Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 09, 1896, Image 1

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\V r e are Located OD South Main Street,
Opposite Hotel Butler,
r 1 1
In the room formerly occupied by Hartzell &
Kemper. We have received our spring stock j| !
of Tans in different shades, Patent Leathers, I "V- \
Kangaroos, etc. Our stock of Ladies Fine V
Shoes and Oxfords is very large—all the latest j j±j \
style lasts to be found among our stock. We 1 iZ' Jk j
carry these goods in all sizes and widths, and jVT; MS
prices the lowest. Come and see us. \\ e | j'-.
have many bargains in store for you. j hj '
The variety was never so great, frSix" f
The styles were never so perfect, jj j J
The quality never so good, ■
And the prices were never so low. I
***** I——
Ladies fine dongola pat tip ox
lords • 75 L
Ladies fne serge congress gait
- Ladies grain shoes pat tip heel
or s P r ' n S
Ladies waterproof oil grain
KYI] Zl j 3 Ladies fine calf slippers 50c
Mens waterproof working shoes 95c
jV jW Mens fine dress shoes lace or
congress $ 1 00
Boys fine shoes.. S7SC, sl, $1.25
Misses good wearing school
Childrens fine dongola pat tip
Full stock of Leather and Findings.
Shoemakers supplies of all kinds.
All kinds of dressing for Dongola.
Tan and Patent Leather shoes at reduced pi ices.
Mail orders receive prompt attention.
323 South Main St.
Branch Store, "Rnflov P'l
125 N. Main St., IJlUltl 1 cl.
We are going to continue our SACRIFICE SALE during the
month yet—
Work Bridles, our own make $• 00
Buggy Bridles, our own make ~ 1 00
Sweat Pads, worth 50c 3°
Harness, our own make 6 00
Buggies with top 36 OO
Hareess Oil, per gallon 5°
Axle Grease, 6 boxes 2 5
Team Flaniess, our own make S2O for 2 horses
Team Collars •• • 75 c each
And a whole lot of other bargins. COME QUICK.
WSSST S.B. Martincourt&Co.
Butler. Pa., March 2d.
We have iust received a line of Rubber Goods that we will sell in addition to
our regular goods at the following low prices.
Men's Buckle Arctics 60c Woman's Storm rubbers 18c
Men's Rubbers 26c Misses' Spring Heel Rubbers 12c
Woman's Croquetts 16c Children's Spring Heel Rubbers 10c
We say to you these are not our best goods but an additional line we have
added to our stock. Some dealers are continually trying to quote very low prices
in footwear to convey the idea that they undersell everybody else when the fact is
they are trading in very cheap stuff, There is no trouble to get any amount of
these cheap goods at any time.
We merely call your attention to these few facts that will probably be worth
your consideration in buying your footwear. The cheapest is not always cheapest.
Men's Felt Boots and Rubl>ers $1.50 Woman's l-'ine Ovcrgaiters 15 and 18c
Bojs' Felt Boots and Rubbers 1.25 Men's Rubber Boots J2.00 and #2.50
Wotnens' Heavy Shoes 65c, 75c, 85c Men's Fine Shoes SSC, sl, 51.25
Men's Fine Slippers 50c Ladies' Fine Shoes Ji, ji.25
Men's Warm Slippers 35 and 50c Children's Shoes 45c, 50c, 75c
See our Ladies' Twentieth Century Shoes, new spring styles, just in at only
$2, and it is a beauty. Some of the advance new spring styles are now coming in
Better see Butler's Leading Shoe House when you buy your footwear.
Opposite Hotel Lowry,
B. C. Huselton.
Easter Novelties!
Pattern Hats! Pattern Bonnets!
Also a fine line of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets from our
own work room at our usual low prices. Spring shades
Kid Gloves in the well known makes: Dresden—Berton
Gilt Belts with gold plate buckles,
Silver Belts with Sterling buckles,
Gilt Belting—separate buckles,
from 10c to 50c.
Dresden Ribbons. Persian Ribbons.
M. F. & M MARKS,
113 to 117 S. Main St. Butler Pa
; Is misery to thousands-* people who have the
taint of serofu!:i in their blood. Happiness re
turns when t:. serofukms taint is eradicated
and cured by the One True Blood Purifier,
Ptcpredoiily *•> C. 1. EFood ACo I • Mm
Hood s Pills
Professional Cards.
Attorney-a l-Law.
OtTico with Newton Black, Esq-
South Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Room J—Armory Building.
C. F. L. McQuistion.
Office near '..'ourt IIoQB© Batler Pa.
*tj'y at Law—omce on Sonrh side of Pl»ia7o)i:
nuller Pa.
■ 'HeeaiNo. 8. Soutl Dtiruoi.d. Butler. Pt.
Atlorney- at-La\v.
nee—Between i'oatofficc and Diamond, Uuticr
Olllce at No. 104 East Diamond S".
uKce en second flour Jf ihe Iluseltoc LiocL
Oi.unond, liutlt.r, Pa.. Krvom No. 1.
U£',E In roora 8., ARMORY Building, Bullei
•i!ilce second door, Anderson liloek, Mal L Si,
..ear t ourt House. Butler. Pa.
■ ,|S7 E. Wayne.Bt.. oflie«- li<iur», 10 to j* M. an
10 3 P. M.
Office —In Gilkey building opyc siteP. 0.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Arttflcial Teeth Inserted on the latest im
jroved plan. Gold filling a specially. Ottlo*
,ver Sch i .1 !'h CloUdnc Store.
Main St.
