Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 06, 1896, Image 3
THE CITIZEN THURSDAY. AUGI'ST 6, 1»96. New Advertisements. Huselton's shoe sale. Home's dry goods. B. <fcß '» dry goods. Excursion. yon—All advertisers intendingto make o inges in their a4s. should notify us ol tb tir intention to do so, not later than Monday morning. Administrators and Executors ot estatee oau secure their receipt books at the CIT 21si o'Jioe Horse Thieves 5 / Were plentiful and powerful < \ on the western plains twenty i five years ago. You will get | an interesting insight into their methods if you read our New Serial The Weldon Estate By ALFRED R. CALHOUN It is a thrilling romance, full of lively episodes and hair breadth escapes, and is Well Worth Reading BEGINS NEXT WEEK. LUTALANU GENERAL. —Sitg hey! '.he wild scorcher, he's out on the track, iSj's mounted his wheel and he's humped up his back; Ilia saddle is high and his handles are low, And he's off down the road like a shot from a bow. O, wild riding soorchar, perhaps when you die, And depart to tho land of the "s veet by t»nd bye," That then will be answered the citi zen's prayer, And vou'H get all the scorcbinn you want over there. —I)U1 you read about the Great Butler Fair. —The army worms are sensible about oie tbinj: they w ia"t toaii t>b*3iJ. —lt in said that there is very aj t to be "beastly" weather in "dog days." —T-ie Batler P. 0. hai bsea al'owed •2,000, extra for iffice rent, clerk hire, etc —A Pittsburg company proposes 1n a short tJ ti:ne engage in the manufacture of horseless carriages. —When the revenues of a postoffic reach SIO,OOO per annum it becomes en tied to a free .>livery system. —A faoetious exchange says marriage in Chicago is not considered a failure, "It is merely a temporary embarrassment." —A high-grade bicycle will be the time prize for the road race, and our merchants offer quite aa assortment of prizes. —Midnight Mechanic* continue to do a little business in Bitlar, They were oper ating on W. Jefferson St., a few nights ago —Tho farmets ire hustling this week as we are having the first good bay weather for a month. —An it»m is going the round of the prei* to the effect that * young lady had a needle enter her wrist about a year ago, and that it recently worked its way out of the arm of a young man in another city. —Our gTocers are paying 15 and 16 for butter, lOots. for eggs, 25 for potatoes, 15 to 20 ior apples; 9 cts a doz. for corn, 40 cte a bu. for cabbage or about 3 cts ahead, 5 cts for blackberries; 0 cts for huckle berries. —The McCandlesa reunion, which had been irrangod for Aug. 27th has been changed to Wednesday, Aug. 19, on ac count of another in the neighborhood, which had been previously arranged. All friends and relatives are cordially invited. —The firm of 11. C. Black A Son of Har riaville baa been dissolved, R- Black retiring. The new firm will hereafter do business under the firm name of J. R. Black 4 Co., aud will continae to merit the patronage which the establishment now commands. —B»av»r Falls will hold a great ''Street Fair," on Sept. 9 and 10, on which occa aion there will be a grand indatrial parade; horse, bicycle, foot and boat race*; cake walk, pnblio mrriiage, atheletic rjorts; prizes tor beat horses, oattle, farm pro due'.*, etc. —Our military company elects olllcers for the next five year*, this evening. Cap't McJunkin has no opposition lor w election, but for First Lieutenant there are twojeandidates,A M. Borland and Geo. Meohling. and lor Second Lieutenant two —A. T. Scott and John A. Alexander. —According to a journal for missionaries "In Mongolia the missionary is often asked to perform impossible and ridiculous cures. One mau asks to be made fat, another to b« made clever, another to have his taste for tobacco or whiskey taken away, while almost everybody would like to have his skin made white, like the loreigner. —The county newspapur of good stand ing, clean columns and fair circulation is the best advertising ne-lium on earth Its readers as a rule have tlmo to read what the business <n*n who geU a daily and "skiais" it never thinks of reading viae: the advertisement*. I have had farmers tall me that on rainy or stormy days they had reftd every thing in tho paper, lrom the date line to the last line on the last pt-ge. —Turpentine is the bast Iriend house keepers have and a supply should always be kept on hand. It is good for burns. It is a sure preventive ngainst moths a few drops rendering garments si»fe from *uch invasions during the summer. It drives away ants and bugs fiom cupboards and corners by putting a few drops on the shelves. It elfectually destroys bugj, and injares neither furniture nor clothing. For cleaning paints add a spoonful to a pail of warm water. A little in the suds on a wa*h day is said to uiano washing earner. —lt takes the caterpillar to get the drop on the summer girl. —A disagreeable dry goods clerk is a sort of counter-irritant. —The summer girl is plentiful, but the summer man groweth scarcer and scarc- —The father of a large family often hus bands his time and money by husbanding his daughters. —Eii May is building an immense brick livery stable on the lot back of Mrs. I'apes store. —The Xathan Missionary Society will hold its usual monthly meeting, Tuesday, August 11, at 2:30 p m., in the T. M. C. A. Hal! A program of special interest has been prepared. —The oats will be but halt a crop this year. The weather was too wet fjr it, the straw is large, but the heads are not filled. Last July is said to have\>een the wettest sinct July of 1855. —The Merchants Baud favi red our peo ple with another concert last Thui sday evening. This Band makes excellent music, and their concerts bring out the entire population. —Two men named Perkins and Holland are wanted here for floating worthless notes. They dec ived our people l>y using the telephone and having a man at the other end to answer the questions in their interest. —A farmer tells how he played a Yan kee trick on the rats that invested his Lam. Pill a barrel, he says, half full of rye and other grain, and give them a treat for a fortnight, placing a board against the bar rel for easy access. Some night substitnte water for the grain leaviug enough of the latter on top to deceive and the result may astonish you, Moreover, the remaining rats will leave that barn for months. —The largest farm in Pennsylvania is owned by W. F. Reynolds, of Center coun ty. He has nineteen large farms, eight een of them being in one township and adjoining, having a total aoreage of 2391 acres, and an assessed valuation of $93, 300. In *he midst of his farms he has a large grUt mill, for the purpose of prepar ing his grain for market. The annual production of these farms aggregates near ly 20,000 bushels of grain, and over 1000 tons of bay, besides enormous productions ot all small fruite. —At the meeting of Council, Tuesday evening, Stephen Markham was selected to fill H. A. Tilton'g unexpired term. Geo. Eaton of the 2d ward, late of Chica go, and Fred Glace of the 3d ward, were elected policemen. Phillip Taok was awarded the contract for the atonewalk on Mifflin St., facing the Mitchell property: the property owners on Lookout Ave. were assessed 21 eta per foot for sewering, and a large number of persons were ordered to redair their sidewalks. —"lt seems to me," said tho expert wheelman, "that I wouli hesitate a long time before I took a little child en the wheel with me. Not that I would be afraid of falling, but I would be very ap prehensive that eome clumsy rider should run into me. It never occurred to me be fore until the other night, that gave me a cold chill, and sent my hair up on end. I was tundliDg along on ray wheel and just ahead of me was a gentleman with a little child —his baby daughter—in a basket seat on his wheel. As he nea :ed Pearl street there cauie around the comer at a tearing pace a scorcher with his head down, shoulders humped and pedaling for all he W2B worth, lie was looking neither to the right nor the left. The man on the wheel with his little daughterju.it manag ed to get out of the way in time to avoid a collision, and I could see the man's face grow white as he realized what he and his little one bad escaped. The danger does not lie in the liability to fall, but in colid iug with other riders. It that scorcher had hit tho man on the wheel with his daughter it would have knocked them both off, and serious injury would have been done." SSOO Up. The new arrangement between the But ler and Oil City B. B. clubs is as follows: August 1, Oil City at Butler. On Au gust 7th, Butler will play Oil City at the P. 11. C. picnic at Conneaut Lake. On August 14 and 15, Butler al Oil City. On August 20, Butler vs. Oil City at Frank lin. On August 21 and 22 Oil City at But ler. On August 28 and 29 Butler at Oil City. Nine games for a purso of SSOO. The first game was played on the But ler grounds, last Saturday and resulted in a score of Bto3 in favor of Oil City. It was a splendid game and the soore stood in Butler's favor up to the Bth inning, when our pitcher weakened and the Oil City team had things their own way. Ab, O'Brien had his right arm fractured during the game of Friday by being "run into" at second base. Picnics. P. n. C. at Conneaut. Train leaves Butle: at 8:15 tomorrow morning. Picuic at Grov« near Monroeville, on Tnursday. Aug. 20, to be given by the Buffalo twp. Farmers League. Every j body invited; bring your baskets; speeches, music and singing; come early and stay all day; and you will be made welcome, and have a good time. —Special train to Alleghany Sunday Aug. 9 via P. W. Fare for Jhe return trip 75 cents. BUTLER FAIR. September let will soon come around and then the Great Butler Fair begins, and to continue four days. This Fair is Butler county's great big show, and the people are all proud of it. It is mauaged to pleas? the people and not to make mon«y. The stockholders have nev er got a cent out of it in ten years, but tboy always managed to pay their premiums and feel proud. This year promises to be the best Fair yet; for besidos the large purses offered for races and liberal premiums offer ed for everything exhibited, thecelo brated Kemp Sisters and Rio Grande Bill's Wild West Shows have been secured to give exhibitions every day on the race track, free to every body on the Fair Grounds. This alone is worth going one hundred miles to see. It has cost the asso ciation much money, but much peo plo need much variety, and the Butler Fair Association, feeling proud of their past record and appre ciating the indorsement heretofore shown by the people, aro making every effort to have everybody de lighted at the Fair, and happ; for the year to come. Get ready for the Fair, and be sure to go. —Sunday Aug. Dth round trip tickets will be Hold from Butler to Allegheny at 75 cents, train leave* Sutler at 8:15 a, m. returning, leases Allegheny at 5:25 p. m. Bntler time. —Butler Fair—Sept. 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1 Underwear—A specialty at HECK'S his stock is largest and finest ever offered in Bu*'e> —BoardingHouse Cards, with Ac*, of Assombly, 25 cents for half-a-doien .or sale at Citizen office. Say Papa—did you see HECK'S neckwear, it beats anything joi» ever 1 aaw. LKGAI. NEWS. NOTES. The Builer and Pittsburg H. R. Co.hare filed a bond tor i2BOO in favor ol John Q. A. Kennedy as indemnity against damage to his property. Bessie George has applied for a divorce from Gust George. James Watson has applied for a divorce from Xannie E Watson. The citizens of Valencia have petitioned to have Valencia incorporated into a borough and Sept. 10th was fixed for hear ing tfce case. Oscar McMurty and Andy Cornelyson were discharged from jail, where they were serving a sentence ot imprisonment and fine for violation of the liquor law, under the insolvent law. W. K Tnoraburg ot Evans City, whose application for license was held over from June term, was granted a tavern license, it exjires July Ist, 13S>7. The charter for the Phillips Gas Compa ny was recorded last week. Saturday, Aug. Bth will be the last day lor tiling notices with the Register for pre sentation at September term. A petition for tbe partition of the estate of A!argaret Martin was filed and order made therefor. - - A. writ of partition was issued on the estate of Thomas Pisor. The resignation of Harmon Seston a* Treasurer of Washington twp. was accept ed and Harper Campbell was appointed to fill the Tac-ancy. Ca'.harine Criswell was appointed to compile index ol the roads of the county. Charles M. Gregg petitioned for a trans fer of Wm H. Jelliaon's license at Petrolia and Sept 12 was fixed as the date for hear ing the same. Jellison lifted his license and paid for it, but he died on June 29tn, two days before it went into effect. Gregg has purchased the hotel.* The polling place in Cranberry twp. ha» been changed to the hou-e of Andrew Ktrshler in sa.d twp. Theresa Vangrootenbruel.has brougt suit in elander vs Dolphine Laurent and olaims damage in SIO,OOO. On Monday the motion for a new trial in the case of Mrs. Mary Franciß vs Franklin twp., was refused and judgment was or dered entered on the verdict. In 1594 Mrs- Mary Francis had her leg broken by driving over the sides of a bridge on a pub lie road, on which there were no guard rails, she brought suit and obtained a ver dict for $2,300. It iB said the township will appeal the case to the Supreme Court. The Butler and Pittsburg R. R. Co have filed a condemnation bond in favor of Eck ert Kalb for $4,800. Adam Ripper adopted George Lauer, a minor child. Frank Yangrootenbiuel has brought buit in trespass vs BaptUte Laurent and claims damage in SIOOO. Up to date there are but thirteen cases on the Quarter Sessions Docket for Sept. Term. The will of Christian Weimann of Lan caster twp., was probated, no letters. PIOPfiR"T TttASSFBHg Martin Eisler to Butler and Pittsburg R R Co lot in Butler for SBSO. Zelienopje Ex Co to S W Stewart lot in Jackson for S3BO. Thomas M Marshall to W J Marks lot in Mars for SBOO. C H Roessing to B A P R R lot in Butler for SIOOO. C H Roessing to F W Courtney lot in Butler for SSOO. Mary M Hardman to Al Ruff lot in But ler for $7500. Nichol Allen to Alva E Clay lot in Evans City for SBOO. Geo H Leidecker to BiPRR lot in Batler for S6OO. Nancy J. Kipp to John G. McMarlin lot in Butler for S2OOO. J L Beatty to R G Stillwagon lot in Bil liards lor $250. Zelienople Ex Co to Christan Gelbaah lots in Jackson for $855. Jacob Bickert to H A R Graham lot in Butler for $215. G M. Zimmerman to II Schneideman lot in B-Jtl er for S7OOO. Marriage Licenses W. W. Reesman Slipperyrock Olive McA1and................ Jacks ville Hazard H. Jackson ...Butler Til lie G. Anchors " Edward James Steele Bruin Gertrude A. Bulhman.... " Lawrence L. Byers Sonora Florence Allen Greece City Wm. Smith .............. Franklin, Pa Alice E. Osborne..... Marion t.?p At Franklin, Win. H. Surrena of Harns ville and Nellie Hoffman ofWesley. Railroad Notes. Martin Eisler got SBSO for his 21 foot front on Centre Ave, near the bridge, with privilege of taking tho building. Campbell, the m achinist, got S9OO for his lot. SI,OOO for his building and SOOO for moving, making $2,500 in all. Evans, the brass founder, is on leai-ed ground (Wick's) and will get several hun dred for moving; and Wick intends moving the buildiug across the creek. McDowell, the lanndryman, is on leased ground (Wick's) and will get several hun dred for moving, and his building. Wick wants $5,000 for his ground, but the company thinka he is too high. He has not yet settled, nor has Bole, Maekey or McCoy. Work on the railroad west of town is progressing, and considerable ground has already been removed. The cut through the meadow will be a shallow one—not more than six feet. The people in Butler who have to move hare been given a month to do so. Esq. Kennedy refused $2,800 damages, and Eckert Kalb $4,800. Tho company has filed bondH and the cases will probably go to juries. Health Report June, 1896. Diseases. Cat-, en. Deaths. Phthisis pulmonalis 1 1 Membraneous croup 1 0 Mea51e5.......... 1 0 Scarlet fever 2 0 All other causes 1 JULY, 1896. Phthisis pulmonalis 1 1 Typhoid fever 1 1 Measles 1 0 All other causos.... - 7 Reduced Rates to Granger's Picnic at William's Grove. For the accommodation of persons desir ing to attend this interesting picnic and exhibition the Pennsylvania Railroad com pany will Bell excursion tickets on August 22, 24, 25, 20, 27 and 28, good to return un til Angust 31, inclusive, at rate of one tare lor the trip, from principal stations between East Liberty and Bryn Mawr, on the Northern Central Railway north of and including Lutherville, and on the Philadel phia and Erie Railroad Division. For information in regard to train ser vice and specific rates application should be made to ticket agents. —7o centw to Allegheny and return via P. <t W., Sunday Aug. 'Jth. Trunks, yuli«en, bag.-) unci tele copes—at HECKS. Saw Mill for Sale. We will sell oar saw-mill, with 20 horse-power engine, and all tools and fixtares at a very low figure. Inquire of or write to POST, A CUE & Co. Sarversville P. O. Butler Co, Pe, Closing out trimmed hats away below cost at The People's Store. ipP The only genuine Spring I £ Water Ice in Butler Is now being delivered to his customers daily by J. A. RICIIEY. Leave your order at Kichey's B<»k9ry. Do you want a hat or cap? HECK has them uud can save you money, PERSONAL. A 1 Bowser and wife left for Quel'ec, this morning. ffm. K. Patterson of Penn twp. is seri ously ill. S. S. Hunt of W. Sanbury is down with typhoid fever. Robert Trimble E»q and wife of Middle sex were in town. Monday. 8. F. Bowser's family went to Cam bridge, yesterday. M. B. Dittmer and wife returned home from a trip to Atlantic City, Saturday. Mart. Grier and Wm Kreiss, of Evans City were in town, Monday. Editor McDonald, of the Evans City Globe in passing this week in C'enterville. Fo.-ter Hindman, of Mercer was taking oil leases in Cherry, last week. Esq. John Kelly, one of the honest men of Parker twp, \ T as ia town. Saturday Rev. Samuel Kerr, of Harrisville n<-w in Ireland, will sail for this country tomor row. Charley Reilley sajs that even the dogs of Donegal twp, are wearing silver collars. Henry Dillimau's pension was increased #2 per month. Tho dailies reported it as anew pension. Homer Cochran, of Allegheny, and his two children, passed Sunday with his mother in Butler. Hi v. Jonathan C. Kelly of Prospect in tends going as a missionary to China.next month. E : q Sutton of Evans City, was the Kuesi of his nephew Foster in Butier this we»k. Rev. Win. Braofield will make an ad dress at the P. H. C. picnic at Coaneant L»k* tomorrow Jos Rockenstein and Jos. Niggle re turned from Camtridg'jboro, Ttesday. Jot gained 8 pounds. Frank Jones was elected captain of tie Butler base ball team, at the meeting of tho club, Mouday evening. L»<| Anderson reached'.he 74ih j ear of hh age on Tuei-day, having been born August 4, 1822. Rev. Stablman and Pres Weigle of Pros pect, were in town, Friday. Kev. Sfihl man wag on his way to Jefferson Co. Haimon Seatou of Washington twp. one ol tbe Republican nominees for County Commissioner was in town, Saturday. Elmer S»nk»y and Curt Gilghrist of Moniteau started out with their steam tl resber, this week, Robert Atwell is fireman. A. 1). Miller and E. J. Miller of Allegha ny city and James Graham of Belle Ver non were the guests of John C. Graham, Esq. this week. Curt. Gilghrist bought a "Deerine" bin d«r, last week aDd is well satisfied with bis purchase. It runs easy, does good Toik ai d gives entire *atisfaction. Mrs. John Wolford ol Prospect bad a tumor cut from her left eye by Drs. Bell and Uoore, last * eek. The operation was an entire success, and Mrs. Wolford went home happy. Dr. Redick and wife returned from Bed ford yesterday. The eceaery about Bed ford is grand, but most of our poople pre fer ths Cambridge watei; and besides this Catnbridgeboro is go much nearer. E M. Cowan helped M. X. Greer of Buf falo twp, to harvest last month. He is now interested in tbe Silver Ash Institute of Greensburg; but during last winter traveled down South for a picture company and tells of some amusing experiences while there. Dr. Zimmerman sold bia drug-store property on Main St, 18 It. 10 inches front to 11. Schneidemwi yesterday, for $7,000. Mr«. Wils Potts is yet livine, along Long Island Sound, and her quit-claim had to be secured to perfect the title. James J. Davidson of Beaver, Repub lican candidate for congress for this dis tiict, who has been at Mt, Clemens, Mich., for some time in the interest ol his health, has been brought to his home at Beaver. He has been little if any benefited by the tiip, his many friends will regret to learn. It is probably that Mr. Davidson will be taken to Salt Lake City, Utab, next Mon day, if it is thought he is able to stand the long journey. New Brighton Daily News. OIL NOTES. The Standard is paying SI.OO to-day. WILDWOOO—The Devonian Co's No 10. Nancy Gibson reached the sand, Monday, and started oil at 25 bbls an hour BuTTKBCI P—Miller <t Co's , No., 1, Duf ford began flowing, Monday EVAXS CITY —Wall <fc Co. got a good one on tbe Wall, last Saturday. ZELIBNOPLK—Snyder A Co's well on the Danals is estimated at 150. Lockwood it Co's on the Bunner is yet doing 100. Reduced Rates tor Mount Gretna Farm er's Encampment. Fiom August 17 to 21, inclusive, the Pennsylvania Railroad company will sell, for tbe above occasion, round trip tickets to Mount Gretna and return at rate ot one fare tor the round trip, from principal sta tions between East Liberty and Bryn Mawr, on the Northern Central Railway north of and including Luthervile, and on the Philadelphia and Erie Railrcad Divi sion. These tickets will be valid for re run passage until August 21, inclusive. For intormation in regard to train service and speclfio rates application should bo made to ticket agents. —The Butler Bminesa College and School of Shorthand. High grade commercial, shorthand and English school, located in Butler Curriculum embraces Book keeping, Shorthand, Type-writing. Commer cial Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Grammar. Geography and Spelling. Endorsed by bankers, merchants and patrons. Vail and winter term opens September Ist. Vox Popuii—Buy your clothing, underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, BOX and neckwear of D. A. HBCK., and save money. Kemp Sisters and Fio Qrande Bill, Wild West Combination at But ler Fair, Sept. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Oh Mamma—you onght to see the big piles of fhildrena suits at HECK'S only $1.25, you can't get the same in town for less than $2.50, Pants—Oyer 2000 pairs to select from, at prices, oh well, don't men tioc them, its,' awfnl, where, at llfck'S. —The Butler Lubricating Oil Co has moved back to their old stand 1)9, W. Jefferson St. Steclsmith Si Patterson'H new building, where al kinds of engine, machinery, and il luminating oils of the finest quality are kept in stock in the basement, and will be delivered to any part of the city when ordered from C. E. Mclntire, agent. FOR SALE. A set of lettered, walnut boxes— "pigeon holei;." Inquire at this of fice. MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 128 W Wayne St. Also nicely furnished room to rent. Job work of all kinds done at tie CITIZEN OEEIOE WANTKD —5,000 Agents for Russell's authorized "Lives of McKinley and llobart." 550 pages, elegantly illustrated. Price only SI.OO. The best and the cheap est, and outsells all others. 50 per cent, to Agents, and Freights Paid. Books now ready. Save time by sending 50 cents in stamps for an outfit at once. Address A, D. WOBTHIKOTOE <t Co., Hartford, Conn. Sox and shirts, ».11 wool and a yard w id 5, cheaper than the oheapest—at HECK'S, 121 N. Main St. Niagara Falls, Toronto and Thousand lards. E. H. Norris' fourth annual ex ui»:on Thursday August oth. Excursion sts guaranteed every attention possible. Don't forget the d»t«. Accidents. Francis Murphy and wife, of Millers towa were the victims of a ran off ta But ler, yesterday morning Their horse frightened on Institute hill near the Or -1 phans Home and tore down Brady St., and at the junction ot Brady aad Monroe buggy was upset aud Mr. and Mrs. Murphy thrown against a telegraph pole. Both were made unconscious an d were carried i lto Mrs. Rev. Smith's house. The injured couple were taken to their son Frank's house on Monroe St. that evening. Mr. Murphey's breast bone is broken, and he H otherwise injared but will recover; while Mrs. Marphy rem i:ns n a semi-utisonscious condition, is ir.- jUrel internally, aud it is feared she eau not recover Two employees at the Kesselman tna chine shop, James Guiten and Micbae' Williams, were injured by the > xploaion ox a rope socket, la.it Friday. The socket WAS full of water aud sand, when put in the fire. Wiliie Bleichner, of Herman Sta , ag< d 11 years, hid his left foot cat off by a reaping machine, last Saturday. Harry Sehmeiker ha J an arm broken at Hughes Bros boiler shop, Monday by fall ing into a pit while helping to carry a boil- Edward Donahue a young man of Sharps burg, was fatally injured by lallirg off a freight train on the Pittsburg <i Western railroad near Hardies station, Tuesday. Patrick McCormick, a Pittsburg boy broke his lett ank'.e in a peculiar way. He was playing ball and was at the bat. He struck at a pitched ball and missed it, was turned around by the force of the swing he made at the ball. In turning his ankle broke oti squarely, and (he large ligament was torn from the bone. A patrol wagon took him to the West i enu hospital A Reading R R. train ran into a Penn sylvania R. R. excursion train at the cross ing of the two railroads on the Meadows near Atlantic City, last Thursday, and about 50 excuisionists were killed, and twice as many more injured The excur was of the Red Men and their triends 01 Salem and Bridgton, N. J. The operator at the ; 'block tower" was placed under ai rest, but the trains were said to have been racing A traction engine to which was attached a thresher, belonging to a Mr. Bruce, was being moved from one farm to another near Rural Valley, Armstrong county, early last week, and in crossing a tempo lary gas line that had not been buried very deep, the weight of the engine caused the threads of the pipe to give away allowing 'he gas to escape, aud when the fire box of the engine pa-sed over the line, the gas jguited and flamed up thirty feet, severely burning one ot the men who was sitting on the thresher, besides burning belts and tak ing paint off the machine. The burns were veiy painful being on the hands and face, but were not serious. JOS. HORNE&CO. ♦LUSTROUS AS SILK+ Fine, Imported ENGLISH MOHAIR MIXTURES, .Ideal shades of blue, . erey and brown —line I stripes and jacquard ef ; fects—4B inches wide ! —absolutely $1.50 val- I ues, At 75c a yd Less than import cost. HANDSOMEST PLAIDS of best French makers; —all-wool and silk-and- : wool; colorings and: combinations without a; peer—3B inches wide, 75c a yd. A Limited amount of the Assorted IMPORTED SUITINGS ; only a fractional part of ; real worth, at 25c, 35c ! and 50c a yard. Come, or write our Mail Order Department for samples of above and all goods sold by yard meas urement. Penn Avenue and Fifth St., PITTSBURG. Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. Capital - - $60,000-00 Surplus and Profits, $119,263.67 JO3. L. PURVIS President J. HENRY TROUTMAN Vice-P"3sident WM. CAMI'BKLL, Jr Cashier LOUIS B.,STEIN Teller DIKKCTOU.S -Joseph J,. Purvis. J. Henry Tro':tman, W. D. Hrandon, W. A. Stein, J. ». C&muber The Itutlur Savings ftauk Is the Oldest Bank lag Institution la If 11 tier County. General banking business transacted. WI. solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All lsu.llne.4s entrusted io us; win receive prompt attention. Interest Paid on time deposits The Sutler County National Bank BUTLKR, FA. Capital paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $87,962.35 JOB. llartman. President; J. V. Kitts.Vice President; C. A. Bailey, Cashier; John G McMarlin, A ss't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. DIRECTORS— Hon. Joseph llartman. Hon. W. H. Waldrou, Dr. N. M. Hoover, 11. M'-Sweeney, K. K. Abrams, C. I*. Collins, I. <;. Smith, Leslie P. Ha/.lett, M. Fluej;ar., W. Henry Wilson, John Humphrey, Dr. \V. <'. MccaHaless, lien Mussetli Harry Heasley. J. V. JUtts. Uft 111 IS THE TIME TO HAVE nUn Your CLEANED or DYED If you want {rood and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can get it, and that is at THE 801111 OK WORKS 216 Center avenue. do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture of your house. Give us a trial. R. FISHER & SON, ) NEIGHBORHOOD NOT ES. William Moulter, a Mahoning township Lawrence county, farmer, was binding a sheaf o: oat« Monday, when a huge viper crawled out and wrapped itself about hi> right arm. Before he conld shake the : snake off it sank ils fangs into his hand. < His arm swelled almost to bursting before , a physician arrived. The bite is poisonous and Moulter ma}' die. Wild dogs have become so nnmeroa* and destructive to the sheep of North and j Big Beaver townships in Lawrence county, 1 that the Xew Castle gun club has accepted an invitation to hunt and kill them. John Xoggle a larmer of North Beaver, had an experience with the animals that nearly coet him his life. He was cornered by tne pick which swarmed around him, bark ng ajd snarling like a lot of wolves. He did not succeed in driving them away until they had torn almost all his clotting off. and his hands and arms badly scratched and torn. Willie Cummings, the 13 year-old son i f M Mi-Ibodist minister of Pittsburg, who has b. eu spending the summer vacation at the farm of J. C. Lindsey of Beaver count.", passed through an experienco yesterday that mill he remembered by the lad all bis life. While alone at the farm he lost his ball down a well, And in trying to recover it fell in. He had presence ot mind to lasten the well rope around his body, and he hung in tho water for hours before dis covered, and was unconscious when taken out. Ttie firat thing the lad did after com ing to was to whisper to those about his bedside: "Say. When you got mo did you get my ball?" He will get well. John Foust, ot Xicktown, Cambria coun ty, went to Homer City, Indiana county recently to visit a sister, Mrs. It. J. Car son Oa the first day of his visit he be came violently insa'ie and was subsequent ly sent to Dixmont. While rummaging through a satchel he left at his sister's house a paper was found by her telling of a largo sum of money the insane man said he had buried at Homer City. Sure enougb, investigation developed a pack age buried one foot under ground. It con tained $2,332 in gold, silver and green backs LfcGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Estray Notice. Came to the residence of the subscriber in Buffalo twp. August 4, lSUii, one bay mare, weight about 95J, right hind foot white, small white star in face, short fore top. Tne owner is requested to prove pro perty pay oost ol advertising and keepiug, and remove said mare or she will be dis posed of according to law. R. W. CRAUKR. Silverville Pa. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary in the estate ol Harvey Cooper, dee'd, late of Slippery rock twp., Butler county, Pa..having been granted to the undersigned, all pjrsons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to A. L COOPKR, Ex'r. Slipperyrock, Pa. Ralston J: Greer Att'ys, Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration in the estate of Henrietta D. Beatty, dee'd, late of »V ash ington twp. Butler Co, Pa,, having been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will piesent them properly authenticated for settlement to E. C. BKATTY, Adm'r Butler, Pa. Wi LI I aits & MITCHEL, Atty. Administi ator's Notice, Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of William Lardin, dee'd, late of Clinton twp, Butler county, Pa., all persons in debted to said estate will please make im mediate payinent, an d any having claims against the same will present them prop erly authenticated for settlement to L. S. LAKDIN, Adm'r. Saxonburg, Pa. E. McJunkin, Atty. Erecutors' Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of John L Beatty, dee'd, late of Washington twp. Dutler Co, Pa. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settle ment to E. C. BKATTY, 413, Lookout Ave., Butler Pa. or W. S. BKATTY, Billiards, Butler Co, Pa. A MITCHELL, Att'y Adm.nistrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the estate ol Isaiah N. Bryson, deo'd, late ol Coal town, Cherry twp., Butler Co, Pa. having ! been granted to the undersigned, all pt raons knowing themselves indebted to saiil estate will please make immediate pa;, meat, and any having claims against said estate will permit them duly authen ticated for settlement to EMZA BRVSON. Adrn'x Coaltown, Pa J. D, MCJU.NK.IN, Att'y Administrator's Notice. Letters <>t administration on the estate of George List, dee'd, late of Adams twp., Butler Co, Pa. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will pleas*: make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated f>r settlement to MABQABKT A. LIST, Adm'x McFann, Batlor Co, Pa. W. H. LUSK, Att'y. A Sample Case Assorted WORTH $8.30 ov SPBKS'S CKLBBBATED OLH WINKS, 13 BOTTLES GIVKN AWAY, FOR $5.00. This is done as an inducement for you to sample our goods. Only lor a short time so as to get yoa to try their quality, and only one case to a family. Regular price. Iqt Port Gr«pe Wine, 9 years 01d...5l 00 1 qt Unfermented Grape Juice of the Oporto Grape 75 2 pts Burgundy, very 01.l and rich,.. 80 2 pts Claret 40 1 qt Lawton Blackberry Wiue,vin.'7o 1 00 Iqt '• " Brandy, " 100 1 qt Climax Brandy, vin. 1878, a pure grape product 80 2 pts Old Sauterne "White" wine... 70 1 qt Aunt Rachel's Horehound aid Elecampane Cordial... 75 Iqt Peruvian Bitters for Malarial Fevers.... 1 00 13 bottles old,assorted goods, worth $8 30 The above assorted case of 13 bottles, worth $8 30, we loose money on and will | give but one case to a family for $5 00. shipped trom our warehouse and vine yards, Passaic,N.J.,upon receipt of check pjstal order or money. This is done as a trial lot to prove to the public the high character and richness of speer's Choicest Wines, and to couviuce those who are prejudiced in favor ol for eign wines, that we can pr> duce wines here equal to the linest of Kurope, aud far superior to other Ameiiuiu wines. To Spcer's wines you may add a quarter part of water and then have * richer bodied wine than those from Ciiiforuia. We also hope by this sacrifice to induce parties who are strangers to our wines to try them, and by sampling to their friends make known the lino quality and rich Boq'iet of our o d Wines and Brandy. This list is far below cost, but the loss will be more than made up by you praising our goods to others, thus advertising them and increasing our sales more effectually than newspaper advertising. We Will ship by express or freight as y u may direct, promptly on receipt of or dt r with $5 in postal note or check. Two Ca-es can be sent by freight to one address for sime cost of transportation as one, bu' «e must have tho address of each per.-' n I'.nj ire for. TrlK SI'EER N. J. WINE CO., VINEYARDS, PASSAIC N J ALKRKD SI'EBR, PEES. No inarl »or brands are on tbe Boxes stating the nature of the contents. P erhaps you don t know how p eady we are on relation tc prescrip ! tioiis j it will not be amiss to ■O I all your attention to the eliable T , intelligence P ronipt service given T o everything of the kind placed T our hnnds prescription di i.rr.->crt ever was so complete s ave you money too. C. N, BOYD. Pharmacist, Diamond Block. - Butler, a B. $ B. Determination is a wonder-worker—proved to be unusually so in this shelf emptying sale —the way we went at the prices was an example, and the way we're keeping at them is another —and there have been other ex amples of determination, on the part of the buying public some of them having come a long dis tance to get the benefit of this unusual Dry Goods distribution— and more will. 40 inch Lawns, 10c —note the fineness of these when you get samples—and the extra width— solid, alternating or fancy striped. 20 and 25c Zephyr Ginghams. 10c, —some with solid color stripes an inch wide—others hair line striped—some fancy. Three Kinds of Fine 35. cent Grass Linens, 15c. —natural color with large plaids in two colors; red and brown, blue and brown, yellow and brown, yellow and blue, yellow and red 15c. Plain Grass Linens, with eighth inch stripes of lavender and white, isc- Pure Linen and Silk mixed— blue and white or pink and white, narrow stripes— nice for shirt waists, Isc-chances for fine Grass Linens with worth and style, without peer for ihe money — samples will prove it. Determined above thought of cost or loss to empty the dress goods shelves —large lines of novelty mixtures, fancy weaves, diagonals, jacquards plain solid colors—one effectual price on them all—3sc —the greatest chance people ever had to get fine goods low priced. Other Fine Foreign Dress Goods and Suitings with equally destructive prices on them— 50c, 75c, SI.OO. —all silk and wool mixtures, checks, homespuns—some at the dollar price were as much as $2.50. Book's & Bull], ALLEGHENY. PA. (THE HABIT OF wearing good clothes is a good habit and our clothes are good habits. We want to help you form this good habit. Begin now! in a short time you will be convinced we have saved you money and that 'you are always dressed in good taste. Goad taste in dress secures a cordial recognition for those who show it. No man can tell how much injury a shabby appearance may "do him. Our handsome new Spring stock is now ready for your selection. MODERN METHODS. MODERATE RICES. ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. SUMMER RESORTS AND HOTELS. CAPE HAY. CONGRESS HALL CAPE MAY, K. J. Opens Saturday, June 27,1896. Closes September 30. Hotel modernized at a cost of $ }o,ooo. Ye old time lawn con certs l>y Simon Ilassler's Grand Orches trar Address EDWARD KNIGHT CAKE. Proprietor. Asbury Park. Asbury Park has the best beach on the coast of New Jersey, and "THE FENIMORE" is tbe best place to stop while there, l-'or terms address, THOS. NOBLE, Asbury Park, N. J. For Sale. A fine Farm of seventy acres, two miles ' West of Free port, buildings good as new, | plenly of watei, fruit of all kinds, soil ! good, five good gas wells within mile | of said farm. Price $4,000. J'or par ticulars address. j ISox Silverville. ' Butler Co, Pa, In order to make room for an immense stock of Fall goods that wfc have purchased and which will i.-.gm tj arrive about the middle of August, we oflcr for the n< t s'\ weeks at exactly OftE HALF the price at which we have heretofore s- : 1 these goods a large assortment of Men's, Boys a ' 'ire 's Suits. These are all STRAIGHT GOODS, b >th in i atrial make, ranging in price from S2O down to $4, which pr ; < - > ! be cut in two, and the Suits sold as follows: FORMER PRICK. CUT IN TWO $20.00 Suits, Now SIO.OO 18.00 " " 9.00 16.00 " - " 8.00 10.00 " - ' 5.00 4.00 " " 2.00 2 00 Child's Suits, Now 1.00 '■so " '• " 75 All above goods marked in : .in ( L,ure.-, and as our reputation for having one low price has always been maintained, you know i what a cut in price like this mi ms. These goods are displayed wi the Front Basement Floor of our . store, and arranged for convenience of -pection. You are cordially invited to call and examine them, and we ire sure you will be con vinced that this is no fake proposal, but that b >th goods and prices are exactly as we here represent them, and that we offer you bargains such as you never saw before and will p«>tsoon see again. Among these goods are the following: 197 MEN'S SUITS, SIZES vt TO 42 124 BOY'S SUITS, SIZES 14 TO 19 103 CHILDREN'S KNEE PANTS SUITS, AGES 3 TO 15. 250 PAIRS MEN'S AND BOY'S ODD PANTS.; DOUTI IETT & QUA HAM Corner Main and Cunningha n cree.s, Butler, Pa. THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE To Buy Clothing At These Prices. Our stock for fall will sooi. be shipped to us, and we must clear our tables for it. So prices have been reduced on everything in our Store. We will just mention a few of the many bargains we have for you. Mens Suits, sizes 34 to 42, at $2.75 Mens Suits, sizes 36 to 40, at $3.50 Mens Suits, sizes 35 to 39 at $5.00 Mens Suits, sizes 33 to 38, at $6.00 Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $1.75 Boys Suits, long pants suits, . at $3 00 Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $4.00 Boys Suits, long pants suits at $5.00 Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at 75c Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at $1.25 Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at $2.00 Boys Suits, knee pants suits at $2.75 78 pairs of Mens pants at 99 cents worth $2.00 121; dozen Mens and Boys shirts at 25 cents worth 50 cts So come early before the assortment is low, and secure clothing at less than cost to manufacture it. Schaul & Nast Leadinri Clothiers, 137 S Main St-, Butler, Pa. MRS. J. E ZIMMERMANN Phenomenal values caused a phenomenal business during our Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale. Great work was done to wards shelf emptying and we pr pose to carry on the work of Clearing Out Summer Goods And Surplus Stock with greater energy than ever. Our shelves are to be com pletely emptied—and prices will do it—before our new fall goods arrive. Among the many Seasonable Bargains We offer you is any shirt waist, ladies' cape, suit or skirt, novelty dress goods at just A the regular plain marked price Persian ribbon at 3 price. Space forbids ' detailed prices, but we never advertise anything but facts. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN AT J. R. GRIRB'S and 2 Do Not Make Five. It's quite a problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock J and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spc. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. IGRIEB. 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. ABRAMS & BROWN. INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE, Strong Companies. Promot Settlements. I Home insurance Co. of New Y«.rk, Inner, ance't'o. of North America, oi I'hiln<)t-l|>liia Pa. "pheuix Insurance of Brooklyn, N. Y. ami Hartford Insurance Co. of Haiti >rt! Conn OFFICE: Corner of Main St. ami the Di<auomi| north of Court House, Butler, I't. WALL i MOULDINGS The nicest line of | Wall Mouldings in town are at Heineman's New Room. 201 S. Main St. New ; line of Blank Book | Writing Paper just i received. 201 S. Main St. _____ _—, | EYES EXAVMD FREE OF CUAKGE l Kirkpatrick, Optician and Jeweler Next to Court House Butler, Pa. Graduate I, a Port llarologicaJ Institute