THE CITIZEN THCRSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1*96. New Advertisements. Bickel's shoes. Miller's shoes. Pittsburg Exposition. Excursions. XOTI— AII advertisers intendingto make erages in their ads. should notify n* of tb >ir intention to do so, not later than Monday morning. Administrators and Executors of estate; Mti secure their receipt books at the C«T zia o'ice LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Foot bill hair is sprouting. —Tjachers' Institute next month —The odor of the tuberose scents the air. —The cough drop man will soon be with us —Dot leetle German band made good music on oar streets. —Collector Younkins took in about $40,- 000, Saturday and Monday. —A new figure ia the cotillion this year will bo called "the bicycle dodge." —lt doesn't make much difference where a man goes to spend his vacation; in the end he goes broke. —"Some stingy men are so afraid of jrivirg something for nothing," says the Philosopher, "that they wouldn't even hafte a contageous disease. —Excursion trains for Parker Fair. Wed nesday and Thursday at 8:45 a. m, fast time K timing leave Parker at 7:30. Excnrei' n .ate* on all trains. —There will be a vendue of personal property at the bouse of Mr. Anton Kreitz ler on the Plank Road Street, near the toll house on Saturday next, sth inst. —We welcome to tho editorial frater nity of the county, Mr. Ira S. Zeigler, who purchased from Messrs Young <1- Stough ten, the Connoqunessing Valley Xews. —They say womeu who drink mu-h beer havo large feet. We cannot vouch for this, but We would think that they would be in jre a; t to have large heads. —Waite's Comedy Company had a crowd" ed home Monday "evening, and pleased everybody. It ia a good company aud is well mauagod. Ttefr entertainments to date, haVe been satisfactory, aud the}" con tinue every evening this week, with a Saturday matinee. —The only t ?o pieces of Mosaic tile work in Butler are these in Dan W tiller's drug store. They are very pretty, and cost $3 a square foot, or about $l5O, lor the two pieces. The hand carving on the doors and frame was done by an expert now in the employ of S. G. Purvis &• Co. and tho "crooked-work" by Mr. Fair of same firm. —Escaping gas is dangerous. Over in the Ist ward the other day a boy gave a little tot a match and pat him up to light ing the gas escaping from a leak in the line. The little fellow did 80, and is now laid up with a burned face, and had he breathed the flames it wuuld have killed him. —The loss to the farmers of this State by the army worm upon their crops wiil not lall short of a quarter of a million dol lars. Reports of tho department of agri culture in counties where the worm made its appearance this summer estimate the aggregate loss at SIO,OOO in some town ships. —The farmers have their harvests near ly all ia the barn, and are preparing the fields for the fall crop. The corn is the only crop not yet harvested, ..nd it is pro nounced fairly good. So much wet weath er was injurious to the farmers iu many ways, making harvest late and also the fall seeding. —Tracy 'Denholm's store in Petrolia was robbed some nights ago, and suspicion fell apon a colored man named Jos. John ston who had been about there and who fave his address as Afeadville JJhief of 'olice H Cromling followed the man to Clarion Co., and caught him in tho woods near Phillipston, and brought him to But ler, Saturday. —The "what is it" exhibited here this week which no one could name, is a cabiai or capybara, an animal of South America, living on the margins ofb'.kes and rivers. It is the largest living species of rodent (or quadruped of the beaver tribe,) Leing about three feet long and half thai iu height. It resembles tho Guinea pig somewhat, is of a gentle disposition, shy and timid. —Fifteen hundred people attended the St Paul's picnic at t:t Paul's Orphans H- me last Thursday. About COO came from Pittsburg and Allegheny and points along the P. it W.. as many more from up the Shenango, and about 300 lrom points north on the narrow gauge. An excellent dinner was furnished for all by the management of the Home, some speeches were made io the grove, and the visitors seemed to en joy themselves. —Next time a traveling peddler calls at your door and tries to sell you goods, ask him if he will take jour bntter, eggs and other (arm products in exchange; ask him if, when your neighborhood gets ready to baild a road or bridge over a slough, he will donate a few dollars to help it along. Tell him that there is a poor widow down J the road who would be very thankful if he would donate a few provisions; ask him if he would contribute to an enterprise just starting. If he agrees to do this, men patronize nim. Y our home merchant does all these things and more. —The parade of the J. 0. U. A. M's. oil our streets last Saturday afternoon was a very creditable one; the Freeport Council was well represented as was als< the Pros pect Council, and they with the Butler membciß. Merchants Hand, G. A. R. and Boys brigade of