THE CITIZEN" THCMDAY. OCTOBER 8. 168«. Hew Advertisements. Ba liar Plant Co. Zimmerman* Announcement. Bickal'* Removal. Buffo shoe*. Miller 1 * shoes. C. A T'a trade stimulator*. Aland'* Aatamn Style*. Public sale. Excursions. Jor»—All advertiser* intending to make obage* in their ad*, should notify u* of lll tir intention to do *o. not later than Monday morning. Administrator* and Executors of *»tate* lit aecare their receipt books at the ClT un ulSee LUC A L AM) GEJiEBAL. —Prepare tor winter. —Autumn is here for sure. —The straw hat is looking sad. —Buckwheat cakes and gravy. —lndian rammer is yet to oome. —Millinery openings are now in yogue. —Kven the leaves ire turning the color at gold. —Butler u threatened with a gas famine. —The sleepy girl doesn't always look like a dream. —Clergymen are busy tying knots in the mathmnuUl rope. —Thi :: ker ballot will be a "blanket ■beet" thi* time, rare enough. —The VV. c. T. A. will meet in Clarion next Tueriay, —The Mercer Fair was a failure on ac count of bed weather. —Two-thirds of the teachers in the United Btale* are women. —Butler is well represented at the Fireman's convention, in Johnstown to day. —lt makes no difference stall what a mis bslieve*, but a great deal what he know*. Toe weather prophet says that Octo ber will contain much pleasant weather. 80 mote it be. —ln the present erisis nearly all the girls are for gold, if it come* in the form of an engagement ring. —The season for the lawful shooting of raffed grouse or pheasant* began Oct. Ist and lasts until J ao. l«t. —By a court decision the Seventh Day AdventUu of Illinoi* may plow oorn on Sunday. —The juice of a pineapple outs the membrane from the throat of a diptheria patient when nothing else will. —lt ia stated that there are over twelve bnndred oampaigu and other kinds of but ton* out. —The School Board ha* decided to re model and enlarge the McKean St. school bnildiog, and nse it tor a High School. —When a boy begins to waah hi* neck witbont being told it i* a sign that be is yawing through the ordeal ot bis first love affair. —W. J. Patton and D. W. Belknap will bare a aale of personal property on the old J. J. B. Millinger farm in Oakland twp. Saobi'i* —"The older a man get*," said the corn —- fM philosopher, "the harder he finds it to Clil sorry for a woman whoso pug dog ba* died." —lt baa not bMS found necessary yet to take (facial steps to enforcing the oom pulsory education law her*. Parent* (cen trally appreciate the importance of giving their children schooling. W —A long, eold winter ia predicted. The alligator* tn Schenley Park, PitUburg, have gone to sleep a month earlier than aeoal. Thee* animal* are *aid to bury tbemielves in the mod and sleep for *ix sooths. —Daring the ride of the bantam A Bai ty (bow from Butler to Allsghray lut Saturday night a mala lion cob and a fe male leopard cub ware born, and Mr. Bailey named the lion, "Pitteburg" and Ike leopard, "Allegheny." —Our grocer* are paying IS to 17c for batter, 15 for egg*, 25 for potatoes, 20 for apple*, 13.00 a bn. for chestnuts, 11.00 for hickory nut*, 96 to 50c a pair for ebiokeni, ia a head for cabbage, 25 for turnip*, and 9L36 a tra. for quinoee. —Saturday va* the last day for paying poll tax for the privilege of voting at the j general election, and oar tax oollector was toyt busy that day. The petition* fori plaoee in tka Registry list* made work for tbe Cent Bouse official* on Tbnr*day, frill/ and Saturday. —Biihop Whitehead, of the Pittabarg Dioeeee, barf drafted oaf and issued the km of prayer to be nued in this diocese More the general thanksgiving of the ittoal It beapeak* a blessing upon the Montry, and ask* for the spirit of witdom "hi the election which i* at band." —The itrange peonliaritiee oi Justice in » Jury rooir are past finding oat. Two prosecution* for violation of the pure lood law were before the ooart ia Armstrong eoanty the other day. Frederick Are was ••quitted ot selling bad vinegar and Edwin Wilson was found guilty. Both sold the me vinegar. —John Bickel moved Into bis new store- i room. Monday. John can well be proud ot bit new room an J hi* building. His loom ie 120 feet long, 20 feet wide and 17 feet high. It is fitted with shelving that Will hold 0,000 pairs of shoes in paper boxes; heated by steam, lighted by elto trleity.and has every modern oonvenienoe. The ahop is in the basement. —Cider baa been lately recommended as • remedy in eertain caae* of indigestion. In eases where digestion I* too harried tbe elder is said to do muoh good, and pos ribly its aetion favors the action of gastri o J aloe. For gouty people older baa also been reoommended, because it eorrecta the formation of the uric acid, to the preaenoe of which gont i* due. Person* troubled with soy of these diseases should have no llflmlty In procuring medieine this fall, M plenty of older is being made. —All the Batter water cases have been decided by the Supreme Court, excepting lIM Company'* appeal from the rates fixed the Court here, and that will be heard VMk after next. The late Water Com pany decision* of tbe Supreme Court will interfere with this, or any other town In the state building its own water plant, Without first purchasing tbe old plant; un lees it can be shown that the water supply it Inadequate or impure. —The expert* are at work, e«timating tbe world'* wheat crop for 1806. The United Bute, are pat down with more than 400,000,000 bushels. India with only 172,000,000, a* against 234,400,000 in 1805; Franoe nearly a lull crop, or about 300,- 000,000 buahels; (beat Britain about 70,- 000,000, with an average yield of about thirty-two bushels in tbe aero. Almost •Tory European country reports full aver age Wheat orop*. The total European «rop ia aet down at 1,464,000,000 bushel*, eg about 04,000,000 more than last year. LEGAI. NKWS. NOTM. TTm. Aber wa* appointed Judge of Elec tion for Middlesex twp and G. W. Raisley was appointed Inspector. Wm. Seibert, David Cnpps wid John McQ Smith were appointed bridge inspec tors for the ensuing year. The will of John Hoehn of Butler twp. we* probated and letter* granted 10 Anna M. Hoehn. The viewers in the case, of L. C. Wick versa* the B. 4 P. R. R. came tc town. Monday, but had nothing to do, as ttie case was postponed, and will probably be settled. A man who gave hi* name as Clias. Hanes, was held for Court by Esq. Gil gbnst, Monday, on a charee of larceny. He is accused of grabbing Mrs. Manny's pocket-book on ebowday. Worth township was well represented in Butler, last Friday, the occasion being the hearing before Justice Kennedy Marshall, in the Arbitration room of the case of Geo. Tayior vs Geo. Moon, of Worth and R Barron of Clay, who cut a dangerous tree along the road. The tree fell into Taylor's corn-tield, and hence the suit. Marsbali'3 verdict was fox $5 and costs. Five Arabian peddlers were placed in jait last week, charged with trying to ab duct the Arabian boy wbe has, for some years, made hi* home with the Myers brother*, of Muddycreek twp. They went to the Myers place last week when neither of the men were at home, tried to induce the boy to go with thein, and, he say?, threatened him. The boy prorated to go, and induced tho Arabians to go with him to Portersville, where he turned them over to Constable Laderer, who brought them t'> Butler. Tho boy ia an orphan He was brought to this country by his uncles, who, he say*, murdered bis sister before tliey started. They were given a hearing Monday, and were discharged upon giving bail in $300., each to keep the peace, and stay out of the county. A wealthy Pitts bnrger is tbeir surety. Four men jostled Thomas W. Phillip-", last Satnrday morning, a* he entered a P. A W. train in Butler and robbed biin of hi* pocket book, containing $35, and rome papers. Mr Phillips followed the men out of the car and had one of them, who give hi* name a* Edward May, of Balti more, arrested The others escaped, May was held lor a hearing. Sunday night the pocket-book containing all the papers, but minus the money was dropped into the Butler P. 0. and Mr. Phillips received it Monday. There was no address on the wrapper which was around the book when it reached the posloffiee, but the Post master opened it and saw that it was Mr. Phillips'. In the pocket book was a note which said: "1 am much obliged for the use ol your pocket-book. Since lam done with it, I return it. Yours, A THIEF." Paopjsarr TaASsma* W F Wick to Jus F McCaslin 104 acres in Clay for $2500. Lewi* Patterson to Daniel Wolford lot in Centreville for $l7O. Ernil Phabe toBAP R R 12 acres ia Clinton for $1550. Tho* A Bartley to B A P R R 5 acies in Clinton for SIOSO. J A Smith to B A P R R 4 acres in Jef ferson for $286.80. Ja* Vttson to B A P R R 1 acre in Clin ton lor S2OO. John Banna to BA PR R4 acres in Clin ton for $487. Lydia Mardorf to Ira Bel! lot in Butler for S4OO. Tho* B White to Cairie B Thompson lot in Butler twp. for $1 Wm 1/ove to B & P R R 4 acres in Clin ton for $457. Thomas L Donaldson to Alice Hutchi son 1 acre in Middlesex for $125 John Welsh to B A P R R 14 acres in Jefferson for $1158.40. John C MoCullough to Frank' Seybert lot in Millerstown for $llOO. M H Zeigler to Jamis H Divis lot in Evan* City for SBOO. 8 D Purvis to 8 W Greer lot in Butler for SSOO. D McLaughlin to B A P II R lot in Peun for $250. John G Hippo*, ex'r, to E ft Eaton lot in Butler for $2700. II E Uagee to 11 Ticker lot in Centre villo for S2OO. Zelienople Ex Co to Casper Bloom lotn in Jacksoa for $427.50. L 8 McJunkin to Ja* A HeMarlin lot in Batler for $2,750. Elix R Brown to L U Brown 28 acre* in Fairview tor sl. A. J. Brown to L H Brown 28 acre* in Fairview for S6OO B. McCrea to W S MeCrca lot in Batler for SSOO W H Wilson to Leah Kerr lot in Centre ville $125. Marriage Licenses C A. May*..... ....Venango Co. J. Thouia* " Edward Thompson Coal town Amelia Barclay " C. E. Meal.i Wlikinsbnrg Flora E. Btamm McCaudle«s J. B. Tbompnon Evani: City Anna Lucy Cranberry twp B 0. Bproull Chtrry twp Kate E. Uindman...... " Howard W Ailing ...Harmony Clara B Locknood. Zelienople Hamuel Vf Fount ...Clarion Co Emma J Hookeuberry ....New Beth lnham At Pittsburg—JameH E iloDonald and Dora Boyd of Slipperyrock. At Pittnburg—Zichaua* P Billiard and Maggie McCracken of Rutler Co. The wedding of Mm* Margarette Knight of College Hill, and Mr. Kelly of Butler, took place very recently. The ceremony wan witnesned by only a few immediate Iriend*. The yonng couple will reside in Batler, where a oozily furni*hed home awaited their occupany.—New Caetle New*. —The "ExpecU-noy Claims" have made trouble for the Equitable Aid Union, and Jadge Gunnison of Erie ha* appointed C. P. Koger-t, of Corry, receiver of clan* A., excepting the meinbe/* io Michigan, on Ihe ground that claa* A, in that nt.ate, i* solvent and cannot be mode to bear the burden* of claai A in tho rent of the oountry. About a hundred member* of olas* A In Erie have *et a movement on foot to engage a lawyer and content the receivernhlp. Among other thing* they allege false practice on tho part of nnpreme officers, charging them with mUmiuaite meat, the payir>ent of exce**ive salaries and holding out too much for expen*e*. You may key np your expecta tioiifi a notch or two higher without fear of disappointment; the values are BO far ahead of anything you ever (taw, the goods themselves MO perfect, BO stylish, BO thoroughly up to date, that much aa we may prom ise you will find more when you get here. BUTLER PANTS CO. 125 IK. Jefferson 8t ,} block west of Berg's Bank. —The Butler Business College and School of Shorthand. High S'ade commercial, shorthand and ogllsh school, located in Batler. Curriculum embraces Book keeping, Shorthand, Type-writing, Commer cial Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Grammar. Geography and Spelling. Endorsed by bankers, merchants and patrons. Fall and winter term opens September Ist. The whole system is drained and under mined by indolent ulcer* and open sore*. Be Witt'* Witch Maze] Halve speedily beal* them. It I* tho bent pile cure known. KKIHCK A GROHMAHN. —The Butler Lubricating Oil Co. has moved back to their oid stand 119, W. Jefferson St. Steclsmitb <V Patterson's uew building, where al kinds of engine, machinery, and il luminating oils of tLo tiueat quality are kept io Btock in the basement, and will be delivered to any part of the city when ordered from C. K. Mcintire, agent. Soz.and shirts, all wool and a yard wids, cheaper than the oheapest—at HICK'S, 121 N. Main St. Vox Popuii—B»y your clothing, underwear, bosiety, huts, caps, BOX und neckwear ot L>. A. HECK., and ave money. PERSONAL W. K. Thornberg • and wife, visited friend* :n Butler, Monday. Rev. Oiler continues seriously ill. His stomach hat become inactive. I Rev. A. Kilpatrick of Valencia has re turned from a visit to his brothers in lowa. C. K. Radclifle, the third- of the Batler team lias signed with the Pittsburg League. Chas Parks, of Forward twp, and his young friend Mr. 0.-enbaugh were in town. Mono ay. Wm. Dick, Henry Bander and Hugh Sproul, vietvers in the Wick case, were in towii, Monday. Cyrus tlarper. the nominee ior County Treasurer, has jeen confined to his bed for some months, but is improving now. Win. Raision of Prospect was in town, Tuesday. He «ays his mill make- the best buckwheat flour in the market. S. W. Glenn atid wife, of Centre town ghip, returned to day, from a vi.-it to friends in Kingman Co. Kansa-. J as. A. McMarlin nai purchased the Lasfc house on W. Clay St., now occupied by Mr. Br/mer, fr jm L. S. McJuikin, for $2,700. Willie Crow, of Maistique, Mich., a son of 0. C. Cr.jw, d»c'd, formerly of Adams twp., vi*ited lriends in Butler Co. last week. Robt. Barron, Esq. of Worth twp., was in town, Friday, attending the heanug of the ca»e of Geo. Taylor, of Worth twp . vs George Moon, of Worth tvrp., and Robert Barron, of Clay twp. Skillman was kept buiy last ."aturday, and among the arresU'he made was tlut of the man who took Mrs Manny's pocketbook from her, on the f-'reet. Jim has opened an office over the /.mmerman drug store. CHURCH NOTES. The United Presbyterian Presbytery of Butler will meet in the Clinton U. P. church Tuesday, October 13th inst., at 1:30 p m. The Rev. J. 8. Barr, D. D., who has spent thirty years in the India Mis-ion will deliver a lecture oa Foreign Missions at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Davis has been returned to the Butler congregation for another year. The Conference was held in E. B. Pittsburg beginning last Thursday, an J ending Tnes day of this week. Rev. W. R Gayer was appointed to Harmony; and Rev- H. W. Whistler to Troutinan; and Rev. J. C. Cunningham to Mt. Olivet near Murr.ns ville. >'o other changes were made for this county. On Tuesday after a heated discussion, a resolution was p.ssed with holding for one year the license of preach ers who countenanco church fairs, socials, etc. The Annual Conference of the Free Methodist church for the Pittsburg dis tr'ct, convened in the Batler church, Mon day, and i« yet in session. A largo num ber of ministers are present. OIL NOTES. The Callery and Big Creek district*' are the only ones showing any life in this county, at present; tho Rosenberry pool seems t' be defined, though Butler bros. are drilling a well on the Knox that will be important. BLAKLBY— Southwest of the B'akley pool the new well on the Gilky farm is estimated good for 75 bp.rrel* a day from the first pay In tho 100-foot. A second pay is fonnd at 05 feet in the sand in that territoiy and when it has been reached the prodnction may be increased over tho pre sent estimate At Callery, Hariman it Co. havo a new well on the John Staples. Public Sale. There will be exposed to public sale at the residence of the subscriber, one mile sonth of Butler, on the lohn Doerr fa r m, on Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1896. The following property, to wit: Two work horses, one 1 5 and one 7 year old; 16 head of cattle, 6 milch cows, some springing heiffers. 2 1-2 years old; 1 yearling heifer,3spring calves, 1 joung Durham bull, two brood sows and one lot of small pi/* a lot of large shoats, 2 sets of wagon harness, a lot of Irish col- lars, I fop bugflry, 1 sleigh, 1 large cutting box, 2 pin harrow*, I cultivator, a lot of cow chain*, 3 wrapper chains, hay in stacks, 300 bushels sped oats, 75 ImKhel of rye, 1,500 shocks of corn, a lot of house hold arid kilchen turnilare. Hale positive. Everything mm go, a* I am going to leave the farm Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. One years credit will bo given with approved security. LKVVII HAFFUKR. A Present for Your Pastor. Yonr pastor would be deliirhtnd with a Clergyman's Case of Humphrey's .Specifics; it is made to lit the pocket and contains the ten numbers most likely to be needed by a clergyman. Cures for Fevers, Coughs Clerymari's More Throat, Catarrh, Urain Fag, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Kidney Diseases, etc. They are sent prepaid on receipt of price-S'J.OO-llumphrevß' Medicine Com pany, New York. If you nee a man walking along the utreet with a preoccupied air, looking downward, ho in admiring bin stylish pair of pants made at the BUTMEU I'AHTB CO. 125 W. Jefferson St.—-J block woat of Borg 'B Bank. Press goods in the latent styles; novelty goods in 1 and -> tono effects all wool at 48c to SI.OO. Black novel ties from 48c to sl.. r >o at The Peoples Store. 8t WANTKl)—Agents to sell Tea, Coffoo, Spices and linking Powder to families. For terms aj.ply to CKAWD Union TRA CO. 1405, Filth Ave. Pittsburg, Pa. The Peojfles' has complete line of ladies', Misses, and children's under wear In Union suits, we carry the largest stock in liutler. Prices from 25c to $2.75. :;t |f*C Tho only genuine Spring |uE»Wato r Ice in Butler is now being delivered to his customers daily by J. A. lIICHEV. Leave/our order at Riebcy's Bakery. Oh Mamma—you ought to seo the big piles ol childrenß suits at HECK'S only $1.25, you can't got the vamo in town for less than $2.50, Pants—Over 2000 pairs to select from, at prices, oh well, don't men tion them, its' awful, where <it HV<IK'H. Trunks, yulises, bag* and tole copes—at HECKS. Foil KEMT—A complex chicken coep, with a half acre run, also an incubator. Inquire at this office. I>o you want a hat or cap? HEOK has them and can nave you money Free. Free. Free. Your name on a postal card will bring a copy of The Butltr Business College Exponent,a bright page monthly paper, issued by Tho Butler Business College and School of Short hand. Butlor, I'a. NEW Fruit and Vegetable STORE On South Vain Street, next door to Stein's bakery, where you can secure 1* rcsh Garden Stuff, every morning. Green Lima Beans a specialty. Emits ot all kinds. Spring chickens dressed or alive. Eggs and butter. Tomatoes at 25 cents a bushel. Green Tomatoes 15 cents a bushel, i PIHLLIPS & CO., i your orders for Kotsup, Sic. I Accidents. A son of H. C. Conley, of Millerstowu. met with an odd and distressing accident, a lew days ago, while clnbbicz hickory i nuts. A club that he had thrown, re | bounded from a limb, struck his right eye and destroyed the sight The eye was so bad'y lacerated that it had to be entirelv removed. A little daughter ol ilrr Dean *,u>n, o; Slippery rock township, a lighteJ lamp, a few evenings ago; and the lamp eipioded and set tire to the hoase. Mrs. IJer.mst n extiiigui.-ked the fl*mef, but while doing so her clothing took lire, and siie saved hereself by jumping into a bar rel ol water. She was o&dly burned, bet j will recover. The Pittsburg branch of the it. AO. K. R. wa. the scene of a remarkable aecident la-t Thursday night. A heavy freight go ing down grade near sand Patch became uncontrollable, ran past its siding, and collided with a dou-le-beader freight com ing up Every car of the runaway was deinn.i.ihed, the wreckage was piied a< high as the telegraph wires, and some thirty or lorty tramp-, who were riding on them were buried in the deibis and most ol them killed. Eva Thompson, aged six year*, daugh ter ol R. C. Thompson, of Clay township, was so badly burned last Friday that she died tnat night. Tne family had been papering their new house durine tho day, and that evening, white the older folks were upstairs, tne children playel blind mons-buff downstairs. Eva's clothes took fire whiiii rhe was blindfolded from the grate, and she was teriibly burned, and breathed the flames, before thev could be extinguished. She was a sweet and in telligent child «i.d Dei death is greatly regretted. Tne New Castle c >rrespondent of the Pittsburg Dir-patch gave the particulars ol the Heath ol (Mam Hartley a* follows: " Abonl 7 o'clock this morning George Howard Bartley, an extra passenger con ductor ol the Pittsburg and Western, was instantly killed at Chewton He run ning a local freight, and when his tr.'iin stopped at Chewton be got off. and stepped on the southbound track Jjust as the Alio gheuy accommodation weut past. Be was struck on the side of the Load and died instantly." Hi* body was taken to Millerstown, Friday. He was a singl* man and a r:on of Goo. W. Bartley PARK THEATRE. BOUTH BKFORK TIIK WAR, At the Park Theatre on Tuesday, Oct. 13th, will appear Harry MarteU's succe* ful production, "South before the War," u novelty and one that has won fame and many dollars for its originators It is so different from anything of the kind ever at tempted that its r-ucoess is not to be won dere lat alter it has been seen. It is com posed of some fiftv peep.e, including a pickaninny band of seventeen little color boys, four quartettes, a score of buck and wing dancers, a coterie of cake walkers, a prajd chorous of fifty voices, and a Pick aninny band who appear in the play and head the parade of tlie company. AMKRICAX OIRL, THURSDAY, OCT. 15 '9O, "The American Girl" last season's big gest success will be the bill offered to But ler theatre goer.-, next week. This attrac tion comes in the height of a brilliant suc cess, promises one of the most varied en tertainments seen here this season.; Tl.e play teJls the story of a plot against the happiness ot a young inapied couple and tneir twin babies, resulting for a tine in seperation and udhappiness, but ends the proper way. $9---Washington D. C. and Return—s9 Via P. & W and B. & O. Round trip tickets will lie sold from Butler to Washington I). C. Via P. <fc W and B& O , Oct. 11, 12, and 13. Good returning until Oct. -0 at rate of Special train with Butler delegation will leave Butler, Tuesday Oct. 13 at 5 45 a. m. connecting wi'h No. 0 at Callerv Jet. ar riving in Washington at 4.50 p. m. with out c iange of cars. Amplo accomoda tion will be provided for all. Excursion via P. ft W. Ry. On Wednesday of each week, Sept. I6tli to October 21st, inclusive, the P. & W. Ry, will sell round trip tickets to Al legheny, from all ticket stations Glade Run to Clarion inclusive, at special rates, including admission to the Exposition. All tickets good to return three days in c tilling date of sale. Rate from Butler ft So. Notice. l>ir«et"rs and all pt rson* desiring copies of School L JW, Teachers Report, Books, etc., or any information concerning school matters are reque-ted to call on John W. Coulter, Attorney-at-law, Room G, Ander son fS'.i.tiling, who will have charge of' my office during my absence. H. L CMKKSKMAS, Co. HIRI''R.3I Exposition Excursions. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will sell excursion tickets to Allegheny City from Butler and the West Penn Di vision (except Blairavillo and tho Indiana branch). Oct. 8, 10, and 21, 1890. On the above named date-* round trip tickets will bo sold ,\t ha'f fare, with price of admis sion to the exposition added. (No ticket, to hi- -old for bfs than 75 cents, including admission conpou.) Tickets will be good going only on refu lar trains leaving stations at or before noon on day of issue, and valid for return until the following day inclnsive, Industrial Exposition at Pittsburg—Ex cursion Tickets via Pennsylvania Ry. For tho liidorftrial Exposition at Pitts burg the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell on September 23, October 1, I), 14 and 20, excursion tickets from stations on the I'iltshurg Division and branches, and from stations on the Indiana I'ranch of the Went Pennsylvania Division to I'itts targ and return at half fare, with price of admission to the Exposition added. (No ticket to bo sold tor less than seventy-five cents, including admission conpon. These tickets will he good going only on regular trains leaving stations at or before noon on the day of issne, and wiil he good for return passage until tho following day inclusive. Excursion tickets for this occision will also be sold under similar conditions from ntatioiis 011 the Monongahela Division on September 24, October 2, l.'l aud 22, and from stations on the West I'ennsylvania Division, except Klairsville and the In diana (tickets read to Allegheny City) on September 22, 20, October H, Di and 21. The Pittsburg Daily News The Pittsburg Daily News is just about six months old. It is a Republican even ing newripaper of eight pages, neatly print ed, and fervei' t>y mail or carrier at one cent a copy, or s:i a year The Daily News aims to '.lO a paper for tho home and it spares neither labor nor expense to cater to the family circle. It claims to have been phenomenally successful in its efforts It is tho only I'ittsburg daily with a page devoted entirely to women. If you have not seen it you can gist a sample copy of it by mail free of charge. Men's underwear in cotton and wool at 20c to SI.OO at The People's Store. 3t —Job work of all kiuds done at tho oiTiziv OrriOE Wanted to Kent a desirable Mouse in Butlca or vicinity. Address. J Box 254 Butler I'a. Underwear— a specia'ty at Hzok's his stock is largo t and finest ever offered in ISu'io' —Boarding House CarUß, with Ac', of A ssembly, 25 cents for hnlf-iwlozen .or sia'e at f/iTiziN office Kor Half;. A fine Farm <>f seventy acres, two miles West of l'reejiort, buildings good as new, plenty of watej, fruit of all kinds, soil good, five good ga< wells within % mile of said farm. Price *4,000. For par ticulars address. box ijH. Silvcrvilk. itutlcr Co, Pa. —The National Life Insurance Co. wttH organized in 1848; has conduct ed a successful business ever since; has now over $ 1.'1,000,000 00 of as sets and a surplus of $1,600,000.00; issues 'ill kinds of lifn options, poli cies, and endowment bonds, which vivo 'afh surrender values, paid up insurance or extended insurance, at tin; third year from date. State age I and write for sample bond. Address Ihwin A. Akmstuomo, Lock Box 771, Butler I'a. j NEIGHBOR KOOD NOTES. ilrsWylie Tarr. who has lived near the Turkey Foot oil field in Ohio raided her three year old child. She finally discover ed tne little fellow rittiug on the j:ras3 un der a tr*e, wilti a copperhead snake in his lap, stroking the reptile, which seemed to enjoy Uie eituation as much as did the child. The mother had sulUcisnt presence of mind not to startle either the child or the t-nake. Speaking low and quietly she induced the baby t'> give up hn plaything and come to her. The snake made no el- ] fort to bite the child and was allowed to escape. An unknown foreigner committed sui cide at Springdale, cn the West Penn railroad, lately by diving nnder a moving freight train His head was ground ■ I}. It is thought rhaf inability to obtain work and failure to dear froai bin old home drove him to the act. Joseph Farri, ol Jefferson Co. had his irm broken in a peculiar manner the other Cay. He was driving a one-horse wagon, when the norse kicked over the dash-board, struck his arm, mJ broke it. .it Halstead, Pa., a woman who has a pan ol bright twin fcirls, who look as much alike as peas, heard them giggling in bed the other night. On inquiring what pleas ed ihem, one of them *aid: "On, nothing, only yoa have given me two baths and sister none."' Tiie people of Beaver Falls »re demon strative in their condemn iti'.u ol the late Water Works decisions ol tne Supreme Court. Union Veteran Legion Encampmi..t, Tue Nat ional Encampment of the Union V«teran L«giou will be held at Washing to.i, D. C . from October 14 to 17, and for Hi 1' i.iod ion t:« Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged to sell excursion ticketi* to Washington a,.d return from all >.l&tioLs at a single faro for round trip. The tickets will be sold on October 12, 13, and 14, and will be good for return parage until October 25, inclusive. Say Papa— did you see HECK'S utckwear, it beaU anything you «rer saw. JGS. Hoßrt£&Co THE WAY Mail Orders are coming in for the New, All=Wool Tufted Suitings there must be extra merit in them —we claim that there is, but would rather have an expression from you, individually. Will you write our Mail Order department for samples of these extraordinary values in newest, up to-date styles in Dress Goods and Suitings?— 36 to 50 inches wide, 35c, 50c and 75c yd. All we ask is fair investigation and an unbiased verdict Also send name and address for New Catalogue out of press this week. If you come to The Great Exposition don't fail to visit The Great Dry Goods Store, right on your way to Exposition Buildings. Penn Avenue and Fifth St.. PITTSBURG. It. «y B. Wer're determined to make it pay you to buy all your Dry Goods here—either to come spec ially, or include the store in your Exposition visit, or by ordering through our Mail Order depart ment. If coming, so you can see and judge of the advantages claim ed for you here, is entirely out of the question—write us for samples of any kind of Dress Goods you want—and send your name and address so you'll get the new cat alogue—you'll want that whether you come or not —it will tell about the new Jackets, Capes, Suits, Children's Wraps, Hoys' Clothing and all the needed household Dry Goods.—You'll find that it will pay you, as we've made sure with goods that have merit, on a small profit price basis, it shall. As ex amples of the largest anil best col lection of AMERICAN DRESS GOODS 32 to 40 inches wide- -20 c to 45c a yard we ever offered, note these: 33 inch navy blue Cheviot Serge—2oc a y-ird—navy only and the right shade —llO uneven look about them, but nice, soft, sightly goods. Pour different lines strictly all wool check suitings, 36 inches wide, 35c a yard Fine Foreign Dress Goods and Suitings 50c to $6.00 a yard. 50 inch all wool black Canvas weave Suitings , 35c a yard, goods you'd expect to be at least half a dollar, Tilack Serges from a 38 inch nice finished serge at 25c a yard up to in clude the finest imjxjrtcd. $1.25 KII) GLOVK9, 75c a PAIR. Clu/.e patent thuin, gusscttcd fingers, imperial point stitching 011 hack, four pearl buttons to match, tan, red tan, brown, slate, mode, navy blue, black, an unusual chance for you afforded by the greatest Kid glove deal wc ever made, new gloves made for this season, 3120 pairs, send us your order (don't forget si/.c) and we'll send you the best glove valiu- you ever saw. Cloak room is in complete readiness to supply your wants in th;;t line to the ad vantage of your pocketbook. Boggs &c Buhl, ALLEGHENY. PA Mti:ANHLESS'HEAVE CURE I have a Heave Cure that will corn any case of heave* in horses in forty days, I oi<e<l according to directions, and if it. doe* not do wnat I claim for it, I will re r und tho amount paid and no charges will lie made for the treatment. The following ostimonials are the strongest proof of the «1ie. 1191 p i-var t > euro; A.J. MCCanplkks, ilutler, I'a., 1893. Ms. A. J. MOCaniiLKHH: On the 2nd day ol April, lbW2, I eom meneed to uso your new cure Tor one o t.y torses that hail the heaves very had, and continued to use the medicine for alio it forty days and the horse did no) alio A any signs of a return of them. It is no » ahout a year since I i|iilt givin tuc medicine and the horso lii»h never showed any signs of heaves, and I fcel stisftcd that ho is properly cured W. 0. OBISWKI.L, Ilutler, Pa., Anril H, IWI3. I.J McOANOI.KHS: I Irivu n*e:! your Heave (Jure and found twill do the work it used arcordng to di rections. Vonrs truly, J. It. McMilmn. ' Fj * ii't u X ... J, I Reunions. Tho 11th, P. R. V. C. will reune at Apollo, ou the 10th. The 10th annual re-union of the -ah Pennsylvania Veteran Cavalry Association will be held in Parker City on Thursday, the loth inst. Business meeting at Ip. m: parade immediately thereafter; banquet at 5 p m\ und camn fire at 7p. m. in G. A. R. Hall Every person is cordially invited; and all members thereof are especially urged to be present. LEGAL VDVERTISEMEN r > \L cecutors Notice. Letters testamentary in the estate of Harvey Cooper, dee'd, late of Slippery rock twp., Butler county, Pa..having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indeoted to t>aid es tate will please make immediate payment and any tiavi.ig claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to A. L. COOPER, Ex'r. Slipperyrock, Pa. Ralston <t Greer Itt'ys, Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration iu the eetato of Henrietta I). Beatty. dee'd, late of *V ash irgton twp. Butler Co, Pa,, having been gient. Jto the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted lo said cs'.ate will please make immediate payment, and any naving claims against said estate will present them properly authenticated for settlement to E. C. BKAITT, Adnrr Butler, Pa. WIL' T LIIS £ MITCHEL, Atty. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate ot William Lardin, dee'd, late of Clinton vwp, Butler county, Pa., all persons iu di-bttd to said estate will please make im mediate payment, and any having claims against the mme will present them prop erly authenticated for settlement to L. S. LAKDIX, Adin'r. Saxonburg, Pa. E. McJunkio, Atty. Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of ■John L Beatty, dee'd, la'.e of Washington twp P.ntler Co, Pa. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to -aid estate will make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settle ment to E. C. BEATTY. 413, Lookout Ave., Rutler Pa. or W. 8. BRATTY, JJi 11 iardliutler Co, Pa. A MITCHKLL, Att'y Adm nistrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of Isaiah N. Brygon, dee'rt, late ot Coal town, Cherry twp.,- Butler Co, Pa haviag been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate pawnent, and any having claim* against said estate will permit them duly authen ticated for settlement to EMZA BRYSON. Adm'x Coaltown, P» J- I). McJcnkin. Att'y Administrator's Notice. Belter* ot administration on the estate of George List, riecM, late of Adams twp., Butler Co, Pa. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves ii debted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will presont them duly authenticated f:>r settlement to M.VBOAKKT A. LIST, Adm'x McFann, Batlor Co, Pa. W. H. LU.SK. Att'v. AUTUMN STYLES FOR * MEN. C The Latest European creations \ P for business wear are Scotch Cbev- f \ iota and fancy cassimtves in warm N £ cheerful coloring of brown and f S green, with a mixture of red or a X J 'lash of yellow artistically blended, t ) ALSO, > C grays in mixture# and jxjsi tive / J colors. £ ) For Dress ? S Vicuna, Lambs wool and Worst- f 1 cd coatings with pla'd and stripe \ V trousering. € C We have them in all their va- f • riety and besides the largest stock I 3 in the county. j \ We have facilities for mak ing V i good clothes, cheaper than same i C can be produced elsewhere in C / Western Pennsylvania. / ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES A WORD YOU It's a point ill your favor to buy your clothes at a fair price. Wc have the right got"' 8 an<l make them up in the best of style anil ask a price for them which will astonish you. We don't want to startle you, hut just think of the excellent tilings we are selling at nominal prices. Itctweeu Man and Man. There is a feeling of confidence in a merchant who lins always dealt fairly with his patrons. Wc have the reputation of treating our customers fairly; that is why people come to us. Our prices are right, our goods excellent. Fits is what you get. A Convincing Argument. When you give a man golden promises each promised backed up l>y your reputation ami that reputation sustained l>y every transaction, you are working a more telling argument for future business than in any other way. The jioint is to talk honesty and represent the goods as they arc. Our best tailor made goods are cheap at the price sold but are not cheap goods, call aud see fall styles. WKDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY. COOPER J CO Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa P erhap.s j ou don t knot* how we are on "C* everything relation to prescrip tions Q it will not be amiss to c your attention to the intelligence P rompt service T o everything of the kind placed Ip. o'ir hands prescription c • "" ,rt ment N" ever was so complete S ave you money too. C. N, BOYD. I?h.arm.acist, Diamond Block, - Bi: tier, a REPAYING PROMPTLY DONE. WALL MOULDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at Heineinan's New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book VVriting Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. The Place to Bay GAS COOK ING AND HE ATINGSTOVES, GAS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVFD WELSHBACH GAS -%/%/%/%/%/%. BURNER, W.H. O'BRIEN I ION 107 East JcfTcrson St. Seanor & Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Hoar of Wick House, Butler, Pa The belt of horses and iirst class rigs always on baud and for bire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaranteed. Stable room for sixty-five borsee. A good clasß of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always <>u band and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon proper noti fication by SKA NOR & NA'JE. All kinds ot livo stock bought and sold. Telephone at Wick House EYES EXAMINED FREE OP~WKGB R. L. Klrkpatrick/Opticlao and Jewelei Next to Court House Butler, I'a Gnull ate I,a I'ort Ilurological Justit utc /^ n ST REVIVO Vitality. Of Mc. TIIK lilt HAT 30th Diiy. FRENCH HEMEDY lirodtioe* the above roaulln In :n ilnyn. II acta powerfully ami nulrkly. Cured wlmn nil others (nil. Young men will regain tlii'lr losi mini hood. mill "111 limn will r«eovi*r their yolitlifill vlK'ir liy uxli.K ItKVIVO. II <|iitckly unit surely reatoren Nervotianeaa, 1/mt vitality, lxj*t Power, I'liiiiiu: Memory, Waatlnx litscgses. and ill effect* i»f MNM anil IndMCMtIM. which DM Ota one fur itnAjr, bttaloeM «r Bltirun. 11 not mi i» cure* 'tatting »i tM MM of dIMMCi h'lt Ih it great nerve tonlo ntul hlooil hullilrr, bringing back ih" pink plow iii pale obeeki and restoring the (Ire ot youth. It wards nd In*,mily mill I oimumptloii. Insist on having ItKVIVO. DO other. Ili-mi Im> carried In vest pocket. Ily mini. tl.oo |>cr package, nr »li fur >■. mi. wllb a positive written guarantee to onto or refund llie money. Circular frep. Addresa UOVAI. MIiDK INKIO., IlIICAdf). I 1.1. l'or Snleby RIiDDICK He GROMANN, M. A. BERKIMER Fimoral Director 37J5. ButlerA DRAWING ON THE BANK for running expense# ____ m _^ M _________ 1s no * g°°d business. —We provide goods that constantly drawonth* , people. CLOTHED IN THOUGHT : is not sufficient for fall • : weather. What you : • need is one of our |io • ■ suits. | SWINGING ON THE GATE I with your best girl is great fun, but th* nights are cool and unless you want pueutnonia, you had best get one of our $9.00 overcoats. schaul & Nast Lead in J! Cloth iers, 137 S Maun St-, butler Pa. 8 # Don't forget to call on us for that new school suit yyai V boy will need this fall. *3 A new line to select from and at prices so low as to be K almost "out-of-sight," flf, | DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, 1 | -#C LOT HI E | I BUTLER - - - PA. | SM Our clothing for men for fall and winter wear is also^k worthy of your consideration. |pk Never in the history of the clothing business has the^k price been so low as at present. (j) P. S.—A few suits remain from the half-price sale, which* go at half-price marked on ticket. JR Mrs. J E. Zimmerman Special Announcement. We have a most complete assortment of these, all depart ments filled to overflow with the most desirable and choicest styles we have ever shown at very attractive prices. We never affix our signature to any statement that we are not positively sure is true, our old friends and patrons know this and to those who do not know us, wc say give us a trial. We will not disappoint you. /Vlrs. J. E. Zimmerman Successor to Ritter & Ralston. "'' 4 1 ' We Have Moved to Our New Store Room, 1128 S. MAIN STI Witli a New Stock of Fall and Winter FOOTWEAR. Call and see us. JOHN BICKEL, BUTLER, PA. Pittsburg exposition INDUSTRY, -MANUFACTURES ART MUSIC. All tho wonders of Electricity. The Roentgen lUj! Shoe Making Machinery—making T>oo paint Shoes daily. Tho greatest exhibit of Agricultural Implements and Noreltlei eref nbown in Pennsylvania. MUSIC-FOUR CONCERTS DAILY—MUSIC Gil mores Band, vIcI cLSr BERT ' October 5-24. NEW MUSIC HALL. Costing $50,000. Free Seats for 3,500 People. An Art Gallery with threo hundred pictures finer than any erer nbown west of New York. HALF-RATE EXCURSIONS ON \LL RAILROADS. Look Out for the Announcements. ADMISSION, 35 cents. CHILDREN, 15 cents. BRING THE FAMILY. / Our entire stock of (Fail and Winter im /portations in Milli ?nery dress goods SLadies and Misses 5 Jackets, Caps, Col /larettes and Fur ef /fects are now in.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers