THE CITIZEN later*! at Postoßce at Batler >* 24 tluiatltrt yquii c. iiai.iT. - F,h " a ' r THTJRBDAY, SEPTMBER 3. 1896. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. NATIONAL. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM McKINLEY. VICE PRESIDENT, GARRETT A. HOBART. STATE. CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. GALUSIIA A. GROW, S. L. DAVENPORT. COUNTY. (FOR CONGRESS, JAMES J. DAVIDSON. FOR STATE SENATE, W. H. RITTER. FOR ASSEMBLY, JAMES N. MOORE, JOHN DINDINGER. FOR SHERIFF, W. B. DODDS. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, w. J. ADAMS. EOR PROTHONOTARY, R. J. THOMPSON. FOR*CLERK OF COURTS, ISAAC MEALS. FOR TREASURER, CYRUS HARPER, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, HARMON SEATON.I JOHN MITCHELL. FOR COUNTY AUDITORS, W. S. MOORE, O. R. THORNE. FOR CORONER, JOHN L. JONES. Republican Meetings. At Millerstown, Wednesday 9th inst. Mayor Brown, of New Castle and others. At Troutman, Friday evening the nth Col. Thompson and J. M. Painter. At Renfrew, Friday the nth., speakers not yet selected. Meeting of the Lincoln League. Sept. 1, 1896, the League met and was called to order by Newton Black, Esq., who in a happy introductory speech pre sented Colonel John M. Thompson. Moved by Levi M. Wise that this League tender a vote of thanks to Col. Thompson tor his valuable speech. Seconded by John H. Negley, adopted. Resolutions offered by J. H. Negley, adopted. Resolution that the Republican papers print the resolutions. W. C. Thompson, Levi M. Wise and A. B. C. McFarland, elected as delegates to the Erie Convention. Ira Mcjunkin, A. T. Scott and James M. Galbreath were elected alternates. Moved and seconded, that Gen. W. A. Clark be elected an Honorary member of the League. Carried unanimously. The General made a speech in which he thanked the League for the Honor and said he was glad to be a member of any Republican club, Moved and seconded, adjourned. RESOLUTIONS. 1 That we firmly adhere to the great Republican principle of protection to our home industries, and hold it to be the highest duty of our National Govern ment to impose protective tariff rates up on all imported articles of foreign growth or make that come in competition with articles of home growth or make. 2 That to the departure from this just and patriotic principle by the present Democratic National Administration can be traced whatever is wrong or wanting at present in the activity of business or in the prosperity of our people. The re- destroyed some of our industries, notably our wool growing industry, but has de stroyed confidence and checked enter prise in business, made the balance of trade against us and caused the conse quent flow of our money to foreign coun tries to pay for said balance. 3 That the free trade or 'tariff for revenue only" policy of the Democrats has oroven sucn a failare to them in pro viding sufficient revenue, and compelling them m time of peace to borrow money to carry on the Government, that they now seek to escape from the results of free trade by the substitution of another issue called free coinage of silver. That in this as in almost all the other acts tfnd doings of the present administration, they have shown their unfitness to run the Government and the people should and will retire them from office in Nov ember next. 4 That the Republican party stands now as ever for sound money and enough of it to meet all the wants of the people, and we believe with Major McKinley that the best way to procure and main tain it is to. open the mills of our country to the labor of our own people rather than to open the mints of our country to the free and unlimited coinage of the sliver of the world. That we see no pre sent benefit that would accrue to any of our people from the free coinage of sil ver except to those who are' the owners of silver mines. 5 That in William McKinley, our nominee for the next Presidency, we have a candidate and a man in whom all can place the fullest confidence, a states man of experience and one who in all his public life has a record clean, without a single stain, and whose private life is so pure and blameless as to entitle him to the respect and admiration of all good citizens. To promote his election we here pledge our most active and earnest efforts from now until the closing of the polls in November, firmly believing that in his success confidence in business en terprise will be restored and the prosperi ty of all the people lie promoted. 6 That the candidacy of W. J. Bryan, the nominee of one wing of the Demo cratic party and of all the Populistic. Communistic and dangerous elements of society, should be resisted by ail citizens having the peace, good order and stabili ty of our Government at heart, and we welcome to our support in this campaign all of other prrties who deem it their d uty to oppose such elements and such nomination. The conferees of Messrs Ritter and Meredith, met in Freeport, Monday; ac complished nothing, and adjourned to meet at same place on Tuesday the 22d inst. Mr. Ritter was represented by Sheriff Campbell, Jas. M. Galbreath and A. T. Scott. Mr. Meredith was represented by Ross Reynolds and Rush Fullerton of Kittanning, and Mr. Hill of Freeport. Quite a number of Butler men went down with Ritter, but nobody was there with Meredith excepting his conferees. Ross Reynolds acted as chairman of the meeting, and Rush Fullerton and A. T. Scctt as secretaries. The sentiment of Freeport seems to be strongly anti- Mereditli, and yet Meredith would not agree to meeting in either Butler or Kit tanning. A NEW YORK broker makes this point with reference to cheap money. He says: "The cheapest money in the world is in the strongest gold country—viz, Eng land. The dearest money in the world is in the si'ver countries. For example, money in London to-daj is 2 per cent, per annum, while money in Mexico, China, Spain, India, and in fact iu ai silver countries in the world, commands a loaning value of from 13 per cent, up ward. In the other gold countries of Europe, while money is not so low as in England, the rate varies from 3to 5 per cent, to the borrower. 