Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 25, 1896, Image 4
GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OF +CLOTHING+ To close out that brancli of our business. We are positively going to close out our entire stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's clothing regard less of cost. Men't Cfcwimere Suits •old for $3 00 only $4 00 Men's Ca.aimere Suite iold for 10 00 only 5 00 M«na CaMimere Buita gold for 13 50 only 6 ii> Mens worsted suits sold for 16 50 only 10 00 Mana worsted suits gold for 18 00 on.y 12 00 M«ng fine day worsted gold for 18 00 only 13 0 Mens finer clay worsted »old for 20 00 only 15 00 Oret 3000 Pairs Of Mens Pants Meng working pants only 45 ct« Mens working pants, better, worth $1 25 only $ 75 Mens working pant* D A 8 worth •---••2 00 only 1 00 Sweet A Orr's Kerseys worth..... 200 only 7;> Mens black eheviotU 225 " 1 25 Ment worsted oheviotts 4 50 " 1 <• » •' 5 00 " 2 25 u •• •• 550 " 2 75 Mens fine cassimere 4 50 " 225 .i « ■< 600 " 3 25 .« « «« 7 50 «• 5 00 OVER 2800 CHILDRENS SUITS Good strong suits 1 00 only $ 75 Union cassimere 200 " 125 '< •• 250 " 175 Fine caasimere worsted 600 '* 400 We will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats and Coats and Vests, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pocket and Bill Books, Purses, Spec tacles, Harmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c. It would be impossible to enumerate and give prices of all we have in stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest and most varied stock and our prices are guaranteed lower than the lowest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied customers that throng our store from Monday morning till late Sat urday nights. Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, and when you make a purchase ask for one of our CARDS and when your pur chases amount to $i5.00 or $20.00 we will present you a piece of handsome silverware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme flour bin. Ask to see the presents. D. A. Heck Son, 121 North Main St., Butler, Pa. PLAIN AND STRAIGHT. I desire to say to my old customers and the public generally that I am now and have been for three months foreman in Martincourt & Co's. harness factory, aud am glad to say that with improved machinery, good stock, and good workmen at our command this firm is in position and does turn out more work of all kinds for less money, quality considered, than any firm I know of or have ever known, and their harness just as they represent them to be. I know it will pay any one wanting harness or parts of harness or harness repaired to deal with flartincourt & Co. FRANK KEriPER. PREPARATIONS FOR Crfc&t Battle OF NOYKMHER 3 ARK ALREADY WF.1.1. UNDER WAV. A NEW President of the United States IS TO BE ELECTED, AND THE NEW YORK " WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, as always, be found in the thickest of the fight, battling vigor ously for SOUND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES, which will briny PROSPERITY TO THE NATION. K THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is not <m\j the leading Republican pfper of the country, but is PRE EMINESTTI V \ NATIONAL FAMILY NKWSPAPER. Its campaign news and discussions will interest every American citizen. All the news of the day, Foreign Correspondence, Agricultural Department, Market reports, Short Stories complete in each number, Comic Pictures, Fashion Plates with elaborate descriptions, and a variety of items of household interest, makeup AN IDEAL FAMII \ PAriiß. We furnish '•THE CITIZEN" and "NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE" both •apers). One Year For Only $1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to IDE CITIZEN.! Write your name and address on a postal < ard, send it to Geo. W. li it, Tribune! Building, New York City, aud a sam| le copy of THE NKW YORK \VEFCSI.Y | Triuvnh will be mailed to you Childrens knee pants $ 25 only $ 13 » " 35 " 20 •' « » 50 " 25 <• « 75 " 50 .. .< << 85 " 65 «« 100 " 75 « 1 25 '• 90 Men and boyn gondola hats, $1 00 only $ 50 .