Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, Grand Cloak Offer We still have some very choice wraps in our CLOAK ROOM, which wc propose offering at the fonowii.R t wish to make some slight changes in our MILLINERY ?nd CLOAK DEPARTMENTS We need the room to work in that these goods now occupy, therefore, will offer these Rothchild Wraps at prices that will clear our Cloi.k Room: Ladies' fine Rothchild Jacket, s:i-50 for $lO 75. «« •« " 18.00 " 9-00. «« «« " 16.50 " 8.25. << « " 15.00 " 7-s°- „ a •• 12.00 " 6.00. a " " 10.00 " 5.00. 6.00 " 3-°°- All Misses' and Children's Wraps at same reduction. Also Mil linery. Dress Goods, Blankets, Flannels and Domestics at prices that will interest you. We want room for Spring Goods. Call and take advantage of these extraordinary prices. Mrs. Jennie E, ZlmmermaN. Successor to Ralston. DON'T READ THIS unless you want to save money Our 1896 Plan Is to get all the bargains we can and give our customers the benefit of them. We have just received 100 Silk Caps for children from three months to five years old. These caps are worth 40, 50, 65 and 75cents, but we will sell them at two prices, 27 and 49 cents. M. F. & M. MARKS, - AT •, Butler Pa. 113 to 117 d. Main St. Silver Ware Free! Handsome triple plated hand engraved Teapots, Cakestands, Fruit stands, Butters, creams, Spoon holders, molasses, sugars, castors. Porcelain and alarm clocks and other articles both ornamental and useful. Call in and inspect the ware. GET A CARD. Purchase you overcoat for Men, Boys and Children. Suite, Pants, Hats, Capes, Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Cufis, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, Mits, Overalls, Jackets, Sweaters, Umbrellas, Trunks. V alises, Telescopes, Watches. Chains, Charms, Rings, Pins, Brushes, Pocket ana Bill-books,Purses,etc. and when your purchase amounts to $15.- 00 you get your choice of any of the above articles. O i - is complete, And Styles correct. Quality the best, And prices the lowest. D. HECK, No 121. N.Main St, BUTLER, PA. DIAMONDS \ KINGS. KAR KINGS -* BCAKF | PINB>C g XUD s. WATCHES \ GENTS GOLD, LA J ) J!^XB°S ) ILV , KK.| L A D IK S | CH A T L A IN. JEWELRY } Gold Plus. Ear Kinf.3, c ,^,' nB j ßrace | etg> Etc< «■> ■> -«J*> Tea bets. Castora. ißutter Dishes and| Everything Sylu V £||\ W XXft. JLM f thai ran be round in a first class store.. RODGE3 BROS. 1874 } KNI\ KS. FORKS. SI ()<^ pLE rLATK . E. GRIEB, jewe h IV M 0..139, Korth Main* St., B JTLEKJPA., discovery. Will actually brace you up Sold fc«rVous Debility SffiMßmliUßHißf fr#*tmeuc vAcnmuui lataiiy. sEXINt PILLb at one* cnccx drains and promptly revitalise the whole system. $l.OO per box by mail, 6 boxes for $5. Keuult In 4 with every $5 order we givt. a legal guarantee to cure or refund p*Aucy. Ad<lrc»j PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland. Ohio. THE QULSTiON is often asked, "What l a:;.: wc use? THE ANSWER If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT. Cootri Most, Looks Beit, Wears Longest, Host Economical, Full Measure. Our prices are for ' 'best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and ■ RUSHCS. S W ' ,l With Ui COLORS IN OIL, HOUSC «. COACH VARMSHES* J. C. REDICK, 100 N. nain St Everything of the Best at Right Prices for Or. MSmfSffk. chard. Vineyard," Lawn, Park, Street, Carden and Creenhouse, Rarest New, Choicest Old. Elegant 168 page catalogue free. Send for It before buying. Halfsared by dealing direct. Try It. Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, Small Trees, etc., sent by mall to any office In the U. 8. postpaid. Larger by express or frcleht. Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed. 42nd Year. 1000 Acrn. J9 Greenliouieb THE STORRS ft HARRISON CO., Box Painmllts. 0. WHAT I P ON DO. lIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appetito and pro duces refreshing sloop. BIVcS VITAL STRENGTH 73 NURSIN3 R MOTHERS. Checks wasting diseases. stop* night sweats, cores incipient consumption. O Increases and fieab. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD. Promotes liea'thy lung tissue. "Will givo the r«!" sr.d puny thf> •"Bt' rosy chec ko cyc utfi. |\| CPREG AJ.L PZMM" COMPLAINTS. Makes strong lu " i.iid \vo*iien of weaklings 6ILMGRE'S IRON TGBB FILLS Care &ii Wasting Diseases ana their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic nor caustic, an.' hu\ e no eoagu'iting effect on the contcnU ot : :io stomach or its lining: consequently do i ot hurt the teeth or cauio constipation or diarrhoea, as do tho usual forme of Iron lO uuys treatment 50c. pamphlet tree It Xioi kept by your druggist, aadresa GILMORE & CO. ; CINCINNATI C- M, A. HERKIMER Funeral Director 37 S. Main, St. Butler Pa. AT J. R. GRIRB'S 2 and 2 Do Not iWake Five. It's quite a probiem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock, and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. B. GRIBB. 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. t Healthy Old Age the blood pure and even minor ailments tnent to one's life. days is, tliat we live in such a hurry to go 6otne place, or do some thing, that the care of our bodily neglected. Nature never pardons neg lect. Her laws must be respected, or pun ishment ensues. A man may abuse his stomach for a time, but after awhile dyspepsia comes and liver complaints and kidney troubles. These things develop all the latent w ak ness in his body. They make die -tion imperfect, they prevent proper assimila tion, proper secretion of the digestive fluids and the pmper excretion of refuse matter Probably the last is most impor tant of all. for poisonous matter in bowels, liver and kidneys soon gets into the blood and so is carried all over the body There is no tellinsr where such things will stop. In the beginning, a little common sense and a simple, natural remedy is 'll that is needed. Ev •! when the trouble has pro gressed to serious stages, a simple, scien tific remedy working <trongly with Nature —soothing, stimulating, invigorating, the org ins of digesti. >n. will have a wonderful effect on the whole body. There is really nothing wonderful about it. The bio lis all Tinde in the digestive organs. If tli y are healthy anil strong, the blood is the same and it makes every p.irt "f the bo ;y strong. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery puts the dig tive crgan into perfect con dition. It makes them capable of perform ing perfectly all their functions. It in creases the power of assimilation and so makes good, 'olid h althy (k-sli. A large book about it 1160 pages will be sent tree to any address, on receipt of six cents in stamps to cover postage. \\ rld's Dispell aarv Medical Association, Buffalo, N. V. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Huaplircys' Witch Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION'. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives sati.-vjetion. It Cures PII.ES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Wind or Weeding- Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fiures and Fi?tulao. Relief immediate— cure certain. It Cures BI KNS, S aids and Ulceration and Contraction from Burn-. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKF.I> BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures S\L.T RIM IM. Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hand-, lever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, C ms arid Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Slings of In -eels. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and Sl.oo. Sold byDrußfri*ts,or sent post-pa id on receipt of price. HI'XPHKKYS* lED. CO., 11l A 113 William St., Sew York. WITCH HAZEL OIL I I \ O uh your poor, tired feet / |* \ with jSalva-ceal / > | It takes all the aching \ s out of sore or tender feet, I 5 instantly. Strained or < > over-worked muscles, s > chafings, or any soreness S | or stiffness —they're all > t relieved in the same quick t < way. | It*3 the best remedy for \ I' Sprains, Piles, Hhsiiiiia'dsm, Gaisrrh, / Neuralgia, Sore Threat, Burns, Bells, \ vkin Dlsaasfis. jj '! Tv.-o sizes, 35 and 50 cents. ( / At di L agists, or by m?Il. S T:IK . T Co., #74 CANAL ST., N. Y. S Like a Good iYlaxirru 1 A bottlo of our Old Export Whiskey Is never out of season. Vou may not need it now, you may not uee<l It next week, you may not need it this year; and then Ufjaln, it prove » blessing before nightfall. There aro so many disorders whoro pure >vhiskey is reejitired that it really is".'t safe to be without it. iiut then you must have a trusty article, su h as our Old hxport —the alwuys reliable kind. full Quarts, $l.OO ; Six Quj.-ts, 55.00. Mail and Express orders shipped promptly, end wc pay transportatlon charges oil orders of £lO.OO and over. Jos. FLEMING& SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBURG. PA. Cnmolete Price Li*t»pf Wiiwanil Liouors mailed Irev Special N-sk/c . .'uro Hy« •' 11? ft- »: .1 .. ,r.,v distillers, ac-i'i ! - r.. sue, I ■ n 00 u r <dlon My own . n ■■{ fine <h.l Poris. sherry. 111 .ittsni Mnncl Wines from to .*5.00 jier tralioti. 8t Helena pare old OtliDtniii Win drj and ••weot, 75 cents to $1.50 |.er t:.iiloii. > )so agent for the t'clebr'if 1 L 1.11 • . ..,!(•• Wine- "1.50 jr-r >rall<»i. Sepeea hike pure Wine Vinejiar. 50c Ji r 'alio. . The | finest i.ll o; ted «• ius. •;c!i and Iri-h Whi*ky, Stout. BM« Alo. £e , at lowest prip'".-. ' all or wriie 10 An drlH.-sen 188 Federal fat., AttaftbeßT. j Special l'ri< ■ Li>t on application. Xo extra charge or or y. ckin;;. Mail orders promptly attended to. THE KEELEY CURE Is a special boon to business re :i who, having drifted uneonseiously into tin- drink hal>;t ai.d iv.aken to lind the ili of ale..! <. I i... 1 n ia. fen. d u;>- nthein, rendering them unfit to einna.■•■uf fiin-s remilring a clear brain. A four wecka conrso ot trra merit at the PITTSBURQ KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. I2ifi Fifth Avenue, restores to them all their power . mental a"d physical, destroy) the abn rmal a;tietl' . in.l restores them to the conditio!, thev v. re In i'»:- forethey indnhr- lin attanobuta. 'i hh baa b 11 doneinieore tSi.-.n pajj t.i,,.:. t: : l« .... iuid '"now: thi in f ne■ of your own 1 ; !.o to wh..m wc' can r f.;r with conflih" the n olute ife:y .■ .'I efilelencv of; :,e Ki -vCure. The f-:l.e!-t and mi t senreb!:i.' in at ion La BviteU. bend fur isitunUlct glTlnff full intorma liou. Cfcl.ln-rl r'n r.nell.h llLtuMil Ilr.i I. rENNYROYAL PILLS P Orlglnul ami Only Urnulac. YVWLA « ART LADIES UK 4[\ i "C* "K> 1 • r fl»r 1.« - ... ' t'hl< lic«ur( I»i'IIjICUJC.o.|Mh<!UIMIS,„u,, ¥ i Iminju.d.,..,* I'btl.Hifc, ' ' ~~ I A II THKCITIZEN- Advice to Candidates. As candidates are beginning to get heated up a little it is an opportune time to give a little advice found one time in an Indianapolis Journal, which ran .us follows: "I know what I shall do," said the young candidate. "I 11 lay in a i big supply of plug tobacco, and every j time I nieei one of the hayseeds 1 11 offer : him a chew." ' "You will do nothing of the sort, i said his manager. "You will go out I without a bite and ltorrow a chew from | ! eveiv man you meet. Haven't you got sence enough to know that the man you j are under obligations to always feels 1 warmer toward you than the man you have done a favor?" A.n Easy Cure for Drunkenness. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobuvo nabits easily eared by the use of Hill'# Double Ohionde of Gold Tablets. No effort is required <•! the patient and stimu lants may be t.iken as usual until up. Tablets may b? given ia tea or c< lice without the patient's knowledge. A cure guaranteed in every care. For salt by ail first-class druggists, or will be scDt on receipt of $l,OO. For full particulars address The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio. A physician in New York advocates eating a raw apple just before going to bed; and a veteran physician in this city declares that he owes great measure of his health to the eating of one, two, three apples at that time—really almost his chief meal of the day, for the slenderest of eaters at all times. The New York physician adds of the apple: "It is an excellent brain food, because it contains more phosphoric acid in easily digestible shape than any other vegetable known. It excites the action of the liver, promo tes sound and health) - sleep, and thoroughly disinfects the mouth. This is not all. The apple agglutinates the surplus acids of the stomach, helps the kidney secretions, and prevents calculos growths, while it obviates indigestion, and is one of the best preventatives known of diseases of the throat." 1896 Climax Brandy From grape wine, has, by its extreme age anil constant care while in uniform temperature anu pure, atmosphere tl houses for fourteen yean, be coine a rival of the Hennessey and other brands of Cognac Brandy, ani) much lower in price, ami prelem-il by the physicitiu.