1 may cite as a good example of the two currencies two States adjoining one another is South America—one, British Guiana, a gold country, with money at 4 to 6 per cent, per annum; the other, Venezuela, with like soil and climatic conditions, a silver country, where interest rules at 10 to 12 per ceut. per annum." AX Kittanuiug, last week, E. E. Rob bins, of Greensburg, was made the Re publican Congressional nominee of the Armstrong, Westmorland district, MCKINLEY'S LETTER. Continued from first page. -4 dlstribtttM direct to through lawful disbursement# uf the government. Thus In addition to tho free coinage of tho world's silver, we are asked to enter upon an cm of u&UuJted Irredeemable payor curreuti- The question which was fought out from 1865 to 1879 Is thus to be , reopened, with all its uncertainties and cheap money experiments of every con ceivable form foisted upon us. This indi- i cntes a most startling reactionary policy, j strangely at variance with every require ment of sound finance; but the tion shows the spirit and purpose of those Who by combined action are contending for tho oontral of the government. Not satisfied with the dfliasemeut or our coin which would Inevitably follow the five coinage of silver at 16 te 1, they would stUl further degrade our currency and threaten to'the public honor by the un limited issue of an irredemable paper cur rency. A graver menace to our financial standing and credit could hardly be con ceived. every patriotic citizen should be aroused to promptly meet and effectually defeat it. In the Highest Degree Reprehensible. It is a cause for painful regret and solic itude that an effort is being mado by those high in the counsels of tho allied parties to divldo tho people of this country Into and create distinctions among us, which in fact do not exist and are repug nant to our form of government. These appeals to passion and prejudice are be neath the spirit and intelligence of a free people, and should be met with stern re buke by those they are sought to influence and I believe they will be. Every attempt to army class against class, "tho classes against the masses." soctlon against sec tion, labor against capital, ' tho poor against tho rich," or Interest against in terests in the United States, Is in the high pat deirw reprehensible. It is opposed to the national instinct and interest and should bo resisted by even,- citizen. \\ e are not a nation of classes, but of sturdy, free, independent and honorable people, despising the demagogue and never capi tulating to dishonor. This ever recurring effort endangers popular government and is a menaco to our liberties. It Is not a now campaign device or party appeal. It is as old as government among men, but was never more untimely and unfortunate than now. Washington warned us against it and Webster said in tho senate, in words which I foel are singularly appro priate at this time: "I admonish the people against tho object of outcries lika these. I admonish every industrious laborer of this country to bo on his guard against such delusion. I tell him the at tempt is to play his passion against his interest, and to prevail on him, in the name of liberty, to destroy aU the fruits of liberty." Protection of Supreme Importance. Another issue of supremo Importance Is that of protection. The peril of free silver is a menace to be feared; wo are already experiencing tho effect Of partial freo trade. Tho one must bo averted; tho other corrected. The Republican party u wedded to the doctrine of protection and was never more earnest in its support and advocacy than now. _ If argument were needed to strengthen its devotion to 'the American system" or Increase the hold of that system upon the party and people, it is found in the lesson and experience of the past throe years. Men realize in their own daily lives what before was to many of them only report, lii6tory or tradition. They have had a trial of both systems and fcnow what each has doire for them. Demanded by the Public Kzlgencles. Washington, in his farewell address, Bept. 17, 1796, a hundred years ago, said: "As a very important sourco of strength and seourity, cherish public credit. One method of preserving it Is to use it as sparingly as possible; avoiding tho accu mulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of expense, but by vigorous ex ertions in time of peace to discharge tho debts which unavoidable wars may have occasioned, not Ungenerously throwing upon posterity tho burden which we our selves ought to boar." To facilitate the enforcement of fjie maxims which he an nounced he declared: "It is essential that you should practically be«r in mind that towards the payment of debts thero must be revenue; that to bavo rwenua there must be taxes; that no taxes oan be devised which are not more or less incon venient or unpleasant; that tho intrinsic embarrassment inseparable from the se lection of tho proper objects (which is al ways a choice of difficulties) ought to be • deolslvefaotlve for candid construo tionof thooonduotof the government in making it; and for a spirit of acquies cence in tho measures for obtaining rev enue whloh the public exigencies may at any time dictate." Animated by like sentiments the people of tne country must now face the condi tions which beset them. "The public ex igencies" demand prompt protective lcgis- revenues for the expenses of the govern ment. This is manifestly the requirement of duty. If elected of president the United (states It will be my aim to vigorously promote this object and give that ample (mcpuragement to the occupations of the American peopby which, above all else, is so Imperatively demanded at this juneture of our national uffairs. Condition In D«oeinbef, 1803. In December, 1893, President Harrison sent his last message to congress. It was an able and exhaustive review of the con dition and resources of the country. It stated our situation so accurately that I am sure it win not be amiss to recite his Official and valuable testimony. "There never has been a time in our history," said he, "when work was so abundant, or when wages were so high whether measured by the currency in which they are paid or by their power to supply the necessities and comforts of life. The general average of prices has been such as to give to agricul ture a fair participation in the general prosperity. The industrial plants estab lished since Oct. 8, 1890, and up to Oct. 23, 1893, number 84fi, and tho extensions of ex isting 108. Tho now capital in vested amounts to $40,440,0*30, and tho number of additional employes, 37,285. During the first six months of tho present calendar year, 135 new factories were built, of whioh 40 • fore cotton i nil Is, 48 knitting mills, 20 woolen mills, 15 silk mills, 4 plusli mills and 2 linen mills. Of the 40 cotton mills 21 have l>een built in the southern 6tates." This fairly describes the happy condition of tho oountry in December, 1892. What has it been since, and what is it now? Our Condition £lght Month! Later. The messages of President Cleveland from tho beginning of his second adminis tration to the present time abound with descriptions of tho deplorable industrial and financial situation of the country. While no resort to history or official state ment is required to adviso us of tho pres ent condition and that which lias pre vailed during the past three years, I ven ture to quote from President Cleveland's first message, Ausf. 8, 1898, addressed to tho Fifty-third congress, which he had called together in extraordinary session: "Tho existence of an alarming and extra ordinary buslnnss situation," said he, "in volving the welfare and prosperity of all our people, ha* constrained me to call to gether In extra session the people's repre sentatives In congress, to tho end that through tho wise aud patriotic exercise of the legislative duties with which they solely are charged, the present evils mny be mitigated and dangers threatening tho future inay be averted. Our unfortunate financial plight is not tho result of un toward events, nor of conditions related to our natural resources. Nor is tracea ble to any of the afllictious which fre quently eheek national growth and perity. With plenteous crops, with abun dant promise of remunerative production and manufacture, with unusual invita tion to safe investment, and with satis factory assurances to business enterprises, suddenly financial distrust and fear havo sprung up on every aide. Numerous moneyed institutions havo suspended be cause abundant assets were not immedi ately avaihible to meet the demands of frightened depositors. Surviving corpora tions and individuals are con tout to keep in hand tho money they aro usually anxious to loan, aud those engaged in legitimate business are surprised to find that tho securities they offer for loans, though heretofore satisfactory, aro no longer acoepted. Values supposed to be fixed are fast becoming oonjectured, and loss and failure havo Invaded every de partment of business." The Cause of the Change. What a startling and sudden change within tho short period of eight months, from December, 1893, to August, 1893? What had occurred? A change of admin istration; all branches of the government had been entrusted to tho Democratic party, which was committed against the protective policy that had prevailed unin terruptedly for more than .13 years and brought unexampled prosperity to the country, and firmly pledged to its com plete overthow anil the substitution of a tariff for revenue only. The change hav ing been decreed by tho elections in No vember, its effects were at once antici pated and felt. Wo cannot close our eyes to these altered conditions, nor would it be wise to exoludo from contemplation and investigation tho causes which pro duced them. They are facts which wo cannot as a peoplo disregard, and we can only hope to improve our present condi tion by a study of their causes. In De cember, 180-, we had the same currency and practically the same volume of cur rency that we have now. It aggregated in 18513, #--\:i72,51i9,G01; in ls'j:t, |y,323,000,- OOO; in W. 14, J2,323,442,362; and in Decem ber, 18Uo, The per capita of money, too, has been practically the kiiiw j during this whole period. Th« quality of | tho money has been identical —all kept j tv gold. There was hothina «.<>. I nfc-ted with hvi ac count for thU midden and aggravatad In dustrial cliaugv. Wlintever Is to be de precated in our tinunclal system, It roust everywhere be admitted that our money has neon aim jluti-ly good, and has bmuahl neither loss nor inconvenience to its hold ers. A depreciated currency has not ex isted tn further vex the troubled busiucs* situation. Goo.i«■;•!« tion in tho earnings of labor and land. It has con tributed to swell our nati ' debt more than $202,000,000, a sum nearlv as great a« the debt of the government from Wash ington to Lincoln, including all our for eijtn wars from th« Revolution '<> the Re bellion. Since its passage work at home has been diminished, prices , were $557,615,828, and the expenditures $040,418,363, or a deficiency of $82,5tW,035. The decrease in our exports of American Sroducts and manufactures during the rst 15 months of the present tariff, as contrasted with the exports of the first 15 months of lt>yo, was The ex cess of exports over imports during the first 13 months of the tariff of 1890 was £.'13,972,903, but only $36,758,023 under the first 15 months of the tariff of_ 1894. a loss under the latter of ¥ 15T,214,345. The net loss in the trade balance of the 1 nited States has been $190,983,607 during the first 15 months' operation of the tariff of 1594, as compared with the first 15 months oi the tariff of 1890. The loss has been constant and steady at the rate of $ 1 t. !-{<>.- 000,000 per month, or $500,000 for every business day of the year. Losing In itoth Directions. We have either been spending too much money out of the country or getting t o little in, or both. We have lost stcadly in both directions. Our foreign tnule lias been diminished and our domestic trade has suffered incalculable loss. I>oos not this suggest the causo of our pres ent depression, and indicates its remedy? Confidence in home enterprises has almost wholly disappeared. Our shops are closed or running on half time at reduced wages and small profit , if not actual loss. Our men at home are idle, and while they are idlo men abroad ere occupied in supplying us with goods. Our unrivaled homo market for the farmer h;i also greatly suffered because those who constitute ft—the great army of American wage-earners—art: without the work and the wages the} - formerly had. If t hey can not earn wages they cannot buy products. Thoy cannot earn if they have no employ ment, and when they do not earn the ■ sWVW;'«»■'■«. II dacer and consumer. The loss .n who il.. not syn pathlzewith "iir aiim and form ot government. We should re ceive none "'ho come to makes war uptrti our institutions and by public dig quiet and turmoil all such onl gates must be tightly closed. Our iSoltllern and Sailors. The soldiers and sailors of the Union should neither be neglected or forgotten. The government which they served *c well must not inako their lives or ooudl tion harder hy treating them as suppllanw formlief in old ago or distress, nor regard with disdat.i or contempt the ramus* in terest one comrade naturally manifests In the welfare of another. Doubtless there has been pension abuses and frauds in tlie numerous chiims allowed by the govern ment, but the policy governing the ad ministration 01 the pension bureau must alwavs be fair and liberal. No deserving applicant should ever suffer because of s wrong perpetrated by or for another. Oui sold'h'rs ami sailors gave the government the best they had. They freely offered health, strength, limb and life to save the country in the time of its greatest peril, and tlie government must honor them in their need as In their service with tlie respect and gratitude due to brave, noble and sclf-sacriflclng men who art justly entitled to generous aid In their in creasing necessities. Car Merchant Marin* and Nary. The declaration of the Republican platform in favor of the upbuilding ol our merchant marine has my hearty ap proval. The policy of discriminating duties in favor of our shipping which pre vailed in tho early years of our early his tory shmild be again adopted by congress and vigorously supported until our pres tige and suj-rcmaoy on the seas Is fully afr tained. We should no longer contribute direetly or indirectly *0 the matatenanoi of the colossal marine of foreign roum tries, but provide an effl chat and com plete marine of wur own. Now that ths American navy 1* assuming a position commensurate with our Importance as I natlpn, a policy lam glad t-o observe, tfci Republican platform strongly endorses, we must supplement If wfNi a merchant marine tlia' will give us the advantages In lx>th our coast-wise and foreign trade that we ought naturally and properly te enjoy. Tt should be at once a matter oi public policy and national prl4e to re possess tfris" hamcliM and prosperous trtide. Clvtl Bervloa Reform. The pledge ejf the Republic** netional convention that tbc civil service lawi "shall »>e sustained and thoroughly and honestly enforced wherever practicable," is in keeping with the position of the partv f*>r the past 84 years, and will b« I faithfully observed. Onr opponents de 1 cry these reforms. They appear wUllnfl to" abandon all the advantages gained, after so many years of agitation and ef fort. They encourage a return to meth ods of party favoritism, which both paf ties have often denounced, that experwnoe has condemned, and that the people hat"« repeatedly disapproved. The Republlean party earnestly opposes this reactionary and "entirely unjustifiable policy. It will take no backward step upon this question. It will seek to improve, but nevi»r degrade It Drmaudi Especial Attention. There are other important and timely declarations in the platform which j ennnot here discuss. I must oontent myself with saying that they have mj approval. If, tut Republicans, we have lately addressed our attention, with whal may seem great stress and earnestnesi to the new and unexpected assault upor the financial Integrity of the government, wo have done it because the menace id Fo grave as to elemand especial consider ation. and because we arc e-onvlnoed that If the people are aroused to the true un e'cr~! rinding and meaning of this silver infl i'ioii movement they will avert the iluiiifrr. In doing this we feel that we render the best service possible to the country,and we appeal to the Intelligence, conscience and patriotism of the people, irjvs,;« i tlre of party, or section. for tneit earnest support. It Will Maintain lau ami order. We avoid no issues. We meet the sud«- den, dangerous and revolutionary assault upon law and order, and upon those to whom is confided by the constitution and laws the authority to uphold and main tain them, which our opponents have made with the same courago that we have faced every emergency since our or ganization as a party more than 40 years aiio. Government by law must first be assured: everything else can wait. The spirit of Inwlessness must be extinguished by the fires of an unselfish ana lofty fiat ri • ' in. Every attack upon the pub ic :.ud evory suggestion of the re pudiri-.n of debts, public or private, must bv rebuked by all men who believe that ho '.sisty is the best poller, or who love ih« r Country, and would pruserve unsul.i' 1 its national honor. Sect t.ialUm Almost Obliterated. The country is to be congratulated up on the aln st total obliteration of the sectional lines which for many years marked the division of the I'nited States into slave and free territory, and finally threatened its partition into t wo'ju-parate government? by the great omltyij "of war. The era of. reconciliation; so foug and earnestly desired by Generui Gra/lt and many other great leader*, north and south, has happily come, and the ft ellng of distrust and hostility between the sec tions is everywhere vanishing, let u-. hope never to return. Xotbiirg is better calro lated to give strength to the nation at home, Increase our power and influence abroad and add to the permanency and se curity of our free institutions than lite restoration of cordial relations betwim the people of all sections and parts of ~r beloved country. If called by thesuArap-* of the people tears acquaintanceship, if he should secure the district nomination we feel assured that he will be elected by a large majority.— Kittanning Press. S. F. Bowser and Levi M. Wise ad dressed the Republican meeting at Evans City, last WwUuvsdey ui^Ut. DEATHS. BLACK—At hi* home in karuin, Ind., August 28, 1896, William M Black, aged 37 years. McKELVEY —At hi* hums near MoCai niunt, tfept. 1, 1896, Mrs. Edward lio- Kelvey. KINO —At hia home in Middlesex twp., August 25, 1896, Alfred King, aged about 30 yeari. He left * wite and six small children. PRUGH—At Sr.. Paul's Orphan* Home. Aug. 2D. 1896, Robert Cross, eldest »on of Rev. J. H. Prugh. KAMEKKK—At his home in fairview twp, -4'jgurt3o, 1596, Daniel L lamer •r, aged 85 years. He was the father of 13 children, six daughters and seven suas, one daughter and two sons preceded him. The funeral services were held at the residenoe of the deceased, on Tuesday, Sept. Ist A. 1). 1896 by Revs Williams and Kline. After the services were over the remains were taken to White Oak cemetery. Six grand •ons, sons of Wm Kamerer, deceased were tbe pallbearers. The deceased had sixty-one grand ohihlren and forty-four great grand children. FALLER—At his home in this place Aug. 27, 1896, Mr. August H. Faller, in the 49th year of his age. Mr. Faller had been ill for soma time past. He was the youngest ion and child of the late Anthony and Catharine Paller, who came from Germany to this place about the year 1830, an 1 bought the pro perty and "erected the building where their son August died. Mr. Anthony Faller was a man noted for his energy and he es tablished various industries here, and the late Mrs. Faller, his wife, is still remem bered by many of our cifiiens as a woman I of great worth and usefulness in this com munity. Mr. Jacob Faller, living here, is an older brother ot August, deceased, whose death is so generally regretted. GL iNN —At his home on MoKean street this place, Sunday, Aug. 30. 1896, Mr Jesse Glenn, aged 74 years and 10 months. Mr. Glenn may be said to have been one of our oldest citizens, lie was born and raised here and was the oldest son of the late James Glenn, E?q remembered by some of our citixens Like his father. Jesse followed the tailoring business and hie shop, in the same house, was a place well known and much frequented as he was regarded as a good workman. He leaves a widow and several children most of whom we believe are married, He . erved his country in the late war ol the Rebellion and was held in bigh esteem by all his comrades as a patriotic Boldie.r His sarviving soldier friends here took charge of the funeral ceremonies and on Tuesday last buried his remains with military honors in the IT, P. cemetery, Rev. J. S. McKee officiating. PATTERSON—At his home in Fenn twp. August 27, 1596, William R. Patterson, aged 65 years. The following obituary tribute Is hand ed us by a friend: The subject of this sketch was born Aug. 26, 1831, consequently was 65 years and 1 day old. Be lived almost hie entire lile in the twp. He married Miss Peter son, daughter of Peter Peterson one of the first settlers ot the twp. After bis marriage he settled on the old Peterson homestead and lived and died on the same. He leaves a widow and four children, Julia A married to W. J. Welsh, Robert L., Wm. G , and Ada S. married to T. B. Young, 14 grand children, a large circle of relatives and a host of friends to mourn his loss. He held the otfice of school director 14 years and various other township offices. He served as Jury "Commiesioeer and tip staff of our Court, in all these ho was faithful and above reproach, lie joined the Presby terian church in early life and lived a con sietant and devoted lite. To know him was to love him, ever ready to do good to his fellow man and to shun evil. In his sickness he was com forted knowing he had a home on high not made with hands. He made all arrange ments for his departure ohosing his pall bearers and mode ot burial elo. His end was peace, he was held in the highest es teem by his neighbors and all who came in contact with him as shown by the large ooncourse of people who attended his fu neral. The writer of this became acquaint ed with him forty years ago and continued on the most intimate terms up to his death and feels certain that a righteous man has been removed from our midst. Our loss is his eternal gain. To the widow and children and relatives take oourage, press on and meet him in that home above and form an unbroken family. P. H. N. THk sound money Democrats met at Indianopoiis, yesterday and effected an going to press have made no nomination. ZELIENOPLE. Zeiienople's boom still continues, and the new works will goon be completed S. 0. Wright is building a new home on St, one of the nicest locations in town. Mi.iPinkerton the express man and ticket agent, late'y completed a fiae house on New Castle St. A. M. Carnahan will have hi( new honse completed shortly. Wright Bros, a number of good lots which they will sell reasonable. Dr. Cowden, Jr. has located here. Our town is a busy one, and our store keepers and hotels are doiflg well. The Mioses Alcorn have opened a board ing house in the old HaUtein house be tween Harmony and Zelienople. John Curry of Pleasant Hill is yet in the hospital, but he will get well. Everybody was pleased with tho Christ ian Endeavor people, here last week. Those who did not hear Mr. Tuller missed a treat. f®|r POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baiting powder. High est of all in leavening strength.— Latent Imted States Government Food Report. a.IVAI. PiK INO;PoivnKB Co.. IWI Wall St.. S. \ Seanor k Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Rear of Wick House, Butler, Pa The of horses and tirst class rigs always on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care gnaratteed. Stable room for sixty-five horses. A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always oa hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought npon proper ncii fication by SEANOR & NACE. All kinds ot live stock bought aDd sold. Telephone Wick House C. F. L. McQulstion. C'lVll K.Nli INKKH A "*I*.SURVEYOR. Office near Court House Butler Pa. DR. J. E- FAULK .Dantlst. Painless extraction—No Gas—Crown and bridge work a specialty. Office —In Gilkev building oppi siteP. O. H. H. GOUCHER. A tioruey-at-law. office" In Mitchell tulldfu. Hutler, Pa. VERMONT WENT all this *rk AAJ . we'll hear from Maine next week. VK&MOKT elected a Republican fur Governor, a majority of over , 37,CJ0, in a vote of 60, RAN. the largest 1 Republican Majority ever given by the State. Both Congressmen .ire Republi can* IF John Wanamaktr is to be beaten it will take better material than Quay pre sents in his package msrked Penrose . . Mr. Wanamaker appears to have a fairlv good organisation, some very shrewd : friend* ami a well filled treasury to hac». | his ambition. Penrose seems to have be hin.l him the alleged friendliness of j Quay, some cash and a varied assortment | of bungling and uuenthusiastic support- , ers. In a scrimmage of that kind Pen- | rose must be beaten. If, therefore, Gov ernor Hastings is the real Quav_ candi-, date he cannot get into the open field too • soon to save himself.—Patriot. THE fact is beginning to dawn upon the Democrats generally that they would have stood a better chance to win if the issue had been made on free trade instead of free silver. The South at least would be secured. On the proposition to Mexi canize our money even old Texas is wavering, and is very likely to go for McKinlev. Pure Blood 1« essential to health. Mow la the lima to purify and anrlch the blood, and thaa giva vigor and vitality, by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Tfca On# Tru*Rloo«l Purifier. |L Hood's Pills cux« *ll Liror Rls. DFT MCM, Register's Notice The register hereby gives notice that the follow iuc accounts of executors, administra tors and guardians have been filed in this office according to law, and will be presented to Court lor confirmation and allowance on Saturdav, the 12th day of Sept, 18yt>. at 9 o'clock A.M. of said day: 1 Final account of Margaret A Albert and Lydia Meyers, executors ot William H. Albert, deceased, late ot Franklin township. 2 Final account ot Henry R Blair, guardian of Robert C. Wilson, minor child of Mary J Wilson, deceased, late of Wash ington township. 3 Final account of Martha A Brown, administratrix of Isaiah Brown, deceased, late of Center township. 4 Final account of John H McLure, guardian of Charles E Blair, minor child ot Rebecca Blair, deceased, late of Fair view borough. 5 Final account of Joshua J McCand less, guardian of Flora E Stamm. minor child of John H Stamm, deceased, late of Franklin township. 6 Final account of John Brown, ad ministrator of George Cooper, deceased, late of Middlesex township. 7 Final and distribution account of John Fetter, Jr, executor ot John Fetter, Sr. deceased, late of Butler borough. 8 Final account of John Link, execu tor of John Link, Sr, deceased, late of Worth township. 9 Final account of Annie Wissell ad ministratrix of Elisabeth M Cnrran deceas ed, late of Millerstown borough. 10 Final account of Annie Wissell ad ministratrix of Will J Curran, deceased, I late ot Millerstown borough. 11 Final account of W J Hutchison, guardian of Jennie Campbell, deceased, late of Washington township. 12 Final account of Jacob G Vogeley, administrator of Mary M Vogeldy, deceas ed, late of Butler borough. 13 Final account of Catharine Bach, administratrix CTA of John Bach, deceas ed, late of Oakland township. 14 Supplemental account of W H Campbell, executor of John A Campbell, deceased, late of Concord township. 15 Final account of John Rohner, ad ministratrix ot John G Kauss, deceased, late of Forward township 16 Final account of Hannah J Bowen and William Bowen, exeoutors of John Bowen. deceased, late of Penn township. 17. F' nal Solomon Tt"". administrator of Samuel Thorn, deceased, late of Fairview township. 18 Final account of John T Cooper, guardian of Maggie Beighley, minor child of George W Beigley, deceased, late of Con noqueneseing township. 19 Final account of John T Cooper, guardian ot Bessie Beighley, minor child of Geo W Beighley, deceased, late of Con noquenessing township. 20 Final account of I) L Hutchison, exeeutor of S C Hutchison, deceased, late of Washington township 21 Final account of F E Butler, ad ministrator of Lelle Butler, deceased, late of Butler borough. 22 Final account of McAllister Kuhn, guardian of Walter L Blain, minor child of Kphriani Blain, deceased, late of But ler township. 23 Final account ot Raymond S Cor nelius. administrator of David Keefe, de ceased, late of Fairview township. 24 First partial account of W S Husel ton, executor of John Huselton, deceased, late of Butler borough. 25 Final account of Thomas H Allen, executor of William D Allen, deceased, late of Parker township. 26 Final account of Amelia Kline, ad ministratrix of Frederick G Kline, deceas ed, late ol Zelienople borough. 27 Final account of Thomas R Hoon, administrator of John I) Fair, deceased, late of Centre township. 28 Final account of E C Thompson and G W Curry, executors of William Curry, deceased, late of Worth township. 29 Final account ot J D Stephenson, executor of Lydia B McGill, deceased, late of Cherry township. 30 Final account of John Ferguson, i executor of Catharine Truver, deceased, late of Middlesex township. 31 Final account of J S Christley, ex ecutor of James P Christley, deceased, late of Clay township 32 Final account of John Wolford, ex ecutor of Archy Hoge, deceased, late of Brady township. 33 Partial account of Mary Jane Flick, administratrix C T A of Jacob B Flick, deceased, late of Middlesex township. 34 Final account of A Kirkpatrick, guardiaii of Williams S R Crowe, minor child of Oliver C Crowe, deceased late of Adams township. 35 Final account of Jacob Reiber, ad ministrator of Fred T Reiber, deceased, late of Butler borough. 30 Final account of John Kelley, ad ministrator of Satnuel M Ward, deceased, late of Parker township 37 Final account of Jennie E Beater, administratrix of George F Cester, deceas ed, late of Butler borough. 38 Final account of John 0 Jennings, administrator of Charles McCandless, de ceased, late of Butler borough. 39 Final account of A 0 McCamant, administrator of James B McCamant, de ceased, late of Siipperyrock township. 40 Final account of John Shepard, ex ecutor ol' Joseph Miller, deacased, late of Clinton township, as staled by George M Shepard, executor of John Shepard. 41 Final account of Ada A Stewart, administratrix of J. Newlon Stewart, de ceased, late of Butler borough. 42 Final account of Samuel A Leslie, administrator of MAR Caldwell, deceas ed , late of Middlesex township 43 Final account of A D Thorn, ad ministrator of John Thorn, deceased, lato of Butler township. 44 First partial account of Henry M Wise, administrator ol Ira Stauffer, de ceased. late of Lancaster township. 45 Final account of Maggie S Covert, executrix of Miles Covert, deceased, late of Adams township 40 First partial account of S F Bowser, H J Berg and William Donnelly, execu tors of Margaret Dougherty, deceased, late of Butler borough. J 011N S. WICK, Register. (Z. M. ZIMMERMAN. PHYSICIAN AND BfKUIOI'. O(Bee at No. 45, 8. Main street, over lit 1 tnirmacy.Butler. Pa. GAS METERS. We keep constantly 011 hand three different kinds of Gas Meters, viz.-—The "Tobey"-dry meter —The "Eguitable dry meter— md The Westinghouse fluid meter. Anyone desiring to buy a meter can secure on; from us at a reasonable price and upon easy terms. Home Natural lias Co., RelDcr Building. Jury LMiw B«pt Term. | LUt of fr. m the pr. per _urr whe*- i*. ' C-*" lay "f July. ln:«> r .> t-TTf »« G.-a» Jar-r- a' tti* regular t»rm of Court. commencing <■" i t •• 7th day t ! September. t; e .te b«*ing tr.'* tir~t il iday of -v.d n • l'i ifadlOll PtaMtl Sunkui, aUil: HKi Bard Jmk« i K. Centrev. le. mere:.aul. Critchlow, F l', I'r .pe -t, merchant. Chn-tley Curti-. S;:; -ryro k twp.farmer. Graham* 11 W K, Hitler 4'.:. w, merchant. OudsN Ntekokl, Vortl t»p. tarir.-r. Uiil W Ail am i" t»i' Ha)s Robert f, Conr 4 tay. miller. Kay lor l'eter. T*p. la-tner. Krok Jacob, Butler 5: ii », J. 1' Kirker J N. Lac a«ter twp. farmer Kerr Alexander. Marion tw, farm- r. Kennedy Samuel Jr, Ui-., farmer. Kelly Porter, I'arkt-r twj». tanner. Leslie Samuel, M ldie-wx twp. farmer. McCoy John F. Cherry twp. merchant. Michley Charles. J* k» a twp. fanier. Oesterfing Geuige. Bailer3th w, clerk. PoiUrftU I'S. y twp, tanner. Painter J S. t iaj twp. farmer. P.-tfer John. Jackson twp. farmer. Shaner Absolom. Prospect, farmer. Trimbour George, Summit :wp. fanner. Weitiell Nicholas, Brady t*p. farmer. List of names drawi from the proper jury wheel this "JBth day of July l*9d to serve as Pettit Jurors at th« regular term of Court, commencing <'n the 14:h Jav ot Sept ls'JO, the same being the -nd Mor.- daj ot Sept. 1 Anderson W J Adams twp farmer. Anderson Kobert, Terr twp tarrnor Aber Wlll, Middlesex t*;> farmer. Andrew l*aac. Butler Ist w»rd laborer. lUssler W G, Zelienopir uieichant. Buchanuon Robert. Mercer tarmer. Balph Thomas, Butler 4tfi ward carp?n t< r. Barron Joseph, Worih twp farmer. Craig E E. Mlileritoan boro clerk. Christley 1) M, Cherry twp larmer. Flintier George, Lancaster twp farmer Fehl Wm Jr. Forward twp tanner. Glwglow Charles B, Clinton twp tarmer. Graham Andrew S, Butler 4th ward merchant Greer S M. Butler 4th ward carpenter. Gilmore W A. Marion twp farmer. Uarbis >n Oliver, Jefferson twp farmer. Llarvey Wm. Clinton twp farmer. Jordan I S, Mar» boro Gent. Jamison Geortre, Venango twp farmer. Kemerer Fred, Butler Ift ward black smith Kemper Joseph, Butler 2nd ward harnesmaker. Lamb Charles A. Butler Ist ward Engi neer. Litizinger H C, Millorstown boro grocer Murtlin John S, Concord twp farmer. Miliinger George, Butler 2nd ward teamster. Myers D G, Donegal twp farmer. McClelland W J, Middlesex twp gent. McDermitt K R Fairview t»p farmer. McCrea W S, Butler 2nd ward merchant. McN'eal Fred. Adams twp farmer. McLaughlin Camper. Fairview twp farm er. Moore J X Slipperyrock twp farmer. McCollough A M, Fairview twp tarmer. McClune Robert. Butler twp farmer. McNamee Frank, Tenango twp. Oliver R H Muddycreck twp farmer. Peffer W U Lancaster twp tarmer. Reott Frank, Summit tvrp farmer. Riley Samuel, Forward twp larmer. Rutnbaugh R 0, Washington twp farm er. Richey Wm. Middc'sex twp farmer. Rocken.-'tne Joseph, Butler 4th wsrd harnesmak-r. Rankin 1) S. Butler 2ud ward farmer. Schniedeman 11, Butler 3d ward mer chant. Simpson A H, Millerstown boro oil pro ducer. Stickler ,/ohn G, Muddycreek twp farm er. Vogel John, Butler 2d ward glass blower, WALL MODLDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at 0000 Heineman's New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. SUMMER RESORTS AND HOTELS. CAPE HAY. CONGRESS HALL CAPE MAY, N. J. Opens Saturday, June 27, 1896. Closes September 30. Hotel modernized at a cost of £40,000. Ye old time lawn con certs by Simon Hassler's Grand Orclies trar Address EDWARD KNIGHT CAKE. Proprietor. Asbury Park. Asb ury Park has the best beach on the coast of New Jersey, and "THE FOiIMORE" is the best place to stop while there. For terms address, TIIOS. NOBLE, Asbury Park, N. J. J. B, iiRLDIN, Attorney At Law Ofllee 011 Main St.. near Court ilo use. Butler Pa. s. 14. PIERSOL. attorney at law. once at N'J. 104 FfiHt Diamoud St. A. T. SCOTT. attouney-at-i.aW. jffloo »t No. tf. Soutl. l>!*uionJ. Butler. Pi.. NEWTON BLACK. itt'y at Law--oniee on Sou'ti aide ot I'tanuino outlsr. Pa. ALEX RUSSELL. Altorney-al-Law. Office with Newton Black, Esq South Diamond. Butler 1 °a. A. M. GHRISTLEY, ATIOKNEY AT LAW. otTlce on North Diamond street, opposite tlie Court House—lver *'loor. J M. PAINTER, |Attorney-at-Law. 31ce-Between Postafflce und Diamond. Butler Pa. A. T. DLACK. ATTOKNSY AT LAW. Hoom J-iraif linildisf. %j§ I jCARPETSjj I iff FOR | |, Jsif •- »• #V «V FSSm i Campbell ft Temple ton,l J BUTLER. PENN'A. jjl Summer is Going * * And so must Summer Shoes and Slippers. Cold weather and rain has hurt the pale of Summer Shoes to a very great extent. Summer is almost over and still lots of summer goods hand—what am I to do? The only answer is, sell them and SELL THK.»I VERY (JUICK. In order to do this, some greit inducements must be offered and I think lam equal to the occasion. During the next 20 days I am going to close out many goods at less than manufacturer's prices. I am going to offer inducements in high grade footwear which cannot be resisted All summer goods must be closed out before we move, so call at once and select a pair at a great reduction WHAT 1 AM 00IN0 TO OFFER Ladies fine dongola patent tip shoes 85c, fully worth SIJ2 5 Ladies fine dongolo patent tip shoes $1 35, fully worth 2 00 Ladies Gne grain patent tip shoes 75c, fully worth 1 25 Ladies kid slippers 40c, fully worth 75 Misses and Childrens shoes, your choice 75 and 50c, fully worth 1 25 Only a Few of the Many Bargains 1 am Offering Youths tan shoes at 75c, fully worth, $1 35 Hoys tan shoes at 90c, fally worth 1 50 Mens tan shoes at $1.35, fully worth 2 25 A LEADER A pair of Men's Fina Calf Shoes in lace or congress, (any style toe) at $1 25, fully worth $2.00. Persons wishing to take advantage of these reductions should call soon, while the selection is large. JOHN BICKEL 125 N. Main St. DT |T| CD DA 330 S. Main St. L>U I L-iL-flY* r Pittsburg exposition INDUSTRY, MANUFACTURES, ART, MUSIC. Two great bnildingß devoted to showing what the world has done the last twelve months. All the wonders of Electricitt. The Koentubn Ray! The Cine matoorathe showing the most wonderfal series of Pictures in motioD: the sensation of the da>! Shoe Makinu Machinery— making 500 pairß of Shoe* daily. The greatest exhibit of Agricultural Implements and Novelties ever shown in Pennsylvania MUSIC—FOUR CONCERTS DAILY—MUSIC Chicago Marine Band, Sept. pth. lnnes' Famous Band, Sept. 21st. GJlmore's Band, Oct. 3rd. NEW MUSIC HALL. Costing $50,000. Free Seats for 3,500 People. SEPTEMBER 9 40 DAYS OCTOBER 24. HALF-RATE EXCURSIONS ON \LL RAILROADS. Look Out for the Announcements. ADMISSION, 25 cents. CHILDREN, 15 cents. BRING THE FAMILY. Early Fall Styles September 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, we will have one of the finest displays of trimmed hats we have ever shown. . Newest styles in Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, l eathers, Kcc. Special Sale of Belts 25 and 35c belts at 9 cents. White, pink and blue all silk belts at 43c, legular price 75c. } 1 kid gloves at 50 cents, M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to '.17 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. C It is poor economy to take your watch anywhere V \ for repairs except to a reliable watchmaker. X 5 OUT OF Every class of repairing that is brought into onr 1 / various lines, and we endeavor to have everyt hicg n correct before it leaves our hanJs. S > F;. GRIF;B, je T v h e ! er . \ > r - aiQ St., BUTLER, PA J