Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 27, 1896, Image 3

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Now Advertisements.
Commissioner'a Sales for Sept. 26.
Zimmerman's Fall announcement
Doathett £ Graham s School suits.
C. A T's. China ware.
Colbert A Dale's Furninhings.
Franklin House Detroit, Mich.
Propped Academv.
Sora—All advertisers intending to makt
o»ngei in their ads. should notify us of
th »ir intention to do bo, not later than
Monday morning.
Administrators and Executors of estate?
ecu secure their receipt books at the C<T
11* uj}o9
Tha Fair.
Wc»: glorious weather, this would be
for the Fa:r. Will we bare as good next
weekf The managers hare everything
ready, and if the weather ia favorable, all
Butler jounty, in its best clothes, will be
here to see each other, and the big pump
kins, high corn, etc, etc.
Everybody and everything is dancing in
delightful expectation.
—We'll have no potatoes to throw away
next Spring. They are rotting.
—Tbe buckwheat fields are beautiful,
and there a: a plenty of them
—Soms politicians like a cork screw
have a pali because they are crooked.
—Oar liveryman ara paying $10,; toJsl2
for if*, hay and 25 cents for new oats.
—There is at lent one leading financia*
qaesti-n: " Wh-»n can you pay that billt"
—Tte new, County bridge over the
creek at Greece City wa* completed, Mon
—Paride and flag presentation next Sat
urday afternoon. See notice in another
—Wnen a man is a-jjased of having
ni>re money than brains, it doesn't always
follow that he is rich.
—There would be very few window*
broken il they waited for the man without
Rio to cast the first stone.
—Mr. Ki-har of Centre Ave, near the
bridge is now spent here for the Jamen
town Sliding Blind Co.
—There will be service* in the Presby
terUn church the coming Sanday at 11 a.
in. aud 7:.T0 p. ni. conducted by the pKntor.
—lf yon wish to avoid a cyclone in the
kitchen do not let your husband rummage
through the ioe-box on the cook'* day out.
—Girl* aie not generally opposed to
free silver when it takes the spoon shape
frequently associated with tree ice cream.
—Keep your temper when yon talk poli
tics. Knock down arguments are being
reported from everywhere, and cne mur
—D. H. Waller m putting in a pretty
front—one that will coat him about a
SI,OO0 —and be the show-window of the
—A tanner in Broome county V. Y.,
plowed up an 1804 silver dollar the i.ther
day. The coin is worth S9OO, and he will
buy a farm with it.
—Prospect is improving rapidly: Frank
Critchlow, MM, Martha Marshall, Mrs.
Ford Weigle, A.M Kiddle,and J X.Albert,
are building new residences, and W. R.
Riddle an addition to his store
—lf Li Hurg Chang is retlly c# sting
•bunt for a promising site for a laundry,
we can tell him where to go, and whore
he can study hieroglyphics on an Indian
G«ur< ok ;f he enjoys that sort of thing.
—Vocal Recital at Y. M. C. A. Hall to
morrow evening by Ernest Gamble and
Frauk McCarrell. Eyery lover of musical
specialties should be present. Reserved
•eats on sale at Heineuian's, Friday morn
ing, at!) o'clock.
—Some extracts from Piof. Hamilton's
book on roadmakiug will be fonnd on oar
4th page. Every supervisor in the coanty
should hare a copy of that book. Address
John Hamilton, Hep. Seo, Agriculture
Harrisburg Pa.
—An exchange facetiously remarks that
"the ii' an who wants a paper without so
much politics in it, for the next two
months, can take his choice, between sand
paper, wall paper and fly pap or. He will
h*ve to give np the newspaper."
—Scientists say that the common house
fly can attain a velocity of 100 feet a sec
ond when nece-i-ary, and that many other
insecti fly faster than birds Any ordinary
mm has demonstrated the fact a thousand
times, when he struck at a fly that wasn't
—Butler, as will be seen, has the cham
pion huggers. A young couple a few days
ago had a contest as to which of the par
ticipants should we»r the medal. The
lady carried off the honors, she having
hugged the collar butUn off the gentle
man. Score another for the fair sex.
—There i * nothing on record which will
put a man's reliction to the test like a
good old fashioned jumping toothache
If he can go through that ordeal without
the smell of brimstone on bis clothes, he
will thereafter bo beyond the reaoh cl
—The latest dime museum attraction is
a ' lady divorcee contest"—that is, an ex
hibition of handsome women who havo
been divorced. A single advertisement in
a N'ew York paper is said have sßCured
thirty-five applicants to enter the oontest.
Twelve of them will pose in a curio hall
lor the ooining sen on.
—He growled if 'twas dry; he growled
if'twas wet; he growled when a youngster
he's growling yet. Hurry him off and
burry him d«ep. Go make his lone grave
where the bumblebees hum; where the
Htroddle bn£ straddles and the humming
birds hum; where the katydid did what
she wanted to do, and the green bottlo fly
flew where she flew.
—The word "Devil" is a peculiar word-
Take it all in all its one of the meanest in
the English language. I've just been an
alyzit.g it. so to speak. Cut off the first
letter and its "evil." Cut off the neit
and its the best part of "vile." Cut off
the next and its the most of "ill," and the
final "1" is the principal makeup ol "hell"
—Theßig 4 fishing club returned from
a two week's outing along Wolf Creek yes
terday. P. Kihn, F. Trogus, Ed McGill,
Al Kearns and G. C. Biehl went into camp
this year, and had a good time. One day
when the oreok was clear they caught 65
lisb. Ttiey h»d visi'ors at th«ir camp
every day, and entertained thorn with
their "bear dance," which is something
—The body ol a man in an advanced
state of decomposition, is supposed to
have bei>n found on tho Kittanning road
near the Mitchell school bouse a few days
ago. Two yonng mon, driving along the
road, smelt it and saw it; and Lrought the
news to Butler but when they went back
for it; it was not there, and is supposed to
have been hauled -way by a mysterious
stranger who. also, has disappeared, The
neighborhood was searched, one of the
young men was jailed as a witness for a
lew days and then let out; and nothing
bat wind hat materiali»ed.
—Great weather for sleeping—or any
thing else.
—Go up to the Orphan's Home Una af
—The AtiantU Club will give a recep
tion ia Armory Hall on the 3d.
—Save your big. silver dollars to spend
at the Fair next week.
—Some feilow on the Times foroe in
Pittsburg had the snakes bad, the other
—Butler won from Titusville, yesterday
by a score of 7to 5. Keep it up boys.
—"This is a comedown," remarked the
yonr.g man as he fondly nursed his young
—Excursion trains on all the roads, to
diy, to Butler, with people to the Orphan s
Home picnic.
—Quite a namber of our young people
attended tbe TareDtum Fair, yesterday,
and a f*w are at New Castle today.
—Christian Endeavor meeting in Har
mony, begining this afternoon and con
tinuing over tomorrow.
—The ladies of the Grace Lulhern church
will occupy their old stand and furnish all
kinds of eatabies at the Fair grounds, next
—A dispatch from Wheeling dated Wed
nesday, said—D. 0. Campbell formerly of
Butler, Pa., but for several months pro
prietor of the Oil Exchange hotel here is
—Because a man differs with your opin
ions on politics, theology or anything else,
you'll find it pretty bard work to brii g
him to your way of thinking bv calling
him a fool or a crank. When you do that
you needn't be surprised if he thinks the
same of you though he doesn't nay
it out real loud. Hard words butter no
parsnips; neither do they readily make
—Most ball players are not aware that
a ball thrown by a skilled pitcher gots
over the distance to the piste in six-tenths
of a second. That is it travels 100 feet a
second, or 68 miles an hour. One would
think this was fast enough to satisfy tte
most confident batsman, but the modern
player looks to an increased speel of
pitching as an essential factor ia raising
the standard of the game and increasing
its charm.
The laltest suggestion for attaining tho
wished for velocity is a cannon containing
the ball, which is fired by a cartridge. It
is of curse, hold by tbe pitcher. The
actual speed is regulated by the strength
of tbe cartridge. Tbe curve ia imparted
in a pecular way. Artificial fingers of
rubber a/e placed near tbe muzzle of the
cannon, and their position is determined
by the kind of ball intended to be sent.
For instance if the fingers are adjusted on
the leftside of the muzzle, looking toward
the plate, the ball turns to the left makiDg
an out curve—and so on. Tbe opinion of
the fellow who is to catch the delivery of
the automatic pitcher tiss not been official
ly given.—[News.
Bicycle Race.
Ernest Faber. Butler; Harvey F. Man
gel. Glade Mill, John M. Brown, Oneida,
E. B. Walker, Harmony; fm. Walker,
Harmony; Clarence Weigel, Harmony
Charles Brell, Cocnoquenessing; John F
Cress, Evans City; A. D. Weigel, Harmo
ny; Jack Thompson, Batler; Lawrence K
McDowell, ButU-r; Lee McDowell, Butler;
Elmer W. Kiddle, Prospect; George Ekin,
S'ipperyrock; and J. C. Aber, Glade Mill;
have entered for tho road race of next
Wednesday, week the 9th.
The following is a list of prizes offered
for the Butler-Harmony road race:
Time prize—Bicycle. White, Walter <t
Ist—Table, Campbell A Templeton;
lamp, Henry Mi'ler
2d—Bicycle snit, Shloss Bros; sweater
and stockings, Colbert A Dale.
3 —Sweater and stockings, lteibar A
Bros; bicycle pants, Shanl A Nast.
4—Umbrella, J. Kanfmaun
s—Satchel, John Kemper.
6 —Opera glares, D. L. Clelland.
7—Gas stove, O'Brien A Son.
B—Pipe, J. S Jack.
o—Silk shirt, Douthett A Graham.
10—Ball-bearing shoes, C. E. Miller.
11—Oxidized receivers, J. L. Walker.
12—Umbrella, W. H. De Arme.
13—Tan shoes, John Bicke 1 .
14—Box of cigars, Graham Bros; pair of
tennis shoes, Al Ruff.
15—Revolver, Charles Hauek.
16—Umbrella, Charles Duffy.
17 -Sack of flour, Klingler A Co.
In addition to the above a largo number
of special prizes will be given.
J. O. U. A. M. Parade.
There will be a parade on Saturday
Augnrt 29th, at 2:30 p. m., by the J. OU.
A. M. Fraternal Council No 242 of Butler
and other Councils will be in line, also tbe
Grand Army and the Y. M. C. A. cadets
and band, also the Merchants band and
others. All citizens are cordially invited
to participate in the exercises of the after
noon and evening, and to have their homes
or places of business on tbe line of march
Parade will form on Cunningham St,
march south on Main to Wayne, east to
McKean, north on McKean to Jefferson,
weston Jefferson to -Slain, north on Main
to Vfilflin, west on Mifflin to school house,
where the address will be made uy W. J.
Kerr and others, and a flag and bible pre
sented to the schools. After the exercises
the parade will tnarch to Hall v. here thore
will be speaking after the supper hour.
By order of Committee. J. 11. MoCon
nell, A. L. Heckethorn, H. Wimer.
Will Bo Two Extra Races.
The Butler Fair Association has
added twe moro ratios to its program
one for Wednesday and one for Fri
day The Wednesday race is a trot
or paco for two and three year olds
and the purso is $l5O. Friday's race
is a consolation purso of SIOO for
horses starting and winning no
money during the fair and which aro
eligible to tho class having the great
est number of starters. This makes
moro than $2,000 the association is
giving for amusements on tho track
alone If this fair does not surpass
any that has yet been held in Butler
it will not bo the fault of the associa
tion, tbe memlxjrs of which are do
ing everything possible to make it
a splendid event.
Among the many other attractions
at tho Fair will be exhibition runs by
tho hose team, which will go against
records on Wednesday and Friday
and perhaps on Thursday.
Come and test tho work of Pros
pect Academy. Wo give special at
tention to each pupil. All branchos
taught. Tuition $7 per term. Term
opeus Sept 8, 1890;
M. M ROl«<eii» B S., M. E.,
Free. Free. Free.
Your name on a postal card will
bring a copy of The Butler Business
College Exponent,a bright eight pa#e
monthly paper, issued by The Butler
Business College and School of Short
hand, Butlor, Pa.
—Special train to Alleghany Sunday
A'ig. .10 via I'. W. Fare for the returnjtrip
75 cents.
If you have frionds in Beavor Falls
Pa., the time of tin Street Fair Sept.
0-10—will bo a good time to visit
Underwear— A specialty at Heck's
his stock is largest and finest ever
offered in Bu'V
—BoardingHouse Cards, with Ac',
of A Bsombly, 25 cents for balf-a-doion
.or sale at Citizin office,
George Householder has replevined one
top buggy in the hands of John Brenner.
Mary Mange' has boraght tuitin trespass
vs tbe P. K. k. company and claims dan
ages in SIO,OOO.
Joseph Ash and J W. McKee were ap
pointed appraisers on the alignment of
Phillip Shoup to John A for bene
fit oi creditors.
Dr McClellan of Buffalo, who was ar
rested ia Butler for practicing without re
gistering tti.d paying a license, had a
hearing ai*d wa* held for court. Lie let
his *a:ch and diamonds as security.
Gilbert Eka.s by his next friend Harvey
Cruikshanks has replevined "one suit of
good clothes, gray collar, two fine sh.rts,
one pair of every day pants, one' good
overcoat, brown collar and one road cart,*'
in the hands of George W. W»lson.
