Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 27, 1896, Image 4
AN OLD SAYING: h "FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED. Are vou going to the Great Butler Fair with that old Buggy and Harness The> > are not safe and don't look - \ou know the Fair is TOUT show and it be- W A comes you to make a good appearance . - therefore don't you think it a K oo«l act to go at once to MARTIN- J A COURT U CO.'S and get a new . . or Surrv and a set of ti.e r own make ot J goorl Harness, as they are making sp«!al low prices now so as to enable everybody , to go to the Fair in style this year. . - & The management think this wi. o WA greatest lairthev have ever held and no- [8 USdv wants to miss it. immediately and look over oar stock and f A get the pick—it won't cost you a cent to . Vonrs Truly, Martincourt & Co, S. B. Martinconrt, J. M. Leigimer. OUIICI, ra. JA , GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OF +CLOTHING+ To close out that branch of our business. We are positively going to close out our entire stock of Men s, Boys and Children's clothing regard less of cost. Men'* Caaoimere Snita told for $8 00 only U 00 Men'* Caaximere Suit* told for 10 00 only 5 00 Men* Caiu'rnere Bait* gold for 13 50 only 6 75 Men* worsted irait* ■old f0r............ 10 50 only 10 00 Men* wonted iraits Hold f0r......... 18 00 only 12 00 Men* fine clay wor*ted nold f0r............ 18 00 only 13 0 Men* finer clay wor*ted aold for 20 00 only 15 00 bfer 3000 Paiis Of Mens Pants Men* werking pant* only 45 ct* Men* working pant*, better, worth $1 25 only $ 75 Men* working pant* D <fc 8 worth ........... ......2 00 only 1 00 awt VM n :°*r.T. 200 only 75 Meed black cheviott* 225 " 1 25 Men* worsted cheviott* 4 50 " 1 75 '< " " 500 '• 225 » » '• 560 " 275 Men* fine ca*Kitnere 4 50 " 2 25 •• " " 0 00 " 325 » «« » 7 50 " 500 OVER 2000 CHILDRENS SUITS Good htrorig huIU 1 00 only $ 75 Union ca*«imere 2 00 " 1 25 •• 250 " I 75 Pine a*«imere worsted 600 " 400 We will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats and Coats and Vests, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, I'ocket and Hill Hooks, Purses, Spec tacles, Harmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c. It would be impossible to enumerate and give prices of all we have in stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest and most varied stock and our prices are guaranteed lower than tin lowest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied customers that throng our store from Monday morning till late Sat urday nights. Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, and when you make a purchase ask for one of our CARDS and when your pur chases amount to $i 5.00 or $20.00 we will present you a piece 0! handsome silverware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme fioui bin. Ask to see the presents. D. A. Heck Son, 121 North Main St., Butler, Pa T. H. Burton T. H. Burton Why is it that T. 11. BURTON is always busy in his store? Simply because the people of Butler county appreciate the fact that he has the beat selected stock ol Foreign and Domestic Suitings extra pants'and Wen's and Hoy's Furnishing Goods, ever brought to Butler, and sdls them for less money. We guarantee everything that goes out of our store to give perfect satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. T. H. Burton T. H. Burton EYES EXAMitiED FREE OF CHARGF R L. Kfrkpatrick, Optician and Jeweler Next to Court Honae TJu'ler, I'a. Cra-li .it'- La '*ort llarol .. ica) rll 1 tut-- —butler Fair—Sept. I, 2, 8 auci 4, im. Children* knee pant* 9 25 only $ 1 ' .i •' '• 35 " 2o .. » -« 50 «' 25 .. a f5 » C,r, •i •• 00 " 75 a ii ii 25 '• W> Men atid boy* gondola hat*, $1 00only $ •''> •' " 150 " 75 " •' 250 '• 10" " 275 " 12> ' " 300 " 150 " " 450 " 3(.' Soft hat* at.d nap* in proportion. A' the lr.fe»t style- in Straw Braid*, Mat! now, Miiton, Yeddos, Leghorn* an't i every conceivable shape for Men Boy* an' Children. Silverine watche* $ 5 00 only $ 2 • > 750 " 1 5 ■ Silver watches 12 00 " '5 ~><> ■ Ladie* goldfilled watches 15 00 " '■> < •' " isss " I 5 '■ Gent* " " 20 00 " 15 0- » " 25 00 '• 1* 00 Ladle* and gen's electroplated watch). A large stock of chain* from 10c to $4. Ladies waist set* from 10c to 50 cents. Stick pins worth from 25 to 50c only lOd- Gents cuff button* 25c only 15 " 50c " 25c " 75c " 50c •' *1 00 •' 75c Gent* link button* from 10c to 75< Our Jaeger diamond* in Studs, Pins, Kings and Kar Orops are Dimply inmensi The finest outside ol the real steel-blue diamond. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual fira Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham kI.V. WII K, Frm. MKO. KKTTKHKU. Vlrc I'm. 1.. N. IrJIIMIIA, Htr'j arnl.Trtu. DIItKOIOKb Aim* 1 VM»-lc. H«i«l<-iiou Ollvi r, 1 r. W. Ir»'ii, htmrA Htrpliuii'" , *>. W. Hl*< kinor#, N. V.'i 11711, K. Bowman. 11. .J. KlltrKliT fioo. K'-ltwri.r, .than. iielmuh, < eo. Kfiiro. 10/ in KoculUx LOYAL McJUNIKN Agerit. f^HUMPHREYS' J VETERINARY SPECIFICS Fs Esrses, Cattle, Shssr. I:p, E:gs, AND POULTRY. 500 Pazc Book on Treatment of Animal* nod i littrt hvßt Free, els'- Fr«r-,r#rtMtinr«.l«ll«nim»ilon A.A. r spinal MecineUla, Milk Fewer. B.B.—f"Cratn«, Ltneiew. Kbpamaiisßi. ( .C.— I»i«tritiper. Navel lii»charge». 1).!>.-B*l<or «.rob«. \Vorm«. E.E.—Conah-. Heave*. PnrimoiiU. h.i\—f olic or Bellyache. >ll- arriat-f. lleurrkKM. IS.il 4 riii.irj and Kiiney lU-euse*. 1.1. Eruptive l>i-i-n««. Haase. J.K-~Uinfas.es of Uige.uon, Paralysl*. RnflsßMtki (overWdt - slk - - '<*o ] T; ll&K 1 *7.00 Jar Vtu-f iuary Core Oil. - • I.UO S-vU ty Drwr* cr «*»t prr?**! aajwk*r* •»* »■ «■! »a win of HiaPEKf * * * / D. CO., ill *. » JStTuiUatSC, B#«T«rk -1 HOMEOPATHIC [MmiSPECiFIC No.£iO In use 30 /e*r«. Tho ccif meeoetfiil mnody for hervous Debility, Vital Weainess, and Prc*tratkra V wr irork or other ctu** af i :>er v:?-!, or 5 nala and IAT»« VXAI powder, lor $5. >» , J . y iTt.j-T,:.. r fc*n po«tp*id on rc*ipt of pric®. BT CO., 11l AIIS iHT sipucci HOW i'C CURE YOURSELF WHILE L=IN"G IT. Tl r- tobacco bawt rrows on a man untf. hia aerv oa svst ta ;s " us.v afTecied, Impairing nealib. comfort ai. happiness. To quit sud ler.lv !- -■•r<.■ i hock to the sys'em. as tobacco to an llHlllWH user twome.K a stimu lant that his m stem continually craves. "Baco Cum" Is a • . Me cure for the tobacco habit, ii akt i:s. refui!y compounded after the for. ul ..:i rr,.L'-i.t L'erlin physician who iias used It in ii!s private practice since Ip~2. without a fail are. It Is purely vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. You can use all tbe tobacco yon want while taking ''Haco ( uro." H v. ill notify yon wheu to stop, we aive a written guarantee to cure permanently any case with three boxes, or reined the money with l'i i -/it intere.sr. "Daec-Curo" Is not a sub-tltute. f'lt a se"-ntiflc cure, that cures without t i.r al<l of w ill i<ov.' r and with no in com.et.ee. It leaves the -in as pure and free from nicotine as the da; y . t j -,k jour Hist chew or smoke. Cured 6.- BACG-CLRO And Gtined Thirty Pounds. From hundreds oi tfcfttn.- r-the originals of which are on tile nn.i (t u inspection. t»e following is presented: Clayton, Nevada Connty Art i.is Jan. 2» i-:*> Eureka Chemical & Ml f ;. Co., La Crosse. Wis. —(ieiitietn' ri: For forty years I used tobacco In a.l it- forms. For tweu«7 :<ve years of tlia tlme 1 WHS a great suflerer Iropi „..:?eral detilll •y and t.-art i '.sease. For fifteen years 1 tr.ed to. i • . 1 —i: r . - rem. die... others • ;»o-To-BaC." 'The Indian To bac'.o Antidote.'' "Double C.'ilorkte of t»Dld," etc.. etc , h'lt r one of tiiern did rne the least bit oftrood. Finally, however. I purchased a box of your " Baco-Curo and it h.i.s entirety cured me of the habit in all its forms, and I have in creased thirty pounds In weight and atn reliev ed irurri all the numerous aches and pains of body and mind. I could FI !te a rjulre rf paper upon my charged feeilnjrs and condition. N'ours resjK-ctfully, I*. 11. -VAHI'.T KV", PastorC-'P- Church, Clayton, Ark. Sold by all druggists at 11.'0 |w-r box: three boxes, .thirty dayi' treatment), with lrc r, lad. written guarantee. or *e n r. alre*;t -IJIOII receipt of price. Write (or booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical* Si Mfg. 0., La Ctosse, Wis.. fl.nd Boston, S;v><s. j ''u«j ivmujii, U a facial boon to bCKinon itw-n wh t: i ■': • (lrilt'-'I uiifon-' • Into the drink .. awak. n •» find tliu'l. •>.. Eof al'-01. .i fa- ' • upon thwn, Prarlir-i,.' thcra unfit to . ■■• fair/ re.) irlrijf a clear braii. A foaj w«- < {lo'trw; of treatment at tbo , ?ITTSBURO KRKLEY rNSTITCTP ' No. 12-10 Fifth Avenue, ■t-rfr-rt, to them a ! tlif ir power", m< r, phy«l'ail, i the abnormal *"peii (/ tin to the condition the tare they Indul •-d in InulanU. i done In more than IWJO cm..* tc • j •mozift thin some of your ov . . whom wis 'an n-fer with conf! . •> j a . ol'ite , and ' ' ' ;.(•) < {:! < . 1 .< fislii-t » 1 mott i ", u vriUA. &act for pMur&iiit giv: ~^v lion- *-» / p »' ap e" d REVIVO L* £3 RESTORES Vitality. Weil : f -Mi " Of Me. THE GItbAT 30th Day. FRENCH REMEDY pUfli.''* tan above r'-iultHln ,■<> -ht. • I' •••! la 11. Vuunir im-ji will roga n tic:.- kit t.. i.- hood, and old men will recover their youthful vl«i rby tlHlntr RKVIV'). It <|iil< klv and hiii I f 'ore* ,V-r»o.iHi.>-.-!-, »mi Viialti,, 1.0-.! I *er. Ktllloi Memory, Wutlog EHhucs, atid . I effects <.f exct-h* an«l lodlwretlon. wh! !i <u nit one for Btndy. or tu n t only eurtn ~j starting at tno C -it Of di < . 1/.t |K a Kieal nerve tonic and biood but: IrlnKlriK back the pink plow to jiale die. nnri restoring the fir'- of youth. It wawi ' Insanity and ( onsuiriptlori. IriMl.it on having jiKVIVO no other. It can I-.- <:,irrle<l l>> \ \ tiocKi t. Ily mail. SI.OO per paekane, or *1 fur Iwith a positive written guarantee to cine r r refund the money. Circular free. Addn -i UOVAI. Mi:i>H INKf 0.. CHICAGO. ILL I'or Sale by REIjDICK & GROMANN', A Sample Case Assorted Worm $8.36 of Bpkkr'h Cklmskatkii ou> WI.*KH, 13 iiOTILKIi Givkn Aval', FOR $5.00. Thin in (June a* an inducement for you to arnnple oar goods. Only lor a nhorll'nn »o a* to ((fit yon to try their quality, and only one cai«t to a family. Regular price 1 i| t Port Urape Vine, 'j yearn old., .f I «<> 1 >|t Grape Juice of tlio OporUi Grape 75 ' 2 pt« Burgundy, very 01.l and rioh,.. HO 2 pt» Claret 4(i I «| Uvtn Blackberry Wine,via.'7<> I. 00 l ijt *■ " Dmady, " jon 1 >jt Climax brandy, Tin. 1878, a pure grape product.. ....... ... SO 2 (it>< Old Bauteme "White" wine... 70 1 <|t Auut rtachel'M liorehound aid i.lecampanf) Cordial ..... ".0 1 '|t Peruvian Bittern for Malarial ' Fevers 1 00 ' 13 tior.tle* old,aM»orted goodn, worth $8 3<i The above, a orted cane of 13 bottien, worth $8.30, wo loose money on and will give but one Ofte to a family for $5.00, Mhipped from our warehouse and vine yardn, Pansa'C.N. J.,upou receipt of check, p iHtal order or money. Thin i-i done an a trial lot to prove to the public the high character and richneMft of i hpt< r'rt Choice*', Wine*, and to coßVioce tlior-.e who are preja liccd in favor ol for eign that we can jiroduce wirien hero e'jual to the finert of Europe, and far unporier to other American wini-,i. To Bpotl'a winen you may add a <|unrter part of water and then have a tusher bodied wine than thowi from California. Wo al*o I ope by thi- cacrilice to induco puitieH who are Hirangerd lo our wine* to try theni, and by to their friend* make known the line rjanlitr and rich Hotj'iet of our old Wine* ami Hrandy. Thi* li*t i* far I elow coat, bat the lohh will he more than made up by you praising our good* lo other*, Ihu i ad\ ■ rtiiing thorn and increaxirg our nale more cirectually than newHpaper advertising Wo will «hlp by e*pr< or freight, aa you muy direct, prompily on receipt of or der with u> in p ixtal note or check. Two Can-, run be Kent by freight to one ft'ldreiH for nine coat of transportation an one, but v, o mil ' have the adilre of each person they are for. Till: SPEER N. J. WINE CO., VINEYARDS, PASSAIC N J AIiKHKb SI'KKU, PttKH. No iiiHrku or brand i are on the lloxo* xtatinr the nature of the content)). Do you want to take advantage of the special Hale, at DOTH LASS' Send for* special list jof reduced prices. 'During this month Only. AT DOUGLASS' j i'v;.. i'. O .'4i 3. MiiinSt j BUTLER, i-A. l THK CITIZEN' Good Roid«. Prof. John Hamilton. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture. has taken op tbe subject of pood roads and in a recently issued pamphlet 'ay* that just no* there is a special n«ces«it/ for complete and durable highways, that" has noi before existed, j : Rapid cnmmui'icaTion and transportati' n. . . whether by railroad, trolley or i country roa are demanded by our civill | rati )ii. and this demand is not pimpiy lu." : the gratification of the pleasure seeker or j the but is a uecesMty in bu-i- j nes<-. Surplus product-! tno.-t be moved | greater or if-s- di-tances to find a market i *l» r and time have become more costly, ,nd all enterprises tha* are to succeed In 'he 01 ' it eti'ion that has set in. have found it imperative to so plaj tie virio is opera tion- in their bu.-iae&s, 'hat one man. or licit of force, can accomplish twi:e toe -•.-f-rk in the same time, and at le*s ex pttditure, than v.aj necessary before. The more depressed the industry, the ereater is the r<-ce >ity for che peeing production and reducing eipen.-es. There over 80.000 miles of roads in Pennsylvania. outside of the wards and boroughs ar.d cities of the C"mm°nwealth, and not including the turnpike roads un der corporate control. For this year end ing AS ay 31st. 1895, the-9 80,000 miles of road co-t tbe farmers < f Pennsylvania juH $3.895.573.96 cents, or at the rate of $49.73 per mile. This prpense has be«n con :in u -d for many year-, ana yet acomparativt* ly small amount of tbe loads throughout the State can be truthfully designated pmd. F 'rty-nght dollars »nd seventy three c at- for every mile, expended every year; and iet how little that is permanent, to show for this vast expense? Who are responsible for this enormous rrastet As bas been intimated, tbe farmers have com p'ete control of the entire system from end to end. iJach township elects its own officials year by year, who are placed in charge of ihis important piece of public business, these supervisors lay the tax and oversee the work. All responsibility, therefore, for the use or misuse of this im portant tiust rests upon the people whom these officials represent. Is it unfair to wrong with a sy-tem that, after trial for over one hundred years and involving an expenditure of money counted by the hundred million*, has produced only that which we have to dajf Supervisors knowing that stone ballast is hard, suppose, that being hard, it will nec< - arih" make a solid and durable high way suitable for public use. They accord ingly secure teams and engage men, whom r v ,i-y put at work vith implements that are i : iy tit for some mnseum of antiquities, nn<i begin the construction of turnpike roads. Stones of every size and quality are hauled upon it, the surface is partially leveled off and tbe ballast slightly broken over the top, leaving that below practical ly untouched. Afterwards a light cover ing of earth ic pread over the surface and the work satisfactorily done. Much of the stone road in Pennsylvania is constinoted iu j'lst the same way, and no mistake in roa<! wilding i.- greater cr more to be con demn -d. A . d can be built in most of tho dis tii t- • i the State, bo prepared for the bal- .1, ir ..i uic ouiuj, iw 1""yo.on .... wjc I i-t and a layer of broken atone* deposited over it, -ii and one-half inches deep, and und seven feet wide, for not over five h'u.dred dollars per iniie. Inside of ten years, therefore, with the present tax, the people i.f the State can have their roads we;! piked, in all dirtricts where stones are t u.idsnt, which include* fully three ,'onrlh nf ihe rowls of the Commonwealth. Thin, it i- i -ue, is not a perfect road, hut it is a good road. It it) dry and it in solid, and with proper attention will stand all reasonable wear. It is, moreover, within the reach of ouj citizens and would be the ■ginningof a more uniform and perfect j stem of road building in the State. Every mile of road in Pennsylvania *honld have a competent person, who will he held responsible lor it;i condition, and will fee not only that it is not destroyed, tut in daily improved. In many district* ( f the State the supervisors are elected for but. a inf»le year. Any policy in road <•! cstructing that may be adopted by such « I oar J cannot I (airly tested in ho short a period, and consequently those in charge hesitate to begin a .vork of permanent im f.rovement for fear ttia', they wil! not be continued in control sufficient time to de mi;-'rate itn value. There should be e. debtee of permanency in the > (lice, a:.d ihi* could bo secured if the supervisors were elected for throe years, one goini' out each year, leaving two of the old officers as a majority in control, and (rive time to the newly elected official to become ac quainted with the system and understand its put puses, before any radical change '■ <iul(| i>u cffaatnrl AL loiwl wio>liall' "I il.eroad lax ought to be paid in cash fridge need repairing, and new ones n.ndtoba constructed, permanent stone Calvert . or terra cotta drains to carry * lie, across the roid ought to be provid ed instead of wooden structures that need C' l; .ant repair , road machinery ought to • purchased, the "Motion men" ought to ' I ' in marge and be promptly paid 'I do these things it is necessary that ; i one-half ot tbe tax should be paid In cab, and the other half can bo paid in V 'il< Every male taxable over twenty* '; «j > ar* of ago, should be required to i H} a road tax of at least the price of one d«>'s vork 1876 Climax Brandy. From grape wine lias, l>y its extreme age and constant care while in uniform temperature and pure sweet atmosphere i f storage houses for fourteen years, be lt Jt:e a rival of the Ifei ntssy and other brawls of C< j'liac Brandy, and much low ' rin price, und preferred by the phvsi ci .us of Philadelphia, New York, and other cities. Buy it of druggists. I.ighltiing is most destructive in level, open country. Cities with tlieir numer ous projection# and wires arc exempt. 'I I' Wit bony, Ex-Postmaster of Pro nn 1- City. lowa, says: "I bought one boMli 1 "Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, ar ! . .0 doses of it did trie more good than iu,j 1 edicine I ever took. Sold t.y J. C. k*dn 1 , and J. I' Ralph druggists, llutlor. v.any a ih.j's work is lost by sick head ache. cu'i ed by indigestion and stomach trouble* ReWiit's Little Early Riser* are the most, ( If. ctual pill for overcoming such difficulties. lIKDICK & OROIIMANN. J"an J, ifayetto, who died in Wooti socket, K. 1., a few days ago, left 20 liv ing children ail by one wile. Ilin wife had in all boric him 24 children. ' Hoys will 113 boys." but you can't af ford to lose any of tin m. lie ready for the gr en apple sea m by having lie Witt's colic and cholera cure in the house Rki.ick .t' (laoil SI ANN At Carnii, ill., the heat was so inteiis • that laige Humbert of fish inutile bittlc Wabash River died, The whole system is drained and under mined by indolent ulcers and ojimu sore*. lleWitt* Witch Hazel Halve speedily heals them. It u the best pile cure )tno#u. ItIOICU .t liII'HIMASK Don't trifle away time when yon have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them in the beginning with l>eWit.t,'s colic and choldracure. Von on't have to watt for results, they are instantaneous, and it leaves the bowels in bealtb> condition. ItKIMCK ,1 (Ikoiimann. Kngland and Autraliu ar> the only islands which excel Cuba in natural re sources When not wasted by war Cuba produces, with a large share of her soil untouched, ..,<*<) worth of sugar and tobacco annually, beside , the pro ducts of orchards and forest ~ rivers and mountain mines. Itlti umutism i'ni id in a buy. "Mystic (Jure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cure.' in 1 to :j days. Its action upon the y tein is remarkable and mysterious It removes at once the cause and the d ••a immediately disap pears. The fir*? done greatly benefits; 75 cents Hold by.l. <! Kedie, an<l J F, lialph l)rit(fgit I flutter AprM l.i.glish .-ipay n. J..oimc.nl remove* a'" t.ard. toll or callous.!.! lump.i and Idem she* from horses, blood spavins, curbs plints, sweeney, ringbone, ftifle*, sprain/ II swollen throats, coughs, etc. Shvo 50 by use of one bottle* Warranted the •nost wonderful Rlemuli Cure ever known Sold bv J </. Kedick.s * Or, lu tein,n' sV// up,/rill t I'itlx" Contain all tl < vlrtO's OI the liquid Har sa^atiila« in u < •ncei.' 1 «ted foim and be ing land) .ated 'i'c leilgl.tlill to take C<.inl'iiied ti the .i -.iparilla are other extremely valuable h|.. d and nerve reme liies, which render tlinn at once the rreat est blood pntifiers and blood makers a* " ■II Mi . i poAi ilul nwrve builder • ' . 'I :e il power* to cure all ' r-. 11l Nervous Weakness, IV 11' . uehe liystelln, Lo '< of Vital i 1 ii etc . at- p'easing ' ii I it) cun.s and #1.0(1. | iohl by Kedlck it (irolimunu and J, P. Ralph Rruggist* Rutlor. Amcricsn ice cream is advertise*! 'in the city of Mexico at "only f i for Jn American quart " Grapes With HorehounJ Cures Coughs. ■ 01<1 Aunt Rachael, an old and success ful nurse, 90 years old, ~o years experi ence as a nurse and much sought afte r bv hundreds of families, has for yea made a Cordial most effective for coughs and colds by the use cf Grapes and I.le" ca-jpane Root and the Herb Horehound. Public speakers anil singers use it, It :« performing wonders. Sold by druggists. A Terre Haute young women prevent ed her sister's elopement by entering a charge of profanity against her lovir. An Easy Cure for Drunkenness. Drunkenness. Morphine and Tobacco habits easily cured by the use of Hill s Double chloride of Gold Tablets. Xo effort is requited of the patient and stimu lants may be taken as usual until ■riven up. "Tablets may bs given in tea or c , H'.-e without the patieDt's knowledge. A cure guaranteed in every case. For sale bv all first-class druggists, or will be sent on receipt of SI,OO. For full particulars address The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima. Ohto. The Rev. Henry Victor Morgan of Alameda Cal., is building a church with iiis own hands, assisted by some mem bers of his congregation, A prospector who with a companion, bought a claim at Goler on the Mojave desert for found a few days afterwards a $614 gold nugget in it. HOOD'S PILLS cure Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache. A pleasant laxative. All Druggists. Poison Ivy, insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are quickly cured by DeWites Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. Hspick <t Grohmasn. California liquor men organized under 1 the title of the State Protective Assoca ' tion are aiming to bring about the aboli ' tion of free lunch in San Fraucisco sa -1 loons. Theories of cure may b« discussed at length by physicians, but the sufferers .Yant quick relief: and One Minute Cough Cure will give it to them. A safe cure lor children It is "the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results " KEK'CK <fc GitOHMASN. A colored man of Indianapolishas been arrested for the eighth time for stealing oats. He never steals anything else, and he has come to be known as "oats Pow ell." It doesn't matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and con stipation are caused by neglect or by un avoidable circumstances; DeWitt's Little Early Risers will speedily cure them all. Ksmck. <fc Gkohmak*. Overflowing waters of the Ohio River have carried away whole stacks of wheat and farmers in the neighborhood of Aurora, Ind., have been gathering ears of corn by means of boats. I If you have uver seen a little child in the agony of summer complaint, you can real ize the danger of '.he trouble aud appreci ate the value ot instantaneous leliet al ways afTorded by Re Witt's colic and ohol era cure. For dysentery und diarrhoea it is a reliable remedy. We could not af ford to recommend this as a cure unless it were a cure. Redk K Su Ghoiim IKS. 187G Climax IS rawly From grapn wine, has, by its extreme age and const'uit care while in uniform temperature and pure, sweet aticoapbere of storage houses for fourteen yearf, be come a rval of the Hennessey and other brands cl Cognac Hran'!/, and much lower in price, and preterred bv the physicians of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities Bay it ol drnggist.s A member of Company E of the Sixth Alabama Regiment had on at the recent Confederate reunion at Richmond the coat which he had worn all through the civil war. Everybody Says That the Wines and Brandy of the Speer N. J. Wine Co., Passaic N. J., are IsadinK "-11 oilier*, iu public favor. Thcii Brandies are unexcelled for delicacy of flavor, anil are pronounced by the most capable Judge to be 'lie very beat in the merket, while their fine Old Port ami Unfermented Grape Juice are superior to all others for the sick room and commun ion Table. For pure grape Brandy their Old C'iinax vintage 1H76, is admitted the best to tie had. Vineyard and cellars at Passaic, N. J" Two Wabash militiamen, stranded In Indianapolis, applied to Gov. Claud Mat thews for passage home and received the necessary advance with his autograph as a memento. Absolutely Pure Grape Juice. Speer'a I'nfermciited Grape Juice is so perfectly divested of all fermenting prin ciple by electricity and fumigation, that if uncorked and half a bottle used and well corked up again imnrjdiate'y and placed upside down in a cool place, it will keep for months; but if allowed to come in con tact with the air iu a warm temperature it will absorb the fermenting germ from the air and will not keep good, but will ferment and become slightly alcoholic, For sale by druggists. "I'm hungry all the time," is a com mon expression with those who take 11' ssl *8 harsaparilla. 1 »r. Agnew's Cure lor the Rcartgivs parfoct relief in all cases of Organic o< sympathetic Heat Risease 111 'M minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer "e s remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o. breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lol -.ide anil all nymptotu* of a Diseased lloa. t •no dose oonvinuoH. Hold by City Phar uaov. More than forty young men and wo men volunteered in two days at the recent Christian Alliance Convention it Eidde foid Me., to go into the foreign missio nary field. /.'cbe/ in Stx lfours —Distressing Kidney unit Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New fireat South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of iu exceeding promptness in re lieving pain iu tt.e bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary jiass»ges in male or female. It relieves retention ol water aud pain in panning it almost iiu medially, If you want quick relief and cure tois is your romedj . Hold by J. C. Kedlck druggist Rutler Pa. THE HABIT OF wearing good clothes is a good habit and our clothes are good habits. We want to help you form this good habit. Begin now! in a short time you will be convinced we have saved you money and that you arc always dressed in good tas'e. Good taste in d.ess secures a cordial recognition for those who show it. No man can tell how much injury a shabby appearance may do him. Our handsome new Spring stock is now ready for your selection. ODERN METHODS. MODERATE PRICES. ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES; | „ " Big as aßarn Door/ | l For 5 cents you get almost as j P much "Battle Ax" as you do of m • other high grade goods for \ Occnts. I | Before the days of "Battle Ax A consumers paid \ 0 cents for same 1 I quality* Now, "Battle Ax Highest Grade, 5 cents. That s I I true economy* « urn mum m* mt* "WHEHE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES ?' * GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO The Cyclists ■k k?4 q OK;a I will crtii cirri, rtm*n PH tig PA S 0 WB 7 WTB BRUISES, WOUKI#. SPRAINS, HLMf 9 I P9R 13 H H BUNBUBN, CIIAFINOB. IS faf a H 3 DECT BITES, ALL PAIN, II lu H/j fcUp ANl> INFLAMMATIONS. USED INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY. GENUINE IN OUR —m JWWBft Ei rfrn BOTTLES ONLY, IICFF W~ «lf W S™ tf S WRAITKUS, SEE OUB fij&i NAME, POND'S EXTRACT H Km fIVB 3 «n B CO.. NEW YORK, J1 H 9l BF& R 7fi Firm Avenue. H B B W w USE POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT FOR PILES. S-ttt i'tf imcil eft- I'fccittt of r.O ctn. WE HANDLE RIIT NOTHING uu 1 PURE RELIABLE GOODS from 3 to to years old, anil you get them direct from the barrel. " J ". j ; roUARANTKKD I'UKK VVHIRKIKS Finch'a, Sam Thompson, Large, Gibson, Bridgej>ort. Guckenheimer, liil linger, Overholt, etc. fI.OO Per Full Quirt. - - 6 Quart* £5.00. Grandfather's Choice, 3 years old ?;.<*> per jjal, VVK ARK AI,S') IMPORTERS of all kiiul of Wines, Conyacks, Brandies, , Rums, etc. All Roods, including C. O. j I), onlc.a, securely packed and shipped promptly. We prepay express charges! on SIO.OO orders or over. FAIR DEALING TO EVKRYONK. POBT. I.EWIN, K: CO. 13'. Water St., New Number 411, PITTSBURG, L'A. Phe Conventions # 4uru now something "I tb' |>*.sl,tho (ina idecMion <f the paoplr will • »•• given inj) iNovi wilier. Tlio dceinion on '".r lii|tiorHi vhave already lieoii Riven ati'l iti t|tmlilv\ JIIHH stood tllO t«Ht of the JH'BJIIO for -."'J ▼your*. J 4 LOWEST I'kicrs FOB Puaa Goons: jAndriet-Hon'it Kent $. r >..10 per V 2 year old, Pu'u Kyi* -00 J i .'I to 1 y <>or old " s'-.2S t.i fJ 50 a f*l# d7to 10 " " 8 ■><) to 150 " f »I 4'o 17 " " 550 to 0.50 " © ot I'uru Kye 2.00 to 3.50 " 4 | Special price lint on Wines, «to . "itj Jajiplication. No oxtrn charge for JujoJ #nr packing. (Jive us a trial order. J i A. ANDRIESSEN, ( A IJOCTOIte J^AKIf ? f% j'lti ' ri: i)!*ritN«Aiir. JS Cr*. PkNt. Avr. AMI/ Fouhth 81. Kaffir PIITSUUH.IH, PA. 1 Allfornwof IK'U. .1. ii.'ll "til nllinl'il I»1• II • HM|nillliK«'oN. # I I'KM !AI. :r I ' III' M I- I, ir.'iti' if (tin Irriiti-il nt till* -ii' ,i i.» ir / M 'til 11 "iitki i'rch iiltiilm il. Ilr. b U I i'.i ' ■ "•.eiiiliurof tli'i II lit oil! riiy ,, 'in ■"... , mi'l Ii il l l' 1 111111 Hi" I I '.II II A 1.1 I,' 111 I ■ If, '"1 t»t riittnii jf i v i'ii to Vn vnii 1 1' hi 11, t" m IT iv mi ml mm llnn.l 111 " I''ii'in 1f >• 011 1 1,I'fiii"-- iii 1111 > Iral and ncnliil •! •ly.lm lc "f i n-rtfy. I i„iii Vncy.ai.*>l 1 1. '-Hi "f"», >ios •, i.'lwuiinnlliMii, nn'l fill'll ",nf ilmnklu. 1.1,,, 1.1 in.-., rrliuu y< >i if'"i .it''. O i.'u It hi lon ; Mlrirlly . ni.fl-li nil;,l Oi'.n-li.nur II to I n:i I 7 to S I*. *.; Bnit'll.' lo 1 r. :t. . ilv. ill ril. <1 |ro <>r 11.1 In I ' 1 ' ! I'. 1 'I! • KSN A* I AN DA''II til I*l I v ll' IKill. l'A WWaUHSW* DR.LOBB frJU W. HT.» rilll-A., VA» 'l )t\r\y ynru ♦ m ti<«.i» rh*»rur»»of«ll <ll • ;t i« » of »*!• " wot.i. N»» in*ti»r fr«»n» whftl 1 hum «»r ..v lone if»ndlii ■ 1 will t/unr*ntos tnirt. in j I'ii 1 li.ib U.iun.l U> l lt jr.iiiHl > >t.'l uutUad itUVk. FRAZE3& IIKNT IW THK WORLD. 11l *''arlni;i|unlllli«ar.i UfiKllrpnK ai'timn/ oull'iitlnir I wo iMix'.n nf itny otlirr I.rati.l N..fc «IT. rl.»l l.y linul t»-f4KT Til It <JKNIHNU. ITOU BALE UY I'EALKKhi (JENi:UALLY. A, IERKIMER Funeral Director 37 S. Sutler Pi. j tWTiat Nei-vo Berriea have done for other* itey will do IST DAY. ! m-mf' > >6l 'X i:* > arrJPbrmanorrtl/ Rngtorcd. » OTa uaY - A positive cure Ic aH Weaknesses, iiebiiity, ar.d a I their train of evils resulting from c.trly errors and later excesses; the result of over- I work, sickness, worry, etc. I - nreicessive use of tobacco, opium and i'quor, which lead lo consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having ! the genuine HERVt OEltßltS, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, SI.OO per box, six boxes, one full treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed tocure any gi it we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address nuilordersto AMERICAN MIIDICM. CO . CINCtNMATI. 0. WHAT IRON WILL DO. -jf IS NATLHIi'S OWN TOWt?. Q the appatlie and pro . iloee* rerranhliiK nlocp BIVFS VITAL SISBNGIH T3 KUSSimi rfUTH6«S. j}.*- C-hceha wasting -1l»ea»««. T\. iilfht r»i'»t», curaa tiioiplen' * coijitaiayliuti. Olncrua o* nnd flonh. MAKES RED, RICH ISLOOD, I'rmuolon healthy lun* tlaaun. WIUkIVO the pnln und ruuy th» ■ ry roity clteeka or youth. I%| CURES Al.h FSStALB COMPLAINTB. Vi JUakea utroiiK i 'ii mul wuo.uu oI weak 11ns* feILMORE'S EES TOhiC PILLS Cere all VasUng Diffuses ana thi/r 8«-q.i».nct*, RROfJCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, <k. Tliny nri nnlther atyptlii norrnuatln.ao.J li.i • ilu'iiuc IP ir.'Pt mi thn COD.Ol.ti • ii. uti.i.hi. ti or it» Itolntc. Coiniaouently Id not I urt tlio tooth tifrmiir conatli>rtion i' iMurrtiii.ii, iia do tlu' unual t irm» or Iron O'lnyn tr«atmeat tOc, pitniphlet fteo It not kupt by your droKBUt, oJdreita GILivIORE & CO., CINCINNATI, O VITALIS VITALIS- i TIIBOItEAT »0". i)"v A\ f- FRENCH RCfIiFDY ao^ay. I'liol'i ri-.H Till; Alt. .VI, UK liI.TH i inca ly nut vorelf hbowi Wen imnea w«rfln«dt e- ' t Vitality, P"w«>r in I i nllliii/ .1. mm" ' .' ' ly m>\ I'. ti*. . >!"•- m. I|..|-t !..• VllAt.fi, I. ollM>r. t »o t"> earrl* t j natl »! I«l |K'r J'- kl([»ll' • " t'ti •"». «ntn« 111 111 II: l>H I . ' 'II' I .JC* Clr.'il»r f"-. * OALI'MI t In I'l UK «:<>., i:UI- »K'>, 111 For iu |ilutlor, l'a. ly Clly Pharmacy. | 122 D. T. PAPE 122 I; VThe Leading Millinery House Of Butler | Closing-Out-Sale of Summer Millinery Goods at 5 Less Than Cost |i[ A As the season is far advanced, we want to <, ► A get rid of all our summer milliner)- g.K>ds, O £ and have marked all Honnets, Hats. Kill- O £ buns, &c, down below cost. Come in and < > A see for yourself. (J ► | B. T. PAPE. i ooooooooooooooooooooooo^cxy i""-n ;{lf We Shod .. | H & -$• * * M m j Every person that came into our store but OIK*, Nl WA it would be only a matter of a short time uu [C til we would have shod everyone that came out v J way, and we would be compelled to close our F 4 WA store Irom sheer lack of patronage. Hence we t'V say regular customers are wli?t we are angling WJ 1 for, and we will try to please everyone that f WA comes into our store—not only with the shoes L V themselves, but in every possible way. Let us W A sell you your next pair of shoes. We will try (4 J A to deserve patronage by giving you full value Lv for your money. W A f4#** # # ¥ H AL RDFF & SON, A 114 South Hain Street. 2 Jj ' i W E HAVE been offering our stock of WHISKIES, WINES aid LIQUORS to the people of Butler County for so many years that there is little for us to add. You all know that we ship none but pure liquors, and if you are going away for a vacation, or intend to stay at home, you will need some good whiskey, or some pleasant wine to help pass a delightful time. OUR WHISKIES are sold for $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, and s(>.oo per gallon, and when we say that they can't be equaled anywhere for the money, we mean it. All the dif ferent brands of California wine are sold at $2.00 and $2.50 per gallon, and they are the very best in the market. We don't want you to forget that we pay all express charges 011 orders of $5.00 and over. Send for one of our Catalogues, mailed free on appli cation, and look it over. It will interest you. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa, Wholesale Liquor Dealer. / 3L A Summer Drive .qfej measure of its pleasure if (he carriage is less hi*' V. K'HsiJ&KZFw urious, easy running anJ inudsome fhan it b<-- Fredonia Buggies have nothing hut good point*. They're the handsomest vehicles you c:in get sre as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist Hint you sec them at your deaUr'B. vuk h v FRE£()*ttA AIFG- CO.. Tormzstov/n, Ohio, RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, SOUND MONEY, ' \ HONOR, HOME PROSPERITY. THE NEW-YRK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, THE LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAN FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Will make a vigorous and relentless fight through the Presidential campaign, for principles which will bring prosperity to the entire country. Its campaign news and discussions will inter est and should be read by every American citizen. We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. V. Weekly Tribune" 4 Months, I 7 Weeks for 50 cents. CASH IN ADVANCE. A.tdrw# all Mdere to THE CIfjZEN. Wiite your name and addrva* on a postal card, M-nd it to G«o. W. Best, Tribune nuildioK, New York City, and a .<utui]>le copy of Tdi New Yokk Whj'Xi.y TjuuVWK will be mailed tv you.