The Magic Circle In which the faries dance at mid-night or. the velvety green sward, "by fair Tantallon s ruined towers," never sees daintier looking feet than are possessed by the latter-day faries who trip lightly through Butlers streets, wearing the exquisite shoes which we sell so cheaply. The style you will have is smply a matter of personal taste. We can furnish you any style. High cut,low cut or medium; blacks, russets, chocolates • ; and wine shades are in stock. Fancy colors quick, if wanted. Toes any shape you may wish, and heels to please you. Cloth and patent leather effects, or any one of a hun dred pretty styles of trimmings. For house wear, party dress, walking, cycling and pic nicing. The old proverb says; "To him who has a shoe upon his foot, it is as if the whole world was covered with leather. We will put a leather carpet on the earth for you and leave you money over, no matter how little you've got. . . RUFF'S. Grand Reduction Sale! I will soon move into my new store and before doing so I wish to close out my present stock and in order to accomplish my P ur P° I have marked the prices away down —so low you are sure to bu> after seeing these goods and learning the extremely low prices 1 am ( asking for them. I wish to open my new store with an entire neu stock. So visit my store and you will get a bargain of a litetime. Space will not permit me to quote many prices but here are a few of the many bargains I am offering: Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at Less than Factory Prices. *: i lot Ladies Fine Dongola Oxfords j = I lot Mens Fine Calf, razor toe tip: :"pat. tips, regulfer price li.oo, reduc-• -the latest style, regular price $2. 5.j : edto 50 cents. : : reduced to $1 .50. : il 5 IZZI ' 1 lot Ladies fine Dongola, opera j j 1 lot Mens fine Russett shoes, razor .• :toe slippers, sizes 4to 8, regular; :or Vale toe, regular price $2.25. re "j I price 75c,, reduced to 50c. j jduced to $1.35. : 1 lot Ladies fine Russet Shoes,! | Mens working Shoes, several styles,; : VEKY STYLISH, all sizes, regular; ;all solid, good wearing worth {2.4 : I price |2.00, reduced to 11.25. i :*> *l-75, your choice $1.25. The above and many other bargains will be offered at thi Grand Reduction Sale. Yours ior Good Shoes Cheap, JOHN BICKEL SS'SKK BUTLER, PA. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OF ♦CLOTH IN G+ To close out that branch of our business. We are positively going to close out our entire stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's clothing regard less of cost. Men's Cassimere Suits sold for $8 00 only $4 00 Men's Cassimere Suits sold f0r............ 10 00 only 5 00 Mens Cassimere Suits sold for 13 50 only 6 75 Mens worsted suits sold f0r.... 16 50 only 10 00 Mens worsted suits sold for 18 00 only 12 00 Mens fine day worsted sold for 18 00 only 13 0 Mens finer clay worsted sold f0r............ 20 00 only 15 00 Over 3000 Pairs Of Mens Pants Mens working pants only 45 cts Mens working pants, Letter, worth $1 25 only $ 75 Mens working pants DAS worth 2 00 only 1 00 Sweet <& Orfa Kerseys worth 200 only 75 Mecs black cheviotts 225 " 1 25 Men 9 worsted cheviotts 450 " 1 75 " " " 500 '• 225 " " " 5 50 " 2 75 Mens line cassimere 450 " 2 25 •' " 6 00 « 3 25 " " " 750 " 500 OVER 2QOO CHILDRENS SUITS Good strong salts 1 00 only $ 75 Union cassimere 200 " 1 25 250 " 1 75 Fine assimere worsted 600 " 400 We will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats and Coats and Vests, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pocket and Bill Books, Purses, Spec tacles, Harmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c. It would be impossible to enumerate and give prices of all we have in stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest and most varied stock and our prices are guaranteed lower than the lowest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied customers that throng our store from Monday morning till late Sat urday nights. Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, and when you make a purchase ask for one of our CARDS and when your pur chases amount to $i c.oo or $20.00 we will present you a piece ol handsome silverware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme flour bin. Ask to see the presents. D. A. Heck Son, 121 North Main St., Butler, Pa. Cbildrens knee pant* $ 25 only $ 13 " " 35 " 20 " " " 50 " 25 i. „ 75 .. 50 «' " '« 85 " 65 100 " 75 " .... 125 " 90 If en and Ijojb gondola hats, $1 00 only $ 50 " " 150 " 75 " " 250 " 100 " 275 " 125 " " 300 " 150 " " 450 " 300 Soft hats and caps in proportion. All the liteft styles in Straw, Braids, MacVi now, Milton, Teddos, Leghornn and In every oonceivable shape lor Men Boys and Children. Silverine watches $ 5 00 only $ 2 50 " " 750 " 4 50 Silver watches 12 00 " C 50 Ladies goldfilled watches 15 00 " 900 " 20 00 " 12 00 " 25 00 '* 18 00 Gents " " 20 00 " 15 00 " 25 00 " 18 00 Ladies and geuts electroplated watches $5. A large stock of chains from 10c to $4. Ladies waist sets from 10c to 50 cents. Stick pins worth from 25 to 500 only lOcts. Gents caff buttons 25c only 15c " 50c " 25c " 75c " 50c " $1 00 " 75c Gents link buttons from 10c to 75c Oar Jaeger diamonds in Studs, Pins, Kings and Ear Drops are simply inmenso. The finest outside of the real steel-blae diamond. VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Screes, Cattle, Sheer. Bogs, Hsgs, AND POULTRY. 500 Page Book oo Tnnimrnt of Animal* and Chart »eal Free, cnus 1 Fevers, Congest ion.. I n fin wimation A. A. t >i»iufil Meniughi*. >I ■ IU. Fever. B.K.—strain*. Lamencwi, Kheamati.m. C.C—Distemper. Nasal DiNchurgc. D.l).—Hot* or Cirubs. Wormn. K.E.— Cough*. Heaves, l'm amonla. F.F.—Colic or (iripm. Bell>ache. >li*rarrlage, Hemorrhage*. H.H. —l'rinary and Kidnry I.l.—Eruptive I)i»ea*e». Mange. J.K.—l»i*ease« ol" llige.ilou, i'aralyslo. Single Bottle ru*r;.l»' ar prrpiid ujiimut qaaatlty en iwipt of p rie#. HcariißFTs-iiD. ro., in * mwinu* sc. I"!"»■ HUMPS BEYS' HOILEOPATHIC ft ft laaßJ SPECIFIC' No. AO In uao 30 years. Tbo only rocees*ful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, End Prostration, frcm over-work or otb«»r causaa. $1 per vial, or 5 vials and larfc* vial powder, for si \.y DrujcUtt. or »«-nt j* on receipt of price. UtVPHKKW ILI>. CO., 11l A 113 William St»,l«w Ycrfc. WE HANDLE RI TT NOTHING l-> LJ I TURK RELIABLE GOODS from 5 to 10 years old, and you get them direct from the barrel. GUARANTEED PURE WHISKIES Finch's, Sam Thompson, Large, Gibson, Bridgeport. Guckenlieimer, Dil linger, Overholt, etc. £I.OO Per Fu!l Quart. • - 6 Quarts fS.OO. Grandfather's Choice, 3 years old $2.00 per gal, WE ARE AI.SO IMPORTERS of all kind of Wines, Conyacks, Brandies, Rums, etc. All goods, including C. O. D. orders, securely packed and shipped promptly. We prepay express charges on $ 10.00 orders or over. FAIR DEALING TO EVERYONE. ROBT. LEWIN, & CO. 136 Water St., New Number 411, PITTSBURG, PA. DON! MP TUICU. HOW K, CURE YODRSELF WHILE USING IT. The tobacco lisM g ows oil a man until liis nervous system s s i ions y affected, Impairing health, comfort tn.U happlnt ss. 'lo quit sud denly is too sever a shock to the system, as tobacco to an iuvterate user becomes a stimu lant that his sysi rn continually craves. "Baco Curo" Is a scientific cure tor the tobacco habit, in ail its forms carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physician who has used It In ills ;>rivate practice since 1872. without a failure. It Is purely vegetable ani guaranteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco jon want wliil« taking "Baco- Curo." It will notify you when to stop. We give a written guarantee to cure permanently any case w Ith three hoses, or refund the money with 10 per cent Interest. "Baco-Curo'' Is not a substitute. but a scientific cure, that cures without He aid of will power and with no in convience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine at the day you took your first chew or smoke. Cured By BACO-CURO And Ciained Thirty Pounds. From hundreds of testimonials, the originals of which are on file and open to Inspection, the following Is presented: Clayton, Nevada County Arkansas Jan. 28 IBys Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis. —uentlemen: tor lorty years 1 used tobacco In all its forms. For twenly-five years of that time 1 was a great sufferer from general u j. i>.»x of your "Baco-Curo" and it has i n I <.iy cured me of the habit In all Its forms, auo I hive in creased thirty pounds in weight ano ~m rellev ed ironi all the numerous itches a.ei pains ol body and mind. I could write a qu.!c "t pap-r upon my changed feelings and coiwiu ols. Eureka Cheiulcala & Mfg. C., L < crussa. and Boston, Mass, THE KEELEY Wt Is a special boon to badness men >•' • ' ' drifted unconsciously into the llrr." i«« /. ttrr, b> return -X IT V«:i. HytOO intiK •> « VIM' I*4 br »»> La—l t'bUtiU., «'• OAS METERS. i I We keep constantly on hand three different kinds of Gas Meters, viz.—The "Tobey"-dry meter—The "Eguitable"- dry meter— and The Westinghouse fluid meter. Anyone desiring to buy a meter can secure on: from us at a reasonable price and upon easy terms. Home Natural (ias Co., Reioer Building. THE CITIZEN- The Land of the Laiy. The land of the lazy is "sometime" land; Its bounderies are "After Awhile," Its citizens wear the *'Mean-to" brand, j Aud "Going-to" garments are all th>.- j style. In the land of the lazy little is done, For the dwellers crowd to eht Coun ty Shirk," And they moan like martyrs every one At the very sound of the name of work. In the land of the lazy they want to get Just as much as the toilers do, And then if they don't they fume and fret, And grumble about "Fate's favored few." In the land of the IAZV ambition dies, For it cannot live in unter.ded soil, And its bright twin Progress, straight way flies Away, away to the town of toil. In the land of the lazy you and I. Asa matter of course have never been But I tell you what, we had best look spry, Or before we know it we'll enter in. "We might hire a new clerk," said the druggist, "if he were a good one. Are you a graduate in pharmacy?" "No," said the man who wanted a job. "I ain't a graduate in pharmacy and I don't intend to be. I ain't looking for a cheap job. But I can draw soda water with both hands at once, and know how to make 114 different syrups. Dizziness and sick headache are cured by the invigorating power of Hood's Sarsaparilla. A pest has appeared as a menace to cherry trees in Michigan. It is a small red bug and at the present may be seen in large quantities devouring the foliage of the trees. The eggs are deposited in and around the base of the tree under neath the rough bark. The insect seems also to have a liking for currants and gooseberry shrubs. The alarmist prediction of Bismark that Great Britain will have to fight its great naval duel with the combined fleets of France and Russia in the chaunel will perhaps stimulate the industry of buil ding warships by the great powers in terested. It is to be hoped that the vet eran statesman is either misquoted or mis- 1 taken. T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Pro mise City. lowa, say*: "I bought one bottle <>t 'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and '» .> doses of it did me more good than any mo'i'cino I ever took. Sold by J. 0. Redick, and J. F. Balph druggists, Butler. Jefferson is said to have been the first American statesman to suggest the dol lar as the financial unit of our currency. Judge Swartz, of Norristown has ren. dered an opinion that sustains the right of jnstices of the peace to hold inquests when the distance from the coroner's office is over ten miles. They have cur rent jurisdiction in such cases with the deputy coroner, and whichever is notified may hold the inquest. Vany a day's work is lost by sick head ache, caused by indigestion and stomach trouble? De Witt's Little Early Risers are the most effectual pill for overcoming buch difficulties. RKDICK & GHOHMA.N.W A young Indian girl of the Chippewa tribe was adopted when three years old by a Michigan farmer for the sole pur pose cf satisfying his hobby that women if properly trained, can run faster than men. She is now 19 years of age and can outrun any man with whom she has ever raced. "As mad as a March hare" has been explained in two ways. According to one the expression is a corruption of marsh hare, since in marsh districts the hares have less protection and are wilder than in thefcreit. A C Jrding to the other March is the rutting season of the hares, and they are then wilder and more rest less than at any other time. ' iloys will bo boya." but you can't af ford to 1086 any of them. De tewly for the green apple season by having DeWitt's colie and cholera cure in the house. Rkdick & Ghohmasn. The man who is deliberating between two extremes should stop right where he is and go no farther. Base ball is a peculiar sport. A pitch er is accounted no good if he cannot throw a ball that no body can hit, and a batter is regarded as worthless unless he can hit any ball that a pitcher can throw. liluumatism Cured in a Day. ''.Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Nuii.-vlgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days, lis action npon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at ouce the cause and the disease immediately disap_ peaio 'l'he first dose greatly bonefits; 75 cents, sold by J. C Kedio, and J. F- Balph Druggists, Butler Apr 90 That little English sparrow that is considered a nuisance wherever found is now doing much good and more kind ness will be shown this little bird since it has begun to destroy the army worm. The English sparrow has attacked the worm and sympathetically begun to clean up one field after another, thous ands of the birds swooping down upon the dertrictive pest. —English Spavin Linlmentieino .es a t.ard, soft or callou.sed lumps and :■ n.a ahes from horses, blood spavins, our!>s plints, sweeney, riugbone, eoraiai 11 swollen throats, coughs, mc. Savo 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold bv J. C. itedick.s When a women screams at a caterpill ar and has hysterics over a black ant she had better uot plan to join a campiug or a fishing party. 187(i Cit-MOX liran iy fVom grape win«?, bas, by us extreme age and constant care, while in uniform temperature and pure, atmoophere ol storage houses for louiteca yean, be cumo a r val of the Hennessey and other brands cl Cognac lirau'ly, an J much lower in price, and preferred uy the physicians of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities Buy it of druggists The mother of Christian Ross, father of the long-lost Charlie Ross, died in iVliddletown, Pa., last week, at the age of 94 years. She was the oldest resident of Aliddletown aud one of its most es teemed people. L'r. Aguew . Mile i>»i ihe liturlgia perfect reliel :U au CAMS • f Organic of sympathetic H. wieiase in 30 minuted ami speedily elleci* .. cuio. It is a peer remedy !.>r Pun nation, Shortness o. Jreath, Smothering us, i'cii in Lei •■ide and all symptom* > i a Duea-od Heart no dose convinces, .-old by c»iy Pnar uaov. The wise man admits that there is much he does not know, but the fool thinks he knows it all. I'TUT/ HI AW uuurt —Diotr« (sii.g Kidnej and Bladder dis eases relitvid hi six tn.jrs by the "Now Great Soutn Arueri an iiidnoy Cure." This new ft .i.edy h .1 great surprise on ac count of ii. v .ttd'.ug promptness in re licving pan, :>i 'be bUaunr, kidney, back and evury pai ol the amiaiy passages in male or female. It relieves retention ol water and pain in passing it almost im mediatly, If yea want 'juuk relief and cure tuis is your remedj . Sold by J. C. xtedick druggist Butler Pa. I "Now rash young papas by the score I Scarce hear their babes' first cryin Than off they go and name them for | McKinley or for Bryan." In many localities in this part of the ; country the wheat crop is practically a j failure. A Lawrence county farmer is quoted by the New Castle News as say ing: "We are having one of the poorest fields of wheat that comes within my recollection. I very much doubt if it will average five bushel to the acre." An immense crop of chestnuts is predicted. A good newspaper advertisement never sleeps. The railroads in tlie I'ittsburg district are the most profitable in the world. :l()01>'9 PlI-liS euro <ef(inuing with DeWitt's colic and cholara cure. You don't have to w»it for results, they are instantaneous, and it leaves the bowels in healthy condition. Kkdick & Gkohmank. Miss Oldgirl—"Are you a Democrat or a Republican?" Mr. Old bach—"l'm a 'Pop'." Miss Oldgirl [blushing furious ly]—" Oil, you naughty man! And you told me you weren't married," A study in gravitation may be found in the fact that when the mercury in the thermometer runs up the perspiration runs down. It doesn't matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and con stipation are caused by neglect or by un avoidable circumstances; DeWitt's Little Early Risers will speedily care them all. RKDick. Si Groumann. The great earthquake at Lisbon oc curred in May, 1755, when in about eight minutes most of the houses and 50,000 of the inhabitants were destroyed, and whole streets swallowed up. It originat ed in the Island of Mitylene, in the Arch ipelago, whence it extended 4,000 miles, doing considerable damage in Spain and Africa, as well as in Portugal. The celebration of the city of Cleve land's centennial was made the occasion of an act by John D. Rockefeller that is quite clever for a multi-millionaire. He ha* presented the city with a pnbiic park aud $ 1 ,000,000 to go with it. Does Your Husband or Son Drink. If your husband or son is addicted to the use of Liquor, Morphine or Tobacco, purchase of your druggist a bottle of Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablets. They are guaranteed to cure, or money will bo re funded. Tablets may be given secretly iu tea or coflee and the free use of stimu lants allowed until voluntarily given up. Price SI.OO per package If your drug gist does net keep them, send direct to The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio. Book of particulars and testimonials free. Peach dumplings are ripe. Oh! for Greenland's icy mountains. "ft is probably because silver at 16 to 1 won't work,,' says the Philosopher, "that all the hoboes esporse the Popu list party." A few days ago Scott Hutchinson was working in a hay field near Wellsboro, Tioga county, Pa., during a thunder storm, when lie was struck by lightning and killed. He was leauing upon a hay fork at the time, and so instantaneous was the summon that the body stood erect when fouad a few minutes after wards by his helpers. If you have ever seen ft little child iu the agony of summer complaint, you can real ize the dauger of the trouble and appreci ate the value of instantaneoua reliel al ways afforded by DeWitt's colic and chol era cuie. For dysentery and diarrhoea it is a reliable remedy. We could not af ford to recommend this as a cure unless it were a cure. RKDRK A Übohmabm, j 44 Cut Down Expenses/' 9 B I^LUG^j A woman knows what a | J really is. She knows better thaa a asaa, £ I "BATTLE AX" is selected every tee g i by wives who buy tobacco for thai? hist- | J bands. They select it because it is an feoswst fc \ bargain. It is the biggest in siae? S I smallest in price, and the best in |j 1 The 5 cent piece is almost as large as tfce g 310 cent piece of other high grade baa afa. | jmm nanagißPDaog^^^^^g^J "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES** * GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE L»SB OP SAPOLIO A...jc—es—ea The Cyclist-x A ■ I WILL CUM *-»~TAKE THE-t ■< - TO MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers Thedrratest Perfection yet attained in Boat Construction Luxurious Equipment. Artistic Furnishing. Decoration and Efficient Service, iusuriug the highest degree of COnFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Four Trips per Week Betweeh Toledo, Detroit/Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOO," MARQUETTE, AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac and Return, including Heals and Berths. From Cleveland, )it; from Tolefle, Jij; from Detroit* #1350. EVERY EVENING Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with KarKest Trains for all points Kast, South and Southwest and at Detroit lor all points North and Northwest. Sunday Trips June, July, August and September Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN ; Cleveland, Put-in=Bay £ Toledo Seod for Illustrated Famphlet. Address • A. A. SCHANTZ, 0. m. DETROIT, MICH. T r. 31s Cleveland Steam Kay. Co SALE. All wall paper at 50c to grade, at 40c per double bolt. Any wall paper from 25 to 50c grade, at 20c per double bolt. Anything under 25c grade, at 10c per double bolt. 20 per cent off all china. J[ off fancy goods. UNTIL AUGUST 6. At DOUGLASS' Near P. O 241 S. MainSt BUTLER, PA. /"\i j)(nTOkS LAKH ha y 111 M; Msj KvsAitY. >1?-?. Jtif OTA-Pi -I A A;u FOuurn Sr. PI rT;.i.urihv-ileal and i.i-ntai /,l.i- k "f enerjty, iesnou^ency.etc.; i. -ftT.AKK, COB. I-.NN A* 1 VND4TII. • .!•! : Vf?HI. IUJU.I'A AFTCR ALL OTHERS FAIL bI x*l■ Qunguitthe!leilable DR.LOBB 399 If. FIVTEENTIf ST., Mi VA. Thirty jean' Continuous prarti«-» jrv of ai! Ilseiawe of men Md wor-ii-n ,o. n-ee. If . ..i kept by your druggist, adianwe GILxVIORE & CCX, CINCINNATI# O. VITALIS .A\anf«, '****-*• ,•; • : . fftmltty, Powet •u* f •*:*;- at'- ry '•••r - tifT Ir: ■unity and LF'I'I > ■ TOTALIS, I». uth,.r. I'.a:: • •• i' 4 "J T •' llOOp.rp" k-i- ••• w.Ui a ante - b.-rURI >IU i.k. v TOX MOM I '. Cilrular fr i* * !•' • call; m 1: v rt r x .*•; o M*«, in For nale in |Hut(vr, 1%. by Oily fhaimacy. I; 122 D. T. PAPE 122 : i Leading Millinery House Of Butler | * # Closing-Out-Sale of Summer Millinery Goods at Less Than Cost J | 11 .As the season is far advanced, \vt want to * > { V get rid of all our summer millineiy g >ods, i > \ and have marked all Bonnets, Hals, Rib- i > , C kons, &c, down below cost. Come in and < > , C see for yourself. < y | D. T. PAPE. J! M LEADER OF [Z Foot Fashions Ladies', iiis, Bojs ami Youths u s\"S on C \LK SHOES. Price any $3.00 shoe sold elscwere and then coti.e here and vou'll find our f 2.00 shoe always equals (oftimes excels) ASKTO SEE Ot'R Ladies' Shoes, Men's Shoes, Mifses' Shoes, Ladies Slippers LADIES' f^so S ' Look all over other (2 shoes then visit this store] and you will be convinced that our $1.50 grade equals and nearly always excels others *2 goods. Men* fine shoevM^n's^orl^ a ' (l T»n slioeg *rp cool and pretty. No wonder every I- (n\ll I body fortltu-s with tliem against the heat and dutt of snluUv / / a/3 the fanimer month*. No wonder all food dressers rJakHHnO)/ S ilia prefer them 10 anything else. No wonder we're bavin? such a run on tans. We've m»d« our prices so easy. >;£•■BH| Whe neatest feet In Butler county are those that are ] rlailln Huselton's Shoes There's style about them; m B. C. HUSELTON, Sutler's' Leading and Progressive Shoe House, Opposite Hotel Lowry WE HAVE been oftering our stock of WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS to the people of Butler County for so many years that there is little for us to add. You all know that we ship none but pure liquors, and if you are going away for a vacation, or intend to stay at home, you will need some good whiskey, or some pleasant wine to help pass a delightful time. OUR WHISKIES are sold lor $2.00. $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, and $6.00 per gallon, and when we say that they can't be equaled anywhere tor the money, we mean it. All the dif ferent brands of California wine arc sold at $2.00 and $2.50 per gallon, and they are the very best in the market. We don't want you to forget that we pay all express charges on orders of $5.00 and over. Send for one of our Catalogues, mailed free on appli cation, and look it over. It will interest you. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa, Wholesale Liquor Dealer. 1 i Summer Drive Icics a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less lux* vurious, easy running and handsome than it be. Fredonia Buggies have nothing bui good point*. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get—are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Wade 'n FREEONIA MFG. CO.. Younestovn, Ohio. RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, *pP=ijii sound boney ' \ HONOR, HOME PROSPERITY. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBDNE, THE LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAN FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Will make a vigorous and relentless fight through the Presidential campaign, for principles which will bring prosperity to the entire country'. Its campaign news and discussions will inter est and should be read by every American citizen. We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" 4 Months, I 7 Weeks for 50 cents. CASH IN ADVANCE. a.W™.THE CITIZEN. Writ* your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribnue Building, New York City, aud a suxnplt copy of THE Nf,W York \V?R*I,Y I'KiBUNJi will be mailed to you.