iAN OLD SAYING: ; ! I "FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED. Are vou going to the Great Butler Fair with that old Buggy and Harness " They are not safe and don't look well. \ou > know the Fair is your show and it be comes YOU to make a good appearance, therefore don't you think .it .wouldbea y ~ocA act to go at once to MA K i « COURT a CO.'Sand get a new Bugffy < or Sum- and a set of their own make o > good Harness, as they are making speoal low pnces now so as to enable ever} to go to the Ffcir in style this year. . . > The management think this will be greatest Fair they have ever held and no- < tody wants to miss it, Better come in > immediately and look over our stock and get the pick-it won't cost you a cent to Yours Truly, W2 i Martincourt & Co, W Butler, Pa. H GREAT CLOSING ODT SALE OF +CLOTHIN G+ To close out that branch of our business. "We are positively going to close out our entire stock of Men s, Bovs and Children's clothing regard less of cost. Man'. Mmff. Suit* . Children" to* panU •25 only sl3 ■old for WOO only 94 00 ( „ ' „ Z r> Mas'* Caaaimer# BuiU „ u-, << 7,0 •old for 10 00 only 500 # ( u Mena Caaaitoare Bmta ~ „ (l r. „ 75 •old f0r......•*••*• 50 only 67j (( ~ 1, 25 ' 00 Men SoM TS?!.. 16 50 only 10 00 Men and boys gondola hats, II 00 only SSO Man* worsted auita ~ ~ 9r - ~ , f l •old for 18 00 only 12 00 u |SO (( 100 Mena fine clay wonted , ~ T. ,1 „ . -j, .old for... 18 00 only 13 0 / # •'* j* Mena finer clay worsted •old tor ........... 20 00 only 15 00 Soft hats atd cap* in proportion. All _ the lc.tei-t styles in Straw, BraidH, Macki Cm 3000 Pairs Of Mens Pants °.z, K. w»"B.y. d .. . Children. Mma working panU only eta $8 W) Qn) $ 2 M Mana woikla* »anta, 0 „ 7 ,00 " 450 i"*B Sliver watches 12 00 " 050 Mena working panta DA 8 Ladies goldfilled watches 15 00 " 1)00 worth 200 only 100 .. •< 20 00 " 12 00 Sweet & Orfa Karaayi " " 25 00 " 18 00 worth 200 only C«U " " vo GO » IC 00 Mana worsted ebariotta 450" 175 M) j gents electroplated watches $5. " " " 592 " « £ A large *took of chain* from 10c to fl. " " " 552 " S Ladle* waist Beta from 10c to 50 cent*. Mana fine oeneimere 460 " tto gtick pin „ worth f rom 25 to 50c only 10 ct*. " " " ® M inn Cent » cnff button* 25c only 15c it u " 750 " 500 „ Me .. 25c OVER2B6QCHILDRENS SUITS "111 Onr Jaeger diamond* in Stud*, Pin*, Good strong aalta 1 00 only f 7j joiner* and Ear I>rop* are simply immense. Union caaafmere j 00 1 A; The finest ouUlde of the real steel-blue . " 2% 1™ diamond. Fine aaaimere woratad 600 " 400 We will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Tics, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats and Coats and Vest*, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pocket and Bill Books, Purses, Spec tacles, Rarmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c. It would be impossible to enumerate and give prices of all we have Jn stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest and most varied stock and our prices arc guaranteed lower than the lowest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied customers that throng our store from Monday morning till late Sat urday nights. Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, ami when you make a purchase ask for one of our c:aki>S and when your pur chases amount to $ 15.00 or $20.00 we will present you a piece ot handsome silverware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme flour bin. Ask to see the presents. D. A. Heck Son, 131 North Main St., Butler, Pa T. H. Burton T. H. Burton Why is it that T. H. always busy in his store? Simply because the people of Butler county appreciate the fact that he has the best selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Suitings extra pants'and Men's and Boy's Furnishing Good?, ever brought to Butler, and sells them for less money. We guarantee everything that goes out of our store to perfect satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. T. H. Burton T. H. Burton EUS EXIVIIED FREE OF CHAHGP P. L. Kirkpatrlck, Optician and Jeweler Next to Court House Butler, Pa. Graduate La fgrt Haxologicul luititutc BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance'.Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham Al.r. WICK. Pro*. MM). KKTTIIKKK, VU* l'riw. L. H. aeJUItKIK. %*r'l Hd Tttu. DIUKCrOKH Alirb Ollvwr, ■ 'r. W. Irvln, 1 lirwn Hteph'-uvm, ' >v. V/. Islackwom, IN, Wnli./ef, K. Huffman. 11. J. Kllritfler s or Jsostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. Bold bjDnureiits.or Mnl po«up*id on raoaiptof priM- Hiirninv ikd. co., ni*ii»wiai»«ai. l ßr»T.»*. WITCH HAZEL OIL SEVER I 1 TASTE F I FLEMING'S I HOLD | 1 EXPORT I I WHISKY J IK Guaranteed 1 yeaia old and 3 < Vrt absolutely pare. f uA FULL QUARTS. 11,00 4 j i w3 6 QUARTS. 15 00 ff j I jfi Freight prepaid on all Sio orders L j u3 or over. Catalogue cent free. I |< i j JOS. FLEMING A SON vM Wholesale and Retail Druggists, U St, || OUH! SIJPMICCIL HOW l"L CURE YOURSELF WHILE USING IT. The tobar.co habit grown on a man until his serv->us DjHtfin is seriously affected. Impairing lieaith. Comfort and liapiUncso. To quit sud denly is 100 severe a »hock to the system, a* tobacco to an inveterate user becomes a stimu lant that bis system continually craves. "Baco furo" I* a scientific cure for the tobacco hahlt 111 all its forms carefully compounded after th< formula of an eminent Berlin physician who has used It In his private practice since 1*72 without a failure. It Is purely vegetable an' ifuaranteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want while taking "Baco curo." It will notify you when to su>p. We H 'lvc a written guarantee to cure permanently any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent Interest. ■ • Baco-Curo" Ls not a substitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with no In convlence. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your flrit chew or smoke. Cared By BACO-CL'RO And fialaed Thirty Pounds. Krorn hundreds of testimonials, the originals of which are on file and open to Inspection, the following Is presented: s' treat meat). 1j.50 with In 11 clad, written guarantee. 01 sent direct, tipoi. receipt of price. Write for booklet and proofs. KurekaCheralcato « Mfg.C., Ui Crosse. Wit. ind l'.'»slon. Mhmh. fHE KEELEY 'a?j»ryial b ur\"»r)M jou> ljr Into t!i" '!i vakrri in find tf§«• alcoho. n them, r< n tlierri alt their powers, meriful t. ">«lral f (]i-«trcy» the abnormal a .fx-tlt#-. n>e ' tor«*t 'fin to the mndltlon thev «erulti i .re thejr lodulsre l In Thlsliatb <' lelurnoro than IUjO ea«es triraled h'*r< (i rim; Hu m tome of your own nel«hboiTi, t , v iom <«ri r< hr with fontldenee m to tlx, ( olnte' , fi-ty and • (Deb . >-y t,f tho t:ec|oy Cure, lie fulh and most searching Inve'tiviitlon la P vlted. .'>;n; lino we can sup ply you. It you want a hat or cap we can show you the best Up -To - Date stock in the county, at very low prices. Colbert & Dale. 242 S. Main St., Butler, I'cnn'a For Bale. A farm «.f 'M acre*, with a seven roo.i. ho iimd, good Irult, orchard*, well water, jirni(F at, THTI hou*", {'PßlD# IIOUKO .MIL c iiiVMiii' iit otjt-liullilinKH. Will ««!! cheaji ur exchange lor towu j>ro|iorty, about a mile* Irora it 11 tier. For particular* in']uiro at thia uflice- ■THE CITIZK^T TUX QRBAJ PITTSBURGH EX POSITION. Xka ticWh annual exhibition of the Western Pennsylvania Exposition of Pittsburgh 1* drawing MOT. the open lag data being September 9th. Al ready la there great activity In the big birlldlOf* of the Sootety. Old decora tlooa ar» being torn down to be replaced by new and novel effecta, aiid every #nort la being made by exhibitor* to furoiab attractive dlaplays. Many are rebuilding and repainting their booths, ao that the general result ef 4be in'e rlor of tbe Main Building when It i-s opened on September 9 will Car exeecd lu brilliancy any other of the annual Inauguration nights. great change In the Interior cornea, of course. from the addition of the mus4c wing built •n the north side, directly opposite the main entrance. The large area, with tta platform for the band, 24x40 feet, with seats on three aldea, aceom mo deling newly 2.000 people, will be the miiaf? room ofl the Exposition. All the concerts will be given there. Insuring the musical listener a »eat In comfort. The old mualc gallery haa been en larged by the addition of about 500 seats. and now accommodates about 1 .SOU'people. Thua It will be se«n that the Exposition managers can ofTer seats at all their concerts to 3,500 people. The calendar of the appearance of the several military bands la as follows: Chicago Marine band of 35 performer#, T. P. Brooke, conductor, opena the Ex position on Wednes w. September 9, re Dialling through Saturday, the 19th. On the 21at comes Innes and bis New York musicians. 50 strong, whose en gagement last* through Saturday. Oc tober 3. Monday, October 5, Ollmore'a band, of 50 players, with Victor Her bert, conductor, makes Its aecond Ex position appearance alnca reorganiza tion. Tills fine band will remain until the Exposition cloaaa, on October 24. No exposition In tba United fitatea haa ever offered such aplendld band music as will be heard In Plttaburgh during the six weeks, from September 9 to Oc tober 24. Four concerts will be given daily during the six weeka of the Ex position; afternoons. 2 to 3 and 4 to 5; evenUiga. T.'M to 8.30 and 9.3 C to 10.30. The general character of the programs last season will be maintained, the best popular music being at all times pro vided. Tbe art exhibit this year will be dis tinctly auperior to tbat of any previous season, Manager Keating, with the as sistance of Artirt Martin B. Lelsaer, having glvt*n this feature & great deal of attention during the past elx months Whrile tbe exhibit will Include the examples ef Amorioan art, tbe sum total of the pleturw will be thoroughly cosmopolitan. All throogb tbe Main Building plana for the disposition of booth* are being brought to completion tbat will make a new and brilliant interior of It In Mechanical Hall there will be more than ever apparent a representation of thoue Industrie* which have given Pitts burgh her business supremacy and commanding position. There will be found afeel, Iron, glaae and oil, crude and manufactured ores, coal and colre, tbe triumphs of eleotrieal Invention, and machinery if all kinds. Id abort, a no table exhibit la now being Installed In the groat machinery ball which will not only mirror tbe Industrial activity of Pittsburgh, but will Inclnde the new est Inventions that tbe world Iras been talking about tbe past twelve months. In the line of agricultural Implements in unusual variety will be displayed. Klcctrlcty and electrical appllancea will be given the seat of honor at the coinhi gHxpoKltlon. The feature of the electrical exhltiK will be a Roentgen Ray machine fitted tip by Tbomaa Edl aon and Luther Bteringer, ene sf his early students ind tbn Inventor of tbe Electrical fountain. Tfrs Westlnghouae Electric and Man ufacturing company la preparing an exhibit of Its rao«t modern electrical appllancea of Mcohanlcal Hall. It baa made wonderful advances In the last year and the most Improved work of its experts will be shown for the first time. The making sf shoes by machinery, from the l>ootee used by the smallest footed Infant to the Jackboots of tbe cavalryman, will bo ahown. This ex hibit baa been brought from Berlin and I/ondon. Twenty-four workmen will he employed at the stand, and It is ex per-ted to make between 15,000 and 20.- 000 shoes during the seaaon of the Ex position. The booth in which the uttu chlnery will l>e placed Is one which was uai-d at the World's Fair. The cocoa firm. Van Houten A Zoon. will hava tlito season a Dutch cocoa mill In operation, and tbe houae from which the COCOA samples are served will l>e covered with colored Incandescent Ugbts. Auiiisements for the multitude will t>e found on all sides; the gravity rail road. which gives one a ride In air for * thousand feet for five cents, tbe nserry go round, tbe river trip down to Da via lalaud dam and return, are some of tks ftpftrinl fraturni. Out of town visitors to tli* KiponlUon will l>e farored by tb* rallronda thla year mora than ever be fore. More frM]ucnt axrnralona will ba run from u larger number of plaraa and at a lower coat than before baa bean pof.nlhie. Those who plan toapend only on.- iluy at the Exposition can find sonictlilnfr Interesting and Inatrurtlva for every moment of the Ume, and Uiere will l><> a good ruataunuit open at all houiM. at which ilia prlcMi will be very reanonable. Noah After The Flood. The first fruit planted by Noah when he left the ark was the grape, the most healthful of all products on the earth. All through the liible we read of grapes and wine from grajies lieirg recommend ed as the first remedy for the ills of life; but it is pure juice wine, not watered and sugared juice that the bible refers to. Sugared wines are highly alcoholic and starchy; the sugar making excess of alcohol and other products not belonging to a healthful wine. Sjieers of New Jersey the oldest wine grower in the United States, has studi ously avoided water and sugar or any foreign substance whatever but lias his wine fully matured by great age and careful handling. Don't trifle away tinib when you have cholera morlm* or diarrhoea. Kipht them Inthe l>«|(iriuinfr with OeWitt's colic uud c olfira cure. You don't have to wnt or results, they are instantaneous, anil it leaves the bowels in healthy condition. UKOICK .t (iROIIMAXH It luu run tin in Cureil in a The dentist at least appreciates an open countenance. Tired nature's coworker, nerve heljier and strength builder is IIIKMI'H Sarsapar illa. "Mystic Cure" for Kheumatism anil Neuralgia radically cures in I to .'1 days. Its action upon the Hy»tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the di*ea*e Immediately ilisan pears. The first dose (freatly benefits, 75 i cents Bold by J. C ICe.lic, and J. K. I'alph I>rHKir|p.ts, Botler Apr DO —La.iflish hpavin Liniment removes a 1 i.ar.t, soft or calloused lurnp.< arid Idem she. from horses, blood Hpavtus, curb* plinls, Kweeney, ringbone, miiUhs, snraiu' II swollen throats, coughs, etc. Have 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the Tine.t wonderful Blemish Cute ever known Hold bv J. (j. Hedick.s l>r. I>< trhon'H Sarmijmrilla I'tilx" Contain all the virtuo cents and ♦I 00 Hold by Kedlck it Qrohinann and J. K. liaiph Itruggists Holler. T. P. A ttbony, Kx-Postmaster of Pro mise 01 y lowa, ssyi-: "I bought one hot to Mystic Cure' for Kheumatism, anil iwn doses 'it it did me more good than any medicine I ever took. Hold by J. C. Kodick, and J K. Halph druggists, Uutler. Many a dav'» work is loot by sick head a lie. cam I by indigestion and stomach trouble) l>«Witt's 1. le Karly III*. >-s urn the ino«l t llecltisi pill for overcoming such difficulties. ItJEIiICX &. UkoiiilAgs. 1 Farmers' Institutes in Pennsylvania. 11l view of the fact that two Farmers Institutes sre to be held '3 this county next winter, the following from the Phila delphia Times will prove interesting, and we hope to see ths meetings arranged li r this ct.unty largely attended by farmei for whose benefit they are held. They wi,l be addressed by the most intelligent farm ers in the State and bv a number of local speakers. ••The popularity ol fanners' institutes in Pennsylvania is attested by the announce ment by the Deputy Secretary ut Agricul ture at Harriaburg giving the dates and places at which ISO institutes will he held during ihe coming year, an average ol nearly tfcree iDHitute* to a county. One hundred acd t-ixteen of these wi!l_ be in aaseion two days, and the other 70 will each occupy but one day. making 304 daj e altogether. In other words, nearly every working day in the year will witness a gathering of farmers for discussinn ard in stmction in the varions branches ot tbeir calling. "It is not necessary to commend the farmers' institutes. They have oommecd ed themselves by tbeir practical results in makiDg Pennsylvania the best cultivated and moot prolific agricultural State in the Union. The farmers' institutes have serv ed to make all the farmers of Pennsyl vania familiar with the progressive methods of the best farmers of the Si ate. and those %he traveled across the country from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains during the recent harvest season, and were thus enabled to see the results of farming else where. can testify that Pennsylvania did not snfifcr by the comparison. Acre for acre, its fields were the best tilled and the most fruitful of those of any other State, and it is no', a stretch of the imagination to claim in this good showing that farmers institutes have borne an important part "The larmers' institutes bring to the at tention of ail Ihe farmers who are progres sive enough to attend them, not orly t'ie latest scientific knowledge regarding soils, fertilizers, the most proiitable crops to be raised from any given soil, but the result of practical experiments made by those who are in the front rank. What one farmer has succeeded in doing other farm ers are willing to try, and the net result has been an advance all along the line In Pennsylvania as elsewhere the farmers have suffered in pocket from the competi tion of the virgin wheat and corn fields of the west, but this competition ba* served to stimulate to better methods of farming with gratifying results. "With so many institute# to be held this vear, the State Department ot Agriculture should be able through its lectures to give the csuse of better roads a big boom. Good roads are scarcely less important to the farmers of the State than good crops, for the crops must be hauled over the roads to a market, and there is no item of the pro cess by which the farmer secures the re ward of his industry more oostly than that of transportation and greater profit to the farmer. As an agricultural investment good roads will certainly prove profitable, to Ray nothing of the added oomfort and convenience they will bring to the whole •ommnnity. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache. A pleasant laxative. All Drofflito. "Boys will be boys." but you can't af ford to lose any of them. Be tefcdy for the green apple season by having l)eWitts colic and cholera cure in the house. KKDICK & G 801 l SI AS N. Only two minutes are required for the blood to course through the heart thence to the lungs, back to the heart, and then through the entire body and return to the heart. The whole system is drained and under mined by indolent uleerH and open Horcß. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve speedily heals them. It is the best pile cure known KKDICK Si GBOHMAHW. The popularity of the bicycle as a means of exercise, sport ami pleasure is fully established in France. The lull extent of the use of this machine has been brought l>efore the public in the national tax collector's report. Easily Cured. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco habit are easily cured l»y thu ute oi llilf» chloride of Gold Tablets. No effort re quired of the patient who is allowed the use ol stimulants until ho voluutarily quits their use. Fay he given secretly in iea or coffee and a cure guaranteed in every case. For sale by all lirst class druggists al SI.OO per package. For lull particulars and book ol testimonials ad dress Tbe Ohio Churnical Works, Lima, Ohio. "One must expect to pay for experi ence," says the Philosopher, "but it is just as well to look out for bargains." Poison Ivy, insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are quickly cured by DeWite* Witch Hazel halve, the great pile cure. ItKUICK Jfc GaOHMAHN. Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physicians, but the sullerers %vant quick relief; and One Minute Cough Curo will give it to them. A sale cure lor children. It is "the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results." HkIXCK cfc Gaol!*! ANN. If the skeletons at McKecs Rocks arc those of recently-buried white inhabi tants, they have been industrious since death in gathering up a pretty fuir lot of ancient relics to adorn their sepulchres. New Use For Grapea. It has been discovered that grajtes used with lilecampanc Root ami the Herb Horchound in projicr proportions made into a cordial is j>erforniiiig won derful cures in stubborn cases ot colds, sore throat and hoarseness. Public speaker* claim it far superior for the throat to any confection. It is coming in general use among physi cians. Ask tor Aunt Rachacl'n Horc hound Cordial. For sale by druggists. A Vermont widower who is engaged to Lillian Ashley's sister, Kmma, is on his way to San Francisco to assist lier through her trii«l for shooting at Lucky Baldwin. Then he will marry her. It does'nt matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and con stipation are caused by neglect or by un avoidable circumstances, DeWitt's Little harly Risers will speedily cure them all. Itklfiok. it (iaoIIMAHK. If you have ever seen a little child in the agony of summer complaint, you can real ize the danger of '.he trouble and appreci ate the value ol instantaneous rellel al ways afforded by DeWitt's oolic and chol era cuie. For dysentery and diarrhoea it is a reliable remedy. We could not af lord to recommend this as a cure unless it were a cure. RKUII K A, GaofiMAiin. The Itritisli steamer Moldavia collided with an iceberg in the Atlantic on AUK list 2well Mich, when he saw a sheriff coming to at rest him fatally shot his wife and killed himself. Ur.hef in Mix Itourt Distressing Kidney anil I'lsdiler dis eases relieved In six hours by the "Now (u until oil revviol '/ fiO rtn WE HANDLI: RI IT NOTHINFI L> U I I'UkK KKLIABf.IC C,()()I)S from 3 tci in years old, ami you K<-t tlicm direct from the barrel. •"(iUARANTI-KI) I'l'Klv WIIISKIKS Pinch's, Sam I'hoinpsoii, I'X*'. Oi'won, I!riilxej>ort. (iuckenheiuier, I'il finijcT, Ovcrliolt, etc. f 1.00 Per Pull 0' «rt. - - ft Quart* <5.00. Grwulfather'H Choice, 3 years « »Ier j;al, WK ARK A I,SO IMl'i )R'l l .RS of nil kitxl «>f Wines, Coiivaeks, Hiatl'lirs, Rums, etc. All im t . < ' I), orders, securely packed and shipped promptly. We prepay express charges oil fio.i«i orders or over. I'AIR liliAMMi'l'n EVI.KVONIi. KOBT. I.I:WIN, \ CO. 136 Water St., ----- New Number |i 1, PiTTSIItIKO, I'A. SiJurrriKS LA Kit Or A. Pi Avr. Attu f OUMTM BT. Pi r (HUUiIf.H, PA. \ A'l forniMof I»- li<--MIMIII'I "iiil. iciilhn 111 o li'-atr l nl llu- !»i ji'ii' .'1 r / \\ • tfi n ir.r.-«« 'iirrlv Mlt«liu«l. I»i l\ I IK< U " #f5l*llll»«rof tIM- «o. »l< I' •• >1 ll' - nn.'ii* • « »'l Hiirn**»»» » •1 4 '' '"" ' ' • X|m n«: iccl SI'KCIAI.IH. ill i!.«MJ»Ii,RF«- ,«'iu iik tilivMli'ftl una jwntJil •!• iy,l»« ' • n'-iv". I."|H»l* Viicy. «l«*..; MuH ' »• • ' '''• l • 1 Pilr , IJlnMiiiifttlum, mi«l All !i • • '•> I' l '' 1 I. in. i'-, I ilin»r\ ' MjMm ,i lr. < . n-t.lt .1 -i. ii«i nr. Ml i ictly ro 4 r. M. » ih II nl ftfllrn or ii'll •i M » I»P • I \' v I'm J * •«' • sN A FC K P' * V^.P- 1 «(»H L' » AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL Wmm ■ ■■■■ CODHUIt lh% O'l iVlluUn" DR.LOBB :piO w. Thirty il!•.« uicii of »n« ri i.ml woui« ii No nmil«r from t»h»l i MIIM< or lom Nlmiillng, I IV'.' PN"** C.lulli-ilouiul Hook -•rfnUni) »U«I UilllW VMCL FRAZERA lIKNT IN TIIIC WOKI.LL. 111 w«rlnt(|.lilHlni «rn nnnirpMnn), kctunny outlutlnic two lxil>'» «,f nn/ oilier lirnml. Not •ffr<'l>v| hf hnnl I *•. IKT Til IC «J I'M'INK. *OU BALK J)V I'KALEILH (■ I£NI KAI.LV. Pt'hl.kHl.l'. r.fllih IM.ntnn'l llrnn*. ENNYROYAL PIUS ig."v flrlflnal «n«l Only (Jrniilnr. A 7* l N «*»r, MIUM* I •»..«» sal &II "- k - A l»r««rU» for rHi.Hf.tr, . / , .H l>, . fW\\ ■•■ / //■/ . 11. «l y. I'■' I - I rw UJ "luiu'r for l'.«»ll rm,"int'"" r.lnrn \ nr Mall. IO.OIHI i .«I...«•.'•!• A..'— / r « hi'•l,^*rl4r«lc»H IMb; nlLar C1«>111 i 11<3 CLEANED or DYED If you want fjoo.l and reliable cleaning or dyeing .lone, there is just one plate in town where yon can pet it, and that is at IHE BUTLFR Dli WORKS '2l ft (Jentnr ftvoiiuo. do fine work in out door Photographs. I'lii r i:. the time of year to have a piettne ol your house, (five us a trial. R. FISHER & SON, Agent for th.i .luiin Ktown Sliding i Blind t'o New York. tWliht Nerve licrriej have done for others ■w ill tlo Q y»». '• A'- ' ana'Ptrmariotiily Ro.\(vrcd. ■""" UA »- A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and a:l (heir train of evils resulting from early errors 1 and later excesses; the result of over work. .jickii 'ss. worry, etc. or excessive use of tobacco,opium andiiquor, which lead to consumption and insanity, llit ii use shows inimedi ate improvement. In i t 'ipon having Ihe genuine HERVEBEm.i£S, n »other. Convenient to carry in \ cr.t pocket. Price, fLOOper box, six boxes, one full treatment, £5.00. < .uaranteed tocure anv case. If not kip', by your drui;- gi-.t we will r end litem by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet ft:e. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN IKLllfofrL CO . CINCtNIAtI. 0. WHAT IR O N WiUL DO. IIS ISJA i LIKE*;! OWN TONIC, Bf i iM. '.p|- itUo ntui pro duo*'* rnfr< wl"cp OIVES VIIAL srflENGf H f J NUHSINQ MOIMfcMJi. MbV Chock* wiH'UK riftnpn J nllcM nw urna InoJpioit' ' ** coiinum >* :i. Jooroimer iml lio'th. Ik \ MAKES Rr:n, men IW.OOD. Jr Promoton Ll' ' y )INTIC t-I .MHO. Will (five Mi j « ,•> nr rony CliO( k i 111 -tltil CUKER /.. • A! COMPLAINTS. MB JWiikon »♦ I MPI: I >' I v/« U.OUOI wink Uogl GILMOHE'S IRO'i TOiliC ."ILLS Care a'! Danism turn tin /r 6fii|unnoc# t BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &C. TIH-V nt 'I N' T* !' i ill' rrmnMn -I «.l ' ».M *,'»•' «*.»»; • II .1 UM (•..(» .1.1 I i Mirt » mn hor » t /»»; • r onM'|iu:iit ly I'll l it tho I««'<» « 1 ■ '"«• I •' IMlllNlllli M'MI I i .rrh" 11, IIM 'lu M » I FORM* #«I IRON ft MII /m 11 • atinf»»»t f»0c?, i>niiu)hlct Iri'o Jf .'jl ki t>l by vour drup.anit, ti l'lru» j GILivIORE S: CO.. CINCINNATI O. VIIALIS IN wen I VITAUS 1 TIIHOUEAT OOU. FRENCH REf«IFOY oo.'> n«r IHO|>IH!KM I IIP. AMOVP. It I Mir I/| H H 'l'll' M I? un ?ri•, VITA I fH. no I I . . . ' I • « *«t »NK ' I CAU'VI r ff'P' mtOQ , CftlfeM*, tU j i I'or mmlo '■ Hnti#/, i'a. Uy Oily J ' J'lifcriuftcy. ]; \22D. T. PAPE i; VThe Leading Millinery House Of Butler County* * J ' Closing-Out-Sale of Summer Millinery Goods at ' * Less Than Cost. y As tin season is far advanced, \vt want to i > get rid "f all <>ur summer rrillincn •* >ods, i ► A and have maikcd all Bonnets, Hats. Rib- { > bons, &c, down below cost. Come in and < /V see tor yourself. j k | I. T. P; PE j| Summer is Going * * And so must Summer Shoes and Slippers. CoM weather and rain ha* hurt the pale of Summer Shoes to a very great ex'ent Summer in almost over and still lots of Bummer goods on hand—wbnt urn I to do!" The only answer is, pell tbem and SELL THEM VEKY (JUICK. In order to do this, some greet inducuments must be t fl'ered and I thiuk lam equal to the occasion. During the next 20 davs I am to dope out many Roods at lese than manufacturer's prices. lam iroine to ofl'-*r inducements in high grade footwear which cannot be resisted All summer goods must be closed out bofore wa move, so cali at once aid select a pair &t a great reduction WHAT 1 AM GOING TO OFFER Ladies fine drngola patent tip shoes 85c, fully worth sl|2s Ladies fine dotißolo patent tip shoes $1 35, fully worth 2 00 I,ailies tine grain patent tip shoes 75c, folly worth 1 25 Ladies kid slippers 40c, fully worth 75 Misses and Childrens shoes, your choice 75 and 50c, fully worth 1 25 Only a Few of the Many Bargains 1 am Offering Youths tan shoes at 75c, fully worth, $1 35 Hoys tan shoes at s>oc, fully worth 1 50 Mens tan shoes at $1 35, fuily worth 2 2o A LEADER A pair of Men's Fine Calf Shoes in luce or congress, (any style toe) at $1.25, fully worth $2.00. IVrsons wishing to iake advantage of these reductions should call soon, while the selection is large. JOHN BICKEL 12 5 N Main St. 131 PD DA 330 S. Main St. L)U 1 r WE HAVE been ottering oar stock of WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS to the people of Butler Count)' for so many years that there is little for us to add. You all know that we ship none but pure liquors, and if you are going away for a vacation, or intend to stay at home, you will need some good whiskey, or some pleasant wine to help pass a delightful time. OUR WHISKIES are sold (or $2.00, SJ-50, $3.00, $4.00, and s<>.oo per gallon, and when we say that they can't be equaled anywhere lor the money, we mean it. All the, dif ferent brands of California wine are sold at $2.00 and $2.50 per gallon, and they are the very best in the market. We don't want you to forget that we pay all express charges on orders of $5.00 and over. Send for one of our Catalogues, mailed free on appli cation, and look it over. Jt will interest you. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa, Wholesale Liquor Dealer. JM * Summer Drive yWjfiq "\ !< ncs a measure of its pleasure it the carriage is less lux* V/ 111 ions, easy running and handsome than it might bo. Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good point*. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get are as and secure as they're sightly. Aslv mid insist tlint you see them nt your dealer's. M.d in FRELONIA MFG. CO.. Tonnfstown, Ohio. RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, . ,: ° K j V • SOUND MONEY, 11 \ NATIONAL HONOR, HOME PROSPERITY. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, The LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAN FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Will make 11 vigorous ami relontlens fight through Ibe Presidential 1 ampul#'", for principled which will bring proMporltr to tlm out iro country. llh campaign m