Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 30, 1896, Image 4

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The Magic Circle
In which the faries dance at mid-night on
the velvety green sward, "by fair Tantallon s
ruined towers," never sees daintier looking
feet than are possessed by the latter-day
faries who trip lightly through Butler's
streets, wearing the exquisite shoes which
we sell so cheaply. The style you will
have is smply a matter of personal taste.
We can furnish you any style. High cut,low
cut or medium; blacks, russets, chocolates
• ; and wine shades are in stock. Fancy colors
quick, if wanted. Toes any shape you may
wish, and heels to please you. Cloth and
patent leather effects, or any one of a hun
dred pretty styles of trimmings. For house
wear, party dress, walking, cycling and pic
nicing. The old proverb says; "To him
who has a shoe upon his foot, it is as if the
whole world was covered with leather." We
will put a leather carpet on the earth for you
and leave you money over, no matter how
little you've got.
. . RUFF'S.
Grand Reduction Sale!
: —;o;
I will soon move into my new store and before doing so I wish
to close out my present stock and in order to accomplish my purpose
I have marked the prices away down—so low you are sure o >
after seeing these goods and learning the extremdylowpriceslam
asking for them. I wish to open my new store with an entire: ne
stock. So visit my store and you will get a bargain of a lifetime.
Space will not permit me to quote many prices but here are a
few of the many bargains I am offering:
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at Less than Factory Prices.
: : i lot Ladies Fine Dongola Ox'o.dsi j i lot Mens Fine Calf, razor toe tip:
:pat. tips, regular price «1.00, reduc-i ithe latest style, regular price $2.25..
:edto so cents. i : reduced to 11.50.
•j r.r.zzzz'"!
I 1 lot Ladies fine Dongola, operaj : 1 lot Mens fine Russett shoes, raatr:
jtoi slippers, sizes 4to 8, regular ; jor Yale toe. regular pnee *2.25,
•price 75c., reduced to 50c. : :duced to $1.35. * ;
: 1 lot Ladies fine Russet Shoes, ; j Mens working Shoei, seve ™i. st 7 l^' i
I VERY STYLISH, all sizes, regular; Jail solid, good wearing—worth $2.40.
Iprice $2.00, reduced to $1. 25. :to $1.75, your choice $ 1.25.
The above and mar.y other bargains will be offered at thi
Grand Reduction Sale.
Yours lor Good Shoes Cheap,
To close out that branch of
our business.
We are positively going to close out our
entire stock of Mens, Boys' and
Children's clothing regard
less of cost.
Men'* Oaasimere Suits
told for $8 00 only *4 00
Men's Cassimere Baits
sold for 10 00 only 5 00
Mens Cawitnero Suits
sold f0r............ 13 50 only 6 75
Mens worsted suits
sold f0r............ 16 50 only 10 00
Mens worsted suits
sold f0r..... 18 00 only 12 00
Mens fine day worsted
sold for 18 00 only 13 0
Mens finer clay worsted
sold f0r............ 20 00 only 15 00
Over 3000 Pairs Of Mens Pants
Mens working pants only 45 ots
Mens working pants,
better, worth $1 25 only $ 75
Mens working pants DAS
worth .................2 00 only 1 00
Sweet <6 Orr's Kerseys
worth .......2 00 only 75
Mers black oheviotts 225 " 125
Mens worsted cheviotts 450 " 1 75
•' 500 " 2 25
" « «• 5 50 " 2 75
Mens fine cassimere 450 " 2 25
« " 000 " 3 25
n w tt 750 " 5 00
Good strong suits 1 00 only $ 75
Union cassimere 200 " 125
250 " 1 75
Pine asaimere worsted GOO " 400
We will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats,
Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under
wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats and Coats and
Vests, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits,
Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pocket and Bill Books, Purses, Spec
tacles, Harmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c.
It would be impossible to enumerate and give prices of all we
have in stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest
and most varied stock and our prices are guaranteed lower than the
lowest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied
customers that throng our store from Monday morning till late Sat
urday nights.
Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, and when
you make a purchase ask for one of our CARDS and when your pur
chases amount to $ I c.oo or $20.00 we will present you a piece ot
handsome silverware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme flour
bin. Ask to see the presents.
D. A. Heck Son,
121 North Main St., Butler, Pa.
Ohildrens knee pants $ 25 only $ 13
35 " 20
ii a a 50 «« 25
<• !• •• 75 " 50
,i a a 85 a (55
a a 100 " 75
,i i, 125 " !»0
Men and boys gondola hats, $1 00 only 9 50
•' " 150 " 75
•• " 250 " 100
a II 275 " 125
" " 300 " 150
'• " 450 " 300
Soft hats and caps in proportion. All
the latect styles in Straw, Braids, Macki
now, Milton, Yeddos, Leghorns and in
every conceivable shape lor Men Boys and
Silverine watches $ 5 00 only $ 2 50
" '• 7 50 " 4 50
Silver watches 12 00 '* 650
Ladies goldfilled watches 15 00 " 'J 00
" 20 00 " 12 CO
<• •• 25 00 " 18 00
Gents " *' 20 00 " 15 00
" " 25 00 " 18 00
Ladies and gents electroplated watches 95.
A large stock of chains from 10c to $4.
Ladies waist sets from 10c to 50 cents.
Stick pins worth from 25 to 500 only 10 ots.
Gents cuff buttons 250 only 15c
" 500 " 25c
" 750 " 50c
" $1 00 » 750
Gents link buttons from 10c to 75c
Our Jaeger diamonds in Studs, Pins,
Kings and Ear Drops are simply immense.
The finest outside ol the real steel-blue
Nothing hut e»«r been produced to
efloaJ or compare with Humphrtys'
Witch XX&2OI Oil M a CVKATITK and
; used 40 years and always affords relief
I and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Puts or HF MOSRHOIDS, External
! or Internal, Blind or Blaedmg—ltching ami
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and FiMplas.
Reu«f immediate—cure certain.
It Cures Btraxs, Scald* and Ulceration and
Contraction from Bums. Relief instant.
It Cores ToRX, Cut and La««nt«d
Wounds and Bruiaes.
It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcars, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scvfy or kjud
Head. It is Infallible.
and Sore Nippk-s. It is invaluable.
It Cures SALT RHIIM, Tetters, Scurfy
Ifc-yptions, Chapped Hands, Fever BiiiUrs,
Sore Lips or Jvostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sor«rsina Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Sizes, SJc., 50c. and Si. oo.
&>ldbjDro«*i«u,or««nt pmuplU on pri«.
■ CIPHKIIS' IKD. CO., 11l a lis St., S.w T«r*.
from 3 to 10 years old, and you get them
direct from the barrel.
Finch's, Sam Thompson, Large, Gibson,
Bridgeport. Guclcenheimer, Dil
linger, Overholt, etc.
f 1.00 Per Full Quart. • • 6 Quarts fS.OO.
Grandfather's Choice, 3 years old f2.00
per gal.
of all kind of Wines, Conyacks, Brandies,
Rums, etc. All goods, including C. O.
D. orders, securely packed and shipped
promptly. We prepay express charges
on SIO.OO orders or over.
136 Water St., New Number 411,
The tobacco habit grows on a man until his
nerv-us s.\ stem is seriously affected. Impairing
health, comfort anil happiness. To quit sud
denly is too severe a shock to the system, as
tobacco to an Inveterate user become* a .stimu
lant. that bis system continually craves "Baco
Curo" la s scientific euie for the tobacco habit.
In all its forms, carefully compounded alter the
formula of an eminu.t Berlin physlciau who
has used it In his private practice aince| 1*72,
Without a failure, it Is purely vegetable and
guaraateed perfectly harmless. You can use
all the tobacco you want while taking "Baco-
Curo." It will notify you when to stop. We
give a written guarantee to cure permanently
any case with three f.<i«es, or refund the money
with 10 per cent Interest. "Baco-Curo" Is not a
substitute, but a s" 1.-utiflc curt), that cures
without th» aid ol w ill power and with no In
convience. It leaves the system as pure and
free from nltotuc as the dav you took your ttrst
chew or smoke.
Cured By BACO-CURO And Gained Thirty
From hundrecs of testimonials, the originals
Of which are on tile and open to Inspection-, the
followUig Is presenied:
Clayton, Nevada County Arkansas Jan. 28 1895
Kureka Chemical .v Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis.
—Gentlemen: For lolly years I used tobacco
in all Its forms. For twenly-live i ears of that
time I was a great sufferer from general debili
ty and heart disease. 1 .»r fifteen years I tried
to quit, but couldn't. 1 took various remedies,
among others "No-To iiac." "The Indian To
bacco Antidote." ". oiiOle Chloride of Gold "
etc.. et'-., but none 01 them did me the least bii
of good. Finally, howt vei, I purchased a box
of your "Baco-Curo" and It has entirely curcc
me of the habit in all lis inrms. and I have In
creased thirty pounds lu weight and am reliev
ed irom all the numerous ;tches and pains o!
body and mind. I could vi M 5 a quire of paj ar
upon my changed feeliug.s and condition.
Yours respectfully, r. 11. MAKISCKY,
Pastor C. t". Church, Clayton, Ark.
Sold by all druggists at II.CO per box: three
boxes, (ihlrty da>s' treat meiit), 1i*.50 with In 11
clad, written guarantee, ir sent direct, upon
receipt of price. Write lor 000klet and proo.a.
Eureka Chemical & Mfg. ( J., La Crosse, Wis.,
and Boston, Mass,
Is a *peciftl boon to badness mcr. wh
drifted unconsciously Into the drink liab
awaken to find the disease of alcoholism
up.ni them, rendering them unlit to ir 111.
fairs requiring a clear btain. A for.r .-.
oo'irsc or treatment at the r <
No. 424 ft Fifth Avenue,
tores to them all their powers, menu,
physical, destroys the al.normal appetite, ..
restorithem to the condition thev were I:.
fire they indulged In stimulants, This has !
flonelnmore than 1<">00 cases treat. I her-, anu
among them some of your own neighbors, to
whom we can refer with confidence as to the
a. olute safety and efficiency of the Keeley Cure.
The fullest and most searching Investigation is
p vited. bend for pMa«ihlet giving full luforroa-
Jloo «•« j\
Seanor & Nace's
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable,
| Hear of Wick House, But.ler, Pa
The bejt of horseß and first claaß
rigg always on band and for hire.
Best accommodations in town for
permanent boarding and transient
trade. Special care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-five horses.
A good class of bort-es, both driv
ers and draft horses always en hand
and for pale under a full guarantee;
and horseß bought upon proper nc'.i
fieation by SEANOR & NACE.
All kinda ot live stock bought and
Telephone at Wick House.
THE GREAT rxith Day.
produces the above results In :io days. It acta
powerfully and iiulckly. Cures when all others
fall. Young men will regain their lost run
hood, and old men will recover their youthful
vigor by using KKVIVO. It <|Ulckly arid surely
restores Nervousness, Lost vitality, Lost Tower.
Falling Memory. Wasting Diseases, and all
wHects of excess and indiscretion, which un
(Its one for study, business or rr arrlage. it not
only cure*. u ; starting at tne scat or disease,
hut Is a great nerve tonic and blood builder,
bringing back the pink plow to pale cheeks
and restoring the fire of youth. It wards off
Insanity aim ( onsuinptloii. Insist on having
KKVIVO, no other, it can be carried In vest
pocket. By mail, il.co per package, or »lx for
*5.00. with a positive written guarantee to cure
or refund the money. Circular free. Address
il.-i whaf you should look for when bny-4
iing whiskeys or liquors; ours aro guar-J
Jan teed j>ure; if you buy from us you getj
Jtheiri direct from the U. S Governments
•stamped barrel; thore is no bettor guarW
Speak for Themselves:^
(j 14 " •• •' " nine t>
w Special price list tin Wines, etc., on£
•application. No extra charge for jugs#
•or packing. Give us a trial order. 0
# IHB Federal St., Allegheny, I'a.
bent in the would.
i lUwwu-icgqualitlnßarounwirTiii—fd. actually
loutl ? tm K two bo*o. of brand. Not
AflVeUxl br heat Ir«R T Til K r.NB.
rvk BALE uy I'tiuata UKH£KAIX.Y.
Spain's Extreir ty.
There may occasionally be a humorous
side to the campaign in Cuba, to the
claims of the Spaniards that they win
great victories in battles which afterward
resolve themselves into mere skirmishes j
and to the wonderful vital powers of the j
insurgent leaders, Gomez and Maceo,
who sometimes die together and then
separately, and suddenly revive and
wander all over the island. But the se
rious and the cruel side of the struggle
overshadows all this. The whole of Cuba
has been devastated by war, all its great
possibilities are "in one red ruin blent,"
deeds have l>een done which in their
character, would almost shame the Mid
dle Ages, and the future of the fairest
piece of Spain's dominious is black and
It is now. reported from \\ ashington
that in the seventeen months during
which the revolt in Cuba has lasted
Spain has expended $200,000, c x> in the
prosecution of the war, which means
that she has virtually thrown away 50
' per cent, more than the total of the mon
archy. What will be the end of all this!
She is now trying to assume other burdens
and the conditions are such that it looks
as if the stability of the throne would
next be weakened by the suicidal policy
of the home government.
At the begining of the century Spain's
dominion in North and South America
seemed to be securely fixed, and uow
what remaines of it? Nothing, save
what may be left from the wrecks in
Cnba. She has plundered every one of
her colonies to enrich her own treasury
and to support crowds of dishonest
greedy and cruel officials. Cuba free
could not be worse than she has been
under such an iniquitous system, and
whatever may have been thought of the
Cubans in the past the efforts that they are
now making to achieve their freedom
are a promise that if left to themselves,
they would in course of time be able to
keep it.
American Institute Farmer's Club.
A commitee from this club reports the
wine of Alfred Speer of Passaic, N. J.,
the most reliable to be obtained, and
that his Oporto Grape makes a Port Wine
superior to any in the world. His Clf *"et
and Brandy have no superiors.
Th e following will be of interest gen
erally: "No decision of the United States
supreme court has attracted more atten
tion than that delivered by Chief Justice
Bradley exempting agents, canvassers,
salesmen, etc., from all such special
States, county and town taxes. All such
special license or tax laws are declared
unconstitutional, and any law officer who
attempts to enforce them is individually
liable for damages."
"I was tired all the time, till Hood's
Sarsaparilla gave me, strength, appetite
and health.
A medical authority says that in the
continued use of the eyes in such work
as sewing, type-setting, book keeping
reading and studying, the saving point
is in breaking off work at short intervals
aid looking around the room. This may
be practiced every ten or fifteen minutes
By doing so the muscular tension is re
lieved, the eyes are rested and the blood
s apply becomes better.
—English Spavin Liniment removes »'■
card, si .ft or calloused lumps and bie:a
dhos from horses, blood spavins, curl';*
pliuts, sweeney, ringbone, stilles, sprain
ll swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save
50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
nost wonderful Blemish Cure ever inova
Sold bv J. C. iieuick.s
Glfss coffins are the latest novelty in
mortuary furniture. A company has
been organized to manufacture them in
Kokomo, Ind. The sides and bottom
are to be of unground glass, with the
top of plate glass.
"Wake up, ./acob, day is breaking!" so
i>aid De Will's Little Early ltiser to the
man who bad taken tbein to arouse hin
nlu, gish liver.
J. C'.ltKDlC'k.
The camels foot is a soft cushion,
peculiarly well adapted to the stones and
gravel over which it is constantly walk
ing. During a single journey through
the bahara horses have worn out three
sets of shoes, while the camel's feet are
never sore,
1876 Climax liran'ly
from grape wine, has, by its extreme
agu and constant care while in uniform
tempurature and pure, s»eet atmosphere
ol storage houses for fourteen yeari, be
come a nval of the Hennessey and other
brands of Cognac Branny, and much lower
in pi ice, and prelerred by the physicians
of Pinludelpbia, Sew York and other cities
Buj it oi druggists.
In France wagon tires are from three
to ten inches wide, usually from four to
six, depending upon the weight of the
load. In Germany the law prescribes
that wagons for heavy loads must have a
width of tire not less than four inches.
Eli Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes, "1
have been sulfering lioui files for twenty
five years and thought my case incurable-
DoW ilt'e Witch Hazel Salve was recom
oiended to me as a pile sure, s j 1 bought a
box and it performed a permanent cure."
This is only one of thousands of similar
cases. Eczema, sores and skin diseases
yield quickly then it is used.
J. C. Kkuick.
The London Spectator looks forward
to the day when the cycles will cost $25
aud will last ten years. Cycles will then
become for all the healthy the universal
means of locomotion, and will be hired
out in thousands instead of tens, for
pennies an hour.
ft would be hard to convince a man
sulfering from bilious coiki tout nis agony
is due to a microbe with «u uuprououn
oable name. But one domi' of Do Witt's
Colic it Cholera cure will convince him of
its power to alford instant relief. It kills
Watermelons are so plentiful that the
railroad companies are demanding the
freight in advance, so as to avoid having
the fruit left on their hands.
I)r. Agnew's Cure lor the Ueartgive
perfect relief in all cases ol Organic o»
■sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes,
aud speedily effects a cure, ft is a peer
less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o.
breath, Smothering .spells, Pain in * Lei
•Mdu and all symptoms ol a Diseased Heart
no dose convinces, tiold by City Phai
UUO i .
A number of lai mcrs report the second
crop of clover in bloom. This is consid
ered remarkably early.
Judge Ewiug, of Pittsburg, refused to
authorize the erection of a monument to
soldiers at a cost of #250,000.
Ilclte/ in Six Uuurt
—Distressing Kidney and ((ladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "New-
Great South American ICidney Cure."
'J'his new remedy io a great surprise on ac
' count of its exceeding promptness in re
lieving pain in tlio bladder, kidney, back
and every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im
nediatly. Jfyou want, quick relief and
cure tui« is your remedj. Sold by J. C.
fi-dii >. druireiot !tuil«r I'a.
' Not long 'g" the chappie turned
Hi . trou»cr» up, the aping fop;
Lut .since to ride the wheel he's learn
He turns his stockings down from
Many Bicycle Failures.
The failure of bicycle factories d«i.ng j
th« month of June were many — f
averaging one a day. The failures were
entirely due to the state of things that
existed last fall and this spring. far
the smaller concerns have suffered, but
there are many more to go under as the
summer advances. It is chiefly due to
all classes of men rushing into th« bi
cycle business under the impression that I
it was a gold mine. All persons who had
machinery idle went into manufactur
ing bicycles. Many found they needed .
new machinery but they were unable ;
to procure it, as the manufactures of
bicycle machine: y were loaded up with
orders, hven those who did have ma
j chinerv found it impossible to obtain
tubing. So many firms were unable to
have their bicycles on the market until
well into the year, and the trade deman
ded them from Oct. 15 to Apt LI 1.
The ones who got their goods ready a
month or six weeks ago found it impos
sible to get agents or places in which to
sell them As a result they were com
pelled to sell them at whatever price they
would bring and at a loss.
Again the new manufacturer could
not get competent braisers or temperers
of bearings and cones, as the old firms
held on to the good men. The business
boom of bicycles has been largely over
done. That is all there is to it.
The Speer tJrand of Biandy
Is a guarantee of excellence. The
Climax Brandy made from g.apes in 1576
is absolutely pure. For sickness in your
family do not for heaven's sake use any
brandy but old and strictly pure distillant
from the grape.
The party platforms seem all to have
been put together with bolts this year.
Empty bairels are in demand 011 ac
count of the anticipated large cider
Dull times from now until after the el
ection is predicted by many business
HOOD'S PILLS euro liter His,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache.
A pleasant laxative. All IJrogjUU.
Since the opening of the political cam
paign there is a re v ival of interest in the
old song, "Silver Tll reads Among the
It is a great year for new men to come
to the front in politics.
□Yes, women can keep a secret, if it be
parceled out among enough of them.
Small in siz« bnt great in results. De-
Witi'a Little Karly Kisers act gently but
thoroughly, curing indigestion, dyspepsia
and constipation. Small pill, sat" P l '!,
best pill.
/, C. Rediok.
Judge Yerkes, J. C. Bullit and 60 other
prominent Democrats of Philadelphia
have repudiated the Chicago ticket.
Attorney Kurtz, the oldest Democratic
lawyer of Lawrence county, Pa., says he
won't suppoit the Chicago nominees,
For the first time in American history,
the Democratic convention at Chicago
failed to endorse its own administration.
Pass the good word along the lino. Piles
can be qniekly cure-l without an opera
tion by simply applying De Witts Witcß
Hazel Salve.
The New York sun advises Democrats
to vote for McKinley.
When the Democratic party was a
unit it didn't give us free silver. When
it is split it can't.
Another explanation of the 16 to t
rat'o is that there will be 16 gold votes
to 1 of silver, next November.
Persons who have a coughing spell
every night, on account of u tickling sen
sation in the throat, may overcome it at
ouce by a dose of One Minute Cough Cure.
J. 0 ItKbICK.
If you waste time in trying to discover
what you are here for, the Lord himself
will be at a loss to account for having
made you.
The truth may be buried, but this
world is too small to make a grave deep
enough to hold it.
Nothing is gained by a sacrifice of
We are axioas to do a little good in this
world and can think of no plea?.anter or
bettor way to do it than by recojimending
One Minute Cough care an a preventive ol
pneumonia, consumption ami other serious
lung troubles that follow neglected colds
J. C. Rbdick
Don't argue with your wife, she may
imbibe tlic notion that her opinion is
really of some importance.
Al)out the most miserable man in the
j world is the one who is expected to
laugh at a joke he has heard before.
A man can beat me out of my money
and out of my opinion easy enough but
no man can beat me out of my faith.
No mail can tell what lie can do untill
he has tried; and there are a good many
who can't tell even after they have tried.
T. P. Anthony, Ex-Postuiastor of Pro
mitto City. lowa, say*: "I bought one
bottle ot 'M vatic Cure' for Rheumatism,
and two dosen of it <1 id mo more good thau
any medicine I ever took. Sold by J. C.
Kediek, and J. F. Dalph dmgginU. Butl.r.
Don't ask any credit for your sympa
thies; only ask credit for what you act
ually do.
It is more desirable to watch two sin
ners any time than one saint who needs
Music is of two kinds—that which the
musician makes and that which the lis
tener hears.
Keep your hand on your pocketl>ook
when you hear a man insisting that
"business is business."
RheumatUm Cured tn a Jhijj.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically euro* in 1 to .i days.
Its action upon the Hy*tem is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at once the
cause and the disease immediately ili*ap
pears. The tirut dose preatly benefit*; 7. r i
conts. Sold by J. C Kuilio, and X K.
Balph Drugifists, Butler Apr DO
Good manners have forced many a pro
per person to swallow unwholesome
Most mothers secretly hope their boy
will grow up * better man than his
Reason i 9 not infallible, but it comes
the nearest to it of anything human.
One way to keep your nose from
bleeding—keep it out of other people's
A.ll Easy Cure for Drunkenness.
i Drnnkonnesß, Morphmo and Tobacco
habits easily cured by the use of Hill's
Double chloride of Gold Tablets. No
effort is required of the patient and stiniu
lauts may be taken as usual until
given up. Tablets may be given in tea or
orfl'eo without the patient's kuourlodgo. \
oure guaranteed in every case. For sale
by all first-olas* druggists, or will be sent
on receipt of #I,OO. For full particulars
address The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, j
The earth doesn't owe any man a liv
ing, but it will do its part if he w ill do
In order to make people keep their
distance it is necessary to keep your
H zv
§ Always at the front and whetevvt j
I "BATTLE AX" goes it is tfa« |
I biggest thing in sight* It is a* t&- g
§ markable for its fine flavor and 1
Jas for its low price, A 5 cent pfew
1 of "BATTLE AX" is almost m |
£ large as a 10 cent piece of any otjaer ®
equally good tobacco.
y —■ —. 1 .MB"* • g . ■ - B
The Cyclist** Necessity.
BBbk aflfck atA ■ Hfc I WILL CURB GUIS, HORN*
AT b| SSi y O, "'ft f (1 BRUISES. WOUNDB, SPRAINS,
9LE9 B E VffcN K L XL"V SUNBURN*, CHAI-I»«itt. «•
Sent by unlit on reveivt of r>o eta.
■ >. » TAKE THE-* < •
2 New Steel Passenger Steamers
The Qre>tw< I'crfwrtioD yet attained in Boat
Constructing l.uxurlouj Equipment, Artistic
Furnishing. Decoration and Hfllcient Service,
insuring the highest degree of
FOUR Tmre pen WIEK bn *rtn
Toledo, Detroit
LOW RATHS to Picturesque Mackinac and
Keturn, Including Heals and Berths. From
Cleveland, from Toieda, sls; Ironi Detroit.
Between Detroit and Cleveland
Connecting at Cleveland with Rarllest Trains
fi.r nil Ksst, South and Southwest anil al
DrtroU lot all points North »n<l Northwest.
Sunday Trips Jun», )«ly, Augasl and September Only.
Cleveland, Put-in-Bay Toledo
Seed for Illuslrmtecl Pamphlet. A<ldrra» o
V: Sfjirt m Cleveland Steam Rav. Co.
All wall paper at 50c to SI.OO
grade, at 40c per double bolt.
Any wall paper from 25 to 50c
grade, at 20c per double bolt.
Anything under 25c grade, at
ioc p< - r double bolt.
20 per cent off all china.
J off fancy goods.
Near P. C). 241 S. MainSt
1)' )\ "J ! i S r, \J\ il
rlf& jj ri'.i./ii ;)I»l'KN«*rt.
- * !♦- Jy CrA.Pi«< r ~fi tmßr.
t .aJGkfc All form 1 • ■• ■K 'oni.
11' I .11 • I I»1 I. ll^CoN
' 'k'jtr Hi' •TIAI.HI ISi I I vril ll'.Mi tl
/i-~ icntli'ii 1110 t. I lit this I >1" •
■jrni.Try irllfe n 'UCCMft Tarsly illslndi.
i; I ..iki Is - n-.riiilx-rol I In* l!t ,: 111 ttili ,;o of I' 11 > -
■inuna 'i*l Surg**,,!. , Pii'l I - lit" ' 1 It .1 riii-l mo-it
iiMiie weilgriouutf in Uwettr, Bpc !iu (*-
• ut lon civan to N rrttu I ■< btllt) fmmc" OMM
Ine physical an I t» nu' '• 1 ay,lai k of ennrrf,
l-'-iMin Vnrv, etc.; 11. ■" '-I*• Sor-t, rn-s
Pile*. It lie,unlit l-'in, an't ft ; '' '."Ji-f tlx' Skin,
1.;.h.'1. Lanes,lJrlnnn ' inisttn. Conaaltatl n
an Htni'tly couiHi ntiiil. Ofit o l,'i,i»\ '.I to
I pit 1 7 to < r.*M.; Mo , 2 t,> : r.
•ill atii'ito or tif' I"':- I. M< I , <J< it
.Titf !*. I'l ST., Pllll.V,
Tlilrly ntl 1 • of»•!
Ji«.-AHfti of •» r.n<t w * 1 .%u • .-.t'frr from what
( HUM orU.v h i sf*ruling, t %*•!?: r»m'«s ft mm
i«»M J a CU*tb'UouaJ iiv '■ ' •;> i
. ..i
Subscribe for the CITUHN.
i Wii&t Nerve Berrua
V ;- c i
| I6T DAY. ' ' V /J
•KhEA « f
anC Pbrmanontly RO.l 'ur r, i sornuaTr
A positive cure fcr all VVeiknesses,
Nervousness Debility, and ail thdr
trahof evilsftsultingfrom early errors
and later excesses; the result of over
i work, sickness, worry, etc.
orexcesslve use of tobacco,opium
I and liquor, which lead to consumption
1 and insanity. Their use shows imniedi
' ate improvement,
I uiine JSERVEBF no fthfr.
I Convenient to carry in vest pocket.
Price, $ f .oo per box, six " oxes, one full
I treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed tocurc
any case. If not kepi by your drug
gist we will them by mail, upon
receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Pamphlet f Address mail ordersto
yr !S NATURE'S OV.I To\«.
■ f)tfinr.lato« tli* and pr.-
diioea rclra»i,irm ninfji
Ci.i'ckn viivnt'n* dlnenaM. «tupa
; 7 'C-. night i*n:«, cariM iaaipicat
Jacreufloa stearjrth and flnth.
Promotoß healthy Jun*
Will (rivo thi pa"'- »"J t troy thn
•*rj«-np- rosy clioekn of ;ocSt •„
JUkfi ntrowtßit ; .""1 wuaicnof
Csrc a!i ►"as'.i'ng Olefmcs aat
tiifc/r sequances,
Thny nrr nr ilhor ntypM 3 r or«Ki«Uf. an J
jto cttael ou tlia too**' ata
: !• Mloinat'h ur i*h iiskjrvsi: .or
Kurt the toelK or COM. oou .L.pa'.ion
ir; hi oft. us <io tho u> nl font,* cf Trun.
■ i iroatment JiOc, jianarlufct !>••«. 11
k. t>t by your «lruK«i»l". ao j.aaa
VITALIS ioth £
TIIE GREAT are , l j']*,
HMllt't ! • TIIK A HOVE It
Ijr uml .uri'lyrmnovna Nervo »
Wnfftnjf ttlwiw"* ' |
*r ■ ntf M-tff.ry. \tf *
< ~ i: . a .,. • -••• on i • ' ■ i
itl-r. Can rurriwl In Ye<t ■ »■ '. i'. .all
,1 I r»r p« -Hi:" or • i for .■ • with i- '•
an i, ■> t„ < i Ut nu HKrU.fO IK. MONEY
t'lri alar frw AiWr«<
CALI'MI T MEDIC IE CO., Ckicar.o, Ilk
1-' or <<ale in (Kutlur, P*. by Otty.
VThe Leading Millinery House Of Butler County
y CI sing-Out-Sale of Summer Millinery Goods at j/
9 Less Than Cost ?
A A« t!<e sc.ist ;i is far advanced, uc w.vnt to
A get A
X -nil have marked all Bonnets, Mr • !!''•-
Jt see for yourself. X
I L. T. PA Pi*;. I
xiocv >00;
T ' 11 »-» -
F°°t Fashions
: >(pP5 i. 1 . ■ kik
V EM'S f2.00 CALV SHOES. Price any $3.00 shot *>M ri-.-v, and then come
here ami vou'tl iln I our f-2. ooshoe always equals 1 <» *■;!'• * ..hei.s t -•.
ASKTO SEE OUR Ladies' Shoes, Men's Slioes, Mis cs' S.i■■. s ladies' Slippe.s
Bovs' Shoes, All exclusive styles
LADIES' #1.50. Look all over other f 2 shoes then vi>it this store anil you will he
convinced that our $ 1.50 gr;>de equals and nearly always excels others' f-2 K<>o<ls.
1 at to •
... it.it>-. N.i wonder every -, 4i HIJ
tor;i. x lii'iiim.il dust ot - "*/ W/i
tlie Kkcimer moot' «. .. wonder all go,Ml dressers "\%i( Ski. x'O/ ' Jr.
prefer tt'i'in to :tii;.; t. ; else. No wonder we're havliiK M y£*l;
"* !
Tbe neatest fret In :• r /firaßßV
Butler's Leading and Progressive Shoe Mouse, Opposite Hotel Lowiy
Wines and iquors.
There are many peop'e imposed upon vheathey
bnv liquor for the sick-room, for the table, or for
social pleasures, because they do not know bow
er where to buy. A first-clan* article ct»n only
be found iu a firat class house. There are many
C"ftlere who pose as Wholesale Liquor Healers,
bu t there is no other firm which bears the repu
lotion for fair and honest dealing which MAX
KI FIN erjoys, and the reasons fir" because Ie
cari ies the'argest and most complete stock <f
Hqeors of all kinds in the State; -hecense ever;
p i!e is gnarant to be absolutely pure, bo
c c hip prices are the IOWCB'-, and bfcaaae ho
deals squarely with the public. You may judge
f.vm the following.
Silver Age Rje—the peer of all whiskies—sl.so per qt, sl~> 00 por case.
Puquesne Rve. !I2 per cent pure rye ami 8 per co' ' ar'ey n,«di, $1 25 per
quart, sl2 50 per case.
Bear Creek Kye, six ytars old, finest quality, $1 «i 0 per «jt, $lO 00 per cose.
Oibeou, Flinch, (luckenheimer and Overho't nil well V Down brands, SI.OO
per qt, or SIO.OO per ease.
(Juckenbeimer 4 year old, 75 cts per qt, or $8 00 per can, an excel lea
whiskey at tho price, superior to most whiskies at $1
All capes contain 12 full quart bottles.
If von send your older hero for any of the above
you will receive oetter goods thrn anywhere
else. Don't forget that we pay all express and
o*v>er charges on orders amounting to $5 or
over £end for la-cut Catalogue ami I'rke
List to
82 Federal St
Allegheny I'd
Wholesale Liquor Dealer
—J ————■
My a Buggy
\ that's reliable when you
do buy one.
Fredonia Buggies
fettve r.very.hing; in liicir favor—beauty, MiHlify, case. You can
(iii j diis out by lon} .nv U em. ».r sells th^m.
Hade by WFO uptown, O.
jlpl|||| SOUND MONEY,
Will make a vigorous and relentless fight through
the Presidential campaign, for principles which
will bring prosperity to the entire country.
Its campaign news and discussions will inter
est and should be read by every American citizen.
We furnish "The Citizen"
"N. Y. Weekly Tribune"
4 Months, I 7 Weeks for 50 cents.
Itit Clip.
W;it* your namt :md nddr« ? * «>n a tal card, M II«1 it «o C< o. W. J'.ist, Tribune
Building, New York City, and a sample copy ol Tuw HiiW Votic \VIiJ.Ki,Y
4'mirt.Mi wil) be uiuilcd to you,