- oi Philadelphia, .New York and other cities Buy it ol (Jrufigists The Greenville News very sensibly re in irks: "We believe in both gold and silver in our monetary system, but not the kind our silver people want to force on us, whereby I'. L. Kimberly could take £6,000 and go to Mexico and buy that amount of silver and go to the mint at Philadelphia on his way home and have Ji 12, 0c0 made out of it, and then come to Greenville and pay his men, shoving down in his pocket $6,000 that belongs to his labor. And our Senator Cameron voted for just such a transac tion. Hi he/ in .Six Hours. Di-tri .-ii p Kidney ar.d Bladder dis eases relieved iu si" hours by the "Now Great South American Kidney Cure. This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im mediatly, 11' you want quick relief and cure t.ii:-. is your remedy. Sold by J. 0. rtcdick druggist Butler Pa. When tiie office wants the man now days, it has to seek him. There is too big a crowd of candidates to let it find him readily. —English Spavin Liniment removes a ' l.ard, soft or calloused lumps and lt'e:n 3hes from horses, blood spavins, curbs plints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprain/ II swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the Host" wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold bv J. C. Bedick, druggist Butler Pi A man in Luzerne county committed suicide a few days ago because the cau cus of his party defeated his notn ination for Supervisor. If all the defeated can didates were to hang themselves half the population in many cases would be dead. l>r. Agucw's Cure lor th. lie art gr. r "« perfeut relief iu all cases of Organic »' ■sympathetic ileal Disease in 30 minuted ano *peed'l) effoeU » eon. It is a pei t ,: - rriio Cur Palpitation, BliortMH *'» '.Smothering Spells, l'am iu L. f ide a d a:i symptoms oi a Diseased lloait ■in.- ao.-c convinces. Sold by City l'har j >• • v. A minister has been held up near Pe trolia, and next we will hear of an editor being called upon to deliver up his pocket knife and lead pencil. Ex. i f .-tillering with piles, ii will inUre-t you tn know that De Witt's Witch llazt'l Salve will euro them. This medicine is a -I>l eifie lor all complaints ol this character and i! instructions (which are simple) are I .inert out a cuie will result. We have i s ; c.; this in numerous casi s, and always wiili like lesuits It never fails. J. 0. ItKDICk. In large stores a great deal of trouble is sometimes caused by frost forming on the plate glass windows. In Chicago the electrict fan has been put into service to avoid this condensation of moisture. The fans are kept going continuously and the current of air seems to carry off the moisture before it can condense and freeze oil the glass. It is a new version of the old ventilation cure for the same trouble. The electric light fight at Washing it ii, l'a., between the Council and the ■ Company li.i.■ been settled. The contract 1 is for five years at <5,000 per year for 65 [ lights. That is £77 per light pc year. —ln 111 .king any dessert which is fro r zen remember tl at it requires an extra I amount of sweetening. I PIhLS euro Liver Ills, • tillousaess, IndlKestlon, Headache. A pleasant laxative. Ail Druggists. —"Don't you ever get tired of doing nothing?" asked one Senator of another. "Oh, yes," replied the other, languid ly. "Well, what do you do then?" 1 "Take a rest." —Always buy small nutmegs in prefer ence to the large ones. They have a much more delicate flavor. , MfMNItLESS' HEAVE CUKE [ 1 have a Heave Cnro that will cure any 1 casa of heaves in horses in forty da 3 8, 1 used according to directions, and if it doer ot do wnat I claim for it, I will ro r und lie amount paid and no charges wilt be ade for the treatment. Tho following estimonials are the strongest proof of th medic.lies power to cure: A. J. MCOANDLBSN, Bntler, Pa., 1803. MR V. J. MCCANDLRSR: On the 2nd day ol April, 1892, I com eneed to use your new cure for one ol ■ sty Worses that bad the heaves very bad and continued to use the medicine for ab» at forty days and the horse did flot sh'.tv any signs of a return of them. It >K. *• aboQt a year since 1 quit givin t e 111 *"d-o<no and the horse has never sowe<* an is of heaves, and I feel stislie 1 h< :s properly cured W C. CRISWKLL li'atler, Pa., April 3, 1803 .7 MCCAXDLEB(> II b ive used your lleave Cnre and loun : w do the work if used aceurdng to d 't'oni. Ycurf truly, i. A? 1* AliLtr.v, —He was propping to the Boston girl, ! and in the fervor of his plea he leaned ' over her anxiously. "Pardon me," she said, "are vou not getting a trifle too parsimonious?" "Parsimonious?" he gasped. "Yes," he spid; "or, asthevul- j would put it, 'close.' —When a woman is on the street all day. she hasn't much time to read her Bible at home. Ecerylxxly t Sayx That the wines and Brandy of the Speer X. J, Wine Co., Passaic. N. J.. are leading all others in public favor. Their Brandies are excelled for delicacy of flavor, and are pronounced by the most capable judges to be the very best in the market, while their fine Old Port and Uufermented tirape Juice are super ior to all others for the sick room and Communion Table. lor pure grape Brandy their Old Climax, vintage of 1*76, is admitted the l«.