GREAT CLOSING ODT SALE OF +CLOTHING+ To close out that branch of our business. We are positively going to close out our entire stock of Men's, Boys and Children's clothing regard less of cost. Men'g Cassimere Suits gold for $8 00 only $4 00 Men's Cassimere Suits ■old for 10 00 only 5 00 Mens Cassimere Suits sold for 13 50 only 6 75 Mens worsted suits sold for 16 50 only 10 00 | Mens worsted suits gold for 18 00 only 12 00 Meng fine clay worsted gold for 18 00 only 13 0 Mens finer clay worgted sold for 20 00 only 15 00 Over 3000 Pairs Of Mens Pants Mens working pantg only 45 cts Mens working pants, better, worth $1 25 only $ 75 Mens working pants D&8 worth 2 00 only 1 00 Sweet A Orr's Kerseys worth 200 only 75 Mens black eheviotts 2 25 " 125 Mens worsted cheviotts 450 " 1 75 500 " 225 '• •> '« 5 50 " 2 75 Mens fine cassimere 4 50 " 2 25 .< •• " 600 " 3 25 «« <« •• 750 " 500 OVER 2060 CHILDREN!! SUITS Good strong suits 1 00 only $ 75 Union cassimere 200 " 125 «• 250 '* 1 75 Fine oassimero worsted 600 " 400 We will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats and Coats and Vests, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pocket and Bill Books, Purses, Spec tacles, Harmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c. It would be impossible to enumerate and give prices of all we have in stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest and most varied stock and our prices are guaranteed lower than the lowest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied customers that throng our store from Monday morning till late Sat urday nights. Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, and when you make a purchase ask for one of our CARDS and when your pur chases amount to $15.00 or $20.00 we will present you a piece of handsome silverware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme fiour bin. Ask to see the presents. D. A. Heck Son, 121 North Main St., Butler, Pa. JDST A WORD OR TWO. We want to talk with you a few minutes—You know us but do you know there are hundreds of people in Butler, Co. who do not know we are in Butler, il they did we would have to enlarge our store to let the crowd in. Why what do you think. Nearly one half the people who come into our store didn't know we made harness, hile we have been running that part of our business for two year? with a capacity of 10 sets per day, but we are glad to know they art pleased to find it out as it saves them money and will save you money if you mind it. However we did not intend talking about harness more than to say that we make all kinds of harness and parts of harness at less than factory price. It was surries and buggies we wanted to tell you about We have a larger stock than we have had at any time for fifteen years. We hav'nt a last year surrey in the house. Don't buy old stock, they are old style, and every year grow more so. Buy the latest design and be in fashion especially when you can buy them for less money than others charge for old style work, as for the price, whoever heard of anyone paying too much for anything bought here.We hav'nt in our employe asalesman with whom we would be afraid to send SIO,OOO to Europe, when you deal here you know you are dealing with a reliable firm and you know jt« a what you are getting, and also know the price is lower than you could get any where. Come and sec us and have the satisfaction of knowing you have been in the largest store of the kind in the state. • I i.[SbT t ' S.B. Martincourt&Co. 128 EAST JEFFERSON Street. S. KRAMER WAGONS AND TRUNKS. PREPARATIONS FOR The Gfeat Battle * OF NOVEMBER 3 ARE ALREADY WEI.I, UNDER WAV. A NEW President of the United States IS TO BE ELECTED, AND THK NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, as always, be found in the thickest of the flght, battling vigor ously for SOUND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES, which will brint: PROSPER ITY TO THE NATION. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is not o«l>- the leading Republican prper of the country, but is PRE-EMINENTLY \ NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Its campaign news and discussions will interest every American citizen. All the news of the day, Foreign Correspondence, Agricultural Department, Market reports, Short .Stories complete in each number, Comic Pictures, I-'ashion Plates with elaborate descriptions, and a variety of items of household interest, makeup AN IDEAL FAMILY PAPER. We furnish "THE CITIZEN" and "NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE" (both oaper*). One Year For Only $1.50, , CASH IN ADVANCE. Add™*.,! order, M Til OMR. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of THE NEW YORK \VIUTIU.Y TRIBUNE will be mailed to yov, Children* knee pants $ 25 only $ 13 •i » •• 35 " 20 11 <i '• 50 " 25 <• «• " 75 " 50 •• " " 85 " Co <» " 100 " 75 « it it 125 " 90 Men and boys gondola hats, $ 1 OOonly $ 50 • < "1 50 " 75 tt <• 250 " 100 " " 275 •• 125 «' <• 300 " 150 <• 450 " 300 Soft hats ard caps in proportion. All the latent styles in Straw. Braids, Macki now, Milton, Yeddos, Leghorns and in every conceivable shape lor Men Boys and Children. Silverine watches $ 5 00 only $ 2 f>o tt .. 750 " 4 50 Silver wa'ches 12 00 " 6 50 Ladies goldfilled watches 15 00 " 900 •• " 20 00 " 12 00 " '• 25 00 " 18 00 Gents " " 20 00 " 15 00 '• " 25 00 " IS 00 Ladies and gents electroplated watches $5. A large stock of chains from 10c to $4 Ladies waist sets frotn 10c to 50 cents. Stick pins worth from 25 to 50c only 10 cts. Gents cuff buttons 25c only 15c " 50c " 25c «• 75c " 50c •• $1 00 " 75c Gents link buttons from 10c to 75c Our Jaeger diamonds in Studs, Pins, Kings and Ear Drops are simply immense. The finest outside ot the real steel-blue diamond. [^HUMPHREYS'! VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Togs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 500 Tage Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart Sent Free. ! cms ( Fe%erM.Conge»t lon A. I n Ham run t lon ' A.A. < Hpinal .Mcnipriilii, Milk Fever. ; It.l*. Hiratna. Lara»-neM, KbenmaiUm. I I»i»teniper, IMnrhargen. t !>.!>.— Hoii* or <Jruh-«, Wormn, E. < oushs Heaves, Pneumonia. F.F.—C olic or (*ripe«* Bellyache. Miscarriage, Hemorrhage*.—l rinaryand Kidney Dineaae*. 1.1. Eruptive DheßHeit, .llange. J .K.~-l>it*eaae« olDigestion, l*aralyala« ■lngle Battle tor er 50 doeca), - - .(iO Stable C'aae, with Specific*. Manual. Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator, b7.00 Jar Veieriuary Cure Oil, - - 1.00 fcoM bf Lmrrui.; or e*«l pr*i-aiJ **ynh+ro eel iauf qc*aUlj an rr?*lpt of price. UmrBECTS', 11l AIISITIUUniSC, SewTorfc. /£4gfcgl HOMEOPATHIC ft A ! UHUSPECiFIC No.ttO In use 30 years. Tho only nccctffnl remedy lor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and I'rout ration. from over work or other causae, fl por vial, or 6 viala and larjje vial powder, for $6 ffrdd l.y Drugjriata, or •not j ntpaid ..n receipt of price. IirIFIIUKf b' ■*.!>. CO., 111 All 3 WUIUb bu. Sew kert, WE HANDLE RI TT NOTHING 13UI TURK RELIABLE GOODS from 3 to 10 years old, and you get them direct from the barrel. GUARANTEED PURE WHISKIES Finch's, Sam Thompson, Large, Gibson, Bridgeport. Guckenheimer, Dil linger, Overholt, etc. SI.OO Per Full Quart. • - 6 Quarts <5.00. Grandfather's Choice, 3 years old #2.00 per gal, WE ARE ALSO IMPORTERS of all kind of Wines, Conyacks, Brandies, Rums, etc. All goods, including C. O. D. orders, securely packed and shipped promptly. We prepay express charges on $ 10.00 orders or over. PAIR DEALING TO EVERYONE. ROBT. LEWIN, & CO. 136 Water St., New Number 411, PITTSBURG, PA. r V REVIVO jjje RESTORES Vitality. ®S§glri: Ist Day. Of M THE lIREAT 30th Day. FRENCH REMEDY produces the above results lu 30 days. It acts powrrrully and quli ly. Cures when all others fall. Youngraeuwl regain their lost man hood, and old men 11l recover their youthful vigor by using KF \ IVO. It quickly and surely restores IservoUßi. ss. Lost vitality. Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of excess and lr.dlscretlou, which un fits one for study, business or marriage. It not onlj cures by parting at toe seat of disease, tut Is a great nerve tonic anil blood builder, bringing back the pink plow to pale cheeks and restoring the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, to other. It can be carried In vest Socket. By mail. ll.ooper package, or six for 5.(0. with a i oßltlve wi itten guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICI \K • 0.. CHICAGO, ILL. DONT MruHitCO. HOW 1C CURE YOURSELF WHILE USING IT. The tobacco habit grows on a man nnfi. h nerv us system is seriously affec ed, Imp.. 'li, ' health, comfort and l polntss. To quit . ui is too severe a BiiOck to the sjsteui. is tobacco to an inveterate user becomes a stl-. laut that his system continually craves "b co Curo" Is a scientific cine for the tobacco bniilt. In all its forms, carefu;! / compounded afit i th formula of an Berlin vlio has used It In his plicate practice since H72, without a failure. it Is purely vegetable .. -it guaranteed perfectly . armless. You can use all the tobacco you want while taklug • Ba'">- Curo." It will notify »j'l when to stop. v. o K'.YC a written guarantee to cure permauc;: .»• any case with three boxes, or retund the mt -V with lfl per cent Interest. "Baco-Curo" Ls ii„, a substitute, bur a scientific cure, in«' cure, without tin- aid cf v. ill power and with no in con' lence. It leaves the sjstem as pure nd free from nicotine as tho t,r you took your ilrst chew or smoke, Cured By BACO-CURO And Gained Thirty Pounds. F'rom hundreds of testimonials. the originals ol wnich are on iiie and open to Inspection. : .t" following is presented: Clayton. Nevada county Arkansas lan. lKii- Kureka Chemical & Mfg. Co.. La Crusse, Wis. —Gentlemen: For forty years I l <-<] tuba c ) In all its forms. For twenty-live je.. - of licit tic.u 1 was a great sufferer from genet*l debill ty and heart disease, for Uttecn year i tried to quit, but couldn't. I took various remedies, ;.ir.nir: others ".Vo-To-Bac," "The Inrtlat. T<i bacc . Antidote." ••Double Chloride ot <ii J ' eic., etc.. but none of them did me the least lilt ol good. Finally, however, I purchased a box oi your 'Baco-Curo" and It has entirely cm ed me of the habit in all its forms, and 1 have creased lUlrly pounds In weigM and am r;.',u.v ed ironi all Oie numerous acnes and pains ol body and mind. I could write a quire ol paper upon ray changed feelings and condition. Yours respectfully. I*. H. MARBUKV, Pastor C. F. Church, Clayton, Ari. Sold by all druggists at per box: time boxes, (thirty dajs' treatment). sl\sO with Iron clad. written gtiarauiee, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write lor booklet and proofs. EuiekaChemical <S Mfsf. C 3., L,a Crosse, Wis.. diul Hoston, Mi-'s, "jMAAkmT m i 9OLD ... EXPORT.. .fc g WHISKEY. is the finest brand of Rye f>». ■IW Whiskey in America lor lE~ Zjf&A medicinal use—is strong- IPPif ly indorsed by physicians L as a strengthening tonic, FAGD FULL QUARTS. $1 JKSF SIX QUARTS, $S |R MM Freight paid on all sio ER orders or over. .xS^ KH Catalogue nailed free ■J* to all applicants. r^r |g JOS. FLEMING & SON, jV" Wholesale and Retail Drugjitts, yJ 412 MARKET ST. $ J PITTSBURGH, PA. THE KEELEYTSURE Is a special boon to business men who, having drifted \moonseiously Into the drink habit anil awaken to find the disease of alcoholism fastened ason them, rendering them unflt to manage af fairs requiring a clear brain. A four v.,—lre course of treatment at the . • PITTSBURG KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. 4240 Fifth Avenue, resto-os to them all their powers, mental and physical, destroys the abnormal appetite, and restores them to the condition they were in be fore they Indulged in stimulants. This has been done In more than 1600 cases treated here, and among them some of your own neighbors, to whom we can refer with confidence as to the auftlute safety and efficiency of the Keeley Cure. The fullest and most searching investigation is n vited. Send for pwnnhlet £h iug full lulcrm iion. _ _ j Seanor & Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Rear of Wide House, Butler, Pa The be.? f of horses and first class rigs alwaya on hand and for hire. Bent, accommodations in town for permanent hoarding and transient trade. Spei.ial care fruaraiteed. Stable room for sixty-five horses. A good class of liorses, botb driv ers ar.d draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon proper noti fication by sEA«NOR & N ACE. ; All kinds ol live stock bought and • sold Telephone at. Wick House ■: C/A\ j ij) L. V-X r rHK ] Proverbial Matrimony Wedlock, a padlock. Marrying is easy, but housekeeping is j hard. Cupid is blind to everything save pin : money. Many a good hanging prevented a bad | marriage. As your wedding ring wears, you 11 wear off your cares. Marriages are not as they are made but 1 as they turn out. One marriage is never celebrated but I another glows out of it. j If marriages were made in heaven you | had but few friends there. The day upon which you marry -you either make or inar yourself. Domestic happiness, the only bliss of paradise that has survived the fall. If you would have a nuptial union last, let virtue be the bond that ties it fast. Husbands and wives talk of the cares of matrimony, and bachelors and spin sters bear them. There is more of good nature than of good sense at the bottom of many mar riages. He has tied a knot with his tongue that he cannot untie with all his teeth. Marriage is the best state for man in general; and every man is a worse man in proportion as he is unfit for the mar riage state. There are many who marry from utter indigence of thought, captivated by the playfulness of youth, as if a kitten were never to be a cat. Themistocles, l»eing asked whether he would rather marry his daughter to an indigent man of merit, or to a worthless man of estate, replied that he would pre fer a man without an estate, to an estate without a man. Marriage is the strides tie of perpetual f iendship, and there can be no friend ship without confidence, and no confi dence without integrity, and he must ex cept to lie wretched, who pays to beauty, liches, or politeness that regard which only virtue and piety can claim. —That tired feeling indicates declining health. Overcome it by taking Hood's Sarsapp.rilla. —They were seated in the parlor, con versing on the uncertainty of life. She: "The future is a vast, unfathomable mystery to us, isn't it?" He: "Yes; all we know is that we have to go some time." Voice from the library: "It would suit the convenience of this household if you'd make it a little sooner than that." Aunt Rachel Horchountl and Elecampane for Singers. There are thousands of cases on record wrere persons suffering from consumpt ion 'have been completely cured by the use of Aunt Rachael's Horehouud Herb, Ele campane Root, and Speer's Grape Juice, ai.d persons are willing to-day to testify to the miraculous cures wrought for them by this pleasant and most effective remedy. Used by public speakers. For sale by druggists. —lt was 11.30 P.M., and the clock marked the half-hour with a sharp bang. The young man looked around hastily, the girl wearily. "Oh," Le said, with a short laugh, "It almost startled me." "I beg your pardon," said the girl. "It almost startled me," he repeated, politely. "Oh, excuse me," she apologized, "I tliougout you said it almost started you.'* He got out during the next ten minutes. Spccr's l~nfermented Grape Juice In Europe Has a wide reputation from its effiracy in the sick room. The juice is rich, tastes like eating the ripe grape fresh from the vines: used by churches. —There is a gentleman in Holland ( Mr. Boomgardt) who has lived, and is still going on, up to the age of 107, and his all his life been an ontrageous smoker. l»r. Agnew's (jure tor the Heartgiys s *rfeat relief :n all oases of Organic of pathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes, nrid peedily effects a euro. It is a peer V-s ;'nuiedy for Palpitation, Shortness o b, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lei "•'do md all symptoms ofaDiseasod Iloart r.i- 'lose convinces. Bold t>y City Phar V —Wife—"ls the new typewriter hand some?" Husband—"No." Wife—" Then she's got to leave. You can't pull the wool over my eyes by get tiu g h homely one." /Joes Vour Husband or Son Drink. 1! \ our husband or son in addicted to i|. of Liqoor, Morphine or Tobacco, i't.'i i use of your druggist a bottle of Hill's of Gold TabletP. They are gQii. .f>■! i! to euro, or money will be re fundbu. i»' >tsmty be given secretly in tea or colli' - Mid the free use of stimu lants allowed r- til vo'untarily given rp. Price SI.OO pei j ai-k»i-e If your drug gist does not keep rht-m, send direct to The Ohio Chemical W« rk--, Lima, Ohio. Book of particulars a id Testimonials free. "Be gone!" she cried; and it was left For any one to know Who saw him sitting there with her, That he was badly so. —English Spavin Liniment : a • i.ard, soft or calloused lumps ui.d l»!e:n shes from horsos. blood spavin-., trubs plints, sweeney, ringbone, stifbs. sprain' 11 swollen throats, coughs, «oc Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warr > nd the Tiost wonderful Blemish Cure ivi-c known. Sold bv J. C. Kedicks —The followingjis concise: A Tennes see negro had a quarrel with a locomo tive. Age unknown. 187G Climax Branny From grape wine, has, by its extreme age and const.. ~.T re while in uniform temperature an ' c iri' --\*t>t atmosphere ol storage houses Cor fon:teca vearr, be come a rval of tb. H m.mssoy and other brands nl Cognac \ . nil «>uch lower in price, and preterr. d bv ih - physicians of Philadelphia. Xew Y »rk ttid other cities Buy it of druggists. —She, dreamily: Only fancy! A month from today we shall be married. He absently: Well, let's be happy while we can. It, DO' -.ii ; is ... j: must be so. Ono Minut.' f>. ts quickly, and that's what n,sk< s:t to ./ C. REn'CK. —Old Bullion: What, you wish to marry my daughter? She is a mere school-girl yet. Suitor: Yes, sir. I came early to avoid the rush. Belief in -Six Hour*. —Distressirr Kt .i.. y and Bladder dis eases relieved n. aours by the "New Great South Am.Titan Kidney Cure." This n<"v r» !in di !■< a great surprise on ac cour! ot'Uf i'x • promptness in re lievii (! i>vr> :u ii , bladder, kidney, back and ■vi rv p.»rt ol he urinary passages in mssh- or fi'iii'ili'. It relieves retention of WHTH' mid pain in passing it almost im niJ iuail;, If yon w*nt quick relief and I our'' :s \ our r-inedy. Sold by J. C. lit. i k .'mggi-: Builer Pa. . —"What makes men of mature years wear so sad an expression?" "Probably they are so mortified to think they have forgotten all they thought they knew when they left school. —"Don't you know, prisoner, that it' • very wrong to steal a pig. "Ido now, your honor. They make . such a row." —"Why don't you marry that girl? She is a real pearl." "Ah, yes, but I don't like the mother of pearl." —Kind neighbor, accompanied by a large mastiff, to a little girl very much afraid of him: He's a good dog; he never hurts any one, Don't you see how he's waggirg his tail? Little girl, still shrinking back: Ves, 1 but that isn't the end I'm afraid of. "Give me a liver regulator acil I can : regulate the world." said a genieus. The druggist handed hitn a bottle of De Wtt'a Little iarly Risers, tbe larnous little pills. J. C'.Rucick. —Jack: Half a dozen of my girl's cousins are growing up, and I am con sidering the question .is to when I should stop kissing them. What do you think? Jill: There's only one rule, my dear fellow. When they are old enough for you to enjoy it, then it's time to stop. HOOD'S PILLS cure t,lver Ills, Biliousness, Indigestion, Hetvdaohe. A i>l«asant laxative. All Draggista. —He: Is there anything I can do to prove my affection, so that you will not doubt it? - She: There is, Marry my sister. She is ten years older than I, and mamma is determined not to let me marry till So phia is disposed of. Rheumatism Cured i» a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cure* in 1 to 3 days, its action npon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dif>a»e iinuicdifcteb disnp pears. The firs! d»»te greatly Ivcelits: eents. Sold oj J. C Ktdie, and J. K Balph Druggists. Butler AprOC —He: Won't you be my wife? I have paddled my own canoe for years, and feel sure that I could support you. She: Canoe! Nonsense, if you had said you had sailed your own yaclic for years, I might have considered your proposal. Quick in tllect, heals and leaves no scar. Bdrniiig, scaly hitin eruptions quieklj cur ed by lie Witt's ft itch Hazel Salve. Ap plied to burns, .-calds, old sores, it is magi cal ia effect, always cures pii*s J. C. RKDICK —"That sour, old fellow, Grampus, has a job that jnst suits him." "What's that?" "He's stationmaster where fifty trains go out every day, and he sees somebody miss every one of them." J. W. Pierce, Republic, la,, says: "I have used One Alinuto Cough Cure in uiy family and tor myself, with results so en tirely satisfactory that I cin hardly find words to express myself us to its merit. I will never fail to recommend it to others, on every occasion that presents itself." J. C. REUICK. —"Widow: Well, Mr, Brief, have you read the will? Brief: But I can make nothing out of it. Heirs: Let us have it patented. A will that a lawyer can't make anything out of is a blessing. I Soothing, healing, cleansing. De Witt's Witeh Hszel Salve is the enemy to sores, wounds and piles, which it never fails lo cure. Stops idling and burning. Cures chapped lips and cold-sores in £wo or three hours. —"I wonder what makes those buttons burst off so?" Dora petulantly exclaim ed. David looked at her tight-fitting dress. "Force of habit, probably," he said, after a thoughtful pause. A high liver with a torpid liver will not be a long liver. Correct the liver with l>e ■Witt's Little Early Risers, little pills that cure dyspopsia and constipation. J. C RKDIOK. —Mrs. Cook: They say a man can live for a long time on nothing but bread and water. Mr. Cook: It depends a good deal on who makes the bread. Don't invite disappointment by experi menting. Depend upon Ono Minute Cough Cure and you have immediate relief. It cures croup. The ony harmless remedy thLt produces immediate results. J. C. RBDICK. —lnsurance examiner: Has there been any insanity in your family? Mrs, De Abnoo: Well, my sister mar ried a man who hadn't a penny. T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Pro mise City. lowa, says: "I bought one bottle 01 "Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses ol it did me more good than any medicino I ever took. Sold by J. C. Rediek, and J. F. Balph druggists, Butler. —Sawdley: Snaggs says he is a failure as far as success is concerned. Criffs: In other words, he's a success as far as failure is concerned. One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right time ii you t%ke it when you have a cough or cold. See the pointT Then don't cough. J. C. RKOICK. —"I would die for you!" passionately exclaimed the rich, old suitor; and the practical girl calmly asked them: "How soon?" SCROFULA CUBED E. C. Caswell of Brockport, N. Y., says: "I was terribly afflicted with scrofula, and had lost all hope of being cured. A friend advised me to take DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY which I did with great benefit, and I recommend it to others." It restores the liver to a healthy condition, and cures constipation, scrofula, rheumatism, dys pepsia, and all kidney, bladder and urinary diseases. The Saddle Question. This is an illustration «>f the old style sadd!.- y° u observe it carefully you will note not). It presses the sen '»al|r sitive parts,causes sore ness, stiffness and cliaf ing, and has made cycl • _ ing to a certain exter.t Shows pelvis as it injurious, because few rests on the or- J , , - _ i • 1 dinary saddle. could enjoy a long 1 ide without fear of injury. All this is now changed. Here is repre sented the perfect saddle—the Christy Anatomical Saddle, -Jiowing the pelvis as it rests on the pads. The Tm. J ,"£f Christy Anatomical ' f Saddle is the only right. Made of metal, of light weight, cannot rest the entire body, Hi does not press the sen- Shows pelvis as it rests sitive parts, prevents ° n , I ,e . < r I * lrilly stiffness, and makes cycling a pleasure. Price, $5.00 FKES BOOKLET OH SADDLES. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York. Chicago. Philadelphia. So becrifce for the CITIZEN. Id "It s a Good Thing! it Along." * s I | h Why buy a newspaper unless you fjj | can profit by the expense? For s|| f* cents ycu can get almost as mucn ji| | "BATTLE AX" as you can of | ;i { j other high grade brands for 10 cents, d |J Here's news that will repay you lor j,j gj the cost of your newspaper to-day, M A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO AdsO sJJ 8 i". Li i t i\E Inflammation, the Bicyclers Necessity. Piles, Sores, TnCC Rheumatism, Burns, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Catarrh, Chilblains, Inflamed Eyes, Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Headache, 1 oothache. Use POND'S EXTRACT after Shaving-No Irritation Use POND'S EXTRACT after ExerasWg-No Lameness POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT is simply a marvel. How instantlv'it cares Piles. What relief from excruciating pain. 50 cts. O CF. VU/VE Pond's Extract for "tnubu curet. Bu- imitations fort mi tation cmrtt. Buy CE.\ ui.\ Vonv; extract go . 16 fifth » ygwue. new w r* A —■■SftSSi■■■■■■■ Will act; .i' v brace vou up i in c " 1 ' 1 'TTKN* P'"VRAKTFF. tr Cnr~ Nervous Debility .reitucu. ««tauy. aEXI-N-t VU,LS iLfOSs. ~ Hesult in i \ '->cLs. r' T is order we gl«. .1 I gai guar mite to cure or refund Add re* . PF.AI. MKD' C! \ E CO. ■ < 'icvelin*!. Ohi'V TROTTING STALLIONS. STORM BIRD, Record 2:35 and BUFEALO BOY 3882. Will be found at my farm dur ing tho summer of 1896. These horse? are so well and favorably known in this county that descrip tion is unnecessary here. They are two of the best stallions to be ound anywhere for the money. Terms s2*s and $lO to insure. For description and pedigrees, address Alonzo McCandless, Isle, Pa. DOCTORS LAKH ti3£3> S ri'.l i/.T K niSPENSAKT. I Or*. PEN;. AVH. ANU FOURTH Bf.. PITTSBURGH. PA. . 3>* TV Attforn> U ot HelKMte ami Core.- plicated Disease.- requiringJ'ON- I ■& FIDKNTIAL aiI'ISCXWTIFIO icntiou aro treated ntthisl : i>- ■ions- ;rv a . lccw* ;.rely attnjiied: Pi;. > k. I^ikc' -•• ir.ombcr of the K«>yul Lo!l« 1 iriar«& «t id Surguonc, >*n«l !.-«the o! lj»t an l »v,M : ;crH «n Llincfty- i*piv:-al at .vjtition »?ivcn to Nervous Drbiilty a ?v me'-tal tion.l iciiscrctionof yonth,ctr..,raus - i»l v-ical and Jienial decay, lack of energy, lr>spo!i.'..-ticy, etc.; a..» 0 ♦ MilHorw, *itn, i'llerf, Kheuinatism, ami all di a-scsof the bkin, Urinary Orf?nu:»,uc. Omsulta . on 'rcc .•t'' '» strictly coiifiW n'ial. O'ice ho tin-' Jto i JI K1 « to 8 P. M.; Suu«lßys« 2 U> 4 p. M. j'llv. ;ili :I t OIVKO or addrcaa DU>. LAKR. Cl'.C -KNN A> 1 A»DAHiaT..piTTOBIJUGIL PA FRAZER cßEfilf BEST IN THE WORLD. Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, aetually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Net affected by heat. UTUKT THE QKNI'INB. FOR SALE BY DEALERS GEXEHALLY. mm 3Y«Eas mi Coneuit tho O 1 ' 1 Hti table DR.LOBB 3TI!> N. FIFTEFCN'PH ST., PIIILA., VA. Thirty years' c 4tse<iHcs of di«d f.nd wonivb No matter fruiu what rauw or lio* l<»nß standing. I v ill ffmtrantee a cure. iyi-Pa" Q Ciuth-BounJ Eooic tusd mailed VUKL. »PURITY # wh.»' rou xhonld lo k for when boy J Jinp whiMtf>yß i»r iiqaortt; oars are e"- .r i unlMd pure: ;l yon boy f«*m a . n g< a direct from the I . S (roveriimeni J harre!; there is no better jrua. Speak for Theinselves:^ f 2 year old, rure Kye, 12.T0 i.ergrallon. ? S * 3-'™ - " t J 10 -i ">e •• P e it •• •• •• •• ** ;; © e Specia l price list on Wines, etc., one Xo extra charge for j'ip # •or packing. Give ns a trial order. 0 J A. ANDRIESSEN, $ tiSB Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. . J/TO Every Woman jFkb-,' Sometimes roeJs a rsli •( ablo monthly MSyf- b <f mf<iicirc Or. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Aro prompt, fafe and certain in rewutt. The (ienn lne Dr. PeaPa) nevor diwappotnt. t i J\), ftUkl AleCiCiUk iyj . a CiO> k-lAUU. O* Foi tak at City Pharmacy. \V7iat Nerve Berries Ahave done for others NJNS&C? TV PI J . 16 - nAY - v jS, *cth f>*~" ( anC Pt, rmaner.ity .Qativrs A positive cure lcr a!l Weaknesses, and ail their fwiii'f eviliHsulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. sickness, worry. etc. or excessive use of tobacco, opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having :he genuine RESiVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, jSt.OO per box. six ! ;oxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure any case. If net kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail orders to AMERaCAM IVieCICSL CO . CINCINHaTI. 0. WHAT IR O N WILL, DO. IS NATURE'S OWitf TONIC. E Stimulates tho appetite and pro- Jz-k. duces refreshing sleep. GiVES VITAL STRENGTH TO MU3SJN3 TgcE MOTHERS, p* *-" C'.-cks wosi'ntt dieeasos, stop? M "•> night sweats, euros incipient ♦aij. *>. cousaxnptiea. Increases strops-h and flesh. i'% MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD. Promotes healthy lung tissue. WillglTO tho pale end puny tho Mroay cheek a of youth. CTTR2S ALL FEJfAIE COMPLAINTS. Makes strong ivi'. ord \7oxnoaof weakling J gILMBBE'S IRON SOKiG PILLS Cere cS -''asl/ng Diseases pnd thsir seqnences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION,&c. '- her arc ntil her styptic nor caustic.. ■ rf- no eo jgu'sting irTeot on the contents •' 1 oinacl or itrs limrvfr . j t Lui t the leoth OP a aae constipation hi >, .!> do the usiusl form' of Iron. •• j" "!C;itmr'»t 00c, pamphlet free. If »• .•*. .. i / your druggist, aadresa ORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O- S+i+Z*. c v ill • r^ao °f W /ssv f 15 s c •*<< ••• «>*» /J i- V VITALISE £ TIIF. GREAT aoth D&r •*£ FRENCH REMEDY acuvw. PBODOm TUK an; >vj; Kr.HULTf li <|UKfc ly;in«l rareljremoTCM Xarroa*oe«*, Wilting di*e i«e*. Re*« i<*« loot Vitality, Power and Ifclttnjr Memory. Wards of TBMntv auJ Consnrontlor. ln.«i-t on having VITA LIS, no other. Cau be carried in ve?t pnclrot. By rMll SI.OO per parkßfr«« or fix for *"».»*> T*ith h . i'*r •nt«>e to CUBE Oft REFUND TBS MONEY. Circular fre*. Addre** CALUMET MEDICINE CO., Chicago, lIL For sale in Butler, Pa. by Cily Pharmacy. Sir D. T. Pape fit* The Leading Miiliney House Id jjutler County Stylish and Beautiful arc the Hats and Bonnets we have selected for our spring trade. Never has our stock of Millinery been so j;rand and at prices that will astonish you. Come in and see for yourself. Our Stock of Mourning Goods Always Complete. D. T. Pape 122 S. Main St Butler Pa. f - LEADER OF Foot Fashions M am! tills W SHOES - V. KN'S f2.00 CALF SHt >KS. Price any fj.oo shoe sold elsewere and t!ieu come here and you'll "mi our *2.00 shoe always equ.ils oftimes excels) others" $3 grades ASK TO SHU OUR L; lies' Shoes, Men's Shoes, M.sses' Shoes, Ladies' Slippers Boys' Shoes, All exclusive styles. LADIES' SI.SO. Look all over other $2 shoes then visit this store and you will be convinced that our $1.50 grade equals and nearly always excels others' f2 goods. fc- J —■ "~w » -i- B.C. MUSELTON, Butler's Leading and Progressive Shoe House, Opposite Hotel Lowyr + Bickel's Stores * 125 North Main St. 323 South Main St. 9 COME ■■■ . iiSj p " T i - r 11 kAND % ' i. y s '~ *' We have many interesting bargains in store for you. Our stock of ladies and gents tan shoes and oxlc.rds is large, showing all the latest styles, prices on shoes $1.25 and upwards, and fine oxfords at 45c to $2.00. Large stock of misses tan and dongoia strap sandals ranging in price from 50c to $1.25. Ladies fine do.t jml.i ')pera tin: slippers ai. 4-3 <-Li. Ladies serge slippers at 25 cts. Ladies serge gaiters at 45 cts. Mens hne dress shoes at SI.OO. Ladies fine dongoia button shoes at 85 cts. Full stock of boys and mens patent leather shoes. Mens and boys bicycle shoes, bor the latest styles in fine footwear, call and see us. Full stock of leather and findings, and shoe-makers supplies of all kinds. Repairing prompt ly done When in need of anything in our line, call and see us. JOHN BICKEL Butler, Pa. Whiskies, Wines and I iquors. There are many peop'e imposed upon when they buy liquor for the sick-room, for the table, or lor social pleasures, bscause they do not know how or where to buy. A first-class article eau only be found iu a first-class houso. There are many dealers who pose as Wholesale Liquor Dealers, but there is no other firm which bears the repu tation for fair and honest dealing which MAX KLEIN enjoys, and the reasons are btcause he carries the largest and most complete stock of liquors of all kinds in the State; —because every article is guaranteed to be absolutely pure, bo cause his prices are the lowest, and b» cause he deals squarely with the public You may judge from the following Silver Age Rye—the peer of ail whiskies— per qt, $15.00 per ease. Duquesne Rve, 92 per cent pure rye and 8 per cent barley malt, $1 25 per quart. sl2 50 per case. Bear Creek Bye, six years old, finest quality, SI.OO per qt, $lO 00 per case. Gibson, Flinch. Gucktnhoimer and Overho't— all well known brands, SI.OO per qt, or SIO.OO per case. Guckenheimer 4 year old, 75 ets per qt, or $S 00 per case, an cxcellen whiskey at the price, superior to most whiskies at $1 All capes contain 12 fnll quart bottlos. If you send your older hero for any of the above you will receive natter goods than anywhere else. Don't forget that we pay all express and other charges on orders amoncting to $5 or over Send for latest Catalogue and Price List to MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. Wholesale Liquor Dealer. I'3L A Sialism'.. Jfive - X "f it p! :! the carriage is less iiM i:ri easy running arid r : .Jsome than it be- Fredonia Buggies have nothing; but good point'. They're the handsomest vou can get are as strong and secure as they're sigh ly. Ask and insist that you sec them at your dealer's. Made by FREIiOiNIA MFG. CO.. Youngstowii, Ohio.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers