Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 23, 1896, Image 2

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lkUr*4 it hiUlo St I(Um u
WILLI!! 0. IKLII. r»Hl«fc«*
Repblioui County Ticket.
W. H. RiTTK*.
Washington Notes.
The resolution for an investigation of
recent bond issues was taken np in the
senate Thursday, and Mr. Hill made
a sensational and dramatic speech in op
position. The New York senator defend
ed Secretary Carlisle and his administra
tion of the treasury against loose insinua -
tions of irregularity. He denounced the
resolution" and as containing "a mean
contemptible insinuation." He asked
would any senator make a direct charge,
and there was no reply.
He said the prevalence of charges of
irregularity and wrong was shown by the
recent public allegations of Senator
Chandler that the friends of Mr. McKin.
ley were conducting "a boodle cam
paign." Mr. Hill said he had nothing
to say against Mr. McKinley. He admir
ed him for bis courage. He says he is a
candidate instead of saying he is "in the
hands of his friends."
Mr. Hill's experience was, he said,
that a man who started "in the hands of
his friends," wound up "in the hands of
the enemy."
'•I had supposed Mr. McKinley was
making an honorable canvass," proceed
ed Mr. Hill, "until I read the Chandler
The Chandler charges were sent to the
desk and read in full.
Mr. Chandler sat on the Republican
Ale, smiling as the reading proceeded.
After the reading had concluded Mr. Hill
went on:
These charges have not been met, he
said. No answer had been submitted to
the serious accusations of Mr. Chandler.
Reflections on his motive were no answer
to the charges. Why, asked Mr. Hill,
was there not an investigation?
"Here are charges of corrupt use of
money to buy up a presidential nomina
tion," exclamed Mr. Hill. "Here are
charges of a levy on the protected inter
ests to secure a platform in accordance
with their desires,
"But no senator —not even the senator
from Kansas—asks for an investigation.
Here is an offense against the franchise,
a stab at our institutions, when it is
charged that 1250,000 has been raised to
and yet no investigation is proposed. Let
the Chandler charges be investigated, too.
Let us do it now, before the heat of this
political campaign comes on."
Mr. Hill next passed on the sugar in
vestigation and ridiculed its results. One
senator had the courage to say to the in
vestigation committee. "Yes," he haJj
dealt in sugar. "Did it hurt him?,' askjH
ed Mr. Hill. "No; to-day he is the caiy
didate and favorite son of the leading
Republican state of the union for the
presidency, with a host of friends and
CONGRESS is branding "filled cheese"
as a similar food fraud to oleomargerine.
The House has passed a bill by a vote of
nearly three to one requiring manufactur
ers to pay a tax of £4OO annually, whole
sale dealers 1250, and retail dealers fi2
and imposes heavy fines for violating the
law. It requires the branding of
"filled cheese" as such and its sale only
from original packages, and dealers to
keep posted a conspicuous sign of "Pilled
Cheese sold here." Pilled cheese is made
of skimmed milk and neutral lard front
the slaughter houses of Chicago, and
and costs about four and a half cents a
pound to make. Its manufacture has
largely incr eased in the last few years
and not only was driving the legitimate
article from the market but was bringing
disrepute on the latter in foreign markets
to which large quanitities were formerly
exported. The bill taxing and branding
the filled article w»s passed bv the Re
publicans of the House, only eleven of
them voting against it, while the Demo
crats voted solidly against the hill. That
vote should return to plague the men
who cast it against such a measure in lie
half of the large dairy interests of this
country and of the consuming public.
The Canvass up to Date.
(Press of Monday)
Only lourteen dslsgatss ars to be added
to tbs tabls to-day, most ot wbom have
been plaoed in the doubtful column. Tbe
following table indioaVee the preferenoes
of tbe 592 delegates now elected:
or.; o o ® j o
»«- n'mrig
• <5 r*
Alabama .22 12 1 8
Arkansas 18 .. 18
Diet. of Gol'b'a. .2 1 1
Florida 8 .. 8
Georgia 26 619
Illionis 48 .. 10 .. 12
Indiana 30 .. 20
lowa 26 26
Kansas 20 .. 16
Kentuoky.... ~2C .. 10 16 ..
Louisana 16 8 5 .... 3
Maine 12 12
Maryland 16 .. 2
Massachusetts. 30 30
Miohigan 28 .. 2
Minnesota..... 18 .. 18
Mississippi 18 .. 16
Missouri 34 ..14
Nebraska 16 .. 14
N. Hampshire. 8 8
¥ew Jersey....2o ..10 6
Mew Mexico... 6 4
.«e» York... .72 .. 266
N'th Carolina..22 .. 2
North Dakota.. 6 ..6
Ohio 46 .. 34
Oklahoma 6 4 2
0reg0n........ 8 .. 8
Pennsylvania.. 64 .. 2 30 .. 6
Rhode Island.. 8 8
-80. Carolina.. .18 .. 1 .... 11
South Dakota.. H .. 8
Tennessee 24 .. 4
Texas 30 ltf 6.... 14
Utah 6 6
Virginia 24 .. 6
Wisconsin 24 ..24
West Virginia. .l 2.. 2
Total 87 896 67 12 44 30 16 41
The •Uotion of a few more delegates will
oubtless be reported to-morrow, making
the total elected 400 or more,
Political Notes.
At the meeting of the Republican Dis
trict Convention in New Castle, Monday,
M. S. Quay of Beaver, and S. Perkins
of Mercer county, were selected as Dele
gotes to the National Convention from
this district, and E. E. Abrams of Butler
was recommended for Presidential Elec
Samuel Miller, of Mercer and William
Wallace, of Lawrence were named as
alternates. Jno. P, Elkin was indorsee!
for state chairman, and Quay for Presi
dent. The Butler Co. delegation might
as well have staid at home for they found
when they arrived in New Castle, that
the other three counties had everything
The reports of the convention sent to
the Pittsburg Gazette and Dispatch state
that "a standing vote for President was
taken and amid great hurrahs every
member of the convention stood up for
Quay." That was not the case. Two
members of the delegation from this
county Dr. Dennison of Bruin and E. R.
Kennington of Saxonburg did not stand
up. -At Bruin a vote was taken on Presi
dent at the late primary, and the resu.t
was 79 for McKinley and 11 for Quay.
George Robinson was chairman of the
convention, and H. H. Goucher was
a member of the committee on resolu
The Republican State Convention meets
at Harrisburg, today, and quite a number
of our citizens, including our two dele
gates went on yesterday,
A Dispatch from Harrisburg dated
Monday, said:
The eight national delegates at large
have not been announced by the Quay
ites. Senator Quay says that he wants
Gov. D. H. Hastings selected, as the ex
ecutive will nominate him at St. Louis.
The others supposed to be slated are
James Elverson, Philadelphia; J. B. Ray
monds, Altoona; Joseph Bosler, Montgom
ery. Others mentioned are Lieut. Gov.
Walter Lyon, Allegheny; "Francis J. Tor
rance, Allegheny; Charles A. M'nor,
Wilkesbarre; Dr. Theodore L. Flood,
Crawford county, and Samuel Daven
port, Erie.
The first battle of the day (probably
settled by this time) is for the State
Chairmanship. Since Quay announced
he would not be a candidate for re-elec
tion, two candidates have loomed up—
John P. Eikin of Indiana county and
Prank W. Leech of Phil*—both of whom
have made fuite ah eflirt for the place.
It is supposed that Grow will be renom
inated for Congressman-at-Large, and
that James S. Beacom of Greensburg will
be the other nominee.
Besides our two delegates to the State
Convention, Dr. Leighner and Reuben
Shanor, the following Butler Co. men are
in Harrisburg today—W. H. Ritter, A. B.
C. McFarland, W. J. Marks, Eli Robin
son, A. M. Campbell, John Gilliland,
Alex Frazier, W. H. Grove, S. Frankle,
Harry Graham, S. Flanagan, C. F. L.
McQuistion, Dr, Black, M A. Berkimer,
J. W. Hutchison, L. A. Sutton, W. C. |
McCandless, David Garrett, Filmore
Harper snd Jack Walker.
On Wednesday the fight for chairman
ship,had became so hot,and was making so
much trouble for Quay that he sent for
Elkin and Leach and told them he
would again take the place himself.
Beacom of Greensbnrg was put off the
slate for Congressman at Large, and
Davenport of Erie put on to smooth over
some promises made by Andrews.
At the caucus Leach got the better of
Penrose as to the program for to-day;
and last night Leach started a campaign
in his own behalf, and before midnight
lFwas being ctrcuiaieu ...... mc yuay
orders would lie disobeyed by his own
people and that Leach would be made
State Chairman. A small crowd of boys
burning red fire was led through the
streets by a band. Immediately in front
of the band was a colored man bearing a
'banner upon which is inscribed this
rtrange device:
Frank Willing Leach is the people's
choice for State Chairman.
Mr. Leach also had circulars distribut
ed which allege that Senator Quay and
W. H. Andrews were booming John P.
Elkin for State Chairman, because they
want to apply at least $20,000 of the next
Republican campaign fund to paying the
expenses of the Penrose-Andrews-Lexow
committee, The money used by that
peculiar reform combination, it is alleged,
was borrowed for the time and must now
lie settled by the Republican party.
The complication in the Twenty-eighth
Congressional District was a natural re
sult of the conferree system. Clarion,
Forest and Elk Counties combined to
elect the delegates to the Republican
National Convention, practically ignoring
Clearfield and Centre. The other two
counties of the district, having discoverer!
the combination, naturally entered a pro
While this shutting out of Clearfield
and Centre Counties was obviously due
to the fact that the candidates for nation
al delegates presented by those counties
were doubtless for McKinley, it is not
necessary to discuss that feature. The
whole point is that conferrees represent
ing altogether some 6000 Republican
votes are enabled by this combination to
defeat the conferrees of Clearfield and
Centre, representing more thin 10,000
Republican voters. The Republican vote
in Clearfield alone is almost a* large as
the combined Republican vote of Clarion,
Forest, and Elk, but the 1000 votes of
Forest County have just the same repre
sentation in the conference as the 6CXXJ
of Clearfield, and the 3000 cast by Forest
and Elk together have twice the power
that the 4700 of Centre or the 6000 of
Clearfield, aid is nut Ictbt<£<er
The congressional conference for the
Twenty-seventh congressional district,
comprising McKean, Warren, Venango
and Cameron counties, met in Kane, last
Friday and organized by the election of
T. B. Clark of Bradford chairman, and
Mr. Nichols of Emporium, secretary.
There were twenty conferrees present.
Charles W. Stone of Warren was nomi
nated for congress. A. C. Hawkins of
McKean and S. C. Lewis of Venango
were elected delegates to the Republican
national convention; T. B- Simpson of
Venango and W. H. Howard of Cameron,
alternates. William Sclincur of Warren
was chosen presidential elector.
The Republican return judge of Craw
ford county met in Meadville, Monday,
to canvass the vote at Saturday's primar
ies. The official vote for National dele
gates, is as follows: Quay candidates,
Win. H.Andrews, 3,646; Louis Struber,
3. a 35; McKinley candidates, Jesse Moore
3,708; W. J. Sands, 3,613.
Quay's first lieutenant thus loses his
own county by 62 votes; after the hardest
political fight he has ever been through
and an utmost unlimited use of money.
111 addition Andrews narrowly missed
losing the county organization. The con
vention was tame.
ACCORDING to a recent decision of Dep
uty Attorney-General Elkin, the various
counties must pay the assessors for mak
ing the enumeration of children of school
age under tbe compufsory education law.
A D'ssertation on Character.
[Quiet Observer in Pittsburg Gazette]
"How am I to judge of the disposition
of a man whom I only meet occasionally,
and then under circumstances that would
lead him to try to appear to the very best
advantage?" asks a country-town maiden.
I mav as well tell you that he has ask
ed me to marry, and that I leel very
much inclined to accept him. However,
a cousin of mine—a dear, sweet girl—mar
ried one of the finest looking men I ever
saw, and we all thought her wonderfully
fortunate. To all appearances he was
good-natured, systematic and gentle, :->ee
him when you would he was wearing a
smile, and "he seemed to be ever ready to
pass trifles by without notice.
Now we know him to be a terror. As
mv brother says, he smiles and smiles,
and is a villian still. He is unreasonable,
unkind and uncompanionable. And yet
he can put on a smile at a moment s no
tice in the presence of company, act
though he was the most indulgent of hus
bands and wear the dignity and solemn
demeanor of a deacon to perfection.
There was no way for this poor girl to
find out his disposition, because she got
acquainted with him when visiting in the
eastern part of the state, and saw bim
only when he came to call on her, which
was quite frequent. Her friends with
whom she was visiting when they met
sav that all they ever heard against him
was that he had a hastv temper, but the
outbreaks lasted only for a moment.
Now he is sullen, cruel, peevish and
seems to take special delight in making
his wife miserable. Nor is his cruelty
and meanness confinedjto his wife, but he
abuses animals, kills birds and seems to
despise everything but himself. And yet
this disposition does not show in his
countenance, nor is his conduct plain
enough to be detected by strangers.
My poor cousin wrote me the other
day, saving: "For heaven's sake, dear'
don't marrv until vou are quite sure your
husband is'what he appears to be. For
my part I would a thousand times rather
live and die ?n old maid than to be tie«i
to this elegant brute. Death would be
welcome at this very moment.
Upon the receipt of this letter I can
celed the visit of my sweetheart, at which
he was to receive his final answer, and
will not fix another date until after I
have heard from you. I write you with
the consent of my family, and we will
await your answer with much anxiety.
Two other of my girl friends were dis
appointed in the men they picked, which
onlv helps to make ine a'l the more care
ful.' If you use this letter don't say
where it is from.
If this young woman will note careful
ly how her sweetheart treats horses and
dogs she will be able to get a pretty fair
idea of how he would treat her were she
in his power.
Of course she must not let him know
that she is observing his conduct.
As a rule, men who treat dumb animals
kindly and considerately, and particular
ly dogs and horses, are'gentle, sympathet
ic and heart some. It is not necessary
that they should l>e dog or horse fanciers;
indeed, it is better they should not be, if
their fondness for them is begotten by a
strong love for the sports to which these
animals contribute with more or less pain
and discomfort, if not with their lives.
The genuine humanitarian will help a
suffering cur or a played-out dray horse
as quickly as though they boasted of ped
igrees. And he never wantonly hurts or
mistreats a dog or any other animal, nor
does he enjoy seeing others abusing them.
Cruel hearted men have 110 use for dogs,
except to use in inflicting cruelty on some
Other animals.
Some persons possessed of gentle dis
positions have natural aversions to cer
tain animals, just as some have to certain
sounds, colors or foods, but they do not
show this aversion by wantonly abusing
the poor creatures- Some are afraid of
dogs, and recoil from their touch, yet
they cheerfully provide for their comfort.
The cat is oftener the subject of aver
sion than the dog. This may lie 011 ac
count of the selfishness or the indiffer
ence of pussy. And yet, unless the indi
vidual has a cruel streak 111 his makeup,
he is not going to deliberately tread on
pussy's tail when she comes purring
around and rubbing her furry coat against
his feet. Nor will he spit tobacco juice
in her eyes if she makes free enough to
jump into his lap.
Nor does the gentle-hearted man de
birds. Some men do this thoughtlessly,
or because the savaze streak that was
born in them hat! lieen allowed to de
velop without restraint. All l>oys, you
know, are born savages.
There are a good many Jekyls and
Hydes—more of them than you may
think for. As Mr. Hydes they are noted
for unbanity, deference and politeness.
Their handsome, or, at least, shapely faces
are ever redolent with sweetness and
burdened with smiles—overburdened, in
fact. You would never suspect them of
being fiends in disguise.
In some instances they are not, but are
victims of a peculiar form of disease due
to some mental or physical defect.
It is not from these that innocent wo
men have most to fear, but f r otn the
bland, smiling, polite and painfu'ly pre
cise type. These are usually profuse ia
their praises of anything intended to be
praised, and profligate in the distribution
of taffy. Their whole effort seems to be
to make themselves appear as paragons
of niceness when in the presence of nice
people. However, their adeptness in the
paragon business is not limited to the
field of niceness.—Gazette.
THB women of Ohio are after the au-
Ithor of tbe high-hat law. They have
discovered that he parts his hair in the
middle. They have started a petition
asking the Legislature to pass a law
prohibiting men from wearing their hair
in that style, claiming it as the special
prerogative of woman-kind.
THK Philadelpeia Times thinks it is
very likely that the free silver sentiment
will be in the majority in the Democra
tic National Convention. It figures out
404 free silver delegates, 306 sound money
and 196 doubtful with an equal show for
free silver. The Times is a sound money
paper and it can find little salve in the
contemplation of the Democratic future.
The X Rays Do It.
Consumption is dead.
Typhoid was killed outright.
Cholera has been stunned for 14 days.
Pnuetnonia was barely able to resume
its work.
Anthrax and glanders escaped with ser
ious injury.
Influenza missed slaughter by its i>osi
tion under the tube.
This is the latest bulletin from the lab
oratory of Prof. Pratt and Wightman of
Chicago, who announced to the world
that the Roentgen ray is the solution of
the germ scourge. The last and final ef
forts to revive the exposed colonics of
germs, have left four stone dead. The
investigators make this positive declara
They claim that every possible scienti
fic precaution was taken that there might
be 110 possible reason for their own decep
tion. They are convinced of the success
of tbe first experiment with the bacilli
in test tulies. They started this morning
in the laboratory a new series of trials
which they insist will prove or disprove
tbe possible use of the discovery in actual
IT is well to bear in mind that every
thing that happens, happens of necessity,
as the result of inexorable law. This will
help you to bear the misfortunes of life
with more serenity. Persons of small in
formation and no philosophy are apt to
think that they, of all people, have the
liardest lot. What seem to be the most
surprising chances, would, if all the
causes were known to you, appear just as
natural as the fact that seed time is fol
lowed by harvest. "Hard luck" is the
inevitable consequence of foolish and
stupid conduct. Good fortune is just as
certainly the result of prudent foresight
and co rrect demeanor.
STEAM and electricity have largely
. displaced the workhorse. Hereafter
horses will be bred with a view to speed.
A gentleman who has given the matter
considerable attention writes as follows:
The difficulty in keeping milk during
warm weather has led to the use
preparations intended to retard the opera
tion of soaring, which, after all, is but the
first step towards decomposition, and
which is rapidly tollowed by other changes
which make the milk entirely unfit for hu
man food. So great has this evil become
that the last Legislature deolared that the
me of such material should bo deemed a
misdemeanor and punishable by a heavy
fine or imprisonment, or both. The act
reads as follow, as quoted with punctua
tion marks from the Pamphlet Laws o 1
the session of 1895: "Section I. Be it
enacted, £c., That the sale or offering for
sale of milk for human consumption in this
commonwealth, to which has been added
boracic acid, salt boracic acid, salicylic
acid, salicylate of soda, or any other acid
drug, compound or substance shall be a
misdameanor and punishable by a fine ot
not more than one hundred dollars, or an
imprisonment not exceeding three months,
or both, or either, at the discretion of the
court." It it true that the false punctua
tion of the acts renders it ridiealous, but
as our ourts generally rule according to
the spirit and intent of the law, it is, of
course, presumed that the intent, which is
very plain, will be taken ae the guide.
The danger from the use of these pre
servatives lays in the evident fast that any
thing which will prevent fermentation or
1 decomposition will also prevent digestion,
and it naturally follows that infants and
persons of weak digestion who take these
materials into their systems with their lood
must suffer to a greater or less degree,
which will in all cases be in proportion to
the vigor and strength of their digestion.
It 18 also quite easy to imagine the milk
containing any salt of boracio acid may
and will, especially it continued any great
length of time, inflict injuries which may
prove permanent and will undoubtedly
still further weaken the digestion. Our
milkmen disagree as to the possibility of
keeping milk free from the germs of decom
position, bnt it has been clearly proven
ttiat tbis can tie accomplished without tbe
use of preservatives ot any kind, aud that
the best plan that oan possibly be pursued
is to prevent the introduction of the germs
into the milk from the time that it leaves
the udder ol tbe oow. When first milked
it the animal is in good health, it is prac
tically free from all gi-rms of disease, but
every minute that it remains exposed to
the atmosphere, especially in warm weath
er, the danger of decomposition and dis
ease are increased, until, especially alter
it has been carried long distances in the
hot sun in wagons and cans, it may become
loaded with not only the germs which pro
duce the decomposition known as souriiig,
but also other disease germs.
There are two plans, either of which
have been tound to be effective. One is
to sterilize the milk and kill all disease
germs by the application of heat aud tbe
other is to place tue milk in tightly soaled
bottles immediately after the animal heat
has been taken out. If bottled with the
the animal heat in the fluid the good
effects are not only lost, but the dangers
ot decomposition and change are really
increased. If, however, by aeration or
ottier means the milk is rapidly reduced in
temperature and then at obce bottled, or
in somu manner excluded from tbe possi.
bility of the entrance of these germs, tbe
object is attained and injury prevented. It
has been clearly demonstrated that even in
warm weather, if the animal heat is rapid
ly taken out and the milk bottled or plac
in air-tight jars, it may be kept sweet and
palatable and without change for several
da>s. Probably tbe same result could he
obtained by keeping it at a very low tem
perature, but this is not practicable whon
it must bo transported considerable dis
tance to me C' nf.ntliers. Tt should be re
membered that dt composition can only
commence in milk by the entrance of thy
germs which cause the chango. If these
can in any way he excluded, the desired
result is attained, and tbe aim should be
to ascertain that method which will ac
complish this result at the least possible
cost. The addition of the so-called "pre
servatives" and "pres-rvalines" is forbid
den by law, and hence other means mas 1
be resort ed to prevent the evil.
HENRY GEORGE said in speech at New
York the other day, speaking of the next
Presidential election, "I shall think, per
haps, that the best thing to do will be to
vote for McKinley. As between Cleve
land and McKinley, I should certainly
vote for McKinley. If we must have a
protectionist, I say, let us hffve a tlior
ouglitone." Now that is not so bad for
a free trade philsophcr and dyed-in-the
wool Democrat, is it?
PADKREWSKI'S price for playing the
piano at a private reception is (500 a
minute. A San Francisco woman wrote
to Paderewski'smanager some days ago,
when the pianist was in that city, asking
for five minutes at an afternoon tea. —
She got a reply tfiat the charge would be
£2,500. She thought this rather steep,
and wrote another note, offering to pay
I,noo for five minutes of Paderewski's
music. She didn't even get an answer
to this note.
l)r. Young, a son of Hugh Young, came
home last week and has already given out
the contract to ffm. Gibson for tbe con
struction of a new house for his father, and
it is said he intends building a new black
smith shop.
Chas. Burris, with his family, expects to
move to the country, where it will be
more convenient lor bis work. The house
he expects to move into is located at the
well he is pumping.
Maud C»tnpbell of Gouoord twp. is stop
ping at MoClures'.
Newt Wilson and wife were presented
with a baby girl on last Thursday the 10th
inst. They with their friends, rejoice.
Mrs. S. M. McClure has jast received a
new stock of spring Hats, Ribbons, etc.,
in the millinery line, of the laiest city
J. A. Wilson and MoChesney and Co.
have completed their coal bank with new
iron track, laid on niw ties and are again
running out coal tor the pahlic.
Services next Sunday evening at half
past seven by Hev. W. M. McClureat the
Presbyterian church. UKNT.
MR. DEI'HW says lie found Gov. Mor
ton to be very popular in the West Mr.
Dcpew is a discoverer. He has found
what nobody else has been able to.
THE church fair down in Maine is
getting to be quite sporty, "Kvery game
will be square," appears in a recent ad
vertisement of a church fair in a little
town in that State.
WHAT utter nonsense it is to talk
about an alliance between Great Britian
and Spain. English statesmen arc not
fools. On the contrary, they have the
reputation of being the ablest in the
QUICK retribution sometimes overtakes
a man who ventures to suggest a "favor
ite son." A person out in Kansas men
tioned John J. Ingalls as a possible Presi
dential candidate. Within two days the
man died.
HARRITY seems to have the I'attisoti
boom all complete and be in full poascs
sion of the convention, notwithstanding
the objection ot Chauncey Forward
Black and the few lone urvivors who
I cling to Jcflcrsotiian tradition and an
cient party btatutu.
Tn-Centenary of the Potato.
(New York Heraid.i
TD# tri centenary of the introduction of
the potato is to be celebrated in Eugland
[ this year, for it was in 1590 exactly three
| centuries ago, that Sir W alter Kaleigh
I planted the first Irish potaio in his estate,
at Youghal, near Cork. It is a singular
tact that an insigniticant plant, with no
beauty of leaves and flowers, with a nauii*
eous odor and a juice of a poisonous qual
ity, growing wild among the ereyices of
the rocks which bound the shores ot Peru
and Chili, unknown to the world at large,
and all but neglected by tbe rude native*,
should have been transferred three cen
turies ago to Europe, eventually to be
come one of the most important articles of
human diet and largely influence the pop
ulation of half tbe globe.
The potato belongs to a family of plants
botanically known as tho Solanactie,
which includes tbe deadly nightshade and
other poisonous plants. The juice jf its
own leaves and stems, and even ot the
skins of its tubers, is slightly poisonous.
In its native state the plant is .small, and
the tubers rarely exceed the size of a wal
nut or common chestnut. They are also
of a mo'st, waxy consistence, and have a
slightly bittish taste. The color of the
blossoms is generally white, instead of
red and purple hues of the cultivatsd sarts.
By the careful cultivation ot man, how
ever, these small wa.<y and bitter tubers
have been swelled out into large, farina
ceous, palatable potatoes, one single stem
producing many pounds weight.
THE Japanese are said to lie delivering
a bicycle of fairly good quality at San
Francisco for twelve dollars.
DOWN in Kentucky, in order to show
their high estimation of a young lady,
her friends got up a dog fight in her
honor. And it is said that the young
lady thought it was perfectly "lovely.''
Final Report of Millerstown Public
Room No 1. had enrolled G6 pupils with
an averaue daily attendance of 55; per cent
of attennnee. boys D 4, gitls 90, 23 pupils of
this room were not absent during *he
Room Nj 2, had enrolled 49 pupils with
an average daily attendance of 48; per cent
of attendance, boys 98, girls 97, 37 pupils
of this room were not absent during the
Room No 3, had enrolled 65 pupils with
au average daily attendance of G2; per cent
of attendance, boys 96, girls 94, 37 pupils
of this room were not absent during the
Room No 4, tad enrolled 40 pupils with
an avorage daily attendance of 33; per cent
of attendance, boys 94, girls 94, 29 pupils
of this room weie not absent during the
Room No 5, had enrolled 30 pupils with
an average daily attendance of 32, per cent
of attendance, boys 96, girls 94, lo pupils
of this room were not absent during the
Room No 0, had enrolled 18 pupils with
an average daily attendance of 16; per cent
of attendance, boys 97, girls 98, 10 pupils
of this room were not absent during the
To the directors, parents and pupils ol
Milleratown Schools, I, in the name of tt e
several teachers, wish 10 extend to you our
heart felt gratitude for tbe kindness shown
us during the term of school just closed.
Our sta}- among you has been most pleas
ant and we now leaveyour town and houus
with many loud remembrances.
The attendance you gave us on reception
day was a pleasant surprise, tho number
present being nearly 11/ O. Mauy congrat
ulations have been received by the teach
ers upon the success of the performance at
that time.
The final examination held during last
1 week fully oonvirced me that the pupils
I have been Workiug siuce the last promo
tion examination we held. I also take
pride in hero saying, that the questions
which I gave in our final examinations
were harder than any others given in this
school ill the last leu years. Aud yet
tnprc »nr motr» |rr*rmorTOTTw made tnnn r
expected or even desired. To the pupils
I wish yon all a pleasant vacation, aud
should you be permitted to be in school
, next winter 1 will only sjy try still hari'.er
to prepare yourself for lulure life. The
world of opportunities lios before you, and
you have the chance to make a sad failure
or a grand success ol life. The fields ot
success have uo room for the indolent, idle
drones ol society, whilst for the m ire in
dustrious young men and women there is
always a place of honor.
Again ttianking you one aud all fcr your
kinduess towards me a< Principal of your
school for tho last two years, I remain,
Yours very truly,
INDICATIONS of a race war in Louisi
ana arc showing up. So alarming has
become the situation that Archbishop
Janssens has written a strong letter call
ing the attention to the authorities to I
the ciitical condition of affairs. The
white leaguers are oranizing armed
bands, and the negroes are taking to the
canebrakes. The race problem in the
South is a very serious one, and much
trouble is bound to result before it is
solved. , . ,
A NKW YORK capitalist has had plans
made for a building 200 stories high.
The structure will occupy an entire
block, and will be built of steel. It will
be nearly three times as high as tbe Eiffel
Tower, and will accomodate 400,000
people. Electric elevators will be used
to carry the inhabitants half a mile to
wards the heavens. The building will
cost a vast sum of money, but the arclii
tectssay it is perfectly feasible. Chica
go's twenty-four story sky scrapers will
be dwarfs beside this structure, which
will lie a city within itself, capable of
bousing all the inhabitants of Pittsburg
under one roof.
Jack Frost was an unwelcome visitor
last night.
Mrs. MeKinney of Allegheny, is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Magee for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Tun Kyle,have moved to
their new hou«e. 5
Messrs llovis and Hilmanof Wesley, pas
sed through town Friday evening enn.ute
to Butler, Irving to trace two boy thieves
that had stolen a horse and buggy in this
viciniyt, no clue yet.
Anothor name has been added to the
doctors'list. John Dowues is a profession
al cow doctor, anil if he can euro the aui
inal ho has now in his possession ho will be
a wonderful man.
Miss Mary Cochran has returned from
the city, where she was purchasing her
millinery goods.
Mr. Koonoe of McDonald, was the guest
of John Downes, Tuesday.
Mr. Kithlinger and Ed Bingham return
ed to Butler, Monday.
Mr. Bentty and tamily have moved to
their summer residence above town.
Card parties and dances have beoouie
qui'e numerous in our loctlily.
R«v. Roberts, of Grove City, preached
in the M. E Church, April 19. to a large
John A twoll attended the funeral of his
mother yesterday afternoon. Interments
in tho Clintonville cemetery.
Mrs. King made r. Hying trip to Slippery-
Hock this morning.
Gen William Stuart has not started for
Cuba yet, as he lias been very busy mak
ing garden, he has onions ready for use
IT is a curious and significant fact that
in the last four weeks more corn than
wheat has been exported from the United
States. This apparent change in the re
lative demand for these two great cereals
is encouraging for the farmers, as they
have much less competition from other
countries in corn than in wheat. —If we
could find a good foreign market for all ,
our surplus corn, it would be an iiicsti- j
' ujable advantage.
W. 11. McGaffic who has been taking
treatment at Cambridgeboro, for rheuma
tism, returned to that place on Monday.
Bert Qockeubnry of Weet Sanbury, was !
over to see his mother on Saturday.
L. C. Cartwright who has been low with j
consumption tor s<> long is no better.
Dr. A. Maltby occupied the M. E. palpi',
in Butler on Sunda3' and also addres.-ed >
the Y. M, C. A.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hepler of Saxonbuig
are visiting Mrs. llcpler's mother. Mis.
S. K. Westlike and wife who nave both
been ill, are improving rapidly.
On Saturday while helping roof S. Sny
der's house, Alex Kelly slipped and tell
two stories, strange to say he was hurt in
no way and went right ahead with his
L. W. Spence of Evans City was the
guest of Ben Chri-tley over Sabbath.
The Bryant Literary Society expects to
hold a lawn tete, May 20th.
This year Rev. CI. R. Edmundson Will
preach the Memorial sermon and lion. A.
L. Hazen of New Castle will deliver the ad
dress on Memorial day.
Mrs. Johnston ot But er. vho has been
visiting Mrs. W. U McGaffic, returned to
her borne, ou Monday
yuite a numb.-rot Siipparynwk people
w.-nt to Butler on \loudiy a- witnesses 0.1
the Mayburv aal Hines case
Wm. Dickson is getting rea iy to pat up
an addition to his oouse.
Tbe enrollment at the Normal ha- pas
sed the 500 mark, 505 students being regis
tered oa Monday,
ON account of a glut in the market it
has been decided to close every window
glass factory in the United Stales 0:1 May
MOST of our readers will be gratifie d to
know that Marshal Yamagata, of Japan,
ts in this country at present, and that Hi
Lung C hang will soon be with us.
General Garcia is All Right.
General Garcia, charged with violating
our neutrality laws, has written tbe fol
lowing letter, addressed to the people of
the United States.
"I am fully aware of the obligation I
am under for standing trial for my alleged
violation of the laws of your country. 1
did not remain to face tlie consequence s
of my act*, simply because I feel that I
have a higher duty to preform as a soldier
and a Cuban (laving (ought for tie inde
pendence of *ny country for ten years, and
having ever since promulgated the idea
for which we then fought Ide etu it my
highest and holiest duty to tight and
bleed, and it neccessarv die, to attain the
independence of my country.
"Should I tall my death will expatiate.
I hope, in your eyes, any possible offense
for which I might have to staid trial in
the United States. Should I suwive I
give yon my word as a man ami a soldier
to return to your country and cheerlully
abide by the oonsequencos which the laws
of the country may visit upon me, My
concience tells me that in this proceeding
1 will satisfy the laws of justice, and I am
coifident that the citizens of the United
States will so judge of my conduct.
Should Garcia come off safe and sound
from the Cuban revolution and returu to
the United States tor trial he will not
have any complaints to make about the
severity of his punishment. We need
more Garcias.
W few l ''-^
Absolutely Pure.
A cream ol tartar baking powder. Uigh
ost of all in leavening strength.— l,iitc*t
Cm ted States Government Food Report.
R3VAL I'.AKI Ml POWDIII CO.. 106 Wall Ht.. N. V
Strong Companics.
l*roi>ivt Settlements.
II •ue Insurance Co. of New York, Insur
nao« Co. of North America, of Philadelphia,
Pa. Phenix Insurance of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
anil H irtford Insurance Co. of llarttord Conn
OFFICE: Corner of Main St. and the
Oinmofid, north of Court Horn e. Butler, l'a
fej ft DETROIT
il x r CHICAGO
2 New Stee . •- ijjjcr Steamers
Tlif On .:» •< i" •* yet attained In ftoit
Con struct too : •• iiquipntent. Artistic
I urniibii" • . •»u f.ff cicnt Service,
i tisil t i li
f 'I " •r- DEFWFCN
Toledo. Dr.: /Mackinac
I.OW K vrn* to i l , csifiie Mackinac and
Return, Including !• i- .mil Berth*. t-'rom
Clevelai.U, $•<»; fro.n ':'«!»• Ju, sls; from Detroit.
Between Detroit and Cleveland
Connecting at Cleveland with Karlic&t Trains
for nil points Knit, Smith nnd Southwest and at
Jxrtroit lor a!i points North and Northwest.
Sunday Trips Juns, July, August and September Only.
Cleveland. I'ut-in-Bay jf Toledo
S "M«! f>r Illustrated Pamphlet. Address •
A. A. nCH .NTZ, o. OiTdOIT, MICH.
Tiic r ; "ipveiaim Steam Ha*. Co.
Conn try Gentleman
Farm Crops and Processes,
Flortlculture & Fruit-Growing,
Live Stock and Darying
While it altm included all mi nor depart
moiitH of Kural intercut, auch an the i'oul
try Yard, Entomology, Bee Keeping
Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary lie
plies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fire
ide KeadinK. Domestic Kconoinv, and a
summary of the News of the Week. Its
MAKKKT KBPOKTH are unusually complete,
and much attention is paid to the Prospects
of the Crops, as throwing light upon one ot
the most important of"all questions— liken
to lluy run! II hen lo Sell. It is liberally
Hlllusttatod, and contains more reading
matter than ever before. The Subscription
Price is s2.iio per year, but we oiler a SI'K
Two Subscriptions, 1,1 °" romlt,o " cc $4
ix obscriptioas, a "- ao -• 10
Ten Subscriptions, ,l - ' IO •••• lb
jy To all New Subscribers for »MH>, pay
inu »» adt ance note, WU WILL KKNU i iih
j rAP&a WEEKLY, lr< in < '■ r HKCKIPI <;/ the
remittance, to January L.IF, IWMJ, WITHOUT
Oil A BUB.
LUTIIEB TtTCKEK A SON, l'ublishers
Aj.UA.JiI, Y.
GREEK —At her home in JetTcrson twp.,
April 10, IS'jO, Eliiabeth. widiw of Mat
thew Greer, dee'd, in her t>s h year.
XHAIARLIN —At his home in MoKees-!
port. April 15. IS}»6, J. B. McMarlin.
brother ot James A. ilcMarhn of this ,
place, in his 75th y *ar.
ilr. McMarliu went to VtcKeesport abont
50 years ago, and located there.
FI.EEGEK —At her home in Butler. April
17. ISiK). Mr s. llattie Fleeger.in her 54th
LAURENT—At his h.ime in Pittaburg.
April 19, I*K>, Joseph Laurent, aged 59
MAXWELL—At his home at Curbon
Black, April 21. 96. John Maxwell,
aged abont 37 years
HAUTrNG—At her home in Adams,
April 18. 1896. Mrs. Hartang. wife of
Niotolas Uartung aired about 60 years.
I Causes fully half the sickness In tbe world. It
retains the digested food too long In the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, Indl- j
jest .on, bad uute. coated ■ ■ ■
tongue, sick headache. In- all £%
noninia, etc. Hood's Pills II I j
cure constipation and all its ™
results.easilyand thoroughly. 25c. Alldrucß'sts.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Notice is hereby given that the undcr
signetl, a corporation under the laws of
Pennsylvania, will, on the nth day of
May A. I). 1596, make application to the
Governor of this Commonwealth for
amendments to its charter as follows to
First. The name of the said corpora
tion shall be changed from The Alle
gheny Coal Company to "Jackson Centre
Coal Company."
Second. The business of said corpora
tion is to be transacted and its principal
office located at Jackson Centre, Mercer
County, Pennsylvania isntead of at Argen
tine, Washington Township, Butler coun
ty, Pennsylvania.
Argentine, Pa., March 6, 1896.
E> ecutor's Nolico.
Letters tes tameutary having been issued
to the tinder igned on tho estato of Uou.
James Kerr, Ute of liarrisvile, butlor Co.,
l'a., dee'd, a 1 persons indebted to said es
tate are reqn «sted to make prompt pay
ment and tn so having claims against said
estate will p esent them uuly authenticat
ed for settle' lent to
J vmes M. GALUBBATH. Ex'r,
Butler, Pa.
Ej ec'. tor's Notice
Letters te tmuontary on too ~"'ate ot
Jacob Shou; , dee'd, late of Eyans City,
Butler Co. I a., having been granted to
the unders jhed, all persons knowing
themselves' adebted to said estate will
pleass make immodiate payment, and any
av ing claiu s against said estate will pre
e nt them p operly anthenticated to.
l". N. GRAHAM, Ex'r.
Evans City, Pa.
Mates & \ oung Att'ya.
Adm Ir.istrator's Notice-
Letters ol administration ou tIK" estate
of John F. ''. Stohle, dee d, late ot Butler,
Butler Co., Pa , having been granted to
the uuders gned, therefore all persons
knowing tl enmelves indebted to said
estate will i lease make speedy payment
and those h.tviug claims against the same
can p.esent them duly authenticated for
settlement ta
LKNa il. STBHLB, Adm'x,
Frank Kobler, Att'y Butler, P.*
E:? ecutor's Notice.
Letters of administration on tho estate of
Robert Harbison, dee'd, late of Middlesex
twp., Butlor Co., P*., having been granted
to the undeisigtiod, all persons knowing
totiMrr-ti satfl estate win
[ilt-.iso 11 ike riiuiediate payment and auy
having clan i> against said estate will pre
s«nt ttiem oulj authenticated for setti»>-
ment to
Bakerstown, P. 0.,
Allegheny Co., Pa,
Ralston A Greer, Att'ys.
E cocutor's Notice,
Letters teitamentary on tho estate ol
Frank C. Mc Grew, dee'd, late of Prospect
borough, Butler Co. Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
liiKiwing themselves indebted to said es
state vrili please inako immediate payment
and any person having claims againn said
estate will present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
Nannie J. McGrew, Ex'r.
Prospect I'a
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of idininistration on {the estate
of Mrs. Ann e Mary Kelly, late of Middle
sex twp., I utler Co., Fa., dee'd, having
been giuntei' to the undersigned, therefore
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make speed} pay
ment and those having claims against the
same can present them duly authenticated
for settlement to
J. N. FULTON, Adm'i.
U I ru f. Flick, P. 0.
Att'y. Butier Co., Pa.
I have a Heave Cure that will onre any
esse of heaves in horses in forty days, I
used according to directions, and if it doe*
not do wuat I claim for it, I will re r und
he amount paid and no charges will be
mado for the treatment. Tho following
estimonials are the strongest prool of the
medic.nes power to cure:
Butler, Pa., 1893.
On the 2nd day ol April, 1892, I com
mencod to use your new euro for one of
my torses that had the heaves very bad,
and oontiaued to use the medicine for
aboat forty days and the horse did not
show any signs of a return of them. It is
no w a boot a year since I quit givin tlie
modioino and the horse has never showed
any signs of heaves, and I feel stisfird
that ho is properly cured
W. C. CaiswiLi.
Butler, l'a., April 3, 18')3
I have used your Heave Cure and fouud
it will do the work il used accordng to di
rections. Yours truly,
J. B/MCMillik.
A: Sclentifio American
For Information nn<l trro ii.tn-iUM k write to
O! 1. «*t btirrnit T'«r pai« ntM In Amcrlfn.
KM patent taken out by um U brouirht ylbri
the 1 jl»llo by h uotlce Klven free of :-hargo la Uio
L»rm<rt clri'iilstl.in <>f nnr x'trntlflr psprr tn tho
world. SI.II ni||ci:>- lllustrahKl. No lu» Uln-nt
man shoiilii |~ v.": ui it, Wuvklr, IM | ,
y«>Br; >.i\. ... Aililm.'. mi.VN t CO..
nukKH, .I', lUi m, Vui k city.
i <;old Killing Painless Kitrietlon of 'eeelh
lot \rttr?ciat fe.-tli wil lioiit Platen a spet laity
itron Ottde or Vltall/.e't Air or Loca;
ll.»Ml'ii>tt«i is->'l.
(IfflM "vcr Miller's Mrooi'rjr easi of l.owry
' or:e.> olose I Vi- ln.i<d li's «ud Tliursday*
! nsiJiance anil Real Estate
liUTLKR - P '
1 Special Carpet Sale!
'(' \ } MEVER have you had an opportunity to \
- /
/ ,■ lection—new patterns and special color- V
ings that you never saw before. j
In Wiltons, Axminsters or Moquetts. N
Library Carpets Brusse,s , or Tlpcs " y )
Bed-Room Carpets i^" 1 Inßrains orC C ; S
M-iftinosi at 18, 2 °' 25 and 35 cts - nn C
Mailings per yard. Have solJ tr^\
I \ Into I?no's; in Oriental cffects . t
J O till. put with your Matting. jfci,}
} A nice one costs $1.50, and adds much to/
1 All-Wool Art Squares
They are here in an assortment of patterns. . . . I
YY r ill »i l-Jii 101 jour Parlor Carpets in the most J
>T lllOil 11 beautiful patterns and colorings we have S
ever shown. ....... . . f
D lima in the different grades and sizes, just \
the thing to go with your Dining C
Room or Library Carpet. . . . . . . i
All-Wool Ingrain Carpets 50c per yard J
Tapestry Brussels Carpets... 50c per yard X
Lace Curtains (special values) at £l, $1.50 and $2 per pair. /
( Portiers, Curtain Poles and Brass Sash Rods. #
j Homes Furnished Complete. j
| Butler,
[SPRING & sunn ER)
/ Undeniably Shows the Largest Stock of Ladies \
/ and Gents Fine Shoes of the Latest and (
f Most Stylish Patterns ever Displayed in v
) I ■ V I One of the most perfect shoes for l
) I \AJ women ever made. Dark wine f
C M i shade of Russia Calf, the latest r
/ M tint; black eyelets, silk stitched. /
S K ™ 20th Century shape welt. £
\ Ladies low cut shoes in tan /
/ V \T » On Tailor made, tn lace or button, c
TT Oman S R u ?set or Dongola, Kid or Pat- \
) PrWuvv Rlirtaci ent Leather Tips. We sell these S
/vt 11111 l \ OIIOGo beautiful and comfortable shoes at \
f lasts, pointed or derby toe, positively t
✓ unequaled in Butler. Men's at £1.50, $2, $2 50, $3, $3.50, 1
) $4 and $5; Boys' at $1.35, $1.50 and $2; Youths' at $1.25, C
/ Mr, | Men's and Boys' Fine Shoes, c
r 'l*. f M ff Plain, Square, Needle or Opera Toe; \
c \Kmm rf&dl *" widlh fj c *d a oil?*'t* $i $ f
r OR I f 1.25 and fi.so; Boys' at ?SC, Si, N
/ IHH landI and ii ' so; Youths ' at7sc ' si )
) F Solid Working Shoes C
1 The best you ever saw at 75c, ii, $1.25 S
( / an<l • Sec <>ur |i.oo shoe with (
J flv ' t>ellus Credemore, the best shoe made /
) for the money—others get (t. 25 and 1
f ' Misses 4 Chlldrens Spring-heel Shoes ?
/ U1 the New Styles in Tan and Black, Lace or Button, Pointed or Square \
J Toe, at 75c, |i, #1.25 and $ 1.50, sizes 1 2-2; Childs at 40c, 50c, 75c #1 and f
/ *1.25, si/.es Syi-lf, Infants at loc, l»Sc, and 25c and 50c. J
J Come in and see us and try our shoes. t
S B. C. HUSELTON, Opp. Hotel Lowry. /
Attornev-at-lavr. Ofllc* in Mitchell bulUilo*
Butler l'a.
Physician and Surgeou.
Eye, car, uonoand throat a apecia/ty.
132 and 134 S. Mnin Street ,
lUli-ton building.
Homoeopathic Physician and
Oll'cu 236 S. Main St., oi>p. I'. O.
ltwiJenc# 315 N. McKe&n St.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artificial Teeth Inserted OB til* litest la
jruvrd plan. Uold Killing A »p«e»*ltj. Office
jrer SoLauV* clotMuti Store.
Main St.
Naeaihetica Adiniaiatered.
Physician and Surgeon,
too west Cunningham St.