Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 05, 1896, Image 3

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THCIysDAY. MARCH 3. la 9«.
Now Advortlsements.
Raff's Style*.
Scaaal & Na*t's graca deal.
Mr* J. E. /Jxmenaan's Spring Good*.
B. <£ B*«. , dry good*.
All advertiser* intending to make
ctuge* in their ads. should notify a* of
tt . intention to do no, not later than
M;n<lay morning.
Administrator* and Executor* oi estates
Cia fecsre thsir receipt book* at tbe Cit
x** o®ce
NOTlCE—Hereatter the price of the
ClliZha will be *1 00 ii paid in advance,
vnn (1.25 if sot so paid. C'itizßs and
Veekly Tributu (l-jO in advance.
—T..' Town Council of Evan* City par
cc.a*«-<; a chemical fire extinguisher, at a
com ol 1550.
—April 10 and 24 are tbe day* selected
by Gov lii-i.ng-i as .Sp:ng Arbor Bays
Plant a tree.
B.C. Beatty intend* building a fine
bouw. on B-M,kout Ave cue, Adam H' ffner
has the contract.
White, Waller <fc Co, bicycle dealer*,
under Boyd's Drug >*tore, received 17 new
wheels lh:- week
A new style of mixed drink i* called
the Fi'xsimmon* punch. About one dose
effects a knock oat.
—J. £. .Snyder, tbe new* dealer ha* re
pape;- 'i and painted his store roooa, whica
a-i-atlj to its appearance.
- " ' lamination lor graduates of tbe
Pnb.i retools of tbe county will be held
on ti; :hird Saturday of March.
I vn ic Coo per* town they use "»x
--hao-t a ater" for cook.ng purposes; and set
a croc* lull of it out to cool for drinking.
—An early and wet gpring i* what the
weather prophets now promiae us, but
they uon't know any more about it than
y« 1 do.
—A Farmers' Institute was held .in
V>• i , jry ye-.terday and to-day, and
< ne wili 1,-3 held in Saxonburg, Friday and
—Joiin Atwell of Harrisville bear* 'he
palm i. ba. ing the largest hog* heard of
mis year. Hie porker tipped the beam at
725 p- or.ds.
A stable belonging to Gua. Marshall,
a pla!e g. i- worker, on Zeigler Avenue,
.Spritigdai*-, *'>>- irned, Tuesday morning.
Tt;e .s * ,t- small.
—John IJickel will remove hid *hoe
ttU' r n to e room now occupied by Hart
z*ll «fc K-mper, on tbe Ist of April, and he
*iil eo:itioo« tbe branch rtore in the I)affy
Some fifteen candidate* interesested
in s'ock a'leaded the Megeo sale at Val
encia, Tu»--iiay, where g(/od Jerney's sold
at an average ol about each, and horse*
at aU>ot SHO each.
—Tt.e M.».-ket St. Hank of San Francis
co, Col. of which W. S. Uopkin*. brother
ol W. it liopkin* of Batler in cashier wait
robbed byt bree marked robber* week.
They (rot 16.500.
—Local Union So 77. American Flint
Ola.-* Worker* are making preparation*
tor a bali in Armory flail, for April 10.
Tbe union :* coupo-ed of employees of tbe
Hamilton Ola** factory.
—Tfii« ahackle work by which one boiler
and enjririe i« made to pump trom two to
twf-n'y we|i», jit throwing at leant two
ont of every tbr« e men ont of employment
The lon* -trlng* of rod* worked by
—The Zelienople Extension Co., baa al
ready >old aboo' 200 r t* from their plot of
7<Vi and better The mte for the tmildin?*
of the Bopft* Jone* Co., wbo will tnanufac
tare enameled bath tab* were Delected
Jaot week
—TNe member of Co E. are making pre
paration* !or a bi-nifit to be held in the
Opera Hon -e ome time in March, under
the direction of liarry A. Beck, a theatri
cal man h<> make* a apecialty of patting
til: local talent.
—J. G <t W. Campbell will baUd a fine
block »hn« their Morn now stand*, this
spring, hr.'l will occupy the ileineman
(■tore room until It is completed, Ileir.e
inaa <i Hon will occupy the corner build
ing in 'heir block.
—lf any one wishes to nee a good, super
fine cow. th ey ran do no at the reeider.ee
of W M AI (.worth in Glenora, Butler
county. Jt is of the Climax varety, the
only one of the kind in the county so far
at is kqown. —Linlenton New*.
—A case of prolonged hicoughing ic an
old man of 7H, which had lasted for twelve
days, »ax cured after he had exhausted
every lemedy he could find, by giving the
patient some strong snuff. This set him
to sneezing rod stopped the bicoughi at
-The road up t he hill side from Clade
Kun to Wattar* Stat lon is so narrow that
two teams cannot pa*s on it, and turning
is ar> i tnpO'sibility. A buggy and a hay
shallop* met there the other day, and the
two men concerned bad a great time get
ting the buggy over the shallops.
—Now Is the time for merchants and
others to stock up on printed stationery.
Envelopes, letter heads, bill heads, state
ments, counter tabs, anything, everything,
printed neatly and cheaply at the Citizkh.
We can furnish printed material an cheap
ly »• most merchants buy the imprinted
blanks. (Jive us a trial order.
- Mi«< Krnma Anderson, the Missionary,
with the aid of a few adjutants, trave a
representation of an India wedding on
the pulpit of the U. I', church, Tuesday
evening, and this with othtr scenes from
the same country, and music by some
ladies of the congregation made a very
pleasant evenings entertainment;
—The Bpringdale Water Co. at their
meeting last Thursday evening re elected
I'h. Crouse, J. W. Brown, and L. C. Wick,
Trustees, and the following Hoard of Direc
tors-, W. C Klernming, It. I, Aiken, C C.
Cochran. J H Miller, P.of. K Mackey,
J. K. Halzler. M K. Headland, Casper
Sherman, and A. C. Anderson. The com
pany is in a floursbing condition.
—The legitimate connection between
work and prayer is illustrated by this inci
dent, related iri an exchange: A man one
inorriltig at family prayers prayed for a
good neighbor in great destitution. After
the prayer hi* boy said to him, "I'.ipa,
give me your pocket-book, and I will go
over to Mr Hmiih's and answer your prayer
—Tho International Christian Allance
A<*ociation will hold atwc day* Convention
fr. tho W K church of thi* place on the
lH'ti and Ifl'.h ot March. Aiming tl.e pro
minent -jk-iil'w ho an expected to bo
present are iinv. A. I! Hlmpnon of Now
York. I*re«id*nt ot th am'iciation, llev*
Htephen Morrill, Ftrr, ohellen, Henlt,
land, sod other*. Mln Hhnparil a note d
•inger will al*o be pre*ent.
—Th'i I'ittoliurir Timet 1* Marching the
entire world lor new*, and recently *«r.t
Biotl Untler on a 10,000 mile trip lor in
formation ri Harding the Human nil trade
and i<* K'-ar eg upon tha petroleum In
dunryin America. On Monday la it It
printed two page* relative to it At the
Komance Held in Haku, there I* a 150,000
barrel gunber. which produce* more oil in
a day than all the world combined in the
aan.e time
-- A printer doe* not go to a doctor if he
U out of •'»< r»«" nor to a baker if be want*
"pi," nor to the wood pile it he want* a
''* tick"nor to hide* when ho want* a devil
"nor to the bible If he want* a "rule" nor
to the gvn *hop it he need* a "shooting
■tick" nor to a furniture *tore when he
want* •'furnKure" nor to a bank when he
want * miij*" nor to a lawyer If ho ha*
a "Jirty om« "nor to a girl when ho "(fo« »
to pre**" nor to .he pump for a drink— a*
lorg a* he ha* 10 u«iu» in hiftulot'io i. —U*.
