Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 06, 1896, Image 4

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    BURTON'S Great Sacrifice Sale
Commencing January 13 and Continu
ing for 30 days only:
Owing to the crowded condition of our Store we
are compelled to reduce our Stock to make room
for Spring Goods.
I.i order to do so we will give a
20 pe~ r;ent on Men's, Boy's and Children s Overcoats, j
10 per cent on Men's, Boy's and Children s Suits.
10 per cent on Men's, Boy's and C hildren s Pants.
10 per cent on all Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps &c.
Recolect these are all strictly new goods. It will
pay you to come 50 miles to attend this sale.
Don't forget the place
120 South Main St., 'Butler Pa.
Grand Clearance Sale
Of Boots and Shoes
Is large and as we will commence to build early in the
spring we must move and the room which we will
move into is much to small for our large stock. We
will therefore commefile to reduce our stock all win
ter goods must go—none will be carried over great
reductions in all lines, none will be spared—no matter
what you may want in Boots or Shoes, you can get
from our stock and at remarkably low prices. You'll
be St ar.d Financially Benefitted by attending
tlHs Grand Clearacne Sale. We want to reduce our
stock and we are going to do it, no difference if we
must jell some lines at a loss. We're going to extri
cate this overloaded stock and here are examples
how its going to be done.
l lot ladies everyday shoes, regular price $1.50, reduced to SI.OO
I " " dress " " " 2.00 "-2 5
1 " " warm-lined " " " I*4o
1 « " " slippers " " 1.00 " 5°
1 " " rubber boots " " 1.35 "
1 " misses " " " " 100 Co
1 " ladies grain shoes, pat tip " " 1-35
I " men's box toe boots(heavy)" " 3- 2 5 " 2-2 5
1 " " dress shoes " " 1 -7 5 1,00
I " " foot-holds " " 3° 10
I " boys dress shoes " " i.60 " i.oo
I " youths " " " " ,2 5 75
I " childrens dongola shoes " " 6o " 3°
I " " grain spring heel " " 75 " 4°
Large stock of Felt Boots either leather or first quality
rubber overs to be closed out cheap. Many interest
ing bargains will be offered in rubber goods. Iron
stands with four lasts each at 50 cents. Sole leather
cut to any amount you may wish to purchase.
Repairing nea' ly done at reasonable prices.
For the latest styles in Fine footwear call and see us.
128 South Main St.
Branch Store, Butler Pa.
125 N. Main St.,
The Pilots Must^See.^
Iy-1 „'s oiio'tvou around to our store
V L show you the many nice goods
V U lßMp" suitab l e very . a PP ro P riate for
Christmas presents. Fine jCut-glass
ware, Silverware, Sterling Silver Nov-
SSSy/\X /! Rings, Stick Pins, Watches in
iWfbk Go,d and Silver - Tribl y and I-ors
will!ii 1 nette Chains, Braceletts, etc. Wt
'(/lijlli ((InSi Jl/lftto havc a largc antl want y° ur
I cust °m. If your purse is not well
<^^>^y//fii le d, come anyway, we can meet
1 18 South Main Street, - Butler, la
Sold wit R.TT DcUjrd
U«ri >•■»■■■ mhiit. sfcXINK. IMM.S at one. cnecic draina and
promptly revitallie the whole iyitern jt.oo per by mail. 6 boaci for (5.
Hwvlt la 4 *«ek*. With every Is 'rdrr we giyi a legal guarantee to care or r.fuud r-'-uev
▲ddreii FFCAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland. Ohio.
U3VO3 * L'SnOH
•TIO N 1 saoioo
r . ... ...
•m tpm tin* /MS
mwt /**• OJ namsnq aqi ui aiir »M "*"1
U* pa* jtrj *}SJtj „spoo3 isaq,, JQJ Jig s>aud jnp ,
ll*J •tvoiuiouoaj jtojg •ftuo-j tJV»M »»007 '»*•* "—O J
inq jsnui noX 'qjiOM «,X3uoui
»* n v M s i u ! T: J *P 3s l sr '"'i o *! NOIXS2 P.D 3HX
J. C. REPICK, 109 N. flail St.
Every Woman]
Sometimes needs a reli
-1 able monthly regulating
I medicine.
An prompt, ufi and carta in In raaatt. Tha »•»"■
ks (Dr. Paat'll n.rar disappoint. Hen* turmhm.
•LUO. ItfttMadtoli.. Ui.Cil* eland. U.
Fm Ps'. 11 City Pharmasy.
w^m ■—» OooHll !*• Old lUil*bl« *
»f H. VirWKNTH HT., PHI I, A., FA.
l X£!US M £ii SUCffSraß
Roufh and Worked lumber
Doors, Gash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Latb
Always In Stock.'
Ofßo* opportVe P. AjW. Depot,
That we tell the following good* at these
low prices;
2 Tear* old pure Rye 00 per gallon
3 '• 2 25
4 " '2 50
7 " 3 50 "
10 " i 00 "
14 " 5 50 "
IT " 6 50 "
All from the heat known din'tilers.
California 5 years old pure Wine*. 14
kind*, sweet and dry, #1.50 per gallon;
rat* $3 oto $5.00. My own direct im
Sortition* ol'pure Port and Sherry Wine*,
losel aod Rhine, at lowest figures. Call
or send lor npeoial price lint Mail ordure
piomptly filled. No extra charge for box
inp and packing.
Special Notice.
Pare Rye Whiskies from the bent known
diatillors. according to »g», from $'2.00 to
sfl 00 per gallon. My own importation of
fine old Porte, Bherry. Rhine and Monet
, Wine» from $2.00 to $5.00 per gallon. St.
Helena pure old California Winas, dry and
aweet, 75 cents to $1.50 per gallon. Alho
agent for the celebrated Lake Chautauqua
Wines, $1.50 per gallou. Seneca Lake
i pure Wine Vinegar. 500 per g»llon. The
finest imported Oinn. Cognacs, Scotch and
Irish Whisky, Stout Bass Alo, <to , at
lowest prices. Call or write to A. An
[ driessen D 8 Federal St., Allegheny.
Special Price List on application. >'o
extra obarge for Jugs or packing. Mail
e rder* promptly attended to.
How large bills are run up without
benefit to the sufferer.
Many times women call ontheir family
physicians, suffering, AS they imagine, one
from dyspepsia, another from nervous dis
ease, another from liver or kidney disease,
another with pain here and there, and in
this way they all present alike to tb ni
sei ves and their easy-going:, indifferent, or
over-busy doctors, separate and distinct dis
eases, for v.hich they prescribe their pills
and potions, assuming them to be such,
when, in reality, they are all only symptoms
caused by some womb disease The physi
cian ignorant of the of suffering, en
courages his practice until large bills are
made The suffering patient gets no better,
but probably worse, by reason of the delay,
wrong treatment and consequent complica
tions. A proper medicine, like Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, directed to the cause
would have entirely removed the disease,
thereby dispelling all those distressing
symptoms, and instituting comfort instead
of prolonged misery. It has been well said,
that " a disease known is half cured."
Dr Pierce's. Favorite Prescription is a
scientific medicine, carefully compounded
bv an experienced and skillful physician,
and adapted to woman's delicate organiza
tion It cures ail derangements, irregu
larities and weaknesses of the womanly
organs. It is purely vegetable in its com-
J>o»ition and perfectly harmless in its ef
ects in any condition of the system, lor
morning sickness, or nausea due to preg
nancy. weak stomach, and kindred symp
toms, its use, will prove very beneficial. It
also makes childbirth easy by preparing
the system for parturition, thus assisting
Nature and shortening "labor. " Tlie period,
of confinement is also greatlv shortened,
the mother strengthened and built up, and
an abundant secretion of nourishment fox
the child promoted. Sold by all dealers.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphreys'
Witch. Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and
used 40 years and always alTords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Pn.ns or HEMORRHOIDS, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas
Relief immediate—cure certain.
It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration ar<l
Contraction from Burn.;. Relief i:, ;tant.
It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, OM
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures SALT RKF.UM, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO.
Rold by Druggists, or scat post-paid on recoiptof prico.
UriPHKKYS* 31 tl>. CO., 11l Jk IIS mJIUrnSi., *>w Tork.
i; ff'M.
J j
A Cold in the Head \
|| The quickest way to j
pet rid of it —the simplest £
j and surest —no bother, no i
j trouble—is with 5
S (muX-HAKK). (
| It cures C?.tarrh. It
? cures ail inflammation. It /
< cures
| PUes, S'tta Diseases, '>
| Sera 7?;;'cst, Burrs,
I TsVteunfa, j!
I lutein, Strt Hnotei !
> I ||« B] '
I • —i ' .7. . . ,
| T. o ■,25 i' 50 cnts. !'
< Ai : 'j
< Tim r*jl«rp»rtH Cn., ,c.
What Strikes
Will strike you.—We aro »SV
streaked hero and there wltlt
the Mine likes and dislikes.
Thousands of ull sort* of people
pronounce Old Export Whiskey
I tip-top In every particular, and
for all uses. Slight be just, what
you'd like, no harm In mention
ing It, anyway. It 1h 8 years
old, that's certain. It Is posi
tively pure and free from fusel
oil—that Is a fact which th»
most expert chemist can't din
full Quarts, SI.OO ;
, Six Qi'urfs, $5.00.
Mall and Kxpresc orders
shipped promptly, and we pay
transportation charger; on
orders of 810.00 and over.
4-12 MARKET ST..
•smplstt Price Lists of Wines and l iquors malted fra»
Kei loves quickly and permanently
And other evils, arising from early errors
or excesses, overwork, etc. Wards off
consumption anil insanity: cures where
others fall. Book of explanation mulled
fret . Satisfaction Wonder
fill sum ,s In all CMC! of tkl) nalure.
liy mail, it 00 per box, o."i ix for li).
For sale l>y City l'bnrmaoy.
I* n. njxjciiil boon to l.u in- m ri uhn. 1m , - '
drift. «i nnrons< loilvly itit ' th • «!t • I 'i »♦ f «;;!
Awaken to find the diV«*u oofnh•*-li* ■ nt i tenr'l
up »n them, rendering th« m unfit i«» nut nut;''af
fair* reuiiiriiijf u clr.ir brain. A four urccJcjf
i courac of trvuMnunt at the
No. 12JC Fifth Avenue,
rontorofl to them nil tln-lr pnw r , in'-n I nn«T
phynical, dentr • tli<- n».ri'.nr.;l ■ j»« »i . »m I
re*tnr<-4 them t« tho «■ >■ • «.!.•■ , l-<"
foro th<-y indul l. u . ' I n
done In more than WK)< 1 ' \ and
among them some c»f > i r - mi 'liboi . to
whom we <an r« T< r with • < <. .» ».i j., tho
n olute Mfety and «•.! • . • • <uro.
The fullest himl i.. f . " v . I'ion la
VVlted. : J 1 BMP
tton. i
rl c i.iein .i r « EiWrt IW—i B nm£
RFTS • "" """« A
I & "jUllJt for • «.11. r, - I. r. t nrw
[T Mull. IW.MOO /'tMprr.
I tlil«li«aUir< iicuiiitilCu.|Miiilla«ii s qu»rw»
MWbibwkHilton I'klMa.* i*»
A Southampton Curios'.ty,
One 01 the farms owned by Messrs. ;
Witt and elites and known as th£ Dan
iel Rover farm, about two miles and a
half from Gladdens and aliout two miles
from Kennells Mills a cave is situated on
an elevation of land near a clitT of rocks" j
The ent ranee to the cave is made very j
abruptly and is near the foot of a j
tree. At the entrance the opening is
about five and a-half feet: the opening ;
then extends a'lout three or four feet and
is divided into two branches, one branch
leading to the right and the other to the
left. The cavity to the right is about
three feet wide and ranging in height :
from five to about ten or eleven feet and
aljcut twenty feet long. Over each side
it is cut down smooth; at various places
are shelves and apartments ill the rocks.
At some places are apartments, one above
the othsr. The bottom is as smooth as
though done by hand and covered by de
posits of acorns and nuts carried there by
squirrels and other animals.
The left side is not quite as long but
about the same width descending grad
ually for about eight feet where there is
another off-set. From there it descends
vertically for about twelve feet, and from
thence another off-set which is not yet
The cave, being one of the most nat
ural wonders should be thoroughly ex
plored and the correct extent of it ascer
tained. It may have been an Indian
rendezvous or retreat or the habitat of
wild animals, which inhabited this sec
tion of the country years ago.
—Mrs Parkwest —Did the fish man
call to-day, Norah?
Norah Neweook —Yis'm.
Mrs. Parkwest—Had he frog's legs?
Norah Neweook —Sure, How could Oi
tell, m'm? He had on pants an' a long
—The Sherman Statue Commission
has decided to place the equestrian statue
of General Sherman, to be erected under
the auspices of the Army of the Tennes
see, on the reservation just south of the
United Stales Treasury building at
Washington, where it can be seen the
length of Pennsylvania Avenue from the
capitol .westward.
1 H'JCI Chmax Brandy
From grape wine, ban, by its extreme
it|!a and constant earn while in uniform
temperatnre and pure, sweet atmosphere
ot storage houses for fourteen yearr, be
come a rival of tbe Her.nesßey and other
brands ot Cognac Brandy, and much lower
in price, and preferred by the physicians
of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities
Buy it of druggists.
—A stone weighing one hundred and
tweney-five pounds, supposedly a meteor
fell near Quanicassee, Mich., a few days
ago. When discovered, a few days after
striking the earth, it was so hot as to
burn the fingers of those who touched it.
Snow and ice for several feet around it
had been melted,
—"Have you seen the fact stated in
the newspapers that Russia has begun to
buy her armor plates in this country,"
asks the New York Herald, ,'and has it
to come to your ears that Japan will pro
bably have some of her new battle ships
built here?
ffcltcf 111 .Six' Hours
—Distressing Kidney acd Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the ".New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise on ac
count of ite exceeding promptness in re
lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back
and every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im
mediatly. If you want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Übld by J. C.
Redick druggist Butler Pa.
—A Pike county man named William
Dipue, is alleged to have been in bed as
leep or in a semi-stupor for the past
seven years, only being awake long
enough to attend to calls of nature or
talk small quauities of nourishment 111
the meantime,
—The biggest ice palace ever built,
covering three acres of ground and cost
ing $25,000, overlooks the city of Lead
ville, Col. A grand staircase of ice leads
from the main entrance to the great
skating rink which covers the main part
of the interior, which is lighted by elec
An Easy Cure for Drunkenness.
Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacoo
habits easily cured by the use of Hill's
Double Chloride of Gold Tablets. No
effort is required ot the patient and stimu
lants may be taken as usual until
given up. Tablets may b» given in tea or
c< flee without the patient's knowledge. A
cure guaranteed in every For sale
by all first-class druggists, or will be sent
oil receipt of SI,OO. For full particulars
addriss The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima,
—Colector Shearer reports an increase
of #33,642.75 in the internal revenue re
ceipts of the Ninth Pennsylvania district
for the last quarter.
—Kx-Poslinaster General Wanamaker
will in a few days start for Cairo, Egypt,
and remain abroad for several months.
Mrs. Wanamaker and other members of
the family are spending the winter in
English Spavin Liniment remove' a'
I ard. oft or cnllomed lumps and Idem
lie Iron h rses, blood 1 pavir.ft, O'irhs
plint . utetMy, rirgbone, srifb uprain
II swollen tl M ilts. Cftifbd, elf. Favn
50 hj use of <1 < bottle. Wuriar.'cd the
inert wonderful Blemish Cure ever know *i
Sol ! In .1 liedick. druggist Butler I'i
—There are many elopements 111 the
central part of the Stale, some of which
it is humorously said arc the result of a
desire to save the expense of a regular
wedding, and others, because it was the
only way in which the parties could gain
Dr. Ai/new'n (Jure lor the IDnrt gi.'J
Derfett relief in nil cases of Organic o"
>yn!pnthet:c Heat Disease in 30 minute.i
find peeditv effects n cure. It is a peer
V < remedy far Palpitation, Shortness o
,'remth, Smothering Spells. I'ain in Lef
- ide and all symptoms of a Diseased Henrt
■no dole convinces. Sold by City Phar
—When lie emerged from the Berks
county jail at Reading recently, Patrick
Hoolati, who is 60 years old and a Uni
versity graduate, said: "This makes the
forty-third jail I've been in. The only
thing against me was that the authorities
in forty-three cities thought I was a bum
and they are right in their supposition.
lam a graduate of the University of
Dublin, after which I was admitted to
the bar of that city. Then I became a
prodigal son. Not long ago I was nab
bed in Philadelphia."
