the oitizen_ THURSDAY. JULY 16, 1*! X). |—r~r~ '' ■ * ~ New Advertisements. Eiecutor's notice, esUte of Harvey Cooper. Hickel's Redaction Sale. Miller's 88 cent Sale. Huff's Shoes. Martin court res'titlo from the heirs, and ignore all other Miles, and this means a ig law suit—several of them. —The de posits of the Butler Savings Bank now average over a million dollars, an! the bank has long felt the need of an absolutely safe place to keep so large an •mount ol money. To meet this require ment they had the 11 all Safe out v\ . ton. , and iherofore ha ;to bo handled gently. It can be seen in ihe banking room, at — l The Water Co. now collects its bills monthly. —Political wisdom—"Doubtful things are uncertain. - ' Andy McCollough has the handsonast lawn in towu. Andy picks the weeds out of it himself. —The thrilling footsteps of the domestic fly in all its cussedness are now treading on sensitive bald heads. Owners of cider mills are getting ready to start to use up the early apples. Cider will be cheap this fall. —Two small keys on a ring have been left at this office, and the owner can have '.hem by calling. —A big boarding house is being built on the James Maizl.ind place in Clinton twp, for the railroad men. —Any foreigner who expects to be natu ralized in time to vote at the fall election must file his papers with the Prothonotary by August 22d. —Considerable local history will be de veloped in that case of the Butler A* Pitts burg Railway Company vs the owners of the property along the creek. —A washout near Branchton, Tuesday delayed thj evening train to Butler, and it did not arrive here until Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock. —A squad of a couple hundred Italians, Hungarians, etc. arrived in Butler, Tues day and went to work for the Bell Tele phone Co. —The preliminary survey for the propos ed change of the road bed of the P. S. A L. E. beiwcea Branchton and Grove City, circles around Harrisville. This survey i<- Kaid to be on a 30-foot grade while the pres ent road bed from Branchton to Harps ville stfttio r is <=aid to be 90 feet. —A young lady, aged 19 years, who had just arrived in Butler, this week, from England, was one of a couple who made application for a marriage license, Tues day. She lacked the consent of her pa rents, and will have to wait until she gets a guardian. The man is also English and has been in this couDtry bat cne year. —Every farmer who makes a success of his work keeps in touch with the markets. He watches not only the timo to sell, but he is also on the aleit for a good buying time. He is not galled by any smooth tongued agent who comes along, for ho watches the advertising columns of repu table papers and knows what reputable firms Mill and how they sell. The adver tising columns ate one of the moat yalua ble features of any paper. —Our groc crs are paying 15 cents for butter, 12 for eggs, 50 cents for potatoes, 50 for turnips, 25 for apples, 00 for peas, 40 lor beans, 5 for blackberries. 1, 25 a crate for black raspberries, 1, 75 for red raspberries, 0 fur huckleberries, 15 cents a dozen for corn, 20 to 25 a do/en for cukes 35 to 45 a pair for spring chickens, 100 to 3, 50 a bushel for peaohep, 0 cents for gooseberries, 7 cents for currants, 1J cents a pound tor cabbage. ' Ed. Spitull ud G Butler ii l'itt-burg H R Co lot in Butler for SI(MW. Zelienople Ex Co to Wm Stuett lot in Zelienople for S2OO. F M K'nautf to Wm Stnett lot in Zelieno ple for S3OO. " Isaac Hepler to Wm B Byers lot in Oak land for SSO. W A Purviance to L W Walker lot in Forward for st>oo C Kaylor to R U Peters 20 acres in Fairview for S4OO. Wm Watson to John G Miller 2i acres in Buffalo for S2CO. John S Campbell to Zehenople Ex Co lot in Jackson for $427.50. S E Gold to Emma Gold 33 acres in Penn for S3OO. A Seaton to H E Seaton lot in /ie'ieno ple for SSOOO, Jacob Seelabaugh to W 8 Graham 12 acres in Washington for SSOO. Marriage Licenses James Campbell Oakland twp Margaiet Baker Rev. Wm. J. Jacob.. Cleveland, 0 Sallie Fleeger Wick Butler At Pittsburg—G. W. Cain of Clinton and Fannie Groom of Mars. OIL NOTES. W. Si'Xßt;Ri'*-Jno Campbell got a ivce 10 bbl well on the McKirmey, last week, BUTTER CCP —Miller,*Fair,;Dodds, Shak ley et al, who foimerly called them selves the "Calamity Oil Co." st.uck a fifty bbl. well on the Duffjrd, last week, There are several good wells in that neighborhood, some of them doing a.- high as 75 bbls. HARUV —The Richland Oil Co. comput ed of Jos. Hsrtman, J. V. liitts and others of Quiler, struck a tremenJious well near Wild wood station on the P. & W. lust week. Friday night it' was doing 60 inches an hour ia a 250 bbl tank which meant 150 an hour or over 3,000 bbls a day. Barnsdell er cent, to Agents, aud Freights Paid. Books now ready. Save time by sending 50 cents in stamps for an outfit at onee. Address A. D. WOBTHIXOTOS -I Co., Hartford, Conn. Saw Mill lor Sala. We will sell our saw-mill, with 20 horse-power engine, and all tools and fixtures at a very low figure Inquire of or write to POST, A CUB «fc Co. Sarversville I*. O. Batler Co, Pa. Closing out trimmod bats away 1 slow cost at The People's Store. IPC on 'y genuine Spring JljtWatorlce j n Kutler is now being delivered to his customers daily by J. A. RICIIEY. Leave your order at ilichey's Bakery. Only 15c per yard for y 4 sheeting at The People's Store. Do you want a hat or cap? IIECK has them aud can save you money, The best 5c muslin ever brought to Butler at The People's ?tore. Vox Popuii—Buy your clothing, unde-woar, hosiery, hats, caps, BOX uud neckwear ot 1). A. HECK and save money. Trunks, yalises, bag.s and tele copes—at lliscKa. Railroad News. The work of grading the Butler and Pittsburg Railroad, said the Dispaich ol lust Sunday, will be conr'scced tomor row. C. l" McDonald who secured the contract loi the entire 30 miles north ol the Allegheny river, awarded the con tract yesterday for ten miles of tho road south of Butler to the Ferguson Contract ing Co., of Corning. X. Y. The contract for two miles of grading north of the Alle gheny river, was awarded to T. A. Maselli. of Colnmbos. O. The masonry, exclusive of the tuunei work, was awarded to Grady. Coda £ Co., of Beaver Fails The tunnel work and the rest of the line will bo award ed this week. McDonald contracted to grade and han die 1,250,000 cubic foet of earth for a price that wili reach $700,000. as exclusively .stated in The Dispatch. Iu the ten miles tho Ferguson company contracted for there are 24S 000 cubic yards, and in that of T. A. Maselli there are 110,000 cubic yards This makes about one-thin' ol the entire work already let by sub-contract. ' Contractor T. M. Ferguson left last night for New York to send the machine.-}-, horses and apparatus for the work to Pitts barg. lie wa.s one of the bidders for the entire road, bet has done good work on large contracts. He built 130 miles of the Evansville and Richmond R-. lraad, and did some heavy *-crk suc cessfully on the Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling. HAS HAD A GOOD EXPERIEUCS Maselli is also a large contractor, and did a share of the work on the Cleveland road under Ferguson. He has also built portion* of the Norfolk and Western, Ohio Central and Hocking Valley Railroads Gradv, Coda it Co. have held large con tracts for masonry on most ol the large roads. Contractor McDonald will leave tomoi row to travel over the line from Denny station to the big cut near Saxonburg, to inspect the tunnel sites so the contracts (or the construction of these can be let. lie will be accompanied by several promi nent tunnel contractors. One of the tun nels is two miles north of the Allegheny river and is 410 feet long, and tie second is ten miles north of the river, and is 350 feet long. The great summit cut is three miles west ol Saxonburg and 15 mile* north of the Allegheny river. It is 3,500 feet long and 50 feet deep, and con'ains 131 000 cubic feet of earth. This is going to proye one of the most difficult under takings iu the entire work, but Contractor McDonald is making abundant provision to do it successfully. Two monster steam shovels and four locomotives wilt be use !at the cut &nd three miies of double track railroad for the distribution of the excavated eaitb will be built. Over 100 earth cars wi'l bo pro vided. All these, with the engines and shoveb;, will be transported six miles over laud from Saxonburg. The water supply at present at the point < f the cut is inade quate, and a two inch pipe lino will be laid to a never failing source and an abundance of winter will be pumped. OVKR ONK MILLION BRICKS. All the tunnels will havo masonry sido wall to the sprang of tho arch, and the arches will oe constructed of brick. Over 1,000,000 bricks will bo used in the two tunnels, and to facilitate the work large brick kilns will be erected at suitable points near the tunnels. The clay at the two points makes first class brick. The contract for tho tunnels will be let this week, ;?o that a start can l>e made. Con tractor Maselli will begin work on his con tract tomorrow, and he expects to finish it by December, Since Contractor McDonald was award ed the contract he has been besieged with Italians, labor agents and negnes seeking work ou the l'ne. The slopping of work on the extension improvements along the Pennsylvania Railroad has turned adrift thousands of laborers, who want to work on the Butier & Pittsburg road. McDon ald has had offers ot 3,000 laborers irorn one employment agency alone, and scores of letters and visits have beeu received from labor contractors of West Virginia aud other Soutnern States. Many negroes have been offered for the work, but local uien, who have become acclimated, will probably be hired. Be said hp would find little trouble ia getting an efficient force logetber to be£.in work immediately. President James T. O'.'ell left for Xew Y oik last night. Be said the plans of the line located between the Allegheny and Monogahela rivers were being pushed rap idly to completion, and that a contract would ba ready for award this mouth. WHBHK SHOPS WILL BE LOCATBO. Ihe Butler & Pittsburg directors have practically decided to locate the round hon-;e, machine and repair shops of the road on a plateau near the south end of tho big 2,700 foot tu-inel. These will be large buildings, and will be included in the con tract for tho construction of the roa 1 be tween vhe two rivers. The site is in an elegant location on Thompson's run, at the end of the Union railway. No plans have been prepared,.but the structures will be built large enougn to Jo the work for tho entire line to Lake Erie, including the Pittsburg, Shenango 'e way of spending a Summer holiday, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company has arranged two delight ful tours to the North under the peisonallv conducted touiist system, July 21 and August 18. The points included in th» itinerary and the country traversed abound in nature's beauties. Magnificent scenery begins with the journey, and ends onad Stroet Station, Philadelphia not latir than two days before the respec tive dates of departure. For detailed itinerary, tickets or any additional information address Tourist Agent. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 111)0 Broadway, New York; 800 Fulton Streit, Brooklyn; Room 411, Broad Street Statiou, Philadelphia. Sox and nhirts, all wool and a yard wids, cheaper than the obeapest—at HECK'S, 121 N. Main St. Oh Mamma—jou ought to aeo the big piles ot ohildrena suits at IIECK'S only $1.25, you can't f?ot the same iu town for less than $2.50, Closing out Bummer dress goods bolow cost at Tho People's Store. I'uuts—Oyer 2000 pairs to select from, at prices, oh well, don't men tion them, itß, r awful, where it UFOK'S. —Tho Butler Lubricating Oil Co. has moved back to their old stand I)'t, W. Jefferson St. Steelsmith & Patterson's new building, where all kinds of engine, machinery, and il luminating oils of the finest quulity ar, kept ia stock iu thu basement, and wuibe delivered to any part of the city when ordered from C. E. 1 Alcintirc, agent. PERSONAL. Dr. Bricker has been seriously indispos ed, but bis health is improving. L M. Caldwell has been elected Princi pal of the schools at Homestead,. Pa. Jos. Mangel and wife spent Tuesday in Butler. Rev. Eli Miller will spend his vacation with friends in Ohio. Miss Stella Xegley of Philadelphia, is visitiLg her grand-parents in Butler. Rev. Jacobs, of Cleveland and Miss Sallie Fleeger were married at the bride's home on E. Petri St. Mr. Andy Hanna, of Clinton twp, had considerable hay down this week, and it got wet. Andy is a hustler. ffa. M. Shira, Esq. 01 Washington twp spent Sunday with his son A. L. He is afflicted with rheumatism, and is using crutches Dr. McAlpiue is in Europe. When his family last heard from him he was In Ireland, and intended going to Scotland next. Tom Alexander returned home from Wetzel Co. W. Va., last Friday. Ho is contracting for the South Penn there, and has lately been laid up with a sprained back. Rev Tnomas Balph of St. Clairsville, 0. visited his brother and sisters in Butler, this week, and the whole family held a re union in the old homestead. Rev. Balph has been located in St Clairsville for 21 years. Allen McCall was living in Ohio when the war began. He enlisted in Co. B 16th Ohio, aud he thinks ho witnessed the first amputation that took place during the war. The circumstances were about as follows—lt fell to Co B, at the battle at Philippi, W. Va. to clear an alley, three rebel soldiers took refuge in a stable, into which a six pound shot was fired. The shot hit one of the rebels and tore his leg off at the knee, and Dr. Robinson of the 10th Ohio amputated the injured limb, Mc- Cit!l assisting him. —Special train to Alleghany .Siind ay July 10 via P. W. Fare for !he return trip 75 cents. For Sale. One new Model Crandall Type Writer Inquire at 404 Locust St Butler Pa. Uuderwear—a specialty at HECK'S his stock is large-t and finest ever offered in Bu^e' —Boardingflouse Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 ceutß for half-a-doaen .or aa'e at CITIZIN office Bargains in 9 4 and 13 4 sheeting at Tho People's Store. For Sale. One No. 2. Baltimore job printing press aud several fonts of type, will bo sold cheap. Ihqnire at 404 Locust St. tier Pa Say Papa—did you see HECK'S neckwear, it beats anything you ever saw. MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 128 W Wayne St. Also nicely famished room to rent. —Job work of all kinds done at the CITI7KN OfFIOK -» LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS! Ececutor's Notice. Letters testamentary in the estate of Harvey Cooper, dee'd, late of Slippery rock twp., Butler county, Pa..having been granted to the undersigned, all parsons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to A, L. COOPER, Ex'r. Slippery rock, Pa. Ra'ston & Greer, Att'ys, Adm ; nistrator's Notice. Letters of administration in the estato of Henrietta D. Beatty, dee'd, late of Wash ington twp. Butler Co, Pa,, having been granted to tho undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, aud ■iny having claims against said estate will present them properly authenticated for settlement to E. C. BKATTY, Adm'r Bugler, Pa. WILUAMS & MITCHKL, Atty. Notice of Application for Charter. Notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Tuesday the 21st day of July by Thos. W. Phillips, Victor K. Phillips. Herbert C. Phillips, Thomas W. Phillips, Jr., and Clarence Walker under the act of Assembly entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regula tion of Natural Gas Companies" approved the 29th day of May A. D. 1885, aud the supplements thereto for the charter of an intended corporation to be the Phillips Gas Company, the character and object of which is the producing dealing in, transporting, storing and supplying natural gas to such persons corporations or associations, in the Counties of Alle gheny, Armstrong, Butler, and West moreland, within convenient distance of its pipe lines as may desire to use the same. C. WALKER, Solicitor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the ] In the Court of final account of W. I Common Fleas of S. McCrea, assignee Butler Co., Ms. D. of Johanna Wuller. | No. 8, Sept. Term, J 1893- Book 5, Page 71. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit and make distribution of the bal ance of the funds shown to be due said estate. Accountant will meet the parties inter ested for the purposes of his appointment, on Friday, July 17, 1896, at 10 o'clock A. M., at his office in the Mitchell building, north of the Court House, where and when all parties interested are requested to make and prove their claims, or be de barred from coming in upon said fund. 7. C. VANDF.RI.IN, Auditor. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration h»ving been granted to the undersigned, on the estate ol William Lardin, dee'd, late of Clinton twp, Butler oounty, Pa., all persons in debted to said estato will please make im mediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them prop erly authenticated for settlement to L. S. LARDIN, Adm'r. Saxonburg, Pa. B. McJunkin, Atty. Erecutors' Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of John L. Beatty, deo'd, late of Washington twp. Butler Co, Pa. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to »aid estate! will please make immediate payment, and any having claims ag&insl said estate will present them duly authenticated for settle ment to E. C. BKATTY, 413, Lookout Ave., Butler Pa. or W. S. BKATTY, Billiards, Butler Co, Pa. A. MITCHELL, Att'y Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of Isaiah N. Bryson, dee'd, late ot Coal town, Cherry twp., Butler Co, I'a having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will permit them duly authen ticated for settlement to EMZA BRYSON. Adm'x Uoaltown, Pa ./. D, MCJUNKIN. Att'y M. H BERKIMER i Funeral Directorj I 37 3. Mdiii.St, Butler fa. J Accidents. Mr. Ranee Rick art, a well known Mercer Co., fanner of Pymatuning township met with a horrible accident lately. He was plowing on his farm, driving a spirited draught team and had placed the lines around his body immediately under his arms. The horses became frightened at some object and started to run, dragging the plow and the nnfortunate man several times around a six-acre field, the dragging not coming to an end until the horses were exhausted. Mr. Riokart was found shortly afterwards badly bruised and mangled Ho was totally paral>z«d from the hips down and lingered until Thurs day, when death ended his sufferings. Harry Eyman of Magic, was seriously in jured while playing ball at Buena Vista, a lew days ago. For a time his life is dis pared of. John McCoy had his loot crushed by the fill ol a joint of casing. Tuesday. Administrator's Notice- Letters of administration on the estate of George List, aee'd, late of Adams twp., Butler Co, Pa. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated far settlement to MARGARKT A. LIST, Adm'x _ McFann, Butler Co, Pa. "W. H. LUSK, Att'y. B. $ B. It's by having what's wanted, and sell ing that kind at prices enough less to pay people to come or send here, that we ex pect to—and will—win even greater busi ness in July than we did in June—had the biggest June this year of 1896 of any in the store's history—proof that choice goods for less prices win. NOTE THESE: AGRA LINEN —28% inches wide— -6%c —all in natural linen color grounds —some with wide, some with narrow, some with clusters of stripes in pretty colorings of blue, green, yellow, pink and lavender—we washed samples of each color combination—washed them thor oughly—not a color faded or run—such goods for 6#c—and they're all stylish effects. AMERICAN DIMITIES—sc, largest assortment at some of the lot are 10c goods—others I2^c —light colors, and a lot of the 6'4'c ones in dark navy blue with neat white figures, which speaks a lot for the character of these, as blue and white is quite in favor —ser- viceable colors which can be made up without lining. Medium heavy welt WHITE P. Ks.— 29 inches wide—2oc—nice for skirts— this kind starches better than muslin. 25c GRASS LINENS —29 inches wide —lsc —stripes and plaids in colorings of red, blue, brown, etc.—style and worth that would make busy selling at even the full value price—a saving of ten cents a yard will bring great results —people realize that saving money is as good as earning it, or this small profit store wouldn't,do such a large proportion of this country's retail Dry Goods business. WASH GOODS —3c to #l.2s—and if the desired kinds are not mentioned here, let us know your preference and we'll send samples of what's wanted—you'll find prices right for the kinds—less. Boggs &c Buhl, ALLEGHENY. PA. Butler Savings Bank Butler, IPei. Capital - $60,000-00 Surplus and Profits, $119,263.67 JOS. L. PURVIS President J. HENRY TROUTMAN r ice-P"«ssident WM. CAMPBELL, Jr fashier LOUIS B. STEIN Teller DIRECTORS—Joseph L. Purvis, J. Henry Troutraau, W. I>. Brandon, \V. A. Steiu, J. s. Campbell. The Butler Savings Bank Is the Oldest Bank ing Institution In Butler County. tjeneral banking business transacted. Wc solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants. farmers and others. AH Butness entrust fed to us; will receive prompt attention. interest paid on time deposits The Sutler County National Bank BUTLKR, FA. Capital paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $87,962.35 J OH. Hartman. President; J. V. Kitts,Vice President; C. A. Bailey, Cashier; John G McMarlin. A ss't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this bank, 1)1 HECTORS—Hon. Joseph Ilartman, Hon. W. !i. Waldron. l)r. N. M. Hoover, U. MoSweeney, K. I\. Abrams, C. P. Collins. J. G. Smith, Leslie I*. Hazlelt, M. Klnegar. W. flenry Wilson, John Humplirey.Dr. W. C. McCaaaless, Ben Ma»seth Harry Heasley. J. V. Kttts. AT J. R. GRIEB S 2 and 2 Do Not Make Five. It's quite a probien) to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. R. CRIER. 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. Motel Butler j. 11. FAUBEI, I'rop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and al other modern conveniences foi guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use of commercial meu. , P erhaps you don't know how t> we are 011 "Lpeverything relation to prescrip-. tions S it will not be amiss to n your attention to the -intelligence P rompt service given T o everything of the kind placed r -■-n our hands prescription department N ever was so complete S ave you money too. C. Iff, BOYD. Pharmacist, Diamond Block, - Butler, a WALL MODL IHS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at Heineman's New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. THE HABIT OF wearing good clothes is a good habit and our clothes are good habits. We want to help you torm this good habit. Begin now! in a short time you will be convinced we have saved you money and that you are always dressed in good taste. Good taste in dress secures a cordial recognition for those who show it. No man can tell how much injury a shabby appearance may do him. Our handsome new Spring stock is now ready for your selection. MODERN METHODS. MODERATE RICES. ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. SUMMER RESORTS AND HOTELS. CAPE HAY. CONGRESS HALL CAPE MAT, If. J. Opens Saturday, June 27, 1896. Closes September 30. Hotel modernized at a cost of $40,000. Ye old time lawn con certs by Simon Hassler's Grand Orches trar Address EDWARD KNIGHT CAKE. Proprietor. Asbury Park. Asbury Park has the best beach 011 the coast of New Jersey, and "THE FENIMORE" is the best place to stop while there. For terms address, THOS. NOBLE, * Asbury I'arlc, N. J. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham AI,F. WICK. Pr»«. MKO. KKTTKKKK. Vice Pre*. L. H. aeJUMUN. BKC'J »nd.Trea». DIRECTORS: Alfred Wlck, 1 Henderson Oliver, ' r. W. Irvln, | James Stephenson, eo. Ketteror, Chas. llebhun. Ceo. Kenno. IJohn Kooning. LOYAL McJUNIKN Agent. For Sale. A fine Farm of seventy acres, two miles West of Freeport, buildings good as new, plenly of watej, fruit of all kinds, soil good, five good gas wells within % mile of said farm. Price $4,000. For par ticulars address. Box 98. Silverville. Butler Co, Pa. GAS METERS. We keep constantly on hand three different kinds of Gas Meters, viz.—The "Tobey"-dry meter—The "Eguitable"- dry meter—-and The Westinghousc fluid meter. Anyone desiring to buy a meter can secure on: from us at a reasonable price and upon easy terms. Home .Natural Ua« Co., 1 JLcltxr Building. In order to make room lor an immense stock of Fall goods that we have purchased and which will begin to arrive about the middle ot August, we ofter for the next six weeks at exactly ONE HALF the price at which we have heretofore sold these goods a large assortment of Men's, Boy's and Children's Suits. These are all STRAIGHT GOODS, both in material and make, ranging in price from S2O down to $4, which prices will be cut in two, and the Suits sold as follows: FORMER PRICE. CUT IN TWQ*~ 18.00 " - " 9.00 16.00 " - " 8.00 10.00 " - "5.00 4.00 " - " 2.00 2.00 Child's Suits, Now 1,00 I-5Q " " " 75 All above goods marked in plain figures, and as our reputation for having one low price has always been maintained, you know what a cut in price like this mems. These goods are displayed on the Front Basement Floor of our store, and arranged for convenience of inspection. You are cordially invited to call and examine them, and we are sure you will be con vinced that this is no fake proposal, but that both goods and prices are exactly as we here represent them, and that we ofter you bargains such as you never saw before and will not soon see again. Among these goods are lhe following: 197 MEN'S SLITS, SIZES 34 TO 42 124 BOY'S SUITS, SIZES 14 TO 19 103 CHILDREN' S KNEE PANTS SUITS, AGES J TO 15. 250 PAIRS MEN'S AND BOY'S ODD PANTS.; DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, Corner Main and Cunningham streets, Butler, Pa. *ALL WOOL#- Some A Yard Wide. We mean our suits for fat men. Light in color, weight and price. Your money back if they are not as we state. The Largest Stock of Clothing in Butler. wxwxavx>x> Men's Suits s4> $6, SB, $lO, sl2 Boy's Suits, long pants $2.50, $4, $5, $8 Boy's Suits, short pants si, $1.50, $2, $3, $4 Men's Shirts 25c, 50c, 75c, Men's Straw Hats 25c, 50c, 75c, £1 Boy's Shirts 25c and 50c Boy's and Children's Hats 25c, 50c, 75c x&xxxavx Schaul &Nast Lead in Clothiers, 137 S- Main St-,BButl6r,|Pa. * Onr Jnly Clearance Sale * Has made this the busiest July in the history of this Store. We will continue to sell throughout July 50c, 75c and SI.OO hats at 15c. 25, 35 and some 50c hats at 9c. 25c Quills 15c or 2 for 25c. One lot Quills 2 tor sc. 50 and 75c Silk Gloves for 19c. 25 and 35 Lisle Gloves at 9c. 50c Corsets at 39c. 75c Corsets at 50c. SI.OO Corsets at 75c. Watch this space for Underwear Specialties. M. F. & iM. MARKS, 113 to 117 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. ITHEY ARE MODELS! [T/NE TAILOR I NG-. | Are the suits that come from our establishment—models of style, workmanship and good taste. The clothes are always right and the price is always right, too, when you want a suit. When None But Well Dressed Customers come out of a tailoring establishment it proves that it is the one store in the city that men of taste patronize. Our store is that place in Butler. Have you ordered that new suit yet? Isn't it time? Then come in and see our fine selection of spring styles. The Store from out of which come pleased and satisfied custom ers-wherever it is in the country, is a safe store to patronize. It is pleasant to us to know that our store is pre-eminently the store of Butler, of which this is so. When you want a fine suit call and see us before purchasing. [OHM Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa ABRAMS A BROWN, INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Strong Companies. Promvt Settlements. Home Imurani-e C«. of NewJYork, In«ur Mice Co. of North America, of Philadelphia, Pa. Pheoiz Iniuranc« of Brooklyn, N. Y. and Hartford Insurance Co. of Hartlord Conn OFFICE: Corner of Main| St. and the D 1 ond, north of Court Houie, Butler, Pi V j LA A yiNUp', H P?« * it *•' I'!TTMt »t tf.f A' l «•«i •m» twr*anol BROS. will M. ■> cart lot advatU«lu< at iu>«ai i THE NEW WALL-PAPER HAS ARRIVED New Patterns, New Colors and Low Prices. The latest effects in shaded border. Get j our room papered at a small expense if you buy At DOUGLAS'S Near P. O. 241 S. Main St BUTLER, FA. JOS. HORNE&CO. OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS May save price of several trips on a sin gle purchase in this great July Before lirontorj Sale! No surplus stock to be taken into ac count —every yard from every depart ment must go with out reserve— High-Class Novelty Dress Goods, Elegant Silk, Fine American and Imported Wash Goods, Keady-made Garments, Millinery, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Etc., Etc. ALL TO 00 IN ONE ORAND Clearance Sale that will pay you to come hundreds 0! miles to attend. A letter to OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT, giving suggestion of good* desired, as to material, style and quality, will receive same careful attention as do customers hopping at counters. Penn Avenue and Fifth St., PITTSBURO. r'or Sale A fan- of 20 acres, with a huu«e. flood trult, orchard'? J® V good spring at the house °n convenient out-buildi* 8 - or exchange for property, about 7 miles from BP*® l -. , . ... For parti'vulaii mquiw at tail efflct;