tbe T. M. C A. made a large parade. At the school house, a passage of scrip ture wu roiifl by Rev Snyder and a pray er offered by Kev. Miller after which Mr. Kerr of Pitsburg made the presentation speech, and S. F. Bowser, in behalf of the Board received the flag —The largest ballot of any yet priatod for an election ot tbis State will be used in the coming Presidential oontest It measures two feet by nearly three (eet. The number of parties in the Held is what has caused tbe increase in tbe size of the sheet. There are nine columns. Kight parties are already in the light and tbe ninth column is for the use of any party that may jet decide to go yi it. Tbe part ies ard their candidates us they will ap -sea. on the Lallot are: Republican. Mc kinley and ilobart; Democratic, Bryan and Sewall; Prohibition, Levering and Joce a ; National, Ilealty aud Southgate; People's, Bryan and Watson; Socialistio Labor, blank; Free Silver, Bryan and Sewall; Sound Money, blank. —Samuel Wallace, a patient at Dixmont, sent tDere from Cherry twp, this county, I in 1892, was assaulted and beaten with a till vessel, so badly by his room mate an insane man named Ueimbaugh, lro-n Som erset county, last. Friday night, that he died a lew hours after. Wallace was for merly a coal miner. His body was brought home and buried Sunday. The two pa tients had been rooming together for a year and never were known to have had any trouble. It is buppose.: that Ueim baugh attacked Wallace while the latter was sleeping. The hospital people have been compelled tQ place two aiid three patients in the same room lately on ac count ot the increase in their inmates The capacity of tbe institution is GOO aud at present there are 775 insane within the walls. This necbs»itated a practico which is never indulged in, if it can be avoided, in placing insane patients together. It has resulted in this murder, the first that has ever occurreJ in DfXmont Asylum. The Institute Building has been secur ed tor the "Butler Collegiate Institute," which *vill open September 13th. It is proposed to arrange a preparatory, college preparatory, and two four-year courses, in cluding a fall English coarse with Latin, Greek and modern languages. The princi pal- E. F. Loacks, will have the assistance of Rev Geo W. Davis of Butler. Wm 11. Guyer of Fiadley college, in the literary departments. The music department will be under the direction of Mrs. E. F. Loucks who was principal of the voice department of Findloy college for two years ending JnneJSOG. It is proposed to open an art department under the direction of Minerva Huneberfier. It is proposed to oiler to the people of Butler and vicinity advantage for educating their sons and daughters a* home coder the very beet teachers and in fluencee. It will be a good investment (or Bntler because every student brought to he Institate means a (inancial benefit to be plan. LEGAL NEWS. XOTKB. Letters of administration were granted to J. A. F. Jackson on estate of Lavina Jackson of Centre twp The will of Henry McXancy of Clear field twp was probated, no letters. There are 4G cases on the criminal doc ket for next week. The B. & P. K. K. Co. filed a condemna tion bond in favor of L C. W itk for j"Or $.J44 US. Robt Boyd to M McLaughlin lot in But ler tor S3CJ. W A Stein, trus'.ee, to John F Anderson property in Hurler twp for $7,000. I)r 8 D Beil to R A Franks lot in Butler for $"2,400. F H Bole to B. r£. Mrs. Katie Bell, of Harrisville, aged 83 \ears, was stricken with paralysis, Mon day. H. W. Koonce returned Tuesday lrom a visit to his father in Meicer Co. llis father s in his §G:h ye*r. Mrs. Den Miller and daughter, Lu'u of of St. I. ui- Mo. old riendsof Mr. and ilrs F. S. Clark are here on a visit to them. Cyrus Harper, our nominee for Co. Tri asaier is lying sick at his home in Cran berry twp D. X. Ziegler of Evans City, was in town on business, Monday. He is a McKinlev man clear through. S. 0. Wright and tamily of Zelienople visited relatives in Butler'this week and took in the Fair. Capt Ayres. Esq Leslie of Middlesex and James Wright of Jefferson are jurors to the U. S. court of Williainsport. Li Uung Chang takes notes. He might put down the Chinese here as more or less connected wiih a great iron industry.—Ex Charles Mackey, collector of Franklin twp, was in town settling with the Co. Treasurer. Tuesday; and while here paid for the Citizen and Tribune, two years in advance. W. S. Brandon has taken the position of foreman of the Marshall planing milland furniture factory at Johnstown, Pa., *ad will move his family to that town in the near future. M ss Sarah M. Williams of Elora left home, Monday for Indiana Territory, where she teaches the Indian children in Talaqna Institute, a college maintained by the Cberokees. Several of our old subscribers stopped in to see us yesterday and among them Enos McDonald of MtChestnut, D W. Forester and A. W. shannon of Prospect, E. L Gibson of Bruin, Samuel Meals of Venango, and Paul Keister and son of Slipperyrock. Esq. Kennedy was the