-st to lie had. Yine yard and cellar at Passaic, N". J. —"lt's strange, but true," says the Philosopher, "that a man will spurn the best advice when its offered gratis, and will follow the poorest when he's charg ed it." If you are weak and debilitated you will find strenuth and vigor in Hood's Sarsaparilla. No fjcose for sl. epless nigh'- when you can procure One Minute Cou_'h Cure. Tiiis » 111 relieve a! aunoyarces, cure 'he ihe moßt M-vere eoogl. a d give y«n res and health <'an O'li afford to do without i'? C. ; —AII exchange says; "If people would purchase green coffee and brown it their houses, there would lie fewer cases of diphtheria, scarlet and typhoid fever. The aroma irising from the browning berry is one of the best agents in disinfec ting dwcillngs of impure air. It is easier to buy coffee already browned than to prepare it, but to prepare it once a week saves health and doctor bills. The door should be left open anil let the aroma pre vade each room." Endorse im . 'Sju <, V ff'iue In/ the Facul ty of y The Committee of Physicians requested to examine into the merits of the wines of Alfred Speer, report these wines strict ly pure, acceptable in flavor, palatable and rich body. D. Cyrus Edison, of New York Board of Health, says there is 110 belter wine in the world. Wife— 11. r«'s an acennni <d a man who shot himself rather than miffier the pangs of indigestion. Husband —The fuolf Why did'nc he t;iko l»e Witt's Little Early Risers? I used (o suffer as bad as be did before 1 eoiuine, l ed inking these hltle pills. ./ C. KRIUCK. —Owing to an e'ection contest Schuyl kill county bought 143 new ballot boxes, the old ones I>eing sealeil up. Coughing irritate.- the delicate irgstis and aggravates the diseased. Instead ol waiting, try On' Minute' Cough Cure. L helps at once, expectoration easy, reduces the soreness and inllauiation. Every one likes it. 0. KKDICK. One Minute Cough is rightly nam ed. It affords instant rMief from suffering whem alllic.ed with a severe ;ough orcold It aets on th« throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and neverfails to give immediate relief. •/. C. KKDICK —A Kansas Populist is at work 011 a new scheme to increase the sum of human happiness. He is trying to cross, the milk weed and strawlierry so that people may raise strawberries and cream togeth er. Piles of people have piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied it cures scalds and burns without the slightest pain. ./. C KKDICK. One Minute Cough Cure is a popular remedy for croup. Safe for children and adults" J. C. BE DICK DO Witt's Little Early l.isers for biliouf ness, indigestion; constipation A small pill, a prompt cure. •/. C. KEDICIC. —The spring election iu Salford twp., Montgomery county, was an odd one. Neither party has filed certificates of nomination and no candidates filed nomi nation papers. The county commission ers disposed of the matter by deciding to issue for that township a ballot with a blank column. Gravel Cured (Philadelphia, Penn., Item) A healthier, heartier, happier man than John J. Neill, of 2437 North Eighth street, Philadelphia, could not be found in a day's search. The fact that he is still alive is a constant wonder to his friends. 111 the fall of ISB9 he began to suffer indescribable miseries from stone in the bladder. Con-ulting an eminent physi cian in Philadelphia, lie was told that a surgical operation was necessary. So much did he dread the result, for if un successful it meant death, that he put off the evil lay as long as possible. While in tins frame of mind, he heard of DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY Although dishearted, 011 July 1, 1593, he lxmght a Ixittle of it, and within a month had experienced beneficial results, and before lie had finished the third bottle, the gravel was completely dissolved and his sufferings at an end. .Yr. Neill feels that lie owes a lasting debt of gratitude to Dr. Kennedy?s Fav orite Remedy, and for disorders of the bladder and urinary organs says, "it will effect a cure if one be possible.' Favorite Remedy is prescribed with un failing success for rheumatism, dyspepsia and nerve troubles in which it has cured many that were considered beyond the aid of medicine. All druggests, Ji. t.l . /•'or Mftical if l'a mil;/ I'sc. $-1 2.) jitr qt. or G i/ti for s»j. Finch s Golden Wedding, Gnekunhi imer. Large, Gib.-1.11, Bridgeport, Overbold Pull quarts $l, (i quarts for !f."> Our goods war ranted pure. Grand Father's Choice, guaranteed 3 yeirs old, $2 per gtd. C 0. I) and mail orders receive prompt at tention. ROBT. LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St. Pittsburg, l'a.. opposite B. & 0. k. K. Depot Your Wife Can Run The nursery department of the household to great advantage, if she has some of our midi cine 011 hand to use when needed. JUST NOW Morrison Bro's. Cough Syrup and .Armstrong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops are in de mand, two valuable remedies, don't be without them. For the Blood, Liver and Digestive Organ, you want Natures Com pound, the true health assis tant. We make these medicines, knov. they are pure and have superior merit. Ask for the medicines put up by the "I cure U" Co., No. 106 Centre ave, Butler Pa USE UTILE SYSTEM PILLS. a <X\ particular attention to these few lines—th v may interest you. Pond's Lvract is so universal a remedy that you know of it and its uses well, but so many crude imitations are on the market, that a warning against the use of anything but the genuine Pond's Extra necessary. Pond's Extract is absolir ire, antiseptic and anodyne, and 111. ! \ rh safety and efficacy, externally »»i miern llv. Accept nothing but the genuine with buft wrapper and yellow label. POffD'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Ave., f-ej York. "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THIL.U, BUT NOS O SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. IF IT ISN'TIRIGHT, + I + WE- MAKR it RIGHT I ; il J * that is OUT way ol doing business. We ilo not want any customers of curs to wear a suit of clothes that does not suit 1 him. It hurts our business with othee people, even if he does not know the dif ference himself' It costs but little more - to have this kind of clothes than it does to have those that look like "hand-me downs. '' It takes time to measure a man for a . good suit of clothes. Show us a tailor 1 who can measure a customer in five min utes and we can show you a poorly fitting 1 suit a few days later. We takes pains to j take all the necessary measurements. When you pav us f 25 for one of those stylish Clay suits you pay for the best materials and workmanship v e can givr : you. one of our customers over and [ see what kind of a suit we are giving for • $25 before you decide to buy a £25 suit. We study a man's make-up and endeavor to give him the style of a suit that will 1 look well on him. We don't have to be 1 told by our customers whether overcoats ■ are longer cr shorter this season. We consider it a part of our business to be posted on such matters. csnuo Cor. Diamond, Butler, Fa 1 Christmas PRESENTS 1 Christmas time is now here and Heineman & Son have as usual a very fine line of Christmas Presents to suit every person. The Line Consists of l Dressing Cases ' Cuff and Collar Boxes Travelling Sets Shaving Sets Mirrors i Cut Glass ' Picture frames Christmas Cards Gold Fens Fine Stationery Albums Bibles Poems All the Popular Books , Leather Goods AT Heiueinan Son's JUST OUT! A complete map of Butler County, Showing Towns, Townships, Posloffices, Express Offices, Tele graph Stations, Country Roads and Oil Fields. Complete Index. Vest pocket form 50c each AT Douglass" Near P. O. BL T LFR, PA I Every Woman *"?>. ' ' fv"n>'ti;*l- -i I"*..', a re'.i- j \ c.bie monthly regulating 0 -y \ mcdicins. 7k r)r - PEAL'S ! F2Ui'TNYHOYAT_, PILI/J, i Aro prompt, nnft* and rr?rtnln In rttratt. Tlio (reru* i ICP (Ur. NI'TOR disappoint. s«nt jmnhwa : 00. i'oaiMcC.on. Fry > . nt City Pbarmasy. T ail OTHERS Ffell a luNl Con „ult the X; >T„ 1M111.A., ''A. Tlitrty yearn nt I iridic cure of »U s of iuhji H tul wonTTti No from what ituw or liv,»v lonv; srarullnu. I will guarantee a cure 192-Piv"* i-Iyth Uou-iJ Luuk uud C.A* ABRAMS JQUN W. BKOWN AIiRAMS & BROWN, INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Strong Companies. Prompt Settlements. Home insurance <'«. of York, Insur ance »'o. of North Ameriaa, of Philadelphia, ■ l'a. I'henix Insurance of Brooklyn, N. Y., nnil H»rtforJ Insurance Co. ol Hartford Conn OFFICE: Coiner of Main St. and the , Diamond.- north of Court liouse, Butler, l'a, j c;. w )< 1 K DULFR IW %<li! viWnfkpfl Lunl-pf Of AL. KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings. Sbincr'ef. and Latfc A 1 nays In >torli. Ul I H !V, AN D i LASiTIiJv • Ht'c- n|ip<»9tt" P. <t W. Uepor, BUTLTR COUNTY I Mutual fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Ounningham \LK. WH'K Trpf. UEO. KrTTKKKB. Vire Pre*. J L. S. ttrJl'MtlN'. Sec'y toil TtrM, ji ikv y Mrre i Wick. Hfuitersou Oliver. 1 r. W. Irvln. .lames Slejjheuson, + . W*. Klactrnore, N. Wfitiel, K. Kowinan. H. J. KUngler Gm Kfiter-.r rhaa. Ilehhur,; C eo. Iteco. John Koeulnir " LOYAL McJUWIKN Agent. Seanor &Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Hear of Wick House, Butler, Pa The of horses and drat class ripe always on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaranteed. Stable room for sixty-five horses A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always on hand find for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon proper noti fication by StZANOR & NACE. All kinds ot live stock bought and sold. Telephone at Wick House Hotel Willard. Reopened and now ready for the ee ommodation of the traveling pub lic. Everything in first-Hap* style. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner M H BROOKS, Clerk. Hotel Butler J. 11. FAUUEI, Prop'r. This house has been thorough. Iy renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and al other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as czn be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use of commercial men, Butier Savings Bank Huller, Pet. Capital - - $60,00000 Surplus and Profits, $104,000.00 JOS L. PURVIS President J. HENRY TROUTMAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Cashier 1.01 IS H STKIN..„ Teller JHKKCTOKS— Joseph L. Purvis, J. Henry Troutruan, W. D.hrandon, W. A. Htelu. J. S. Campbell. Thf Hiitlrr Saving! Ilink Is Mir Oldest Hank in£ tiistttutl m In ll:iller County. General banking business trausaeted solli-it accounts ol oil producers , mcr Chants, farmers and others. All Business entrusted 'o us will receive prompt attention. Interest paid on time deposits. MONEY TO LOAN. |On First Mortgage on Improved Property, ,oo per Month Pays for si,- 0000 in About Eight Years. Money Ready. A. T. SCOTT, Attorney, Butler Pa. CHAS. E, MILLER, Treasurer, Butler Pa. R. W. MYERS, District Agent, Butler Pa. , Investors should sent! lor our ' Dozen Reasons" and "F" Circu lar. We make your money earn 6 per cent free of taxes. *f'\ ™ E PENNSYLVANIA AJ* '*lf a ? < SAVINGS FUND AND • ■ LOAN association ,V; OF PITTSBURGH. PA : EYhS EXJIIIKD HIS » €BlB6B R L. Xirkpatrick, Optician and Jeweler Next to fo'irt Ho'ijwv Uutter. I n , graduate Lb l*ort llNroSMiftccil I'iAtlrut*. lip-To-Date In the Book and Stationary line. The newest things and the best. Seldom out of what you want and never without it long. Deal always and often AT DOUGLASS* 241 S. Main St. i Butler Pa. D. T. PAPES Holiday Goods and Christmas Presents \\ e are pleased to announce the arrival of our Holiday Stock, and that we are ready for Buisii\ests with a rare assortment of Christmas Gifts, suitable for Old and Young; Toys, Fancy Goods, Novelties, No tions, etc., etc. You are invited to call and inspect our Grand Display. D. T. PAPE'S 122 S. Main St Butler Pa Clearance Saleft Business always stems good when there is plenty to <!■>, whether there is any money in it or not. This is always our dullest season of the year, hut we propose making it ilitlerent if prices will do it. We have the largest stock we ever had and that is saying a great deal. We really have to many kinds of everything, and for thirty days we are going to give you 6 lioxes good axle grease for 25 cents; har ness oil 50c per gallon, or if you want sweat pads for collars we have a lot of good ones for 30c each, worth 50c. We have a lot of huggy shafts ready to put to gether for 50c ]K-r pair. Has your horse a sore neck? Buy a new collar, only one dollar for work collar, or one dollar each for team or buggy bridles; or do "you want a blanket or robe? We don't want to pack them away: have about one thousand left and will close them out at less than wholesale price. It will pay you to buy now even If yon don't need them this winter. Harness, did you say. Well that fits us. We have tieen making harness all winter and have hundreds of sets. We got the work done cheap and bought the hardware before the advance, therefore, we can sell you harness worth >l2 for SS, worth Jis for #lO and so on, all our own make. Leather halters for 50c and check lines for less than leather is worth. And buggies! we would like to sell a lot of them for less than cost, huts its too early yet to get you interested in buggies, but we offer you the chance to save money if you want one. We have gathered all these, and many other bargains up, and placet! them on our first flo- r. and if you want to see them please come early as they wijl be done when they are gone, and it will be a long ture before another opportunity like this presents itself, Martincourt &Co. you know never advertise a lie. S. B. Martincourt Co. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher Great Reduction Sale. In order to make room for spring goods we will sell our entire stock of gent's I furnishing goods and make you a suit of clothes or an overcoat or a pair of trouser at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to get a genuine bargain in we sell and we guarantee euerything we make to please and fit vou. yj. S. YOUNG, 101 South Main St., Opposite Hotel Lowry TALK IS CHEAP But it takes money to buy Whisky. And to get value for your money in Whisky, Brandy, Wines or Cardials, is to send your orders direct to Max Klein, and you will be sure of two thing ONE That you buy for less money a bet ter quality than anywhere else in I the State, and ANOTHER j That all goods shipped are just as represented. Send for New Price List and Catalogue of all kinds of liquors, mailed Iree on application, and don't forget that All Express Charges On orders of $5.00 and over are paid by us with 110 charge for box ing and shipping. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. - Allegheny Pa. O J Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer. the name of the next President Of The United States Wl.u, BE ANNOUNCED I>C The New York Weekly Tribune OF NOYEMBKR 4th, 1896. Public interest w'll steadily increase, and the question how the men whose votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the results under the ad ministration they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. Tha -ew York Weekly Tribune, the leading Republican family newspaper of the United States, will publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every American citizen regardless of party affiliations. Also general news in attractive form, foreign corresjiondence covering the news of the world, an argicultural department second to none in the country, market re ports which are recognized authority, fascinating short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign ind domestic, with their best comic pictures, fashion plates and elaborate descriptions of woman's attire, with a varied and attractive department of household interest. The "New York Weekly Tribune" is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any other weekly publication in the country issued from the office of a daily. Large changes are being made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi ally more interest to the women and young people of the household. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "TPE CITIZEN One Year For Only $1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIMR Address alt orders to TIE CITIZEN. Write your name and address o.i a jxistal caril, send it to Geo. \\ . Best, room l Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York We Tribune will !>e mailed to you. f 39 A Stunine Drive / lexrs a measure of its pleat'.tie if die carriage is less id* uncus, easy running and handsome than it might be. Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good points, They're the hand vehicles vou can get —are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask mid insist that you Ace them at your dealer's. ' Made by FR££OMA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers