GBEiT CLOSING OCT SALE OF +CLOTHING+ To close out that branch of our business. We are positively going to close out our entire stock of Men s, Boys and Children's clothing regard less of cost. Mn'i Caacimere baits ' »old for & 00 only $i 00 Xon'a Caacimere Baits gold for 10 00 only 5 00 Mas CMtimore Suits ■old for 13 50 only 6 <o Mem worsted raits , „ gold for 16 50 only 10 00 Hons worsted suits ■old f0r......18 00 on.y 12 00 M«ni fine olay worsted ■old for 18 00 only 13 0 Mini finer clar worsted ■old for 20 00 only 15 00 Bier 3000 Pairs Of Mens Pants Mens working pants 0n1y..-.- 45 cts Mane working pants, Letter, worth $1 25 only $ io Mens working pacts DAS worth ---2 00 only 1 00 BVMt A Orr'* Kerseys worth ............. ••••2 00 only ' J Moss black oheviotts 225 " 1 25 Amu worsted cheviotta 450 " 170 « « <• 5 00 " 2 25 «< <« <• 5 50 " 2 75 Mans fine cassimere 4 50 " 2 25 « .< " 6 00 " 3 2D i$ a " 750 " 5 00 OYER 2600 CHILDREHS SUITS Good strong salts 1 00 only 9 75 TTnion caanmere 200 " 125 « »• 250 " 175 Ylaa anirimfT" worsted 600 " 400 We will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats and Coats and Vests, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pocket and Bill Books, Purses, Spec tacles, Harmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c. It would be impossible to enumerate and give prices of all we have in stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest and most varied stock and our prices are guaranteed lower than the owest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied customers that throng our store from Monday morning till late Sat urday nights. Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, and when you make a purchase ask for one of our CARDS and when your pur chases amount to $i5.00 or $20.00 we will present you a piece ol handsome silverware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme fiour bin. to see the presents. e> D. A. Heck Son, 121 North Main St., Butler, Pa T. H. Burton T. H. Burton WE desire to call your attention to tbe fact that there never wta M complete a line of Overcoats. Suitings and Trousers ever brought to this city, as we bare bought and bare now in atock for tbe fall and winter trade. These garments are cut and made by first class tallara In New York City, in tbe most approved style, and »e guarantee to fit and please you in every way. Tbe goods from which tbeae garments are made are precisely tbe same as sold to yon by merchant tailors, and for which tbey charge yen double tbe money that we do. Our men's furnishing goods department cannot be excelled in this part of tbe Rtate. Hats and caps of tbe very latest styles, fine underwear, in fact everything to be found in a first class clothing ■tore, at prices that will astonish jou if you will come and see us. VERY TRULY, /Six /Sbk /s>l fStx V# T. H. Burton T. H. Burton The only brick hotel in the town, newly furnished, elevator, free bua to trains and aprinvi. Rates, $2 per day, weekly ratea on application to the proprietors. HAOQERTY & WHITE. Prescriptions and Family Recipes arc siatters of '.mportanw and bhoul'l be filled carefully and with pure dm>(b only, w_• x' ve them our special attention. lie Baby + * requires a little social care during the warm weather, espec ially if fed from a hottlc, we have a supply of frest infant food, at all times, also bottles, nipples, tubes, bottle and tube cleaners etc. It you deaire a sterilizer we can supply you with one, or will be pleased to furnish any desired information concerning them. Dialnfeetants should be used extensively at this season of the year, the beat being copperas, chloride-linie, and crude carbolic acid, the latter being Ix-tler tlifin the pure, as in purifying an important disin fecting agent is removed, we have a large supply of theae at all times. We also carry a full ine of toilet articles and sick-room requisites. REDICK & G ROHM ANN PEOPLES PHONE. 114. BUTLER PA. r _ ■-! /WHEN It is poor economy to take your watch anywhere \ for repairs except, to a reliable watchmaker. S !< OUT OF Every clane of repairing that Ih brought into our ORDER. store is done by skilled workmen, efperts in their \ ————— various lines, and we endeavor to have everything correct before it leaves our ban .la S PT CTRTFTR the > xv. vjri\.irvi3, jeweler \ EBTABLIHHEO 1850. 139 N. Main fit, BUTLER, PA $ r Ckildrang knee pants • 25 only $ 13 " 50 25 « 85 " 50 ,i .i «• 75 " 65 .< <• 00 " "5 .« «« « 25 ' 90 Men and bo gondola hats, 91 00only 9 50 .*« e 150 " 75 « >. 250 " 100 275 " 125 « " 300 " 150 « 450 " 300 Soft hau aid caps in proportion. All the liteft styles in Straw, Braids, Macki now, Milton, Teddos, Leghorns and in every conceivable shape lor Men Boys and Children. Silverine watches 9 5 00 only 9 2 50 .< •• 750 " 450 Silver watches 12 00 " 650 Ladies goldfilled watches 15 00 " 900 -« 20 00 " 12 00 «« •• 25 00 " 18 00 Gents '« " 20 00 " 15 00 •• " 25 00 " 18 00 Ladies and gents electroplated watches 95 A large stock of chains from 10c to 94. Ladies waist sets from 10c to 50 cents. Stick pins worth from 25 to 50c only 10 cts Gents cuff buttons 25c only 15c ! ,50c " 25c 75c " 50c 91 00 " 75c Gents link buttons from 10c to 75c Oar Jaeger diamonds in Studs, Pins, Kings and Ear Drops are simply iumense. The finest oauile of the real steel-bine diamond. :* CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FtVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Provi th s to all Sufferers id Butler. The majority of sufferers from Asthma and kindred complaints, after trying ')octors and numberless Remedies ad vertised as positive cures without avail, have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for this most distressing disease, and these same persons will 1* the more in doubt and skeptical wh«n they learn through the columns of the press that Dr. Rudolph Schiffmann, the recognized authority who has treated more cases of these diseases than any living Doctor, has achieved success by perfecting a remedv which not only gives immediate relief ir the worst cases but has positive y cured thousands of sufferers who were considered incurab'e. These were just as skeptical as some of our readers now are. Dr. Schiffmann's remedy no doubt pos sesses the merit which is claimed for it or be would not authorize this paper to announce that he is not only willing to give free to each t>erson suffering from Asthma, Hay Fever, or Bronchitis in this city one liberal "free trial box" of his Cure, but urgently requests all sufferers to call at Bedick & Grohman's Drug Store, 109 X. Maim St., within the next three days and receive a package abso lutely free of charge, knowing that in making the claim he does for his Cure, a strong doubt may arise in the m inds of many, and that a personal test, as he offers to all, will be more convincing, and prove its merits, than the publishing of thousands of testimonals from persons who have been permanently cured by the use of his Asthma Cure "Dr. Schiff mann's Asthma Cure,"' as it is called, has been sold by Uruggists of this city ever since it was first introduced, al though many persons may never have heard of it, and it is with a view to reach ing these that he makes this offer. This is certainly a most generous and fair offer, and all who are suffering from any of the above complaints should remember the date and place where the distribution will be made, and avail themselves of the same. Persons living out of this city who desire to test the efficacy of this most wonderful remedy will receive a package free by mail by writing to Dr. R. Schiffmann, 330 Rosabel street, St. Paal, Minn., providing their letter is re ceived before Oct. 16th, ns no free samples can be obtained aftT that date. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Ferer. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Di3«as«a. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leucho rrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 15 Cures Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for sl. Da. Hckphmets' Homeopathic Ma.tix. or DißEAftza Mailed Fuse. Humphxtyi' Med. Co., 11l William St.. N. Y. jf J OLD 1 <EXPORT WHISKEY K contains not one 'J / particle ol adulter- ft V ation and it / '( GUARANTEED 8 Yre. OLD [j ( It i* beyond doubt the finett rye whis- I key in America. u (j FULL QUARTS, 91.00 H > « QUARTS, - SS.OO \ y Freight prepaid on . I (. all SIO.OO order* or ft orer. V SEND FOR CATALOOUB. ' ' Too will undoubt- - M edly uve money HV ' C> by buying of £ JOS. FLEMINO & SON, jj * Wholesale and Ratal! OruggUtl, k 411 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. | diuTiiptobiicco. HOW H. CUBE YOURSELF WHILE L'HI.NU IT. ' i lie tobacco Imbli grows on it uiKb until lilu D*rv us system la serious y alloc ed. liiipulMiik bealtli, Cuiulort and li*|>|>lms.i. To quit sud denly Ih U>o severe a shock to the