Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 12, 1896, Image 4
IF IT ISN'T RIGHT, + + WE, MAKE IT RIGHT that is our way ot doing business. We do not want any customers of curs tc wear a suit of clothes that does not suit him. It hurts our business with othee people, even if he does not know the dif ference himself" It costs but little more to have this kind of clothes than it does to have those that look like "hand-me downs." It takes time to measure a man for a good suit of clothes. Show us a tailor who can measure a customer in five min utes and we can show you a poorly fitting suit a few days later. We takes pains to take all the necessary measurements. When you pay us $25 for one of those stylish Clay suits you pay for the l>est materials and workmanship v e can givr you. Look one of our customers over and see what kind of a suit we are giving for $25 before you decide to buy a J25 suit. We study a man's make-up and endeavor to give him the style of a suit that will look well on him. We don't have to be told by our customers whether overcoats are longer cr shorter this season. We consider it a part of orx business to be posted on such matters. KMR&CO Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa Christmas PRESENTS Christmas time is now here and Heineman & Son have as usual a very fine line of Christmas Presents to suit every person. The Line Consists of Dressing Cases Cuff and Collar Boxes Travelling Sets Shaving Sets Mirrors Cut Glass Picture frames Christmas Cards Gold Pens Fine Stationery Albums Bibles Poems All the Popular Books Leather Goods AT Hoiaeman & Son's B. tyß. The reason our announcement appears in this paper is because we want to at tract your attention to our store, we sell dry goods but if we don't do it somewhat different ly from the usual way we wouldn't have much to talk about, but we think we have, and the difference is in the prices— may be there are other stores keep a nice goods, but we are not sure afxnit that, whether they do or do not, but we are sure that this store has a very large and choice assortment of new Silks Dress Goods, Suitings and I'ine Wasl: Goods at prices that will be to your in erest to find out about. We make it as simple as possible foi you—have a Mail Order Department that sends samples everywhere whenever they are asked for, and make no charge, and if you'll write and say you want them, they'll come with prices attached that will do what we went—sell the goods. Among the important items are Black All-wool Serges, 38 inches wide, 25c. Black Camel Hair Suitings, 44 inches wide, 50c., goods that are worth a dollar. Figured Black Mohair Suitings, 58 inches wide, 25c., and another lot of finer ones, 35c., and 46 inch ones, 50c. Plain Black Mohair Suitings in the various weaves, 38 to 54 inches wide, 25c. to $2.50 a yard. New lino of Important Suitings. 38 inches wide, 35c. Navy and Red Mix , tures that have style to them, and they're all wool. Fine Coating Serges in choice solid colors, Blues, Greens, Browns, etc., that have a lot of merit at the money—called coating serges, but they're for handsome Suits, 48 inches wide, 50c. V Stylish Tweeds—Sightly Stylish Stuffs, 46 inches wide, 75c., and many other lines of Fine New Imported Dress Goods and Suitings from 50c. to $3.50, which when seen, will produce results. Booo'S & 811111, ALLEGHENY. PA. Your Wife Can Run The nursery department ol the household to great advantage, if she has some of our midi cine 011 hand to use when needed. JUST NOW Morrison Bro's. Cough Syrup and Armstrong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops are in de mand, two valuable remedies, don't lie without them. For I the Blood, Liver ami Digestive ' Organ, you want Natures Com- | pound, the true health assis tant. We make these medicines, know they arc pure and have superior merit. .Ask for the medicines put up | by the "I cure U'* Co., No. 106 ' Centre uve, Hutler l'a USE LITTLE SYSTEM PILLS. AT J R. ORIFB'S and l; Do Not Make Five. It's quite a probiem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particular!} of jewelry, silver novelties, cut etc., but I'm sure jou will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want vour trade. J, IGSIEE. 118 SOUTH M4IN ST. Seanor & Nace s Livery, Feed and Saie Stable, Wear of Wick House, B'illor, Pa The ben of hordes aofi lirst clfi j s ripp always <>n bund and for hire. Best accommodation* in town for permaneat boarding and transient trade. Special cnre euaruitced. Stable room for eixty-five horceK A good class of horpea, both driv ers and draft horses always on hand and for pale under a full guarantee; and horses bonght upon proper noti fication by StIANOR & NACE. All kinds ot live stock bought and sold. Telephone at Wick HOQSP lu-O- WKJK DKALKB IK Rough arid Worked Lumber 07 AL- KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTLR Office opposite P. <fe W. Depot, PTTTLKR WHAT IRON DO. I!S NATURE'S OWN TOXIC. Stimulates tho appetite nad pro duces refreshing sleep. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO fcURSIHQ R MOTHERS. Checks wastinc diseases, stops night sveala, cures incipient consumption. O Increases btre»'s,.h and ficsh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD. Promotes healthy lung Übkuo. Will give tho pale nnd puny the Nroay clicek.i c! routh CURES ATX FECIAL" COMPLAINTS. Makes strongiv-\ and women of weaklings GILMORE'S IRON FGBIC PILLS Care all lasting Diseases ar.a thb/r sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, Ac. They aro neither styptic nor caustic. an.i 'i 've no eoaftujitinf? effect on the content:! f the stomach or its lininc: consequently do not hurt the teeth or cause constipation or diarrhoea, as do tho usual forms of Iron 1 0 <mys treatment 50c. pamphlet free If ..ot kept by your druggist, uddress GILxVIORE * CO., C'NCINNAT! C 3THBS fhll *ra a ™ BI Consult the liniublo " "*** DR.LOBB M 9 N. PA« Thirty years otlnucuxpractlce iiMli* cure of all of xuvn f.u«l wonJrn No martPr from what . aune or Lw%v lonic H*andtn«. I will auarftntee a cure lJ*2» P»4-U.f!i-UoiiuJ Book aud uuilivi* %RKL Scientific American ' Jl) "InKS, DESICN PATENTS, copynioHTs, etc. For Information and free H.indl**»lc v. rite to MUNN K CO.. IXI Broadwai", NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for terming patent* in America, Ever, patent taken out by ti« I . brought before the i Jbiic by u notice given ir< q o. ;harge In tho Scientific J^rtmran Linrrst circulation of any wlontldc i>ar*<r !n tlio world, spit -. ll'!" ir.itL-il. .v, im indent man hiiouM • [ It. Wei klv .iim , year; it Vldivsn, MI.XN * i:<> VißiusiitHs, •»«! New VcrkClty. jK© Every Woman SomeUir. s i.eeus a r-li * 5 a ' J '° regulating ' , aacdicinc. W\ n r. PIAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Am prompt, iiafe and certain l:» revolt. TUe jrenu- Ine I Jr. Peal'* i ni'ver disappoint. Bont auv«%haitfc tt UO. Jt'oal Aludicw- . <jo . Clot eland, U» Fo K-.'i 21 City I'harna v tuave done for others you. IST DAT an*'PLrmanont'y &b.iiurcd. 3 ° T " DAlf . A positive cure to r all WVaivnesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. worry, etc. orexcessive useof tobacco,opium and ; : quor, svhich lead to consumption and insanity. Tiieii use sho>'. s i-nmedi ate improvement, lnsii-t mdoi) having the genuine HERVE BERRIFS, no other. Convenient to carry in porket. Price, g 1.00 per 3i:: ' oxes, one full treatment, J5.00. (iiiara.iteed tocure any case. !f not kept by your drug- we will rend tiicm by maii, upon r.veipt of price, in plai: wrapper. Fampfilct f .e. <\ddiess tnailordc.rstu AMERICAN MEOiCU CO , CINCINNATI. 0. -» •• T!it world is errras wetake K An<J life, dear child, i* wha Jo£i\ This was the sen I tinient of an ol< j|H 1,1 lady to her grand f c!a ' Mabel. Am many * Mabel ha. BM W- .X. vfound it to be true an( i she has take! jgj| * f /y J care of her health ' wS \ on hand a supplj ' W! ' of Dr. Pierre's Favorite Pre scription, and so is not troubled with thos< wasting diseases, weaknesses, "dragging down" sensations and functional irregn larities that so ninny women endure. " l-'avorite Prescription " contains no al cohol to inebriate ; no syrup or sugar t< derange digestion As peculiar in its rem edial results as in its composition. As a powerful, invigorating tonic, it im parts strength to the whole system, partic ularly to the womb and its appendages For feeble women generally, lsr Pierce': Favorite Prescription is unequaled as ai appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. A Book of 16S pages, on "Woman anc Her Diseases," their Nature, and How t< Cure tliem by home treatment, sent sealec in plain envelope, on receipt of ten cent! in stamps for postage. This book is pro fusely illustrated with wood cuts and col ored plates, also with a vast number o reproduced photographs of those cured b; the use of Favorite Prescription " anc without having to go through the ordeal o consulting a doctor. Full names and ad dresses are given so you can correspond and learn th< ir experiences in curing them selves. Address, WORLD'S DISPKNSARI MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Jos. G. COL LINS. p. o nox IS7) fur three month.; and jfefe it helped me more jl tf than all the other H J \ W medicines that I had T f for four months with \ A uterine troubles—can ,/JL now bear and Imy j»"\ -./ feet without any ( > trouble what<v": 1 . / fore taki-:;- ' F. ■ • f/ihh:- 'Ltj■ ' Prescription' I calil c hardly get around at all. I hope this stale- MKR.. COLLINS. mcnt will benefit ethers.' HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS are scientifically prepared Remedies; have been used for half a century with entire success. *O. SPECIFIC FOB 1 Fevers, Congestion*. Inflammations. 2—Worm*, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... 3—Teething, Colic, Crying. Wakefulness 4—Dinrrlira, of Children or Adults 7 —Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 8-Xntrolgia, Toothache. Faeeai he 9 Headache#, Sick Headach**, Vertigo. IO DynjM'pHia, Biliousness, ( onstipation 11— Kuppre*«ed or Painful Prriod# .. 12—\\ iiite«, Too Profuse Periods 13—Croup, Laryngitis. Hoarseness 1 I-Salt llhenni. Erysipelas, Eruptions. 15—Kheuuiatism, or Rheumatic Pains.. 16—Malaria, Chills, Fererand Ague 19—Catarrh, Influt nza, Cold in the Head SO \\ hooping Cough, 27—Kidney I>i*ea*rn, 28-lVrrvoiis Debility 30— I'rinary Wcaktiois, 31-& ore Throat, Quinsy, Diphtheria.... "77" for GRIP. fioM by PrntruJoff. or ;it pr-pn«l on r«*«*etpt of prlre, Js<\, «.r r. for $!., may !*• mwortfd . oxr.pt sl. only. Dk.Ui MPtiKKTs* if a muai. (Enlarged* Be. i<t«d mailkdkekb UrXriIRKTB'UbU. CO., 11l L 113 William St.,Xew Vork. A Co!d in the Head \ | The quickest way to I » get rid of it —the simplest £ \ and surest —no bother, no i j trouble—is with Salva-cea! 5 (TFAL»It-MAKK). { £ It cures Catarrh. It £ ? cures all inflammation. It ? I cures '( PH?*, Skin Blsessos, j Surreal, Burns, / 7\ bounds, < | EsrSore Musclns, | ' riwv.v" Js, Shcu.:i2{ism a | } Tv.o s'res 25 and 50 cents. < !/.t <1 ru-;, < 11y rar.ll. > T HZ L: %: : ::: Co., 74 CAN AL CT., N. T* Don't Drink' Whiskey Th:it h firry niul full of ftisel oil :iu<l OIIIIT dangoroiiß ijecoc lions l'lcniy of that kind in the inurlii'L If your iloctoi rei-ominendß :i wholCßomc Ktiniulant, j-ou'd do well U kuoiv what >Oll are goltlnij when you set out to get a bolt!" of Wins!;- y. Old Exjw>rt Whlslcnr has stood tli t< i of public judgment for ten .M-nrs win OQI dbpruvlH our cl ihas in the Vfi -t It Is pcrfetilv pure, palntable and Ktiarai.t Ci> N vi ars oid. Full Quart-, $! .00; Six Quarts, $5 00. Muil all i cxpre. . orderss!ill>|>ed inoiniuly. and we pay espies* ■!. MI on • •> orilers of SIO.OD and over. Jos. Flemitjg & Son. 412 MAFiXET STREET. PITTSBURG, PA. Complete I'iiiv l.i -t- of Wines and IJijuoir mailed free. special Notice. liy « Wl'ifrom thn beat known liNtillors. according lo age, from S2.CO to Mi 00 per jsallou My own importation of ine oIU I'orfs, Sheiry, Rhine and ilosel WineH from $2.00 to j'.'i.GO per gallon. St. Helen i pure old California Win •«. dry and •weet, 75 conts to $1.50 per gallon. AIHO tjfent l«>r the celebrated Lake Chautauqua Winen, $1.50 per pillion. Seneea Luke jure Wine V inegar. 500 per pa lion. The Ineßt imported Cms. Cognac*. Scotch and lri«h Whi»ky, Stout Ale, Ac , at lowest prioeF. Call or write to A. An lriesHen l>-8 Federal St., Allegheny, special Price Li t on application. No ixtra charge lor jug- or packing. Mail jrdern promptly attended to. THE KEELEY CUBE r* a (.peelul 1 MII K> l.'i ::n- • lu -n who, harlnK trifted lIIV i,nsr:r>u 'y th - It lialjil and iwakeii lu liud the > >-■ i <• "f al'-oholisni fastened i;> n them, r.-'elvri : 1.. . nalu t.) mauaKeaf 11rs riuniriiKf a clear train. A f-.ur until xiunc oi treatment al the l>il TSBLK<i KI£BLEY INSIITL'TC. Ho. l-i' Fifth Avenue, ■•*torea to them all theli power-, mental and HbyrimL -iv ;r. vs tlio ahßormol anpetfte, ana :e.-tore» them to the cuiidiiion the. were in be "orethey lii'lul 1 i,-, tmnUnt*. " ' 31. r; lieen toneia more t!. m IM wi 1 I h re.and irooiuc them fr of y.mr «-n 1, , ;hl.or*, to ■horn WE <»TI r •* itl» ... II to the i olu'e" if' iv niei ■ • !!! : v CUro. rhe f 111 -t ald ma i .... rch - I ilpatl in to , vlted. Bend Tor pMnnblet giving fill i:iionn«r lion. r(hichc*it r* r "«»»••'* Km« I. ENNYROYAL PILU -<Se"v i 1",* 1 4\ ■■■ • \•, \ % It • i . r. I«nr —\ Q I. 1» .« o«> A i •« i i" v / « hi. 1u.14.r( li'tniiui s 'juui told br »- L ft'ktiadA., !'• I THK CITIZEN- A Galant Cock Grouse. A big cock-ruffed grouse c?mt plump j ing down in the barnyard at Seth Colby': j near here the other day, and strutted j about among the hens, giving himself al i sorts of airs. The rooster that had charg< 1 of this flock of hens gazed at this impu dent intruder in astonishment for a fev seconds, and then bristled up and startei in to show the grouse that sole authority in that yard was vested in himself. The rooster was as big agaiu as tlit 1 grouse, but the gamey interloper froti the wilds put himself in shape and treat ed Mr. Rooster to something that was E surprise to him. The grouse was so quid i and fierce in his fighting that after three 1 lively rounds the rooster turned tail, anc retreated to a far corner of the birnyard The victor couldn't crow, but he jump ed upo.i a mound of straw and looker the surroundings over with such an im perious air that it spoke louder of his triumph than a crow that could hav< been heard a mile. After this gloating over his victory the wild cock came off the mound anc strutted about among the hens with more assurance than before, The hens did nol conceal their admiration for the auda cious gallant, and huddled around him. ignoring scornfully the presence of then rightful lord, beaten and humiliated in his corner. For lial an hour the grouse enjoyed his pleasing triumph, and then whirred away to his wooded haunts. "And them hens," says Seth Colby, who witnessed the remarkable exhibition from the window of his hay mow, "look ed sorrier than a widder when that dandy pheasant left 'em and they kept it up so long that they didn't recognize the rooster for more'n two days." Easily Cured. I>runl-:«*nu<-*s, Morphine And Tobaec U>ir are easily cured bj the ute of Hill'* chloride of Gold Tablets. No effort re quired .f the patient who is all >wed the ti-e of stimulants aDti' bo Voluntarily quits their use. May be giveo secretly in •eaorcoffne a d a cure guaranteed iu every case For sale by all first clas> druggists at $l.OO per package. For lul< particular* and book «1 testimonials ad <ire" Tne Ohio Chemical Works, Lima Ohio. Fall ot a Glacier. Kngineering describes the fall of a glacier in the Bernese Oberland about 5 A. M. 011 September 11, 1595, from an altitude of 10,823 feet above sea level. The whole mass, estimated to be half as large again as the largest of the pyramids of Kgpyt, leaped down 4,600 feet to the bottom of the valley just far enough to | not destroy the watercourse, moving as a ! solid mass. It only took about twenty seconds in its fiist downwaril plunge, ten in its leap upward, and ten in falling back, so that at the end of forty-seconds the mass had changed its place from near the top of the mountain to the farther side of the valley, where it buried nearly one square mile of rich pasture to the debth of six feet. A similar ice avalanche is recorded as having occured at the same spot 011 the same spot on the same day of the year in 1782. in eflect, heals aud leaves no soar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cur ed by lie Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Ap plied to burns, scalds, old sores, it is magi cal in effect. Always cures piles. J. C. KKDICK Dr. Warren's Philosophy. I,ady Spencer is said to have once ask ed Dr. Warren whether physicians did not often feel deep regret on reflecting that a different mode of treatment might have saved a patient. The doctor did not think so and replied; "The balance between satisfaction and remorse must be greatly in favoi of satis !action, and as an instance of this I trust I may have the pleasure of curing your ladyship 40 times before killing you." It not only fa so, it must be so. One Mmuiu Cough Cure at ts quickly, and that's wlmi uiukes it NO- J C. KKDICK. —For a pointer on the wealth of this country, take the simple fact that the people of the State of New York have on dcposite in the savings banks of their State the sum total of $700,000,000. Belief 111 Six Hours. Sa—Distressicg Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved m six hours by tfce ".New Great South American Kidney- Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count ol itß exceeding promptness in re lieviLg pmn in the bladder, kidney, back act! tvt-i-y pan ol the urinary passages in uiale or lemale. It relieves retention ol water anil pain in pusoing it almost Im medmtly, if you want quick reliel and cure iiiiH is your remedy, bold by J. C. lit dick druggist, Butler fa. —Now that lJr. Nanscn hai found the North Pole, what is he going to do with it?—[Exchange. Cut the pole off, tie the equatorial line to it, and go fishing for suckers. l»r. Agnew's Lure lor the lleurtgi.'s U drleet renel in all cases of Organic o« ■sympathetic ileal l>isease in 30 minutes and r-peediiy effects u cure. It in a peer' ess remedy fjr Palpitation, Shortness 0; Jruatli, Smothering Spells, Pern in Lei itie and all symptoms ol a Diseasod iioatt no dose convinces. Sold Dy City Phar uacv. A high liver with a torpid liver will not bo a long liver. Correct the liver with I)e Witt's Little Karly Hirers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipation. J. C KKDICK. —The fellow who boasts that he always looks ahead probably never sat in a thea tre behind a fashionable young lady. .IOOD'S I'ILLS cure Liver 111-, iiiliotißiicss, Indigestion. lltwlacbe. A pleasant laxative. All Druggist*. —hnglisii Spavin Liniment removes a t.ard, soft or calloused lumps and b!e:u ahes Irom liorses, blood spavins, curbs piintx, sweeney, ringbone, stilles, sprain' II swollen throats, coughs, etc. S*Vi» 00 by use of one bottle. Warranted the "ru>.-r wonderful Hlemish Cure ever known by J. C. Kedick. druggist Butlor Pi One Minute Cough Curo touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right lime it you leko it when you have a cough or cold. See the pointf Then don't cough. ./. C. KEDICK. —lf Senator Lodge had his way, the Cuban belligerents would be recognized as insurgents and the islands would soon be free from Spanish rule. Would that there were more Lodges in that body. 1896 Climax Brandy From grapo wine, has, by its extreme ago and constunt care while in uniform temperature and pure, sweet atmosphere ot rtorage houses for fourteen yean, be come a rival of the Hennessey and other brands ot Cognac lirandy, and much lower in price, and preterred by the physicians of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities Buy it of druggists. Spetr's Wines and Bratuly. The excellence of Speer's wines and Brandy is attested by Physicians through out America and Europe who have used them. They received tiie endorsement 01 various Boards of Heattli. That dreadful prostration after a severe attack of illness is overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla. —A Nunda N. Y. widow publishes a card in which she thanks the editor of that village's paper for announcing the death of her husband. If the editor was ns ]s)li'e as most of his class he sent the b reaved a note: "Don't mention it, \!w -.at your service and happy 10 I li K e " Refinements of Measurements, Refinements of measurements Lave gone to almost incredible limits. On lenses curvatures of 1,150,000 inch can be measured- In spectroscopic analysis of mere traces of different elements, fracti onal wave lengths are read to 1 2.000 millionth of an inch, Professor Dewar in his researches ou liquid air attained a vacuum of 1-2,500 millionth of an atmos phere by filling a vessel with mercurial vapor and exposing it to a very low temperature, and Professor Bovs, with the simplest possible arrangement of quartz fiber, torsional balance, and mir ror, claims to have been able to just de tect an attractive force of the 1-20,000 millionth of a So much for minute weights and measures, and as re gards angles the Darwin pendulum will indicate a movement of 1 300 of a second which would be about the angular measurement of a penny piece at the dis tance of x ,000 miles. It is difficult to realise the minuteness of measurements like the preceding. The smallest goltf coin of Great Britain, if drawn out into a wire 1 12.500 millionth of an inch diamet;.r, would be long enough to stretch to the sun and back again ten thousand times, and yet the fundamental mystery of the constitution of atoms and molecules would be locked up in every infinitesimal portion of the length of that minute wire. "Fir the establish ment of a truer and more comprehensive theory of elasticity," write the authors j of the last important work on the subject, "we shall probably have to wait until we gain a wider acquaintance with the nature of intermolecular action."—Engineering Mechanics, J. W. Pierce. Republic, la., Pays: '"I have used One Minute C"Ugb Cure in my family am! lor myself, witn results 80 en rirely satisfactory that I etu hariilv find word* to express myself as to its merit 1 will never fail to recommend it to other*, on every wrasiou that presents itself." J. C. RKDICK Unfrrmenterl Comnunion IVine Alfred Speer, of New Jersey, the cele brated grower of foreign grapes, pre serves the unfermented juice of the grape for sacramental use. It has been adopt ed and its use sanctioned by the promi nent divines of this country. It is also used for invalids with remarltablejeffect for blood-making. For sale by drug gists. "Give mn a liver regulator and I can regulate the world." said a geniens. Tbe druggist banded him a bottle of De Wtt's Little "Sarly Risers, the famous little pills. J. C'.RKDick. Crapes With Horeliouild Cures Cough*. Old Aunt Rachael, an old and success ful nurse, 90 years o'.d, 70 years experi ence as an nurse and much sought after by hundreds of families, has for years made a ordial most effective for coughs and colds by the use of Grapes with Ele campane Root and the Herb Horehound. Public speakers and singers use it. It is performing wonders. Sold by druggists. Soothing, healing, cleansing. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is t.he enemy to sores, wonnds and piles, which it never fails to cure Stops idling and burning. Cure* chapped lips and cold-sores in two or three hours. —There's good philosophy in this paragraph, now current; "I always ex pect the worst in all things and all cases, because I know the worst is possible; therefore it is natural for me to expect the worst, and as it is the unexpected that happens, the worst does not happen to me." Don't invite disappointment by experi menting. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cure and you have immediate relief. It cures croup. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. J. C. REDick. —Recently an attorney in the Criwford county court asked a question of a wit ness, to which the attorney on the other side made objection. Then followed one of those fierce legal battles which make members of the legal profession famous. After discussing the points for nearly two hours, they rested and the court de cided that the question was a proper one. The witness answered, " 1 don't know" Mast Use The Knife Saul til"! Surgeon, but Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy was taken and the Knite Avoided. The Union and Advertiser of Rochester, N. Y., recently published the following interesting accoaut of how William W. Adams of 127 South avenue, that city was saved irom a paiulul opera'ioii by the use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Mr. Adams said: "Three years ago I was taken with kidney disease very badly; at times I was completely orostrated; in fact, was so bad that the day was set Jfor the doctors to perform an operation upon me. Upon the day set for the operation I commenced the use ofDr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and from that moment began to g>in, and it was not long before I was entirely cured and have had no re turn of it since. Mv weight ha* increased and I never was so well as 1 am now. f have recommended DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY to many people, for it saved my life." In speaking to Mrs. Adams, she said •'About, a year ago I 'as in a very feeble state of health, being completely run down. I had doctored considerably, bat without permanent relief One day one of my neighbors advised me to take 1)., David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, which I did. My trouble was dyspepsia, and tor a long while I was unable to be about at all, but alter taking a few doses 1 was completely cured, und now eDjoy good healh." Hundreds of men and women with that "run d iwr." condition, unable to w«rk, have lecovered and strength through this remarkable remedy. It purifies the blood stirs the liver and kidneys to a healthy action, In cases of rheumatism, kidney, liver and urinary troubles, it is a well known specific. Unfermented Communion Hi tie. Alfred Speer,of New Jersey, the cele brated grower of foreign grapes, preserves the unfermented juice of the grape for sacramental use. It has been adopted and its use sanctioned by the prominent divines of this country. It is also used for invalids with remarkable effect for blood-making. For sale by druggists. For Medical «f- family Utc. $1.25 per qt. or 0 ijts. for $B. Finch's Ooldeu Welding, Guckonhelmer, Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, Overbold. Full quarts $l, 6 quarts for $5. Our goods war ranted pure. Grand Father's Choice, guaranteed 3 year 3 old, $2 per gal. C. 0. I). and mail orders receive prompt at tention. ROBT. LEWIN, Importer Wholesaler, 13* Water SI. Pittsburg, Pa., opposite b. 4 0, k. R. Depot FRAZER & bkst in the world. ItBw»ariinri]iinllti"s«r« unsurpassed, actually outlasting twob.x-s of any other brand. Not I affected by bent, if (iKT TIIU (iKM ISU. • JOB HALE liY T)F W.FRH nFNFh*T r.V KATTtiAX v Plug THE LARGEST PIECE OR GOOD TOBACCO EVER SOLD FOR 10 CENTS ABSOIU !be V HJRE QXila^C Quiets Pun, Checks Bleeding, Reduces Inflammation, Is the Isicvcler s Necessity. Piles, Sores, 1 T 1 > Th Q Rheumatism, Burns, Golds, -*—' Sore 1 hroat, Hoarseness, CJatarrh, (chilblains, Inflamed Kyes, Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Headache, Toothache. Use POND'S EX TRA C T after Shaving—No Irritation Use POND'S EXTRACT after Exercising—No Lameness PONDS EXTRACT OINTMENT is simply a marvel. How instantly it cures Piles. What relief from excru ci.'tinjr pain 50 cts. Buv GENUINE Pond's Extract for rrnuine cures. Ruv imitations for imitation cures. ~ POND'S EXTK»CT CO , 70 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW VORK. T^r~ m ~= ==!S===^:^=== •»A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO is THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. to Curi bi*hoa* Debility. Delayed revitalize the whole systrm. $ i .00 per box by mail, 6 boxes for $5. Rft&ult in 4 Vv'ith everv fs order we give a 1c :al guarantee to cure or r-fuad Address PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland. Ohi<v rriL , Everything of the Best at Right Prices for Or. Jffjjjlf' l chard, Vineyard, Lawn, Park, Street, Carden and Greenhouse, Rarest New, Choicest Old. Eleirant Wpajtr catalogue free. fend for it before buying. Half saved hy dealing dlreet. Trv It Seeds, I'lanta, Bulbs, braall Trees. efc\, sen* wKKm ijy mail to any office In the V. S. postpaid. Larger by express or freight. Bafo arrival and satisfaction guaranteed. 42nd Xear. 1000 Acre*, (.rffuUou»«* THE STORRS & HARRISON CO., Box Painesville, 0- ■»,, . . _ - - J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher Great Reduction Sale. In order to make room for spring goods wr will sell our entire stock of K 1 '"*'* furnishing goods and make voti a suit of clothes or an overcoat or a pair of trouser at gTeatly reduced prices. Now is the time to get a genuine bargain in e erythmg we sell and we guarantee euerything we make to please and fit you. *J. £5. YOUNG, 101 South Main St., Opposite Hotel Loiry Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. i of\n We avc ust pene( ' or A 000 lOi/U Early Spring Importations 10aO I"N" Black and Colored Dress Goods, Silks, cfec In a handsome collection of plain and fancy vyeaves in Boucles, scotch Tweeds, Silk and Wool Mohair Velours, Crepons, Jacquards md Covert Cloth Suitings At Our Weil-Known Popular Prices. We will endeavor to uphold our reputation for carry ing the choicest and most :o„,pl"iL",™n",i S ilL, Press W„,». "''.S" °»- hat they will not be disappointed in their expectations. Special Sale of Separate Skirts, Suits and Waists, fust received a fu!i line of SET**'? to *£« •• " " Shirt Waists Prices 50 to 1.75 44 «* *4 «« • Spring Hats, Fancy Ribl>ons and Flowers, fccc., for 90. It will pay you to see our line of goods before you make pur chase lor Spring We buy direct from New York City's largest im porters, and can give you latest styles and lowest prices. Ask lor Furniture Card. Mrs. Jennie E. ZimmermaN, inVflfaC* ■ ( »-a^k ■■l H BE N a [-, A» ll'l TK DIsPK**ARY. M m ■ E 3UB5' M -t/C r M Gr.i. PfctJ' Ay? . anl» Fourth BT.. MM I K " HW B 1 PITTSBURGH. PA. W 1 p UI" L 1 M B ' SSsSi. % Ail formsof Delicate and Com* m i ? a ki V.;. a pti«»te«l l>l»-a*c.»i*«|U»rl«iicOc>!«. v H j a Ji *!■ ■ w "",y fiiikntiaL aiKtSciKNTirii'Me<l- , j 1r.111.111 am ttcaUNl Hi Uui> I»i»- THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY !., ry with a iccm» .rely nttainfd. I>r. 8. lie Jf.ves I »nd I'll I !!j k 14%k0 Us member 0< the jlowl tgltg* 1 ">* nr b 111 x v wffifS N.RW-.USNCS3 - lout nu.l la Oie oMe»t knd»»<«* DEBILITY, W'?. a - 5 .. -nreil SrKClAl.l».' 11l the City. al atr And rthei evil . .V,',, , n toNervou* HHulUv fmrne- r.«iiT? or exoe- " I, " H '' ' ; , • :>1 exertion, ln«U*'.retioo of youth,etc.,<ani coiiMim,.i'"ii 1 , . ... , ysjeal and mental dccnv.laiWnf energy, others fit i It ' • \ |.• , etc.; OIdSor^JTW, fre Mi'::. !, .11 | . ":ld lilt .1 : • - < 'V ■'J'. 1 "; fill sure - , i . j I'| |„ ; ,r ''i t 1.1 '.i i • t■' Ity n ail. 11 I"' I" - '■* : .ulctiy roil fill ii'»«ri,W to CALUMET MfDICINE CO.. IIitCAGO. 111. ; ~to s r.*M.; Sin »),»• * W T * p .vif^• 22} l' For sale by City Pharmacy. n "a*riXTfißL'iuJll.i'A D. T. PAPE'S Holiday Goods and Christmas Presents We are pleased to announce the arrival of our Holiday Stock, and that we are ready for with a rare assortment of Christmas Gifts. suitable lor Old and Young; Toys, Fancy Goods, N>.\eities, Na tions, etc., etc. You are invited to call and inspect our . D. T. PAPK'S 122 S. Main St Butler I'a " lf G,; a ALL fljyp STYLISH IIS Can be truthfully said of our - : 'ik new line of ladies fine shoes. BHjWmlifl mk Just received a large shipment W'\ of the latest spring styles. The jjijllK ladies say "the) are beauties." To be "strictly in it" you must 'Jyf': buy your shoes at Rufl 's,where the very latest in fashionable footwear can be found as soon as in the largest cities. No -Z back numbers to work off, • f I'n sl. i."! tip Adrnired A „, A. RUFF'S & SON, S^ E R S . THE QUESTION is often asked, What Tit we r.-e' THE ANSWER: If you are looking lor covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Cm trs Most. Looks Bast, H ears Longest, Most economical. Full Measure. Our prices are for "best goods" f. *<■*:, last and rU the tims We are in the business to stay sm' |RU »H»; . S - W ' suyswnhui COLORS IN OIL, MOUS •" A COA'.H VARC iHES. J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Hain St TALK IS CHEAP Hut it takes money to buy Whisky. * And to get value for your money in Whisky, Brandy, Wines or Cordials, is to send your orders direct to' Max Klein, and you will be sure of two thing ONE That you buy for less money a Let ter quality than anywhere else in the State, and ANOTHER That all goods shipped art jus-t as represented. Send for New Price List and Catalogue of all kinds of liquors, mailed free on application, and don't forget that All Express Chafes On orders of $5.00 and over are paid by us with no charge for box ing and shipping. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa, ' f Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer. * THE NAME OF THE NEXT ~ President Of The Dnited States WH.I, TIE ANJfOUNCBn IX The New York Weekly Tribune OF NOVEMBER 4th, j 8.96. Public interest w'll steadily increase, ami tlie quest on how the men \\ hose votes turned the scaleat the last election are satisfied with tile results under the .ad ministration they "electee!, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting ill the history of the country. , . The IVew York Weekly Tribune, the leading Republican family newspaper of JJie L'li'U'd StaU», will p;i'ilv-U, the political news of the'ilay, interesting to every Auiejifancitizen party affiliations. _ Also general news in attraetive form, foreign correspondence covering the news of the world, an argicultural department second to none in the country, market re ports which are recognized authority, fascinating short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the humorous jjajK-rs, foreign tnd domestic, wi'li their . best comic pictures, fashion plates ami elaborate descriptions ofxw 111.111 s attire, with a varied and attractive department of household, interest, flic -"New \ ork W eeVVy Tribune" is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any othei weekly publication in the country issued from the office of .1 daily. I.arge changes . are being made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi- . ally more interest to the women and young people of the household. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal aii<l "JY.E CITIZEN One Year For Only #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY T1.M1.. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN. Write vour name and address o.i a postal card, send it to oeor \t li<JSt, room Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of The New \ ork \\ e Tribune will be mailed to'you. 1 jl Su mtm r ifri vc ■ Icses a measure of Its pleasure ii the car riage is Jess iuj. V urious., easy runwijr and haydsofne th?.n it be. Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good points They're the hand juid vehicles ypit can get- are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask aod insist Hiat you see them r. .your dealer's. Mad ; bv MFG. CO.. OUiii,