I f suffering with piles, it will interest
you to know that Do Witt's Witch Haze!
Salve will euro them. This medicine is a
sp< cilio lor all complaints of this character
and il instructions (which are Hi in pin) are
carried out. a cure will result. We have
tested this in numerous cases, and always
with like ie»ults. It never fails. J. C.
Brass plates bearing appropriate in
scriptions now mark the site of the pews
in old Christ Church, Philadelphia, once
011.; :. Bits' Rons, maker of the
ti ..t Anient .hi ling: Franklin Hopkinson
and liis - n Joseph Hopkinson, author
of "Hall Columbia:" the Penn family,
Benjamin Franklin and George and
Martha Washington.
Measurements of a Perfect Woman.
For a woman of 5 feet 5, 138 pounds
is the pioper we r ht, and if she is well
formed she can stand another io pounds
without greatlv showing it, says an .iu
thoritv. "Whl-n her arms arc extended
she should measure from tip of middle
finger to tip of middle finger just 5 u. t
5. exactly her own height. The length
of her hand should lie just a tenth of that
and her foot a seventh.
"The distance from the elbow to the
middle finger should be the same as the
distance frMm the elbow to the middle of
the chest. From the top of the head to
the chin should be just the length of tbe
foot, and there should be the the same
distance between the chin and the arm
pits. A woman of this height should
measure 24 inches about the bust if
measured from under the arms, and 43 if
over them. The upper arm should
measure 13 inches and the wrist 6. The
calf should measure 14 '* inches, and the
thigh 25 and the ankle 8,"
Grapes for Caugks and/or Singers
Auntie Rachael, a Holland nurse, has
discovered a novel and effective way of
using grapes in combination with Ele
campane Root and Horehound for the
purpose ot curing coughs, colds anil sore
throat. It is called Aunt Ratchael's Ele
campane and Horehound Cordial anil it
is said that physicians are recommeding
it freelj- in the Hast. Singers and lec
turers carry a bottle with them.
—ln England and Wales the average
yield of potatoes per acre is estimated at
about 6 tons; the average yield in
Scotland is rather less than six tons per
acre, but in Ireland the estimate shows
an average yield per acre of less than
four tons against more than six tons in
Great Britain.
If you are weak and debilitated you
will find strength and vigor in Hood's
—Every fisherman knows the value of
earthworms as bait; they are also an
excellent food for young birds, fishes etc.
According to La Nature, they can be got
anywhere by simply wetting the ground
with a solution of cupric sulphate [blue
vitriol] — 10 grammes to a quart of water
which will bring them out in surprising
numbers, almost immediately. Soap
suds has the same effect.
Inrahd and Sacramental Wines.
Speer's Unfermented Grape Juice is
tiure and unintoxicating. It is made
from the finest native grown
Port Grpaes, especially for the use of
Christain Churches, preserved from fresh
and pure juice as it is pressed and
guaranteed to retain its grateful flavor
and essential qualities unimpaired for
any period. Much used for evening
parties and invalids who do not use stim
No PTCune for sleepless nights when you
can procure Ono ilinnte Cough Core.
This will relieve all annoyances, the
the most severe cough and tfive you rest
and hea'th. Can you afford to do without
it? •/. C. REDlok.
—James Isli, the wealthy young mam
who last June murdered W. H: Chappell,
the paramour of Ish's wife, pleaded
guilty to manslaughter at Omaha and
was sentenced last week to nine mouths.
At his first trial the jury disagreed.
—A correspondent asks: "How did the
first kiss come about?" Precisely like
the last one. And after it was over the
man looked sheepish and the woman
blushed and pretended to be angry.
There are things in this world that evo
lution has never monkeyed with.
Wife— Here's an account of » man who
shot himself rather than sullier t lie pangs
of indigestion, ilnsband—The fool! Why
did'nc he take De Witt's Little Early
Risers! 1 used to suffer as had as he did
before I commenced taking these little
pills. ./ C. Kkdtck.
—ln three rabbit drives this season in
Cassia county, Idaho, some 8,000 rabbits
have been killed. The animals w. as
tonishingly numerous and a very serious
nuisance. A round-up is to be held
every week through the winter in the
hope of exterminating the pest.
—Rev. J. A. Rondthaler, pastoi of the
Presbyterian church, Indianapolis, has
been forced to resign because members
off lis congregation were so opposed to
riding a wheel .
Coughing irritate the delicate nrgui'*
and aggravates the diseased Instead 1 d
waiting, try Om. Minute Cough Cure. K
helps at once, expeotoration easy, reduces
the soroness and inflaination. Every one
likes it. J. C. Kkmck.
—Norway is the best telephone coun
try 111 the world, in spite of the fact that
70 per cent of its area is uocultivable, and
another 24 per cent, is forest. It has one
exchange for every 7,-Si2 inhabitants and
one telephone to each 40 inhabitants
times the number in this country.
One Minute Cough Cure is rightly nam
ed It aflords instant rtdief from suffering
whim allliclcd with a severe . ough or cold.
It acts on thi throat, bronchial tubes, and
lungs and i.» verlails to give immedia'e
relief. •/. C. KEDICK
Benjamin Buckman, of fancingdale,
111., has perhaps the largest experimental
orchard of apples in the world. His col
lection cmbraoo* over 550 named varieties.
Pour little orphan lots, the oldest 12,
have just mad e a journey of .j/:oo miles
from San Franjisco to New v'ork with
out any guardian. They came under
Masonic protection.
HOOIV3 riLLS cure Liver Ills,
lllllousni'F.% Indigestion, lleiidiielie.
A pleasant laxative. All I'rugglste.
—An exchange says that preserves
may be kept from becoming mouldy by
putting a few drops of glycerine around
the edges of the jar before screwing 011
tin- cover—a simple but sure preventive.
- A man aged seventy years, and a
woman of fifty, both married, of James
town, N. Y. elopeel the other day.
l'lles of peopiu have piles, hut He W itt f
Witch Iluzel Salve w ill cure them. When
pri uiplly appli< ii it cures scalds and burn-*
without the slightest pain. C Kkhiuk
—lf Battenlierg had gone to the Cuban
war instead, it is long otlds that he would
be living yet, unless he would happen to
blow in his gun to see whether it was
One Minute Cough (aire is a popular
remedy for croup. Sale ler children and
'adtlltH. J. c. ICKMCK
-Bricks made of petroleum, solidified
with sawdust and pilch, make a cheap
and durable fuel, and are used for steam
engines in Prance.
Do Witt's Little Early Kmers for bilious
ness, indigestion; constipation A small
pill, a prompt cure. C. Kkmck.
—The Woman of the State of Missouri
arc circulating a petition to the Gover
nor of tile State asking him to appoint
only married men as resident physicians
iti the insane asylums of that state.
Hotel Butler
J. 11. FAUBEL., I'rop'r
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and I
carpets; has electric bells and al 1
other modern conveniences foi
guests and is as convenient, and
desirable a home for strangers as
c; 11 be found h Butler, I'a.
Elegant sample room for use «
ommcrcial me ■
PlCei-.A.;' Iparticular attention to
these few lines—th-y mny interest you.
Pond's Extract is so universal a remedy
that you know of it am its uses well,
but so many crude imitations are on the
market, that a warning against the use
of anything but the genuine Pond's
Extract . necessary. Pond's Extract is
absolute! Unn 1 antiseptic and anodyne,
and mas > (I with safety and efficacy,
externally ot :■■.tern IK'. Accept nothing
but the genuine with buff wrapper and
yellow label.
p;nrs FXIRAiT r '\. : >": i/V ' •<- __
A visit to our STORE and ex
amination of our STOCK cannot
fail to offer many solutions to
the vexing problem
J. R. Reed & Co.
Watchmakers &,'Jewelers,
439 Market St.. PITTSBI'Rd
For Medical .f- Ftimily I .fl 25 l'«r -/'•
or (I </I*. J'or sd.
Finch's Golden Wedding, tincko- heimer.
Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, llfihold F ill
quarts sl, (i quarts for #."• Our rood < v.' r
ranted pure. Grand Father's Choi e.
guarranteed II years old, 4''- pur gal <'■
O. I>. and mail orders receive prompt at
KOBT. LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler,
1.56 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa., oppos.lc I'. fc t).
R. K. Depot
J Scientific American
Ct.. OCBSCM l»ATE*rs\
F>r Information fr« •• ll.imliHM.k »ii• * (<»
Mi ss a n).. ::♦»! iln<>Ai>WAf, Nf.w Yon::.
t "in f»r • "'!?•.r. ' •
Kvi r.w-iN »>t tak« r» • it l.v t. •I . tr 1 . <1
tin- | ul'i4e hy a notice i.lvt n 1 . tho
LarfroHt clivtilatl 'ii of '< r*; r!n I't •
Wurlil S|•! • - .fr I. .... i:il 111 lit
man *hot:M ' it, . • 1.1• . -;i <n> a !
jr».nr: yi.' \ ! Ml S'N v « «>,,
I'intuiii iui, ;»01 i-J ti' v, KcW Vvrk CltJ .
Your Wife
Can Run
The nursery dejiartmi nt .>f the
llouschoM to great advantage, i
if she has some of our tnidi
cine 011 hand to use when !
Morrison Bro's. Cough Syrup
and Armstrong's Diphtheria
and l iuiitsy Props are in di*
maud, two valuable rented ii •,
don't be without them. For
the Blood, Liver and Digestiv*' j
Organ, you want NatutcHCom
|xiund, the true health assis- i
We make these medicines '
know they are pure and have
superior merit.
Ask for the medicines put up '
by the "I cure U" Co., No. 106 |
Centre a\e. Butler I'a
r-—yr-: NT jf j jji
».. »JN Cl -11
v .1 r i l *" or »*l»vitt»i'ijf nt <«•* *'
Stimulates tho nppctito unci pro
auces rcfreshim* sleep
cuts VITAL SfrtENGTH TJ («URC!:<a
Checks wasting diseases. stops
& night sweat::, euros incipient
vs * > consumption.
Jncreasos end fiesh.
Promotes 1- cv.'tb-jr Iu:;« tiKStlO-
Will frivo t l op:;' nnd puny tho
rosy olieelrH cl youtn.
V 3 Makes rtrc: .r. ! women of
Cere r.i .Vasiinß Diseases and
their sequencee,
ii nit her nt yt>Ho nor cnuatic and
DO o n«uiaunfr cfrect on tho eontanta
h or us lining; consequently
i •.')! hurt tho tooth orcau«u constipation
i.'". hi ■■■ us do the usual formr ol Iron
■> uu;,'.. t root raont l>Oc. pi;mphlot tree 11
I. ]>t oy our -lruggiat, address
Wlißt Nerve
£*? l have done for others
thev will do
j'rn it'"" ■
aru F'trmuhonily Pasture
A pi ilivj cure fc all WcaKnesses,
NVrvo; i.: ;, t >ebilify, ?.nd ail rheir
and later excess <."•■; the result of over
i work, jickn :ss, worry, etc.
wrcxce sivcu eof tobacco,opium
aiul. _i« »r, which Kad to consumption
I ar.i i: anity. "I lieir use shows i'nmedi
! ale improvement. Insi;! unon having
I thege mine ivEHVE BERRIES, no.tiu>.
' G nvenient to ca'ry in vest pocket,
i i : i: :• r.oo|vrbox,:-i;: oxes, One full
tn ;tmc;:t, i Ctiiaruateed to cure
any c.'.: e. !f not i.epr hy your drug
v. v/:i : : if' :':n l»y mail, upon
rereipt of price, i:i plain wrapper.
1 'amphlet \ Address mail ordersto
I rave a Heave Cure that «ill cure any
owe «>f heaves in horses in forty day*,
used according to direction*. and if it doe*
ot do wnat I claim for it, I will rotund
lie r.monnt )• ti.l am! no charges will be
ado for ti c treatment. The following
c 'limotii'i! are the- tronfod proof of tli
medic.ne power onro:
A. .1. MCCANI>I»Kftp, I
lintler, l a . lK9:t.
\IK. A. J. McCakulksb:
On tho 2nd day of April, 1 I com
oncctl to usu your now cure for one of
i )-borscH that had the hoove* very bin
ind rortinned to lino the medicine fo
iii< ;t forty day * and the horse did not
ih> «•. any tupi* of a return of tnein. It *
■ about a y ear since I quit givin t'.:e
•I:- tl' . '.no and the hor ha never sow of*
in ».'tis of heavi , and I feel stisfio '■
;i 1 :he i« properly cured
W C. Chtowkli,.
itler, i'a., Anril 3, 18'»3
, 1 tidve ityour Heave Core and foou
1 i io tho work il UHcd acoordng to d I
♦t'on Yonm truly,
!'• A'MiLXtiji.
I loli«Ja\ Goods ami Christmas Presents.
W c arc pleased to announce the arrival of our Holiday
Stock, and that we are ready for
with a rare assortment of Christmas Gifts, suitable for
OM and Young; Toys, Fancy Goods, Novelties, No
tions, etc., etc.
\ "u are invited to call and inspect our Gr;i id Display.
122 S. Mam St Butler Pa
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman,
A Remnant Sale
As usual, after our Annual Sacrifice Sale
we find Remnants all through our stock,
hundreds of them. Remnants of Dress
Goo*ls, of Ginghams, Calicos, Muslins,
Dress Flannels. Country Flannels, etc.
1 hese will be closed out at half-price.
Notwithstanding our phenomenal success
in the past two week's Sacrifice Sale, we
still have too many winter goods—too
many Wraps, Heavy Dress Goods, Blank
ets, Flannels, Yarns, etc. Also more
Winter Millinery than we care to carry
over. All the above mentioned goods
will be closed out regardless of cost to
make room for our Spring Stock, most
of which is already purchased, and some
of it arriving daily.—Shelves must be
cleaied of Winter Goods.
| Mrs. fennie E. ZimmermaN
Successor to Ritter & Ralston.
Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher.
Great Reduction Sale.
In order to make room for spring goods we will sell our entire stock of gent's
furnishing goods and make you a suit of clothes or an overcoat or a pair of trousers
at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to get a genuine bargain in everything
we sell and we guarantee cuerything we make to please and fit you.
xj. S. YOUNG,
101 Soutli Main St., Opposite Hotel Lowry,
But it takes money to buy Whisky.
And to get value for your money in
Whisky, Brandy. Wines or Cordials,
is to send your orders direct to Max
Klein, and you will be sure of two
That you buy for less money a bet
ter quality than anywhere else in
the State, and
That all goods shipped are just as
represented. Send for New Price
List and Catalogue of all kinds of
liquors, mailed free on application,
and don't forget that
All Express Charges
On orders of $5.00 and over are
paid by 11s with no charge for box
ing and shipping.
82 Federal St.
Allegheny Pa.
Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer.
President Of The United States
The New York Weekly Tribune
OF NOVEMBER 4th, 1896.
Public interest w'll steadily increase, and the question how the men whose
votes turned the scale at the last election arc satisfied with the results under the ad
ministration they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in
the history of the country.
The A ew York Weekly Tribune,
the leading Republican family newspaper of the t'nited States, will publish all the
political news of the day, interesting to every American citizen regardless of party
\lso general news in attractive form, foreign correspondence covering the news
of the world, an argicultural department second to none in the country, market re
ports which are recognized authority, fascinating short stories, complete in each
number, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign «.nd domestic, with their best
comic pictures, fashion plates and elal>oratc descriptions of woman's attire, with a
varied and attractive department of household interest. The "New York Weekly
Tribune" is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any other
weekly publication in the country issued from the office of a daily. Large changes
,rc being made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi
" lly more interest to the women anil young people of the household.
\ SPECIAL CONTK\CT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "Tt'.E CITIZEN
One Year For Only #1.50,
Address all orders to THE CITIZEN.
Write your name and address on a jKistal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, room 2,
Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weeckly
Tribnnc will !>.• mailed to you. _
13 A Summer Drive
!c>es a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less lux
urlous, easy running and handsome than it might b<-.
Fredonia Buggies
.lave nothing but gooJ point*. They're the handsomest vehicles vou can
get are as strong and secure as they're sightly.
Ask and insist that you sec them at your dealer's.
Mid ■ by FRELOJVIA MFG. CO.. Youngstown, Ohio.