Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 23, 1896, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Zimmerman's Clearance Sale.
Auction Sale of Lots at Zelienople.
Fisher's Dye Woiks.
Douglass' wall paper sale.
Cooper's suits.
KirkpaUick's bicycles.
Hon—All adversers inteudingto make
cinges iu their ads. should notify us of
th »ir intention to do so, not later than
Mouday morning.
Administrators and Executors ot ei>tate£
cau secure their receipt books at the CJT-
I<9 o'Jee
"Mary had a little wheel,
And she went out to ride it;
The bike, it gave a balky twist,
And Mary sat beside it."
—Potatoes in low ground are rotting.
—lt seems strange that a man should get
hot over an ice bill.
—Even toe mojqnito become a pessi
mist when he realizes that lifo is a bore.
—Our •. eather lately has been better
for marketing hay than making it.
—A drowning man clutches at straw?.
So does a thirsty man this kind of weath
—The constitutionality of the act to
protect livery-men has been sustained by
the , r Court.
W. 11 DeArme is having a clearance
sale at bU Uargain Store on S. Main St.
He handles almost everything.
—Treading on a tack ought to tone 8
man up. A' any rats it puts iron into his
system, and lets profanity out
—lt is not dilllcult at this time to find
gome kind soul who is willing to enlighten
you <n the money qutstion.
—Oits are a heavy crop this year and the
price will be low, as mar.y held oyer last
year's crop in expectation of a rise
—Base 'tall this afternoon, Imperial of
Allegheny vs Butler. On Saturday after
noon our club will play the P. A. "s. iu
—Soys a Chicago paper: "If you don't
like to read politics, we advise you to
stick to the Bible and the almanac for
Be>var« of the flowered parasol; when
the sun shines through it the face has a
mottled appearance suggestive of meas
—Our grocers are paying 12+ for butter,
10 for eggs, 35 for potatoes, 20 to 25 for
apples, 3 cts. a head for cabbage and 4 cts.
for blackberries.
—Up to last week the roll of member
ship of the Loague ol American Wheel
men footed up 57,025. Of these, 7,661 are
See new schedule of the P. <fc W.
The only change of any importance is in
the Chicago express which now leaves
Butler at 3:35 P. M.
—The bruised stalk of the "touch me
not," and also the "lady-slipper" and wild
jewel weed are said to be antidotes for ivy
—The Butchers run district of Alle
gheny was again flooded, Monday—the
seoond time within a week—and the work
done on the plank road —repairing the
damage done by the flood of last week —
was swept away.
—The pure food inspections which are
being carried on in Pennsylvania, reveal
the fact that vinegar is adulterated more
than of any other articler. Of 23 samples
of cider vinpgar recently sent in. 22 were
not pure.
—Sinoe Mr. Richard Fisher located in
Butler • year or two ago, he has built up
a nice trade in cleaning and dyeing all
kinds of olothing, curtains, etc. He does
good work and that always brings busi
ness. His place is on Centre Ave, near
the bridge. See card in another column
—The follows who stole Ed Sproull's
horse stopped at Annandale and broke
open McCoy's safe, getting nothing for
their trouble; stopped at West Sunbury
and broke info Hindman's drug store, and
got four or five dollars from the money
drawer; and then drove on to Butler and
left the rig at the Berg farm, no.-th of
—An appeal for tbe observance of a
"Bird Day" in the schools throughout the
country has been made by the agricultural
department at Washington. The object is
to devote the day, to be set apart once a
year to be combined with "Aibor Day,''to
instruction in the value of our native birds
and the means of protecting them from
want and destruction.
—Do you know those gentleman? asked
the colored porter of the sleeper, of a way
passenger, aa ten men goi off the car at
Callery one morning not long ago. Yes,
said the passenger, they belong to But'er
and they are returning from the Chicago
convention. Well, Raid the porter, I
ghined tea pairs of shoes for them this
morning and I got just one quarter—No
free-silvor in mine.
—A large number of men, with mules,
scraper*, eto. arrived la town last Satur
day, and camped on the flat just below
the Fair Ground, Monday was a rainy
day and they did nothing, but on Tuesday
they went to work and made a ditch or
canal on the low land this side of the Fair
Ground, owned by Judge Bredin, and
where one would have supposed th»'y
would make a fill, but they were probably
excavating for the foundation for trestle
* —The fifth annual picnio of the Nation
al Transit employees was held at Con
neaut Lake, last Thursday. The atten
dance was large and the weather waj all
that could be asked for. The ball game
between the Oil City club and our boys
ended in a kick, the score being 7 to 11, in
favor of Oil City. The musio for the
dancing was furnished by the famous
orchestra, ol Titasville. The management
is to be congratulated oa the success of
the affair.
—Frank Whitmire, sou of John Whit
mire, of Oakland twp, and who was re
ported to *iave been bitten by a mad dog
is improving, and will probably be well
»oon. He is not a vt-ry a taut boy, and his
strangH illnexs wan due to a disordered
Htomni-h Some three or tour weeks ago,
while Frank wts out in the field with his
dog. astrmge dof cauiu along and at
tacked hH dog au 1 bit'him aud also snap
ped Frank's leg, but did not break the skin.
Frank's dog sickened and died a few days
after; and last Sunday week Frank began
acting strargly and wound up by falling
* in a fit or spasm in the garden. While
he was sick he told the dog atory, and
that made some people think ha was
liable lo hydrophobia, but the doctors eay
there is nothing of that.
"An elderly man at Woebawken
Said: 'l'm durned if there's any u»etftlk
There's so many on wheels
That aa old fellow feels
lie's a Kind o' back number when walk
—Special train to Alleghany Sunuaj
July U6 Tia P. W. Fare for '.he retum_tri{
70 oents.
grPKRIOB CO CRT Dbcisioss.
Com, vs Dr. S. A. Johnston, appeal from
the Quarter Sessions of Butler county.
Decision reversed and new trial awarded.
McCiymonds vs. Stewart. Common
pleas. Judgment affirmed, execution up
on the judgment to to stayed until the
plaintiir executes * full and complete as
-ignmnnt '•{ all his light, title bnd interi"t
in the I'urtersville Creamery Company, in
volved in this action, to William B.
Stewart, and depo.-its the same in the
office of the Prothonotary of Sutler count;-.
Pfeifer and (ieorge J Kaufman, part
ners doing business as Pfeilor it Kaufman,
rs. Rihiser. In equity. Common plea-.
Decree affirmed at the costs, of appellant
Murtland vs. Caliban. Common Pleas.
Judgement affirmed.
Newton Wells vs. Meeder, adminis
trator of lift, deceased. Common pleas.
Judgement reversed.
Robert./. Graham et al have petitioned
for partition of 108 acres in Forward twp ,
vs Xancy P. Vouag and Jacob G. Young.
Letters of administration were granted
to B. H. Pyle on the estate ot Martha Pyle
ofMuddycreek twp.
Saturday. Aug 1, will be the last day
for tiling accounts with the Register and
Recorder for presentation at next term.
A deed from Sarah F. McC'almont to T.
W. Phillips for 900 acres in Butler twp,
for SIOO,OOO, was recorded this week being
date of July 12, 1890.
W. 11. Grant has brought suit in tres
pass vs. the P. & W. R. R. and claims
David K. Frazter has brought suit in
ejectment vs. John M. and liavid Roth
lor a tract of laud ii Muddycreek twp.
Properrv Transfers
John H. Xegley to Jas C McXees lot in
Butler for S2OO.
M to W Wonderl/ 10 acres in
Butler twp for SSOO.
Zelienople Ex Co to Cyrus Campbell, Jr
lot in Zehenople for S3OO.
-AS Latchaw to H C ilillemin lot in
II armony for slll4O.
B E Roessijg to J B Showalter lot in
Butler for S6OO.
Wm White to Geo R White 140 acres in
Butler twp for $1350.
Geo W Fleeger to Sallio F Jacobs lot in
Butler for $1 ,
R L Sas :e to M l)ugan lot in Butler for
Cath Bach, adui'x. to 1) Yoankins 163
acres in Summit lor $5300.
GW Miles to Peter Whitmiro lotj in
Butler for $llOO.
Geo Aruibuster to Goo'F Bester lot in
Butler for SI,OOO.
Jos Criswell, clerk, to Jennie E Bester
lot in Butler lor $770.
C Z Riche} to Marion G Morso lot in
Butler for SI,OOO.
J D Albert to W Morrow lot in Butler
for $75.
K L Brown to John Oesterling 51 acres
in Clearfield for $1,300.
Marriage Licenses
Everett M Dunn.............Mt Chestnut
Delia Sarver Buttercup
Frank R Heberling Portersville
Jennie Frazier
John E. Patten ...B'ltler
Mary M. Renn
Joseph Kohout... —Allegheny City
Berttja Klages ......
W. X. Rush
Mamie E. Hutchison...... ...."
Harry Walker Harmony
Esther E. Lutz "
Arch T. Watson Connoquenessing twp
Maggie G. D0dd5............F0rward twp
Frank Hinchberger...... Summit twp
Mary Caldwell JefTerson twp
Wm. H. Pees St. Cloud, Pa
Clara E. Thompson ......Chicora
At Indiana —Orin Stifller of Butler and |
Minnie Little of Rayne.
At Kittanning—S. Q. Fisher of Mercer
Co. and Adelia Workman of Butler Co.
The barn on the Woerr place, on the hill
south of town, with all its contents ex
cepting the live stock, was destroyed by
fire, last Saturday night. It contained a
large lot of old hay,some new hay and con
siderable grain,and made a groat blaza. It
was built by John Doerr about twenty
years ago, and Mrs, Doerr holds $1,500 in
surance upon it. Louis Hoffner, her son
in-law, and who has the place rented, holds
$2,000 insurance on the contents of the
barn and honse, but this will not cover his
loss. The origin of the fire is unknown.
While Mrs. McKee Scott was picking
blackberries near h«r home on the South
Side, Tuesday, she slipped and fell, break
ing the bones of her lelt leg near the an
Edward Bracken, an employee of the
Bell Telephone Co. and who lives on Mif
flin St., fell from tke pole at Boyd's cor
ner, Wednesday morning, caught and
hung for a few moments on the guy wire
of the electric light, and then fell to the
pavement. His head is cut but he was
not greatly injured by the fall. He is^ sub
ject to epilepsy and w»s attacked by it
while at worn on the polq.
P. Coaerty, of Millerstown had an odd
experience a lew nights ago, while on the
way from Kittanning with his sen ilenry
and M. B. Mcßride to his home. The
storm came upon them and in the dark
ness they lost the road. Mr. Conerty got
out of the buggy to hunt the road and in
wandering around slijpeJ into a hole
filled with water, which came up to his
neck, lie called to his companion but the
noise of the stcriu prevented their hearing
him and he stood in the water for halt an
hour or more until thoy accidentally found
him by tho aid of a lantern which they
borrowed from a firmer.
Those wuo go on E 11. Xorris' excur
sion to Niagara Falls, Toronto, and Thou
sand Islands, via I*,, S. it IJ. E. and Nickel
Plate railroads, always have a quick and
pleasant trip, ample time to visit all the
points of interest and reach home in good
season. Thursday August Cth is the date
of the fourth annual excursion under Mr.
Notris' management.
—Sunday July 26th. round trip tickets
will be sold from Butler to Allegheny at
75 cents, train leaves Hutlerat 8:15 a, m.
returning, loaves Allegheny at 5:25 p. ni.
Butler time.
AiiESTs WANTED: —Wo want one or two
live agents in this and adjoining counties
for ''Life of ilcKinley and liobart, by
lion. Murat Ualstead," the only autbontic
life of the Republican candidates. The
only genuine Republican book. 500 pages
profusely illustrated. Only $l5O, Aoom
plete outfit mailed on receipt of 10 cents
for postage (regular price 50 cents.) Big
Commissions. First choice of territory.
Books shipped on 30 days time. Freight"
paid. Write at once. •
L. E. HCGRBAL I Bao., Publishers
1028 Cuthbert St., Philadelphia, Pa.
For Season of 1696.
The P., S. it L E. Ky. Co. will sell spe
cial low rate tickets to Uonneaut Lake and
Cambridge good for thirty days Also ex
cursion tickets lor parties of five or more,
and family tickets good until Nov. Ist, for
less than you can afford to stay at homo.
For further information call oa or ad
dress A . B. Crouch, ticket agent, Bitler,
.1 Handsome Book for a Tiro Cent.
Stamp. Attc Publication by
The 1) <)■ V. Line.
To those who contemplate Ukmg a
snminer ou'uig we will mail for 20. post
age our illustrated pamphlet, which con
tains a large number of fiiu* engravings
of every summer resort between Cleveland
Toledo, Detroit and Picturesque ilncki
nae. It has many artisiic halltones of
points of interest of the l : pper Lake re
gion. Information regarding both short
and extended tours', cost oC transportation
and hotel fare, etc.
Address A. A. SCHAKTZ, G, P. A.,
Detroit, Mich.
H. H. iforris' fourth annual excursion
to Niagara l-'alls, Toronto, and Thousand
Islands takes place Thursday, August 6lh
via P., S. & L E. and Nickel Plate rail
roads. Don't miss it.
WASTED —5,000 Agents for Russell's
authorized "Lives of McKinley and
Hobart." 550 pages, elegantly illustrated.
Price only SI.OO. The beat and the oheap
■ est, and outsells all others. 50 per cent,
to Agents, and Freights Paid. Books now
ready, have time by sending 50 cents in
' stamps for an outfit at once. Address
} Jlartlord,
Dr. J. E. Koulk, dentist is vi-iting his
parents ia TitnsvUle.
John J. Reibir is iu Ne* York on
business and visiting relative-".
Cyrus Campbell, of West V» made a
business trip to the county, last week.
Prof, iia'l returned Yon lay from tha
Stale Teachers' Convention at Blooms
Jos Rockejstein, Jo« Niggle and A.
Roehenstein and wife, are among the
Butieritcs at Cambridgeboio.
Xorbort Weser has purchased n cigar
store in the West end of l'hiladelphi i and
will remove to thi< place sho rtly.
Mrs liardman, formerly of this place and
a Mr. Moulton of Philadelphia are .-aid to
have been married in California.
Richard Fisher left fur Chai.tar.qua hike,
Saturday, where his family have been
for some weeks. His son, Abel, returned
from Jamestown, Friday
W. D. Biandon. Rev. Oiler, C. X.
Boyd and wife, Cal. Chri tie and wife. P.
W. Lowry wife, and -istc-r, and Dr.
Neyman are with thflSolid Comfort Club
of Mercer at the ir camp near L.ake K A -
mo m Canada.
Miss Sadie E. Say. Miss iiannie M.
Robertson, tnd Miss Tniie Zoller have
returned from a trip o Washington L). _C.
where they hail been attending the 15th
International Convention of Christian
Endeavor Society.
Miss Edna Limberg. of New Keasingtou
returned home on Friday, after a two
weeks v'sit with her grand parents. lfiss
Xoia Limberg, who is at the Allegheny
Generai Hospital training sctaol, expeci=
to be home to-day, for a lew days visit
with her parents.
J. W. Grimes, the heaviest licycle rider
on earth, is making the run from his home
in Cannington, Ky , to Xew York. lie
weighs 485 pounds and zips along on a 28
pound wheel. He uses lanlem tires,
p"da!s 7 inches wide, and tn extra heavy
State Teachers' Association.
The State Teachors' Association which
wet at Bloomsburg State Normal School
on Tuesday of last week was one of the
most successful in the histnrv of our state
conventions, although tho local enrollment
was not up to the average.
Gov. Hastings addressed the assembly
on Wodnesday evening,speaking of schools
and of school legislation.
Dr. D. J. Waller, Principal ot Indiana
State Normal School was chosen to preside
over the convention to be held at Xew
Castle next summer.
A woven souvenir, "The School Ma'am
Abroad," was probably the most interest
ing of the mementos received by t*ie visi
tor?, and the mountain excursion up the
Fishing Creek R. R. was participated m
by about four hundred visitors.
With few excisions (aside form those
engaged in summer school work) the rep
resentative school men of the State were
at the convention.
The State Xormal School, How to Im
prove Teachers already in the Profession,
aud The Teaching of Primary Reading,
were the most interesting and saggestive
subjects discussed by the convention.
Butler county ought to be well represen
ted at the meeting in New Castle next sum
mer for as iron doth sharpen iron so doth
oje I etcher the tcoi'enneo another.
These conventions surely combine both
p leisure and profit.
Parkkk twp—The well on the O'Don
nell, adjoining the Rosenberry, owned by
Keck, Sidler et at of Butler came in last
week and started off at 600 bbls. It is
located 250 feet due North of Ueydrick &
Co's Xo 1, and as Heydrick's No 2, located
several hundred feet South of No 1 is
small, it is not probablo that the field ex
tends in that direction.
Heydrick «fc Co's. No 3, Rosenbery
came iu, Tuesday, and started off at 20
bbls an hour. This well is located sever
al hundred feet East of Xo 1.
Brownsiulf.—The Gibson well on the
Lizzie Anderson a mile or so South
of Brownsdale is doing 15 bbls an hour,
and has plenty cf gas The Robinson
Bros., of Evans City began spudding on the
Adam Beale Wednesday. The Sutton
well on the Eshelman was cased this
DlLKS—Smith <fr Co's well on the Dof*r
farm near Dilks station reached the sand
Tuesday, and began flowing, bat it will be
some days before its production is known,
as there is no tankage. Ttiis well was
begun two years ago.
Re-union of the United Presbyterian
Church at Idlewild Grove, Thursday,
July 30, ißg6.
For this occasion Pennsylvania Railroad
will run special excursion trains as fol
One train starting at Etna, (West Penn
Division) at 7:10 a. m. stopping at Sharps
burg, Aspinwall, Boqaet, jC'lairmont, Ll<-
boken, Milton, Ferry, Springdaie, Elite,
Creighton, Tarentum, Avenue and Natro
Ono train starting at Freeport at 8 a.m.
stopping at Allegheny Junction, Leech
burg, Paulton, Salina, Avenmore, Salts
burg and Livermore.
Special excursion tickoti g.»od only on
special trains, will be sold at all stations
at which there are ticket agents and from
stations where there are no agents,passcr
gers can secure tickets from oonductor on
the trains.
These special trains returning will leave
Idlewild et an hour that will reach desti
nation points in a seasonable time i"i the
Fourth Annual Excursion
j To Niagara Fulls, Toronto ami Thousand
inlands, Thursday, Juijnst Gtlt.
The fou' th annual excursion, under the
management ot E. H. Norris, of Meadville
Pa., to Niagara Fall», Toronto and Thou
sand Islands via of P., S. A- L. E. and
Nickel Plate railroad will take place Thu
rsday, August Gth. Low rates quick time
and superior accommodations. Among
the new attractions at the Fall- this year
is the Niagara Falls and Lewiston Elec
trics railway which follows the great gorge
of the Niagara river from the lalls to Lew
iston, affording one ol the grandest vews of
the lalls, rapids and whirlpool.
The excursion will run in two sections
one from Butler making no stops for pas
sengers east of'Shenango, and one from
(ireenville and Meadville, making no stops
east at' Erie. No change of cars going or
returning. Ample time at the Falls to
visit all points of interest. Returning,
special train will lcavo Niagara at 'J o'clock
. in., eastern time. Tickets good returu
ing on any regular train from Niagara Falls
until August Bth, Toronto August 10, and
Thousand Islands, August 12. each is in
closive. Passengers holding Niagara Falls
ticket d .'sirirg to vis t Cfca itacqusjlako fur
nished with tickets from Brocton to Chan
tnuqua and return free of charge.
—75 oents to Allegheny and return via
P. & "YV., Sunday July 26'.h.
Saw Mill for Sals-
Wc will sell our saw-mill, with
20 horse-power engine, and all tools
and fixtures at a very low figuro.
Inquire of or write to
Sarversville P. 0. Butler Co, PO,
Closing out trimmed hats away
, below cost at The People's Store,
jpr The only genuine Sprin«
| jj. Wator Ice in Butler is now
being delivered to his customers daily
Leave your order at Kichey't
I Bttk3ry.
Only 15c per yard for IM sheeiiup
f at The People's Store.
Do you want a hat or cap? HECK
has them and can gave yen money,
The best oc mußlin ever brought
to Butler at The People's Store.
Vox Popuii—Buy yonr clothing,
underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, sox
and neckwear of D. A. HJJCK, and
save money.
Trunks, yaliaes, bagj and tele
copes—at HECKS.
Closing out summer dress goods
below cost at The People's St-jre
Sox and shirts, all wool and a yard
wids, cheaper than the oheapest—at
HECK'S, 121 N. Main St,
Railroad Items.
The new railroad company has settled
; with John X. Patterson for SO,OOO, for
' which turn Join agreed to deed tbern
' l'ie proper'.y between Mill St. and the
'' creek. 232 feel long and about 200 wide
I including four home ) ar.d a h*lf acre on
; he island. The Mill SI property u ,lt
probably bo the location oi the freight do
! pot.
The Company t-e'iled with Charley R lea
sing for about an. acre of ground for SI,OOO
but they have not >et sotlled with eo
Walter, Esq Kennedy J. 11. Negley t>eo
Reiber.Mrs. Uackey.Lew Wick, McDowell
Campbell, and others. The Co., seems to
be anxious to settle with everybody they
can aLd is purchasing some property in
fee. There may be some people along the
roulo in Cutler County who do not km v
that a railroad company has the right to
go where it sees fit, and to use what real
estate it needs within a certain limit but
is responsible to the property owner for
what it does him and if you do
cot know what this damage will be or
not agree with the azeuts of the company
tell them to go ahead and you will lix
yoar damages after the road is built. The
law reoaires them to file bonds for damag
es- Do not accept the bond yourself if
offered you, the law requires them to file
The descendants of John Gamble Sr. of
the south side, met at his home Tuesday to
celebrate his SOih birthday. Sixty persons
wi re present one of them Michael Gamble
coming Irotn Nebraska to attend the re
A McCandles3 re-union will be he'd in
the gro\e of I.J. McCaml!e>s, west of
Mc'Vandless, Pa. on Thursday, August 27.
All friends and relatives are cordially ic
State S-ibbath School Convention.
The Pennsylvania State Sabbath School
Association of which lion. John Waua
nmk-r is president, will hold its thirty
sec-» id annual convention at Carlisle Oct.
13 15. Delegates to the convention are
appointed by County Sabbath School Con
ventions, or by their executive Commit
tees Coi nties having more than 100,000
population are entitled to 20 delegate
cacb; other counties to 10 each. This
gi res 700 delegates for the <ntire State.
Mr. Wanamaker w ill preside at the con
vention and give the annual address.
Governor Hastings will speak on the even
ing of tho 13th, and a nailber of the best
Sabbath School workers of the country
will take part in the exercises Tho gen
eral secretary, Rev. C. J. Kephart, of
Annville, will send a copy of the program
to all who apply; they will "be ready to
mail October Ist.
Teachers Elected.
CONNOGB'KtKSSIKii TWi" —The directors el
ected teachers, lant week as follow—No 1,
G. M. Graham; 2, Miss Mary Shearei; 3,
Miss Lou McLure; 4, Cecil Wilson; 5.
Miss Agnes Brunermet; 0. Miss McDowell;
7, Mr McClellan. The directors expect Jo
build a new school house on the site of Xo
3 this Fall.
Low rates quick time and superior ac
commodations on E. H. Xorris' fourth an
nual excursion to Niagara Fails, Toronto,
an 1 Thousand Islands, Thursday August
oth, via P . S. & L. E. and Nickel Plate
railways. See nearest P. S. &L. E. agent
or write E. H. Norris, Meadville, Pa., for
-Atlantic City excursion, Thursday*,
July 30. via P. i W. and B 4 <).
Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
rate for the round trip $lO 00 f.-om Butler,
good to stop off at Philadelphia, Wash
ington and Bal'.imoie on return trip, par
lar cars on morning train and sleeping
cars < n night train.
Niagara Falls, Toronty and Thousand
Islands. E. 11. Xorris' fourth annual ex
cursion Thursday August 0:h. Excursion
ist < guaranteed every attention possible.
Don't forget the date.
Kemp Sisters and Rio Grande
Bill. Wild West Combination at But
ler Fair, Sept. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Sample bicycles are always of the
very best.
We are closing out ours at bargain
prices. We keep everything that is
needed abont a bicycle.
Next to Court House. Jeweler
Oh Mamma—you ought to see the
big piles of nhildrens suits at HECK'S
only $1.25, you can't get the same in
towa tor less than $2.50,
Pants—Over 2000 pairs to select
from, at prices, oh well, don't men
; tion them, its,' awful, where at
I H»«'-K'S.
The Butler Lubricating Oil Co
has moved back to their old stand
11 'J, W. Jefl'erson St. Steelsmith &
Patterson's new building, where all
kinds of engine, machinery, and il
luminating oils of the finest quality
arj kept in stock in the basement,
and will be delivered to any part of
the city when ordered from C. E.
Mcl ntire, agent.
Butler Fair—Sept. I, 2, 3 and
4, 1890.
For Sale.
One new Model Crandall Typo
U'riter Inquire at 404 Lccu&t
St. butler Pa.
Underwear —& specialty at HECK'S
his stock is largest and finest ever
offered in Hu'ie*
BoardmgHouae Curtis, with Ac*<
ot Assembly, 25 ceuts for half-»-doaen
.or SA'e at CITIZEN office,
Hargalus in 5) 4 and 13 4 sheeting
at The People's Store.
For Sale.
One No. 2 Baltimorejob printing press
anil several fonts of type, win be sold
cheap, ruijuire at 104 Locust St. tier
Say Papa—did you 6ee HECK'S
neckwear, it beats anything you ever
MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 128 W
Wayne St. Aleo nicely famished
room to rent.
Job work of all kinds done at tl 0
Hfllij IS THE TlfflE TO HAVE
U$ Your Clot Hi no
If you want good and reliable
cleaning or dyeing done, there is
just one place !n town where you
can get it, and tliat is at
V 2IG Center ayenue.
do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of year to have a picture of
your house. Give us a trial.
• 1
1 ri u "7'AT ,M ' *7 1 1
*"•» >i_ 1 i-«t JJC »l lurtul 1 ..4
| The attorneys o Mercer Co., will keep
their officss cIT. Ed till August 31 st.
j The corner use I r tho new bridge a:
Freep"rt w.v- I lid on ffedaosduy of I*-'.
| week.
| A nun -ler snake said to be thirty fe«t
■ lojg and a foot thick ha- appeared on the
I hill near Bray'* Bend. it if said to I>k tl e
i same snake that crushed a mul" tt> death
s >uie years ago.
"A detail from Co .E. 2ad IVnu'a In
, fantry 15. B , in oommaua i.f Lieuteii. n'
i Edwin J ili-berling will go to ctm ( > on
the SI pperyrock Creek alwut August Ist.
i The rirt.ii! is from a regiment h*c»t.-.l in
[ Albgh.nv, Pa."
.lohn Fisher of Wilkes Barre bad an otld
experience a few nights ago. He was on
a lonely road < n his way eome when thr^e
wa-krd wom°n who were in the bashes
ran <ut in the road and reized him Af'er
seer rely tj ing him they took his watch
and i.ecket-book and then fled.
C'mmber sburg, l'a . Jnly 10.—Two chil
li:- si of Martin l'rury. a farmer living ne*r
Chnmbersburg, died from the bites of ;op
pt-rhi-ad >nakes, and the mother, who va<
also bitten will probably di>- The snakes
entered the house during the night first
biting tho children whose cries wakened
thu moth r. who was then attacked by
or.e of the snakes and twice bitten. A
physician came In in Mi rcersburg eight
miles distant, bat his skill was of no avail,
both children one aged 6 and the other 3
dying within a short time and no hopes
are entertained for the recovery of the
mother. Daring the excitement both
snakes escaped into the cellar of the bouse.
Harry .Adams, of Sugar Grove Mercer
Co , a young man about 21 years of age
who was charged with a mnrder and rob
bery which was commited in Kansas some
tiin i ago bat managed to escape was cap
tured a few days ago by a detective who
has been on his trail tor some time. After
committing the murder Adams went to
Toronto, Canada, wher > he was discovered
and in order to efCape Ihe detective le
jumped into the lake and swam under the
docks, and e< the detective did not see
him again he wa-< thought to be drowned.
From there he cime to this part of the
country, where he has been for about three
week*, He became bold and visited
Franklin where he was captuted. There
was a reward of SISOO offered for bin; dead
or alive. He was taken back to Kansas
Mrs. Louis Foltz, wil« ol Richard Foltz.
of New Castle und a si-ter of J. J. David
son, Republican candidate lor congreti
in this di.-trict, commited suicide last Sat
urday by taking a largo (iose of laudanum
She took the poison about midnight, but
her husband did not send lor a physician
until after dinner next day thinking that
her long sleep was caused by some whisky
she had taken during the night. When
the physician arrived she was past recovery
and she died at 4:30 that afternoon.
It seems that »he 'audanuin bottle was
handed her by her husband, who believed
she was when she said she wanted
to commit suic do. She took tho poison
while be w;u out of the room.
Mrs. Foils was once married to Sergeant
Hoopes, of Beaver county, an 1 some years
alter his death she married Richard Foliz.
;ibo wis largely interi'stwd in Beaver coun
ty industries and property.
A few nights ago a gang of burglars en
tered the office ot the Park House at Par
kers Landing and after tying the front
door to a post ou the porch and all the
acors inside, they moved the safe in from
of the office door and began their work.
One man was stationed picket on tho side
walk in front of the hotel. They poured
some powder down a hole they drilled
through the top of the safe and blew the
door tiff and by the aid of a fuse ignited
the same. A loud explosion felloAred,
breaking the glass in the office windows
and throwing the door of the s.»fe about ter.
feet across the room hitting Hgainst the
side of the chimney it bounced hack deep
ly cutting the floor. The robbers thou
took ail the drawers etc., out of the safe
and left. Mr. Adams who heard the ex
plosion came running down stairs to find
the doors securely tied, he then returned
to bis room and dressed, but by the time
he again returued the marauders had fled
leaving no trace behind. Tbey received
lor their trouble about $5 iu old coins, and
several o'l leases and other papers that
were of no value to any one except the
E cecutor's Notice.
Letters testamentary in the estate ol
llarvey Cooper, dee'd, late of Slippery
rock twp., Butler county, Pa..having been
granted to the undersigned, all pirsous
knowing themselyes indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment (
and any having claims against -aid estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
A. L. COOPKR, Ex'r.
Slipperyrock, Pa.
Kaleton <fc Greer itt'ys.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration in the estato of
Hemietta I). Beatty, deo'd, late of vVash
ington twp. Butler Co, Pa,, having been
granted to the mdersigntd. ill persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment, and
any having claims again-t said estate will
present them properly authenticated for
settlement to
E. 0. BKATTI, Adm'r
Butler, Pa.
Administrator's Notice,
Lf-tters of administration hiving been
granted to the undersigned, on the estate
ot William Lardio, dee'd, late of Clinton
twp, Butler county, Pa., all persons in
debted to said estato will please make im
mediate payment, and any having claims
against the same will present them prop
erly authenticated for settlement to
L. S. LAKMK, Adm'r.
Saxonburg, Pa.
E. McJunkin, Atty.
EJ ecutors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John L Beatty, dee'd, la*.® <>f Washington
twp Butler Co, Pa. having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estato will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estato wiil
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
413, Lookout Ave., Butler Pa. or
Billiards, Butler Co, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Isaiab N. Bryson, doo'd, late ot Coal
town, Cherry twp., Butler Co, Pa bavhig
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
pay meet, and any having claims against
said estate will permit them duly authen
ticated for settlement to
| Ooaltown, Pa
./. I>, MCJUSKIN. Att'y
Administrator's Notice
Loiters ot administration on the estate
of George List, dee'd, late of Adams twp.,
• Butler Co, Pfc. having been grunt- dto the
undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves irdebted to ar.id estate will pleas.;
make immediate paymeut, and any having
claims against said estate will present,
tlicm duly authenticated far settlement to
McFann, Butlor Co, Pa.
W. H. LUKIC, Att'y.
! Hotel Butler
J. 11. FAUBEL., Prop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpets, has electric bells and al
other modern conveniences for
J guests, and is as convenient, and
I desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, Pa.
Elegant sample room for use of
1 commercial ceils,
(letting Ready for Another
(ireat Real Hstate
silfe JMn Nil' 1 if ids July -•>.
ld I Drß
'«i .
Many of the bjildings for the great in
•r .iu-to-.- at Zelienople are now under roof
h an I itluiost ready for the machinery equip
uieijr. b.ll there are no homes to live IU.
The Zelienople Extension Company was
1- anxions to make some practical, eye con
ir vincing showing of wha' would be the
actual industrial magnitude ot the new
is town that it permitted all its- energies to
is go in this one direction «o the extent that
«t the first public sale of lots for dwellings
J c'id not take place till July lotb. There
y fore the building of homes has been thrown
A so much backward that there will not be
it residences sufficient to house a very small
1. proportion ot the workmen who will find j
3 employ meet in the new town's manufac
is tories earlv iu autumn. To rush the
ie planting of dwelling*, another big sale will
h be held on Saturday, July 25th, when the
a. lots will be sold at auction. Every lot
put np will go to the highest bidder, no
r matter "That the bid.
re Lots will bo delivered on the most liber
»- al easy payment terms—you may pay just
ie aoout a;- you please pro\ ided you will
io So. the man or woman who is enterpris
-51 ing—who scrutinizes for facts; evidence
:o H-JO opportunities to put in a dollar and
d turn out two, three, lour or five—will, on
e July 25th, have such a chance a* ha- never
:e been recorded in real estate annals,
•e The Pittsburg A Westeru railroad will
3. continue .selling excar.-ion ronnd-trip
ie tickets from Allegheny, Foxburg, Xew
je Castle and all intermediate points, good
id going on all trains during present month,
at the usual late one way. Trains stop at
the Pitti-burgA We-tern's handsome new
depot, in the n<>w town, the station in the
old town having been abandoned.
Visitors a r e amazed at the grandeur ol
tin- scenery which clothes the new town in
natural beauty. Butler county and West
< iii Pennsylvania does not contain a more
healthful or pleasant spot for home life.
Living is cheap, and everything is being
planned with a view to metropolitan im
ptovements. The streets are level, the
drainage perfect and there are sanitary
provisions in accord with every fancy
which is the outgrowth of modern civiliza
tion. All the lots are 40x120 feet, and in
the rear are 20-foot alleys. Zeigler, the
main street, is IH> leet wide, while the
other thoroughfares are CO feet. Xo in
dustrial town was even built upon a safer
foundation. Xo location was ever secured
where homes could be built in the midst
of such picturesque surroundings. No
lavd company has ever put lots upon the
market at such piiccs and on such terms
an ruled for the 101 sites which have thus
far b;'en sold iu the new /Celienople, and,
during tho balance of thn month this great
sacrilice in lot selling will be continued
with bnt one object in view—to net the
people to buy lots quitkly and put dwel
lings on them so that 700 workmen (which
means about 3,000 people) may have some
place to eat, sleep and enjoy the blessings
ol a life of prosperity in a section more
suited for it than any anywhere
Butler Savings Bank
Biatlei-, Pa.
Uupiud - - $60,000-00
Surplus at.d Profits, $119,263.67
JOS. L. PURVIS President
J. HENRY TROUTMAN Viee-P-esident
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr i'ashiet
DIRECTORS -Joseph L. Purvis, J. Henry
Tro'.tnoan, W. l>.Brandon, W. A. Stein, J. S.
The Butler Savings ftank ts the Oldest Bank
Injf Institution In Butler County.
• ieneral banking business transacted.
W< solicit account.-) of oil producers, mer
chants, tarmers and others.
All lfU3lne-:i entrusted to us; wIU receive
prompt at'ention.
Interest paid on time deposits
The Builer Counly National Sank
Capital paid In $100,000,00
Surplus and Profits $87,962.35
Jos Ilartman, President; J. Y. Ritts,Vice
Pre udent; C. A. Bailey, Cashier; John G
MoMarlin. Ass't Cashier.
A ireneral bank ing business transacted.
Int rest paid on time deposits.
Mo ley loaned on approved security.
Wo Invite you to open an account with this
DIKECTOKS—Hon. Joseph Hartman. Hou. W. |
S. NVuldron, l)r. N. M. Hoover, 11. McSweeney,
K. K. Abrarns, P.Collins. I. (i. Smith, Leslie
I'. razlelt, M. Klnegar.. W. i:enry Wilson, John
Humphrey, Dr. \v. c. McOmaless, Ben
Ilairy Heasley. J. V. ttttts.
it, df B.
:-znm wn. l mil—win
We're keeping right at this
—it's got to be a clean, clean job
and there is nothihg like prices,
when you've got choice goods to
sell, to do wonders in that way —
and it's nice goods, choice styles
j and quality we're asking atten
tion to —this store steers clear of
every other kind—as samples will
plainly show—
yon never had
a chance to
make money
—we say that with confidence.
We'll teli about only six
things this time and trust to your
interest in your own pocketbook
tc write and find out about any
other goods that's more to your
liking—the samples will go to
you quick enough when you let
us know you want them—people
here to do nothing else.
3,000 yards choice fancy silks,
50c a yard—stripes with checks
between —dollar silks like these
fur half price is convincing evi
dence of advantage (or you if
you'll see samples.
New Japanese Plaid Silks at
Sheer Dainty Or undies, 25c
>nes —white grounds with g or r
inch solid colored stripes: blue,
yellow, green, violet or brown —
Good and pretty American
Organdies, IOC, I2J, 15c.
Largest line Imported Organ
dies at 30c.
White Nansook —medium sized
check —sc.
Armure Cheviottes —30 inches
wide, solid blue or pink, sc.
.1J & Buhl,
crhaps you don t know how
J >
raily we are on
j/everytliin.; relatio . to ; rcMiip
| tioris
it will not be amiss to
( 1
jMur attention t> the
rompt service given
o everything of the kind placed
n u u i !:r."ds
ur prescription eu t u. L.ncnt
was so complete
ave you money too.
C. Itf. BOYD.
Diamond Hlock, - Br.tler. u
The nicest line of
Wall Mouldings in
town are at
New Room. 201
S. Main St. New
line of Blank Book
Writing Paper just
201 S. Main St.
wearing good clo'.hes
is a good habit and
our clothes are good
habits. We want to
help you torm this
good habit. Begin
now! in a short time
you will be convinced
we have saved you
money and that you
are always dressed in
good taste. Goad
taste in dre§s secures
a cordial recognition
for those who show
it. No man can tell
how much injury a
shabby appearance
may do him. Our
handsome new Spring
stock is now ready
for your selection.
Opens Saturday, June 27, 1596. Closes
September 30. Hotel modernized at a
cost of £40,000. Ye old time lawn con
certs by Simon Ilassler's Grand Orches
trar Address
Asbury Park.
Asbury Park has the best beach 011 the
coast of New Jersey, and
is the best place to stop while there. For
terms address,
Asbury Park, N. J.
Mutual Fira Insurance Company,
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
ALP. WICK, I'rn*.
HEO. KKTTKUKIi. Vice Pre*.
L. s. McJUNKIX, Ser'jr >uil Trn>,
Alfre 1 Wick. Henderson Oliver,
< r. W. Irvin. ' James Stephenson,
kV. W. Btackmore, N. Weltzel,
K. Bowman. H. J. Kllnpler
<ieo. Ketteror, ('has. Kebnun,
Ceo. Kenno, John Koeulnic.
For Sale.
A fine Farm of seventy acres, two miles
West of Freeport, buildings good as new,
plenly of wateJ, fruit of all kinds, soil
good, five good gas wells within '4 mile
of farm. Price £4,000. For par
ticulars address.
Box 9S. Silverville.
Butler Co, Pa.
We keep constantly on hand three
different kinds of Gas Meter*, viz.—The
"Tobey"-dry meter—The "Eguitable"-
dry meter- and The Westinghouse fluid
i meter. Anyone desiring to buy a meter
j can secure on; from us at a reasonable
{ price and upon easy terms.
iltomc Natural lias Co.,
&viDei Building.
In order to make room for an immense stock of Fall goods that
we have purchased and which will begin to arrive about the
middle <it August, we ofter for the next six weeks at exactly ONE
HALF the price at which we have heretofore s >ld these goods a large
asvutmcnt of Men's, Hoy's and Children's Suits. These are all
STRAIGHT GOODS, both in material and make, ranging in price
ir in S2O d<-wn to $4. which prices will be cut in two, and the Suits
sold as follows:
£20.00 Suits, Now SIO.OO
18.00 " " 9.00
10.00 " " 8.00
10.00 " - "5.00
4.00 " -- " 2.00
2.00 Child's Suits, Now 1.00
1 50 75
All above goods marked in plain figures, and as our reputation
for having one low price has always been maintained, you know
what a cut in price like this me\ns.
These goods are displayed 011 the Front Basement Floor of our
store, and arranged for convenience ot inspection. \ 011 are cordially
invited to call and examine them, and we are sure you will be con
vinced that this is 110 fake proposal, but that both goods and prices
are exactly as we here represent them, and that we ofter you bargains
such as you never saw before and will not soon see again. Among
these goods are the following:
197 MEN'S SUITS, SIZES -,4 TO 42
Corner Main and Cunningham streets, Butler. Pa.
Some A Yard Wide.
We mean our suits for fat men. Light In color, weight and
price. Your money back if they are not as we state.
The Largest Stock of Clothing in Bntler.
Men's Suits
$4, £6, SB, $lO, sl2
Boy's Suits, long pants
$2.50, $4, $5. $8
Boy's Suits, short pants „
si, $1.50, $2, $3, $4
Men's Shirts
25c, 50c, 75c, £1
Men's Straw Hats
25c, 50c, 75c, £1
Boy's Shirts
25c and 50c
Boy's and Children's Hats
25c, 50c, 75c
Schaul & Nast
Leudinii Clothiers, 137.S- Maill St->fl£utl©r»
Phenomenal values caused a phenomenal business during
our Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale. Great work was done to
wards shelf emptying and we propose to carry on the work of
Clearing Out Summer Goods
And Surplus Stock
with greater energy than ever. Our shelves are to be com
pletely emptied—and prices will do it —before our new fall
goods arrive. Among the many
We offer you is any shiit waist, ladies' cape, suit or skirt,
novelty dress goods at just \ the regular plain marked price
Persian ribbon at £ price. Space forbids 'detailed prices,
but we never advertise anything but facts.
'2, and Do Not Make Five.
It's quite a problem to please
everyone's taste in any line you
may select and particularly of
» jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass,
etc., but I'm sure you will find
I what you want in my large stock
and at such prices that defy com
petition. I am making a spc.
cialty of nobby and find Goods
and want your trade.
i Strong Companies.
i Promvt Settlements.
Home inMira&ce Co. of ork, Insur>
ance Co. of North America, of Philadelphia
' Pa. I'lienix Insurance of Brooklyn, N. Y.
auJ Hiirtford Insurance Co. ol llarllord Conn
OFFICE: Corner of Main St. and the
i 0 :juuoud i uorth of Court House, Butler, Ft.
May save price of several trips on a sin
gle purchase in this great July
Before Inventory Sale!
No surplus stock to
be taken into ac
count —every ya/d
from every depart
ment must go with
out reserve—
High-Class Novelty Dress Goods,
Elegant Silk,
Fine American and Imported
Wash Goods,
Ready-made Garments,
Men's and Boys' Clothing, Etc.,
Clearance Sale
' that will pay you to come hundreds of
. miles to attend.
A letter to OLR MAIL ORDER
DEPARTMENT, giving suggestion of goods
ilesired, as to material, style
I ami quality, will receive same careful
attention as do customers
I hopping at counters.
Penn Avenue and Fifth St.,
For Sale.
A farm o( 20 acres, with a seven room
honse, good trait, orchard*, well water,
good spring at the house, spring house and
convenient out-buildings. Will sell cheajr
or exchange for town property, abont 7
miles from Bntler.
1 For particulars inquire at this office.
M. A, mm
Funeral Director
37S.mm.St Butler Fa.