—A K'»"I "torr i* told on a prominent
Attorney of Butler, who 1* not only a deep
thinker, but al*o absent minded. A *bort
time ago hi,, wile who had preoeedad him
down.iUtr* in tbo iii'irimig van called back
to the room when ahe found hun wander
ing about in a state of (rre.it perplexity,
cU'l in trow»ur*, *ljirt. and dipper*. lie
wa* endeave.injf to liod hi* vert but could
not, lor the lite of him remember where he
bai put it A Iter a abort but luelfectual
iteari.h, trie good Wile iimifcted upon a per
itonai examiuation ol her absent winded
apouxu and d) covered that hu had put hi.;
vest i>n and then tiie shirt over it, and
than proceeded to look for bin vast.
il-.vb Qauu. ccuveneu Mon
day morn:n:r. and after same petir.on*
wen tear i the constable* vere called and
s.ade their return?, a note oi "*"ill
be foand elsewhere; the bends ~>t the new
constables were approved and they were
sworn in. The Grand Jury wa- called and
Cap'.. Chas Hoffman of Saxonbarg v. as ap
pointed foreman.
Tbe Grand Jurors were sworn and in
structed a* follows, that for tbe time be
ijjg they were tne senate of Butler county:
it ww their duty to make presentment of
any bad road'. un-afe bridges, etc. or any
violation of any law - of which they han
any knowledge in any part o! county,
particularly the liquor law*, rp to the
time of our tr< t*> pre-- the Grand Jury
have made the following returns.
Gkakii Jcrv Hrrrßss.
Commonwealth vi.
Cba W tmr.-j, fib, true till.
W E Say and Wm Kerr, disturbing a re
lit' us meeting, true bill.
Nicholas Breli, a."anlt. true bill.
W E Campbeil, larceny, true bill.
Harry Ca derwood, f£b, true bill.
Samuel Borland, fib, true bill.
Thorn** McMillian, gambling, true bill.
KoOer. McClelland., forcible entry and
detainer, tne bill.
Everett Young. s<frb with intent to com
mit rape. True bill.
Pius HilJebrand. setting op a gambling
house and ?ell ng liquor without license,
true bills.
Frank ilcGinn, being a tramp, not a
true bill, and county to pay cost.
Jas Low and Ai drew Cornelius, setting
up a gambling house, keeping a disorderly
hotue and felling liquor without licence,
true bills.
Sheeiff S a lbs.
Tbe Sheriff sold ail the right, title, in
terest and claim of
G W Frszier and Mary E Frrrier in 77 in
acres in iloddycreek to Eckart Kalb f r
Benjamin Richardson in 25 acres in
Adam-? to Hannah A Kiine for $124.
Will am Oobson and Thos Bob-on in ■ >
acres in Adams to Henry lift lor 127.'. and
the lj acre piece to Jno Robner foi $l6O.
Adison W Pierce in 39 acres in Butler
twp to Howard Keiber for 120.
Jas Kennehan in 90 acres in Cherry to
Winifred Kennehan for SSO.
Jos Parker in 50 acre- in Buffalo to Mat
tnew Thrower for $1,303. and the lUI acre
piece to Thoa W Phillips tor S2,MI.
Manvil W inter«teen in 10 at res in Oak
land to Mathew J Robinson lor S3SS.
Elmer M Morrow in lot in to
Elmer W M'»ore for *550, and another in
same to A E Graham for $550
P W Lowry, com of Kerr Mcßride lot in
Butler to Louis B otein lor $3,010.
W H Grime's pieces in Centreviile for
$1,300 and S3OO.
All other writs were either settled or re
Judge Greer, on Monday, handed down
tbe new roles governing the license court
in this county, setting the third Tuesday
in June as the time for hearing. The ap
plications shall be filed not latter than the
last Monday in May, and until further
ordered shall be published for three con
serutive week-- in the Butler Kagle and
the Democratic Herald, as required by t:ie
act of May, le£7. Ail remonstrances, peti
tions or objections shall be in writing ar.d
shall be lileu on Friday next preceding the
day fixed for tbe bearing of the applica
tion. The remainder of the rcles corres
pond with those heretofore in force
The auditors report and distribution ac
count in the estate of Elinor Martin, dee'd
was filed I"eb. 24th by A. G. Williams,
auditor. •<
A ftobpo.-oa in divorce was granted
James M. Henry from hi* wife, Meiinda
Henry, on the charge of desertion, re
turnable at next terra.
A subpo-na in divorce was awarded Elva
Benton, from her husband, James E. Ben
ton, returnable next term. Desertion, ill
ten per and abuse are charged
Mr*. Sae Conlin a-ked for a divorce from
her husband, James Conlin, on the gronno
of cruel arid barbarous treatment. A sub
pcena was awarded returnable at next
Id the ca*e of Bellit; <fc Meyer* vs W. (3.
Mon.-oH*,ai.<! J. S. McKeerer and John A
Richey, a stated ca-.e for the
opinion of court, Judge Greer directed
that judgment ag;«i,;st the garnishees be
opened and stricken of!" and the money in
the hands of the JuHt.cn of tho Peace be
paid to defendant. The plaintifl.-i had ob
tained a judgment against Monro** for
debt in default of appearance before
Squire Keck. An execution was issued,
but no property found. The plaintiffs
then took out a writ of attachment, nam
ing McKeever and Kichey as garnishees.
The defendant claimed the benefit of the
exemption law of The money was
paid to the Justice and held, await
ing the deci-ion of the court.
In the case of F. H. a.id Mary B. Fer
guson vs. the Road Commissioner* and
Tax Collector of Clinton township, motion
for a new trial, an opinion was banded
down on Monday. Tbe case was an action
in trespass brought by the plaintiffs to re
cover damages for a cow owned by Mrs.
Ferguson and taken and wold for the road
taxes assessed to her husband on bis farm
on which they were living at the time of
I tbe assessment. The jury rendered a ver
diet for the <!e!<-ndants under the charge
of the court. The question of law at issue
wa.' whether the wile, living with her hus
band upon his land, is an occupant and
liable for delinquent taxe- assessed against
hi* property. A new trial was granted in
tbe case.
John Kohner, adm'r of John G. Kauss,
dee'd, was granted leave to sell real ex
A rule was granted on A A. Gold to
show cause why the service summon*
should not be set aside in the case in which
A. A. Gold is plaintiff'and Dean Campbell
defendant. Campbell reside* in West
Virginia and the summons were served on
him while he wux in Butler defending him
self in a suit before'H quite Keck. Camp
bell claims exemption from the service of
legal process while coming to. or in at
tendance, or returning from said *uit.
John H. Wick has been appointed guar
dian of Clara E. and M. J. Foiquer, minor
children of Jo ieph A Forquer, dee'd.
Leave to sell real estate was granted W.
II Campbell, executor of the estate of
John A. Campbell, dco'd, of Concord twp.
J. C. Heydrlck, Levi Logan and Chas.
Hoffman have been appointed viewers in
the matter of a change of the road leading
from the Stale road to tho Pittsburg and
Kit'.annlng road in Clinton twp.
F. P McGinley has been appointed Con
stable ol Oakland twp. to fill the vacancy
caused by the resighation of Frank Clouse.
The resignation of Crawford J oh,in ton
a* Supervisor of Koads in Middlesex twp.
was accepted.
F 11 Stiver, elected constable of Har
mony, resigned.
The constable of Parker twp reported
Bear Creek bridge abutment out of repair;
the constable ol Marion twp report the
roads not wide enough and index board*
not up; the constable of Penn twp reports
no giiaid rails up on bridge on 3 degree
road; the conßtalde of Oakland twp report
ed road too narrow from Oneida to bouse
of Noah Henry; tbe constable of Clearfield
report* gi.ard rui!* not up on Home bridges.
The will of Samuel Cleelani, of Muddy
creek twp. was probated, ru Utters.
_ letters of administration wa* granted to
Flora M. lilies on estate of Benjamin
Folkman, of Counoqaenesslrig twp.
David A Hall was granted letter* of ex
ecution on the estate of Anrii* Ball of
Washington twp.
George C. f?ri■ c, of Renfrew adopted the
minor son of Mrs Wilt now Fleming ol
I'll James, Michael Gallagher, Jno. A.
Stewart and Bernbart Kuri.t, were made
citinen* of the United States
Tbe voting place, of Harmony has been
changed from the public «( tiool house to
tho office of F. ft. Covert.
Win. Heilman returned by deputy fish
warden, T. M Peters for illegal fishing in
the Slippery rock, waived a hearing by tho
grand Jury. He w m lined S2O and costs.
Tho citizen* of Penn and Forward town
ships have petitioned court to vacate a
road leading from Meridian road to the
Powder Mill road.
In Allegheny township at the late elec
tion L. A Crawford and ii. fc ! . Hay were
tie for overseer of tbe Poor and no election .
declared, and upon petition ol the citizens
of tbe towfshlp, M. 8. Crawford was ap
pointed to fill tbe vacancy.
George f; llav has been appointed to
the vacancy of Register Assessor in l'entt
The resignation of W. W. Campbell, as I
con liable of petrolia bor>, wai accepted. I
Win. H. Gilchrist has been appointed a.--
c.stsat constable of Cherry twp.
Joh . McGinley wa.- appointed constable
of Oakland t-srp. vice Frank Cloase, resign,
A decree of divorce was granted to Sarah
S Fotltx from her hn=band George W
Testimony of several witnesses were
heard ic the divorce ca-e «f Cassie J ilf-
Ginni# vs Wns F McGinnis, bat u the
rule* of Coart gives 20 days alter return
day for an appearance, it wa-i held over
until then.
A Butler school teacher is in jail on a
eharge of assault ar.d battery.
A charter was granted to the Zion Eng
lish Lutheran Church of Lancaster twp.
J-y'r.a Mc y Smith has appealed from re
p- :t of view refusing te grant him dam
ages from the Borough of Butler.
P. W. Lowry, Committee of Kerr Mc-
Bride petitioned Court to -et aside the -ale
made by the Sebrifl of the Mcßnde property
in Bn:iar, for want of lufficient bid, i.ale
granted, returnable March 9.
A subpoena in divorce was granted Ida
M. Long vs Wm Long, returnable next
X. M. Slater, ./ohn N. Burton and Cal
v.n Login were appointed viewers on peti
tion of citizens <d Penn twp to vacate
road from Bean bridge cr plank road to a
point in pablic road near Thorn Creek
Me!da Bethley to J W Harper lot in
Middletown for $l5O.
Jo* Rockenstein to Robert Bae.sel lot in
Butler for SSOO.
Jos M Christy to J Harvey Bell lot in
North Wat-hingt'.n for $240
J F Stephenson to Jo« Hockenberry lot
in Franklin twp for $230.
Elias Goehring >A F Goehring 47 acres
in Cranberry for $2,40<).
John A to Thoa Mechling lot in
Butler for 13,;J00.
Tbos Mechling to J A Gregg 83 acre* in
Jefferson for SO,OOO.
John Float to John W Float 5 acres in
Jatkson for S4OO,
Marriage Licenses
Hiram E Stevick Evanß City
Francis E Fisher..... ..Jackson twp
D W Morgan Argentine, Pa
Laura Campbell...... "
F G Mr-Candles* Chicago, 111
Anna K Elmer Butler
W W Canipbeli Petrolia
Ova A Binkard "
Clyde L Kennedy Penn twp
Hannah J Wise "
Norman RContter Butler
Lnlu Mile* "
E B Ryan Meadville
Dora Curry ...Grove City
At Franklin —John L McElroy of Sandy
Point and Ida E Dunkle of Franklin.
Mrs. Greer of Jefferson twp, fell aod
broke one of ber thigh bones a few days
While Chas Emrick was engaged at the
top of a derrick on'he Hutzly farm a few
day* ago, the Fanl-line pulley came loose,
struck him on the head and knocked him
insensible; he would have fallen had nr t
the line caught bim over the neck and
held him until he was rescued.
A daughter of P. M. Starr aged 5 years
fell last Wednesday, week, arid broke her
collar bone.
Nicholas Rahiser. made a narrow escape
from instant death at tbe railroad croesim
in Evan* City, yesterday morning. Mis
wagon wa* struck by a train, but as it war;
going slow it was shoved lor quite a dis
tance before going to pieces. Mr. Rabiser
was thrown lrorn tbe wagon into the creek
where he receive 1 some injuries, bat is
getting along nicely.
David Keefe, aguager in the employ of
the National Transit company, was found
dead in a tank near Petrolia last Friday
For further particulars see Petrolia items
in thi* paper.
Tbe Standard i* paying $1.28, to day
The Bredin Oil Co. will drill another
well on the Jos. Bredin farm, near tbe
Fair Ground*.
Mar* —Tho Biddell Oil Co'* well on the
Wilhelm wan shot and ha;; a *how for a
fair producer.
Blaklev —The neconu well on tho
flonifer will make a good producer, Barns
dall it: Co s No. 1 ./ohn Renni-on, South
west of tbe Blakley field i- - producing lots
of salt water and no oil.
Bakkkkiow* Patterson <fc Magill's No.
4 Whiteside* is showing for a good prodoe
er. Thirteen wells are now drilling in
that field.
Health Report for February.
Diseases. Ca*e* Death*.
Measles 103 0
Typhoid fever 2 0
Diphtheria 2 0
Scarlet fever 0 1
Some of our physicians and householders
are somewhat negligent in reporting
measles. Many of this class of persona
think measles are not a dangerous disease
While such may be the case, as a rule, iri
isolated country districts, there is danger
of them becoming an epidemic in a place
as large as Butler, and necessarily closing
our school*. A Iso, phy*icians and house
honlders who do not report measles are
liable to a fine of not less '.ban $lO or more
tban SIOO. A notice sent to the Board of
Health by any householder will call the
attention of the health officer to the ca*c
and have the bouse properly quarantined,
fn sending notices be particular to give
street and number.
A Delightful Kvent.
East evening at tho home rd George
Miles, of Elm St., a very pleasant event
took place. It 'vas occasioned by the
marriage of the only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Miles. The contracting parties were
Miss Etilu P. Mi'es and Norman R. Cooler
formerly of Grove City, but now of Butler.
The ceremony took place at 8:30 p. m.,
when to the time of a beautiful wedding
march the party presented themselves.
The maid of honor was Miss Mildred
Coulter, sister of the groom. The best
imri was Urn Zahniser, student of Grove
City College The ceremony with a ring
was used The bride wore a beau til ul
white silk. Altor refreshments were
served the evening was spent very enjoy
ably. Tho happy couple were the recipi
ent* of many valuable presents. The
ceremony was performed by Rey. II E.
Snyder, A. M
Thd annual meeting of the Citisen*'
Building and Loan Association will tie
held on Tuesday evening, March 10, 181M1,
at 7 o'clock at the office of the Secretary,
Times building, Hast Cunningham street,
for the election of a board of directors to
serve the misuing year, hearing the reports
of business transacted the past year Mid
for whatever other business that may come
before the mooting
G Wilsom Mll,M'.u, Pre*.
0. M Bkineman, Sec'y.
Fourth Annual Sale.
Fourth annual sale of home*, buggies,
sleighs, robes, harness, double and single
wagons, carriages arid all our rigu will be
offered for sale at our livery barn and sale
stable on West Jefferson street, Butler,
Pa., on Friday and Saturday, March 13th
aud 14th, at 10 o'clock a. in. One year
Mav, Bit kki, A Kknnkot.
The Good Things Of Life
«rn oxponairA—moot of thorn *t leant-
A ((rent exception in a lunch conHiat
irjy of a jflaHH of milk and Borno of
Marvin'H Bicycle UiMcuit. That i*
within the reach of everyone
Thin neaHon we will nell the fol
lowing well known wheel* Cleve
land, Victor, Men ul, Orescent,
Diiber Hampden, Kcyßtone Special,
ilercuicH, Htolla and American (Jail |
and nee them or write for cataloguer*.
i'antH—Over 200') pairw to Holed
irom, at priceH, oh well, don't men
tion them, it« awful, whore at
and nhiitH, all wooi and a yard
wids, cheaper than the oheapent at
lie.n't*, lUI N. Main St,
Council ProceefljvKS,. ....
The meeting of the old Council was
held Monday evening. It was lor the pur
pose of finishing tip all business prior to
organizing the new Council.
The Street Committee stated that they
! had established a gra.le for East I'ear'
! street extension.
j The Fire and Police Committee stated
that they had been offered options on four
' lots for a lockup and hese honse.
Exi.norations amounting to £179.60 wa
granted to ex-colleetor. Capt. Walker, and
KJ07.34 to collector Younklns.
Retiring President Geo. Stamm made a
few remarks, thanking Council for conr
te*ie«< extended, etc , and Council adjourn
ed .tine die.
The new members were then sworn in
by - Anderson, aad John Lowry
elected Temporary Chairman. The new
members are Harry Grieb, David Sypher,
John Lawall. Daniel Yocnkins und D. L.
Ailken—all re-elected except the latter
who take- the place of Steve Markham.
W. A. Forquer, was re-elected Solicitor
and his salary lix6d at *3' X) per year: H. E.
1 niter, Cleric, salary 5250 per year: am 1
John Lawall, Treasaer and his bond fixed
at *40,000.
Ge'i Stamra was re-elected President.
Clerk Coulter made a few remarks in
wnich be made some good suggestions,
and President Stemm rtated tbat the
finarces were low and that almost of two
thir.ls the duplicate »a= consumed by light,
water, etc . and that it left a very small
balance for Council to work on.
Adjourned till Tuesday evening-tbe
reguiar meeting r.ight—the first Tuesday
in the month.
At the regular meeting of Council TUBS
day evening. A petition for the remival
of tbe Banldsuf hou»e on Franklin St. was
referred to Shefilin, Lowry, Grieb and tbe
A petition from members of tbe Baptist
Church for exoneration for the payment of
thtii a-.-e.ismerit of the Mifflin St pave
ment was held over till next meeting.
A permit was granted to D. L. Cleeland
to build a frame building on the rear of his
lot. '
Burge- - Anderson report receipts for the
month of February, sl7.
Jas Skillman was given genera' police
A warant was ordered dra*vn in favor of
the Water company for $1835 65.
An ordinance was passed regulating the
trtction and maintenance of veterinary
Some petition for sidewalks, crossings
and lights were referred to the proper
Committees and Council adjourned.
Mrs. J. N. Patterson is on the sick list.
Wm. Myers of Lancaster twp was in
town last Thursday.
E. L. Konkle of Walker Ave, has moved
to Callensburg, Pa.
J. It. Grieb, the jeweler, is the happiest
man in town—its a boy.
Mrs B. C. Lluselton entertained her lady
friend*, last Thursday evening.
AI.F. 11 sberling, of Allegheny visited
his friends in Butler this week.
11. L. McNeea ol New Brighton, former
ly of Pump, was in town Monday.
William Larkin, Sr. of Clinton twp fa se
riously ill. lie is in bis 89th year.
Miss Minnie Frederick, of Chicora, is the
guest of Miss Annie Bickel, this week.
John Do! son of Adams twp, and W. A.
Davidson and A. F. Goehnng of Mars,
were in town Monday.
Miss Jaunit* Scott of Saxonburg, was
the gu< at of ber uncle, Dr. C. S. Kerr of
Emlentoa last week.
Wilson Garvin of Mars, Philip Sutton ot
Ponn, and 0. H. Ilerdmari of St. Joe Sta
tion, were in town Friday.
Miss Belle Hays of Prospect, celebrated
her 10th birthday Saturday, Feb \H), and
nt e will not have ar other unti> 1904,
Elmer E. Young. Esq liai been admitted
to practice as an attorney before the In
tenor Department at Washington, D. C.
Prof. E O. Davis and wife were called
to Aharon, Ja«t week, on account of the
illtjem ol Airs. Davis' mother, Mrs. Edward
Corporal Bob, the dignified editor of the
Freeport Journal, had some business in
Butler, Monday, and took time to call on
hm friends.
M!lt 11. Zeigle of Evans City, who in in
the employ of Dambach's plaining mill, re
turned from Ohio last week, bringing with
him a bride.
Miv McJunkin widow of Jax T. McJun
kin in lying Kerioualy iit at her home on E
Pearl St She U the mother of Ira and L
6. Me J unkin bud Mm. [{Jack.
Carl Leighner played the cornet at a
concert given in the Y. M C A. building
on firoad St Philadelphia, by the Broad
St Connervatory of Mu*ic, lant week.
Walter Uedic, Hon of It. Itedic of Penn
St., celebrated hi* birthday, by giving a
party to bin young friend*, la*t Saturday,
February 2iKb. lie i» 8 yee.r* old—next
time he ran celebrate a birthday will lie
quite a young man an hi* birthday will
not come again until IV<)4.
" 1 '■ •
Alabama, at Paiik Thkatrk, Friday,
March, 6.
lieautiful "Alabama" AugnHtu* ThomaH'
larnou*play, will be produced at the I'ark
Theatre, Friday Murch, Oth.
ThiH piece will not dixappolnt. tho*e who
go th hear an idyllic ntory and nee a play
full nl patho* and delightfully character!*
tic of southern life. Colonel I'rocton u an
old Southerner who, 15 year* after the war
hate* the North, which ha* weaned away
hi* only *on to become a federal aoldier.
The Colonel continue* to live on hi* old
plantation at. Talladego A railroad i* to
run through the littl« town, and it* pro
jection bring* to the place a Northern
rai|ro>vfl man, C'iptain Davenport, accom
panied by a young Northern surveyor.
The former, who in in reality the sup
posed dead hoii of old Colonel I'rentoo,
conceal* hit identity for Home time, fear
that hi* father Htill cheriHhod resentment
The story in played out solely in the South,
and deaf* w;th treachery, my*tery anil
chivalry, all of which In, of cour*e, adorn
ed by incident* of love The following
clever people will be aeeti: Frank C
Hang*, Clement (lainbridge, (Jeorge H
Miller, Edward B. Kelly, Robert Con
tie**, Frank ftirikhuntt, Charles Moore,
the M ■ *es J<oe llnlliert, Charlotte Crane,
Julia Foil and and Adelaide Sawyer.
Frihav, March, j:jth,
There are lew comlo otiera* which have
more bright and tnnefulaonffN than "Prin
ceni Itonnie" which !* to be pre*ent«d at
the I'ark Theatre, Friday, March 13.
Among tho*e which e*peclally please and
lor which there hn» been a great demand
are Itonnie'* lullaby uong ' Slumber ho
Oently" the dm t "Love I* like a Dainty
I lower, ' the trio "I told you ho" the waltx
song "Dreaming of Love," the romance
"Love, Fir«t Love " The mu*ic in tbo
cricoid, which pa**e* in the courtyard of a
Spanish Palace, i* largely Spani.h in
character, itml the dance with guitar and
caatonet accompaniment i* one which *et*
!uet and bead* to keeping involunUr time.
Tho Bost Way
to prevent nlckucMH i» to keep your
body nouriahed by pure food like
Murvin'a ISicycle Hiscqit.
I* iu'iley 'rt Picture ft are elegantly
finUhed. Duplicate* from tho
Zurer negative* *1 00 per do/. dur
inr. thin mouth. Order* by mail
will receive attention.
FlNuiiir HucfOHHor
P. O. building.
Vox I'opnli—ljuy your olothing,
underwear, hosiery, hatu, cap«, BOX
and neckwear of f). A. IIEOK, and
nave money.
Ob Mamma —rou outfit to Hee tbe
big pile-i o I cbildreuH HuitH at IICOK'H
only tl.'2r>, you can't j»wt the name in
town for leHH than $2.50,
Wanted—Naturen Compound, tbe
true health (MHimant, in every home.
J'urilioh tbe blood, gi vee a good ua
ural appetite, tonen tho entire Hyntem
—AMHiHtance, nieann help. You
help oat uro to eHtore health by UH
ing Natures Compound. Vou alno
perform a duty. Ank your Drug
—Job work of all kinds done at tho
CiTWiN OjftWK.
Ther bad 1,700 more rotes at the recent
Republican primary in Jefferson connty.
than there were for Hastings for Governor.
New Castle had a sensation la?t week.
A married woman named Carlisle told her
folks one evening that she «a- going down
town, but instead of doing so she went to
the otfice of Manager Thompson of the
steel wurkr. Now this steel works office
in built over fornaee siag,.'which emits a
poisonous ga.-; and the morning the
woman was fouDd dead on Hie floor, and
the man lying unconscious. The woman
has been buried, and the man lias since re
gained cousciuE-tess 6,ad denied ill recol
lection of meeting the woman.
The people of Dußrtji want a l>..roagh
water works, and want it bad. On la.-t
Tuesday they wited tQ raise the bonded in
debtedness $115,919, to get a good water
supply. Otner town.- are beginning to see
the gr-_-at advantage of owning their water
supply. % .
Oi:t of 43 application* tor licen?" in Ven
ango connty, only 20 were granted.
W. H. Stanner. marble c itter, was re
turning from Sharon, Feb. 27tb, ar.d on
the road met a weary stranger, who asked
fur a ride. In return he told Staaner he
was -elling catarrh medicine, and offered
feiffi a bottle. Stanner following the direc
tions. took a long J ntff of the contents, and
remembered nothing more till ho found
himself at home, with his pockets turned
in.sidp oat and his picketbook gone.
Armstrong county has a tiebt 01' s<)4
G'j »4.
The borough of Warren voted to issue
Kinds for water works by a large majority.
Wm. J. McConneil, the temperance
evangelist, after getting 2,500 signers to
the total abfitinece pledge in Westmore
land county, became so drank at Mt. Pleas
ant lately, that he bad to be carried fr >.n
the opera house.
The project for a poor house in Clarion
county was defeated at the election la-t.
week by a small majoflty—27s9 to 2659.
A four-weeks-old baby boy was left at
tbe door of Mrs. John Maddigan, at Frank
lin, one night !a*t week. With the baby
were four saits of clothes, a coat and a
hood, a nursin/ bottle and a nipple.
Only a few days ago the New Castle
C'ourant contained an account of a Malum
ingtown man named John Thompson bo
ing taken to the insane asylum, as he had
become insane on the subjec" of religion.
On Monday it says, Richard W. Blacher,
a farmer who residea in Shcnango twp,
went insane over the revival mee'ings of
the Freo Methodists that were held in his
neighborhood, and on Tuesday he was tak
en to Dixmont insane asylum He became
violent and was deemed to be dangerou.4
not only to himselt bat to tbe public.
Judge Henderson granted 21 licenses in
Meadville, 22 in Titusville, 2 in Spartans
burg and refused all others.
The citizens of Grove City want a new
school bouse and will hold an election on
Feb. 25 for the purpose of voting on in
creasing the indeptedneaa of the school
fund $15,000.
Burglera entered the jfeneral store of C.
C. Pfordt, at Natron®, Saturday night,
.and blew open the nafe. Mr. Pfordt knew
jintbing of it until Sunday merning. when
;nn entering the store he discovered that
Home wmdowg bad been broken and the
safe blown open and the cash boi carried
off. The robbers, however, were disap
pointed. m there was only a few dollars in
charge in the bo*. They took a check for
$248. 29 on the National Bank of Taren
tam, made payable to the order of Arbnth
not, Stevenson <fc Co., of Pittsburg, pay
ment of which has been stopped.
Harry McAulilfe and liee Sing, a China
man, wore committed to jail in Pittsburg,
Monday chargel with the nrnrder of
Harvey Ecker, who was found dead in bed
at vbe St. Charles hotel Saturday after
noon. McAnliffe had been braugbt from
Crestline, 0., in the morning by Detective
Sol Coalson. MnAuliffe and Koker had
been "taking in'' the city together, and
visited Sing's Opium den. The opium
jo:nt was raided by th» police Monday.
Cambria county will have 175 licensed
honses this year. Judge Barker having
granted that number out of 210 applica
There are fifty-two citizens of Crawford
county in the Western Penitentiary at
Allegheny. One hundred and twenty
more residents of that county are in the
insane asylum a'. Warren. Five are in the
Allegheny work house, eighteen are in the
Morgan** reform school and six are in the
aiylum for chronic insane at WerDorville,
The vote at Grove City for sewerage re
quite! in the defeat of the measure by a
majority of 110 ugainst it.
Bruin Local Institute.
The first local institute of Kairview anil
Parker townships, was held in the M. K.
Church, Saturday, Feb. 2JHh.
W. F. Fleming in the chair. After a se
lection by the liruin Male Quartet, Kev.
W. IJ McClure led in devotional exercises.
W. F. Fleming kindly welcomed the teach
ers to !>rain. X. P. Bisli handled his sub
ject "Watch Ye Therefore" in a very com
mendable manner. Miss Ida Clay gave us
a talk on "Primary Geography." W. P.
•Jamison was to discuss the subjoot of "Ex
aminations" but owing to sickness was un
able to be present.
Howard Painter of Chicora, spoke on
"What Constitutes a Teacher." Among
his many thoughts ho said, "the teacher
should be eouippoil with an earnest, enthu
siastic love for teaching and should have a
kind disposition towards humanity in gen
eral and especially for hi« 't>npils. We. as
teachers may have the best of scholarship,
•nit if wo cannot wia the rospeot and eon
fiijenoe of our pupils we oaunot (each their
toe most practical will important facts of
school life .
The last point the speaker used was that
the teacher to be fully prepared should
have a practical and hard-earned preparu
lion, and this consists in being an holiest,
liberty-loving. God fearing fnan or woman,
who loved little children av The future re
presentativos of true American homes and
American institutions.
After this address Jennie Kspy spoke on
"(Jaalities of the Teacher * Her remarks
were to tho point, ending with tho final
thought that, "as Is tho teacher, so the
school. "True K'luoation" by I, K. Chiist
ley ol Kvans City, wan very commendable.
Bottie Hchoenfield next road a well per
pared paper an "Abroad With Nature."
0. H Wollord delivered an address en
titled " Whither Qoest Thou," which was
well received. T. R. Miller iliacusHod the
snbjeot of "Veneering." This discussion
was followed 1-y one by Mr Knock on
"Literature" in which he told how he pro
cured good literature for his school. He
marks by W. P. Day. The program wa»
interspersed with music by the ohoir-
Nellie Kussell, Myrtlo (>Villott and Kthel
Kelly favored the audience with reclta
lions which weie heartly applauded.
Bet sunshine, good feeling, forbearance,
wail on our endeavors during the last
month of the school year.
IIOTTIK J. Tavuik, Keo.
I'OIMIH umi lilurikntH cheaper than
aiiy whero OIHO ut M art i NOON rt <V, C'O'H.
Hay I'apa—diil you HO« MECK'H
neckwear, It l>«atn anything you ever
Truukn, vali»cH, ltag.4 and tele
capon—at. HKOKH.
HoardiogHouHe C'arrlH, with Art
of A Humbly, 2ft ccntH for half-n-doaon,
.or nalo at CITIZEN office,
Uuderwear'— A epeciafty at IIKCK'H
bin Htock ia largest anil lineal ever
offered in liu'V
Do you wain u hat or cap? Hecit
bun them and i'au nave you money.
If you want to «avo money walk
around to Martincourt Ac (;O'H. and
buy yoi.r roheH aud hlanketH.
MUSlC—Bcholar« wanted at 128 W
Wayne Bt. AIHO nicely furuiHhed
room to rent.
Save u day'H wagon ny Buying
robsiH and bldnkctli at Mrtrtincourt l «
More rohen aud blanketii than you
ever naw in one store in your life, at
Martluoourt Oo'n.
•lob work done here, Suoacrihe
or the CITIZEN.
For Sale.
A <ood lariu In Concord twp, con
taining l<»i> acred, ten of which are In
timber; good nouwe, well watered;
located mllea from Went Sun bury
on Middleton roadj v ill be aold
cheap or traded for town properly.
Inquire ai thia office, or at .'!1!>, .'{rd
St , Hutler.
Dick School.
This school which is most pleasantly
located two miles South east of Prospect,
on the White Oak Springs road, begaa the
present term, Sept. 9. 1595, with the fol
lowing scholar- Thomas Cratty, Carl
T>odds. Fred Pflugh. Ford Dodds, James
Cratty. Everett Dodds, James Ralston,
Walter Cratty, Oliver Robb, Ilarry Didds,
Scott Weigle, Raymond Dodds, Charles
f&agh. Clartuce Dodds, Charles Weigle,
Clyde Dodds, Curtis Dick. Th«nnie D >dds,
Joseph Cratty, George Ray, Carrie Pdagh,
Nannie Moore, Ella Cratty, Salie Dodds,
Emma Pflugh, Jessie Dodds, Margret
Clark, and Lulu Dodds
You notice that there are only eight
girls, finf young ladies we should say, but
John Grenue says his girls will soon be old
enough to start, and then the vacant eats
will not be so vacant. Good idea, John,
harry them along. The fifth month ended
Monday, Feb. 10, and Charles Pflugh,
Raymond Dodds, Salie Dodds, and l.ulu
Dodd.) had been present every day, while
the attendance of the remainder of the
scholars has been very good, considering
the. bad roads, r<«gh weather, ai.d
la grippe. The scholars are generally
studious and willing to learn, and some of
them are preparing to be examined for
diplomat, at Prospect, March 7. We
would not Load you to think we are saints,
by any means, but we haven't had a quar
rel, or heard God's name profaned this
winter, and how much more pleasant it ii
for the teacher and all others, when such
nuisances are absent.
All the township schools are progress
ing finely, so far a-: we know, and the
people are generally interested, not only
in the schools but in the local institutes
which the directors have provided extra
for them The teachers are encouraged
in every way. and there are hopes that a
little rise in salary will soon come to cheer
the tired brains and the depressed spirits
of th<s faithful servants. Good text books
are fine; nice school houses and apparatus
are excellent; but a live, enthusiastic, self
sacrificing, very much encouraged teacher
is better than all things else. Far be it
from us *.O find fault with anyone, but our
eighteen years' experience in the school
room has lead us to believe that the teach
er, attor all, is the text, the chart, aud the
compass. Oar visitors haven't been very
numerous, but Elliott Kobb, the director,
Sapt. McColloutrh, Prof. J. H. Wilson,
Willie Dodds, Elmer Riddle, Willie Cratty,
Thomas Dodds, Geo. Pfiugh, John Dodds,
Wm. Pllugh, Willie Clark, and Howard
Adams have come in lo spend a few hours
with us. Locai institutes have been held
at Hickory Corner, Hill, Mile Run, and
Saturday Feb. 22, was the day for our in
stitute at Dick. The day was fair, the
teachers and scholars assembled in tbe
morning, as usual, and pursued the regular
work till noon, when the people had come
in goodly numbers. When the noon hour
was announced, the committee on pre
paration stepped forward, and proceeded
to arrange the excellent dinner which the
gi;od cooks of the district had prepared,
oh! (not McKee's oh) what a fine dinner
it was, pies, cakes, buns, meats, pickles,
an ) other things too numerous to mention.
It seemed as if every one had anticipated
such a repast, and had come in the pro
per shape to do justice to the oocasion.
Dit.uer over, the older ones, the fathers
and the mothers enjoyed themselves dis
cussing the good old times of yore, while
tbe light hearted young folks spent the
hour in such innocent joys, looks and
words, as are beyond the power of words,
to describe. The tingle of tbe bell an
nounced that play time was ended, aud by
common consent Elliott Robb took the
chair, preparatory to going to llarrisburg
we suppose, and executed the followiug
program: Song, "America" by the school
Address of Welcome, by Emma Pflugh,
"Language," J«mes McKee, The Collier's
D>ing Son," by Carrie PU ngh, "Washing
ton's Birthday," by some boys, "Mental
Arithmetic," by W. E Cooper, "Live For
a Purpobe," by Ford Uodds, Song, "Swing
ing," by the school, "Reading," Eva
Beighley, Essay, "Washington," Ella
Cratty, "Why there, are no Columbuses
Nowadays,'' by some boys, "Geog;aphy,"
by Lurett'i Thompson, ,'So'oe thirty years
ago," by Thomas Cratty, "Spelling by G.
P. V 7 eigle. App.opriate remarks were
made by James MrKee, Robert Mcßride,
William Hick, Enos MclJonald, Squiru
Robb, aud others. Every one seemed to
enjoy all the exercises, and went home,
feeling that the day had been well spent.
The program lor the next institute, at
Ridge sch.)ol, on Saturday, March 14, is
as follows:
"Arithmetic." Eva Beighley; "Chart," G.
P. Weigle, "Language," Nellie McCand
less, Physiology," Robert Mcßride,
"Spelling," Uftos McDonald, "History,"
W. E. Cooper, ''Written Arithmetic,"
burotta Tuompsou, "Geography," Elliott
Kobb, "Beading," James McKeo This
will be the last meeting for the winter,
and a good old fashioned consummation
of thiiho social gatherings in anticipated.
Our retiring director is Elliott Kobb who
is worthily aspiring for a higher but not a
more hotiorahle position, and Thomas
Dodds and James (Jratty have been elect
ed to ass st Enos McDonald, Matthew
Badger, Stewart Wilson, aud Miles Albert
to look atter the educational interests of
the boys and girls of Franklin twp.
G. P. W. Teacher.
I.l*i of petit Juror* drawn tals Ltinl ilay or Jan -
uary, A. f>. I Hist, to serve as petit furors a t a re
gular term of court commencing on the second
Monday of March, A. I), is:*;, the same beluif
the uth (lay or wild month:
Ayers, fl A liutler, llli wd, painter.
Anderson, C K, liutler, H!i Wd. Justice of
it loom, Casper. igellenople, blacksmith.
Illppus, John v, Oakland twp, farmer.
Iliowii. Abraham, lluffalo twp, farmer.
Itovard. Iliar lex.Cherry twp, farmer.
Be lite J C! Lancaster twp. farmer.
Ilroivn I* I', Huntiury nor, harness in'kr.
Heatty.J M, Oakland twp, runner.
Kerrlckman. 1 Win, HuUer, Ist wd, caster.
Christy, Wm. liutler, tth wd, hotel keeper.
Carnpno'l. C M, concord twp, farmer.
• 'hrisi.y, Samuel.Cherry t.wii, farmer.
Cooper, Jaeob, Worth twp, farmer.
Chandler, lleo M, Mllpperyrock twp, farmer,
IloutlieU, Joseph, Adams twp. farmer
Duff, Samuel, wtnfleld twp farmer.
Dlxou, W S fetjn twp, farmer.
Klndley, John . liutler, l*t wd, clerk.
I'lilkimr. John, lluffalo twp, farmer.
!•'reeling John Ceo, Wlnllwld twp, farmer,
fielding, Wm, Bllpperyroek twp, farmer.
<J»rvln. Ilenlaiiilii Cranlierry iwp farmer
lilllesple. John, lionegal twp, farmer
llecner, Tims, It, VV»»hliiK(on twp. slonoma.. -
Holder, Gabriel, liutler. vi wd. hoUtl If' ••*•
King. Henry M lluu-r, Ist wd. i»' «'•"
l/igan. David, Middle**- • , -j'Orer.
iian" * " P. farmer.
Mcir- • -efterson twp, farmer.
.. en Thomas, llraily twp, farmer.
Miller, Win, Middlesex twp. farmer.
Miller. Andrew, liutler, 6lli wd. h«r tender.
Miller Jum liutler, nth ward aicent.
McNmch. J ax. C liutler, 4th w(l, toll keeper.
Notehelm, < asper, forward Iwp, farmer.
Noulett, Geo. Butler. :td wd, carpenter,
I'.irker, Wilson. Middlesex I wp. farmer.
ItaoiHcy. Samuel, .lu/ kion twp. farmer.
Hay, Matthew S. 1 alrvlew boro, .lustlco of
Htokey. Henry. Zellenople, hotel keeper.
'PlionipHoii. Anthony Center twp, turuier.
Vanderlln, Samuel I, Butler. 4th wd. plaalerer.
VoKtl, Jos. liutler, 4th wd, glassblower,
Wolford, J M. lionegal twp. pumper.
Walker. Newton. Iluller.4th wd. clerk.
Welgand. Alliert, liutler, fttli wd, clerk.
Wlrk, Wm A, Clay twp, farmer.
Young, Simon, Center twp, farmer.
House in Itoniilevllle on p. /t w. K. It. it room
new frame house, lot looxP>o. Terms easy.
Adilrewi It, K. (SAW so It li.
Valeu la. Pa.
DR '".HAS f< H. lIUNT, ~
Physician and Surgeon.
lOye, ear, none and throat a specialty.
I .'l2 and l-'il S. Main Street.,
Ralaton building.
Homoeopathic Physician and
OHVtj 2'M\ H. Mum Ht. f op|». I*. O.
Il«u l«nc« 315 N. McKtmtj Ht.
HoM Klllifit F I'HION'HII Kxfrjictlon of
ikJ Artificial luotli wMliout riat-"H a. laity
ii.roun OXI'Im or Vlball/nd Air or; Loco;
b;fHtlintlM* uWil.
Ol»«o ovnr Millar h Uroo«;ry oaaL of Lowry
ufTlco clowxl Wo'lfi.in lay* aii»l TU uniUayii
Funeral Director
:r/ S. Main.St. Butler.Pa.
fa 0b « IMSPITNHAItr.
LkK Jpi Of.A4 PfNN Avr. AHIi fOUMTH ST..
• PI» rbUUKOH, I'A.
( f'" ' »« LL« ?•!«• an«L I OTU
J iilinilc'l I»L«M IIT< hRI -jMirliiK< ON
frl I'KNTIAI* A(l<l Ni l KHTIt l< Mi"l
irntlori HID tn nl«"l at HUM
1 11 • 'lry v. itli A riKH Afll nri'ly
K I .;ikr U*• c#f UlO
tn iann miml Niir|ji»..i , nn-l It Iho oi Icml nn l inuat
•\|M ricu'«"l MI« i4i.m»' In ' ity. Hjx - il ai
.• titloo Kivim to Norvoiiß I»cl)illty
ni«-iital QKortloit. IndlMmtlof) ot youth,, rjiu*.
IIIK |»liy»l« nl aiml mrntAl k «<f • mirify,
L> POII VIWIV, rtr.; N »»<;#• IN I»|<| Hor«M, f I»I,
I'll*- Idwumiitlavn, nil «li iiM-nof tin* hkln %
hl«»«»'i. f/Ut>KA« Urinary t'*. fVmmiltuU«rt»
•ii " an I mnrtl/ «soiifl<l«rntl«l. < »Hi' o ■» i«.
I mi I 7 to Hr. M.; flu ruin yn, 'J to •• l* M. otily.
nil n L •»«« «» t,r M'lrcM I.AKI;,
tJLNX Alf i». A.X U UJd I'llO L JtuUU'A
; p
*• erhaps you don't knou how
1 »
| eady we are on
U'everj thing relation to prescrip
it will not be amiss to
your attention to the
rompt service given
o everything of the kind placed
our hands
ever was so complete
ave you money too.
C. ltf, BOYD.
Diamond Wock, - Butler, Pa
Weiusrn "ernsylvania Division.
Schedule in Effect May 20, 1803.
South. . —»— Week Days.
A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M.
ILTI.BR Leavee23 (too 1125 245 a«c
■'axonbure .Arrive 654 823 ais 311 52#
liutler Jc't.. . 727 848 12 12 340 553
Butler Jet.. ..Leave 730 >l4* 14 17 340 55
Natrona. ... Arrive 73W sSS 1226 350 602
Tarentum 743 903 1231 357 607
sprlngdalc 752 912 1244 407 .
Claremont 807 925 12 59 421 62'
Sbarpstaiv, 8 15 931 107 428 6 3
Allegheny City 828 944 124 440 645
A. J». A. M. P. M. r. M. P. M.
SL SUAV TKAIXS Leavo Butler tor Alle-
K'lu ny City anil principal Intermediate stattous
7:40 A. M., 2:30 and 00 i*. M.
North. , Week Days —■—
A. y. A. M, A. M. P. M. P. M.
.Uegheny City..Lv. 655 900 1125 315 610
SUarpsburg 708 913 1139 ....
Claremont 919 1146
Hpnngdale 930 1159 c3B
Tarentum 732 U3i 12 03 351 646
Natrona 737 943 12 13 355 6 5
Butler Jc't Ar7 45 950 1223 404 702
Butler Jc't Lv 745 yso 12 34 415 702
Saxonburg 810 10 15 12 59 440 725
rien-EK Ar. *35 lo 38 125 506 750
A. M. A. M. P. 11, P. M. P. M.
SUNDAY' TUAIXS—Leave Allegheny city ror
Butler anil principal Intermediate stations 73u
A. M., 1235 and7;lo P. M.i
Week Days For the Eatt .Week Days,
f. m. a. m. a. m. p. in.
245 625 Lv BUTLKU. .. Ar 10 38 125
340 727 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 31
404 745 Lv Butler Jc't Ar 940 12 3}
410 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 30
415 753 " AUeg'y Jc't " 931 12 21
146 821 "Faulton(Apollo" 905 115*,
514 851 " Saltsburg "8 37 11 32
550 922 '• Blairsville..B 05 11 00
000 930 "Blairsville la»'n"7 45 10 15
850 11 35 ' Altoona "3 40 800
100 310 " Harrisburg..."U 00 310
430 023 " Philadelphia. '8 50 11 20
a. a-, p. in. p. ai. p. m.
Through trains for the east leave Pitts
biirg (Union Station) as follows:
Atlantic Express, daily 3 10 A. M.
Pennsylva »a Limited " 715 "
Day Express, •' 730 "
Main Line Epress •' 800 "
r-hiladelphia Express " 430 P. V.
Fastern Express " .....7 00 "
Fast Line " 810 "
For detailed information, address Tho*.
IS. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, 110
Fi(th A venue, Pittsburg, Pa.
Guuoral Manager. Get'l I'assr Agent.
P. & W. R. R.
dchcdule in effect May isas. (liutler time)
Tho Short Line to I'lttaburg.
n.aSa m Allegheny Kx P. 26 a m. Allegheny A r
H.l.') a m AU'y it Akron 'lo.oo a m.AI A: N <\iall
lo.eft a m Allegheny Ac :2.L>O p rn, Allegheny!:.
2-Mpm Allegheny Kx vißpm, Allegheny Kx
3Bop in Chicago K*. T.ao p m.Ail y A Akron
«.05 p in All'y « Kll. lix s.ilO pm, Allegheny Kx
10.05 a m Kaue Ac Brad. ;5.05 am, Koxhurg Ac
R.ir, pm» larlon Ac ;i.w a m. Clarion Ac
7..15 p m Koxburg ;s.i!o pm, Kane Mall
S. 15 a in. Defsrest Ac >O,OO a m,Allegheny Ae
11.45 a in, Allegheny KX 1.0.->pm, Allegheny Kx
J*.w p m, Chicago Kx p m, Allegheny Ks
#.05 pm, Allegheny A' 7.30 pm. Deforest Ac
Train arriving at at e.oft pin leaves B « O de
pot. I'lttaburg, at j :I5 o'clock.
Butler aud (ireenvllle Coach will leavo Alle
gheny at 3:20 p. in, dally except Sunday. Con
necting at Wiilowgrove. arriving at liutler at
I'ullinan llufTet Sleeping Cars and Hrst-clani
')av coaches lun through between Butler and
Chicago dally.
for through tickets to points lu tho West
Northwos" or Houtliweat apply to
A. B. CitOUCII. Agent
. Trains leave the B. & O. depot in Pittburg
»or I ho K.i*t as follows.
for Washington Iy C.. Haillmore, I'hlladel
phla. Had New V.irk, T :M and p. m
'lumberUnd, (1:40. T :.ie,a.m. 1 ; io, 0:20 p. m.Con-
D<'lsvllle. f:4O, 7:30. a. 111. 1.10, 4.30, 4.45, B.'iO, U.JO
P. in. Uulontown, 7.40 a. in.. 1 10. I.ao, 8.80 p. m.
Ualoiitowii, Morga 1 towa and f alrinoiit. 7,30, a,
m. and (>,Bllp. 111, .Mt.l'leasant u.40. I. 30 a m
.toand 4.80 pm. WaabtngUui, Pa., T 4o and
.so a. m., 4.00,4.45 and ii.oe. 11. as p. m. Wlieel
t'g, 7.40. aud 5..10 a. m . and 1.00. ii.no. 11.56 p,
... Cliiclunatl, St, l,ouls. Columbua and New
ark, 7.40 a. in., 0.10, 11.55 p, m.
for Chicago, 2.4e aud a.30 p. m.
Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore. Wash
ngtou. Cincinnati null Chtoag«k
P, S. & L. E. R. R.
Takeajeffeet Monday, Nov.j2s is#:..
Train* are run by Htsndard central Time (uotli
Meridian.) One hour slower thai city Time.;
10 14 12 i STATIONS a 11 | n
p.m pm . p.m. Arr Lv'ea.m. a.m. p.m.
... I » M I 01) Dunkirk | C 601 I 49
*v*| la. m,
7 UI I II is Krle IS 10 H35 11 35
it *r, 1 0!i 'i 15 . Wallace Junct 0 I" 9 15 4 Ij
6 20 I id Mil lilrard II rst » Is 4 I/>
n m 12 M s 5# .... l»ck|iort. .. 7 00 a 29 4 Vti
i, ot || 4*. ssl .OfmwHllt, • 7 osj uas 434
'.l i . in L'.'iar.Conneaul Iv. .17 401 3 1"
ilO ~ |7in Iv ar ....|lo 221 it 43
u; u4t Kls ar.. .Albion, 1# Vll a4l 4 •„
srt 12 ;it s :u! . Hhadeland. " ail asi 451
ft 4(i 12 ;io M 2* upriagboro .. 727 a Bit 4 nr<
ft S3 12 24 s*o ..conneautvlll*. 7 .14 in 03 ft 0.3
r, os| 12 or, * oil! . Mea'v'le Jet. sno lo 2»| ft 25
I r.2 l7 io iv .(jonn't Lake HI nif 4 r.j
. . 12 is s 10 ar ar s 10 >lO ftO ft 3a
4 2Tij .... II r 'sl V. Meadvllle Is I a 42 425
....|l» 4»| a 37|ar ai » 37.n 2s! « 10
KM 11 51 7 4li . Ilartatown.. *NoIIO ia aSa
II IB 7 38 ... Adauisvllle 111 41 ft 44
... 11 38 728 ... OHgIMMI 11l 51 651
0 25 II .in V 111 ... 1 Ireenvllle ...11 3n |) u, 11 I if,
I, is 11 20 7 01; She j,an go 11 4'i II 20 :si
is 00 .0 r.t 11 i.i 1 ... f red on la. 703 II 44 11 3s
11 111 4.1 11 2'. Mercer 722 12 04 7 I»I
5 .Ml low r, In Pardee . 7 :w 12 22 7 14
5 l» 111 20 1; 00 ... tiro*" City. .. 7 4, 12 XI 7 25
5 is. 10 I'm ft 4S .. Ilarrlsvlllc 75s 12 45 7 .'lit
1 nsj 10 isi 0 10 . . Branch t0n.... h ool'a r>4 7 4»
#oo|. . .1 s 11. iv .Ilranchtoii.ar 7 111 12 in ....
I.M s sr. ar ..llttllaril Iv 11 .*ll 1., .
4 5.11 'I ',-,1 5 351. V. Kelh.er, H 10112 581 . 11l
4 »'I a 42 A 211 .. Kuclld . 522 I 12 8 11.l
i io| i* id| 4 vi|..., Butler 8 001 I 421 s
•22; / 20 Allegheny, I'AtWll « j 3 501 1777
15 a.m . I'llthburg, IIAIO, p in (I. ill
| J.T. III.AI It, Ueneral Manager, ••reeuvllle, i-a
W <». SAItOKANT, U. I'. A.. Meadvllle. I'a
1 have a Heave Cure that will cure any
case of heaves in horses iu forty days,
used according to directions, aud if it does
ot do aruat I claim for it, 1 will ro r uud
he amount paid and no charges will be
ado for the treatment. .The following
•stinionlalii are the ntrongest prool of Hi
medicine* power to cura:
Butler, Pa., IH9J.
On the 2nd day ol April, IHliu, I com
enced lo use your new cure for one of
myfcorsci' hat had the heaves very bait
and contraaed to use the medicine fo*
aln ut forty days and the horse did not
sh< A any signs of a return of them. It i
mi iv about a year since I quit givin t.ie
InsdSeine and the horse has never towel'
an f hiv;ll of heaves, and 1 feel stislie'
tin t he is properly cured'
W 0. CmswKLl.,
liutler, Pa., April 'J, IH'JO
A 1 are used your Heave (;ure and foua
(,tw do the work U used atoordng to d
• Uous. YoursfUuly,
A Little Early for Spring?
Yes, we know it, but we wish to be
on time in letting you know that
our line of clothing for spring l and
summer wear, (part of which has
already arrived) contains the best
values ever offered for the money.
Depend upon it, we have left
nothing undone in order to get you
the best that money can buv.
* %j
Come See us for Your Spring Suit
Comer Main and Cunningham streets, Butler, I'a.
Here is Clothing at Less Than Half Price.
Our grand deal is made. We bought
of M. Sainpter Sons & Co., New York's
greatest clothing manufacturers entire
stock of sample suits, $5,000 worth of
suits for spot cash $2,000.
These suits are sample suits, one or
two of a size of a pattern. Amongst this
lot of goods are men's fine all wool dress
coats and vests which are worth $lO, we
have marked them down to $4.50. Now
come early so you can get your size and
a good selection as the • price will make
them move rapidly.
Schaul & Nast,
Lead in ii Clothiers, 137 S- Main St-, Butler, Pa.
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.
\ 0 AD '* ave ust Opened For i OAO
1 OaD Early Spring Importations 10DO
—IN —
Black and Colored Dress Goods, SiJks,<fcc
In a handsome collection of plain and fancy weaves in liouclcs,
Scotch Tweeds, Silk and Wool Mohair Velours, Crepons, Jacquards
and Covert Cloth Suitings
At Our Weil-Known Popular Prices.
We will endeavor to uphold our reputation for carrying the choicest and most
complete assortment of Silks, Dress (>oods, Wraps, Millinery, &c., and give our
patrons the very best values at the lowest prices possible. We extendi a cordial in
vitation to the public to visit our establishment and judge for themselves, confident
they will not be disappointed in their expectations.
Special Sale of Separate Skirts, Suits and Waists,
Just received a full line of Rothschild Capes Prices f 1.50 to $20.00
" " " " " Rothschild Skirts Prices 2.50 to 17.00
" " " " " Shirtwaists Prices 50 to 1.75
" " " " " Spring llats, Fancy Riblwnsand Flowers, &c., for '96.
It will pay you to see our line of goods before you make pur
chase lor Spring. We buy direct from New York City's largest im
porters, and can give you latest styles and lowest prices. Ask for
Furniture Card. %
Mrs. Jennie E. ZimmermaN
. I
'""in iriri 1 1 1 1 ■■ '■>■» J|
Can be truthfully said of our
new line of ladies fine shoes. mMRKJHXMJk
Just received a large shipment WmMnJlMlflA
of the latest spring styles. The
ladies say "they are beauties." J,
To be "strictly in it" you must X 1'
buy your shoes at Hull's,where
tlie very latest in fashionable
footwear can be found as soon
as in the largest cities. No J *
hack numbers to work oft, 7
' vcr> "" i '" ; ' rcs ' Admired by All.
Lookout For
Next Week.