MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN lefff Before Hue Ie Been li i Position to Place on Sale Such Extraordinary Yalnts at the Commencement of a Season as at Present. Special Bargains in Spring Goods. SPECIAL VALUES IN NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. All-Wool Novelty Dress Goods at P£ Y&- Black Mohair Novelty Dress Goods at 2 5c, 40c, and per 3 . All-Wool Black and Colored Serges 46 inches wide at 45<=. 50c, and ,5c per yd. SpecLaTvalue in 36 in. Black Coloredl * Wool Series at IsC ™£ r^ » r " gfi.f* *s "*• J?n Satin D»ch«» at -,.■««■ 8 5".""' #' New Spring Suits at. $7 s°, $* !P, 1 12 5o and . - y - Skirts at f 2 50, fl 50, f5- "P 10 #»«■ '• " Waists, Silk and Laundried. ;; " S P nn * Capes, Velvet. at ZZZZ"*jhS<> to .. «• '« Cloth at.... f 'So to sl2. •' " " Ladies' and Children's New Spring Millinery. ~ << <> .. •• «« " '* Hosiery-. „ ,1 ~ «. «• •« " Underwear. « .< Lace Curtains from 50c per pair up to $lO. .. . Domestics, Muslins, Sheetings, Ginghams and Calicoes All the *ew things in Dimities, Organdies, IrMi Lawns, White Goods. Lace prolnpt j y attended to. Samples sent on application. MS. J. IZIHMERMAN, Telephone. No. 126. Successor to Ritter & Ralston. JUST A WORD OR TWO. W« want to talk with you a few minutes —You know us but do you know there afe hundreds of people in lJutler, Co. who do not know We are in Butler, it they di 4 we would have to enlarge our •tofe to let the crowd in. Why what do you think. Nearly one half the people who come into our store didn't know we made harness, hfle we have been running that part of our business for two year? with a capacity of 10 sets per day, but we are glad to know they art pleased to find it out as it saves them money and will save you money if you mind it. However we did not intend talking about harness more than to say that we make all kinds of harness and parts of harness at less than factory price. It was surries and buggies we wanted to tell you about. We have a larger stock than we have had at any time for fifteen years. We hav'nt a last year surrey in the house. Don't buy old stock, they are old style, and every year grow more so. Buy the latest design and be in fashion especially when you can buy them for less money than others charge for oid style work, as for the price, whoever heard of anyone paying too much for anything bought here.We hav'nt in our employe asalesman with whom we would be afraid to send SIO,OOO to Europe, when you deal here jrou know you are dealing with a reliable firm and you know just what you are getting, and also know the price is lower than you could get any where. Come and see us and have the satisfaction of knowing you have been in the largest store of the kind in the state. timST S.B. Martincourt&Co. 128 EAST JEFFERSON Street. . S. KRAMER WAGONS AND TRUNKS. BUTLER COUNTY We Uk« pleasure in presenting to the PATRONS at THB BCTLBB C/TIZK* • fcti-ioess directory contaiaiag a clasai fled index embracing a large portion of our business bouse* and manufacturers. We recommend each and every firm to the public, as a reliable business hoc*'', worthy of the public confidence and patronage. We make a ipccial re" quest of our business men, that they retain this impression and pott it in a conspicuous place iu their office or place of business, aj> it will prove of inestimable value as a ready reference sheet, b*ing alphabetically arranged each l'neof bus liMt under its letter* HEADING*. prut' er Being carefully compiled, covenient la fr>rm and comprehensive in character to the geicni rtoder, this dirctory will not be .. iliiout interest, affording, as it does, an indication of the general expan sion of the business of Butler County dßr. Ing the past few years, and supplying them with a means of reference, which by the way, the public can easily locate »ay business house with which they nay have business to transact ATTORNEYS, M. B. McBRIDE, Attorney- at- Law. Millerstown, Chicora P. O. Pa WEST SUNBURY ACADEMY, West Sunbury, Pa. Agricultural Implements. JOHN T. BINGHAM, Dealer iu Agricultural Implements, Dcniag Harvesters, Baggies and Wagpns • specialty, Davis Sewing Machine* and Fertilisers ot high grade, SM/PMYMOOA, PA. BAM&&. ' W. HENRY WILSON, BANKER. - - Pa. BOOTS "and SHOES C. E7 MILLER, Dealer in FIVE FOCWEAR, ail S. Main strreet, Butler, Pa. MAYBURY & Boots, Shoes and Gents Furnish inr 0 ods. neatly done. Slfpperyrock, - Pa. L. H. BOLTON, ~ Boots, khotu, gents furnishing goods, groceries and school sup plies. lllpj»eryrock, - - Pa FREDERICK SCHWEIGER, Dealer in boots, shoes, hats, caps and gents furnishing goods. A full line of jewelry. Chicora, Pa j.» 1± ■— as 1 ■ ■ "'v BR ICE WORKS. BUTLEK BRICK WORKS. 1 J. GEO. STAMM, Manufacturer of all Kind* of Brick., Office and Works Cor. Pillow and Willow , Streets. Telephone, No. 47. BUTI.ER, PA. BARGAIN STORE. nh ns, huts, caps, ladirs' <.nd gents iurnLsMngs, novel tie tin vr -e, e'C. jj; 2 * ■ 't -vite W'"nrd 1 Butler Pa. W. H. DEARME. BUGCIKS and CARRIAGES. B. K. ROESSING, The buggy, carriage, sleigh, harness and robe dealer. 9,000 square feet »pace filled with everything for rid ing or driving outfit.' Call and see what a large stock I have and note the LOW PRICE. 119 North Main St. BtJTLER, PA. BOARDING STABLES. w. p. irrcKEY, Li\ cry, Boarding and Exchange Stables, Rear of Park Hotel, BUTLER PA. BAKERTES ETC 7 C. SHERMAN. BAKEK AND CONFECTIONER. Marufacturer of bread, fancy cakes, ice cream and candy. Lowncy's Celebrated Chocolates a SPECIALTY. Ice cream and all other orders in our line promptly filled and delivered. 229 Centre Ave., Butler Pa BOTTLING WORKS. C. H. KENNEDY, Manufacturer of all kinds of soda and mineral waters. Soda foun tains charged. Picnic parties sup plied. Goods delivered free to any 1 part of the city or county. [No. 158 Race Street, Butler, Pa. | BICYCLES & SUPPLIES C. H. DOUGLASS, Dealer in BICYCLES ANI) SUPPLIES. Bicycle*, Bioycle Sundries, Snits, Etc. Catalogue by Mail. 841 Booth Main Bt- Botler, Pa. BOOKS and STATIONER Y J. H. DOUGLASS, Bookseller and Stationer, and dealer in Wall Paper and Window Shades. China and Art Goods. Butler, Pa. Blacksmiths and Horseshoes. G. E. SHERMAN, Blacksmith and Horseshoer, Rear of McCrea's feed store Butler, Pa. GROHMANN & OESTERLING Blacksmiths and Horseshoers. [All kinds of work and repairing promptly attended to. A full line of spray pumps on hand. Shop at No. 128 Mifflin Street. ; CITY SHOE ING S HOP J. E. PORTER, Prop. ►Road and Track horses a special ty. Particular attention to lame ness and interference. All work guaranteed. Opp. Wick House Stable, Butler. ~ BAUER & ALBERT Practical Horseshoers, AH faults of the feet treated in the mosJl approved manner. Repair ing neatly done. 117 Mifflin Street, Butler, Pa. CLOTHYERS. D. A. HECK & SON, -CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. 121 X. Main street, - Butler. The great bargain store J. BREMAN, Prop'r. Clothier, hatter & gents furnisher. 231 Centre avenue, s s., Butler. prices are as low us the lowest and goods are always as represented. Come and see us. C.itrar Manufacturer BUTLER CIGAR COMPANY, W. H. MOKKH, Manager. J Mauut -r at'd vhoi .le and retail I tlt-uic. ... k.iits ul ioLucCo ind Cigars. I A full line of smokers' supplies. 113 N. Main street, - - Butler. flM|k •y\T y»tn eath month V a can find relief and \ Kfih | •mancipation (rota .* ongtttfon and in f fUmmaMon of the oryaas »** generally Induced wet or cold, cxcita ment of the etno tl tons, or a mortud radiaal core of these derange menu fcr Piarce's Favorite Prescription is a anfc and ctrtain remedy, permanently correction all abnormal conditions, so that these trying ordeals are passed with t»m and comfort tncexations and displace ment* of the uterus are cured by the " Fa vorite Prescription," and the cure is last hysteria. Spasm*. Nervousness Indiges tion, or Dyspepsia, often depend upon ir regularities of function and displacements of the womanly organs. The " Favorite Prescription" cures by regulating and cor recting these functions and organic changes. For aU irregularities, suppressions and obstruction*. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription U a Ipic\flc and has a record of aver a quarter o/« tentury o/cures. Mrs MAIYE«A "WLLSON of Bo»tkonlU, Martom years I suffered gre*? fy with eKtrene nerr J . OUSTMM. stomach and d uterine disease I hid I doctored with four physicians with titUe oe no ifood. and^^ie physician as could be | jLjL %K|T me up to die J^one of my friends thought \ a. l . fJv I could get well. We fcad tned almost A lasTTth'WJijht 1 would try Dr Rerce's Fa Mm WILSON vorite Prescription I had been bed fast most of the time for almost two years-. After taking several bottles of the ' Favorite Prescription and fallowing the direc tions strictly, I now enjoy better health than ever before in my life I only Weighed a little over one hundred pounds and now 1 weigh t6j pounds' HUMPHREYS" Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch. Hazdl Oil as a CURATIVE and HKALINP APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Pri.ES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Mind or Bleeding—ltching a»d Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fibulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy c# Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 35c., 50c. and SI.OO. Bold bj DruggUu, or Mat poat-p&id on r«o«iptof priM. HI MPmiTS* MED. CO., 11l A 111 BU, l«v Twi. WITCH HAZEL OIL TROTTING STALLIONS. STORM BIRD, Record 2:35 and BUFEALO BOY 3882. Will be found at my farm dur ing the summer of 1896. These horses are so well and favorably known in this county that descrip tion is unnecessaiy here. They are two of the best stallions to be ound anywhere for the money. Terms $25 and $lO to insure. For description and pedigrees, address Alonzo McCandless, Isle, Pa. HOOD'S PILLA euro Liver 111;, Biliousness, Indigestion, Keadarhe. A plnaaaut laxative. All Drafglnts. Cigars, Wholesale and Retail When you are in the city of Butler, I would be pleased to have you call and see the MODEL CIGAR tic ORE, which is one of the finest in Western Penn'a. Cigars from ic to sl, pipes from ic to SSO. smoking tobacco from 16c to sl6 a pound cigarettes from 20 for 5c to 3 for 25c. To bies and cigars, wholesale and retail. J. L. WALKER, 326 S, Main St, Butler. CREAMERIES SLIPPERYROCK CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY ASSOCIATION, Lt'd. Slipperyrock - Penn'a. Butter made by the Elgin system. Every pound of butter made of pure milk, CARRIAGES, etc J. M. ROBERTS, Manufacturer and dealer in Wagons, Carriages, etc., Youngstown and Colum bus work a sjjecialty. Also agent for Kramer Wagons and High-grade Fertiliz ers. Repairs for all Osborne Harvesting Machinery. Slipperyrock, Pa. DKUGGISTS. REDICK & GROHMAN, DRUGGISTS. 109 North Main St. Butler Pa. Prescriptions a specially We solicit your prescription work at the— CENTRE AVENUE PHARMACY, South Side, Butler, Pa., where they will be compounded by a pharmacist of twenty-three years experience. One who holds his certificate by reason of passing an examination before the State Phar maceutical Board The ingredients or chemicals which we will use in filling your physician's pre scriptions are of the very highest stan dard of chemical purity that the United States and foreign markets afford. We invite their inspection by the physicians of this town and county. A. C. ANDERSON, Pharmacist. GLUTTON BROS. DRUGGISTS, Slippery Rock, Pa. SLI PI ERYROCK PI [ A 1< M AC V, H. F. MITCHELL, Druggist, Slippery Rock, - • Pa. H. C. HINDMAN, PH. G., & Co. —Dealers in— Drugs & Medicines Toilet Articles, paints, oils, fine stationery, etc. WEST SUNBURY, PA. T. R. STORKYT Dealer 111 pure drugs, chemicals, paints, oils, patent medichie, wall paper, Glass, etc. Oil Well Supplies, casing, sucker rods, pipe and fittings of all kinds. Fitting* and small goods in stock. Orders for large stuff taken and shipped to nearest station on the P. & W. R. R. Your patronage solicited. KARNS CITV, PA. DRY GOODS. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. DEA r,EK IN Dry Goods, Wraps, Millinery, Ladies and gent's furnishing goods, BUTLER, - - PENN'A. CHAS. DUFFY, * DEALER IN Dry Goods AND Carpets. BUTLER, PA. • H7 HULL, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, notions, cigars, tobacco, etc. Centre Avenue, Butler, Pa. DRY GOODS, Con'td. L. STEIN" & SON, Dealers in dry goods, notions, trimmings, fancy goods, fine neck wear, laces, ribbons, hosiery, gloves, etc. 108 North Main St. Butler, Pa. The People's Store, H. W. KOONCE, Prop. Dry goods, notions, and millinery. I 323 South Main St. Butler. THE CITIZEN. —Admiration is a forced tribute, and to extort it from mankind [envious and ignorant as they are] they must betaken unawares. earthly use—Angel's wings. —A man of mark —The tattoo artist. —Note# of admiration —Love letters. —New name for a frog —The air ap parent. —Comes to the scratch —The mangy dog. —A swell affair— Dried apples and water. —Fruitful suggestion —To consume time—eat dates. —Book-keeping in one lesson—Never lend them. —Vested interest—Money in the waist coat-pocket. —The most modest thing in creation — The retiring tide. —When can "donkey" be spelt in one letter?— When its "U." —The best thing in the bed of the ocean—The sheet-anchor. —The wounds of the dead are the fur rows in which living heroes grow their laurels. —Serene and safe from passion's •tormy rage, how calm some glide into the port of age. —We must have good eyes to see good, and good hearts to comprehend it when we do see it. —lf ycu boast of a contempt for the world, avoid getting into debt. It is giving to gnats the fangs of vipers. Good-breeding is the result of much good sense, some good nature, and a little self-denial for the sake of others. An Easy Cure for Drunkenness. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco habits easily cured by the use of Hill's Double chloride of Gold Tablets. No effort is required ot the patient and stimu lants may be taken as usual until given up. Tablets may b3 given in tea or crffee without the patient's knowledge. A cure guaranteed in every case. For sale by all first-class druggists, or will be sent on receipt of SI,OO. For full particulars address The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima. Ohio. —Dyspepsia's victims find prompt and permanent relief in Hood's Sarsaparilla. Will il Keepf In reply to a correspondent asking Mr. Speer about his Oporto Grape Juice, he says he will warrant it to keep any length of time in bottles if they are kept full and well corked. The juice in not likely to keep long after allowed to come in contact with atmosphere over 40 de crees temperature. It is unexcelled for nvalids. —Do good to them that hate you, and you will soon have them hating them selves. "1876 Climax." Is the name of a superior quality of Brandy, placed on the market by the Speer N. J. Wine Co. as a companion to their Superior Old Port Grape Wine. This Old Brandy is a pure distillation from the grape and stands unrivalled It is considered by eminent medical men , far superior to most the French Bran dies for medicinal pnrposes, and is pre ferred by them to other Brandies on ac count of its known purity. Sold by Druggists. "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world." said a genieus. The druggist handed him a bottle of De Wtt's Little Sarly Risers, the famous little pills. J. C.Rguick. ARTHURS, DUNN & CO. I Dealers in dry goods, groceries, notions, etc., and shippers of country produce. Euclid, Pa. GOUCMER & SANDERSON, Dry goods, notions and fine gro ceries Buyers and shippers of produce. Euclid, Pa. E. P. CHESEBRO, Dry goods, clothing, carpets shoes and gents furnishing goods. Petrolia, Pa. J. C. KERR, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, 1 idies and gents furnishings,boots, shoes and fruits in season. Slipperyrock, Pa. J. P. GRAHAM, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hats and caps, etc. Ready made clothing a specialty. Hilliard, Pa. LENTISTS DR GEORGE H. JACKSON, —DENTIST— Troutm*D building Butler, P. Y. Mi ALPINE, DENTIST o»*r Grieb's Music Store. 116 Main Street, - Butler, Pa. C. VV. BARD, D. D. S. Slipperyrock, Pa. DMRTES' F. 11. DAVY "Butler Dairy" Pure milk and cream delivered to all parts of the city. 418 Centre Avenue, Butler. "FLOUR INC, MILLS H. J. KLINGLER & CO MILLERS A N it SHIPPERS. STAPLES: KIM,-. K««d. Grai», Hay, Seeds, Cement, Liuo- I' iter, White Sand and Ilair. Main oflfi ■ ••• Wfl K Jefferson St. Ilutler. Pa. Oriental it • Mills, Specialty Roller Mill* and West I'fiiu Elevator, BUTLER ROLLER MILLS GEO WALTER & SONS, Mauufactuiers of and Dealers in Choice Wheat, Rye and Bnet »heat Flour, Also dealer* in Grain, Ha; J.Straw. Recleaned Oats a Spocialty. BUTLER, PA FRU IS ETC. SOCRATES POOLOS Dealer in Fjiu rid Fine Ci^fectionary 133 Sou: ' \! rn St. Butler, Pa. FISH AND OYSTERS BOWSER & THORP, Dealers in Fish, Outers, and Poultry. 126 East Waj t>>- Si. Butler, Pa. FURMITURE ETCi C. P. AMY Li. W. AMY AMY BROS., Dru est goods, both foreign and domestic, and guarantee you perfect satisfaction in each ana every particular, and for all this cLarge you simply a fair living profit. J. S. YOUNG; Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher. "" op ~ DIAMONDS Ktura.,STUDS. 'rtrr M rrtr l TIfCC T CUNTS* COLD, LADIES- MOLD. V* A A *-RII J£-A< CKXRS' SILVER,*LADIKS CIIATLAIN. Tl7« T*T IT" Y U"V I (Sold Pins. Rings, JJb W -uJLaJtV X ( Oialns.'Braoelets, Etc. _ _____ TT \T yFt Tjnr J* *2 Tt-a Sets, Castors, 4 J!utter IHsbes and; EvVrytntni. 31 m £4XI lfW ZS.l* Ju i tliat ran be tound in a first class stor>;._ RODGFL BROS. 1874 } KN,VKS - FOKKS " BL ™FT S ,,. IE PLATE E. GRIEB.TEWELER. Xo. 139 North Main St , Butler, Pa. J. S. YOUNG, Great Reduction Sale. In order to make room for spring goods we will sell our entire stock of gent's furnishing goods and make you a suit of clothes or an overcoat or a pair of trcuser at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to get a genuine bargain in eferything we sell and we guarantee euerything we make to please and fit you. 101 South Main St., Opposite Hotel Lowry Buy a Buggy that's reliable when you - - do buy one. Fredonia Buggies have e/ery.hing in their favor—beauty, stability, ease. You can find this out by 100 lng at 'em. Your dealer sells them Made by FREDONIA MFG CO . Voungstown, O. E. L. RUCH, Dealer in Tinware, granite and hardware, roofing,spouting,smoke stacks,etc. nrContractinij a Specialty Kama City, Pa I E. F. HAYS, Oil Well Supplies, best brands of fertilizers, hardware and House furishing goods, household furni ture, buggies and carriages. Millerstmvn - - Penn'a. CHRIS STOCK, " Dealer in Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, Tin Ware, Stoves, Ranges, Glass, Paints, Putty, etc. 332 S. Main street, - Butler. JAMES PRYOR, Hardware, Tinware, Farming Imple ments, lever spring tooth harrows and cultivators, wood and steel frame; Wiard sulky and hand plows, cook stoves, ranges, heating stoves, Fertilizers, etc. j West Sunbury, - . - Penn'a F. I'. BINGHAM, (Successor to Bingham & Sons) Shelf Hardware, stoves, plows, tinware, Painters' supplies, oils, varnishes, ect. Freight Station, Wick, Pa. Slipperyrock, - Penn'a. HATTERS A PURNIBHBEB COLBERT & DALE, HATTERS AND FURNISHERS— HA. 242 South Main St. BUTLIR, PA. HOTELS HOTEL WAVERLY R. N. HAYS, Proprietor. Largest office and dining room in Ci ty Heated by steam, electric and gas light. Best of deep well water. New furni ture and carpets. Good dining room service. RATES, One dollar per day. Rates by the week $5 and $6. Livery and feed stable in connection. South McKeanSt. Butler, Pa. WICK HOUSE; ANDREW MCMURRY, Prop'r. 22 8 and 230 Main st. - Butler. TTYTH HOTEL, FRANCIS EYTH, Prop'r. Slipperyrock, - - Penn'a. SHERMAN HOUSE, MRS. MARY SHERMAN, Prop'r. Hilliard Station, - Penn'a. Best of Accommodations for the Travel ing Public. Good stabling attached. BCHREI BKR HOUSE Wll. CHRISTY, - Propkixtor. Good Accommodation for Man and Beast 217 N. Main St. BUTLER, PA. HARNESS ~ JOHN KEMPER. Manufacturer of hand sewed harness a specialty, and dealer in turf goods, whips, lap robes, fly nets, trunks and valises. 342 South Main Street, Butler. ~~1 N. STILLWAGON, Successor to J. 11. MUNTZ. Hand made and factory harness, trunks, satchels, whips, robes, blankets and bicycles. Slipperyrock, Pa. HORSE-SHOEING D. M. MORRISON, Horse shoeing and repairing done on short notice. Slipperyrock, Pa. INSURANCE L. S. McJUNKIN, INSURANCE, 126 East Jefferson street, Butler. IRON WORKS 151 Etna Street, Butler, Pa. Star Iron Works and Brass Foundry, Butler, Pa. SHERMAN & JOHNSON, Manufacturers of lisliinj. tools, casing cutters, engines and gas pumps for sale and exchange, casing cut at wells, prompt attention given to repairing machinery of every description. I JEWELERS C. P. HILLIARD, Jeweler, also Practical Carpet Weaver. We have lately purchased Newcomb Flyshuttle Loom. We do all kinds of | carpet and rug weaving, also fancy weav ing on shawls, Mufflers, etc. Call and examine work. We will guarantee first j class work at low prices. ■ Slipperyrock, Pa. JusD'ce of the Peace R. B. GILGHRIST, Justice of the Peace, j Butler Pa. LUMBER BUTLKK LUMBER COMPASTY, Shippers and dealers in building materials, j all kinds of rough and dressed lumber, doors and windows, and mouldings of all , kinds. Office and yards, East Cun ! ninehain and Monroe Streets. Butler, Pa. * P. s often asked, What Paint shall we THE ANSWER: If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy I THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS | Cmn that. Look* BttU Wtari longtft, Mott economical. Full Mtaturt. Our prices are for ' 'best goods" first, last and all the time We are in the business to stay and S W. t stavs with us. ?nusHes. w ' '• ' OLORS IN OIL. HOUS>: *. COACH VARMSHES, V J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Hain St* J. S. YOUNG, The Tailor Hatter and Gent's Furnisher, BUTLER. - Pa. C. SELIGMA N & »()N Merchant Tailors, Fine stock of plain and fancy suitings. " Full line of . samples always on hand. Call and see us. A perfect fit guaranteed. All j work warranted. I 416 West Jefferson. St. Butler Pa. W. A. TAYLOR. The Tailor Good work and fine goods, Armory building, Butler, Pa. Peoples Telephone No. 1 56. JACOB KJIGK~ Butler, Penn'a Justice of the Peace and Merchant Tailor No 140 and 142 North Main Street. IHLENFELD " & "NETFLVETON, ~~ MHKCIFANT TAILORS. 116 Sr>uth Main St. Second Floor. Satisfaction Guaranteed. P.utler, Pa. I MILLINERY 1). T. PAPE, LEADING MII.LINERY HOUSE, 122 South Main St. Butler, Pa. M E. ZEEK, FASHIONABLE MILLINER. Ladies' Hats anil Bonnets in Braid or Felt, Pressed and Reshaped. 328 Mifflin Street Bntler, - Pa. C. E. McM ICH A EL, FINE MILLINERY, 132 East Jefferson st. Butler, Pa. M. F. & M. MARKS, Oealers in Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing floods, 113 Jk 117 S Main £t Butler, i'a. ALTCE BEIGHLEY, MILLINER 146 South Main St. Butler, Pa. " Miss. MM<\ R<>< KENSTKIN, FINE MILLINERY A SPECIALTY. A full line of Mourning floods. The latest Novelties of the season Lowest Prioe.< Latest Styles. Cor. Main .t North Si's Butler, Pa E. F. CHANDLER, Dealer in MILLINERY, NOTIONS, ETC. ETC. SJiIPPIiRY ROCK. PA. "MRS. ELLA CAMPBELL, Millinery and all Kinds Ladies' ahd Cbil drens wear, Gloves. Uoii «ry Etc. Pearson Ibiildiug Main St. Slippery Rock MEAT MARKET. GEO. J. KRI'G, Dealer in All kinds of fresh and smoked meats. Poultry and game in season. Prompt delivery. People's phone, No. 38. 209 S. Main St. 7. R. MARTIN & SONS, Dealer 111 FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS. Slippery Rock, I'a. GTPT MegUISTON, Healer in Fresh and salted meats, home dressed meats a specialty. Slippery Rock, Pa. MACHINISTS. KESSELMAN & CO., Machinists and Blacksmiths and Manu facturers of drilling and fishing tools. Heavy forging a specialty. Repairing of Engines, Steam Pumps and all kinds of Machinery. All work warranted. Office an 1 works, south of Pittsburg bridge, on P & *.V. Butler, Pa. GEO. PALM. Machine and blacksmith shop, manufac turers of the celebrated Palui combination sand pump it will lift more sand than any other pump ever made; also the Palm au tomatic casing cutter, needs no ropo, no jars, always ready to cut when down to proper place. Kittanniii|{ Street Butler, Pa. WALTER CAMPBELL, Practical Machinist. Gas Pumps. Work ing Barrels, Gas Pumping Jacks, Engines Mid Boilers, Agt. t- r Northrop Gas Reg ulators. All kinds of i-.ngiiies Fittings Kept in stock. - Repairing Promptly At tended to. 22S Centre avcuue, Butler, I'a. MEDICINES The New Discovery, THK ISLIXER OF PINE, The greatest remedy over discovered for 1 cougns, colds, bronchial direction, Asthma dyspepsia etc. If yon can't cat your breakfast without coughing until you oast it np trv a bottle of the Elixer and see how f nicely your breakfast wi II stay with vou. ' It cleanses the throat and stomach of all 1 nlcers and hrnls them ip Manufactured and for sale by fl W. ZIEfILER, 112 West Cunningham Street, Butler, Pa. THK X RAYBTTJEN2D OH Nature's Compound reveals this "that it is strictly n vt-geta'de compound and an - extra fine blood cleansing and appetizing remedy " Manufactured and put up by the I <"ure UCo Bntler, Pa. Ask yonr druggist for onr congh syrop, pills, lini ment. sore throat remedy, Ac. Musical Instruments THE CORE MUSIC CO. Armory Building, Butler, Pa., Mrs. X C. Core, Manager. The new firm occupies the stand of tho late Itutler Mi sic Co. and is the only music house in the county devoted entirely to music Call and ask for information which will be gladly given. Normal Schools STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Slippery-rock, Pa. Eleventh district, es tablished 1889. A successful training school for teschers For catalogue ad dress ALBERT E MALTBY. Pfc. D Principal. Noiary Public L P. WALKER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Butler Pa. OPTIC JANS D. L. CLEELaND, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. 125 S. Main street, - Butler. Ol' and Gas Well Packers MASSETH A BLACK, 121 West Wayne St. Butler, Pa. Manufacturers of Oil and gas wp ll packers, lishinj; tools, steel worki 11 jf barrels, and oar patent work ing valves, sucker rod wickets and snoker rod elevators; all sizes engines and all kinds of machinery repaired. Telephone No 7. PHOFOGKAPHERS T. SCOTT MAYBKRRY, PIJOTOCKAPHER, Slipperyrock, Pa. View Work a Specialty. R EST A U RANTS ~ MRS. SARAH HARKLESS, Restaurant and Boarding House. Meals and Lunches served at all hours. —Special rates to Jurors. — W, S. Main street, - Butler, Pa. MRS. 11. HEATHS Restaurant. Meals and Lunches at all Times. 100 Centre avenue, - Butler, Pa. P. M. FRITZ, Restaurant, Confectionery, Tobacco,} Ci gars, Notions, etc. Jameson street, - - Petrolia, Pa iTI'HOLStERS THORNK & JACKSON, General Upholsterer Hear of I) IJ Clee land's Jewelry Store. Uutler, Pa. Peoples' Telephone, No. 16JJ. Furniture Repaired, Upholstered and Refinishod Screen doors and windows made to order. Carpets and rujts scoured, cleared and laid All kinds of Re Caning of Chairs. All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable. UNDER fA K !•: RS. VV. P. ROESSING, Undertaking and Embalming 118 North Main St. Butler. Pa. Office Phf n« 143 Residence Phoim 130. L. D. kikstekT ' Director of Funerals and Practical Embalmer; dealer in Furniture. Slippery Rock, Pa. VIEW COMPANY, STANDARD VIEW COMPANY, O. M. GORDON, Manager, Fine views, Crayons. Pastels &c.. a Specialty. Views of Houses, Horses and Cattle, and all kinds of out-do«»r pictures 121 Main St. Butler, Pa. " s. eTlenehan^ MILLINERY, NOTIONS ETC. PETROLIA, - -PA. Continued uu liist page.