, box . W> and crack-proof calf, kip, urtlined, vea! calf. \___ \ in butto.i and lace, at 75c, {i.oo, $1.25, f 1.40, and 1.50. j Ladies Fine Shoes in al! the newest lasts, —. " " SB.OO at s<;,oo. Tain O'B'hanterß.'from 25c to $1 25 M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to"11 7 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. o*piwl - _ $60,000-00 Barploß and Profits, $119,263.67 JO3. L, PIIRVM President J. HENRY TROUTMAN Vlce-Hreni-lelit WM. CAMPBKLb, Jr Ciwliier LOUIS B.HTKIN Teller DIKBCTOK.H -Jo#.p!i 1,. PunrlH, J. Henry Tro>:tra»n W. I). UMWIOII, W. A. Hteln, J. rf. Cuaobell. The Batter Havingi hank li me OUleHt Ilmilt log Institution In Butler County, uenerkl banklQK I'UftlneiM tranitacu-d. Wt solicit accounts of oil producers, iner etUbt#, farmers ami others. All Bu.ilne.Hii entrust -d lo ua wIM receive prompt at'fcntlon. Interest pjul on time iepostts BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham ALr. WICK, PrM. NKO. KKTTHKKK, Tire fret. L H. ■eJU.IKIH. Hee'jr an.l Tr«a>. UlltKClOHb: All re 1 Wick. ' t. W. Irvlu. *>. W. BUckmore, W. Bowman. - eo K«tterur, tec. Ren no LOYAL M cJUHKN A tent. The Bulier County National Bank BUTLKR, PA. Capital paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $87,962.35 Jos. Hartman. Presirleot; J. V. KittH, Vice President; C. A- Bailey, Cashier; John G Mollarlin. A **'t Cashier. Agenerul banking business transacted. Interest pallelphia t'a. l'heniz Innurance of Brooklyn, S. Y. ami llnrltord liKurance Co. ol Mnrlloril Conn 1 OFFICE: Corner of Main HI. unci the Diunnud, north ©«" Court llotue, Butler, l't Heuderson Oliver, Junes Stephenson, N. Weluol. ill. J. Kllnrler I ( ha*. Hehfiuri, John Koeiilnir, THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Eany to Take any to Operate I Are features [ -cullar t« Hood's I'ills. Small ia size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man Hood's ' said: "You n< .er know you have taken a j ill till it is all _ I I over." 25c. C. Hood & Co.. 111 V» 1 Proprietors, i owell, Ma". ■■ ■ ! The only pills o take v .iU llood's Sar«aparilla. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA "to. Western D:\ision. Schrdrilf in Effect May 18 1896. South," —' —Week Days—— A. M. A. M A. M. f. M. P M' HTLER ri'itl n r.Jc't.. . • 727 **<■ Butler Jc't.. ..Leave 730 I 4* I' 2 I.' 333 .'.5 ; Natrona Arrive'< i* 85- IJJI 345 .tU ■ Tarentnm 74 i »03 12* 352 t;o: Sprlnsdalf 753 '-12 12 3* 402 Claretaonl.. 407 »25 12 5.; 416 627 Sharpstorg 914 931 Jul 422 652 Allegheny City 8 2.5 542 114 433 0 4.' A. « A. M. P. M. I*. M. P. M. BCSDAY TRAINS Leave Butler tor A!!<-- fc'bt uy < lty ami principal tn'ermedl'ire sta'ions 7:40 A. >!.. o and 5 '•>> I*. M. >ortli. Week Days—-*— A. ». A. M. A. M. P. M. P, M. . llrgheiiV City.. Lv. 7rw 'j 00 11 25 300 5 . laren.ont !< l» 1145 Sprint, Jale ujo 11 53 557 Tarentum 732 3 3!) 12 oS 330 60. Natrona 737 943 12 13 334 oil But!er Jc t Sr7 4.5 950 1223 340 C2o Butler Jet Lv 745 a.50 12 34 3450 So baxonburg 810 10 15 12 5y 409 644 ttVTLKU Ar. 835 10 38 125 435 710 A. M. A. M, P. M, P. «J. r. M. SUNDAY TRAINS—Leave Allegheny City for Butler and principal interraedUte stations a* M.. 1230 aud7:ls P. M. Week Dayn For the S%?t .Week Days, r. m. a. m. a- m p. in. 245 020 Lv BOTLKS. .. Ar 10 02 12 ~A 3io 7-7 Ar Butler Je't Lv 953 12 42 340 745 Lv Uutl«r Jc't Ar 940 12 34 346 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 930 12 30 350 753 " Alleg'y Jc't " 933 12 21 400 804 " Leectibnrir.. " 920 121 i 419 821 "Paulton(Apollo" 905 11 ."5 445 851 " Haltfcburg "8 37 11 32 518 'J 22 '• Blair.-ri11e..." 805 11 00 527 930 "Blairsville Ins'n"7 45 1U 15 850 11 35' A! toon a "3 40 800 100 310 " H»rri«burg..."ll 55 310 430 623 " Philadelphia. 'S 50 11 20 a. n' p. in. p. aa. p. in. Throngb trains for the earit leave Fitt»- Inrg (Union (Station) a;; follows: — 2 Atlantic nxnrftsf. ""daily ..3 10 A. if I'enanylvaTia Limited " .....7 15 " D»y Bxprert*, " 730 *' Line Express •' 800 " ' biladelpbia Kxpr«Bß " 4HO P. V. Fantem Expreiw " 705 " Fast, Line " .8 10 " For detailed insinuation, aJ lre.'H F. Watt, Par*. A)ti. W--torn l>ir"ric:t, cor .•'nth Ave. i.nd ninithli.lu St., . J n. - V. PKFVOST, J. K. WOOD, fSi-j'.ra! iisTapnr. Oec.'l Pa»«r. Affent. pITTSHUKG & WESTERN *■ Railway. Allegheny Short Line. Schedule in effect, July 19, 1 896. 15u»l«-» Time, Depart. Arrive Allegb' i > v.i oinniodatlon.. B2sam >25 am Alli-Kl.'-Ui l-'ljer 8 15 :.iu 10 00 irn Akron Mull H IB MBl 7 »W N**w ("H.'.tl.- Arcomo 8 15 am ft 25 arri ACToifio i<> os,it! |2 SB pn A Hxprt- s 255 1.111 15. Pl . < lilcawo Expr-ns J : m-lj 20 pu vlleKh' ii.v M .ll « i>s pm 7 M |.u. '.li wod A. '''.ru o '.5 pm 7 . pi. l ic.uo Lxp.eMi 0 o.i pm 25am K.tiif and HrudlorU Clarion Accomo 5 15 pm 'i 50 am Koxburg Accomo 7 35 , in 8 05 am SLNHAV TIiAI.NS. IJi-Kon st Jet. Aci'OUo.., 8 15 am 7 :io pm llfljhi ljv Aci oniO lo V) am CIIK atto Allegheny Accomo 0 05 pm 4 55 jno t' ilnn iu Buffet rtlei plng i ars ami .irni-cla. ).i> t Viiichen f 'in llifiugh net ween U'ltP-r ai d.illv K"» ' - N/P Hcketo UJ points . tlo West northwest or rtoutli we ;t apply to A. 11. CUOUC'S. AI en Bu llrr, I a Trains leavr the H it O. depot In 1-ntbuii. or tin K.isl aßfoMov'/8. K.ir Waßhlii|;lon !>' Baltimore. KQllaa I nlil.i, i> N. v. \ ork. 7:30 and :i"2o p. rn •Juniif.rl it'll, ..>4O. 7 :30.a.in. I :!0. uao p. m.Con ■»« iHvllle. f :10, 7::;o ,i. rn. l.in, 4.30, 4.4 ~ S.'SO, j. ra. L'lilomowrj, ". .0 a. ui , 1 10 \.M. a.'M p. m. UDlontown, t Ui-VM and Kairrnont, 7.30. 1. ■ll. ands,3op.m. Mt.Pleasant t:.«0, 7. 30 ,1. 10' .10 and 4.30 pm. Washington, i*' L.. 7. IJJ ar... 30 a m., 4.0<. 1.45 and ».o«. 11..V1 p. m. Wheel I'K, 7.40, and '(.30 *. m.. aud 4.00 it.HO. 11.55 t I Im hi nail, st, ..OHM, .'olumbui and Ne*- irk. 7.10 a. in., 9.10. 11.55 p.m. For Clilcaco, /.40 an l 'J. v> P- m. Parlor and sleeping earn to Baltimore Wa* Ington, 1 tne'nnatl >iml Chicago. H. 0 DU.NKLK GHD. Supt, Allegheny, 1' 0. W. HACSKTT, A ti,P A., All.-gtieny, Fa It. P. KKYNOLDH. Supt.. Foxt)ur({, Pa. HE I'ITTSBUKG, SIIENAN -*■ GO & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD. TIME TAULK-In eil'eot Monday, Jun 28, 18!t». Trains a-e run by .Standard Cen trai Time (90th Meridian). (lotSO Noam. (iOIMt SOUTH 10 14 I 12 I STATIONS 9 | II 13 [i.m pm t.in.i Arr Lv'ea.rn, a.rn "m .... } 55 2 .10 ....PnlTalo 5 :: t 'l .. :wij I «M,| imiiklrk o ,'.o I l i a. rn.i 7 00 1 42 9 IH Krle C 10 8 35 3 3 0 "25 I 00 9 15 . Wallace .lum:t. f. 47 V 15 1 i tl 20 I ot M II .... (ilrartl fi 50 t IH t i fi Kl 12 51 8 5111 t.oekport. ... 70, 9 '{» 1 li 02 12 8 sl| .0' an.'Hi llle. 7 0->' !l .H I •143 1!'• w ar.Oonneaet lv I . 10 .1 , 3 10 1 7 Pi lv ir ■■■■|io 2:1 t; 1., 55718 II 8 r. ar.. , vfi.ion, UV II T» 41 l .1112 31 8 31 . Hindi-land .. 7 23! 9 5.1 4 .1 r lo 12 30 •» ». ... nprlDKbero .. 7 27 !t 50 1 55312 21 »20 (' irillt-aill villi-.. 7 M'lo «t 5 'l.', 5 B»i 12 Ot g 00|... Mea'v'le Jet... 8 oo|lo 25 8 '2.'. 1 57| 2 1.. 8 07 ar. Kxpo.Park. lv H 07'10 i « 571111 15 7 34 lv ar 8 07 I 50 10 112 '• 2n lv .<'Olin't Lake 10 «| 548 , . Harrl vllle 75« 45 7So I 5-| io ' t .'0 : 201, ... Allegli. ny. I'A'.VII «J> . A VI. . ... 215 ,1 111 . in tsliurg. R vi). p. 11l p. rn .. JfoTK —Train No. f Kcartn Irom Exposi tion I'ark at 5:45 a.m. Monday., only. No 2 runs to ICxpMitioii i'irK ->atu.'d»y • oul.v Traini 15 and l'i will run Hnndav only between Uutler and Expixit'or. Par ,in tK ,iiii all "toy , Lv llu'ler at 7:30 ain Uc urning leßvii Exp .-ition I'ark >i p.m. J. T. lII.AIIt (ieneral Maua|(.;r, (ireerivlllc i-a W (i. SAIdiKANT. li I'. A McadvlUr.. p.., HUNDREDS of papers in diflereiit civics, for c jrrespondonco. IS■ *x jjii uer, tablnts ai.d enyolopuA to mutch Paper by the poun l or ruam. AT DOUGLASS' Near I'. O 241 S. Main St BUTLER, i ;|bros. UTTTLKf . Jr* A.. THURSDAY, OC \ OHER 15. 1896. L Z \PA ** [Copyright, ISKO by American l'rcss Associa tion.] CHAPTER XXA* Kushat was not mist;ik< u. She did hear firing and see the smoke of rifles, and Hf-nrr Kyle was right in thinking that Brandon had been attacked. Far down the rift the clatter of hoofs and the jingle of arms told that B >uton was through the pass and in possession of the trail leading to the Prophet's valley. The captain saw that a minute's delay would place L .ai between two fires. "Keep c* !. my men," he sir uted. "Wt must t in Bon ton's advance! Pr' -s on an-1 I will cover. "He check' . back his horse, and the others, intuit ou getting 1; .vu lhetr:.:ll)eforeß . n, urgi-fi th' .r 1 v-a inf. a wild gallop, locking «f r to the right nor left. Robb a: . his in« : wt re 0:1 foot, and they attrn.p: d t-> !:•: .off the h-.r*- inen. Thi j-voul<» w . out doubt, hav suecr-' dfd in their <1 yet had not til. captiiiu fi,. g liitr: -If fr 111 his horse and brought them to a sudden halt by sending down the 111:111 who was in the advance, htill on kept the captain's party. They were 2f»:j yards ahead of him when li> r' mounted to follow. But in his efforts to save his men he had placed himself in deadly p^ril. From the valley Boaton saw and rec ognized him, and shouting to his men: "Take him alive! Take him alive!" he led the charge to head Captain Brandon off. Close pressed though the captain was, he might have gone through had not Bouton, svho had been in the ad vance, flung himself from bis horso and fired. He was a fine rifleman. He should be, for firearms had been his toys in childhood and his constant companions in manhood. The captain's horse gave three quick, short bounds. The knees suddenly doubled up, and the daring rider was dashed to the ground, where he lay bleeding and senseless. "Ho, ho!" shouted Bouton, running over and laying his foot 011 the captain's slow %mi ''jPsPfr "Ho, ho!" shouted Bouton. moving breast. "We have you, eh? 1 want you t< know it! Curse you, I want you to know that you are in my power before you d care to keep out of sight A few minutes and two rifleu began to flash from the cliffs, and