only Rutler man on the train that was wrecked at Valen cia, bnt he was too modest to say any thing about it last week. He and a fat man from Buffalo occupied a seat on the right hand side of the car that had its side torn out. That car was not upset and the fat man got out the window first and the Esq. followed him and helped the fat man, who was badly hurt to his feet. Both men had been cut by flying glass and were bleeding profusely, so they first went to the run and washed the blood from their faces, and then returned and helped at the wreck. Railroad Notes. The piles for the new railroad hare now been driven nearly across the flat. They are oak trees from 30 to 40 feet long. The piers for the railroad bridge, back of Walter's mill, are being built; and one of the great rocks there has entirely disap peared. Par! of the stone for the piers will cumo from Shaffner's quarry near by. Many of oar middle aged men well remem ber the bend of the creen there when it was as romantic a spot as there was in the county—when thes« great rocks stood up right. and were covered with bushes, and the large room or cave between them with its rock sides and ceiling, and floor from which we dug arrow hjads, and the deep pool, lull of all kinds of fi.-h beside it—but that is all gone now. And many of our older men remember the great rocks that stood on thif? side of the creek, and the foot bridge of long pine across the chasm. The Pittsburg it Western railroad has for years been contemplating ths building of a branch road from its main line to the Beaver valley to secure part of the freight traffic, which is considerable. Engineers have recently been surveying a route from Gallery Junction to Crows Run, near Con way. The distance from Callery Junction to the Pittsburg Ft. Wayne & Chicago railroad tracks is 12 miles. ParK Bros have three miles ot track up Cow run to their brick works, with which it is intend ed to connect. It is also the intention of the Pittsburg «t Western to skirt the hill through Con way, Freedom, Rochester, Xew Brighton and thus reach Beaver Falls, crossing the Beaver river above the Tenth St bridge, Years ago a route was surveyed through Beaver Falls along the Marginal railway, which passes through the property of the Consolidated Steel Company, for the Bal timore ., liartlord, Conn. Sox and shirts, all wool and a yard wids, cheaper than the oheapest—at HECK'S, 121 N. Main St. IO I" The only genuine Spring I £, Water Ice in Butler is now being delivered to his customers daily by J. A. RICHEY. Leave jour order at Richey's Bakery. Vox Popuit— Buy yoar clothing' underwear, hosiery, hats, eap3, BOX and neckwear of D. A. HECK, and sa7e money. THE FAIR. Yesterday was more than a fair day. it was an ideal day 'or a fair —clear and dry. and not too warm. The p.ttendauce wai large, but many larmeri, no doubt, did not I come this year on account ol being tmlnnd ' with their work. | The exhibit-art about as usual—Floral Hall is neatly decorated and the display of ornamental work all that conld be desire : Agricultural Hall is fuller than usual this year, and the displays ol grain, vegetables and fruits (excepting peaches) very lyinff, and the horse, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry sheds are well tilled. The Germania band is furnishing excel lent music; restaurants, galleries and side shows are abundant, and the small boy ; having a good time on the merry-go-round while the grand stand is corwded. NOTES. The big pumpkinc in agricultural ha'.l are | from Millerstown. A cream-separator i* being exhibited in floral hall by John Sieg Jr. of Middle Lan caster. The track is in exctllent condition, but somewhat dusty. The dancing girls ia the "Gaity " can t do the Couohee-couchee. G won the 2:35 trot, yesterday afternoon, time 2:'JB. Gold Pebble 2nd, M. McGregor 3J. Sandy Wilks won the 2:30 pace, tim t 2:24 i. Bird B. 2nd. Jessy L. 3d. About 5000 were on the grounds yester day, and 10,000 are expected today. Reunions. The McCall family held a reunion at the homo ol Samuel McCall in Clay iwp. last Thursday. Several hundred people were present, they had dinner and listemd to some spaeches. A reunion of the Book family was held at Harlan Book's h' me in Franklin twp. jesterday. Harlan's son, John A. ol lowa is home, and Mrs Rev. Davis and her old e.-t son were also there. The Black families of Butler ard Mercer counties htld a reunion at Slipperyrook last Thursday They had dinner and sup per. music by a band composed of the Blacks of Grove City, (including two lad ies). a boat race, a ball game between the narried a-jd sint'le men, and other amuse ments but ao speeches They had a gnu eral good time. —An account of the McCandless reun ion. which reached us too late for last week's paper will be found on the 4th page this week. HILLIARD. Be it known: Tnat the mines have stopped operations lor a few days, but expect to be in full blast soon. S. M. Turk is hauling lumber for his new Post office building. The work on this division of the pipe line has been completed. - John Campbell, one of our popular school teachers, is on the sick list. ilsce Shira has typhoid fever, but as yet is not serious. Miss Anna Day returned Saturday from a visit to friends at Coaltown. Miss Margaret Dickey, of Moniteau is visiting the family o( J. P. Graham. O M. Patterson ami family have return - e*.l from a prolonged trip to Couneant lake and other places of interest- Misses May and Louise Dunigau were in tov.n, Monday evening. Mrs. May Sherman has returned from a trip to Cleveland, Conneaut lake, Mead ville and Kiie, and reports an enjoyable time. Prof. liiggius orchestra furnished the music lor the danoe at East Brady. Prof. David Hall is spending a few weeks in Pittsburg A number of' ur people are attending the fair, thi3 week. TWINS. FOR SAI E—New modern home, centrally located, jurt completed, in side w. c , laundry, reception hall, double parlors, electric light, cabinet mautela. SSOO down, balance same ae rent. JOHN C. GRAUAM, Att'j at Law, Record Building Business Insurance la-uraace experiments are expen sive It is wise to deal with estab lished companies only Wo know, and know those whom you know and can refer ta many prominent Butler citizens who will tell you that the National Life Insu ranee Co. of Montpelier, Vermont, iesues the most desirable endowment and option policies written by any com pany Speculative operations are eedu tive Stick to your regular business and invest largely in in surance issued by the National on the Kond plan At-k our represent atives in Butler who are experieuced and reliable for a sample bond at your age Adddress IRWIN & ARMSTRONG, Lock Box 771, Butler Pa Closing out trimmed hats away below cost at The People's Store. Job work of all kinds done at the CTTI7.BN OFPIOK Say Papa—did you see HKCK'S neckwear, it beats anythiug you ever saw. FOR SALE—A boys bicycle, In quire at this office. The Butler Business College and Schoci of Shorthand. High grade commercial, shorthand and English school, located in Butler. Curriculum embraces Book keeping, Shorthand, Type-writing. Commer cial Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Grammar. Geography and Spelling. Endorsed by bankers, merchants and patrons. Fall and winter term opens September Ist. JDS. HORHE&CO. Serge Selling Is what will occur here while these wonderful qualities last at the prices. Six inches of space can't tell one six-hundredth part of the merit of this Serge case. Write at once for samples and see for yourself this great Dress Goods chance — All Wool BLACK SERGES, 45 inches wide, yd 4 oc All Wool BLACK SERGES, 50 inches wide, yd s°c All Wool COLORED SERGES, Greens, browns, blues and garnet 48 inches wide, yd 50c Other NEW FALL WOOLENS-clioice and stylish— 2sc to $3,50 yd. Penn Avenue and Fifth St., PITTSBURG. ii ~r . / .) iUM/U XJuxUiN jjicUc. .'•ill Ail ISU tor tUtviLuiiig kt Igrnl ■ 1 The McCal! Keamon. August 27, 1800, was memorable in the minds of the crowd who at tended the reunion of thff MoCalls, held in the (rrove on the farm ol Mr Samuel Jd- Ca!l two n.iles south of Kuclid. Iu anticipation of sticli a meetiug seats had '.>een arranged where all could be seat ed w heu the occasion demanded. Id front ol these a platform had been erected with -eats for the hand at d a space for the speakers. It seemed all had come w iih t he deter mination to stay for some tune as each brought a well tilled basket and whsn the noon hour came around the long table groaned beneath all the good things the modern cook could devise. The West Sanbury brass band had come in the forenoon and while the coffee boiled and we waited eagerly tor dinner, the band rendered music that kept everybody in a irood bemor. Who does not love uiusic? and this band deserves special mention because of the enjoyable enter tahment they furnished with music that proved them to be artists and showed the exc.illeuoe ol careful and continued prac tice. After dinner when the appetite had lieeu abundantly satisfied, the ineetiag wa-called to order and Prof. Howard Painter was elected chairman and W. U Campbell was appointed secretary. The audience was then lead in prayer by Uev. Breaden It was decided to hold these reunions annually and ihe lojlowing were elected as a committee on time and place of the next meeting, S. K McCall, li. T McCall Allen McCall. Milton Thompson. William Stewart, and Harlan Book. This committee then decided on the fourth Thursday in August 1897, as the time for the next meeting, Howard Pain ter was then elected historian. After this the following program was rendtred: Address of Welcome, Prof. Painter; Re sponse, Robert C. Thompson; Maaio by West Snnburv Band; Rehersal by Leola Thompson, subject, Life is a voyage; Ad dress by J. M. Painter of Butler; Address by Kev J. H. Breaden of Sunbury; Rehear sal by Dotty Book, subject, The Marriage Fee; Music by band; Address ty Howard McMicbael; Rehearsal by Dalcie Thomp son, subject, The Black Horse and his ridei; Address by N. W. Campbell; Ad dress by Col. J. M. Thompson; Song by Leola Thompson. Grandma's Advice; Re hearsal by Lulu Painter, subject, Lady Maud's Oath; Rehearsal by Bessie Ly'.le; Music by the baud. The crowd then maiched over to the house where Mr. 1 indley, the photogra p.'ier of Butler, took a picture of all pre sent. After another piece of misic by the hand the audience begun to bid each other good 'jye and start for home feeling that the day had been well spent and determin ed 10 be present at tte one next year. C. School Will Soon Open. How are the boys? How are the girls? Are they well shod? Parents should look into this mat ter at once. In a few days the little ones will be off to school attain, acd thev must have good shoes WHERE lillJ, 101" BDV III? Just at this time we all want to make a dollar go as far as poss blu aud a', the same time eret shore that will do pood service and keep the children's feet warm and dry. We Are lo Great Shape To serve you at this time; all oar fall shoes has been selected with great care and we tee' safe in saying that yon can bay good honest foot wear cheaper than ever before WHIT WE WANT I7e want a share of your trade this fall. Give it to ae and wo promise to take good cars of it. Standing back of every pair of shoes we sell, willing at all times to replace any that are not satisfactory. Tbe 88c Sale is still on TAN SHOES AT YOUR OWN PRICE. AT Butler's Progressive Shoe House. 2i5 Sooth Main St., BUTLER PA C. E. MILLER, REPA;«JNQ PROMPTLY DONE. It. g- It. Style is important—without it price isn't anything—put style and price together [low price and choice style] the way this store does, and they're bound to win—win more small profit busi ness for this store. We're anxious to send you samples of the new autumn dress woolens so you will see what part style and quali ty have in this collection of 1896 —how much nicer they are than in any past season —maybe nicer for the money titan any other store will offer you this season —you'H see that the prices for such kinds concerns your self interes'. New Novelty Woolens— 33 inches wide —2sc— neat, fancy weaves—ten color combinations, including blue, grey, brown, green, cardinal. 36-inch Bourette Checks, dark red, blue, brown or green grounds with a heavy, rough black woolen raised cord running over and forming checks an inch square — 40c. New 42-inch Tweed effects—7sc. New 46-inch novelties in a handsome Ottoman weave—eight different shades— JI.OO a yard. new plaids. —they will be popular this fall— -25c, 50c. Handsome, large wooly Plaids. 42 inches wiae, $l.O0 —stylish for separate skirts. Price range of new Novelty Woolens goes up to $6.50. New Catalogue ready soon— shall we send you a copy?— your name and address, please, Boggs & 811111, ALLEGHENY. PA. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. JENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Gold KllUnts Halnless Extraction of Teeth I uJ o it will not be amiss to n your attention to the Reliable intelligence P rompt service T o everything of the kind placed In our hands prescription department N x ever was so complete S you money too. G. N, BOYD, Pharmacist, Diamond Block, - Butl cr. a LEGAL VDVEK rise VffiV T S Auditors Notice. In re Partial Account Orphans Court of Chas. L. Jiorthime, i of Butler Co., Ex. of Christina Hasler, j' Pa., No. 17, dec'd. J June Term 1895. Having been appointed auditor to make distribution of the funds as shown by the partial account and of the estate of said decedent, and to pass upon any ex ceptions that may be filed to said ac count, I hereby give notice to all parties interested that I will attend to the duties of said appointment at my office on South Main street, Butler, Pa., Sept. 4th, 1896, at 9 o'clock a. m., where you are requested to attend. J. B. iicICNKIN, Auditor. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary in the estate of Harvey Cooper, dec'd, late of Slippery ruck t»p., Butler couuty, Fa..having been granted to the undersigned, all pirsons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment and any having claim* against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to A. L. COOPBR, Ex'r. Slipperyrock, Pa. Ralston v. K* . A.c. Lv-'ifd "Ut of 'a-' Courc <1 • '.vtamou ivaa ■ Butler county. P*.. at.d to 1 me dlre.t«wl nliere *lll t»» to puonr sale ,»t the Court (louse. iu the r>oroiixti «: itu: ■ 1 ler. on Friday, the 4Ui day of Sep.. , | i» :* at 1 o'clock r.M .tu r.l >wiu; a. j J s. rllied property, to wti: i El> No Sept T. 1" Lt» r;.. afj.l | All the rl>:Lt. title. li.'i rr.,! aid .:iiu . I > Hyer.y. of. In a:.d lo all main iUlu lot ot laud, situated In N rough, 1" tier J . f uuty. Pa., bounded ah Ijllowh. town. out tfce Lurlli t>> mi :Jlcy. east I'J Mller be in 1 (now Wni Uaz!et?\ south b> I'enn -irert. o.j 1 w-st by property ct l: .1 Span* now lull; liinilu . containing V> feet bj '■•*> feet, w.tu .1 ! good tw3-st( rj Iraiuc d*' Liuk hous* at'i otLer em ted thereon. >• '/ the properly .>1 l.eorge \V B>erly at the suit of JoLii K i K L) No SS, Sepl T. K'ilhlon & *,rerr, t at.t'y». All the ri)iht, title, interest and claim "I Eluabetn t M.Vali. u!. 111 aud lo 71 a. r 3 ol land, mjre or leas, situate In Cl»y township, i Uutler county. I'a. bounded ks follow-, 10-w it: Ou the norih b> i.tuda 01/. K Mcrsbclini r and J.l Miller, east by lands of j J Miller, south , by lands of Mllford heirs tract and ll.trry W .s | <1 S'epp. and west by lands of .Jam. s McUU- ■ "tng boar't house erected thereon, aIKJUt 30 acres cleared. s*l/ed and taken in execution as tne propertv of I. J McyuLstlou and It 11 Meyulsiloii at the suir of John C liroUmau aud John U< rg & to. E1) No 77, Sept T. 1898. «V H Lusk. atfv. All Uie right. title. interest and claim ol .it c ('action, of, in and to so acres or laud, uuorc or leas, situate ID I'arker township, HutlerCo. I'a bounded as rollows. to-wii: On the QOrtu b.' landsot Lewis Uaubenspel'k. on the east L>\ lands of Thos Kelly, on ttie south by lands now of Butler and Manifold, and on the west by lauds of Henry Da u bens peck. having thereon one board dwelling house. log baru. orchard and outbuildings. Seized and takeu lu i-\e cution us the property of .M i' t annon «t tn.- sult of E H Adams. Jr. 4 i o for Use oi Argvie t-avlugs Banc, now for use of E 11 Adams jr & Co. EL> No 51, SeptT. 1896. Ul' oil. ally All the right. tllle. luleresl an.l claim oi' luo IVtrolla Creamery Association. Limited, or. in and lo all that certain lot of land sit Halt- in the borough of Ktrolia. butler lounty, ta bounded as follows, lowlt: i; t „ uning at tils' northeast corner, thence soulh along the line ol toe Pittsburg & Western railw.ty i ;u ieet to post and Hear creek, then westerly ulong tue meauuerlngs of said creek lis feet lo a po-a tlicuce by ihe sanu northward I»1 leet lo a street, tnenee east along said street lie feet to the place of beginning, containing one-hair acre more or less, and having thereou erected a frame creamery building aooui Jo by jj ieet, with churn, steam holier, engine, shatung belts, cream tanks, butler worker, cream separator, milk pump. »cales, wooden tank and other machinery and tlxtures therein and tiiere to belonging and constituting tiie creamery plant oi the defendant assoclaitoii. Seized and taken In execution as tne property or the Pelrolia Creamery As.-ocl.iUon. Limited, at the suit oi A C Uibson. EIJ Nos tJ and C 3, Sept T. 18W. Ualston & Ureer. att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Joseph Hodenbaugh. of, in and to all that cer tain lot or parcel of land snuate in llarinoni borough, Butler county, I'a, boui ded as fol lows. to-wlt: On the north by Jackson street east b> Mam street, south by lauds of Jesse Bast, and on the west by Wilson alley said lot numbered Uiirtb-lour In the plan ol said boro. ugh and being mtljO feet.haviug 'hereou ereci eo a two-story brick dwelliku house stible and other outbuildings. Seized and taken lu execution as the properly oi Joseph Koden baugn at the suit or E Mellon for use of 11 ir mony savings Bank, now for use of John T Te.xter. E1) Nos 21 anp 21. Sept T. 1 ssw. John Shelrinir and Prank Kohler.att'ys. All the rlßtit. title, interest and claim of P Oold-n. 01, in and to all that certain lot or pareei ol laud, situate lu Butler l-oroutij Kilt l-t loun y. I'a, bounded as lollows, to-wli o M tiie norm by hast Wajne fctrctii. east by laud oi iiidnelaudet heirs, soitn b. an ailcv mo wc-i jj land Of Airs Man;- Itelhing having one n cine dwelling Used „ 5 „ b, i m,i" llou.c, one Iraine building ,i.„ ,i ~s a stor. room a. u o.her outuullilings fueiron, -„i 1 lot ■ ► i o"> 0; is' ictt. Seized and lukeo |u execotioi as Ihe l.O|H.lly ol 1- , ud Bim J, 1 rain. lvouler an 1 l.abricl Uohl. R .i„ i c .iat. XesitnNol, aepi f. lsju. (has <; Martin, aify. Ail the rigid, iitie. inierest and claim of C o Son ash oi. in and I • all that oei lain lot or par cei or land situate lu Centei vine borough, But ler county, I'a, bounded as roliows, to-wlt; On the north by laud or Martha K Hard, east by land ot Martha K Bard, south by land or Perry Coovcrt heirs, and west by Uutler and Mercer turnpike, being 150 by 1»G (eet. more or less, having a irarue house and irame stable thereon erected and recorded lu ,l)eed Book lti'2, page 75. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty ol C O Sowash at the suit of E M Cowan, now for use ol Christy & Campbell. Kd No 105, sept T, 1896. s I'ummibgs, att'y. AH the right. title, Interest and claim Hob't A Edwards, of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel ot lind situate in Butler township, Builer county, Pa. bounded aa follows, to-wlt- On the north by the Three Degree road, lands of Mrs Vosbrlnk, Charles Duffy, John Muntz and Plank road, on the east by old Pittsburg pike on the south by lands of John Muntz, James Bredin and M I' Mitchell heirs, aud on w««t by luodn of Jomo., !>rcdlii And M r Mitchell Heirs, being the same land devised to R A Edwards by the last will and testament of his mother. Annie Edwards, recorded In Will Book K.. page 93. having a two story frame dwelling house and other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Robert A Edwards at tho suit of A 1 Ruff. li DNo 122, Sept T. 1896. WII Lusk att'y, I All the right, title. Interest and claim ol Washington Magill (orMcJUl)of, In and to all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit uated In Concord township, Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt. on the north by lands of J S Campbell and Jos II .Morrow, east oy lands of heirs ol W II Emery, formerly Mc- Connell. south bv lands ot Win J Ro.\berry and heirs of W H Emery and lauds of Jacob Plsor heirs, containing fifty acres, more or less, having a two story frame dwelling house, log barn and other outbuildings thereon, good or chard. well watered, mostly cleared and in a fair state ot cultivation. Seized ami taken In exeoullon as the property of Washington Magill (or MeUill) at the suit of Albert Rutr. K D No 11". Sept T. lii 6. Mates & Xoung. (Ut'ys. All the rlfcht, title. Interest and claim of E A McCali. ot, lu and to all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate In Brady town ship, Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to wlt: On the north by land of K A McCali, east by land of Alvl Snyder, south by ileiner heirs, and on the west by land of Samuel Moore, said land being grauted to E A McCali by last will and testament of Martha McCali. containing 25 acres, more or less, having a frame dwelling house, frame barn, outbuildings and a good orchard theron, ALSO—Of. In and to all that certain piece, parcel or tract ot land situate In Brady town ship. Butler county. Pa bounded as follows, to wn- On the north by land of Nancy E Martin, east by land of Alvl Snyder, south by other laud of K A MoGall, and west, by lanl Of .101111 Moore, containing jy acres and four perches, being land deeded to the said E A McCall by Nancy E Martin by deed dated dune 2d. in't forget to call on us for that new school suit your flp U>y will need this fall. flr 1 A new line to select frotn anil at prices so low as to be^ flr almost "out-of-sight." |K | DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, 1 | | SUTLER - - - PA. 1 Our clothing for men for fall and winter wear is alsoj^ worthy of your consideration Never in the histoiy of the clothing business has the if price bten so low as at present. m P. S. —A few suits remain from the half-price sale, which lA JR go at half-price marked on ticket. JH THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE To Buy Clothing At These Prices. Our stock for tall will soon be shipped to us, and we must clear our tables for it. So prices have been reduced on everything in our Store. We will just mention a few of the many bargains we have for^you. Mens Suits, sizes 34 to 42, at $2 75 Mens Suits, sizes 36 to 40 at $3.50 Mens Suits, sizes 35 to 39, at $5.00 Mens Suits, sizes 33 to 38, at $6.00 Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $1.75 Hoys Suits, long pants suits \ at $3.00 Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $4.00 Beys Suits, long pants suits, at $5.00 Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at 75c Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at $1.25 Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at $2.00 Boys Suits, knee pants suits at $2.75 78 pairs of Mens pants at 99 cents worth $2.00 123 dozen Mens and Boys shirts at 25 cents worth 50 cts So come early before the assortment is low, and secure clothing at less than cost to manufacture it. Schaul & Nast LeacMnrt Clothiers, 137 S- Main St., Butler. Pa- COMMISSIONER'S SALES The following piece* of land will be sold at the Court House on SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 26th. IS9G, at 1 o'clock p. m. by th« County Pomrnig soners land pucha-ed a* Tr a*u--" er's S lie 'axes. A 1.1.K1.11KN v T« I*. 100 *«-i. f «•>!)«- <1 ■|r -p •»' -l Villi t.- 1• 1 X • c • i il 1 j1 ix I-9 . U i i.ii'lj .1:1 «•>.- 'l'S.'t I' • »IV IT I C' M, . • • h, 111. I. |.( .Ihs J. lly. r> , ihe n- > tilu lind.<«fVTiu K»r i» h-i.' on tlie moth by land* of Win Kmuuily, URADV Twp. ISS acres sold as the property of George Zeigler for taxes of 1891 and 3892. Bound ed on the north by lauds of T K Graham, ou the south by lands of John Taggart, on the east by lands of John Falan and on the west by lauds of Mary Turk. BUTLER TWP. 1 lot sold as the property of Joseph Carry for taxes 1892. Bounded on the north by lands of Mike Gallagher, on the south by Public road, on the east hy lands of F S Mi'Ginnie and on the west by lands of Jos Carry. j ALSO 1 lot gold as the property of B W Cress for taxes 1592. Bounded on the north by lamls ol Kebecca Flanders, on the south by a street, on the east by lands of Sulivan heirs and on the west by lands ol Salivan heirs. CONCORD TWP. 5 acres sold as the property of A D Kmnerer for taxes 1592. Bounded on the north by lands ol C Danbenspeck, on the south l:y lands of Fred Barnes, on the east by lands of C Danbenspeck, and on the west by lands of J D Kamerer. DOMBCSAL Twp. 1 acre sold as the property of Greenwood Oil Oo for taxes 1892. Bounded on the north by lands ot Peter Landgrat, on the east by lands of W J Boyle, on the sonth by lands of Peter Landgraf and on the west by lands ot Peter Landgraf. ALSO 1 lot sold as tho property ot Thos J Moore for taxes 1892. Bounded oil the north by lands of H L Westerman, on the eaH by borough line, on the south by lands of H L Westerman and on toe west by lands of 11 L Westorman. FAIRVIEW TWP. 25 acres sold as the i ropertv of Daniel DenDy for taxes 1892. Bounded on the north by lands of H A McLaughlin, on the east by lands of D G McLaughlin, on the south by lands of W T Taylor, and on the west by lands of R R McDermott. I'ABKKR TWP. 25 acres sold as tho property of Christy and Cannon for taxes 1891 and 1892. Bound ed on the north by lands of R 11 Campbell, on the east by lands of Reep heirs, on the south by lands of W T Keep and on the west by lands of R H Campbell. ALSO 10 acres sold as the property of Stanley Sankey for taxes of 1891. Bounded on the north by lands of Wm Braham, on tbe oast by lands of , on the south by lands of and on the west by lands of S 0 Bell. ALSO 50 acres sold a« the property of Elizabeth Sedwick for taxes 1891 and 1892. Bound ed on the north by lands of D 3 Steven son, on the east by lands of Wm Walker, on the south by lands of —■ and on the west by lands of Samuel Sheldon et al. ALSO 50 acre* sold as the property of H A L Taylor &Co for taxes 1892. Bounded on the north by lands of James Say, on the east by lands of H L Ward et al, on the Bouth by lands of Sedwiok heirs and on the west by lands of VESAHQO TWP. 50 acres sold as the property of A Mo- Bride for taxes 1892. Bounded on the north by lands of W P Cochran, on the east by l&nds of P Moore, on the south ly lands of C Duffy and on.the west by lands of J Briceland, ALSO 31 acres sold as the property of Michael V Kelly for taxes 1891. Bounded on the north by lands of Elizabeth Patterson, on the east by lands of liose Mcßride, on the south by lands of John Murrin heirs and on the west by lands of J J Kelly. S W. MOCOLLOCGH, JOHN MITCHELL, GEO. W. WILSON, attest Co Commissioners. ISAAC MEALS. Clerk. Commissioner's Office. Aug. 24th, 1596. Widows' Appraisements. The following widows' appraisements of personal property and real estate set apart for the beneht of the widows of decedents have been filed in the office of the Clerk of Orphans' Court of Butler county, rii. Widow of George llhatzell ....s.'{oo.oo Widow of tieor e Li5t............. 295.00 Widow of George Krebs. 299.60 Widow of Samuel Kennedy 300 00 Widow of Jacob Stickle 78.45 Widow of Isaiah X. Byers (realty and personally 209.75 Widow of John W. Maxwe11....... 300.00 \\ idow of David Keefe..... -. 300,00 Minor children of Mrs. Uattie Fleeger 81.00 AHI persons interested in the above ap praisements will take notice that they will t,e presented for confirmation to the Or phan*' Court of Butler county, Pa., on Sat urday the 12th day of Sept. 1896, and it'no exceptions are filed they will be con firmed also ablutely, JOSEPH CRISWELL, Clerk O. C- JOIN THE PROCESSION of well dressed men who are wearing the well made tailor made clothing our store is fa ntous for. You can economize in many ways where it won't show but it is no economy to wear suits that will not fit and have no style about them when we are ofiering a tine line of syo suits at 1 $25 per suit and trousers at $6 to SH. New Dapper Suitings freshly imported well made is tailor-made every time. Come in and make your selection from some of the finest imported cloths ever shown in Butler. You Know Everything is all right with a suit of clothes we make for you. ■lt is our business to suit people and at j the same time to follow the styles. ' Everything Natty, Nobby and new at prices that defy competition. A Heavy Suit of Clothes for the light : est price wc ever placed upon any of our high grade sartorial productions. Now is the time to buy c'othes. Do 1 know how to grasp an opportunity? Here is one WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY. CBDPBR & CO Cor. Diamond, Buller, P« Hotel Willard. Reopened and now ready for the accommodation of the travellng'pub lic. Everything in first-c ass style. MRS. M&TTIE REIHIIG, OIW N H BROOKS, Clerk. ~~ DR. W. P. McILROY Dentist, Formerly known aa the "PBIRLESB PAIN LESS KXTKAOTOK OF TKKTH." Located permanently at 111 Kast Jefferson St., Opposite Hotel Lowry. Butler. Will do Dental opera tions of all kinds by the latest derlcesand up to dale methods. • J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a.J Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest lm jroved plan. Gold Filling •! specialty. Office ovor Scnaul'B Clotting Store. V. M. McALPINE Dentist, Main St. N aesthetics Administered. L. S. McJUNKtN Insurance and Rea! Estate Agent, 17 EAST JEFFEBSON ST. BIJTI.ER - a M, A, HERKIMER, Funeral Director 37 S. Main, St. Butler FL Dr. N. M. HOOVER, I 1t37 k. WajnefSt., office hours,' t io;to:i£l*.;aß to 3 P. M. Li BLACK, rUTSICIAS AMD SUMBOM, ' New Trotttnan Building, Butler, Pa. COULTER