Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 09, 1896, Image 1
VOL. XXXIII ME J. E. ZimiERMAN. Tremendous Reduction Sale Thu equal of which has never been known and :nay not be seen again. We have often quoted low prices, but never before at this season of the year have we made such low prices on all seasonable fabrics. Our reason-the selling time is short for us, but the season has only tjegun for you. BLACK GOOD SPECIAL. ■ A BED SPREAD SPECIAL. A lot new fig. Mohairs, very p u il double-bed sue, heavy crochete; just now for Separate Skirts. Prices.Byou have paid f 1.75 for no better; these 25c, 29c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 75c and sl.oo. Bare yours at Ji.25. FRENCH SERGE SPECIALS.! MILLINERY SPECIAL. rsflini*and * I Trimmed Hats for $. .49; reduced wrft P and filling, 25c,40c. 50c, 75c and >i am , #3Qf) Spe cial sale in NOVELTY GOODS SPECIALS, l-'ntrimmcd Mowers and Riblx>ns 25c, 33 c . 37 and 50c WASH GOODS SPECIAL. A SILK SPECIAL. 25 styleaDsinty Dimities and Jaconette, 1 • 1 t- t 1 .. nerfectlv fast colored, ioc: real value A dozen styles ot rich figure#, Tabetta Waist bilk were 75c; for this occasion, -" ' 3 ' ' - ' ' UNDERWEAR SPECIAL. A HOSIERY SPECIAL. A case of women's shaped Jersey Rib ..... , , . . . , . tied Vests, low neck and short sleeves, p,"1o,'"';&S Clra,brf ,<«. SHIRT WAIST SPECIAL. S A MUSLIN SPECIAL. 75c for Waist with detacliable Collar* Heavy Brown Sheeting at 4'jc; real and Cuffs; real value $1.25. lvalue 6c; full yard wide. The alx>ve SPECIALS have been carefully selected from the different depart ments, and you will find the va'.ues axfictlv an lepresented. We like to give you these Bargaiu surprises because we know that you appreciate them. You can buy freely from the lots quoted above with the full assurance that they are all under regular prices. MRS. J .E. ZIMMERMAN T. H. Burton T. H. Burton Why is it that T. H. BURTON is always busy in his store? Simply because the people of Butler county appreciate the fact that he has the best selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Suitings extra pants and \'en's and Boy's Furnishing Goods, ever brought to Butler, and sells them for less money. We everything that goes out of our store to give perfect satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. T. H. Burton T. H. Burton Sweeping Reduction THROUGHOUT OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Being a few weeks earlier than usual for our Summer Clearance Sale makes this the great est Clearance Sale we have ever had. Remember the first buyers get the choice things. M. F. & M. MARKS. 113 to 117 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. As has been our custom our store will be closed at 6 P. M. from July Ist to September Ist. +NOTICE+ 4NEW FIRM*- I have taken into partnership, Mr. Edward J. Grohman, and the drug business will be conducted in the future under the firm name of Redick & Grohman. Mr. Grohman is no stranger in this community. He has been connected with our house for the past seven years, and it gives me pleasure to testify that he understands his business thoroughly. He is a graduate of the Pittsburg College of Pharmacy, is also a Registered Pharmacist. I take this opportunity to return thanks to a generous public for the liberal patronage extended to me for so many 3 ears, and I hope to have a continuance of the same as we are now better prepared to serve our patrons than ever before. Respectfully, J. C. REDICK. TIT AMfllUll tt I KINUh, KAK BINOS.i Uiainuiiiia f SCAUP PINS, STUDS. , 4X7 A Tf! WPC l O HUTS' (iOLD, LADIES' OOI.D. ► WM * * VNAA T GENTS- SILVER, LADIKH CHATI-AIH. JEWFSLRV \ Uol(1 Pln *- Kir Kln c s - »i»KB. • ** *" W » f Chains, Hrac«leU.;Ktr. ®kTTm\T Hft A Wl ¥s*l Caßtois, Butter Dlshm and Kve-ytliUn WW XX XX Km I that can be fouii'l in a flrst clajw store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 } FORKB - 8,,W T N R B IPLK ,,, ATK E, GRIEB, jkhTIIK. So.tl3<J North Main St, Batter, Pu. +UTEST STTLf; * KST GOODS* *6OOO WORK * HIR PRICES* » These are the things that have enabled me to build t,, a tirst-clsst tailoring trade during the last year. s We have the most skillful, painstaking cutter; employ none but the very t>est workmen; handle .wrtlung but the very best ? oods, fioth foreign and domestic, and guarantee you perfect satisfaction m each and every particular, and for all this Hargc you simply a fair living profit. J. S. YOUNG, lilor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher, "" -THE BUTLER CITIZEN. No Cripe •«T»pn you fcikj; TIOCKJ'I PiliS TL :x. oltJ-aafc lonexl, sugar-coated pllli, wlilch tt-ar >ou all to pieces, are not In It with Hood's Easy U> mk« Hood's and easy to operate. Is true , of Hood's Pills, which are 18 up to date in every respect SEE "■£ Safe, certain and sure. All ■ ■■ ■ druggists. 2GC. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Th« only Pills to taic» with Hwil't s*r»*pa.-!lia. C.XTDT oimmmmz&mo |LW@r~ I | Wear | I Points I evi Tfto.'oujb protection - & tic irrit&tioi? <S> EV j*Soi?-sbrMv&.bl? rg F<r/c<t fitting yriczj AH ii? Jfcroa Hyz'wwte S £2 ££ Uijilerwtw. 6o All gratl'* of cnderwer at very low prices. Largest stock of hats and furnishings for gentleman ni the country. An inspection will prove this to any ones satisfacture. Colbert & Dale. 242 S. Main St., Butler, emi'a 1,000,000 People Wear WX Douglas Ssioesj HAND £ *>oo f~T BEST SEWED .4 IN THE PRO CESS. WORLD. ss.°° $3 - 00 $4.00 $2.50 $3.50 wHL j $2.00 $2.50 ( f irT" r:r B ' j,s For Men YTtAT w. I'- UnnirlHi nhoci and from |l.#o to 53.00 t% pnlr. A ftfylr* *nl II Idtlia. The f<lvan< *• hi i»- itb' r has fru d the ■rtoi of other I ■ « « ■ f W. I«. I>.*iisr* rf.n:»ln II 4* munit. - ,; *' H ? t s . • >oiOhl' FOR SALE C. E. MILLER, Butler, Pa. All shoes sold by us are fully warranted 110 matter what you pay for them, if you buy our shoes at SI.OO or $4.00 we see that you get full value for your money, no other house in Butler takes as good care of their customers as we do, that is why our store is becoming so popular and we are making new friends every day. Ollt Ml! HDL! Our only fault, if you can call it a fault, is trying to show a bet ter line of shoes at lower prices than our neighbors, and if we are to judge from our increasing sales our efforts are meeting with suc cess. Tl« Prices Tell The Story V Ladies' fine serge slippers.... 25c " gaiters 45c " opera toe slippers .... 50c kid shoes, button or lace SI.OO Ladies fine tan oxfords 75c " fine tan shoes.. $1.2 sto Mens working shoes 90c Mens buff congress or bals. SI.OO Boys fine bufif bals SI.OO New Bicycle Shoes, New Tennis Shoes, New Tan Shoes, New Canvass Shoes, AT Butler's Progressive Shoe House. 2i5 Sooth Main St, BUTLER PA C. E. MILLER, REPA.WNQ PROMPTLY DONE. JJ JL^ The Place to Buy GAS COOK ING AND HEATING STOVES, GAS BURNERS AND KIX fURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVFD WELSHBACH GAS BURNER, W.H.O«NLON 107 East Jefferson St. HIJTLEH. HA..THUHSDAY. JTJLY 9, IHSXi. VILi Ii IA M T. MCHOU3. /ft -Hi. ty J B Llppmcott Comr«ny... XVI. Early the following morning, pft«r satisfying my»eif that Jones was get tng on as well as we had any ground to hope he would, and that he would be carefully looked after by the nurses who had volunteered for the service, I set out for the house on the knoll. It wns my plan to seelt Johnson after my regular call upon Lamar, but, fate be ing auspicious, I was saved the trouble, for the fisherman wa« at work about his Employer's premises. He was very willing to let the boat, which, he said, was Well adapted for a woman's use, be ing light and handy, easily rowed, anti equipped with a small triangular sail, available in light winds and on smooth water. He would bring it that after noon to the head of one of the inlets. "You're on shore most of the time, aren't you?" I asked, when this arrange ment had been made. "Ay, ay, sir," he answered. "Tired of salt water?" "No, sir; but a bed that don't pitch and roll is comfortable enough for me, when I've a chance to He in it." "What axe you doing these days?" "I'm none too idle," he answered, with a quick glance at me. "Find him sociable?" I nodded to ward the house. He seemed to be about to 6peak, but aiter a look about him he changed his Intention, and without a word turned again to the task which my coming had Interrupted. Smiling at his caution, I alimbed the flope to the door, and en tered. Lamar, who was reading, laid <V>wn his book—it was his well-worn Cicero's Letters—and bade tne good mornfng. He seemed to be rather more gracious In mood than usual. "Well," said I, "that fellow Jones' •urioslty is not likely to cause you any annoyance for some time to come. We amputated his right leg last night." "I supposed it would be necessary," he answered, composedly. "What? 'Supposed it would be nec easoxy ?' What did you know of it?" "I Judged his hurt most seripus." "How did you hear of it?" "I saw it." "You saw him run over?" "Yeß." "You knew that he was lying there helpless for hours?" "It is true." "And you did not attempt to relieve feim, to go to his assistance?" "The inference is correct." His tone was as unconcerned as ever, his speech as deliberate as if he were discussing the most trivial of matters. In spite of my acquaintance with him, I was thunderstruck by this fresh evi dence of his callousness. He enjoyed jny surprise, 1 think, as a singer may snjoy the applausft of a long hostile critic. It was a tribute of tne sort he understood and appreciated. As coolly ns If he had been giving directions for a day's errand-going in Trent, he told the story of the accident. Jones, he Baid, on his way home from the beach tried a short cut which ran near the Vcnoll. Leaving his team in the little hollo\y where Dorothy Gray afterward found him, he cautiously approached the hummock and climbed to its sum mit. Turning a corner of the house, he cuae face to face with Lamar. What talk passed between the two I never le&rried, but the intruder departed in Buch haste that his foot slipped on the slope, and he fell. From the way he limped on arising, Lamar believed that ilia ankle was sprained, but he con tilved at last to reach his horses. . He tad picked up the lines, and was pre paring to climb to the wagon-seat, When his injured ankle gave way, and be fell. At the same moment the horses started. The fore wheel of the loaded vehicle passed over his leg, and ■ before he cou!<iget it out of the way— If, indeed, pov.T T 9 move it remained— tho hind wheel had completed the work the other ha/1 began. Lamar from an upper window of the house watched :what was happening, and, so far as I could determine from his account of It. •pent most of his time until the girl appeared gloating over the sight of the helpless man stretched out on the ground at the bottom of the depression. When Dorothy hurried to his house for assistance, he sat within, listening un moved to her knocks upon his door and her cries for help. Moreover, he pre vented old Martha from responding to the summons, \vhen sounds of it pene trated even her dulled hearing. These things he related as calmly as if they had occurred at the other end of the earth, as shamelessly as if there were no sense of pity in him. What my opinion of his conduct might be appar ently concerned him not in the least. He sat there telling the tale of his heart lessness, with the cold, dispassionate directness of a man who Is his own judge, and w ho holds himself blameless and beyond the need of apology. "He wiH survive, you say ?" he asked, in the same level tone of indifference he hud maintained throughout. "We hope that he will," I answered, striving to keep all trace of feeling out of my voice. "Tho odds?" "Last night they were against hiin; to-day they are in his favor." "Ah! He rallies?" "He lias the best of constitutions. In that lies his hope. I may as well tell you that in his incoherent talk last night I made out the word 'mistaken.' It was repeated several times. Did it have any bearing on his visit here?" Lamar's face bore the grim smile which, rare as it was, was the limit ol liis demonstrations of emotion "It had a bearing," he said. "The man regarded me as a suspect He thought me a criminal of this country, in hiding. When we met, he perceived his mistake. That is all." "And you have no fears that be may causro you trouble?' "None," he answered. And he picked up his book, to warn me that o>ir dis cusslon had reached its close. I left him as gladly as one leaves n. room the air of which is heavy with pois onous vapors. I was oppressed by him, by his c nielty, by his utter disre gard of the sufl -rings of another. Often had I been on the verge of hatred for him; now I realized that the line had been crossed, that the feeling that I was bound to obey his nod, to come and; go at his command, would bo more odious than ever. Why had 1 not the courage to denounce him to his face, and to quit his services then and there? Why had I listened cowed and un pro testing? Why, even now, did I not .turn, back to ease my conscience like an honest man and to cast off the yoke jvhich galled me? In jny ow» the answer was only too clear. By degrees Lamar had gained an ascenden cy over me, until now, even as I cursed him, I recoiled at the very thought of bearding him, of daring to pit myself against his relentless will. Moreover, I realized that within the last few months a freeh reason for caution had sprung into existence. They say love makes men brave; I know it sometimes makes them cowards. When I approached the farmhouse, still bitterly considering the difficulties which seemed to hedge me about, Mrs. Weston appeared in the doorway. "I've got a message for you,'' she Milled out. "Your bird's flown " "What? Not Jones? He can't be moved," I cried. "No, he's here fast enough. Dr. Banks has called, and says he's doin' well; no more fever t.ban to be looked for. But he's got something to d® with my news." "What in the world is it, then?" "Mis' Loring has gone chasin' off to Trent, takin' Miss Gray with her for luck." "Gone to Trent?" I repeated. 'now is that?" "Well, she got up this morn in', an' dropj>ed in to see Jones. Somebody told her that his pillows was kinder hot for him. Then there was nothln' but she must go to Trent right off und buy him one of them kind that's got only air in 'em. An' so, off she goes, an' Miss Gray goes too. They'll be home in time for supper. Johnny druv em to Bassettville in the carryall, and be'll wait to bring 'em home." "Oh, the outing will do Mrs. Loring no harm," said I, moving toward the office. "But that ain't the message," said Mrs. Weston. "That's saved for tho last, like a thanksgivln' mince-pie. It's from Miss Gray, and it's about a boat." "Yes. She was to look at one this afternoog." "Well.bein' as she's inTrent, she can't keep the appointment. So she asked me to tell you to hire the boat anyhow; if it suited you, it'd suit her." Thus it .happened that when John son navigated his craft to tho head of the inlet I was prepared to bind the bar gain with him. "It may be," I told him, "that the ladies would safer if they had a man with them when they ventured out on the bay. In that case, could you help them out?" "I guess I could," said he, after a moment's reflection. "Most general ly I'm off watch the be6t part of the day." "Off watch" set me to thinking, though I very well knew to wtiat he referred. "By the way, Johnson," said I, with an effort at carelessness, "I understand you look out for Mr. Lamar's mail." "Well, you might Bay so," he an swered, cautiously. "I imagine his correspondence is light," said I, following up the advan tage scored by the chance shot. Hje nodded assent. "Writes to New York, as a rule," I suggested. "That's about it." "But his answers are slow in com ing." "Two months,sometimes," said John son. "Look here, Doc," he added, quickly, "I know you're thick with him, or I wouldn't have said that much. It don't go no further, doit?" "I give you my word on that," said I, adding, rather disingenuously, "I wouldn't have asked you anything you were not fnee to tell me." "That's what I thought," he said, with a loolc of relief on his honest face. "Gab's a poor trade, —leastways, for a man." "Bight you are," said I, and with this bit of wisdom wo dropped the subject. HoWevsn I had learned eroogh for a basis ior a little calcula tion. Lamar was oommunicating with friends at home, through the ulndly offices of somebody in New York. His correspondents forwarded tbeir replies through the same channel of the New- Yorker and the fisherman. No doubt they sent him information bearing on the energy with which his enemies were pursuing him. Very possibly they bad means of their own for getting an inkling of their adversaries' doings. It could be set down as oertain that they furnished tho money which Lamar spent, on occasion, with a liberal hand. After all, Uiough, this theorizing was groping In the dark. It furnished no clew to the man's mystery; it nssurcd ]y gave mo no cause to hate him the less or to trust in the. stability of my tenur© of office in his service. 1 merely had proof now, as I suspected, that he did not depend entirely upon me in any of his dealings with the rest of the world. He evidently believed in checks and safeguards; and through Johnson he bad secured a check upon me XVII. Mrs. Loring returned from Trent in the best of spirits. The day's jaunt had done her good. I have no doubt that it served to satisfy for a time the craving for gadding about which pos sessed her now and then, for all her re peated praises of a quiet home life. Moreover, she brought with her a friend, whose presence could hardly but add to her peace of mind; for she dearly loved to play the hostess, the more, perhaps, because her opportunl- ties for assuming the role had been so limited. As it happened, I had only a glimpse of this visitor. Dr. Bagvks had sent me an urgent message to hasten to ono of his patients, and I was driving briskly toward the sick man's residence when I met the carryall, homeward bound from Bassettvilie. Mrs. Loriug- uud her niece were stowed away under a multitude of bundles in the stern of the old ark on wheels, while tho forecastle was shared by the youthful John and a stranger, of whom I could make out little, except that ho was a dark l>earded man, clad In fash ionable raiment. At the time, I sup-> posed him to be some stray traveler bound for the village and profiting by the happy accident of the carryall voy aging 111 that direction. The evening was far advanced when I returned to Mrs. Weston's, and, al though that lady enlightened me as to the arrival of Mrs. Loringand her guest, I was quite willing to avoid Intruding upon them. Mrs. Weston could tell very little about the new-comer. She thought that he was a foreigner, with one of those outlandish names that no body but an alien could understand. It. was easy to conjecture that Mrs. Lor- Ing hail chanced to meet Trent, -i>H>d lxi/itHfr'J uj/vu tylin tv Rodney town, to talk over old tinw« and to gvsslp about people they had known In the Lord knew w hax distant land. In the morning, no doubt, an oppor tunity would be given me to pay my re spects. But the morning brought no oppor tunity of the sort. When I colled upon Mrs. Loring she was alone, and l»er guest—Col. Mendoza she called him— was out for a rumble about the neigh borhood. He had expressed a desire to visit the beach, she explained, and, in asmuch as he had taken Johnson's boat, was probably cruising about the bay or some of the many channels branching off from it. She expected him to re turn in an hour or two, and she was anxious, so very anxious, that I should meet him. Couldn't I arrange to dine with them? Really it was distressing that another visit to Banks" patient would prevent an acceptance of the in vitation. The colonel was such a charming gentleman, so very, very charming, so courteous, so erudite, si widely traveled, and so on through the list of applicable adjectives. However, that afternoon or evening, or at supper yes, that would be a capital time the meeting could be brought about.. Of course I acquiesced, and then, as Miss Gray wus not in sight., parted with her aunt rather abruptly. After a quarter of an hour with Jones, whose ease show ed no unfavorable symptoms, came the call upon Lamar. Contrary to his custom, he was pottering about his domain that morning, lured from the house, perhaps, by the beauty of the day, which, however,was not potent enough to change his manner, for he gave me his stereotyped greeting, anil our talk was as brief and formal as usual. He asked no questions as to the progress the injured man was making* and I volunteered no information on the subject. Then, in turn, came the ride on Banks' business. I returned from it early in the afternoon, and after a hasty meal—l challenged any man to linger unnecessarily over a country dinner gone cold for a couple of hours —I spied Miss Cray on the porch of Mrs. Clark's riMiidence, and strolled in her direction. "I've come to make a call," said I, tak ing a seat beside her. "How flattering to us!" she answered, with a smile. "I'll bear tbe netws to mv aunt at once." "Oh, there's no hurry. Let me catch my breath. I'm here to see your visitor this time." "But don't you know that he has gone?" she asked. "No. I supposed him good for two or three days at least. Certainly Mrs. Loring didn't expect him to bid good by so speedily. He must be a genuine bird of passage." "He surprised us. Really, we saw very little of him; for he started out early this morning and didn't return until nearly noon. And then he was oft' to Trent without waiting for dinner. He explained that he had recollected an important engagement, which must have escaped his memory when, carried away by the pleasure of meeting my aunt, he accepted her invitation." "That's odd," said I, idly, a good deal relieved, on the whole, to find that t need not meet the stranger, who, no matter how agreeable he might have been, would have lessened my chances for a chat with Dorothy. "Come, let us solace ourselves for his flight by a crui.; • in your )>ont You'll be com fortable in the shade of a parasol." She readily agreed to the plan, and in ten minutes we were standing on the bank above the skiff, looking down at it with a pretense at critical inspec tion. "It is surprising that Johnson de livered the boat with so much mud on the seats," said I. "Let me brush it off before you try to enilwrk. I'm amazed at his carelessness." "Perhaps the fault is Col. Mendoza's," she observed. "He used the boat this morning, you know." "Most of the muss is out of the wny now," said I,assisting her into the stern sheets and settling myself at the oars; "but I'll speak to Johnson about it, anyway. On£ expects more neatness in an old man-of-war's-man." "The colonel is far more likely to be the guilty person," she objected, as I bent to the oars and the boat gathered headway. "Who is he? Is he a mystery or a plain everyday body? Tell me about him." "'We met him in Nice, and afterward in I'aris. He was very courteous, apd aunt and he became very gc*xl friends. He never told us much about himself, but it was by his udvice that we made the trip to Rio, and through letters he pave us our stay was made delightful, although the climate failed to help my aunt." "lie was not with you in Brazil?" "No. His home was there, and we heard a good deal of his plantations; but he spent most of his time in We met him afterward at Badejj, but failed to see much of him, for business of some sort called him away a few days later." It was difllcult to imagine that the gentleman In question, in his intimacy with my friends, had been entirely ac tuated by regard for an elderly per son half mad about her health. I felt something akin to a pang of jealousy, though I tried to conceal my Interest as I asked: "Trent was a curious place to run across such an admirer of trans-Atlan tic cMlization, was it not?" "Our meeting wns purely accidental. We were lunching in the restaurant of one of the hotels when he came in and took the table next to ours. We hardly recognized him at first; he had aged much since we saw him last. We were delighted at the meeting, and I think it pleased him as well. lie told us that he had been traveling extensively In this country, but evidently he had not enjoyed the llie here. In fact, aunt and he fell into a discussion of the manners and customs of the good people of the United States. You should have heard her; she is patriotic to the core. She " Bat don't jon know h» is gon»7" eh* a«ked. told him he had had no opportunity to learn how the people really live; and then she insisted that he should come here, for a few days at least, to get Just the experience in which he was lack ing. He accepted the invitation, after u little hesitation. Honestly, I think he was glad to escape the hotels for awhile. Last evening he and aunt talked for hours übcut their travels, about this place and its people. She told him how she was gaining under your care, and how fortunate she was in •securing such ski-llful attendan-e in the c Perhaps it is as well that you didii i 1.»... . r Flattery is disas trous sometimes, . "You should know Win.-; i." She laughed lightly. "Xothing but good was said of you." she went on. "Aunt dwelt upon your success with her, and your regular at tendance upou the old man whojivea over there." She pointed to the knoll, with which we were almost abreast, being distant from it hardly 100 yards. "She told him what a hermit exist ence Mr. —Mr I*amai —that is his name, isn't it? —seems to prefer." "Was he interested?" "Shall I tell you the plain truth? It may spoil the story." "The truth always," said I. "At first be was interested, but very soon he delicately managed to change the subject." "I don't blame him," I muttered, with a glance at the house showing above the scrubby trees. Her glance followed mine. "Dr Morris," she nsked. ufter a pause, that Mr. Lamar deaf? Wheu 1 tried to rouse somebody in his house the other day, the place was as unre sponsive as a tomb." "The comparison is excellent," said 1 avoiding a direct answer to her query, as most men with an aversion to unnecessary falsehoods would avoided it. "The servant is deaf, and her master is sometimes so t;eif-ab sorbed that he is even worse oIY than she." "What a wretched existence. Is his health altogether gone?" "He is moro comfortable now than w hen he came here." I knew that she was studying my face, but I kept my eyes averted. "It is strauge that in this gossip loving village so little is known of him," she went on. "One hears that he is a retired brewer from the south; but that seems to be the limit of knowledge of his antecedents." "It is the accepted version." said I. "Keallv, 1 know little of his history be fore he retained me." Our craft was nearing the mouth of the tidal stream, and a few more vig orous strokes shot it out UJKMI the smooth waters of the bay, hardly rip pled by the gentle breeze. To the north were two sloops crawling along on their way to the village. To the Bouth and east curved the long tongue of land formed the boundary of the bay on two sides and sheltered it from the ocean swell. Xot more than half n mile from w here we were, a cat boat lay at anchor, with a solitary fig ure lolling over her side. The whole Ecene was full of the rest fulness of the summer afternoon, and the spell of it stole upon us, as if we left behind with the land its anxieties, sorrows and fears. For a time the boat drifted on, propelled more by a currant of the bay than by the occasional strokes of the oar. The girl was half reclining, trailing one of her hands in the water and with the other toying with the handle of her parasol, the shaft of which rested on her shoulder. We were both day-dreaming, when a hail enmo to rouse us from our reveries. Looking up, I found that we were close to the anchored vraft. i ~d that John son, its occupant, had given us warning none too soon. In a moment we were alongside tin* eatbo-it, anil his hand had caught the gunwale of the skill. "Halloo, Johnson I" said I, "what sort of fishing are you doing here? Business or fun?" "Fun mostly, sir," he answered, pointing to a hand-line hanging over the side. "Nothing of a bigness to be caught here. How does the lady like the boat?" "Very much indeed. 1 ' said Miss Gray. "You'll find she works easy, ma'am," said he. "We discovered a lot of dried mud on the thwarts,"said I. "You can see some of it yet." "The boat was as clean ax a whistle yesterday. Somebody must have lx-eu out in her 'tween then and now." "I l>elieve she wns in use this morn ing," I admitted. "Well, whoever it was," Johnson de clared, after a survey of the skiff, "he must have landed somewhere on tho flats, where there was mild, and tracked it in when he came aboard ag'in. Here's another of his marks." And he sent n long arm Into the bow of our little vossol and picked up the stump of a cigarette from the plank ing. As he held it out for inspection the paper unrolled, showing tM dark grains of the tobacco. "I've ween that sorter cigarette be fore, Doc, and I guess you have, too, but not round these piu-ts," he said. "Da goes fancy 'em." t|And you don't, eh? Well, fin of your way of thinking, but the gentle man was out in tiro boat, ftiis morn ing wasn't, Coine up to the house to morrow, will you, and give Misr, Gray a sailing lesson?" "Ay. ay, sir," said Johnson. "The boat's very clever under sail. I'll be plod to show her any little p .'nto she needs to pick up." "Your colonel can't be called a very tidy mariner, no matter what his other virtues may be," said I, as we reentered ♦he inlcjt. "Why do you call him my colonel?" the girl asked, and it seemed tome that I detected a slight increase in her color. "He. is a friend of my aunt's, hardly of, mine, though I've always found him very agreeable." "And attentive?" I htlzarded under the spur of revived jealousy. "Scarcely that." she said, quietly, "though lie was always most kind to me." The spur went tier per. "Oh, of course," said I, rashly; "and ho must have had such delightful op portunities." "He is a charming- man," sh« an swered, with a smile which filled me with misery. I dure say nhe mid me easily, and was quite prepared to pro long the teasing had the chanct> bwn given her. But , looking over my shoul der, my glance fell upon I.uinar's somber alx>de. Tine sight of it made me sileut, and, sullenly settling down to the oare, I sent the light craft swift ly on toward its mooring-place. [TO BE COST»VC*D.) Ill* Ch<»!<•«. Oh, yes—th« bicycle's all right; Hut In summer Hme, dejir Sue, The thing In which 1 most delight Is a hammock built for two. —Philadelphia North Americnti. Dlond To-Day, Dark To-.Morrow. Miss Styles—l told you I wanted a bonnet that would match the color of my hair. This one certainly does not. The Milliaer —How was I to know you wore the same colored hair every day ? Vonkers Statesman. Sure to I'lease. Miss Jinks —Oh, you must see the photographs I hid taken at Comers <Sr Co.'s. They're splendid. Miss W inks-I knew they'd be good. XT-anicra <fc Co. have the finest retoOdiei la the ciQ'. —Y. Weekly. LEARNING TO SPEAK CHINESE. Nomo of tin? J)im.u!tU-« .Set lorth by a Mlhlmuut stutlrnl. John Wesley is creiiited with the sav ing- that the Chinese language was au invention of the de\il to keep the m!>-- sionaries out of China. On ojteutux' b' s bock the student a mas* of hieroglyphics, with no clew whatever to their pronunciation, soun'i or tone. In Chinese we have no alphal>et, no inflections, no conjugations unci nod •- tinctions of mood, gender, tense or | son. Standing alone nnd divorced from context, the student cannot tell nlie er a single character is a noun or a verb. lie turns to his dictionary and is often bewildered by a score of diverse meaning's that have feathered around the word during' 3,000 years of service in Chinese literature. It is worthy of remark that a China man living in Canton will pronounce these characters altogether different from the Chinaman, for instance, in Foochow ; yet the meaning of the eh ir acters and construction of sentences the same all over China. The spoken language differ* accord ing to the locality, and yet a Chinese scholar will sit down and w rite poetry and prose compositions in a classical stymie that are intelligible to every edu cated man in China. Corea and Japan. I have often seen two Chinamen who could not understand a word of each other's speech sittiug down and hold ing a conversation in writing, much as the monks of different European coun tries used to correspond with each other In Latin. Few foreigners are able to write Chi nese with the elegance of the native scholar. Some cannot read even a sin gle character, and yet are able to speak ft local dialect with as much fluency and as perfect idiom as a Chinaman. The great difficulty in acquiring the spoken language is in the tones, the inter-syllabic aspirates, and the utter lawlessness of its idiom. There are only about TOO distinct sounds in the lan guage, and a few months' practice *lll easily matter their pronunciation, but it must l>e remembered that to each of these sounds there is attached u sort of metrical scale, ranging from an octave to an octave and a half, giving a variety of tones'w hich only a musical ear cm detect.. In English a tone may denote angvr, surprise or injury, but docs not alter the meaning of the word. In Chinese the tone is all important. Take the sound tseung. This may man mean grasshopi>er, oar, elephant, mechanic or pickles, according to tlio tone. Put an aspirate into the middle of tho word, and it may mean examine, good luck, wall, K[x»nr or gun, and a variety of other meanings, depending on the tone given. A man is a man only when the correct tone is given. Change the tone, anil mini becomes a nightiugaJe, a carrot, und many other ridiculous thing*.— Northwestern Christian Advocate. A WOMAN'S ISLAND. Three Time* »» Many Women its Men at Trtntan <la tunhit. From the isolated group of little Is lands in the South Atlantic, whence the caged eagle. Napoleon, was guarded, though 1,300 miles distant,on lonely St. lieWiiu. comes 1-y furuvviiy. jOUlld ubout tucaut the strange tale of life without communication with the rest of the world for six months, and a bit of history in a community in which women outnumber the men in such a majority that they may compel obedi ence, by force, if necessary. The news from the group of Tristan da Cunha, the three little islands midway between the Cape of Good Hope and the coast of South Africa,came through the captain of the ship Dartford, who says that it: uliout latitude 37 degrees 5 minutes and longitude 12 degrees 10 minute* his vessel was signaled by a small l>oat. The yard* of the Dartford were backed Hiid a boat came alongside. In it wera several men and a quantity of potatoes, eggs, milk and penguin skins. The men offered the fre*li produce and the skins in trade, saying they wanted olothing, tea, rice, sugar and Hour from the ship's stores in exchange for the ar tides they brought from the Hand li ime. They told the captain that they depend on passing vessels for the pro visions they named and for clothing, und that tin- Inhabitants of tho island were In dire distress because for six months not a boat hud succeeded in 'tailing a ship. The population of the island of Tris tan d» Cunha, as reported to the cap tain of the Dartford by the men in the boat, is CO, the women outnumbering the men in the proportion of threo to one. Therefore there are 45 women and 15 men. The group consists <»f three tiny volcanic isle«. Tristan, the largeet, being seven miles lu diameter (In the center being a mountain 7,600 feet high), inaccessible, about two mllca across, and Nightingale island, a b*hy Islet, just big enough to hold two hills. The islands have been under the Brit ish Hag since 1810, though, as the men In the boat told the master of the Dart ford, no European government had paid any attention to them in the memory of any of the inhabitants. When Napole on was at St. Helena, 1,300 miles dis tant, a British garrison was stationed on Tristan, but was withdrawn after the death of the exile. Corporal Wil liiun (ilass, his wife and family nnd two private soldiers were permitted to re main on the island when the garriscai was withdrawn. The population has in creased to 00 people, some of the acces sions being due to shipwrecks and some to desertions from whaling vessels.— Boston Transcript, GnoKAlrig l'luwer*. A pleasant variation in an evening of games is the drawing of flowers with colored crayons, and then having your guests guess the namos of the liowprs. 1 A list of flowers should be made out, each onp with a number. On separate slips of paper write the name of one of the flowers with its corresponding number, until you have used each one on the list. Give each guest one of the sllj*. or have a draw for them, and pro vide them with crayons and sheets of pajier. Givo 15 minutes for th« mak ing of the flowers, then collect l4»e drawing's and pin them up about the room. As the names of flowers are read from tho list guesses are given as to which flower among the drawing" represents it. Another pleasant game Is ••ailed matching quotations. Wall known lines are written on slljik of pa j«-r and then divided into bits, each pnrt having throe or four words. These fragments arc pinned about the room on furniture, curtains, and hangings, und each |>erson takes one and start* j out to find the other parts that will ' make the quotation complete. Somc- I times the quotations may consist of an ; entire line, with the second line form | ing the other half to l»c looked for.— I Philadelphia 'limes. A RrfilMl 111 Advance. Algy (nervously)— Wasn't that your 1 father's foot 1 just heard in the hall? | Miss Cashly—Yes, but you needn't j bo disturbed on that account. He hps j no idoa that you wifl o\er proposd to j me.—Texas Siftiugs. TSTo. <27 A FRONTIER MYSTERY. Tl>« «J..l«* I nfct >S OU ot a Wild tuxd « .oily Terror. ():;« after.uttin fl.. train brought into Kllswnrth a queer jmssenger. It wmm't s.> queer that she was a woman, but t.i.tt m:c was all alone aud evidently at i- : ; iady There was never a more lauh , t»tiug city. Human life was the cliea, .„i thing in it. Thi terror n.i- sup;e. He killed right Bnd left.' uud v.. n;: lin return. Alongaatreet is;>: »\ '■* '!■• long you might 'en dead men of a unded were not unted only by the au... i. ho dug their shal low graves a* four dollars each. i'Lie ..t.ij woman was not on army officer's wife. She couldn't have coma intending to take up her residence in •i iiaaty or dugout. Stimc of those who looked into the barnlike waiting-room of the depot and saw her sitting them •••id that she had got coufused in t-av i ling and taken a wrong train Stie lll.im. no inquiries. and it w::S luilf au In .. bef.uv anyone addressed her. Then tl. liekit agent inquired if she < i led auypae to lucet her. ".No, Fin not expecting anyone," she replied. "1 shall probably go east on the next tiain. lio you know a man here who calls himself' Kansas Jack?' " "Yes'in. lie's boss of the towu Just now. lie killed a man a few hours ago. Kansas Jack Is what we call a holy terror out this way." "He has killed several men?*' "A full dozen, I guess." "I want to see him. Where do you think I could find him?" "Why, mu'am, I'll send for him to come down here. Sure it's Kaneaa Jack you want to see?" "Yes. I will be very much obliged to you." The agent sent a boy out to hunt up the terror uud toll him w'hat was want ed. The little woman stood at a win dow fronting the street and saw the man as he came sw aggering along. sfot a hundred feet from the depot he pulled his gun to fire ou a juan standing In a saloon door, but the threatened man dodged too quickly. The terror kicked ojien the door with an oath and glared around in search of the woman. She left her place at tho window, walked straight tip to him and, looking him full in the face, she put a pistol to hia heart and ■ hot him dead. He fell t>acl& wards at full lenpth and never ottered a groan nor moved a limb. The woman waited a moment, pistol held ready for another shot, and when she saw that he v. is dead she went away and sat down. They dragged Jack's body out doors and hauled It off for burial, but no one disturbed her. Forty minutes after the shooting the east-bound train came along nnd she got aboard, and that was the last seen of her. The wooden head-board placed at the ter ror's grave bore this inscription rudely carved by some friend: : Here I.tes I : KANSAS JACK, j ; 44 y.-nrs old. : He waß shot plumb-center by a cuased I : good-looking woman. I : UONK TO HKAVEN! : —-Detroit Free Press. TO HELP BILL OUT. The I'oor Old Man Mirelj Wanted tc Cat! All ttlnff*. One of the rtorl "nnocqnt. lookine old men I ever saw en me downtoNewTfllti the other day from his farm in Pennsyl vania to deal with green goods men, and, of course, he got loft. Fortunate ly for him, he could raise only $l4O, and therefore he lost only that amount. I met him at the depot as an officer, and ! ' iv tow o 1 hat he got away ij, .iUd wiien I.- >u*d told the story of how he had txr-n done foa, 1 asked: "sfon didn't expect <>> get ssoo in good money for Jl3O, did you?" "No, I can't say I did," he replied. "But you thought it would be money pood enough to pass." "Yes, they sent me two one-dollar bills, nnd they looked all right and passed all right." "But you would l>e passing counter feit money on your neighbors and caus ing them a loss." "No, I wasn't goln' to pass any of it off on the nayburs. I wouldn't do sich a thing ns that. . 1 might hev got rM of some of it to chicken buyers and tin peddlers, but I wanted some of It for my son Bill. Bffl is info politics and l*>ker till you can't rest, but ho hain't had a fair show. That's what I was goin' to gin him!" "Just what do you mean?" I asked. "Wall, when Bill goes about sa>in' as how he'd l>et SSO that so and so will b« nominated fur president somebody yells at him to put up or shet up. He ain't got nuthin' to put up, and so he has to shet. If he's in a gaina of poker and got a good hand, he's got to coll instead of raisin' the other fellers out o' tho game. I've knowed him to lay do wa with three aces because ho hadn't a dollar more to put up. Oh, no, I didnt mean nuthin' wrong. I wasn't goin' to beat the nayburs nor pass any of ft off at the stores, but befn' Bill is th« luziest and most shiftless critter in our county, I wanted to gin him a show at politics nnd poker, nnd make him air* his board and his clothes." "But you lost your money?" "Lost 'er .slick and clean, and it was all 1 could raise, and from till* time on Bill nijd me and the old womnn will hcv tc lake everybody's bluff and make the U'st of it. It will come hard, but soaio must blull mid some bo bluffed, and 1 s'pose we'll Minrhow live through it. —M. Quad, lu Detroit Free PfCSS. _ , llt the Kotilnlile. Bos& Tramp—Here, w'at's dat awful Hinell in camp? Wa't's up? Lazv Bones 0, dat Swoggles faked a cloze line law' night, and brung in a hull bundle of clean cloze. The smell on 'em ik lit akin' us all plum sick. "L>at's it. My n6.se is mighty sensi tive. and I kla wmell a washtub furder'n I kiu see it. Jlere, Swoggles, take dem over to Jemard o' cainp, where do wind'll l>o aw ay from us on 'em. Ilain't joti no consideration for our feclin's?'' —National Tribune. A Hurrrmlon of Sinecure*. "JJ\ gnd," n:iid the colonel, "in spite of all they kin say agin Cunnelßrackia ■ idgc, he's got thin to his credit he ne>uh failed to acquit his client In a murder ,4 I think," paid the major, "that if TOW will look the inattah up, sab, yoa will liud that all of hisollenUihavc been of the fut-t families, soh, and why should they not be neipilttcd, sab'.'"—Tudlanapolln Journal. Kltitln'l he»'i» It. "My pi ' •.» have your pho i .1,: , | u took now ba as to show noth iin; but your skeleton," said Hob. "V\ hat's a skeleton?"' asked Jack. "1 don't Know exactly," said Bob, "but everybody has one." "I haven't," returned Jack. "Least ways, if I luive, I haven't never seen It." —Harper's Round Table. Unpardonable. He—What caused the coldness be tween Mrs. New-woman and her com* l>aulon-!n-marrlage? She —He said be v as more of a man than fche Pat<. "