There are 33 cases now on the criminal
docket for next term
The will of Benedic Kost of Bntler twp,
was probated and letters grantee to Martm
Hcim and Francis Kost; also wil' of Mary
Kramer of Connoqueneswng twp. no letters
Letteis of administration were granted
to John A Gelbach on estate of It. C. Yates
of Adams twp.
P. Golden has brought suit in trespa-s
vs the bcrough of Bauer, and claims dam
age in SI,OOO.
The suit of D. M White vs Markweil
and Kirkpatrick of Renfrew was settled
before Esq. Ka.tjnbach. Tuesday.
Samuel Walker, of Butler passed his
preliminary examination as a lsw student.
Letters of administration were gran'eii
to Robert S. Hindman on estate of Eliza
beth Hindman of Cherry twp.
Notice is hereby given to the Secretaries
of School Boards that the registries ol
school children are now ready for distribu
tion at the Commissioners once and they
are requested to call for them.
Pbopebis Tbakrpsbs
Zelienople Ex Co to Lewis Kerr lot in
Jackson for $360.
M P Black to M A Kelly 1 acre in Parker
for SSO.
G S Gahagan to M A Kelly 2 acres in
Parker for $250.
Henry Bloom to Geo W Page lot in
Zelienople for S4OO.
Zelienople Ex Co to W II Gelbach lots
in Zelienople for $398 75.
E McJunkin et al to Vallie E Parvia lot
in Butler tor $2,750.
H A C Miller to Jas P Millinger lot in
Butler for S4OO.
Zelienople Ex Co lots in Zelienople to
Jacob Kocher and L E Phillis.
Frank F Mori is to W B Bowser Jot in
Bntler for SSOO,
H H Boyd to Jos Garrard lot in Butler
for $325.
H A Sloan to D P Kelly lot in West Sun
bury for $1,300.
J 8 Rose to E T Rose 50 acres in Centre
for sl.
Zelienople Ex Co lots in Jackson twp
and Zelienople to Katharine Hart:nan for
$l9O and to C F Goehring for SiSO,
M McGinley to John Ga lagher 5 acres
in Butler twp for $371.
Sarah Stewart to David Frazer 87 acres
in Muddycrsek for $1919.1(1.
Walter Campbell to B. it P. R. R. lot
in Butler for $2,500.
A right of way from Samuel Schaffuer
to tho B. P. R R. in Batler for, $950
was recorded.
Marriage Licenses
George A Wick .. Butler
Jennie C Frost Chicago, 111
John C Stalker Venango twp
Miriam Wilson
Albert Mulkmus Allegheny
Elizabeth Weber Pittsburg
Ilenry Riddle, of near Millerstown,
swamped his team in the Allegheny near
Clinton a few days ago,cut his horses loose
to save thern, and floated down stream in
his bnggy to near Freeport.
Chcrlay Ford the oil well shooter had an
arm caught and crushed ia the machinery
of a well on the Dodds iarm, Monday morn
A. G. Kelly of Butler twp, had an arm
badly lacerated at a well near Evans City,
lately, by being caught in a coil of rope.
Oscar Warnmoek, eon of John Wam
inack of Potrolia, met with a terrible
death at a well on the Findley, 0. oil field
last Friday night. The well he was work
ing on suddenly began spurting oil, Oscar's
clothing was saturated and he ran from
the derrick, but the gas that followed the
oil ignited from the boiler firo, and en
veloped him in flames, lie continned to
run until his clothing was nearly consum
ed, when he was ojught and stripped. Shut
too late to save his life. He died a few
hours after. His bidy passed through
Butler, on its way home, Sunday morning.
He was an honest and willing young man,
end his death is greatly regretted by all
who knew him.
The Markets.
Butlrb Mabkkth— Our grocers aro
paying 16 to 18 cts for butter, 10 for eggs,
25 for potatoes, 15 to 20 for apples, SI.OO
for peaches and pears; 40 for onions.
At PiTTSiiDß'i —Monday, fancy roll but
ter was quoted at 14 and 15c; fresh eggs in
cases 11 and 12; spring chickens 20 to 40 a
pair, peaches 80 and 90c, and pears $1.50
to $2 50 a barrel.
At llbkb's Isla.id— Calves were quot
ed at $2 50 to $6.75, as to size and condi
tion, lambs 75 to $5.50; sheep 50 to $4.00; !
hogs $2 50 to $3 75, and cattlo at $2.00 to
$4 45 per 100 lbs.
Excursion To Port Dover, Canada.
Wednesday, Sept. 2, under the manage
ment of the Jamestown (Pa.) Sentinel,
via the direct route, P., 8. <fc L. E. R. R.
Special train leaves Butler at 4:00 a.M.,
railroad time, taking on passengers at all
intermediate stations, arriving at Connoaut
0., at 8:30 A. M. Return boat leaves Port
Dover at 6p. M. Tickets good lor five
days. Low rate. See bills or inquire of
nearest P., S. A L. E. agent-
Tickets to Toronto and return for SI.BO
extra. Good for return in five days.
Q. A. R. Encampment at St. Paul,
The National Kncampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic will bo held at St.
Poul, Minn., September 2 to 4.
For this occasion the Pennsylvania Rail
road will sell on August. "J9, 30, and 31 ex
cursion tickets to St. Paul and return, at
exceedingly low rates, as follows:
Philadelphia, $20.25; Ilarrisburg. Wil
liamsport. and Wilkesbarre, $24.75; Al
toona, $23 50; proportionate ratos from
other points
Tickets will be good for return passage
until September 16, with an extension to
and including Septeinbor 30 if deposited
with the Joint Agent at St Paul on or ho
fore September 16.
Full information can be obtained on ap
plication to ticket agents.
—Prospect Academy ia oqo of the
boat and cheapest schools la tho
state to gain a solid education Tu
ition only $7 per term. Term opens
Sept. 8, 1890.
Komomber the Boaver Falls Ptreet
Fair Sept 9-10.
—75 cents to Allegheny and return via
P. A W., Sunday Ang. 30th.
— Fok Kent — A complot® ehickon
co*p, with a half acre run, also an
incubator. Inquire at this office.
Trunks, yalisos, bags and tele
copes—at llkckb.
Saw Mill for Sale-
Wo will sell onr saw mill, with
20 horse power engine, and all tools
and fixtures at a very low figure.
Inquire of or write to
Post, A ore & Co.
Sarversvillo P. O. Butler Co, Pa.
—Tho Butler Lubricating Oil Co
has moved back to thoir old stand
II'J, W. Jefferson St. Steelsmith .St
Patterson's new building, where al
kinds of engine, machinery, and il
luminating oils of tho finest quality
are kept in stock in tho basement,
and will bo delivered to any part of
the city when ordered from C. B.
Mclntiro, agent.
Do you want a hat or cap? lleck
has thorn awl can save jou money.
John Walker and wife are at Atlantic
J.H. Barr, ot W. R. Riddle A Co ol Pros
pect, was in town on business, Monday.
Abraham Barritkman's pension has been
i increased to sl2 per month.
Rev. Kerr and wife of Harrisville, re
turned home trom Ireland, last week.
Mis. Gill of Bennett, is the guest of her
sister Mrs. J. M Hall.
E. R. Kennington of Saxonburg return
ed home, Mon lay. from a trip to Atlantic.
E S. Milligan of Coylesvilie was in
town on business, Monday.
F. F. Andrews, ol Wiok, made a busi
ness trip to Butier, Monday.
M H. Sitler of Jackson twp, and his
son Jacob are in town today.
W. P. Smith of Centre twp, WAS in town
Friday, giving the boys some pointers on
the Fair, and buying a p*ir of specs.
Misses Jennie and Margaret Mechling,
handsomely entertained a host of their
young friends, last Thursday evening.
Mr James C. McN'ees is erecting a new
house on Plankroad street near toil hon»e
ou lot purchased trom J. H. Negley.
Mr. George Haley and Prof. L'ashline
have about completed tneir fine new resi
dence on West Wayne street.
W. H. Grove has been wearing an un
usually bland and wiusome smite lately.
It's a girl.
Charley Stokey intends begiining to
build his new note! in Zelienople immedi
Levi M. Wise broke ground for a n«»
brick house on North Main Street, Mon
day. Contractor Rauscher expects to have
the house under roof by November Ist.
Jn". Horner, of Donegal twp, and his
niece Mrs. Wise of Foxburg, pas»ed
through Butler, Tuesday, on tneir way
to vir-it Mrs. Wise's sick brother in Mercer
Pr-il. M. af. Rodgera of Plain Grove,
Lawrence oounty, an excellent yoongnian,
has taken charge of tbe Prospect Academy
and proposes making a ?uoce*s of it. Tbe
fall term opens Sept Bch. See notices on
this page.
William MitcLell, Hugh MoCrea and
John Holfmati attended the convention of
canal boatmen at Ninevah, Tuesday
Mitchcl drove, steered and bowod on the
raging canal from 1848 to 1856. About a
hundred attended tbe convention of lust
Wm. Watson of Mt. Chestnut returned
hurce Tuesday from a two months tour
through the Western states. He stopped
ia K»slern Kansas, Denver, Colorado,
Spring., Salt Lake City, Seattle, (where
Lis sou lives); and near Helena, Montana,
where his brother liye*. He stayed witti
his brother twenty days, enpjing iiimself
hunting, fishing, and came home red ;is
a berry. Politically, h3 thinks tbe free
silver craze in tbe West ia subsiding. He
had a round trip ticket from Butler tliat
cost him $124,80, and he traveled about
0000 miles.
On Monday evening next, Waite's Com
edy Company will open the season of
theatrical in Butler, at the Park Theatre
This is the same company which appeared
here during fair week last season, and we
are pleased to learn of their reappearance
for the same week this season. From all
reports of the organization, the company's
band, and orchestra, will be a surprise,
eclipsing all former appearanci-s of the big
s-how in Butler.
"Lost Paradise" will be produced on
Monday evening with a full equipment
of scenery necessary for Ihe productiou.
Manager Waite has secured the right ;for
this great play in this territory and the
prices will remain but ten, twenty and
thirty ctnts, to one and all, no free tickets
of any kind for "Lost Paradise."
See posters, phamphlets etc., for a com
plete li»t ol the plaj s for the entiro week
Seats on sale at lleineman's Thiwyday 9,
A.M. Secure seats as early as possible
Concerts by Waite's Premium Band at
noon Monday.
The attraction at Park Theater on Mon
day Sept. 14th will be tbe Gormans in
their up to date musical oomedy, "Gilboo
ly« Abioad." The Gormans are well
known, having travelled with Haverly's
Minstrels, and later with a first-class com
pany of their own, George and John Gor
man, the lormer as Owen Gilhooly, aud
tbe latter as Jonathan Tubbs, are tbe
bright particular stars of the present com
pany. and their acting, singing aud spec
ialties carry the andience by storm. They
are ably supported by ar, excellent com
pany of artists.
Excursion To St. I'aul, .Minn.
Account Sational Encampment O. A. I!.
On August 30th and 31»t, Ticket Agents
Pittsburg <t Western Ky. will sell round
trip tickets to St. Paul, alinn , at one cent
per mile each way. Tickets good lor re
turn nn'il i-eptember 15th, with provision
for extension of return limit until Septem
ber 30th.
Kates Irom Hntler $17,40.
"Skip to Canada" on Wednesday,
Sept. 2aa, on the Jamestown (Pa > Sen
tinel excursion to Port Dover, via the P.,
S. & L. E. R. R. Low rates
—Sunday Aug. 30th round trip tickets
will be sold from Butler to Allegheny at
75 cents, train leave* *ntler at 8:15 a, 111.
etnrning, leaves AIW ieny at 5:25 p. m.
Butler time.
—Attend Prospect Academy.
Best advantages for thoße wishing
to enter college, business, or become
teachers. Term opens Sept. 8, 1896.
Oh Mamma—you ought to see the
big piles ol childrens suits at HECK'S
only $1.25, you can't got the same in
town for less than $2.50,
I'ants—Over 2000 pairs to select
from, at prices, oh well, don't men
tioc them, its' awfnl, where at
A Bet of lettered, walnut boxes—
"pigeon holes." Inquire at this of
MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 128 W
Wayne St. Also nicely farnishod
room lo rent.
WANTKf)- -5,000 Agents for Russell's
authorized "Lives of McKinley and
llobait." 050 pages, elegantly illustrated.
Price only SI.OO. The best and the cheap
est, and outsells all others. 50 per cent,
to Agents, and Freights I'aid. Hooks now
ready. Have time by sending 50 cents in
stamps lor an outfit at once. Address
It art lord. Conn.
Sox and shirts, all wool aud a yard
wids, cheaper than tho oheapeHt—at
HlOK'l, 121 N. Main St.
Ip f" The only genuine Spring
IU £ Wator Ice in Butler is now
being delivered to his customers daily
•f. A. RICHEY.
Leave jour order at Uichey's
—Job work of all kinds done at tho
Kemp Sisters and Bio Grande
Bill, Wild West Combination at But
ler Fair, Sept. 1, 2,3 and 4.
—Tho Butler Business College
anil School of Shorthand. High
grade commercial, shorthand and
English school, located in Butler.
Curriculum embraces Book keoping,
Shorthand, Type writing. Commer
cial Arithmetic, Commercial Law,
Grammar. Geography and Spelling.
Endorsed by bankers, merchants and
patrons. Fall and winter term opens
September Ist.
Vox Populi—B"J your clothing,
underwear, hosiery, hatß, caps, BOX
aud neckwear of I>. A. HKCK, and
savo money.
Closing out trimmed hats away
below cost at Tho People's Store.
The Standard i» paying SI.OO to-day.
PARKSR— In th« Rosenberry poo), Gra
ham's N'o 2 on the Grant is good ior2s bbl».
EVAKS ClTY —Lentz <fc Co bavi a rig cp
on the Mrs Barr near Eidenac; Ltipher
Bros are building a rig in the I fit; the
Christie Bros well on the Cooper i>i du«,
I alio is Steelnmith A Patterson's well on
1 the Knox. Broets A Palm finished a small
! well on the OooksoD: the Alexander Bros
are in the sand on the Little, and Leatz A
Co are building a rig on the Harris.
ern Oil Co s Biehl No 1 came in Tnesday
and is good for 100 bbls. The Wilkirs
well on the Lizzie Anderson will be in this
week: the Snttou well on the Eshelman
h M its tools stock.
EurTKßCOP—Reiber A Co's well on the
I Elian Shakely in Butler twp, came in li t
wtek, and started off at 50 bbls
CALLER? —The well on the Richardson
njar Gallery, was completed last weik
ail is doing 50 bbls.
Ttio Whangdocdle Oil Co has had more
b .d luck in the northern part of the county
and now intends trying its luck in Penn
Excursion To St. rani Mm*.
Account National Encampment (i. J. 11.
On August 30th and 3i«t, Ticket Agents
Pittsburg it Western Ry. will sell ro-ind
trip tickets to St. Paul, Minn , at one cetft
per mile each way. Tickets good for re
mrn until September 15th, with provision
for extension of return limit until Septem
ber 30th.
Kate from Butler $17 ; 40
75 cents To Conneaut Lake and Retnrn.
Tuesday, Sept. Ist, Round trip tickets
will be sold from Butler to Conneaut Lake
at rate of 75 cents On account of the
sth annnal picnic of the Energetic Lodge
378 B of R. R. T. ol Bennett, Pa. Special
train leaviug Butler at 9:30 a. m. Butler
time, ample accommodations will be pro-
Tided for all.
FOR SALE—New modern homo,
centrally located, just completed, in
side w. c , laundry. reception ball,
double parlors, electric light, cabinet
mantels. SSOO don n, balance same
as rent.
Att'y at Law, Record Building.
Business Insurance.
Insurance experiments are expen
sive It is wise to deal with estab
lished companies onlv Wo know,
and know those whom voa know
and can refer to many prominent
Butler citizens who will tell you that
the National Life lasu ranee Co. of
Montpelier, Vermont, iesues the
moat desirable endowment and
option policies written by any com
pany Speculative operations are
sedaetive Stick to your regular
business and invest largely in in
surance issued by the National on
the Bond plan. Ask our represent
atives in Butler who are experienced
and reliable for a sample bond at
yoor age
Lock Box 771, Batler, Pa.
Fifty thousand people will attend
the Beaver Falls Street Fair, Sept.
9 10. All tbe fun and eights of the
eeason will be there.
Say Papa—did you see HICK'S
neckwear, it beats anything you ever
Slate Normal School.
Attend the State Normal School
at Slippery rock, Pa. Methods most
Advanced. Expenses Low. A
Progressive ychool for Teachers.
$54 for 16 #eeka. Tuition aloue
sll Fall Term begins Sept. 1,
FOR SALE—A boys bicycle, In
quire at this office.
'Twill Pay
to buy for next eeason if not needed this.
Fine French
in light ami dark grounds, some new
designs among them just received, Iwmght
to sell at
1! I HID.
Fine Irish Dimities,
Fine Irish Linen Lawns,
Fine French Batistes,
light, dark and medium colors, reduced
from 25c, 30c and 35c, to
15 i YARD.
write our mail order department
fo»- samples ol these handsome new Fall
Dress Goods and Suiting fast coming in.
Penn Avenue and Fifth St.,
'2, and 2 Do Not Make Five.
It's quite a problem to please
everyone's taste in any line you
may select and particularly of
jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass,
etc., but I'm sure you will find
what you want in my large stock
and at such prices that defy com
petition. I am making a spc.
cialty of nobby and find Goods
and want your trade.
R. cm.
erhaps you don t know how
i we are on
Tj'everything relation to prescrip
j tions
: S
it will not be amiss to
your attention to the
A rompt service given
o everything of the kind placed
n our hands
j prescription department
ever was so complete
ave you money too.
Diamond Block, - Butler, a
Auditors Notice.
In re Partial Account! Orphans Court
of Chas. L. Nortliime, lof Butler Co.,
Ex. of Christina Hasler, f Pa., No. 17,
dee'd. j June Term 1895.
Having been appointed auditor to make
distribution of the funds as shown by
the partial account and of the estate of
decedent, aud to pass upon any ex
ceptions that may be filed to said ac
count, I hereby give notice to all parties
interested that I will attend to the duties
of said appointment at my office on
South Main street, Butler, Pa'., Sept. 4th,
1896, at 9 o'clock a. 111., where you are
requested to attend.
J. B. McJUNKIN, Auditor.
E.cecutor's Motioe.
Letters testamentary in the estate of
Harvey Cooper, deo'd, late of Slippery
rock twp., Butler county, Pa..having been
granted to the undersigned, all pyrsons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment
and any having claim* against sud estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
A. L. Coopgß, Ex'r.
Slipperyrock, P#.
Ralston 4 Greer Att'yf,
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration in the estato of
Henrietta 1). Beatty, dee'd, late of iVash
ir.gtoß twp. Butler Co, Pa,, having been
gi tin tod to the undersigned. All persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estato will
present them properly authenticated for
settlement to
E. C. BKATTY, Adm'r
Butler, P».
W1 L 11 AMS 4 MITCHKL, Atty.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned, on the estate
ol William Lard in, dee'd, late of Clinton
twp, Butler oounty, Pa., all persons in
debted to said estate will please make im
mediate payment, and any having claims
against the sime will present them prop
erly authenticated for settlement to
L. S. LARDIN, Adm'r.
Saxonburg, Pa.
F. McJunkin, Atty.
EJ editors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John L. Beatty, dee'd, late of Washington
twp. Entler Co, I'a. having been granted
to the undorctpwod, oil poroous Vuowlnf
themselves indebted to »aid estate will
E lease make immediate payment, and anv
aving claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
413, Lookout Ave., Butler Pa. or
Billiards, Butler Co, Pa.
Administrator's Notice
letters of administration on the estate
of Isaiah N. Bryson, dee'd, late ol Coal
town, Cherry twp., Butler Co, Pa. having
been granted to the undersigned, ail
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estat* will permit them duly authen
ticated for settlement to
Coaltown, Pa
Administrator's Notice
Letters ot administration on the estate
of Ueorve List, dee'd, late of Adams twp.,
Bailor Co, I'a. having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payment, and any having
claims against said estato will present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
McFann, Batlor Co, Pa.
W. H. LUSK, Att'v.
to l>e seen, from every suit of ours yoti
see on the street, that there isn't another
place in the city where you are always
sure to get all the desirable combination
of material, workmanship, style, fit and
price as you are of us. It is a good time
now to order your next suit.
J'osted—is the man as to where to get
the essentials of jjood dress who comes to
us. He is likely to be an ecouotuical
man, too, for he knows lie will get more
for his money here than at other places.
Where else can you buy suils at S2O
worth JI30?
There is only one place to get such a
combination as this is at a tailor's. You
won't expect it at the ready-made stores
—no sane man does. Of all the people
011 earth there aren't two of the same
dimensions throughout. Yet that is the
principle. When you come lo us we
make your clothes fit you or no sale.
(lor Diamond, Butler, Pa
For Sale
A farui of 20 acres, with a seven roou.
house, good trult, orchards, well wator,
g iod spring at tho house,spring house aiip
conv en ice I out-buildings. Will sell rho d
or exchange for town property, about
miles ln>ui llutler.
For pariicnlars inquire at this oljicc.
By virtue of sundry writs of \ en. Kx.. Ft.
| Fa. Lev. Fa.. *c. Issued out ot '..V- Court ot
I Common i'leas of But lor county, fa.. at. J to
i me directed, (here will o» etpoaed i" public
saie at me Court House. In the borough of But
| ler. on
Friday, the 4th day of Sept ,
A. n. 1896. at I o'clock P.M., tin following de
scribed property, to-wli:
ED No 4*. Sept T. is*. PW Lowry. ify.
All the right, tuli. luft-iest ard . W u: ol
Geo w Byerly. of. in and to a,l tn»: oertau
let of laud, situated In Builer borough, cuilei
j ecunly, Pa., boun<le«l a.s follows, to wit: On
l- e north by an alley, east by M.ller heirs
inow Wm Haxlett), south by Pens street, and
west by property cf It J Spang now llail
Gould), containing v; feci by iso feel. «iiu a
good two-story frame drilling bouse H nd
otter outbuildings erected thereon seized ,
and :ak»-u in execution as the property of
George W Byerly at tne suit o{ Jui.ii B
ED So 58. Sept T, is*. iUUtou Si Greer. i
All the right, tlUe, interest and clatin of
Eluabetn E McC&U. ot, In and to 71 acros ot
land, more or Isss. situate lu Clsv township. !
Butler county, Pa, bouuded as fo.low. to-wil;
Ou tne north by lands ot Z K Mershelmcr an.l
J J Miller, east by lands of J .1 Miller, souUi
by lands of Mllford heirs tract and Harry V* ,s
«i Stepp. and west by lands of Jan.. » Mcotl- !
r having s frame dwelling house and i
iiun.t. .. i fiuit orchard and other out- j
building i»i- . ized and taken in exe-}
cutlon as the pro t ir.. r '. <it>eth K McCall;
at the suit ot W 11 Ui vio.
El> Xos 14 and 49. September teru.. le-u Wll-
Uam & >1 ltchell and W A Forquer, ait \s.
All the right, title, Interest and claftn of
Leonora J Mcyulstion and Reuben H Mi yul»-
tlon, of, in and to all that certain tract or
parcel of land, situate In Brady township. Hut
ler county, pa, bounded as follows, to wit: ou
tUe north by slippery Hoc* « reeit a d lands ot !
Charles McCracnen, eiwt b\ lands of i has Mc
cracken and C OuOy, sotilli by lauds of the '
heirs of John Coovert aud Lewis Tiuy, and Ou i
the west by lands of A o Croll and the said
creek, containing ill acres and at; perches, be
lnd the same land formerly owned by John J
Croll, now deceased, having boaru house
erected thereon, about so acres cleaied. seized
and taken in execution as the property of L J
Mcljutstlon and K II Mcyutstlon at the suit of
Johu C Grohman and jouu Berg & co.
ED So 77, Sept T. ;596. »v U Lusk. all y.
All the right, title, interest aud Claim of M C
Cannon, of, in and lo fro acres of land, more or
less, situate in Parker township. Butler Co, l a
bounded as follows, to-»It: Ou the ucriu b>'
laujsot Lewis DaubehspeUk. oh the east by
lauds of Thos Kelly, on tne south by lauds now
of Butler and Manifold, aud on the west by
lands of Henry Daubeuspeck. having thereon
one board dwelling house, log baru. orchard
and outbuildings. Seized and lakeu in exe*
cution as the property of M C Cannon at the
suit of Ell Adams, Jr. &Co for use of Argyle
savings Bans, now for use of a H Adams, j r
& Co.
ED So 51. Sept T, lsyO. Rl' Scolt, att'y.
All the rli;ht, title. Interest aud Claim ot the
l"etrolia Creamery Association. Limited, of, lu
aud to all that certain lot of laud, sliuaus lu
the borough of IVtrulia. builer county, I'd.
bounded as follows, 10-wit: liegiuuiug al Hie
northeast corner, south along the line
of tne i'ltlsburg £ Westeru railway IU feet to
post and Bear creek, 1 hen westerly along the
meauderlngs of said creek lis leet to a post,
thence by the samj northward Ist feet to a
street, thence east aloug tald street lis feet
to the place of beginning, containing one-halt
acre more or less, and having thereon erected
a traine creamery building about A by 30 teet,
with churn, steam boher, engine, -nafllu,;.
belts, cream tanks, butter worker, cream
separator, milk pump, scales, wooden tauk and
other machinery and fixtures therein and there
to belonging and constituting the creamery
plant ot the defendant association. Seized
aud taken lu execution as tne property 01 the
I'etrolia Creamery Association. Limited at the
suit ot A C Uibsou.
1£ If Nos Cj and Sept T. isud. Kalston &
(ireer, alt'ys.
All the right, title, interest aud claim ot
Joseph Kodinbaugh, of. in aud to all that cer
tain lot or parcel ot land Situate in Harmony
borough. Butler county, l'a. bounded as tol
lows, to-wit: On the north by Jackson street
easi by Malu Street, south by lauds ol Jesse
Bast, and on the west by Wilson alley said lot
numbered thlrth-four 111 the plan of said boro
ugh aud being TIO&R.'O fe.it,having thereou erects
ed a two-story brick dwelling house stable
and other outbuildings. Seized aud taken II
execution as the property ot Joseph Kodeu
baugh at the suit of h Mellon tut use ot Har
mony Savings Bank, now for use of John T
K L> NOB 21 anp 2t, Sept T, is«c. John Shelrlng
and Frank Kohler.att'ys.
All the right, title, luterest and claim of P
Uold< n of, in and to all that certain lot or
parcel of laud, situate lu Butler borough But
ler couniy. l'a, bounded as follows, to-wli Ou
the north by East Wayne street, east by laud
of lth tie Under heirs, south by an alley, and
west by land of Mrs Matile Kethlng. having
one framed welling house used as a boarding
house, one frame building used as a storeroom
and other outbuildings luereou. said lot being
6') by iRe feet. Seized and tuked in execution
as the properly or f Uolden at tne suit of
1 rank Kohler and Gabriel Kohler. lu trust.
Test ED No 1, Sept T. 1596. Chas (i Martin'
All the right, title, interest and claim of C O
Sowush, of. in and to all that certain lot or par
cel ot land sit uale In Ceniervlllo borough But
ler couniy, l'a, bounded as follows, to-wlt- On
the north by land of Martha E Bard east by
land of Martha K Bard, south by land' of Perry
Coovert heirs, and west by Butler and Mercer
turnpike, being 150 by IHO feet, more or less,
having a tratne bouse .aid traine stable thereon
erected and recorded 111 (Deed Book 162, page
15. Seized aud taken In execution as the prop
erty of C O So wash at the suit of E M Cowan,
now for use of Christy & Campbell.
K O No 105, Sept T, Isiw. S Cummlugs, att'y.
All llie right, title. Interest and claim Kob'l
A Edwards, of. In aud t < all that certain piece
or parcel of land situate 111 Butler township,
Butler county. I'a. bounded as follows, to-wlt:
OB the north by the Three Degree road. lauds
of Mrs Vosbrlnk, Charles Duffy, John Muutz
unit IMui.U oti titio cant V»j oIU riiLSOUI'g
pike, on the south by lands of Johu .Muutz
James Uredtnand M P Mitchell heirs, aud on
the west by lauds of James liredln and M I"
.Mitchell heirs, being the same land devised to
K A Edwards by the last will and testament of
his mother. Annie Edwards, recorded In Will
Book K. page '.(3. having a two-story frame
dwelling house aud other outbuildings thereon.
Seized aud taken In execution as the property
of Kobert A Edwards at the suit of Al Itufi.
ED No 118. Sept T. m«. WII Lusk att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim ot
Washington Magill (or McUUI) of. In and to all
that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit
uated In Concord township, Butler county, l'a.
bounded as follows, to-wlt. on the north by
lands of J S Campbell and Jos 11 Morrow, east
by lands of heirs of w 11 Emery, formerly Mc-
Contiell. south by lands of Win J Uoxberry and
heirs ofWII Emery aud west.by lauds of Jacob
I'lsor heirs, containing fifty acres, more or loss,
having a two story frame dwelling house, log
baru and other outbuildings thereon, good or
chard. well watered, mostly cleared and In a
fair slate of cultivation. Seized and taken In
elocution as the property of Washington Magill
(or McOill) a', the suit of Albert KutT
E D No 117, Sept T, 1594. Mates & Xoung.
All the rUlit, title. Interest and claim of E A
Met'all, ot, In and to ull that cerlalu piece,
parcel o- tract of land situate in Hrm 1 j town
ship, lte tier county, I'a, bounded as follows, to
wlt: On the north by land of K A McCall. east
by land of Alvl Hnyder. south by lleiner heirs,
and on the west by land of Samuel Moore, said
land being granted tfl E A Moc'all by last will
and testament of Martha McCall, containing M
acres, more or less, having a frame dwelling
house, frame barn, outbuildings and a good
orchard theron,
ALSO—Of, In and to all that certain piece,
parcel or tract ot land situate lu Brady town
ship. Butler county. l'a bounded as follows, to
wlt: On the north by land of Nancy E Martin,
east by land of Alvl Snyder, south by other
land of K A McCall, aud west by lanl of John
Moore, containing 21; acres and four perches,
being land deeded to the said KA McCall by
Nancy E Martin by deed dated Juue 2d. lsss.
recorded In Deed Book page 3,'8. Seized
and taken lu execution as '.lie property of E A
McCall at the suit of W M Barber.
K1) No los, Sept T. IR!»6. A K Reiber. alt'v.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Elizabeth Coll Int. or. In and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land situate In Parker town -
Hlil i>. Mutler county, I'a , bounded as follows,
to-wlt : on the nortli by land of Charles
Collins heirs, cant by land of John McNauiara's
heirs, south by land* of John Smith's heirs
and west by land of John McCafTerty'a heirs,
containing M acres, more or less, and be
ing tlie same place of land conveyed by
Matthew H Storey, et ux. to Susan Collins by
dxed dated Juno 'i'ld. recorded in the
recorder s ofTire. Butler county. Pa, In IH-ed
Hook No 72, page Hi». having thereon one board
house.frame bank barn and otner outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as the proper! v
of bllzabelh Colling at tho suit of the Hutler
county National Hank.
TEKMS OK SII.K Tho following must bo
strictly compiled with when property Is strlek
en down.
1. When the plaint Iff or other lien creditor
becomes tho purchaser, the costs on the writ
Will be paid, and ■ list of the UOM, including
mortgage searches on tho property sold, to
g>!her with such lien creditors receipt* for
the amount of the proceeds of tho sale or sncli
portion thereof as lie may claim, must bo furn
ished the Sheriff.
•l. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled Immediately will be
Cnntliiuisluuttl l o'clock p. m. of tho next day
at which time all property not settled for will
again bo put up and sold at the expense and
risk of the person to whom llrst sold.
•See I'urdon's Digest. tKh edition, page 4i«
and Smith's Forms page 354.
ANDltBw <l. t'AMPHKLI. Sheriff.
Sheriff's office. Hutler, I'a., Aug. Lsi«.
nUn Your Clothii\£
If you want good and reliable
cleaning or dyeing done, there is
just one place in town where you
can get it, and that is at
21 <> Center avenue.
do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of year to have a picture of
your house, (live us a trial.
Agent for tho Jamestown Sliding
Blind Co.—Now York.
Kor Sale.
A fine Farm of seventy acres, two miles
West of Free port, building* K cm *' "» new,
plenty of wateJ, fruit of all kinds, soil
good, five good gns wells within lllile
of mtid farm. Price For par
ticulars address.
Ilox </v Silvervillt.
liutlcr Co, l'a.
Don't forget to call on u> for that new school suit yourS
boy will need this fall. a
A new line to select from and at prices so low as to
almost "out-of-sight."
Our clothing for men for fall and winter wear is also&
worthy of your consideration.
Never in the history of the clothing business has
price been so low as at present.
P. S.—A few suits remain from the half-price sale, whichJA
go at half-price marked on ticket.
To Buy Clothing At These Prices.
Our stock for fall will soon be shipped to us, and we
must clear our tables for it.
So prices have been reduced on everything'in our Store.
We will just mention a few of the many bargains we have for'y 11.
Mens Suits, sizes 34 to 42, at $2.75
Mens Suits, sizes 36 to 40, at $3.50
Mens Suits, sizes 35 to 39, at $5.00
Mens Suits, sizes 33 to 38, at $6.00
Boys Suits, long pants suits at $1.75
Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $3.00
Hoys Suits, long pants suits, at $4.00
Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $5.00
Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at 75c
Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at $1.25
Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at $2.00
Hoys Suits, knee pants suits at $2.75
78 pairs of Mens pants at 99 cents worth $2.00
125 dozen Mens and Boys shirts at 25 cents worth 50 cts
So come early before the assortment is low, and secure
clothing at less than cost to manufacture it.
Schaul & Nast
L.etac'infi Clothiers,
The following pieces of land will be sold
at the Coort House on
at 1 o'olock p. m. by the County Com mis
s oners, being land purchased at Tr»asur-~
er's Sale for taxes.
Allegheny Twp.
100 acres sold as the property of Ander
son Negley et al, for taxes 189 i. Rounded
on the east by lands of W T Crawford etal,
on the west by lands of Jas Jolly, on the
north by lands of Wm Karns and on the
Miuth by lands of Wm Kennedy.
Rradv Twp.
18.1 aores sold as tbe property of George
Zeigler for taxes of 1891 and 1892. BonnJ
«d on the north by lands of T K Graham,
on the sonth by lands of John Taggart, on
the east by lands of John Falan and on tbe
*-est by lauds of Mary Turk.
Rutlrr Twp.
1 lot sold as the property of Joseph Carry
for taxes 1892. Rounded on the north by
lands of Mike Gallagher, on the south by
Publio road, on the east hy lands of F 8
McGinnis and on the west by lands of Joa
1 lot sold as the property of H W Cress .
for taxes 1892. Rounded on the north by
lands of Rebecca Flanders, on the south
by a street, on the east by lands of Snlivan
heirs and on the west b; lands of Snlivan
Concord Tw p.
5 acres sold as the property of A D
Kamerer for taxes 1892. Rounded on the
north by lands ol 0 Daubenspeck, on the
south by lands of Fred Rarnes, on the east
by lands of C Daubenspeck, and on tbe
west by lands of J D Kamerer.
Dohkoal Twp.
1 acre sold as the property of Greenwood
Oil Co for taxes 1892. Rounded on the
north by lands of Peter Lacdgraf, on th«
oast by lands of W J Royle, on the south
by lands of Peter Landgraf and on the
west by lands of Peter Landgraf.
1 lot sold as tho property of Thos J
Moore for taxes 1892. Bounded on tbe
north by lands of H L Wostorman, on the
east by borough line,, on the south by lands
of II Ij Wosterman and on the west by
lat. 1 8 of U L Westorman.
Fairvibw Twp.
25 aores sold as the 1 ropertv of Daniel
Denny for taxes 1892. Rounded on the
north by lands of H A McLaughlin, on the
east by lands of 1) G McLaughlin, on the
south by lands of W T Taylor, and on the
west by lands of R R McDertnott.
Parkbr Twp.
25 acres sold as tho property of Christy
aud Cannon for taxes 1891 and 1892. Round
ed on tbe north by lands of R H Campbell,
on the east by lands of Reep heirs, on tho
south by lands of W T Reep and on the
west by lands of R H Campbell.
A Lao
10 acres sold as the property of Stanley
Sankey for taxes of 1891. Rounded on tho
north by lands of Wm Rraham, on the east
by lands of ■, on the sonth by
lands of - and on tho west by
land* of S 0 Roll.
A Lao
r»0 acres sold a« the property of Rliiabeth
Sodwiok for taxes 1891 aud 1892. Hound
ed on tho north by lands of D R Steven
son, on the east by lands of Wm Walker,
on the south by lands of and
on tho west by lands of Samuel Sheldon
et al.
50 acre* sold as the property of HAL
Taylor ACo lor taxes 1892. Rounded on
tho north by lands of .lames Say, on tho
east by lands of II L Ward et al, on tho
south by lands o( Sedwiok heirs and on the
wost by lauds of
Vuaxo() Twp.
50 acres sold as the property of A Mo-
Rride for taxes 1892. Rounded on the
north by lands of W P Cochran, on the
east by lands of F Moore. on the aouth bv
lands of C Duffy and on.tho west by lands
ol J Rriceland,
31 acres sold as tho property of Michael
V Kelly for taxes 1891. Hounded on the
north by lands ol Kliiabeth Patterson, on
the east by lauds of Koae Mcßride. on tha
south by lands of John Murrin heirs and
on the woit by lands of J J Kelly.
S W. McColloihjii,
John Mitciikll,
GHO. W. Wilhon,
attest Co Commissioners.
Isaac Mkalh, Clerk.
Commissioner's Offloe. Ang. 24th, 1890.
Widows' Appraisements.
The following widow-*' appraisements of
personal property and real estate f>et apart
(or the benefit of the widow* of deoedenU
have been filed in the nffiee of the Clerk ol
Orphan*' Court ol Rutler oouoty, vis.
Widow of George llhat/all ...£IOO.OO
Widow of Geor o List 295.00
Widow ot Goorye Kreb*........... 21*9.00
Widow of Samuel Kennedy 300 00
Widow of Jacob Stiokle ........ 78.45
Widow of Isaiah N. Dyers (realty
and personally 209.75
Widow of John W. Maxwell 300.00
Widow of David Keefe............ 300.00
Minor children of Mrs. Hattie
Floegor. 81.00
All |>*r»on» interested in the above ap
praisenienU will take notice that they will |
Id |>re*«tit«d for coti6rtnalion to the Or- |
phans' Court of llutler eounty, Pa., on Hat I
urdajr the 12th day of Sept. 1890, and
if n» exceptions are Bled they will be con
linord also ablulely,
Clerk O. C
137 S Main St-, Butler, P»!
The nicest line of
Wall Mouldings in
town are at
New Room. 201
S. Main St. New
line of Blank Book
Writing Paper just
201 S. Main St.
What is Your Need?
J%>T m
If you need any
thing in the furnish
ing line we can sup
ply you. II you
want a hat or cap
we can show you the
best IJp -To - Date
stock in the county,
at very low prices.
Colbert & Dale.
242 S. Main St., Butler, I'cnn'a
Cor. Bates and Laraed Sts.„ ,
Only a Block from Woodward aad JcfferM*
Avea. Very Central. Near All Car Llaes.
frJ" H. H. JAMES, Prop.
rrkMntH 1 ! *.«IUb Mual liu4
Original Ml Ollf <» ■!■• ▲ .1
raiUhU Ml M\'
4 1 '«««<■• •"%JTn«<ta IH* JfV\
#■!»!%■< iii Krl ud v*ld ■>mni\%Jr
>v -JWjv iN »lih Mm tlhhai Tklill
M 9% alkvr ▼ 4
If- AllV«g(tMi. ar 4#-
I C U «U«r« *m HHiMIMI. IMUnnftUU Ml J
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