BDRTON'S Great Sacrifice Sale Commencing January 13 and Continu incr for 30 davs only: o * Owing to the crowded condition of our Store we are compelled to reduce our Stock to make room for Spring Goods. In order to do so we will give a SPECIAL REDUCTION OF , 20 pe- cent on Men's, Boy's and Children s Overcoats. 10 per cent on Men's, Boy's and Children s Suits. 10 per cent on Men's, Boy's and Children's I'ants. 10 per cent on all Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps &c. Recolect these are all strictly new goods. It will pay you to come 50 miles to attend this sale. Don't forget the place T. H. BURTON , 20 South Main St., JButler Pa. Grand Clearance Sale Of Boots and Shoes -*AT BICKELS^ OUR STOCK of BOOTS and SHOES Is large and as we will commence to build early in the spring we must move and the room which we wi move into is much to small for our large stock. We will therefore commense to reduce our stock all win ter goods must go —none will be carried over great reductions in all lines, none will be spared—no matter what you may want in Boots or Shoes, you can get from our stock and at remarkably low prices. \ou be Surprised ar.d Financially Benefitted by attending this Grand Clearacne Sale. We want to reduce our stock and we are going to do it, no difference if ue must sell some lines at a loss. We're going to extri cate this overloaded stock and here are examples ol how its going to be done. 1 lot ladies everyday shoes, regular price $1.50, reduced to SI.OO T " " dress " " " 200 " 1-25 I .. « warm-lined " « " M<> *5 I • " " slippers " " i°° ! " «« rubber boots " " 125 1 " misses " " " " I -°° 1( 1 " ladies grain shoes, pat tip " " x -35 1 " men's box toe boots(heavy)" " 3- 2 5 " 2 - 2 5 I " " dress shoes " " 1 *75 1.00 1 " " foot-holds " "3° 10 1 " boys dress shoes " " l " 10< ? 1 " youths " " " "1.25 75, 1 " childrens dongola shoes " " 6° 1 " " grain spring heel " " 75 " 40 Large stock of Felt Boots either leather or first quality rubber overs to be closed out cheap. Many interest ing bargains will be offered in rubber goods Iron stands with four lasts each at 50 cents. Sole leather cut to any amount you may wish to purchase. Repairing neatly done at reasonable prices. For the latest styles in Fine Footwear call and see us. JOHN BICKEL 128 South Main St. Branch Store, Butler Pa. 125 N. Main St., :sa* The Pilot Must See. Let us pilot you arouud to our store Hr|paf V\ O *rjgfffipand show you the many nice goods J \ ° suitable and very , appropriate for Christmas presents. Fine Cut-glass ware, Silverware, Sterling Silver Nov /( elties, Rings, Stick Pins, Watches in (f|s| Gold and Silver, Tribly and Lorg fflHT nette Chains > Braceletts, etc. We mmllllKK have a large stock and want your ® custom - If y° ur P urse 1S not weU 7 filled, co^ 0 anyway, we can meet J. R. GRIEB, 118 South Main Street, - Butler, Pa 11 '• uften»c»uii» tetany. SEXINK FILLS atone* cnecx drains and promptly revitalize the whole system. SI .OO per box by mail, 6 boxes for $5. AtißUlt In 4 Y/OeILS. With every $5 order we give a legal guarantee to cure or r«fuad rvmey. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland. Ohio. MeCANDLESS' HEAVE CURE 1 have a Heave Cure that wjll cure any case of heaves in horses in forty days, naed according to directions, and if it does ot do what I claim for it, I will ro<und he amount paid and no charges will be made for the treatment. The following eatimonials are the strongest prool of th medic-neß power to cure: A. J. MCCANDLKSS, Butler, P»., 1893. US. A. J. JFCCAUDLBSS: On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com enced to use your new cure for one of icy korsea that had the heaves very baa, and continued to use the medicine for ab< at forty days and the borne did not •b w any signs of a return of them. It i? uc w about a year Binoe I quit givin the m"»d\o'\ne and the horse has never aowet* an j signs of heaves, and I feel stistiel ihs t he is properly cured W C. CRISWBLL. Butler, Pa., April 3, 18'i3. A. J. MCCANDLBSH IT I have used vour Heave Cure and foun t will do the work if used acco rdng to d stions. Yours truly, „ T . P.¥Mill!K JOHN "W. HBOWH. C. A. ABRAMS ABB AMS & BROWN, Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurance, HUSKLTOH BUILDISO, KBAB COURT Hor.SK. BUTLEK, P.A Insurance Company of North America. 02dyear, Asset* *9,. r i63,000; Home of New York, Assets $9,100,000; Hartford of Hart ford. A ssets $8,645,000; Phmnix ot Brook lyn, A ssets $5,500,000. New York Under writer's Ageuoy, vfidL Every Woman rmiJ '4N Sometimes needs a reli \ able monthly regulating Zmjtf 1 medicine. 1 Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt, cafe and certain in result. The ireoa* too (Dr. Peal>i never disappoint. Bent anjntherfc •LOU fwU MxlicUig Co.. Uavmim. U« City Pharmaay. FACTS! That we sell the following goods at these low prices; 2 years old pure Rye $2 00 per gallon 3 " 2 25 •' 4 " 2 50 7 " 3 50 " 10 " 4 50 14 " 5 50 17 " G 50 " All from the best known distillers. California 5 years old pure Wines. 14 kinds, sweet and dry, $1.50 per gallon; case $3.0 to $5.00. My own direct im- Sortations of pure Port and Sherry Wines, [Oiiel and Rhine, at lowest figures. Call or send lor special price list. Mail orders piomptly filled. No extra charge for box ing and packing. A. ANDRIESSEN, NO. ST. ALLEGHENY, PA. A Xmas Present Free! During the month of December and the Holidays we will present to every purchaser a bottle of fine Table Wine also one of our new Calendars, We handle nothing but Pure Reli able goods, such as Gibson, Overholt, Finch's, Guckenlieinier, Dogherty, Bridgeport, Dillinger, Large's and Sam Thompson. All these Goods are sold from four to ten years old and warranted Pure. A full quart, si.oo or six for #5.00. We have also a full line of all kinds Imported and Domestic Wines, Gins, Cogniacs, Brandies, Rums, Scotch and Irish Whiskies. No extra charge for pack ing. All eoods, including C. O. p. orders, are securely packed and ship ped most promptly. Express charges on orders for J lO and over we prepay. Pair dealing to everybody. Send for Price List. ROBT. LEWIN, 136 Water St. Pittsburg Pa. Telephone 2179. AFTER >LL OTHERS FAIL wee a consult the OM Pliable DR.LOBB :tiU N. FIFTSRKMTII ST., Pill LA., PA. Thirty yeans' i.telnuoua|prctlt«lotfhecur«i of all diaeMaee of men anil wonVßi. No matlH from what cause or Low lons standing. I will auarantM a core. Bouk jmiMi aiwl uu4M I/Jok at the people yon i~ t y—. pass on the stTect. Their J faces tell the story of their £ lives. They tell the story of penury or plenty, of re finement or coarseness, of J health or disease. Three - fourths of these psople are not "exactly well." They are not all " rick," perhaps, but many J9R)O of .tV.em are, and few are quite hale and hearty. Consumption has set its stamp of pallor and cnia cialion on many of them. Dy»pepsia has drawn line* cf rretiul:;es9 and worrr fs£ \ about their eyes, ana mouths. Impure blood it JZ showing itself in blotches V and pimples. One man has a little trouble " with his kidneys. Someof the women have chronic con stipation, and the other ills fthat constipation brings. The most pitiful of all faces is the consumptive one Very likely it ha 9 been through the other stages and has at previous times shown dyspepsia, sallowness and bad blood. Onsumption doesn't come nil at once. It id a creep ing disease. It comes on gradually under cover of a hundred differing: symp \jt\ toms. It is the most 1' \ dreadful of all diseases, but it can be cured if yoti bejrin in time. Dr. Pierce's Go'.den Medical Discovery will cure it. It will cure .gt/fc all the things that lead to consumption. It is not guaranteed to cure con* 'piTf sumption of long standing. K W There is a stage at whiea Wj"! ■ consumption is incurable. If you will send six cts. " ~ to cover postage, with this notice, we will send free a large book (160 pages that tells exactly what Golden tC —what it has done in hua dreds of cases. World's Dispensarv Medical A 930- ' ciafion, Buffalo, N. Y. WY VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hc£s, AND FOOXTRr. 500 Paarr Rook on Treatment of Animals and Chart feem Free, cmw < FevertttConflrPMtion*. Inflammation A. A.} Spinal Meniiifriti*« Milk. Fever* B.B.—p»f raiiiN, LainencNN, K tiru mat ism. C.C.—Dimcmper, Discharge*. I>. I>.~ li <» I•» or <irnl>*s Wo rain. K.K.~4 on llciivcs Pneumonia. F.F.—Colic or Gripe*. Bellyache. • G.ii.—niscorriaget lleitiorrhuaeH. 11.11.—1 rinary and Kidney Itiieuhcs I.l.—Eruptive UinenNOs Mnuse.'H ol Digestion, I'aralyHi*. Single little (over 50 dofws), - - ,(j0 btable Cane, with Specific, Manndl, Veterinary ( ure Oil ami Mcdicator, $7.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, • • 1.00 Bold by DruegUU: or ««>at prepaid loywhirf ind In any quality en rveript of price. lintPHRETb' JltD. CO.. » « \ k 1 IS William St., 3u»w Torlu F^^aiUMPHRBYS' I HOMEOPATHIC fj 7J [■HSPECIFIC No do In use jO years. Tho only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vita! Weakness, And Prostration, from over-work or other causes, •i per vial, or 5 vials and lar»?e vial powder, for $5. Sold l.y l>rucffi«tß, or lent postpaid on neslpt ol price. BUPFIIII* W SIM). CO., 111 * 113 William SL, .New Urk. W^M | An Earache is about as / ) ' * painful an ache as ' ? anything that j Sal va-ceai y (TKADK-MARK) i J has to deal with. But it \ \ stops it immediately. Big 5 £ pains—l i 111 e pain s —it j ? stops all of them, j Salva-cea is the quickest t < to relieve and cure ] Piles, Boils, | Chaflngs, 1 i Sere Throat, Ulcers, Ceids, Rhsumatism, \ \ | Sera Muscles, Burns. > ( Two sizes, 25 and 50 cents. 5 i bAt druggists, or by mail. j ERANOKEUI CO 174 CANAL ST., N. V. ? 1 A White Crow Is very rare, so is a perfectly t'ure Whiskey. llow a.e you to know v.-h n it is really safe and pure? Tnst • dor-it not always reveal the fact The best way Is to buy a brand that has- reached its popularity ~.?;elv by public approval. OltrOl.l K' p iiVVlilft key lias been Uioioiiehiy tried In the crucible of public Judg ment, ami liar, come out bearing all tiie praise* that usually fall to a meritorious article. It is absolutely pure, eittiit years old, smooth.and ju;;t right for medi cinal, family or social use. F'il! Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5 00. Mail and express orders shipped promptly, and we pay express charges on ull orders of 810.00 ami over. Jos. FLEMING <& Sen. 4-12 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURG, PA. Complete Price Lists of Wines and Liquors mailed free. THE F^^^^MEDY lie; loves quickly and permanently DEBILITY, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS And other evils, arising; from early errors or excesses, overwork, etc. Wards otr consumption and insanity; cures where others fail. Hook of explanation mailed tree. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wonder ful success in all cases of this naturo. Uy mail, f I 00 per box, o." six for $5 (*). OALUMET MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO, ILL; For sale by City Ptiarroaey. THE KEELEYOURE Is & special boon to business men who, haying drifted unconsciously into the «im. . habit ana awaken to find the disease of oho fastened up .u them, rendering them unfit to manage af faire r-uuirlntf a elear brain. A lour weeks course of treatment at the PITTS!iL'RQ KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. 4iMG Fifth Avenue, restores to them all their powers mental ami physical, <l< -troys tho abnormal appetite, and restores them to th * condition the\ ut r• in be fore they iu«lulled in stimulant-. Tills has been doneinmore than 1000 eases treated bore, and among them some of your own neighbors, to whom we < an refer with confidence as to the itJolato safety and efldencr of the K< . ley Core. The fullest and most j-earehimr investigation Is n vitcd. bead for pjnu&lct giving full informa tion. rC'hl. lir*f r'» Vngllmh MlftObOM*! *lmmi<f. ENNYROYAL PILLS Orlftnnt ■««! Only ®cnnlne. A T».l L WUt a-,*. .ill *s no <;, i ' r I L JP ie* £> -lirlicl' r»r I.M li< . rclurc tr Mttll. l4».0«O r. Himooi.H. Same Paper. v— —f rklobc«t«r( kcalc»lD<>>|Ma(tliiiia ■etf bj Lw*i Biitfsa. l*hUada>» i'a THE CITIZEN. I —The explanation of the universal ■ hostility to Great Britian on the part of her fellow landrobbers is the same which the lesser animals had in the fable against the lion—they think* (.reat Britian has grabbed more than her share. —Tourist [in Oklahoma} —hen you drew your bowie and sprang at the stran ger who had called you a liar, did he lose his head? Alkali Ike —Nope; only his ear. —Joseph Fagnaut, of Greenville. N. j H., became the proud father of twin daughters on Christmas Day. His pre sent wife is his fifth, and he now has twenty-seven children. —Putting the feet in hot water invari ably cures a headache, from whatever cause it arises. The head aches when, from any cause, the little blood vessels in the brain are too full. Putting the feet in hot water draws the blood from the head. —Judging from the opinion of the Lon don correspondents, John Bull is getting into a humor to "lick all creation. Furthermore, all creation is pretty will ing to have John Bull undertake the enterprise. —Young mother, whose baby has been weighed by the butcher: And how much does the little fellow weigh, Mr. Bull winkle? Butcher (dubiously): Well, from my p'nt of view, mum, he runs too much to suet. —"Sir," said a gentelman in a crowd, "do you know that you are pushing me unnecessarily?" "Sir," said the gentleman addressed to the party immediately behind him. "Do you know that you are pushing the gentleman ahead of me unnecessarily? Then he turned to the first speaker and said, "I've passed it down the line. , If suffering with piles, it will interest you to know that .De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. This medicine is a specific for all complaints of this character and if instructions (which are simple) are carried out. a cure will result. We have tested this in numerous cases, and always with like lesuits. It never fails. J. C. KEDick. —• 'Hello, Charlie, what are you doing —moving?" asked one young man of another whom he met with a big valise in his hand. "I've just commenced my vacation." "Your holiday?" "Yes. I'm vacating at the request of my landlord." —"Oh no, ma'am," pleaded the tramp "you may think my life all sunshine, but it ain't. Wherever Igo I am beset by dangers. In short, ma'am I carry my life iu my hands." "Ah, I see!" exclaimed the temporary hostess; "that accounts for your not washing your hands. You don't dare do it for fear you'll drown yourself." No excuse for sleepless nights when you can procure One Minute Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoyances, cure the the most severe cough and give you rest and health. Can you afford to do without it? J. C. REDick. —"l'm going to be a contortionist when I grow up," said little Johnny, proudly. "I'm in training now, so I want you to tell me what is the best thing forme to eat." "Green apples, my boy," chuckled the old man. —"What is the meaning of this great sorrow? ask a late-comer at a popular en tertainment. "What is the audience weeping for?" "Professor Bangs, the elocutionist," whispered the usher, as he wiped his eyes, "has just finished reciting a hum orous poem." Wife —Here's an account of a man who shot himself rather than suflier the pangs of indigestion. Husband—The fool! Why did'nc he take L>e Witt's Little Early Kisersf 1 used to suffer as bad as he did before I commenced taking these little pills. J. C. REDICK. —The rapid manner in which certain modern •churns convert cream into butter is one of the wonders of the dairying age. Butter now can lie made while the breakfast table is being laid five or six min utes being all the time needed to churn, while in a few more minutes the butter can be made up and brought to the table. 189 C Climax Brandy From grape wine, has, by its extreme ago and constant care while in uniform temperature and pure, sweet atmosphere of storage houses for fourteen yearr, be come a rival of the Hennessey and other brands of Cognac Brandy, and much lower in price, and preferred by the physicians of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities Buy it of druggists. —Chamois skins that have become much soiled in cleaning brass, etc., may be softened and cleaned thoroughly by washing in tepid water and household ammonia. Use for several skins six tablejpoonfuls in a quart of water with a fork or spoon, so that there will be as little rubbing as possible. Rinse in several waters, each of them tepid. Vclief in <Six Hours. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder din eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passsges in male or female. It relieves retontion of water and pain in passing it almost im mediatly, If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by J. C. xtedick druggist Butler Fa. —A seven-year-old girl stood oil the bridge in a New York police court charged with being drunk and disorder ly. "1 got a bit of a jag on," she said to the Magistrate in an off-hand way, but that ain't nothing. I'opper has one pretty nearly every day, and so has momtner." Here's an object lesson in environment that carries considerable weight —English Spavin Liniment removes a ; * Lard, soft or calloused lumps and Idem shes from horses, blood spavins, curbs plints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprain/ 11 swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggist Butler Pi —Maud (smilingly—So you saw the profound bow I got from handsome Ilenry Brown? He's just graduated from college with high honors as a veterinary surgeon. Ethel—Yess; so Gladys told me. It's a secret but she's eugaged to be married to hint. Maud [with sudden asperity]— Huh! \ horse doctor! Dr. Agnew's Curo lor the Heart gi.'S perfect relief in all cases o!' Organic o "sympathetic Heat Disease Jh 30 minutes and speedily efl'ects a cure. It is a peer "ess remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o. Oreath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Let •ids and all symptoms ofa Diseased' Heart • 'no convinces. Sold by City Phar uaev. —'l'lie report of a local hospital recent ly announced that '"notwithstanding the large amount of money expended for medicine and medical attenilam e, there were put few deaths during the year." —lnstructor, examining geometrical figures on board: I don't understand these constructions. Student: Yery well; I'll see yon after lecture and explain them to you. —"Why do you set your cup of coffee on the chair, Mr. Jones?" asked a worthy landlady one morning at break fast. "It's so ve>y weak, ma'am," replied Jones, "I thought I would let it rest. —An old coachman, who wasexto.ling the sagacity of one of his horses the other day, concluded by saying that, "if any one was to go and ill-use him, he (the horse) would bear malice just like a Christian." —"Mr. Watts: It seems queer that ele phants should be so afraid of mice. Mrs. Watts: I don't see anything queer in it at all. The elephant is the most in telligent of quadrupeds. —Tourists, on Swiss lake: Has any one ever been drowned in this lake? F.owcr: Oh, yes; but only tourists. —"They tell me you have some money left you?" said Jackson. "\es, replied Slimhead, sadly, "it left me long ago?" —A chemist says wood can be made palatable and nourishing. It will not startle many to announce that goodjboard can be got out of saw-logs. —"Are you interested in golf, Mrs. Jennings?" asked young Sunpkius, after racking his brains for something to say. i "I'm not familiar with his work at all. replied the old lady. "What has he written?" Rheumatism yields to Hood's Sarsa parilla, because the latter overcomes the lactic aciil in the blood. —Figures that don't lie —standing dum mies in a tailor's shop. Coughing irritates the delicate orgms and aggravates the diseased. Instead ot waiting, try On*-: Minute Cough Care. I£ helps at once, expectoration easy, reduces the soreness and inflaination. Every one likes it. J. C. BEDICK. —Beware of imitation, as the monkey said to the masher. One Minute Cough Cure is rightly nam ed. It affords instant relief from Buffering whom afUic'-ed with a severe sough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and neverfails to give immediate relief. J. C. RKDICK —A large amount of tobacco is carried by the pipe line. Piles of people have piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied it cures Fealds and burns without the slightest pain. J. C. RKDICK New woman aspires to reach man's position. But she'll not catch the man, we're afraid; For when she's attained toiler cherish ed ambition The new woman will die an old maid. Docs Yoitt Husband or Son Drink. If your husbanu or son i 3 addicted to the use of Liquor, Morphine or Tobacco, purchase of your druggist a bo\,tle of Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablet?. They aro guaranteed to cure, or money will be re funded. Tablets may be given secretly in tea or coilee and the freo use ol stimu lants allowed until voluntarily given up. Price SI.OO poi package If your drug gist does not keep them, send direct to The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio. Book ol'particulars and testimonials free. —The new chief of police of New York says he believes in using grape and canister to suppress rioters, who are con sequently likely to be very scarce during his incumbency. Grapes Overhang Tico Miles of Carriage Drives Grape arbors loaded with grapes, 2 miles long and over 300 miles of vines trained on*wires. This is the extent of Speer's Oporto Grape Vineyard at Passaic, N. J., only 12 miles from New York City. Those who doubt it can have their ex penses paid and SIOO given them by the N. J. Wine Co. if they will come and see and do not find the above true. The wines are the oldest and best to be had. —A fashionable flourist says New York uses 30,000,000 roses and 15,000,000 car nations every season. Flowers are every where, and llourist's stores are multiply ing. A Puhlic Letter. Cincinnati, Ohio, August 16, 1893. Aunt Racliael Speer, Dear Madam: — We are seven in family myself, wife her sister and four children. All have been sick two summers with malaria. Quinine would break it but leaves us weak and distressed iu the head and when we stopped the quinine the fever returned. Many ]>eople praised your Peruvian Bit ters and our physician told us to use it. I feel grateful to yon because your bitters has cured every one of us after using it 21 days. We used it five and six times a day, taking a tablespoonful of the bitters in a small wine glass of Speer's Port Wine —Counting the Mississippi and Mis souri as one stream, the total length of this great inland ocean is over 4,000 miles. Considered separately the Mississippi is 2,816 miles and the Missouri 3,047. One Minute Cough Cure is a popular remedy for croup. Safe for children and adnlts. J. C. KEDICK. —Little Ethel—Our goat can pull me and Willie and Annie at one load. Visitor —He must be very strong! Little Ethel—Oh, yes; but we don't mind that. ~l)e Witt's Little Early Risers for bilious ness, indigestion; constipation A small pill, a prompt cure. J. C. RKDICK. —A little Boston girl who had recently learned to ropeat the Lord's prayer was asked by her mother if she k new the meaning of "Forgive us our trespasses." '"Why, yes," she replied; "It means excuse us for going on the grass." —But recently Manitoba and the great Northwestern Territory was the home of men little better than savages; and yet, in the present year, nearly as much wheat has been raised in that region as in the whole of the United Kingdom. G. A. R. COMMANDER JAS. S. DEAN, GEN. GRANT POST, RONDOUT, N" Y. CURED OF DYSPEPSIA Commander Dean writes: "As Chief U. S. Mail Agent of the U. St D. R. R good health is indispensable. I found myself however all run down with dys pepsia. I doctored and doctored, but I grew worse. I suffered misery night and day, for fully two years. My case was pronounced incurable. I chanced to meet Dr. Kennedy about that time, and told him of my condition aud he said, try a bottle of DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY take it morning, noon and night, and it will cure you. I took the medicine as directed, but haa 110 confidence in a cure, as my case had been tried by so many. After it ing it a week I began to feet bet ter. ami in a short while after that I was entirely cured. That terrible distress, everything I ate, breaking up sour in my throat had all gone and I have not had a moment's discomfort since. To-day thi*<j isn't a healthier man and my appetite is grand. . Plug Tobacco A Great Big" Piece for 0 10 Cents- Please Pay particular attention to these few lines—they may interest you. Pond's Extract is so universal a remedy that you know of it and its uses well, but so many crude imitations are on the market, that a warning against the use of anything but the genuine Pond's Extract is necessary. . Pond's Extract is absolutely pure, antiseptic and anodyne, and may be "sed with safety and efficacy, externally or internally. Accept nothing but the genuine with buff wrapper and yellow label. POND'S EXTRACT CO.. 76 Fifth Ave.. Nesv York, "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO Christmas Gifts. A visit to our STOKE and ex amination of our STOCK cannot fail to offer many solutions to the vexing problem WHAT SHALL r I GIVE * Watches, Jewelry, Silverware. J. R. Reed & Co. Watchmakers & Jewelers, 439 Market St., PITTSBURG Seanor & Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Rear of Wick House, Butler, Pa The be.?t of horses and rirst class rige always on band and for hire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaraiteed. Stable room for sixty-five horses. A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always on hand and for tale under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon proper noti fication by SE A NOR & N ACE- All kinds ot live stock bought and Hold Telephone at Wick House. Hotel Willard. Reopened and now ready the comm ) 1 iti >1 of th.« tnv eliag pub ic. Everything in first-claps style. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner M H BROOKS, Clerk. i Hotel Kli 1 1 e r J. 11. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and al other modern conveniences foi guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use o ommercial me . L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance and Rea! Estate Agent, 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. HITLER. - PA WHAT IRON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appetite and pro duces refreshing sleep. 6IVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSING R MOTHERS. Checks wasting diseases, stops night sweats, cures incipient consumption, luereaaea and flesh. O MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will give the pnle find puny tho •%a*-ui' rosy cheeks of vouth. I CURES ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS. JL Makes strong said woinon of weaklings. BILMQKE'S IRON TONIC PILLS Care &U Wasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic nor caustic, and hf.i o no coagulating effect on the contents of iho stomach or its lining; consequently ' do not hurt the teeth or cause constipation or diarrhoea, as do the usual formr of Iron. ! 5 0 i:nvs treatment 60e, pamphlet tree. If not kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI*. O. Nerve Berrie* h ay e done for others ana Permanently A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their I train of evils resulting from early errors 1 and later excesses; the result of over- I work, sickness, worry, etc. orexcesslve use of tobacco,opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BERRIES) no other. I Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, $ 1.00 per box, si x boxes, one full treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. ' Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO* CINCINNATI. 0. Special Notice. Pure Rye Whiskies from the best known distillers, according to ago, from $2.00 to is 600 per gallon. My own importation of tine old Ports. Sherry, Khine and Moael Wines from $2.00 to $5.00 per gallon. St. Helena pure old California Wins*, dry and sweet, 75 cents to $1.50 per gallon. Also agent for the celebrated Lake Chautauqua 1 AVinus, $1.50 per gallon. Seneca Lake ( pure Wine Vinegar. 50c per gallon. The finest imported Gins. Cognacs. Scotch and Irish Whisky, Stout, Bass Ale, Ac., at lowest prices. Call or write to A. An driessen 1 f-8 Federal St., Allegheny. .Special Price List on application. No extra charge lor jugs or packing. Mail orders promptly attended to. M, A, HERKIMER. Funeral Director 37 S. Main, St. Butler Pa. D. T. PAPE'S Holiday Goods and Christmas Presents. Wc are pleased to announce the arrival of our Holiday Stock, and that we are ready for Business with a rare assortment of Christmas Gifts, suitable for Old and Young; Toys, Fancy Goods, Novelties, No tions, etc., etc. You are invited to call and inspect our Grand Display. D. T. PAPE'S 122 S. Main St Butler Pa STYLE! Well, rather any style, every style, that is stylish in 1 Footwear. Wra THE ART OF dressing the feet stylish is no easy Jfflr lliatter - it ß eas y — JZJ enough, however, " yjfc- J oll ' ll e t us as ' fC~ sist you AL. RDFF k SON. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter aid Men's Furnisher, Great Reduction Sale. In order to make room for spring goods we will sell our entire stock of gent's furnishing goods and make you a suit of clothes or an overcoat or a pair of trousers at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to get a genuine bargain in everything we sell and we guarantee euerything we make to please and fit you. >J. S. YOUNG, 101 South Main St, Opposite Hotel Loiry. TALK IS CHEAP But it takes money to buy Whisky. And to get value for your money in Whisky, Brandy, Wines or Cordials, is to send your orders direct to Max Klein, and you will be sure of two thing, ONE That you buy for less money a bet ter quality than anywhere else in the State, and ANOTHER That all goods shipped are just as represented. Send for New Price List and Catalogue of all kinds of liquors, mailed free on application, and don't forget that All Express Charges On orders of $5.00 and over are paid by us with no charge for box ing and shipping. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer. the name of the next President Of The United States WIU BE ANNOUNCED IN The New York Weekly Tribune OF NOVEMBER 4th, 1896. Public interest w'll steadily increase, and the question how the men whoM votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the results under the ad ministration they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. The New York Weekly Tribune* the leading Republican family newspaper of the United States, will publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every American citizen regardless of party affiliations. Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondence covering the news of the world, an argicultural department second to none in the country, market re ports which are recognized authority, fascinating short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign Mid domestic, with their be»t comic pictures, fashion plates and elaborate descriptions of woman s attire, with a varied and attractive department of household interest. The "New York Weekly Tribune" is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any other weekly publication in the country issued from the office of a daily. Large changes are being made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi ally more interest to the women and young people of the household. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "THE CITIZEN One Year For Only $1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address all orders to CITIZEN. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. \V. Best, room a, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weccklj Tribune will be mailed to you. TL A Summer Drive lc>cs a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less lux- ItTAv y urious, easy running and handsome than it might be. Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good point s .. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get—are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Made by FREEOMA MFG. CO.. Youngstown, Ohio.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers