THE OITIZEISr THCTSDAV, JULY 30. 1«36. Now Advertisements. Repor tof the Eutler County Nation*' Bank. Schaul & Xast's V ices. Redick A Grohmann's sick room teqn sites. C. "ew York Weekly Tribune. for the campiigu for 50 cents. —Abonc ten >nche3 of rait have fallen this month. —"A thousand years ajo the world »e£»n with, hey, ho. The wind and the rain." TUB CITJM and New York Tribrne (weekly; till December Ist for 50 cents. —Ttie "fire works J>f M >nday night beat all 'lie 4th of July displays put to gether. —Tli iJjtlor Assembly of the Refo;.n Cncxch is in se»siou at the Orphans Home this week. —Experts say that a new, andnmsnal'y la'ge breed of moqniloes hare made the'' appeal ance this year. —The first lot of batter from the Elora creamery was broapht to town, Saturday, by Josiah Tnompsou. —Sproal n general'y find our own way. —George Campbell's on Institute Hill was strnck by l; gh"ning, Monday evening. —McGarver and Gardner of the P. A. Cs will play with the Butler cltib tomowow and Satorday. —Law a fete at school g ondii on Mon lOi street, Tuesday and Wednesday even ings of next week —Base ball to-noirow and Satorday al temoons —Butler vs Oil City—two good games of a series of five for a pr ; ze of S2CO. —"Bearyo fonbles w ;f patience," says Biother Walking: "de .leedat suffahs in de win',all am born' to be releaved in de spring." —Do you think it wi'l rain soon; the crops aro srTering and the ground is crack ing on account of the droita— west of the Rockios —The body of youn/ Wilkinson who lost his liit) in the flood near Cecil, '*i Washington Co., tiassed through Duller, Wednesday, on its way io his old home in Clarion county. —The Monouganela river was np over its banks last week, and at its janction with the Allegheny, bfiked the water of that river so as to cause it to overflow the P. & W. depot last Satorday. —A farmer lepoiis that he has discover ed that salt will kill the rrtpy worm. lie had stopped the inarch of the army by pul ing salt on the ground. He sayn when the worms come in contact with the salt they die. —There was nearly a iot at a m atch game between two country baseball teams whoa the captain of one ol them trod on the neck of a pole' and the emp're ca'led him out for on a fow'. —Music, charming music, drawn a crowd. Tho Merchant's li had a largo audience for its tree concert at tho Oorrt House, Monday eveirng. and all were delighted with the music, boy*. Come aga'n. —A ce>taiii farmer einarked a few days ago that f«p-je. rs ago t: wool from ihe sheep on his place sold at tho rate of .*2.23 • hsal This year he sold his wool at a price which averaged for his sheep only 75 cents a head. —Our grocers are paying 15 cts for but ter; 10 lor eggs; 25 for potatoes; 25 cts for choi ;e apples; 10 cts a do* for corn, 4 for blackberries; G for hue'daborries; 0 tor plum'; 1 cent a popnd tor cabbage; $1 50 a bnsbel for to.T.atoer; $1 to $1 50 for peaches. —The Pennsylvania Bute Fair will be held this year at Jonustou i, Sept. 7 to 12 inclusive. All arrangements have been made, and everything indicates one of the most successful fairs that t'le Association has held in many years. Trie premium lists aggregate $14,000 —Tae Kalston Bros, of Prospect, millers, run about 00 bushels a month on custom work and about 25 bnshels a day on mer chant work. They have lately added a cider-mi'l to their establishment, and charge 10 cenis a bariel; also a saw mil | and charge 40 cents a hundred. —The scorcher is the B'.raight-bnired, thin jawed, wild-eyed idiot, with his back humped like a mad torn cat's, who tears down tho path with no regard for tho safo ty of others. He is nearly always long in the legs aud thin. This definition was given by a Brooklyn police captain. —Mr. McDowell, the lanndryman, and Mr. Evans, the brain founder have pp •- chased the old Opem House lot at corner ot McKean and Wayne, and have g'.ven the contract for a building large enough to holu their two establishments. Each will have 150 feet frontage. —White, Walter A Co. assisted by the Merchants ot Butler have arranged for a bicycle handicap road-race, on Wednesday Aug. 19th, from Butler to Prospect, to Harmony, to Petersville pud to But ler, a distance of about miles. A list of the priicis will appear hereafter. Entry blanks on appli cation. —The Butler team went to Pittsburg last Saturday and played with P. A. C. —or rather that 'ii.tle, left-bunded pitcher of P. A. C's again played with them, for he gave them but one hit dn !ng the en tire game, and the score stood 9 to 0. Hopkins throws a b» M, appi rently fair,but just before it rea hex tho plate it takes a down-shoot that deceives the batter. He cotild play in the I.rngue, ; ho wanted to. —At the meeting ot Council, list Thrr* day evening, the Butler A Pittsburg H. R Co. Wtin granted the i'ght to cross Kittan niag and Lookna* Sts., overhead, the posts to clear the streets, and tresile work be high enough to fcllow the passage of a large load of hay. Centre Ave is to be crossed at grade, the Company to keep up (rates, pay witchmen, baild sidewalks and pave their part when the street is paved. Noth ing M said in the ordinance regarding tho crossing at Main St, as tho oroases the bridge and not the street. During tho building of the railroad a largo number of strangers will be in and about tho town, and the Council is considering tho expedi ency of employing some policemen. Some applications were received that evening and the matter was referred to the I'olico Committee. LEGAL NEWS. NOTES. Satr'dav, Aug 1. will be the last day for fi'iig accounts the Register and Recorder for presentation at next teim. Fred W. Metz has broutht suit in tres pass vs the P. it W. R. R. Co. for SIOO, Robert H. also VI same for SJSO and J. B. Benjiman for $207. E. E. Adams, Jr. et al have brought suit ia ejec trent vs J.S.Hays et al for throe acie* Jackaon twp. Erjene bis brought suit in tres pa-s vs the Borough of »S'JO; Peter Mangel a'-o claims SSOO. and Mrs. Jr'ia DermoJy S6OO. The Bat'er «t Pu.sou r g P R. C~ f'ed a bord fn with th'« Ln'on Tiast Co. as sr'ety, •> r of George Reiber, Sr for indeiniiy for damage. At Pittsburg, Wediee-luT, ex-City At torney Mo'el , "le Ex Co to A II F louff lot ia Jackson -or • 50 H C 1. r- ger to John Dolan lot in U'l ler'low n for si. Dan'l Fredley to J. G. Ke"y 33 acres in Buffalo for *IBOO. M Barrhart iie ! -s to M Bresneham lot in Butler for * 100. Al Hollemsi to John H Shievar 21 acres in j.pucm'er Tor si-» 0. John Q Sal Wm McC Su"ivan 111 acres in Summit for si. Zelii-n-.nle Es Co to W J Wa ler lot in Jackson ;or 50. D P Boggs io F C Boggs lot in Harmony for S.IOO. H Fretierirk to E F Hays iot in M:,lors (ow a for S2OOO. Jos J Kennedy to U G Jones 50 acres in Muudycreek for SIOOO. E= C < to A W Weickbam lot : n Jackson lor $390. s K Kt'jd io Rooeit Storey lot in Jack gon lor Arr Walker lot in Penn for S3O. Annie to Frank J. Dick 1 acre iu I i vi-w twp.. for s'.. W. J. Dick i i Frark J. Dick 1 acre Ffi ;e ; w i wp. for s'. \V. M. man -o Pe. y E. Cooper lot iu Va'eneia for $3 »o. Marriage Licenses .lobu Bertroni. Butler V'iciur Lovo ... " T. W. F,ve Chicago, 111 Cora Da ie.:y Peaolia Peter J. Kiens Herman Mary Bi".i)g!- ter " Adam 11eriit.......... ............Butler Annie Volaud " Wm. B.M-sCai ey Fairview twp A lice S. Baruhart T. W. V rsba"' Clarion E. Pearl Kay North Washington E. Bar'on Wh : tarire ...Sonora A. Be"e Wacb0i.................. " Wm C. Mershlmer Euc id Salemma Oobson ........ ....... Coal town OIL NOTES. The Standard is paying SI.OB to-day. I'AIKKK—The fivj weils on the Rosen berry field are from 75 to 300 each. Some moie we'ls are d-il' ; ng. ?SM —Klingi'nsmith has a rig up on the Stair,.and Say & Co on the Richard Fi3her. HAT.DY—The Baincdell d swam to a l*ige oak troe a d sr-coeoded 'T pulling him-*"'? into its and roina'ned their till morniifc', when he wan rescued. — Dispatch. Tae I)ei i kof last Friday said *he De vonian Oi! com iy must certain!* have a lsiling mascot .'or their run of luck in Ihe Hatdy pool, north of W ild*vood, has been phenomena'. Mention was made in this rer>"it ye* er'ay that a lease had been socuitd »y that company on the Mrs. Boyle farai aud it st ; .' proved a nip p.odacer a bonus of $1,500 was to be pa d the land owner The wel was' 1 i'le' l tnrough the thi-d sai d on i7c »-»Bday and proved the ra-' «st kind o> a dp-uer in that 'oimation. After that te/el wae fopn" to be barren the well was dr'lod down to the fopnh sand an 1 lust tvi■ h? was flowlrg at the rate of 20 b*rrtd< an hour. iir* Po 'e w 'I lo e her +1,500 I onus out at the pro sent rate the w»H is prodm'ig Hhe will recivj some. l ' ng more than SOO a day in tho 'if roya'ty. The p«' •• Ii 11 ag foment coa'"i. Ned in the le» o and the fact that 'ho well was dr :l, ed on u I'ne between two dry hol«s mak«s it a mcst ioip'rt . Henry Df'iman of We®t liberty lias been grauted a pension. Bev. Seaman and *'i!e a e the j, ie.-t« of , John Hildebrand. Ttios. Wood# of SH vonb.' has been granted a pension. Miss Ella Her y of K:tta' ~ : rg, is the guest of Miss H r-C ; Dounass. Rov. Robert Boyd ol Washington (state) is visiting h ; s biothers and sisters bare Esq Cramer of twp, umde a business trip to Ka. is City and Petro!' l , Monday. Mrs. Saucy Fleeger of Geece, an 1 John Dermody of Butler. have lately been g. ant ed pensions. O C. Cooper ot Sl'p.ierj.-ovtw 'atn ly foard a s. • ';e eggs in an old boLow tree. W. A. Henry of the Ki tinning liipub lican, and Mr. Reese of tna' "own called upon their Butler f. lends, Friday. Conwav Kuhn of Middletown returned home Sai, • da* - , Low a \ -'it to ais brother John R., near A'anniugton, W. Va. John was sema-ly in. ureu at an o.i we" a few days ago, but is recovering. Mr. George Haley has erected a large fine new house on nis lot. cnrner of West Wayne and Water streets. It is 'Tended ps a residence for hiinse" and his sou-'i law, Prof. Bas h r Te. Reunion of the io2ii. The anr.ual reunion of the 102J R«fc'- ment, Pennsylvania Volm.eers, w ' be held in Tare'itum, August 19. aud all l ie members of that regiment or their " i«jds who cau possioly come are oi'idiallv iiivu ed t» be present, as a' 1 soldiers and tae ir iends are welcome. and supper will be provided for s" visitors. r > titse si juM reunions «■ e \Qif : ng and profitable to all interesteu, fnd as year the death roil is read we know just how many and who have pp-sed aw»y. Soon the time wi'l come win»n theie w'li be no more reunions of the soldiers, but we hope p'l to meet one day in the giand e.-.t of all reei'ons. So we iii\iip is phe nomenally low, considf;.ing the dis'4'ice and the high character of he s«\i 'ce; the limit of twelve days just 3ts 'ue time set apart for the average vacation and the dates of the excursions ere most conveni ently adjusted. Thbre M also tl.e widest field for choice in ih • . e'ec iou of tho ro resort. Atlantic City, Cspe M' /, Sea Isle City, and Ocean City are the choicest of the" Atlantic coast resor's, PUU any one of them may bo visited uuder these arrange ments. A special train of parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pi'sbf ;t on .ha inentioned day at 8.55 A. M., an'i connect at Philadelph'a v ,h Bpecial via the new Delaware Diver Bridge roa'e. passengers at A'tan'io Oi : y in twe've ho 'rs from Pitiat'orr or passengers for Atlantic City m»y nnand tog night in Philadeloh ; a anu pioc«ed to 'gstin-'irn by regular ira ; ns from Bio .d Sireet S..i tion or Market Slret* Whar''the fo"owirg day. Passengers for the other poin's above named will use regti'ar fr.» ; ns (roai M-irket Street Wha.-f the foilov ng day. Tickets will also be sold fit r«gulc • trains leaving Pittsburg at 4:30 and 8."0 P. M. from all stai.ions at which hey ston aud lrom stations from which reLnh.r COJ nection is made wuh ihem. These hava Pullman sleeping oars attached ana arrive in Philadelphia next morning, whence passengers may prof»( ed to tin • chore on any regular t-ain 'hat day. Tickets will be so,a from thn stations ft | the rates named below:— Us>te T. i n leaves, j Pittsburg #lO 00 8.55 A. .M, Butler 10 00 025 " " ! Altoona stop dinner 800 12.50 P. M. j Phi'adelphia Arrive 7 "0 " " For further information apply to ticket agents, or Mr, Thomas E. Watt., Distiict Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. Fourth Annual Kzcurstom To Niagara Falls, Toronto ami Tin us air I hlamls, Thursday, August Gth. Tho fourth annual excursion, under the management ot E. H. Norris, of Meadvillo Pa., to Niagara Falls. Toronto and Thou sand Islands via of P., S. and return froo of charge. —75 cents to Allegheny and return via P. & W., Sunday Aug. 2nd. Saw Mill for Sals. We will sell our saw-mill, with 20 horse-power engine, and all tools and fixtures at a very low figure, luquire of or write to POBT, ACBE & Co. Sarveraville P. O. Butler Co, Pa. Closing out trimmed hats away below cost at The Peop.e's Store. IPC 10 on genuino Spring ! LitWator Ice in Butler is now being delivered to his customers daily b J J. A. RICHEY. Leave your order at llichey's Bakary. Do you want a hat or cap? IIECK has them and can save you money, Vox Populi—Boy your clothing, underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, BOX and neckwear of P. A. Haute, aud save mon<»y. Trunks, yalißes, bags and tolo copee—at HECKS. The Storm. The of Monday afteuoon upset hundreds of derricks in this county, and liktteccd the oats and corn in hundreds of fields. In AUegheny several buildings were de molished, one man was crushed to death aid several inj"*ed, and several were shocked by lightn ; ag. At iioss Grove, a'oag the West Penn, some campers took refuse ia the" com missary leut or house ander a large syc amore, and a large branch of the tree fell apon it killing one man and injorag sev eral others. The campers say the storm approached them in the shape of a cyclone. At Mars in this county large hail stones fell with the deluge of rain, aad at one place the tracks of the P. & V. were flooded. At Beaver Falls a strange incident was noted. Lightning struck a large oak tree about 30 feet from the residence of K V Wilson and split it ?a two from top to bottom. A large iron riig fastened in the tree was torn loose and hurled like a rifle ball through the window of Mr. Wilson's residence missing that gentleman by a hair's breadth and bodying itself in the wall opposite. The storm seems to have originated in the far west, as portions of Dakota, lowa, anl Nebraska were storia swept 'he niifht before and to have extended to the At lantic coast as. New York, Philadelphia, and Baltnnor were a!l storm swept. In Washington Go. the storm was pecially severe, and immense damage was done at sever?! points. Bridges were swept away aud the crops 'eveled. Near Cec ', a mivng and oil village seven persons were drowued, and another at Morganza in C'bartiers creek. The seven persons were in a house on Miller's Run, a small stream, bet-veen the hills The lun suddenly rose and engjlled the house*, and carried it down stream to a bii-lg<- where it was smashed to pieces and 7of the 13 people in it drow jed. This occurreJ Monday Digbt. Changing the Shenango. Pittsburg Post. The work of changing the grades aad reducing the curves on the Pitttsbu-g, Shenango it Lake Erie, north of Butler, is one of great magnitude and exoenso, and already a large army of m m are em ployed at different points between Mercer Junction and Swanvi'le. At Shenango a very expensive excavation 3,000 feet long and more .ban 30 feet w ide is baing made, and this is now about half completed. It is the intention to turn the Shenango river lroni its present channel into this anilicial channel and use the old bed ol the river for a roadbed At this point tho ra'road winds along the face of £ Hfee j high embankment with numerous sharp curves, and by using the river bed the tracks can be straightened and moved away trom the threateniug hills'de which has always been a source c* danger and expense. An immense steam has been at w<>.-k since April cutting the trenches ibri.Qfch the fields, and a work train and over a hundred men have beeli kept busy hauling away the debris. At other places many thousands oj dol lars are being spent reduc'ng the g.aJes and widening the roadbed for sid'ngs and second track. A" this work is be'ng done to prepare the road to handle the immeuso tr *fic that will be turned over to it when the Butler & Pittsburg is COJJ pleted. Work on the last named road has been commenced all along the |; ne be tween Butler and tha and ;corts of Its'ian laborer* are housed in old "ju'ld'ngs or live in tents. Ilutidreds of caris and horses and man> stea.n shovels are being distributed ®'ong the line, and all ind'calions point to any eurlv cimplfttion of the road. The Great P H. C. Picnic. The Butler P. 11. C. No 22, on Aug. 7th, will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Order by h"lu ; og their 4tn annual piorH be sold at all stations on P. & W. Foxburg to But ler lor train arriving at Butler at 8 o'clock u ru. Butler train maning connections with the special leav'ng Butler at 8:15. All tickets good tor return on any train Aug. 7th aud Bth. Speci'-' trirn leaves the Park i.t 8 o'clock Uutlar time. Butler and Oil Ci»y Ball Club will play the 3rd game of tbeii series of 5 for $250 a side at this picnic. Kills the Aimy Worm Quickly. Col. B. C. Demm'ng, an experience! entomologist, has ("iscnverod a prepara tion which kills the army worm in 10 i-econds. It is composed of two ounces of the metal calmium disolved in • ne pound of nitric acid, which IIRS previously been diluted in five quarts of then add live Quarts of water and roW thoroughly, use ordinary sprinkler or atomizer. This preparation should bo made in a stoneware vesu ; '',a bush on which are growing peaches prd pears. It is planted between a peach and pear tree and on the side the neach tree are peaches and on the other side are pears nicely formed. A Dußois man loaned the Baptist con gregation of that place SIO,OOO to pat in to a'iharch baiid ing coating $22,000, aud alter collecting $5,000 on his claim, be issu ed on the pxope.ty, bought it in and is re modeling it for an o;era house. They have a new postmistress at Wood lawn, Beaver county. Miss Mattie B. Richards h-is been appointed to take tin place of Mrs. Sarah Weklei, removed, and yesterday the office was traaßfetred to the new official. Mrs. Wekler has a daughter, Annie, aged 17. The correspondence which part ed between a young womau of the town and a well-know a young man aroused An rie's curiosity to an i r .-eßißtable pitch, and sh«j opened their letters. Bhe kept on opaniug them unti' tho postoJice inspec tors we.e notified aad they laid a trap for h> r, mean things. They found that she was making a business of reading pretty much a'l the private correspondence of the young folks that passed through the of fice, sealing up the letters again l'ke a good, carefpl girl. Money was placed in one of the letters to tempt Annie, bat ahe simply opened the lettor, read it and seal ed it again without taxing a cent. She is an honest girl, and therefore would not take that which did not belong to her. But her mamma was removed. The Butler Business College ant! School of Shorthand. High grade commercial, shoithand and English school, located in Butler. Curriculum embraces Book keeping, Shorthand, Type writing. Commer cial Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Grammar. Geography and Spelling. Endorsed by bankers, merchants aud patrons. Fall and winter term open* September Ist. AGENTS. —Millions in it—Campaign Book. Life of McKinley and all candi dates. Nearly 000 pages; 100 illustrations. Send 15c. for outfit —quick. PEOPLES, 3943 Market, Philadelphia, Perna. The Scientific American, of Now York, has signalized its 50th anniversary by the pub lication of a very handsome 72 page spec ial number, wh'ch consists of a review of the development of science and the iudus I al arts in the United States during the past 50 years. It was an ambitious under tiding, and the work has been well done. The many articles aie thoroughly techni cal, and they are written in a racy and popular style, which makes the whole volume —it is nothing less, being equal to a book of 442 ordinary pages—thoroughly readab'e. It is inclosed lor preservation •u a handsome cover, and is sold at the price of ten cents. —We have received from the Home Music Co.. Logansport, Jnd., a copy of thoir McKinlev Songster, containing twen ty-five rousing campaign songs for ifcKin ley, Protection and Soanil Money The words are sti ing and humorous and have points sharp as needles. They are set to easy, attractive music, arranged for male voices; but many of the songs may be .sung by mixed voices with f'no elleet. The pi ice is 15 cents per copy, or $1.50 per doz en We advise Kepuhlxan Campaign Clubs to arm themselves with a supply of this book Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. Capital - - S6O 000-00 Surpluß end Profits, $119,263-67 JOS. L. PURVIS President J. HENRY TROUTMAN /ire-P"»ident WM. CAMPBELL, Jr i"ashier LOUIS B. STEIN Teller IJIHECTOKS- -Joseph 1,. Purvis. J. ilenry 'lro'itraan, W. D.Brandon. W. A. Stein. J. S. Campbell. The Hutler Savins* ftank Is the Oldest Hank tnjr Institution In lintler County. General banking business transacted. Wo solicit accounts of oil producers, mcr chants. farmers ami others. All llUilneiS entriisi-U " > m; wl'l receive prompt attention. Interest raid on time deposits The Sutler County National Bank BUTLER, PA. Capital paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $87,962.35 Jos. llartinan. President; J. V. Kitts.Vice President; C. A. Bailey, Cashier; John G McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. A general hanking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. IMItKCTOKS Hon. Joseph llartinan. Hon W. Waldron, l>r. N. fl. lloover, 11. M'Sweeney. K. K. A brains. ' aov _i man, near Sunset Station, last Friday. The man was lying on the track, and was not observed until | too late to stop the tra ; n. His arm was cat off and his body was mangled. He was brought to town, and buried next day. Nothing in his satchel or clothicg reveal ed his identity. A premature explosion in a we" on the Pond i Shaffer lease near Evaus City, lately, lifted the string of casing out of the well, and left it sticking cut of the top of the derrick. The explosion was caused by the droj ping of a bailer, Through Wonderland. The Yellow Stone Park is one of the most wonderfully attractive regions of the world. Its beauties of scenery, tho w ;l d g.audenr of its mopotaina and canons, compel the admiration of every visitor, while its phenomenal geysers and curioas mincralogical formations make it a rich field tor the investigation of the scientist. Universal interest attaches to it, and in order that the natural drsire to visit it may be accomplished in the most satisfac tory manner the Pennsylvania Uailroad Company has arranged tor a tout oovering a period of sixteen days, leaving New York and Philadelphia, Thursday, August 27. As the tour w ! 'l be ran under the per sonally-conducted tourist system inau gurated by the above named company, it is hardly necessary to give the assurance that it will be arranged in the most com plete manner. It might be well to state, however, that no other means of seeing the park thoroughly is oomparab'e to that afforded by a well-ordered personally-con ducted tour. A special train, cor*ist ; ag of a di iing, Pullman vestibule drawing-room s'eeping, compartment, and observation cr's, which will be the best that can be secrred, will be provided, in which passengers wiU live en route, and whenever the journey is broken the choicest rooms in tne leading hotels will be reserved for the use of the tourists, for which regular rates rre paid, SJ that the gues's, although membeis of a pa. ty, enjoy all the privileges ofindivduals who may have made their ow 1 selections. The party will be conducted throughout by a tourist agent especia'iy selected for bis ability and experience, with chaperon to look after the co.nfort of lady psssen gers. The rate covering every necessary ex pense, wiU be S2OO from New York, Phila ilelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and Harrisbnrg; proportionate rates from other points. Detailed itinerary w'll be sent on appli cation to Tou'ist Agent, lI9C Broadway, New York; 800 F 'ton Street, Brooklyn, or Uouui 411, Broad Street Station, l'lr'a delpbia. FOR SALE. A set of lettered, walnat boxes— "pigeon holes " Inqoire at this of fice. MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 128 W Wayne St. Also nicely famished room lo rent. —Job work of all kinds done at tLo CITIZIN OfFIOK LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS E cecutor's Notice. Letters testamentary in the estate ol Harvey Cooper, dee'd, late of Slippery rock twp., Butler count/, Pa..having been granted to the undersigned., all pirsons knowing themselyes indebted lo aaid es tate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present thein duly authenticated for setHetneut to A. L. COOPKK, Ex'r. Slipperyrock, Pa. Kalston & Greer Att'ya, Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration in the estate of Henrietta D. Be.tty, dee'd, late of Wash ii gton twp. Butler Co, Pa,, having been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estato will present them properly authenticated for at ttlenient to E. C. BKATTY, Adm'r Butler, Pa. V." ILLI4MB eliable ntelligencc P rompt service given T o everything of the kind placed oat hands prescription dt-pa.ln-.cnt N ever was so complete S you money too. G. nr. BOYD. Pharmacist, Diamond Block. - Butler, a ! WALL MOULDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at Heineman's New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. THE HABIT OF wearing good clothes is a good habit and our clothes are good habits. We want to help you lorm this good habit. Begin now! in a short time you will be convinced we have saved you money and that you are always dressed in good taste. Goad taste in dress secures a cordial recognition for those who show it. No man can tell how much injury a shabby appearance may do him. Our handsome new Spring stock is now ready for your selection. MODERN METHODS. MODERATE RICES. ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. SIMMER RESORTS AND HOTELS. CAPE HAY. CONGRESS HALL CAPE MAT, H. J. Opens Saturday, June 27, 1896. Closes September 30. Hotel modernized at a cost of $40,000. Ye old time lawn con certs by Simon Hassler's Grand Orches trar Address EDWARD KNIGHT CAKE. Proprietor. Asbury Park. Asbury Park has the best l>eacli on the coast of New Jersey, and "THE FENIMORE" is the best place to stop while there. For terms address, THUS. NOBLE, Asbury Park, N. J. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Gor.Main & Cunningham AI. P. WICK. Pres. ttEO. K KTThHKB, Vie. Pres. h. N. MrJI >KIK. Mor'j DIRECTORS: Alrreil W Irk. | Henderson Oliver, ' r. W. Irvln. James StephenaOD, •*>. W. Hlackmore, N. Weltzel, K. Ilowman. H. J. Kllneler " Front Basement Floor of our store, and arranged for convenience of inspection. You are cordially invited to call and examine them, and we are sure you will be con vinced that this is no fake proposal, but t l, at both goods and prices are exactly as we here represent them, and that we ofter you bargains such as you never saw before and will not soon see again. Among these goods are the following: 197 MlvN'S SUITS, SIZES ',4 TO 41 124 BOY'S SUITS, SIZES 14 TO 19 103 CHILDREN'S KNEE PANTS SUITS. AGES 3 TO 15. 250 PAIRS MEN'S AND BOY S ODD PANTS.* DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, Corner Main and Cunningham streets, Butler, Pa. TITCHANCE OF YOUR LIFE To Buy Clothing At These Prices. Our stock for fall will soon be shipped to us, and we must clear our tables for it. ( 1 So prices have been reduced on in our Store. We will just mention a few of the rrany barga 11 we have for you. Mens Suits, sizes 34 to 42, at $2.75 Mens Suits, sizes 36 to 40, at $3.50 Mens Suits, sizes 35 to 39 at $5.00 Mens Suits, sizes 33 to 38, at $6.00 Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $1.75 Boys Suits, long pants sult«, at $3.00 Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $4.00 Boys Suits, long pants suits, at $5.00 Boys Suits, knee pants suits, at 75c Boys Suits, knee pants suits at $1.25 Boys Suits, knee pants suits at $2.00 Boys Suits, knee pants suits, :at $2.75 : 78 pai.s of Mens pants at 99 cents worth $2.00 125 dozen Mens and Boys shirts at 25 cents worth 50 cts So come early before the assortment is low, and seoure clothing at less than cost to manufacture it. Schaul & Nast Leading Cloth iera, 137 S- Main St-> Butler, Pa. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMANN Phenomenal values caused a phenomenal business during our Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale. Great work was done to wards shelf emptying and we propose to carry on the work of Clearing Oat Summer Goods And Surplus Stock with greater energy than ever. Our shelves are to be com pletely emptied—and prices will do it—before our new fall goods arnve. Among the many Seasonable Bargains We offer you is any shirt waist, ladies' cape, suit or skirt, novelty dress goods at just J the regular plain marked price J'crsian ribbon at 5 price. Space forbids detailed prices, but we never advertise anything but facts. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN AT J. R. GRIEB'S and 2 Do Not Make Five. It's quite a probiem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spc. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. I GIB. 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. ABRAMS A BROWN, INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Strong Companies. l*romvt Settlements. ITo lit* In*tiran«'c Ce. of New|York, In«ur, knee Co. of North America, of Philadelphia I'a. I'l. uii Insurance of Brooklyn, N. Y. mill llnrlford Initirance Co. of Ilaittjrd Coon OFFICE: Corner of Main Bt. and the D 'siaood, north of Court liouie, Butler, Pi JOS. HORNE&CO. OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS May save price of several trips on a tin gle purchase in this great July Before Inventor; Sale! No surplus stock to l>e taken into ac count—every yard from every depart ment must go with out reserve— High-Class Novelty Dress Goods, Elegant Silk, Fine American and Imported Wash Goods, Beady-made Garments, Millinery, I Men's and Hoys' Clothing, Etc., Etc. j ALL TO 00 IN ONE GRAND Clearance Sale that will pay you to come hundreds of miles to attend. A letter to OIK MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT, xiving suggestion of gooda desired, as to material, style and quality, will receive same careful attention as do customers hopping at counters. Penn Avenue and Fifth St., PITTSBURG. For Sal*. A farm ol L'O acres, with a seven room house, good lruit, orchards, well water, good f-priii(f at tho house, spring house and convenient out-buildiDgn. Will tell cheap or exchauge for town property, about 7 miles from Butler. For particular* inquire at this office. iu mm Funeral Director 37 S. X din,St. Butler rt