VOL. XXXIII BUTLER, SATUR OC!': 3 . mWous liiasr.CuwEsi 44 CARS. 4 A M I * J^W^imiu*BMlTA» ,L « W ' LONDON. TNE. L2OO PEOPLE EMPLO/EO •■Ot M Pcm HAMDM. PAPIS . TRAHCt. ~ ttutf rOWfBIMr. 1> arOIC ■MillllH owin. new TQRK.CITY« " 12 ACRES 50 Trained Horses fjerfrirming at one time in one ring, the grandest iquine spcctac'i ever devised. 24 Elephants performing in 3 lings at one time, largest display of pachyderms on 1 the Continent. 50 Champion Aerialists in nr.d-air feats. 12 Champion Bareback Equestrians. 50 World's Famous Jockeys an'l Crack Star L'ght-Weights. ALAR, THE HUMAN ARROW SHOT FROM A HUGE CROSSBOW. REALISTIC ORIENTAL INDIA Tbe Most SomptooDS and Elegant Entertainment on Earth Trnthfnlly Representing the lives of the people of the Orient. Real Natives in Characteristic Performances. Religious kites and Ceremonies. Spoils, (lames, Occupation*, and Beautifully Romantic and Picturesque Kpisride*. Genuine Madias Dancing Girls. Silver and Tiger Dances. Cocoonut Tree Climbers. Curious Cotta Dwarfs. Buddhist Priests, Indian I-akirs, Oriental Jugglers, together with their Pamilies, Huts, Temples, and Instruments of Trarle and Pleasure. ' MERRY MAKERS u 4 liftlil BTASCQRI Of I SUPERB EQUESTRIAN TOURNAMENT With First Prize Winner Jumpng Ilorhcs and Ponies. Equestrian May-Pole Dances, and Fox Hunters' Meet. 1,000 Newly Added Wonders and Attractions ! Actually 12 Champion Male and Female Hareback Riders! Positively 50 Aerial Mid-Air and Trapeze Artists ! Certainly 300 Skilled and Remarkable Performers ! Really 20 Old-Time, Modern and Pantomimic Clowns ! 3 Circus Rings with 3 Full Companies 3 3 Klevated Stages for Special Performances 3 I Racing Track for Desperate and Thrilling Contests I I Flock of Gigantic African Ostriches 1 1 Giantess Gorilla, Only One in Captivity 24 Of the Biggest Performing Elephants 24 2 Droves of Asiatic Camels and Dromedaries 2 50 Trained Horses Performing at Once in One King 50 2 Droves of Tiny Shetland Ponies 2 100 Daring Circus and Equestrian Ads 100 1,000 Performers, Artists, Specialists and people 1,000 2,o°° Tons of Pure, Moral Amusement 2,000 TO BE SEEN NOWHERE OUTSIDE THESE SHOWS. STRANGE QUADRUPEDS FROM EVERY CLIME GIANT AN*I) I>WAI<I' ANIMAI.S Ol' AM, KINDS. ColofcMl Ox iH handa high, Steer with --vet, t, nostril-, ami », liornn, Diminutive Cattle, Tiny Zebu* and Ponies. Cute Little Dwarf Klephants, Hairier Mare, etc. Extraordinary Features and Wonderful Attractions AU, NI'.W J OK THIS SI-ASON. HEW MILLION DOLLAR FREE STREET PARADE With Representation* of the World 1 . Kuler*, and the Military Uniform-! of All Ka- Hons, at <j a. in. on Show Day. Cheap lUcurrion Rate* from all point*. Two Performances Daily, at 2 and Hp. m. I*>or» open an hoar earlier. Admission to Everything, SO Cent*. Children Under 9 Vcari, Half Price Reserved Scats at regular price, and Admission Tickets at usual advance at I) II VVullerS drug store, 112 South Main Street. JVVill exhibit October 5 and '>. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. A Sample Case Assorted Woi .II 18 i V SPbLK9 <.Ki.iBHATEI> OLD IS-.'" 13 BOTTLK>- GIVES AWAY, FOR $5.00. This is dune a- an indacemtnt for you to sample • it or a -hort free lo aa 111 iiel y K 1 ; l..feir viality, a.d | only on. • - t" a fa'iiU.i. kejtaUr r |lqi l ore t>. • ie,i> ,} earn "Id —ll 1 0 I<4 ( jape JUIC«J of the Ufl ■: J , >■. ... • 12 jit' y o. i a.. 1 rich,.. L R *VI£M --- G I La* >'n Black ie y 'e.tn.«B ICO Iqv «• •' ilraiid.. " iCO 1 qi C'liaj-.! Brandy, v c jtu « gr-p- prodac *o 2pu Ul j sautasrue •tt'uitas'" wii.e... 70 I qi Aunt riacb-i's li .rebound an.l Elecampane Cordial —. "5 Iqt I'einrian Eitltrs 'or Malarial IMW 1 00 13 UuUle* oil,assorted (too!-', worth $8 36 The abor a».-<>rted ca-e of 13 botile*, *-irihsß 36, we mnr.ey on and wi 1 (TlVe but oua Cn.-c lo a ia.'ully lor SS.OE, tbipped limn our wartfioure and vine yards, P«s«aic,N J.,upon re ■-ipt oi check, p '.-:al i raer or money. Thin if doD« Ait a trial lot to prove to th.- pablic tnu tiign character and richness ol ■Spfce.'i* Choicest Wine*. and to convince who are prejad'.ced in favor ot lor ei£n wine", that we can produce wine-! I nere equal to the lineft of Europe, and far sapericr to othi-r American wines. To fjpeei'ii wines ;ou may add a quarter pari of water and men have a licher bodied wine than tboae from California. We ai*o hope by tbU nacrifice to induce parties WHO nre strainer* to oar wineu to tri them, ami by to thf.ir frienoi make known toe tlue quality and rut B'-qqet "I • ur o d Winee and Brandy. IX lint m far hcl-iw co t. but ta« 1 *iii b more tha. up bv you p" oa. giHKln («i •thji-r*. ; r .u- n ;v< ru-m* in■?.!> and incre.ii-iL>f <<ni -a • .a n- effectually than n>-«»i>aper sdvertiaing. We wil! ntiip i>y exprerg or fre>rh : a you may iliiect, promptly «»u receipt ot or der *ith $5 in p '-tal note or cb.-ck. Two Ca-ea ca-i on »cn r by Ire' jhl to one lor came c-»»t >f transportation one, but we murv n-»re t»:e addretnt of eacii ; pernou tUey are lor. THE SPEER N. J. WINE C 0 ,j VINtVARDS, PASSAIC. N. J ALFftHb .SPKKR, I'RKfi. So mark* or braodi" a'e on the Boxei ' »tatiuf the n a u.e ol the c«nleat». School Will Soon Open. How are the boys? llow are the girls? Are they well shod? PureutH »bonld look iDto this mat ter at once. In a few days the little ones will be ofi* to Hchool and they must have shoea. KM 111)1 IB! TIES? Ju»t at this time we all want to make a dollar aH ' ar a 8 possible and at tbe same time f;et shoos that will do (rood service and keep the children's feet warm and dry. We Are In Great Shape To Berve jou at thi« time; all oar (all hLocb has been selected with great care and we leel safe in Haying that you can ouy good honest foot wear cheaper than ever before. WHIT WE WAIT want a share of your trade this fall. Give it to ub and we promise to take good can* of it. Standing back of every pair of shoes we Bell, willing at all ti:ne» to replace any that are not satisfactory. The 88c Sale is still on TAN SHOWS AT YOt'R OWN I'KICK. AT Butler's Progressive Shoe House. 2i5 Sooth Main St., BUTLER PA 0. E. MILLER, KEPA;#IN(I PROMPTLY DONE. THE HABIT OF wearing good clothes is a good habit and our clothes are good habits. We want to help you lorm this good habit. Begin now! in a short time you will be convinced we have saved you money and that you are always dressed in good taste. Good taste in dress secures a cordial recognition for those who show it No man can tell how much injury a shabby appearance inay do him. Our handsome new Spring stock is now ready for your selection. MODEkN^METHODS. MODERATE I'RICES. ALAND, MAKER OK MEN'S LLOTiiES. HUNDREDS of papers in different styles *for correspondence, box pa per, tablet* and envelopes to match I'aj or by the pound or ream AT DOUGLASS' Near I*. OJV 241 S. Main'^St iJBUTLEK, PA. TUTTLKK. FA., THURSDAY. SE TEMBER 7, 189 G. Eany to Take any to Operate Are features p acullar to Hood's Pills. Small tn size, tasteless, efficient, thorough As one man Hood's said: " You nt ver know you have taken a t ill till it Is all _ I I j over." 25c. C. V. Hood & Co., 111 • Proprietors, i owell, Mass. ~ j The only pilb o take w'.th Hood's Sarsaparilla. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA Western °ernsylvama Division. Schodnle in Effect May 18 ISJK 1 . South, —' —Week Days A. M. A. W. A. M. I', y. e. M' ,I'i.ik Leavet;2s suo 11 w 210 s#^ .rv. .Arrivee 54 825 11 43 310 ■lc't... " 7 '/* S« 12 07 3a. 551 .;o .-r.ict...,l>eave7 30 «in u u i .e. r,3:1 \ .'-r-'itf Arrive 7 311 s 5 1 ? 12 21 3 4."> ' \ii T.r.:u;nti 743 901 12 36 35i 007 Sprlutfdale 752 9li 12.JX 402 Ciareraoti. HO7 'j zi> 12 5:1 410 t>27 Sharping 914 931 10l 422 C 32 AllegLeaj city Bis • 41 114 433 G42 A. x. A. M. r. u. I'. M. p. a. fei. SUA V TRAINS Leave Bunnr lor AHe (,)»• ny 1 ii> and principal Intern'Tdlate stailoas 7.4 )A. M.. ":30 and /, H) P. M. North. , Week Days A. J». A. M. A. »L. r. M. V. M . Clty..l>k 700 900 1125 300 53i SIURP-'UIR,- 711 ** 12 1137 i'ltreDauti! fc l9 1145 .... ittinnaiiaii ,J3 ° 1119 5 1 .!• 732 919 '.2 OS 33<) 607 ttp'i'i 737 »4> 12 13 33) 011 • let \1" 1 1". :< nl 12 23 340 0-2.1 ' .alter Jc't Lv 74; J "HI MM 340 . 1 SUi lo l > 12 I "i* •4i li: 1 '.Kl£ ir. 835 li>3-' 125 43i .1 A. s. A n, r. a. r yt. r .« SVN'UAV Tit VI <S- :.:ave All-;2beu> 11. f> ' Ualler nml priu -1 !uti-'!i.-1l i"" A. »1.. J230 aud7:i3 i ■! Wijek Uays For the Ea«t Week 1) ,y . 1 m a. m. a at ni. 245 625 Lv BuTtes... Ar lot; 2 i-'SO ■i .15 727 Ar Uutler Je't Lv V 12 42 'J 40 745 Liv bc.U«r Jo't Ar 040 12 3 i*i 749 Ar Freeport.. L. 9 H«i 12 3 r )t) 7 ~>H " Alleg'y Jc't '• i) 33 12 21 400 804 " Leeciuur/.. " 920 J2Jii 116 821 "l'dalu.n(A>"llo" 9o."» 11 55 445 851 " ?«Koburg "8 37 1132 518 922 • b:»iri>vill« •' 805 11 00 527 930 "jtUirsville la«'n"7 45 10 15 #SO 11 35' Alti.ona "3 40 B',o 100 310 " ii»rn«bu.*g..."l I •'> » 310 430 tt 23 "l J -.indelptiia. 1 ■>•) i 120 a. ir p. in. p. ai i'. in Tirout:h trains for the o»t.t l«av« I'iit.- bnrg (Union (Station) ai> follows: — * Atlantic Ej:pres>*, _,_ dail y.... .3 10 A. iJ. I'tiiinsylrana Li.uiled " .....7 15 " liay Express, " .....7 30 " Main Line Express •' .....8 00 " Philadelphia Exprans " 430 P. Vf. Eautorn Express " 705 " E.i-i Line " 810 " Kor detailml ialormatioa, a.ldro s The*. G. WntL, l-'ifH. Agt. WKAturn District, c*r /ilt:i Ave. tu.d .SmitLiGnld St , Pitt^our,r, I 'Y. ritiivosT, J. v. WOOD, Itejora! Manager. Oen'l I'assr, A)?etii. . |) ITTSHURG & WESTERN ■- Railway. Allegheny Short Line. Schedule in effect, July 19, 1896. Butler Time, Depart. Arrive Allegheny Accommodation.. 1 25 am a 25 am Allegheny Klyer , 8 15 am 10 00 am Akron Mall 8 16 am 7 30 pm ,N'« w ( iwtle Accomo j * 15 an a 25 am Allegheny Accomo IO 05 am 12 20 p.n Allegheny Expreah | 2 55 prn 4 55 pm ("lilcago Expreaa 33t pm: 1 2 20 pm Allegheny Mill 6 05 pin] 7 <CO pm hllwood Accomo 6 05 pm 7 :w pm lea go Express 6 05 pin! 9 25 am Allegheny fcxprean | x 00 pm limie and Bradford Mall 10 05 am .1 to pm narloii Accomo, s 16 pm » 60 am fox our IF ACCOUIO 1 30 pin H 65 I»»,. SUNDAY TKAI.NB Del'oi'.s - Jol. Accomo 8 15 ami 7 .10 pm All-glieut Accomo 'lot> am < r u;o Kxprtas :s 35 pic t s >pm A -glieny Accomo 805 pmj 4 55 pm Pullman Buffet rtleeplng t art and <lr*t-cla»ft •>ay (Joachet lun through Ixitwoen Butler arid O'llcatfo dallv. Kor ttirjugh tickets to points lu the Went North wo*', or SoUthWMt apply to A. B. CitOUCll, Agent Butler, Pa Train* leave Hie U. 4- O. depot In fiUhu;g if.r the Ka»t*aßfoll6wa.| Kor Washington I)' 0., Baltimore, I'hlladel plilu, ID! Now Vork. 7:30 and a:2o p. rn 'JuinnTlaDd. I;: 40. 7 :30,a.m. 1 :10. *itt> p. in.Con !»«'.!svllle. #:4 O. 7:3u. a. in. 1.10, 4.30, 4.4.1. 5.'10, j rn. IJnlontown. 1.10 a. m . I 10. 1.30 . 5.30 p. m. Union town, Morgai town and Kairmont, 7,30, a, m. and 5,30 p. m. Ml.l'leaHant C.40, 7.3" a. m. .10 and 4.30 p in. Washington. I'a , 7.40 and 30 a. in., 4.00,4.45 and a.oe. 11.61 p. m. Wheel ng. 7.40. and'<.3o 1. in., and 1.00. a.oo. IIJM p, .. i.'lriUnnatl, St, ./juls, t'olumhua and New irk. T.UI a. rn., a. 10, 11.55 p, m. for Chicago, 2.40 and a.30 p. in. I'arlor ind Bleeping earn to Baltimore Wa*h- Ington, ''lnclnnutl and Ohlcaro, 11. O. DUNKLK, (Jen. Hupt. Allegheny, I'a C. W. UAKSKTT, A G.P.A , Allegheny, I'a It. I'. HKVNOLIIN, H'lpt.. Fox burg, I'a. MLLE I'ITTSBURG, SHENAN GO & LAKK KRIE RAILROAD. TIM K TAUIJK ln elfcot Monday, June 2S, 18WJ. TraitiH are run hy Htandard (Jen tral Time (00th Meridian). (iOINIJ NOKTII. (JOINO K'JUTII 10 jI4I 12 HTATIOXB 9111 I I'i p.n> pm p.m. Arr l,v'ea.m. !a.m. "in. " 1 ' 4 2 Ji /:| 100 Dunkirk I r, ar. I 4 : a. 11l 7 on. I 42 a 4» E/ e. <i 10 8 35 3 3 <s v." 1 I (m a 15 .Wallace Juiict. «47 a ir> 1 1 0 20 I 041 a 11 (ilrard « 50 C IH 4 I « aa:n 54 8 ,vj .... Ujckport. ... 7 net a rt I 2 <s 021 17 851 .Oaneevllle. - 7 OH( 9 s»8 4.1 14i 110 2/ air.Coiineaet. Iv.- 1 7 <7T .» 1 : 10 , in lv ;ir ...|lO 221 II »" < R Ullai....Alb;ou If V 111 9 411 4K7 6 4'ij '2 33 8 ail . Hhadeland... 723 a A3l 4 5 40-12 30 h npringiKiro .. 72" A«| 4.5 5 ?.;I'l2 21 820 . .Oinneanl.vllle.. 7 si 10 03! r a r, 0- 52 'x. Bon ... Mea'v 'e Jet... H ooj'o 2i,| n 2.1 I (>i, 2 l;-. 8 07 ar. Kxpo.l'ark. |TS 07 10 15 i"ov 1 A'. 10 15 7 K Iv ar 807 ... 1 Iwlo "j 7 20.1 v .Count Lake >o te 4 t>, . . ||2 1:1 8 10 ar ar 8 IMo AO ft :a 4 20 a 35 « 45, v..Mi-advllle..lv a 3A 4 21 •12 17 8 42,ar ai a 42 li •/» n it ,"*O2 11 ft' 7 4.! . llariHtiiwii..* No 1 0 'M t 4"3 ... 'I 4« 7 37 .. Adaumvllle i|o 44 A 4 . 1; ll' 7 27 ... Ongood ,10 (Ml 6C> 21 M :vt 716 ... orccnviHe... « 30|H o/| « 0 1, 18 II 20 70> Hlionaogo It 40,11 2<i #23 1. 1 1,0 V « J", ... Krodonla. 7 o-'i'ii 44 «(j 1 1 it 10 1 1 « .... Mercer 7 2212 OJ 7 U ,nlo2a 11 101 Pardee.. . 7 3aj'2 221 72s A'JlO 20 •, 'III. . drove < 11, ... 747 12 3.1; 738 . n. 10 fw 64* llarilnvllli- ... 7ah 1 1 2 1. 7 1 * 10 I 'l' HR«IICHIXXI ... HOU '2 .V 7 • ... • H II.'1" HrMiM'iiUMi.ur 7 10112 .... *l' ... '>r Milliard,,.ly fl 2»|ll lA| .... I'.. •> .. • • V. ,•. ..7 8 lo|l2 AK"!T 4» 1 i-II !l I.'| A 21J ... II 1 lid .... 8 a-2 I 12 8 (.3 4 I I V 1 61 4 Mil II I'. I 8 Ao| 1 421 B,V 2 2/0 ;2O ~,. MII-GIN-NY, |'I*VVII M 2 vii", ~ 2 15 MI I'll Utiurg, BAti 1, O. »> 11. m .. N'OTK Train No. ) aiait* Irom Kip -ri linn Park at. 5:1 > a 01. Mondays only. No 'J ruUB til l-;xp.Milioii I'mk Hatii/dav** only. Tra iiß I • and ifi will run Sunday ■ .1.1 between Ituller and lixpo.inon I'a'k.mak illK all HIOJI*. |,V llui ler a'. 7:' l 1 a 111 Ite turnlnx leave Kxpo.iUon I'ark (< p.m. J. T. 81, AI It. I ieneial Mnuager. Itfenvllle, r, W . (i. HAW Ii HA NT, It. I'. X., MeadvlUn, I'a Butler Savings Bank Buller, Pa. Capital - - $00,000.30 HurpluH and I'rofitH, $119,263.67 Oi.l, IMJKVH IIKNRY IltOl TVIAN VI «•-!'» WM. CAMI'BKIX, Jr ranhiu. LOIJIH H. HTE:N Teller DlltK'.'roiW-Jonnph 1,. I*urvi«, J. jlcnrv Tro Lfnari. W. I>. lir.indofi, W. A. Ht ln, J.l H. OumutMll.S lb'- litiMcr Mav.njrt ftank !•» t.tin Oia^Milfhi.nk In ; Institution in liijtlnr r'outily. (i< imml ti.LijklfJK bnnliiOHM tranK%ct«)(l Wi> HOlt< lt iK 'OUfifH of oil I#r4xli4/: ri, m«i - rarmnm and ottxim. All ii(4iiii<MH » iifrunf v t to i u will r+j'v. vo promi't. at.'i nMon. lilt ri*nt on t.'iijM 'lipoilti •• ! /. A J- L FLLJ; .V/J . - ItKMINGTOIT EEO3. * •'"11 "M I'liul lur lulfxiUjltiii »4 ' .m [Copyright, ld9o by American Prut** Aosoci*- I tion.J I CHAPTER Xm Captain Brandon did not tell Patch and Robb what he was going to do with them, so, as they tottered on be hind the horses, they felt certain that the ropes about their waist would be used to hang them when the next hilt was made While the gags in their mouths did not prevent their breathing neither of them could communicate with the other, nor ask the questions that were bursting at his sealed lips. With in an h ur from the time of starting tho party haltid between Bouton's camp and the mountains to the south. Iho captain t the gag from Font Robb's mouth and a died: "Do y. ,u want to save your life?" "You can bet heavy I do," ga.«ped Robb "There is only one way to do it"— "Point v, t that way, and I'm your man," interrupted Robb. "You lire sure that Black Eagle and his p. oplo are e/ ming this way?" "About sh're, captain," replied the Other "And that they will have Dr. Blanch ard with tin ill?" "That's 'bout the size of it—at least it lcoks f o to me." "I want y..n to do exactly what I command you when we meet up with Black Eagle and his party. " "AH right, captain. I'm your man, bat I want to ax this: Won't you let me and my go free when you're through with us?" "If you do as I require, I will let you off for the present. As soon as it is day light I piop.se to hang your 'pard,' as you call t!. . renegade cuss who betrayed us," said the captain sternly. A "Hist!" from the front and the sound of hoof» attracted the captain's attention. "Do as I say," continued Captain Brandon, who was still near Robb. "That is Black Eagle and his crowd! Shout to them to halt!" On the instant Robb called out: "Black Eagle, stop!" "Is that you, Robb?" "Yes." "I thought you were on the other side of the valley. " "I was, but Bouton called me back. " "And sent yon after me?" "Yes." "What does be want now?" "He has changed his mind," said Robb, who was obeying his instrnc with fine ardor. "Changed his mind!" echoed the amazed chief. "Yes; ho wants you to keep on to Quartz Run, where he'll moot yon in the morning, and send back tho doctor by ma " "Are you alone?" "No. Henry Kyle is with ma " "Very welL Both come up and I will give the old white man into youx charge. " The captain whispered to Louis Kyle, whose form was much llko his; misled brother♦«> tak'» of prisoner and to shoot him down if ho' attempted to play falsa Without », word the young man went on, wi.h his left Land grasping one of the bound arms and his right hand clnt ing the stock of his plstoL Lou* walked boldly up to tho group of In dians, and in the indistinct light he recognized the doctor. "Here is the old white man," said Black Eagle. "I am sorry you are going to take him back. " The doctor rode toward tho two men, and as he did so one of the Indian'? horses became restless and plunged against Louis Kyle and Font Robb. So sudden and unexp«ietod was the collision that Kyle was dashed to the ground, and with a quick bound Robb was in among the Indiana "Fire, Bluck Eagle, fLrol We are surrounded by Brandon's men. Hold on to the prisoner I" The astounded chief and his follow ers did not know what to make of thjs, but all realized that they were in the midst of dunger, and quick as a flash they were oil their horsea "Louis Kylol Louisl" shouted Cop tula Brandon. Louis had struggled to his feet from under tho flinty hoofs when Robb saw him and called out: "That's one of Brandon's men I Muko him a prisoner and get back I" Louis Kyle was seized and dragged back, just as the captain realized tho situation and opened Are. In tho mean time L>r. Dlanohard, unopposed, had gone over to where his son was stnnding with the herders. "Howard! Howard 1'" be called out. "Here, my father, herel" The young man ran forward, and in his great de light fairly lifted his father from tho saddle anil folded him to his heart its if he had been a child. When Howard Hlunohurd started to greet his father, Patieh, bound though his arms were and with a gag in his "Fire., HUuk EtiyU, flrel" month, at once started off, tho darkness aiding his flight Kobb was away with lihick Kagle, and Lmls Kyle was aprls oner in the same hands. Th« captain was not long in ascertaining the exact stateof affairs, and, though he was deep ly pained at the loss of his young friend, he reasoned that it would bo unwise to follow up Itlock Eagle's party. "This is onrchance," he said 'Hon ton's party is divided, and if wo hasten to his camp we can surprise und over power him." "And free my daughters," said the doctor, now fully alive to the situation and its necesslties. "Let us mount and push on, " urged Howard. All got Into tho saddle, but I/ouls Kyle's herders refused, one and all, to go into the valley. "The danger is but little. There may lie no fighting at all," said the captain. "We do not dread the dauKcr, " said the leader of the herders, a tall, stern man, "nor do we shrink from battle. " "Why, then, will you not follow me? It is but a few miles to yonder fire. " "We came hither with Louis Kyle. He is our young master and our ciief. IHe is and over has been near to oar htarts,'' said the man Boleniniy "I know that, and -WVTM he here be would have jrou obey me. " "Wore he here we should ob«y yon without a thought of refusing But he j is not here, and that is why we must go How could we enter the valley wi t re dwell his mother, his father and his sister and say to them: 'Louis was ttikeu from liefore our eyes by the rene gade Lndians under Black Eagle, and > we dared not follow. Louis would die ! to save others, but we raised not our hands to save him. No, Captain Bran j don, though our hearts are good to yon, a J we cannot remain with you. Even as I I speak they may be murdering Louis , Kyle, as they would have murdered this * | old man. " "And how long will you follow Black Eagle?" naked the perplexed captain, who at that moment was deliberating about accompanying the herders on what he considered a fruitless mission. "Till we all die or rescue him, " was the heroic reply The other herders grunted their ap proval and began impatiently to gather up their bridle reins. "Go, then, and may success follow you Should you meet up with Louis Kyle, as I pray you may, say that I and my two friKH''" Q-.-., trail till we die or have won. " The captain waved his hand, and the borders turned and disappeared on the trail of Black Eagle and his braves CHAPTER XIV. Bouton was dozing by the campfire and dreaming over the plans that had filled his brain during the day He was Arouse d by f>-< ling a body pushed rudely against 1 and he started up, expect ing to find that one of the he.rses had broken his p;< ket rope and wandered over to the fire. Great was Bouton's surprise at seeing before him a man with a gag in his mouth and his arms bound. It was not till he had taken out the gag and cut the cords that he recog nized in the frightened, half strangled man before him the renegade Patch. With an oath Boutou demanded to know what had happened. Patch gave It as his belief that a very hot place had broken loose. "Kit down, man,and get your breath, " said Bouton, laying his hand on Hatch's shoulder and forcing him down. "Sit down and tell mo all about it. Don't ■speak out loud, for I've just had n devil of a time trying to quiet those two girls." Patch did sit down, and after a time he got his breathing under control and told his story with considerable clear ness, though Bouton's impatient ques tions prevented anything like a consecu tive narrative. "And Brandon rescued the doctor?" said Boutou at length. "Yes. It ull happened just as I told you." "Hist I For your lifo, do not s]>eak so loud. Here! Follow me away from the fire. We must speak where there is no danger of being overheard." He led Patch to the bank of the stream and sat down beside him under a tree. "Now go on, but talk low, and for your life after this tell no one the story. " Patch told his story with much detail, nor did Vie neglect to give himself duo prominence. When he had concluded, Bouton slapped him on the back. "Now, Patch, not a word of this to any one. Do yon understand?" "You can bet your bottom dollar I do. I'm up to snuff, I am. The feller that can keep a stil)<T tongue in his mouth than me was born dumb.'' ' 'Good. Now go and take a sleep. It will soon Ixi daylight. " Patch followed tliia advice l>y coiling up where be was and going to sleep at once, and Uouton went back to the slum bering Arc and renamed hi* dozing. Sim Ullss was awake when Patch came gasping into camp. Waiting till Patch nat down, Him, always ready to play the spy, crept softly oyer to a point from which ho could hear every word of tho (Xinversation without being himself observed. And when, for greater secu rity, Uouton led Patch to the edge of the stream, Him followed, and not a word escaped him. He communicated wluit he ha/1 heard to his brother, and it was agreed between them that Him should make his wuv to l)eadw<**l and tele graph to his father to come on. Whijo they were discussing the situ ation in frightened whispers the sturn Itegan to pale and tho crests of the mountains to tho west took on the huo of fire opals. Beardid figures rose from the ground in every direction and began to yawn and stretch themselves. The hows mid mules, resting with lowered hips beside the river, began to prick up their ears und resume their grazing. The fire* were renewed, and those whose duty it was to cook set about getting the morning meal. Henry Kyle went d'jwn to the river to wash his fwxi an'' hands. He bent over a mlrrorlike ex panse under the Hhade of a bush, and he was horrlllixl at the expression of his own face. It was so aged, ghastly and haggard He had not slept much, and it seemed to him that he could never sleep again. His mother was ever in his mind, or when he was not thinking of her he was troubled about the prisoners, and he cursed liii.'i,.elf for the part he had taken in their capture. Having bathed, lie return* d to the campflre, and though it was out of his way he passed noar tho tree under which Alice and Clara w< re sitting. The former did not raise her white face. There was no need to do so. Hecould see the unutter able anguish of it* expression, and again lie mentally cursed h inself. lie loved Alice Bl; i . I v. Jth nil the fervor and bllndii< iof h h Impulsive nature, and h< i ria d t!int when she w<ks wholly urul i 1 , ■otion he eoold win lior. liu ' l.firned his mistake. Ho looked ate- >n an in dellniu way, us one prooecujM,.l stares into space. He saw the slender, girlish fhfure and the Slid, wonderiiiK eyes, and he staggered back and woke up to a realization of the situation. He could have sworn for the moment that his sis ter Nora was before him. hike one fascinated and moving iiKuinst a weak eniiiK will, he went over and with un covered head sto<id lieforo the sisl< rs. Ht.lll Alice never look««1 up. Him could riot have b>-en aware of his pies. nee. The terrible grief In her brave, pure heart controlled every thought < f her brain. Tim iutrovcrt«*l look could lake no cognizance of the external world Hhe did not roturn his t>oW. mude no »iKU to indicate thut she wan aware of his presence, but she was thrilled when he fell on his knees runl said with a shoking voice: "For Cod's sake, lot me speak to foal" "Hjnak," replied Clara. "We are helpless to prevent you." "I do not blame you for hating me," he stammered .md rising stood with de jected hciid. "I, and 1 alone, am to blame fur tln» mlsf'rrtune that has 1<«- fnih il you In my heart, which Is not yet wholly dead to the early teaching* of a Veil liclovcd mother, I realize my owu degradation, and I come to offer yoti my WL" "Your aid! You offer your nidi" said Alice in low, sad tones that .pierced him like knife thrusts. "That is what 1 said, and I will die befogy 1 break ny " "Your word!" In this there was an other thrust "l do nut blame yon for doubting it. I haw doutf everything to wake mymtQ and my promises despicable In your eves. But Kry mo and trust me. Let m« know how Z can help you. " "Truly, you must be anxious. " "I aru. " "Then yon mast be blind If you can r'+ see what we want, " she said, avert ing her r.-d waving her hand as if she would "You IUV right, - r'T'^hitrd," said Henry, slowly taking a U«.i>., ~rd step. "I ought not to hav. asked that question. I should have done something' to beget confidence before making an offer of my services. Your father"— He was about to add "is gone," but Alice interrupted him and in a way that start led him as he had never been startled in his life. "Do yon dare to sjieak of the man yon have so vilely betrayed? Do yon come to wring our hearts with a fresh agony and taunt us with our helplessness"— "I cannot blame you, I eonnot blame you," said Kyle in a ehoking voice. "Still will I obey the better impulse of my heart.'' He turned as if in obedience to her imperative gesture and walked slowly —v sZ fgfggg Uc turned and walked »l<ncly hack. back to where Bouton and his gang were grouped When lie hud gone oat of hearing, Clara, who had followed him with her eyes, turned to her sister and said: "Alice, I think we might trust that man." "Trust him?" repeated Alica "Yes." "And you, with a memory, suggest such a thought?" "But he seems to have changed. It may lie that he has repented and is anx ious to help us." "Anxious to help us? Have we done anything to prevent his helping us if he has that desire? Why should ho come bore to ask what wo need? Is he igno rant of our wants?" Patch came over at this juncture with their breakfast and set it before them, then sneaked back to a place from which ho could watch, and he saw that they left it untasted. Immediatlcy after breakfast Sim Bliss and his brother drew Bouton to one side, and the fanner said: "Tom is going to start for Deadwood this morning." "What for?" asked tho amazed Bou ton. ' 'He is going to telegraph east for more money.'' "That ain't u bad idea. Wo need money very much. When will he come back?" "In a week or ten days. " "With the cash?" "I hope BO." replied Kim "Very well, nnything I can do to help him let me know. Of course he'll have sense enough not to tell where I am if he meets any one anxious to know." Tom assured Bouton that he knew what he was about, and that he could keep a quiet tongue in tho interest of his friends. The result of this agree ment was that before noon Torn Bliss, well monnted and armed, was on the way to Deadwood. CHAPTER XV. During the morning Bouton told Henry Kyle that he was going to find Captain Brandon, at tho same time de siring Henry to remain with the ladies. Then Bouton lay down to sleep in an ticipation of a long night ride. He had not slept long when lie was awakened by Patch, who informed him that <me of Bluek Eagle's Indians had 001110 In. Bouton got up and questioned the In dian, who told him that he had seen Captain Brandon and the Prophet to gether. Tho Indian was right. The Prophet and Captain Brandon had counted their forces. On hearing of Louis Kyle's cap ture, the Prophet set out on foot alone to rc»cuo him and came within a couple of miles of Black Eagle's warriors bo foro night He kept on, nor haulted for breath or in doubt about the way, until hestiMsl on the rim of Kyle's valley and saw far beneath him tho stars reflected in the placid lake. "They are coming. I hear them far behind I have outstripped them as 1 would the wind on such a mission." Down tho steep hills the Prophet sped to the lneudowlike expanse that in the funlight looked like a great emerald in the granite setting of the mountains. As he noared tho house, the location marktsl by the darker ontlines of the surround ing tr<sm, the resting cattle started up In alarm and the deep baying of a hound was heard in front. "Down,dog! down!" said the Prophet us the dog come fiercely toward him. Tho flog obeyed and slunk in ahcuii as if ashamed of Ills mistake. The Prophet ran up to the house and heat with his clinched (Ist oil the door. "Who is there?" demanded Valentin# Kyle from within. "I—I— A friend," was the reply. "Your name?" "Men call me DiUiiel the I'rophet. Arise! Awake! The Philistines are iu the hills, and they come this way with the speed of a mountain torrent and the destruction of a prairie lire. Up, Valen tine Kyle! Up, for the sake of your home, your wife, and your daughter!" Htill, as he h|m>ke the Prophet contin ued his isiUudiiiK on the door, and the echoes round about. t4*ik lip the hollow sound. In a few minutes the door was o|s<n<d, and Valentine Kyle uppeured shading a light and bending forward to get a sight of his visitor. When his eyes Ls-canie accustomed to the gloom, he discovered the weird, glKiuitic form of the Prophet, and he drew back, with his hand on tin- pistol he had hastily fastern <1 to his waist. "Kcor not," cried the I'rophet. "In Hod's name, believe I um a friend." "I do. Knter and tell us your mis sion. " "1 have no time to sit down, nor huve you time to hear me. Houton and his gang even as ! m|m ak are entering your vidley"— "KnteriiiK my valley?" "Even as I tell tin*'. " "Hut why?" "Why does the wolf enter your folds? lie comes for plunder or worse Mark to the hurkinxof your hound! The wind sweeps this way ami he has scented them. Call your daughter, secure your arms and follow rne with your wife Ilelay not; a minute may Is- worth a llfyj" Those mam wucde can give no idea < i the effect v«f the Prophet's uuuuiif. It 7«i simply Irresistible, and, with tt wouuui's quick apprehension, Mrs fiy le saw that he spoke with ruasou and felt that It would be wise to obey hiiu. "L«et as follow the Prophet, hue band, '' she said eagerly. "No harm can oome of it, for we haw ever heard <.f him a« a good man. " Valentine Kyle lvad oome to the mil cluskni that it win not a false alarm and wan hastily puttmg on his equip ments when his daughter Nora, the In dian girl Ku&hat, tuid an old herder o&me rushing in. The herder called otit: '"HIMV are horsemen In our valley, and they an 1 galloping this way!" "That is Boutou's gang. " said the Prophet '' Hurry! For your li VI A, hurry!'' In less time than it takes to dewribe it Mrs. Kyle and her daughter threw on such covers as they found handy, Mr. Kyle extinguished the light, and all went out. If Valentine Kyle had enter tained any doubts about the vicinity <-f a considerable body at horsemen, they vanished after he had been a minute in the open air. His ears told him. jhat they were not 800 yards away. "Follow me," he whispered. "I know every place of concealment üb*ut the valley." With his riflw in his left hand and his ir ~i„ , T"?'"® *° light, Valentine Kushat, ■^ a^T d by NorU HD<l dian herder brought up the rear. A few hundred yards back of the bouse the foothill of the highest mountain in sight was broken into ravines and made up of rock heaps that looked at a little distance like the ruins of a mighty tem ple. Here in the long ago Valentine Kyle had often played with his beys and his baby daughter. At the present time a few of the more open spaevs were used as corrals for the sheep, but there was not a nook in it that Mr. Kyle and any of his family could not have found blindfolded. "We iuv Kafc here for the present, I think. Lot us wait. I hear them call ing," said Mr. Kj-le. They stopjieil in a little glen that seemed t<> t>e roofed by a projecting rock, for there van only a narrow strip overhead through which tho stars could be seen. They heard the clinking of arms, the stamping and punt ing < f li<uses that had been hard ridden und the pounding on the walls of the log house. "Hello! Hello in there!" "That's Bouton's voice," said the Prophet "Open up!" in a louder and more im peratives voice. "Open up, orwe'll break in the doors!" "Start a fire," shouted one of the men, "and burn them oat" "Let mo go back to a pomt where I can talk witli those demons without ex posing your place of concealment, " said the Prophet Valentino Kyle was about to pro tent against this, but l*>fore he could do so the Prophet hud vanished. He hurried in the direction of the outlaws, ami when he thought they coold hear him he called out: "I am lien 1 , Bouton, to answer for Valentino Kyle." "You! Who are you?" asked Bouton, and the noise and tho shouting ceased about him. "Do you not know, O firstborn of Belial?" "You are the Prophet!" gasped Bou ton. "From thy falso lips tho truth has fallen for once. I came to wuru the in nocent of thy w ickod designs. " ~ "Of my designs?" repeated Bouton. His whole nature was superstitions, and at tliat moment he felt that the Prophet * fabulous gift was indeed a mility and A ehut from IKe Prophet'* rifle ttrtUKal )ilin at Houtvn'B fed. thut by sume occult means he hud dis oovered his secret It would not do to Oomuiuniouto his fears to his etjuully superstitious companions, ho lie mode up his mind to put a tsjld face on It. "Aye, thy designs. Think yoo not that [ nau read your purpose?" "When did you come hero?" "That matters not." "You wore with tho immigrunts this morning," said Bouton, recalling his soout's information. "Yitt, anil with Black Eagle tonight. " "With Illnck Eagle?" "Even ho. But why should 1 exchange words with thee, O most cruel of mon grel curs?" •Hie Prophet stopped tho use of tho irwind uerson slmrular. a sure siirn that hi* spiritual nuture win sinking for tlio time Into abeyance, and continued: "You oomo to the nest, but the birds have llown, and tho cruel hunter that follows them must carry his life in his hands." "There Is still plunder in live nest," said the outlaw, maddened at being checkmated. "(Jloan out tho house there! Apply the torch!" he sliouted to his men. "The liKht will show us the way to the corrals. Tho fut herds cf lCyle's valley will bo welcome to our /riond." A cheer answered this command, and at once tho work of destruction began. One of the men oubddc lit a torch, but he did not long survive to lament his rashness, for a shot from tho Prophet's rifle stretched him at Bouton's feet. Tills incensed the outlaws, and one of them, more impetuous than his compan ions, picked up the hlacing torch and hurlod It into tho house. In u few mln uteH the lmilding loomed out of the darkness and a cruel red light (lashed In the windows. (joing hack, the i'roph<<t said: "Hoe, Valentine Kyle, your liyuso is oil lire! It is but a Speedier form of the ruin that must come to every temple erected by human hand*" "it was the only home left mo in the wide world," sohls'd the hcurtbroken man. "Nay, sjieak not so. I have a valley more Is'uutiful though not so extensive as yours, and I have n home that ull the torches that ever Hashed could not burn down. Fear not for tho cold or the hun ger ; my ravens will bring us fr*sl, " said the I'rophet with eontanions energy [ooNTtmnct).] ) Till* i not the year for stay-at-home roe.* ('OHM out and help to nave the ooii try t'llAtttM am Klkln lunndi ths nlnrm itKnloti Kepnhllmn upntlijr It should not lie permitted to exist In a single olsrtlou district lu ths stats A good light this year will uull'J* all hands to a rest asxt ., J No. 37 IBIS MWREIRN Words to the Farmer* Regard ing the Effects of Depreci ated Currency. FRAUD ON THE COMMUNITY. Sentiments of the Great Com moner That Apply to the Present Crisis. AN APPEAL TO THE POOB. "Whwtir Attempt* Under Whatever Popular Cry to Shake the Stability of the Fubllo Currency, Bring on Distress la Money Matter* and Drive the Coun try Into the CM of Depreciated Money, Rtabs Yonr Internet and Tour Uappl ■«H to the Heart." If any farmer thinks that ha Is jr-irig to do all selling and no buying or th .» he is going to soil more than he buys, an.'. ;hus predated and fluctuating currency, we commend to him the following words of Daniel Webster: "Sir. I pronounce the author of such sentiments to lw guilty of attempting a detestable fraud on the community; a double fraud; a fraud which Is to cheat men out of their property and out of the earnings of their labor by first cheating them out of their misunderstanding. " ' The natural hatred of the poor to the rich.' sir. It shall not be till the last mo ment of my existence; it shall only bo when I am drawn to the verge of oblivion, when I shall cease to have respect or affec tion for anything on earth, that I will be lieve the people of the United Slates cap able of being effectually deluded, cajoled and driven about In herds by suoh abom inable frauds as this. If they shall sink to that point, If they so far cease to be men as to yield to such pretenses and suoh olainor. they will 1m slaves already ; 'slaves to their own passions, slaves to the fraud and knavery of pretendod friends. " 'The national hatred of the poor aganst the rich.' 'The danger of a moneyed aris tocracy. ' Kir, I admonish the people against the object o( cries likes theee. 1 admonish every Intelligent laborer In the country to be on his guard against such delusions. I tell him the attempt is to play off his pa» slons against his interests, and to prevail on him in the name of liberty to destroy all the fruits of liborty, In the name of patriotism to In jure and a Allot hli country, In the name of his own independence to destroy that very Independence, and make him a beggar and a slave. "Has hu a dollar)' He is advised to do that which will destroy h:df its value. Has he hands to labor? Let him rather fold thum and sit still than be pushed on by fraud and arr.tllce to support measures which will under his labor uselees and hopeless. "Sir, the vory mau of all others who has the deepest Interest In a sound currency, who suffers most by mischievous legisla tion In monoy matters, is the man who earns hi* daily bread by his dally toll. A depreciated currency, sudden changes of prices, paper money falling between morn ing and no<>n, and falling still lower be tween noon and night—these things con stitute the very harvest time of specu lators, and of the whole raoo of those who are at once Idle anil crafty, and of that other race, too, the Catillnes of nil times, marked so as to bo known forever, by one stroke of the historian's pen, 'those greedy of other men's property and prodigal of their own ' "Capitalists t<>o, may outlive such times; t!my may either prey on tho earn ings d 1 l.i lt- v by their cent, por cent., or they may hourd. Hut the laboring man, what can ho hoard? Preying on nobody, he become* tile prwy of all. His property In in Ills hands. His reliance, his fund, his productive freehold, his all, Is his la bor. Whether he work on his own small capital or another's, his living Is stUl earnud by his Industry; and when the money of the country becomes depreciated or deist sod, whether It l>o adulterated coin or paper without credit, that industry Is robbed of Its reward. He then labors for aoountry whose laws cheat him out of his bread. " I would say to every owner of ovsry quarter section of lund In the west, I would say to every man In the oast who follows his own plow, and to every me chanic, artisan and laborer In every olty In the country—l would say to every man everywhere who wishes by honest means to gain an honest living, 1 Beware of wolves in sheeps' clothing. Whoever attempts tinder whatever popular cry, to shako the stability of the public currenoy, bring on distress In money matters and drive the country Into the use of depre ciated money, stabs your Interest and your happiness to tho heart.' " rROI'EKTY AND INI)IHIRT. Property l» the fruit of labor. Property I* desirable, W a positive good In the world. That some should be rleh shows that others may become rich, and hence Is encouragement to Industry and enterprise. Lit no man who la homeless pull down the house of another, but let him worh dili gently anil ballil one for himself, thus, by example, ussiirln* that Ills own shall be eafii from violence when It Is bplll,"- AHKAHAM LINCOLN. lias Been Restored. When tho free coiners lalk about the uecesslty of restoring silver to the position that It occupied prior to 1678, thsy Ignore the fact that tho govorumsnt has done that very thing llfty times over by the coinage of more than fifty times as many silver dollars as wero coined In ths whole pruvloui history of the country.—Forest He publican. VKRMONT has set an example that PooO sylvanla should follow FUOM present Indications Chairman El kin's desire to have evjry Republican Vote registered at the polls In November will lie gratified Tint late mwiretnry of the treasury, Will lam Wlndoin, said almost With his dying breath, "As |s?lsou In the blood permeates arteries, veins, nerves, brain and heart, anil speedily brings paralysis or death, SO does a debased and fluctuating currency permeate all ths arteries of trade, para | lyse all kinds of business, and bring fl'lif ter to all olasses of people." 'i'UK national Republican committee has decided that all persons or clubs In Penn sylvania desiring literature or other oanr istlgu material must apply for It through the stitle organisation. Every few days • batch of Pennsylvania letters which havo lieen received by the national romialttao are turned over to the chairman of tho state committee for bSs consideration.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers