MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN lever Before Have We Been in a Position to Place on Sale Such Extraordinary Yalnes at the Commencement of a Season as at Present. Special Bargains in Spring Goods. SPECIAL VALUES IN NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. All-Wool Novelty D"-GooHj a, % Jd. S?f\V^rWMkantf^.&46 wide Special :: .. SsaUn at 85 ;; ;; ;; J.atlies' New ;= Z * *'»■ .. « <• «• Waists, Silk and Lanndried. •• :: Sprin * Skit at to ?Jsi :: :: : Sir;.: " " Ladies' and Children's New Spring Millinery. „ ,< •> .< •• '• " " Hosiery. ~ ~ „ 44 4. 44 44 «< Underwear. •• " Lace Curtains from 50c per pair up to $lO , U1 thc - » " Domestics, Muslins, SheeUngs G.ngham. and » All new things in Dimities, Organdies, Irf* Lawns, White Goo<ls, Lace Em Mail'orders prompUy attended to. Samples sent on application. ms. j. 1 mmm Telephone, No. 1 26. Successor to R.tter & Ralston. FUST" A" WORD OR TWO! We want to talk with you a few minutes—You know us but do you know there are hundreds of people iri Butler, Co. who do not know \**r arc in liutlcr, it they did we would have to enlarge our store to let the crowd in. Why what do you think. Nearly one half the people who come into our store didn t know we made hile we have been running that part of our business for two years with a capacity of 10 sets per day, but we are glad to know they art pleased to find it out as it saves them money and will save you money if you mir.d it. However we did not intend talking about harness more than to say that we make all kinds of harness and parts of harness at less than factory price. It was slurries and buggies we wanted to tell you about We have a larger stock than we have had at any time for fifteen years. We hav nt a last year surrey in the house. Don't buy old stock, they are old style, and every year grow more so. buy the latest design and be in fashion especially when you can buy thtm for less money than others charge tor old style work, as for tkc price, whoever heard of anyone paying too much for anything bought here.We hav'nt in our employe asalesman with whom we would be afraid to send sio,cco to Kurope, when you deal here you know you ate dealing with a reliable fum and you know just what you are getting, and also know the price is lower than you could get any where. Come and see us and have the satisfaction of knowing you have been in the largest store of the kind in the state. "m™ S.B. Martincourt&Co. 128 EAST JEFFERSON Street, P. S. KRAMER WAGONS AND TRUNKS. ■ 1 I - - . . — m TROTTING STALLIONS. STORM BIRD, Record 2:35 and BUFEALO BOY 3882. Will be found at my farm dur ing the summer of 1896. These horses arc so well and favorably known In this county that descrip tion is unnecessary here. They are two of the best stallions to be found anywhere for the money. Terms $25 and $lO to insure. For, description and pedigrees, address Alonzo McCandless, Isle, Pa. WHAT IF ON W . L DO- J *3 NATURE'S OW7* TO\IC. fltl;ni'latea 'ho appctUc .-.nd pro duooa rcfrmhiiig nleop BiVCS VITAL STRENGTH Ti> MURSINO R MOTHERS. Cheoka woat'ntc illi(iu«a. «top« night *w' iviM, ourea incipient consumption. lucreaaea and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BI.OOD. Promotoa het>lVfi7)un|ttiH!»iip. Willjrivo tho re.! J and puny thn Nroay ohoekh of youth CURES ALL TZUAIV. COMPLAINTS. Makes af rong ij" •• untl wouion of woakUug* BILMOHE'S IRON IGtiiC PILLS Cure &II Diseases ana tht/r sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. Vhoy urn neither *typti:Tiorenuati<\ :»n>l Vji*": no i-oagu'itinK onoct on tlm content* of i" M miucti or itu limra conaeuuantly uvi • t.rt tlio tcrith or cau«« conatipation 'una ia <lo tho uaual fornu of Iron it . i./D tr, 'mrrnt f»or, pamphlet froo IT T.o k a. Ip.l >j your-1* ugKiat, addroaa GXLxVIORE & CO., CINCINNATI, O. DOCTORS I.AK.H mLI puv/.f k aisrasnAKT. * Or*. PIN* AVE. ANO FOUIITH Sr. PITTSBURGH, PA. All forum of Dclirntc and Com VKIVrfIH plicated lllwaufi* reqtiirl»KOo.H. ri»i£NTiAi.aii«ltM itsrim .M<"l iri*ii)n are treated at thin I> >• ornnary with ft rucce* arely attained. I>r. S W. ijiko las,member of the Uoval ( oIW ">' ' ny liauiea and Hurgeo.i:-, and In the o! hit and 'J'"* 1 experienced si'Ki'i Ai.ii*.' In tkerity. H|«" •»! at /■ntlon given to N<TVOII« Debility trom crwwlv mertitl exertion. Indlwrction of yoiitn,ete.,caus ing physical ami menial 'lc fly,lw kof energy IniKin li'ilcy, etc.; Ai»m('i.:n:en« Old *■ Pile*, Khevmatlam, and all diwiiaoaof the Skin Blood.l .unapt, Urinary Org#na,i te. Con* dtnl on •rcn or gtvlctlT confidential. OHM bom* 11 lit t and 7toß r. M.~, Rundaya, »to « P.SI. ■> <}y rail lit om.-0 or HH '. '.' f, ',. VKNN A» k. UiDi'rillll.. <•' rfBMUUuH ■ FRAZER & BUST IN Til K nORI.II, IM wearlnzqiiallt lea ira unaurpaaiied, actually "u'laatuiK two iHia.'a of any other I,rami. Not •fleeted lijr heat irUHT Til K <I K Nil INK. ROH BALK 11Y HEALBBB GEN Kit ALLY. SPIER HL ftTHtftS Ffell DR.LOBB :hj nmhvni F1111.1., »A. Thirty jrftnH ntlnuoua prerllf*eiiulL" ftirv of »ll Jlm-AfM nof r.n.l wohWi No rr ytT*r fruvii whul 4 or l«»ru "tmnUtuK. I will u<j<ir,inte* i»nir* IV? I"* "*• I'luMi-iiouLMl Look j »u«i umlM TMk f'fe HWYR 0Y A L P! LL i, s If O'• *{• It. i • r i'Hla<l, i » J Sin whaf you uhoulil look for when liuy-« Jing whiskaj H or liqnorc; oorn nro tfuar-i ?ant«ed pare; ifyoti bnv from u« you get J I'thein direct from Hie U. S Uoveri.mentT I Clamped barrel; there in n<» better guar J | lan te«. (Prices Speak for Themselves:* J 2 year old. Pure Ryo, te.w per gallon. \ ' io •>«> ;• " f t h ■" •• " \\ •' ;; * r Special price lift on Winea, etc., mij No etfrj charge for jug-# mr packing. Oiva as i trial order. # A. ANDRIBSSIiN, { i iSB Federal St., Allegheny, I'a. # Ever/ fe ■ ■ • i t g, • < ii)ij i... ■. ; i r\ v. r - ."-A'. S PEfTNYKOTAI i FILLS. | Arc nronpt, iHf »t»«J <• >'t. 'in« in'* I»r. I'l itl'Hi i>< r • • ' ••nl , II W*. M*JC. m C/. C'VT. «iuii C m <»• K- * i t 'ity I harinH \ t\YTi.-.t Nerve Iserrie« have done for others *"»" " v am' f't rmuricrrt// ftbttvrcJ. ■ ,of:< L ' h \ :'ve tire ?" \» t. •*< .'ißr-' «•'> die 5 i rtjfe.M'wvifcl&u! I • r! /l r. and l.iler dtccsbcs; ll»c i. ::»< <>l .»vcr wi.dK, oickiiiss, worry.cic. j ore;.cessive tiscof tobacco,opium and . ; quor, which lead to consumption and insanity. TSieir use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist 'ipon havii:g Ihe mine HERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, f. .00 per box, six ! *,OX£S, one full treatment,ss.oo. Ciuaranteed tocure any case. If not kep' by your drug gist we will send them bv mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail orders to AMERICAN MEDICAL CO. CINCINNATI. 0. VI TALIS rr ?™ n uX** A\Ad« & well mME fg% i»t *J«y- T' p" tj VITAUS ,o,ht " iy '^^Tl Tfl R ORKAT 30th i> '7 * frunch reiviedy 30th Day. I'KOIMU'KH Till AWIVI HFHPf.TH II .| 'u» If an.l •iirelyi ciie.v, N.-rv..ii«n..». ••• Waiting Beat'.r*'a loM Vitality, Povar ar„l CiilliiiK Memory. Wariln If ln>nnily «n<l Commmpt«<Ki ln»l-t on having VITA MB, no other Can !•« oarrla<l In v«»t p"< k«t. "r mall II (Ml i,it pai-kaKe or ril for F..WI Willi i ifmr antee lo C TUK OH l:Kn.Nn THX MONEY. Clr'"'llnr fr**e A*1(11 , ' 1 — CALI'MI r VTl'fllf . NF <"O., dIUHKo, lit For b«lb In Butler, Pa. l>y Ctly I'tiftrinacv. 'II j,i U i. DA***.. V , . I (I*4 #4 r • ■** tQVMi j 14 Y'ou Don't Become a ftlave to theff Use 1" The above words have been truthfully spoken concerning Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets by one who has had abundant opportunity to observe their more favorable ac- j tion as compared with that of other ■ pills. Most pills and medicines in use for constipation, in the long run, '* make a bad matter worse." Un like such agents, Dr. Pierce's Pel lets exert such a tonic or strength- ( ening effect upon the membranes i of the stomach and bowels, as to produce lasting benefit. Their use can, therefore, be gradually discon- j tinued. With most pills the longer i they are taken, the more dependent upon their use the patient becomes. Not so with the " Pellets." Their secondary effect is to keep the bow els open and regular, not to further constipate. Hence, their great popularity with sufferers from hab itual constipation. The Pellets cure costiveness, or constipation, biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belchings, " heartburn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. One little "Pellet" is a laxative, two are mildly cathartic. They are tiny, sugar-coated gran nies ; any child will readily take them. Sold by all dealers. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS are scientifically prepared Remedies; have been used for half a century with entire success. »o. sritcinr roil ('oriK***tlonß, Inflammation*. 2-Worm«, Worm Fever, W'.rm Colic... 3—lV«*iiilnff, Collc.Crj-Ing.Wakc-fiilneeg •I—Dinrrhra, of Children or Adulta 7—Coughs, OOIIIH, Hronehltl» M Neuralgia, Toothache, Jaceaehe. .. !» ti*-ad»'-lieM, Sick Headache. Vertigo. 10-l>Y«pe|.»ia, BlllouiiUcM, Constipation 11-Nnpvreued or Painful I'eriod* .. 12 -Whiten, TuoJ'rofuao I - er!od-i 13 Croup, I.arvngltla. Hoarwn.ns 1 t - Halt It Ileum, Ery»lpel»a, Eruptions. 15 KheumalUm, or K \euinatlc I'alna.. 1«-Malarla. Chilli. Ke*er and Ague .... ] 9—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head SO -\\ hooping Cough, iJ-Kldnev Dlwa«e«, 3S Sfenoun Debility - 30—L'rlnary 31 -fcore Throat, Quinsy, Ulphtheria.... "77" for GRIP. Soi l bjr or ■•nt on rwecfpt of prle«, »• a br|L, MrtowMrMk Vm !I '«rii»Ti' M»muL Kul»r|«d*K»i»l»«I m a iLKur mil'llklTh'Jltu. to.. 11l it 111 Willi** *•«*- j |t cures Catarrh, even In ; 'j ■ serious casei. To get'; | relkf in j / tarrh, or a hare! "cola in < | the head," just j Jt a bit j / of | jSalva-ceal ? (TXAUS-MAKK) j > the size of a pea, into j / each nostril. ! it's the quickest remedy s > r t /for i \ Fi!«s, Skin Diicasta, j | Ulcers. Bolls, Burns, Sora Thrial, * Cruises, Earache, lUasLch*, \ Sprains, Strains. • ] Two sirrs, 25 and 50 cents. j, 1 At druggists, or by mail. , 1 Tuft r.nAMJi r . I Co., »/4 CANAL St., N. Y. | I EVER I ITASTE 1: I FLEMING'S I 1 0LD I 1 EXPORT 1 I WHISKEY I S i VIW Ouarantced « yeaw old and jft. y/ absolutely pure. J \ Iw FULL QUARTS, 11.00 4< 10(3 6 QUARTS, IB 00 / Prelght prepaid on all $lO orders L uj or over. Catalogue seat free. He jlrK JOS. FLEMING A SON gV Wholctil* and Rstail Druggiili, KjL bp 412 Mirkat SI , Ptttibttrfh, Pa. Uf, THE KEELEY SURE T*n.*peclal )»oon to lrr-hnf* mi-n who, hitvlnu «lrift«-«I iittforiH'-iotixly Into th«* «lrink linbit nji«l riwukcn to And thodlMriiM* of Alcohoiiftin fftMcru'd »:,• n thrtn. rendering them unfit to ftf* fair* p-ouiriiiff a Hear bmln. A four w»-"lr« countc of treatment at tlie . PITT3BURO KRELBV INSTITUTE. No. 4246 Fifth Avenue, to them all their power*, mental nn'l phyienl, fleHtrov* the abnormal appetite, ami report** thcin to the condition thev \v«T»i In be fore they 1 ndulgrd In ntlnulantK Th iA tin* been done In more loan 1100 cum;r treated brr«\ nnd mu'iiiir thorn norno of your own neighbor*, t<i vhom we « an refer with confldi»nre an to tlie n olnte safety and eActencir of the Keeh y ( nra« The fullest and most Kearrnlnir lnv«"-tir«itloti ia ji v I ted. [or (a»ui>4ilet giving full Informa tion. I CUR K K VST ON E PRIDB. For Mrilical «f* Family ( sc. 11.25 prr qt. or f> qt*. for $«». Pinch'rf (iolden Gaokouheimer, Lrny«.. C,il»Hon, Bridgeport, Overbold Full <juan 4 'l, (\ quart- for Oitr ranted j ;» » Grand father • Choice, jtumi r,«iit '! A ye old, $2 por gal. C. O. l» »a i orders receive prompt, af tenri >u KOIiT. LKWIN, Importer nnd Wholcsnlcr, 136 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa., opposite U. & 0. k. k. Depot THE CITIZEN. The New Fence Law. The repeal of the general fence laws of 1700 and 1734 has caused some confusion in the minds of tanners as to their rights and duties as to outside or road fecoes. At various farmers' institutes an 4 at meetings of the Board of Agriculture Secretary Edge has endeavored to set the matter right, but notwithstanding these and other efforts in the same direction the confusion still exists The fact is that the repeal of the general laws of 1700 and 1784 has completely re versed things so far as outside or road fences are cineerned. Under these acts the ownei of land was required to protect it against stock