MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN lever Befbro Have We Been in a Position to Place on Sale Such Extraordinary Yalies at tbe Commencement of a Season as at Present. Special Bargains in Spring Goods. SPECIAL VALUES IN NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. All-Wool Novelty Dress Goods at ... *£ 33c, and 50c per yd. Slack Mohair Novelty Dress Goods at....... ......... *■•} . , _- r ,' er * V cl All-Wool Black and Colored Serges 4* 1m he* w.d« at 45 . •. ' u ', - Special Value in 36 in. Black and Colored , Wool Serges at .•> • «« •• " Persian I* J i L „ t.,i «< '• " Black Satin Duchess at ......60c, Ssr, and j p< J . " " Ladies' New Spring Suits at $7 50* f s s°. *' 2 50 a "'' * .. .. •• " " Skirts at $2 50. #3 So, (S. "P to f rS. . .. .. •< «• '• Waists. Silk and Laundried. M » :: Spring capes, *'s: .. .. <• « " Cloth at #ls" to *l2. » '• •' Ladies' and Children's New Spring Millinery. „ ,< 11 .. >• » '• " Hosiery. ~ ~ 11 ii •• '• •• " Underwear. •• •• Lace Curtains from 50c per pair up to Jio. <• " " Domestics, Muslins, Sheetings, Ginghams and Calicoes All tne new things in Dimities, Organdies. Irht. Lawns, White Goods. Lace and Em tl e Xs promptl v attended to. Samples sent on application. HBS. J. E. ffIMERMI, Telephone, No. 126. Successor to Ritter & Ralston. JUST A WORD OR TWO. We want to talk with you a few minutes —You know us but do you know there are hundreds of people in I'utlcr, Co. alio do not know we are in Butler, it they did we would have to enlarge our store to let the crowd in. Why what do you think. Nearly one halt the people who come into our store didn't know we made harness, hlle we have been running that part of oui business tor two year? with a capacity of 10 sets per day, but we are glad to know they arc pleased to find it out as it saves them money and will save you money if you mind it. However we did not intend talking about harness more than to say that we make all kinds of harness and parts of harness at less than factory price. It was surties and buggies we wanted to tell you about. We have a larger stock than we have had at any time for fifteen years. We hav'nt a last year surrey in the house. Don't buy old stock, they are old style, and every year grow more so. Buy the latest design and be in lashio:. (specially when you can buy them for less money than others charge tor old style work, as for the price, whoever heard of anyone paying too much for anything bought here.We hav'nt in our employe asalesman with whom we would be afraid to send sio,cco to turope, when you deal here you know jou are dealing with a reliable firm and you know just ■what you are getting, and also know the price is lower than you could get any where. Come and see us and have the satisfaction of knowing you have been in the largest store ot the kinu in the state. iIuKT S.B. Martincourt&Co. 128 EAST JEFFERSON Street. P. S. KRAMER WAGONS AND TRUNKS. TROTTING STALUOSS. STORM BIRD, Record 2:35 tnd BUFEALO BOY 3882. Will be found at my farm dur ing the summer of 1896. These horses are so well and favorably known In this county that descrip tion is unnecessary here. They are two of the best stallions to be found anywhere for the money. Terms $25 and $lO to insure. For description and pedigrees, address Alonzo McCandless, Isle, Pa. WHAT IRON WILL DO. 118 NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appetite and pro duces refreshing aleep. WVCS VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSIN3 R MOTHERS. Check* wasting diseases, stops night swoats, cures incipient comuanption O Increases stren&ih and flesh. HAKES RED, RICH BLOOD. Promote* healthy lung tissue. Will give the pale and puny the Nroay cheeks of youth. CTTSBS ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Makes strong men and women of weaklings. SILMORE'S IRON TOKIG PILLS Cart all Wasting Diseases ana thk/r sequnces, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither atrotlo nor oaustlc. an J h»t. no coagulating orfaot on the contents of the stomach or Its lining: consequently do not hurt the teeth or cau&e constipation ?r diarrhoea, as do the usual formr of Tron. 0 days treatment SOc, pamphlet free. If not kept by your druggist, address GILittORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O « DOCTORS LAKH PRIvATK DIsmSABT. Oob Pikn AVE. ANO FOURTH ST.. PiTTBBUROH, PA. All form*of Delicate ami Com plicated Diseases rei»- rosary with a luucest .arely attained. Dr. S. Lake Is a member of the Royal Colltgo ft I liy deians Ana Surgeona, and is the ol lobt ana most sxperieuced srACIALiSt' in the city. Specal at tention gives to Nervous Debility frorae'sosaive exertion, lndlaorotioa of youth, etc., caus ing physical ana mental decay,lack of energy, etc.; aiaoCancerrt. Old.Sorea, I 1 ita. Piles, Rheumatliim, and all dist-aaesof theHkin. Blood, Urinary Orgawsctc. Coiimiltatlon Tree an:" strictly confidential. Office holli*, 11 to I and 7 to 8 r. M.; Sundays, *to 4 p. M. only, "all at office or ad.lrcxa DRS. I, A KK. OOK. H i AJiDiTli sT..l"i'rrfil(UUGU. PA FRAZER& BKST IN TRI WORLD. ■i finalities are unsurpassed, actually OatlasUng two bearas of aay other brsnd. Not affected by heat VOITTIIB OKNII INK. rOH MAt.K BY DHALKKS GEN Kit ALLY. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL W^m ■ CooJulft tb«o"i !lclStiblo DR.LOBB *4* If. ST., P1111.A.. PA. Thirty year* of all ilnetuK-ti O/iupo r.nd wonrHT No in»n?r from what cauaw or 11 u «v lung ntanutng. I will owir-intr* a cur. i_luU)-Uuuui Eouk »uj uiallW ■% UA -u- ▼ 'l# ~ 4T tmU-thoui At I)r0CC"«» or ■en-atit*ni)Ul« an 1 \ M for Udln. M in Utter, by r* turm „ \ gF Jfail. T<**tifoonlaU. Aamn f'aper. PURITY # Is what von should look for when buy-4 ing whiskays or liquors; ours aro guar-i anteed pure; if you buy frum us you get J them direct from the U. S. Governments stamped barrel; there is no better guar # antee. 9 Prices Speak for Themselves:* 2 year olfl. I'ure Kye, $2.00 per gallon. J 4 '2.VJ ' i 10 " •' '• •' 450 '• " V 14 «■ '• " 5.50 " " C 17 " 6.50 " •• A Special price list on Wines, etc., ou# application. No extra charge for jug.-# »r packing. Givo us a trial order. # A. ANDRfESSEN, t 188 Federal St., Allegheny, I'a. # Every Woman flSometimes needs a reli- T able monthly regulating ' /dk mwlicine. Rs~ nr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. | Are prompt, safe and certain In r«:*u]t. Tbo jrerxi lne 'l>r. Peal's) never d man point. sent auwliwib SI 00. l'eal MediCii.. f early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. sickness, worry, etc. ore>.cessive use of tobacco,opium and iiquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist -ipon having :he genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, j?1.00 per box, six '•-oxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kepi by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet fro?. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICfLCO. CINCINNATI. 0. a v^i of VITAUS THE GREAT soti Br.y.&SOo iTFtENCH REMEDY ZvF&v. I i lIODUCKS THK ABfiVK KKHULTB it •.■.■.ic* IT ind -"iir-ly rrnm.e# rv .u«io« -, VV'H-ti?i(f rr.l Fnlline Memory. Wnrd« »1i In-nnlty Htid Conf>CTi)|IT rirkntre or «i* for with a uiMr »nto« to CUKE OR REFUND TH3 VOKEY. Ctrcniar free. Addr^*-'- CALUMET Mrntri VK CO Chicago, 111. For salo iu Rntler, I'a tiy Cily Phartriaev. K'*l£&#.WP I. iiEAIHwTOH LEuS. % 4 i tiui lor iorait '<*> once down, disease finds an easy en trance. If there is a weak spot in the body, dis ease-germs will find it. They will lodge right in that spot «nd unless they are driven out at once, will increase and multiply and grow into seriousness. Weakness is a predisposition to disease. Whether the weakness be local or gen eral, it is dangerous. Good healthy strength all over the body is the best safeguard against disease. Debility of anv kind is ft direct invitation to serious sickness. The reason that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures 9S per cent, of all cases of consumption if taken in the early stages of the disease, is that it puts the whole body into a hearty, healthy condition. The'poisonous tuber cular 'matter is thrown off by the lungs, and the pure, rich blood cours ing through them, quickly stops the inflammation, heals the broken mem branes and makes the lungs perfectly 6trong and sound. Consumption is marked by wasting away of the bodily tissues and vice versa. A wasting of the flesh brings on consumption. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Itfscovery in duces the accumulation of sound, hard, healthy flesh. It increases the appetite end the capacity of the digestive organs for the assimilation of food. It is a puri fier, a tonic and a powerful curative rem edv, all in one bottle. All who will send their addresses, this notice and six cents in stamps, to World's Dispensary Medi cal Association, Buffalo. N. Y., will re ceive by return mail a large book of 160 pages, which tells all about the "Golden Medical Discovery." SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Cogs, Eogs, AND POULTRY. 500 Page Hook on Treatment of Animals and Chart Bent Free. CTOKR ( Fever*. Congest ionx.lnSnmmotion A.A./>piniil Me 11 ineitis. Milk Fever. H.K.—>l roiiiH. Lamenent, Uheuiiiatmm. €'.f'•••Distemper, Nn*nl Discharges. ll.ll.—Rots or (iceases, >lans«*. J.K.— Diseases of Digestion. Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 50 - - .<>o {Stable fnsr, with Spoolflcs. Manudl, Veterinary ( ure Oil an«l Medlcator, 97.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - • 1.00 Solrl bT or *»sl prepaid anjnb with jSalva-cea! ) (trade-mask). S < It takes ail the aching I s out of sore or tender feet, < > instantly. Strained or < { over-worked muscles, | ; chafings, or any soreness S j or sti fines s —they're all > t relieved in the same quick > j way. \ It's the best remedy for < | Sprains, Piles, RhiUtr.ailsm, Catarrh, ? Keurnljia, Scro Throat, ; • Burns, Boils, | > Skin Diseases. ; ( Two si/"-s, rj am! 50 cents. < At druggists, or by mail. j Thi BRA iCRETit Co., a/. Canal St., N. Y. ) J CHEAP J J YET CiOOl) r J WHISKIES. J xVLTK ar<' he«d! -P or lor good clieer. We quote l)»-0 i Apple Blossom, fnll quart. .10, $5.00 d 0.4 ici estnut Grove " 75. 800 " i - $1 00 [>-r qt, C qts, $5 \OrtrhoU XOO " 0 " 5 OuJ jFiach - 100 " 0" 5 00T #Sam Thompson 100 " (5 •' 5 00# 5 We guarantee these whiskies toj t be the best ever offered at llit-^ m prices quoted. Don't forget f £ OLD EXPORT WHISKEY. £ # warranted 8 years old, 11.00 full# 4 quart. .$ 10.00 full case 12 quarts < liarges prepaid on all slu.oo^ # orders or over. # JJOS. FLEMING & SON,J Wholesale and J \ Retail Druggists. '* #.)i2 Market Street, Pittsburg, I'a.# THE KEELEY Is a special boon to buines* men who. having drifted unconsciously into the drink hab;t ami awaken to find the i;sea-e of alcoholism la>ten»d u,*' 11 them, rcncr ijt. or 6 qtx. for SO. Finch's Golden WeJding, Gnckonheimer, Larpe, Gibson, Bridgeport, Overbold. Full quarts sl, ti quarts for $5. Our good* v,-»r ranted pure. Grand Father's Choice, guarrariteed 3 years old, 12 per gal. C. 0. I' ai.d mail ori'er* receive prompt a»- teii i- ii ROBT. LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa., opposite B. & 0. k K. Depot THE CITIZEN- To Bore Glass. Strong glass plates are bored through bv means of rotating brass tubes of the necessary diameter, which are filled with water during boring. To the water there s added finely pulverized emery. The boring cylinder is put into motion by means of a drill or bow drill. Weaker glass can be provided with boles in an easier manner by pressing a lisk of wet clay upon the glass and making a hole through the clay of the width desired, so that the glass is laid bare here. Then melted lead is poured into the hole and lead and glass drop down at once. This method is based upon the quick, local heating of the glass, whereby it obtains a circular crack, the outline of which corresponds to the outline of the hole made in the clay. The cutting of glass tubes, cylinders, etc., in the factories is based upon the same principle, says a Pittsburg paper called China, Glass and Lamps. Emily—Why are you waving your handkerchief? Ageline—Since papa has forbidden Tom the house, we have arranged a code of sig nals. Emily—What is it' Angelina—When he waves his hand kerchief five times that means "Do you love me?" and when I wave frantically in reply it means, "Yes, darling." Emily—And how do you ask other questions? Angelina—We don't. That's the whole code. —Mrs. Appolonia Pecher, of Mishaw aka, Ind., who celebrated her 101 st birth day two weeks ago, saw George Wash