Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 05, 1896, Image 4

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j==T«Tllll I
<Of Bed Room Suits Arrived Last Week.
\ Antique Ash Heel Room Suits— 4Jr "J Q S
/ bed, dresser and washstand at f
v Compare this suits with any you have seen at $25.00. \
C Solid Oak Bed Room Suits — &2' 1 ") 1
/ bed, dresser and washstand at ?
J Solid Oak Bed Room Suits, extra quality, Qlj* ?
S bed, dresser and washstand at '™* X
1 These suits have Beveled y
C Mirrors, Polish Finish, Cast (
S Brass Trimmings, the Patent . ?
N Drawer Work that- is always
\ right, and you save money by J
/ buying the besi Bed Room \
j Suits made in America. /
< Yon Can Only Find Them at This Store. \
\ Homes Furnished Completes
unless you want to save money
Our 1896 Plan
Is to grt all the bargains we can and give our
customers the benefit of them.
We have just received 100 Silk Caps for
children from three months to five years old.
These caps are worth 40, 50. 65 an 75 cen^s ,
but we will sell them at two prices, 27 and 49
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 S. Main St. Butler Pa.
ML ' t# i - uei
Debility. j
RKHK j,., jr^t ly revitali/e the whole ■yntrrn. f 1.00 per box by mail, 6 boxes for |j.
Kmolt 1Q 4 WWILS. W%%U every $5 order we |iv. a legal guarantee t » cure or refund #-*o«v
Addict, PKAL MKDICINK CO.. Cleveland. Ohio.
THE QUESTION is often asked, What IV..' ' H * -
THE ANSWER If you arc looking lor covering
capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and
your money's worth, you must buy
OtMft Mott, Lookt Bttt, Wtart Longett, Moat IconomicaJ, Full Mtaaurc.
Our pric< s are for "best goods" first, l ist and rP
the timti We arc in the buhin'.ja to stay am'
S W. / stays with us.
■ RUSHES, . _ *
J. C. REDICK, 109 N. main St
Everything of the Best at Right Prices for Or.
JnSEKBSk chard, Vineyard,* Lawn, Park, Street, Carden
and Creenhouse, Rarest New, Choicest Old.
Klpjrnnt 1W jjaßr* rjitalr»(fii« fror*. fl*nd torlt hofopo baylnfc. llllfwiTwl
by (h-.'illiiK direct. Try It. I'laritn, liullm,Hniall Troei. «t **~ NODI
by mall to any oftfro In tin- IJ. H pONtpald. Larger »>y i*xpr«'Ms r»r frHtflit. j
Hafo arrival arid »atUfa<*tiou guaranteed, liutl ¥e«r. 1000 A< r«*». 541* €#rrrulio«i»«*o.
THE STORRS & HARRISON CO., Box PainisvilU. 0. |
Htlmi'laten tho oppetito and pro-
Uuoe* rofrothlng llMp
Chi-ck* wa*tlni» dliiniiari,. atop*
night »wnat*. curuii lricipiuul
OJ n<;roiut''« aud fle»h.
Promotes hoa'thy lung Uastm.
Will give tho pnlo and puny tbn
Nroay choekn of youth
Make* *trong I.J»* v.ai\ women of
w oakling*
Core all .Vaating Dmeftscs ana
their sequences,
Thoy *ro noithorntyptionorrauatli: *•> '
hm i- mi coagillHtiug <f!«':t oil tho OODtoii I
of tho stomach or It* lining' consequently
c'.o not hurt tho tooth or c*u*n con»tlpiition
or dlarrhroa. a* do tho usual formr of Iron
'i< 'layn treatment 000, pamphlot troc II
uol k«pt liy your druggist, uddrosn
AFTER all others f fell
■ ""■CoTiultlhoO'" lU-11..1.1- " !
.V 4» I*. finiKhKTil HTm run. A., "A. I
Thirty mlti'ieuUM'*' Ik"- tual*" rurv of »M
ilw-uii so' ui«-a and wi.nlrt, No iimlCPr from whnt
cauaa ur 1.0.v loll' ntaudliiji I will ov*m,n/« « ''" r *
IV'i Pi- Cluiii-UuuuO HwjH *«*l«ilj aud iumiu*
U and 'JL Do Not Make I : ivc.
It's quite a problem to please
everyone's taste in any line you
may select and particularly of
jewelry, silver novelties, c ut glass,
etc., hut I'm sure you wiil find
what you w ant in my larj;c sto(k
and at such prices that defy com
petition. I am making a spe.
cialty of nobby and find Goods
and want your trade.
iJ. B. CRM
V lILAK?- *
Tam O'Shanter's ride through the
midnight wind with the horrible hob
goblins pursuing him was only a bad
dream, or nightmare, which anybody is
liable to experience as the result of over
eating or an attack of biliousness or in
digestion. To avoid such disagreeable
experiences one or two of Dr. Pkrce's
Pleasant Pellets should be taken after a
too hearty meal and the action of the
stomach will thereby be qui' kened and
the meal promptly digested.
Then too if Nature be assisted a little
now and then in removing offending
matter from the stomach and bowels yor
will thereby avoid a multitude of dis
tressing derangements and dis . es, and
will have less frequent need for your
doctors' services.
Of all known agents for this purpose,
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the ne -t.
Their secondary effect is to keep the
bowels open and regular, not to further
constipate, as is the case with other pills.
Hence, their gr it rjopularitv with suf
ferers from habitual constipation, piles
and their attendant discomfort and man-
Jfold derangements.
The I'ellets cure biliousness, sick and
bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness. j
or constipation, sour stomach, loss of ap
petite, coated tongue, indigi stion, or
dyspepsia, windv belchings, "heart
burn," pain an 1 di .tr - after eating, j
and kindred derangements of the liver, I
stomach and bowels. One littl" " Pel
let" is a laxative, two are mildly ca. j
x cr w.iosp,
500 Paero Hook on Tn*fit rnrnt of Animal*
and i liari >eui I ree.
CTRjtft ( IVTi*r«,Conarc*i ion*. Inflammation
A.A. ' Spinal Mrulniril i», IHilk I•• •.
B.H.—Strain*. J,n in<-u«-«. Klinimnd^ui.
C.C.—Din(cioprr, NIIMII I)]M HNR«C».
11.11.—Hot* or (>rabs Worm*.
K.E.—< ll#-nvfH. I'nriitnonin.
F.F.—Colic or (.rlpi H. Bellyache.
inrarrioffis tli iuorrtmur*.
11.11.—1 rinnry and Kidney l>i«eanc*.
I.l.—Eropiive II i-«*H •»♦»•».
J.K.—ll»Hi*a«»ei»ol I>i?;e»iiou, l'nriily«*H.
b ! • :' ' • . - • (>0 ■'
fitaUU I •
\. : MwlicttUir, 57.00
Jar Vet«*riaary Cure Oil, - - 1.00
8«l'l hy DrapUUi or Mni pr.pail an j». b« ro an.l la Mf
(|Oanllly on r« rrlpt of prirr.
ill'lPllttKTS* Mi 11. < 0.. 111 k 113 William L, XcwTork.
■ J
H E B Ys'
No.&Q 1
lu u»e jo jr>un. The only Knrrcenfal rtr ly tor
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and I'roht ration, from over-work or oth«*r causes,
fl per vial, or 5 vial» and \H.TK*» vial powdtr.forfD.
H"!«1 >•?
IHII'IIKKTS'IIA. CO., 11 J A IIS William SU, X«w*ork*
gt cures Catarrh, even in ;
| ■ serious cases. To get !;
| immediate relief in Ca
/ tarrh, or a hard " cold in
|j the head," just put a bit
'! |
1 1 (rttAuE UAtt)
I the size of a pea, into j
£ each nostril.
I It's the quickest remedy \
Pilts, Skin Diseases, \
; Ulcers, Bsiis,
Barns, Sore Throat, 5
Bruises, Earache,
Chafing*, Hsadachs, \
]! Sprains, Strain#.'
] Tiro sices, 25 and sorrnls. <
1 At drags ' " r •'/ j
j! TMlwi 1 ' '
I (tehol.ir o.u<! a Judge of n'«nl
.enliikcy," Ih often nppll'd In
"halo frll«*T* t veil iih'l." Our
Old Export will |ii rnusU'r
under tbo irio-1 rljfld Ivr.l. It)».
(uitrnnii« 1 r? «,; (, (rota
*ll fti»<;l oils i>r ! iiiJ';!!/-r!it'oim
pmooth, :ifiil a t! 11 ; j . '
clthOrttfxJul or Hi'd Ir.■. 1 ute.
Full Quarts, $ I 00;
Six Quarts. SS.OC
Mall ana Kxprer* ordtn
nlilpiM'd Uio Kuiii- day h,i rii-. lv
od, and wn puy < liargM on a !
oldeniul JIO.OO and ovIT.
Jos. Fi -EMINci k- Son.
■ata MAn-rr.r r
Pin t f /».
j Com(.itt)Prk«Ulto(»l Ww.ei. •(-. niai>edfri-r
Tlint wc «f,ll tlm Inllowi k koimU at tlinm
low pric«- j ;
2 years old pure llju 00 jn-r k allon
:I " ii
4 " 2 r.o
7 " :i so "
Id " 1 w
H " •> 00 '■
17 " 0 60 "
A II from the bfi I known ili it filer .
California "i yam "Id pirn Wine 14
kludx, Kwect Mid lit}', ifl.liO ]>" r ('iillim;
can- <3 0l" 00. My own dinn im
portation* of pur« Port find Shnrry Winw,
MOiOll ftlld I'llllH', Ut l«iW4'.l ' Jill
or Mi'lid lor I'lmcial |>i c lirt. MI»I! ordi-rn
piomptly Cll»«l. No oxtru <;h»rirn for box
iny ;in<l
A. ANl)R![issi:N,
in •» •; 'd:kn t- I m •. ! • •
drifts) ui ronw loin . hit t tl ■ ' ' 1 I - d
. i ui. en to liuU • ■ of a i
u > n tlietn, - tl . *>*+:,!:• i mm ■ nf-
I i. ir ♦ rwiuiriuif a « l«s*r bmUi. A I•»«i* v. <!. i
< ,r • ill l: I'tiK nt u lltv
f " ' :• Fifth .
I |. • • •., • ; i '!:!.•'• j • i . •'•*.' ;il mil
. <•
p'or 11,» •! i ,th < orvllt'oil 111 11l Ik
fi>lfj tlt»»y Jn'llll ' t 111 ■ ;I' I ' 1 "
donoltt moro r I• ■I• 1000 Cftwfl ifnU i 11 11' 1
ntnottf 1 ■ 1 ' '' l
Fhon wo •«" refer rfth crtifl'lrtiw m to tbi
f] oltit ' / ■ ley« up-.
• 'j 11. • i lest •
U •.
lon. i
FCtilrbr*! r"« r-nsllah Ur»u f.
■ ft . '
\ n iCell.f r.»r I j'llm." « . » r rvtwrv
I —X P MMII. I <MMM> I • JV.J.M- T ,
% N i hi. I.R-LRR I
lu la hu L'i I'kUsd*., i »
Geoitje was s Great Man, Not Like Other
Did it ever occur to you that outside of
what he did for his country George
Wa-'.iDgton was a reat man —that if». he
wa -wot like other folks in many ways.
George Washington uever tried to nel. a
far-.r.er a gold brick, nor did be ever prac
tice the bunco game on the uniophistica'*
•.I ruralis", who had -'ju-t come to t«wu."
George Washington never wore neck
whifkerc; never wore a dink/ cap and *
1.r0.n sweater and never turned ui> hi
tnu-rrs when it rained in England
George Washington never attended a so
,-r function and when the dining room
v.as"opened made a rush so as to get there
l.r-' and aichor for a couple of hours
George Washington never promised a man
to vote for hiui and then said, Oh I wou t
.... a thing to him on election day but give
IT T.. l.im in it..- neck."' George Washing
ton never stood around the polls all day
with u hand full of dimes and quarters and
halves and a quart bottle of whiskey in hin
p. ck«-t with wi.ich to capture the pure but
fcungiy > oter. George Washington never
up 'wo -eats 1.1 a street car and pok
ed out his toot so thai people stumtded
■ ver it and wiped olf the mud from bis big
sho; - <ieorg>- Washington never tried to
palm " If a Canadian dime lor the American
ar id-, nor did he ever work a plugged
iickel > n a street piano man.
George Washington never kept two
k'eds oi cigars—one to give his friends lor
election purposes and the other to smoke
I :iu-e!f. Grorjre Washington never kept
the wrong linen cent home to him troui
Ibc lauiidry and chuckled over the taci
.(.at by the mintake be was so much in
George \\ asbington never rtood arouuri
all night on election night to' getretu. us"
ami ti ' ti went bom" swcari.jg betau-e !iii.
-de Win dele ited by just a lew Vote.-
•when it would have been s» easy to have
cotton them it he had only known.
Washington never, when bis *i
»tke(i him lor money to run the household
looked at her m astonishment and said
Money, iri.iey, money, ihat's all you
t r ;nl . out. s\ here's thit dollar I gave
.u 1 .v-: we* hT George WashlDgtoa never
went lo a chicken di.-pute—known as coe*
light and tot home in the early hours in
. morning 'o tell tiis wife bo v. a> attend
ing a meeting '•! the law and -»rdersociet)
(i.-orge WanLsugtoc never wore a red
, ipt-.l shir!, blue collar #nd pink neckne
uIM t ,:i shoes, a short nack coat and a
nigti plug aat George Washington never
chewed sull-eali g tobacco and made a
miii.ature rivulet in the gutter. George
W ushi. gton never dictated what style of
hat his wile should wear —ht knew better
George Washington never bought a hot
Frankfurter (plenty of mustard, please)
at midnight and -ootid oa the street cor
ner and eat it, nor did he ever buy a ten ,
rem nynter -tew and empty the contents
of the cracker bowl into it George i
Washington never went to market and |
jai t ed bis thumb nail into a roll of butter
j"'" •
a lien he inquired the price per pouud, nor
oiii lie. when he priced the eggs, ask "Hon
•iiiuy <1". you give for a dozent" George
Washington never carried bin umbrella
under his artu so that it stuck out at rijfbt
angl-' ar.d jibbed oat the eyed of his fel
I > ciiz 11-'. nor did hi eat bananas on the
street and throw the skins on the sidewalk
George Washington did not keep a dog
1 bat howled all night and caused his
neighbors serious discomfort, nor did he
harbor a cat that entertained company in
(he witching hours and created scandal.
George Washington never wore scrambled
egg liair and posed as a toot ball masher
tieorge Washington never wore a single
e; e-glass.
George Washington never filled himself
up wilh cheap whiskey and pranced about
the sireets declaring that he wan "Hot
Stuff, and lhai he was a "Lone Wolf and
this was "his night to howl " George
Washington n» ver rodo a bike humped ni>
like a camel, and he never wore long
bangs and considered himself in Class H
on the cinder puth George Washington
never went to college and fought with
every fellow who ilid not belong to his
"frat,nor was he a college student to
roam the streets at night alter a foot ball
iratcli and inquire at, the top of his voice,
every tew minutes: "Who was George
WaHhiLgton?" and give the answer "First
in war, first in peace, and first in the
heart ol his countrymen," following it up
with a double shuffle and a stamping on
the ground that strongly resembled the
dance i f the Uahomeyans on the Midway
at the Atlaiita Exposition. There ate
many other things that (ieorge Washing
tun did lof do and was not. —Uarrisburg
Hues Your llunhand or Son Drink.
If your husbanu or son ii addicted to
the use of Liquor, Morphine or Tobacco,
purchase ol your druggist a bottle of Hill's
Chloride ol Gold Tabletf. They are
guaranteed to cure, or money will be re
funded. Tablets may be given secretly
ill tea or coflee and the free use of stimu
lant allowed until voluntarily giveti up.
Pi ice SI.OO pel package If your drug
~'i»t does nit keep them, send direct to
The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio.
Hook of particulars and testimonials free
The oldest man iu Indiana, James 11.
Culver, of Spencer, died last Sunday, at
the authenticated age of 105 years and
almost seven months, lie was born in
Maryland, March 4, 1790, and went west
in ISIB. He was married four times, and
had two great-great grandchildren living
/ at the time of his death.
;IOOI>'B PILLS cure Liver III;,,
ijliloosnrss, Indigestion, lleadmlie.
A pleasant, laxative. All I>riigK,ists.
Whether the ground hog saw his
shadow or not, the weather has been de
cidedly hoggish since
)f suffering with piles, il will interest
•on to know I hat lie Wilt's Witch Haze!
* live will cure them. This medicine is a
I ril. lor all complaint! of this character
ui . i' is triii'tinns (utiich are simple) are
itarried out. a cure will result. We have
this in numerous cases, and always
with like lenults It never fails. ./. |
Hair-dye is considered so detrimen
tal to long life that a Paris Insurance
company refuses to insure the lives of
js rsons who use it.
I<ci|:li iSp.nii, Liniment remove it
I hi.!. '■(> or t:»lloii*ed lumps and Men
ik-». blood nrht
uiii i r 1 " Mi iiiflci. -ox ■ ,
•i II t» «•: ►, ••• ng I►, « w
. I • Mill t I'll I J'.!i mitli I Utr I* ei kii.v ■.
i i • 1 \ .1 < . Hrditk, r
Wild turkies used to be no plentiful
in the eastern part of the Uuited States
that when Audubon moved to Kentucky,
nliout iSy>, they were sometimes sold for
three Cents apiece.
IKIKJ Climax Urnnit ij
Krinn grape wine, has, by its extreme
ug« nuil constant cmii while in uniform
temperature and pure, sweet atmosphere
Of storage hoAses for fourteen yean, be
come a rival of the Hennessey and other
brands ol lirandy, and much lower
in |iriee, mid preferred by the physicians
ol I'liiladelphia. New York mid other cities
liny it ol druggists.
Mr I'iekard, M. P.. remarked lately
tliiit what used to lie considered a fortune
ay a/- 11 pound*- was now hut a drop in
the iiinkit. Nothing under ioo,oc<> or
ii" pound . was considered worth re
ferring to.
Ilelie/ in iSu' Hours
Ui In ilift Kidney unil Bladder di>-
en m , relieved in <.t hour» hy the "fiew
(ireat outli Anicriiau Kidney Cure."
This new remedy a great surprise on ae
eoiint ol lie c'eeedtng promptness in re
lii \ !ng pain in the bladder, kidney, buck
.II e every part ol the urinary passu gea in
ti.iile or leniiile. It relieve* retention o)
v iter and pain in passing it alnmrt int
iii iliatly, If yon want quick relief and
e iri- tit ', our remedy. Sold hy ./.
jtedie.k limgyi ' ltinler I'a
A baby that at its hirtli six weeks ago
only weighed as much as the New limits
wiik midget, one and one-half pounds,
and is now under two pounds in weight,
living and doing well in Essex, Conn.
|<r ,\i nen'i ( tire lor the Hi srl gr.' s
i, .i f •! all cases ol Orgauio o#
!i< Heat Disease In .'lO niin'if•
. ~( ! ily effects a cure. It in a peer
, uietlv far Palpitation, Shortness n
• mothering Spells, Pain In Lei
and all symptom* ol a Diseased lloart
i tie done convinces. Bold hy City Phar
' 'uacy.
—lt is figured oat that wheat will
shrink six per cent, in six months after
it isttrwwhed; corn will shrink twenty
per cert, in four months after it has l>een j
husked; and potatoes will shrink thirty
three per cent of their value from Octo- j
ber till June.
—A case of poisoning in New Jersey is ;
so peculiar in manner that the warning ,
to others and the lesson it teaches is j
w-orthv of widespread publishing. To !
make a long story short three of the
family ate apples taken from a basket j
which was in the cellar directly under !
til.' open window, on the sill of which
had been left a box of rat poison, with
the lid off. The wind had sifted the
deadly tuff into the apples. Moral;
Keep poison hid away anil tightly wrap
ped- Second —wipe off apples before
After typhoid fever, pneumonia ".nil
other prostrating diseases lake s'dooll
<lriij'i - H'ith llorchound Cures I'outjhs.
Old Aunt Rachael, an old and success
ful nurse, 90 years old, 70 years experi
ence as an nurse and much sought after
by hundred* of families, has for years
made a Cordial most effective for coughs
and colds by the use of Grapes with Kle
campane Root and the Herb Horehound.
Public speakers anil singers use it. It is
performing v.-onders. Sold by druggists.
The moisture of the eye is a genuine
solvent. Many jiersons have gone to bed
troubled with a foreign substance in the
eye, and have waked in the morning to
find it gone. In many cases of this kind
the foreign matter lias been dissolved by
[ the moisture of the eye.
I nfi rmeiitiil UomfHttnion ITinc.
Alfred Speer.of New Jersey, the cele
brated grow. : "I foreign grapes, preserves
the uiilermeiited juice of the grape for
sacramental use. It hits been adopted
and its use sanctioned by the prominent
divines of this country. It is also used
for invalids with remarkable effect for
blood-makiag. For sale by druggists.
X" e.'cus j lor sleepless nights when yo.
can procure Ouu .Vli.iute Cough Cure
Tuis will relieve all annoyances, cure the
itie luo.-t -ev ere cough and give you rest
and l.ea th 'an you allord to do without
it? J. C kKDlck.
Wile— 11. re's an accouni of a man who
shot him It l ittler ti.au nuttier the pangs
of indigent].m. liusiiaad —l'ne fool! Why
1 lid 'lll. he t.*K•* Ue Wilt's Little Early
ltlscreT I Uneil to nuller an bail as bo did
before 1 commenced taking these little
pills. •/ C KHOICK.
—Judge Culberson of Texsas, now a
Congressman, lias a remarkable record.
He has defended 110 men charged with
luuidcr iu the lirst degree, and has never
had a client sentenced to death.
Coughing lwitaWs the deiieate •rgths
arid aggravates the diseased. Instead ol
waiting, try On. Minute Cougti Cure. It
helps at once, expectoration easy, reduces
the sorene-t- and mllauiation. Every one
likes it. J. C. KKIUCK.
One Minute Cough Cure is rightly nam
ed. It allords instant relief Irooi suffering
whom atflic'.ed with a severe cough orcold
It acts on the throat, bronchial lubes, and
lungs aud neverlails to give immediate
relief. ./. ('. HKIUCK
—When water freezes it expands with
a force which is estimated at 30,000
pouuds to the square inch.
Piles of people have piles, but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel halve will cure them. When
promptly applied it cures scalds and burns
without the ."lightest pain. J. C. KKIUCK.
Ono Minute Cough Cure is a popular
remedy for croup. Sale for children and
adults. J. C. HKIUCK
Do Witt's Little Early Liners for bilious
ness, indigestion; constipation A small
pill, a prompt cure. •/ C. HKIUCK.
—Apparently refuting the gencrnlly
accepted declaration that fanning is not
so valuable now as it was some 10 or 20
jreatiago. are figures from the Agrtcol*
lurid Department of Pennsylvania show
ing that the value of the farms in this
Stale lias 1110.1 than doubled since 1850.
Grnvel (/tired
(Philadelphia, Penn., Item)
A healthier, heartier, happier man than
John J. N'cili, of 2437 North Eighth
street, Philadelphia, could not be found
in a day's search. The fact that he is
still alive is a constant wonder to his
In the fall of IS.S9 he began to suffer
indescribable miseries from stone in the
bladder. Consulting an eminent physi
cian in Philadelphia, lie was told that a
surgical operation was necessary. So
much did he dread the result, for if .un
successful it meant death, that he put off
the evil lay as long as jxissible. While
1 I in this frame of mind, he heard of
Although dinhcarted, on July t, 1H93, he
" txiuglit ii bottle of it, and within a month
had expciieiic.nl beneficial results, anil
liefore lie had finished the third bottle,
!■ the gravel was completely dissolved air.l
1 his sufferings at an end.
1 Yr. N( ill feels that he owes a lasting
r debt of gratitude to Dr. Keiincdy?s I'av
' orite Remedy, and for disorders of the
bladder and urinary organs says, "it will
' effect a cure if one be possible.'
l'avorite Remedy is prescribed with un
failing succc for rheumatism, dyspepsia
aud tiervi troubles iu which it has cured
many that were considered beyond the
' aid of medicine. All druggests, |i.
fbr Mi•hrnl d Family fV. $1.2. r > jirr </l.
or (I '/'•■< for fo
Kinch h (iolden Wedding, tiuckenheimer,
Large, Oih-oti, Bridgeport, Overbold I'nil
(|ii»rt»< il, fl quart* for **>. Our goods war
ranted pu**e (irand leather s (,'hoice,
gtinrranteed ii years "hi, per gal 0.
().' I) and mail orders receive prompt at
ROIIT. I I,WIN, Importer nnd Wholesaler,
136 Water St. I'itfsburg, opposite 11. & 0.
N. K. Depot
Your Wife
Can Run
The nursery department ol the
household to great advantage,
if she has some of our midi
cinc on hand to use when
Morriscn Bro's. Cough Syrup
and Armstrong'" Diphtheria
anil ( luinsy Drops are in de
mand", two valuable remedies,
don't be without them. For
the lil'X'd, Liver and Digestive
Organ, you want Natures Coin
pound, the true health j»ssis- I
tant. i
We make these medicines,
know they are pure ami have,
superior merit. _ _ j
Ask for the medicines put up |
by the "I cure U" Co., No. 106 I
Centre ave, Itutler l*a
,i i i it i I 1 • •i • • i •>!
»'"> Villi *;y 11 tin L lur sdftllUsliig St ki»<wl 1
Plus in the lead
Piease Poy particular attention to
these ft,'\v lines—they may interest you.
Pond's Extract is so universal a remedy
that you know of it ami its uses well,
but so many crude imitations are on the
market, that a warning against the use
of anything but the genuine Pond's
Extract necessary. Pond's Extract is
absolutelv pure, antiseptic and anodyne,
and may I "<;ed with safety and efficacy,
externally or internally. Accept nothing
but the genuine with buff wrapper and
yellow label.
POND'S EXTRACT CO.. 76 Fifth Ave.. Ne » York.
that is out way »T doing business. Wc
do not want any customers of curs to
wear a suit "I < lollies that does not suit
him. It hurts our business with othew
people, even if he does not know the dif
ference himself' It costs but little more
to have this kind of clothes th in it does
to have those that look like "hand me
It takes time to measure n man for a
good suit of clothes. Show us a tailor
who can measure a customer in five min
utes and wc can show you a poorly fitting
suit a few days later. We t ikes pains to
take all the necessary measurements.
When you pay us #25 for one of those
stylish Clay suits you pay for the best
materials ami workmanship v e can givr
Look one of our customers over and
see what kind of a suit we are giving f,,r
before you decide to buy a $25 suit.
We study a man's make-up and endeavor
to give him the style of a suit that will
look well on him. Wc don't have to lie
told by our customers whether overcoats
are longer < r shorter this season. Wc
consider it a part of orr business to be
posted on such matters.
Cor Diamond. Hutler, Fa
On First Mortgage <>ll Improved
1 50,00 per Month l'ays for sl,-
oo° in About Kiglit V cars.
Money Kcady.
Attorney, Butler I'a.
Treasurer, Hutler I'a.
District Agent, Hutler I'a.
Investors should send lor our
"Do/en Reasons'' and "l*" ( ircu
lar. We make your money earn
6 per cent free of taxes.
T— . A V I Till' l-rNN*vI.VANIA
• i"N , I jAViNt.n r»iNi» anc»
' , LOAN »'.WI«IIU«
«r^lP: : | ur riTTMiunci
Every Woman
Somclimr 1 noctl* a
l»vv\ *1 ol>lo inoniUiy reguUiiing
i medicine.
Are Tiriiii i'i '>?•' ii.Ttm-, to*.ill T*"> »■"
lor lir. 1' .r- ciMi'i' I sciitou»»»'>»e,
•IUU. I'uai MudicUii. Ui . Cluo uuiil. O.
KOl fah ut City Pharmacy.
Christmas time is now here and
Heincman & Son have as usual a
very fine line of Christmas Presents
to suit every person.
The Line Consists of
Dressing Cases
Cuff and Collar Boxes
Travelling Sets
Shaving Sets
Cut Glass
, Picture frames
< Christmas Cards
Gold l ens
, Fine Stationery
■ Albums
, Bibles
r Poems
All the Popular Books
Leather Goods
Heineman Son's
Seanor & Nace's
; j ijvery, Feed and Sale Stable,
Wear <>r Wick House, Butlor, Pa
The bo IT of bonwH ami oral GIMS
I rijrf til WHVM on hand and for hire.
Bout accommodations in town for
permanent boarding and tranwiont
1 trade. Special care tfuaraiteed.
Stable room for eixty-five horse*.
A f?ood c,nHB of borwH, both driv
ers and draft hornet* alwaya on hand
and for nalo under a full guarantee;
and hornoH bought upon proper notl
-1 fioatlon by SUA NOR A N A'.IE.
All kinds ol live Htock bought and
_ Hold
Telephone at Wick HOUNO
A complete map of
Kutlcr County,
Showing Towns, Townships,
I'ostoffn cs, Express Offices, Tele
graph Stations, Country Koads
1 | and Oil Fields.
, Complete Index.
; Vest pocket form
50c each AT
Douglass' "Ze
. New P o. BUTLER, PA
» R L. Kirkpatrlck, Optician and Jeweler
i xmt in Oourt iiouw. liutitr, Pa., graduate
La l ull UaroluKlcal I'Utllate.
Holiday Goods and Christinas Presents
We arc pleased to announce the arrival of our Holiday
Stock, and that we are ready for
with a rare assortment of Christmas Gifts, suitable lor
Old and Young: Toys, Fancy Goods, Novelties, .No
tions, etc., etc.
You arc invited to call and inspect our Grand Display.
122 S. Main St J»utler I'a
Clearance Sale?!
Business always seems good when '.here is plenty to ilo, whether there is any
money in it or not. This is always our dullest season of the m r, 1 >:11 we propose
making it different if prices will do it. We have the lary. st -i w ever had and
that is saying a great ileal. We really have to many kinds <>i everything, anil
for thirty days we are going to give you 6 l>oxes good axle grease fur cents; har
ness oil 50c per gallon, or if you want sweat pads for collars we have a great lot of
good ones for 30c each, worth 50c. We have a lot of huggy shafts ready to put to
gether for 50c per pair.
Has your horse a sore neck? Buy a new collar, only mn dollar for work
collar, or one dollar each for team or buggy bridles; or do von want a blanket or
robe? We don't want to pack them awav: have about one tli< ; ml left and will
close them out at less than wholesale price. It will pay you to buy now even if
yon don't need them this winter.
Harness, did you say? Well that fits us. We have been making harness all
winter ami have hundreds of sets. We got the work done cheap and bought the
hardware before the advance, therefore, we rati sell you harm ■ worth #1? for <S,
worth <ls for #lO and so on, all our own make. Leather Ual.i rs for e and check
lines for less than leather is worth. And buggies! we would like to sell a lot of
them for less than cost, buts its too early yet to get you interested ill buggies, but
we offer you the chance to save money if you want one.
We have gathered all these, and many other bargains up, and placed them on
our first floor, ami if you want to see them please come early as they will be done
when they are gone, and it will be a long tin.e before another opportunity like this
presents itself, Martincourt itCn. yon know never advertise a lie.
S. B. Martincourt Co.
Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher
Great Reduction Sale.
In order to make room for spring goods we will sell our entire stock of gent's
furnishing goods and make you a suit of clothes or an overcoat or a pair of trouser
at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to get a genuine bargain in e erything
we sell and we guarantee euerything we make to please and fit you.
101 South Main St., Opposite Hotel Lowry
But it takes money to buy Whisky.
And to yet value for your money in
Whisky, Brandy, Wines or Cordials,
is to send your orders direct to Max
Klein, and you will be sure of two
That you buy for less money a bet
ter quality than anywhere else in
the State, and
That all poods shipped art just as
represented. Send for New I'ike
List and Catalogue of all kinds ol
liquors, mailed Iree on application,
and don't forget that
All Express Charges
On orders of s<;.oo and over are
paid by us with no charge for box
ing and shipping.
82 Federal St.
Allegheny Pa. -
O •/
Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer.
President Of The United States
The New York Weekly Tribune
OF NOVEMBKR 4th, 1896.
Public interest w'll steadily increase, and the miest 011 liow the men whose
votes turned the scale at the last election arc satisfied with the lesults under tile ad
-Inilli.it/ation they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in
the history of the country.
The iVew York Weekly Tribune«
the leading Republican family newspaper of the United Stat •, will publish all the
political news of the day, interesting to every Amei ican citizen regardli s of party
affiliations. , .
Also gtneral news in attractive form, foreign correspondence i •>■.. ring the news
of the world, an argicultural department second to none in the country, market re
ports which arc recognized authority, fascinating slioi t dories, complete ill each
number, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign Mid dome <ti>', with their best
comic pictures, fashion plates and elaborate description:- o! woman's attire, with a
varied and attractive department of houvhoM interest. Ihi 'N< w \<>tK Weekly
Tribune" is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any other
weekly publication in the country issued from the office of i daily I.aige changes
are being made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi
ally more interest to the women and young people of the household.
A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal ami "TI'E CITIZEN
One Year For Only #1.50,
Address all orders to CITIZEN.
Write your name and address o.i a j>ostal card, send it to <■ < W 1" st, room 2
Tribune Ruililing, New York City, and a sample copy of Ihe •'Jew \oiU We
Tribune will l>c mailed to you.
"2 Buy a Buggy
that's reliable when yon
Fredonia Buggies
have crfei'v.hing in ilicir favor —beauty, stability, ea V. You can
find this out by looV iir at 'ent. Your di-alci li them
I Made by FREDONIA MFG. CO , Youngstown, O.