Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 19, 1896, Image 4
Christmas PRESENTS Christmas time is now here and Heineman & Son have as usual a very fine line of Christmas Presents to suit every person. The Line Consists of Dressing Cases Cuff and Collar Boxes Travelling Sets Shaving Sets Mirrors Cut Glass Picture frames Christmas Cards Gold Fens Fine Stationery Albums Bibles Poems All the Popular Books Leader Goods AT Heineman & Son's sr $ ». The reason our announcement appears in this paper is because we want to at tract your attention to our store, we sell dry goods but if we don't do it somewhat different ly from the usual way we wouldn't have much- to talk about, but we think, we Kve, and the difference is in the prices— may be there are other stores keep as but we are not sure about 'tnatfwhether they do or do not, but we are sure that this store has a very large Ift}; cboftie assortment of new Silks, Dress Goods, Suitings and Fine Wash Qoods at that will be to your in erfeit t<J hrid out about. We make it as simple as possible for you—have a Mail Department that fsefcds samples everywhere whenever they arl aaketLfoa aaji tnajpe no charge, and iffotnTwri® aiifl «y you want them, they'll come with onces attached that will do what "we want—sell the goods. Among the important items are Black All-wool Serges, 38 inches wide, 25c. Caujei Hair Suitings, 44 inches ' wide, 50c., goods that are worth a dollar. ( Black Mohair Suitings, 38 %ncliM wide, 25c., and another lot of finer tones, 35c., and 46 inch ones, 50c. » Plain Black Mohair Suitings in the Various weaves, 38 to 54 inches wide, 25c. {0 $2.50 a yard. ~ ' lfne of Important Suiting*. 38 inches wide, 35c. Navy and Red Mix tures that have style to them, and they're flllwool. # Fine Ob*tin£ Serges in choice solid dolors, .Blues/ Browns, %tc., that feave a lot of merit at the money—called Abating serges, but they're for handsome 4uits, 48 inches wide, 50c. > Ste'teh Stuffs, 16 inchM »|«M KjpA and b*4y other YR 1 C V> ' Medical 4' Family Use. |1 25 per qt. I ljrfe, Gibson, Bridgeport, Ovorhold. Fall qmrtß sl, 6 quarts for &>. Oat iroods war ruted pare. Grand Father'* Choice, furranteed 3 yearn old, 12 per gal. 0 0/D. and mail order* rtoeive prompt at toltion.' JtOBT. LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 134 Water St. Pitteburt, Pa., opposite B. & 0. It 1. Depot ( Jl . * ) DOYOU KNOW \ • GOOD RESULTS ARE WHAT COUNTS? ! NATURES > COiIPOUND. 'The True health Assistant > TONES 1 THE ENTIRE \ SYSTEM. Sold by Druggists. "Price $1 — 6-for $5.00. Bros. Cough Syrup ' Excels in Giving Satisfaction. — MONEY TO LOAN. On First Mortgage on Improved Property, $15.00 per Month Pays for sl,- 000 in About Eight Years. Money Ready. A, T. SCOTT, Attorney, Butler Pa. CHAS. E, MILLER, Treasurer, Butler Pa. R. W. MYERS, District Agent, Butler Pa. Investors should stfrv! '/or 'our "Do7.en Reasons" and "F" Circu lar. We make your money earn 6 per cent free of taxes. A THE PENNSYLVANIA A J SAVINGS FUND AND I LOAN ASSOCIATION j of PITTSBURGH, PA AT J. R. GRIEB'S '2. and 'J, Do Not Make Five. : |3; . i It's quite a problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularl) of jewelry, silver novelties, cut gla?s, etc., but I'm sure you wiil find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. j. n. GUB. 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. Seanor k Nace's Livery, Feed and Saie Stable, i Hear of Wick House, Butler. Pa The be>t of horsea and drst c!a-«« rigß always on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding aud transient trade. Special care trunrat teed. Stable room for sixty-five borees-. A good claea of liorges, both driv ers and draft borsc* always 011 bund and for «ale under a fall guarantee; and horses Bought upon proper noti Gcation by SUA NOR & N A'JE All kinds ot lire stock bought and «old Telephone at Wick House L. ( wic DRALKR IX 30u3.1i alio Worken Luf-ber OF AL.. KtSI'S Doors, Sash, Bltnd.s, ivloulrilnio Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. UME. HAIR AND PLASTER Office opposite P. A W. Depot. PHTLKK WHAT I P ON WlLi, DO. IIS NATURE'S OW.M TONIC. Stimulates the appotito and pro duces refreshing Bleep Cives VITAL STRENGTH TO «.UHS!N3 MOTHERS. U' Cancks wastinc diseases. stops ■ nigbt sweats, cures incipient ..ex. Tti consumption. O Increases strer<,.h and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD. Promotos hcoMhy lung tissue. Will Rive the pnlo nr.l puny tlio •cm-CT' roay checks c tu. |%i CURES AJ.L FEJTAI.C COMPLAINTS. Makes strong: ■ . wouca of weaklingr eiLMOHE'S \m fOfilG PILLS Cere &i< lasting Diseases and tht/r- sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION,&c. Theyaro neither styptic nor caustic, an J have no coagulating effect on the contents of the stomach or its lining; consequently do not hurt the teeth or cause constipation •-.r diarrhoea, as do the usual forms of Iron. 'O rTays treatment 60c, pamphlet free li Lept by your druggist, address GILiVXORE & CO., CINCINNATI O SFTER ALL OTHEBS fMI a saia thoO ,„ r,,. lljble ■ *■* DR.LOBB 3*49 N. KT.,PHIU. T VA. Thirty years mrc* of all i ilwaitifl of n»en r.rt«l woinffi No mafvS- from what caune or IjovV 192-I'M"* 14oUi-iiowua Booit uud inau-r VHJUL For Information an<l tree Uandt»ok wrlto to ML'NN A CO.. nei BROADWAY. Nrw YORK. Oldest bureau for <iwirlnjjr pate nts in America. Ever; patent taken out by us l> 1 !,t tlie j jbllc by a notice given free oC .-iturge in tho Larirrrt clrrulaHon of nnr s. 1.-ntiflc pntK-r In tho world. Bpl<iull : , Illustrated. No hit ]|i k '»nt man shoul.l U , I .-ut It. Wetklv, <>(( u year; sl.sonlxrt. <. Addran. .t C<J„ PUBLISHKKS, to I j.ruaU>-iv. >'f» York city. Every Wn'man Sometim'S a reli- < iJtsV* i able monthly rcguliting j medicine. nr - PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Ar*» prompt, safe and - ; In** (Dr. Penl'm nevor S.'nt •100. JL'MUalodici' Co . Clo'veliUiC. (>• Pci . ■ t City Pharma.-sv. have done for others j anC Ptrmanenliy /tealured, BOTH DA™. A positive cute te r all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, rnd ail their ' train of evils resulting from earl} errors and later excesses; the result of over work. worry, etc. or excessive use of tobacco,opium and iiquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having HERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in \ est pockt. Price, S.OO per box, six 'xixes, one full tre.itmcut, fW'O- Guaranteed to cure any ca?c. if .lot kept by your drug gist we will sen 1 tiiem by mail, upon ] rcneipt of price, in pla::: wrapper. : Pampiiletfree. Address mail orders to j | AMERICAN MEDICAL CO . CINCINNATI. 0. | FAIR SAILING I through life for the person who keeps in , health. With a toiyid liver and the impure : blood that follows it, you are rir. e.i?y prey to all sorts of ailments. That " nsed-up " ' feeling is the first warning tuat your livtr i isn't its work. That i* the time totnkc Dr. Pit - ' !• en Medical Discovery. an ; rcstorativ t :iic, to repel fl:>- ■ ' —^l up the needed flesh and stri f ; t nothing to equal it. It rooses every organ ; into healthful action, pur-.ii i and < . - ] the blood, braces up t. •; wh le ; y t ::i, :d j restores health and vifror. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC D.ARHHEA, Miss SARAH GIB.-. >•. of S,u.\ /•' Jr.. Co.. Penn. , writes •" I V.vofy. ui i ® Jn ; X* W I bcran taking yonr ■ almost ,r yt: ;• ,1 ties of I)r. Pierce*# MLSS Ginsox. Golden Mcdir 1 I):s --covcry. I alio wffirwl for three yeara with I chronic diarrhea c- nld get no help till I began tht • of 1 . 1' er C " ; end I Extract of Smart-Weed; one half dozen bottles cured w. I have a5.-o tat. n Dr. Pierce's Kaviri • i : .-ri; t:na for (i .uje weakness with good r-. . alts." Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and j HEALING APPLICATION - - It has been used 40 y- ars and always aff >rds reh ;' and always gives ■ uisfaction. It Cures "PIT.;;S or 11.-.MORKHOII.;, Evt- nal or Internal, Bliu.i or Li dding- luliin. ,md Burning; Craclcs or Fissures and Fistula Relict immediate eui ■ certain. It Cures lH"k\% Scalds and I. Iceration and Contract! .. FR. .1 Lu;: . Relict i - It Cures Toi:\", Cut and Laccrat 1 Wounds an«l 1'• r It Cures IIOIL , II : Tumors, Ulcer?, Old Sores, I hin ■ llruptions, Scurfy or Sc.; I Head. It is Inlailiblc. It Cures 1M T.AMI ! > 01- CAKF.D BREASTS and Sore Nipp! s. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHF.I.'M, Tetter?, S. UI FY Eruptions Chapped Hands, Fev T.. Sore Lips or No 'ri! , C r.s a: :.i, Sore .. ICh . "cd Feet, S;in.,' t Ir. . Tlirce Sires, 25c., 5 and <I.OO. Sold liyr>ri;;pist >,or post-paid on receipt or Hl MPUKKVS* EEl>. CO., 11l A 118 WtUUaSt., X Vi <• WITCH HAZEL OIL r v 1 i ?r & A A I-/ |\ (loh\) \ | \ i A Sure Remedy \ ( in every case and every | kind of Hemorrhoids or; Piles is / Vi £3 ? r a ' 1 v d VVM| This statement er.n't be < made 100 strong cr too s en-.phatlc. I It I: a simple, certain,z r; . '" s r' ! s „ - • ' v ' ? | i. S, t 'ders. > | L: | #p- -w ■■ . u.a>w-— — . 'ji f iscrr w! I FLEMING'S | if OLD 1 |EXPORT I jl WHISKEY | 1 ? I j i|K Ounrantecd H years old and pj*,. HA absolutely pure. i [jM FUI-L QUARTS. SI,OO 0 QUAKTS. iii.OO 11|y/j Freight prepaid on all sloorders \r\\ orovtr. Catalogue sent free. 51^ \m JOS. FLEMING & SON £)Y: j|l\M Wholesale and Retail Druggists, v,j) ijQM 412 Market St., Piltsburgh, Pa. FAC IS! , That we sell tbe folio v. rp p. «1 \t thf-c ' low price>: [ 2 years oi l jtt -« live PJ .»> ier ~- n 1 4 " . . ".'..-j :<■> 17 " 3 ",0 10 " 1 50 '• 14 " 5 50 17 " ii 50 All from tho l> : known . Crtlifoini't 5 yea: >.V p ir. W • 14 i kinds, sweet und dr\. sl.. 1 per pallor; MUtiOOl Of !'•;•• • ■ 1 M 0,,-: «od RI in#, at *..> iit Sgwec piomptly tilled No >-\tr. .r •• l». in? and packing- A. ANDRIESSEN, NO. 188 FEDER*!. ST. AH.EQHe.NV, PA. h»'jß 3« j* r cz: aB | fUfff AR|«| M ' THE «r.ts F" lili ACLLLI IIUIIL Hnspocial boon to : : . 1 . : • PITTSBURG Kt !;LCV !N^T!TOTE, r*jitore to tli ♦ • «TI l jre -stored them I-.* ' !•' ; fore tla y i ■ i i its. T I pin<>ne them "" •" ' i I vht.M wo c*xi i* Tho 11. lie : : I Tlvitcd. cud or . .1 . .. . . Hon. FENWYROYAL PILLS I ' 1 1 i IM LKCITIZK2ST. The KM Leap Year. Xintecn hundred will not he, because it is not divisible by 4cx>. The trouble iilyoutleap years comes Jn.*cause the earth <1 . not n . ivt . round the sun in ex -11 . u ujiiilkt !•! days, or even h ur . The exact time is 365 days 5 1 ur 4S minutes 4S seconds. Astrono * 111.ts, mathematicians and statesmen bavfe 'Mvitli this question of what to d > w-'h Id -. : ece of a (lay, !x?cause ' in renlit when 365 days were counted ! for .1 \ i .nr the time was nearly a quarter •' c a day longer than a year. r If this fraction of a day had been per mitted to run on it would have by a d by ! i weatlu : ami l'onrtli of July would have 1 been celebrated by the bovs on .skates. 1 , I; v? 2 >1 Pope Gregory XIII arrang ' t i > more accurate system of accounting for the fraction of a day. Under the * Julian caien lir the odd time was called | an . ven quarter of a day and every fourth , ur v tl> ,j> vear, when to February v. • d 29 days. Kut that in turn ».!■- m.-:h and the calenda- had been ; ii 1 in— behind under the J nlian calendar. ! S > Pop<- Gregory decided that every year t divisible 'v .j should be a leap year and _iv t > Fibruary 29 days with the cs c ption of the century years. Only cen s;:rv y< . divisible by 400 should l>c leap y ars. W!iile this is still not exactly e erect to the quarter of a second, it will not m.t':e any serious confusion till 1 a ; i.>ut2,< -i years from now. Probably j bv- that time r>< >ple will have found some 1 j better way of computing time. ; \t nt, however, it is sufficient to I renumber that 1.900 is not divisible by ; . 1 and t'w, cons xpi-ntly we shall have ■ .p \ ■-. 1.1 29 day I'ebruarie till 1994. T rgcat the greatest cures, and 1 -t tm rit are characteristics of il- - t>;iisaparilla. A mob . f masked men held up a train at Windsor, S. C., a few days ago, took a prisoner fr< m two constables and lynched him for an assault 011 a young white woman committed eight months ago. Paul Francis and Gill>eri Francis were hanged in front of the court-house at Convent, La., the other day by a mob for breaking into a house for robbery and .■• lulling the owntr. lor Sick n ex.l Git th> Jicst Old Choice Wines from Speer's vine yards. Passaic. The rich I'ort Grape the Claret, vin. iSBi, the Burgundy and '"nfermeiited are unexcelled for enter tainr ■ ; ;s. family use and invalids. One ■ ittle of Speer's is worth three of L'ali iornia Vi iue. 'i h ■ nier.ibt rs of the Lycoming county bar says that "we need a law authorizing justice of the peace, in case they find a criminal charge unwarranted, if it is .1 misdemeanor, to collect their own and the constable's costs from the prosecutor, nil in case of felony, from the county. This would prevent the return of a great many c.">.-s to court that are probably m.u: only because by so doing the jus tice and constable can get their costs." —l-.-i.di.-a spa\ ti; Liniment removes a » t.m J, soft or e illoußed lump.s and b!«.-n» - b.'iM-s, blood -paritih, curbs pl'.m*. -WMiicy, ringbi'iie, stifles, syraia ii • olli-n tbroatc, coughs, etu. bnve J '•>} use <>l one bottle. Warranted the •a • wonderful Plrtnish Cure ever known .S-iI-.i .i.e. lit-dicK. drßKjrist Butler Pi It has come to be a popular idea that the township schools should be graded— that each teacher should have a record of the standing of his pupils so that his suc cessor will be able to know how to grade and classify them, and that this should all lead np to a high school. This system has been practiced in several counties of the Commonwealth for the past six or eight years with exeelleut results, aud it has long been a praticular hobby of Pro fessor Allison, principal of the Punxsu tawney schools. II»* thinks that such a plan would inspire the pupils with a de ■ ire to leai ii what would be highly bene ficial, and is very anxious for its adoption in Jefferson county. U Minn e Cough Cure touches the . Ji.t spot. 11 also touches it at the right : e it you cuke it when you have a cough •it cold, M-c the puintf Then dou't >/. ■ - Kkmck. A diphtheria epidemic at Woodlawn -Vd., is sai.l by the local boards of health : to have been caused by a cat P< tofflce Inspectors captured three green-goods men in Chicago last Friday with $25,000 in money in,their posses sion. lbOti ( Umax Brandy i-roin (irapt wine, has, by its extreme a. ud u -.slant tare while in uniform te 11- 1 ire ami pure, sHeel attnosphure el Morale helices !or luoiteu year:, be imii.u a rvat »the Hnnnessey and other braiii!« i 1 4., Brandy, and much lower ui pjii •, and pimem .i uy tho phj »iemu» o- i'hila apin.t. New York aud otber cities ; Lt'jy ,t at druggists. The Lehigh Valley Railroad has dc • Urmined to establish a fast train service between New York {and Buffalo. On a tri 1 ran th trip was made in 10 hours, jOl 44. miles an hour. ■a. Ajiii'-u ' i t.aie t.,r tii. iiturtgr.- a ; jrjtcl it 1 jv! :ji l cu.-e6 «>i Organic o* Ditfeaoo iu 30 uiiutited, <v'l ii •. it ill A jh-i; 1" •• •. : = ■-' :-, Sb*>rtlUMß 0 «• . ii"' ring Spt-li-. I'ain iu La: »-.i* .. »i a.i vui pious ul *4 Hour i j ii v- couviiicbold i»_, C-j'y Pnur / UrtLA . | Governor Hastings has fixed May 7 as the day for the execution of Holmes, the murderer of Pitezel, whose conviction the Supreme Court of the State confirm ed last week. A liver with a torpid liver will not ha a Ion*? liver. Correct the liver with Do Wil . Li lu Kai ly I.'-<er.', little pills that 1 1 ure dyspojisia and constipation. ./. C . Kkdic K The Providence Hosiery mills at Bris tol, the largest aud finest of their kind in this State, burned last week, and about 200 operatives are thrown out of work, c/ 111 Hix Hours I).-:; gKidui-y and Bladder dis oa.«- 11 ■d ;u hoars by tLe "Sew Hie. th Aiu ruan ividuey Cure." ihi : 1 r» inedy i> a great surprise on ac- K Unt ot iti exeeedjcg promptness in re li* vii pa.., iu the bladder, kidney, back anu tvi ry pats ol tiie urinary passages in Ii ;i. or feu .Je- It relieves retention of «a! r fii.il paiu it. passing it almost im * ly, Ifycuwaiit quick relief and ettr.- 1..1- u ,our remedy. Sold L-y J. C. xtedruggi ' Butler Pa. Brown S\ l is, of Plant City. Ida., last week shot ten "regulators" of a gang) w!a» made a midnight \isit to drive hint j away. Four of the men were fatally : | hurt. ! I It 1 ! on' i so. it niu. t bo so. One ".ii: <.%••• • 1 • act quickly, HudUllil'i .. hut 1., a,es !.. go. ./ (Kl-UICK. Il is : umored that Japan is making ad -1 vanct -to Russia for a dual control of ! Corca. a't iii efi '. heals and leaves no sear. • ! '• eruptions quickly cur e !» V. VViuh U-i/i'k Salve. Ap . : . 1. . . re-, it i* inagi .a) - eur< piles. T'i • 1 number of garment workers tt.\ ' iu Jialtimore is estimated j at cjver 9.000. A very amusing incident occurred j while the cow sale was in progress at a J public sale. One of the cows in the . stables, which did not seem to tike even thing for granted, when it came to her, turn to 1* led ut to the "block" po.i- • lively retu.st 1, ami really became very | much chagrined at the c- mjielling efforts • •nade l>y the hired man to induce her to I go out into the ale After tlirow | ing herself a ' to the floor of ttie stable a I num!>er of li a . itid iu many other j cowisli u . a s .ad a dislike to tin whole pr ic . i she seemed in an in stant to Ir< an insp;: Iv. ith an irresisti ble desire t ae'. out quick. With one supreme ef: , t n> w f, .ailing cov , cleared lr ill s in the stable. It- la- hired man. and plunged wildly int>» hundreds of men and boys h ih thronged the yard, causine a hum n st -nt.ede, tl • helter-skelter character <• w.iich • have not the powers to di rilie. But we are glad I that we can miv tb.U nobody was very : much hurt. Ti -cow seeing that every , body w..< di-i-i- tl:--ir very Ix-st to get . : out of her way. 5 ar-ned a bee line, seal ing a stone a all which i- on the lower side, at a c:-iit t'-. t high, and thence out into the fields. But now comes the test of vai r! The hin 1 man and a few : l>oys essayed 1 > bring the wayward cow , back to tin* i'.i! 1 so tlia' the auctioneer could t>.. ar: ... rightful dtities there-; to. The man and boys went into the field to "roa- tln cov. and bring j 1 her in, but aid a-lav, the cov. pro- j ceeded to "r .aid-up' the hired man and J the 'ooys, ri a. .nine on tr,a . and the rest over the lence, an«l ail this, while the crowd in t' "...irnvard was splitting its sides u IJI laughter. The hired man and his r - .1 i a \r ~c reinforced j with an tlier ia-" 1!.:. , t of Ikjv- and made an. there! argi : . aaimal. The cow seeing he w . outnuml>ere<l beat .1 hasty retreat ;.t ;efa'ds- .-hward. The A., t.. v. . J : JU-iui: lei.n.-SS. l>runk< nia ,-s. i!< rphn <• and rotxc • tis r- - »•»>»• 1 0 Ihe u.-e ol liillV D aibie i r 1 t>- Id Tablets. Ni effort :» r« . .1 »tit and siiaiu 1* ii.s « (..• : a Live: up 'i ..■•-< .- ii; i ■ fiv 1: 'en . ci ft» «i . m pa - K - . M i--. a m;e g-a.r< -i .i • : c#?e. For sal by .ill lir:-t-i :.. . i.ggtM . <-i a-ill be sent on receipt • r a For full particulars .-iddrt-s- Thi 0 n» .'ii-am al Works, Lima. Oil". There was much rioting throughout Italy last week bt lu-a of the news of the terrible defeat of the Italian army in Abyssinia. J. W. P(. l;..].':!ii I viV.-l • 1 have u-ed t) - j; 1 e(J ugh Cure in my Imam .-ii a 1 11 \ -■ a. M 1 results so i-n --tirelt Hnuisla. 'ot a 1 • >u t;ar<il> li. ■ worili" to -*pr, - < luy.st-!! .is to iis merit I »ui iieVi r fail ii 1 .•aiiiiond 1 to other on every nal pi souts itseil. ./. C. Kehk k The resignation of the Itilian Ministr) and its acceptance by the King we r e an nounceil in the C mber of Deputies las Thursday amidst t.he wil est excitement. • tiive nie lu ,-r regula <: aud 1 Ci> j rej-uiaieihe wi rlii."said a geuieus. Te druggist bunded I.un a until of L>« Wit' Li tie i Kast-is, me IsiuuUs little pill J. C'.Khim U. Letters from Arjnenia seem to point to the fact that tile Porte intends to make things easier for tiie distribution of relief to the sufferers. To the Delia , tml Malarious. The most uucredulous are convinced of the virtues of Aunt Rachael's Malarial Peruvian Bark Bitters upon a trial of them. Their oa.se is Speer's Port Wine, with herbs ai d ■ ots so favorably known to the Medical Profession and the com munity at large as the best cure for Ma laria. They are all that can be desired by the mo.si U-.a , victims of Malaria. Physicians ;.: -otii e them. The Nation; ! Academy of Science has appointed a commission to advise Secre tary Hoke Smith as to means to preserve American forests. Soothing, he.ii' ... -a an/-. Da Witt'* Witc Itl a. a-1 -nsuiy to sores, wopßdriu : . - wbieh .1 MTtr lai.s to cure Stop.- a r.i g . d baruing. Cure chapped lips and oi l- ores in two orthrei hours. The Convocation of Oxford University, by a vote of 215 to t.jo, has rejected the proposal to allow women to take a de gree. Vnfetmented Cemmtoion ffiur. Alfred. Speer,of New Jersey, the cele brated grower of foreign grapes, preserves the unlermenied juice ui the grape for sacramental use. It has been adopted and its use sanctioned by the prominent divines of this country. It is also used for invalids wnii tamarkable effect for blood-makn..;. 1 a ,-.ae by druggists. Doa'i '< sdppnuiuut at by experi menting. Depend jpon One Minute Cough Cur- yoi -ive Iri mediate relief, lteari er ••-. j- harmless remedy that pr- 11 ■• - aie' tU n-.-ul*.-. •/. C. URlitCk -iOOOTS PILIA cure Uver lIU, Siiioueness, Imligest-'oii, He.-tdaehe. A pleasant laxative. All Druggists. Statistics show that Massachusetts has a greater proportion of crime ttiau any other st ile in the Union. Another thing they show is that the majority of crimes is against society. 111 Massachusetts at the time the census was taken there were 5,227 prisoners. Of the.se 2,795 had com mitted ofTeti- - (gainst society, against pro] c- '.y and >•)<■> against the per son. For each : ■m . x> of population in Massachu; its lia crimes against society are 1,248, while in New York state the number is only 400. Reduced to pre centages, the figures for the entire coun try show a precentage of 22.92 of the crimes against society, while in Mas the precentage is 5.V47- Must Use Tk Knife Said thi Surgeon, but l)r. ')avtd Ki-n --nedy's Favorite iiemedy was taken and tla i -,ite \voided. The Union jind Advertiser of Rochester, N T . Y , recently pablisued follow nig interesting ai-eonat ol In »• William W. Adams oi I*J7 S> uth avenno. that city was saved from a p..«nful 1 pi-ra f ion by the use of Dr. David K'j ne.- .' Favorite Remedy. Mr. Ada a -1 : '"'Three years ago 1 was taken with kidney disease very badly; at times 1 - i-cifip.t i-:} prostrated; in fact, was so bad 1 t rbe.day was set lor tbe doctors to pi-i'orm an operation upon me. Upon the la, > for the operation I commenced the use ol Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and from that mament began to g in, aitit it w . ; not long before I was entirely cured and have had no re turn ol it a ace. Mv v. iclit ha-f increased and I never was so well as 1 am now. I have recomu."tided DI. iiivis (Enters FAVORITE iiMEDYj to many people, for it saved my life." 11l speakin to Mrs. Adams, she said " \bout a year ag.i 1 as in a very feeble state of health, In-i-tg completely run douu. I had doctored eonsider&bly, but without p. rmiiiieiit relief Ono day one of my neighbors r<l visi-tl me to take D., David Kennedy's i tvorito Remedy, which I did. My trouble was dyspepsia, and lor along while 1 was unable to be ab-iut at all, but alter tuking a few do-as 1 was completely cure i. .nd uo'.v enjoy eood . hea'b " llandr- ' ■ wonic: v. .th that j "run d e,-': aialt -- to work, have .eeoven i . .11 ;»»i H.ro».;?h this xemariabii icia.r . Is 1 rf. s the bl«»».! 1 itirs the live! kidneys 1- a healthy I action, ill ... - ; . ..,-aajdtisia. kidney, j iiver »rd uti . a ! 1 , i » - well known .-pecilic. j | 11 -j " v t 5 1 \ A ■ A-A ll J % •>"Knocks Out All Others." S (7 $ ii a A « w i PLUG 2 1 The Piece and High 1 Grade of "Bittle Ax " has injured •) the sale of. other brands or higher P prices and smaller pieces* Don't JL allow t ie C' to impose on you m by saying they are "just as good" (r as "Battle Ax/' or he is anxious y to work off his unsalable stock* P ABSOLUTELY PURE Quiets Checks Bleeding, Reduces Inflammation, Is the Bicycler's Necessity. Piles, Sores, f i 1 T3 CZ Rheumatism, Burns, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Catarrh, Chilblains, Inflamed Eyes, Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Headache, Toothache. Us PONDS EXTRACT after Shaving—No Irritation Use PONDS EXTRACT after Exercising—No Lameness a POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT is simply a marvel. How instanth- it cures Piles. What reli f from excruciati** 5° cts - MmGEifUINE P**fs E* troei r - ' *rtt. ' PONO'3 IO I ■ t.t AVc .'JS, t.EW VCRK. "A SAW -S A GOOD ri-iI.G, -ol' IsQ'i "■ O SHAVE WITH." IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. Sfes fJU f V * i v- Will actually brace you up Ci i, . ;TT K. I: \RANTEt to Cura Natoos Debility v. ~: M r ? c-K.lr> . .^.l " • •• i.. t.bnx> i I".*ss* RmU ia 4 mb. - r we re lak> .1 Guarantee to care or r.fuuil r-nie* Aiu.-- - i E.YL MEt)lt :.\E IU . CUi-cl .ad. "bio # Everything of the Best at Right Prices for O*. Sk chard, Vineyard, Lawn, Park, Street, Carden Greenhouse, Rarest New, Choicest Old. Eh*atrt 1« ft ■ 8g»fl tor It hrfor.-biiytitp. ll:ilfs:ivcd ■ l-liuits. Mn:ill Tm-s. «'t<-„ !-en« bv mat I to nny o ilee In th< 15. S. postpat.l. I.:irir.-r hy .vprt ss or freteht. ftrfoaprfvtilandttU n<lvJ£. loot)Aer— MSMbNM THE STORRS & HURBiSOH CO., Box Palnesville, 0. .J. S. YOUNG, Tails 1 :, Halter and Ken's Furnisher Great Reduction Sale. . , , ,-v,. It. tl! !• g « • - ni ' *Bl our *-' nlire st<K l k ®f. K eMt 8 :■; _ ; ran. or a r a.r of trouser at Neatly reduced arjja.,. tn t erything wc gen and we g&ftnintet eaerytliiiig wi- mak* topl«a«e and fit you. tJ. S. YOUNG, 101 South Mein St., ' oPP» s "'e « olel Lc * r S Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. 4 Qfiß Wc ,iavc Jl,st pencd !or \ QOA loDO Early Spring Im ate lOou ITS Black and Colored Dross Goods,SiJks, &c In a hands >me collation of plain ami fancy weaves in Boucles, Scotch Tweeds, Silk and Wool Mohair Velours, Crcpons, Jacquards and Covert Cloth Suitings At Our WeW-Ktiown Popular Prices. We wm ena,avor complete aaaortoient of Suks D- t nrices t*c«sible W« cxtui''. a cordial in- —' that they will not be disappointed 111 tacir i -^pectations. Special Sale of Separate Skirts, Suits and Waists im, i.-ciivi-.i s fan ii...- rf wS ~ tl Prices 50 to 1.75 " .. •« • Spring Hat-, l-'ancy Ribbonsand Flowers, &c., for '96 It will pay you to sec our line of goods before you make pur ctjrs 1 - We bu, direct from New York l.u/s !»*»«»- porters, and can give you latest styles and lowest pnees. Ask for Furniture Card. jrs. ennie E. ZimmermaN, - , (I|\S LAKE 11 ,»l<i|'KX« %KT. , Gr ?t . AVL. AHU FOURTH ST« 11 u, L ' mm, piTTauumiH, pa. 1 . ah I-.I m.m HH-.-atcawl C ons ts ' *!MH ptK-atMUHwaseircimrtngUW- O • , , -,y f- ' riv.ar-.'!- .t.MH" jei . . . , - iJ? -.i... • .u-i ii.-at.-l atttuaWj „ . ,r. : : it.nliir<t. THc NEW ~11 .111 1 .1. ;«•)! 1 bjr- K I ttii" nl lot an I n..at ocot;: « • 1 • uti-. "■ ' S»". •••'! at- J, ■ ' . fr. :uf :-.--«l*0 . -\ n ' ! .1,1.. rt. . If »■< ft-'! ! ' j.J.'"' \ "sir . • "'- 1 t lie's Win. fr. (-. it;:- ,>n ful huur-.Ota . : . l . A. < IV. CALUMwi HfDICI fc CO. - Ut. . LAKLOA . . a v 4 . u D. T. PAPE'S Holiday Goods and Christinas Presents We are pleased to announce the ar r \ • > Holiday Stock, and that we are ready for Busi with a rare assortment of Christmas G able for Old and Young; Toy 3, Fancy Goods, ies. No tions, etc.. etc. You are invited to call and inspect our iiisplay. D. T. PA S 122 S. Mam St Butler Pa STYLISH ' jNPfN ljj|§ | >™ hm Can be truthfully said of our A : new line of ladies fine shoes. H Mi-if.l , lust received a large shipment Wl/' , • of the latest spring styles. The \ ladies say "thej are boiuties. To be "strict'y in it" you must buy yout sh es at Ruft's,w ere the very latest in fashionable _ footwear can be found as soon as in the largest cities. No -Z ~ back numbers to work off, f ever) thing fresh and up to date A. RUFF'S & SON WTERS. *|*H£ C •> ;* j O T V J is often asked, v " " we use ~»K." ANSWER- If y«u • r covering " capacity, wearing qualities, ppearacce, and * your money's worth, you i. :-' FTH£ SHEBWIN-WIUJAI/IS PANT,J ' Corer.i Host, Lo -« Best, Wears Longest, Most Economical, fi I Our prices are for "best gou, ' last and aU the time We are in the to stay and S. W. / stays with us. COLcnn IN C.L. 5£X?-.&SS?" M J. C. REDICK, IOQ N. riai'i St TALK IS CHEAP But it takes money to buy V isky. And to get value for your moi y in Whisky, Brandy. Wines or C< n! is to send your orders direct M \ Klein, and you will be sure rl I thing ONE That you buy for less money .1 ' t ter quality than anywhere > isj i;s the State, and ANOTHER That all goods shipped an. n.. i - represented. Send for N< v I'rue List and Catalogue of all ki 's liquors, mailed free on app' and don't forget that All Express Charges On orders of $5.00 and o paid by us with no charge for ing and shipping. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. % %/ Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer. THE NAME OF THE President Of The Ur States WILL liK ANNOUNCED I S The New York Weekly Tribune OF NOVEMBER 4th. iß«j6; Public interest w : ll steadily increase, ami the . ji:- !• v. the men whose votes turned the scaleat the last election are satisfied with the results under the ad minist/ation they elected, will make the campaign tile ' 'i" 'ei> ly exciting in the history of the country. The l ew York Weekly/ ribune, the leading Republican family newspaper of the Uni • : v • ill publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every Amei if • sjardless of party affiliations. _ . Also general news in attractive form, foreign cor: : covering the news of the world, an argicultural department second to 110 m in. 'intry, market re ports which are recognized authority, fascinating short nj-te in each number, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign mi ' < vi'h their best comic pictures, fashion plates and elaborate desenptioi > 'is attire, with a varied and attractive department of household inter*. .. '.Now \ ork Weekly Tribuiie" is an ideal family paper, with a circulation lan;. -i that of any other weeklv publication in the country issued from the oil, . Large changes are lieing made in its details, tending to give it greater li ni tv. and especi ally more interest to the women and young people oi t :. Id. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid . ; "TI'E CITIZEN One Year For Only .50, CASH IN ADVANCK. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT WY -IMF. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN. Write vour name and address 0.1 a postal card, en iit : W. JU st. room Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of '. New York We Tribune will be mailed to you. Buy a Buggy j that's reliable you j do buy one. Fredonia B pes have <very»hing in their favor—beauty. You can line! .his out by !.•••', %at em. V..t, !'-:m Made by FRKDONiAMFG. Cf , . town, O.