Naesthetics Administered.
Pnyslcianand Surgeon.
son Vv'oct Cunningham St.
Now Troutmau liulldlngr,Butler. Pa.
f-:. 11. ZIMMERMAN
Office at No.' 45, Mfln Rtreet, rm 01
barmacy.Batler, Fa
.4 ttoiuey-at-la'.v. Ofilce In Mitcliel! bulldln
Butler Pa.
Physician and Surgeon.
Eye, car, nosaanrl throat a specialty
132 and 134 S. Main Street,
Ralston building.
Homceopathic Physician and
Ofl'ee 236 S. Main St.. opp. P. O.
lieihleuce 315 N. McKean St.
Gold Filling Painless Extraction of 'eceih
nd Artificial reetli without Plates a spec lair>
ifroi.l Oxide or Vitalized f.r or Loca'.
u;esttißtlßS used.
onice f>»er Miller's 'grocery east of Lowry
"TTICH closed VV»-111-*.H days and Thursdays
I nsurance and rtea! Estate
HUTI.RK - l 3 A
Funeral Director
37 S. Main, St. Butler Pa.
CS~ D D.
|Wcar |
IP©Spts 1
pr<ai-,eta®Es> cC
ri® Irritekti@i9
./. . -i / >
U:r v
bmmmtumm o
All of underwear at very
low prices.
Largest stock of hats and
furnishings for gentleman ni the
country. An inspection will prove
this to any ones satisfacture.
i Colbert & Dale.
243 S. Main St., Butler, Penn'a
KTTTLER. PA., . APRIL 9, 189 G.
igss. 8Y O.p PUTNAM'S SONS.
Tho Ist of January arrived, and Mr.
Mitcliel had heard nothing from Mr.
Barnes. Inquiry at his oflico was met
by the simple statement that "the chief
is out of town." When he would be
back or whero a communication would
reach him could not bo learned. A few
days before, however, a formal engraved
invitation to the dinner party had been
mailed to his home address. Mr.
Mitchel was annoyed at not having any
notification of whether or not the detect
ive would be present. However, he was
compelled to go ahead aud depend upon
the slight chance that at tho last mo
ment he would appear upon tho scene.
He hoped that this would occur, as oth
erwise his scheme for the evening would
be incomplete.
The dinner was to be served at 10
o'clock that night at Delmonico'e,
where a private room had been engaged.
It lacked ten minutes of the hour for
sitting down, and all the guests had ar
rived except Mr. Barnes. These were
Mr. Van Rawlston, Mr. Randolph, Mr.
Fisher, Mr. Neuilly. who had decided
to spend the winter in New York; Mr.
Thauret, and several other gentlemen.
It lacked barely half a minuto of 10
when Mr. Barnes was announced and
entered in handsome evening dress. Mr.
Mitcliel's face wore a look of triumph
as ho saw him, and he hurried forward
to receive him. Every one present un
derstood why the detective was invited,
for it, was by this time well known that
a wager was to be decided at 12 o'clock.
After the exchange of greetings Mr.
Mitchel gave the waiters the order to
open the doors of the dining room, and
in tho moment's interval managed to
get a word with the detective.
"Tell me quicklv, have you succeed
"Yes, thoroughly."
"Good! Write the man's name on a
card, and I will give you one upon
which I have written tho name of my
Mr. Barnes did so. Then they ex
changed cards, glanced at them and
grasped each other's hands significantly.
The cards bore the same name. With
the others they went into the dining
room. Mr. Thauret found himself seat
ed next to Mr. Barnes, while on the
other side of the detective sat Mr. Fish
It need scarcely bo said that the din
ner was enjoyable and enjoyed, though
it must bo admitted that all awaited
anxiously the hour of 12. It will be as
well perhaps, therefore, to come imme
diately to the denouement, for which
all were assembled. The last course had
been served, and coffee and nuts wore
on the table, when tho clock chimed the
hour for which all were anxious.
Promptly at tho first stroke Mr. Mitchel
arose. There was a silence till 13 was
tolled, and then ho begau:
"Gentlemen, you have all kindly ac
cepted my invitation to see me win a
rash wager made 13 months ago. It is
odd perhaps that I should have won—
for I announce that I have won—when
we remember that the time was 18
months, which number, as we all
know, superstitious persons are inclined
to connect with misfortune. To show,
however, that. I do not harbor such
childish ideas, I purposely made tho
timo of that length, and tonight- at tho
decisive moment we are 13." Here ho
paused a moment, and one might have
noticed that several persons quickly
counted those present to test the fact.
Continuing, he said: "The superstition
in connection with 18 at dinner is a
well defined one, and the supposition is
that one of tho number will die within
the year. I offer as a toast, therefore,
'Long life to all present—who deserve
it.' " The last clause, aftor a slight hesi
tation, made a decided effect. However,
the toast was drunk in silence.
"As some present may not entirely
understand what my wager w»ss I must
explain that 18 months ago tonight I
was in a Pullman sleeper with my
friend, Mr. Randolph. Mr. Barnes here
had just accomplished a neat capture of
the criminal Pettingill, who has since
been convicted. The papers were prais
ing him, and Mr. Randolph did so to
me in glowing terms. I ventured the
assertion that detectives run down their
prey largely because tho criminal class
lack intelligence sufficient to compete
with their more skilled adversaries. I
offered to wager that I could commit a
crime within a month and not be de
tected within a year thereafter. The
amount was to be SI,OOO and was ac
cepted by Mr. Randolph. I stipulated
for conviction, though had I been ar
rested within the stated period and con
victed afterward I should have consid
ered that I had lost the wager. That is
why I awaited the arrival of Mr. Barnes
so anxiously. I had not seen him for
some time, and it was possible that at
the last moment he might be prepared
to arrest mo upon evidence that would
later convict me. However, gentlemen,
I have escaped both arrest and convic
tion, yet I committed the crime as
"You must prove that," said Mr.
Randolph, "and, according to our agree
ment, it must have been a crime which
was much talked about.''
"Quite right, my friend, but I shall
be able to demonstrate all that. By a
curious coincidence a robbery was com
mitted on the very night and upon tho
same train upon which wo made our
wager, while another robbery was com
mitted almost at the moment when the
stipulated month expired. Thus two
crimes transpired within the timo al
lowed me, and with both of these my
name has been connected in tho mind of
tho detective, Mr. Barnes. Now, that
you all may better understand the cir
cumstances I must go to what I might
call the beginning. Years ago certain
circumstances in my earlier life gave
Hie an intimate acquaintance with tho
methods used by detectives, and I then
acquired tho idea which led mo into
this undertaking—that where the crim
inal has succeeded in escaping actual
watching during tho commission of his
crime, so that there is no witness to the
act, tho detective is almost powerless
until he learns tho object for which the
crime was undertaken. Am I not right,
Mr. Barnesi'"
"To know tho object of a crime, of
course, is a great assistance, but much
would depend upon tho attendant cir
cumstances. "
"True. The object then is important.
From this point I reached tho conclu
sion that if a man approached another,
totally unknown to him, at night in a
lonely neighborhood, struck him on tho
head, killing him, and then, unseen,
! reached his own home, it would rest en
tirely with himself whether or not he
would ever bo caught. I wanted a
chance to try this experiment—that is,
to commit a crime solely to test the
ability of the detectives to discover me
afterward. Tho dilficulty Wg§ that a
gentleman of honor would .scarcely wish
to engage in such a reprehensible piece
of business. For years, therefore, I could
think of no way to have my wish, till
the merest chance threw the opportuni
ty within my grasp. Waiter, fill up the
He paused a moment while this was
being done. The men went around with
champagne; and when Mr. Thauret was
reached he asked to have his burgundy
glass filled nlso. Mr. Mitchel was again
speaking when the waiter returned with
the red wine and did as requested. Mr.
Barnes also presented his glass for the
samo liquor, saying in an undertone to
Mr. Thauret, "I cannot take too much
"One of my hobbies," continued Mr.
Mitchel, "as you all know, is the col
lection of jewels. A few years ago I
heard that a magnificent set was offered
for sale. A rich East Indian nobleman,
so the story goes, had procured tho gems
as a present to his wife. They were of
the choicest quality and of each exactly
two, matched precisely in size, cutting
and coloration. In time ho had two
daughters, twins, tho mother dying at
their birth. Eventually these girls grew
up and were married, the ceremony be
ing a double wedding. The father took
the set of jewels and divided them, giv
ing to each girl one of each. This great
ly diminished their value, for the
matching of gems adds to their price.
"Reverses of fortune tempted one of
these women to offer her jewels for
sale. They were taken to a Paris deal
er, who chanced to be a man through
whom I had made many purchases. He
undertook not only to dispose of thegems,
but to reproduce them with a high or
der of imitation, so that the woman re
tained the original settings and con
tinued to wear what her friends sup
posed to be the genuine gems. I bought
Ihe unset stones. Subsequently her sis
ter, learning the secret, and seeing that
there was a way by which the jewelry
could be retained, while the jewels
themselves ceuld be turned into money,
engaged the same dealer to serve her in
a similar v?ay. Of course I was doubly
anxious to obtain this second lot, for by
doing so I enhanced the value of those
which I had already. I therefore bought
them also.''
He paused a moment, to allow the
company to recover from the surprise
at learning that the stolen jewels were
"This lot was sent to me through the
Boston custom house. I instructed the
dealer to do this because I had found
that goods can be received with less de
lay in Boston tliau in New York. Being
notified by my broker there that they
were ready for delivery, I went to Bos
ton and obtained them. I placed the
wallet in a peculiar satchel which had
been made to order for me, and carried
it to my room at tbo Hotel Vendome.
Later in the day I met Mr. Randolph,
and went with him to a theater. Ho
was to return to New York by the mid
night express, and I went with him to
the depot. As we stood awaiting our
turn to purchase tickets you may imag
ine my utter astonishment to see a wom
an pass and board the train having my
satchel in her hand. There could be no
mistake whatever, because the satchel
was peculiar, both in shape and color.
Of course I saw at once I had been rob
bed. It was useless to go back to my ho
tel, for that would be time wasted. If
by any miracle there were two such
satchels, mine was safe in tho hotel. I
therefore astonished Mr. Randolph by
offering to accompany him, and I did
so, occupying the same section with
"While I was thinking what action I
should pursue, knowing that once tho
train started my thief would be safe as
far as New Haven, Mr. Randolph began
to praise Mr. Barnes, and like a flash it
"lie had my satchel."
came to me that this was my chance. I
would rob tho thief of my own proper
ty. Thus if caught I could not be im
prisoned, while if not I would not only
win my wager, but I would have the
excitement and the satisfaction for
which I had wished. One thing threat
ened to upset my plans. Mr. Barnes by
an odd chance camo aboard the samo
coach, was given the section next to
ours and overheard our conversation.
This of courso I could not have counted
upon.' 1
"You did take it into your account,
though," interrupted Mr. Barnes.
"You mean that I refused to tell Mr.
Randolph what I meant to do, saying
that I might be overheard, and that I
might even be talking for the benefit of
a listening detective? True, but I had
no idea that this was so. It was merely
extreme precaution, and only shows that
we can never be too cautious in an en
deavor to keep a secret. Later, however,
I heard you get up, and peeping through
the curtains I saw you sitting up or
rather lying in a berth opposite, with
tho curtains drawn. lat once supposed
that you must bo a detective. My com
panion was soon asleep, but with SIOO,-
000 worth of jewels in the balance I
could not sleep. I was busy wondering
what I should do. I think, though, that
1 must have dozed, for I know that I
was startled to discover suddenly that
we were not moving. I looked out of
our section window—fortunately I was
next to it—and found that we had run
into the depot at New Haven. Like a
flash it came to mo that the thief might
leave the train here. I was about to get
up, when to my astonishment I noticed
a man sneaking along by the side of the
train. I was on tho side opposite to that
from which the passengers would alight,
and the suspicious actions of tho man
forced mo to watch him. Ho passed so
closo to mo that I could have touched
him had my window been open, and as
he did so the light of an electric lamp
disclosed tho fact that he had my
satchel. Tho thief had been robbed al
ready. The man approached a coal bin,
and stooping shoved the satchel behind
it. Then he returned to the train and
came aboard.
"I said to myself: 'That follow is
an artist. Ho will remain on board till
the robbery is discovered, if necessary,
1 and even allow himself to be searched.
Then ho will quietly come back and get
tho satchel and jewels.' Thus it was
: my ewe to act quickly. But if I left the
train I knew that tho detective would see
mo. I therefore gently raised tho sash
and deftly let myself to tho ground out
of the window. I quickly took the satch
el, ran to the end of the depot, and
j found a place where I could shove it far
| under tho platform. Then I climbed
back into the berth, and after that I as
sure you I slept very well"
The company applauded this descrip
tion of how the robbery had been com
mitted, and Mr. Mitcbel bowed.
'' Wait, my friends; we are not through
yet. Tho woman who had robbed me
had tile supremo audacity to report her
loss, or perhaps wo should say that she
was so angry that slio became desper
ate. I have reason to believe that she
bad an accomplice in this man, and that
suspecting him of robbing her she
would have been willing to give testi
mony against him if caught and trust
to escape herself by turning state's evi
dence. When we were running in to*
New York, Air. Barnes directed that all
should be searched. I enjoyed that, I
assure you. It seemed so amusing to
look in New York for what I knew was
in New Haven. At the same time I was
anxious to get back to New Haveu as
quickly as possible. With that end in
view I invited Mr. Barnes to breakfast
with me. I tried to make it appear that
I was anxious to have him agree to be
tho only detective on my track, but in
reality I wished to discover whether he
would be able at onco to place a spy at
my heels; that is, whether he had a
man at tho Grand Central already. This
I found was the case. I therefore was
obliged to go to my hotel as though
having no desire to leave town again.
Then subsequently 1 eluded this man
by the convenient bridges across the
elevated railroad. I went to New Ha-
ven, found the satchel, and then depos
ited it at a hotel near by for safe keep
ing. My object in this was plain. I
knew that, the robbery would get into
the newspapers, and that by behaving
suspiciously at the hotel—of course, I
was disguised—attention would be at
tracted there. This did happen, and the
result was that the jewels were given
into the custody of the police authori
ties, the very safest place for thein, so
far as I was concerned. Gentlemen, that
is the story of the crime which I com
mitted. I have only to show my receipt
from the Boston custom house and my
bill of sale from the Paris dealer to be
able to recover my property. Are you
satisfied, Mr. Randolph?"
"Entirely. You have won fairly, and
I have a check for the amount with me,
which you must accept with my con
gratulations upon your success."
"I thank ycu very much," said Mr.
Mitchel, taking the check. "I take this
because I have immediate use for it, as
yovi will learn directly. Now I must
tell you the true story of the other rob
bery. "
At this all were very much astonish
ed. Mr. Thauret appeared a trifle nerv
ous. He placed one hand over the top
of his claret glass, and let it rest there
a moment, after first having taken a sip
from it.
"You all recall the fact that I was
sick in Philadelphia," continued Mr.
Mitchel, "at the time of the Ali Baba
festival. I flatter myself that that was
the most artistic thing that I have done
throughout this whole affair. Any one
seeing me would have been satisfied
that I was truly ill, yet, in point of
fact, my cough was brought on by drags
administered to me by my physician at
my express desire, and for purposes
which I bad explained to him. I guess
ed that I had been followed to Philadel
phia and took care that I should not be
too closely watched, as Mr. Barnes
knows. Yet I expected that after the
affair Mr. Barnes himself would come
to Philadelphia to see wo, and my arti
ficially produced illness was to baffle
him. But I am anticipating events.
After the train robbery the woman was
murdered. By what seemed an odd
chanco she was in the samo house where
my wife then lived. I know that I had
been followed from the theater to that
houso on the night of the murder. I
knew that other circumstances pointed
strongly to my guilt. But I had the ad
vantage over the detective, for I knew
that the man who had stolen the jew
els from the woman, not finding them
when ho returned to New Haven, must
Jiave been furious. Judging the woman
by himself, he would suppose that at
least it was possible that she had taken
them from the satchel herself. Then on
that slim chance might ho not havo re
sumed to the woman, and, admitting
tbo theft of the satchel, have endeavor
ed to make her confers that she still
had the jewels? Failing in this, might
no not either in a fit of anger or to pre
vent her from 'peaching,'as they call
it, have cut her throat?"
"You are wrong there, Mr. Mitchel,"
said the detective. "The woman was
killed while she slept There was no
"Even so, we can imagine the sneak
going into the house and killing her
that ho might search for the gems un
disturbed, and also to rid himself of a
companion for whom he no longer had
any need. At least, that was the view
that I took of it, and, more than that, I
felt convinced that I knew the man.
At this moment Mr. Thauret nervous
ly reached forth his hand toward his
glass of wine, but before he could get
it Mr. Barnes had taken it up and
drained it to the bottom. Mr. Thauret
seemed livid with wrath, and a dramat
ic incident occurred, unobserved by the
rest of the company. Mr. Thauret turn
ed toward Mr. Barnes and 6eemed on
the point of making a demonstration,
-when that gentleman just tipped back
his chair e lightly, and meaningly ex
posed to the view of his neighbor the
gleaming barrel of a revolver, which he
held in his hand below the table. This
only occupied a moment, and immedi
ately afterward both men seemed, like
tho others, simply interested listeners
to tho narrative.
"When 1 say that I thought that I
knew the man," continued Sir. Mitch
el, "I make a statement which it may
interest you to have me explain. In tbo
first place, I saw the fellow who hid the
satchel at tho New Haven depot. Still
I obtained but a momentary glimpse of
his face and would not have been sure
of identifying him. I will call yo»yt
tention now to tho fact that very
incidents sometimes lead the mind into
a suspicion, which, followed up, may
elucidate a mystery. Prior to the train
robbery I had met a man at my club one
night, or rather I had seen him playing
a card game, and I conceived the notion
that tbo fellow was cheating.
"Within a few days of the robbery I
met this man again, on which occasion
Mr. Barnes was present, and an intf-r
--esting conversation occurred. I was
standing aside, pretending to bo other
wise engaged, but really puzzling over
the face of this man, which now seemed
to mo strikingly familiar. Of course I
had seen liim at the club, yet despito
me there was an intuitive feeling that I
had seen him elsewhere also. In a mo
ment I heard him admit that lie had
been aboard of the train on the night of
tho robbery, and that he had been the
first one searched. Awhile later lie of
fered to wager Mr. Barnes that various
theories which had been advanced as to
the thief's method of secreting the jew
els were all erroneous. This one remark
satisfied me that the thief stood before
pie. I had jiot then heard of the mur
der. Kfty ft muct Feiytynbsred. that
I "was insnared in the meshes of circum
stantial evidence myself, so that, be
sides any duty that I might owe to so
ciety, it became of vital importance to
my own safety that I should be in a po
sition to prove this mat. guilty. I form
ed a rather bold plan. I made a friend
of the fellow. I invited him to my room
one night and then accused him of hav
ing cheated at the card game. Ho at
first assumed a threatening attitude,
but I my composure and per
haps static „ V v proposing to ft >rm
a partnership by v v eould fleece
the rich clubmen. I *hat
I really possessed less money than 1 am
credited with, and that what I did have
I had taken at the tables on the conti
nent. Ho then admitted that he had a
'system,' and from that time we posed
as good friends, though I do not think
he ever fuHy trusted ma I learned
from him that his partner in the game
where I caught him cheating was en
tirely innocent aud made him promise
n c to plav with him again, for I had
discovered that the detectives had heen
told of this game, and therefore kr.ew
that they would be watching both men
when playing cards. I therefore pre
ferred to be the partner myself upon
stich occasions.
"Having somewhat won the fellow's
confidence, I was ready for my great
scheme in baffling the detective so that
I might win my wager and at the same
time entrap my suspect. I had conceiv
ed the Ali Baba festival. I showed Mr.
Barnes cno day the ruby which I after
ward presented to my wife. At the same
time I told him that if he should come
to the conclusion that I was innocent of
the train robbery, he might as well re
member that I would still have to com
mit the crime as agreed upon. Then I
arranged that the festival should occur
on New Year's night, the very day on
which my month would expire. I knew
that all this would lead tho detective to
believe that I meant to rob my fiancee,
a crime for which I might readily liavo
escaped punishment, with her assist
ance. There he misjudged me. I would
not for treble the sum have had her
name mixed up in such a transaction.
She knew absolutely nothing of my in
tentions; though being at that time in
ignorance of the details of the train rob
bery, I left her mind in a condition not
to offer resistance to the thief, who she
might suppose to be myself. Then, after
laying my trap, at the last moment I
baited it by asking my fiancee to wear
tho ruby pin in her hair. I went to
Philadelphia, and feigned sickness.
Then I eluded tho spy and camo on my
self. Mr. Barnes I supposed would be
present, and I had arranged that if so
he would necessarily be in one of the
dominos of the Forty Thieves. I had in
vited my suspect to assume the role of
Ali Baba, but he shrewdly persuaded
somo one else to take the costume, him
self donning one of the Forty Thieves'
dresses. This compelled mo to go around
speaking to every one so disguised, and
to my satisfaction, by their voices, I
discovered my man and also Mr. Barnes.
In the final tableau Mr. Barnes, who
evidently was watching Ali Baba, at
tempted to get near him, and by chance
was immediately behind my man.
Fearing that he would interfere with
my plans, J fell in just behind him.
My design was to tempt the fellow to
steal the ruby, which, if he did, would
satisfy at least myself that my suspi
cions were correct. It was perhaps a
mad scheme, but it succeeded. I had so
arranged that every one should pass the
sultan and make obeisance. In doing
this, as my fiancee was seated on the
floor, the ruby in her hair would be just
at hand, and one who knew its high
value could easily take it. I fully ex
pected my man to do this, and I saw
him gently withdraw it. Immediately
Mr. Barnes stepped forward to seize
him, but I held the detective from be
hind, then threw him into the advanc
ing crowd, and, in tho confusion, escap
ed from the house.''
Mr. Mitchel paused, and silence pre
vailed. All felt, rather than knew, that
a tragedy might be at hand. Mr. Thau
ret, however, in a moment said:
"Are you not going to tell us tho
name of this sneak thief?"
"No," quickly responded Mr. Mitch
el. "But you are wrong to call my sus
pect a sneak thief. If crime were a rec
ognized business, as gambling in Wall
street is now considered, this man
would be counted'a bold operator.' I
confess that I admire him for his cour
age. But it would scarcely do for me to
mention his name, when I am not in
the position to provo that bo is the
guilty man."
"I thought you said that you saw
him steal tho ruby?" said Mr. Thauret.
'' I did, but as I myself had been sus
pected of that my unsupported word
would bo inadequate. Let mo tell you
what I have done in the matter since.
The most important step for me perhaps
was to prevent the sale of the gem.
This was not difiicult, as it is known
the world over. I warned all dealers
and let my man know that I had done
80. Next, I wished to delay a denoue
ment until tonight, the time when my
wager with Mr. Randolph would be
settled. I soon discovered that my sus
pect would not be averse to a marriage
with a rich American girL He ques
tioned mo adroitly as to the fortune
which would come to my little sister
in-law, and I replied in such away that
I knew he would bend his energies in
that direction. Then I did that which
perhaps I should not have done, but I
felt myself master of the situation and
able to control events. I made a wager
with Dora that sho would not remain
unengaged until tonight, and I stipu
lated that should sho have offers she
should neither accept nor reject a suit
or. I also told her, though I declined to
fully explain how, that she would ma
terially assist mo in winning my wa
This explains what Dora meant when
sho asked Mr. Randolph if money would
count with him against her love. When
she accepted tho wager with Mr. Mitch
el, she had been feeling resentful to
ward Mr. Randolph, who, as long as he
suspected his friend of the graver crimes,
hesitated to become connected with him
by marriage. This made him less atten
tive to Dora, so that sho had not thought
of him as a suitor when making the
bet. When he declared himself, she rec
ognized her predicament and was corre
spondingly troubled, yet determined to
win, and so acted as related.
By this time, though Mr. Mitchel
had not mentioned the name of the
criminal, several present knew to whom
he wad alluding. Mr. Randolph said
'' Then that explains''— Here ho stop
ped, confused.
"Yes," said Mr. Mitchel, smiling,
"that explains everything that has per
plexed you. Bo reconciled for the time
you have been made to wait, for you
will now not ouly win the lady, but
will recover this check, for I must pass
it over to her as a forfeit. Gentlemen,
shall we drink to tho health and suc
cess of Mr. Randolph V"
This was done in silence. The guests
felt u constraint. They knew that more
was yet to come and anxiously waited
foj it.
Mr. Mitchel continued: "Gentlemen,
that ends my story, except that I en
gaged Mr. Barnes to take up the threads
of evidence which 1 tf uvo him and to
disentangle thetu if lie could. Shall we
hear his report?"
Green corn, properly masticated, will be
digested In tt's hours.
The capacity of tho stomach Is varied
greatly by age ar.d habits of eating.
Itaw cabi<age " ill bo digested at the end
ofhour*. Boiled cabbage demands at
le-usi 4>» hours.
Beef soup is iiiu<*h harder of digestion
than would be supposed. The time re
quired is about four hours.
Fresh suu&uge. broiled, requires nearly
B}4 hours for digestion. When fried, the
time Is Indefinitely lunger.
Barley soup is one of the lightest of
jiets. It is believed to be completely di
gested at the end of l'j hotirs.
The tendons and cartilages of meats aro
very much more difficult of digestion than
the liber, requiring from four to Ave hours.
No liesh is lienlthy too soon after the
death of the animal. Meat should always
be kept at least a day or two before using
Highly concentrated foods, like eggs and
meats, should be eaten with vegetables
and fruit, which supply materials not con
tain! d in tho moro solid diet.
At iho Berlin People's Kitchen meals
arc served at an exjienso of 'H* cents each.
The dinner consists of I'i pints of soup
and ounces of meat or llsh.
Corn bread is said to bo perfectly digest
ed at the end of three hours, bnt with some
persons the digestion of this kind Is much
more difficult than that of wheat.
No man can lay down a rule of guidance
for another man's stomach. Every stom
ach is a law unto itself. There are chrome
dyspeptics who digest pork and beans bet
ter than any other food.
The Human treatment of the stomach
was heroic as well as epicurean. At a
Roman feast emetics were provided for
the guests when they could eat no more,
and after undergoing the effects of these
the feast was renewed.—St. Louis Globe-
Modjeska has gone to her ranch, Arden,
at El Taro, Cal.
Eleanor Calhoun is a popular favorite
with the theater goers of London.
La Lole Fuller's receipts averaged over
SB,OOO a performance on her iio appear
ances in New York city.
Clyde Fitch has contracted to provide
NatC. Goodwin next season.with a comedy
drama with Nathan Halo, the American
patriot, as hero.
•'ln Gay New York" is the title selected
by Canary & Loderer for their forthcom
ing annual review, to be produced in May
at the New York Casino.
It Is said that Emma Calve will bo mar
ried to Henri Calu, a Parisian librettist,
during the coming summer. She will re
main on the stage however.
"Bohemia" is crowding the Empire the
ater, New York, at every performance.
Charles Frohman will need nothing elso
at his fashionablo house this season.
The American tour of "The Chili Wid
ow" will bo given at the Gardon theater,
New York, in the autumn. Tho produc
tion will be Identical with tho ono now in
Charles Coghlan's ''Madame," with
Rose Coghlan in the title role, has scored
a deserved success at Palmer's, Now York.
Tho dialogue is trenchant and the interost
Lillian Russell will make her first ap
pearance next season in a comic opera not
unlike "La Mascotte." In this produc
tion she will for the first time delve Into
tho soubrettc realm.
Jessie Lindsay, who hails from St.
Louis, is one of tho dancing successes In
London just now. Her buck, ballot and
oriental terpslchorean vagaries have
caught the Britishers.
Bare walls make a gadding housowife.
There are more faults in tho humor
than in the mind.—Rochefoucauld.
Troubles spring from idleness and griev
ous toils from needless causes.—Franklin.
Ho who can pay homage to tho truly
despicable Is truly contemptible.—Lavator.
Full oft have letters caused the writers
to curse tho day they were indlters.—But
If little labor, little are our gains; man's
fortunes are according to his pains.—Her
True happiness no'er entered an eye;
true happiness resides in things unseen.—
To be truly and really independent is to
support ourselves by our own exertions. —
Incivility Is the extreme of pride; it is
built on the contempt of mankind.—Zim
Malice and hatred are very fretting and
apt to make our minds sore and uneasy.—
A true and genuine Impudence Is ever
tho effect of ignorance, without tho least
son&o of it.—Steele.
Some things are of that nature as to
make one's fancy chuckle while his heart
doth ache.—Bunyan.
Chicago can copper greater Now York
by annexing Milwaukee.—Kansas City
To have rats in the city hall is not agree
able, but the a miction can bo endured with
luore general equanimity than barnacles.
—Chicago Tribune.
Chicago is experimenting with com
pressed air. Can it be that the fair city Is
pressed for room to store Its wind?—
Springfield (Mass.) Union.
The time may oomo when some of tho
lawmakers of Chicago will have to con
duct the affairs of tho town from the in
terior of a jail.—Chicago Record.
In Chicago nowadays if a man escapes
being held up by a footpad ho is still In
imminent danger of being knocked down
by an alderman.—New York Press.
When the president gets disgusted with
congress, he goes gunning for ducks; benoe
the frequency of these gunning expedi
tions. —Roston Herald.
Somebody has discovered that there are
40 evil tors in congress. Then that accounts
for the unusual display of Intelligence in
tho house, where most of them are gath
"Ef some men paid ezmuch 'tention ter
belli congressmen," said Uncle Eben, "ez
dey does ter bein candidates, dar'd be moh
statesmen in dls hero country."—Wash
ington Star.
Tho statement that when tho president
Is disgusted with congress ho goes duok
shooting is obviously not true. There are
times when ho Is not duck shooting.—
Providence Bulletin.
Reversing the Process.
Dick Talt—My wife comes down to the
office every day. Sho got so jealous of
that pretty typewriter I had that I had to
discharge her and get a male stenographer.
Town©—Well, everything is all right
now, Is it not?
Dick Tait —No. Now I am jealous my
self.—Now York World.
Love In Anger.
When Moilie's in a temper,
Alas, alack, the day I
O'er thorn aiul rose away love goes
And weeps along the way.
And then, 'twixt tears and laughter.
She prays the rose to check
His footsteps and flies after,
Her arms around his neck!
—Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution.
Narrow Limitations.
Opera Manager—Tell you what, I'm
glad I'm not In the grocery business.
Opera Manager—l'm told that if a gro
cer puts on an understudy tor cream of
tartar or coffee, he Is subjoct to line and
imprisonment.—Detroit News.
A I'oeui on Spring.
Of sprint,'
I Sing!
When we catch the glint of the bluebird's wing;
Wb«Mi u 1 mis. now mild, no longer sting;
When bird songs through tho vtoudland ring,
And bicycle bells go ting-a-iing.
And winter flannels closely cling.
Then it is spring,
The real thing,
Br Jing I —Jndianapolis Journal.
If England makes any advances in
Egypt, she Is likely to demand real estate
as security.—Philadelphia Times.
A reoent rv:di.-,tic novelist speaks of red
banded jcali usv. Jealousy with green
eyes, ml bands and a blue necktie ought
to be something terrible.—Los Angeles
Tho Standard Oil company announces
that it will bore 800 holes in southeast
Kansas this year. It looks like It would
make the blame thing leak.—Hutchinson
(Kan.J News.
The champion pngillst says he has mas
tered \en distinct blows, each of which
will kill u man. Of course the most effect
ive one is talking him to death.—St. Louis
The RriiUh cabinet is so thoroughly in
favor of the arbitration movftnent that it
proposes to spend 1 11 0,000,000 In battle
ships to enforce the ;>aclflc method.—
Pittsburg Dispatch.
A New York contemporary remarks
that "the theater hat Is again up for dis
cussion." The theater hat is certainly up
for some puroose, and so is the eholer of
the man who sits behind it.—Kansas City
The thieves who stolo a hearse and a
coffin tho other day deserve recognition as
the most audacluus outlaws in this neigh
borhood. The next thing we know they
may attempt to rob death of its terrors.—
New York Mail and Express.
Consuelo Marlborough has ri nod
from Egypt with a living nofiven. ... tho
shape and color of a Nubian sla\\ In
cluding the duke, this niakts the - cond
ouriosity she has picked up w.Llim a few
months.—Blngliamton Republican.
The hint of a Byron revival nu.kes us
realize how bad we are. It was once
thought rather shocking to express an ad
miration for that poet, but he is milk for
babes compared with somo of his fln do
slecle successors.—St. Paul Pioneer Press.
A sapient Kansas judge rules that a
man who calls upon a woman regularly
and occasionally takes her to entertain
ments is engaged to her. If this notion
ever becomes general, most women will
be obliged to pay for their own theater
tickets.—New York Press.
Now that wo are under the Roentgen
ray dispensation and are beginning to see
through each other we can better under
stand what the experiences of tbe judg
ment day will be. When Judge Gabrlol
turns his X rays on our mortal nature,
we'll be shown up in our truo light. It
behooves us to tidy up our interiors.—Cin
cinnati Southwest.
To dream of frogs means success either
in business or In love.
A droam that your bouse has been
burned denotes business losses.
Combing your hair in a dream betokens
success in lovo or trado, or both.
Seeing an Indian In a droam presages a
fort unate speculation in real estate.
Fighting in a dream means that you
will soon suffer much loss of property.
To dream of eating oysters signifies a
large increase in your trade or business.
A dream about dice means a speedy
estrangement from some very dear friend.
If you dream that you have an ague,
the sign Is that you will become a drunk
To dream of playing dice means that
somo ono will shortly dlo and leave you
Quarreling with an acquaintance In a
dream means a speedy division In your
To dream that you are riding a good
horse means that you will marry a wealthy
To dream of a bear means that you have
a powerful enemy who will probably suc
ceed In doing you a great Injury.
If you dreum that you are walking in a
green field, you will soon receive tho re
payment of a long standing loan.
To dream that you are kissing some
body means iliat an unknown friend will
shortly confer upon you a groat benefit.
General Weyler doesn't seem able to
keep his thr. its.—New York Press.
Weyler evidently intends keeping tho
Cubans so busy reading the manifestoes
that they will find no tlmo to drill.—St.
Louis Republic.
Except iu tbe accumulation of manifes
toes General Weyler Is still unable to re
port progress in his Cuban campaign.—
New York Evening World.
General Weyler has lssuod another proc
lamation, but ho has not yet given tho
world any reason to believe that he Is tho
kind of a man in whose hands the pen is
mightier than the sword.—St. Louis
Globe- Democrat.
General Weyler talks as eloquently as if
ho were an orator born, but still he will
havo some difficulty in proving that ho
was a golden haired angel of reconciliation
In his previous Cuban campaign.—Phila
delphia Inquirer.
" W hat do you do when you are hungry?"
"Work. It takes away my appetite."—
New York Tifhes.
"I never give a cent to ablebodlod mon."
"And expect me to cut off an arm for a
cent?" —Philadelphia Item.
" This horo book wot I found tells er
bout a slecpin beauty wot slop' 100 years.
Do yer b'lieve it?" "Course; I kin do it
moself."—Sparta Herald-Advertiser.
"I never give to beggars In the street,"
remarked a young man to a beggar.
"Will yor honor oblige me with yer namo
and address, and I'll call on you," was
the prompt retort.—Answers.
"Don't use poor soap," road Perry Pa
tetic from the paper In which his "poke
out" had been wrapped. "Ef I had of
boen writin that," ho continued, "I think
I would havo left out that word 'pore.' "
—Adams Freeman.
Ono variety of the India rubber tree ha
bright green leaves bordered with flaming
Double flowers are generally the result
of cultivation and always an abnormal
Many tropical trees when the bark is
lacerated give out a milky juice that Is an
active, acrid poison.
In Asia it Is claimod that tho famous fig
tree at Auarajapoura, Ceylon, Is the old
est historical troe in the world. A record
of It has been kept since it was planted In
the yoar 288 B. C.
Just before the sap begins to flqw is tbe
best time to attend to tho pruning of the
rosebushes. Prune hack severely, espe
cially the hnrdy perpetual roses, and the
number of . looming branohes will be
greatly incrcasod.
Her Commandment#.
X. Bememlier that I am thy wife.
Whom thou must cherish all thy life.
U. Thou shalt not stay out late at night,
When lodges, friends or clubs invite.
#. Thou (thalt not smoke Indoor or out
Or chew tobacco roundabout.
4. Thou shalt, with praise, receive my pies,
Nor jiatitry made by me despise.
6. My mother thou shalt strive to please
And let her livo with us In ease.
ft. Remember 'tis thy duty clear
To dress mo well throughout tho year.
7. Thou shalt in manner mild and meek
Give me thy wages every week.
8. Thou shalt not be a drinking man.
But live on prohibition plan.
9. Thou shalt not flirt, but must allow
Thy wife such freedom anyhow.
lu. Thou shall get up when baby cries
And try the child to tranqulllse.
These my commands from day to day
Implicitly thou shalt obey. _
Of what composed the thing
The woman calls her bonnet?
There are a wing, a ribbon and
Her own whole mind upoftjt.
—Detroit Tribune.
The Worm Turns.
Conductor —Did I get your fare?
Passenger—l guess you did. I didn't soe
you ring It up.—Puck.
Age and Wisdom.
The older we get the less woJmoW
And the madder we get ifO'OU^ol^-Us^