Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 10, 1896, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Farm for Mia.
Public sale of school desk.- 1 , etc.
Barton's clothing.
A 1 Raff's shoe*.
Ease ton's shoes.
Excursions. .
STots— All advertisers intendingto maW
otnges ia their ads. should notify as oi
thiir intention to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Administrators and Executors o( eotatee
oau aecure their receipt books at the Cit
ll* ofßoe
—Oar P. 0. is to be remodeled.
—The Pittsburg Expo, oponed yester
—Seats on sale for Gilhoolys Abroad,
Friday irorning.
—A nev patent firo escape is known as
the "Anti-Sheol.
• The scissors sharpener soon discovers
that life is a grind.
—Church bells will soon be indulging in
the aatnmn wedding rings.
—You can now shoot squirrels, also wild
dncks, if you can find any.
—Timothy hay is selling on oar streets
at sl3 to 915, and mixed hay at sl2 and sl3.
—That Wolfcreek fish story is on a par
with the Sea Serpent story of one of the
Pittsbnrg papers.
—Pa. iter Fair this week, Greenville
next week, Stoneboro and Beaver the
next, Mercer and Clarion the next.
—Baruum A Bailey's great show will be
here Saturday Oct 3d. Their advertise
ment will appear next week.
—lf men (ought for their religion as they
do for their politic*, the devil would make
an assignment in less than a week.
—Crowds gathered aroand that street -
piano on oar streets last week. It was a
novelty, and it made good music.
—Many of onr people were surprised to
find the banks closed last Saturday. They
forgot it was Labor Day—a legal holiday
—"The humorist who doesn't stop to
weigh bis words," says the Philosopher,
"never realizes how heavy his jokes are.''
—Some of the campaign orators are go
ng about with frogs in their throats. At
least they are doing a great deal of croak
—•Butler county will have at least two
Farmers' Institutes next winter. Some
remarks regarding them will be found on
4th page
—Mr. Divel, the fish man, has rented
the room in the Reiber building lately oc
cupied by Reiber & Co. for a meat market,
and it fitting it np for a fish market.
—Tbe owner of tbat South American
water-bog is said to have cleared SIB,OOO
daring tbe past few year?, exhibiting bis
"marvelous curiosity."
—The house of Samnel Devlin on the D.
K. Shakeley farm in Fairview twp, was
entered and robbed of a watch and other
valuables, Monday night.
—lt is just abont as sensible for two
neighbors to quarrel over politics as
ever religion. After it is all over both
parties are sorry they spoke.
—The premium list for tbe street-fair in
Beaver Falls, yesterday and today reads
something like one lor an Agricultural
Fair. Tbe affair is something of a noyelty
for this vicinity.
—Our grooeis are paying 15 to 16 for
batter, 12 for eggs, 50 to 1,25 for peaches,
10 to 20 lor apples, 20 to 25 for potatoes,
7 ots a doz for corn, 3 to 4 for cabbages;
30 to 40 for a pair for spring chickens, 25
Ota a bu for tomatoes.
—Tbe public schools of this town opened
Monday, with about 2,000 scholars in at
tendance. There are 40 schools and 45
teaohers and principals. Tbo sth ward
school opened with ten schools and 500
—A mother complained tbe other day to
a London magi strate that a boarding school
teaeher required a necklace to be removed
from her daughter's neck. The child had
worn the necklaoe since she was three
weeks old, and would catch oold if it were
—Mr. J. N. Hailett, of Carbon Black,
exhibited a number of varieties of chickens
at our Fair and took premiums on them all.
He has an elegant assortment of fowls;
and will exhibit them this week at Parker,
next week at Greenville, then at Stone
boro and Moroer.
—A bicyole authority says that a piece
of ohewing gum stuck on tbe tire and your
handkerchief tied over it is a good thing
for a puncture in case of an emergency.
11 will serve the purpose for you to ride
your wheel home. There, carry a quid of
gum in your oheek.
—State Superintendent Schaeffer sent a
letter to the various boards of County
Commissioners In tbe State last week ask
ing tbem to furnish the number of children
in their oounties between the ages of 8 and
13 years as returned by the distriot asses
sors in compliance with the compulsory
education act. These statistics will be
embodied in the forth-coming annual re
port of tbe Department of Public Instruc
—ln every American home tbe rocking
chair is regarded as an indlspensible acces
sory. Those who love their rocking chair
will be glad to know tbat a medical author
ity has recently pronounced it to bo of use
in oertain cases of dyspepsib. If the pa
tient lies in an almost horizontal position,
and tbe movement of rocking is very gen
tle in character, rocd results have been
known to follow, supposedly because tbe
movement stimulates the digestive organs.
—The Pennsylvania Railroad company ia
experimenting with a new device by which
freight car* are to be painted by machinery.
Roughly stated, the machine is comported
of two reservoirs, one containing the paint'
and another com pressed air. A bone leads
from each reservoir to a nozzle, throagh
which the paint in sprayed by the force of
the air. It ia estimated that with one of
Iheee machines one mac will be able to
paint 25 to 30 freight oars per day, and do
it better than with a brash, and it is said
that the force of the compressed air drives
the paint into the wood.
—A household item in an exchange says
that pore powdered borax, In tho propor
tion of half a teagpoonfal to each quart of
milk, will keep it nwcet tor several days.
The borax should be scattered over the top
of the milk, which should bo lightly stirred
and then pnt in a coo!, dark place The
above proportion may be slightly increased
or decreased according to the weather and
th* length of time the milk is required to
keep. Cream may be kept sweet in tho
same way. The bo rax is healthlnl and
perfectly harm less.
—The Qormansnever beloromado the I it
they ere making this season in farce com
edy; they are sapported by a strong com
pany, and the specialties are all good.
Everywhere this season they have appear
ed to large and enthusiastic audiencee;
their fan is spontaneous and they sin? well
and givo an exhibition of eccentnu danc
ing that brings d>jwu the house. The
entertainment they are providing is a sure
enre for the bines.
The September Quarter Session mot
The Grand Jury for this week is compos
ed an unusually responsible looking set of
men. Esq. Leslie of Middlesex was made
The returns of the Jury up to yesterday
evening are as follows:
Gbaxd Jury Kit cess.
Commonwealth vs:
Andrew Horner, rape and fib. Sept 8,
settled and bond approved.
Lee Hea.»ley, pretence. A true bill.
John Clark, larceny. Sept 8, pleads
guilty and was sentenced 90 days to the
work house.
Richard Wagner, larceny. SeptS, pleads
guilty and was sentenced 90 days to the
work house.
Thomaa Piper, fib. Sept 7, bona and
settlement filed.
Wrn Burris, assault and aib. True bills.
Elger Lance, fib. A true bill.
John Gorman, aib and resisting an offi
cer. Settled.
Frank Tadder, fib. Settled.
Dr. S. A. Johnston, selling liquor with
out license, selling on .Sunday, furnishing
on Sunday, selling without a prescription,
selling more than once on the same pre
scription. true bills.
Wm J Fisher, rape and fib. Recogni
gance entered to appear at next term.
John Welter, aib and assault. True
Lee Heasley, false pretense. A true bill.
A T McKee, assault and aib. True
A J McClelland, practicing medicine
without registering. True bill.
C E Ruble, selling liquor, etc. Case
continued till next term.
Clinton Turner, larceny. Sept 8, pleads
guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine of
$5, costs, return stolen property and sent
to the House of Refuge at Morgacza.
Joseph Johnston, burglary. Sept 9,
pleads guilty and was sentenced to pay a
tine of SIOO, costs, return stolen
and to undergo an imprisonment by sepa
rate or solatary confinement in the peni
tentiary for three years.
Geortro Moon ann Robert Barron, mali
cious trespass. Not a true bill and prose
cutor to pay costs.
James Say, selling liquor without license.
Sept 9, pleads guilty and is sentenced to
pay a fine of SI,OOO, costs and imprison
ment in the county jail for 3 months.
Constables Rettrxs.
The constable oi Petrolia reported some
side walks.
The constable of Oakland twp reported a
county bridge in unsafe condition.
The constable of Clinton twp reports
two unsafo bridges and road obstructed.
The constable of Harrisville reports that
the line of the Einlenton Gas Co obstructs
the streets.
The constable ol Mars reported a bridge
washed away by backwater caused by the
viaduct ol the P. i W. railroad being too
small and a rule was issued on the officials
of said road.
The constable of Cherry twp reported
one unsafe bridge and one bastard child.
The constable of Karris City reported
that gambling for money was allowed by
Thomas Page agent for Jennie Duprey, and
the District Attorney was directed to pre
pare and indictment against them.
The constable of Concord twp reports
roads in bad condition, bridges onsafe and
two bastard children.
The constable of Marion twp reported
some roads out of repair.
The constable of Mercer twp reported
some roads in bad condition.
Tbe constable of Muddycreek twp re
ported roads and bridgos iu bad repair.
The constable of Butler twp reported no
index boards and one bastard child.
The constable of Evans City reported
one bastard child.
The Court issned a rule on the P. S. i
L. E, railroad officials to show cause why
they sbonld not be indicted for obstructing
the Butler and Kittanning roads; also rule
on the Town Council of Butler to shiw
cause why tbe ditch should not be repaired
at corner of Franklin and East Jefferson
Sts; also walk of Geo Smith on S McK "an
St; also street in front of L Z Mitchell's
property on Diamond; also walks on prop
erty of Rbilander heirs, Patrick Golden,
Harvey Miller, Miller heirs and Thomas
Lindsey. The court also grantod rules
upon the above to show cause why they
should not be indicted for maintaining a
Also a rale on Sarah Mackey, Joseph
Balph and other persuns owning property
on Centre Avenue, why they should not be
indicted for maintaining a nuisance.
Also rulo on owners of old opora house
property tor same.
It also ordered that the Town Council to
remove board walk in front of Khinelander
property at once; also to remove board
walk in front of Ileiner property on Pulton
St, or close it up until made safe.
This order to be served on all the mem
bers of the Town Council, also rule on
Town Council to show causo why board
walks should not be laid on Mill Street on
property formerly owned by J. N. Patter-
BOD; also rule on the P. & W. railroad offi
cials to show cans 3 why the bridge over
Lookout Ave should not bo put in a safe
condition; also on Town Council to show
couse why a large number of walks should
not be put in good repair.
The constable of the 2d ward Butler re
turned some bridges, streets etc, and two
bastard children.
The coostable of the 3d ward reported a
child being born at the Children's home.
Tbe Sherifl sold all the right, title, in
terest and claim of
Geo W Ilyerly to P W Lowry lot in But
ler for $5.
Elizabeth McCall to John Berg 71 acres
in Clay for $1550.
Petrolia Creamery Co to R P Scott lot
in Petrolia for $25.
P Golden to Mis B Goldtn lot in Butler
for $l3O.
E A McCall to E C Thompson 25 and 2G
acres in Brady for SI2OO.
Washington Magill to Al ItulF 50 acres
in Concord twp for $lO.
All the other writs wero retuined or con
D. W Roberts was granted a divorce
from Martha J. Roberts; also Annie M.
Hanlon from Lawrence M. Ilanlon.
The application of the citizens of I'eters
ville for incorporation was heard yesterday.
I The O. C. Sale of the property of Ange
line Dobson was set aside.
A petition was made for the partition of
the estate of Ira Stnntrer.
The property of Alex S i-atterson late of
Centreville was sold at Administrators
Bale to Martha J Patterson for SI3OO.
Mrs X Eaton bought the John G Bippus
bouse on Institute Hill at O. C. Sale for
Lotters m administration was granted to
Cbarlott Domhoff on estate ot Modice
DomhofT ol ConnmiueneHsing twp.
Tho B. >t P. railroad company have filed
a condemnation bond in tavor of James F
and Albert Hamilton in the sum $20,000.
O. K. Waldron administrator of Corne
lias Snodgrass was empowered to sail real
estato for the payment os debts.
Kdwin Meeder administrator of W. 11.
Ifft waH empowered to sell re>>.! estate.
Gcorgo C. and Prixcilla McCollongh ad
ministrators of Samuel McCul.'ough peti
tioned for leave to moitgago real nutate for
the payment ot debts.
James Skillman has petitioned for a
detective license.
Letters of adin inistratiou were granted
to Hanniah H. Gephardt on estate of John
Gephardt of Buffalo twp; Also to Anna
Wagner on estato of John VV. Wa/ner of
Penn twp.
The will of Matilda Ilogo of Brady twp
was probated and letters granted to Wm.
P. McCoy; Also will of Jane I'srk of Con
cord twy no lotters; Also will of Mary
Jane Derrimoro of Jefferson twp no letters.
The following cases have boon appealed
to the Supreme Court: Cooks'in vs tho P.
it W. Railroad; T. W. Phillips vs The
Farmer's Oil Co. and Franklin twp vs Mrs.
Anna Herman was granted a divorce
from L. M. Herman; also El via Benton
from J. 10. Benton; also Minnie Stewart
from W. F. Stewart,
P. Double and C. H.Johnston were ap
pointed appraisers t' ippraise tho assigned
estate of J. B. Orbi; i.
An order was made for a special term of
couit commencing Monday, Nov !), 1890.
Frank P. Carroll made an assignment
for the benofit ot creditors, and Thomas
Robinson BK<|, was appointed appraiser.
A. I). Woods of Alleghony county,N. Y,
has petitioned (or the appointment of a
guardian for Lyman B. Woods of this
A rule was granted on ■ McKo t<.
show caune why his licenso should not be
revoked' Some fellow claims he got five
drinks there before breakfast.
Pbopiktv Trakskiii
Zelienople Ex Co to T A Phillips lot in
Jacktfon for #l9O, al.-o same t» Harriet
Hays lots in for si>>o, also to
Ella Umbright lot in Jackson for $l9O. a'-o
to W J Wright lot in Zelienople for $199 50,
aUo to J W Zeigler lot in Zelienople for
sl9!' oO.also to Geo Meeder lo' in Zelienople
for $l9O.
John W Zeigler to S O Wright lot in
Zelienople for SJ«o.
A Seaton to W W Graham lot ia Zelie
nople for S4OO.
Edwin Meeder to Geo Meeder 10l in
Zelienople for s^soo.
Emma Graham to P E Cook lot in Annis
ville for $25.
Geo Keiser to M Ileck lot in Butler tor
John R Young to E Wheeler lot in Zelie
nople for $2450.
C Duffy to Jos Manuel lot in Butler for
Z G Davis to H E Morrison lot in Butler
for $172 30.
E M Fletcher to C Sjhoenfield lot in
Brain for SIOOO.
John G Ueiner to J. N. Patterson lot in
Butler for S:t,4CO.
W J McKee to C D McKee lot in Duller
lor SIOO.
Marriage licenses
Adam Peters Allegheny Co
Kate Fay
David White Renfrew
Margaret Brice "
Wilber .R Keefer Lancaster twp
Esther A Boyer "
John Henry Forcht Butler
May E Green.... "
Oliver R Miller Butler
Florence Wolfoid Gomersol
W L IJaubenspeck Ceutreview, O
Orrie il Bico Baldwin
Stephen Dugan ..Clearfield twp
Ella Coyle Donegal twp
John S Say Wildwood, Pa.
Cora White Butler
Wm. W. Jackson Oakland twp
Ida C Bartley "
S C McKinnej- Butler
Clemmie Christie .... "
Chas B Kamerer Bradys Bend
Martha J McGarvey Fairview twp
At Pittsburg, C. R. Davidson of Mars
and Jennie Wise of Allegheny.
At Kittanning—F. J. Bowser of Petrolia
and Matilda Crawford of Qjeengtown.
At Pittsburg—Andrew L. Marshall of
Butler Co and Minerva Schroder of West
Deer twp; also Shelden S. Young and
Annie McAnallen ot Butler countv.
—The house ol Robert Anderson in
Middlesex twp, was destroyed by fire,
Tuesday morning. There is Rome insur
—Th e Town Council hearing in Court
this morning practically amounted to
nothing. The borough has no money with
which to grade the streets; the correct
grade will not and cannot be known until
a permanent impro\ement is made, and
the improvement cannot be made until
the money is voted for and borrowed for
that purpose.
—lt IB rumored at Harrisburg that the
State license law is to be changed like the
Kaine'* liquor law in Xew York State, j
The issuing of licenses is to be taken out I
of the hands of the judges in Philadelphia
but to remain as it now is elsewhere in the
State. Another feature of the proposed
law is to break up the ownership or'control
of retail housec by distillers, brewers and
wholesalers. One cf the attorneys for the
organization states that a very large pro
portion of the retail saloons are simply
commission houses, selling spirits and beer
for manufacturers or wholesalers. The
now law will provide such restrictions as
will prevent this, and send many of those
now conducting saloons into other business
or compel them to look for new sources of
capital. A thorough protective system is
to be provided for.
—This rage for buttons is getting to be
ridiculous. The campaign button has giv
en place to some of the most absurd mon
strosities lhat wero ever fastened to the
lapel of a coat. It is not calculated to in
crease a man's good humor to see staring
him in the face after ho has made a state
ment a button with the words "I'm some
what of a liar myself," and he looks silly
when he reads on another button that he
shall "Get o(F the earth, your time is up."
There are buttons that say "if you love me
grin," and "Let's got married," and "Are
you banding out kisseß now!" There are
gold and silver bug buttons, and buttons
that say boldly "I am a Democrat, but I'll
vote for McKinley." And every day the
variety increases. A prominent cigarette
firm has about a hundred different kinds
and every purchaser of a pack of cigarettes
gets a button. Some men who are con
firmed cigarette smokers have made collec
tions of buttons that will certainly be of
interest twenty years from now as showing
how many kinds of a fool a man can make
of himself.
Mrs. Elsie, wife of J. W. Mor.-tf, of Lodi,
0., died at the Allegheny general hospital,
on Wednesday of last week, from injuries
received in the wreck on the Pittsburg and
Western railroad at Valencia, j
A large splinter of wood entered her tem
ple, which wound finally caused her death.
She was 3G years old, All of the otbors
in the hospital who were injured in the
wieck are recovering.
Th 6 b&rn of Daniel Rasloy, in Conno
(|iieiiv.Hf tup. near Buttercup, wan de
stroyed, las't week. llis boy Hot fire to tho
straw stack, and the fire communicated to
tho barn.
J. P. Finin, of Mt. Chostnut delivered
Home goods on V". Pearl St. late Saturday
evening, and in turning down St.
to go to Penn, his wagon upset, and he
was thrown out. His shoulder was dis
located and four ribs were broken.
Special Excursion*.
Every Sunday during September speoial
train will leave Butler via P & W at 8:15
a. m. Returning leave Allegheny at 5:25
p. m. Butler time. Fare lor the :ound
trip only 75 cents.
—The Butler Lubricating Oil Co
haa moved back to tbeir old Btand
119, W. Jefferson St. Steelsmith &
Patterson's new building, wbero al
kinds of engine, machinery, and il
luminating oils of the finest quality
are kept in stock in the basement,
and will be delivered to any part of
the city when ordered from C. E.
Mclntire, agent.
W ANTED— S,OOO Agents for Russell's
authorized "Lives of McKinley and
llobart." 550 pages, elegantly illustrated.
Price only SI.OO. Tho best and the cheap
est, and outsells all others. 50 per cent,
to A gents, and Freights Paid. Books now
ready. Save time by sending 50 cents in
stamps for an outfit at once. Address
A. I). WoßTillffOTOJf it Co.,
Hartford, Conn.
Sox and shirts, ill wool and a yard
wids, cheaper than the oheapest—at.
HECK'S, 121 N. Main St.
ipr The only genuine Spring
being delivered to his customers daily
Leave jour order at liichey's
Vox Popuii—liny your clothing,
underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, BOX
and neckwear of I). A. HECK, and
saye money.
FOR. SALE—New modern home,
centrall; located, just completed, in-
I side w. c , laundry, reception hall,
' double parlors, electric light, cabinet
■ mantel SSOO down, balance same
> as rent.
Att'y at Law, Record .Building.
Enos McDoia'd visited his daughter
Mrs. Thomas Gordon, lart week.
Prof Gibson hp* rented pait of the Sut
' ton residence on N". McKean
R. X. Emery, of Concord twp. was tho
guejt ot his son J. M Emery thi-? week.
Miss. Stella Negley is visiting her I rother
Harry in Philadelphia.
L. F. Reiber and wife ot Alligheny
were visiting his parents here, lact week.
Miss May Fowler ot the South Side, has
gone to Slippery rock to attend the Fail
term of school at the State Normal.
James Rankin, of Penn twp, had a good
good crop of wheat, this year. He threshed
152 bushels from 8 acres,
Harvey Hunt sold his railroad restau
rants here, and at Bennett and New Castle
junction to J. M. Garner of Akron, 0.
N. W. Campbell and Elias Brown, »ei I
to Morgantown, W. Va, Monday; There
they will attend the State Law College.
John Mitchell was out to see McKmley
a' Canton ,'ast Saturday. He went w t th
the Beaver delegation.
Linn Borland is in Xew York purchas
ing a Fall stock for Mrs. Jennie Zimoisr
Annie McDonald of Harrisville, and
Sam'l Black of Mercer Co , were married
by Rev. Kerr a few days ago.
Frank Clark and wile of the Park, cele
brated t' e 10:h anniversary of their mar
riage, Tuesday.
Eisworlb Murphy and wife and Mrs.
■Su-an Boyd ol .Allegheny, were the guests
ol Mrs. W S Morris of Mercer St. la-t
Edward White and wife and Miss
Walker of Allegheny were the guests of
Mrs. J H. Reiber last week and took in
the Fair
W. J. Peaco, of Middlesex brought us
a basket of apple? and peaches, yesterday,
the handsomest and best we have had this
J. H Southgate of New Castle, the
Vice Presidential cuudidate of the Nation
al or Broad Guage Prohibition party will
speak 111 the Opera House Saturday nub;.
J. N. Patterson purcnased.the lot on N.
Main St , adjoining Dr. Redick's home'
from the Heiner brothers, Tuesday, seven
ty teot front for $3,400.
James C. Vandyke and wile ot Marion
twp. were in town, Thursday night, and
visited with their friends, Mr. and ilrs.
Clem. Brown of the Ist Ward.
Z. H. Snyder, son of J. C. Snyder, Esq.
ot Biady twp., visited his folks this week,
aud took in the Fair. He is now clerkiDg
in a shoe store in New Brighton.
James Glenn, son of W. C. Glenn of W.
Suiibury, visited his iolks last week. He
is now working in the Standard office in
Uuiontown, where his brother Charley has
a shoe store.
Charley Stokey's new hotel at Zelieno
ple is to co.-t $15,000. Peter Schencs ae
cured the contract. Mr. Eckelberger of
Butler intends building a three-story
trarne hotel in tho Extension, near the
new station.
Daniel Cable, Bavid Parks, J. W
Monks, Jos. Miller, J. P. Boggs, Dr.
Thomas, J. E. Brown, Al. Dunbar, Jos
Moore, las. .Steen, D. Goldiuger aud sever
al other o'd friends dropped in to see us
during the big day of the Fair.
Jovial Jos. Moore, who now lives near
Grove City, was in town last week, taking
111 the Fair. Joo had an odd experience
duiing last oats harvest. He rodo on a
load from the field to tho barn, and wheu
he picked up the first sheaf to throw It in
to the mow, found thf.t he had been sitting
on a large rattler.
Mrs. Wm. Caldwell lost a diamond pin
oa the Fair ground. It is about one inch
long and in the shape of a hand with three
fingers closed. The diamond is held by
the thumb and forefinger, the wrist is in tbe
shapo of a cuff with buttons. A boy on
the grounds lound a pair ot eye glasses,
aud a pocket book with one key in it.
Inquire at this office.
Rev. Warren Roth occupied the pulpit
of the English Lutheran church last Sun
day, and will do so next Sunday. Rev.
Tbeo. Roth, tho youngest cf the three
brothers, preached a masterly sermon in
same church last Sunday evening. The
Synod of the church sustained Theo. in
IIPB dispute with the trustees of Thiol Col
lege, aud retained him a-j President of the
The Young People's society of the U nit
oil Presbyterian church of Butler county,
held its annual convention at White Oak
Springs church, in Connoijuenessing town
ship, this week. White Oak .'Springs is
on* ol tbe oldest United Presbyterian con
gregations in the county, and prior to its
organization, in 1818, there were very few
church organizations of any kind here. It
was organized iu that year by Rev. Isaiah
Rev. Oiler is down with pneumonia.
Rev Tuller of Chicago filled his pulpil,
last Sunday evening.
Mrs. Charlton Edholm, National Super
intendent of Florence Crittenton Missions,
will lie in Butler from Tbarsdav of this
week to Wednesday of next week. Inclusive
and will speak on successive evenings in
the Presbyterian, United Presbytoiian,
Mithodist, Baptist, Grace Lutheran and
Reformed churches. Her address on Thurs
day evening will be in the Presbyterian
church, aud on Sunday evening iu the
United Presbyterian church, when the
ministers ot the other churches will be pre
sent. The object of this mission merits
the Presbyterian, United Presbytoiian,
M.lhodist, Baptist, Grace Lutheran and
Reformed churches. Her address on Thurs
day evening will be in the Presbyterian
church, and on Sunday evening iu the
United Presbyterian church, when the
ministers ol the oilier churches will be pre
sent. The object of this mission merits
the sympathy and aid of all Cbrislain
Excursion to Canton v'a P. & W. Satui
day September 19.
The P. it W. will run a special train to
Canton, Saturday, September 19. Leaving
Butler at !> o'cl >ck a. nf returning leave
Canton at •> o'clock p. ni. (Sutler time.
Kare from Butler and points, between But
ler, Wild wood and Zelienople $l5O, and
fare from points between Butler and Fox
burg $2. Special train will be ran from
Butler to Pox burg Saturday night on ar
rival of special from Canton. Ample ac
commodations will be provided for all.
Business Insurance.
Imuranco experiments are expen
sive It is wise to deal with estab
lished companies onlv Wo know,
and know those whom you know
and can refer to many prominent
Butler citizens who will tell you that
the Naiioual Lifo Insu ranee Co. of
Montpelier, Vermont, issues the
most desirablo endowment and
option policies written by any com
pany Speculative operations are
seductive. Stick to your regular
business and invest largely io in
surance issued by the National on
the Bond plan. Ask our represent
atives in Butler who are experiouced
and reliable for a sample bond at
your age
Lock Box 771, Butler I'a
Closing out trimmed hats away
below cost at The People's Store.
—Job work of all kinds done at the
Hay Papa—di«L you see HECK'S
neckwear, it. beats anything you ever
FOR SALE—A boys bicycle, In
quire at this office.
—The Butler Business College
and Schoci of Shorthand. High
grade commercial, shorthand and
English school, located in Butler
Curriculum embraces Book keeping,
Shorthand, Type-writing. Commer
cial Arithmetic, Commercial Law,
Grammar. Geography and Spelling.
Endorsed by bankers, merchants and
patrons. Fall and winter term opens
September Ist.
Saw Mill for Sal a.
We will sell our saw-mill, with
20 horse power engino, and all tools
and fixtures at a very low figure.
Inquire of or write to
Sarversville P. O. Butler Co, Pa.
The tJicycle Race.
A large crowd of men and boy s witne.~~ j
ed the starting of tbe road racers yesterday .
afternoon; and bait the town were out to '
see tbrra cotne in.
T*ie racers suited from to 2:15 P. M
some being givan a start of 15, 8, and 5 1
mantes, ovir tfcofe who started last
The route was from Butler to Prospect, 1
to Harmony, and back to Butler via
a di-tance of 111 miles.
Mardorf reached I'i-tersville at 4:OJ 1
o'clock, and Butler at 4:31. but his handi
cap or start ot 5 miuute» brought his t;me
a lew seconds below that of Aber who
came in second.
Think of wheeliug over hiily roads, 34
mile.- in 'J» hours. It was hard and quick
Wi rk The 25 wheelmen kept coming in
singly and in pairs till towards 6 P. M.
They all went over tho route excepting
J M Brown, of Oneida, who turned thr
corner a' Main and Mifflin too shortly, aud
ran into tho cntb, hurt himself, and wreck
ed hi? bike Faber struck a wagon near
Whiter-town, and was thrown and ui ule
unconscious, but'recovered and finished iu
9 h place. Cumberland, Sherman and
U:te stopped to eat peaches and lost iheir
places, ahile Walter became too thirsty
and stopped at Harmony long enough to
lose several pegs.
The Judges were D. E. Dale, Charley
Dovigla»s and J. S. Jack, and the Time
Keepers, J. E Zicrick and Harry Heine
John Riddle broke his bike at corner of
Main and Mifflin, but went back aud got
ar.other and went over the route.
The distance is put at 34 miles, but the
cyclometor of one of tho racers it
35 plus.
Mardorf took things ea*y from Peters
ville to Butler. He could have made up
those few seconds within the limits r.f But-
The Prizes asd places.
lnt time prize, J. C. Aber, of Glade Milli>,
time 2:2G 05. Bicycle by White Walter A
2a time priza, Geo. Uardor! of Butler,
time 2:26 31—lamp, clock, cup and other
Ist place prize, Lawrence McDowell
2nd place prize, Jack Thompson of But
3rd Jno. Cress of Evaus City.
4th l-.ee McDowell of Butler.
sth Clarence VFeigle. of Harmony.
tith Chas Brell of Counoijuenessing.
7th W. B. BranfielJ, Chicora.
tUhWrn. Walker, Harmony.
9:h Earnest Faber. Batler.
10th John Kiddle, Prospect.
11th A. 1). Weigle, Harmony.
12ih K. B. Walker, Harmony.
13th Jesse Knox, Harmony.
U'h Harvey Mangel, Glade Mill.
15th G.'H. Walter. Batler.
All Aboard lor Canton
Train leaves P Jfc W. depot in Butler at
9,00 a m of Saturday 19th, fast time stops
along the route as far as Zelieuople, and
then runs through to Canton via Akron
A tremendous crowd is going from But
ler county, and we might *s well take a
day otf and all go.
P S-Take a lunch in your pocket. It
will be after I p. ni when we reach Can
ton and the parade and speaking will oc
cupy nearly all the time till 5 p. m. when
the train starts back.
Bctlkb Patterson it Tate are drilling
oil the old Judge Mitchell farm, east of
town in Summit twp. Phillips well on
the Young farm was c ised, last week.
>V. Sushuhy—McClung's well on the
Berg farm reached the sand, last week,
and filled up with oil. The gas took fire
anu burned the rig.
Parkkb—Heydrick A Co's No 4 on the
liosenberry was completed last week, and
begun flowing. The gas took tire and tho
rig was burned. The well will probably
start oil' at about 500 a day.
J. R. Kearns' Auctions.
Bell, Millerstown, Saturday 12th, 2 p.
Zimmerman, near Pair Grounds, 19th 2
p. m.
Elias Sli.ikeley, near Renfrew, 24tb 10
a. in.
l£osa Bergbigler, near Herman Station
25111 10 a. in.
Mrs M. McSchein, near Dilks Station
Oct 13th 10 a. ir
The amusing musical farce comedy "The
Gilhoolya Abroad" i; of a nature calculat
ed to bring out to perfection tho comical
abilities of the Brothers Gorman who in
every act introduje new specialties, and
songs which keep the audience in a roar
of applause and laughter, from the rise of
the curtain to its tall. The singing of the
Company is especially fine as is the danc.
iug; in the latter line, John and George
Gorman introduce a novelty in their dance
of the Broad way Swells, which id execut
ed to a tuneful.medley arrangement of pop
ular songs; it i« one of the prettiest things
in the amusement line produced this sea
son. All the members of tho company
are good performers; every part is in pro
per hands, and there is not a weak place
from start to finish.
Shot From a Crossbow.
The human arrow, or Alar, as she is bil-
U d witn tho Barnmn it Bailey Great.'-!
Sh.'w on Earth, is one of the wonders ol
the century. This remarkable, clever and
courageous young lad v permits herself to
lie hurled from the gigantio arms of a huge
Koiuan crossbow away into the air wlmri/
stie is caught by the hands of her sister,
who hangs head downward from a trapeze.
In her perilous flight she strikes a target,
head lir»t, aud goes clear through it l»y
the force with which she ii shot into the
ai-. It i" a most wondmful performance,
clever ar.d startingly executed, demand
ing I) tb ({"'at nerve and the nicest calou
lalioi), an the smallest defect in the
ra'.us or the sighting of the crosnbow
would be attended by serious consequence#.
It is one ol the many new and marvelous
feats to be seen this year in the show
when it oomes here on Saturday, Oct, 3d.
Fruit and Vegetable
On South Main Street, next door to
Stein 's bakery, where you can secure
Fresh Garden Stuff, every morning.
Green Lima Beans a specialty.
Fruits ot all kinds.
Spring chickens dressed or alive.
Kggs and butter. Tomatoes at 25
cents a bushel. Green Tomatoes 15
cents a bushel,
l.eave your order* for Ketsup, Ac.
Public Salo.
At public auctic n at Broad street
school building, a lot of school desks
and several second-handed Btoves and
clocks will bo sold Saturday, Octo
ber 3d. at 1 p. m. Terms cash.
By order of the Hoard.
T. F. NJOULI, Sec'y.
Farm For Sale.
The .John Doerr farm on the hill
south of Butler containing about 200
acres, more or less; good five room
stone house and three room small
house, good orchard of thrifty young
trees, good springwater, and gas
well, is for sale. This farm is sit
uated about a mile south of town.
It is well watered and will be sold
cheap. For particulars inquiro of
MRS. JOHN DOEItR, <>26 Brown
Ave , Butler, I'a.
Oh Mamma—you ought to see the
big piles ot childrenß suits at HECK'S
only $1.25, you can't got the same in
town lor loss than $2.50,
Pants—Oyer 2000 pairs to select
from, at prices, oh well, don't men
tion them, its,' awful, where 'it
A set of lettered, walnut boxes—
"pigeon holes." Inquire at this of
MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 128 W
Wayne St. Also nicely furnished
room to rent.
I Trunks, yalißes, Imgj and tele
copes—at ilec&s.
Our Great Fair.
The Butler Agncultural Association h s
been in existence tor tbe part nineletb
years, has given nineteen fairs or exhibit
ions. has paid every premium adjudged
i:i full; owns its own grounds and don't
owe a dollar. It is the onlv Agricultural
o." Fair Association in tne .- tale with such
a record. It's grounds now consist of six
ty-four acres of eui ab'e gr.mn 1, with
buildings aud track - hat will c uipare lav
oiably with any :u the state. Some years
it makes mocry aud some years it loses.
This year it made some money, while a
year or two ago it lost and its reserve fund
came down to $33.
With the money made this year it in
t -nds to enlarge Floral li al 1 and the Grand
stand aud improve the grounds aud ac
commodations The stock holders of the
association have never yet received a
c«-ni of dividends or intere.-t.
Tl. u red ay last was perbapes the great
est day the association has yet had. The
weather was propitious that morning and
about a third ot the entire county came
to Butler and went to the grounds. To
wards noon the sky clouded; duriug the
alternoon the rain fell in torrants and
thousands of people were soaked although
they crowded into everything that had a
roof over it. It was a rare piece of luck
for the side shows. Some of the races
were postponed, and Friday was &n un
usually good d»y for the aasociatiou.
Alltogether it was the gieateH and
best Fair Butter has ever seen.
Railroad Notes.
The Washington Star of last Thursday
on the authority of "an official ol tbe Bal
timore <fc Ohio railroad," published a
lengthy statement to the effect that An
drew Carnegie is preparing to gobble up
or destroy-the. Pittsburg A Western rail
road, and that ibis will injure the Balti
more it Ohio railroad materially. The
article claims that Mr. Carnegie desires
the Pittsburg A' Weatern railroad in order
that he may extend it from Ormsby to
Buffalo and make that port his point of
shipment for the products of his riills. It
is claimed that he is willing to put $5,000,
000 into tho enterprise and prefers to con
trol that road in preference to connecting
Pittsburg with the Pittsburg, Shenango A
Lake Eiie railroad, as has been contem
plated for some time The article conclu
des with the statement that Mr Caregie
has been promised tho aid of other large
corporations in Pittsburg in making tbe
new route a success.
—Attend Prospect Academy.
Beat advantages for those wishing
to enter college, business, or become
teachers. Term opens Sept. 8, 1890.
Do yon want a hat or cap? IIECK
hae them aud can save you money
Free. Free. Free.
Your name on a postal card will
bring a copy of The Butler Business
College Exponent,a bright eight page
monthly paper, issued by The Butler
Business Col'ege and School of Short
hand. Butler, Pa.
Underwear— A spec la'ty at HECK'S
his stock is large t and finest ever
offered in Bu 4| e'
—BoardingHouso Cards, with Ac*,
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-doaen,
.or *ale at CITIZKN office.
—Prospect Academy is oce of the
boat and cheapest schools in tlio
state to gaio a solid education. Tu
ition only $7 per term. Term opens
Sept 8, 18!H>.
—FUN RENT — A complete chicken
co*p, with a half acre run, also an
incubator. Inquire at this cilice.
Come aod test the work of Pros
pect Academy. We give special at
tention to each pupil. All branches
taught. Tuition $7 per term. Term
opens Sept 8, L8!)G;
M. M iloDOEiu U S., M E .
For bale.
A fine Farm of seventy acres, two miles
West of Freeport, buildings good as new,
plenly of water, fruit of all kinds, soij
good, five good gas wells within % mile
of said farm. Price $4,000. For par
ticulars address.
Box 98. Silverville.
Butler Co, Pa.
Auditors Notice.
In re Partial Account 1 Orphans Court
of Clias. L. Northime, |of Butler Co.,
K*. of Christina Ilasler, | Pa., No. 17,
dec'd. j June Term 1895.
Having been appointed auditor to inakc
distribution of the funds as shown by
the partial account and of the estate of
said decedent, and to pass upon any ex
ceptions that may be filed to said ac
count, I hereby give notice to all parties
interested that I will attend to the duties
of said appointment at my office 011
South Main street, Butler, Pa., Sept. 4th,
1896, at 9 o'clock a. in., where you are
requested to attend.
J. B. MCIUNKIN, Auditor.
Executor's Notice.
Letters iiiHluninntary in llie estate ol
Harvey Cooper, d»c'd, late of Slippery
rock twp., Btnler county, Pa.,having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing thomselyes indebted to said ob
tain will please make immodlate payment
and any having claim* against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
A. L COOPER, Kx'r.
Slijiperyrock, l*a.
Ralston & Greer Ml'js,
Administrator's Notice.
Letter* ol administration in the estate of
Henrietta D ut'y, dee'il late of tVush
ingttui iwp Uutli 1 «/o. I .iviug been
grant.h! to i:,e iD<t« : gned *ll persons
knowing 110 in •< Ivi • aid estate
will please make in . . .. ment, and
any having claims r, . estate will
present them pr> jtei . tir ited for
*elllemt nt to
B. C i . . tv \dm'r
i It, Pa.
Admlnistiator's Notice,
betters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned, 011 the estate
ol William Lardin, dec'd, late of Clinton
twp, ButUr county, Pa., all persons in
debted to said estalo will please make im
mediate payment, and any having clnims
against Hie same will present them prop
erly authenticated for settlement to
L. S. LABIUM, Adiu'r. I
Saxouhurg, Pa.
K. McJunkin, Atty.
Erecutors' Notice.
betters testamentary on the estate of
John b. Ueatty, dec'd, la'.e of Washington
twp. butler Co, Pa. having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to -aid estate will
plenso make immediate payment, and any
having claims ngainst said estate will
present them duly ant lionticated for settle
ment to
413, Lookout Ave., Butler Pa. or
Billiards, Butler Go, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
butters of administration on the ostate
of Isaiah N. Bryson, doc'd, late ol Coal
town, Coerry twp., Itutler Co, Pa having
boon granted to the undorsignod, all
persons knowing thotm<elvps indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said ostate will permit them duly authen
ticated for Battlement to
| ISMZA B arson. Adm'x
I Coaltown, Pa
J, it, llcJunKiv, Att'y
crhap.s juu tlon i know how
j cady we arc on
re'atior. u, prescrip-
I it will not be .uniss to
( 1
1 all your attention to the
! "eliable
rompt service
o everything of the kind placed
our hands
ever was so complete
ave you money too.
C. Itf. BOYD.
Diamond Block. -- Bttltr, a
Administrator's Notice.
Letter* ot administration oil the erlate
of George List, aee'd, late of Adams twp.,
Butler Co, Pa. having beeu granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves iL debttd to saiJ estate will p[*as
make immediate payment, and any having
claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated fjr settlement to
McFaun, B itlor Co. Pa.
W. H. LCSK. Att'v.
The following pieces of land will be sold
at the Court House on
at 1 o'clock p. m. by the County Com mis
sioners, being land purcba-ed at Tri asur-"
or's Sale for taxes.
lUO acre# sold as the property of Ander
son Xegle7 et al, for taxes 1891. Bounded
on the ea.st by lands of W T Crawford et al,
on the west by lands of Jas Jolly, on the
north by lands of Wm Karus and on the
►onth by lands of Wm Kennedy.
ISS acres sold as the property of George
Zeigler for taxes of 1891 and 3892. Bound
ed on the north by lauds of T K Graham,
on the south by lands of John Taggart, on
the east by lands of John Palan and on the
*est by lauds of Mary Turk.
1 lot sold as the property of J oseuh Carry
for taxes 1892. Bounded on the north by
lands of Mike Gallagher, on the south by
Public road, on the ea*t by lauds ol F S
McGinnis and on the west by lands of Jos
1 lot sold as the property of B W Cress
lor taxes 1892. Bounded on the north by
lands of Rebecca Flanders, on the *< uth
by a street, on the east by lands of Sulivan
heirs and on the west by lands ol Sulivan
5 acres sold as the property of A D
Kaiuerer for taxos 1892. Bounded on the
north by lands ot C Danbenspeck, on the
south !:y lands of Fred Barnes, on the east
by lands of C Daubenspeck, and on the
west by lands of J D Kamerer.
1 acre sold as the property of Green wood
Oil Co for taxes 1892. Bounded on the
north by lands ol Peter Landgraf, on the
oast by lands of \V J Boyle, on the south
by lands of Peter Laudg.af and on the
west by lands ol Peter Laidgraf.
1 lot sold as the property o! Thos J
Moore tor taxes 1592. Bounded ou the
north by lands of H L Westerman, on the
east by borough line, ou the south by lands
of £1 L Westerman and on tne west by
lands of H L Wesf.orm»t>
23 acres sold as the [ ropertv of Daniel
Denny for taxes 1892 Bounded on the
north by lands of II A McLaughlin, on the
east by lands of D G McLaughlin, on the
south by lands of W T Tavlor, and on the
west by lands of li R McDermott.
25 acres sold as tho property of Christy
aud Cannon for taxes 1891 and 1892. Bound
ed on the north by lands of R H Campbell,
on the east by lands of Reep heirs, on the
south by lands of W T Reep and on the
west by lands of R H Campbell.
10 aores sold as the property of Stanley
Sankey for taxes of 1891. Bounded on tho
north by lands of Wm Bra'iam, on tbe east
by lands of , on the south by
lands of and on the west by
lands of S 0 Bell.
50 acres sold a u the property of Elizibeth
Sedwick for taxfis 1891 aod 1892 Bound
ed on the north by lauds of D B Steven
' son, on the east by land" of Win W*ik»r,
on i he south by lands o' a id
oi the west by Und< ot S* n-iol he 1 don
■ et al.
50 acres sold us me property of H «fc L
Ta)l«r i (!n for tax-s 1892. Bounded on
tn« north by lands ol Ji on Say, on the
oil by lands of II L Ward el »l, on Die
somh l>y lands ol Sedwick heir- and on the
West by latids of
50 acres sold as the property >•( .V \lc-
Brtde fur taxes IBoi BoiuM no the
north by lands of W P Cochran, on the
east by lunds of F Moore, ou the south b)
lands of C Dully aud on-the west by lands
ot J DricelamL
31 acres sold as the property of Mioh'ael
V Kelly for taxes 1891. Bounded on the
north by lands of Elizabeth Patterson, on
the east by lands of Rose Mcßrido, on the
south by lands of John Murrin heirs and
on the west by lauds of J J Kelly.
attest Co Commissioners.
Commissioner's Ollloe. Aug 24th, 189 G.
Is what will occur here
while these wonderful
qualities hist nt tb;
prices. Six inches of
space can't tell one
six-hundredth part of
the merit of this Serge
Write at once for samples
and sec for yourself this
great Dress Goods chance —
I 45 inches wide, yd 4< c
50 inches wide, yd 50c
Greens, browns, blues and garnet .|S
inches wide, yd s°^
Other NEW FALI. WOOI.ENS choice and
a stylish 25c to $5,50 yd.
1! Peiin Avenue and Fifth St.,
:> I
Atiomej at law. olllce In Mitchell bulldlu
Uut'cr. l'a.
\ l>on t forget to call «.n ib for that new school suit yonrS
Jioy will this fall. Iff
E.\ new line to select from ami at prices so low as to be
[LER - - - PA. I
Our clothing for men for fall an l winter wear is
worthy of your consideration.
Never in the history of the clothing business has
price been so low as at present. K '
I\ S.- -A few suits remain from the half-price sale,
ro at half-price marke<l on ticket. JB
To Buy Clothing At These Prices.
Our stock for (all will soon be shipped to us, and we
must clear our tables for it.
So prices have been reduced on everythinglin our Store.
We will just mention a few of the many bargains we have for you.
Mens Suits, size? 34 to 42, at $2 75
Mens Suits, sizes 36 to 40, at 33.50
Mens Suits, sizes 35 to 39, at 4 ;.00
Mens Suits, sizes 33 to 38 at $6.00
Bovs Suits, long pants suits at $1.75
Hoys Suits, long panta suits at $3 00
Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $4.00
Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $5.00
Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at 75c
Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at $1.25
Boys Suits, knee pants suits at $2.00
Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at $2.75
78 pairs of Mens pants at 99 cents worth $2.00
125 dozen Mens and Boys shirts at 25 cents worth 50 cts
So come early before the assortment is low, and secure
clothing at less than cost to manufacture it.
Schaul & Nast
Leading Clothiers, 137 S- M&in St-, Butler, Pa.
+Graod Displaj of Boots anil Shoes+
Early Fall Styles
Constantly arriving, are choicest New Stocks in
every line of SHOES represented in this Immense
Stock. ® ® ® ®
Hen, Women, and Children
Faahinnnd hy firms nf noted rouutatiou
nothing shoddy, nothing second rate,
The Best at Lowest Cost, the trade
magnets here. We claim the best and
most artistic stylos in shoos and lowest
prices ever offered in Butler. TRY
-Motler's Leading Shoe Honse#-
Opp. hotel Lowry.
Hfl AERMOTOR in recent times originated a new Idea In Windmill
COMPANY. Who •el^?o^to^i n H ,V 'v?o o repe^S^S?'refWMcT totoin^V^
N.b . k.nu< Through gratitude. and because we are price makera, and va^B
caSL Citj.a»i»t L°"i». Jlßflßfife. aafest 10 deal with, aud because we are the aole originators
1£ r Do., ■..mi City. of all that is good in the modern ateel windmill and ■
|»| ■ Dubuuur.l)...n tower, THI WORLD HAS QIVBN US MORITHAN H
9" g B »'■■■ In low prices, high grades and large aales. We make snort
,11 n l n : hand with long power stroke pump*, with best wamlaM^H
Savv • parkin'' D«tr(U brass tube cylinder*, lower than Iron onee—«•Ksi*UckM^V
SpII Baffid!.NX.Tm7>•««. We prepay freight to 20 branch boaiM. Send DOW
tS"" K" Turk CUji 111 brautifuliy illustrated catalogne of up-to-date
If - Bu«t<>n.Has*.; ill this appear* but once. Our Imitator® may
.***** ( wiimort, All print our latest plans. No one knows tM
111 Mill, Pumy or Price until h# kaowa ourt*
trr*// ' v •_
of well dressed men wlio arc wearing the
well made tailor made clothing our store
is famous for. You can economize in
many ways where it won't show but Jt is
no economy to wear suits that will not
fit and have no style about tliem when
we are ofiering a fine line of f.v> suits at
25 per suit and trousers at s(> to Si'.
New Dapper Suitings freshly imjiortcd
for (iur fine trade. A suit that fits and is
well made is tailor made every time.
Come in and make your selection from
some of the finest imported cloths ever
shown in Butler.
You Know Kverything is all light
with .1 suit of clothes we make for you.
It is our business to suit people and at
the same time to follow the styles.
Kverything Natty, Nobby and new nt
prices that defy competition.
A 11" ivy Suit of Clothes for the light
est price we ever placed uiioii auy of our
high grade sartorial productions. Now
is the time to buy clothes. Do you
know how to grasp an opportunity?
Here is one
nm to
Cor. Diamond, Butlor, Pa
j-: MiAsi/yO l|. p J j
4 In tnat la',
s»cli;lit It would take,l« (iold dollars to 4'
Pmake In xvelKht one Sliver dollar. We guar-j)
Aintee for eltlier one Sliver or a (lold dollar'.
Rive vi.u llio purest and moat HKtd
i'ake a moment's lime and look atJ
itliese prices: i
#-• V. i.r Old Somerset *-"-«*> per «al J
Ai in 4Yr Old Pure l!>e »-• -'ft l» 2: MI "
V; to 111 a.w to 4.N) " 11
#isss Hand made Sour Jlasli 8,80 " |)
At. s. Dougherty I'u'u lure R.BO "
J,\ndi lessen Best I'urd Bye 4.80 '* fj
Spuria! prleo list on Wines, ete., on ap- .
ipllratlon, No extra charge (or jugs 01V
rpacking. Give us a trial order. (I
A- andriessen, j!
# 188 Federal St.,"Allegheny, Pa. (I
of papers in diQerent
Htylcs.'for correspondence. Box pa
per, tablets at>d envelopes to match
Taper by tbo pound or ream.
Near P. O 241 S. Main St
P < .1 .% ...ijcluli Ula»r.4 H.^%l
| j/ itf'" ,mt u4 mttmttvn* *• •'•4 4c.
I w JJr in Main,-# f •tißiobiai* 111
I \T* **n»iu«f for t>.v v«t«ni
•^ir r ?r re