GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OF +CLOTMING+ To close out that branch of our business. We are positively going to close out our entire stock of Men's, Boys and Children's clothing regard less of cost. Man's Cassuner® Suite , Childrens knee pants 925 only sl3 •old for 18 00 only WOO « « - - g Man's Guaimere Suite ,* nn .« 50 •old for 10 00 only 500 |( „ ™ Mans Casalmare Suits ™ « 7-, sold for 13 50 only 675 (< „ g , M " 1 Sold „™. B 16 50 only 10 00 Men and boys gondola hate, $1 00 oily $ 50 Mena worsted suits " " on •< ion sold for 18 00 only 12 0O « |..3 100 Mens fine olay worsted «< 5An » 1 gtick piDg wort h from 25 to 50c only 10 cts. " " 600" 325 Q en t« cuff buttons 25c only 15c ii h a 750 " 500 „ 50c' " 25c OVER2HOCHILDRENS SUITS "Hi ,» , nn « "r Our Jaeger diamonds in Studs, Pins, Good strong suite 100 only » io Rin „ g an( j £ ar Drops are simply immense. Union cassimere 2 00 125 The finest outside of the real steel-blue Fine aaaim'ere wonted COO •' 400 «■»«*• We will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats and Coats and Vests, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pocket and Bill Books, Puises, Spec tacles, Harmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c. It would be impossible to enumerate and give prices of all we have in stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest and most varied stock and our prices are guaranteed lower than the lowest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied customers that throng our store from Monday morning till late Sat urday nights. Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, and when you make a purchase ask for one of our CARDS and when your pur chases amount to sis-.00 or $20.00 we will present you a piece ol handsome silverware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme flour bin. Ask to see the presents. D. A, Heck Son, 121 North Main St., Butler, Pa T. H. Burton T. H. Burton ® ® ® ® ® WE deaire to call your Attention to the fact that there never was as complete a line of 0. ercoata, Baitiogs and Trousers ever brought to thto city, as we hare bought and have now in stock for the fall and winter trade. These garments are cut and made by first class tailar* in New York City, in the moat approved style, and *e guarantee to fit and please you in every way. The gcodß from which theße garments are made are precisely the same as sold to you by merchant tailors, and for which they charge yen double the money that we do. Our men's famishing goods department cannot be excelled in this part of the Rtate. Hats and caps of the very latest styles, fine underwear, in fact everything to be found in a first class clothing ■tora, at prices that will astonish you if you will come and see us. VERY TRULY, ® ® ® 0 T. H. Burton T. H. Burton Early Fall Styles September i, 2, 3, 4, and 5, we will have one of the finest displays of trimmed hats we have ever shown. Newest styles in Mate, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, F,tc. Special Sale of Belts 25 and 35c belts at 9 cents. White, pink and blue all silk belts at 43c, regular price 75c. fi kid gloves at 50 cents, M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. Prescriptions and Family RecipeT are matters of importance and should be filled carefully and with pure drugs only, wi give them our spucial attention. The Baby + * requires a little special care during the warm weather, espec ially if fed from a bottle, we have a supply of frest infant food, at all times, also bottles, nipples, tubes, bottle and tube cleaners etc. 11 you desire a sterilizer we can supply you with one, or will be pleased to furnish any desired information concerning them, Disinfectants should be used extensively at this season of the year, the b?st being copperas, chloride-lime, and crude carbolic acid, the latter being better than the pure, as in purifying an important disin fecting agent is removed, we have a large supply of these at all times. We also carry a full ine of toilet articles and sick-room requisites. REDICK & GROHMANN PEOPLES PHONE. 114. BUTLER PA. /WHEN It ia poor economy to take your watch anywhere } V for repairs eicept to a reliable watchmaker. / SOUT OF Every clasß of repairing that is brought into oar (ORDER. store is done by skilled workmen, experts in their \ C various lines, and we endeavor to have everything S 5 K j < SPECIFICS Fsr Ssrses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Eigs, AND FOULTBT. 500 Page Rook on Treatment of Animal® aud Chart Mini Free. cntß (FPTeri.fongentionii.lnflßnmttloß A.A. It Spinal Mrniiitfuix, Milk Fever. If. B.—Strain*, LamenrM, KbeHnatim. 1 .C'.~l>tAtemper, Natal Dlaohariai* D.l). Hot* or tirabi, Worm*. K.E.—Cough*, Heave*, Pnramonia. F.F.—C olic or liripea. Bellyache. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. 11.11.--t'rinary and Kidney Diseases* I.l.—Eruptive Di*ea*e». Mange, J.K.—Di*ea»e* of Digestion, Paralysis* Blngle Bottle (over 50doses), - - ,60 Stable Case, with Specifies. Manual, Veterinary Tare Oil and Mediator, |T,OO Jar Veterinary Care Oil, - - l.O# Bold by Dnsrrkts: •r a#«t prepaid anyvkara a»4 la ttmj faaatitj sa rwipt of pr ic*. lICBI-lIHETVMED. CO., 11l A lit WIUU* St., K«« Ytrk. y^~^lgirMpgßßTS' HOMEOPATHIC f)f| IJBMSPECIFIC N0 6O in use 30 years. The only traeoessfnl rsmsdy for Nervous Debilitv, Vital Wealne^ 'gmi Froatration, from' over work or other eaussc Vit 1, or 6 viala sod large vial powder, for $5. 1 by lTagnetJ, or a«at poatp*i4on receipt of prtca. ■unriians*aaa. to., 111 a lit wuium »u, x^riwk. 5 FULL QUARTS, SI.OO 3 2 SIX QUARTS^* $5.00 tjj ■ mSMm 1 I : NONE SO PURE . 2J. . I : NONE SO GOOD S ■ It is the purest and be»t 8 ye«r « » old whiskey ia America to-d»y. J S SEND FOR IT .. 4 TRY IT. ■ m All lio orders or over freight pre- ■ 5 paid. Catalogues sent tree. ■ 3 JOS. FLEMING & SON, - y Wholesale and Retail Druttlrti, ■ ■ 41 » Market St., PltUburgh. P«. . Ital is Your Need? 4 If you need any thing in the furnish ing line we can sup ply you. It you want a hat or cap we can show you the best Up-To-Date stock in the county, at very low prices. Colbert & Dale. 242 S. Main St., Butler, Penn'a R £ B. Style is important—without it price isn't anything —put style anil p.lce together [low price and choice style] the way this store iloes, and.tuey're bound to win—win more small profit busi ness for tliis store. We're anxious to send you r-itnples of the new autumn dress woolens so you will see what part style and quali ty have in this collection of 1896 — how much nicer they are than " any past season maybe nicer for the money than any other store will offer you this season you'll see that the prices for such kinds concerns your self interest. New Novelty Woolens— 33 inches wide —25c —neat, fancy weaves—ten color combinations, including blue, grey, brown, green, cardinal. 36-inch Bourette Checks, dark red, blue, brown or green grounds with a heavy, rough b'ack woolen raised cord running over and forming checks an inch square—4f>c. New 42-incli Tweed effects—7sc. New 46-inch novelties in a handsome Ottoman weave—eight different shades— fl .00 a yard. new plaids. —they will be popular this fall— -25c, 50c. Handsome, large wooly Plaids. 42 inches wide, $l.O0 —stylish for separate skirts, l'rice range of new Novelty Woolens goes up to ¥6.50. New Catalogue ready r»n — shall we send you a copy?