« " 150 " 75 •> •' 250 '• 100 « " 275 " 125 » >' 300 " 150 •• •' 450 " 300 Soft hats acd caps In proportion. All the lateet styles in Straw. Braids, Maeki now, Milton, Yeddos, Leeborns and in every conceivable eLape lor Men Boys ami Children. Silrerine watches t 5 00 only 9 2 50 7 50 " 4 50 Silver watches 12 00 " 650 Ladies goldfilled watches 15 00 " 900 •« 20 00 " 12 00 •' " 25 00 " 18 00 Gents " " 20 00 " 15 00 '• " 25 00 " 18 00 Ladies and gents electroplated watches so. A large stock of chains from 10c to $4. Indies waist sets from 10c to 50 cents. Stick pins worth from 25 to 50c only 10 cte. Gents cuff buttons 25c only 15c " 50c " 25c •• 75c " 50c " $1 00 " 75c Gents link bnttons from 10c to 75c Our Jaeger diamonds in Studs, Pins, Rings and Ear Drops are simply immense. The finest outside of the reai steel-blue diamond. HUMPHREYS'' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. ( No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. ' No. 4 " Diarrhea, i No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 13 Cures Rheumatism. No. 10 " Maiarin. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for sl. Da. HCMTHBETS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL ] or DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphreys' Med. Co., 11l William St.. N Y. ; WE HANDLE IRS IT NOTHING DU 1 | PURE RELIABLE GOODS j j from 3 to IO years olil, anil you get them direct from the barrel. GUARANTEED PURE WHISKIES ' Fiiich's, Sam Thompson, Large, Gibson, Bridgeport. Guckenheimer, Dil linger, Overholt, etc. ; #I.OO Per Full Quart. • • 6 Quarts jS.OO. Grandfather's Choice, 3 years old #2.00 per gal. WE ARE ALSO IMPORTERS of all kind of Wines, Conyaeks, Brandies, Runs, etc. All goods, including C. O. D. orders, securely packed anil shipped promptly. We prepay express charges on SIO.OO orders or over. FAIR DEALING TO EVERYONE. ROCT. LENIN, ic CO. rj6 Water St., -New Number 411, PITTSBURG, PA. 1 REVIVO RESTORES Vitality. Of Me. THE liKEAT Wb Day. FRENCH REMEDY produces the above results In .30 days. It acts powerfully :md quickly. Cures when all others fall. Young men will regain tbeir lost man hood and old Uo .1 n'll ret-over . : . wutllfnl vigo~ b;. using KEVIVO. It 1 iU-kly and surely rest"i 6 . Nervousness. I.cat vitality. I.ost rower. Failing Memo:y, \V.i. tine Kinases, and all effects of excess »Dd Indiscretion. wlilch un fits one for study, business or manure. It not only cures bv starting at tile seat or disease, but !s a great nerve tonic ;md blood builder, bringing t>a L -k the pink plow to pale cheeks and restoring tl i- fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and consumption. Insist on having KEVIVO. no otter. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mail. ll.iOper package, or six for » r , 1, wi" >i r< n»" wr'tten trnfantc" to cure or relet. :lie n oiiey. ( ucular Iree. Address ROYAL MEDICI .NK CO.. CHICAGO, lI.L. For Sale by REDDIC'K & GROMANN, M STIMIUCCi HOW IX. CURE YOURSELF WHILE USING IT. The tobacco habti grows on a man unti iilu nervous system is seriously affected, Impairing; health, comfort ami happiness. To qui' sud denly is too severe a shock to the system, as tobacco to au inveterate user becomes a stimu lant that his system continually craves. • itaco Curo" Is a scientific cure for the tobacco habit. In all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physician >• 110 has used It in his private practice since ls;j, without a failure. It Is purely vegetable .»n1 guaranteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want while taking ••Baco- Curo." It will notify you when to stop. We Hive a written guarantee to cure permanently any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent Interest. Baco-Curo" Is not a substitute, but a scientific cure, that c res without the aid of will power and with cu iti eonnence. It leaves the sjsteui as p :< and free from nicotine as the Cay you took \ o'.r first chew or smoke, Cured By BACO-CURO And Gained Thirty Pounds. From hundreds of testimonials, th» originals of which are on tile and open to Inspection, the follow ing Is presented: Clayton, Nevada county Arkansas Jan. m i* o- Kureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., I.a Croate. Wis. —Gentlemen: For forty years I used lotia' -o In all its forms. For twenly-flve years of ilia: time 1 iva , 0 great suflerer from general di b'll ty au'l heart disease. For fifteen years 1 tried u> <i'Jlt, but couldn't, I took various remcubb. among others "No-To-Uac," "'Jhe Indian '! ■> baeco Antldoto. ' "Double Chloride of ,jij. etc.. etc., but noiie of them did me the leaft bit. uf good. Finally, however. 1 purchased a box of your "Baeo-curo" and It has entirely cured ine of ihe habit In all Us forms, and I have In creased thirty pounds In weight and am rellev ed lrom all the numerous aches and pains of body and mind. I <-ou!d write a quire of pap.-i upon my changed feelings and condition. l'ours respectfully, P. 11. MAKIUKY, Pastor C. P. church, Clayton, Ark £ Sold by all druggists at $1.(0 per box: three boxes, (thirty days' treatment), l-'.so with tr< 11 clad, written guarantee, or sent direct upon receipt of price Write for booklet and proofs. I Eureka Chemical & Mfg. CJ., I.a Crosse, W Is. and It'iston. Ma«s, 1 THE-KEELEY; SUfit Is a special boon to business men who, liavij ,• 11 rifted nnennnelniifly into the drink habit an' 1 an aken to And the disease of alcoholism fa-stem >: upon them, rendering them initit to manage af fairs requiring a clear brain. A four v course of treatment at the f '\ PITT3BURO KEELEY INSTITUTE. No. 42-16 Fifth Avenue, I'ostn'-eB to them all their powers, mental and physical, destroys the abnormal appetite, and restores them to the condition thcr u . re in be fore they indulged in stimulants. This has ts-en done In more thsn It/*) eases treated here, and among them tome of your own neigh bora, to whom we e*n refer with confidence as to 'lie to-olutc safety u id efflcicjt.r, of the Keeley Cure. Th<! fullest anil most t.earchimr investigation is n vltcd. Bend for jißjwrdilet giving full iiif jnua tiou. , Seanor S Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Rear of "Wick Hou«e, BuUor, Pa The be.it of horses and first class rig? always on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaranteed. Stable room for sixty-five horses. A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon proper noti fication by sL A NOR & NACE. All kinds ot live stock bought aud Bold Telephone nt, Wick House »PURITY } what yon should look for when lmy-i iing wlii.-jk«yr< or liquors; ours are guari \anteed pure; if yon buy fr« m us you get J J' hem direct from the I. S •ftatnped barre l ; there in no better guar w fanteo. •Prices Speak for Themselves:* 5 year old. Pure Itye, sj.<« per gallon. J I?? = v' S' : :: I ¥ iso •• 0 f: H •• •• r. vj '• », * 17 : r '° " " I T Special price list on iuon, etc., • application. No pj'ra charge for juy.-# •or packing. Give us a trial order. • t A. ANDRIESSEN, j 0 iKS Federal St., Allegheny, I'a. # i ! FRAZER gS x E l .! e Bk-RT IN TilF WORLD. I Its wmirlngniialiUtwan- ur,»iii>pa«v*l actually 10Ulla«tiug t« o boxes of any otlior l.rand. .Vol ■ffwtod by h©«i. ( rUKT T3IR (jKNITNK. SVii SALC UY CjEALBBti QESKk'w.i.v, THE CITIZEN- Meat and Milk Sewage Farms. If a cow is fed on turnips, within I twenty-four hours her milk will taste of | turnips, and if butter be churned from the cream, the butter will taste too. The intensity of the turnip flavor is the meas ure of the quantity of turnips taken. In like manner, if pigs l>e fed on horseflesh, as they often are. their bacon will taste pf the horseflesh; if they t>e fed on fish, the bacon has a fishy taste. The same is true of hens and their eggs. Feed hens on decaying animal matter, which they will eat greedily, and both their eggs and flesh will N- most unpleasant and unwholesome eating. In the case of ducks the facts are much more striking. Ducks are very unclean feeders Give them abundance of garbage, and they will refuse corn and similar food. Their i flesh is then most pungent to the taste, j and in many people is so potently poison [ ing as to produce diarrhoea. Animals 1 fed on sewage farms under certain con ditions are liable to have their flesh and secretions changed in character by the i sewage-produced herbs and grasses upon which they feed. If .the sewage on a given farm be so managed that no more ot it be put into the soil than any given crop can adequately deal with, then the crop will be sweet and natural, and the cattle or other animals fed on it will be sweet and natural too. But if the soil lie gorged to repletion with sewage, then the crops will l>e surcharged with sewage elements, and unfit for food, and the meat and milk of animals fed 011 such crops will be like the crops, and very un- pleasant to the taste as well as dangerous to the health. It is in the last resort aH a question of the intelligence and con science of the managers of sewage farms. Easily Cured. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco habit are easily cured by the use of Hill's chloride of Gold Tablets. No effort re quired of the patient who is allowed the use of stimulants until he voluntarily units their use. May be given secretly in •."■a or coffee and a cure guaranteed in i-very ea«e. For sale by all first class druggists at SI.OO per package. For full particulars aad book ol testimonials ad dress The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio. —According to weather prophet Hicks we are going to have an exceedingly dry summer and fall, and people should govern themselves accordingly. Peruvian Bitters. LAFAYETTE. IND., August 6, 1593. AUNT RACUAEI. SPEKR: I have been usin ft your Peruvian Bit ters of late for malaria fever that I have not been entirely rid of for the past two \eai until now. I must say 3-0 ur Bitters beat everything. I used it only six weeks and begrui to improve the first week, I am now well and hearty and feel young again, even now in this very hot v oather. —An enterprising colored politician of Chicago is organizing a bicycle glee club to take part in the Republican parades oi the coming campaign. Men canot march and sing, but it is claimed that when riding at a leisurely speed on a wheel a vocalist can let himself out and not be come winded. Tired nature's co-worker, nerve helper and strength builder is Hood's Sarsapa rilla. I would not enter on my list of friends, Though graced with polished *nanne;sand fine sense, Vet wanting sensibility, the man Who needlessly sets foot upon a woiiu. Eli Hill , Lumber City, Pa., writes, "I have been suffering Irom Piles for twenty five years and thought my case incurable. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was recom | mended to me as a pile sure, s> I bought a box and it porformed a permanent cure." i This is only one of thousands of similar cases. Eizema, sores and skin diseases yield quickly trlien it is used. ./. C. RKDICK. —Lemonade should never be made in a tin vessel, as the acid from the lemons with the tin forms a poison, which is very apt to produce severe sickness. H would be hard to convince a maL suffering from bilious colic that his agony is due to a microbe with an uapronotn ca.ile name. But one dose of DeWitt's Colic & Cholera cure will convince him of its power to afford instant relief. It kills pain. J C. RED"JK. —A slice of common onion rubbed on the spt-t is a certain cure for a wasp sting. If the sting be in the throat or mouth an onion should be slowly chewed aud swallowed. Dr. Agnew'a Cure lor the Hsartgivn C ;rfect relief in all cases of Organic o» -sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutea, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer rss remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o; Jionih, Smothering Spoils, Pe:n in Lei • me aud all symptoms of a Diseaxod. Heart ui) dose convinces. Sold l>y City Phar U4OT. —"An adequate revenue" isn't a bad plank on the platform. —i.i./lish Spavin Liniment removes ai' Lara, oolt or calloused lumps and blem shes fronj iiorses, blood spavins, curl's plints, sweeney, ringbone, Atifles, sprain/ II swollen tbr<ut», coughs, etc. D*VO 50 by uso of out, bottle. Warranted ihe iiost wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv J. C. Redick. s —The Yanderbilt wedding must stand back for rheumatism—if that is really the plebeian cause. 1870 Climax Bran-ii, From grape wine, has, by its extreme age and constant care while in uniform temperature and pure, sweet atmosphere ot storage houses for fourteen yean, be come a r'val of ihe Hennessey and other brands ci Cognac Brandy, anJ much lower in price, and preferred by the physicians of Philadelphia, Now Vork and other cities Buy it ol druggists. —Even if Quay doesn't contribute his support McKinley has a hope of pulling through, it seems. "Wake up, ./aeob, dai is breaking!" BO said l)e Witt's bit lie Lm!} Riser to the man who had taken tin in to arouse his sluggish liver. ./. ''.KKhick. —' She wants air! She wants air!" yelled a man on the inside of the crowd that has gathered around the female cyc list. "What's the matter —womajj faint ed?" inquired a policeman, rushing up. "Oh, no," replied the man; "She has only dismounted to pump more air into her tires." Pclie/ hi Six Hour*. —Distressing Knlney and Bladder dis eases relit-luit m »'.& tu.urs by the "New (jreat South American rCidney Cure." This new reu.t-i'j i i great surprise on »c --count of its promptness in re lieving pain in ii . iMniiii. r, kidney, back and every part, oi ■. . passbges in male or female. It ir ■ itj retention ol wat«r and pain iL it almost im mediatly, Jfyofkai.i quick relie! and cure tuis it yon- r i mdj. Sold by ./. C. itediek drugui '.'-utler fa. —A great hammer has been put into Mann's axe factory at Lewistown. The hammer hps a striking force of 3,0c-j pounds, and at one stroke completes the manufacture of an axe. It takes five men to work it, but the five men with the hammer do as much in a day as forty men can do by hand. Small in size but great in results. I)e- | Witt's Little Early Killers aet gently but i thoroughly, curing indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small pill, safe pill, I beit pill. V. KSDICK. { To Kill Potato Bugs. In the spring ot ISOS Hen. Ilariy White discovered and published lor the uso of h« constituents a remedy lor squash and potato bags. It wa.« lo take a rag, satur ate it with kerosene, put it on the end of a stick, one end of which should be stuck ia the ground near the plant. The Judge said the bugs disliked the odor ol Kerosene, and would go hence. But owing lo the great labor in securing a silEcieut numbei ot rags and sticks, and keeping the con stantly evaporat : ng kerosene replenished, the remedy never became popular. A more practical kerosene remedy, and one that we have lonnd ver. successful ic our own experience as a practical agricul turist, is this: Take an old tin bucket and a chunk of a stick. Hold the bucket in one hand and the stick in the other; placv the bucket behind your bug, and then swipe your bug with your stick, causing it to fall into the bucket. Proceed in this way until you have g«>ne over t'le whole patch and have ciptured every bug I'nen pour your kerosene over your bugs. When thoroughly saturated set fire to your oil. The bugs will begin inuneJ.attly to exhibit ! .symptoms of uneasiness, and will eventu ally become extremely agitated. Buys ! troated i:i this way are guaranteed never Ito eat poUto stalks sgain. It teaches I them a lesson they seldom forget. —Porr'y. [ Spirit. —lt is a physicial impossibilty to put impure water into a cow and get pure milk from lier. —Wife—"The doctor says I will gain ten or fifteen pounds if I go away for a month. Husband —"Don't go. Not one of your gowns would fit you then. —The Akjon murderer who sees spints bit night may comfort himself with the thought that a merciful jury will help him in due season to escape them. The Climax Brandy ot 1876 Vir.tage. Has proven to be a superior distillation, and with years of ripening is now put upon the market by the Speer N. J. Wine Co. It is a superior mellow brand pos sessing all the medicinal properties for which brandies from grape are so emi nently useful. Sold by druggists. —A newspaper gives this advertise ment: "Two sisters want washing." We think thousands of brothers want the same. —Gussy: "Why do you so persistently wear the hair of another woman on your head? Beatrice: "For the same reason that you wear the skin of another calf on your feet.'' iIOOD'3 PILLM cure tdver 111-, liilioiisness, In<iig<"iUou, Hendwbe. A pleasant laxative. All Druggists. —But for the discovery of the blaze in a Providence I.) house the other morning not one of the sixteen occupants of the ill fated building would have es caped alive. It was found that the mew ing of a cat led to the discovery of t In flames, and without doubt saved the lives of the 14 who escaped. Pass the good word along the line. Piles can be quickly cared without an opera tion by simply applying DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. ./. C. REDICK —No, Maud dear, the electrician can not have his clothes charged more readily than the ordinary man. Persons who have a coughing spol! every night, on account of & tickling sen sation in the throat, may overcome it at once by a dose of One Minute Cough Cure. J. C RKIUCK. —Bicycle exercise is a great thing. If a man doesn't ride, dodging brings most of the muscles into play. We are axioas to do a little good in tbi* world and oon thinlc r.f no plnasanter or better way to do it than by recoir.mendinp One Minute Cough care as" a preventive ol pneumonia, consumption ami other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds ./. C. RKOICK —Rev. C, C. McCabe, the new Metho dist Bishop, an<t Gen. Ned Dow, of I'oi t land, were messmates together while con fined in Libby prison during the war. —A Kentucky man has lost three wives in two years. This is pretty tough, but it docs look as though he has lost no time, wliatevar else may have slipped away from him. When we consider that the intestines are about five times as long as the body, we can realize the intense goffering ex perienced when they beooine inflame.. l>eWitt's Colic <fc Cholera cured subdne-< inflammation at once and completely re moves the difficulty. •/. C. RBMCK. —Muggins—Did you ever sec any thing humorous in a mother-in-law joke.' Buggins—My dear fellow, there is 110 joke about a mother-in-law. T. P. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Pro mise City. lowa, says: "I bought one bottle ol 'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doseo o! it did mc more good than any medicine I ever took. Sold by J. C. Redick, and J. F. Ralph druggists, Butler. —Dudley Buck lias discovered that the historic New England stock is dying out because of "too much pie and too little blood. Rheumatism Cureil in a "Mystic Cure" for UhenmatiHin and Neuralgia radically cured in 1 to It days. It« action npon the system is remarkalde and mysterionn. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly bonoflts; 75 cents. Sold by J. C Redie, and J. F. Balph OrugKists, Butler AprSKi —For those with weakened digestive powers honey is a very desirable food- If a person is very tired -"too exhausted to eat" —a few tastes of honey w ill act like magic. —lt is a noteworthy fact that the Pres idents of the United States, as a rule, have been from country districts, rather than from the cities. —lt is stated that the first cost of build ing a fleet of Atlantic liners is a trifle com pared to the cost of running them. In less than three years it will exceed the cost c.f construction, so enormous is the constant expenditure in wages, port dues and repairs. SCROFULA CURED K. C. Caswell of Btockport, N. Y., says: "I was terribly aillicted with scrofula, and lisd lost all hope of being cured. A friend advised me to take DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY which I did with jjreat benefit, and I recommend it to others " It restores tile liver to a healthy condition, and cures constipation, scrofula, rheumatism, dys pepsia, and all kidney, bladder and urinary diseases. brfw. Every Woman RJL>J / *2> Sometimes reeds a rrli 'l able monthl-' regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt, *«f*» an«l ctrtiln In rwuilt. Tho genu hi«' •1 JO. I'eaa MoOn-.ue Co. M ClvrttUunl m U» Fox fc'ale at City Pharmacy BIG AND GOOD. #> PLUCKS \w Sometimes quality is sacrificed in the iff \ effort to give "tip: quantity for litre money. j f|f No doubt about that. Vr^-'j But once in u while it i'nt't. llllr For instance,there's"BA.TTl E AX. n The pitce is bigger than you ever saw . T*V before for 5 cents. And the quality isas I many a man has said. " mighty gobd." ■ I There's no guess work in this statement. J if. { I It is just a plain fact. lj^ 6 You can prove it by investing 5 cents ££^l W*F in "BATTLE AX." \W "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO The Cyclist's Necessity. USED INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY. GENUINE IS OUR F?3| W» MJ SK«H BSSK FFI 3M BOTTLES ONLY, BUIF to Yif gj M fffil B WKAPi'EKS, SEE OUR ■_ \£f f£*S Bit fL i NAME, POND'S EXTRACT ■■ Jok f SF 8 _ ■ CO., NEW YORK, cf, J | 1 JfeS SLJB fl 76 FIFTH AV EN vm. \i3mlßW. £fl S O« -S A USE POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT FOR PILES. Sent by nut if on ypcriot of oO rts. sKte l Saw -.fv . . ' b- s i"r it ib. jbUii in 4 \»»eks. V'iih c—ry <5 order x.« i'i ' •' leml cn<nm« to cure ur rufuuj Ad. I t K'l. CO.. Cm ul>lllL OM» a TROTTING STALLIONS. STORM BIRD, Record 2:35 and BUFEALO BOY 3882. Will be found at mv farm dur iflll i.lic summer of 1896. These horses arc so well and favorably known in this county that descrip tion is unnecessary here. They are two of the best stallions to be ound anywhere for the money. Terms $25 and $lO to insure. For description atid pedigrees, address Alon/o McCandless, Isle, Pa. DOCTORS LAKE ® IT! - / TK DISPINSAKT. /Rl JB (JTH. PEJ4I. AVE.Fourth 6T. LjßSffWf PITTSBURGH, PA. A Aliformsof Oelu ite M'i'l C • piic. t<<l i>i- • " ri 'i s "fy r ■ ■ < Med iciitii :• nro treated it (hi - 1' •li-nr-.ir» with a . ucceat .arely mt.-'ii, I. I'; v K. l.:ikel-« • i':emberoltl:f _K"> tl < ' ' '.ft ' - Hri:»iv tincl Surguo.i . mi'! is tin* »' 11.-T>: an-l nn»' ■'viw rii -I'Til si"F('l*MS»* 111 ritv S|N'C':.l at .vn: oii j.iv. i: tofiers IVlultt t'rrtisn- —iv atc'.iul ■■ rilon.Wd <er.-i, ofyou'll,.'tc..rt'jj .lll' |»ln vai and iH-ntat dee ay, la. k ot T> Imnin sr.eti ilMCuoeri <;i i Sore*, ti'.- I'ilcK, Ifl and all (I.- mant the PI mi. Blood, I.uue*, Urlnarj Oigai ,ctc. Cui ilUUon ;• l « . tly i i:• • ; 7toß r. K.| SnndsTfit 210 4 I . M* jnh n'l at 6 or i 'l.ln-M "I I \KK. €'<»»{ •kv \ A . in:-. ■ • • tfTERMiSFAILj DRiORB One* 3 3a V# rbrcP 3\stl N. KIPJJEESTH ST., I'HII.A., AA. j Thirty yruni ' C-Oilniioij* practice in-ofsl' , UNMIf of Btß Uld WOinnll IVo DQIWr froi v*. a; | I Mite r4•„c IN < b landing, I w ' . . ft <***• | IVZ-Pta" Ciatii'bouuJ k''J* '* 4<'AM) »*#«i laUH.l+4 The Saddle Question. This is an illustration W ing. and has tnad«cycl ® to a certain extent Shown i"l vi* .■** it injurious, because ft*'., on the or- 1 , . dui-uy «jju. co,,M c,, J°y a ll>n « r " lr without fear of injury. All this is now charged. Here is re; re lented the perfect iaddle—the Christy Anatomical Saddle, warp or change i t-s shape. J..is pad* th*t rest the entire body. Us does not press the ten- showi pclv!-; >.m» I sitive parts, prevents o«> the <,hri»'> I btiffness, and makes cycling a pleasure. ' * Price, $5.00 *' FUR* BOOKLET ON SADDLE A. CI. SPALDING <* BROS. v New Yurk. L. S. McJUNKJN I nsurance anrt Real Estate Agent, ;7 EAST JEFFERSON ST, lIIJTLEK - P ! >V7,at Nerve Berries Jifyv pt have done for others i' « ill do -J > ~*v- $ j v 1 m . *r Cs am m IkTUAY ' v ism r; " a;ic' Pu rman en t!y Pt>-i fore d. S^^STT s*osiiive cure for aH W'oiknesses, and ail their c\ ilsfcsultinK from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. sickness, worry, etc. A ; or excessive uscof tobacco,opium and i : quor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon !iavii:g ihe genuine no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Prce, SL.OO per box, 3ix -»oxes, one full treatment,ss.oo. Ciiiarantced tocure any c ise. U not kep*. by your drug gist we will s,.nd them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphletfi e. Address mail oidersto VJEKiWN ITEDICfL CO. CINCINSAri. 0. IRO N WILL JJO. " JS NATURE'S OWM TO\IC. SUtni'.lutos the nppetue nnd pro- JC&. duces relVrshtux sleep. 6IVES VITAL STRENQIH TO MURSIM3 MOTMEKS pi» Chocks wasting diseases, stops Jf idifht s-Aoais, cio'es iiicipianl -•sfc. w». aonsumytion. O Increases and tesh. MAKES KF.D, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tistmo. Willfcivo tho pulo and tuny thi rosy ohoeks of yoiitn. |\T CTOES AI.L FEMALE COMTLAINTS. Makes stronß ui- i and wornoa ot v/eaklif.RS SILMOHET- IRtIH TOfiiS PILLS cit '"aß'.inj Diseases ona tht/r stnuences, BHOivChITIS, CONSUMPTION, die. T'nev .ire neither rtypti-'norenustie. jnJ i i. < Miulutint'(fleot on tho contents C■ >. ■'< maeh or its liuiric; consequontly I rl tho toeth ci' en use eonstipatloii i uri noea. tm do the usual form* 01 Jron. ■ Hiys treatment 60c. pamphlet froo, if to', kept by your druggist, address * GILiVIORE k CO., CINCINNATI, O tfTAUS - . . v^cll - ef r - ■, • ,v ' y YITAUS—L THE GREAT aoth FRS'JCH REftSED Y 30ti> OST- I KODL'CES THE ABOVE KFHT'LTH L< . NET IT ..n.l itinljriMVMi V^RT"TLSP^M, I, ... H«.i r-- l«.-t V tall.y.P "w j ... Mwni'.ry. Word* off sntl , . i. I I;> -t ..I. havlnw VI I A!. 18, no C: 1,« carrtMt »w »*l i*-vk»t. By nail ■ I ~ r i.k> nr rix f"r "..On with » i-»*r int. - i '•Hi i 'ft ItKrtiNM in -: MOr.'BT. ,ii.r t • 1 ' CALI til !Ml I I . S E CO IU. Fur /lie in .Hutler, P», ly City Pharmacy. Malf D. T. Pape The Leading Hillintj House In Butler Count! Stylish and lk-autiful are the Hats and Bonnets we have selected for our spring trade. Never has our stock of Millinery been so grand and at prices that will astonish you. Come in and see for yourself. Our Stock of Mourning Goods Always Complete. D. T. Pape 122 S. Mam St. Butler Pa. # LEADER 0F jg|y x jjg| Foot Fashions Ufe". M tore mill Ywlb SHOES. MEN'S (2.00 CALF SHOES. Price any $3.00 shoe sold elsewere an<l then come here and you'll find our f.-.uoshoe always equals 1 oftimes excels) others' #3 gradt-s ASK TO SEK Ol'K Ladies' Shoes, Men's Shoes, Missel' Shi>es, Ladies' Slippers Boys' Shoes. All exclusive stvles. . I.ADlliS' fi .50. I.ook all over other $2 shoes then visit this store and you will be convinced that our $1.50 grade etfuals an«l nearly always excels others' $2 goods. Ladles'tine button or I ace stooc« at 73c Co ti.io. - -v,,rk toft.,-. at Tic, Ssc. ItPjl Thu sli » s arc >v>o! anil pr>*t;y. No wonder every- k|(lH| rftllfl I l.ooly fortifies with them ugalnst the li--.it ami dust of tVajfl RJfIF "5, / w3 .e',l krood dr-ssors r*- ~ S v» / / MS prefer tt.o-m to anything else. No wonder we rehavlnc NJ*/ s' Je.| such a run on tans. We've mad* our prices so eas\. - The neatest feet In Butler county are those that are v Shoes Tito-re's style about t bem ; * Huselton's Shoe StoreHP^JHHB^KI Where tilt- feet «>t mis>;-> and children can be s^j { B.C. HUSELTON, Butler's Loading and Progressive Shoe House, Opposite Hotel Lowyr * Bickel's Stores* 1 125 North Main St. 323 South Main St. COME We have many iiuercsting bargains in store for you. Our stock of ladies and gents tan shoes and oxfords is large, showing all the latest styles, prices on shoes $1.25 and upwards, and fine oxfords at 45c to $2.00. Large Stock of misses tan and dongola strap sandals ranging in price from s oc to sl.2s. Ladies fine do-.1-gola gola opera toe slippers at 45 cts. Ladies serge slippers at 25 cts. Ladies serge gaiters at 45 cts. Mens fine dress shoes at st.oo. Ladies fine dongola button shoes at 85 cts. Full stock of boys and mens patent leather shoes. Mens and boys bicycle shoes. For the latest styles in fine footwear, call and see us. Full stock of leather and findings, and shoe-makers supplies of all kinds. Repairing prompt ly done. When in need of anything in our line, call and see us. JOHN BICKEL Butler, Pa- WhiskieS, Wines and L iquors. There are many peop'e imposed upon when tbey buy liquor for the sick-room, for the table, or for social pleasures, b«sc»use they do not know how or where to buy. A first-class article can only be found in a first class houao. There are many dealers who pose as Wholesale Liquor Dealers, but there is no other firm which bears the repu tation for fair and honest dealing which MAX a KLEIX eDjoys, and the reasons are because he carries the largest and most complete stock of liquors of all kinds in the State; —because overy article is guaranteed to be absolutely pure, bo cause L?b prices are the lowest, and because he deals gqus.ely with the public. You may judge lrom the following Silver Age Hye—the peer of all whiskies—sl.so per qt, $15.00 per case. Duquesne Rye, i' 2 per cent pure rye and 8 per cent barley malt, $1 25 per qnart. sl2 50 per ceae Bear Creek Hye, six years old, finest quality, SI.OO per qt, $lO 00 per case. Gibson, Flinch, Guckenheimer and Ovorholt —all well known brands, SI.OO per qt, or SIO,OO per case. Guckenheimer 4 year old, 75 cts per qt, or $S 00 per case, an excellen whiskey at the price, superior to most whiskies at sl. All canes contain 12 full quart bottles. If you send your order hero for any of the Above you will receive oetter goods than anywhere flse. Don't forget that we pay all express and other charges on orders amounting to $A or over Send for latest Catalogue and Price List to MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St Allegheny Pa Wholesale Liquor Dealer £3 Buy a Buggy f aBOBii j (hat's reliable when you j Q buy one. Fredonia Buggies have ivery.hing in tneir favor—beauty, stability, ease. You can fin J ibis out by li«>l.ng at 'em. Your dealer sells them. Made by FRBDONIA MFC. CO., Youngstown, O.