THE CITIZEN ■ •Ifrf J*t Pwt«®e» st Batter as .'4 Hsu ■»tt»r WILI.IAB C. IKMUEI. PsHtst" THI'RSDAY, FEBRUARY 13. AN NO UNC EM E NTS. The following named persons are an nounced as candidates for the offices specified below, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Butler county at the primary election: Saturday, March a8 —I to 7P. M. FOR CONGRESS. DR. J. B. SHCWALTER, of Millerstown borough. J. DAVID MCJUNKIN, of Butler. FOR DELEGATE TO NATIONAL CONVEN TION. DR. S. D. BELL, of Butler. E. E. ABRAMS, of Butler. FOR DELEGATE TO STATE CONVENTION. (2 to elect.) RET:BEK SHANOR, of Prospect. DR. ]. M. LEIGHNER, of Butler. S. F RANKLE, ot Millerstown. FOR STATE SENATE. W. H. RLTTER, of Butler. W. C. THOMPSON, of Butler. W. H. H. RIDDLE, of Butler. OR. WM. IRVINE, of Evans City. FOR ASSEMBLY. JAMES A. MCMARLIK. of Adams twp. Jons DINDINGER, of Zelienople. ELLIOTT ROBB, of Franklin twp. M. N. GREER, of Buffalo twp. JAMES N. MOORE, of Butler. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER. WILLIAM E. COOPER, of Worth twp WM. J. Bt'RTOK, of Penn twp. GEORGE F.. THOMAS, of Butler, formerly of Conoquenessing twp. W. J. ADAMS, of Washington twp. FOR SHERIFF. M. L. GIBSON, of Butler. F. M. SHIRA, of Parker twp. W. B. DODDS, of Muddycreek. J. B. BLACK of Butler. THOMAS R. HOON, of Centre twp. B.W. DoUTHETT, of Connoquenessing. W. W. LINDSEV. of Allegheny twp. M. J. BLACK, of Allegheny twp., former ly of Cherry twp. FOR PROTHONOTARV. ROB T J. THOMPSON, of W. Sunbury. JAMES MEVLERT MCCOLLOCGH, of Fair view twp. WILLIAM C. NEG LEY, of Butler. FAR COUNTY TREASURER. GEO. B. TURNER, of W. Sunbury, for merly of Concord twp. CYRUS HARPER, of Cranberry twp. D. L. RANKIN, of Butler. W. S. DIXON, of Penn twp. FOR CLERK OF COURTS. WM. C. FINDI.EY, of Butler, formerly of Clay twp. GEO. M. GRAHAM, of Connoquenessing twp ISAAC MEALS, of Butler. W. B. MCGEARV, of Butler. M. C. SARVER, of Buffalo. CHAS. B. GLASGOW, of Clinton. DAVID D. of Penn twp. M. L. STARR, of Petrolia, formerly of Concord twp. JOHN B. MATHERS, of Butler, formerly of Brady twp. FOR BOUNTY COMMISSIONER. HARMON SEA TON, of Washington twp. J. W. STARR, of Butler, formerly of Penn twp. CHARLEY BRKAUKN, of Clay twp. JOHN W. GILLESPIE, of Middlesex twp. JOHN MITCHELL, of Butler. JACOB ALBERT, of Franklin. W. W. BRANDON, of Connoquenessing twjj. W. J. WELSH, of Jefferson twp. J. J. MCGARVEV, of Mercer twp. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. WM. S. MOORE, of Muddycreek twp. O. R. THORNE, of Clay twp. JAMES H. MORRISON JR. of Harrisville. R. H. YOUNG, of Clay twp. CORONER. P. H. SECHLKR, of Prospect, ANTHONY THOMPSON, of Centre twp. C. ALBERT WATERS, of Butler. JOHN L. JONES Of Butler through. Congressional Districts. 1 The fifteen Congressional and National Delegate districts of the county are as follows: ist, Allegheny and Parker twps. 2nd, Mercer, Marion and Venango twpe. 3rd, Slipperyrock, Worth and Centre ville lioro. 4th, Cherry, Clay and Sunbury boro. sth, Washington and Concord twp*. 6th, Fairview twp; Karns City, Petro lia and Fairview l»oro. 7th, Clearfield, Donegal, Oakland and Millerstown boro. Bth, Clinton, JefTeison and Summit. ijth, Buffalo and Winfield. loth, Forward and Penn. nth, Butler twp and Butler boro, lath, Adam* and Middlesex. 13th, Cranberry, Jackson. Connoque nesssing S, Evans City, Harmony ami Zelienople lwiro. 14th, ConnoqeuesMiig N, Lancaster, Muddycreek and Portersville l>oro. 15th, Brady; Centre, Franklin and Prospect boro. The vote of the district instructs the delegate from that district, and Messrs Mcjiinkin and Sbowalter have already agreed ujjon the delegates for some of the districts. Republican Party's Uirlhdsy. The suggestion of the Union Republi can Club, of Washington, D. C., that there be a celebration this year of the fortieth anniversary of the birth of the Republican party ought to meet with Seneral favor among Republicans. If icre is to lie any general oljservancc of of the day it ought to 1m- held on Febru ary 22. On that day of that month iu 1857 t"ok place the first national gather ing of Republicans which ever met. It assemble'' in Pittsburg in obedience to a call of the chairman of the Republican State Committees of Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin. As is true, of course of all {xditical par ties, the Republican party bad Slate be fore it had a nation*.*! organization. }The l'ittsburg gathering, which was attended by representatives of the party from twenty-four States, trained a national organization for the party, and the Na tional Committee then chosen called the Philadelphia Convention of July 17, 1H57, which made John C. Fremont the party's standard la-arer for President. Theimpulse, of course, which led t/> the formation of the party, wa*generated by the Kansas-Nebraska bill signed by President I'icrcc, May y>, IKM , opening the territories noith of tin- Missouri line of 36- if) to slavery, which forced 111 the enemies of slavery extension Alioli tionists, Free Soileri, anti slavery Whig* and anti-slavery Democrat* into trie combination which took the name of 11.«• Republican party. The Republican name was adopted in Kipon, win., S.H early an March, 1854, liefurc tin- Kansas bill passed, but when ita enactment wan ik-en to be inevitable. Michigan, how ever, hat the honor of holding the first State withering that selected that name, which met July 1854. AH l»efore men tioned, the first national gathering of the party vvaa that which met in Pittsburg on on February 12, 1856. The fortieth anni versary of the party's birth will be at hand in a little over two weeks, and Ke publican dull* throughout the country should take step* to brinj; .11 tout an ap propriate observance of the occasion The Legislature of Kentucky has been trying to elect a United States Senator for some time. At several session* Hunt er, Rep,, came within a few votes of be ing elected. The vote of Wednesday was Hunter, 62; Blaektiuru, 61, scattering >). / The heavy rains and snow of lust week, in the eastern part of the State caiu* d many streams to overflow, and a great •leal of damage win done. The storm in New Vork damaged a great deal of prop erty, and many acinleiits were reported; two deaths occurred in Brooklyn. A bill to establish a National Adjust ment Hoard, for the ptirposi of ■ < citing to get tlu: t 'nitcd State* Govcrment to pay for slnvca freed by the war, one-half to go to the former owner, and the other halt to the cx-*lav.\ was introduced in the Virginia Legislature last week. Washington Notes. In the Senate Friday, Mr. Hale intro- 1 duced a bill making Eebruary 12, Presi dent Lincoln's birthday anniversary, a National holiday. La_-.t Thursday Congressman Phillips introduced a bill in the House granting two condemned cannons and 50 cannon balls to A. G. Reed Post G. A. R also a bill to granting a pension of |i2 per month to Elizabeth Martin of this place, a grand daughter of a Revolutionary soldier. The Red Lake and White Earth In dian reservations, comprising about a million acres, forming part of the old Chippewa reservation in Minnesota, will be opened fer settlement on May I, by a proclamation to be issued. On Monday Congressman Phillips of fered a bill in the House entitled •"A : bill for the coinage of silver dollars re stricted only by the law of supply and demand, and to maintain the parity of gold and silver without loss to the gov ernment.'* It provides that owners of silver produced in the United States may deposit it in theTnints and receive its mar ket value on the day of deposit in stand ard silver dollars, a"sufficient amount of the bullion to b; coined for this purpose under the act of 1873. The secretary of the treasury is to fix the market price of silver bullion, and he cannot be compell ed to have on hand at any time more than 25,000,000 ounces of silver. All I'nited States and treasury notes and silver certificates under $5 are to be re deemed in notes ofjhigher denominations and destroyed. --When the silver dollars fall below par they are to be redeemed in gold until they return to par and the purcliase of bullion silver shall be sus pended in the interim. The seigniorage is to lie used in bringing this about. A shrewd boy in a downtown office in New York made $6,000 on an expendi ture of 2 cents. The lad took advantage of the weakness in Secretary Carlisle's bond issue notice, and now he is wealthy according to the small boy's standard. When he read the bond notice he saw his opportunity, and put in a bid for #150.- 000 of the bonds at a price which insured an award to him. He sold his right to receive the bonds for f6,000. The only expense he incurred was 2 cents for a postage stamp to send his bid to Wash ington. Last week Governor Hastings appoint ed W. C. Sproul of Chester and H. B. Richards of Easton, commissioners from this State to the Mexican Exposition, to be held in the City of Mexico, next sum mer. In the judgment of the United States Board of Engineers which investigated the subject, it will cost to construct the Nicaraguan canal. This is $64,000,000 in excess of the estimates of the company which now holds a charter from Nicaragua to build the waterway. For obtaining the necessary data for the formation of a canal project eighteen months' time and $350,000 will be re qvired. The most serious problem af fecting the construction of the canal is the rainfall. A record of nearly 25 feet of water in a year en the Carribean coast diminished to s'A feet between the lake and the Pacific indicates the important results that must ensue with reference to local drainage and engineer ing construction. The report of the board, which consisted of Lieut. Col. William Ludlow, U. S. A. ; Mordecai Endicott, civil engineer, U. S. N.; and Alfred No ble, civil engineer, was sent by President Cleveland to the House. The Attorney-General has brought suit against 177 corporations for being delin quent on State tax. Other suits will be brought soon also, and a special term of court will be set for their hearing. SAXONBURG SAYINGS. The Masked Ball was a pronounced kncces*. The Farmer's Institute. which will he held iu Saxoulmrg. March G and 7 promis es to be sonethiug fine. Jimmie Helmbold is out of bed and able to be about bis room. The people of town should elect Audi tors who will investigate the town books in a thorough manner and then report their exact condition. MrsTbos. King is{still{under the Doctor's care. Harry Bauman is at home visitiug his parents. Mr and Mrs Chas. Kothweiler received the congratulations of their many friends last Monday Evening. E R. K mining ton is spending a few weeks in Philadelphia. The debates, at Kock Run Literary So piety are pleasant ones and altogether the exercises are both instructive and Enter taining John Montgomery, ot Clinton twp., is contined to the house with sickness. George Bohn and family are under the Doctor's care. Don't fail to come out on Election day and vote the straight Republican ticket. Mr J. D Wilson has made a good re cord as Squire and deserves reelection. ™K ii Knoch attended the Teachers Insti tute, held in Zelienople last Saturday. FAIRVIEW FACTS D. W. McClnre with his son Harry re turned last week from Jefforson County, where they attended the funeral ot one of D W's. sisters, who died suddenly at Stanton Pa Win Thorn formerly of Ealrview twp. died at his home in Marr. His body was brought through here for burial at Bear creek cemetery. The snow has lallen to such an eitonl here that it has almost blockaded the high way. MrsM.K Itay, Is visiting her daughter Mrs Flemming at Oil City. M'nniii Byers visited friends at Butler last week. Samuel Keider and wife and Howard Kfrtrer returned home on Saturday. Mrs Idel Graharu visited friends in Millerstown last week. Mary Wilson will return to her studies at drove City next wei-k Bert Mich >«ls cine home on last Satur day t«eling bad with a cold. It. J. MeCamey came home on Sa'urday from his labors n the lower oil field*. II TV JVII'SM has gone to 'iellt-vJe, lie low I'lM-burg f" work at rig building. It. P Jamison lost 1 Jri<«h itig condition with an nnrollm* lit ol I-•"> scholars, the president, 0 M. I'atlirsou, View Hrxiidnnt, Mrs J K. Day, and Keern fur) , Ml.l Mini in Turk, are h»rd working member* iind ar« doing much for the 111> holding ■>( I ■ 11 ehnreli Preaching service every Kalihuth A M. ul 11 o'tdock. J iinior meeting every HabliUh I' M. aI. II o'clock, ami Hp worth meeting every evening at 7 I'. M. All arn enrdi.liy i' Tited. if r Cam MeKeo h-»* u«»rly e >inplel«d hi* naw Mi -1 Minnie 'fuji: gntwtaiuod a number ••t iter most Intimate !r|e;i doing n rushing bii*i;j«j,p lit hi' ii*-w stole, if you want first class jji.oi's, and ;tt reasonable prices call at Mr. U .liolu'* e» h store Mrs liratitt:'; recovering from a severe sickness. HARMONY HAPPENINGS. Mr*. Colter of 'Warren. 0., was the gue t ot Mr--. E. Knui over Sunday, and attend- 1 ed to some business stfairs. Aire. Colter* . husband was ki ied not lor.g ago while pwjing under the b i jge here on a through freight. M;S£ Agnes Stauiler has retuaed from a pleasant visit with her fister in Allegheny. Mrs. Amzie Hent .Sun day with her parent*, Mr aDd Mrs Wil liams of this place The M. E. Church is having finite a suc cessful revival. They have 50 converts and expect as many more. Oar accomplished little musician. Mis* Clow, is spending her vacation w.tii rela tive in the city. She is looking up new m jcic and eirrciaes for her pupils. BUD. PBTROLIA PENCIUNGS. Mr. J. 11. Chatham, of Allegheny "isited at Thos Jamison's week. Miss Flora Fleming, ieft Tuesday lor Bradford on a visit t<> relatives. Mr J. F. .Killer Las been graa'.ed a pension. W. H. Da'.'gherty and W. H. Jeliison aro on the sicK list. Mr and Mrs S. J. Ervia of Farker, Mi.-s Margaret Shatter and Mrs Colbert of Butler attended the funeral of Mr Tnorn, Saturday. Mr Wm Thorn formerly of Fairviow and this place, died at his home in Mars of pneumonia Thursday of Isst Meek was in terred ia the B>-ar Creek Cemetery Satur day. lie leaves an aged wife and three children and carried rIiOUO insurance in the United Workmen <■! Fairview. Mr.< G. D iloV->t-..n died Friday morn ing after a loi.g iiluess, she leaves her tius l>and anil one - >n Ja.ues of Lima, OM >. She was buried Suaday P. M. in the Bear Creek Cemetery. HARRIS VILLIi HITS. Mr. Boriz was home from Cooper.-town vi.-iting his wile, Miss Jtnnie "Walker is in Erie visiting friends. Squire Walker is some better The oyster sapper at the M E church w»s a nuccess even if ic was a bad night. Clarencd Em'irie wa- ho-ne from Grove Citjr, over Sunday. Miss Bell Brown who ha- been in Centre ville visiting is b. me Edd McGee is home from the oil country. Everybody come to 'h<- grand e.inrth birthday party on the evening of Fell. 22 David Qo'gln of St-inpb is the gue-t ot his cons n Mrs. Wm. Stuuiri. M ii-s NMlie Brown was married to Mr. Ciieer.t of Evans (>ity o:i Toesdav evening Feb. 11, at 0 o'cio.-k, at her father'-! home Edwin ftingbum ir»« bono* from Butler over Sunday. Miss Emma Oowi vi. it»-d friends in Centreville on Tuesday. Local Institute, iikicfKiiw, PA.. FBII. 15, 1896. Friends of education are cordially invit ed to attend the Local Institute to be held at Renfrew Oper» House, Feb. 15, at which the following program will be rend ered. Institute will open at 'J '.iO a. in. Organization 9.30 Devotional Exercise Rev. Price Music Orchestra Address of Welcome Kev. Riebaids Response Miss Martha Brown Music Orchestra Schools and School Teaching Howard Painter Recitation C. E. Holiiday Song W. 0. Criswell CitizeiiH »n ROY^ F Klkt ALr "atJ lj^|l POWBER Aber,!" ' 'y Puro. A cream of tartar baking powder High est of nil in luavt uinir strength /.alirt initial Shilix (lovernmint I'ikhl Ite/ioYt. rjvai. i: a Kino PowtiMt (0.. loa w»u hi.., n. \. NO+USE-:- STEALING fx) itM if When You Got Kubbors For Almost Nothing. Will you attend one of tin greatest W # # i KI/HIIKR SAI.I-.S ever held 111 ? liutler, I am v,"'"K l " t'lo.e so <:a.< . J m of rublx-i in io days if low priecs m J will do it. J is* Look At This List Men's buckle arctic* 67 cent* Men'* rublierH 28 " Ladies' storm riililn-rs 20 " Ladies' fine rublicrs iH " Ladies' heavy rubbers 1H " Misses' fine rtllilien I.J ' Children's fine rubliers 12 " Still Greater Bargains. Men'N Candor rubber Ixhilh ..$2.00 Men's & lioy's felts and overs #125 to J51.90 Muses' Storm b 9.tFinal account of I.ydia J. Black, ad miniiratrix of W. J. Black, deceased, late of Concord towrslup. 20 Partial account of ilarvey Bicket, ex ecutor of Matthew Bicket, deceased, bite of Clinton township. 21. First and Unal account of J. N. Kirk er, administrator of Willii.ol l.uts, deceased, lale of l,ani :islt r township. 22. Final account of VV. D. Brandon and P. W. Cowry, executors of Alexander l/owry, deceased, late of Butler borough, 23 I 'lnn! account of John Humphrey, guardian of l.eota M. Waller, minor child of Mrs. J. (j. McClyinonds, of Worth township. 24. Final account of John F. T. Stelilc and Joscpha Hteble, executors of Thomas Stehle, Sr. deceased, late of Butler borough. 26. Filial account of Hylvaliux guardian ol Belle K. Aggas, deceased, minor child of James AgKits, (Icerased, late of ( en tcr township. M I lual aci ount of It. A. Marks, guar dian of Harvey F. Mangel, minor child of Joseph Mangel, of Middlesex township. 27. Final account ol J. 11. Pisor, guar dlau of Kauiuel J. Winter, minor child of Aimer Wimer, deceased, late of Worth town ship. JOHN H WICK, Register Widows' Apprasemenls. The following widowa' ai»|*raif>**iiicnlN of l»«*r«onul protierty and r«*«l «*ntal«? Mtt apart for thi» bwfielit of the whlown of fleiredenU have b«M*n fil«*«l in the ollir«i of the Clerk ol Orphan*' I'ourl of Itutlar eounijr, viz. WHIOW o r .lnrob Koob $2D3.00 M Zebu lu m ( 'Ooper 'JU'J.W " flannel If* Ew?if tfliO •• A '* A. Vi*MHI)I 300.00 M W • Murtland 61.00 All peraima inlereafe«L HI the aboye a|» iiraiMi-oienfa will tak« notioe that they will j*re»<«rited for confirmation to the Or pharift' Court of Itutler county, I'a., on H«t ur1 ,s. B 3 2c- a sI 3 r -sc - z ri Z rS 2 a £ DISTRICT. COLLATOR. 2 j!? ■ b E 5 5 j V ' 5 : c. o I i.JjJJ.LIi i ISsT—Butler ■lchael l)ufr„id - -.< o - ... . j is*#— ( lav 'J McMlebael ......I lOS 6 .. I t<> ,& 2» si as u> 1 lsi«—Brady T A Hmes 24 71 1 ; 24 71 Oakland P Whltui're I 7 •81....... 1 1 •S4 Washington J T Harper 09 31. "57 Si' 3 0:1 " s 4.' Butlerboro S Walker X'-' ot. |. -'>> 10T .. .. 5o IS93—Adams M Marshall 4» 2J' »■> ej 240 Allegheny •' .lolly '" 12 ue SOl li 20. Clearfield 11 II Huffy 511 891 t.vs 23 •. ... > .. .lefferson. W Ueopaen j 9 491 9001 49 Marlon Joseph Vandyke .... "SI C be 3S Oakland C Kobb 4 «i 4 41 Butlerboro S Walker ' MM ISO ee .tt M vhlia Centervsiie J Bestler 17 st» 16 •*;' 94 1 Zellenople George Beyer ' 50 24 40 SI! 1 s t.i 1894—Adams John Kline 4? 820 b 43 S4 40 17 Allegheny J J Mllford oas 12 «17 im| 32 7;; 37 -r. Buffalo S Westerman 119 91 105 33 74 10 sT Butler George Bauer | :43 0"- 303 67 lfi 4T 22 Ss Bradv T S Beatty 474 B> 434 04' '22 »!• 17 75 > Clinton •' Halstead 472 72 444 97 23 5:; 422 Clay R B Conn 340 82 200 00 10 32 14 39 115 91 Center I) C Miller 71 62 30' 3 4<; 14 95 : Clearfield .... 11 li l»utly So 7 02 200 0* 10 #2' 1296 201 Cherry ..Andrew McMurry 1 535 51 450 50 ,23 t"7 *7 7<; 'M os Connoquenesslng Alex Stewart »>3 2-' Mno l~ 3t 4! 51 *5 .".i Concord C M Campbell 300 87' 247 97! 13 18 :» 72 Donegal .John Kltzert ~6 $9 2# 22 1 2!' 42 :*• Forward G J Marburger •'■8143. 574 C2;30 44 76 37! Fairview J Mctiarvey 302 05i 367 21-14 18 St 26 Franklin [C Mac key 7oe 88 Ml 10. .(•"> 31 8 44:. ......I Jefferson [W J QOQMI 1 157 03 140 s;i 74* 902 Jackson 1 Kckert 425 K 39fi 3" 21 n gis Lancaster .Ephriam Erb 41 24 til' 130 IS 93 Marlon t A J Gilchrist 1 'All 41 25 0W 131 27 4 7 207 66 Mercer .Win Johnston '205 3:* 193 41 10 45 *153 Middlesex [Laur l.yon 197 0i 173 21" 925 H4> Muddycreek KB Kennedy 62 30 55 9> 310 32> Oakland. : P Willi inlre 114 14' 80 9i> 420 38 91 •] I'enn G E Hay ! 3ki K'l 269 67 14 45 19 71 Parker G J Kepler 5-jl 0« 542 43 28 ft". 22 i> Summit J W Kauldaul 2|| SI! I*o "0 ! 9 47 9o? *l2 77 si'.pperyrock Jl, Cooper 7u sx 601 ».'. 35 7« 9'l 402 Venango Wm Stalker 447 21 19< 00 10 4o 24 49 *214 35 Washington H Seaton :to« *' 195 ot- 10 » 57 70 39 35 Worth. w J Shields 314 71 295 63 15 si. 355 winlleld ,A Freelinz 391 09 ;m 8T 17 "c .18 40 Butlerboro J Younklns 3804 32 2015 951106 O* 155 03 1627*20 fentervllle b0r0..../I. Forrester 183 15 171 33 ' 912 270 Evans Citv boro John staff 118 9*; 100 5«; 5 4s 12 92 Fairview boro W Gibson 65 42 80 00 263 j 12 so Harmony boro Pred Weitjle .117 e-> is* 25 10 ol *9 42 Ilarrisvlile boro )J S Pew 37 28 35 42 Iso KarnsCity boro G E McGill so 20 21 »; 122 302 Mllierstown tioro T U Evans 174 9-', 150 8" 84s 9 . r s< Portersvtlle boro ~W H Dann 66 40 89 93 31s 329 Prospect boro Cttas Newman 29 2", 22 72, 120 622 Petrolla boro F V Fritz or 77' 60 00; 315 *4 02 Suubury boro SS llunt iub 13! 85 o0; 4to 2 osl 15 9w Saxon burg b0r0.... Chas Kiabe 321 31. IS 001 393 2 10; 243 23 Zellcnoplu boro S B Zlegler. 88 to 7s :•« 43s 4 7-' i Total i 19154 o
  • 800 00 37 04 V . 487 1' Centre. DC Miller 964 88 805 0s 59 79 39 41 I cherry 1 Andrew McMurry 11131 33 013 0". 42 4s 375 so . Clearfield ,11 H Duffy 803 79', 500 00 37 OR ... 206 74 Clinton J Halstead 1257 29 1150 no si 99... 25 30|... Concord !C M Campbell j »>" 41 817 6a 57 oft 13 85 is 92 Connoquenesslng Win l-'let'-her 13*2 'i'l 1150 00 78 70 123 87 Cranberry A Klrchler 1517 43 1401 30 10.1041009 Donegal, I Kltzert 1042 10 9211110 07 09... 53 o7 Fairview Jas McGarvey 1010 SH 900 no ; 64 541... MO 34 Forward EJMarb irger 1921 OS 1444 no 10T02L , *370 00 . . Franklin CMackey ... ioi4 34 519 67 :w si| 456 15 Jackson J A Kichert 1213 41 son no 59 28 *354 13 ... Jefferson W J cooper 1256 59 mr 00 66 31 | 243 2S I.ancaster Ephrlam Erb 1057 39 935 00 mm *53 lo Marion A J Gilchrist 802 27 550 on 40 85 .... 20542 Mercer Wm Johnson 621 94 348 > 2s 9" 144 Sti Middlesex S C Trimble is 19 53 1227 00 , 99 93 ... 581 60 .... Muddycreek H B Kennedy. 759 is 400 00 34 04 ... 355 14 Oakland P Wliitmlre lois 99 s7o no iv» 40 -si 93 Parker George J Kepler 927 49 600 eo 42 SS .... 864 94.... Penn oeroge Hay 1483 49 1360 20 9010 2107' Sllpperyrock JI. cooper 1265 uv l.ius :>i; S3 87 I 127 09 summit I W Bauldauf 1106 49 oso 00 40 18.... 110 33 Venango Wm Stalker 802 09 300 00 25 55 .... 477 14 Washington B Seaton 11S5 51 710 23 63 «7 1 410 21 WlnfieldL August Freellng 1179 4S 750 on 55 57 1 373 9t Worth |W J Shields 1079 00 790 «>7i 56 19 1 233 40 Butler boro J Younklns loos? 00 0418 64 475 42 1 3190 70 Centreville boro F L Forrester o."' 17 75 31 10 Kama City boro Geo K McGill ... 99 99 09 So. 515 ....I 34 31 Mars boro J Davidson 201 21 63 00j 461 *l4O 7o .... Mlllerstown boro TII Evans 711 60 495 7s 12 S3 173 55 Porti-rsvllle boro A Henshew 175 16 110 3<>i 939 .... "55 40' Prospect boro < T Newman 407 45 230 no 19 59 *157 80 Petrolla boro K M Fritz soo 42 146 on: 1242 4s 00 Suubury boro P P Brown 347 79 101 03 805 . 