Black Eagle hastened to Boiiton's side and said with an expression of mingled an ger and alarm: "Kushat is up there with Henry Kyle You told me that itwas thoothcr broth er she. loved. " "She seems to love the family," sneered Bouton as he stepped behind a rock to keep out of range. Nora Kyle overheard the conversation between Bouton and Black Eagle, and watching the cliffs, from which the pull's of white smoke enrli d up, she saw •a bit of vrmilion coloring moving along the giddy crest of the rocks, and she said to Alice: "That is Kushat." "Yes," said the captain, "and the rifleman who is sending death into the ranks of the outlaws is vour brother Henry. jomea us in time!" "Then he would have l>eeu true to himself," sigk- d >'--ra. At length i;. nfinp died out, and the vermilion rpetk disappeared fi m far up the mountainside. When B 'Uten saw this and believed he could move about in s -fcry, he left the protection of the rocks aid mounted his horse. H felt in his wicked heart that Heiiiy Kyi ■ watch: d for him. and death would be certain if he once ventured within range of the dreaded rifle. N't only hate for but dread of Henry Kyle made him doubly anxious to get him out of the way, and, as lu's been shown, he used every means in his power to ac complish his purpose. As Bouton r tie in the direction which Font Robb had taken he reviewed the incidents already recorded, and he felt elated and dcpressed by turns. He had ridden about a mile when he heard -iring to the front, and he hastened to a place where Font Robb had been brought to a halt. With an oath he demanded to know what was up now. "Louis Kyle is in command," growl ed Robb. "Louis Kyle!" "Jest as sure as you're thar. By thunder, I never saw such dickerin in I all my life. Jest as soon as we gets one. ! another is o£. Blow me if I ever saw j or In artl of such a snarl since the day 1 j was born." And Robb, whose brain was none of the brightest, rubbed his head and look ed disgusted and perplexed. "All will come out right in the end, depend on that, F< nt. .So far you've shown yourself to be a man. and may I 1.10 hang« d and quartered if I ever for get it. But you must push those fellows. Flank them, drive them back and keep them on the run. " Robb declared that he had men out flanking at that moment and that he expected to get the little party out of his way before an hour was over Then he asked: "What are you goin to do with the boss?" "You mean Brandon?" "That's the rooster I'm alludin to." "Font, what would jou do with him?" asked Bouton, sinking his voice, though there was 110 one but Robb with in hearing. "Curse me if I'd give him a chance to get away, " replied Robb. "And do you think I will?" "I hojxi not. ' "Nc, sir. I've been acting white man so far. When I cme to Brandon, I'll show the Indian side of my character. Now, push on, and I'll go back and fol low with the prisoners." Bouton turned to ride back, and Robb shouted after him: "For heaven's sake send that Sim Bliss under fire! It'd do me a heap of good to see that mildewed coyote knock ed over." Bejuton nodded to show that he un derstood him and went back to the spring, where the captain and girls were still talking. CHAPTER XXVI. While Dr. Blanchard and Valentine Kyle, as we shall continue to call Valen tine Weldon, s'ood each with his arms about th'; other, a deep,'solemn voice came from (hi cavern's gloom saying: "The Lord is iu his holy temple, and brethren should live forever at peaca Through great tribulation we go up from the depths, guided by tho litfht of duty and sustained by the strong hand that is ever within the reach of those who will grs. p it. Even from the wil derness came the words, 'Prepare ye tho way of tho Lord; make ye his paths straight' Yo that labor and an* heavy laden come to mo and I will give you rest.'' From the deeper shadows of the cave the Prophet advanced to the altar's light, and extending a hand to each said with a solemnity that wholly ob literated the seeming incongruity of his words: "Whom tho Lord hath joined lot 110 man part asunder.'' And surely ih beautiful command was never more projiriacely employed outside < r marriage service. "I feel," s Blanchard, laying his hand 01 tine Kyle's shoulder, "like one wi» . i been transported to a sphere that is n of the earth. After this I shall be sur prised at nothing." "And yet there are greater surprises in store for you. Ask mo not to speak now, but watch and pray." And tho Prophet set tho example in tho latter ordinance by dropping on Ills knees then and there, and the two old men knelt on either Bide and bowed their heads. And whilo tho Prophet prayed with much solemnity and tho cavern echoes woro multiplying tho sound tho yellow light, of another day crept in from the outer world, and tho fires on tho altar grew dimmer. Mr. Kyle sought tint his wife, and after talking to her for somo time came back, and taking tho doctor by the hand whispered: "Come! Sho who has borne more than half the burden and kept my heart from breaking long since is near by and de sires to speak with you." As he stood there tho people began to wake up, and with shouts of gladness tho children ran out to tho sunlight and down to tho lake, where tho trout wero leaping and the birds, 011 balanced wing, wero look ing at their double in tho beautiful mir ror beneath. After breakfast was over the Prophet disappeared in tho cave, carrying a torch. He came back in a few minutes, but in tho short time ho had effected a complete change in his costume. Tho heavy robes of fur that ho woro winter and summer in such fantastic shape wero laid aside, and he apjieaml clad in a suit of white buckskin, with ls-aded moccasins and stringed leggings. Tho tunic, belted at his waist, showed oft his splendid form to advantage and proved t hat he had not yet lost the graco of youth 11s well as revealing tho secret of his amazing activity and powers of endurance. Tho long auburn hair was thrown back behind his ears and secured there by a tight fitting cap, the band of which was made of blue porcupine quills. On tho breast of this tunic ami covering it like a shield was a Maltese cross and below it worked in garnet ls-ads the words, "In this sign con quer." Tho silver hilt, of a knife that looked like a short, sword protruded from a finely wrought scabbard in his beltand two revolvers, with stocks deco rated in the same way, wero fastened over his hips From his shoulders a car tridge box was slung on one side and a silver canteen 011 tho other. In his left hand he carried his long rifle. As ho strode out the women looked up at him with mingled awe aud admiration. The children gathered about him, and holding each other's hands, half in dread, half in admiration, I hey looked silently at the giant warrior in whose arms many of them had recently Ix-en. Turning to Dr. Blanchard ami Valen tino Kyle, who, with Mrs. Kyle and Clara, were standing near by, tho Prophet saitl: "I leave the valley and the temple in your charge. Fear not if 1 should be long days away, for when 1 return I will bring good news. " "But if you should not return?" tho doctor ventured to ask. "My fate is not in my own hands," replied tho Prophet, with thrilling so icmmty. I ;uu the servant of my Max tir, and his work for long years I hpvo until 1 bring you joy." The Prophet waved his hand, and turning was -K :I swallowed up ill the Stygian depths of the cava He had trav ersal a few • f the long cavern's cham ber- when he In .a\l a low solemn chant in lii' distance, and then the turn of an angle brought to view the coppery glow of a torch t! it burned S' 1 far away that it 1 oked lii..' a patch of rt d cloud sur viving the setting of the sun. The Prophet's mt ■ ined feet fell as lightly on the floor as tin- leaves on the surface of an unrippled \y mL He strode oil, his deep, long breathing alone telling of his humanity, till he canie to the .sub terranean waterfall from behind which the light of the torch came. He bowed bef re the fall, which lookt d like a cata ract of crystalline blood, and as he stood in this devotional attitude the waters turm il black, and an Indian, bearing a torch, came out aud called to the Prophet: "I have been waiting. " "And I have come. How are my herd- rs?" asked the Prophet. "Safe, and so are the herds, " replied the Indian, who had charge of the stock in the valley, to which the Prophet led C a]slain Brandon and Howard Blanch ard after their first visit to the cave. "What news from the world at strife?" "One of our people who came this morning before th' an had risen speaks of having heard much firing and shout ing during the night," replied the In dian. The Prophet waved his hand, and the Indian led the way with his torch until, through the tortuous passages before described, they emerged from the moun tain side and stood bareheaded and bowed before the glory of the sun. They had been here but a few minutes, indeed the torch thrown from the man's hand was still smoking 011 the ground, when anot-her Indian appeared, leading a powerful but splendidly formed horse. The equipments of the animal vert quite in keeping with the Prophet's . change of costume, aud the proud ere a- 1 ture arched its neck and champed on the j bit as anxious to be off. "Guard well this entrance to the j cave!" said the Prophet, pointing to the crevice from which he had emerged. The herders nodded and laid their j hands on their rifles. "And see that the people in the cave, j the women and children, do not want food." The herders nodded again and laid tkeir hands ou their hunting knives. Without another word the Prophet gath ered up the reins and headed his horse for tho hills and sped away like au ar row. Fiom the crest of an elevation that gave him a view of the country over an area of 200 square miles the Prophet reined up and flung himself from his horse. After surveying the landscape to tho west, beginning on tho horizon's rim and coming nearer to the mountain ou which he stood, his eyes at length rested on a long irregular valley, that in the clear atmosphere seemed to be only a mile or two away. He could see the pygmy figures of many horses and men, <■ la. / //M "Where is llcnry Kyle?" and he knew they were Bouton's people. And to tho north, moving in the direc tion of his own valley, he saw the sil very puffs of smoke that told a fight was going on in that direction. The Prophet remounted, and every foot of tho way iu front and on each side was scanned as he galloped iu tho di rection of tho conflict. Not a dee r start fid from tho grove nor a bird flying by ill rivalry of his own flight passed unno ticed. It was this keen observation that showed him a number of Indians dodg ing behind tho rocks ahead, and led him above tho thunder of his horse's hoofs to distinguish tho short, sharp crack of rifles. The Indians saw him coming, and with cries of alarm they left their hiding places and ran down tho rocks, Black Kagle leading tho advance. The Prophet reined his horse, brought down his rifle in tho same action and fired. One of tho Indians in retreat threw up his hands and fell on his face. "A good, bravo shot, " shouted a girl ish figurebehind the Prophet Hewheel ed and in the act of reloading his rifle saw Kushat standing out on tho rocks. "What!" ho asked. "Were the hounds in pursuit of you?" "In pursuit of me and Ilenry Kyle," she replied. "And where is llenry Kyle?" "lie is here." "Not hiding. Henry Kylo may havo been wicked, but he is not a coward," said the Prophet, dismounting and lead ing his liorso up to where Kushat stood on the r with yon." "You cannot?" .v&. d the Prophet iu "I will not try to change your ivsoki tion, " said the Prophet "The Lord is working iu your heart in his own way and to urge my advice would be flying in the face of Providence. " He paused, stroked his long beard and looked up at the sun. Then he continued.- "Henry Kyle, I never thought to extend my i..., Hudness to you again, yet I do so, alia 1. ' is between us becomes a dream. Iu in; • I shall pray for thee, and may all be Henry took the extended hand in both of his, and bowing over it pressed it reverently to his lips. The other hand the Prophet gave to Kushat, and he said : "May you bo as true to yourself as J-ou are to Henry Kyle." "I know not myself,"sho replied. "He is my life, for without him I could not live." The Prophet hastened in the direction where he knew his friends to be, taking rare the meanwhile to run into no am bush, for, though others might believe in his invulnerability—and perhaps he encouraged tho idea to strengthen him with the ignorant men with whom lie tame in conflict—he never deceived liiui lelf in the matter. It was the middle of the afternoon when, after many glimpses of Bouton's oncoming horsemen, he found himself within hailing distance of t. ais Kyle's little party. Howard Blanchard and John Clyde refused to recognize the Prophet in his strange attire, and they would have fired 011 him had not Louis peremptorily ordered them to lower their rifles. "I do not wonder," said the Prophet as he rode up. "that ye do not know me in this garb. Heretofore ye have seen me as a mountain priest. Now I am a mountain warrior, fighting on the side of the Great Jehovah, and, as my soul liveth, I shall not prove recreant to the new trust." The men gathered around him and shook his hands, each anxious to learn something of his own dear (in s back in the valley. The Prophet told the men about their people, and lie showed a wonderful memory for names, fir he mentioned all the children when he had given an account of the adults. He also told of his meeting with Hi liry Kyle, and he delighted the hearts of the im migrants by telling them that Captain Brandon was not dead, but a prisoner. Howard Blanchard proposed that they should turn back and rescue the captain at once, and John Clyde seconded tho suggestion with great spirit. "Not now," said the Prophet. "We must not do anything to delight the heart of tho oppressor. " "And," asked honest John Clyde, "do you think they'll be delighted to see us coming at them?" "I know they would, for, though we might start, we could never reach the destination we had iu view. Let us watch aud pray." Then, turning to Lonte Kyle, who was standing 011 a rock near by, looking back, he said: "Do you see the Philistines?" "Yes," replied Louis. Then, coming over, he laid his hand on Ihe Prophet's arm and continued: ' "Neither I nor any of the men here dreamed of anything else but that you should take command after wo were sure that it was you ap proaching. We place ourselves in your charge, and whatever you command that shall we do.'' "Louis speaks for miv" said Howard Blanchard. "And for me," at. Jed John Clyde, and the others joined in unanimously. "And whatever Louis Kyle says er does that we do, " said one of the herd ers, who on a former occasii 11 showed his devotion to his young master. "If Captain Brandon were here," said tho Prophet, "now as in the past 1 would submit as a child to his control, onco we were outside the temples where I preside, but now with your consent I will try to act as he would were he here. "So, my friends, mount your horses and fall back. The Philistines are in sight. See the sunlight flashing on their arms!" Tho men threw themselves 011 their horses, and tho Prophet and Louis Kyle, keeping to the rear, turned in their sad dles now and then to look back. They sould see that Bouton had brought the prisoners to the front so as to deter re sistance. The sun was set ting when tho Prophet and his friends entered tho depression terminating 111 the canyon that led into tho wonderful valley, which seemed to be tho objective point of the marauders There could bo no better place in which to make a stand. The Prophet's force jould easily have held it against ten times Bouton's numbers, and some of tho men urged him to make a fight there. He said in reply: " You are right j 11s to our power to keep them back. The defense is in our favor, but we are in their hands, and they know it." "How so?" asked John Clyde. ' "Bff: "Fear not. It is 1, Daniel, with our ft'iends." Ou hearing this tho women sent up r> cry of delight, and the doctor anil Val entine Kyle hastened out to meet the horsemen. Louis was hardly out of the saddle when the arms of his parents were about him, while near by Mary Clyde was sobbing on her father's broast. The Prophet stationed guards lief ore the entrance to the cave, so as to watch tho horses and the foe. And the js'oplo crowding near the entrance saw lire flash up by the lake, and they were told that Bouton aud his men were 111 tho Sacred valley FOIITY PI lIY ni'Ts! Every One oT Tliem Asrainst Fret* Coinaart' of Silver. THE LESSONS OF HISTORY. Fundamental Truths Which All Would Do Well to Memorize. WORLD'S PRODUCT OF WHEAT. | In 1K94 It Was a Sixfold Increase Within Five Years, and This Explains the Ac companying Decline in Price—Existing Hard Times Date From 18f>3, When with the ltep«>al of the McKlnley Tarirt and the Enormous Purchase of Silver by the Government the Story of fetagimtion, Kuin and Disaster ILegan. 1. The suspension of free silver coinage by the act of 1878 did not demonetize sil ver. From thv! foundation of the govern ment up to 1873 less than $150,000,000 in silver of all kinds had been coined, and none of it was in circulation, silver being at a premium over gold. Paper money, backed by gold, was the circulating me dium in 1873. 2. Since 1873 more than $900,000,000 in silver coin and silver notes have been is sued. and practically all of it is in use. 3. Kxistlng hard times date from 1893, when the enormous purchases of silver by the government caused European holders of American securities (for which they paid gold) to sell them through fear that the United States would go upon a silv ;r basis. In which case they would get for their securities fifty-three cents' worth of silver tor every dollar in gold invested. The subsequent passage of the Wilson tariff act, which enabled foreign pro ducers to sell their products in the United States lower than American manufactur ers could afford to make them, extended the depression into commercial and indus trial channels. Tho renewed silver agita tion completes the story of stagnation, ruin and disaster. •J. The term "lfi to 1" means that sixteen ounces of silver, worth the world over but sixty-five cents an ounce, or $10.56 for six teen ounces, shall lie the equal of one ounce of gold, worth everywhere $20.67. 5. The silver in a United States stand ard dollar is now worth about fifty and one-quarter cents in gold. 0. The metal in a gold dollar, coined or uncoined, is worth everywhere 100 cents in gold. 7. Up to 1873 the United States govern ment had coined only 8,031,238 standard sliver dollars. 8. Since 1873 tho United States has coined 431,852,041 standard silver dollars. Nevertheless, tho commercial value of the bullion In the standard dollar has de creased from about sl.Ol in '73 to about fifty-one cents. This answers Bryan's ar gument that tho increased use of silver will enhance its value. 9. During tho first eight months of '96 the government of the 1 'nitod States coin ed 11,212,412 standard silver dollars—ex actly $3,181,171 more than it had coined from the foundation of tho government down to '73. 10. In August, '96, the government of the United States coined 3,660,000 stand ard silver dollars. The seigniorage on those, or, more plainly speaking, the dif ference between their bullion and face value, is $822,037. This, under freo coin-' age, would lie tho mine owners' profit. 11. From the foundation of the govern ment up to '73 tho coinage valuo of all tho silver produced in the United States was $154,150,000. 12. From 1873 to '93 tho coining value of all the silver produced in tho United States was $1,214,751,000. 13. The foregoing figures show that dur ing tho twenty-two years from '73 to '95 the silver produced in tho United States exceeded twelve timos over tho product of the United States for the eighty-one years from 1783 to 1873. This explains why sil ver has declined in value. It likewise crushes tho Bryan theory that nothing has been dono for silver. 14. In 1873 the total amount of monoy in the United States was $787,606,393, or ulxiut $lB for each Inhabitant. 15. In 1896 tho total amount of money iu tho United States is $2,200,109,000, or about $25 for each Inhabitant. 16. On Aug. 1, '96, the actual amount of money in circulation was $1,514,903,142, or $21.10 for each Inhabitant. 17. On Aug. 1, '96, there was, Including silver notes, a total silver circulation of $537,268,601. 18. Under the act of July 14, 1890 (the Sherman bill) there was purchased 108,- 674,682 ounces, or 5,000 tons, of silver, at a cost of $155,931,008, and treasury notes to amount were Issued on that accouat —the silver cost from $1.31 an ounce to 68 rents, tho average being about 90 cents. If the silver were sold today the govern ment would lose about $43,000,(MX). If coined into standard dollars tho silver Would produce nearly $218,000,000. 19. The silver product of the world from 1781 to 1893, In coining value, was $0,030,- 821,1X10. 20. Tho sliver product of the world for the year 1895, in coining value, was $220,- 000,000. 21. The silver product of the United States in '95, in coining value, was $72,- 051,000. 22. In round figures, the United States produces one-third of all tho silver an nually produced in tho world. <3. These are tho silver standard coun tries,and the amounts of money they have in proportion to each inhabitant: Uussla, (8.46; Mexico, $6.11; India, $3.33; Japan, s(i.irj; China. $2.08; Central America, $.'1.60; South American States, $17.22. No ad vanced nations have tho silver standard 21. These are the leading gold standard countries, and the amounts of money they have In proportion to each inhabitant: United States, $21.10; Croat Britain, $80.78; Franco, $35.78; Germany, $17.69; Belgium, $27.82; Italy, $10.17; Spain, $16.65; Neth erlands, $."5.67; Denmark, $11; Greece, sl2; Switzerland, $15.44; Austria - Hungary, $10.68. 26. The public debt of the United States iu 1873 was $2,106,462,000, or about SSO for each Inhabitant. 26. The public debt of tho United States in '96 is $965,2W,253, or about sl6 for each Inhabitant. 27. In 1870 wages averaged S3OO for the year tho country over. 28. lii 181*1 wages averaged $484. 29. In 1870 commodities were consider ably higher than they aro today, and liv -11 was consequently more ex|>cnslve. 30. In 1870 the wealth of the nation averaged for each Inhabitant S7BO. 31. In 1890 the wealth of the nation averaged for each Inhabitant $1,030 32. In 1870 the acreage of Improved farms In the United States was 188,000,01*1. 33. In 18'.*j the acreage of Improved farm« In the United States was 867,01*1,000. 34 The world's product of wheat In 1891 was 433,1**1,<**) bushels. 36. The world's product of wheat In 1894 was 2,6l.*i,olxu*Xl bushels—a sixfold Increase within five years This explains the accompanying decline in price. 30. For the year ended Juuo3o, 1873, the United States exported $522,479,922 worth No. 4:1 of produe;sand 1mp0rted5*>26,595,077. Bal ance against the United States, t1zti.417.. JI . tor tlio year endeu Jum 30, TS9B, tnc United States exported $882,006,938 worth of products and lm|H>rted $779,724,674. Bal anc« In favor of the Untied .State*, $102,- ssa.au. 3a. When a silver advocate tells you that we can get along without Europe, tell him that for the llrst seven months of 1896 Europe bought 1500,627,863 worth of our products. of which $320.011,608 was in grain aud $141.:«.>5,404in manufactured product#. 39. When a five silver advocate tells you that the advantage which the mine owner would reap under free coinage is only an "incident," tell him that at today's price of silver the producers" profit on the 431,- 852,041 standard silver dollars coined since 73 would I M' about (215,000,000 —an average 1 of over $9, tw0, 000 a year for twenty-three | years. I 40. When a silverite tells you that the I government of the United States has never tried to issue silver dollars on their own I account and that a trial of the 16 to 1 prin- I ciple will prove that a silver dollar is worth as much as a gold dollar, tell him that you know better. Tell him that the United States government in IT} issued 36,000,000 trade dollars, which < lined more grains of pure silver •a. in our present standard dollars, an;'. \vh I.never theless, may be purcha.od tod: at any coin broker's office for fifty-.-. o cents apiece. Why? Because thoy were .. it given the benefit of the gold standard —Evening Bulletin. MADISON, 1816: " "It is ess*-nt ial that the nation should possess a currency of equal value, credit and use wherever it may circu late. ** * .♦ ITS AN OLD STORY. A Few Fact* About Hard Times and Good Times. A great many people seem to think these hard times arc something now and that the country has never seen the like before. But these jieople have not rend their country's history carefully or they would know better. They would also learn that neither free silver nor free gold hid ever yet cured the poverty and hard times that have always followed Democratic revenue tariffs. Away back in 1816 wo tried a revenue tariff. In speaking of the effect of that tariff Henry Clay said that if he were called upon to name seven years of the most widespread disaster this country had ever seen ho would say the seven years following the adoption of the revenue tariff of 1816. In 1821 the policy of protection was re stored and at ouco prosi>erity began to re turn. » In 1837 a revenue tariff was again tried with disastrous results and goneral bank ruptcy. The people quickly repented of their folly, and in 1842 a protective tariff was again adopted, and it soon brought such prosperity that in 1844 even the Democrats claimed that Polk was a better tariff man lhan Henry Clay and had Inscribed on their banner "Polk, Dallas and the tariff of 1842." Clay was beaten by Polk—the people believed the Democratic promises as they did iti 1892—and In 1846 the Democrats gave them "a tariff for revonue only" again, with damaging results, and In 1857 a further reduction of the tariff brought on an era of hard times nearly as bad as ■we. now have. In 1861 the Republicans enacted a pro tective tariff again which continued with a few changes intll 1894. During this long period, despite tho losses sustained in tho great rebellion, this country was In tho enjoyment of such prosperity as the civilized world had never before witnessed. During this long period the generation that had had experience with Democratic financial legislation had nearly all died off and a now generation, Ignorant of the baleful effects of Democratic tariffs, had come upon the stagcand in 1893 concluded to try the quality of Democratic promises. The results we aro now exi>erienclng and none of us enjoys them. We are in a bad plight and want to get out of it by the shortest road. That road is not by free silver, however. There a well tested and proven method of counteracting the effects of Democratic revenue tariffs that has never failed, and that is a prompt re turn to a goo-.l protective tariff. Sound, honest money is also essential to prosper ity, but wo have it now and only need to stick to it and add a little good Republi can protection and we will soon be on the road to prosperity again. Cast your bal lots for McKlnlty, sound money and pro tection and «ood tlmos will come again for a long, long stay.—Bedford Inquirer. Kust mid West Tlilnk Alike. We are not of those who imagine that those emphatic eastern verdicts aro going to solidify tho west for Bryan. Tho Ameri can people think pretty much alike oast and west, the best of 'oul—Springfield Republican. CERTAINTY as to the medium of pay ment is necessary to confidence, and con fidenco is indispeusablo to enterprise. Look at the variations in the price of sil ver and consider how industry can in cruase under such a standard of value! EVEKY workingman who wants to gel his wages in 53-cent dollars instead of 100- cent dollars will have a chance to gratify his astonishing desire by voting for Bryan ou th» 3d of November next. Every work ingman kuows that, and everybody else knows it. NOTHING could prove so annoying to the Bryanltcs as the recent sharp advance In wheat, while silver keeps on its downward path. Tho constant cry of these Bryan xjieakers, to the effect that the reduced price of cereals is due to the demonetiza tion of silver, has received a knockout blow. TfIKKK ar» no classes In this country; every workingman kuows that without employes to do the labor tho employe! would lie helpless. On tho contrary, what will it profit an employe to engage in war fare against the man who uses his labol and pays htm the wages on which he exist! in return therefor!' capital are absolutely dependent upon ouch other. IK the campaign of 1892 was a campaign of lying aud delllierate deceit, tho Bryan managers are doing all in their power tc make this campaign a campaign of hypo crisy. An open and avowed liar is toler able, and |Kjrhaps decent, compared with a sneaking hypocrite. An earnest man, though mistaken, may be respected. Bui u hypocrite can only earn tho scorn and contempt of honest men. The present aspect of tho campaign, which points as clearly as Is possible t« the triumphant election of McKlnley and Hobart, Is already having its effect U|HIII the business situation all over the country. Greater confidence Is displayed in trade circles, aud the mills and fac tories, which one after tho other closed down owing to tho depression which quickly followed the nomination oi liryau, are gradually o|>enlng their doors under tho reuewed hope that tho Repub lican candidate will bo elected In Novem ber and prosperity be again restored t« the nullum.