VOX,. XXXIII Silver Ware Free! Handsome triple plated hand engraved Teapots, Cakestands. 1 ruit stands, Butters, creams, Spoon holders, molasses, sugars, casturs. Porcelain and alarm clocks and other articles both ornamental and useful. Call in and inspect the ware. GET A CARD. Purchase you overcoat for Men, Boys and Children. Suits, Pants, ( Hats, Capes, Undfcrwear, Shirts, Collars, Cufts. Ties, Suspenders,, Gloves, Mits, Overalls, Jackets, Sweaters, Umbrellas, Trunks Valises,. Telescopes, Watches. Chains, Charms, Rings, Pins, Brushes, Pocket and Bill-books,Purses,etc. and when your purchase amounts to sls - 00 you get your choice of any of the above articles. Our Stock is complete, And Styles correct. Quality the best. And prices the lowest. D. HECK, No 121. N.Main St, BUTLER, I 3 A Two Ways of Selling Shoes, One wayBSS-The other way BBrB "The Other Way" is HUSELTON'S Way. Beside# comfort, there is economy in One lot Women's Rubber Boots at 75c . . . . m'cuTTnv't! Hp One lot Boys' dl \ ouths 75c & $1.25 buying shoes at HUSELTON S. He Arctics at Bsc buys direct from manufacturers, paying >j en ' s Rubber Boots at $2, $2.25, #2.50 cash for them at lowest prices. HUSEL- Men's Wool Boots with Rubbers $1 .60 TON is able to sell to the consumer shoes the best ever offered for the money, at same price that wholesalers sell to the Boys' Wool Boots and Rubbers at...#1.35 r Women's Rubbers at 20c etal,er - . Women's Buckle Arctics at 75c We have done a larger trade in Slip- Women's Fine Shoes, pat. tip, but. pers and Boots and Shoes this season, Women's Heavy Shoes at 65c, 75c, 85c and, considering the weather, far larger Misses' and Children's Shoes heavy , t s , _ . , , at 45c, 50c, 65c and 75c than we expected. Our prices and styles Qur IJne of Enamel> Calf> Pat . leather were right—this is what did it. Men's Shoes are not equaled in Butler. The balance of our Holiday Slippers Prices are reduced in all the lines all over wilKall be closed at 25 per cent off for- t^le house to close, mer price for cash. The only place in Butler where you can get Footweer at these prices and find all widths and sizes and styles strictly up-to-aate is at BUTLER'S LEADING SHOE HOUSE, Opposite Hotel Lowry, B. C. Huselton. -V • - • The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAML etc, is at w. H .O'Brien & Son's 107 East Jefferson Street. Harness Shop! Harness of all Kinds Made to Order. Repairing a Specialty, AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. BLANKETS AND ROBES. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. No. xll East Cunningham St., - - BUTLER, A (The old Times Office.) FRANK KEfIPER, Agt. DIAMONDS i BINGB, EAR lUNGS " SOARFJPINS. STUDS. WATCHES } GKOT3 ' WOLU ' LA O P KS?S"S[LVEH.- LADIES ICHATLAIN. JEWELRY } GOld Plnß - Kar KmKSI R cl?aU Bracelets. Etc. SILVERWARE} ££ EyerytulDg ROD6E3 BROS. 1874 } KNIVES - FORKS> BH, °T n KW. plate. E. GRIEB, JE w™V No. 139, North Main St, B JTLEB,|PA., THE QULSTION is after, asked, What Faint shall v.v tiqe? THE ANSWER : If you are looking (or capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Own Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most Economical, Full Measure. Our prices are for "best goods" first, hst and all the time We are in the business to stay and anu»HK*. s - w - * Bta y» Wllh COLORS IN OIL. MOUS*: A COACH VARF 3HES, J. C. REDICK, 109 N. riain St. 25C. For any 50 and 75c hat! 50c. For any SI.OO, $i .25 or $1.50 hat! Trimmed Hats Half Price' M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 S. Main St. Butler Pa. TPE- BUTLER CITIZEN. B. B. I SILKS • • . Black Damas that are so much beyond the usual in style and quality for the 1 money that everyone who sees tha goods ' or samples will buy—23 inches wide extra lieavy and the price is f 1.25. Another lot of Silks —Black Brocadi with neat white strips % s°e Silks that will tell their own story, and we'd like to send every reader of this paper samples of them, so they can see how this store does the Silk business. A collection of Silks for Waists, Reception and Wed ding Gowns that are right up to the lat est fashionable idea, on the same low price basis that this store does all its sell ing. New re-assortments of Fine Black Dress Goods have just come in—7sc, 51.00, jtr.2s to $2.50 the latest foreign thing3—few, if any, stores bring out new things as late in the season as we do, and that's one of the reasons why we do it— there are a lot of people who want nice things now, just as much so as earlier in the season, and we propose to sec that they get them, and at right price" so as to make friends for this store. Got in some new Novelty Good Goods and Suiting— 75c, |i.oo and £1.50, that you'll be glad to know about, and we're letting out some other lines that are good, and nice, and correct as to style, but not newly arrived like the above, at very much less than their actual value —both black and colored. Write our Mail Order Department to send you samples of the special values at 50c and 75c, and you'll tee fine