— your name and address, please, Boggfc & Buhl, A LI.BGH KNV PA. 2 J6 TO 1. { J HII.VKK UOI D r iWelKht It would lake ie (Jolil dollars s.intee for either one Silver or a (iold ifollarj to (jlv» you the purest and most lined sold. Take a moment's time and look prices: 2 Vl Year Old Somerset In.'fl \m r gul 4Vr Old I ure Kye. U 10 !. '.O "■ > to 10 :i 6 •* A Spcflnl price list oh Wine*, etc.. on ip-J Jp Mention, No extra lor )ug» orF Qlje da a trial otdar 6 J'*'™" A- ANDKifcSSCN, t .. 4 !«%%%%%%%%%%%% THE OITIZKIST. THE VIEWS or TWO CANDIDATES Which Bhowi tha Triur Comgrth •mlon of the Americas System? (From the HOB. William J. Bryan's Speech at Rlimebvck.) I have Tidied so rue of your beautiful Villas along the Hudson. I have been charmed with the beauty that commands tbem, but I beg you, when you study this question, to remember that those who, in stead of occupying these magnificent places, must toil all day. under the sum mer tun, have just a> much interest in the money question as anybody else. Remem ber that this question cannot be viewed from the standpoint of any class of people. (Prom a Sp«M*cli of the Boa. William McKlnley at Can ton. > My countrymen, tie most un-Aiaerican of all appeals observable in this campaign is the one which seeks to array labor against capital, employe against employor. It Is most unpatriotic and if fraught with the greatest peril to all concerned. We arc all polltioal equals here—equal in privilege and opportunity, dependent upon each other, and the prosperity of the one is the prosperity of the other It is as Mr. Lincoln said to the committee from the Worklngmen'g Association of New York, in the campaign of 1864: "Prosperity is the fruit of labor; prosperity Is desirable; it is a positive -good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich and henoe is just encourage ment to industry and enterprise. Let no man who is homeless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence, when built." "Poor Man's Money." Pom* of the free silver advocates are claiming that silver is "the pour man's money." Iu this country there ought to be no such a thing as a poor mail's or a rich man's money, but the people's money —as good in purchasing power and stabil ity for the poor man as for the rich. In reality that is the kind of money we now have, overy dollar's worth and kept by the people's government at 100 cents. The only way in which free silver can give us a poor man's money is by making everybody poorer, and that is just what it promises to do, and really does in every country where the silver basis prevails. Free silver will mean that it will take two silver dolli.r* to buy what one dollar will buy now, and thu« the poor man will have a harder time 0 along than ever be fore. Yes, in that way free silver will be come the poor man's uioney, but the poor man is not going to be a fool and vote for It—York Dispatch. PROPERTY AND INDUSTRY. Property Is the fruit of labor. Property is denlrahle, Is a positive good In the world. That soii.c should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence Is cn cn urate*-in cut to Industry and enterprise. Let no man who l» homeless pull down the house of auotlier, hut let him work dili gently and build one for himself, thus, by example, assuring that his own shall be safa from violence when It Is built.— AUIt A IIA M LINCOLN. food 'or Reflection. The slivwlte oratorslnsist that Ik* fel lars we have now, which are mainMaA at parity with gold by the government, are too good for the people of Ik* United States—that they are really two-dollar dollars. There is food for reflection in this contention. The wapi earners, the depositors In savings banks, the buyer* of insurance, the pensioners and all other persons who are getting two-dollar dol lars for their services or theft* dues, are asked to go to the polls and help them selves to money half as good! Thero have been aforetime political "fakirs" who have undertaken to Impose upon the pub lic credulity, but never l>efore have they had the audacity to ask people to cheat theinsefeMs for the pleasure of cheating others. —Potter Enterprise. How Much Is There In It? Before voting for 50-cent dollars, would It not be well for the man who earns his bread by the sweat of his brow to require some sort of security from the popocrats that when they come in to common use he will got at least two where he get* one nowf The mine owner will got his profit first, and such a thing might happen as his refusing to divide with the rest of us, and then we would bo In a "box." Bet ter have the oontract all drawn up and ■igned, then we will know Just how much there is "in It" for all of ug.— Bradford Republican. Fro.p.rJty ('omlof. There will tic no until the In terest* of the peoplo are again committed to the handH of the Republican party. And when that occurs, a permanent and glor ious reign of prosperity will b*gln, and Inan will no more devlre a change merely for the salt* of a change.— Bearer Spring* Herald. A Public Letter, Cincinnatti, Ohio. August 16, 1893. Aunt Rachael Speer, Dear M- dam:— We are seven in family,—my wife, her sister and four children. All have been sick two summers with malatia. Quinine would break it but leaves us weak and distressed in the head and when we stop ped the quinine the fever returned Many people prai :d your Pe. avian Bitters and our physician told us to use it. I feel greatful to you because your bitters has cured wyery one of us after using it 21 days. We used it five and six times a day, taking a table spoonful of the bit ters in a small wine glass of Speer's Port Wine. REV. JOHN J. THOMAS. A whale recently captured in Arctic waters was found to have imbedded in its side a liai ,k>oii that l>elonged to a whal ing ver«el that had lieen out of the ser vice nearly half a ceneury, If you are weak, tired and nervous, Hood's Sarsaparilla is just what you need Try it Don't trifle away time whou you have cholera morbus or diarrho«a. Fi)fht them inthe beginning with DeWitt'it colic and c olisra cure. You don't have to w»it or results, they are instantaneous, and it leaves the bowels in healthy condition. ItKDICK & (J ROHM ANN. Rheumatism Cured in a Hay. More people were killed in the United States by the extreme heat in tAO weeks of August than by all the tornadoes, cy clone anil other windstorms of the year thus far. | "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onoe the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 1 cents. Sold by J. C liedio, and J. F. Balph Drngicists, Butler Apr 96 —Kr.jglish Spavin Liniment lemoves a" Lard, soft or calloused lumps and blem shes from horses, blood spavins, curbs plints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprain 11 swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the •nost wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold bv J. 0. Uediek.s Wliatcomb Wash., hunters on a cruise to Jervis Inlet found on Nelson Island an old man blind and faint, prostrate at the entrance to a wrecked hut. He was a lone huntsman who three days before, at nigntfall had come upon the cabin and sought shelter there. He went inside vnd struck a match and a spark from it fell into a half keg of powder on the floor, which exploded, wrecked the hut and almost killed liim. l)r. JJotchon'H Sarsaparilla Pills" Contain all the virtues of the liquid Bar sa| use bufing more than a H 5 cent pieced Ax/' AJO cent §| H piece fe most too big to carry, and the 5 gj H cent piecerfsrteafly^aalarge as the JO-cent g "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPGLIO The Cyclists Necessity. K B ■ B ■ I ■ ' KV BRUISES, WOUNDS, FI'RAJNS, ■V ■ ■ SUNBURN, CHAFINQS, IN. ■■ m 6ECT BITES, ALL VAIN, ■ AI!9 INJ'LAMMATIONb. USED INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY. OENCINE IN OUR a—m BOTTLES ONLY, BUFF WRAPPERS, SEE OUR fl| gjj 9 NAME, POND'S EXTRACT ■■ ML K Ep9T Mm Bf «I CO., NEW YORK, H Ak ■ B■ M OJ-1 |S 76 FIFTH AVENUE. ■■■ I ILLIW 3 USE POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT FOR PILES, Sent l>u mail on receipt of .70 ctn. WE HANDLE RI TT NOTHING DU I PURE RELIABLE GOODS from 3 to if) years old, ami you get them direct from the barrel. P«9}f i "GUARANTEED PURE WHISKIES Finch's, Sam riiompson, Large, Gibson, Bridgeport. Guckenheimer, Dil linger, Overholt, etc. #I.OO Per Full QI art. - - 6 Quarts 4.5.00. Grandfather's Choice, 3 years old $2.00 per gal, WK ARK ALSO IMPORTERS of all kind of Wines, Conyacks, Brandies, Rums, etc. All goods, including C. O. I), orders, securely packed and shipped promptly. We prepay express charges 011 SIO.OO orders or over. FAIR DEALING TO EVERYONE. KOBT. LKWIN, & CO. j36 Water St., New Number 411, PITTSBURC, PA. ixxttoks lake Jkte B , ' , * f TK DISPKNSAItY. CLfr jB C ca. Penk Avr. ano Fouiith Sr.. OKRCTIRT PITTSBURGH, PA. Attformrtol IMi« ate; ami Com- 9SO :i r ? riM|iiiriii|?ros. j ration nro treated jit this Dis jensary with a copeM tirely uttolned* "| - s k. \n" oicuiber of tin! !*«•; tl C I *»y ni'iurH (tiid an»l !-> tin* «>' aii'l ii*«»st • \jwric JSPK<*I ALIH»' IN ih.M-itv S|W*« »al at .vntloii given to mentalexortion.ludiHcrotiunof aus ing pliy-lcal ami itental • !<;< ay,ln< U of eii"iyy, ■ Im>ll !ency. etc.; auoC:.:»{•»•: -- Oi«lSor«-, rit.-s Piles IClicunmttKin, ami all rtfan t«*. CV».sulfa! ;>ui Yen at: 1 »tnctlv conlMi ntiul. Ol!ico liouiv '.i to I ami 7to 8 Sumlaj 'i t<> * l'. :■!. .» ilv. ill at oHirO or a«Mn - I. Al'lO'ft. INN A v AJ^Dl , i , iTHIi' AFTER't-L OTHERS FAIL wmm ■ ■■■■ lUMliiblo DR.LOBB 3-49 If. FIPTKKMTH ST., 1*1111.A., VA, Thirty years'i .'Ulnuoui priwtUwlii of «u«*n f.m! VVOIII«-II N<» iimtU-r fr«'in v»hal I'uiin* or I»v,»v loni? MtiiiKllru:. I v ill ywirarUee A rtir« IV- l'u'"* i-iolh-JUouuvl .Look »u«l Hullo* im. FRAZER & BKHT IN THE WOULD. Its unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxi-x .if any oilier brand. Not aIT.oUMt by heat. I tf(JKT Til K <;ic.\riNlt. FOB SALE BY DKALKItS UENKUALLY. FChlrhratrr't Fngllah IMumoml HrnnA ENNYROYAL PIUS Original unit Only ( &- %\ Q- W A]ja I'rurrt't for f'Air *<•».'«-r a f». . /y\\ 1 f " — 1l(< 41 1 \W PT*l«vl Willi MUP rlM...t. TuUn Jill y/ 111 II nt 111 I J.r/uir ■l.injrr;, ta lu'.nhttf V I '/ ijrtn ii* 'itul iimtlutiutiM AI l»ru or n»*n of li»t T)ay. % VITALI3 Til E GREAT SOTH FRENCH REMEDY acu.^y. 1 COUOOOTHE AIIOVK KKS[:LI> M4«»e» i> m.l min ly i**in<»vc« Ni*rv«nu4n»-*. wtoi ••••!' mmg IQII i •. . Wardi i «MI GonvQi I VITAI . .... t J poultnt. Rj mail #1 «f t»«-r j • •• •* '■'"''l* '» '''"ir int«« :: r» ""I v '> 'BV OlrruUr n ■ , ... For in Butler, Pa. ov Cily Pharmacy. P-iiJi.. rioYAL PILLS; J . Orl«h,nl ®n« 0».l> Oniu j n* f CiJ'jjX I'f for «'A- '#(« •• t j I AJ tfii* and imtt'i'.iui A»!»* . ' •>'. I jV |„ .f 3 n,(.a f.,r pn i < i«U ati P*r N—4'fcli ' . ilrr< li«u t ai'- « '!««!!- • b» •" Lw««4 J' I u lI!'ANKLIXI I !'ANKLIX HOUSE USTABUSUJCD 1537. Cor. liatcs and I.arncd Sts., DETROIT, MICH. Oaly a Block from WoodwniJ unrt Jelfersca Aves. VcryCcotial. \c.. All C::r Lin. j H. H. JAftIES, Prop.i | D. T. PAPE 123^; ifThe Leading Millinery House Of Butler County | | Jr Closing-Out-Sale of Summer Millinery Goods at * X Less Than Cost < ► As i! i- season is far advanced, wc v;int to <, > 0 t I'd hi ail our summer irillinery i > Q and have marked all Bonnets, Rat*. Rib- < > bons, &c, down below tost. Come i;i and 4 t A see for yourself. 1 , 1 L.T.PE ; Summer is Going * * And so must Summer Shoes and Slippers. Cold weather ami rain has hurt the sale of Summer Shoes to a very great extent. Summer is almost over ami still lota of snmmer goods on bar i—what >.m I to do? The only answer is, sell them aid SELL THEM VERY liriCK iii order to do thi', s nu'f gr»at inducements must be 1 fiend !tl't kI 1 r>> * qua! to the occasion Purina; 'be next 20 davs I ••m goinar to close ■ut ti-nr.y good aat less than manufacturer's prices. lam goins: to ofl'-r iudue closed out before w>* move, so call at once aad select a pair at » tteal reduction. WHAT I AM GOING TO OFFER Ladies fine dcDgola patent tip shoes 85c, fully worth $1,25 Ladies fine dongolo patent tip shoes fully worth 2 00 l.adirs fine grain patent tip shoes 75c, fully worth 1 25 Ladies bid slippers •10c, fully worth 75 Misees and <"bi!drens shoes, year choice 75 and 50c, fully worth 1 25 Only a Few of the Many Bargains I am Offering Y< utfcs tan shoes at 75c, fuliy worth, SI 3 5 Boys tan sno-'s at !'(>c. fal v worth 1 5 0 Mens tan shot's nt $1 35, fully wortb 2 25 A LEADER A pair of Mm's Fino Calf Shoes in ltce or congress, (any sty'e toe) nt $1 25, fully w< rth $2.00. I'orsons wishing to take advantage of redactions should call soon, while the selection is large. JOHN BICKEL gg.S±g: BUTLER, PA WE HAVE been offering our stock of WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS to the people of Butler County for so many years that there is little for us to add. You all know that we ship none but pure liquors, and if you are away for a vacation, or intend to stay at home, you will need some good whiskey, or some pleasant wine to help pass a delightful time. OUR WHISKIES are sold for $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, and $6.00 per gallon, and when we say that they can't be equaled anywhere lor the money, we mean it. All the dif ferent brands of California wine are sold at $2.00 and $2.50 per gallor, and they are the very best in the market. We don't want you to forget that we pay all express charges on orders of $5.00 and over. Send for one of our Catalogues, mailed free on appli cation, and look it over. It will interest you. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa, Wholesale Liquor Dealer. - UTfST SHU * RSI GOODS* ♦GOOD WIRK * HIS HIHS+ |ti' iso are the tilings that have enabled me to build up a lirst-class tailoring trade dr. '.it; the last year. We ha ve the most skillful, painstaking cutter; employ none but the very best hqAiucii; handle nothing but the very best goods, both foreign and domestic, and g.-.i .Mtee you ]K'rfect satisfaction in each and every particular, and for all this cl arge you simply a fair living profit. d. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter aad Men's Furnisher, "" op RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, ... FOR J) V' SOUND MONEY, \ " HONOR, HOME PROSPERITY. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, THE LEADING NATIONAL RKPUBLICiI FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Will make 11 vigorous and relentless fight through tho Presidential campaign, for principles which will bring prosperity to the entire country. Its campaign news and discussions will inter est und should bo read by every Americnn citizen. We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" 4 Months, I 7 Weeks for 50 cents. CASH IN ADNANCK. Address all orders to THE CIUZEN. W 1 Your name and address on a postal card, send it fo G'<>. W. Best, lribuu l'.uilding, New York City, ami a sample copy of Tliß NKVV QKK WiU'KI.Yt Tjubcni; will be mailed to you,