pa-sing along the roa4 or suffer damages. Since the repeal of these laws it has jecome the d'lty of the owuers of live stock on the public roads to prevent them from trespassing, and it trespass takes place the owner of the stock is personally responsible to the owner cf the land for any damages done to cropo or other property. Under the old law the crops had to be fenoed to protect them from stock, and now the stock must be re strained and the land owner is not #om peiled to maintain fences unless he so chooses. The consideration of the fence question usnally brings up other questions closely related to it, and air' f them the right of the public to fruit, grass, <tc. The right tJ this class of property is clearly vested in the owner of the land and the public have no rights to it whatever. It is just as much the property of the land owner as if it was on the inside of a good fence, and the public have no rigbt to in any manner disturb it. If trees, grass or other proper ty in any manner interferes with public travel the road supervisors have the riabt to remove it, for nothing prejudicial to the public right of unimpeded travel can be allowed to remain, but the only judges of this are the road commissioners. So nice is this distinction that in a caso of record in court a man who a e children passed along a public road on their way to (jchool obtained permission of the road supervisors to cut the grass so that it might not wet his children's clothing, but alter cutting it he hauled the grass home and fed it to his horse The owner of the land adjacent to the road brought suit and recovered damages to the value of the grass. In hauling the grass away the farmer exceed ed his right and the right.-) delegated to him by the supervisors and made himlself liable to damages. The land upon which a public road is located is given to the public for the riirbt of way or passagd over it and the public has no right in it. A man may not stop on the public road and impede travel, for by so doing be uitereferes with the rigbt* of the public. He cannot haul away eaitb, send, stones or other material, for they are as much the property of the land own er, subject of course to the reserved righti of the road supervisors, as similar material within the fences of the farm The owner of the land gavo merely the right of pass age oyer the land, and if for any cause the road is discontinued the land reverts to him and again becomes a portion of his farm. The right of the supervisors i» anto cratic. They may for the pnrpose of re paring road?, building bridges, Ac., cut down trees, remove earlh or stone. and the owner of the land has no rodross unless the inaterialH are taken off his farm and not within the limits of the road. If taken from his farm he in of course entitled to payment, but he cannot prevent their re moval il the supervisors soe (it to insist. Cnder the present condition ol our gen eral fence laws the lines whioh bound the rights of public travel are s.s muoh pro tection to the farm owner and his crops as the best fence which ho can build, and any live stock passing tnis line are trespassers and liable for all damages done to crops or other farm propertyi In a recent address beforo the State Board of Agriculture Mr. Stranahan clearly intimated th»t no matter how the animals got upon the public road their owner wus responsible, and that if they broke out and got into the road the owner was just as much reaponsi be as If be was driving them along the road at. the time the damage was iuflioted. In referring to the repeal of these laws Mr. SUanahau spoke as follow*: "These j ulges Lave held that we have no force I iw as to the enclosure of a man's land, md that every man has to fence in his wn cattle, and il ho does tot, and th»-y jet out and do damage to his neighb. r e mu»l respond in damages.Hanir-- .ii-g Ti I trdi'h. It is the duty we owe to ourselves, well as those who arc dependent upon ns to preserve our health and strength. Aunt Kacliael's Peruvian Malaria Hitter# arc found to be an unfailing and valuable assistant in maintaining the vigor of the syoteni, and in keeping it in tone. Kx celleut for those subject to malarial fe vers, females and weakly jwraons to give an appetite. —"This X ray is doing wonders for mankind," lie remarked. ■'Yes," his wife replied. "It has done lots for mankind, Maybe it'll be develop ed in the course of time to where it will enable womankind to see whether her hat is on straight or not without looking in the glass. Thin and impute blood is mude rich aiul healthful by taking flood's Sarsa parilla. Kngbsli Spavin l.inlment :enn> - .e? a" i.nrd, soft or calloused lumps and b!e:n •>- Irolli V r-i s, lilooil spin ino, e'Jrli* p Hits rui t ui;., i.i gl'onr, ol lies, poruM II •ol ii I 1.1 Mills, rousts, etc. >«v. fill !>v um' i I oi.i, tailile. t\ ai rati ted ih« ■nost" wonderful Blemish Oure ever mown. Sold b v J. 0. Kedick s —Out in Chicago they temper the wind to the shorn lamb. When a man is hauled up for being ilrupk the Magis trate always asks him how much money he has. The costs are computed, and the fine is announced. It is only in the matter of jKipulation that Chicago reaches after the ut'attainable. 1896 Cltmax'Rranfy From grape wine, has, by its extreme age and constant ( hiu while in uniform temperature and pur*, sweet atmosphere ot storage lioiik for fourteen year/ , be come a r'val ol in Hennessey and other brands nl Oogin.e Hrandy, and much lower in price, anil pit-i rred by the physicians of Philadelphia, N v York and other cities Huy it ol druggist* Pj. R. Learning, a well-to-do citizen of Yakima, Wash , fitted up a jmirie schooner as a house on wheels, and start ed last week with his wife for a drive in to Mexico. They arc traveling for their health, and expect the trip to occupy about five months. l»r. Agnew'sti re lor the Heart gii'•* oarfect relief in ull cases of Organic of sympathetic lic it Disease in 30 minntea, and iipoodih clli-ots a cure. It is a peer 'ess remedy l n Palpitation, Shortness o. -'reath, Sinoi lu ring Spoils, Pain in Lei *ido and all \ niptoms of a Diseased Heart 'no dose oonviii.!«B. Sold by City I'har, -oacr. Easily Cured. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco habit are easily cured by the ute of Hill's chloride of Hold Tablets. No effort re i quired of the nath-nt who is allowed the use of sti mulan is until ho voluntarily \ i|iiits their use. May be given secretly in | tea or ooffM and n oure guaranteed in every case. For tale by all first class I druggists at SI.OO per package. For full : particulars and book ol testimonials ad- I dress The Ohio Chojnical W;irks, Jiinia, ' Ohio. —lt ia not generally known, although i t ought to lie, that Mr. G. R. Simmi, of London, is the leader of the great anti bald agitation. It is stated that he reck ons to have caused hair to grow on 50,- 000 bald heads. His recipe is paraffin oil. For Singers and Public Speaker*. Use Aunt Rachael's Elecampane and Horehound. It is known that clear white reck candy is the most healing of all substances, and horehound and ele campane the very best throat remedies; combined we have Horehound, Elecam pane, Grape Juice and Rock Candy, one of the best pulmonary remedies known. Singers and public speakers should carry a bottle in their pocket. For sale by druggists. Price 25 cents and 75 cents. —Elizabeth Cady Stanton says that the only drawback to her happiness as a child was her fear of the devil. T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Pro mise City. lowa, says: "I bought one bottle 01 'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses of it did tne more good than any medicine I ever took. Sold by J. C- Redick, and J. F. Balph druggists, Butler. —A new pledge has been circulated in Gardiner Me,, 20 or more ladies having signed an agreement not to wear any bird's wings as plumage on their hats or bonnets, One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right time if you t«ke it when you have a cough or cold. See the pointT Then don't cough. J. C. RKDICK. —A remedy for the removal of insects from a conservatory may lie found, with out destroying the little intruder, by concentrating tobacco smoke for a few minutes, and then to open the sashes, thus allowing them an opportunity to es cape. A high liver with a torpid liver will not be a long liver. Correct the liver with I)e Witt's Little Early Risers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipation. J. C. RKDICK. —Hiram Lester, who died recently at the Poor Farm in Henry county, Ga., said that he was 129 years old. A son of his in the same institution is 90 years old, und a daughter of his living in Heard county is 95 years o'.d. Don't invite disappointment by experi menting. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cure and you iiavo immediate relief. It cures eroop The ony 1 armless remedy thfct produces immediate results. J. C. REDICK.. Soothing, healing, demising. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the enemy to sores, wounds and piles, which it never fails to cure. Stops idling and burning. Cures chapped lips and cold-sores in two or three hours. —"Mamma, I saw a dog to-day that had only three legs." "Weren't you awfully sorry for him?" "No'm; he had one mori leg than I had," Rheumatism Cured in a Hay. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap_ pears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C Redio, and J. F. Balph Druggists, Butler Apr 96 Belief in S%x llourt —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder. Kidney, back and every part of the urinary passuges in mal« or female. It relioves retention of water and pain in pasning it almost im mediatly, If you want quick relief and cure lais is your remedy. Sold by J. V. iiodick druggist Butlor Pa. —The first white woman that ever en tered Kansas died last week at lola, in the State. She was known as Granny Cowden, and was 82 years old. She went to live at a trading jiost near Fort Scott in 1839. It not only is so, it must be so. One Minute Cough 'Jure acts quickly, and that's what makes it go. J C. Rmc'JK. lu eflect, heals and leaves no scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cur ed by De Witt* Witch Harel Salve. Ap plied to burns, scalds, old sores, it is magi cal in efl'eot. Always cures piles C. RKDICK —The saidine canning season in East ern Mpine opened last Wednesday. It is naively related that but a few sardines will be put up until the late spring, as the herring are not running well yet. When Herring grow too large for sardines they are just big enough for brook trout. .(OOIVH PILL\ cure Liver Ills, jililoiiHiifss, lfi<llK<»fttfon, llei*«l»ichr. A ideiMMiiit luxatlvA. \ll Urugsjlsta. - "Brethern," said Bishop Boyd Car penter, of Kipon, England, the other day, in the course of a sermon, "I l>eg of you to tak>- hold of your own heart and look it straight in the face." The Bishop is an Irishman. J. W. Pierce, Republic, fa., says: •'! have used One Minute Cough Cure in my family and lor myself, with results HO en tirelv satisfactory that I osii hardly find words to express myseif as to its merit. I will never fail to recommend it to others, on every occasion that presents itself." ,/. RKDICK "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world." said a genieus. The druggist handed liitn a bottle of De Wtt's Little 'Sarly Risers, tbe famous little pills. ./. C.RSDIOk. "I'll teach you how to lie to me," roared the irate <>l<l gentleman, reaching for a strap. And so he din ft only took three or tour such lessons to teach tile youth to lie so well that he w'as no more detected. SALT RHEUM. iiud Delimit cured. These two complaints are so tenacious that the readers of the Citizen should know of.the success obtained by using l>i. Havid Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Where all other treatments have failed, it has made a complete cure. No more horrible case of salt rheum was ever reported than that of Wilbur L Hale, quartermaster. Pratt Post, G. A. R. Ron dout, N. Y. Several physicians utterly failed to render him any relief; finally DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY war tried and steady improvement follow ed its use, and a permanent cure resulted. It is used with similiar success in cases of scrofula, nervousness, kidney and liver complaints, and in all dnease brought about by bad blood and shattered nerves. Seanor & Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Hear or Wick House, Butlor, Fa The of borne* and dr«t clhhh rige alwayh on hand and for hire. Bout accommodations in town for permanent boarding and trannient trade. Special caro gnaraiteed. Stable room for sixty-five hornon. A good clann of horBPH, both driv en* and draft horHes ulwayH on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horBOH bought upon pro|>or noti fication by S til A NOH & NACE. All kinds ot live stock bought and Bold Telephone at Wick Jivuae 11 The ooming Aftirt who knoWl cnouyh \ to paint a popular subject. » ® You get 5*4 oz» of "Battle Ax' ii for 10 cents. You only get 3 J 02. 2? 8 of other brands of no better quality ?S for 10 cents. In other words, if you 2b jI buy "Battle Ax" you get 2 °z* 2? more of high grade tobacco for the 25 same money. Can you afford to X ZS resist this fact? We say NO —2? unless you have "Money to Bum/' 52 +UIBT SltU ¥ BEST GOODS : WORK * M PBICIS* These are tlio things that have enabled me to build lip a tirst-class tailoring trade during the last year. , . . . We have the most skillful, painstaking cutter; employ none but the very best workmen; handle nothing but the very best goods, both foreign and domestic, and guarantee you perfect satisfaction in each and every particular, and for all this charge you simply a fair living profit. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher "" SSfciXsSE?.' ABSOLU'ItIY PURE /id^cx&acC Quiets Pain, Checks Bleeding, Reduces Inflammation, Is the Bicyclers Necessity. Piles, Sores, pi ]DUC Rheumatism, Burns, Colds, f VIL O Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Gatarrh, Chilblains, Inflamed Eyes, Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Headache, 1 oothache. Use POND'S EXTRACT after Shaving-No Irritation Use POND'S EXTRAC T after Exercising—No Lameness POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT i.; siipply a marvel. How instantlv'it cures Piles. What relief from .-x. rue ij-linp pain 50 cts "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO - - ----- - - ' - J. 8. YOUNG, Great Reduction Sale. In order to make room for spring goods «. ill sell our t ' l,Ur '' " f f r fiirniOmiL' l-« .. ds and make von a suit of clothe sor :«n overcoat or .1 pair ot irc.ustr at gteatly minced prices. Now is the time to get a genuine bargain in e ten tiling we sell and we guarantee euerything we make to please at'.l lit you. 101 South Hdln St.. Opposite Hotel Uirj Silver Wear Free! Handsome, triple plated haml engraved Teapots, < akestands. bruit stands, Butters, creams, Spoon holders, molasses sugars, castors, Porcelain and alarm clocks ami other articles both ornamental and useful. Call in and inspect the ware. GET v\ CARD. Purchase you overcoat for Men, Hoys uul Children. Suits, Pant* Hats Capes, Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties. Suspenders Gloves, Mils, Overalls, Jackets, Sweaters, Umbrellas, hunks Valises Telescopes, Watches. Chains, Charms. Kinjjs, I'ins, Brushes Pocket ana Bill-books,Purses,etc. and when your purchase amounts 10 {ls. 00 you get your choice of any of the above articles. Our Stock is complete, Ami Styles correct Quality the best, And prices the lowest. D. A. HECk, No 1121. N.Main Ht. BU'I'LICWi PA. DIAMONDS j kinuh, KA.i KiNtih. s(;Aiuf ~I NS, HTIJI)S WATCHES \ ' IKNTH ~UI" - «BNTs"sILVI!K. I.AOtitH UIIAIXVIN. JE WELRY } r "" , Kir "nRnH. bracelets, Kte. ■ OTT KY" Ttn TWY M *?• I Ten Het.i. t'liator*. lllilttrr lllHties uliil' K.w r) lulim ?% 1 IJ V Jtla*\ W AJtV Jai* 1 1 IIU 1 1 IN In' 1 <111111! IN :I flr II I'I.LIS store.. RODGFT BROS. 1874 } KN,VKS - KOKK9 ' MnM -nmM.K H.ATK. E. GRIEB^KJkIer. No. 13!' North Main St , Butler, Pa. Buy a Buggy \ that's reliable when yon Jo buy one. Fredonia Buggies Lave p/erj.hing in tlicif fa\or Ivauty >< ease. You can fin;! this out by 100 I .ii£ at 'em. Your dealer sells tlvrm tVUde by FREDONIA MFO C'.» , Voungstown, O. Easter T Dn np Spring Hats L'- rdpC Hats The Leading Milliney House In Butler County Stylish and Beautiful are the Hats and Bonnets we have selected for our spring trade. Never has our stock of Millinery been so grand and at prices that will astonish you. Come in and see for yourself. Our Stock of Mourning Goods Always Complete. D. T. Pape 122 S. Main St Butler Pa. T. M. B' IRTON My aim the past year was to give you the best quality of goods for the low est cash price. And to say least, my trade has been beyond idl expectation. So if you wish to know what has caused it COME IN and you will soon be convinced that lam headquarters for good goods at lowest prices. T. H. BURTON 120 South Main Street Butler, Pa. Whiskies, Wines and Liquors. There are many people imposed upon wben they hay liquor for the sick-room, for the table, or for social pleasures, because tbey do not know bow or where to buy. A first-class article can only be found in a first class houso. There are many dealer? who pose as Wholesale Liquor Dealers, but there is no other firm which bears the repu tation for fair and honest dealing which MAX KLEIN enjoys, and the reasons are because be carries the largest and most complete stock of liquors of all kinds in the State;—because every article is guaranteed to be absolutely pure, be cause his prices are the lowest, and because he deals squarely with the public. Tou may judge from the following. Silver Age Rye—the peer of all whiskies— per qt, $15.00 per case. Duquesoe Rye, J»2 per cent pure rye and 8 per cent barley malt, $1.25 per qnart. sl2 50 per case. Bear Creek Bye, six years old, finest quality, SI.OO per qt, SIO.OO per caae. Qibson, Flinch, Guckenheimer and Overholt— all well known brands, SI.OO per qt, or SIO.OO per case. Guckenheimer 4 year old, 75 eta per qt, or $8 00 per case, an excellent whiskey at the price, superior to most whiskies at sl. All cases contain 12 full quart bottles. If you sond your order here for any of the above you will receive oetter goods than anywhere else. Don't forget that we pay all express and other charges on orders amounting to $5 or over Send for latest Catalogue and Price List to MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. Wholesale Liquor Dealer. fur QM ESTION ,s of,en What Paint shall we use^ TUC ANSWER 1 you are looking lor covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and » your money's worth, you must buy I THE SHERWIN-WILLIAKIS PAINT] lAm Wort. loo*. S..C 10-f't, Hot [oemmleml. FM f. | L- Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and lU the time We are in the business to stay and 3. W. f. atoys with us. ?f(USHC9, StfSSVSSbi V J. C. REDICK, ioq N. Hain St PREPARATIONS FOR The Gi'eat Battle or NOVKMBKK 3 ARK ALRKADY WKIX VNDER WAV. A NKW President of the United States IS TO BK KI.HCTKn, AND THK NKW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, as Always, be found in the thickest of the fight, liattling vigor ously for SOUND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES, which will bring PROSPERITY TO THE NATION. THE NKW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is not only the leading Republican pi |ht of the country, but is PRE EMINENTIA A NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Its campaign news and discussions will interest every American cititen. . . , „ , All the news of the day, Foreign Correspondence. Agricultural Department, Mar ket reports, Short Stories complete in each number, Comic Pictures, Fashion Plates with elaborate descriptions, a* l " .* variety of items of household interest, make up AN IDEAL FAMILY PAPER. Wc furnish "THE CITIZEN" ami "NEW VOKK WEEKLY TRIBUNE" (Ml paper* . One Year For Only #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to J||[ £|f |([|, Write your name and address on a postal C«rd, send it to t>eo. \V . Beat, lluilding, New York City, and s sample copy of Thk Saw \OR|t WaaaMf TrihuhH wilt l>e 111 ailed to you. aO T S' 'ti MWIIT. Mone. eners drmlni »nJ |»|>ily lh. wholr lymm #i.oo p«« bo» by malt, 6 ko»«^or UetuU lu t vn>ka. Vnw .v»ry o».ifr «. «iv. . l«i.t to cum ar r«luu<l im<i I AdUitM I'fcAL UfcUllUil < CW»«Uad, VUo,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers