Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 09, 1896, Image 2
THE CITIZEN Cater** at rMU«<* •« •• 14 rltuwuAXm WILLIIM C. IMI.IT. - raHtU" THURSDAY, JULY 3. 189*3. RPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. NATIONAL. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM MCKINLEY. VICE* PRESIDENT, GARRETT A. HOBAKT. - STATE CONORESS-AT-LARGE GAIXSHA A. GROW, S L. DAVENPORT. OOUNTY FOR CONGRESS, JAMES J. DAVIDSON. FOR STATE SENATE, W. H. RITTER. FOR ASSEMBLY, JAMES N. MOORE, JOHN DINDINGER FOR SHERIFF, W. B. DODDS. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER. W\ J. ADAMS." F.OR PROTHONOTARY, R. J. THOMPSON FOR CLERK OF COURTS, ISAAC MEALS. FOR TREASURER, CYRUS HARPER, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, HARMON SEATON, JOHN MITCHELL. FOR COUNTY AUDITORS, W. S. MOORE, O. R. THORNE. FOR CORONER, JOHN L. JONES. ONE of the St. Lonis hotels asked $45 a day for two small rooms. Three small rooms in a private house were offered for the small sum of |io a day. These prices do not seem exhorbiunt, taken in connection with a national convention They do not seem exhorbitant because the American people have become used to two and three eharges for accomoda tions upon such occasions. But suppose a case. Suppose the railroads should double or treble their prices. Would 11 t there be a howl go up all over the coun try? Wouldn't there be a demand for more law and regulation? And still the matter is not changed when private part ies ask two and three prices for accom modations. Upon all such occasions the railroads of the country are the generous ones, but the rest of the charges are more tban enough higher to take away the accruing benefits of lower railroad fares The railroads give and Ihe hotel and boarding house keepers take. It is a matter which is worth calling attention to, but of course no one with sound sense hopes that a reform will be wrought out along these lines. Th-re are some evils which are beyond the reach of even law makers. There is only one thing to do and that is to stay away from such places unless yon have business there. IT is somewhat remarkable that the Presidential campaign this year will l>e the first on record without a single signi ficant State election to give an advance indication of the way in which the gene ral conflict is likely to go. There will be many State elections, but under present circumstances they will shed no light, as the result in them will be a foregone con clusion. ' For instance. Alabama votes in August, Maine and Vermont in Sep tember, and Florida and Georgia in Oc tober. But this is rather a comfortable situation. Our politicsjwere considerably purified by doing away with the old-time October States. We would not have them back if we could. This year no one is caring about indications. Mc- Kinley will be elected as surely as he was nominated, by • big majority. M<-KinW« Gov. McKinley was formally notified of hia nomination for President bv the committee appointed t>y uie late conven tion to do 90 on Monday of last week and in reply to Senator Thurston's ad dress said in part. —"Our domestic trade must be won back and our idle workingmen employed in gainful occupation at American wages Our home market must be restored to its proud rank of first in the world and our foreign trade so precipitately cut off by adverse national legislation, re-opened on fair and equitable terms for our sur plus agricultural and manufacturing pro ducts. Protection and reciprocity, twin measures of a true American policy, should again command the earnest en couragement of the government at Wash ington, Public confidence must be re sumed, aud the skill, the energy and the capital uf our country find ample em ployment at home, sustained, encouraged and defended against the unequal com petition'and serious disadvantage with they arc contending. "The money of the United States, and every Wind of it, -whether of paper, silver or gold, must lie as good as the l>est in the world. It mnst not only lie current at its full face value at home, but it must be counted at par in any aud all com mercial centers of the globe. The saga cious and'far-seeing policy of the great men who founded our government, the wisest financiers at every stage in our history, the steadfast faith anil splendid achievements of the great party to which we belong and the genius and intregrity of our people have always demanded tins and will ever maintain it. The dollai paid to the farmer, the wage earner and the pensioner must continue forever equal in puchasing and debt paying power to the "dollar paid to any govern ment creditor/'-' NINETY miners were entoml>ed while at work in the red ash coal vein of the Twin Shaft at Pitteton, alxuit 3 o'clock on Sunday morning the 28th ult. The roof cave<l in, ami it is believed that all of the men have perished. About forty of the men were Knglish speaking miners, the others Hungarians and In landers. The men were at work proping up the roof when the fall occurea. The work of rescuing the men was begun im mediately, and a number of bodies have been discovered, but it is feared that not all will ever be recovered. The Qlorioue 4th Butler celebrated the 4th all over last week all week. Our Young America seemed determined to get all out of it there was in it—and they did. Uniontown, Fayette Co. celebrated the centenial of its existence as a corpo ration that day, as well as the day itself; and the displays of fire works in Sclien ley and Rtvcrview parks in Pittsburg were grand. One hundred and twenty years does not seem to be a great age lor a nation, but to us it has l*en tremendous in events. On the Fourth day of July, j 1776, Uie United States of America was born. It was an experiment such as the worl'l had never before seen or experi enced. Thirteen colonies, without an artnv or navy, without a treasury and without a supposed friend in the worl 1, declared themselves free and independ ent States. Seven long years of bloody warfare followed, other nations came to the rescue of the struggling colonies, in 1781 peace was declared, and the United States liecame one. of the powers of the world. It had its up* and downs, its struggles in reference to the spoliation claims, its second war with Kngland in 1811-14, but it was not untill the mag* nifiretit record of 1846-48 111 the war with Mexico, and the most stii|<endous of all modei*n contest l !, the civil war of IS6I-65 tba' its real greatness and prowess were acknowledge by the other and older nations. It was an infant it learned to crawl, then to walk, and finally grew to vigorous manhood. What Its future will be depends entirely upon those who now •ompofte and are to compose its govern ment, frame its purposes, and more than all its body politic. TIIK Chicago convention will last all WCtk, A OlimpM at the U. S. Treasury. vPnnxsutawney Spirit.) While in Washington one day last week we visited the United State* Treasury,and throngh the coorteiy of a friend who i* em ployed there were shown thromgh the van oo* divisions, vaalts and counting rooms. The gen'-leman, whom we wul call Jones. because that .s not bis name, war well ported on the machinery of the Treas ury Department. He seemed to have a clear comprehension of the money lion, and for our owe Information we plied 1!m with questions, which h« cheerfully answered. „ _ ... He first showed us the Secret service vi-ion, There some tine samples of coun terleit money are on exhibition and the photogTanhs of numerous couuterfe.tfcrs ire displayed on tbo wa;ls. ,XH® thioj{ tu». Astonishes you is that men and women p >«- -e»s:nif such ignorant and repulsive look ing mags should have so much skill in the a«e of the pen and brush as is exhibit*! by .heir work. One group of counterfeiters is labelled "The Tw»nty Beaities." And -u more h*u6*>a* looking laced coulu found outside of Pluto's realms. We next visited the silver vaults *'bere are stored *152,172,000 in silver coin. The largest of these vaults is S9 faet long- 01 feet wide and 12 feet high, and is packed i"ull of silver. The weight of its contents is 5,000 tons. And only a small part ot the silver ia in this vault. There is over twice as much more in t he sub-treasuries. The total amount of our Bilver ia now near ly $600,000,000. About $60,000,000 of this is ; i circulation. Against the Treasury and sub treasuries $334,0W,uw in silver certificates have been issued. "How much gold is there in the coun tryf" we inquired as we approached the geld vault. , .. , "About #700,000.000," he replied "There are #3,000,000 in this vault, some cf wnich belongs to the reserve fund neia to gecare greenback end silver circulation, and against some of which gold certify catea are issued." ... . "And how much paper circulation haye wet" . , . "About #500,000,000. This is destroyed and re-issued at the rate of $1,000,000 pel day >"ew notes are exchanged for old and worn out ones brought -hero for re demption." •'And ia not gold also given in exchange forpapert"' "Certainly. If it were not for tha. wo would soon accumulate a vast amount of gold. But when gold is asked for, we must give it. Otherwise people would soon lose faith in our paper and silver currenoy. Legal tender notes would be worth practically uothing. and silver on y its market value as bullion. The Govern ment is pledged to keep ail currency at a par with gold, and the only way to do it is to be ready at all times to exchange gold for silver or paper on demand." "Why do people demand gold." '•■ Well, you see all the nations with which we have any dealings (all but China and Mexico) have the gold stand ard. They do not recognise anything else as money, and when our business men in this country have money payments to make abroad, they must have gold, and j we must have it to give them, or borrow it. We have recently borrowed to the extent of over to pay gold on demand we would violate our pledge to maintain the various kinds ol currency at a parity, and that would amount to a suspension ot specie pay ments. The result would be that differ ent sorts of currenoy would have different values, causing great loss and inconven ience to the people." "Does not the law require the paper obligations issued by the Government to be paid in coin—either gold or silverT" "Yes; but nobody demands silver. Cold is iVnanded only because it is needed for foreign transactions, and the moment we refuse it we place gold at a premium, for then those who needed gold would have t'j go to people who had it and pay them what they asked for it. Why is it, Mr. Jones,that while w* have more gold than silver coin in this country, and there is no premium on gold money, that it does not circulate more freely T" "That is easy. Silver, you see, is not worth commercially its face value. Throw a thousand silver dollars into the meltirg pot and you have #SOO worth of metal. Meit a thousand gold dollars and you have SI,OOO worth of metal. When there are two kindiOf money in circulation one ol which :s safer than the other, the cheaper one is always used to discharge debt. Prom 18.' iI to lfilii there comparatively no silver in circulation in this oountry, be eause its bullion value was more than its value as coin. Gold therefore flowed to the mint, and silver went where it was better appreciated. Dp to 1853 l«ss than fonr millioa s:and»rd silver dollars had been coined in the United States. That was because its legal ratio was less thau its commercial lallo. Uoia does nol circu late now sitfiply because it is underrated [by our coinage laws. Knowing itself to I be 32 instead of 16 times more desirable I than silver, it reluses to associate with the wffite metal on thoie terms," "What, in your opinion, would be the effect of the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1 without an agreement with other na tions that they would receive silver at that ratio?" "The effect clearly would be that a dol lar in (fold would goon come to be worth precisely two silver dollars, because that in the market ratio, aad is not likely to I fall far below that. Silver production would be stimulated. and the white metal would flow to this country from all parts |of the world to have Us value doubled by the magic powor or the Amerioan mint. Silver would be coined in imraenso quan titien. U would become the Hole stan.l aid Gold would become a mero article of commerce, aDd would play no part a monej except to discharge foroign obli gation. We wonld therefore have (rained nothing, an the gold circulation would be banished. But we would lone a great deal The Government could not undertake HO great a task an to keep unlimited free coinage silver dollar* at a par with po!d. because It would be an impossibility. Our $.'{4G,081,000 of legal tender demand notes would not be kept afloat unless by redeeming them in depreciated fiilver, canning a IOSH to the holder* of about sl*>s, 000,000. The price of all commodities would be doubled. Your dollar wonld be only half an valuable an at preHent, and to buy an article that costs SSO now von would then have to carry 100 silver dol lars weighingJlO pounds. Silver certificates then would bo the only convenient form of money. But the worst effect wo'ilt! be the unsettling of all values, and the pre cipitation of a panic such BH this country han never seen. liefore the law went into operation foreign investors would with draw their capital, and every creditor would insist ipon his debtor paying up before the depreciated currency came into use. This would drive millions of men to the wall. It would enable insurance com panies to pay their obligations with halt the money promised. If went to Europe with SI,OOO in Amerioan money, it would be worth only $500." "Is that all*" "No. I might stand here all day enu merating the evils and disasters that would follow free coinage at lti to 1, and then not he half through." "Would the free coinage of silver at that ratio effect the produotion of goldT"' •'Undoubtedly because it would not be fair to say to the gold produoer, Bring a dollars' worth ot your produot and receive a dollar lor it, and to the silver producer Bring a dollars' worth of your product and receive two dollars. The delusion about money is peculiar to the American jieoplo. It is due to the legal tender promises t<> pay issued during the war, and the agita iicn which followed the declaration in the Democratic platform of IHM that Govern ment bonds should be paid in greenbacks That, would have been equivalent to ropu distion. The money question is not a difficult one if you take honest business principles for your basis. Cheap money is one phase of the mania to get something for nothing." "Then you don't believe in the free and unlimited coinage rf silvciT" "Hardly " * Wedding in WinfieJd. Garlion Black, PH., .Inly 7, LFWO. A brilliant wedding occurred today at 2 p m. at the renidence of the bride's pa rents, Mr. August Kreehling and wife, when I'rof. 11. N Newell and Misn Mary Kreehling were united in the holy bonds of matrimony About one hr.ndreil guests were present to extAiid congratulations and bunt wishes, and quite a large nnnilmr ot presents were received. An elegant supper wan served ot which the guests partook heartily and an enjoyable time wa> had. Prof. Newell and wi'e desire to thank their many friends for the many kindnensns received, and afior an extended wedding tour ifiev will take up their resident on Turtle Creek, where the I'rof. WHS recently elected principal. Prof. Newell is a graduate of Slippery Hock State Normal, cla-s of 'SHJ. The wishes of thoir many friends go with them. Tint Leander boat crew beet the Yale at the Henley course on the Thames 111 iinglaml, Tuesday, by a small lead. CHICAGO. Chicago was a seething, sweltering, ] shouting, soaking mass of humanity this week. The silver crowd appeared the largest and most determined from the beginning, and the gold men knew for the begin that they must take a back seat. I"he money question was discussed every where. On Monday he National Committee set tled the contests, and by a vote of 17 to a-, "elected Senator Hill of New \ ork, for Temporary Chairman, but the _ silver men said thev would present a minority report and elect Senator Daniel of Vir ginia. . Bland secuied to be in the lea ', tor tue Presidential nomination, with Boies a close second, Sibley a possibility, i eller well spoken of by evervliody a "d Sibley 011 deck. The Convention met Tuesday noon, and v. as opened by prayer, alter which Chairman Harrity named Hill for tem porary- chairman amid tremendous cheer ing bv gold The silver men, with few exceptions, kept their seats dur ing the demonstration. _ i When the applause subsided. Clayton of Alabama arose to mcve that Danici s name be substituted tor that of HiL, ana an immense demonstration followed. Clayton's motion was seconded by 'fhomas of Colorado and a roll of States was demanded on the motion. The mo tion then was discussed pro and con, each mention of Hill or Daniel eliciting cheers New Jersey and Connecticut advocated the selection of Hill, Waller, of Connect icut saying the gold men are here to stay, but they appeal for courtesy ana fair treatment, and the upholding of Demo cratic precedents. The count gave Daniel 556 votes and Hill 349. and Mr. Harrity announced that unless objection was made lie would regard it as the sense of the convention that the majority re;Kir* had been reject ed and Mr. Daniel selected. Senator Jones of Arkansas, R. P. Keat ing of Nevada, and Senator White \>ere appointed to escort Senator Daniel to the platform. As the committee appeared on til*- p'-'t forrn with the Virginia senator the dem onstration of the silver men was renewed. Senator Daniel has the appearance of an'old-time statesman, smooth shaven, with clear cut features and raven-black hair and wearing the conventional black frock coat, he looked ns if he had just stepped out of some picture of the senate of the past. He bowed profoundly in response to the ovation he received. When order was restored Mr. Harrity said: "Gentlemen of the convention, I have the honor of introducing as your temporary chairman the honorable John W. Daniel, of Virginia. Senator Daniel addressed the conven tion at length oi the money question, favoring bimetalisian at a 16 to 1 ratio, and concluding as follows: The majority of the conve«tion-I haye the honor here to represent it-maintain that this great American nation, with a natural l.ase of fixed empire, the greatest ever established by man, with more terri tory and more productive energy than Great Britian, France and Germany com bined, without dependence upon Europ ean nations for anything that they pro duce and with European nations depend ent upon much we produce, is fully capable of restoring tnis constitutional money system of gold and silver at equity with each other. As our fathers, in 1776, declared our national independence of all the world, so to-day has the great Democratic party, founded by Jefferson, the author of that declaration, appeared here in Chicago to announce the financial independence of the United States of all other nations, and to invoke all true Americans to asseri it by their suffrages at the polls, that our country may lie placed where she by right belongs, as the freest, as th* fore most, as the most prosperous and happy nation that ever blessed the life of man kind upon this globe. At the conclusion of Daniel's address, Hill was called for but would not re spond; the roll was called, ami the con vention adjourned till next day. On Wednesday the convention practic ally did nothing. The Committee on Credentials was not ready with its re port, and the day was consumed in null ing speeches, that of Altgeld of Illinois being the most radical. The platform will probably be discuss ed to-day. The money "plank,,' as reported by the sub committee to the committee 0:1 resolutions is as follows: Recognizing that the money question is paramount to all other.-* at tills time, we invite attention to the fact that th ■ federal constitution names silver and gold together as the metals ot the Unit ed States, and that the first coinage law passed by congres.l under the constitu tion made the silver dollar tne unit of value and admitted gold to free coinage at a ratio measured by the silver dollar unit. We declare that the act of 1873 de monetizing silver without the knowledge or approval of the American people has resulted in the appreciation of gold and a corresponding fall in the price of com modities produced by the people; a heavy increase in the burden of taxation and of all debts, public and private; the enrichment of the money-lending class at home and abroad; prostration of in dustry and impoverishment of the people. We are unafternably opposed to the single gold standard which has locked fast the prosperity of au industrial peo ple in the paralysis of hard times. Gold monometallism is a British policy and its adoption has brought other nations into financial servitude to London. It is not only un-American but anti-American and it can be fastened on the United States only by the stifling of that in domitable spirit and love of liberty which proclaimed our political independence in 1776 and won it in the war of the revo lution. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, without Waiting for the aid o.- c jnsent of any other nation. We demand that the stan dard silver dollai' shall l>e a full legal tender with gold for all debts public and private and we favor such legislation as will prevent the demonetization of any kind of legal tender money by private contract. A Great Campaigner Ohio has produced two of the three greatest jxditical campaigners of my day —James A. Garfield, and William McKin ley. I need hardly say that the third was James G. Blaine, of Maine. The chief qualities that go to the making of a really great .stump orator are simplicity and directness of statement, a clear, far reaching voice, a winning personality, an inborn faculty for giving to sjiokcii thoughts such a projectile force as will secure for them a lodgment in other minds, and finally physical endurance. All thess qualifications McKinley posses - ses to a high degree. He has not as wide a range of thought and illustration as Garfield had, and lie is not as magnet ic and spontanodtis as Blaine was; but neither of those two suj>erb orators had as great a gift for going straight on the understandings of plain people as he possesses. He never tells a story in his speeches; he is the personification of seriousness anil earnestness. He quotes no poetry, he strives for no merely orato rical effect; be never abuses his political antagonists or opposing party. He al ways starts out to convince the under standing of his hearers; then, when he has presented his facts and set fort 11 his processcss of reasoning, quietly, logically, and persuasively, he warms up, his deep set eyes glow, his form seems to tower, liis voice rings out like a trumpet, and he drives iif his argument with sledge-ham mer blows of .Tiort, sonorous, epigram matical sentences. Hu has wonderful staying qualities. He is never exhausted. To every fresh audience lie brings the charm of a vigorous presence. He lias extended his stump speaking work from his county to his Congressional district, from liis district t<> this State, and from his State to the wb'ile country; and I do not lielicvc there is a public man of this day who has made as many addresses or talked to as many |>eoplc. I luring his great stumping ton* 1 of iS<>4, which un questionably won for him the president ial nomination, more than two millions of people in eighteen States heard his voice. Once he made seventeen speeches in twenty-four hours. At Hutchison Kail., thirty thousand jieople assembled to hear him, and in Topcka his audience was estimated at twenty-five thousand. Kugene V. Hmalloy in Keview of Re new* for July. l-'il-TV thousand people were lately drowned in Japan by a tidal wave. BtJ 13. Below we give the numWer of children in each dittrict of the ooui*y exo pung (Clearfield and Centreville, not returned) who are between the age* ofSand 13y»ari, and whose parent* and guaidlirt will I § re quired to see that they attend school for sixteen w»ek* of each school jear, or be subject to the penalties prescribed in the compulsory education law of 1»195. Adams Adams S Allegheny Jrj Brady Buffalo Bniler - Clay jjh Centre Chtrry X f® Cherry S - 111 Cleartield Clinton l rt Concord Cocßoqaenessing S jjf Oonnoqneness : ng 8 Cranberry }\ n Donegal - 200 Fairview j"* Fairview W 81 Forward 180 Franklin Jackson Jackson W ;*i Jefferson - Lancaster *•*- Manoti Mercer 'jr Middlesex.... -J™ Muddyoreuk Oakland.. .............. Parker Penn Penn J*j> Slipperyrock Summit "® Venango Washington 'i' Washington '® l;® Worth ™ Batler—lst ward 2d ward.......... 3d ward - 4th ward........ - I'® sth wc d - 183 Centreville Evans C'ty Fairview.. - r! Harmony - Uarrisville - rr Petrclia £* Portergville ~ Prospect 3' Kama City - Saxonburg Sun bury *' Z-iienople - BB Report of the Middlesex School Cele bration of July 4th. This dilapidated old building where the picnic was field is located along the Butler plank road above Glade Mills, and was used fifty years ago. used as a school house, it has been remodeled since then and ii at the pre-«nt day u.<ed for a dwelling One of the encouraging feature* that 1 have t<> report of this pionio is the steadily incro:i v icg interest on the part of almost evervb<-;ly, the interest manifested at this meeting was phenomenal. The lack of an audience was at one time, the great draw back to )'>oal celebrations, a tew people would assemble, and without any regular outline of work, put in the time and then go ho no, having received very little bene fit fr« in the meeting. But now, how changed is the order of things in this par tioutar, people oame miles to attend this looal educational gathering, and as a rule ail took some part in the celebration, Dot "•ily did lawyer* and ministers and busi u<i..s men patronise this meeting, but be came enthusiastic and entered into the discussion of educational questions, con sequently making the work of the day co operative and Impressive between patrons and the leading speakers of the occasion. Sir. Simoon Nixon of Butler, favored us with a good speeoh. The following is an abstract of his remarks. It affords me great pleasure to stato that there has been decided improvement iu cholarship end professional qualifications uf our teaching lorco during the last fifty years, heuco elevating the young g»nera iuis up to a higher plaue of culture, man hood, truth, sincerity and industry, on the whole I look upon our teachers with pride, they aro ambitious, honest and capable, bearing their discouragements, and are misunderstood by the public and Ihey fail to receive the encouragement and support which uiey have a to expect. Citizens, whether patrons of the sohools or uot, yon have a duly to perlorui toward the schools, tho responsibility of which you cannot evade. To encourage thorn by your occasional presence and to commend their good features. In conclusion permit me to say that wi'.h such an efficient educational system, with 80 many public spirited and seli svrilising directors, striving to further the interests of the schools, that the out- I.IOK fir our schools is very bright. Tin, of the day was discontinu ed ai'il after dinner, all proceeding in par taking of tbe bounteous and abundant suppl , of provisions which the people of tliif v cinity-and the adjoining districts were. ;!istruinontal in preparing for this Jv V. ird Hartley of Middlesex twp. alio »;iv. r-d UB with a very appropriate speech Be k>tioat M followa: BIW MOM in i 1 - iiistory of Hatler county have I been p-jr.iij'.r.ed to spend a day at an education H! met :ing that i appreciated HO highly an I did -iiia one. The many suggestions and Hi* miorniatlon obtained a* thin meeting i lie school line during the school days of our old pioneer* when thoy attended fell '■! in thin old bailding, will leave an impression upon t v e mindojot those present at thin meeting altogether indexible and which timo even itself cannot efface. .\g* n r.liow me to express that tho nocia bility which we all manifested toward oaoh other on thin occasion is long to be re mem lit red. In conclusion allow me to thank you lor your undivided attention and your kind hospitality. Thii last speaker was John C.Logan who said that Simon Nixon and everybody who participated in thin celebration were en titled to mnch oredit for the ectivo part they took in tt.o maeting and for the inter est ai.il enthusiasm they awakened in the comuinnfty in which it was held. He be lieves that if the people had more urgani nations of this kind througout the country than they hate had that there would be groater progress and a more rapid growth in popular education and that the people would recognise a more thorough and gen uine belief in the value of education to the individual and the nation- XXX. FAIRVIEW. Miss Amelia Xlill, of Allegheny City, came up with her consin Harry McClure. who had gone down to tho city to upend the fourth. She expects to stay a few weeks to rest aftor a long term of »ch-ij| teaching, which she closed the latter pirt of June The Unnd 4th of July went .iir very quietly here, the Sabbath School* with a genera! tonrnont went to Banna Vista to a large Picnic prepared for them in the drove, but they got the worst of it, lor when everything ' wa« read/ the hoavy rain came on and spoiled their fun, a* well as the ladies new tats, so tli iy all came home disappointed. The returns from the Republican con vention made a very favorable impression on all the citizens of our town, hurrah for McKinley. K. P. Scott mado a buai'ieii trip te Butler on Monday last. The Ladies Missionary Society will meet in the 17. P. church here, on next Satur day at 3 o'clock P. M. all mo invited. Ja;ik Waramock came l\st week from the lower oil field to >.i, k y with his family a few days, alter an nhsence of C months There wau a new ml well completed last week on the Kobt. Campbell farm good for 20 bbla. per day, they will commence to drill another on the anio larm this week. DINT. THK treasury official statement just issue! shows tlic receipt* from all sourc es for the fiscal year, 1896, to lie #326,- 500,000, and the expenditures #352,000,- .J44, making the deficit fur the fiscal year #As,.V>o.< XJO. i'or 1K95 the deficit wan *42,1100,000. anil in 1&94, $H0,000,000, so tha* the deficit for the past three years aggregates #137,500/100. For the month of June, which closed Wednesday, the receipts have been] #26,500,01 and the expenditures #15.000,1100, making an ex cess of receipts of # 1,500,000. TIIK Millersville Normal Journal say» "Township high schools will sooni be established in many parts of Pennsyl vania, and teachers should prepare them selves to take charge of them when 'hey are established." Undoubtedly the time i not far distant when the children living in the comity will have equal education al advantages with those of the towus and cities, and they should have thciu. Hence the township high school before long will become a necesity. DEATHS. GIBSOk" —At the home of her sister. Mrs Nancy Patterson in Clay twp, June 14, IS9C, Caroline Gibson, daughter of Levi Gibson, late of Washington twp, in her 97 year. FISHER—At her home in Butler, July 1. 1996, Elisabeth, wife of George Fisher. BARCLAY—At her home in Butler, June 30, 18SW, Teresea Belle Barolay, aged 16 years. JACKSON —At her home in Centre twp, June 30, 1596, Mrs. L Jackson, in her 37th year. BARTLEY —At his home in Pittsburg, Janel£*. 181 W. John Bartley, in his 91st year. KRUTTLE —At his home in Butler, July 6, 1896, Anthony Kruttle, in his 67th year. BARCLAY—At his home in Allegheny city, July 8, 1896, Nixou Barclay aged 7<t years. He was formerly of Penn twp., and was the father of Mrs. W. H. Morris. WALKER —At his home in this place, Saturday, Jr.ly 4, 1696, Captain Samuel Walker, aged 61 years. The death of Capt Walker was learned •vith more than ordinary regret by onr citizens, with whoui ha was a general f»v orite. Aa a man he was respected for his honorable character and npright bearing with his fellows. Genial in nature and un asuming in habits he attached to himself a host of warm friends. A worthy soldier in the late war and a taitUfal official in all the public trusts he held his memory will be held in high regard by all who knew him. His funeral on Tuesday list w»< largely attended and his remains laid to rest in the North cemetery. His family have the sympathj of this entire commu nity and his loss will be mourned by all. OBITUABY NOTEI. Henry Filer, a well known coal miner, died at his home in Gruve City, a few days ago Mrs Amelia Hnraason of Mercer, died yesterday morning. Her maiden name was Martin, and shs was born in Harris rill*. James H. Walker of Biairsville, died last Saturday, aged 73. He was born in HarrievilJe, but has lived in Biairsville for the past forty years. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," died at her home at Hartford, Conn., on Wednesday morn ing of last week Mrs. Stowe was born at Litchfield, Conn., June 25, 1811. and was consequently aged 85 years and 16 days. Her father was the famous Dr. Lyman Beecher, and her brother Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. She was prominent among our best authors, and the full list of her publications numbers thirty-two volumes. Her sole editorial experience was on the Hearth and Home in New York city. J. L. BHATTT AND Wirs. That "death loves a shining mark—a signal viotory" was fully realised by the deaths of J. L. Beatty and wife, Henrietta S. Beatty. i By their removal the community has lost kind and true friends, faithful Christa'n 00-workers, both being members of the U. E. Chureh —ones whose oounoils were al ways wise and true,ones whase hands were ever ready to help and whose home was ever open with a hearty welcome. By the death of J. L. Beitfy, May 7, Washington twp. losj. one of its most in fluential and upright cititens and the fam ! ily a kind, loving father. His wife linger ed seven weeks and on Sunday, .Jane 28, at 1:45 p. m. peacefully passed away. They were married at Parsouville, Pa , June 25, 1851, by the Rev. John V. Miller and are survived by five children. To the children in their sad loss of kind and loving parents the Whole community nnite in expressing their sympathy. "God wills it bo, and so it i«; The pilgrims on their way Though weak and worn aiore cheerfu are Than all the rest who stay. And when at last poor man subdued Lie* down to death resigned May he not still be happier far Than those he leaves iiehiud " RKV. J. A. YODIIO. c POWDER Absolutely Pure.; A croam ol tartar baiting powder. High oat of all in leavening strength.— Latest United States Government food Report. lUftt PASHM VOWVBMOOh 10* *l# »t-. N. v Professional Cards. G. M. ZIMMERMAN. raraiuuH KCIJIIHUW, OWoeat No.• 45, iH. MHIII Mreet, c»er tit i tnrmaey.Butlor. 1*» J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Perm's." Artificial Teeth Inserted on the late»t lm, jrnedplan. Hold rilim* .1 nj»>c*»ity. OtOco OTOr rtchaul* Clot Man Htore. V. M. McALPfNE Dentist, Main St. Naesthetics Administered. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. «oo wost Ounn'uicham S». Dr. N. M. HOOVER, 187 F-. Wayne Bf.. office hOOW.pnCtoJH V.'an to S V. M. DR. CHAS R- B. HUNT, Physician and Surgeon. Eje, oar, nose and throat a specialty 132 and 134 8. Mitir. fitreet. Kalston building. \V. H. BROWN, Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Oirr« 2'H S. Main St.. oop. I'. <). Ke«ileore 31ft N. McKe&o St. DR. J. E KAULK. |Dontlst. t'ainlc.iA oxtraction—No (ia# —Crown and bridge work a specialty. Office—ln Gllkey building oppimtaP. 0. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. •DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. tiold Killing I'alnlesß effraction of h oil Artificial tn"Ui wli.lio'lt I'lat.ei n npoi-lalty vlron Of lite or VK.tIUWt Air or I.oci«; nXHltl'ltll'K I i omen "«pr vtillcr H eaii. or l.owry o>lne. Office clono.l K • In <t I »)'» *ll d rtlunwlkT* L. BLACK. mriIICIAN ANU,« JBOSOH, Now iroutmau HuUiUnt.ilatler, Pa. M, A, fIERKIMER Funeral Director 37 8. MofTi. I THE steamers Three Friends and City | of Richmond have been detained at Key ! West, Florid*, on the ground that they were about to engage in a filibustering expedition to Cuba. The vessels were . overhauled at sea by the revenue cutter Winona. On the City of Richmond were j 407 cases of arms ami ammunition, and on the Three Friends a party of" forty men, among whom wa» Sicretarv Costil lo of the Cuban Junta in this county. HARVESTING has begun in the west, particularly in Kansas, and everybody will be glad that the sunflower State has in prospect the greatest wheat crop it ever harvested. It is estimated at 43,- 000.000 bushels, or almost double the vield of last year. As Kamsas alone will only require about one-fourth of this for food and seed she will have over thirty million bushels for sale. X-Rays Of test and trial prove Hoed'* Sarsaparllla to be nnequalled for purifying the bloeU because Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood mirifler. All druggists. sl. Meod'e Pills sure all Liver Ills. 26 cents. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATIORNEY AT LAW. O.Hee on North Diamond Street, opposite tbe Court House-Lower Floor. COULTER & BAKER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ofli.e In rooei 8.. Armory Building, Bul'er fa. S. H. PIERSOL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 104 East Diamond St. J M. PAINTER, Attorney-at-Law. 3)c»—Between Postofflce and Diamond, Hu'ler fa. A. T. SCOTT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.: ; moo at No. s. aoutli Diamond, Bniler, Pa. NEWTON BLACK. mtt'r at Law- unce 00 South aide of Diamond cutler, Pa. ALEX RUSSELL. Attorney-al-Law Office with Newton Black, Esq. South Diamond, Butler, Pa. A. T. BLACK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room J —Armory Building. H. H. GOUCHER. A tLorupy-at-lavr. omce In Mitchell bulkiln Butler Pa. EYES EXAOED FREE OF CHAKGP R. L. Ktrkpatrick, Optician and Jeweler Next to Court House Butler, Pa. Graduate La Port Harological Institute t C. F. L. McQulstion. CIVIL K.KUNKKK AND'SDU.-EYOR. Office near Court House Butler Pa. The COAST IJNU to MACKINAC - :—V-TAKE THEH MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY OHICAGO 2 New Slecl Passenger Steamers The Qrifeti tt *>rf#cfloa TH attained in float C4M)fttructton ; ..uu*»rirmn hqcMmnM«f. Artistic f ufnljAinr !>« v ur*tlr>« sad frnicicat Servica, innuring t 'c ' priest «lefree of CORIFCRT, SPEED AND SAFETY. FOJM TftlPt FIR WftK BfT«fcCN Toledo, Detroit Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOO." MARQUETTE, AND DULOTH. LOW RATfIS te Ptctereeqa* an 4 (• tiara, n««U and Bertka. Prta Clc v«loa4, |iS; Iran TeMt, |i|; IrMi Detract. EVERY EVENIMO Between Detroit «nd Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Karlicat Traina t'*r all point* Itaat, Soutk aa4 Soathweat and at I>etroit lor all points North and Northweat. Sanday Trips Jsns, ialy, Aofost snS Ssftaaiksr fnly EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Put-In-Bay f Toledo rl f»r Jl'riH Address • / ». * »• A ITZ, •. w. a.. OBTnoiT, MIOH. *" Steam la?. G«. MeCANDLESS' fIEAVECIIRE 1 have a Heave Curo that will cure any o»*e of heaven in hornoH in forty dayn, I uitorl according to diroctionH. and if it doe* not do wnat I olaira for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charge* will be made for thn treatment. The following entimnnialx are the HtrongeMt proof of tie medicine* power to cure: A. J. MOCAI»I>L«*«, Butler, Pa., 1893J MR. A. J. McCANDLKKH: On the 2nd (ley of April, 1892, I com menced to uxe your now euro for one ol ir.y kor*ex that had the heaven very bad, and continued to nxe tho medicine f<>' about forty day H and tho horxe did nof *ho «• any mgnn of a return of thein. It i* 1 uo K'about a year nince I quit givin t'-ie medicine and the hor«o h»n never Bhowed 1 any Mignn of heaven, and I feel Htufied ' that he in properly cured W. 0. CRIHWRLL, 1 Butler. Pu., Aoril 3, IH'>3 > I.J. MUCardlbiu I have iided your Heavo Cure and foued it will do the.work if used atoordng to di- ' reetionn. Yourn truly, J. B. MCMILMR. ( i Sclentiflo American j , . XckV DCSICU PATKNTS. v COfTKIOHTS, «tc. For lnf'»rrmtt"n nnd frr« H»MMIUH,H write to MI;NX A ( O 41 JIROINTT*R, NEW Yoaa. 'M.|« %i burr an 1»»r -iirimr |>«u<nt« In Anwrira. K*i»r> |.dtenU4km<Mittijr u*|i l-r -ucht Hi# i JMIO by u notl<*e klvmb fr» o of jliarga lu U*a Scientific rtmtiUtl»n "t >nt . Icßtinr worl.i Si.lrn.ll Ui lii.inr.itc-.1. N., Im/-invent I ■»» nhniil.l I- ' it 11. nv. klr. IMMU 1 ▼•»r: fl.tVilxin .. Aililroac, Hi'Nx « 11. Vllittufiu, tfl I X, f York CIIJT. I"" for Sale A farm of 20 acre*, with » neven room bouxe, good Irult, orchardx, well water, good npring at the hou»e,*pring houne and convenient out-building*. Will *ell chean or exchange for town property, about 7 mile* Ironi Butler JTor particular* inquire at this office. ■ RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA «$„. Wenlsrn "ernsvlvaai* Division. Schedule iu Ktlcct MJV IS, South, Week llay* A. M. a. v a. M . p. M. f. «. iVtlm l.ea*e' .» •• w 11 ai if, 5^ -**ont)ur* Arrivi ■,* »>s is<. jio s - riitlerJc t . " ;;; * V l - «(7 3 ■ • Butler Jc t ..Leave 730 si« i< u j j Natrona . . Arrived u» j5- 1:21 t:. •qj rareutum T4.5 i»O3 I:* 3 M 007 dprlngJiU!. 7.'..' 9li l.'si. 4oj ClaremoDt scr j >r> !253 c^" Stiarpeturi «: i i«i *. o■: AllenbeayCity » 9 « 114 «xi bi: A. a. A. x. r. H. v. M r. a. SLMUAY TKAINB V .ttit < u> an<l lnienuedlatv »i*iiou? • 740 A. M„ S:lu nll<l SOO I' M. North. Ween U»ys— ■— A M. A. M. A. M. T. M. r, M. •lU-sUcni City. Lv.; Oo auo 1133 ioo 530 S'.iarpebur;,* Til su us: (.Haremont 9 1i» 1145 :*printed*.!. :'>o use s " Tareutuiu 7J- JJ? uos 3so 607 Natrona S- #l3 12 13 331 r.! 1 K'JlVrJc't Ar 7IS 9!<i 1-33 3 Cio Botlerict Lv 715 t*o It 34 34j OSo clo 1013 "ia 4oa t; 44 rir run Ar <• 35 1038 113 4 710 A M. A. m. r. a, r. v r v s T "NDAY TKaJlN^—XA;ave Allegheny Cltj for Butler an.l princlrai IntermeOlate «iatlons 7^.' A. M.. lt9*Htl3s F. M. Week Days For the E*st Week Days, p. m. a. m. a m p. tn. 245 » 'JP Lv BCTLER. .. Ar 10 02 12 st: 335 727 Ar Bnt'er Je't Lv 953 12 4. 340 745 L,v Butler Jo tAr 940 12 3* 3 4tJ 7 4t( Ar Freeport.. Lv 93d 12 30 350 753 " AllegV Jc't " W :i3 12 21 400 804 " Leecnburg.. " 920 12 1 ' 41V 821 "Faalton(Apollo" 905 11 CO 445 851 " Saltsburg 837 11 32 slh 1*22 '• Biairsville 805 11 00 527 930 "Bl»ir?viile 13b'q"7 45 10 15 850 11 35 ' Altoona "3 40 800 100 310 " H»rrii«burg..."ll 5o 310 430 623 " Philadelphia. *8 50 11 20 а. iv. p. in. p. m. p. m. Through trams for the eaat leave PitU burg (Union Station) ad follows: Atlantic Exprean, daily 3 10 A. If. Pennaylvania Limited " .7 15 " Bay Expre**, " 7 30 Main Line Exprea* *' .....8 00 " Philadelphia Kxpres* " 430 P. V. Kantern Expre** " .....7 05 " Pant Line " .....8 10 " For detailed inlormi»tioii, aJdre.s Thos. B. Watt, Paes. Agt. Weitom District, cor Filti Ave. and Smititield St., PitUburg, Ha. 8. V. riiEVOST, J. li. AVOCI4 General Manager. Uen'l Pa-.r Agent. P.& W.R. R. dcL. duio In octet May 12. lsss. (tiuiler tlm-; The anort Line to Plttesuru. DJCPABT SOCTH. FROM SOCTB б.25 a m Allegheny Ex 9.3» am. Allegheny A' а.15 a m AU'y & Akron 'to.eoa m.AI « N Cast I. 1#.06 am Allegheny Ac uu.ao p IU, Allt*lien>E . 2.55 p m Allegheny Ex 5.05 p ni. Alletfheoy K\ 350 p m Chicago Kx. (7.50 p ni.AU ) 4 Al.ruc 6 05 p 111 All'y & Ell. ;s.oo p in, Allt*Kheny Ex DXrART NOBTIt. FROM NORTH. 10.05 a an Kane S BraU. a m, Pox burg Ac 5.15 p m Clarion Ac 9.50 a m, Clarion Ac 7.*& p m Koxburg »•. p iu. Kane Mall SO'DAY TRAINA. ;oR»Ain SOUTH. raOMjl BOOTH. *ls am. !>• h'on -1 Ac .0.00 a m.Allegheny Ac 11.45 a m, Allegheny KX 1.05pm, Allegheny Kr '.wpm, Chicago Kx ..0? pm, Alli'uheny Kl б.06 pm, AUeKheny A- 7.30 pro, DeKortst Ac Train arriving at at 5.05 p m leaves B & O de pot. Wtlsburg. at 3 :15 o'clock. Ilutler and Ureenvllle Coach will leave Allo gheny at 3iio p. in, dally except Sunday. Con necting at Wiilowgrovo, arrlvlnn at Butler at 5515. Pullman HufTet Sleeping Cars and tlrst-claiw *>ay Coaches run through between Butler and Chicago dallv. Kor through tlckctu to points In tb« West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CKOUCII, Agent liTralna leave the B. A' O. depot tn i'lltbuig lor the Kant as follows.) For Washington D C.. Baltimore, Philadel phia, and New York, 7 :30 and a:2O p. in Cumberland, «:40. 7 :30. a.m. 1 :!0. 9ao p. m.Con ue.<svloe. f:4O. 7an. a. in. l.io, 4.30, 4.45, 5.10, U.Jo i>. m. Unlontown. T.'JO a. in.. 1.10. 4.30. 5.30 p. m. Onion town, Morga Mown and Fairmont, 7,30, 3, ni. and 5.30 p. in. Mt.Pleasant fi.4», 7.3" a. vx. -.10 and 4.50 pm. Washington, Pa. t 7.40 and 30 a. in.. and 9.00, n.%5 p. in. Wheel pg. 7.40. and a.30 a. in., and l 00. 0.00. p. ... Cincinnati, st, Louts. Columbus and New ark. 7.40 a. in., 9.10. 11.55 p, ni. For Chicago. 2.40 and 3.."i p. in. Parlor and slooplng «ars to Baltimore W aeh- Cincinnati and c hloago. rnHK PITTSHURG, SHKNAN- A GO & LAKE ERIK RAILROAD. TIMIJ TABLE—In effect Mondij , June 28, 18f)<». Trains are run by Standard Ceil tral Time (90th Meridian). MOI.NO NORTH. CHINIJ SMUTH 10 | 14 12 STATIONS » ! 11 IIS p.tnjpm . p.m. Arr Lv 'eiutn. a.m.jp.m. .... 455 2 BulTale 5 :;siin 2 ... | 3 21 1 oo .....Dunkirk 1 ii M| 1 4 1 la. in, 7 on 1 4'» 9 4H Krle « 10 8 35 3 3ft (! 98 1 09 15 . Wallace Junct. fi 47 9 is 4 12 s 20 1 04 1 g 11 Clrard 6 50 t ih! 4 15 6 0!» 12 44 -I 59 .... Lockport. . 7 IK' 9•» 1 Ji, i> 4fl »51 .Oranesvllle. - 7OS 9 u»l 434 *43' 110 IvT ..1 7 .o| 3i« 3 10| I 7 10,' lv ar ....|SO 22| Ii 43 5 57111 441 * 45;ar.. ..Albion If V 111 9 4lf 4~37 5 nils 33' h 3»! .. Phadeland 723 953 4 51 5 4i>'l3 30; s2S ... .sprmgboro. . 7 27 9 4 05 5 13.1 2 24! K »ll..COnnOßlltVllle.. 7 34j10 ai! 5 03 5 B"|12 Of.; H 00!.■■ Mea'v'le .let 8 <10! 10 Js| 525 4 '>7112 111 mO7 ar. Kxpo.Park. lv *O7 10 Is| 457 4 .17i 10 15 734 Iv »r 807 ' Iv. 10 021 7 301 IV .Conu't l.;vke.. . 10 nj 4 iii . . 12 .-i H lo;ar ar 8 17 10 50 539 4 201 a .15 I! 4i v Meadvllle .lv 1 .1, 4 20 ....[n 47j 8 42|ar al 8 42 II 2# 1 10 Itoilll «l 14j . No l ilo iiTij s 'ss ~..114<l 737 .. .Adamsvllle .. ... 10 44:5 44 ... 11 3»| 7 27'.... Osgood 10 54 5 81 825 11 301 715 ... Ureenvllle . 83011 0; « eft 6 18 11 20, 7 oft Hhenango « 40 11 >jo' « jn 6 00 10 5r C 48 .... Frvdonta. 7 03 II 44 6 38 5 44 10 43 0 28 Mercer 7 22 12 04- 7 00 5 :» 10 M e 10 pardoe ... . 7 ;w 12 221 7 14 5 1» 10 20 « 00 ... drove City. .. 7 47 12 :« 7 3ft 8 (X, te 081 *4B .. Uarrisville.... 758 12 4.V 7 3# 4 v. 10 no| a 10 . . Branch fin. . .. a o« *2 :.4 7 4» 500 . .1 « a|iv Branchton ar 710 12Toi .... 5 tfll ...IB Bf, ar...Milliard ..ly (i 2> 11 is| .... 4 53 9 5:. 8 :«S IV.. .Kelsfers .... 8 10 T2 581 7 4» 4X9 94i 521 Kuclld ... 822 I 1 * 803 41" 9 15 450 .... B'ltler 8 60J 1 42| 8.» „ 20 7 JO l Allegheny, P.twn Ol'i » s<i| .... ; 15la in I I'lti.sbiirg.BAQ. p. mlp. ml. NOTK. —Train No. 1 xtarU Irom Exposi tion Park at 5:45 am. Mondays only. No. 2 runs to ExpoHition Park Saturdays only. Trains 15 and 1C will run Sunday only between Butler and Exposition Park,mak ing all stops. I.v Butler at 7:30 a.m. Ko tuming leavo Exposition Pork (i p.m. J.T. BLAIIt. (ieneral Manager, iireouvllle, ra W.<4. SAHOKANT, 11 r. A.. Meadvlllo. Pa 1831 THE CULTIVATOR j | Country Gentleman THE E-iT OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. IIKTOTKII TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing, Live Stock and Daryln^ While it also inoludoc all minor depart mentii of Rural intercut, ftuoh >n the I'oiil try Yard, Entomology, Bee- KeepinK Oreonlieune and Grapery, Veterinary Re pliew, Parm and AIHW<TB, Fire ide Reading, Domestic Eoonomv, and a Nummary of tho News of tho Week. Itn MARKKT RKCORTS are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Prospects of the CropH, as throwing upon one ol the most important of all i|uestions — If lien h> lint/ nml It'hrn to Sell. It is liberally Rllluntiated, snil contains more reading matter than ever before. The Subscription Price iR $2.50 per year, but wo olfer a SPE CIAL REDUCTION in our CLUB RATES POR 8%. Two Subscriptions, 00 ro,n,eto,,c " $4 ix abscriptions, 4o - Tn. Subscriptions, ' ,O - •••• lb New Subvert '>< r* for ;81>0, / UK/ it, udtanre r-nr. WK WILL kkkii TUB PAi'kß WEEKLY, from our KFCRII'T the remittance, t" •Innunry Ijif, IH!Mi, WITHOUT OIIAUIIK. !t' Si-KciMHN CoriKN Pkkh. Address. LL'TII KR TUCKER & SON, Publisher* AI.HANV, N. V. Hotel Willard. Reopened i»ml n«iv« rruHy for the avconimodution of tie traveling pub lie. Kverylhing in firht c iihk ntyle. MRS. MATTIE KKIHING, Owner N H BROOKS. Clerk. Found. A ladi<-» purse ua the three decree road, <>\-tier Can receive name by describing, call at lie West D. St. Butler Fa. ! JU L Y % 1 CLEARANCE 1 I SALE! I 3Ssl_ }St g ss{ 3 | Parlor Suites. . s42^ I Old Price $65. Parlor Suite. . s6oj| | Old Price SBS. }§s §|a Curly Birch §|| Bed Room Suite Costs, The Old Price was SIOO. gjA Mahogany Finished |U Bed Room Suite Costs, The Old Price was SIOO.OO. 8 A Mahogany Finished jg Bed Room Suite Costs x The Old Price was $85.00. You are Looking for High Gradejg Goods for Little Money, You Ss gj Should Attend this Sale. jg If,ampbell ft Templeton J ffl BUTLER, PENN'A. 1§ ' ■ ■ _ ... - - Pi Er . 14 | %|| P ►1 I S V I r | ; ()l ITING SI lOKS. < i COOL. igfflgv <1 ; CLEAN, .0 } r * COMFORTABLE, Li Ladies'. Gentlemen's and Children's sizes in Tennis Va Shoes, Bicycle Shoes, Bicycle Gymnasium k Shoes. Base Ball Shoes, etc. The finest line in Wj W the city waiting for your inspection. ft A. RUFF &r SON. H AAA ATA I^ A^ 123 D. T. PAPE iaa | The Leading Millinery House Of Butler County.^? I Closing-Out-Sale of Summer Millinery Goods at 'r Less Than Cost <j As the season is far advanced, we want to A get rid of all our summer millinery goods, and have marked all Bonnets, Hats, Rib- Q buns, &c, down below cost. Come in and see for yourself. X D. T. PAPE. | X>OOOOOOOOO^OOOOOOOOOOOOO<X v STOP AT THE The otily brick in tlic town, newly furnished, elevator, free Ims to (r.iins aixl spring*. Rates, #J per day, weekly rates on application to the proprietors. HAGQERTY & WHITE.