Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 30, 1896, Image 4
MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN Hever Before Have We Been in a Position to Place on Sale Snch Extraordinary Yalnes at the Commencement of a Season as at Present. Special argains in Spring Goods. SPECIAL VALUES IN NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. All-Wool Novelty Dress Goods at *SC, 33C. and y* per yd. Hlack Mohair Novelty Press Goods at 2 5c, 40c, anil 50c per yd. All-Wool Hlack ami Colored Series 46 inches wide at 45c, 50c, and 75c j>er yd. Special Value in ;,6 in. Black and Colored 'I Wool Serges at i s c worth 2OL Wash Silks for Ladies Waists - 2 5 c P^ r >}• Persian 75c, and Ji per yd. «i ** 44 F.lack Satin Duchess at 6oc, an<l #1 per >a. " " Ladies' New Spring Suits at $' 50, st* 5° anil >ls. .. .. " •• •' Skirts at #2 5°- #3 s°. .*5. up to J,IS. < .< .. ■« ■' •• Waists, Silk and Laundried. '• •' " " Spring Capes, Velvet, at s."»>• I '■ .. <• » 1 '• •• Silk at $3 50 to #.5. «> " " Cloth at f 1 5° to fi2. •' " Ladies' and Children's New Spring Millinery. •< •• «> •• " " Hosiery. ■< •• «• «« " " Underwear. Lace Curtains from 50c per pair up to $lO. " " Domestics, Muslins, Sheetings, Ginghams and Calicoes All tin new things in Dimities, Organdies, Irish Lawns, White Goods, Lace an jailers p rompt | y a ttende<l to. Samples sent on application. MS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN, Telephone, No. 126. Successor to Ritter & Ralston. JUST A WORD OR TWO. We want to talk with you a few minutes —You know us but do you know there are hundreds of people in Butler, Co. vvho do not know we are in Butler, il they did we would have to enlarge oui store to let the cro vd in. \\ hy what do you *think. Ncaily one half the people who come into our store didn't know we made harness, hile we have been running that part of our business for two years with a capacity of 10 seis per day, but we are glad to know they are pleased *o find it out as it saves them money and will save.you mcney if you mind it. However we did not intend talking about harness more than to say that we make all kinds of harness andparts of harness at less than factory price. It was surries and buggies we wanted to tell you about We have a larger stock lhan we have had at any time for fifteen years. We hav'nt a last year suney in the house. Don't buy old stock, they are old style, and every year grow more so. Buy ihe latest design and be in lashion especially when you can buy them for less money than others charge for old style work, as for the price, whoever heard of anyone paying too much for anything bought here.We hav'nt in our employe asalesman with whom we would be afraid to send sio,cco to Europe, when you .deal here you know you are dealing with a reliable fiim an you know just what you are getting, and also know the price is lower than you could get any where. Come and see us and have the satisfaction of knowing you have been in the largest store of the kind in the state. itSr S.B. Martincourt&Co. 128 EAST JEFFERSON Street. P. S. KRAMER WAGONS AND TRUNKS. TROTTING STALLIONS. STORM BIRD, Race Reccord 2:35 and BUFEALO BOY 3882. Will be found at my farm dur ing the summer of 1896. These horses are so well and favorably known in this county that descrip tion is unnecessary here. They are two of the best stallions to be found anywhere for the money. Terms $25 and $lO to insure. For description and pedigrees, address Alonzo McCandless, Isle, Pa. WHAT IRON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appetite and pro duces refreshing sleep. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSINO R MOTHERS. Checks -mist-lne; diseases, stops night swoats, cures incipiont consumption. O Increases strer&jh and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD. Promotes healthy lung tissue. Willjfivo tho pale and runy the Nrosy checks of youth. CURES ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Makes strong men and women of weaklings. BILMORE'S IRON TOfiiC PILLS Care all fasting Diseases ana thfc/r sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They aro neither fityptio nor caustic, an J havo no coagulating effect on the content!) of the stomach or its lining; consequently do not Lurt the teeth or ca use constipation or diarrhceft, as do tho usual formr ofTron 10 days treatment 60c. pnmphlet free JJ Dot kept by your druggist, address GILi&ORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O DOCTORS LAKH ■ J-HI /ATE DISPENSARY. JMJzM Ccs. PtNt. AVE. ANO FOURTH BT., PITTSBURGH, PA. „ BQDDL;..* A>l forms of Delicate ami C<w plicated Diseases reqniringCOK-. riUKNTIALandSciENTii icJlr-I --1 cation aro treated at tlii.- i. - pensary with a success _arely attained. Pi. s. K. I.akc Is? memberof tho Royal *>t I liy iicians and Surgeoflc, and Is tne ol lest and must experienced SPECIALIS.- in the city- Bpe< ! al at- Jentlou KivenU)Nervous Debility from e'eessiv mcr'ai exertion, indiscretion of youth,etc., caus ing physical and mental decay,lac.V of merer, "lesjion.tencv, etc.; aisoCaiiccrs Old Sores, I 1 its. Piles, Uhcunialisui, and all disenscsof the Skin, Blood. I.unifN Urinary Orpiins,itc. Consultation tree an'-I strictly confidential. Office hour",'•> to I snd 7 to 8 r.'M.; Sundays. » to 4 P. M. Only. Tall at olllco or a'Mreaa AKK. OO&. vjCXN AVE- AND4TUST..PIWRIIUUGH. i'A FRAZER& BEST IN THE WORLD. Its wearinpqualitiea are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two box.-s of any other brand. Noi aff«*cto<l by heat. ttTUET TIIK KNI'INE. FOH KALE ISY DEALERS GENERALLY. AFTER ALL others FAIL wmm ■ consult theO'* lie liable DR.LOBB A-J® N. FIRAKNTII ST., PHI LA.. PA. Thirty yean inttbe car# of til of men tAid woirWk N<» in*iz*r from whal cause or lio.v lonic standing. I will Guarantee a cure. IW-Pa~*« Ciotii-BouuJ Look aud axuliW VHJLL. PClilcteM r'm r.nclUh DUnon.l llr*« I. ENNYSOYAL PiLU Oriflnnl Mill Onlj CWBIM. A . • r W • .'•Vor".'-. 14.. \«> 0 " liHi.f r«r I ..11. m Uttt, bj retura \ fr J(«ll. lII.OUU rr.unioDUU. Vane Jhptr. Spuritv , # Sis what you should look for when luiy i Jing whiskftys or liquors; ours aro guar-S Janteed pure; if you bny fr< in us you get J Tthem direct from the IT. S fioveriimcntT barrel; there is no better guar J #antea. w 2Prices Speak for Theinselves:S J 2 year old. Pure Kye, gallon. J C H " 5.50 " ■; C R Special price list on Winos, etc., OUT No extra charge for jug.-# •<>r packing. Qivo us a trial order. # SA. ANDRIESSEN, J f 188 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. # Every Woman / Sometimes needs a rnli •' 1 able- monthly regulating J medicine. Or. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Arf» prompt, wife and certain in rcsiilt. Tbe (retir ing 'Dr. n«»vor disappoint, bont ti.OO. .VtoiMcJict.i .00 . CioviUa^U* Salt t City Pharma?v. tWhat Nerve Berries have done for others ano Ptrmanent/y Restored. 3OTHDA™. A jpositive cure fcr all Weaknesses, and ail their ttfftJijf early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. 'sickness, worry, etc. orei.cessive use of tobacco,opium and liquor, which Jead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist -ipon having :he genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest porket. Price, gl.oo per box, six ! 'oxes, one full treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed to cure a:-.y case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon rer.eipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI. 0. VITALJS /§s®K^;;, , ?s , L!ir u * wen i\U) of V IT All THE GREAT uoth FRENCH REMEDY PKOtltiCfcri THE ABOVE KRSULTH li quick removf- '*• WfiP-tinp Hentor*'* l«wt Vitality. Power and Faillut? Memory. Warda off lii-anity end Consumption. on having VITALIB, no other. Can be carried in veet pocket. Hy mail SI.OO p«»r pH( k««e or e ix for *.">.00 with a guar antee to CUKE OR REFUND TH3 MONEY. Cirrular free. Addrew CALUMET MEDICINE CO., Chicago, lIL For sale in Butler, Pa. by City Pharmacy. FOR SALE. House In lionnlrvllle on I'. & W. B. R. C room new (raiue house, lot looxlSo. Terms ea.-J. Address IK, K. CRAWFOKD. ;Vaienctu, Pa. Man's View Of Marriage. "IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE?" It Is not uncommon for men to bewail the fact that marriage so seldom means a real companionship—that man and wife are Eepatated by difference of taste, of mental outlook, of general interest in life. It i» perhaps even more common to hear women blamed for what is called breach of contract in the marriage relation. If the wife be delicate, run-down, nervous and irritable, if her smile and her spirits have taken flight, it worries her husband as well as herself. Even worse symptoms may fol low —the woman suffers from sleeplessness and fainting spells, her head is in a whirl, her back aches, and she has that awful crowding-down feeling in the abdomen. It depends on the woman whether she will permit these troubles to continue day by dav leading to a life of misery. iTiousands have been cured by taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and why not you ? A healthy woman is always interc. st ing ; she passes for a beauty because siv.- is happy, and her good spirits are contagri is. Good nature goes with health ; irritability and peevishness with sickness. Those who suffer from the derangemer ts, disorders and diseases of the sex should re member that Dr. R.V. Pierce, chief consult ing physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., ha 9, for over a quarter of a century, made the dis eases cf women a specialty. Send 10 cents (in stamps) to him, at above address, for his medical book on "Women and Her Diseases," (168 page* profusely illustrated with wood cuts and colored platesi. It will be mailed to you securely sealed in a plain envelope. It contains photographs, names and addresses of a vast number who have been cured. You can correspond with them and learn how they cured themselves without having to consult a doctor. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to eqinl or compare with Humpilicys' "Witch, Hazel Oil as a CI RATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PII.F.S or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, 1 Hind or Bleeding—ltching and Hurning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and.Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEI'M, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. Sold by Druggists, or Beut post-paid on receiptor price, 11l XPHRETh' 31KI*. CO., 11l £ 11.1 Hllllatn St., New V.irfc WITCH HAZEL OIL |lj Cf! ! 1 Ml \ - A n Earache is about as / ; ' painful an ache as ' ) anything that j jSalva-ceaS ) (TI.AUIMAEK) I \ has to deal with. But it 5 stops it immediately. Big 5 pains —little pain s —it ( stops all of them. Salva-cea i 3 the quickest 1 I to relieve and cure Filar, Boils, \ Caterrh, Chafings, j Ssrc T&rjat, Ulcers.; Caldr., Rhfuat&iism, ; Sera Kiisctes, Burrs. > Two f'. :s, 25 and 50 cents. j / At cr by xnaiL t C TNR: RPAN.)» -I IF t'o. 974 CANAL ST., N. Y. J I FLi-MlNG'sl] ; OLD I 5 EXPORT || WHISKEY || I contains not one r| particle of adulter p- ation and is / t GUARANTEED 8 Yrs. OLD $ • /j 11 i 4 It is beyond doubt I ' \\j the finest rye whis- I key in America. \\ I 4* FULLQUARTS, SI.OO j ij. 6 QUARTS. - $5 00 i iEV Freight prepaid on I I 'J all |io.oo crdert or \ j over. A IF> SEND FOR CATALOGUE. V\\ You will undoubt- $j I Jf-f edly save money I fv* by buying of / ; £ JOS. FLEMING & SON, £ ! ¥- i t> '» , Wholesale and Retail Druggists, V 1 * j 411 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. j'.? j THE KEELEY SURE Is n specjal boon to l>a:incs« men who, li.sving <1 rift***l imntnsciously into ti.<- «:i:fiic J11:■ • uuiilen to liii'l the"Jfseaseof uleolmiis-ii I::, u !i< ■' tip >n them, n-nderinij them unfit to li.aiui i'- lun NquKtnc a clear bruin. A 1.-j.r w course of trea'.mciit at the » PITTSBURG KEELEY INSTITUTE Mo. 424 C Fifth Avenue, /••■•store"; to them all their powers, mental and physical, destroys the a)u>»rir-:1 rj • •. mid restores them to the condltinii t!i<- in l e fore they lndnl:: lln s'iriulants '1 t done lii more than lfiOO cases trrtr:*! !. / .ami among them some of your o-vi. n-:hho:-. to whom we can refer with confidence us to the n olute safety and efficiency of tl» Kc. i. v < lire. The fullest and most searching inv.-- I;••»!Ion is * vlted. Send for wmmhlct giving fuil i.il urm*- Hon. CUB KEYSTOyE PRIDE. For Medical <f- Family Car. $1.25 per qt. or fi qts. for $6. Finch's Golden Wedding, Guckeuheimer, Larpe, Gibson, Bridgeport, Overhold. Full quarts SJ, 6 quarts for $5 Our goods war ranted pure. Grand Father's Choice, guarr.intecd :» years old, per gai. C. 0. I>. aud ami! order' receive predict at tentii n. KOBT. L'iWiN, importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St. Pilisburg, Pa., opposite B. & 0. R. K.^DepoL THE CITIZKN —It is a subject of newspaper comment in Southern California that cents are be ginning to be used there in the stores and commercial transactions generally. It is ony a few years since any coin small er than a nickel was a great rarity any v here west of the Missouri. If the price of anything figured out two cents the odd cents were deducted, if three or four cents, the purchaser paid the nickel. —"As I understood it, doctor, if I be lieve I'm well, I'll lie well. Is that the idea?" j "It is." "Then, if you believe you're paid, I suppose you'll be paid." i "JJot necessarilly." "But why shouldn't faith work as well in one case as in the other?" | "Why, yon see, there is considerable difference between having faith in the Almighty aud having faith in you." —l'ncle Abner (touched) —By gum! but college hain't spoiled that boy for work. Here he liaint't been home six Hours an' he's talkin' in his sleep about "stackin chips." —A mysterious bill has been introduc ed in the New York Legislature to secure 100 acres in Central park, New York for a permanent world's fair. It is a stupen dous scheme. —A white coon that hasn't a dark hair on its body is owned at Weiser, Idaho, and is a kind of town pet. It has dis tinguished itself by whipping all the dogs in the neighborhood, and is sure death to cats that stray into its vicinity. It spends most of its time chained to the sidewalk outside its owner's store. —ln China, divorces are allowed in all cases of criminality, mutual dislike, jealouslv, incompatibility of tempera ment, or too much loquacity on the part of the wife. Among the tartars, if the wife is ill-treated, she corrplains to the magistrate, who, attended by the princi pal people, accompanies her to the house, and pronounces a divorce. —Gregson —Why are you following that yeung man at the plow with a horse whip? Farmer Heyson—Stranger, that's my son. He kem hum frum college with his hair parted in th' middle an' a stnok in' a cigarette. They sent me a whoppin' big bill an' said he'd bin a-sowin' of his wild oats. I'm tnakin' him sow* sum tame ones now, an', b'gum, ef he starts t' run I'll whop him. —Teacher with reading-class. Bov reading: "And as she sailed down the river—" Teacher: "Why are ships called 'she?' " Boy, precociously alive to the respons ibilities of his sex; "Because they need men to manage them." —James Keene is going back to Cali fornia to try his luck again in gold min ing. Keene's life has been a remarkable one. He was a poor laborer about the mines, and in some way he got in on the Comstock lode with Crocker. He left the Pacific coast with SIO,OCD,OOO, which he lost on wheat; made and lost another fortune in the same way; and made an other on the cordage trust that wrecked so many others. —Lots in good places along the beach, ioo feet deep, at Atlantic City are worth st,ooo a foot front, and on the business streets in the heart of the city at least half as much. —Two United States prisoners were put in the Norton county, Kansas, jail last week. Within three hours they had tak en the prison clock apait aud made saws of the springs and were working their way through the steel bars when the Sheriff dropped in on them. —Mark Twain's tobacco account must be a large one, for he consumes over 3, 000 cigars a year. He is said to allow himself 300 cigars a month. —lt is reported from France that the fresh juice of the poppy plant applied to recent bee stings gives immediate relief and prevents inflammation. —A woman turned around in a New York theatre the other night and said to the man behind her, "If my hat is in the nay, I will take it off," He was so sur prised that he protested that he was quite comfortable. So she kept it 011, and though he did not see any of the perform ance in consequence, he was perfectly happy because of the novelty of the ex perience. And that's where he made a sad mistake. —At Larmie, Wyo., William Akerson, convicted of perjury in connection with an attempt to collect bounty for dogs' hides to which he sewed the paws of wolves, was sentenced to two years' im prisonment. A.n Easy Cure for Drunkenness. Druukenneae, Morphine and Tobacco nabits easily cured by the use of Hill's Double chloride of Gold Tablets. No effort is required ot the patient and stimu lants may be taken as usual until given up. Tablets may bs given iu tea or crffee without the patient's knowledge. A care gunranreed in every case. For sale by all first-class druggists, or will bo sent on receipt of SI,OO. For full particulars address The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima. Ohio. —Professor; When is the best time for gathering apples? Young student: Please, sir, when the farmers back is turned and there is no dog in the orchard. Dyspepsia's victims find prompt and permanent relief in Hood's Sarsaparilla. —"Don't you think these paintings are badly hung?" asked one gentleman of another, at a recent art exhibition. "Badly hung? Yes, horribly executed!" was the reply. —Finglis'i Bpavin Lmlmenl lemo'/es a Lard, soft or calloused lumps and b!»m shes from horses, blood spavins, curbs plint", sweeuey, ringbone, stifles, spraiu' 11 swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the in Ist wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. 0. Hedick.s —An Alabama paper publishes the fol lowing notice: "Married, at Flintstone, by the Rev. Windstone, Mr. Neliemiah Sandstone and Wilhelmina ligglestoue, both of Limestone." "1896 Climax Ttran-ly From grape wine, has, by its extreme age and constant care while in uniform temperature and pure, sweet atmosphere ot storage houses for fourteen yoarr, be come a r'val of the Hennessey and other brands cl Cognac Brandy, and much lower in price, and prelerred by the physicians of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities Buy it of druggists. -—When a husband takes the train as he wends his way homeward after the fatigues of the day, may it not be said that he is training himself in the way he should go? I>r. Agnew's Cure lor the Heartgir-s Dsrfect relief in all cases of Organic or sympathetic Heat Disease iu 30 minute.', nd speedily effects a cure. It is a peer *ss remedy f.ir Palpitation, Shortness o. Ircilh, Smothering Spells. Pain in Lei - ide and all symptoms of a Diseased, Heart •no dose convinces. Sold by City Phar, uacy. —The interest on money Is »o high in Siarn that when a man once gets in debt the most he can hope for by the hardest kind of work is to pay the interest 011 what he owes. —Canada extends from oast to west 4,500 miles and 1,400 miles from north to south. It is nearly 30 times the size of the United Kingdom, The population in IS9I was 4,529;4ii —The Sultan of Turkey is constantly attended by a eunich, who will be be headed if the Sultan should die of poi son. A nut RarlituTs llorehouHd and Etecam pane. Combined with Speer's ('.rape Juice and Rock Candy fcr Public Speakers and Singers is being perscribed by many prominent physicians, which is a guaran tee of its purity and its efficiency in cur ing pulmonary complaints. It is in preference to Cod Liver Oil, and in many cases the curative results arc quicker and more permanent. For sale by druggists. I'rice 25 cents and 75 cents. —l)r, I'layfair, of London, whose case is exciting so much comment, is the phy sician who lias assisted in bringing so many of the sprigs of the royal family in the world, and whom "Punch" nomi nated for the peerage, with the title of Lord Deliverus. —Speer's Old Port Grape Wine from his Oporto Grape vineyards at Passaic. N. J., Socialite Claret, vin. ISXI. and his Incious Burgundy stand unrivalled by any wines in the world, especially for invalids. ' Oli, butcher, when I ileal with tliee All sentiment is dead! Take back the heart thou gavest me Aud give me lamb instead." T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Pro mise City. lowa, say-: "I bought one bottle ot'Mystic Cure' fur Bt emr.ati-m. and twn dose., ot it did me miirn good than any medicine I ever took. Sold by J. C Rollick, aud J F. Balpb druggists, Butler. —The cashier's job is always a paying one. One Minute Cough Curo touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right tiite it yon tske it when yon have a cough or cold. See the point? Then don't cough. J. C. Rkdick. A high liver with a torpid liver will not be a long iiver. Correct the liver with De Witt's Little Early Risers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipation. J. C. Rkdick. Don't invite disappointment by experi menting. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cure and you have immediate relief. It cures croup. " The ony harmless remedy thtt produces immediate results. ./ C. Redick. Soothing, healing, cleansing. De Witt's Witch Hszel Salvo is the enemy to sores, wounds and piles, which it never fails to cure. Stops idling and burning. Cure# chapped lips and cold-sores in two or three hours. —Men are frequently like tea—their real strength and goodness are not prop erly drawn out until they have been in hot water. Rheumatism Cuicd in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C Redio, and J. F. Balph Druggists, Butler Apr 96 Velvet til Six Hours. —Distressing Kidney ar.d Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "i«ew Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or loinale. It relieves retention oi water and pain in passing it almost im niediatly, If you want quick relief and cure tui* is your remedy. Sold by J. C. Redick druggist Burlor Pa. —A youngster mischievously set the family piano oa fire, By playing 011 it vigorously the flames were extinguished. It not only is so, it must be so. One Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and that's what makes it go. .1 C. Redick. Quick iu eliect, heals aud leaves no sear. Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cur ed by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Ap plied to burns, scalds, old sores, it is magi eal in effect. Always cores piles. ./. C. Repick —Why is a fly one of the tallest of in sects? —Because he stands over six feet without shoes or stockings. HOOD'S PILLS cure tdver llli, lSllloiisness, Indigestion, llendaclie. A pleasant laxative. AH Dragglsts. —More-bid taste—The passion some womin have for attending auctions. J. W. Pierce, Republic, la,, says: "I have used One Minute Cough Cure in my family and lor myself, with results so en tirely satisfactory that I can hardly find words t<> express myself as to its merit. I w ill never fail to recommend it to others, on every occasion that presents itself." ./. C. Redick ' Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world." sftid a genieus. The druggist lauded hiin a bottle of De Wtt's Little 'iariy Risers, the larnous little pills. J. C.RKDick. —When is a ship like a scarf-pin— When it is on the breast of a heavy swell. Must Use The Knife Said the Sui geon. but Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy was taken and the Eniie Avoided. The Union and Advertiser of Rochester, N. Y., recently published the following interesting account of how William W. Adams of 127 South avenue, that city was saved from a painlul operation by the use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Mr Adams said: "Three years ago I was taken with kidney disease very badly; at times 1 was completely prostrated; in fact, was so bad that the day was set for the doctors to perform an operation upon me. Upon the day set for the operation I commenced the use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and from that moment began to gain, and it was not long before I was entirely cured and have had no re turn ot it since. .Mv weight ha* increased and I never was so well as 1 am now. I have recommended DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY to many people, for it saved my life." In speaking to Mrs. Adams, she said "About a year ago I T as in a very feeble state of health, being completely run down. I had doctored considerably, but without permanent relief. One day one of my neighbors advised mo to take I):, David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, which I did. My trouble was dyspepsia, am. jr a long while I was unable to bo about at all, but after taking a few doses 1 was completely cured, and now enjoy good healh." Hundreds of men and women with that "run dowii" condition, unable to work, have recovered and strength through this remarkable remedy. It purifies the blood stirs the liver and" kidneys to a healthy action. In cases of rheumatism, kidney, liver and urinary troubles, it is a woll known specific. Hotel Butler J. 11. FAUBEL., Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re- 1 fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and al other modern conveniences for' guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be f ound in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use of commercial men M ~ N ' * i" • -• 4L yOLAjft | The coming Artist v/ 0.0 knows enough to paint a popular subject. « X 1 PLUG 1 i You get 5H oz. of "Battle Ax" A for 10 cents. You only get 3i oz. 2S of other brands of no better quality X for 10 cents. In other words, if you 22 5 buy "Battle Ax" you get 2 oz. v X more of high grade tobacco for the 2? same money. Can you afford to ?! S resist this fact? We say NO —jj? S unless you have "Money to Burn/' ?! PINRjE £ /id^Cz&iacC Quiets Pun, Checks Bleeding, Reduces Inflammation, Is the Bicycler s Necessity. Piles, Sores, TT T3 CI Rheumatism, Burns, Colds, U Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Catarrh, Chilblains, Inflamed Eyes, Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Headache, Toothache. Usc pQ VP'S EXTRACT after Shaving—No Irritation Use POND'S EX TRACT after Exercising—No Lameness PON'D'S EXTRACT Oi: ' MEKT is simply a marvel. How isss&sst \ ■ i : gg^ff +UTBT STTU * BEST WOHK * M PRICES^ These are tlie things that have enabled me to build itp a first-class tailoring trade during the last year. We have the most skillful, painstaking cutter; employ none but the very- best workmen; handle nothing but the very best goods, ls>tli foreign and domestic, and guarantee you perfect satisfaction in each and every particular, and for all this clarge you simply a fair living profit. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher ££ SS $S£ op ' I "A tiAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. i- K to CMS&KXMC SSte fMm-.i onenr~u.«» uraiiy. SKXINfc PIUI.S atone, cnec* drains and p » V rcv„,l„e the whole svsitm. ji.oo per box by mall. 6 boxes fori* H*feUlt 1" 1 V"*ks. Witl 'evrrv f; <-r!cr we eiv« :i legal ciarantee to cure or r.fuuJ ""uev Address I'tAl.. MEDICINE CO . Cleveland. Ohio. Everything of the Best at Right Prices for Or. chard, Vineyard, Lawn, Park, Street, Carden Greenhouse, Rarest New, Choicest Old. Eleeant IGB page eataloguo free. Send for it before buying. Half saved bv dealin" direct. Try It. Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, Smail Trees, bv mall to an v ulllce in the O. S. postpaid. Larger by express or frelitht. Safe arrival and BatSaction guaranteed. «udV«r. 7000 Acre*. 2» Creeubou^ THE STORRS & HARRISON CO., Bux Painmillt. 0. J. S. YOUNG, Great Reduction Sale. In order to make room for spring goods we will sell our entire stock of Kbit's furnisliiti" eoods and make you a suit of clothes or an overcoat or a pair of trcuser at great 1 v reduced prices. Now is the time to get a genuine bargain in eier> tiling we sell and we guarantee euerything we make to please and fit >ou. 101 South Main St., °PP osite Hotel Lolsry Silver Wear Free! Handsome triple plated hand engraved Teapots, Cakestands. Fruit stands, Butters, creams, Spoon holders, molasses sugars, castor s. Porcelain and alarm clocks aud othtr articles both ornamental and useful. Call in and inspect the ware. GET i\ CARD. Purchase you overcoat for Men, Boys and Children. Suits. Panti Hats, Capes, Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Cufts, Ties, Suspenders Gloves, Mits, Overalls, Jackets, Sweaters, Umbrellas, Trunks. Valises, Telescopes, Watches. Chains, Charms, Rings, Pins, Brushes, Pocket and Bill-books, Purses and when your purchase amounts to sis-" oo you get your choice of any of the above articles. Our Stock is complete, And Styles correct Quality the best, And prices the lowest- D. A. HECk, No 121. N.Main St. BUTLER, PA. DIAMONDS | BIKU3. EAR KINGS. WATCHES m.I-.JJTS GOI.I). .tLAIMBS .CHATLAIN. •v w~i tar Tier* Y "•/* "W I Gold Pins. Ear Kings, Kings, JE VW A* if ( Chains, Bracelets, Etc. ______ *7 TTSY T9 "T/ 01 Tea Sets. Castors, JKutter IMslies and; Ever} iblj.w 2S5]L4j M AJt it a. VV that (an be touivi in a Ilrst class store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 } KNrvEs t ' OHKS S,,,,<^P L K ITATE. E, GRIEB.jh: ™om: No. 13'J North Main St., Butler, Pa. Easter rv T* pn n p Spring Hats L'- I. r cipe Hats The Leading Milliney House In gutler County Stylish and Beautiful are the Hats and Bonnets we have selected for our spring trade. Never has our stock of Millinery been so grand and at prices that will astonish you. Come in and see for yourself. Our Stock of Mourning Goods Always Complete. D. T. Pape 122 S. Mam it Butler Pa. T. H. Bf l RTON y aim the past year was to give you the best quality of goods for the low est cash price. And to say least, my trade has been beyond all expectation. So if you wish to know what has caused it COME IN and you will soon be convinced that lam headquarters for good goods at lowest prices. T. H. BURTON 120 South Main Street Butler, Pa. Whiskies, Wines and Liquors. There are many people imposed opoa when thej buy liquor for tbe sick-room, for the table, or for social pleasures, because tbey do not know how or where to buy. A first-class article can only be found in a first-class house. There are many dealers who pose as Wholesale Liquor Dealers, but there is no other firm which bears the repu tation for fair and honest dealing which MAX KI EIN enjoys, and the reasons are because be carries the largest and most complete stock of liquors of all kinds in the State;—because every article is guaranteed to be absolutely pure, be cause his prices are tbe lowest, and because be deals squarely with tbe public. You may Judge trom tbe following. Silver Age Rye—the peer of all whiskies—sl.so per qt, sls 00 per case Duquesne Rye, 92 per cent pure rye and 8 per cent barley malt, $1.25 per qnart. sl2 50 p6r case. , Bear Creek Rye, six years old, finest quality, SI.OO per qt, $lO 00 per oih. Gibson, Flinch. Quckenheimer and Orerholt—all well known brands, SI.OO per qt, or SIO.OO per case. Guckenheimer 4 year old, 75 cts per qt, .or $8 00 per case, an excellent whiskey at tbe price, superior to most whiskies at sl. All caseß contain 12 full quart bottles. If you send your order here for any of the abore you will receive oetter goods than anywhere else. Don't forget that we pay all express and other charges on orders amounting to $5 or over Send for latest Catalogue and Price List to MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. Wholesale Liquor Dealer. QU ESTION is often "ked, What Paint shall we THE ANSWER 1 If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERW/N-WILLIAMS PAINT\ Gtmrt Mott, Lookt But. Wmn Lomfftti. Hot Ctunmical, Full | Our prices are for • 'best goods" first, last and aH the time. We are in the business to «Uy and fesawSS&W VARMSH[S( V J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Hain St the name of the next President Of The Dnited States WIU, UK ANNOUNCED LT* The New York Weekly Tribune OF NOVEMBER 4th, 1896. Public interest w ; ll steadily increase, an<l the question bow tbe men whoae votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the results under the ad minist/ation they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. The New York Weekly Tribune, the leading Republican family newspaper of the United States, will publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every Ameiican citizen regardless of party affiliations. . , . ~ Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondence covering the news of the world, an argicultural department-second to none in the country, market re ports which are recoj-nized authority, fascinating short stories complete in eact number, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign in 1 domestic, wUh Uieir be* comic pictures, fashion plates and elaliorate descriptions of woman s attire, wi 1 varied and attractive department of nouseliold interest. The New \ork Weekly Tribune" is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any othei weekly publication in the country issued from the office of a daily. Large changes are bang made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi ally more interest to the women and young people of the household. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enablA us to offer this splendid journal and "TKE CITIZEN One Year For Only #1.50, V CASH IN ADVANCE. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME Address all orders to . THE CITIZKN. Write your name and address o.i a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, room Tribune Building, New York City, an:l a sample copy of The New \ork We Tribune will be mailed ?6 you. *"3 A Summer Drive - cscs a measure ° f sts p ieasure thc cirria s e > s ' ess * ux y urious, easy running and handsome than it mijht be. Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get—are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Made by FRELOMA WFG. CO.. Youngstovn, Ohio.