ing ton, although she does not contend that she rem embers him. Her father was a soldier under Washington and when about three years old she was carri ed to see Washington and some of his offi - cers when they were visiting near her home in Pennsylvania. —ln speaking of her old enemy, ex- Senator Ingalls, Mrs. Lease said the oth day: "I don't believe there is any danger of his being elected United States Sena tor, I will say, however, that the Re publicans might do worse. I will not at tempt to prevent his election." Mathematical calculations show that an iron ship weighs twenty-seven per, cent less than a wooden one, and will carry 115 tons of cargo for every 100 tons carried by a wooden ship of the same dimensions, and lx>th loaded to the same draught of water. —Nell: I think I will bleach my hair. Belle: Nonsense; everybody will laugh at you. Nell: No; they won't know it. I'm going to another town. Belle: Doesn't matter. If you bleech your hair you can't keep it dark. —Uucle Silas, visiting the city: By ginger spruce, 'Mandy, here's suthin' we gotter see. 'Mandy: What's that, Silas? Uncle Silas: Why lookee here (reading museum sign), "The only ba'.dheaded man alive with a full head of hair." I wouldn't miss hit fer a quarter. —They say Frenchmen are loud of frogs' legs, "I suppose for the same reason that the German loves beer." "Same reason." "Certainly. They're both full of —New Yorker: 1 tell you, Jones is just coining money out in Omaha. Traveling Englishman, overhearing and writing in note book: Counterfeiting is so extensively practiced in the United States that the c'tizens openly speak of it on the street. —Principal, to commercial traveler, re turning from his travels: How came you to charge such low prices to Schmidt who is well kuown to be a shaky custo mer? Commercial traveler: I thought to my self, if the man happens to fail we shouldn't lose so much by him. —There was an unfortunate break at a wedding the other night. Instead of playing the wedding march after the ceremony the organist struck up: "She May Have Seen Better Days." There is a danger in impure blood. There is safety and health in Hood's Sarsaparilla —Mrs. Minks: Isn't it queer that such a little bit of country as England can rule such a vast amount of territory? Mr. Minks: Well, I don't know You're not very big yourself, mydear. Family wines that rival the world in excellence are from Specr's Passaic, N.J,, Vineyards. The Claret, vintage 1881, the Burgundy aud Port are very old supe rior wines. The Port is especially for invalids. The Climax Brandy is very superior. —Nellie: Look at those pretty cows. Maudie: They are not cows; they are calves, dear. Nellie: But what is the difference? Maudie: Why, rows give milk and calves give jelly. —Knglisb Spavin Liniment removes a < i.ard, soft or calloused lumps and b'.em ahes from horses, blood spavins, curbs plints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprain.' II swollen throats, oonghs, etc. Sav v . 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the •nost* wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. C. Redick,s —Guest pushing them away from him: I don't like the way you cook egijs at this restaurant. Waiter: What's the trouble, sir? Guest: Yo\i don't cook them soon enough. 1890 Chmax^Hran-ly From grapo wine, has, by its extreme ag« anil constant care while in uniform temperature and pure, s*eet atmosphere <>l storage houses for fourteen yearr, be come a r'val of the Hennessey and other brands cl Cognac Brandy, and much lower in price, and preferred by the physicians of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities Hoy it ol druggists —Officer, as he pulls Col. Bloodgood of Kentucky, from the water: Are you seriously injured, Colonel? Col. Bloodgood: Not a particle, suh. I didn't swallow a mouthful of it. Mr. Agnew's Cure tor the Heartgi? 8 Dirfect reliel :n all cases of Organic of ■sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutej, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer 'ess remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o ireath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Let • ide and all symptoms of a Diseasod Iloart no dose convinces. Sold l>7 City Phar, uacv. —He: Arctic explorers are the safest men in the world to trust yourself to. . She: Why so? lie: They are always cool in the time of greatest danger. lie Not Deceived. The experience of the SpeerN. J. Wine Co. after a continuous career of more than forty years in Grape Culture and Wine making has resulted in the produc tion of Grape Brandy that rivals Hennes sy and Martell of cognac. A fine, deli cate 15 year old Grape Brandy is rare: their Climax vintage of 1576 is becoming celebrated among Europeans Who appre ciate a pure article. £>ruggista seU it. Come cow and let n« tin* As blithe and gentle spring Her advent makes. Fair one Tor whom we've sighed, With us three month* abide, A nd then we'll 'et yon Slid*. Wber Summer wakes. Let poets now break loose. And make no lame excuse For joyous lays. Let every bird of note. Let every festive goat, Let every other throat ; Join ;in SpriDg's praise. But though we gladly sing. We'll not trust gentle Spring— Well, not juetyet. With parasols we'U go. Prepared for rain or snow, ADd when Miss Spring's tears flow We won't get wet. Does Four Husband or -Son Drink. If your husband or son ij addicted to the use of Liquor, Morphine or Tobacco, pur< base ol your druggist a bottle of llill's Chloride ot Gold Tablet?. They are guaranteed to cure, or money will be re funded. Tablets may be given secretly in tea or coffee and the free use of stimu lants allowed until voluntarily given up. Price SI.OO per package If your drug gist does net keep them, send direct to The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima. Ohio. Book of particulars and testimonials free. Turn, pilgrim, turn, thy cares forego. And drink thy fill of mirth; Man wants but little here l>elow, He only wants the earth. T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postinaster of Pro mise City. lowa, says: "I bought one bottle ot 'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses ot it did me more good than any medicine I ever took Sold by J. C Redick, aud J. F. Batph druggists, Butler. One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right time it you t*ke it when jnu have a congh or cold. See tho pointf Then don't coogh. J. C. RKDICK. Here is a lumi;' s'.nry from the London Graphic that will interest the oollege boys: "The Olympic games in the huge Stadion at Athens began on Ea*t«r Monday with a 100 metres race, which was woe by Amer icans. Indeed, Americans carried off the majority of the events, both of this aud of succeeding days. They were loudly cheered by the.itrong American contingent present, who waved star-spangled banners and raised that carious college ehout 'Ra-ra ra!" which they appear to beve learri from the Red Indiaus." If that isn't funny then there aren't any suakes. "Learnt from the Red Indiaus!" Aud Red Indians cap italized, too. We have to go clean to England to learn the origin of the college yell. A high liver with a torpid liver will Dot he a long liver. Correct the liver with De Witt's Little Early Risers. little pills that cure dyspepsia ami constipation. J. C RKDICK. Don't invite disappointment by experi menting. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cure and you iiave immediate relief It tures cronp The ony harmless remedy thtt pn duces immediate resui's. J. C. REDICK. Dolly: I told Mr. Nicefellow that I bet Reggie twenty kisses our lx>at would win a race at the regatta. Daisy: Well, wasn't he shocked? Dolly: I let him hold the stakes. Soothing, healing, cleansing. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the enemy to sores, wouads and piles, which it never fails to care. Stops iching and burning. Cure* chapped lips and cold-sores in two or three hours. Blobbs: Poor Jones! I hear he has one foot in the grave. Slobbs: Why, man, he's dead and buri ed. Blobbs: Yes, I know. One of his legs was amputated l>efore he died. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents Sold by J. C Redio, and J. F. Balpb Druggists, Butler AprOG Beltef in Mx Uours —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved 111 six hours by the "Hew Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention ol water and pain in passing it almost im medially, If you want quick relief and cure tiiis is your remedy. Sold by J. C. Redick druggist Butler Pa —Professor: Can you tell me who was Aristophanes, and how long he lived? Student: I'd like to Accomodate you, professor, but the truth is I don't know as much about liini as you do! It not only is so, it must be so. One Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and that s what makes it go. ./ C. RKD'CK. Quick iu eflect, heals and leaves no soar. Duruing, scaly skin eruptions quickly cur ed by I)e Wilt's Witch liazel Salve. Ap plied to burns, sculds, old sores, it is m»gi eal in effect. Always cures piles C. RKDICK —They pressed forward and closely examined the Roentgen photograph. "His liver," they said, "is the image of his father's, but he gets his lungs from his mother's folks." HOOD'S PILLiS cure l,lver II!;, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache. A pleasant laxative. All Druggists. —This startling headline lately ap peared in an Eastern paper: "He died without a doctor." This is carrying mat ters a little too far. J. TV. Pierce, Republic, la,, says: "I have used One Minute Cough Cure in my family and lor myself, with results so en tirely satisfactory that I cm hardly find words to express myself as to its merit. I will never fail to recommend it to others, on every occasion that presents itself." ./. C. KKOICK —Now that the ladies have taken to the wheel the men don't bend over so much. This is, no iloubt, because they like to sit up with the girls. "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world." said a genieus. Tbe druggist banded him a bottle of De Wtt s Little 'Sarly Risers, the famous little pills. J. C.RKDick. The Place to Buy GAS COOK i tfG AND HEATING STOVES, GAS BURNERS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVFD WELSHBACH GAS BURNERi W. H. ODRIBMON 107 East Jefferson St. Subecribe (OR the CITIZEN. """PLUG As good as can be made regardless op price Ounces for IO cents Other Brands Only Ounces for IO cents , " Don't take our word 1 for it. but buy a piecej ^ e fo r y°"rc g [ft . /PURE M /idsQxffiac£ Quiets Pi;in, Checks Bleeding, Reduces Inflammation, Is the Bicycler b> Necessity. Piles, Sores, Rheumatism, Burns, Colds, V-U KHO Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Catarrh, Chilblains, Inflamed Eyes, Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Headache, 1 oothache. Use PO VP'S EXTRACT after Shaving-No Irritation tt„ POND'S EX TRA C T ofter Exercising—No Lameness POND'S EXTRACT OIN . MEN T U simply a marvel. How *UTIST SMI * BEST GOODS* +GOOD WORK * PRICES* These are the things that have enabled me to build tip a first-class tailoring trade during the last year. « . , We have the most skillful, painstaking cutter; employ none but the very best workmen- handle nothing but the very best goods, both foreign and domestic, and guarantee you j>erfect satisfaction in each and every particular, and for all this charge you simply a fair living profit. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher ° p " "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO J... J. S. YOUNG, Great Reduction Sale. In order to make room for spring goods we will sell our entire stock of se«£s furnishing goods and make you a suit of clothes or an overcwtorapnir ofUcuser at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to «et a K cm.ine bargain ,er> g we sell and we guarantee euerything we make to please .11 d fit you. 101 South Mais St., OW« sUe Hotel Lm » Silver Wear Free! . Handsome triple plated hand engraved Teapots, Cakestands Fruit stands, Butters, mams, Spoon holders, molasses sugars, castors. Porcelain and alarm clocks and other articles both ornamental and useful. Call in and inspect the ware. GET i\ CARD. Purchase you overcoat for Men, Boys ind Children. Suits, Pants Hats, Capes, Underwear, Shirts, Collars Ciifts Ties, ' Gloves. Mits, Overalls, jackets, Sweaters, Umbrellas Trunks. Telescopes, Watches. Chains, Charms, Rings, 1 ins, Brushes, I°c ket and Bill-books, Purses and when your purchase amounts to $15.- 00 you get your choice of any of the above articles. Our Stock is complete, And Styles correct Quality the best, And prices the lowest. D. .A..HIvCIk., No 121. N.Main St. BUTLER. PA. DIAMONDS JKINOS.KAKK.NO,. AK|fI . INS>;STIH , s . WATCHES MIKNTS c;ou». '• a ( ! , k LAUIIM CHATLAIH. JE WELRY } 1 .nf at 'em. Y >v: -.kaler sells them Made by FREDONIA MFC CO , Voungstown, O. Easter rv 'T' pn nA Spring Hats L'- ' • r dpC Hats The Leading Milliney House In Butler County Stylish and Heautiful are the Hats and Bonnets we have selected lor our spring trade. Never has our stock of Millinery been so grand and at prices that will astonish you. Come in and see for yourself. Our Stock of Mourning Goods Always Complete. D. T. Pape 122 S. Mam St Butler Pa. T.H.BH RTON Mv aim the past year was to give you the best quality of goods for the low est cash price. And to say least, my trade has been beyond all expectation. So if you wish to know what has caused it COME IN and you will soon be convinced that I am headquarters for good goods at lowest prices. T. H. BURTON 120 South Main Street Butler, Pa. Whiskies, Wines and Liquors, There are many people imposed upon wben they bny liquor for the sick-room, for the table, or for social pleasure*, because they do not know how or where to boy. A Hint-class article can only be found ia a first class house. There are many dealers who pose as Wholesale Liquor Dealers, but there is no other firm which bear* the repu tation for fair and honest dealing which MAX KLEIN enjoy*, and the reasons are because be carries the largest and most complete stock of liquors of all kind* in the State;—because every article is guaranteed to be absolutely pure, be cause his prices are the lowest, and because be deals equarely with the public. You may Judge from the following. Silver Age Rye—the peer of all whiskies— per qt, sls 00 per case. Duquesoe Rye, 92 per cent pure rye and 8 per cent barley malt, $1 25 per quart. sl2 50 per case. Bear Creek Rye, six jeers old, finest quality, SI.OO per qt, $lO 00 per esse Gibson, Flinch. Ouckeuheimer and Overholt —-all well known brands, $1 00 per qt, or SIO.OO per case. Ouckeuheimer 4 year old, 75 cts per qt, or $8 00 per case, an excellent whiskey at the price, superior to most whiskies at sl. All csees contain 12 full quart bottles. If you send your order here for any of the above you will receive netter goods than any where else. Don't forget that we pay all express and other charges on orders amounting to $5 or over Send for latest Oatslogue and Priee List to MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. Wholesale Liquor Dealer. TUP QUESTION » often « ked » What Paint shall we u*e*. xw r ANSWER 2 y° u looking lor covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, ana your money's worth, you must buy [THESH^WH-WILUAIKPAIMZ I 9mn Hut. Look, *wt Wmn Imf*. *"* Ceomtmhl. fmU Hmmm*. Our price* are for "best good*" (int, last and aU the time. We are in the business to rtaj aatf S. W. f stay* with u*. tew.** * » J. C. REDICK, ioq N. riain St PREPARATIONS FOR The (i reat Battle OP NOVKMBKR 3 ARE ALREADY WEU, UNDER WAY. A HEW President of the United States IS TO BK ELECTED, AND THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, as always, he found in the thickest of the fight, battling vigor ously for SOUND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES, which will bring PROSPERITY TO THE NATION. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNEtsnrf only the leading Republican prper of the country, but is PRE-EMINENTLY A NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. . Its campaign news and discussions will interest every American ' *AlMhe news of the day, Foreign Correspondence. Agricultural Department, Market reports, Short Stories complete in each number, Comic Pictures, Fashion Plates with elaborate d^TPfona,. variety of items of household interest, makeup AN IDEAL. rAMIL.* PAPER. We furnish "THE CITIZEN" tad "NEW YORK WEEKU TRIBUNE" (hett One Year For Only #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE, Address all orders to lit Clllltl. Write your name awl address on a postal card, send it to JV *est. Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of THE New Vork We*XW Tkibunh will be mailed to you. ———— 11 ■■■ ■ ■■ i HI inii ■ L 1"-! 1 "" 11 " flwUi :: SSCTittiaaaeSw &6SSX&SR