[| AN OLD SAYING: | ►J "FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED. '— Z4 Are you going to the Great Butler I-air kj with that old Buggy and Harness ? They [fl are not safe and don't looV wei.. \ou m W know the Fair is your show and it be- W ► J i comes you to make a good appearance, M A therefore don't you think it would I>c a W good act to go at once to MARTIN- W ► J COURT <& CO.'S and get a new Ruggv r< A or Surry and a set of their own make of \ good Harness, as they are making special W ► J low prices now so as to enable everybody M A I to go to the Fiir in style this year. . . D The management think this will be the W ► J II greatest Fair thev have ever held and no- M A II body wants to mi;:s it, Better come in x| immediately and look over our stock and W ►J II get the pick—it won't cost you a cent to M | Yours Truly, FJ ► Martincourt & Co, I w S. B. Martincourt, D n f| Af . Do Ll fj J. 1. Leighner, Duller, rd. fi 10 mt mm m GREAT CLOSING ODT SALE OF 4 ' To close out that branch of our business. We are positively going to close out our entire stock of Men's, Boys and Children's clothing regard lees of cost. Man's Cunmere Suits sold for (8 00 only $4 00 Men's Cassimere Suits sold for. 10 00 only 6 00 Mens Cassiinere Suits sold for 13 50 only 6 1 5 Mens worsted suits gold for 16 50 only 10 00 Mens worsted suits sold for 18 00 only 12 00 Mens fine clay worsted ■old for 18 00 only 13 0 Mens finer clay worsted sold for 20 00 only 15 00 Cm 3000 Pairs Of Mens Pants Ment> working puts only 45 cts ""E 125 „, IS , 75 Mens working pants DAS worth 2 00 only 1 00 Bweet i Orr's Kerseys 00-mny- — Mecs black cheviotts 225 " 125 Mens worsted eheriotts 450 " 1 75 •• " <• 500 " 2 25 « " » 550 " 2 75 Mens fine osssimere 450 " 225 .. «« " 600 " 325 u u a 750 " 500 OVER 2IIICHILDRENS SUITS Good strong suits 1 00 only $ 75 Union oassimere 200 " 125 a •• 250 " 175 Fine asaimere worsted 600 " 400 We will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats ana Coats and Vests, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pocket and Bill Books, Purses, Spec tacles, Harmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c. It would be impossible to enumerate and give prices of all we have in stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest and most varied stock and our prices arc guaranteed lower than the lowest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied customers that throng our store from Monday morning till late Sat urday nights. Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, and when you make a purchase ask for one of our CARDS and when your pur chases amoun^to $15.00 or $20.00 we will present you a piece ol handsome silverware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme flour bin. Ask to see the presents. AO D. A, Heck Son, 121 North Main St., Butler, Pa T. H. Burton T. H. Burton Why is it that T. H. BURTON is always busy in his store? Simply because the people of Butler county appreciate the he has the best selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Suitings extra pants r and Men's and Boy's Furnishing Goods, ever brought to Butler, and sells them for less money. We guarantee ever) thing that goes out of our store to give perfect satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. T. H. Burton T. H. Burton EIES EIIOED FREE OF CBAKCF g[JT LLR COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham 1 ALK> wiCK Pr™. UKO. KrTTKKKB, Vice Pre#. R. L Klrfcpatrict, Optician and Jeweler L T "" Next to Court House BtiMer, Pa. i Allre 1 Oliver Graduate T,a Vort Haroloyicftl Institute r. W. Irvtu. lamp* A . \y. BLACKMORE* N. Wiit/EL, H. Bowmao, 11. J. Kllctfler —Butler Fair—Sept. 1, 2, a and j «. 1 1896. I LOYAL McJUNIKN Agent. • Children knee panta $ 25 only $ 1.1 u a •• 50 " 25 i. i> 11 75 *' 11 a II 85 " 05 « a 00 " 75 11 ii a 25 ' 90 Men and gondola hatfs, $1 00 on ly $ 50 150 " 75 " " 250 '' 100 " 275 " 1 25 ' " 300 " 150 •» " 450 " 300 Soft hatH act! caps in proportion. A ! the liteet Btylew in Straw, Braid.-, Maclc now, Milton, Tedtlos, Leghorns and i.i every conceivable shape ior Men Boys aud Children. Silverine watches $ 5 00 only $ 2 50 •• •' 750 " 450 Silver watches 12 00 " 0 50 / Ladies goldfilled watches 15 00 " 900 » " 20 00 " 12 00 •' " 2S 00 " 1R (lfl 1 Gents ™~ n 20 00 " 15 00 •• " 25 00 " 18 00 Ladies and gen f ß electroplated watches #5 A large slock of chains from 10c to :f4 Ladies waist sets from 10c to 50 cents. Stick pins worth from 25 to 50c only 10 ct* Gents enff bnt'ons 25c only 15c a 50c " 25i " 75c " 50i » $1 00 " 75. Gents link buttons from 10c to 75< Oar Jaetier diamonds in Stnds, Pius. Kings and Ear Drops are simply iumenst. The finest outside of the real steel-blue diamond. HUMPHREYS'" No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. S " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 13 Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Uriniry Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for sl. I>B. HriTPHRETs' lIriMEOPATHIC MANTAL OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Homphreys' Med. Co., 11l William St.. N. Y. Dim sTsrriiiccf IIOW It CURE YOUHSKLF "WHILE I'SING IT. I Tie tobacco habit prows on a man until Ills r.erv tis system >s s. rt,. .a y affec ed, lmpalnni: 'lpaltli, c.'infiift bipotwd. To quit sul lenly is too severe a • !i'«'k to the B>stetii. as tobacco to iii inveterate user becomes a >ilnu lunt that his s>.stem continually craves "I;:iro I 'uro" is a scientific cure tor the tobacco habit, ii all its tort:.* • .reiully compounded after tlie formula of an • mluei.t Berlin physician who hus used It In ills private practice since IS7j without a failure. It Is purely vegetable an 'Uaranteed pe:(ectly harmless, lou can use ill the tobacco you want \vhil« taking "Baco ( uro." 1' will notify you uLen to stop. We a written guarantee to cure permanently inv en" with tnree t.nes, or refund the mone) with 1" per eeLt Inter, s: "tlaco-Curo" 1» not a substitute, but a sclentilic cure, that cures without the alrt ol will power and with no In convience. It leaves the s>.'• m t>s pure and free from nicotine as (he day J '.u tvok jour I!r>: chew or smol- e. Cured By BACO-CL'RO And Gained Thirty Pounds. From hundreds ol testinn ii'nl>. the originals "f which are on tile and (.pen to Inspection. the follow ing is pre.-ented: layton, Nevada County Arkans as Jan. 28 iw» Eureka Chemical & MfJf.Co.. La (Tosse. Wis —Gentlemen: Tor forty jears 1 used tobaee ii all its forms. For tw'enly five jears of iLa; im-- I was a great sußerer from general debili ty and heari disease. Kor tnieen years I trie.: in t bit of good. flulh, however,l purchased a box of jour "Baeo-Curo" aDd It h;is entirely cured me ol the habit in all Its lorms. and I have in creased thirty pounds In weight ano am reliev ed ironi all the numerous actus and pains ol tiody and mind. I could v rite a quire of papet npoii my changed feelings and condition. Vouis respectfully. i'. li. MAKUUKV. Castor C. f. Church. Clayton, Ark Sold by all druggists at il.to per box: three boxes, ithlrty oajs' treatment), SJ.SO w Ith In n clad, written guarantee, oi sent direct upon receipt ol price Write lor booklet and prools. liureka Chemlcala Si Mfg. (:., I.a Crosse, Wis. ind Boston. Mass. HIE KEELEY ii . a S"peeiul U>nn to haziness men who. I. r. : '-c ■:. unco ... . . V int.. th" • k hut i i,c:> »o liinl the disc i-eof alcoholism t •, n the.a, rendering tliem unlit to iiiiraitt.'i'i/ ir; r i-iiring a clear brain. A fout w : irt-i. of treatment at tlie VJTTSBURO KF-KLfiV 1 ' No. -1210 Fifth Avenue, - 'to them all their powt is, . ne >!iysiciil, tie trcy> tte jthnoriril t r p< .< .. t snwi "tt to the •onliti'.r, tli \r -en fetheylndnhad hi «tino!ants ; t . r , l t telnnore than i'-r)0 cawai ' - ut i iti n~ then* some of rour t -jAg* .4 v 1 v ■ *ll refer .:'!i or ■ . t u „ e .if - • vtjr and ■ . i:.. \< • uj-.. L.i • i i: ' and mtft 5.;.; r-li 1. f - .tin., fe nit-:d. • :.d for o-mnhiet g ; . 1 it-j --ti- »-■ p b f ;;;r fl Brap !: ea R evi vo ESTORi:;s Vitality. 10th Day. C ' THE GRHAT :Mth Day. FRENCH REMEDY pi, ducrs the above results In :m tiajs. ir net- Dl L ' utttiUi" ut>d c'urui. v* 1.. 1. ~11 oll.er fall. Young men will regain their lost inuii hood, and old m«i will recover their yotitlilul vigor by using UEVIVO. It t|Ulckl;. and surely restores Nervousness. Lost vitality, I.osl 1 ower. Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and ill effects of excess and Indiscretion, which un fits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures ..j .-tartlng at tile seat 01 diseane. but is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink plow to pale chet: and restoring the fire ol youth. It wards ell Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having RKVIVO. no other. It can be carried in v. t pocket. By mail. SI.OO per package, or six for .(to, with a positive written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address lIOYAL MEDIfINK'O.. CHICAGO, ILL. For Sale by REDDICK & GROAIANN, Do you want to %) take advantage of the special Sale, at DOUGLASS' Send for special list of reduced prices. During this month only. AT DOUGLASS' Near I'. O 241 S. MainSt BUTLER, rA. What is Your Need? \ il iSSaXf m W If you need any thinu* in the furnish ing line we can sup ply you. Ii you want a liat or cap we can show you tlie best Up-To-Date | stock in the county, at very low prices. j Colbert & Dale. ' 242 S. Main St., Butler, I'cnn'a j For Sale. A ff»nn of J'l H -res. a seven roon. 1 twin**, goo l fruit, orolnirdf, well water, .) • m>«l spi ini? at the Uouso anp I convet;t( tt< t ! !'n ..ling- Will sell chead I or exchange f< . Mm property, aboot I uine.ri Iroui Liulier. ' For particulard inquire at this office. THE CITIZEN^ McCandless Reunion. Wednesday Aug., 19, 1596 witnessed a ! reunion of the McCandless connection m , the grove of I. J. McCandlessnear Union villt. The dav was pleasant and many 1 of the McCandless friends and relations i were present to enjoy the day together. The torenoon was spent in meeting friends, o d aid new, till al*>ut 12:15 I'- i .Y. w hen a very sumptuous dinner was spread, -vhich of course was an enjoyable feature of the day. After dinner the company were called to order by I. J. McCandless who had been appointed president. A motion was made and carried that the McCandless Reunion be made a per manent organization to meet again on the third Tuesday in Aug, 1897. Next in order was the election of offi cers for the coming year which resulted as follows. Pres, I. J. McCandless; Ist Vice Pres, W. H. McCandless; 2nd Vice Pres. Redic McCandless; Recording Sec, Win. T. Mc- Candless; Corresponding Sec, Minnie McCandless; Historian, Col. J. M. Thompson; Address of Welcome, O. t»- McCandless; Response, Jennings Mc- Candless. After the election ofofbeers the follow ing program was carried out. Prayer, Rev. Shoemaker, Music, Choir; \ddrt ss of Welcome. I. J- McCandless. R s{ nsc, Col J. M. Thorn; son; Address; Rev. McClelland; Recitation, Maria Thompson, Address by W. C. Findley; Recitation, Leola Thompson. Address, Rev. Shoemaker Song, Marjorie Ramsey; Hesitation BessieFrazier. Next several persons were called on and the following persons responded | Robt Mcßride, W. A. Christy and f. I). Mcßride. All joined in singing "God be with you till we meet again," and were dis missed with the benediction by Rev. Shoemaker. -in After t :e parting farewells were sai'.all took their homeward course pleased with the days enjoyment, resolved to re turn Aug. 19, 1897 and hoping to see mativ moie present next year. MCCANDLESS HOOD'S riLlsS euro Liver Ills, ijilloosiiess, Indigestion, Headache. A pleasant laxative. All I>raggtsts. Be Careful! Be Careful! In the usejof Brandy during season of bowel complaint. Nothing is so useful to assist in checking cholera morbus or cholera infantum when ordered by your physician as Pure Brandy made only from Grape. But how and where to get puie is the question if it is not pure from grape it is poison and will help kill the patent. The Old Climax Brandy distilled Iroui Grapes by Mr. Speer is absolutely pure. Be sure and see that the bottle has the cap stamped with Speers, X. J. Wine Co. Get it of your druggist; take no other Price Ji.joa bottle qt.: t 1 pint. Tommy—"Oh, pop, give me the wish bone!" Tommy's Pop—"What do you want it for?" Tommy—" 1 want to wish for more chicken." That tired feeling indicates declining health. Over come it by taking Hood's Sar^aparilla. No, Maude dear, we have not heard 1 that 011 account of the political difficul ties the iron moulders have refused to cast votes. 1876 Climax Brandy. i-'rom grape wine has, by its extreme ;.ge and constant care while ill uniform I -mperature and pure sweet atmosphere of storage houses for fourteen years, be come a rival of the Ilei.nessy and other brands of Cognac Brandy, and ti.ucli low er in price, and preferred by the physi cians ot Philadelphia, New York, and other cities. Buy it of druggists. T. P. Anthony, Ex-l-ostinaster of Pro mise (jit) lowa, smjs: "1 bought one ooltle 01 -Myitiic t_uie' for itiieuwalisin, »iiil iwo tiosrs r >i.uch whether sivk headache, biliousness, indigestion aud con stipation are caused by neglect or by un avoidable eircuinstanees; DeWitt's Little Early Risers will speedily cuie theui all. Kfcuick. JT GROHMANN. Citizens of Harrison Ind., have been' rendered miserable by a plague of ants that visited that place last week. The ground was covered and the sidewalks were black with them. If you have ever seen a little child iu the agony of summer complaint, you can real ize the danger of *,he trouble and appreci ate the value oi instantaneous lellet al ways aiforded by De \V' itt's colic and chot era cuie. For dysentery and diarrhoea ii is a reliable remedy. We tould not al lord to recommend this as a cure unless it were a cure. liEhleK Ji GEOHMANN. 187G Climax lirmvly From grape wine, has, by its extreme age and constant caie while in. uniform temperature and pure, sweet atttospbere oi storage houses for fourteen yean, be come a rval of the Hennessey and other brands cf Cognac BraD l !/, and much lower in price, and preierred by the physician.-- of Philadelphia, New York and other cities Buy it of diuggists. The forest fires in Adams county Wash ington were so heavy last week that, a woman in that section who went out to bring in the cows got lost in the smoke and wandered ten miles from her home. Everybody Says That the Wines and Brandy of the Speer N. J. Wine Co., Passaic N. J., are leading all others in public favor. Their Brandies are unexcelled for delicacy of flavor, and are pronounced by the most capable Judge to be the very best in the market, while their fine Old Port and Unferinentcd Grape Juice arc superior to all others for the sick room and commun ion Table. For pure grape Brandy their Old CHinax vintage 1576, is admitted the best to be had. Vineyard and cellars at Passaic, N. J" Absolutely Pure Grape Juice. Speer's Unfermented Grape Juice is so perfectly divested of all fermenting prin ciple by electricity and fumigation, that if uncorked and half a lx>ttle used and well corked up again immediately and placed upside down in a cool place, it will keep for months; but if allowed to come in con tact with the air in a warm temperature it wyll absorb the fermenting germ from the air and will not keep good, but will ferment and become slightly alcoholic, For sale by druggists. 111 Jefferson county the apple crop is so general and abundant that the owner of orchards find it difficult to even give away the finest varieties of fruit, and thousands of bushels will go to waste where they fall from the trees, even the stock being unable to consume the sur plus. Dr. Agnow'u (Jure ior the Heartgivs Darfect relief in all cases of Organic of sympathetic Heat Disease iu 30 minutca and speodily effects a cure. It is a peer 'ess remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o. .breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lef •ide and all symptoms of a Diseased Hoa.-t no dose con vincos. Sold by City Phar tiacv. Sir Benjamin Richardson, the distin guished F.nglish physician and medical writer' says that seven out of every ten sound and reasonable people ought to live to be no years old, and would do so if they '.took care of themeelves." Belie/ 111 Six Hours. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "Now Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention ol water and pain in passing it almost im mediatly, If you want quick relief and cure inis is your remedj. Sold by C. Kedick druggist Butler Pa. THE HABIT OF wearing good clothes is a good habit and our clothes are good habits. We want to help you torm this good habit. Begin now! in a short time you will be convinced we have saved you money and that you are always dressed in good taste. Good taste in dress secures a cordial recognition for those win* show it. No man can tell how much injury a shabby appearance may do him. Our handsome new Spring stock is now ready for your selection. MODKRN METHODS. MODERATE PRICES. ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTi -.ES FRANKLIN HOUSE KSTAIiI.ISUED 1837. Cor. Bates and Lamed Sis., DETROIT, MICH. Only a Block from Woodward and Jetfersoi Ave#. Very Central. INcar All Car Lines, j H. H. JAMES, Prop. SA.\IU£L M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. 200 Wc»t CunniinjUam »». I I <9o^^ i A little bit of pension goes a long g way if you chew "Battle Ax. g | The biggest piece of really high- y \ grade tobacco ever sold for 5 cents; g almost twice as large as the other 0 \l fellow's inferior brand. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES. 9 P GREAT SAVING RESULTS FHOM THE USE OF SAPOL.IO The Cyclist-s Necessity. ;OB>L » ■ TGFTI | WILL 008 CUTS, BITING m UI SM I |A 7 ■ M BRUISES, WOUNDS, SPRAIN^ EMI I D GS&H ■ ■ SUNBURN, CIIAFINGS, IN« I ■ SWE B M SECT BITES, ALL TAIN, fl Uy VB IIJ3 jLIJ AK3 INFLAMMATIONS. USED INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY. i ii Av USE POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT FOR PILES. S< nt bjj mail on vrrcittt "J SO ct»- WE HANDLE "RIIT NOTHING 1 PURE RELIABLE GOODS from 3 to 10 years old, and you net them direct from the barrel. GUARANTEED PURIi WHISKIES Finch's, Sam Thompson, Large, Gibson, Bridgeport. Guckenheimer, Dil linger, Overliolt, etc. #I.OO Per Fuli Q. art. • • 6 Quarts fS.OO. Grandfather's Choice, 3 years old $2.00 per eal, WE ARE ALSO IMPORTERS of all kind of Wines, Convacks, Brandies, Rums, etc. All goods, including C. <>. I), orders, securely packed ami shipped promptly. We prepay express charges 011 10.00 orders or over. FAIR DEALING TO EVERYONE. ] KOUT. LEWIN.&CO. 136 Water St., New Number 41'. PITTSBURG, PA. SThc Conventions •are now something 'f tb' p'st.tlie final* i'ieei.-ion >1 Uw people will be given The decision on " [ .r Xhave already been given and in Jhas stood the test of the people for 'SX Jyears. J i LOWEST PRICKS FOR PURK GOODS: T.-Vndriei'sen'* Best $.>,50 per gallon J Fl! year old, Pure Kyo 200 " T #:: to 4 year old " 28 t<> $2.50 .1 gu# d 7to 10 " " 5® I" I w 314 to 17 " " 050 to 6.50 " < Pure Kyo 2.00 to 5.50 " •> K Special price list on Wines, etc., onj No extra charge for jiiK-~J Jor packing. Uivo us a trial order. \ $ A. ANDRIIZSSKN, iMji'lOK:S iJVivH t-- £> ,•»-1 11; \I:V. I*9 Cr.-i- PEU AVE. ANU FOLIHTH Sr. /£& z\ y*- PI rrsßurtoH, PA. •' KSsK «■ A'l l"rin-"'f I »>•! ■ I Cnni . ph. " ii>. - -. fcT i-u.i:NTUi.ai;-l-. 11 NTI : I.'M'-1- n-iitii.li aid trentc'l at this I'i ,-v .r.'ly I'll-. -.1. Or. S k l.:iKiiH-.r.i'iiil.i rortli.' !:•»". |l< rnk;int i'liy ncuioß and mid is liie i>! U I nn.l ni-.sl ■\|» r:< i.-e.l M-UCIAI.H. .11 1 !..•• •! v Sp.-i-nl at .Milion - iv. ntoS •.•von. I >.■!.!]:) ;. Imi„ ,•><•>• -.iv mi - ful••xorttoii.i i'l. .-retionol M iilti,etc.,eans inK plivsleal and wr.ial '• *• d; . ,11 ; ,i. or add rem M'-. ! IKB, I •: KNNA'I 'lis''"-1 - ' >■' itiii! DR.LOSS [yjU pi. I IP'KLNTH ST., PIIILA., VA. Thirty v« x am t .11 •-.HI h t~>r »• »«-n f.ntl WOIIH n No rnutti r fr«*m vrhat rails'"'or I Jo'm F v ill <;» n-iutrr a cnir*. ly.'-rff"'* i l«»r*1 Bound Uooi# -ul -Ui UL«I uu FRAZER GBEASF BK.ST IP! TilF WOKI.D, Itsw«arinc.|iialiti, sarcungiirpa*scd, artuany two boxeft of any oth.-r Krari'l. Not afTi-ctcl l,>-lionl lirUKTTIIK'iKM INK. i'Olt SALE liY I'EALEU.S UENLKAELY. Chlrlie«frr'« riiflUh I>lofnon«l Hranif. 'ENNYR9YAL PILiS VH N A 13 ' llrH. r f..r l.u' r.mrn »X [f M«l I. |0,04H» A ■' 1 >)■■ \ - 1»• spf&Zfr Wl,r * t Nerve Berries JE?? have done for others flL' - >f S they will no thfc/r sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION,&c. Thoj* n n ihpr s! pti - no) caustic, anj ouo nc oKct o> thtooDttsil il: ;t ; ' ii >r its linirc consequently ■ ' hurt tho teeth oi cmian conatipr.lion or dlarrhoa. us do tho usuulfortp' or Iron. i l i:"mt. 50c. pamphlet I'rOO. If not 't't by vour druggist, audroiis GILxVIORE & CO.. CINCINNATI. O. VITALIS ■ l lf -4-'j yIZwQ i Ist Day. X t'T I VITALISt j THE GREAT scthDar-^HVfafl FRENCH sot:',Day. PBODUCES THE ABOVE R1 uLTP b««* lynti'! turnly romoveo - ■«" Wa»t|pi: •li- - i.*t vnr.iity.Powr i ac l rnilU'.tf Mrnmry. V . ..»* In-imty ami 1 ! 1 .•» I iS, u > . r , ■ .i. •< !• ■ I*} nail i ''Z l' ' TI ' ''.IONEV j ..., . j For <y giving you full value ,1 L ' for your money. A M N AL RDFF d SON, \ 114 South riain Street. J WE HAVE been offering our stock of WHISKIES, WINES nv.d LIQUORS lo the people of Butler County for so many years that there is little for us to add. You all know that we ship none but pure liquors, and if you are going away for a vacation, or intend to stay at home, you will need some good whiskey, or some pleasant wine to help pass a delightful time. OUR WHISKIES are sold (or $2.00, $.1.50, $3.00, $4.00, and $6.00 per gallon, and when we say that they can't be equaled anywhere tor the money, we mean it. All the dif ferent brands of California wine are soid at $2.00 and $2.50 per gallon, and they are the very best in the market. We don't want you to forget that we pay all express charges on orders of $5.00 and over. Send for one of our Catalogues, mailed free 011 appli cation, and look it over. It will interest you. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa, Wholesale Liquor Dealer. li Slimmer Drive f A Icjes a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less lu* urious, easy running and handsome than it be. Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good point*. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Mad 2 in- FREL9NIA MFG. CO.. Yanngstown, Ohio. RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, Slfesv FOR S'SOUND MONEY, ' \ HONOR, HOME PROSPERITY. THE NEW-YRK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, THE LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAN FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Will make a vigorous and relentless fight through the Presidential campaign, for principles which will hrititf prosperity to the entire country. Its campaign news and discussions will inter est and should lxt read by every American citizen. We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" 4 Months, I 7 Weeks for 50 cents. CASH IN ADNANOE. Address all orders to THF CITIZEN. Wi itc ■ >ur ikiuji. and address on a postal card, send it 10 G<>o. VV. Best. Tribau Building, New Voik City, and a sample copy of The Nkw Yqrk WiiiXUYC TkibunE will be mailed to you