Dress Goods that will surprise vou—style, quality and price considered. We're always glad to send samples. Boggfe &Buhl, ALLEGHENY. PA. Jury List for Jan. Term. List of Traverse Jurors drawn.this !Uh day of December 1895 to serve as Traverse Ju rors at a special term of Court commencing on the third Monday of January 18iX>, the same being the 20th of said month. Breailen W J, Sunbury boro, merchant Brown Phil, Middlesex twp, farmer Brown R 11, Forward twp, farmer Black ilatthew G, Forward twp, farmer Bingham S B, HarrisviHe boro, merchaut Braden J A, Oonnoq twp, farmer Burkbalter A P, Butler sth ward, agent C'ocbran Robert, Venango twp, farmer Dickey L M, Butler sth ward, janitor Dindinger George. Lancaster, t'aamer Fleming Robert, Buffalo twp, farmer Forister I) W, Muddycreek twp, farmer Frazier Thomas, Saxonburg boro, oil pro ducer Forsythe A E, Adsms twp, tool dresser Graham W J, Fairyiew boro, pumper Gilliland W J, Adams twp, merchant Grohman Ed, Butler 4th ward, druggist llall L A, Butler 4th ward, carpenter Kauffman Adams IWD. farmer Karns James R, Butler twp, auctioner Kelly J A, (Jentreville boro, laborer Lardert-r Jacob, Lancaster twp, merchant Logan D 11, Jefferson twp, farmer Meals George, Washington twp, farmer Murphy John. Buffalo twp, farmer Maban Shal'er, Middlesex twp, farmer Maban Ross, Middlesex twp. larraer Nichlas Con, Connoq twp, merchant Peffer Wes'ley, Harmony boro. clerk Poller ffinP, Lancaster twp, fanner Rice Samuel, Forward twp, farmer Ramsey Baxter, Cranbury twp, farmer Rimer John, Butler 4th ward, gent Shira Robert 0, Washington twp, farmer Sowash S J, Slipperyrock twp, farmer Stevenson James, Franklin twp, farmer Shoup George, Centre twp, farmer Taylor W A, Butler 2nd ward, laborer Titley J W, Millerstown boro, oil producer Thoirpson W B, Cherry twp, farmer Thompson D M, Fairview twp, fanner Taylor S J, Erady twp, farmer Wittee W H, Buffalo twp, merchant Watson J N, Centreville boro, marble cut ter White W S, Karns City, laborer Weigle Wm. Evans City,"painter Walksr John, Clinton twp, farme.- Zehner Chas, Jackson twp, farmer DIPHTHERIA. By all means use at once, soon as soreness is felt in the throat, something that will act direct ly on the throat, counteract disease and effect a cure, for common sore throat, sort throat with scarlet fever, and every throat affection. The most successful and thorough ly tested remedy, is ARM STRONG'S DIPHTHERIA AND QUINSY DROPS. Praised and recommended by all that know them, because they positively will cure sore throat. A special and a success —SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. A NICE BLOTTER is wrapped aronnd every bot tle of MORRISON AND BROS COUGH SYRUP. The best cough Syrup you ever used, small doses, grand results, ask your Druggist. 1 Hotel Willard. "Reopened and now ready jfor the coaatniiuioi of tho tray eling pub ic. Everything in first-class style. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner M H BROOKS, Clerk. Hotel Butler J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and al other modern conveniences foi guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers a* can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use c ooimercial me 3 *:YES EXAMINED FREE OF CHARGE R.* L. Kiikpatrick, Optician and Jewele Hl'uurt House, Butler. Pa., trraduate La Port *i*fuiofloti ltuutut«. BTTTLER. FA..THUKSDAY. N I'AI! V it, IS'Jti. Weak and Weary Because of a depleted condition of the blood. The remedy ia to be found in purified, enriched and vitalized blood, which will be given by Hood' 9 Sarsapa rilia, the great blood purifier. It will tone the stomach, create an appetite aad give renewed strength. Remember Hood s Sarsapariiia Is the only true blood purifier prominent ly in the public eye today. 51; six for f5. Hood's Pills uou. l*nc« cei-'i ' ¥ AIK FASHIONS, | ASCINATINO ABRICS. 01. iv stock tablfs are iil'cd with every new style and every becoming design in the materials of Cloths dom, that good form demands, and good taste can suggest. IT is not our go alone that are attractive. Our low prices add to the combination. That is why Economical People are our best customers. WK don't irv how cheap we can make clothes (that is easy) but how good we can make them to give you the best value poss ible at 'the least possible price. ALAND, Tailor. CV L D. ommmmmmio |UWer= | I WEAR 1 rXj OJ iPomtm i cv> go THjorou jfj prot©eti©K) exj oo (x> Ho Irrltatneir? CSJ CV) M@2J=SIIJNIRJIH&LBLK fitting oo cv. CSJ AO m Jwarvs Hysjs @H?ie ommmmmzm All grade of underwear at very low prices. Largest stock of hats and furnishings for gentleman in the country. An inspection will prove this to any ones satisfacture. Colbert & Dale. 242 S. Main St., Butler. Penn'p. BURTON'S NEW STORE Is still the talk of the town, noth ing but the most favorable comments on our method of doing business. Our Customers DELIGHTED. IVc Aim to Please. We sell goods only for cash. One price to all. It will do you good to see our line of $7, sS,s9,s 10,$ 12,$ 10&$2O Overcoats 120 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. Buy A Book. Subscribe for A Magazine. o GET YOUR Stationary and Art Goods AT DOUGLASS' 241 S. Main St. Butler Pa. THE FISH T l T ei i lori r\a Co. Butler, Pa. Original Low Priced Tailors and Perfect Fitters. Pants to order.. $ 3.00 to SIO.OO Suits to order. .$15.00 to $50.00 Overcoats to order Prompt work and fit guaranteed. Give us a call. The Fisii Tailoring Co., 104 DIAMOND, Opp.North side rt House Butler PaJ EARTH BOUND. " Seek who will for slurry Jove, Mysteries cl th " O'er the sv.-r-t spectrum po»e, Oatherr'd from tho ny. &CC4I6M 1 Ot tho skv; Give me \vhat tho graasca say Whispering down the summer day. Search who lists the unfathuiued deep Fur below the laughing waves. Wistful what the ages keep Safely hid on ooeoa caves. Saught I care What they bear; Tell mo what the* bubbles hynin, Dancinf* on the billow's brim. Turn 'ifbo long» the dusty scroll, of a vanished age. Bee-k what fired the hero a goal, Kerred his arm or dulled his rag*. What luiriro Never W <*; Give Jno but the faithful chart bt roy comrade's loving heart. —Sai/.uel Mtnturn P>vlt in Ik.iton Transeript. THE CORXET PLAYER. "Don Basilic, play us a tune on ihe oornct, and wo will dance. It is cmgl here under tho treofli' "Yes, yes, Dou Batiiio, play some thing. '' "Bring him the cornet Joaquin is practicing with." "It is not a very good one, but you'll play for us, will you not, Don Basilio?" "No." "You won't?" "No." "But why?" "Because I don't know-how." "He doesn't know how! Did you ever seo such a hypocrite?" "Come, come, Don Basilio. Why, we know you've been leader of a military band"— "And that nobody could play the cor net like yourself"— "And that you have a pension from the government"— "Well, yes, it's the truth. I have been a musician in my time, and the cornet was the instrument I played. But it is also true that years ago I gave my cor net away to a poor player in need of one and since that time have not so much as hummed a tune." "What a pity!" "Ob, bnt this afternoon you must play for us." "Remember it is my birthday, grand papa. " "And here is the cornet at hist." "Now let's have a pretty tune." "A waltz!" "No, a polka!" "No, no; a fandango, a fandango— our national dance." "Don't bother me, children. Have I not said that I cannot play?" "But why can't you?" "Because I've forgotten the way, and because, moreover, I have vowed never to learn again." "To whom did you make this vow, father?" "To myself, to a dead friend and to your poor mother, my daughter. " All the bright, childish faces grew sad upon hearing these words. "Oh, if you only knew at what cost 1 learned to play the cornet!" continued the old man. "The story! The story!" exclaimed the children. "Tell us the story." "Well, yes," said Don Basilio, "it is really a story worth telling. Listen, and you shall judge for yourselves whether I can or cannot play for you today." And seating himself under a tree, sur rounded by the wondering children, he told them the story of how he learned to play the comet. Let us listen to Don Basilio: «w«- • . • It is now 1? years ago that our belov ed Spain was shaken by civil war. Car los and Isabel disputed the crown, and our countrymen, divided in two fac tions, shed their blood in fratricidal con flict. I had in those days a friend named Ramon Gomez, cavalry lieutenant in the same battalion, one of the best hearted fellows I have ever known. We were educated together; together we left college; together had we passed Jnany happy days, and together we were ready to die for liberty. Oh, I can truly say that ho was more attached to the iiberal canse than any of us, and his loyalty was never questioned. Yet, even so, a certain injustice committed by our chief, one of those abuses of authority that wreck the most honorable career, made the cavalry lieutenant desert the ranks of his fellow soldiers, the friend leave his friend, the liberal abandon his cause for tnat of a hated faotion, the subordinate x desire to kill his superior officer. Neither my warnings nor my entreat ies availed to dissuade him from this rash sten. It was a thing decided. He would cnange the helmet for the cap, despising as he did the rebels and their canse. At that time we found ourselves in the principality of , three miles from the enemy. It was tho night in which Ramon was to desert—a cheer less evening, cold and wet, on the eve of a battle. At midnight Ramon enter ed my tent. I was asleep. "Basilio," he whispered in my ear. "Who'sthere?" I asked, waking with a start. "It is L Goodby. " "You are going already?" 1 "Yes. Goodby. " And ho grasped my hand. "Listen," he continued. "If to morrow there is a great battle, as is the rumor, and we come face to face in it"— "1 know, I know," I interrupted. "We are friends." "Good. Wo clasp hands and fight aft erward. I shall die tomorrow surely, but not until I have fought my way to the side of the lieutenant colonel. As for you, Basilio, do not expose yourself. Glory is but a japor." "And life?" "Well said. Make yourself a com mandant. The pay is not ethereal— that is, not till one has smoked it away. Ah, but all that has now ended for me." "What melancholy thoughts 1" I cried, not without a sinking at the heart. "To morrow wo shall survivo the battle." "Well, if this be so, let us now ap point a meeting place.'' "Where?" "In the hermitage of St. Nicholas at 1 o'clock tomorrow night. Ho who is ?iot there by that time shall be given up or 4ead bv the other. Is it agreed' - " "Agreed/'' "Well, then, goodby." "Goodby. We embraced affectionately and part ed, Ramon disappearing under shelter Of tho darkness. * • • • • • As we had, expected, the rebels- at tacked us the following day. Tho action was a bloody one and lasted from 3 O'clock in the afternoon until nightfall. About 5 o'ejock my battalion was rough ly set upon by a party of by Ramon. Ho then wore the uniform and decorations of * commandant and on his head was tho white cap of tho Carlists. I ordered my company to Are upon Ra mon's forces. He retaliated, and soon ouy battalions wore eugaged in a band to hand struggle. Wo were victorious, and Ramon Was forced to retreat with the scattered rompants of his band, not. however, before he had slain with his own hand' our lieutenant colonel, who opposed a desperate but vain resistance t6 the fury of bis antagonist. Toward Minset the fortunes of war turned agalns# ns and part of my unfor tunate company wns, with myself, cut off from tho iuuty body apd forced to burrondeP 1 Yjfftij to th§ nme miaaeot . th£ Carlists then occupied, and as the war was with out; quarter on their side I expected to be immediatelv put to death. While confined, disheartened and weary, in the village jail I heard the hour of 1 ring out, tho time for my meeting with Ramon. I asked for my friend and was told, "Ho is a hero— killed a lieutenant colonel with his own hand—but ha must undoubtedly have perished in tho last, hours of the battle. " "Why do you think so?" I asked. •"Because he has not yet come back to camp and those ho commanded can giro no account of him." Oh, what I suffered that night! But one hopo remained to comfort me—that Ramon was still awuiting mo at the her mitage and for this reason had not re turned. "How troubled he M ill bo when ho finds I do not eume!" I said to my self. "He will believe me dead, and, indeed, am I very far from being so? My last hour cannot now be far dis tant. " At daybreak a chaplain entered tho prison. My companions in misery were sleeping. "Death?" I exclaimed upon seeing the priest. "Yes," ho replied softly "Now?" I asked. "No; within three hours." A few minutes later my fellow pris oners had awakened. Bobs, cries and blasphemies filled tho prison. Everyman about to die usually has one idea that is ever present in Uis thoughts and to which he clings. So it was with me, and weakness, fever, or madness, I know not which, filled my mind with thoughts of my friend—of Ramuii living, of Ramon dead, of Ra mon waiting for me in the hermitage, of Ramon waiting for me in heaven— and so powerfully had these ideas taken possession of my mind that I thought of nothing else during those hours of agony. They took off my captain's uniform and wrapped mo in an old soldier's cloak, placing upon my head the Carlist cap. Thus I marched to my death with my 10 companions in misery. One only had been pardoned, and this because he was a musician. The Carlists at that time spared the lives of all musicians on account of there being a great scarcity of them in their battalions. "And were you a musician, Don Ba silio? Did you save yourself by that?" exclaimed his hearers with one breath. "No, ray children," responded the veteran. "I then knew nothing of mu sic. '' Well, the execution squad drew up in line and we were placed facing it. I was No. 11 in the row—that is to say, I should be the eleventh to die. Then I thought of my wife and my child—of you and -your poor mother, my daugh ter 1 The firing began. Those awful death volleys maddened me. As my eyes were bandaged I could not see my compan ions fall one by one. I wished to count the discharges so as to be üble to prepare Siyself for tho last moment, but at tho third or fourth volley I lost count. Ob, the eoho of those shots will reverberate in my heart and brain forever as they rang out that fatal day I Atone moment they were a thousand leagues away; the next, their thunder seemed to peal within my very ear. And the volley con tinued- "Now!" I thought. Tho 6harp report followed, and I was still alive. "This will be it!" I said, and then I felt myself seized by the shoulder and dragged out of the ranks, while voices sounded in my ears. I fell unconscious to the ground, the last thought that passed through my mind being that I bad been shot and was dying. Afterward it seemed tome that I was atictujcU uu uij piiauu cut.. X nulr raised myself and looked around me, trying to pierce the darkness with my eyes. A shadow more obscure than the others appeared to detach itself and bend over me. It had the outline of a tnau. My lips murmured mechanically the name of him who bad been so much In my thought*. "Ramon!" "What is it?" replied the shadow. I shuddered. "My God!" I ex claimed. '' Can Ibe in the other world ?'' "No," replied the same voice. "Ramon, you still live?" "Yes." "And I" "Also." "Where am I? This is not the her mitage of St. Nicholas and I still a prisoner, or has it all been a dream?" "No, Basilio, you have not been dreaming. Listen: "As you know, yesterday I killed the lieutenant colonel in fair fight. After ward, mad with the excitement of the battle, I went on fighting desperately until the close of tho action. Then, as the moon rose, I thought of you and of our appointment, and directed my steps to the old hermitage, with tho intention of awaiting you there. It was about 10 o'clock when I arrived; so, as the hour agreed upon was 1, I lay down to sleep. At the stroke of 1, I awoke with a start to find myself alone. Two, three, four, th 6 hours rang out, and still you did not come. Without doubt, I said to my- Eilx, be is dead, apd with a heavy oart I set out at daybreak for the rebel camp. All had given me up for lost, so I was received with joy and the general showered distinction upon me. ''Afterward I learned that some pris oners were to be executed that morning. A presentiment filled my mind. 'Can Basilio be among them?' I thought. I ran toward the place of execution. The soldiers of the firing squad had already taken their position. I heard the report of the rifles as they rang out in volleys on the still morning air. At length I reached the scene and threw my eyes rapidly along the line of victims, but can see nothing. Anguish blinds me; fear unnerves me. At length I distin guish you but two places removed from that of death! What is to be done? I go mad, give a shout, breakthrough the line of soldiers, and rush to your side, and, flinging my arms around you, exclaim hoarsely: " 'This one, no! This one, no, my general!' "The general who was in charge of the execution and who knew me so fa vorably by my behavior in the previous day's battle asked curiously: " 'Why? Is ho a musician?' "That word was for me what it would be for a man born blind to sud denly see the sun in all its splendor. The light of hope fell on my eyes and dazzled them. " 'Musician!' I cried. 'Yes, yes, my general. A musician, a great musician !' " 'What instrument does he play?' inquired the general. " 'The—the —er—that is—why, of course, the cornet! He plays the cor net 1' " 'Are we in need of a cornet player?' said he, turning to the leader of tho bund. Five seconds, five eternities, be fore tho answer came: " 'Yes, general; one is needed.' " 'Well, then,'continued the general, 'remove that man from the ranks and let tho executions proceed at once.' "Theu I caught you in my arms and brought you here." Scarcely had Ramon ceased speaking when I arose, trembling, and between laughter and tears embraced him, say ing: "I owe my life to you.' "Hardly that," replied Ramon. "What do you mean?" I exclaimed. "Can you play the cornet?" he asked. "No." "Then you do not owe me your life; rather it is that 1 have compromiFed my own safety without securing yours.'' i f ale a> v.lrttulffin&ggU .uitiiia,' 0 " "And music, he continued, "do yon know anything of that?" "Very little. Yen will remember what they tanght ns in college. " "Little, indc««l, or, better sa.d, u.jilt ing, ' 1 replied Ramon. "Y 1 will die, witiiont the slightest donbt, and I also as a traitor. Ju.-,t think of it! In Isdayt> the band to which yon belong is to btt organized." "Fifteen days!" "Neither more nor less. Anil us yua not be able to take your place in it Uoi ' ' 11 not work a miracle) wa shall bom . "To put you ' I cried. "Von, for my Fake; lor yn have risked your life to save! Ah, lr ,iv en will not permit it. Within 15 days I shall learn to play the cornet!" Ramon burst into a THagh What moro shall I say, 111,1 children? In lo days—oh, power of the human will—in 15 clays, with their 15 nights— for I slept no more than nature com pelled iu half a month—in 15 day:i I had learned to play the comet. What days thoc;o were I Ramon and I left camp early each morning and passed hours with a musician who came from a neighboring villago to teach me Escape 1 I can read this thought in your eyes. Ah, nothing moro impossi ble. I was a prisoner. They never re laxed their •vigilance, and Ramon did not wish to escape without me. It seems to me now as if in nil that time I could neither ea" 11c . «l>jcp nur think of aught save my cornet. I was insane, iind music was my m. nomania. I was resolved to learn, untl I did. And if I had been dumb I should have spoken; and paralytic, I should have walked; and blind, should have seen— because I willed it. Oh, the will answers for all. Resolu tion is power. Children, learn this great truth—to will is to achieve. I saved thus my life and that of my friend. But I went mad, and my mad ness was the art I had learned. It might be said that in three years the cornet never left my hand. Do re mi-fa-sol-la si—behold my world during that time. But Ramon did not abandon me. To gether we emigrated to France, and there I continned my playing. The cor net was myself—it seemed to ring iu my mouth. The people, the notabilities in tho art, all gathered to Liear me. It was a wonder, a marvel. The cornet leemed to yield to my fingers; it became elastic; it moaned; it wept; it cried aloud; it imitated the birds, tho wild beasts, the human sob— Thus passed two years more. At the end of that time Ramon died. Gazing upon my friend's dead body, I recovered my reason, and when, then in my right mind, I one day took up the cornet and tried to play, I found to my astonishment that the power had left me. Will you now ask me to play a tune for your dance?— From the Spanish in Chicago Tribune. An Excellent Vegetable. Young bamboo sticks make an excel lent vegetable, particularly with the sauce generally given with asparagus.— Washington Post. A ReJ 11 venator. (Mem: There's a baby in the house and a bottle of milk has been placed t» cool.) First Weary Wanderer —Well, Jim my, an how does it taste? Second Weary Wanderer (in ecstasy) —Don't speak ter me, Tom; it takes me bock 30 years! (Fall* asleep croonin b "I wonld I wuz a boy agin 1") —Truth. Fair Play. Comment by Referee—Youse felleys makes mo tired. This ain't no waltz quadrille, and I ain't callin no fancy figures neither. If you don't fight squarer, I'll chew both of you.—Life. Too Lonff. Lady—lf you will send the parcel at once, I shall be ever indebted to you. Tradesman—Bift our tex*ms are cash on delivery, madam.—Sheffield Tele graph. Modified Convictions. "I think I will have a special bicycle sermon next Sunday." "Why, only a few Sundays ago yon preached a sermon denouncing the wheel." "Yes, but since then nearly every one In the parish has bought one."—Life. Retribution. *?{ L B rlii^ Wife—lf I had known before we were jnarried that yon KW« re so, I never wonld (Lave married you. The Busband —(sadly)—That's what comes of being a hypocrite. —Life. (JARBOLIC ACID ANtTDOlfc. DU« ov«*ry Iltaa Alcohol Nall.lW-% the Ef fect of the roUan. Ou May 4, about 1 30 o'clock p. m., Mr». X., while dining, quarreled with her husband, rushed up stairs and swallowed an ounce of liquid carbolic acid with suicidal intent. Mr. X. fol lowed his wife in less than 1 o minntes, to find her lying on the flo.jr iu a deep sleep, from which lie cuuM not reu.-e her. He noticed an empty I ttle on the bureau labeled earbolie acid and reccg tiizcd its odor thr. agh the room. Medical aid was immediately sum moned, when two physicians promptly responded, made a liunied examination of the condition and surroundings of tho patient, who was in a profound stu por, with pupils contracted to pin points, injected atropine t • antagonize the poison stippo«ed to have been taken and then used ih" stomach pump Demulcents—such as olive oil, glyc erin, etc. and llmowater and sul phuric acid were also administered with the .-toiuach pump übout thi > tune, and an effort was made 10 \\ aken the pa tient with the faradio current, but without result Mrs X. v. as now allow ed to remain undisturbed until fl:80 p. m., when an attempt to restore her to consciousness succeeded. On first awak ening she WUJ dazed, rambled and was unable to realize her position for a few tninutes, but soon rallied nnd answered questions readily. When asked what she had used, without hesitation she replied carbolic acid and whisky, and that she experienced but little pain or burning sensation and declared she slept sound ly, having pleasant dreams. With the exception of slight nausea and depression of spirits for a few days she suffered little or no more inconven ience and made a rapid and satisfac tory convalescence, and has enjoyed ro bust health ever since. The slight corrosive action and free dom from pain experienced on the pres ent occasion proved the value of her ex periments and suggests a new and effi cient plan of treatment in carbolic acid poisoning. A mixture of equal parts of carbolic acid and alcohol may be pour ed over the back of the hand, leaving scarcely a trace of corrasivc action if promptly washed off with alcohol. The white stain caused by the liquid carbol ic acid can be removed by the immedi ate and continued application of alco hol. In the case of a young man who came to my office suffering from intense itching caused by a spider bite I applied liquid carbolic acid, which stained the skin white. This application was left on tho affected part until it caused se vere pain, when it was thoroughly re moved with alcohol, followed by the ap plication of a pad of absorbent cotton saturated with aloohol. By this means the stain was removed and pain relieved until heat was felt in the pad, when both stain and pain dis appeared. The heated pad was now dis carded and replaced by one of a similar kind, freshly prepared, when stain and pain vanished a second time, to return with heat in tho pad. This phenomenon oontinued a 6 long as heat developed in the pad and ceased when it was no lon ger evolved. The only result besides re lieving the itching was an intense red ness of tho skin over the affected area, which disappeared in a few days, at tended by desquamation of the cuticle. This case also affords a strikiug illus tration of the re.semblanco iu the symp toms produced to carbolic acid and opi um poisoning. The diagnostic feature in the present case was the quiet and regular breathing. Alcohol, apart from its power as an iratidotc, if required as a stimulant In the majority of cases of carbolic acid poisoning, to combat tiie intense depres sion usually experienced, and it would therefore appear as if alcohol wore a true antidote in carbolic acid poisoning. —Medical Record. Since A. D. 1810. Bom in 1819, her majesty has, of course, passed the period allowed by the psalmist as tho average for earthly en joyments and sorrows. The world into which she was born was troublous; memories of Waterloo were still fresh; Napoleon Bonaparte was still alive, and a prisoner; capital punishment was awarded for almost any offense; the wager of battle was still unrepealed; riots prevailed all over the country; Lord Edward Fitzgerald was under at tainder ; Sir Charles Wolseley was in dicted in Chester; John Cam Hobhonse was committed to Newgate by speaker's warrant for a pamphlet disparaging tho house of commons; tho Earl of Fitz william was dismissed from the lord lieutenancy of the West Riding; book sellers were imprisoned for selling Paine's "Age of Reason;" the country was ringing with the news of the Peter loo massacre, when the yeomanry fired upon the mob, and Henry Hunt, the chairman of tho meeting, coming up to London for his trial, received an ova tion. Such was the stormy political world into which the royal infant came. It is edifying, though purposeless, to com pare it with that of today. The task of so doing can be accomplished by any body, and shall not, at least, be at tempted by me.—Gentleman's Maga eine. A Mystery of th© LAW. In a case not 1,000 miles from Fort Worth, After a killer was acquitted, the wife of the victim brought a suit against him and was promptly awarded a considerable sum by way of damages. Tho verdict was upheld by the supreme court. Tho criminal law said tho slayer was innocent. The civil law said he was guilty. If the latter was wrong, he was robbed of his sustenance.by tho law, with the connivance of the supreme court. —Fort Worth (Tex.) Gazette. An Insect'd Anchor. The synapta, a water insect, is pro vided with an anchor the exact shape of the anchor used by ships. By means of this peculiar device the Insect holds itself firmly in any desired spot.—Phil adelphia Ledger. PLAYS AND PLAYERS. IJettUia Glrard has been engaged by Canary & Ledcrer for "Tho Lady Slavey." Eva Vincent 'has been re-engaged by WUl'iam Barry to play tho heavy rolo of Johanna. " Thfe Spray of Life" is the name of the latest illusion performed hy Herrmann, thp magiciajj. Potter aijd Njo's 'Tho Stag Party" l>e- Ipngs to the Category of "The Bathing Ctlfl," "Tho Younger Son" and "Fanny." A Pittsburg' paper declares Melbourne ifftcDowcil tQ he tho handsomest leading oh the ntiuje. Ho is more than that— ho, is a good actor. In "Mrs. Ponderbury's Past, " the new play which Stuart Kobson has in re hearsal, Mr. Rohsou will play tho part of a henpockeil liusbahd. Tho engagement of Cissy Fitzgerald and "Tho Foundling" was so successful at tho Garrlck, New York, that It has boon extended two weeks. Otis Skinner has not dropped Clyde Fitch's "Ills Grace do Grammont" from hjs repertory. He continues to give it at Saturday matinees. William Seymour is rehearsing, at tho Tremont theater, Boston, "The Stringo Adventures of Jnrk nnd the Beanstalk. It is by H. A. Barnet. Augustln Daly's production of ' The Transit of Loo" was withdrawn very quickly and Is now referred to as "The Rapid Transit of Loo. " Charles Frohman will Introduce the horseless wagon to the stage. A \chicle of thnt description will appear in the hotel courtyard scene in "The Sporting Duch- xrrr:> K ~ UTT.H • • MIRFITM'-J I. .W9I P V?T *'lt» tl_ 7»tt. Several of ns were coming down the Union tracks as Na £O, the fa»t train ou the Indianap olis division, was polling out. "At Delaware street three tramps were standing. By the time the train reached that point it was going at a lively rate Each uf the i ramps selected a coach, and as the train rushod by caught the Iron rod that extends under the side of the car and swung beneath the train in front of the tracks. Like acrobats, they turned over the rod and rested their feet on the brake beams, and as the train rolled on settled down for a ride. A single mistake, a slip of the hand or the failure to place their feet on tho brako beam, meant for thcin a horrible death. I was so frightened at their recklessness that 1 fairly lost my breath. Experienced railroad man that I am, I would act have attempted such a feat for $ 1,000,000." "That was a com men trick," said Frank Lewis, formerly with the Union Pacific Railway company. "I liavo had a good deal of experience with tramps, and there are few of them but risk their lives daily on tho care. Tho '' time tramps used to walk over the . ry Up to date tramps ride. I >.. v. taken them ont from beneath fh.' , k> the engine. I have hauled them ) u the brake beams of passenge: care, .nd a favorite hiding place for them i; at the top of the vestibule. On top of t.o cars is a pleasant place during the summer, but in winter they try to make them selves as comfortable as passiblo. It ie seldom that you hear of a tramp being killed by the cars unless in a wreck. To become an expert car jumper is one of the first requisites of a tramp of the first class. " —lndianapolis News. Fire and Air. The intimate relation between fire and air was early recognized, seeing that experience soon taught that air was necessary for fire. The experiment of burning a candle in a closed vessel, now so familiar to every schoolboy, is a very old one, and the influence of a blast of air on a furnace had been prob ably noticed from a very remote period. By some it was affirmed to be the food of fire, while by others the same belief was embodied in the phrase, "Air nour ishes fire. " Again it was long ago ob served that niter, a substance well known to the chemical philosophers of the past, could produce intense ignition. It was hence inferred that, since niter possessed this property, it necessarily followed that tho two substances resem bled each other in composition. Accord ing to Robert Boyle, the air contained "volatile niter," while Lord Bacon held that air contained a "volatile, crude and windy spirit," and thunder and lightning were supposed to be duo to the presence of minute particles of this niter diffused through the air. The important bearing of such obser vations is due to the fact that oxygen gas, which is one of the chief constitu ents of air and tho one to which it owes ita power of supporting combustion, al so forms the largest elementary constit uent? of niter and is likewise the souroe of the power possessed by that body of .supportbig combustion. The action of heat on metals in caus ing them to lose their metallic luster had also not escaped notice, and Cardan, a philosopher who lived during the six teenth century, in noticing the increase in weight that load undergoes when heated in air, attributed it to the gas in the air which feeds flame and which re kindles a body presenting an ignited point.—Scottish Review. The Dear Boy. A newspaper man sat in the study of the pastor of a swell Fifth avenue church one Sunday night awaiting the appearance of the clergyman. The par son's 10-year-old son strolled in. He was a very smart young gentleman in deed. His collar and cravat were a tri fle horsy. His loft hand was worn in his trousers pocket in approved fashion. There was a suggestion of blase interest on his face as he scanned the visitor. "Repotah, I believe?" he said at length. •' Yes," said the newspaper man meek ly- "Fawthaw rarely sees repotahs on a Sunday. Yonah business with him is— aw—urgent, I presume" "Very," answered the newspaper man. Then there was another silence, the gaze of the youngster making the visit or feel somehow that reporters are a very inferior lot indeed. "You were at the horse show?" ven tured the visitor. "Yes," admitted the lad, with a sus picion of a yawn. "Fouah or five times. Got awfully tired of it, though." "And,"said the newspaperman affa bly, "I suppose you were interested in the ponies?" "I am not at all interested in ponies," he replied, and his tone was a distinct check to further familiarity. "The hun tahs were a pretty decent lot, as hun tahs go. And the four-in-hands showed fairly. But—aw —horses are but horses aftah all, and one sees too many of them, you know. Good evening. " And a crushed newspaper man was eitting alone.—'New York Journal. One Peddler Silenced. One of our says that in the medicine business almost everybody wants to sell and not to buy. For in stance, a man cfimo into the store one day and attached a machine like a cof fee mill to fhe counter and began to turn t}ie crq.uk. "What's that?" asked the druggist, nee actor. "A machine to take the seeds out of raisins that I'd like to sell you." "Will it put them back again?" The peddler gave a pitying look at Mr. Lennox and marched out without another word.—Hartford Post. In the Ne&r Future, ill§P Jonathan —I hate that Mr. Mary Ste veiis Smith. Mrs. Jonathan —Why, J-o-h-n! John—Yes, I do! At our sewing cir clo last night he actually had the audac ity to ask how old I was.—New York World. PERT POLITICS. It is generally agreed that the n£W members of congress have much to learn, but will they make an effort to learn Uf— Washington Star. Men sometimes announce that thoy uro out of a political race, when, as a mors matter of fact, they have been in it only in their minds.—Oil City r>errick. . Major McKlnley rather thinks that this effort to iraoe General Harrison's descent from Pocahonta? is a sad scheme to swing the Smith vote into line.- Boston Stand ard.