Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 09, 1896, Image 4

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To close out that branch of
our business.
We are positively going to close out our
entire stock of Men s, 13ovs and
Children's clothing regard
lees of cost.
Men's Caasimere BniU T »«««•" knee pant. * gonlyl 13
sold for $8 00 only $& 00 tl „ ~ 25
Man's Cassimere Buita u 75 « 50
sold f0r..... 10 00 only 500 al „ 80 " 65
Mar 1 Cassimere Baits ~ „ 100 " 75
■old for I 3 50 only 6 „ 125 " 90
M#D 2old T0r"!!^..16 50 only 10 00 Men snd boy. gondola hats,»loo only SSO
Mens worsted " nita , a ■„ vi Cti] •• 250 " 10U
sold f0r..... 18 00 on.y uOO „ <• 275 " 125
Mens fine olsy worsted " aOO » 150
soid for 18 00 only U 0 „ " 450 " 3 0<)
MeE^d e for' a^ .] , °.™. ted . 20 00 only 15 00 Soft hats and caps la proportion All
the latent styles in Straw, Braids, Mack;-
Over 3000 Pairs Of Mens Pants Ktf-
Mens working pants only 45 aUrerine watches *5 00 only I 2 50
Mens working pants, „ 750 *' 4 50
Utt«r w0rtfc........5l 25 only I - guver watches 12 00 " 650
Mens working pants DAS wat ches 15 00 " 900
worth 200 only 100 6 „ •• MOO " 12 00
Sweet A Ore's Kerseya •• •• 25 00 " 18 00
worth 200 only Jo GenU » .. 20 00 " 15 00
Mesa black oheviott. 220 " 120 >■ " 25 00 " 18 00
Mens worsted cheviotts 4 50 *' 1 75 ; >a< i ieg ftn d gents electroplated watches $5.
" " " 500"2 25 A Jar)?e a tock of chains from l_oc to #4-
" " " 550 " 21 o Lwlj eg waist sets ficom 10c to 50 centa.
Mens tine cessimere 4 50 " s » Stick pins worth from 25 to 30c only 10 ots.
" " 6 00 " i -5 Gents ouff buttons 25c only 15c
750 " aOO „ 50c " 25c
Onr Jaeger diamonds in Stads, Pine,
Good strong salts 1 00 on.y » <3 Rings and Ear Drop* are simply immense.
Union cassimere 200 " 1 The finest osUide of the real steel-blue
'' . " . . ftft .! ino diamond.
Pine eassimere worsted 6 00 4 W
Wc will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats,
Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under
wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats and Coats and
Vests, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits,
Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pocket and Bill Books, Purses, Spec
tacles, Harmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c.
It would be Impossible to enumerate and give prices of all we
have In stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest
and most varied stock and our prices are guaranteed lower than the
lowest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied
customers that throng our store from Monday morning till late Sat
urday nights.
Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, and when
you make a purchase ask for one of our CARDS and when your pur
chases amount to $15.00 or $20.00 we will present you a piece ol
handsome silrerware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme flour
bin. Ask to see the presents.
D. A. Heck &> Son,
121 North Main St., Butler, Pa.
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«J c 5 d<M of K-H
President of the United States
will, ;u» always, be found in the thickest of the battling vigor
ously for SOUND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES, which will bnnv
THH NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIHI'NEis not oulj the leading
Republican pkj>er of the country, but in PRE EMINENTLY A
Its campaign news and discussions will interest every American
All the news of the <lay, Foreign Correnpomlence, Agricultural
Department, Market reports, Short Stories complete in each uunilx-r.
Comic Pictures, Fashion l'latcs with elnliorate descriptions, and a
variety of items of household interest, <jiake up AN IDEAL FAMILY
One Year For Only $1.50,
Write jrour name and addreaa on a postal card, tend it to <»eo. W. Beat, Tribune
Building, New York City, and a sample copy of TIIK NRW YORK WKJUCI.Y
TJUJMJMK will be mailed to you
Nothing has e»«r been produced to
equal or compare with Htaipkrsyi'
Witch H*«el Oil*? a cchatit**ni
j hial.l!*; application*. It has bfsu
1 used 40 years and always aflfordj relief
i»d ahvivg gives satisfaction.
! It Cures Pit i? or Himorehoids, External
, or Ir.t;rnal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching aad
( Burning; Crack. <->r and
Relief immediate —cure ccrtam.
| It Cure* Bess., .Vald* L loeration and
I Contraction from Burni. Relief k*uujt.
It Cure* To**. Cut and Lacemie-i
Wound* and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumora, Ukers, Old
Sores, Itch in z Eruption*, fcurfy c» Scald
Head. It is Infallible. *•-
It Cures IN FLA ice D or CAKID B**AST*
and Sore Vipple*. It ia invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rhtum, Tetter*. Scur*r
Capped Hand*, feTer Blisters,
9of. Ups or Nostrils, Coras and Buniona,
and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Size*, 15c., 50c. and »1.00.
MJ bf Dr-f*i»w. t po.t-p.id on r*e«ip»of priM.
■c«rne»i. ■*». oo.,iit an* ac, t«r».
from i to ro years old, and you get them
direct from the barrel .
Finch's, Sam Thompson, Large, Gibson,
Bridgeport. Guckenheimer, Dil
linger, Overholt, etc.
£I.OO Per Full Qoart. • • 6 Quarts J5.00.
Grandfather's Choice, 3 years old $2.00
per gal.
of all kind of Wines, Conyacks, Brandies,
Rums, etc. All goods, including C. O.
D. orders, securely packed and shipped
promptly. We prepay express charges
on f 10.00 order* or over
136 Water St., New Number 411,
Pittsburo, Pa.
U'M-f- ?»Well Man
Ist Kay. Wj fr '9m -M
Wff ° fMe
THE 1 >HEAT Xitb Day.
produces the above results In 'M days. It acts
powerfully and <|U!r:kly. Cure- r. LrL all others
bill. Young tfiec will regain their lost ruan
hood, and old men wll! recover t tielr youthful
vlROr by uslnf KEVIVO. It ijulckly arid surely
restores Nervouaseas, Lost vitality, Lost I'ower,
Falllii? Memory, Wasting Dlsea"»s, <ird all
effects of excess and Indiscretion, whlca UL
ata one lor Htudy, bOßlnees or marriage. it not
only cures ■ starting at the Beat of disease,
but is a great n*-rve tonic and blood builder,
bringing hftcu the pluk plow to pale rfaeeM
snil rpstorlrig th'- fire ol you'll. It wards Oil
Insanl'y and < onsurnptlon. Insist on having
RIVfVO, no other. It can be carried in vest
DOC lent. By mall. 11.00 per pa'katre, or six for
19 00. with a posll ".wrltttn guarar.'oo to cure
or refund the mor:<»y. Circular free. Address
The tobacco habit g.uws oii a mati uuti lil«
hervous system U seriously afTec:ed, Impairing
health, comfort an<L happiness. TO quit sud
denly Is too severe a shock to tbe sysu in. u
tobacco to an Inveterate user becomes a stlmu
lant that bis system continually craves, "Bsco
(,'uro" Is a scientific care for the tobacco hsblt.
In all Its forms, carefully compounded after ihe
formula of an eminent Berlin physician wbo
bu used It lb lila tirlva'e practice since its?*,
without a laliure. It Is purely vegetable ur,:
guaranteed perfectly barmltiw You can u»u
all tbe tobacco you want while taking "I;., :o
euro.' It will notify you when to stop. We
give a written guarantee to cure permanent.y
any case with three boxes, or refund the money
with 10 per cent Interest. • Baco-C'uro" If not ,1
substitute, but a scientific cure, that ceres
without the all of will power and with no ln
cQiivlenee. It leaves the system as pure and
free from nicotine as the day you too* youi r.ist
chew or smoke,
Cured By BACO-CURO And (iaiaeU Thirty
From hundreds of testimonials, the originals
of which are on Mo aud open to Inspection, the
following is presented
Clayton, Nevada Count/ Ark ansa* JaL. .is \'.j,
Eureka Chomloal & Mfg. Co.. La Crosse, Wi.-.
—Gentlemen For forty yoars I used toba ■,
lb all lt£ forms, l-'or twenl.r live years of tbr.t
time I wan a great suflerer from general debili
ty and hoart. dlaeaae. Kor (Ifteab years I trod
to quit, but couldn't, I took varloim reinedl'iii,
awug others"So-To-Bac," "'lbe indlau To
bacco Antidote." "Double Chloride of Oold.
etc., etc., but none >f them did mo the least bit
of go«dl. Finally, however, I purch. e'l a box
oi your - Baco ' uro' and It fcas entirely cured
me of the habit lu all H* forms, aud I have lu
crta-'.'l ..blrty pounds In wug.i! and am rellev
ed iroiu all the numerous aches aud pains of
body and mind. I could write a quire oi paper
upon my changed feelings and condition.
Yours respectfully, I*. 11. MABHLHV,
I'aator C. I*. Church. Clayton, Ark.
6, Sold by all druggists at ll.no per box: three
oxes, thirty days treatmeat), 1i.50 with lrm
clad, written guarantee, or sent direct upo.i
receipt oi price. Write lor booklet and proofs.
Eureka Chemical & Alfg. CJ.. l>a Crosse. Wis.,
and Boston, Mas*,,
Is«special boon to Itustness men who, bavin*
drifted unconsciously Into tho drink habit aj;d
awaken to find the disease of alcoholism fastoiw I
upon them, rendering them unfit to tnanagu af
fslni requiring a clear bnUn. , A four woe*»
•OUTMI or treatment at th« J)
No. lid's Fifth Avenue,
inrtorps to them all their powers, mental and
physical, dantroys tbe abnormal appetite, und
restores thein to Ihe condition they were In be
fore they Indulged In stimulants. Th Is has Ixx ri
done In more than irso (««« treated here, and
among them some of your own nulghlior*. to
whom we can refer with confidence us u> the
s. y>lule safety and efficiency t'f the Kerley 'lire.
The fullest and m<*t m-nn h!n« lnvotlrmloTi ti
uvlttd. b-nJ for jMpnhlet flviii;; MI Inforiwr
808. . I
Seanor & Nace's
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable,
Roar of Wick House, Bailor, Pa
The bejt of horsea and first claßß
rigs always on hand and for hire.
Bent accommodations In town for
permanent hoarding and transient
trade. HpeHal care guaratteed.
Stable room for sixty-five horses.
A good clasH of horBOB, both driv
ers and draft horses alwayn on hand
and for sale under a Pull guarantee;
and horses bought upon proper noti
fication by SI A NOR & NACE.
All kinds ot live stock bought and
Telephone at. Wick House
Spuritv *
what you should look for when buy-5
Jin« whiskoys or liquors; our- aro K"ar-i
Jan teed pure; if you !>ov from us you get J
direct from the r. s OovertimonlT
#slamp«d barrel; there is no better guar f
#antee. w
•Prices Speak for Themselves:!
5 l \ear old, I'ure Kye. I.'.'«> per gallon.
9 :i ii.'jA ••
A i v.r« " " m'
f to " 450 •
f H VM •' " ® I
T Special prion listou Wines, etc., OUT
N'o extm charge for jug-F
•or packing. Oivo u* a trial order. #
! \ A. ANI)RII:.SSI;N, }
• i. #
FRAZER chuse
Itaw»arl[ig(|ualltl<«iare unsurpasiavl. actually
nwtlastlng two Ix/scs ot auy other braud
r irosTTimossriKs.
/vtt UAiZ UJ I>OAWM QWtatAU#?
I _
The Proper Thing.
It is the worst possible taate * l«dv
uuies» ver\ eld or feedle. to lake » gen
tleman's arm in the daytime. Even marri
ed people never do this. But after dark a
mail should always offer his arm to the
lad}- he is escorting.
English etiquette strictly says that
people should mever be introduced K>
each other on the street, but in thi« coun
try it is frequently done although it is
not perhaps in the best form. How
ever, one must use judgine.it in this as
in all other matters.
The best usage says that a gentleman
should precede a lady upstairs
A lady who is in mourning is not ex
pected to return calls, but she should ac
knowledge each by sending her visiting
When a lady invites a gentleman to
drive it is not considered in good ta.ste
for her to call for him, If they are to
drive alone, she should let the man com*
to her house, and the start should be
made from there,
A married lady when introduced to
gentleman usually offers her hand. A
young lady does not; she •nly bows.
It is unkind as well as extremely bad
form to scold a child before visitors. Any
scolding you should think necessary
should be given after the guests have
A letter to a married lady should always
be directed with her husbands name or
initials as Mrs. John Smith or Mrs J. H.
Smith; never Mrs. Mary Smith.
It is a lady's place to recognize a gen
tleman first and bow; theu he should
raise his hat, and not before. That is
the case in this country. In France the
gentleman bows first.
Give it a Trial.
An old horseman says: Now that fly
time is approaching, those who have
charge of horses can save a great deal of
annoyance by a simple remedy. When
you go to the stable in the morning take
with you a sponge and a pail of cold
water? Wash the eyes and heads of your
horses, and make them as clean as you
would like your own face to be when
you appear at the breakfast table. Did
you ever notice that flies>re continually
buzzing around the heads of horses in hot
weather? There is a cause for it and
the cause is that the heads of the horses
are dirty. Try the simple remedy anil
see if good results do not follow." If
the oj>erfition don't keep the flies off the
washing will be a good thing for the
horses at anyrate.
Superior to Imported Wines.
29 West 42nd St., New York. Dec. 11 93.
Ar,FRKD Spbkr. Past.:
Dear Sir:—l can say emphatically that I
like your wines far better than any of
the imported wines. Your Claret, Sherry
and Sauterne are very fine and agreeable.
Your latter is my favorite.
I am, yours truly, S. F. ROWLAND.
Mansions are being prepared in heav
en only for those who are candidates
for their ownership.
Eli Hill , Lumber City, Pa., writes, "I
have been suffering irom Piles for twenty
five years and thought my case incurable.
DeWitt's Witch Hsiel Salve was recom
mended to me as a pile sure, si I bought a
box and it performed a permanent cure."
This is only one of thousands of similar
cases. Eczema, sore, and skin diseases
yield quickly when it is used.
./. C. RKDICK.
The devil never thinks it worth Jwhile
to answer back when a stingy man talks
in church.
It would be hard to oonvince a man
suffering from bilious oolio that his agony
is due to a microbe with au uoprononn
oable name. But one dose of DeWitt's
("olio <t Cholera cure will convince him of
its power to afford instant relief. It kills
J C. Kkdick.
—A tourist went to Iceland to look for
the lava streams. He tramped day after
day over the charred face of the dried-up
lava of that volcanic laDd without seeing
anything that answered to his idea of
"But where are the lava streams?" he
"Where are the lava streams?" said the
surprised guide. "Why, >ou are sitting
on them, sir."
I»r. Agnew's Cure lor the Huartgiv**
Dsrfeet relief in all cases of Organic or
sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes,
and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer
>>m remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o;
irealb, Smothering Spells, Pain in • Lei
*ii!o and all symptoms of a I)isea*ed| Heart
•ne dose convinces. Sold by City Phar
Vese Johnson: Wot ails yo'r countc
nance, Jim?
Jim Jackson; I ilun called onto Miss
Knowflake last evenin' an' durin' a little
love-spat she dun biffed me wifa llatiron.
\lose Johnson: Yo'sly cuss! I didn't
know yo' two wa/ engaged.
—Engllth Bpayin Liniment r#more* a'l
card, soft or oallonnod lump* and blsni
ohoH from horses, blood spavins, ourbs
plints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, spraini
Tl swollen throats, coughs, etc. Savo
50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure 6ver known.
Sold bv J. 0. Kediok.s
Husband, old style question: What!
tlippin>{ into the third volume to see if
every one is married?
Wife, new style of answer: Oh, they
were married in the first volume. I only
wanted to see if it was really her hus
band who poisoned her.
1870 < 'Hnnnlj)
From ftrapv wine, ban, by ita extreme
and constant care while in uniform
temperature and pure, sweat atmosphere
ol storage house* for fourteen yearr, be
oomo a rval of the Hennessey and other
brands ol Cognac Hraudy, and much lower
in prioe, and prelerred by the phyaioians
of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities
Buy it of druggist*.
—An idler boasted to a farmer ot hia
ancient family, laying much stress upon
his having descended from an illustrious
man who lived several generations ago.
"So much the worse for you," replied
the farmer; "for we invariably find the
older the seed, the poorer the crop."
"Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!" so
said Do Witt's Little Karly Kiser to the
man who had taken them to arouse his
sluggish liver.
J. G'.Ksitick.
Two sable philosophers took shelter
under the same tree during a heavy
shower. After some time one of them
complained that he felt the rain. "Neb
ber mind," replied the other, "dere's
plenty ob trees; when dis'un is wet troo
we'll go toanoder."
Relit/ HI Six /four*
—DiHtri'ssinjf Kidnoy and Bladder dis
eases r> Sieved in sii hours by tho "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
Thin new remedy is great surprise on »o
count of itr exoesding promptness in re
lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back
and ovorv part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention ol
water and pain in passing it almoit irn
njeiliatly, If you want, quick relief and
euro this is your remedy. Sold by J. C.
rfedick druggist Butler Pa
An enthusiastic editor, s]>caking of a
new prima donna, says: "Her voice is
as soft as a roll of velvet, aud as tender
a My ol jlup-aiiop pauUliyttfie. '
Not Meant Just that Way.
An Oklahoma editor «xpree»e« his
thanks for a basket of orauge. thus: "We
have received a basket of oranges from
our friend Gus Bradley, for which he will
please accept our complimegits, some of
which are nearly six inches in diameter."
On a tombstone in Indiana is the fol
lowieg inscription: '"This montment was
erected to the memory of John Jinkins.
accidentally shot as a mark of affection
by his brother."
A Coroner's jury in Maine reported
that "Deceased came -to his death by
excessive drinking, producing apoplexy
in the minds of the jury."
A Michigan editor received some
verses not long ago with the following
note of explanation: "These lines were
written fifty years ago by one who has
fjr a long time slept in his grave merely
for past time."
If you are weak, tired and nervous,
Hood's Sarsaprilla is just what you need.
Try it.
—"There's one thing," he said, jeer
ingly, "men never get together and talk
about one another the way women do."
"No." she answered, "I don't think
tkey do. There is nothing interesting to
say about them."
Horehound and Elecampane Cordial.
Each of the component parts of Auut
Rachael's Cordial, viz: Horehound and
Elecampane Root and Speer's Grape
Juice is a cure for pulmonary complaints
The Grape Juice and Horehound are
combined with Elecampane in the pro
portions recommended by the best phy
sicians for throat and lung diseases
public speakers and singers. For sale
dv druggists, or at Aunt Rachael's home
Passaic, N. J.
—"Cast iron sinks," is the announce
ment 011 the sign of a suburban plumber.
"Well, who said it didn't?" was the in
quiry cf a countryman, who read it over
three or four times, and chucked when
he thought he saw the point.
A.n Easy Cure for Drunkenness.
Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco
habits easily cured by the use of Hill's
Doable chloride of Gold Tablets. No
effort is required of the patient and stimu
lants may be taken as usual until
given up. Tablets may bs given in tea or
colfee without the patient's knowledge. A
cure guaranteed in every case. For sale
by all first-class druggists, or will be sent
on receipt of SI,OO. For full particulars
address The Ohio Chemical "Works, Lima,
—Full of good points—a pin cushion
—"lt is ea»ier to beat a broken drum
says the Philosopher, ''than a bad egg
—"I am not generally considered
charitable," said the acrobat; "but I do a
many a good turn for the public."
Smali in sine tint groat in results. De-
Witt '» Little Early Risers act gsutlr but
thoroughly, curing indigestion, dyspepsia
and oonstipation. Small pill, safe pill,
best pill.
—"Boo-hoo-hoo!" roarerl Tommy;
"Billy's eaten all my cake."
t ' You said I might liaye a bite," said
Billy, "and it isn't my fault if my bite
is as big as your cake."
HOOD'S riLU ear* U»»r III*,
UUl«ui>«M, Indigealioa, If«*4*che.
A pi—ant UX»UT«. All Dng^ili.
—Overheard in a butcher's shop: What
a lovely sheep's heart you sent me yes
terday' Please let mc have another from
j the same animel!
Pass the good word along the line. Piles
can be quickly cured without an opera
tion by dimply applying IteWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve.
—Muggins: What was the causa of
Wigwag aud his wife getting divorc
Buggins: It starbed when they bought
different makes of bicycles.
Person* who have a coughing spell
every night, on account of a tinkling sen-,
nation in the throat, may overcome it at
once by a dose of Ono Minute Cough Cure.
—Blobbs. Has Wigwag ever shown
any indication of remarkable courage?
Slobbs: He mnpfred a game of base
ball once.
We are axious to do a little good in this
world and can think of no pleasanter or
better way to do it than by recommending
One Minute Cough cire an a preventive of
pneumonia, consumption and other serious
lung troubles that follow neglected oolds.
—Young doctor: Which do you con
sider the best paying specialty?
| Old doctor: People who only think
they are sick.
When we oonsider that the intestines
aro about five times as long as the body,
we can realize the intense suflering ex
perienced when they become inflamed.
DeWitt's Colic <t Cholera oured subdues
inflammation at once and completely re
moves the difficulty.
—Why is the G like a gentleman who
has left an evening party?— Because it
makes one, gone.
T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Pro
mise City, lowa, says- "I bought one
bottle 01 'Mystic Cr.ro' for Rheumatism,
and two doses ol it did me more good than
any medicine I ever took. Sold by J. 0.
Kediok, and J. F. Ualph druggists, Butler.
Couuter irritant*—People who examine
the whole of the stock and buy nothing.
—A cook advertises for a situation, and
adds, "No objection to dressing chil
reu." Horrible!
—The dead are never ill. Consequently
all diseases may be classified as affections
of the liver.
llheumntui* Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Veuralgia radioally cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its aotion upon the system is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at onoo the
cause and the disease imm<*diately disap
pears. The first dose greatly benefits; <5
cents. Hold by J. C ltedio, and J. F.
Balph Druggists, Butler Apr 9C
"Now that each woman hat* a wheel.
Dame Nature, too, lias caught the
And fired with consuming zeal.
She scorches through the lengthen
ing days."
—Harmless explosion—A burst of elo
-The "bump of destructiveness" —A
railway collision.
—One kind of high living which does
not produce the gout- -Living in a garret.
—What's the use of putting a watch in
soak when it already lias a spring inside?
Hotel Willard.
Reopened and now ready for the
accommodation of the traveling pub
Everything in fir»t-c Htyle.
M H BROCKS, Clerk.
A ladies purso on the three degree mail,
owner can receive same by describing, call
at 110 West I>. Bt. Butler Pa.
!The Governor of North Carolina s&id ** p
to the Governor of South Car ohm*
"BATTLE AX'' is the most tobacco, |jj
ffi of the best quality, for the least money. 1
Large quantities reduce the cost of I?
§1 manufacture, the result going to the con- 9
Qj sumer in the shape of a larger piece, for 8
Eg less money, than was ever before possible. E
The Cyclists
m I
bottles only, buff mJy flB ST ■ ■
WRAPPERS, BEE OUR ■ nfcjy fflH I.
CO.. NBW YORK. 9 ■ ■ §Kt wL» I
7© FLFTII Avenue. Mil: » I ■ ■
Sent by mail on receipt of SO cts.
STORM BIRD, Record 2:35
and BUFEALO BOY 3882.
Will be found At my farm dur- j
ing the summer of 1596. These
horses are so well and favorably
known in this county that descrip
tion is unnecessary here. They
are two of the best stallions to be
ound anywhere for the money.
Terms $25 and $lO to insure. For
description and pedigrees, address
Alonzo McCandless, Isle, Pa.
Kali W ntUiTKUI-imSART.
Jm QC-I. HfcNfc Avs. aho Fouhtm Br..
SSrv'S*. PirTSUUMOH, k'A.
All forn: <<>f D«lirni»;aii<lConi
plirati-d l.)k'#»sr«i ,idiifttX»M-
'ElSr fIKCKIIAL lUI l ■-< tKSTiri': M 1
'<sseL nation fir© trwfitcd at thifc
jf»i*ar y \*ith a »utvC4MP. arrly attain*!. I?'' "
/\ r«n*r member of the Royal <• * U;se~»f 1 hy
am> aud Burgeon*, ami Ifl the o! lent and mo*.
-M-wio-iocd ftrniAi-iw in tkoeity. Hpw i#l At
m illion given to Nervona lability trrnn ve
mcutal exertion,lidiacration of youth,etc., cann
ing t»hyplr«l and iientai docay 4 la«;k of f.ierjnr.
lrlpou-'i ncy, etc.; alaoCjpcera <»ldSoren, Kiln,
PlU*a. ilhcnu attain, ami all d>*. <-otof the.sLin,
Urinary Organ* ,U p . Consultation
'i r • ar. J *»i ;otly confidential. Office bouna. t> to
tm.el7 to H i*. M. ; Atuiday*. Ito 4 I*. voir.
iFTER M-L others FAIL
" m ■ uoarait i*eOfci
398 n. ST., rm 1.A., PA.
Thirty rMr> o.*tlrimHm'pr»clk'«. I cur* •fall
ril.MtaM of ni.n Rod worsari uiatT'ir from what
i tuM «r looc MMdlnit. f will a iuri.
Itl UUU-UOUMI BUU* »b*l Ui*l>W
The saddle
' Shown jielvit II it injurious, because few ,
"•'* could enjoy .1 long rule ;
* - without fear of injury. .
All thit i* now changed. Here is repre
sent ad the perfect faddls—the Christy
doe* not press the sen- &how»v 'v. ••« it »»«•
sitive parts, prevents «» '^ d j£' i,ly
stiffness, and makes ' 4 . Ui ,'
! cjding a pleusure. A
, Price, $5.00
• J- »i!« Bookuit on Sabi)l.*i.
* New York. Chicago. Philadelphia.
Insurance and Rea! Estate
a eaht jeffeuson st.
iitJTLEU - X'tu
tWii&t f?f>rvc IJernes
have done for others
ano Hbrmanantly
A positive cure for aH Wcakness*s,
and ail their
t7?>ilof early errors
and later excesses; the result of over
work. s'tckness, worry.etc.
t. X * %
(»r excessive use of tohaceo,opium
and liquor, which lead to consumption
and insanity. Their use shows immedi
ate improvement. Insist upon having
the genuine IERVE BERIIES, no other.
Convenient to carry in vest pocket.
Price, 51.00 per hi*, six boxes, one ftill
treatment, FS.OO. Guaranteed to cure
any case. If not kept hy your drug
gi -t we will send them by mail, upon
rereipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Pamphlet five. mail orderito
Stlmulatua tha anpativn aa4 pro
duuea refrMfelaK alaap
Chooka waatiac di»aa*o«. JM*m
nlicbt awaalh. aurea tualylaut
Inoreaaca a+rovirfti and Sank.
Promotes h«aittiy luuk Hasua.
Will give the pole and puuj tha
Nroaer ohuaka ot youth.
Makes strong *>»n *ud wunv#a of
w oak line*
Care all Waiting Diseases »n«
thb/r sequences,
They urn noither stypMo norcausMn entl
hnv<- no c ..i«ulatinjr ofsret on aontaaU
or thf niumM'h or Ha luitii*: oon»«cinerjtly
U'J not hurt the tooth or oonatlonliun
illarrhraa «a <ia the usual foriilV of Iro»
It) tisya tnistuiant. 600. v*«iphlot IVea if
a-jt Kept by your <JrunNl*t tuidraas
Ss^ p "; I . 0 3ui; >a> R wen
Ijf 7,
VI i ALIS iots r " ; -
&.-RENCH REW£f>V sc\.« nay
n'uM'u nu \i«)V! nratn.TH <• -i-«a
1T"I l mrri? tt*niov»'t* N^vtiuin^M.
W».tleir -Uneaw. Real-r « 1.-• Vitality. P<»*«
BD'I r»i!ln« Man. ry. tt«rd« oft lna«uil» »nd
f„n«t.niptl..n Inct.l ..11 VITAI.IfI. i>«
other ran carrtwl In »nck*t. By mail
a 1 wr ttMi Wici* •*r fit for W.OO with «» guar
S&'W-Mt-oit «tltri!»t» mi- MONK*.
MPPiomiCO., chWMPs la
For sale in Butler, Fa. t>J CJity
Easter IV Hp Dn np Spingr
hats MJ • I • i CipC Hats
The Leading Milliney House In Butler County
Stylish and Beautiful arc the Hats and Bonnets we have
selected for our spring trade.
Never has our stock of Millinery been so grand and at
prices that will astonish you. Come in and see iV>r yourself.
Our Stock of Mourning Goods Always Complete.
D. T Pape
122 S. Mam St Butler Pa.
Foot Fashions
ladies', fas, toys ami Ms
MEN'S #2.00 CALF SHOES. Price any #3.to shoe sold elsewere anil then come
here and you'll find our J2.00 shoe always equals i oftimes excels) others's3 grades
ASK TO SEE OUR Ladies' Shoes, Men's Shoes, Misses' Shoes, Ladies' Slippers
Boys' Shoes, All exclusive styles.
LADIES' fi.so. Look all over o'ther $2 shoes then visit this store and you will be
convinced that our $1,50 grade equals and nearly always excels other*' #2 gocxla.
I.miles fine button or laoe Hioe« at 75c to f::.so i
v'fo s fine shoes. all styles, at 90c to t-i Men s wort- jSS.jaS*,-/ ¥
in* shoe* at 75c to *i .5 . Boy's ihoe« at ?sc, »sc. 11 f.- ifli'ViMßUn
rail shoes are cool and pretty. No wonder every- ||.K55 |Jk ffi yWB
body fortllies with tbem against tlie beat and dust of .-. ■xi i r "»/ S JM
the summer mouths. No wonder all good dressers IS v > M 3
pr«!cr them to anything else. No wonder we're having r\j H >^l
such a run on tans. We've m»d« our prices so easy. , " .»f ■!*.■&&" )
Th» neatest feet in Butler county are those that are s-Zvijj-\ VT '
clad lu Huselton's shoes There's style about them:
t key re exclusive ; :bey are correct. jgj'■ jg (jggi f
Huselton's JSlioe Store
•tte«l accurately in stylish up-to date footwear,
*0 other store carries .is great a variety or sells w"~Ty<^ 1 /'''
Butler's Leading and Progressive Shoe House, Opposite Hotel Lowyr
*Bickel's Stores*
125 North Main St. 323 South Main St.
We have many interesting bargains in store for you.
Our stock of ladies and gents tan shoes and oxtords is large,
showing all the latest styles, prices on shoes $1.25 and upwards, and
fine oxfords at 45c to $2.00. Large stock of misses tan and dongola
strap sandals ranging in price from 50c to $..25. Lad.es fine do.v
i»ola opera toe slippers at 45 cts. Ladies serge slippers at 25 cts.
Ladies serge gaiters at 45 cts. Mens fine dress shoes at SI.OO. Ladies
fine dongola button shoes at 85 cts. Pull stock of boys and mens
patent leather shoes. Mens and boys bicycle shoes. For the latest
styles in fine footwear, call and see us. Full stock of leather and
findings, and shoe-makers supplies ol all kinds. Repairing prompt
ly done. When in need of anything in our line, call and see us.
Butler, Pa.
Wines and Liquors.
Tbero arc many people imposed upou when they
buy liquor for the Bick-room, for the table, or for
social pleasures, because they do not know how
or where to buy. A first class article can ouly
be found in a first class bouso. Thero are niauv
dealers who pose as Wholesale Liquor Dealers,
but there is no other firm which bears the '" e P";
tation for fair and honest dealing which MAX
KLEIN enjoys, and the reafons ure because te
carries the largest and most complete stock tf
liquors of all kinds in the State; -because ever:
article is guaranteed to be absolutely pure, bi>
cause his prices aro the lowest, and because he
deals pquarely with the public \ou may judge
from the following
Silver Age Itye—the peer of all whisklea—sl.so per qt, $15.00 ptr case.
Duquesuu Rye, i»2 per cent pure rye and 8 per cent barley malt, $1 25 per
(juart, $12.50 pec case. .
Bear Creek Bye, six years old, finest quality, SI.OO per qt, $lO 00 per ewe.
Gibson, Flinch, Guckenheinier and Overholt—all well kuown brands, SI.OO
per qt, or SIO.OO per case.
Guckenheinier 4 year old, 75 cts per qt, or $8 00 per cose, an excellen
whiskey at the price, superior to moßt whiskies at f I.
All cares contain 12 full quart bottles.
If you sond your order here for any of the above
you will receive netter goods than anywhere
else. Ilon't forget that wo pay all express and
other charges on orders amounting to $. r > or
over Send for latest Catalogue and Price
liist to
82 Federal St
Allegheny Pa
Wholesale Liquor .Dealer
Buy a Buggy
that's reliable when you
J- do buy one.
Fredonia Buggies
* t.*e f/ery.hing in their favor-beauty, stability, ease. You can
fin! this out by loo' .. . t 'em. Your dealer sells them.
Made by FRBDONIA MIXi. CO., YoMngstmvn, O.