Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 28, 1896, Image 3
THE CITIZEN" THURSDAY. MAY 28. New Advertisements. Executor's notice, estate of John L notice, estate of lsaah notice, estate of George List. C. E. Miller's Prices. Schaul <t Nast's Clothing. Rnffi Son, Shoe Milliner*. C. <fc T.'s Carpet Sale. Reiber's Special Sale. McAlpine's Vacation. Findley's excursion rates ->n Photos. Excursion*. *.>TE— All advertisers intending to make Cingea in their ads. should notify ns of th tir intention to do so, not later than Mcuday morning. Administrators and Executors of ettatep CSU secure their receipt books at the OlT isti o:Bce LOCAL ANH GENERAL. —Tho Butler Post Offioe will be closed Saturday afternoon. —Several of oar citizens are "taking in'' the Prohib convention in Pittsburg, this week. —The Opera season for Butler closed last week, very creditably to Mauager Burckhaller. —Dou't forget that that evening train on the West Penn now leaves Allegheny at 5:30. —TLe C'antong B. B. club.beat the Hong koi.g tiid other day and til the small boys tbre>'. up their hats. —Tiiia is the kind of weather that makes hay, sn 1 this is the month that grass usu ally bhows up when there is to bo a good crop. —Hod Wing took his handsome mare out for a lew minutes exercise, Tuesday afternoon, and while driving up East North street she fell dead. Somebody writes us from Parker's Land ing to change the address of h:s CITIZBN from Zelieaople to that place, but neglects to sign his name to the note. Who is it T —All persons passing along W. Jefforson Si., should take a look at Moore's beet pyramid —emblematic of the place—The Butler Produce Co's Store —hard to beat. —A freight train composed of 40 cars filled with coke, passed over the P. <fc W. tho other day going west, i»nd it took 4 of those giant engines to pull and push it over the summit near Bakerstown. —The old scholars and teaohers of Bole school in old Middlesex will hold a reunion oajthe 4th of July. Everybody invited. Sim. Nixon would like to know when that old log school house was built, who was tho first teacher, etc. —An old Dutchman, east of town de scribed a snake he saw the other day,abont as follows: "I seen udder day the est by Hades snake. It was nodt so thick fer its size.ober it van so long vor itslengdth." Remarkable reptile. —On Saturday last Levi Wise purchased from L. Z. Mitchell,the old Mitchell home stead and oflioe property at N. W. corner of the Diamond lor $5,500. It is 41 feet front and is about as good a location for a first class office building as there is la Butler. —Our grocers are paying 10 to 12 for butter, 10 for eggs, 20 tor potatoes, 50 oti a bushel for spinich, 25 cts a do» bunches for rhubarb, 20 cts for onions, 23 cts a doz bunches for radishes. Southern peas are sailing at 35 cts a peck, and strawberries at 10 cents a quart. —"Shore Acres," which olosed the sea gjn at the Park Thoatrn last Friday even ing, is a true picture of every day life, and was one of the best sh tws presented during the season. The company is composed of arti'ts and should they visit Butler next season thoy would be greeted by a full house. —Anything that adds to the comfort or convenience of the human race is a bene faction if the article is so cheap as to be within the reach of all. Such an article is Al Darling's adjustable window-shade fix ture—as handy a thing as you can have abiut tho house, and costing but a few cents. Stop in at the Wick House and see one in placo. —Several Pittsburg capitalists are in vesting in farm land along the Plank lioad as far north as Glade Mills. The building of the new electrioj line will in crease the value of all property near it. Tho electiic people are to keep up th# road, which will make the tolls all yrofit to the stock holders excepting the pay of the gate keepers. —A scientific paper adds these naw ter rors to ice w&ter as a beverage: It says the water possesses the quality of attract ing to itself the poisonous gasses exhaled by the lungs and pores of the body. One of the best ways to purify a freshly paint ed room is to set about it ioo water,chang ing them every few hcurs. The water in in these basins will be found to be deadly poison. Butler people in Pittsburg this should week visit the Kaufman Bros.establishment at corner of Fifth avenue and Smithfield street. The bnilding is decorated in lau'el and evergreen, in honor ot the quartor ceutennial of the founding ot the firm, which from a small beginning in 1871,n0w has the largest store in the town, with its 56 departments, employing 1200. —lt is astonishing to what strange occu pation* small boys, who aie full of enorgy and without caros and responsibilities, will resort to to fill up the gp.p of time. The other day a number of boys near Clarion, ranging from ten to fifteen years- of age, caught by use of forked sticks tea PDakes. Then they took strings and tiod the snakes together, the tail of one to the neck of an other. Then, having the head snake se cured by a string around its neck, the boys whipped up their reptile prooession and gave the order of march. The snakes squirmod and wriggled, shooting out their red forked tongues in a most angry and menacing way, but to no purpose. It was excitement lor the boys, but a disagreea ble experience for the snake*. For sever al hours tbe boys indulged in this amuse ment, and when tired of it the little sav ages killed tbe snakes. —Our Methodist brethern probably no ticed the item iu our telegraphic columns yesterday, that the General Conference de cided to retain that part of the discipline which prohibits attendanco at theatres, circuses and other popular amusements, and provides that offendeis shall be ex pelled from the church, "nnless the offen der exhibit real humiliation." An effort was made to revise this item of discipline an 1 make it up-to-date, but withont avail, as "it would be regarded as a movement toward worldliness." Rev. John H Mil ler, who has been attending the Confer ence, now Las a serious task before him. We are ready to show that between 300 and 500 o! his ocngregation attended the Robinson circus last Friday, and that a considerable and alarming number of tb( m have indulged iu the beguilements and ascinationa of progressive euchre. It is probably true that they may not hare shown such diabolical expertness as the Presbyterians and fie 'Piscalopians, but thoy did their best in humble way to hold up their cornors. Its only a mat ter of time. Head 'em off and save 'em!— Franklin Sacs. LKQAL NEWS. NOTM. Thos D. Greer has registered as a law student. The will of Mary White of Butler twp was probated no letters; also will of S A Kennedy of Mars and letters to T C Ken nedy and J A Kennedy. Letters of administration were granted to Emza Bryson on estate ot I N.B yson ot Cherry twp; also to Jac jb Keiber on estate ol F T Reiber of Butler. Jacob Snyder, Jr. has brought suit in jectmcnt vs Win. and Ndttie Stoughton lor a tract of land in Brady twp. The plan of lots laid out by the Zelieno ple Extension Co. wa< filed in the Re corder's office this week. The will of John L. Beatty of Washing ton twp., was probated and letters granted to E. C. and W. S. Beatty. , —The County Commissioners will put a bridge over the Buffalo, on the Sweney farm, Kittanning road, in Donegal twp, the Supervisors of the twp are now build ing the abutments. The Commissioners will also build a new bridee in \ enango twp, near Msrrinsville. Twenty-one applications have been filed with the Clerk of Courts for license to sell vinious, spintous. malt or brewed liquors, John H. Reese applies for wholesale li cense for Butler, Amos M. Lusk and Peter C. Frederick for a distillers lioense at Ze- j lienople. ... , The following are the applications for tavern licenses, Mattio Reining, Frank S. , Clark, Geo. J. Smith, Herman Liebold, McCafferty <fe VlcCrea, C. F. Cardon, But ler; Jos. W. McKee and John Krumpie, Saxonburg; Chaa Stokey and Henry W. Stokey,Zelienople;Samuel Beam and Louis N. Zeigler, Harmony; Benjamin J. For qaer, A. A. Hoch and John Dolan, Millers town; John S. Byers and Win. H. Jelliaon, Petrolia; Chas Miller and W. K. Thorn burg, Evans City. A Pittsburg paper oi last week noted an odd case as follows: Lawyer Oliver D Thompson who obliged Joseph F. Weaver, a waiter at the Pittsburg Club, about a year ago, by identifying him at the Colum bia National BaDk, so that he could get a draft cashed for $1,064, will have to pay tho money with interest. The suit auainst Lawyer Thompson was brought by Mrs Margaret C. Blake. She was a client of Lawyer 0. P. Scaife, Jr. also a member of the olub, and sent him a draft through the mail. It had not been properly indorsed and Scaife wrote her a letter telling her to fix it up and return. Weaver was given the letter to mail, but instead kept it. forged Mrs Blake's name and got Lawyer Thompson to identify him at the bank. Weaver was sent to the pen itentiary. He got as far as Newark, N. J. before being airested. Mrs. Blake entered suit for the amount of the dralt with inter est, and the jury rendered a verdict against Thompson. PROPERTY TBAKSFBBS Alfred Weigle to Louisa Kennedy lot in Jackson for $175. Jag L Colgin to H M Brenner 30 aores in Allegheny for SBOO. S Crow to E A Snyder lot in Mars for S2OO. S Crow to Mary A Croft lot in Mars lor S2OO. Jos W Humphrey to Catharine Miller 73 acres in Centre for sl. S C Graham to A J Graham lot in Bntler for sl. P E Cooper to A A Cowan property in Adams for SI,OOO. J V Ritts to Leslie P Hazlett lot in But ler for $2,400. W C Latchaw to M Geiser lot in Har mony for S2OO. A L Bossard to John N Lovell lot in Mars for sl. Jas F Armstrong to Geo Coxson 35 acres in Mercer lor S9OO. Samuel Staples to Mary Kennedy lot in Callery for $l6O. Elizabeth Alworth to Dillia Goertz 16 acres in Parker for $358. jas M A 1 worth to Ph Goertz 16 aores in Parker for $387. J A Mortimer to E M (juinn 45 aores in Fairview twp for $1,375. Zelienople Extension company to Kalh rine Weiser lot in Jackson for $l6O. The Thorn Oil company assigned leases in Forward twp to Oscar Pond for $17,000, and Chas Shaver some in same to same for SB,OOO. , . Lizzie M Dick to Nannie A Weigle lot i.i Prospect for $l6O. Melvin Shorts to Clara E Forquer lot in West Sun bury for $950. Jos Zeigler to F Protman et al pooperty in Zelienople for $23,451.48. Marriage Licenses Jas Coats Jefferson twp Hannah Gallagher.. W F Denny W infield twp Caroline Mosthaf Clinton twp Henry Laudenslaker .....Carbon Black Ella Niblook Connoquenessing twp John H. Thompson ....Fairview twp Abbie Magill Concord twp G. H. Shoup Butler Sadie Fultz Forward twp Patrick McMahan.... Butler Lizzie Shullz " At Pittsbarg, Tuesdav —Jay D. Griswold of Butler county and .iiaura Harmon of Brady's Bond. —Berry-scholars reunion next Saturday. This tumble in the price of bicycles has made the dealers very tired. —For a broken down system there i» nothing like Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it now. —Johji Herriot and lainily of Herman left SIOO in the house and went visiting. When they returned the money was gone. —The wood piles at the old salt works made a hot fire, Tuesday. A spark from a locomotive started them burning. —The Pittsburg papers of Wednesday told of a Butler oounty man giving anoth er SSO for a SIOO confederate note he pre tended to find on the street. —Officials of the Penn'a and B. & 0. R. li. companies were in conference in Pitts burg, yesterday, and it is said that Carne gie will be offered haudsjme reductions in freight rates it ho will abandon the propos ed new road from Butler and Pittsburg. —Memorial Services will be hold by En campment No 43 U V Lin their hall on the evening of Deooration Day. Services will begin at Bp. m. Comrades of all or ganizations and the public are invited. After the Memoiial services, Rev. A. C. Johnson will deliver the oration. —LOST —Mrs. J. C. Kelly of Prospect on Tuesday last, lost a small pocket-book or purse between Bickel's livery stable of this plaoe and Prospect. It contained a roll of bills around which was wrapped a blank deposit check of the Butler County National Bank. The finder or person who returns it to mo will bo liberally rewarded. It can be left at tbe CITIZGR office for me. MRS. J. C. EBLLY, Prospect, Pa. "The P. S. <fc L. E. It. R. will make its oustomary excursion rate of one fare for the round trip, tickets good going May 29th and 30th and for return up to and in cluding June Ist, account of Decoration day." Memorial Day Excursions. The P. S. >fc L. E. R. R will sell round trip tickets to all points on their line, May 29 and 30th. good returning June Ist at one tare for the round trip. Trimmed Hats. Special sale Thursday, Fridav, Saturday, your choice of 35 nobby ones, regular $3 to $5 ones at $2.48 eaeh. ALF. M. REIBER & BRO. —V. McAlpine, Dentist wishes to announce to the suffering public that he will leave the country about June 15th for a rest of four or more weeks Oh Mamma—von ought to see tbe big piles of childrens suits at HECK'S ( only $1.25, you can't get the same in town for less than $2.50, Ip P The only genuine Spring IUC Water Ice in Butler is now being delivered to his customers daily by J. A. RICHEY. Leave your order at Richey'a Bakery. Sox and shirts, all wool and a yard wide, cheaper than the oheapest—at HKCK'(*, 121 N. Main St. PERSONAL. Al Dunn and wife were in town, Tues day. Arthur Stephens, of Gomersal was in town, yestesday. Ellery Caldwell. M. D. and bride ire visiting his folks in Jeffer«on twp. D. K. Graham of Brady twp, attended the funeral of Mrs. Coyle in Butler, Sun day. J. T. Cranmer of Mt Chestnut was in own, Saturday, with a load of rhubarb, ohn is 64 years of age. but looks JO years younger. Mrs. Walter Graham visited friends in Sharpsburg last week, and while there took a look over Pittsburg for the first time in 28 years. Prof. Kane ol New Castle is great on deadlocks. He was lately concerned in one at New Castle, and now has one on hand* here. W. S. Beatty, of Billiards was here yesterday, assisting his brother E. C. Beatty of the First Ward to administrate on the estate of his father Jno. L. Beatty, deceased Beriah Duncan of Ellwood, was in town last week. Beriah is now the tax-collec tor and constable of the town, a double of fice that pays him well as the town now numbers 2,500 and is growing. F. H.'Monnaie, who now resides at the Soldiers' Home in Marion Ind., is visiting his son Curtis M. of Oakland twp. Mr. Mounaie describes the home as being a vory comfortable and pleasant place to stay. J. H. Campbell of Uniontown, who holds a desk in the office of the Sec'y of Internal Affairs at Harrisburg and who taught school in Adams twp in 1873, is the guest of Esq. Barr and the Downey boys at Va lencia, Rev. Snyder is doing considerable mar rying this year. On Wednesday of last week he married J. S. Winters and Miss Alma Slater at the home of the bride on Centre avenue; and yesterday he married G. H. Shoup and Miss Sadie Foils at Glade Mills. Henry and G. W. Pontious of Donegal twp, furnished the Bell Telephone Co with ohestnut poles for their line from Kama City to Woodbine, a distance of about 9 miles, requiring 40 to 50 to the mile. Some poles were also furnished from the Frederick plsce adjourning the Pontious, some from the Christie place near North Washington and from the 0. Brady place near Millerstown. They got on an average $1 75 a pole delivered along the road. The tall cedar poles used iu town were shipped here from East Sagi naw, Mich., anu cost the company about $7 each. Farmers' Institutes. The County Board of Farmers' Institute Managers, will meet at the Comty Com missioners' office on the second Tuesday of June, to arrange for the places where In stitutes are to be held this season. -AH ot our poople who desire Institutes, ought to attend this meeting and present their claims. This Board is composed of the Local Member of the State Board of Agri culture, and one representative from each County Agricultural fociety, the Pomona Orange and County Alliances. If you find that you cannot attend this meeting, ad dress a letter with your request to Chair man of Board of Institute Managers, care of County Commissioners. A suitable hall for the meeting ought to be provided, free of charge, by the locality wishing the institute. Cleeland Family Reunion The descendants and connections of Arthur Cleeland. who came to this country from Ireland in 1791, will hold a reunion at the old Homestead, one mile north of Portersville, Pa., on the 25th, of Jsne, next. The committee having matters in charge request all who read this'to mark a copy and send it to any one who they know would be interested in the reunion. All those coining from a distance will be met at either New Castle, Ell wood City or Harmony as may suit their convenience. All correspondence should be addressed to Mr. Wm. J. Cleeland, Portersville, who, with the others of the name, have charge of local arrangements. Those families who live near will please briug well filled baskets for the picnic dinner. OIL NOTES. Wbst Sunbubt— Stoops «T Co't> well on ;.he Horace (ilenn is showing very good from the stray or Shira sand. Millbrstoww— The well on the George farm drilled to the Speechly sand by a Mil- Urstown company, has been shot, but was not materially improved. The well filled up 90 ieet with oil from the Speechly sand. It will be put to pumping and thoroughly tested. —Exoursion tickets will be placed on ' sale from all P. S. &L. E. railroad stations ' to Chamberubu'-g, Pa. and return, at spe cial low rates. Tickets sold direct to Chambershurg, returning via Gettysburg. Tickets on sale May 30th to June sth in clusive, limited lor return June Bth. For further particulars inquire of nearest P. S <fc L E. R. R. .Agent or write W. G. Sar geant, G. P. and T. A., Meadvil'e, Pa. —Conneaut Lake and Slipperyrock will open for the seoson Jane Ist. Slippery rock Park has been released by the P., S. <fc L. E. and is provided with new row boats, swings, etc. The pavil'on and din ing hall have been remodeled. Sunday schools, societies and private parties can engage grounds and secure speoial rates to Park or Conneaut Lake by calling upon A. B. Crcnch at P. S. it L. E. passenger sta tion. Republican National Convention. For the Republican National Convention to beheld at St Louts, June 16, the Penn sylvania Railroad company will sell on Juno 12, 13, 14 and 15 excursion tickets to St Louis and return at a single fare for the round trip. These tickets will be good for return pas gage until June 21 inolusive. For specific rates, sleeping car accommo dations , and time tables apply to nearest ticket agent. Democratic National Convention. For the Democratic National Convention to be held at Chicago, July 7, the Pennsyl vania Raiiread oompany will sell on July 3, 4, 5 and 6 excursion tickets to Chicago and return at a single faro for the round trip. These tickets will be good for return passage until July 12 inclusive. For specific rates, sleeping oar accom modations, and time tables apply to near est ticket agents. Decoration Day Excursion to Pittsburg. On Saturday May 30th, agents P. i Railroad will sell round trip tickets to Pittsburg for forenoon trains, good to re turn on regular trains same day, at the us ual fare one way. Two games of ball will be played this date between Washington and Pittsburg clubs, lirst gamo at 10 o'clook, second game at 3 o'clock. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 35 trimmed hats, bright and new, correct style, regular $3.00 to $5.00 ones, yonr choice $2.48 each. ALT. M. REIUER & BRO. —Refrigerator for sale. A first class refrigerator, with plate glass top. Inquire at this office. Commencing Wednesday. Special sale fine dress goods the kind that sold from Hsc to $1.25, your choice 50c a yard. ALT. M. REIBER 4 BRO. —The Butler Lubricating Oil Co has moved back to their old stand [ 119, W. Jefferson St. Steclsmith & ' Patterson's new building, where all 1 kinds of engine, machinery, and il luminating oils of the finest quality } are kept in stock in the basement, I and will be delivered to any part of ( the city when ordered from C. E. Mclntire, agent. : Yox Populi—Buy your clothing, ' underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, sox r and neckwear of D. A. HECK, and save money. ' Special Sale. English suitings, figured mohairs, 1 fancy novelties, $1.25, $1 and 7Sct t ones at 50cts a yard. Aur. M- REIBIR & BRO. "Not Finished, Just Begun." The above was the motto the High School graduating class of 1896 hang over the stage in the Opera Louse during their grad uating exerciser this week. ffe thought it was a very true aud appropriate one. liatead of their learning being finished,as is often mistaken, it is in tact only begun, as they will learn through the journey of life. But to one who remembers the edu cation received in our common schools of this place fifty years ago, the change and progress are wonderful. This was mani fested specially, on Tuesday evening in the historical essay of the young lady, Miss i Alberta Cronenwett, in which all the sub jects ot her discourse were illustrated by tine ait pictures, showing the change from the past to tile present in our common school curriculum. Miss Mary Georgiana Crane was the edi tJl of the class of 18CJ and has graduated "'om the same with the highest honors or marks of proficiency yet received by any member of previous classes. Her editorial sketch was in very good taste and language and well delivered. All the other essays, orations, and class exercisjs »re said to have 3urpas.->ed those of any similar one, and would space permit we would like to give them in full. The participants of Tuesday evening be sides those mentioned were Arthur Fiack, Minnie Thompson, John F. Watson. Mil lie Wing, Gertrude Stein, Bertha Eisler, ▼a Mct'ray, Benjamin Williams, Flora Johnston, Anna Redick, W V. Hays, Geo. Scott, Lawrence Cornelius and Nellie Crorum. Prof. Davis directed the music and Carl Leigbner lavored the audience with a cornet sole. The program for yesterday evening be gan with an excellent medley, and this was followed by soino essays embodying enough social and political wisdom to run the nation tor a generation; some well delivered declamations and recitations. S. F. Bowser, Esq. made the final ad dress and awarded the diplomas, a song and the benediction followed, and the finest High school commencement that Batler has yet seen was ended. The participants of Wednesday evening were Jessie Black, Gertrude Stein, Mary Bowser, Gardener Lowry, Harriet Colbert, Fred Reed, Clara Heck, Olive Campbell, Hulda Limberg, Samuel Purvis, Grace Weeks, Hiram Reed. Isabel Purvis, Meilie Cromm and Margaret Breed, and the class melody was arranged by Lawrence Corne lius, Flora Johnston and Iva McCray. School Matters. At the meeting of the School Board of Butler, Tuesday evening, fitteeu ballots for City Superintendent were takeD, each resulting in 6 for Gibson, 5 for Kaue and 1 scattering. One director came in late and did not vote, making 13 in all present at the meeting. There are twenty bona fide applications; that is men -who would take the position at the salaiy fixed by the board, and then there are half a dozen others, whose names have been added to the list by lriemds, but who would not lake the position under 000. We have, connected with OUT schools at present, two excellent young m<*n —Prof. Gibson, Principal of the High School, and Mr. Hall, Principal of the First Ward School —and ifeither of thnse two men is, in the opinion of the Board, likely to de velop into a competent superintendent, h e we think, should be given a trial. Half Rates to Allegheny and Return. VIA. P. A W. Saturday, May 30 round trip tickets will be sold from Butler to Allegheny at rate of $1.25. Tickets good on all trains on above date. For Season of 1596. The P., S. i L E. Ky. Co will sell spe cial low rate tickets to Conneaut Lake and , Cambridge good for thirty days Also ex cur ion tickets lor parties of five or more, and lamily tickets good until Nov. Ist, for 1 less than you can afford to stay at homo. For further iuformation call on or ad dress A. B. Crouch, ticket agent, Butler, Pa. Half Rate Excursion to Pittsburg. On June 6, 7, 8 and 11th, agents Pitts burg it Western Railroad wilt seJl excur sion tickets to Pittsburg at the usual tare one way; good for return until Jpue 13 in clusive, account North American Saenger bund. Half Rate Excursion to Pittsburg. Acoount North Ameiican Saengerbund. On June G, 7, 8 and 11th, agents Pitts burg A Western Ry. will sell excursion tickets to Pittsburg at the usual tare one way; good ior return until June IS inclu sive, account North American Saenger bund Special Sale. English Suitings, figured mohairs, fancy novelties, $1.25, $1 and 75c. ones at SOcts a yard. ALP. M. REIBER & BRO. —Go to Findley's Art Studio on Decoration day and get excursion rates on Photos. Fine finish and correct likeness guaranteed. FINDLEY Successor to Zuver. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 35 trimmed hats, bright and new, correct style, regular $3.00 to s"> 00 ones, your choice $2 48 each. ALP. M. REIBER & BRO. —Closing ont Trimmed Hat 3 re gardless of cost. Call in while the stock is complete as they will not laßt long at the prices we have marked them at the millinery depart ment of The Peoples Store. Commencing Wednesday. Special sale fine dress goods the kind that sold from 05c to $1.25, your choice 50c a yard. ALF. M. REIBER & BRO. Flower and Vegetable Plants For Sale. Wo have all kinds of flower and vegetable plants for sale at the Green house west of the Court House, and also at the Boos and Reiber groceries, and at Roessing's under taking office. Orders by Telephone No. 2 will receive prompt attention—Plants delivered. 11. F. WALDENMYER Trimmed Hats. Special sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday, your choice of 35 nobby ones regular $3 to $5 ones at $2.48 each ALP. M. REIBER & BRO. Pants—Over 2000 pairs to select from, at prices, oh well, don't men tion them, its awful, where, it HICK'S. Trunks, yalises, bags and tele copes—at HECKS. —Job work of all kinds done at the CITIZEN OPPIO* : Do yon want a hat or cap? HECK has them aud can save yon money, Say Papa—did you see HECK'S neckwear, it beats anything yon ever saw. t MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 128 W Wayne St. Aleo nicely famished room to rent. Water Rates. In the case of Brymer et al versus the Butler Water Co., Judge Greer, last Sat urday, filed an. opinion saying that he finds the water reasonably pure, and sup ply aJequate since March Ist last; and un der Act of April 1874. and the facts of the ease makes a schedule of yearly rates, be ginning with $4 for each family using the water, plus #1 for each furnished room (without water spigot) in the house; and this is followed by a rate for spigots, bath tubs, closets, etc. The rate per quarter for meters is 35 cents per thousand gallons, until the me ter is paid for at 5 cents a thousand, aa<l 30 cents per thousand after that, for 10,- 000 gallons, with a reduction in rate t' r larger quantities: the company to have the piivilege of adding 20 per cent, to all ratts it they filter the water. The oompany claims that the new dam at Boydstosrn, and pipe line to Butler cost $37,637, and that the enti.e cost of their plant is now about $170,000. The lowest water rates quoted in the opinion are Washington, D. C. 3 cents and Philadelphia. Pa. 4 cents per 1000 gallons, and the hi ghest Charleston, S. C., -0 cents Uuderwear— A specialty at HICK/8 his stock is large-t and finest ever offered in Bu''e' BoardingHoose Cards, with Ac*. ot A saombly, 25 ceuta for half-a-doae<i .or dale at CITIZKN office, JOS. HORNE & CO. A Line of Black Silks WITHOUT PARALLEL AS TO VALUE. Many silk bargains have been presented before—Never the equal of this, anywhere! 3,600 yards #1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Black Silks, AM at Comprising brocaded gross grain, satin da- / OC maS ' • "V, "f"1 \ a yard 27-inch satin duch- J esse, rustling taffetas, etc. Come, or send soon for such exceptional values can not last, and we don't want dis apyointment to follow your order. Penn Avenue and Fifth St., PITTSBURG. B. df B. Now's the buying time —and if you carefully consider your own self-interest, this store's going to sell you your new dress materials —first, because of large varieties of choice new styles to pick from —and then because the prices are enough less than you're usually asked for such goods, to make that part especially interesting to your pocketbook—and we'll glad ly submit you samples, with p. ices as evidence. Fine Corded Novelty Striped Ginghams 20c. one—2B inches wide, ioc. special values in choice New Wash Goods at Bc., ioc., 123 c. to 25 c. French Organdies, 20c., 25c., 30c.. and 35c. — the most exquisite styles and colorings ever produced in these elegant summer fabrics. Striped Grass Linens, 30 inches wide—2oc.—with groups of cords in colors § of an inch apait, of blue, violet, rose, pink, black, etc., on natural color ed linen grounds. Plain Grass Linens, 1 sc. to 40c. striped and figur ed, 25c. to #1.25. New Imported Dimities, 20c. and 25c. Fine Plain Linens, In the Natural color—2oc. and 25 c.—steamed and thorough ly shrunk. Imported White Corded Madras Ginghams, 25c. and 30c. Silk Ginghams, 100 styles at 25c. —others at 18c. and 35., and hosts of other equally important values in Novelty Dress Goods and silks that it will be to your advantage to find out about. Boo'u> St Buhl, ALLEGHENY, PA. Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. Capital - - $60,000*00 Surplus and Profits, $104,000.00 JOS. L. PURVIS President J. HENRY TROUTMAN Vice-"- siuent WM. CAMPBELL, J Cashier LOUIS B. STEJN Tel'er DIItECTORS--Joseph 1.. Purvis. J. Henrv Troutman, W. I).Brandon, W. A. Stein. J. S. Campbell. The Butler Savings Bank Is the Oldest Bank ing Institution In Butler County. General banking business transacted. Wo solicit accounts ot oil prodncers, mer chants, farmers and others. All Business entrusted to us; wIU receive prompt attention. Interest paid on time deposits. The Butler County National Bank BUTLKR, PA. Capital paid In $100,000,00 Surplus and Profits $87,962.35 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts,Vice President; C. A. Bailey, Cashier; John G McMarlin, Asß't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this bank, I>lK® TORS-llon. Joseph Uartman. Hon. W. 8. Waldron, Dr. N. M. Hoover, 11. MoSweeney, E. E. Abrams, I'. Collins, I. (i. Smith, Leslie P. Hazlett,.M. Flnegan, W. Henry Wilson, John Humphrey.Dr. W. C. McCanclesg, Ben Masseth Uajry Heaalcy J. V. tfitts. P x erhaps you don't know how D eady we arc on "Oeverything relation to prescrip tions s it will not be amiss to your attention to the intelligence P rompt seivice given T o everything of the kind placed our hands prescription department V ever was so complete 8 ave you money too. C. ltf, BOYD, Diamond Block, - Butler, a AT J. R. GRIFB'S and 2 Do Not Make Five. It's quite a probiem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. IGRIEB. 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. A Fine Combination. fij| The cut in pi Ices is represented by the shears. The method ol our business re presented by the square and the ability to please is represented by the tape line. It makes a fine combination, for we are offer ing spring suits. Don't Haug Up Tour Old Clothes for the summer until you have made arrange ments for a spring suit. We are ottering such a fine line of goods and giving our people such an opportunity to get bargains that it is toolish to delay. There never was a time when such a fine assortment of first class goods could be seen at oar store this season. We are offering suits at prices unheard of before. Hanging out lor tho benefit of those who are after bargains. There is no doubt that we are offering better inducements to day than ever belore and we hope all our patrons will take the advant&go of the op portunity we are giving them of buying first class clothing at a figure which will please them doubly—first with the clothes, and second with the prices and fit. COWS CO Cor. Diamond. Butler, Pa BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurancel Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham ALF. WICK. Pre*. GEO. KKTTEBKB. Tire Pres. L. 8. ac.IU>KI!f, Sec'/ andlTreu. DIRECTORS , Alrred Wick, Henderson OlWer, 11 r. W. Irvln. ' James Stephenson, >v. W. Blackmore, N. Wettzel. J F. Bowman. 11. 3. Kllngler Geo. Kettercr, Chas. Kebhun,; Ceo. Kenno, John Koenlunl LOYAL McJUNIKN Agent The Place to Bny^"^ GAS COOK ING AND HEATING STOVES, GAS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVED WELSHBACH GAS BU RNERi w**** W.H. O'BRIEN ON 107 East Jefferson St. MTeERKIMER Funeral Director 37 S. Main,St, iuUer/a. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs ot \ en. Ex., Kl. H». , Lev. Fa., £c. Issued out of 'So Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, ha.. :m 1 to mo there will Do exposed to pubiie sale at the Court Uouse. In the borough of Hut ler. on Friday, the 291h day of May, A. D. 1 at 1 o'clock P.M., the follow in* de scribed property, to wit: K I), No 1, Juuc Term.l»* .Stephen cumutlngs. Attorney. Al! the right, title, interest claim of Jos W Todd, ot, In and to al! that certain lot of ground, situate In Buffalo tw p , Butter Co l'a.. bounded as fellows, to wit: Beginning it a point in the center of the Plttaburg and Kit tanning road and in center of Bear reek rond where said roads Intersect and cross thence by center of «aid BeanTeek road44'east li perches, thence t>y lands of wm Watson (former:> Mary .1 Warren 1 south 4» w-st to such a po'ut not a line, t!i<»nce back to the center of «aid Klttan n!ng road and parallel with said Bcaroretk road wit n center lino of said p»ad to the plac« nr beginning, coulalnlng one half acre of ground, strict measure, on which Is erected a two-storv frame dwelling house aud outbuildings, Selked and taken in execution as the property of Jo?? W Todd at the suit of AL Kurf. ED No ST, June Term, ISJ6. McJunklnA Gal b'ealii and W X) Brandon, Alt ys. All tii t'»!e. Interest aud claim of K H Mcßrlde, i ;. - \ Committee, and Kii/a Mcßrlde. ot. In as a i. .it certain lot of I ground, situate in Bui. j ;♦»- Co.. l'a., i bounded as follows, to-wli: on i„c .. . . uv lot of (. D Harvey. east by an alley, south by lot of Henry Miller and west by Main St. being i.t feet, more or less, trout on said Mum st, ,md extending back the same width t«o feet. u.ure or less, to said alley ou the east, and having thereon erecud a two-story Iranie dwelling house. Seized and taken In execution as the property of K 11 Mcßride. P W Lowrv, Commit tee, aud Kllza Mcßrlde at the suit ol Henry Relber. In trust. ED No 81. June Term. isyo, Mates i Young, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of.lohn Bowen. Sr. dee d, ot, In and to all that certain messuage, tract or parcel of land, situate In Penn twp. Butler Co.. Pa., bounded a> follows, to-w It : Beginning at the southwest corner, thence by lands now or formerly of I'orsey heirs north l west I'M and «-io perches'to a )>ost. theneu by lands n. w or formerly of IJ Nlcliol south ss east 55 perches to a post.thence by the old Turnpike road south ■>}* enat 72 peaches to a post, thence south east <> and 3-10 perches to a post, thence by lands cow or formerly of John Negley south:l6)» east 57 perches to two white oaks, thence south 3U' e-st to corner of land ot laud sold by John Mo Pherson to Kobert McCa rid less, thence by Uuds of John Berg, formerly Robert McCandless. to a post, the place of beginning, containing nlnty-seven (97) acres, more or less. Uavlng a two-story iraine dwelling nouse, frame barn and other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in executlou as the property of John Bowen, Sr.. deed, with notice to Hannah .1 Bowen. aud William Bowen, executrix and ex ecutor of said John Bowen. Sr. deed, at the suit of M C! McClelland, administrator of Pentullla McClelland, dee'd ED, Nos 73 and 89. June Term, 1896. Mates & Young, and A M Christley. attorneys All the ngbt, title. Interest and claim of Ma lissa K Miller snd W J Miller, of. In and u> all that certain lot or piece of ground, eituated In Butler borough, Butler Co. Pa, bounded as fol lows. to-wlt: on the north by Short street, on the east by an alley, on the south by lot So 153, and on the west by >econd street, being lot No 156 in Block »in plan ot lots laid out by Col John M Thompson et al.being M feet on Second street and extending back.preserving the same width, one hundred and sixty (ltio) teet to an allev, having a oue and one-half story frame dwelling nouse and other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Mllissa B Miller and W J Miller, at the suit of Joseph Helnzer, et al. ED,No9O, June Term, 1896. Newton Black Attorney. AU the right, title, interest and claim of Nancy T Craig, of, in and to twelve (12) acres of land, more or less, situated in Allegheny twp, Butler Co. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: Ou the north by lands of Thomas Black, east by lands ol Thomas McDowell, south by lands ot J Black, and west by lauds of Samuel McCltn tock's heirs, having a cottage house, stable and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in exe cution as the property of Saucy T Craig, at the suit of Uriah Sloan. ED, No 35, June Term, 1896. I.ev NcQulstlou Attorney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of J M Henry, of, in and to one hundred (loo) acres of land, more or less, situated In Cranberry twu. Butler Co. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On tne north by lands ot John Kber. east by lands of Nicholas l>ambauch. south by lands of Geo Gardner, and west by lands of Simon Phillips and Dr Davis, having 2 two-story frame houses, two frame barns, orchard and outbuilding* erected thereon: Seized and taken In exeeutlon as the property of J M Uenry, at the suit of Mary Nelaheartt. ED, N096, June Term, 1*96. W H l.usk, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim ot Jacob Spahn. of, in and to eighty (So) acres of land, more or less, situated In Summit twp. Butler Co. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt:®On the north by lands of Ueldenbaugh and Ki fott. east by land of Francis Reott. south by lands ot B Etzeland, Schuur. and on the west by lauds of Peter Schnur, having a log house, log barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the properly of Jacob Spalui. at the suit of Jacob Gel bach. ED, No 99, June Term, IS9«. W D Brandon. Attorney. AT the right, title. Interest and c latm of F »' MoNeal. of. In and to all that certain tract of land, situated in Adams twp, IV,tier «:o; Pa bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou tue north by lands of John Staples a dis.a'iee of 68 and 1-lu perches, on the east by lauds ot Wm Cash dollars lielrs 7o}i peichi--, on the south by lands ot Samuel and James Cashdollar us and 1-10 perches, and on the west by lands of John UUhardson sod n.ether 70perches-, containing thirty (30) acies, mure or less, the same tract of land purchased by Frederick MrNeal October 1,1885, recorded In Deed Book s'2, page 119. havint a two story frame dwelling house, frame stable and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken In execu tion as the property ot F C Mc.Neal at suit of P D Gelbach. ED Nt 100, June Term, is;»,;. Wise and Bran don, Atty's. All the right, title, interest and claim of A A Gold, of. in and to all that certain tract of land sltualed in Buffalo twp., Butler Co., Pa., bound ed as follows, to-wlt: Ou the north by lands formerly ot Kobert Galbreatli ,no\v John Black burn. east by lands of Myers and Gregery .south by lands of P Kepple and John Watson, con taining 134 acres, more or less, having a two story frame dwelling house, frame barn and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken In execution ss the property ot A A Gold at the suit ot John M .Miller. E D No, 102, June Term. 1896. Stephen cum mlngs, AU'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim ot Ph W Snyder and Maggie A Snyder, of. In and to all that certain tract of land, situated In Jeffer son twp,, Butler Co.. Pa,, bounded as follows, Beginning at a post In the middle of the Saxon - burg road.thence east by lands of Arthur's heirs and K M Johnson 140 and 2-10 perches to a post, thence south by lands of John Kmrick 41 and 6-10' to a post, thence west by lands of Jas Armstrong 112 X perches to a post, thence north 35' west 51 perches to the place of begin nlng.cont&ining 32 acres and 136 perches, being lot No 2 In Jas Dunlap's plan of the amicable partition ot the estate ot Thomas Kob inson Armstrong, accepted by Maggie A Snyder, hav ing thereon a two-story frame dwelling house, barn and outbuildings, One orchard, shrubber ry patch, dec. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Philip W Snyder and Maggie A Snyaerat the suit of A 1 Buff. ED No 98, June Term, 1896. W D Brandon, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Nel son Smith, ot. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated lu Parker twp,, Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lauds of Thomas B Smith, cast by lands of Johu Henry Daubenspeck. south by lands of Christopher Hoover and on the west by lands of Wm A smith and Adam Uoffner, eon taming 100 acres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to Nelson Smith by Thos B Smith, recorded In Deed Book 3. page 424. having a two-storv frame dwelling house frame barn and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken in execution as tae property of Nelson Smith, at the suit of John U Shiever. ED, NOS 74, IS and 76, June Term. 1896. W A & F J Forquer and Kalston & Greer. A tty's. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Thomas Bingham, of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situated In Cherry twp. Butler Co, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt. Com mencing at a post on the east. then<V south I*4 west ;»1 and 8-lo perches to a post, thence north 8k west Ti and l-lo perches to a post, thenee north 14" west lo<; and 4-10 perches to a post, thence souths»" east 42 perches to south branch of Sllpperyrock creek, Uience south 38R east 67 perches, thence north 58* so perches along south branch ot creek, thence south 56J4" east 66 perches along south branch, thence south #7}-, east 6 perches along south branch to a post, thence north 83% 67 tnd 7-lo perches along south branch jf creek, thence south 74 east 6 perches along south branch of creek, thence north 15 east 6 perches along creek, thence north 53 east i perches to south branch, thence south S3 - east 6 perches to south branch, thence south 54 east 2 perches to south branch, thence north 4o* east 2 perches to south branch, thence north 13% east 2 perches to south branch, thence north ;>4 east * perches to place of beginning, containing rlfty (50) acres, more or less, and having a frame dwelling house, frame barn and orchard there on. ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest and claim of Thomas Bingham, of. to and to all that cer tain lot or parcel of land, situated In Ceater ville borough, Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as fol lows, to wit: on the north by lot No3i, east by a2O foot alley, south by a 30 foot street and on the west by a <3O root street, being lots Nos 28 and 29, In a plan of lots surveyed by C F L Mcyulstion for W S Bingham, said lots being each 56% feet In width and 160 feet In depth and vacant. Seized and taken In execution as tho property ot Thomas Bingham at the suit of John Berg & Co. and W Henry Wilson. E D Nos 71 and 75, June Term. 1896. W A& F J Forquer, Att'ys. All the right, title, Interest and claim ot LJ Modulation, of, in and to all that certalh tract or parcel of land, situated In Brady twp., But ler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit ; On the north by Sllpperyrock creek and lauds of Charles McC'racken, east by lands of Charles Mc cracken and C Duffy, south by lands of the heirs of John Coovert. aud Lewis Lilly and on the west by lands of AG Croli and the said creek, containing 111 acres and 28 perches, be lli* the same laud formerly owned bv John J Croll. now deceased, having a board house erected thereon, about 30 aores cleared. Seized and taken In execution as the property of L J Mc(/ulstiou at the suit of John Berg £ Co. ED No 110, June Term, isa«. Frank K Dliler, Att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Geo 111 iraham and Clara G McKee. adm'r of Elea nor J Graham, dee'd, of. In and to all that cer tain piece of land, situated In Falrvlew borough Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt On the north by an alley, on the east by an alley, on the south by lot formerly of W E Proctor, known as the foundry lot. aud on the west by Chestnut street, fronting 100 feet ou C'htwtuut street and running east from chestnutt 180 feet, aud being the same lot conveyed by J J Max well and wife to Eleanor J Graham, one of the grantors herself, by deed dated the 14,h of Aug 1875, and recorded in Deed Book No 44, page 119, and having erected a two-story frame dwell ng house aud other outbuilding thereon. Seized anil taken In execution as the property of <;eo U (iraliam and Clara G McKee. adm r of Elea nor J Graham, dec'd.at the suit of Alice Thomp son, for use of llowaid Thompson. E. I). No. 91, June Term, 1806. Frank Kohler, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and cUitu of K A WOOL#- Some A Yard Wide. % We mean our suits for fat men. Light in color, weight and price. Your money hack f they are not as we state. The Largest Stock of Clothing in Butler. Men's Suits * $4. $6. SB, sto, sl2 Boy's Suits, long pants $2.50, $4, $5, $8 Boy's Suits, short pants sl, $1.50, $2, $3, $4 Men's Shirts 25c, 50c, 75c. "?i Men's Straw Hats 25c, 50c, 75c, £1 Boy's Shirts 25c and 50c Boy's and Children's Hats 25c, 50c, 75c &xwx&x>%> Schaul & Nast Lead in £ Clothiers, 137 S- M&in St., Butler, Pa. Always Somethnig New^v To see in our store, whether it is in a man's suit, a boys' suit or a child's suit, it is always something new that keeps things moving AT DOUTHETT & GRAHAM'S And a careful investigation will convince you that our prices and the general get up of our garments are the convincing arguments that build us a lasting foundation -41.1Wh »I> •j» 'T* »T* *j\ 1 j Mn y Spring goods all here— Cheaper in price: Better in quality than ever before. "p—jjgp DOUTHETT & (ill All AM, Corner Main and Cunningham streets, Butler, a. King and Mrs. Sarab E King. of. in and to all that certain lot of land, situated In HarrLsvllle borougb, Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol lows. 10-wlt: On the uortli by lot ol Mrs. E A Korquer. east by Main street, south by Mercer street, west by au alley, being lot No 2o In the general plot of said borough, having a two story frame building, used as a hotel, (ram barn and outbuildings thereon. Seized ana taken in execution af the property of K A King and Mrs. Sarah King at the suit of S 11 Bing ham for use ol K K Walter now tor use of Win M Cowan. E. D. Nos. loti. 10T, 10b, IW. June Term, IS'JS. J. W. Hutchison, Attortey. All tti» right, title, lnteiest and claim of John W Alexander and Hairy Mr Alexander, of. In aud to all that certain piece or parcel of laud or lot of ground, situated lu Butler borough. Butler county. Pa., bo unded as follows, to »It: Beginning at the northwest corner, being the northeast corner of lot No. 57 and South street ai a iMn, tUenW In an easterly direction along \lne of said South street 10 feet to a pin at corner of lot No 55 123 leet to a pin on a Jo-foot alley, thence In a westerly direction along the hne or said alley lo feet to a pin at the corner of lot 57. thence In a northerly direction along line of said lot 67 125 feel to a pin, the place of beginning, being lot No. 56 In Plilllp uauben speck's pUn of lota lu the borough of Butler .ind having a two-story board dwelling house erected thereon. Seized and t ikea In execu tion as the properly of John W Alexander and Harry Mc Alexander at the suit of Philip Daubenspeck. E I>, 92, June T, Icjti.Kohler, ivmk aud Brandon, Att'ya. All th? right, title. Interest and claim of M 8 Adams of, in and to all that certain tract or land, situated m Allegheny township, Butler county. Pa., bounded at follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Alfred Hullngs et al, east oy lands or Samuel Black etal, south by lands of Mrs. John M Turmer et al. and west by lands of John B Campbell, containing four-huudred and thirty four (434) acres, more or leas, having a one story frame cottage house, frame barn, grist mill, 2 stables and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken in execurlou as the property of M S Adams, at Uie suit of George H. Graham. Tkbus or balk— The following must be strictly compiled with when property Is strlok en down, 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, including mortgage searches on the property sold, to gether with such lien creditor s receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furn ished the Sheriff. 2. AU bids must be paid in full. i. All sale snot settled Immediately will be contlnueduntll l o'clock p. m of the next day at which time all property not settled for wilt again be put up and Bold at the expense and risk of the person to whom tlret sold. •See Purdou's Digest, 9lli edition, page 446 and Smith's Forms page 384. ANUR*W7J. CAMPBELL. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler, Pa., May 13, 1»!>6. WALL MOULDINGS ■ The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at Heineman's 0000 New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. Hotel Willard. Reopened and now ready for the accommodation of the traveling pub lic. Everything in firet-c ass style. HRS. MATTIE REIHIHG, Owner N H BROOKS, Clerk. C PA\ FIND " l";m.»; K'.ii Kttte A'H-rti»inc iturcau of IA.-iri REMINGTON BROS. * »UI -x m iu4 far (drtptautg m r. tr% 1,000,000 People Wear IWLDoudasS&oes HAND £ ">Oft jr~? BEST SEWED ■C'rJrX J IN THE fRO CESS. WORLD. 5.001 —x $3.00 $4.00 f ? 2.50 $l5O, $ $2.00 S2.SO| 01.75 For Bm For Men Wt*r W. I.- Doatlu ilimi <"« l »•»»<■ from • I.on to 1.1.C11 n pair. All NtJ Irt anil Wldiln. '1 nlvanrc in leather haa I novated tb« «rlee of"iher m ikes, hut the quality and priees of L. ItiiMk-n, k!ii>r« rmmlu tlio anna*. Take no Mill-1 :■ : «••• tharnanwan.lprm-liiUmpil MHlt. V.'. 1.. l)Ku(bu.ll*KKr< :Soldhf FOR SALE «v C. E- MILLER, Butler, Pa. All shoes sold by us arc fully warranted no matter what you pay for them, if yoj buy our shoes at si.oOors4.oo we see that you get full value for your money, no other house in Butler takes as good care of their customers as we do, that is why our store is becoming so popular and we are making new friends every day. 00110111FIIIIT Our only fault, if you can call it a fault, is trying to show a bet ter line of shoes at lower prices than our neighbors, and if we are to judge from our increasing sales our efilorts are meeting with suc cess. These Prices Teli Tlie % Ladies' fine serge slippers.... 25c " . " " gaiters 45c " opera toe slippers.... 50c " kid shoes, button or lace $ 1.00 Ladies fine tan oxlords 75c " fine tan shoes. .$1.25 to Mens working shoes 90c Mens or bals. .SI.OO Boys fine buff bals SI.OO New Bicycle Shoes, New Tennis Shoes, New Tan Shoes, New Canvass Shoes, AT Butler's Progressive Shoe House. 2i5 Sooth Main St., BUTLER PA C. E. MILLER, REPAJRINO PROMPTLY DONE. THE NEW WALL-PAPER HAS ARRIVED New Patterns, New Colors and Low Prices. The latest effects in shaded bonier. Get your room papered at a [small expense if you buy At DOUGLAS'S Near P. O. 241 S. Main St. BUTLER, PA. EYES*EXAVIH£D FREE OF CHARGB R. L. KirkpatrickJOpticiao and Jeweler Next to Court House llutler. Pi., giadua l.u l'ott Harold*ical lusUtule.