Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 26, 1896, Image 4

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Christmas time is now htie and
Heineman & Son have as usual a
very fine line of Christmas Presents
to suit ever)* person.
The Line Consists of
Dressing Cases
Cuff and Collar Boxes
Travelling Sets
* Shaving Sets
Cut Glass
Picture frames
Christmas Cards
Gold Fens
Fine Stationery
All the Popular Books
Leader Goods
Heineman Sl Son's
Seanor # Nace's
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable,
Rear or Wick House, Butlor, Pa
The bejt of horseß and ARET CISBB
rigs always on hand and for hire.
Beet accommodationß in town for
permanent boarding and transient
trade. Special care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-five horses.
A good claei of horses, both driv
ers and draft horses always on band
and for sale under a full guarantee;
and horses bought opon proper noti
fication by SUA NOR & NACE
All kinds ot stock bought nnd
Telephone at Wick HOUSE.
JL. (j. WICK
Rou|ti and Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
Office opporii, P. A.W. Depot,
2 and 2 Do Not Make Five.
It's quite a probiem to please
everyone's taste in any line you
may select and particularly of
jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass,
etc., but I'm sure you will find
what you want in my large stock
and at such prices that defy com
petition. I am making a spe.
cialty of nobby and find Goods
and want your trade.
For Medical <f- Family Ute. $1 25 per <//
or 0 qts for $o
Finch's Golden WeJding, Onckenheimer,
Large, Gibcon, Bridtfeport, Oveibold. Pull
quart* s], 6 (juartx lor $5. Our goods war
ranted pure. Grand Father's Choice,
rnarranteed 3 years old, $2 per gal. 0.
0. D. and mail orders receive prompt at
KOBT. LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler,
136 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa., opposite B. & 0.
R. R. Depot
wmm Consult tb.O"» *v u»bl."
Stli If. FIFTEENTH NT., I'll 11.A., PA.
Thirty yearn' i - cure of aSI
of njen f.nd wonlfti No ruatfr from what
caua* or Luv/ long atandlug. I will gunrunte* a rur»
112-Pi ' CloLh-Bouud book and Uialia^
On First Mortgage on Improved
J I 5.00 per Month Pays for sl,-
oco in About Eight Years.
Money Ready.
Attorney, Butler Pa.
Treasurer, Butler Pa.
District Agent, Butler Pa.
Investors should send n>r our
"Dozen Reasons" and "F" Circu
lar. We make your money earn
6 pet cent free of taxes.
I HlE<t '' ' i SAVINGS rUNO ANO j
I I or pirrsaußoH. PA I
No matter whether your needs
are great or small in the clothing
line we shall take an equal pleas
ure in catering to your wa«ts.
We have an unparalleled line of
all the newest things, and can
"suit" you to a nicety at any cost
you may desire.
Pressing his suit. There will
be little show for the young man
to "press his suit" successfully on
Sunday evening, if he is not pro
perly dressed. There is an ap
pearance of success about the well
dressed man which carries success
with it.
The tailor's goose is the man
who does not consider that he
owes it to himself and his friends
to be comfortably dressed. There
is no excuse for the indifferent ap
pearance when we can clothe you
at such remarkably reasonable fig
ures. $18,520, $25, S3O and $35
spring styles now on display at
Cor Diamond, Butler, Pa
con POUND.
The True health Assistant
Sold by Druggists.
Price $1 —6 for $5.00.
Morrison Hros. Cough Syrup
Excels in Giving Satisfaction.
kjfg} 3 i'p.i /.rk DISPENSARY.
PAII forms of Delicate and Com
.-iTk."WCA fc'.f p', irate.! UUenperf requiring CON
«« WgJ #iPitjiTlA.L andSCIKNTiFic Med-
icatioi? are treated at this I>i«
m>Aiv with a rwea ."reiy attained. Dr. h
K l/ik« ii ••»number of th e Kotal ( ollc I hy
- and Burgeo.ir, au«l is tho ol icat and moat
•» ,« i .em ed bi'tClALlrt* m city Spei -ai at
• nt ou /jivento N-.ryous Drbrllty from
n ai exertion. lntfcßrrotioo of youth,etc., cat;.
~lmical and mental dc ay,lae.k of «
i i.oi."t.*nev', etc.; Cf.'»cei>» Old Sore-*, t its,
pile**, rheumatism, and all ti» - sesof the Skin
..I. Kiii.i's, rrinary (> i g »i •,« t •. Cci.s.iltatioi
*i 1 »lnctW conmli wti„ 1 Ofhee U U
; . .»7to V. l'. M. , Sill 2to t v : .ml;
t ai. or ad. ln-.* s. r (
» \S A ' K WDU li •
StimrJatcs the appotito and pro
duces refreshing sleep.
Clircks wa«t : .nc diseases, stops
J night swouts, euros incipici-t
- AMm - consumption.
O Increases aud flesh.
Promotes healthy lung tissue.
Willgivo the pale and puny the
Nrosy checks of youth.
Makes strong 1. :.:id woaion of
Care aii lasting Diseases ano
tht it sequences,
Thoy aro neither .typtl nor raustie ar'
ir.. ono coa«u)*tinft eilect on the contents
ol Lho stomach or its limnK consequently
not hurt tho teeth or cause constipation
■>r diarrhcea, aa do tho usual formr ot Tron
" treatment 50c, pamphlet free If
not kept by your druggist, address
Scientific American !
For Information and free Handliook wrlta to
MUNN A CO.. /iit'iai'V. AY. NEW Y'>RK.
Old« st bureau for retiring i»at-ntH In Am**rlea.
Ever; nntent taken out by ns 1h l<r • VJR :II beforo
Uie i jtille by a uuticu given five o.' tiargo lu tiio
etmitsilon of ,n» .. lontlfif |*i»'r In tho
world. K|»U*TI'I 1*1: V 1 luntmted. N<» luU'lliKfnt
man khn-il I u- ~t it. Weekly, i*:i oo t
J.ar: ibl\ .. , AilUrem. lirSfN /t CO..
rvßui.iii.i.4, i'i i j.i ;.v. Xcw York City.
Every Woman
Sometimes n«:Us a re'i
-1 abla monthly regulating
0 ■<<_ mr.dicine.
nr. PEAL'S
Aro prompt, wufe nnd eertain In re.it.lt. T?io genu
ine i Dr. I'PII'BI nevor diwppoint. Hont anvThnrc*
ttOO, /foai Modicr Co , Cle\ ei&iui« O#
P' • at City I'harniaiV.
wave done for others
anu Permanently
A positive cure fcr all Weaknesses,
Nervousness, Debility, and ail their
train of evils resultine from early errors
and later excesses; the result of over
work. aickness, worry, etc.
orexcessive useof
and liquor, which Jead to consumption
and insanity. Their use shows immedi
ate improvement. Insist upon having
the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other.
Convenient to carry in vest pocket.
Price, $(.00 per box, six ; -<oxes, one full
treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure
any case. If not kept by your drug
gist we will send them by mail, upon
receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto
The Love ot Children Is Innate In
the Heart of every True Man and
All that is beautiful and lovely in wo
man, finds its climax in motherhood.
How often we find among oar American
women that longing for the prattling
voice, the idol of their waiting hearts.
It is a natural instinct, this yearning of
the heart for offspring; yet the wife hesi
tates to talk with the family physician
on this delicate subject. A good way to
do is to send for a medical book on
"Woman and Her Diseases," (168 pages)
sent, sealed in a plain envelope , on receipt
of 10 cents in stamps, for postage, if you
address the World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
The reflections of a married woman
are not pleasant if she be delicate, run
down, or debilitated. She feels "played
out." Her smile and her good spirits
have taken flight. It worries her hus
band as well as herself.
This is the time to build up her
strength and cure those weaknesses or
ailments which are the cause of her
trouble. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion regulates and promotes all the pro
per functions of womanhood, improves
digestion, enriches the blood, dispels
aches and pains, melancholv and nerv
ousness, brings refreshing sleep, and re
stores perfect health and strength.
It's a safe remedial agent, an invigor
ating tonic and nervine which cures all
those disorders, weaknesses and derange
ments incident to womanhood.
Fcr Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Legs, Hogs,
500 Pagp Book on Treatment of Animals
and ( hart Free.
cmEfi 5 Fever*, Congest ion*. Inflammation
A. A.} Spinal Meningitis* Milk Fever.
11.11.—strain•*, l,aniene*M, Khe(imnti*m.
C.C'.—Uifttemper# Nut»ai l>i*< burgee*.
!>.!>.—Hot* or (.rub*, Worm*.
E.E.—rough*. Heave#*, Pneiiaionia.
F.F.—< olic or (•ripe*. liell \ m lie.
i*enrriage v Hemorrhage*.
11.11. I rinary and Kidney IMxeanen.
I.l. —Eruptive I>i*en*e*. Mange.
J.K.—Oi*ea*et» of Digestion, i'uraly«ia.
Single Battle cover 50 doses), - - .60
Mubli< ('n-e, with Specifies. Manual. .
Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator, $7.00
Jar Veterinary Cut e Oil, - • 1.00
Hold by Dm??;*!*; or M>nt prrpald aaywb*re and In any
quantity on r**cclpi of price.
11l Ml'llUKYh* (0., 11l a 113 William St., for York.
in use 30 years. Tho only successful remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Pro'tration, from over work or other causes.
$ I per vial, or 6 vials and large vial powder, for #5.
Bm4 I y Urugglats, or Hit paMfMld "U NMpi of price.
HCSPIIRKTB* MLU. CO., 111 A 113 WiilUm hu, .New York.
/ l\ n Earache is about as Ij
) ' * painful an ache as i
j anything that j
/ (TitADt MARX) j
/ has to deal vith. But it j
I• stops it immediately. Big >
/ pains—l i 111 e pains—it >
/ stops all of them.
I Salva-cea is the quickest /
to relieve and cure
Piles, Bails,
\ Cat&rrh, Chafings, j
Soro Throat, Uioers, '
Colds, Rheumatism,
i 1 S
/ Sera Kuscles, Burns. \
/ i
Two sizes, 25 and 50 cents. )
bAt druggists, or by mail. 1
e BRAMDRXTH Co. 274 CANAL ST., N, V. /
Z Six QUARTS,-$5.00 I
i i -■
I ;
- *
" It is the purest and be»t 8 year m
» old whiskey in America to-day. ■
£ SEND FOR IT .. . TRY IT. ■
- it' lioordrrsor over freight pre- ■
" paid. Catalogues sent Iree. -
" Wholesale and Retail Druggists* j ■
I ■ 41 2 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. j m
Special Notice.
?ure Hyo WhisVion from'the bent known
distillers, according to age, from to
*<> (10 per gallon. My own importation of
line oh*. Porte. Sherry, ftliiue and Moffl
Wines from $2.00 to $. r >.oo per gallon. St
Helena pore old California Win 3«, dry and
«weot, 75 cents to $1.50 per gallon. Also
agent for the celebrated Lake CliautaiK|na
Wine-*. $1 50 per gallon. Seneca Lake
pure Wine Vinegar. 00c per gallon. The
finest imported Gins. Cognacs, Scotch and
Irish Whisky, Stout Bass Ale, <fcc., at
lowest prices. CHII or writo to A. An
driessen 1 f-H Federal St., Allegheny.
Special Price Lift on application N'O
extra charge lor jugs or packing. Mail
orders promptly attended to.
Ts a special t>oon to business men who, having
drifted uneonsefously into tho drink habit and
Awaken to lit id tlie disease of alcoholism fastened
up >n them, rendering them unfit to manage af
i ■ 1 wiring a elear brain. A four week*
course of treatment at the ,
No. 4246 Fifth Avenue,
restores to them all their powers, mental ami
physical, deKtroys tho abnormal a j petite, and
restore s them to tho condition thev wcro in be
fore they indulged in stimulant*. This has been
done In more than lfiOO eases treated here, and
fnnnm* them some of your own neighbors, to
whom we ean refer with confidence us to the
a olufe safety and efficiency of the Keclcy cure.
The fullest and most M-arenlntr investigation is
TI vited. bend lor p*im»iilct giving full iuforxaar
lion. i
r nc!l«h IMnmonil Hr u ni.
Orlxlnal un«l Only <>fn«la& A
aarc. alwav* ,-MaMc tao.rn a.k &\
I "C* jEk "Itrilrf fur l.»ill«-»." •'» letter, by return
* / ClllVhratrrt LcmlcalC«.,Bflu<lUoat Hquar^
Bald tr aii L-xal l'hlla'«a, ft*a
mm s s&i E
Itaw"'iri n cqi'"i„i, .ar-'unsnrpnwd. apttwllr
on lasting tv. < 1 Ix.it. sof m.v other (.rand. N. t
y WUKT TUH 'ii:\l CNK.
Wheat bread requires 3 hours (or per
fect digestion.
Alexis St. Martin digested broiled veni
son steak In IK hernrs.
Oyster soup requires from three to four
hours for proper digestion.
Vinegar taken with food greatly delays
and sometimes entirely prevents proper
Cocoa is believed to have no effect either
in promoting or retarding the digestion of
other food.
Condiments and stimulants are not re
ally foods. They are simply whips to ap
petite or digestion.
Raw apples, sour and hard, when well
chewed, may bo digested In a little loss
than three hours; when mell«w. the time
is reduced to two.
Kneading the stomach was once a favor
ite treatment for Indigestion and dyspep
sia. An attempt was made in this way
to Imitate the natural motion ot the stom
Recruits In the British army are often
attacked by what is called "meat fever,"
a complaint caused by a change from
meager and Innutritions diet to the strong
ration of the army.
It is a marvelous provision of naturs
that digestion Is an involuntary operation.
If a man had to think over his digestion
whenever ho ate a meal, nobody would
have time to do any work.
Dry bread is much easier of digestion
I than fresh. It is estimated by physiolo
gists that over 10 per cent of dry bread
undergoes salivary digestion while being
masticated, while of fresh bread less than
2 per cent is thus changed.
It has been proved by actual experiment
that tea retards digestion. An infusion
of 1 per cent of tea causes a visible delay;
a 8 per cent infusion will delay digestion
sometimes 12 times the normal period; a
10 per cent decoction arrests the digestion
of 111 starchy foods.—St. Louis Globe-
Mrs. Ormlston Chant has come over to
reform Chicago. Mrs. Chant no doubt
means well, but—she doesn't know much
about Chicago. Kansas City Journal.
There is a tendenoy to complain in New
York because large numbers or" big rob
beries are being committed by recognized
professional crooks instead of policemen.
—Washington Star.
A Chicago alderman who was robbed of
a valuable diamond pin during a session
of the council does not know whether to
6uspect a member of the board or some
outside thief.—lndianapolis Journal.
The New York papers are sarcastio over
tho report that a wolf was killed In the
suburbs ot Chicago. The Chicago papers
may easily respond that it is much pleas
anter to kill a wolf in tho suburbs than to
have a tiger hunt you all over the city.—
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Greater New York will havo a popula
tion of over 8,000,000, and Chicago will
have to enter into negotiations with a few
neighboring states to come anywhere near
tho ligure. New York is a great city, ex
cept when it tries to get national conven
tions.—Baltimore American
Chicago is not satisfied with the Bible as
it stands written for all the world. A
committee of citizens has gotten up a re
vised edition of the holy Scriptures to be
read In the public schools of that city.
Chicago will next revise the croation of the
world and the day of judgment.—Blooin
ington (Ills.) Deader.
Mr. Briton Rlvloro, R. A., works in his
studio only three hours a day.
Ruskin Is very fond of gems and usually
carries a number of diamonds loose in his
William F. Adams (Oliver Optic) of
Boston has arrivod in Japan. He intends
to begin tho study of the Japanese lan
The poet laureate personally answers
every letter addressed to him that requires
an answer. Be has never been known to
refuso a request for his autograph.
liudyard Kipling was asked recently
whether ho enjoyed writing poetry or
prose most. He remurked that the pleas
ure of creating a poom was the highest In
tellectual dulight he had evur experienced.
Melssoniia* was proud of his shapely and
delicate hands. He said that his lingers
were so suusitive that ho coald, with his
eyes shut, lay on the exact amount of oolor
that he wanted on a given spot. If some
body placed the point of the brush upon It.
M. Barro, the sculptor and engraver
who died recently In Furls at the ago of
85, designed the coins Issued by Napoleon
111 in laoU. His best busts are those of
Pius IX, Napoleon 111 and members of
the Bonaparte family. One of his latest
busts was that of Mine. Jane Hading.
The old sculptor was a great raconteur.
Colored enamels play a conspicuous part
In tho Easter flower brooches.
The old time fashion of setting peridots
with enamel and surrounding them with
pearls seems to have returned.
Cardcases and purses In the new sea
green crushed morocco are prettily relieved
by applied gold ornamentation.
The new perfume burnor, known abroad
as tho Marlborough, has appeared in New
York, both in size for the chatelaine and
for tho dressing table.
Hoop rings set with colored gems and
having tiny diamonds plaoed in the small
intervening spaces between tho largo
stones afford a pleasing variety In linger
An artistic trinket is represuntcd in an
Easter bookmark. This is fashioned with
tho usual sliver mounted strands of rib
bon, the special feature being appropriate
Scriptural quotations woven In the rib
bons.—Jewelers' Circular.
Lincoln wpllt logs upon occasions. The
statesmen of theso times mostly roll them.
—Philadelphia Record.
Several of the presidential booms are en
larging so as to be vory visibly in one an
other's way.—Washington Star.
A New York politician naturally belong*
to all parties and Is blessed with all the
Various degreos of honesty. It Is not an
easy matter to lie a New York politician.
—Atlanta Constitution.
If tho senators want to know what tha
plain peoplo of the country think of them,
they should take a vacation for a fow days
and go out among tho peuple incognito and
■lmply listen.—Albuny Argus.
There ore two kinds of congressmen—
the speaking congressman and tho work
ing oongressman. It occasionally happens
that both are uomblued In one man,
but not often. Tho working congressman
Is generally worth hulf a dozen of Lbu oth-
UT kind.—lndianapolis Journal.
—Kngliah Spavin Liniment removes a ■
hard, soft or calloused lumps and Mem
ahes from horses, blood spavins, curbs
plints, sweeuey, ringbone, stifles, sprain'
11 swollen throats, coughs, etc. * Save
00 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
•no.-.t wonderful Blemish Cure ever known
Sold bv J. C. Redick, druggist Butler Pi
One Minnie Cough Cnro touches the
right spot. It also touches it at the right
time if you tske it when >ou have a cough
or cold. Seo tho point? Then don't
cough ./. C. RKOIOK.
1890 Climax Itraiuly
From grape wine, has, by its extreme
Hge and constant care while in uniform
temperature and pure, atmosphere
01 storage houses for fourteen yearr, be
come a r val of the Hennessey and other
brands t I Cognac I'.randy, and much lower
in price, and preferred by the physicians
of Philadelphia, New York and other cities
Buy it of druggists.
Br. Aynew's Cute lor the Ileartgi7 s
osrfect relief in all eases of Organic or
•>ynipathetic Heat Disease in 30 minuter,
and speedily effects u cure. It is a peer
"ess remedy far Palpitation, Shortness o
2resth, Smothering Spells, Bain in Lei
"Mde and all symptoms of'u Diseased Heart
'no dose convinces. Sold by City Bhar
A high liver with a torpid liver will not
lie a long liver. Correct the liver with Be
Witt's Little Karly Risers, little pills that
oure dyspepsia and constipation. J. C.
Xrtr J<m<y Grape Juice Sent lo Europe.
Mr Specr, of New Jersey, lias a repu
tation extending over the world as being
a reliable producer of Oporto Grape Juice
ind p«rt Wine. His Oporto Juice and
, Poit Wine "-C ordered by families in J
I Oresden, London and Paris for their'
superior medicinal virtues, and blood j
making quality, owing to the iron con-1
tained in the soil in which the vines J
It Was Only Fun for the Goose.
Erie and Pittsburg trainmen are talk
ing about the curious race between an ex
press train and a wild goose which occur
! red the other day between Shadelandand
j Summit. The veteran engineer Toby
! Welsh was at the throttle, and when the
J Canadian honker came lazily soaring
i alongside the engine and challenged the
iron steed to keep up with him, Toby
I turned ou the steam and made it neces
sary f or the goose to flap his wings a
little harder, but he had uo trouble in
keeping ahead, and after getting out of
sight of the train would settle down in
i a field and wait foi the express to catch
up with him. He waited at Springboro,
Conneautville and Summit, and starting
after the train from these points, flew
; close to the coach windows in full view
' of all the passengers, who crowed over to
that side of the train to witness the queer
' actions of the bird. When the goose at one
! time got close to the engine, Engineer
j Welsh pulled the whistle, and the bird
; was so badly scared that he turned over
lin the air like a tumbling pigeon. Toby
! declares that he can outrun everything
between New Castle and Erie except
j geese, and that he has no desire to race
such creatures.
Docs Tout Husband or Son Drink.
It your husbaua or son i< addicted to
the use of Liquor, Morptiine or Tobacco,
purcha-e of your druggist a bottle of Hill's
Chloride ot Gold Tabletr. They are
guaranteed to core, or money will be re
funded. Tablets m< y be given secretly
in tea or coffee snd the free u»e of stimu
lants allowed until voluntarily given up.
Piice ifl.oo pel package If your drug
gist does ml keep them, send direct to
The Ohio Chemical Works Lima, Ohio.
Book of particulars and testimonials free.
Belie/ in Six Hours.
—Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the ".New
Great South Arueruan iiidncy Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness ia re
| lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back
! and every part of the urinary pas*-ges iu
male or female It relieves retention ol
water and paiu in passing it almost tm
medially. If you want quick relief and
euro iuis is } our remedy. S' Id by J. C
cCeoick druggie'. Bui lor Pa
It not only is so. it must be so. One
Minute Cough Cure act* q uickl>. and that's
wUat makes it go. J C. KKDICK.
Quick in eflect, heals aud leaves no scar.
Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cur
ed by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Ap
plied to burns, scalds, old sores, it is magi
cal in effect. Always cun-a piles. J C.
With the opening of spring take Hood's
Sarsaqarilla to purify your blood. It
will make you strong.
A President on llrnmly tor Sickness.
The President of the Baltimore Medi
cal College, who has thoroughly tested
Speer's wines and brandy, says:
I am prepared to bear testimony to the
value of Speer's Climax Brandy as a pure
and valuable article in all cases of disease
in which a reliable stimulant is require, l
I regard it superior to most French bran
President and Professor of Obstetrics
and Diseases of Woman and Children
Baltimore Medical College.
HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Illi,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache.
A pleasant laxative. All l>ragglsU.
.1. W. Pierce, Kepublio, la., says: 'T
have used One Minute Cough Cure in m\
family and lor myself, with results so en
tirely satisfactory that I c*n hardly fin>
words to express myself as to ijp merit. 1
will never fail to recommend it to others,
on every occasion that presents itself."
./. C. RKDICK.
The recent census of Germany shows
a population of 51,728,364. The German
empire is the second in population in
Europe, being exceeded unly by Russia.
Not all its population are Germans, how
ever, there being a few millions of Po
landers, and some French in Alsace and
Lorraine. Ou the other hand, the Aus
train empire contains many millions
more of Germans. The latter empire is
a composite of many races comprising
Hungarians, Poles, Bohemians, Slavon
ians and others, besides Germans. So
far as amiie's wealth and population are
concerned, the German empire would be
able to meet Russia on nearly equal terms
should war break out among them, were
it not for the ever present fear that
France would break in at the back door
and recover her Rhine provinces, lost in
"Give me a liver regnlator and I can
regulato the world." said a genieua. The
druggist handed him a bottle of De Wtt's
Little Sarly Risers, the famous little pills.
J. C.RBDiek.
Soothing, healing, cleansing. De Witt's
Witch llnzel Salve is the enemy to sores,
wounds and piles, which it never fails to
cure. Stops iching and burning. Curoi
chapped lips and cold-sores in two or three
Don't invite disappointment by experi
menting. Depend upon One Minute
Cough Curo and you have immediate relief.
11 cures croup. " Tlio ony harmless remedy
thk.t produces immediate results. J. C.
The X Ray in Suigery.
The first surgical operation at the Johns
Hopkins hospital in Baltimore in which
Cathode rays were utilized, was preform
ed, last week. It was the extraction ot a
scissors blade from a woman's hand,
where it had been imbedded for 13 years.
The location and position cf the sub
stance were revealed by a photograph
taken with the X rays. Concerning the
operation, Dr. Finney, who preiom ed it,
"The opeiation was entirely successful.
The negative showed exactly the loca
tion of the blade, and enabled us to make
a definite diagnosis of the cause of the
trouble before operating. All we could
tell without the X rays was that there
was some irritating substance in the hand.
The result oT the operation sustained in
every particular the result of the photo
giaphingof the hand. It is certainly a
great thing for surgery, and we shall use
it as occasion arises at the hospital in
treating cases where it will aid us.',
Must Use The Knife
Said thi Surgeon, but Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy was taken
and tho Kuile Avoided.
The Union and Advertiser of Rochester,
N. Y., recently published the following
interesting account of bow William Vf.
Adams of 127 South avenue, that city was
saved from a painful operation by the use
of Dr. David Kennedy s Favorite Remedy.
Mr. Adams said: "Three years ago I
was taken with kidney disease very badly;
at times I was completely prostrated; in
fact, was so bad that the day was set for
the doctors to perioral an operation upon
me. Upon the day set for the operation I
commenced the use of Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy, and from that moment
began to g»in, and it was not long before
I was entirely cured and have had no re
turn of it since. Mv weight ha< increased
and I never was so well as 1 am now. I
have recommended
to many people, for it saved my life.
In speaking to Mrs. Adams, she said
"About a year ago I .'as in a very feeble
state of health, being completely run
down. [ had doctored considerably, but
without permanent relief One day one
of my neighbors advised nio to take D:,
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, which
I did. My irouble was dyspepsia, and tor
a long while I was unable to be about at
all, but after taking a lew doses 1 was
completely cured, and now tinjoy good
healli "
Hundreds of men and women with that
"run d iwi" condition, unable to work,
liavti 1 ttcd.vorc.d and strength through this
remarkable rem-dy. It purifies the blend
Stirs the liver ~,-d kidneys to a healthy
action. Incaßesof rheumatism, kidnev.
liver and urn.ary troubles, it is a well
known specific.
Quiets Pain, Checks Bleeding, Reduces
Inflammation, Is the Bicycler's Necessity.
Piles, Sores, TT 13 C Rheumatism,
Burns, Colds, v-x Sore Throat,
Hoarseness, Catarrh, Chilblains, Inflamed Eyes,
Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Headache, Toothache.
U se poNDS EX TRA C T after Shaving-No Irritation I
Use POND'S EXTRACT after Exercising—No Lameness
• POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT is simply a marvel. How
instantly it cures Piles. What relief from excruciating pain 50 cts.
S-.-y GE tVL'I.VE Pond's Extract forzaiuinectts-:. !U. v i>::itaticn, forimitation cures.
•»A HAND SAW IS A GOOD T.iiiiG. l.Lt'i UO'i
to N.lVous Uebihty^
Mllill I'UMIV WWjl' „«en.«.u..» wwiiy. SKXIN*. nLLb atone. cnc« drains and
~-nmptly revitalise the who], : vstnn Si .oo per I * t'y mail, 6 boxes forls-
Kemlt in 4 wwks. \vlih every S ; ' rilcr we gn- a guarantee tr> cure or r«luuil ■""«»
A'Jdrc&j PEAL RIKI'ICtXK CO . Cleveland. <-'lu->.
Everything of the Best at Right Prices for Or.
chard, Vineyard, Lawn, Park, Street, Carden
Creenhouse, Rarest New, Choicest Old.
ELEGANT 188 page catalogue free S<-nd for It hiforo biiytne Half «LT«4
by dealing direct. Try it Is. Plants, Bulbs. Small Trees. etc.. sen*
* mal i to ntiv office in tin- r. S. jHWtpald. Larger byoxpress or frelcht.
Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed. 42« d*« ar. lOOOAtre.. SB Greenh«..»e»
THE STORRS & HARRISON CO., Box Painesville. 0-
Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher,
Great Reduction Sale.
In order to make room for spring gods wi will sell our entire stock of
furnish ire L>O< 4S and m;tke von a suit of clotl:, or an overcoat or a pair ot tioust r
at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to get a genuine bmyia m e er> thing
we sell and we guarantee euer> thing we make to pit ..se and lit >ou.
,i. S. YOUNG,
101 South Main St., Opposltt Hotel lowry
Silver Ware Free!
Handsome triple plated hand engraved Teapots, Cakestands, I'l uit
stands, Butters, creams, Spoon holders, molasses, sugars, castors,
Porcelain and alarm clocks and otlicr articles both ornamental and
useful. Call in and inspect the ware.
Purchase you overcoat for Men, Boys and Children. Suits, Fanti
Hats. Capes, Underwear, Shirts. Collars, Cufts, Ties, Suspenders
Gloves, Mits, Overalls, Jackets, Sweaters, Umbrellas, Trunks. \ alises
Telescopes, Watches. Chains, Charms, Kings, l'ins, Brushes, Pocket
ana Bill-books,Purses,etc. and when your purchase amounts to $15.-
00 you get your choice of any of the above articles.
Our Stock is complete,
And Styles correct.
Quality the best,
And prices the lowest.
L). A. HECK,
No 121. N.Main SI, BUTLKK, 1 'A.
JE WELiiY } P,,,S ' Kaf Bracelets. Etc-.
f«y ) I t i Sol?*. (' .tutors, . I'• 1f I' r an t* Kv »*r>tlitiifc
JjJlLa V jEa!\ Vtf i\£% &L* ( Hi.l' .1:1 Fouii'i ID rt til ,1 el;i.v< store.,
RODGFT BROS. 1874 } KNIVKS - ™ RKB - s, '° plate.
E. GRIEB, jewels,t.
No. 131 ►N( ill. Main St , l?uilir, Pa
VI i m
VI 11)1
THE NfV" F^TWi 1
■moves alcltlj
DEBILITY, Wt- Al- N c*.;. N- V
And otlii'r '
or exo*- -« • •»• 1 •* •
OOllHtlllll'l t
other- r«ll
(rri. ' i
fill «««•'•■ i ' .1
IJy mail, {■ ■«■ I• i • .> ■ ■ :
Valuable Farm for Sale.
A valuable farm, located in Donegal
twp. and comprising about 175 acres, 120
of which art- cleared and the rest covered
with white-oak and chestnut timber; well
watered and having two orchards with
: plenty of ]>eaches and grapes; good build
ings, consisting of a two-story, frame
■ 'welling house, large barn, granery,
spring house, and all other necessary
outbuildings: two miles from tailrofid
station ami .-is miles from county seat;
com ' uicnt to schools and churches, will
be old cheap, one half the purchase
money to be paid d<>wn and the balance
1 in two payments within two years.
| The '.inn is lea d until April of 1897,
j but lias no other encumbtancea. For
j further particulars inouire i't this office
Holiday Goods and Christmas Presents
We are pleased to announce the arrival of our Holiday
Stock, and that we are ready for
with a rare assortment of Christmas Gifts, suitable lor
Old and Young; Toys, Fancy Goods, Novelties, No
tions, etc., etc.
You are invited to call and inspect our Grand Display.
1 22 S. Mam St Butler Pa
iJThe Book Lover.fr
"A good book is a friend that every man may own."
The genuine book lover will appreciate this chance to secure a
real bargain in books. \\ e have a lew things we want to dispose of
in special editions and it you will take advantage of it can have them
during March at the following prices
i Whittier's Poems, ills., 8 vo., regular price $3.50 for #1 95.
1 Childe Harold, family ed., ills., regular price $2.00 for $1.55.
23 Red Line ed. of Poets, regular price 75 cents for 55 cts.
1 Life of Giant, Stoddard, regular price $' .25 for 75 cents.
1 Abbott's Ferdinand l)e Soto, regular price $1.25 for 85 cts.
1 A Gallant Fight by Marion Harland, regular price $1.50 for SI.OO.
1 Ridpath's L\ S. History, 8 vo. ills., regular price $4 00 for $2.50.
1 Homespun Yarns, Mrs. Whitney, regular price $1.50 for SI.OO.
2 Yictor Hugo's Works, 12 mo. padded leather, regular price $1.25
at 98 cents.
1 Whittier, plush bind, regular price $3.00 fo - $1.75.
1 Romola, Seal, regular price #2.75 for $.?.00.
1 Katrina, seal, regular price $2.75 for $2.00.
1 Outlines of Economics, Ely, regular price £I.OO for 75 cts.
1 Science and Prayer, regular price 50 cts. for 35 cts.
2 One Hundred Lessons in Uusiness, regular price SI.OO for 75 cts.
Douglass' Book Store,
241 s. MAIN ST.
Is the very best whisky for the least possible money.
There is no place where the wants of ihe people are
better tilled than by
MAX KLEIN, Allegheny, Pa.
All orders are carefully filled. You can take your
choice of the following:
1 doz. full qts. nine year old Silver Age sls 00 per case
1 '• " " six year old Bear Creek 10.00 " "
1 1 " " " " " " Guckenheimer 10.00 " "
1 •' " " " " " Finch 10.00 " "
1 " " " " " " Gibson....* 10.00 " "
1 " " " " " " Overholt 10.00 " "
1 41 " " four " " Guckenheimer 7.00 " "
Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Black Berry, Gin, Rum and
Brandy 50 cents per quart and upwards Whiskies
from $2.00 a gallon and upwards. Remember we pay
all express charges on orders of $5.00 and upwards.
Send For Complete Catalogue To
82 Federal St.
Allegheny Pa.
Wholesale Liquor Dealer.
rwe q is often asked, "What 5.:..il w-use
ANSWER • you are looking for covering
capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and
»your money's worth, you must buy
~Th. Williams
Cover J -fOit. Looks Best. Wart Lon t est. Host Icvnomtcal. F*U Ueaturt.
Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and *D
the time We are in the business to »tay
S. W / suys with us.
StO'lS <N OIL.
J. C. REDICK, IOQ N. riain St
President Of The United States
The New York Weekly Tribune
OF NOVEMBER 4th, 1896.
Public interest vv : H steadily increase, and the ouestion liow the men whose
vote-- turned the scale at the last election are satistied with the results under tlic ad
ministration they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in
the history of the country. ____
The aVcw York Weekly Tribune.
the leading Republican family newspaper of the United States, will publish all tlia
political news of the day, interesting to every Amencan citizen regardless of party
Also K«-nenil news in attractive form, foreign correspondence covering the newt
of the world an argicultural department second to none in the country, market re
ports which are recognized authority, fascinating short stories complete in each
number, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign *II J domestic, with their lie
comic pictures, fashion plates and elaborate descriptions of woman s attire with a
varied and attractive department of household interest. Tile New \ orlc W eekjy
Tribune" is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than tliat of any othei
weekly publication in the country issued from the office of a daily. Large changes
are being made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi
ally more interest to the women and young people of the household.
A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "TKE CITIZEN
One Year For Only #1.50,
Address all orders to _ ... '
Write vour name and address o.i a postal card, send it to C.eo. \\ Best, room
Tribune Building, New York City, an I a sample copy of The New \ork We
Tribune will be mailed to you.
"3 A Stunmer Drive
\ Ic.-fs a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less lux
\ J urious, easy running and handsome than it might be-
Fredonia Buggies
n.ive nothing but good point*. They're the handsomest vehicles you can
get—are as strong and secure as they're sightly.
Ask ana insist that yon see them at your dealer's.
Made by FRELOMA MFG. CO.. Youngstown, Ohio.