IliicP'Wnn'e GRAND summer#- nUSCIIOn S + ♦ SHOE SALE! Not "single line" redactions, but "WHOLE LOTS" sacrilwd. This is a Genuine Slaughter Sale of all Summer Shoes is!!™ I ss ass spss Inn*! FOR WOMEN I shoes reduce< * 3oPPr* r cen *- ISORI FOR MILK's ' I * hoes redueed 40 P" cer \ tSnwt POR rHILDRFV I Shoe * reduced 5° P** cen |" iu?M INFANTS!" • I Sh". All Kinds of Shoes at All Kinds of Prices. Shoes sold in this sale warranted to be lower than manufactarers' prices and much lower than other retailers ask for .nfenor goods. ■ rl , llP c. Tan Lace and Button Shoes BOYS' Russet Shoes, Razor and square t ssjsisariiSSPfS: $1.25 and sl-35 now sl. Vine Oxfords were 75c and f uevs Rn«et Shoes. Razor and New- LAIJlbb i-ine uriorus .... now ' g ° and s2 y now sl.lO and \/k.cpq' Tan Shoes with spring heels FINE Buff Bals and Congress were MISSES.Tan go £1.25, now 85c. ** * JfSK. STfJStTS "WShBT Home S.ippe™ « «. WORKING Shoes 75c. 40c and 50c. Shoes at almost any price. A bargain in every pair. These Shoes are not shoddy, cheap trash, but honest goods made of honest leather. "t, B. C. HUSELTON. BUTLER, PA. Grand Reduction Sale! markedX prices away dewn-so low you are sure to buy after seeing these goods and learning the low pnees I am askine for them. I wish to open my new store with an l entir p stock. So visit my store and you will get a bargain o a 1 ■ Space will not permit me to quote many prices but here are a few of the many bargains I am offering: Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at I,ess than Factory Prices. \' ilot Ladies fine Dongola, opera; j I lot Mens |toe slippers, sizes 4to 8, regular! ; or Yale regular pnee $2. 5. ; : price 75c,, reduced to 50c. : ;duced to $1.35. j : i lot Ladies fine Rnsset Shoes,! I Mens worlcing Shoes, Bt > les 'j '• VERY STYLISH, all sizes, regular: F all solid, gooo wearing W J. 4 . ipri«V ive in creased thirty pounds In weight and am r>-Ue\ ed irom all the numerous aches ami pu !:•.■> ul body and mind. 1 could w. te a quite >•! pit>er upon my changed feelings and condition Yours respectfully, I*. 11. MAUIJUKV. Pastor C. P. Church. Claj ton Ark. Sold by all druggists at fl. !. :• > ,-i • u;>>n fhum, rendering them until to >■ ;• fairs requiring a clear brain. A four n- •» s'trsc 01 treatment at the . • < ?!TTSBLR• - donelntiore than 1000 cases tr atc-1 1 ere. an t s:n >ng them some of your ou:i neighbor*, to whom we e*u refer with confl'lent e us to the s oiute safety and rtlicier.cj' of the Kceley Cure. The fullest and most searching investigation la it vitcd. Send for c»mnhlet giving full informa tion- • , Seanor & Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Rear of Wick House, Butler, Pa The of horses and dret ciase riga alwayß on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaraileed. Stable room for sixty-five horsef. A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always ca hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon proper noti fication by st A NOR & NACE. All kinds of live stock bought ond sold. Telephone Wick House. r a°^m r nfp ed REVIVO ts Vitality. THE GIlfcAT 30th Day. FRENCH REMEDY produces the above results In 30 days. It acts powi rlully and quickly. Cures when all others tell. Younjr men will regain their lest man iiood, and old men will recover their youthful viKor by usinir REVIVO. Ir ijulokly and surely restores Nervousness. Lost vitality, Lost I'ower, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects or excess and Indiscretion, which un ills one for sway, business or marriape. It not onljr curta ..j starting at the seat ot disease, but Is a great nerve tonic and bio d builder, bringing back tho pink plow to pale cheeks and restoring the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption, insist on having RBVIVO, no other. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mall. SI.OO per package, or six for 15.00, with" a positive written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address BOYAL MEDICINE CO., CHICAGO, II.L. For Sale by REDDICK & G ROM ANN, FRAZER BEST IN TIIE WORLD. Itawearinrqualitiesare unsurpassed. actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Not affected by heat. tarOKT Til K <;K.\'IINK. FOR SALE BY TEALERS GENERALLY. PtNNYROYAi PILU 5 'A?",*"'/' A e.. f in Man.,* r. r pit tion»*r«. t stlmoniaU and "Welii-r r«»r l.ullrr." t.i ,by rrtnr* krPtlf»lC«>' til ua hi »" L«Q*l L Md,*'» GAS METERS. We keep constantly oil hand three different kinds of Gas Meters, viz.—The "Tobey"-dry meter—The "Hguitable"- dry meter— md The Westingho se fluid meter. Anyone desiring to buy a meter can secure on; from us at a reasonable price and upon easy terms. Home Natural Uas Co., i i Ivcioer Building. THK CITIZKN- Potato Bugs Versus Army Worms. Cosmui Bckenvode, of Pike twp , Berks oounty, says the Philadelphia Press, gives tha details of a most exrraordinary occur rence which happened upon his farm. Mr. Hekenrode ha* a potato patch of about an acre and one half near the western line oi his farm This place was so infested with potato bugs that, several weeks ago, he gave up any hope* of having a crop, and allowed the bugs to have their own *»}• In spite of their number, however, they had not succeeded entirely in eating up the rapidly growing vines. In the latter part ot last week the army worms invaded theiarmofhis neighbor, and by Sunday the worms were crossing over into Ecken rod's land. Early Sunday morning Ecken rode went out to observe the progress of the pests, and in doing so came to the po tato patch. He iound potato bugs assem bled in countless thousands on the edge oi the patch nearest to his neighbors land and facing the direction from which the army worms were coming. When Eckenrode first came to the pota to patch the advance guard oi the worms were arriving. As soon as a worm would come within reach of the bngs one of them would fasten itself upon his back and be gin to eat him, just as if he were a succu lent potato vine. The result would be that before his wonnship could advance a yard ho would begin to writhe and wriggle in tho agonies of death, and would soon be hors de combat. The worms, whose appetite is a mostvo racious one, appeared to be all unsuspect ing of the hostile design of the bugs, and upon their first approach invariably at tempted to eat them, supposing, no doubt, that they were some new kind of vegeta ble, but the hard shell of the bugs served as an impenetrable armor, rendering them perfectly safe against any weapons the worms could bring against them. It is needless to say that Eckenrode watched this curious battle with interest In a short tims after his arrival the worms began to come by the thousands and tens oi thousands, and the battle raged most furiously. The arm}" of potato beetles was apparently numberless, and as fast as the army worms came on tney were attacked and killed in the way before described. Sometimes, when there was an unusual rash, a sort of Pickett's charge as it were, th-s inflow of the worms would advance for a yard or two within the line of the bugs, but only to add their dead bodies to the wiiggling, writhing mass. The slaughter went on at such a rate that within a few hours a .-.trip of ground about ton feet wide along the edgo of the potato patch was covered t> an average of a foot in depth with uead worms. Iu the meantime the neighbors for quite a distance around had heard of this un ique ba'isand had assembled to watch it. From early morning until late in the af ternoon it kept up, when not only did the advancing army of worms begin to thin out but too barrier raised by the dead bodies of ivieir companions prevented further ad vice in that direction. Then by some sinof an apparent understanding among them, the worms changed the direction of their march and ceased to advance upou the defense of the bugs. The latter short ly alter ihis took place scattered back a nting the potato vines and resumed their usual work thereon. There was to all appearances but few casualties anoug the bugs, although many of them u ore caught in the crush of the advancing worm- 1 anil smothered to death Mr. Eckeurode estimates that the dead worms will weigh probably eight tons He intends to use thetn lor fertilizing purpo see Easily Cured. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco habit are easily cured by the nte of Hill's chloride of Gold Tablets. No effort re quired of the patient who is allowed the use of stimulants until ho voluntarily quits their use. May be given secretly in *ea or coffee and a cure guaranteed in every caso. For bale by all first-class druggists al SI.OO per package. For full pi'ticulars and bonk oi testimonials ad dre-i The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, Obi".* Reports from various sources indicate that the demand for bicycles in England and the other European countries is fully equal to the home demand. The ina bility of English and other dealers to meet the demand is opening up a market for American wheels, and as they are superior in weight, strength and appear ance, the demand for them is increasing. T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postinaster of Pro City. lowa, says: "I bought one bottle ot 'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses ol it did mo more good than any medicine I ever took. Sold by J. C. Redick, and J. F. Balph druggists, Butler. Airs. Hilby—"Goodness! What luck that Willow woman has!" Old Hilby—"What's happened now?" "Why, she's actually got the St. Vitus dauce!" "And you call that luck?" "Certainly. Just think how it must make her diamonds riarkle." ilany a di»>'s work is lost by sick head ache, caused by indigestion and stomach trouble? DeWiU's Little Early Risers are the most effectual piil for overcoming such difficulties. REDICK A GHOHMASN. Thirty-one women and 16 men in one day appeared at one of the office in City, Hall, New York in answer to an adver tisement calling for a stenographer and typewriter. And will "colleges" guar antee positions to every graduate. "Boj's will be boys." but you can't af ford to lo»e any of them. Be ready for she green apple season by having DoWii.'s colic and cholera cure in the house. REDICK & GROHXANX There is an easy simpl eway to tell if a diamond is genuine. Make a small dot on a piece of paper with a led pencil and look at it through the diamond. If it shows but a single dot the diamond is genuine. If it shows more than one or the mark appears scattered, it is false, no matter what it cost. Rheumatism Cured in disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C Redic. and J. F. Balph Druggists, Butler Apr 90 It Is said that the health of the bru nette type of eyes is, as a rule, superior to that of a blond type. Biack eyes usually iudicate good powers of physical endur ance. Dark blue eyes are most common in persons of delicate, refined, or effemi nate natures, and generally show weak health. —English Spavin Liniment removes ai' | i.ard, soft or callouse : lump.! and blem ahes from horses, bU«ul spavins, curbs plints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, soraiu' il swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold bv J. C. Redick,s "I guess I had better give these bis cuits to the first tramp that comes along," said Mrs. Hunnimune.with pathetic can dor. "No," exelamed her husband'nervous ly, "don't do th;»t. He might throw them at the dog." Don't trifle away time when you have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them in the beginning with DeWiU's colic and cholera cure. You don't have to wait for results, they are instantaneous, and it leaves the bowels in healthy condition. REDICK £ GKOIIUASN. An Ugly Insect. What i < known a* the "San Jt>»e Scale has been making much trouble lately in : this state. Concerning it Dr. George G j Groff, a «pecial agent of the department of agriculture, says. "Thia insect is the most formidable pes; which ever threatened the frait iutere.sts I of Peoasylvaaii If unchecked, it will j ia a few years destroy absolutely the or chards and gardens ot the stale. It will j kill apple and pear trees in two year*, currant bushes in a single season It spreads slowly bat surely thro lgh an or ebard, haviug a special liking for tho Bar j llett, Buerre (iiifard. Bose and ADjion I among pears, the yellow transparent ap ple,the Fay currant, the Lombard pear and tho common Juneberry. These trees and plants should be examined for it. In Pencsylvania it has not been seen on the peach,cherry or apricot. "Where b few of the insects are pre sent on a tree they are most easily found on the fruit no which tbey produce cir cular blotches, very characteristic. "Where a tree or bush is thoroughly invested the whole plant presents an ashy, dusty or scurvy appearance. The insect can only be combated successfully after the leaves have fallen Yet every frnit grower should have a couttant watch upon his trees and every infested one should be marked for treatment. Badly effected trees and plants should ha dug up ar.d burned at once. This is tho only sure tieatment for them. The winter treat ment of trees in Pennsylvania should con sist of spraying them as soon a3 the leaves fall with a hot solution made by dissolving two pounds of while oil soap in one gal lon of water. The spraying should be re peated before the leaves open in the spring. This treatment may confidently bejexpec ted to hold the insects in check. Speaking of that 16 to I phrase, there are generally 16 people who don't know what it means to one who does. It is a vear of centennial celebrations in this State. Many counties and towns seemed to have been established in 1796, ;IOOI)'3 PILLS cure Liver III;, Biliousness, Indigestion, H«v»dache. A pleasant laxative. All Druggists. Tlieaiiuy worm, which is working such havoc in inte; lor counties of the State, is reported to be moving west ward. Poison Ivy, inject bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are quickly cured by DeWite's Witch Ilßzel Salve, the great pile cure. Kk'jick A Grohmas*. It has been observed that as a rule the people who know the least about the silver question do the most talking about it. ,The whole system is drained and under mined by indolent ulcers and open sore .. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve speedily heals them. It is the best pile cure known. Kkdick £• Grohmann. The story froma lumber town in Clar ion county to the effect that a man aged 90 years had cut a new set of teeth, has been verified by the statement that he filed a saw. Theories of cure may be discussed ut length by physicians, but the sufferers .vant quick relief; and One Minute Cough Cure will give it to thein. A safe cur* tor children. It is "the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results." KEntCK od Hoa.-t 'no dose convinces. Sold l>y City Phar uaor. Frank Pickering, of Saco, Me., who is more than 60 years old, climed up a flag pole 65 feet high last week, and used 110 climbers, either; just simpily "shinned" right up, fixed the top of the pole, and slid down with the agility of a boy of 16. Belief in Six uourt. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "Now Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surpriso on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passsges in male or femalo. It relioves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im mediatly, If you want quick relief and cure tuis is your retnedj. S<-ld by J. C. /iedick druggist Butler Pa. Subscribe for the CITIZEN. 1) ** It's a Good Thing. Push it Aieng. * * I^PLUO^I || Why buy a newspaper unless you 9 |1 can profit by the expense? F*t 5| a cents you can get almost as rciudl ft W "BATTLE AX" as you caa of Jj other high grade brands for JO cents. I r Here's news that will repay you fair "ii the cost of your newspaper to-day# iWv _ "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES," V GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO — l ,1. ..... r — i i— i i I■■■ I ■ ii The Cyclist's Necessity. A I SHi 1 WILT. CVRK CUT>, II Eg il 7 ■■ BRUIMS, WOUSDS, STRAWS, LB ■ ■ raa ■ ■ suxburn, chafiscs, it ■ ■ V Wjt H B SECT BITES, ALL I'AIX, ■ Bfl ■ « MLB Syl AKD ISfLAHMATIOKi. USED INTERNALLY AND JZXTSM#ALSRX. A tf*T WBAITEBS, SEE OUR jL_ W g IfUjS MM gj '& XAME, POND'S EXTRACT jjV B& B {VcX IB 82 __ B 111 I SIAV I USE POND'S EXTRACT OiNTMENT FOR Pi LES, St : nt by mail on i-rccii>t of ,*0 rh*- The COAST LINE to MACKINAC | TAKE THE-<-H TO MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The (J rent est Perfection yet attaiood in Boat Construction Luxurious Equipment, Artistic Furnishing. Decoration and Efficient Service, insuring the highest degree of COfIFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. FOUR TSIP, RES WKK Bcr«£tn Toledo, Detroit .^Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOO," MARQUETTE, AND OULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac end Return, including fleals and Berth*. Frsm Cleveland, Ji#; from Toled*. JIJ; from Detroit. EVERY EVENING Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Earliest Trains for nil points Oast, South and Southwest and at Detroit for all points North and Northwest. Sunday Trips June. July, August and September Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN ; Cleveland, Put-in-Bay Toledo for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address tt A. SCHANT2, o. w. a.. DKTROiT, MICK* nRd Oievelanfl Steam sav. Go. SALIC. All wall paper at 50c to $ 1.00 grade, at 40c per double bolt. Any wall paper from 25 to 50c grade, at 20c per doub'e bolt. Anything under 25c grade, at IOC per double bolt. 20 per cent off all china. 3 off fancy goods. UNTIL AUGUST 0. At DOUGLASS' Near I'. O 241 S. MainSt BUTLER, PA. { DUCHAiS LAKi: »'•'! r: .WA. JQ Cfx. Pt-.a A. ANL. FOURTH ST. PITTSBURGH, PA. AUK' I ( ! iichl'.llC !l!i l Com p's;«-.t !»i«< •• 11 iiii? im?r >N f\ 1 - , ry « :f I'hy !, - t i:o ol lest and most ,Tr.c i-'.-.i Mi'iuis, il,.uity. Sj«iclalat . ution i'ivon to N . von i>i!'ty fromercessive Mi' (iilc\riti»ii.l ) !:wiw nof youth,etr., caus ing liliysical and i'.' i'.t:»l ■' ■ :ty, luck of energy, li-!)on" 'i'nev. etc.; .1. ! -vrs Old (Sores, Fits, Pile*. Khi'HiiiatiMii, »■ i ascsof the Skin, f.ioxl. I.u: ,I'iinar' 1. ,itc. Consultation 'rce .0: I f:i ictlv coi.i' 'id. OficeliouW»9 to I mhi < to K r.'lf.; t . io. \ . S to 4 P. M. O-ilv. ii!l ;IL IM'i. 0 or ail In - I iJ*. I.AKE, 0011. VKNN A 1 1 LNDI' 1 IX I -I'l ' TFIUL T ITGU.I'A AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL " Consult the O'-* Keitable DRL^SE 3*4 9 N. niTßENrii I ft 111 Thirty years' c minimi. • p :»rr . 1 th. rureofa' dlseaat aof men worn, n .N •u.r.'. -r fr<,r.\ what rause or IJU»V Joni: standiru ! v ..i it-tu -e a cure 192-Pa"'* Uotb-Bound ut,4 u**Ue4 VWL tVVlmt Nerve Berriea have done for others enCPbrmar.or;tiy Sltifftr 1 A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their twin of eviljresultinefrom early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. sickness, worry, etc. j f orejLcesstve useoftobaceo,opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having ihe ge mine NcRVE BERRIES* no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, $ f .00 per box, six : x>xes, one full treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we wiil send them by mail, upon receipt of p; ice, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ewdersto AMERICAN KE3ICM-CO. CIMCtN**TI. 0. WHAT IRON WILL DO. IJS NATURE'S OWM TOSIIO. the appetite a»d pro duces »* freshing sleep. e:vEs VIT*. STSENCIH TO NuasLMi MOINEIfc. * Checks diseases. Stops » nltht mk-rats, cures incipitm' censun4k>t ion. J atrMM Straus. »h and Cash. O MAX IS 1 ED, RICH BLOOD, ?7Htatee kealthy lun* tissue. Will give ttia pals and p*ta«r the • r-y rosy cheeks of yauth. CURES ALI ITMAL2 COKM.AISTT*. iiakes Rtmnpaieii ntid wo*se» ot woall®6> GILMORE'S IRDS TQSC PILLS Curs e'i ' |r ß9a>| Sltnua inM tht/f s^ti«nc»s, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptia norenustie. and hnvc no consujatinn vfrect on tho eon-ecM of tie stomach or its lining: consequently li 3 not .'.urt the teeth er aauso constitution ■ Soca. as do tho usual form' of Jron. • !.■> t 60e. pamphlet freo. If ?ot hopt by your druggist, aJ«lres« GILivIORE & CO., CINCINNATI, 0.. VITALIS a well VITALIS :oth TIIE GREAT aoui DayS-V^V*^ FRENCH REMEDY sot* *l*. PRODUCES THE AD(t?R KPSfLTr" 11S J:«K 1 y and surely removes K«n'onsne«s, ' 1 ■ Wastlnff disease*. B<*«: >res loft* Vitality, Fnwor and Fnillne MMmorv. . it i»-*nirT and C wlt.' t->; l.i»l-t •• I. .vii« VITAI.IB, no ■ ». r Cm; <• <-«rrtc* . »••.« i-mtu*. 15jr ; f I r iMickaire oi .«:•#» «» with a (tusr tee to 'Tlir !. I" rrSD THE MONEY t Circular I'ci* llWrl - cali'.m: 0.. Chicago,ta For -ale in IRatlcr, P». bj CHy • i'Lurmacy. ] 122 D. T. PAPE 122 i VThe Leading Millinery House Of Butler County* * f Closing-Out-Sale of Summer Millinery Goods at ' 7 Less Than Cost ][ A As the season is far advanced, we want to < ► A get rid of all our summer millinery goods, i ► and have marked all Bonnets, Hats. Rib- i > £ buns, &c. down below cost. Come in and 4 \ | D. T. PAPE. ; | VfIAAAAAAA/L wsaj I MRS. J. E ZIMMERMANN Phenomenal values caused a phenomenal business during cur Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale. Great work was done to wards shttif emptying and we propose to carry on th» work of Clearing Out Summer Goods An Geo. . Best, Tribnue Building, New York City, and a sample copy of THE NEW \OSK WRFXI.Y TRIBUNE will be mailed to you