237 51 . . Saxonburg boro |Chas Itaabe I .Vi 6 76 437 92 ] 37 3o 01 54 Zellenopte boro SllZiegler 544 04 098 00 59 20... *B9 si Total I 63805 24 37507 o 7:i 77U 00 Butler George 11auer......... I l'JSfl .'l7 1101 l!l 183 lt> !M> OO Hutralo .4 Westerman I 1302 70 1182 22 120 48 80 00 Clay It B Conn 1024 451 'J23 63 70 82 02 00 Centre DC Miller 'JB4 88| 887 92 7(5 9»> 58 50 Cherry A McMurry 1031 33 934 31 96 99 tij 00 Clearfield 11 li Duffy 1 803 79 705 08) 98 71 59 00 Clinton John Halstead 1257 29 1112 98 144 31 74 00 Concord 0 M Campbell 907 411 861 00 4sl I'M 5iH) *:> 420 03 700 Fairview b0r0ugh...... William ( ....... l? 115 02 7.1 L'.» 150 Harmony borough ..... Fred W0ig1e.......... 400 40 .J54 40 52 00 14 00 liurriHvillo borough.... ioaeph Pew 043 00 IHO H7 457 03 HOO Kama City borough.... George K Magi 11...... 00 H2 L'.'J 17 7(i 00 Mara bop uifh ...... .... John Davidaon.. 204 211 100 01 3H 20 050 Millttfatown borough... Thomas H IJvana 711 50 70 350 Hj> 29 50 Porteraville borough. •• A lionabew 175 15 130 02 3ft 53 700 froapent b0r0ugh...... N' F Newman.... 407 45 205 2H 202 17 50 Petrolia b0r0ugh....... F M Frit*............ - 42 107 50 9H K0 15 50 Suubury b0r0ugh.....• i' 1* Brown I<»s 1!' IK2 00 000 Saxonburg bor«ugh .... k'harloa 1taabe........ 530 7<» 201 .JO 245 50 JH 00 Zolioiiojile borough.....jS B Ziogler 04, 47.1 77j .J IH Alleirhenv. J. Mllford 48 00 20 00 170 *27 .10 20 00 ■liillnlo H. WeKterinao 8(1 00 r i(l 00 .'1 71 'J2 2(> Rutlnr Ueorgo llauer | W fiOi 71 I' 2 43H 21 v T.H. Beatty | 45 CM. Mi Ml 211 «oo •». 1 Ba,;i 4M! ' 2 ftu f n ™ It. B. Conn (12 (Hi | «M> 45 Ml (Vll y , r ;, D.C.Miller 6H W 50 ?>. 371 1 50, 97 (K) Ch.rrv A, M.-Morry «J5 00 62 SI :i 10 900 (>nn'M|iiene»»ioif !."!." W.J. Fletelier «9 5!) 2!» 121 5 ft0|......... 28 (Kl Concoid '• M • Campbell 51 60 I > (Mi .'1 K.'! li Ml f.l 8.) Cranberry A. Klrchler 1 HI Ml 73 f.O '» (H. 3 (Hi «l 00 Clet.rli. lil " "■ "• Dully 60 (Hi 17 00 125 ,40 76 16 Ml ~ * "*1 ' .I. Ritsert 94 50 74 87 103 16 00' MOO Forward "• j- Marburger !»H 1.0 78 71 529 14 60 (HI Fairview .111. Metiaryey 80 (HI 'l7 40 -I 10 850 1 .'l7 'HI i.-i-Mik]|ii IChaa. Mackey 68 00 17 W 1 .'tl *-'9 (HI 16 00 le lie mo n IW. J. Cooper 76 (HI 08 00 128 *2 72 9 (HI j 'k'" , '.I. A. Klelirrl I 07 M. 50 UO 370 660 »8 !H) 8 (HI I aniuoitrr |K|ilirlam Krh 7.1 (Hi (16 (Hi 4MI *.) 10 127 /6 M™, AJ. OilehrUt (Hi 213 *-« 87 l l Corn Scbwi, RoVd. Pogr. ? >'"'s ? > t ss s > ~Z~' 3 £ = E. £ £ a s c DISTRICTS a c. * | 7: P 1 n r 1 ! 1 ?. | , J j 5 g ; ! 5 x " s*. I*s i d. I 4 £ £ : 5" YUc K facuy fs' 52,?- f7l 4.< # 17 l 4-f 75 o« #55 9«#»14 SS$ 14 <'4 f3l oof 17 78# % 09!$" g~7S Bb®Jo I i OC| 34! 1 ooj 134 a 3 38TT. f 6i, 15 63 78 5 nU « r js JO 03' lis, 21 2. 1937 jij 19 37; 11 850 12 8 56' 06 - 5 60, 175 6 08, 7M ; 34 4»| j 4 54' 140 314 4 u Butler borough I 1020 440 5 o 60 3500 28 05 28 05 ! 386 1 -86 c } ierr > 18 33 10 2$ 10 28 63 89 157- 6389 1372 13 ui 446 13 i;! 4,6 G*y • 402 4oa 1 511 1 51. 453 453 Centre 14 69 12 16 xi 61 17 92 585 32 07 15 51 47 5S 722 7 22 Connoquenessing j 779 779 676 1 676 6>' 6s Clinton icq loy 3651 i 365 ...J Clearfield 3650 7 ,lS 365" 43 SS, 963' 1824, 2585 202 ! 8 ill ' Bii Concord 2400 6223 3087 9310 4383 37 34' 8117 1667 5 9S ; 2231 34 Cranberry , 94 : 1 15! ..... ts 1-or ward 16S 542 2 n 752 347 i 347 2 52' 252 I' a ' mew I 195 295 295 123 123 ioj 9S 108 Jefferson | 47 1 1 47 43 43 43! 4, Fairview borough ■ ! I | 1 ; _ - Lancaster " >' 1 q-< T «- >i a ™ n 1284 1954 929 1954 929 1697 8 51! 25 40 48 15!!!!!!!"!! 63 Middlesex ! 2 j ®, Muddycreek ( 412 ' 4 12. 8, 81 *; arker 1 ,0 ! 57 67 193 57 i>7 194 3561 41 3561 41 1544 55 15 44 55 Penn....... 14 S3 i 4 83 17 56 17 56 285 1 285 Prospect borough 250 114 4,2 526 98 9S' 4 r Petrolia borough I 1..... H * 4 £ , £ Summit I I * Tk 1 ? « West Sunbury borough .. t 264 1 2 64' I Washington j j 23 7sZ\"Z')'Z\Z: 23 75 "'22* ZZZ, 'ZZJZZ. ZZZ ZZZ Worth ! 1 , 150 . t 150 Hamsville borough - , 5 | 3 15 Donegal ,613 2581 2402! 3217. 1766 213 2826 3039 8 311 410 12 41 Oakland 29 40 57 72 25 16 S2 SS 41 78; 29 38 41 78 29 38 21 87 11 02 32 89 \\ infield 4510 45 6019! 6064 377 7624 8001 1052 204 1256 Vena n g° 201 6S 37 201; 70 3S ; 351 i 351 1 55 ' , io 26s Merce r - 642 1 642 319- 319 1 Slippe r > rock 126 478 95j 573 260 47 j 307 52! 32 S4 Tota 1 #276 o6#4iS u {332 28^312 15 f43 8 24 *4«7 24*323 54*467 4 65263 32*161 i6'#64 DOG TAX OP 1 Sol. lAAi I.IA v_>r io<^. j > 1 TS es"i CB~ g g ® h I »_ DISTRICT. COLLECTOR. c | ** g S S b i -a 3 -« 2 ft, _ s» ® c. I _• a. | £ _jj j_J ?• | g Adams John Kline *SO 70'548 14 $ 2 56 $... $ Allegheny J J Milford 1 40 3G ( 38 34 202 J Butler "... George Bauer..... .. 45 21 42 84. 237 I C1eartie1d................. H 11 Duffy.............. 89 77 ............ .... 89 77 Cherry A McMurry 43 47; »43 47 Mercer William Johnson ... 26 67 21 48 119 , Oakland P Whittnire 7 18 325 18 375 IVnn George E Hay 12 60 11 94 66 Slipperyroek 1 S C00per.............. 56 S9 48 27 262,> 25 75 Worth.. W J Shields 62 01 58 75 326 .... Winfield August Freeling 118 91 112 <56 6 25 ( .... Butler borough John Younkins 77 16 1G Centreville S Forrester 448 425 23 Evans City borough John Stair. 315 299 16 ( Fairview torongh William Gibson..... 2 9i ....„ ......|.... 2 97 Uarimnj borough..... Fred Weiglo 13 44 12 <4 70 Harnsville borough j S Pew lO 23 i 10 23 Millerstown borough Thomas II Evans... 817 , <4 43 Petiolia borough F M Fritz 21 26| t i"2l 26 Total .7 1 690 62j413 391 22 63 900 245 61 •Paid since settlement. UNSEATED LAND TAX RECEIVED BY TREASURER. r Cj 5P ~ T ** n ® I a lis I ml I DISTRICT. S I f- | ? r- g.3 j j |j j : j I"| F Allegheny $ 51 52# 71 43$ 55 98 ] $17 78;5196 71 $33 40$ 230 II Buffalo 1 01' 100 381 63 301 05 206 Butler " ..1 25 119 11 12 167 24 191 Brady " S6O 60S 420 314 19 02 76 13 78 Boiler b0r0ugh............. •••• 10 20 30 60 28 0;> ( 38b 72 71 1 94: <4 65 Cherry ' 1« 33 10 ® I 5 72, 446 48 79 1 373 52 52 Centre 14 69 11 61 15 51 4181 2 15; 43 98 Cleartield 38 50 36 50 18 24 811 99 35j 24 99 59 Concord 24 00 30 87 37 34 598 98 19 90 99 09 Forward 168 210 3 78' 05 383 Frirviow 195 295 1 231 98 711 40 751 Marion * 12 84 929 851 15 30 79 107 31 86 Parker..**."."""."... 110 193 41 55 399 12 411 Pr05pect........... .... ...... - - 250 412 ....... ...... 662 19, 681 DonoMl 16 13 24 02 28 20 410 72 61 338 75 89 Oakland I.'. 29 40 25 10 29 38 11 02 94 96 1 22| 96 18 Wiulield 45 10! 60 19 76 2-1 204 183 57 6 051 189 62 Vonanco.""l 2 01 j 201 351 110 863 25j 888 Slippery Rock 1 26j 9.> 47j 32 300 18 318 Totai $276 00i5332 28 $323 541564 34 $996 22 $56 32 $ 1052 54 WARRKN AND DIM MONT HOSPITAL ACCOUNTS. O no "S i tO ». ». ! g. DIBTBICT. w r ! :§• ® vj © : j 9\ ■ o i : -5 : : B I Brady $240 25 $144 44 $ slOl 81 i Hatler 20H 40 91 25 11" 15 I Cherry 347 75 44 03 303 12 • Clinton. 'Mil 40 001 40 I Donegal.... 74 00 74 00 • J•ffemon ... HI) 27 17 25 72 02 i liHiieHHtxr .. K-» 52 71 52 13 00 i Mercer 305 00 Ul 00 91 25 182 75 i Mnddyrceek 100 00 137 25 22 75 I Oakland HO !)0 45 50 41 40 I Penti 251 25 114 25 137 (M) I I'.irkor .. .. 651 89 611 19 i Fairvlew ... 934 43 034 43 » Forward.... 254 (Ml 231 25 22 75 i Summit .... 91 25 !*l 25 i Washington 177 00 177 00 i Winfield.... 319 25 45 50 91 25 182 60 i Worth 19 89 1 19 50 1 Kuriix City. 896 54 896 ->i I Cutler Itoio 471 00 1)1 25 379 75 • M llerxtowu 479 50 479 50 i Total 030 ft 50 1125 09 002 00 4581 41 K.XI'KNDITUKKtf <>F ItI'TI.KR COUNTY FOR 181)0. I'AID ItY WARRANT. Ah easing account $ 2,138 lO IIIIIIXIK ACCOUNT. Ilarinoiiy new iron bridge $ 1,750 00 New *tone work, 420 yd*, at $<1.75 per yard 2,875 60 Old alone work, 73 yard* at $2.75 per yard 300 To Concrete work, 80 yd* at $7.00 per yard M»0 00 Alwrll Itrnlge, Marion Towuahip : Iron bridge, 41 It. length, l» 11. roadway, at $8.60 |>er lintal foot, ('anton Hridge Co 318 50 Stone work, 112 yd*. 24 feet, at $3.15 |»-r yard 355 (HI Nelson Undue, t 'lierry Township : Irou bridge, 00 ft. »|>an, 12 feet wide, at s;i Stone work, 85 yda. 3ft 251 28 Iron liri:<' view ISO Itoiler houae 90. 1 08 llutler Aurit*ultiir« 1 Aaaoolation ... 100 (Hi Clerk of Court* 876 till County 61(1 28 Court Crier 4HII (H) Court Auditor 64 00 COUNTY COMMIHXIONBRH, McCollough, 801) OO day* 1,081 60 Kelly, 107 day*.. 684 60 M Hull <11,129 Cr tot attorney #SB 1 9 distributing notice* and attending appeal 405 20 Delivering ballots 90 57 I l .lection account 4,630 44 Kiiircsaage 89 JM Indexing 817 24 lni|ue*l 103 84 •lull expenses 4IIM HO Juror*' account ... 7,3<12 58 JMi tor 894 99 .11 IIV COMMIMHIO.NKIUI. (Jrlblwn 108 1)4 Nickla* 90 00 I'titU'raon 13 30 (iratiam ... II liO 1.1 very hire 40 60 l.tinucy 170 *5 Military enrollment 230 64 Morgan/.! Ilrloriu School 954 78 Notary I'uldio 3 60 I'lllilUlilug atateinent 300 INI I'oatage 22 '>4 Printing account 1176 12 I'rothonoUry 200 06 Road damage 310 00 Road view .'lB3 35 Register and Recorder IKI 90 ndiug account 73 02 Registering birllta and death* 110 96 Itei'.Bterlng voter*.. 1,7k9 62 Hnatp account 186 00 Sheriff account 3,317 10 Sulil 1 •!«' liurial 176 00 Still.mery 1,001 II Traveling ex|«ense« 79 47 Tipstalf'* account 402 00 Transcribing 41 36 Unseated land warrant* 1)37 05 Stenographer 1,683 'JO Western Penitentiary 2,068 84 Went Penn Hospital Dixmount .. 1,948 50 Warren lloapital 1,256 00 Wcrnersville Hospital 330 8U Wtrk house 362 28 Total $60,107 37 JOHN T. MARTIN, TREASURER. To tax received from 001. ol 1894 ami previous $13,568 62 To tax received from ('ol. of 1895. 37.607 Sti To tax received on uusrated lands 1,052 64 To state tax received from State Treasurer 7,821 00 To amount received on acc'nt of Warren and Dixmount hospitals 1,125 0!* To amount received from retail liquor licenses 313 58 To uiuouut received from County Commissioners 1,31!) 04 To lines aud jury fees Irom Clerk of Court* 6H4 00 To linen received' from Justices ot the Peace 31 00 To jury fees received from Sheriff Campbell 21)1 00 To balance of dog tax of 18!) t less Treaa. 5 percent 1,802 35 To balance of dog tax of 18!>5 less Treaa. 5 per ceut 481 7-' To balance in trcarury Jan. 8, 1896 18,1)43 01 Total *8C940 4 sheep... $1,585 03 My Trea*. per cent, on $1,505,03 at It per ceut 78 25 lly UOO rrsi'rvc ... 200 (8) lly Treasurer's per cent, on $507.07 at 5 per cent 25 36 lly amount turned into county treasury 4M| 72 Total ; . $2,450 36 ASSETS OF BUTLER COUNTY. Amount due Irom collector ot 1894 and previous $ 3,263 71 Amount ilue from collector of 1895 13,334 20 Amount due from stale treasurer... 8,770 44 Jury Ice* dun from Sheriff Camp bell 24 CO Jury fees due Irom Prothonotary Seaton 35 50 Jury fees due from Clerk of Court* 129 00 House and lot In Holler 150 «Hi Commissioner's note* Amount due from towuHbip* on ae count Wurreu and Dixniount 4,581 41 Total assets *10.788 28 We, tho undersigned Auditors of llu'.ler COll. ily, Stale ol Pennsylvania do certify that in pursuance ol law w« met at the olltce of the County oowiiil*»toners, in tho in the borough ol liutler on the bill day ol January IKIMi, and audited the several acc miitß or John T. Martin, Treasurer ol said county,aud also Ihn account.* ot Coun ty Conimissloui r*. We do certify that tha Inrcgolng is a correct statement ol said accounts according to the lies', of our knowledge ami belief. In witness thereof, we have here to set our bauds and seals this I'Jih day ol February, 1800. Pol BUT 11. Yut'No, (seal) John N., (seal) J A. KLI.IOTT. (seal) Comity Auditors. Wo, tli'3 undersigned Commissioners of duller county, do hereby certify that tho foregoing rtiiioiiioul* contali ajutt anil true *• vliibit ol I he receipts expenditure* ol Huller couuty for tho year |8!).», an we truly beliovo Witness our hands uud seal this 12th day of February, ItUXJ. HW. McUobbot'OH. | seal I John Mitchell, (seal] Uoo. W. Wilson, (.sealj County Cotiiuiiaslouer*' Atlost: IS\AC MKALK Olatk. Christmas PRESENTS Christmas time is now here and Heineman & Son have as usual a very fine line of Christmas Presents to suit every person. The Line Consists of Dressing Cases Cuff and Collar Boxes Travelling Sets Shaving Sets Mirrors Cut Glass Picture frames Christmas Cards Gold Pens Fine Stationery Albums Bibles Poems All the Popular Books Leather Goods AT Hememan & Son's PARKIN BROS. * Green Goods Market, * CENTRE AVE. - - - Htarß.R, All kinds of Country lways on hands—good and fresh Highest market price paid in cash for Country Produce. " Seanor Oace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Hear of Wick House, Bullor, Pa The boit of horses and arst class rigs always ou hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town fur permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaranteed. Stable room for sixty-five horses. A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horsos always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon propor noti fication by SKA NOR & N ACE All kinds ot live stock bought and sold Telephone at Wick HOUSP. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Ponn'a. Artificial TrvlU Inaurted on tile UU'sl Im, .iruved plan, (told Killing a specialty. Oflloe ir»r Menaur* riut.liluu Store, ii DR. J. E. FAULK. Dentist. Offioe—ln.Qllkey building opponilo P. O. Dr. N. 4 M. HOOVER, U'l IC. Waynt'|Sl.,V>nioe tioura. 11 to S P. M. C. M. ZIMMERMAN. riiraiouN A*i>3*rHnio( , jitw ai No. * «6. iH. Main: Street, «-»cr en; Uiirtnacy.lltitlor, PH. L. BLACK, rnVMOIAH AND. HUUIII'IM. Now Troutaaß Building, Butler. Pa. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Pnyslclan and Surgeon. von Wont Cuunlnf liam St. \V. H. BROWN, Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Oil' CM I'Jti S. Maiu St., ovor Blokel'a ihoa ii tor*. iUtidiootf Hlfl N. MoK«anjßt. V. McALPiNE Dentist, 1 now locauil In 'i I. >m o >»t