W. B. DODDS. POt REGISTER AND RECORDER. W. J. ADAMS. TOR PROTHONOTARY. R. j. THOMPSON. TOR CLERK OF COURTS. ISAAC MEALS. FOR TREASURER. CYRUS HARPER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. HARMON SEATON, JOHN MITCHELL. FOR COUNTY AUDITORS, W. S. MOORE. O. R. THORNE. FOR CORONER. JOHN L. JONES. Both Protection and Sound Money. The sole hope of any serious Democrat ic fight in the coming Presidential cam paign is to side-track the Protection ques tion, treat sound money as the only issue, put the Republican party in a false posi tion and attempt to identity the Demo cratic canvass through Cleveland or Car lisle with the maintenance of a stable cur rency as the foundation of business secur ity and confidence. This is now the Democratic cue in all this section of the country. There are several difficulties in the way. In the first place, to look to the Democratic party for the support of sound money is like looking to the dram shops for the support of temperance. From the war to the present time it has been the persistent and incorrigible foe of all honest finance. It has been the party of inflation, repudiation and free silver coinage. It has invariably stood as an obstruction to every movement in defence of the public credit and the ex isting standard. To-day in three-quar ters of the States a majority of the Demo crats are for free silver. A majority of the Democratic Senators and Representa tives have voted for it at the present ses sion. A Democratic Congress would pass a free coinage bill and no power could stop it. We hope the Administration by the use of all its enginery may succeed in throttling free silver in the Chicago convention; for while such a result would create a third party which would absorb most of the Democrats in the Democratic states it would eliminate the question al together in the States that will elect the President. In the second place, the Republican party is just as much of a sound money party as the Democratic party is an un sound money party. The currency has always been protected under Republican rule. No man ever felt under Republi can Administration that there was any danger of public dishonor or financial shipwreck. The Republican party car ried the country safely through all the financial difficulties and perils of the war; it reestablished specie payments in the face of every Democratic obstacle; and whenever it has been in possession of the Government the business world has had a sense of safety and security. Individ ual Republicans have been wrong, but in every emergency the controlling judg ment of the party has kept it right, and has saved it from any disastrous mistake. The Republican party is right now. It is overwhelmingly against free silver coinage. Within the past two months, by vote in Congress or by adopted plat form, twenty-four Republican states have shown themselves against the free silver movement. In the face of the past re cord and the present fact no issue of hon est money can be raised with the Repub lican party. In the third place, the St. Louis Con vention will settle the question once for all by an explict and unmistakable plat form. There are some Republicans who would play into the hands of the Demo cratic schemers by paltering with this is sue. They do not consciously mean to serve Democratic aims. They are led into this folly only through fatuity or stupidity. But they constitute a very in considerable fragrant of the party, and they will be impotent to prevent it from planting itself on solid and sure ground at St. Louis. The Republican party will enter the coming campaign under the joint banner of Protection and Sound Money, with a candidate who represents both, and, no matter what may be done at Chicago, the Democratic party cannot make a serious fight against that Repub licanism—Press. THE fanners In various parts of the State seem to be voting for McKinley for President with substantial unanimity. In York county, in the rural districts of Lancaster, in Huntington and now in Lycoming this fact has been demonstrat ed by the record of votes cast. There is good reason for this tendency of the agri cultural voters, for the McKinley bill was most emphatically a farmer's tariff. Never before was so extensive and con sistent an effort made to protect the busi ness interests of the American farmer. Now that the Gorman-Wilson bill has so greatly broken down the protection of farm products, most intelligent fanners appreciate what the McKinley bill did for them, and natural gratitude as well as self-interest prompts them to vote for the titular father of that measure. DENVER Col. was the centre of one of the worst storms that ever blew over the Western connty, last Saturday. East of there the county is inundated with from a foot to three feet of water, while on the South and West meagre reports tell of disasterous snow blizzards that have swept away every vestige of animal life in their path. At Pueblo cars were blown from the track and piled up in the ditches. The drifts range as high as twenty feet, and without shelter there is no prospect of live stock escaping the fury of the elements. Cripple Creek re ports the greatest loss, and fatalities are feared in the hills surrounding the camp, wdere several hundred men are prospect ing without any protection from the storm. Five buildings in Cripple Creek were blown down, including a three-story lodging house occupied by seventy-four roomers. The wind ranged from 50 to 80 miles an hour. EDISON, the wizard, has made another tnarvefloKe invention, the vitascope. It is an improvement on the kiuetoscope by wkich moving life-size figures of men and animals may be thrown vpon canvass. By this device, combined with the phono graph, a man could sit in his own house 1 aud witness an opera or any theatrical performance, see the aftyrs and hear Ihemspeak.. a good worato boost a notori ous sham. The friends of Senator Quay in the Washington county convention, although in control of its machinery, were afraid to propose any indorsement of him or his sham candidacy, and ille gally adjourned the assemblage in order to escape the passage of McKinley reso lutions. The Perry county convention also neglected to say one word in behalf of Pennsylvania's alleged favorite son. All these conventions were held this week, and their actiou needs no extended comment to show that the Quay fake Presidential candidacy is on its last legs. —Pittsburg Times. CHICAGO never believes in letting its light be hid under a bushel, or even a pint measure for that matter, and it is now allowing a flood of illumination to proceed in straight lines in all directions in regard to X rays and disease. If the startling announcement that the myster ious rays have proved hostile to the bacilli of the six deadly plagues of mod ern days—tuberculosis (consumption), cholera, diptheria, influenza, pneumonia and typhoid—Drove true it will reflect great credit on the Chicago savants, but unfortunately the announcement as to the successful tests has a rather suspi cious look since the Roentgen rays are described as ''magnetic," and other terms are used by the experimenters which suggest charlatanism. Political Notes. The District National Convention will be held in the Court House at New Castle next Monday afternoon. Dr. Bell has eight delegates and Mr. Abrams has seven. The Congressional Convention will be held in Butler, after the State convention. Gen. Grosvenor of Washington, thinks its all over except the shouting. His fig ures of last Sunday for McKinley were: Alabama S, Arkansas 16, Florida 8, Geor gia 19, Illinois 8, Indiana 30, Kansas 20, Louisiana 8, Minnesota 18, Mississippi iS, Missouri 12, Nebraska 6, New Jersey 4, New York 4, Ohio 46, Oregon 8, Pennsy lvania 2, South Carolina 17, South Da kota 8, Texas 12, Virginia 2, West Virgi nia 2, Wisconsin 24, New Mexico 4, Okla homa 4, Kentucky 6, Utah 1, Tennessee 2, Total, 315. During the coming week McKinley's strength will grow rapidly by the con ventions in Kentucky, Nebraska and New Jersey, and the election of district dele gates throughout the entire country. I confidently predict that before the Ist day of May, McKinley will have secured a majority of the entire convention, with the great states of Michigan, West Vir ginia, Missouri, Deleware, Washington, North Carolina and North Dakota hold ing their conventions in the month of May. At the Venango Co, Republican Con vention, Monday, P. M. Speer and Thomas McGougli were nominated for assembly; John R. Robertson for Pro thonotary; J. R. Dodds for Register and Reccrde.; T. H. Nicholson for Treasurer, J. T. Wallace and Joseph Black for Co Commissioners and Ritchie and Robbins for Auditors. The Convention endorsed Chas W. Stone for Congress. The marriage of ex-President Harrison has complicated his family relations. The ex-President's brother-in-law, Judge Scott, at a recent social gathering in Port Townsend, Washington, said: "I am now General Harrison's brother in-law and Mrs. Dimmick's uncle. After they are married my brother-in-law will become my nephew and my niece, there "fore, will become my sister-in law. Then of course, I will become my own brother in-law, and also my neice's brother-in-law. Now, if this union should be productive of a claimant for the ancestral hat, he will be my nephew and also my grandnephew. I shall be his uncle and also his grand uncle. Now, in order that I may be un cle and granduncle to one and the same person, it must necessarily follow that I will be my own father. Washington Notes. General Fitzhugh Lee of Virginia, was apppointed Consul General at Havana to succeed Ramon O. Williams, on Monday. Mr. Williams resignation was received at the State Department Saturday, Febru ary 27. The selection of a military man to go to Cuba is part of the President's policy to obtain full informattcn as to the exact condition of affairs on the island before acting on the resolutions of Congress. General Lee's appointment is regarded as ajslirewd stroke. No military man could have been sent unofficially, and an un official commissioner would not have had full opportunity for investigation. Going to Cuba as an officer of this Gov ernment in a diplomatic capacity, Gener al Lee will have every opportunity of see ing the actual condition of affairs on the island. He will doubtless find it both necessary and convenient to make a visit to the various consulates that are scatter ed all over the island, and which will be under his jurisdiction. THE Pennsylvania R. R Co. celebrat ed the fiftieth anniversary of its existence as a corporation; at Philadelphia, last Tuesday, by a reception at Broad St. station, and exercises at the Academy <> f Music. Many of the prominent railroad men of the county were present. Fifty years of corporate existence is something that no railroad company has heretofore celebrated in this country. It was the pride and glory of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to turn its semi-cen tennial milestone, and it PISO had the unique felicity of receiving alike the congratulations of the people it has serv ed a - _.l of the people who have served it during a great many of these fifty years. Public and employees were equally hearty and sincere .in their congratula tions. If the p'iblic had any grievences to nourish they did not mention them, and the employees seemed animated by a spirit cf pride and loyalty which goes a good ways toward explaining the steady upward progress of the corporation, which has never i<e a violation are getting uneasy, and have been made by manu the roads no w handling the not meet tb is rate to enable with the interests of the Company. companies most interested in the lake trade w ill not wait for the completion of the Lake Erie & Pittsburg to begin their fight. Every move will be contested to keep the completing line out of the territory as long as possible, and as a railroader put it: "Their roadbed will be strewn with thorns along the ivhole route." For years Pittsburgh manufacturers have been crying out that they were dis criminated against by the tailioads cen tering in the city because competition was stifled, and the pooling arrangement worked so admirably. The new road is not in the pool, but it is not believed it will attempt to cut rates 011 other business. But the immense loss to the old roads and the jealousies arising among compet ing manufacturers must be met, A well known railroader had the following per tinent remarks to make on what he term ed the ingratitude of the Carnegie Steel Company: "For years the Pennsylvania & Lake Erie railroads have l>een pampering the Carnegie Steel Company and its affilia tions with special freight rates, allowing them to brush aside all competition and practically making the company what it lis to-dav. What is the result? At the first opportunity they try to knife their former friends. But they have not got the line built yet, and when it is, it will only extend to the lake shore. When their cirs are switched to the tracks of competing lines care will be taken to get even." The immensity of the contract is just beginning to dawn on the minds of the average shipper. The new blast furnace at Duquense will require 400 cars of ore each day. The cars filled with ore at the lake front will be shipped to Pittsburgh and will be returned with coal and coke for lake shipments. The lake coal shippers are also uneasy about the reported contract made with the New York and Cleveland Gas Coal Company and the railroad. This com pany to-day enjoys a lower mining rat-? by 10 cents a ton than any other large operator in the district, and it also has a lower freight rate, as alleged. Operators making lake shipments will be in no shape to complete. The Ohio Traffic as sociation, composed of the railroads carry ing coal to the lakes, has given Ohio operators the benefit of 5 cents less than the railroads have given shipments of Pittsburgh coal. Pittsburgh coal is far superior to Ohio coal and has the short est haul. Within a distance-of 40 miles of Pittsburghjthe rate to the lake is 90 cents. This was the reason the lake pool could not be organized, as there was too much discrimination in favor of Ohio coal in price and freight. The new road will pass through the mines of the New York and Cleveland Gas Coal Company, whose tracks will be used ts make the connection. A prominent manufacturer was asked what effect the new freight agreement might have on the steel pool recently formed. He said: "It is only a question of time until it will be undermined, as the Carnegie Steel Company can crush all competition. The company is making its own coke, digging most of its ore,sup plying its coal and running its own rail road cheaper than any other similar con cern in the country." The tracks for the Union railroad are partly laid through the works of the Carnegie Steel Company. In June, as soon as the water is low enough, work will be commenced on the foundation of the piers of the bridge which, is to carry the road from Homestead to Bessemer. The road will also be extended to Six Mile ferry to connect with the Wheeling division of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail road. The connection with the New- York and Cleveland Gas Coal Company's line will be at Brinton and its tracks us ed to the Allegheny river, where a bridge will be built from Thompson's run during the summer. General Manager J. T. Blair, of the Pttsbnrg, Sbenango & Lake Erie, was iu Pittsburg Sunday night, and when asked about the rou'.e so far as it had baeu sur veyed, eaid: "We wi.'l practically run through.no towns until wo reach the Al legheny. It will just bo a ruu across the country. When the Allegheny is reached we will strike llobokeu, Ilarinerville and other hamlets in that vicinity. It has uot been decided yet, on account ot tho un finished survey, where we will reach tho tracks <>f tho Allegheny Valley railroad. This will also probably he a grado crossing. For the sa no reason I am not able to *ay whether tiu Pittsburg terminal wiil be at Homestead or Bi'seli. "Yes, it Is true we wiil try to get into the city. It will take a very considerable amount of money to do tOiS, though the roads that got first rights have made good use of their time, an 1 almost all tho ave nues of access have been utilized, "I quite agree with Charles O. Seal), of the Baltimore A Ohio, that about tho only moans of getting a terminal in Pitts burg is to buy it. Stiil, any railroad that reaches Pittsburg is a good line, and un der conditions in tha least bit favora'de would be a money maker. The city of iron is the greatest tonnage centre in the world, and any road that can get cars into the city will have • lenty of wont to .to I consider Pittsburg the b.-st railroad center in the world, and it is surprising the small uuuibi'f of roads that have allowed to take up tho immense trallic. "The mainstays of tho road we are build ing will bo tho N'ew Vork and Clevela id Gas Coal Company, the Carnegie Steel Company aud tha riuion Railroad Com pany. This latter is a line b=-ing built be tween Homestead and Dnquense. It is true that Wo have a guarantee I tonnage 0f'3,000,000 a year for 25 years, but the idea that we have violated the interstate commerce la-v to do so is a fabrication. "We will have quite an adv mUga with 1 >cal sieel men who use ore. Wo ctn haul their ore down I nun the iakes, then send the car- bick loaded with coal and coke "The tia lie of tho ro td batwooa Pitts burg and Butler has been placod as the Butler & Pittsburg. It wn ihi original intention to call it tho Like Erie fam.liar to the Pittsburg & Lake Brie, end we wore compelled to make a cnange. This name will only be applied for a short time, then it will be merged iuto tho Pittsbnre, Shenango it Lake Erie. "It is rather bard to tell when we will bo able t.) reich Pittsburg Wo have onr shipments made over the Junction rail road from Butler uow, aud -viit bold ou to that route for tbe present. The taoilities of this road as a terminal are not,as great as they might be, though I cannot say as to whether the lint) will bo pushed far ther than Bissell." .NOVELTY in ADVERTING is the thing now. The latest and 010 of t*n tni-t humorous schemes has bn3n amising 'he pitrons ot theatres for three or four nigh: a says a oity contemporary, and has succeed en in escaping the notice of managers. A bald hoidoi rain is 11«* in»tfin)V Oa his shining pate io painted in indigo blue the name of a paten*. medici '!« »it a in the front rove, and conluots himself with propriety, while people behind him are convulsed with oiob observer supposing that here is a prio'.inil j >ke some 0:1 a i»»f piaya 1 )i 11 unuiMO'.mg friend WHKS dogs, o its. an I othyr animals, carried long dwtiaaea on oars and steam ers, sometimes ooaifinad ia hags and bask ets, can, without asking any questions, ted their way home, an l birds traveling thousands of come back year after year to the saio nests. ani carrier pigeons to their dovecotes Our bumb Animals thinks it is pretty sore tbat they know some things to a knowledge of which no bum an being has yet attained. There is a vast fielil of animal intelligence to be studied, asd them »re w< ftutiy, the inoro we shall be tilled with wonder and admiration. Firelight Phtlosophy. Three things have been invented for the use of people who are not good enough to do without tliera—religion, law and etiquette. Neither is necessary for na ture's nobleman, but alas! that perfect product of this mundane sphere is few and far between. Conditions seem as yet unfavorable to his development, and we sometimes think in moments of despon dency over humanity, that he is becom ing extinct. Many of us do not need the law. We arc a law unto ourselves. We never feel the bonds that gall those who ■wish to transgress, but dare not. Some of us have come near enough to God, to need very little religion. The church bell means little to such a person. He can walk forth in the budding woods,un mindful of the rules and regulations of any congregation and find God nearer, dearer, kinder than in any imposing ed ifice, where on Easter day the Altar is snowy with blossoms, and the people are far more concerned about the style of a bonnet or the "set" of a costume than about the workings of the heart or the tender whispering of the spirit. He has out-grown religion as we know it now. He has set up a sanctuary in his own heart where burns the light eternal, and need" no priest to shrine him, no hand but that of warm human love to close his dying eyes. lie has learned the secret of real goodness, which has nothing to do with baptism, open communion, free agency, predestination, or any of the doc trines' which are nothing more nor less than rocks for humanity to split upon, lie is honest because he likes to be. He is virtuous because he has no inclination to he otherwise. He is kind, because it is in his heart to be so. He is the dower of a perfect civilization. Not a civilization of senseless luxury and effeminate refinement, but a perma nent understanding of the decencies of life. A realization of what it takes to make our stay on this mysterious planet tolerable. A reasonable regard for the rights of others and a full sense of the responsibility of each individual. Would to Hsaven there were more like him, strong self-reliant and with a heart for any fate ! Not seeking consolation in promises of future bliss, but setting about to make as much comfort and happiness immediately around him as one man can If every living soul did this how little use there would be for creeds and churches, or the ministrations of men who propose to take the office of mediator between a man and his God! + + + There are more noble souls who have not outgrown etiquette than may be found in any other form of bondage. No mat ter haw general our views on general sub jects may l>e, we seldom arrive at the de gree of natural politeness that renders et iquette unnecessary. When we see a per son ( as we sometimes do j who is natural ly so at ease as to be entirely above the necessity of knowing little quirks of "manner," we soon see how paltry are all rules of conduct. This being who doesn't have to know about accept ed rules of etiquette appears so immeasu rably above the rest of the people that he seems like a man in a cage of trained monkeys. He dosn't do anything rude, because he can't. He dosn't know how and in his presence all our minor rules and regu lations seem silly. I can thiuk of one man who lives in a log cabin in a thickly wooded portion of one of the middle states. He has never had any social training wliateuer, yet I believe he would appear well anywhere. He seems to know instinctivly what to do and say, especially in the presence of women and all the time one sees the light of a great big soul shining in his eyes. One woman, too, I can think of, who would make no serious blunder anywhere where English is understood, for blunder is not in the failing to understand every little unwrit ten law, but in showing yourself abashed and shrivered up with embarrasment be fore those who live differently and ob serve different customs from your own. Alas! the good old spirit of American independence is dying out! We are com ing more and more to recognize class dis tinctions. We are learning to cringe when the rich man's carriage rolls by our humble door. We are learning how to show a proper spirit of humility when introduced to a millionaire. Perhaps, after all my backwoods nobleman and his champion grandee of the opposite sex, are only remnants of a by-gone time when each man felt himself a man and a citizen, equal in all respects with any other man and citizen, and when each woman felt her claim of sisterhood with the president's wife and her responsibili ty as a possible '.'mother of nations." If any people as a class have attained liberty, certainly it may be said of Amer ican women that they have approximated it. They stand unique in the history of nations. Absolutely free to go and come as they please, above reproach until con victed of error, exempt from suspicion until proven guilty, they may wander far and near, set up their dwelling in any portion of the globe and if the whim seizes them, fold their tents like the Arab ano silently steal away! If an American woman chooses to be a baclielor-maid she is regarded as particularly shrewd in her decision. l f slit- chooses to marry she may be sure her fetters are silken, for they will blind her only so long as she wishes to be bound. The American wo man is not even hampered by citizenship; why she should seek to place her head in a party noose we cannot say, when she might remain free! Religion is on longer obligatory to her. If she intimates a disbelief in the whale story, she is no longer burned as a witch, but is rather regarded as a particularly level-headed woman. But what use has she so far made of this strange new liber ty? Careful, careful, sisters mine, the eyes of the world are upon us. Let us show ourselves worthy. Man, with all his liberty to pick and choose, seeks first of all wife, home, fireside. Perhaps cen turies of experience have shown him that this is best. Yes —that this is all that life holds worth having for us pilgrims and strangers. L,et us not despise his judgment and example. This is a world of limitations, and those who pre freest to come and go are often the sad and empty hearted. Perhaps, since all must be in bondage of one sort or another, the ties of love and home and family are most desirable, especially in these latter years, when wives are gaining liberties day by day, which, if they will use and not abuse, will, in time, make marriage the holy thing it should be. If womankind could but realize that the solution of what it pleases some people to call the "sex ques tion," lies right in her hands, that her's is the office of teacher, that she has al ready a subline mission in the world with out sighing for a wider scope, all would be well for our grand-children and gener ations after.— PHYLI.IS, in Horse Review. A Cure for Cancer. Our exchange* are publishing extracts in regard to the ability of a German physician named George Engle, of Eddy ulie, in Armstrong county, to care cancer by the application of a salve. It is an un di*putable fact thai the.-e are members erf the family of Dills, residing near Kittann ing who possess a secret thot if known to ihe world would result in a greater amount of good than auy discovery in medical science m recent years. The secret con sists of a cure tor cancer if taken in its early stages. From the facts we have at hand we gather the tallowing in regard to this important secret that has been so carefully guarded. Early in the present century there came from Ireland one Wil liam Dill, who located near Kittanning and who had a preparation which he had and which he a'so claimed would cure cancer. Katurally such a claim vas at tirst given but little credenc-e, but as time went on Lis success gained him considera ble notoriety in the immediate section, but the fact never became known, we be lieve to the outside world. TJB treat ment consisted of a plaster applied to the cancer. Wr» 1 th« plaster would comeolf apd a second put on and it failed to adhere the cancer was cured and the sora would heal up nicely. When Dill was about to die he n-.ade known the secret to his daughter arjd son, auU the former at least Has prac ticed it a successfully as her father. The sou weut west no knowledge of him is at band. The daughter resides about miles lrom Kiuanning and tor years his outwinter. Many established cures arc known. A *UTO? ofoijr towusmau J. il. Cunningham had a cancer on the side of her fane. She consulted their family physician and bo told her to go to Miss Dili. She went and was cured, no sign of the cancer ever again showing. We are ioforited ihi t ether members of the Dill hmiij u • tiu t.-i' .t, hot it bus ii«.t i:• n'Wed to go outside ti»« family, tad ia carefully Their chargei are always very moderate. — East Drady Heyiew. Political Comtdy. The Republican* cf Now Hampshire are entitled to the thanks of the wohle land, and we hereby tender them oars. The State Convention they held at Concord last week was not only an interesting event in itself, but it pro-noted the hilarity of the county by the neatness acd dis patch With which it proceeded to wit down on its own chairman, who was no less a personage than United States Senator William E. Chandler. Mr. Chandler is a politician somew hat ot the "boss" stamp, and he evident ly re gards himself as an important political factor in the country at large as well as at home. He has been making himself, quite conspicuous ot late by unfounded attacks on Major MeKinley and some of his leading friends. He went home to attend the State Convention last week and inciden tally to see that the New Hampshire Re publicans should "whoop it up" tor New England's "favorite sou" in proper Btyle. The State Committee promptly made him chairman cf the Convention, and all went swimmingly and no doubt to Chairman Chandler's entire sa'isfaction until the committee oa Resolutions ma le its report That document recognized "as most con spicuous" among Republican candidates "New England's noble and illustrious son, the Hon. Tnoma-> B. Reed, of Maine, aad that par« and able states m i a-i I cum pion of protection, the Hon William Mc- Kinley, of Ohio," and it declared that the Ropablicais of Now Hampshire preferred one or the other ot these candidates 'be cause either is in himself a platform." If this plank o f the platform rendered Cnairraan Chandler speechless the fact Is hardly to b* wonderad at, for it is prob able that no political manager ever re ceived a more direct and emphatic rebuke at the hands of hid friends Whatever he may have thought of the snub, the fact is that he remained damt) whil j the Con vent ion proceeded ic adopt unanimously the report of the Committee. It is easy to believe the reports that Mr. Read's friends at Washington were somewhat confounded by the peculiar style of New Hampshire's indorsement of their candidate. No doubt they were a little anxious to jret Mr. Chandler's explanation of his remarkable campaign among the granite hills of his State —Agitator. SUN BURY SQUIBS. The Y. P. S. C E gave a social on last Friday evening, April 10. Everybody re ports a very pleasant time. Mrs Turner'.? mother and brother, Samuel came up to spend a day or two. Mrs. Turner is improving slowly. Campbell Bros are having their siore repainted. William Campbell of the Seminary, spent Sabbath at home S. A. Twaddle and James Jackson spont Sabbath at Bruin. George Wolford and family are moving 11 > Brownsville. We are sorry to see Geo and lamily leave The Rev. I)r, Rhodes, ofSt Louis spent a few days with relations and frionds, last week. Mrs. P. R Burke of Earns City was visiting her brother James McClymoads and family. Peter Kline has returned expecting to play ball. Peter McCarrier was homo over Sabbath. He is working near St Joe. The students are trotting forward to another social. H. Curtis Hindman, our druggist spoac a few days at Butler, last week. Teore is quite a large school this term, about 125 students. C. Mi btUle sajoessfully with life. Miss Jennie Stow.trt passed through town, last Saturdiy on her way home from teaching a succesat'jl term of school in Jefferson twp Misses Black an! vf.i'iJu Ohristley and Xetta Black spent Sjuday at their ho ma a near Moniteau. Georgo Beatty mad-j a flying trip homo, Monday. Tho Social, given by the 0. E in the Presbyterian church, Friday evening was a decided success. Tho ladie-f of the astronomy class are anxious to study tho brilliant s'ar which appears directly over Mr. Sloan's store. Mr. Claude C. Campbell of the Adams Express company was in town, Saturday evening. The ball team has a surplus of players, any of the neighboring clubs wishing to secure a catcher should address Mr. Heater. A deluge of paint has struck the town and as a result aisny aJ the residences as well as a number of business block-- are assuming a new appearance. Pryorand Glenn have secured gome new driving horses and now have as complete a line of livery stock as can ba found in the neighborhood, John Sproull of Boyers spent Sunday in town. KBX. Report of Hesselgesser School. For the last school month of the an nual school term closing April 10th., the scholars who missed no days during the month are as follows: Valley Hesselgesser, Pearl Hesselge.-sor, Elva Monroe. Mary Foster, Myrtle Hos selgesser, Efiie Cruikshanks. Annie Cruikshanks, .liettie Hesselgesser, Maud Bricker, Mabel Ewing, Bertio Moreliead, Uarrison Hesselgesser, Charley Hessel gesser, Mary Green. Percent of atten dance 88. Visits were maJe to the school during the month by the following persons, George Freehling, John Sell, Elizabeth Watson, John Freehling, James Stover, John Al!inan, Tillie Brioker, Rev. Haz lette, Mrs. David Hesselgesser,. The last day was apparently the most important day in all tie history of the school term. School lasted until noon when dinner was announced and the ladies who had made such great preparation for the occasion proceeded in distributing the dinner among the many people who were there, the efficiency and entnuiasm mani lestea along t'ae educational line was in dicated by the great number of citizens and friends of education who were pre sent, especially from this district. After dinner devoted the remainder ol' the time to speaking by the citizens of tbe school, appropriate remarks were made by Mr. Harry Beckett, who spoke about what a benilical influence such meetings had in tno cause of education. He was followed by Mr. Bert Bickett, who also give us very valuable suggestions along the school line, Mrs. Kev. Hazieite gave us valuable hints in a brief speech which she made, among the many go id things in her speech was the responsibility entrust ed to the teachers, care which she very strongly emphasized, others also gave us talks, bat space will not permit an abstract of their remarks, We need not insist on the value of that knowledge which aids indirect selfpreser vation by facilitating the gaining of a livehood, this is admitted by all and, in deed perhaps by the misses too exclusive ly regarded as the end of education, but while every one is ready to indorse the abstract proposition that instruction tit ting youths tor the active business and re ponsibilities ot lite is of high importance or even to consider it lor supreme impor tance, yet scarcely any inquire what in struction will so fit them. It is true that reading, writing and arithmetic are taught with au intelligent apureciation of their usea in our schools, hut when we have said this we have said nearly all, whilo the grent bulk of what else is acquired had no bearing oa tho incjusterial activities im mensity of information that ha» a direct bearing on the industrial activities of life » enti.-ely passed over- In closing this report I wish to express my ifrateiut appreciation ot the hearty and uudi.-ided onoperation ot the citizens, directors, and Jxiende cf eduoa tion shown to me in my school woric. JOAN U. MAIZLANP, Teacher. UT^VTHS. RUSSELL—At thpir home at Gia.le Han, April —, I>9o, two children of A loci • Hauell. Their deaths were caused by spinal fever. CROFT-At his home in Cranberry, tp April 8, 1896, Frederick Crofr, aged M) rear LA WSON —At the home of hip daughter Mrs. S. O Blair. near Glade Run, April 7.1590. II "ii. J. 15. L*UMID, ot Clarion Co, aged 89 year- Judge Lawson ■w.ai* visiting his daughter, when taken ill. FORKER—At his home in Clay t* - p . April 10, 1890, John Forker, aged 97 year.- 1 . Sir Forker wa- one uf the oldest citizens of the county. lie was buried on Satur day, from the home of his son-in-law S T. Mar-hall, of Washington twp. WEIGLE —At his homo in Butler April 8. 1890, John Manford Weigle, in his 35th year. Mr. Weigle wasa victim of the grippe, which cat iiim down in the prime ot a use ful life. His wife, nee Alexander, * and one child survive him. WALKER—At her home in Pittsburg April 9, Ls9o, Mrs. Walker, widow ol Simpson Walker, and daughter of Geo. W. Heed, dec'd. aged til years. MDUER—At their home ia Saxonbarii, April 3. 1890, two children of John Muder, Jr. Their deaths were caused by croup. WRITTEN —A this home in Ceutreville Aprils, IS9G, Rev. J. B. Whitten in his 66:b year. ALLEN —At her h.'me in Brady twp. April 11, 1890, wi!e if Robert Alien. VOGELEY—At his h me in Cutler, April 13, 1896. George W. Wg -ley, in hi.-72a year. Mr. Vogeley was born in Germany and came with his parents to th..- country, who nettled »nd lived Saxotiburg His father, Georga Yogs ley, was one of those who founded Saxonburg and kept a public hou. Mr. Henry W. Nicholas, in the 6:20 _ ot his age. Mr. .Nicholas came from Connoquenoss ing twp. to Butler some fifteen or twenty years ago. Since living here he has been an industrious and useful citizen On sev era l occasions he was chosen the assessor of the ward in which he lived. Fall a year ago he was elected by the voters of the county one of its Jury Commissioners which otlioe ho was filling very satisfacto rily to the people. He had many friends in the county who will regret to learn of his death. He leaves a widow and ten children to mourn their loss. The funeral took place on Wednesday, services being held in the South Side Reformed Church was a member. ECKAIAN—At her home in Mt. Chestnut, April 11,1890, Mrs. P. C. Eckman, in her C2d year. She was the mother of Mrs. J as Turner of Butler. REBSTOCK—At his homo in Sidnev, Ohio., March 5. 1896, Adolphns J. R >- stock, aged 63 years. Mr. Rebstock had not been in go health for some months. The news ol b death will be heard with regret by his r>!u scholars in Butler. All of whomjeonsid r. - the high school of Butler during the !i - ties. He read law. here, and wen, lowa in 1859. He did not like that ai . and started to come back to Butle t>. ■ stopped with somo relatives in fc. I Ohio., enlisted in the army, went bac Sidney and married andsettled there ii held the office ol Register and Rec r. or Probate Judge as it is called there several terms, and accumulated con i. • able property. He loavos a wife, on: and one daughter. OBITUARY XOTKS. Robert J. Canan, died at his hom-: 1 . Clintonville, last Saturday. He wa:: iin fattier of E. H. Canan of Evaaa City, ilia. Cuupur iiegxa of this couuty. Elizabeth Hughes nee Lefever > >r : in Eutler Co, Pa. August Sth HJj When liyo years old her father removod to Morgan county. Ohio. She was married to Joseph Hughes, April od 18C0 to this union three children were born, one f>on and.two daughters, one daughter died in in fancy. In 18G3 they removed to lowa, where they remained about live years and from thero they removed to Veron county, Wis., where they remained until about 18S0 when they came to Perry Co. Ohio, where fhe resided at the time of her death She joiuetr the M. E. church when but twelve years ol age aid continued a con sistent member of the i-ame untill her master called her to her reward. She loaves a husband, one daughter Mrs. T. S. Storts of Perry county, Ohio, a son, Dr. C. W. Hughes of East Palestine Ohio, and two grand sons with lots of friends to miss her when she is gone. C. J. A Return of Thanks. To tho many neighbors and friends, who were so unceasing in their kindnoss during the late illness and death of my husband, I take this method ot expressing my most sincere and heartfelt thanks, not only for kind acts but for the words ol'comlort spok • en, with which to help mo bear my great sorrow; and may the God of tho widow and latherless reward you all, as you so richly deservo. Sincerely, Mus. y ANNII ; WEIOLE. Butler, Pa. IN the face of the fact that, in reply to inquiries sent out by the New York Press, every great woolen factory in the United States said that the Wilson tariff had seriously injured that industry, free trade organs continue to prate about the bene | ficial effects of that measure on the wool | industry. The truth is that American ( manufacturers of wool have been serious- I ly injured by that law, and everybody j knows what a fearful blow it has inflicted j upon the sheep raising industry. It has 1 benefitted foreign wool growers and man- * ufacturers greatly, to be sure, but it ha.- j injured American wool growers and man- 1 ufacturers in exactly the same proportion. THE war between Abysinia and Italy has greatly stimulated the immigration of Italians to the United States. They pre- 1 fer freedom in this country to compul- sary military service in their own. I®, |i|y POWDER Absolutely Pure." A cream ol tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength.— Lntert Cntted States Government Food lieport. J ROTAL UAKIKO POWDKK CO.. 1W Wall St.. N. Y C.A- ABItAMS JOHN W. BROWN ABRAMS & BROWN. INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE A Strong Companies. Promvt Settlements. Heme Insurance Co. of New \orl», lnsur naee Co. of North America, ot Philadelphia, Pa. Phenis Insurance of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Hartford Insurance Co. of Hartford Conn < OFFICE: Corner of Main St. and the Diamond, north of Court House, Butler, Pa A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATIOIINEY AT LAW. "oaice on Norm Diamond street, opposite tne Court Houao—Lower Hoot Closs of Soi oo! fc'o. a Jefferson twp. SAxoxl ;ujjrani being nicely rendered Instrument 1 inu.'c by Hiss Frazier an 1 j Pn-: Kr.och. address t>y E 11. Knucb. dehvi ed with great success. In strumental m »ic by Mi»* Krai er and Prof. Knooh nicelj rendered. Recitation '. g been granted to the ;i, . i persons knowing them -o said estate will plea »»:..« s payment, and any av it, .|# igu' r . said estate will pre ent i ptii |. ..parh ithentieated to. L N. GRAHAM, Ex'r. Evans City, Pa. M 1 ung Att'ys. nlstrator's Notice- L■ administration on tho estate of J ■ ' Stehle, dee'd, late ot Butler, But 'a,, having been granted to thi •i> ,'icd. therefore all persons knee: ; r 'it-:* '" b. rt liai i u . • »<-' d, lato of Middlesex i-• «'■ , ''' , having been granted • i;-... ....i . all persons knowing "'•ins. tt John, Lancaster twp, farmer. Snyder Abraham, Mercer twp, farmer. Thompson Charles. Buffalo twp, farmer. T.-liy .lames, Zehenopie boro. J . P Thompson Nelson, Itoady twp, farmer. Vanderlin Samuel, Mar:on twp, farmer. Wade Isaac, Washington twp, fit r iutr. W oitsell Daniel, sr, Butler Ist ward, Jray mau. Wilson E J, Zelienople boro, gent. EYES,.EXAMINED FREE OF CL'AKGE R. L. Kirkpatrick, Optician and Jeweler Next to Court Mouse Hut let. Pa., trralua 1.1 Port Dr. N. M. HOOVER, U« K. Wayne St.. offlce hours. 10 to 12 M. an to 3 I'. M. DR. J. E. FAULK Dentist. Offcee In Gilkey building oppcsitoP. 0. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest lm, jfoveil plan, t.okl Killing .i sp«*etalty. omce uivcr schaul's Cloti'luu Store. \ & & HOUSE I \ TIME ) Meams Carpet Buying Time S to the Good Housekeeper. C Our spring stock of Carpets. Rugs, Mattings, Lace f Curtains and Linoleums is double that of last season. , The patterns and colorings are the finest the manu j factureis have ever produced. / IF YOU WANT S Ingrain Carpet at 50c., \ They are here, and all wool. ) Brussels Carpet at 50c., 1 Good values for the price. ) Body Brussels, Axminsters, 5 Wiltons and Velvets. C Carpets are here to suit you in Style and Price. > hff/j Lace Curtains. i SsMi p ° rticrs ' s WWMiI Window Shades. r IM-i Ask to see the Lace Curtains / at S l^o ' $2.00 and $2.50 S P er P a * r |Homes Furnished Complete. XAMPBEI.L S. i TEMPIETON, | Butler, Penna. > I HERE'S YOUR \ We have too many? S Shoes—we want money? > more than Shoes. < RUFF'S SHOE STORE j \ii4 South flain St. Butler, PaA Pnlilio interest in the Presidential Campaign is intense and will steadily increase, and the disappointment of the men whofe votes turned the scale at the last election, with the results under the administration they elected, will make *.he cimpaign the most exciting in the history of the country. "/The 'Pittsburg Commercial Gazette OF NOVEMBER 4, 1896, Will Announce the Name of the Next President of the U. S. It is the leading Republican newspaper of Western Pennsylvania, and will pub lish all the political news of the day, interesting to every American citizen regardless of party aiiiliations Also genera! news in attractive form, foreign correspondence covering the news of the world. Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia news, market report 3, which are recognized authority, short stories, the cre3m of the humorous pa pers, fashion plates and eloborate descriptions of woman's attire, wi!h attractive do partmnnt ol household interest. The Pittsburg Commercial Gazette, daily and weekly, i:j an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any other publication in Western Pennsylvania, Dailv Commercial Gazette, 1 Year, - $3 00 Weekly " " 1 44 " sl-00