system, ai tobacco to an Inveterate um-r becomes a stlrnu lanl thai Ijih system continually craves "Baco Curo" la a scientific cure for the tobacco habit. In all Its tonus carefully com pounded alter the formula 111 an eminent liirlin physician who has uv-d it In Ills private practice since 1572, without u luilure. U Is purely vegetable and jruurantei-r] perfectly liiirmliiSH. You can uw all tin-tobacco you want whll« taking "Haco f.'uro." It will notify you when to stop. We give a written guarantee 10 cure permanently any case with three boxes, or refund the money with I{l per cent Interest. "Haon-Curo" Is not a substitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid or will power and with do in cODvlenee. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine aa the day you look your first chew or smoke. Cured By BACO-CURO And Gained Thirty Poundi. From hundreds of testimonials, the originals of which are on file and open to Inspection, the following Is presented: Clayton, Nevada County Arkansas Jan. jh lxifl Kureka < hcmlcai & Mfg. Co.. I.a <'ri>sa«, Wis. —Gentlemen: For forty years i used tobacco 111 all Its forms. For twebly five years of that time I was a great sufferer from general debili ty and heart disease. For fifteen year* I tried to quit, but couldn't, 1 took various remedies, among others "Ko-To-line." "file Indian To bacco Antidote." "double Chloride of Gold," etc.. etc., but none of them did me ihe leart bit of good. Finally, however, I purchased a box of your "liaco-Curo' and It has entirely cured me of the habit In all lis forma, and 1 have In creased thirty pounds in weight and am reliev ed irom all the numerous achi s and pains of body and mind. I could write a ijulru of paper upon :ny changed feelings and condition, yours respectfully, P. 11. MAnnuity. Faster C. I*. Church. Clayton, Ark. Hold by all druggists at fl.uo per box: three boxes, (thirty days' treatment) I'-' '/U with lr< n clad, written guarantee, o» sent direct upon lei elpt. of price Writ'- lor nook li t and proofs. Kureka Chemical* Mfg. c., I-a Cronse, Wis. 4lld IVHlUjtl., i 16 TO 1. 1 HJI.VF.It UOI.U J dk I" 'he money <|Uehtlon means mat I "4k J weight it would take Id Cold dollars toj fmake In weigh', one Mllver dollar We guar # aiilee for either one Silver or a Cold liolluri ht give you Lhe purest and most ugad good 1J -old. Take a moment's time and look ii 1 w pfl<e».. rl Year Old Somerset 12.00 per gai^ A: to 4Vr Old Fure Itye fj Mt» X.'tO A V.' IO It Mil to " . WiW' Hand made Hour Hash S.SO " F Al. H. Isiugherty l'u«e Kye HM " m J\ndi lessen llest Fure Itye 5.50 " J A Hpe lal price list on wines. eLc.. on k|i j vpln.iiion, ,Ni, ixir.i ehargu for Jugs orj Vpai.'king. Olye ui a lilal order. W J' E, .v0. , r,. K A. ANDRIESSEN, $ J 188 l'ederal SL,"Allegheny, I'a. J ,r TATTS PHMLADCLPHIA'A 'n Ua --DENTAL ROOMS— M I* 39 - sth Avt,, Ptttatourg, Pa Hi t IPVI We'repßACTlCALLYdolngtl.. W hn fICROWN and BRIDGE work || Vfjfc I'ltt«l"irg WHV NOT DO K AlfFl fI* v OURS? CROWNS A a* 111/ If'"" 1 BRIDGE work r.-.|„..-.i u, M M H Ot 5 PER TOOTH Ihe [R »ft »,f hfth li.a-I.- ONLY Mil P r '\' vr*** A **4. EHH/iiUVAt. PiUo ' \U .i, aiji • ' i i ... . - t •OriM.bUJi oil I Vv O ' lutur far t.mth,'. kjrtiam P r fit.'. i*mp~ —f I |||«.L».|rr> krmKsl' ll«4U»ii *i|U»r«. biw UN(), rkll*4*., THE CITIZKIST Vermont has Mi ad example that Peiin» ■flTnnii. »lioulJ follow FkoM present indications Chairman Kl» kin'* desire to have every Republican vot* p-*isterei at the pulls la Novcuatasr wi® gra tilled. VriE uite secretary of the treasury, Will" Wladoiri, said almost with his dying breath, "As prison lu the hlwod permeate* ar.-'ries, rains, nerve?, brain afid haart, and speedily Lciugs paralysis or death, s» does a debasad and fluctuating cufrency permeate all tbs arteries of trade, para lyze all binds wf bu.iaoss. and bring disin ter Kj ull uluM) ot poopie." TUB national Bepubllaan committee has decided that all persons or clubs in Pann sylvania de.-lring literature or ether cam paign material moat apply for It through the state organization Every few days a botch of Pennsylvania letters whlf?h hay# been received l>y t>he natlenal are turned over »o the chairman of tfe* state committee fur bis ooncidepatioa. Thk ."ieattie ( Washington) Post Intetti genter, speeding for a money borrowing soiumunity remarhe; "Bryan Wtlk_ s ar rant, deuiitgjgio noasease when he speaks as if the only peeple who loaned money In this country were foreign bank art The greatest money lenders La the country are the 'common people,' who have deposited Lb savings banks about SI, TOO,000, (MO, neatly all of which U la- Tested in intere>t producing securities." Hkke it what Editor J. P. Shale, of tka McKee.purt News > says of the po litical situatiuu: "I am satisfied that tha policy of the Democracy net forth Id Its platform as adopted at Chicago and In dorsed by Mr Bryan li not In keeping with Democratic principle!), or in the in terest of the American people. Shauld our mint* be thrown open for the free and unlimited coinage of silver, the wag* earner, the merchant and the professional man alik* will suffer in consequence. I am not willing to be a party to the wrong. 1 therefore will vote and use my influence for the success of the Republican ticket." • " • Ronco* f'onkllDjg on the inflation of oarrepcy: "I do not believe that yoo on i;t« up tbe value of any thiufc may more than I believe you can muko K«orrali heroes by lefltlg j tion. The continental enugrvm tried I li-k valuta up by resort to ' peualtlrs, but the Inexorable laws of trade, u* m<!epen«fent as the laws of I ersvitstJnu, k( pt t Item down." • m JVler's nf .jht Retort. Peter !&>v, of Sioux City, la a ski Hod Riech.i nil n:i»i n • 'ind nio;iey man. B. KL. A i.:rni ua :: t; ■ ' -*r rh'iuror, At present u * pd. .inftooholed Rllay om stn t c i <- .r» 1 |/i '»r»cded to ply him wi:h nil ver iu>vtAi* A crowd soon l?utiicred . 1 .a f«» ih»* ill mansion. HI ley N o;*iiT«r»r .»t m w hiu: *lf getting the t y. i 'i*>lmi. To llluatrate a J; ...ihttU.l .. I: • ;i ~v ■ iir '»f / i .*ns ullverltosr' "\V( ..i. . t'.io orowd. "A;i/w i /«u gold men?" queried II :;y >; a v "II »' It:s!° h.i »ted tho crowd. "Y. i.a * * / »* ;• - >* 5 " 4, A!1 f- i WUj. and h« h«-.ln ni u*.' . . U *•#'.. «.Tl.:{|Vug hi« (liuu«r [i.ul • ii. . Humid. . '■ . > . . : ■■« u.i tii. lujauon uf rt:ii • ■ "1 «!'» ill bi '..v« tit at you ■mi. .It Uji 111. vulii. uf any- I* . :n »iur« tS>..n 1 1>.11.v. you t-.x . Ibr • .mvmlm! trl.d III,' at tu u. • u|» by r.sort to p. , but ib. Inexumbi. laws of tru>;>., »• loil.p.uil.nt u> *1 ■. laws of gravitation, k. pt tli.iu down." . . Comment, on tli. Csmpsl(s. We submit that if uo nation has •▼•> been able to briny aad keep together the bullion and colnugw values of the metal* whuu those viklue. difforad very little, II is prepo-tlemui to assume that any Mtlen could Ub It tjtlay, wheu those values are no wide apart. —Louisville Courler-Jour nal. Tom Watson's downing la the west threatens to "butt the circus," and Chore Is to bu an utiempt ou the part of the Popocrntlc managers to make him ride in the baggage car Instead of the band wagon.—New York Commercial. The Democratic parly In Michigan (uta given up ltr* eld name, and la now offici ally known aa "the U*puMlcan-911var- FopuUst L>om»osrut4<; party." That comel pretty near te Iwilng the whole polltlo&l oo in pass. —Best«a Herald. Kentucky went Republican last year, and the conditions which .aused her to do so still exist, with the difference only that the l>emocratn were strougw Chen than th«y urn this year.—St. Louis Ulobe-Dem ocrat. Uryuu says Iko licblor jught to b« al lowed to clioo«o »U-j k'.nil of money In which to fury hi* liobt* Ihj uoxt step will be to lei fiint wlKilher or not h« will pay them at all —St. I»ui* Star. To acsuina tkat Uir re.ult 1H Mains U 00l *u;t us «i khi* Keiieral reault In Nuvuiibi-i' L> » .I.I»»J U .hat buinaii IIIOUM dlffi-iv In ill. - wit parts of iho country.— New Ir'ora So .. TLl«re is CO U'lor ilullar In tbo world than THE one W«- huve What most jioopla need L« a bollmr I-h«ue« to vut it. and thai will Mine with tbo I uiprovuiount of busi* nesa — lnillnonpolla Jouruul. iIOOD'U I'UjljH cure Liver llli, lilllounni-HH, luillgostloß. lleMtaehe. A iilcnnant laxative. All Druggists. Blobbs - "I hear DeTanquedied from drink." Slobhs— "No! lie's a living atilt." Don't trifle away time when you have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them inthe beginning with BeWltt's colic and O olsrt cure. Yon don't have to w*it or results, they are instantaneous, and it LT-'tvt-H the bowels in healthy condition.. RKIUCK >B 080 IIMANII The driver whose horse runs away us ually has a whoa tiegon expression. Itheumaliem Cured in a liny. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cares in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system IN remarkable and mysterious It removes at once the Cause and the disease immediately disap pears The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents Kohl by J. C Radio, and J. F. Ralph Drngitints, Rutler APRIXI The odor of incipient applejack per meates the State of New York. — Kr.gllsh Spavin L.inlment removes a' - t.ard, soft or calloused lumps am! ble-n shes from horses, blood spavins, cirbs pilots, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprain' IL swollen throats, coughs, etc. Savo 00 by use of one bottle. Warranted the •nest wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv J. C. Redick.s It doesn't take a liowlcil man to be a g'Kjil cricket player. Dr. litlchon'n Sumuparitla PilU" Contain all the virtues of the liquid Sar saparillas iu a concentrated form and be ing candy coated are delightful to lake. Combined with the Samapartlla are other extremely valuable blood and nerve reme dies. which render them at once the irreat est hlooil purifiers and blood makers as w«ll AN the most pi, Anrlul nerve builder known. Their magical powers to cure all Nervous Diseases, Nervous Weakness, Nervous Headache, Hysteria, Loss of Vital Bowers, Failing Health, etc., are (pleasing and wonderful Price 00 cents and SI.OO. Sold by itedick IT Urohmsnn and J, F. Ralph Druggists Duller., Autumn is here. Country sausage. Pay your poll-tax. Violets are greatly worn. Sausage aud golf come in links. Makes lots of stuff—the taxidermist. A sick man is put on a diet for his own well fare. No, Mau.l, dear, poll-tax is not a tajc on parrots. This is the banner sea*>n tor campaign, supply dealers. "I was tired a!i the time, till Hood* Sarsaparilla g?ve me, strength, appetite and health. The natives of the South Sea Islands use the wood of a tree to catch fish. It needs oulv to be put in the water and in a short time the fish come to the surface in a stupified condition and cau easily be caught by hand. The sleepy girl doesa't always look like a dream. The soapmaker doesn't always bubble over with wft. Clergymen busy tying knots in the matrimonial rope. 'Boys will be boys." bot you cant af ford to lose any of th m. Be ready wr green apple season by having D# Vitts colic and cholera cure in the house. Rkdick A- Urohmans Hessian graves at Bennington, Vt , were decorated recently oy a ten year old girl whose family is. summering there. It is said to be the first time that any flowers have been strewn over them. The whole tjstem is draiced aud uiiiier mkii d by indolent ulcer- and open wre-. DeWitt'* Witch Hazel Salve speedily heals them It is the l>e*t pile cure known. Kkdick A U ROHM ass. Prairie schooners bound Hast are the spectacles to which Nebraskans around Arapahoe are treated now. The people are being forced away from the South western country by drought. N. Y. lioard of Health on Wine Dr. Jaues of the New \ork Board of Health says: _ . . •'I take great pleasure in testifying to the superior qua ity of the Port W'ine produced by Alfred Speer of New Jersey. Alter a prolonged trial I recommend it as a superior wine f"r the sick and de bilitated." It is kept in casks to a great age- be fore bottling, and though higher in price is far superior and more reliable than other wiues. On the east coast of England where hook and line fishing is most extensively carried on, immense liues are used. Some of them are about eiglity miles long and carry nearly 5,000 hooks. Only about a dozen words of genuine English origin end with the letter "a;" two dozen with the letter "o," and near ly 5,000 with "y," A floral bicycle was the funeral tribute recently made by a Lewiston, Me, hot house lor bereaved cyclomania friends of a young man who had lived near there- Poison Ivy. in.eot bite*, bruises, Hcaldn, barns, are quiokly cored by DeWiteV Witch ilszel Salve, the great piU cure Kk'JICK A- Geoumaks. Bluff City, Tesn, boasts of a pumpkin sixty five inches in diameter which is still growing on a vine belonging to Mrs. William Berry. Theories of onu may h» discussed a' length by physicians, but i!.e suflerer» jam quick relief; and One tin u'i* ('i.ugb Cure »ill irlre it to them A safe cure fur children It if "the only bat mleys rem. dy that produc.n iuiir.ediato result-." HKIi'OK <k (jKOIIMAN.V. A boarding mistress near Nlw York advertises that her house has "all mod ern imps." It i.ucli whulh r /■!< k ht?«<l»i hi- l iiioii-t e is (iige-titin uini n Btipllll.U HI C.iH-eu ii> u.ylrol or In i.n avo'da'ile (M-cuti -l.tiii »lieWinV l.i.te Early Ki* .» « ill .fiedilt cure thein all. ItKDICk. & tiHoIIMAN.N. We are surprised to learn through the colums of a veracious contemporary that "200 men are lying on the beach near I'entwater liojk-Icss and helpless with nothing to wi - ar but clothes and nothing to eat but fruit," when they might be writing calamity letters to silverbug papers and live on cheese and wear boots. If you have ever seen a little child iu the agony of summer complaint, you caii real ize the danger of'.he trouble and appreci ate the value ol instantaneous leliet al ways afforded by UeWitt's colic and chol era cuie For dysentery and diarrhoea it is a reliable reuiedy. We could not af ford to recommend this as a cure unlers it were a cure. Hkiitt k .t GaouuAtiii. The only dumb animal is the giraffe. It cannot express itself by any sound. According to '.he best authorities there are 3,424 known languages and leading dialects, while local dialects not worthy to be classed as languages bring up the number to nearly 6,000. "Heavens!" exclaimed a man yestur day. "Someone has piissed a counter feit Mexican dollar on me, and I'atn out one dollar and fifty three cents." 1870 Climax Itran jy from FCRAPP wiuo, han, by itn extrome AGO and conwtunt cam W'life in uniform temperature anil pure, N»EET atitottpbere ol HOUHI'M for fourteen yearr, BO como a R'val of the lleuneHKoy and other brandx CT (JOXNAC BraU'!/, and much lower in price, and preferred by the pbyniciann of Philadelphia, New York and other citien Buy it ol DIUGKIXTX. Half the declarations of love a man makes to a woman are to quiet heir KUI»- picions. I»r. Jtor the Heartgr/'H U«rfect relief in all CAIWM ol Or«anio <>( "sympathetic Heat in 30 iuinutc«T and speedily etrectH a cure. It ia a peer 'OSH remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o; irealh, Smotherlp/ Spells, I'ain in Bel "<ide and all nymptoiuM of a I)iMoa<od Heart •no doM convincen. Hold by City I'har roacy. The only people who ICCUI *> IK- tive that they will spend a happy winter are the inetubors of the many foot ball teams being organized. Belie/ iu .fix Ifvur» —l)intreM»irijf Kidney and Bladder ili.l -eaaes relieved in si* bourn by the "New Great Boutb American liidney Oure." Thin new remedy i<l A great Hurprise on -»c eount of itK exceeding promptneHu in re lieviflg pain in the bladder, aiilney, baek anil every part of the urinary PAH»N«E« in male or female. It relieve# retention ol water and pain in PA»HIUG it almoft im mediatly, 11' you want 'piirk relief and cure I iiia in your remedj . Sold by J. C. iteiliek DRUGKIIIT Butler fa. MLAA Caustiquc —"l can take anything but a joke." Silllcns — "Then take me. ' Miis Castique —"l said I could take any thing but a joke." Applicant —"I am only ueeil to work." Merchant —"Whit did you do last?" Applicant- "Sold matches." T. F. Anthony, Ex-PontmaHter of I'ro miae City. lowa, NAYN: "I bought "Ue bottle oi MY*tlc CERE' for Rheumatism, and two IIOHUH ol it did me more good than any medicine I ever took. Hold by J. C. ltodick, and J. F. Ralph druggintii, Butler. The man who attends to the city lumps may be discourteous, but he is always |Kjle light. Many a day 'A work is lout by sick head ache, caused by indigestion and stomach trouble! DeWitt'S Little Karly Risers are the most effectual pill for overcoming such difficulties. ItKDICK A. 0 soil MANN. What's the use of kicking over the ]>olitical situation when the foot ball sea MIL is here? Grapes for Coughs and for Singers. Aunt Rachacl, a Holland nurse, has discovered a novel ami effective way of usiux grapes in combination with Ele campane, RIS»t and Horehound for the purjame of curing coughs, colds and sore throat. It is called Aunt Rachael's Ele campane and Horehound Cordial and it is said that physicians arc recommend ing it freely in the East. Singers and lecturers carry a !>ottlc with them. 1 1 "The Old Soldier's Favoifefct" "jg j I^LUO^I ©J oj A little bit of pension goes a long g f| way if you chew " Battle A*/ 3 The biggest piece of really ft 0' grade tobacco ever sold for 5 cfttte; S almost twice as large as tke atker X j? fellow's inferior brand# g 1 1 : :o -'o "Vv * DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES,? GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THB USE OF SAPOLIO ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN POND'S EXTRACT-The Bicycler's Nece unity. ...... DONT RIDE WITHOUT'S\ BICYCLE. 3pf A REPAIR KIT.M POND'S EXTRACT is unequaled IS£| for auickly healing all kinds of WOUNDS, BRUISES LAMENESS or SORENESS of MUSCLES, ABRASIONS, RHEUMATISM. Try POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT for PILES, AVOID SUBSTITUTES- Weak, Watery, Worthies®. POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Ave., New York. WE HANDLE R| TT NOTHING 0 1 PURE RELIABLE GOODS from 3 to 10 years old, ami you get them direct from the barrel. GUARANTEED Pi: RE WHISKIES Finch's, Sam rhompson, I.urge, Gibson, Bridgejxirt. Ouckenlieimer, I >il linger, Overholt, etc. #I.OO Per Full Quart. - ■ 6 Quarts £5.00. Grandfather's Choice, 3 years old f 2.110 per gal, WE ARE ALSO IMPORTERS of all kind of Wines, Conyacks, Brandies, Rums, etc. All goods, including C. O. 1). orders, securely packed and shipped promptly. We prepay express charges 011 #IO.OO orders or over. FAIR DEALING TO EVERYONE. KOBT. LEWIN, & CO. 136 Water St., New Number 411, l'irrsitLHO, PA. i)(KrrOKS^JvKh •I Cca. ?nr. A /» . AND FOUHTM ST PITTSUUROH, PA. W '• A : I 1 Jfotp IKI M STI AI. • 1 '» '• 111 I' M M'ltti*lit urti t!- Nt 11 ii■» fl'W : , W Ul » . .!•<•:> ;tll 1 Ijl K. !«'• 'iM'inlKjrof Hi" .il ( «'.l« >M I. - nriMfH 'iu*| w.i , ;»n«l I •• '!>•' V an-l m«. •XiTi-ii irc«l M'lX'l Al.lHi' ill 1!..* cf t h|H • 'fli fit ..•lirioii i'.ivt lit » N "t-vifUH I). liilit \ f'-onn • • l\ >in »al ••x<*rtl'»ii 1 1 i«.liwrnti«»ri <1 ) <»•<* I'- .*'•'«" ii}.; | »li > -icfU ttii'l Jtetilstl ' *' "J |. |«.i« ' iu;y. »«<•.; ii . 4 • » *"•' I'll.- . I ht*iiiiiall'<nt, iirt'l f»ll *' l '"" * 1 » •|«M. ;,I: 1 Hti irtly ROIIIL'M »»' ••• I O 1 hot;r .) tn ;;• , ; V TO H L'. M.; S'.N L . ,'I • • -*• »"J I at oW'*o "r M'l '.m I»r ' • ; •• sN \ K » AVN •'»'!! H'«' I*l I' »<.,H • unui IS THE TIME TO HAVE IlUn Your CLEANED or DYED If you want GOOD aial reliable cleaning or DYEING done, there is just one place In town when- you can pet it, and is at II! IITLIR DTI IUBS O CJOJII,cr avoniK ■. **JUVV e DO fine work in out door I'hotoj.jraph.s. This is the time of year to hav«* ;I pi< UNR of your house. Give us a trial. R. FISHER & SON, Agent for the .lament own SLIDING Blind Co.— New York. FC|il''hrafrr'i Fn(l!«h Diamond llmnit. ENNYROYAL PIUS Original and Only (Jrnnlnr. A / '*L>N V *]»•>* r. u«ble I«DII« xk /Z\ CII l>r<i«Kl*| f-r CHihftrra / Oil JW\\ IT. >1 ■ UW I X"IULSF for I ...II - —■ / <'kli > liMrt#rCaoiul<;iili)v. l MuiH«'iM >a TBID b/ »il Local » l' , I'M* [HE itEEIEY In n *■;,< rial I.' .r» • > h. iin' or: ' ». • ly lut » ■ A-.V#%krn fi» lilt'*, tli ! • >'•!■ 11;» M LLI .1. r< I.- <RI ' I:I • f-ilni r> -j i rhitf i« • r |»i of tf <• r»'M VNIMIOU'C* » ;...U Vl- ESlsii i :i i ESS i •ni'-v.; f ' » I VH«» II |l F J|ti!r J Tlm f • M h |l v lt*. M I IIA UOII FRAZER IIICMT IN TILL! WOUI.It. IITTWRNRLRI^R|TINLI(L«-IJ»R« FT TUNH/ •UUMTLNYTWO LIOX' lof liny OILII-r liriin.l S-,t •ffrcl<v] BY lieial iri.KT TIIIUJCMINU, >OU LALI lit LLALUto OOLiLVLLV. WHAT I P ON WAJLII D®. IJ3 fiiATLKF® #V.«i T4»«lw'. Htimrl»tac TT>« »•*" KUJ pro diltM rr *4«AP GIVES Villi. M NUt^liia WT MOHUE*. LUL. Cli' cks VNMI: LILNMIM. FJ" W#UR«S LIHTIMICUT TucretMi W«H. \ MAKBt sa», tjcfl ii.eon. Y fromotti I-IK I*" 1 '"- Willciva MM «IHL ' V R-S" C T roiiy »L YUTMT. t V s ! CUREB m - W«WAI»T«. W UUJRILU GIIHOfiF'S BOS IMt PIUS C'jrc all ' HIWII M IlifcJr BRONCHITIS, GIN^WPTWH.IL#. They ARC nrlilM- ILWMI liO ( ..urulM ■( MV igMf lOOMUSO or w Mm, «<uM«nf/ N ■>' L.>:rt till) t«ath MMMMMWIIM rhaM I A D* TK« «<I.l «N> • JH>. .; I atailiUt !>•» 14 ; t by your N4»G* GIL/vIORB k CO, C'NCIH(4ATL O. rifrre lierr,lE< JGY FUR* <4«K« for other* | will ! and ft,rmunenliy A positive cure Irr all VVVakiU'ssac, Ncrvou nc , iJihfliiy, and arl their tni.iof cvilsresullinrtrom early errors ami l iter cxcesse ; the result of over work. ss, worry, etc. orej.cessive n F<>l tobacco,. ipium and i ; quor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having ! IBSGE wfoe no other, j Convenient to carry in v«t pocket. FI ice, ?f.Wper BOX, SIX ; *oxes, one full . itment, $5.00. uuinatwllocw ; : case. H not KEP: by your dnif t v.- • will se. 1 111. in by mail, upon I (.! price, ill plain wrapper. ! I 'ANl'phli t ftee. AJJress mail orders to ; IMLIt'ICAU IliEDloftl. CO. CiNCINNAn. 0. I .HjU® • A well R - '*■>, RINOF K M- R ' i VSTAUvi ' o ' bDAy^^^o> st THE OIL!■'AT »00. DIY &HAJFR FRENCH REMEDY AOC.D«R H"WII i 111 AH« »VK I LYOADNU - - • >• • TM* **r *• ! W . •• n- t. .-T•; .♦ VIt*LU Y, POWNR MI l I . .MIMII'IRY V. WIWI rnniutly r.INL (%>ri«U:« »»I«" •«. IMIYI . . VITAI-W, no I,THN; 'an '••• ri*rrl®«l In t Imull FL.OO |.• PNI ITHK*' «»r «« • T* •*' v« IMI » (••IN*, UNIT.* T . <-I n ON RRNI I» %IY ■ •» CAI.'MI I LIU For .'..ln in L( lU»r, I'll. tr> City Pharmacy. : (KiTRT. PAPE las I; ?The Leading Millinery House Of Butler County ' V < !• sing-Out-Sale <>f Summer Millinery (iood« at Less Than Cost 0 As tl i>. far advanced, wt cant tn i I A atr-i ii.iv t n Mk:ii all i "inicu, ! ats. kib- < > b<»iis, ii 1 , dow n bel> \\ o>:ii Cone in and 4 > 1 I.l' Pr PE. j| Summer is Going * * And so must Summer Shoes, and Slippers Cold weatbor and rain has hurt the pale of Summer Shoes to a verv great ex'ent Snmnier is almost over and still lots »f summer goote oi h»»d~ - Tt - e ouly answer is, sell 'hem and SRLI. THEM VKKY i•! on'»*r t > <i' th< •, s m** gr i t inducements must b« eft-red nt.d I thirl- I • ll> Mp il 'o he < ccasion I'uriug he uext 20 days I am ir ling to close cut many iro;>dr< at less thau manufacturer's priced. lam Hoiinr to offer induct metsts in high grade luotwcar which cannot be resisted All summer good- inual b»- closed out btvfore wh more, bo call at ouou and select u p«ir at a great reduction WHAT i AM GOING TO OFFER Ladies fine drngola patent tip shoes 85c, fully worth $1 25 Ladies fine dorgolo patent tip shoes $1 35. fully worth 2 00 Ladies ine grain patent tip ehoee 75c, fully worth 1 25 .Ladies kid slvppets 40c. fully worth 75 Misses and Childrens shoou. your choice 75 and 50c, fully worth I 25 Only a Few of tbe Many Bargains 1 am Offering Youths tan shoes at 75c, fully worth, $1 35 Boys ta-i shoes at 90c, fully worth 1 500 Mens tan fcboes at $1 35, fully worth 2 25 A LEADER A pair of Men's Fine Calf Shoes in lace or congress, (any fct} U? too; at $1 25, fully worth $2.00. Persons wishing to take advantage of these reductions should call soon, while the selection is large. JOHN BICKEL 125 N. Main St. Rl ITI FP PA 330 S. Main St. L>LJ 1 ' rk WE HAVE been ofiering our stock of WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS to the people of Butler County for so many years that there is little for us to add. You all know that we ship none but pure liquors, and if you are foing ;:way for a vacation, or intend to stay at home, ycu will need some good whiskey, or some pleasant wine to help pass a tltliglitful time. OUli WHISKIES are sdd lor $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, and $6.00 per gallon, and when we say that they can't be equaled ail) where lor the money, we mean it. All the dif ferent brands of California w ine are sold at $2.00 and $2.50 per gallon, and they are the very best in th' market. We don't want you to forget that we pay ai express charges 011 orders of $5.00 and over. Send for one of our Catalogues, mailed free on appli cation, and look it over. It will interest you. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa, Wholesale Liquor Dealer. *UTBI STTK * JM MIOS* ♦ MOD IMK * Hill PRICIS+ %%%%%%%%%%«« 1 1 These are the things that have enabled me to build up a first-clans tailoring trad* during the Inst year. W'e have the most skillful, painstaking cutter; employ none but the very best workmen; handle nothing hut the very !>est gotnls, both foreign and domestic, and guarantee you perfect satisfaction iti each and every particular, and for all thia cl arge you simply a fair living profit. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Halter and Men's Fnrnisber "" "SE op RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, ixSffi&'S FOR SOUND MONEY, 4 \ 'H NATIONAL HONOR, HOME PROSPERITY. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, THE LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAN FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Will make n vigorous and relentless fight through the Presidential campaign, for principles which will bring prosperity to the entire country. Its campaign news and discussions will inter est and should hv read by every Americnn citizen We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" 4 Months, I 7 Weeks for 50 cents. CASH IN ADNANOK. Address all orders to J||J VViile your name and uddrms on a postal card, send it jo (>eo. best, liibnu Ituilding, New York City, and a sample copy of Thk New \ork Winn Tkibum: will be mailed to you.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers