Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, Grand-Holiday Announcement! Th© Grand nn:G THIS CARD 15050 5° STo the Store, and when yonr future cash purchases aggregate $25.00 _ ~7 you will be presented witli your choice of one of the 50 50 s°s°articles all made of Solid Oak, Antique Finish. FOLDING TABLE, j_;_ ~ FOLDING BOOK RACK, FOLDING MUSIC RACK OR FOLDING CHAIRS. 50 50 MRS. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN, DEALER IN j— |— so'soDry Goods, Millinery, Wraps, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings,!*^ HH BUTLER, PA. LL ysoj fflif •/ « 10 i 'ol IP I IP I 10 I 10 I '« ! »0 I iP Jjo | 10 I 10 | 10 | IP I 'O j_i°i IO I 10 1 10 j"55;~25 : 251 *s: *5: "»S:" *S: *5: 25: 25! VI V->! s"': 5" i Good Cheer For The Holidays. Make Merry and Rejoice. Speed the parting, welcome the coming New Year.' This is the season of merry-making, of l'lum Pudding, Mince- Pies, of good eating and drinking. We have now been before the public for the past quarter of a century, and have learned how best to serve the public, especially at this time of the year. Our stock contains the choicest of liquors, the Best Run- for the Pudding, Brandy for the Mince Ties, Wines and Whisky for the table or sideboard. Here are some of our prices for absolutely pure liquors: Silver Age Rye sl-5° P cr q" art Duquesne Rye l - 2 S Beai Creek Rye I,o ° Guckenheimer 4 years old 3>°° " gallon Possum 2 -5° Anchor 2.00 Jamaica Rum SI.OO, 75c and 50c " quart Cognac Brandy $1.50, s«.«> and 75c " " Cooking Brandy 200 " gallon All brands of California Wines, Malaga, Muscatel, Port, Sherry, Madeira, Sweet California, Claret, Angelica, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per gallon. Christmas Presents For Friends. There is nothing more appreciated than a bottle of fine Whisky or Wine—nothing can be more appropriate. We pay all Express Charges or Orders of #5.00 and Upwards. No charge for boxing and shipping. Send for our ( atologue and Price List mailed free on applit With best wishes to one and all for a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. MAX KLEIN, Distiller and Importer K2 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. O •/ THAT LUMP in a f J man's stomsch I *1 which makes him ir- I ritable and misera ble and unfit for bus incss or pleasure caused by tion. like charity, a multitude The trouble may be in stomach, liver, ■ ~J~ ■ bowels. Wherever it W f is, it is caused by the 111 presence of poison |l4 , I ous, refuse matter I / M I 1 •which Nature lias I I \ I been unable to rid 11/ \ \ 1 A herself of, unaided. My \ I In such cases, wise /7/ 11 send down a 1/1 little health officer, I I 1 1 personified by one II I ! I of Dr. Pierce's Pleas / / l\ ant Pellets, to search trouble and remove the cause. One lit tle "Pellet" will remove aver: big lump and act as a gentle laxative. Two " Pel lets" are a mild cathartic. A short "course" of " Pellets " will cure indiges tion permanently. It will cure constipa tion. After that, you can stop taking them. A good many pills act so vio lently as to derange the system, and in its disordered state, digestion will not go on without a continued use of the pills. That's the worst feature of most pills. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets never make slaves of their users. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets—it's an easy name to remember. Don't let a designing druggist talk you into " some thing just as good." He makes more money on the "just as good kind. That's why he would rather sell them. That's why you had better not take them. . Whenever they are tried, they are al ways in favor, so a free sample package (4 to 7 doses) is sent to any one who asks. World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, Buffalo, N. Y. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or com ; are with Huzaphxeys' Witch Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION'. It lias bed! used 40 yea: s and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration ar.d Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORS, Cut and Lacerated Wounds ami Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallib'e. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and Si.oo. Sold by Druiufista.or sent post-paid on receipts'price. 11l MI'IIRktS' ai-D. tO., 111 A 1 IS Wllllaa SU, Vw York. WITCH HAZEL OIL Rub your poor, tired feet with ; jSalva-cea; / (TXAL*K-MAKJC;. S 1 It takes all the aching £ ! out of sore or tender feet, < > instantly. Strained or £ over-worked muscles, > ) chafings, or any soreness 4 for stiffness —they're all/ r relieved in the same quick ? I way. > | It's the best remedy for £ ; Sprains, Piles, \ Rheumatism, Catarrh, / Neuralgia, Sora Thraat, ; / Burns, Boils, j; | Skin Oisaasas. \ C ' Two sizes, 35 and 50 cent J. < I At tlruggisu, or by mail. S THK CrANnift'TK Co., 274 CANAL ST., N. Y. i Gentleman, r scholar ami n Judge of Rood AiulHkvy," J* often appliod to "halo MIO'VH, well met." Our Old Export will pans inunti r under the mo*t rlirld tent Hi. guaranteed K year* old, frei from nl fusel oi 1M anil adulteration*. Nrnooth, and a capital liquor for cither hoclul or medicinal i.>< . | Full Quarts, $1.00: Six Quarts, $5.0( Mall ana Expresit ordern ■hipped the Mime day an rocel v <-d, and we pay charge* on a ! order* of SIO.OO anil over. Jos. FLEMING & SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBURG, H X Comput a Price Lift> of Wine J and LiQuors mailed fret/ - ' -J. JSIW & ~£C \ M w V 1 , tj w • 1 It f' 1 P: I mlio THE NEW FRENCH R'VFDY Hi (live ■ • |«|l>• Wly mi'l perm ie> filly DC hll IT*. WHIAHI AH NtKrUl^ittt And other n ' <* finti. early error* or exire • ntrrworb. nc W.MII* olf couaumpll' M arid in.mill' 1 I 1 .e iitlietK fall. IliHiU itf •*!•:•» :i l"ii rt.i fie. .-m israelii 11 Wonder ful iirciHH In all cah»K of H>lh nature. ISV mall. 1/ 00 p«r box, or ->lx for g". 00. GAtUMEI MEDICINE L 0 . i.HICAGO. ILI. THE KEELEY CURE l*i A Kpcclal l*>ofi to liii !: 1 • n" • 1 viutf Irllt'-'l ii'■' on••'•|fni !v Into f !»«• «ii i< 1,.i1» » Alio tkWgktn to iln«l Hie(iinD oof alroliolimn la • 'I u;p it iijt .n, rendering thfffi unfit I» i itiiiieil fnim r- U'tirlilK a H»?iir lUT v or 11* mi • t Ht tin* pi ttmjuu'i kjjiji.i.v iNsnrijie, Mo. \W\ Fiftn Avt'fiw*, rcftorcfl t » tlffii All tin lr jmw-tj, met un?erivtj or tLe CITIZtN. THK citizen 5 Remedial Foqds. The lift of food, remedies compiled by the Housekeeper is well worth preserva tion lor reference: Celery is invaluable as a food lor those suffering from any form of rheumatism: for diseases lds the championship for a long and continuous haxtorate, having been in charge of the IJartfttown b. P. church since 1853. l)r. Agnew « Cure lor tne Heart giv* J. perfect reliel in all cases of Organic •>' sympathetic lleat Disease in 30 minute.) and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer Tesu remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o. ireath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Eel * ide and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart 'ne dose convinces. Sold by City Phar Tiaor. Clover Hay for Hogs and Chickens Ten years ago the proposition to feed hay to hogs and chickens would probably have b> i-n received with doubts as to the wisdom uJ the attempt, but to day small clover cutters lor the use ol poultryaien are considered essential. Clover hay is cut very fine for poultry, scalded and led in small troughs. It is not only highly rel ished, but increases the production of eggs. For hogH the clover is not cut so line, but is cut in an ordinary leed cutter, scalded and sprinkled with ground grain. Bulky food has been found necessary (or hogs and poultry as well as for horses, sheep and cattle. —English Spavin Liniment removes a" l.arJ, soft or calloused lumps and Idem she* from horses, blood spavins, curbs plints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprain II swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save 50 by u»e of one bottle. Warranted the no/it wonderful Blemish Cure ever known bold bv J. C. Rediok, druggist Butler Pi —The laud ou which the two battles o! Bull Run were fought is to be cut up and auctioned oil this month. It will strike the average American that it would have been a good place to locate a national park. h'cltef i n Stx Hours —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis ease.! relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, Kidney, back and every part ol the urinary passnges in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im medially, If you want quick reliel and cure thin is your remedy. Sold by J.C. itedick druggist Butler I'a. —The man, who is sitting around wait ing for a shower of silver dollars to fall in to h!s pocket, would be too lazy to pick them up if they fell at his feet. Aunt Jt« taveler has ever a complished such distance in his life. That panicle may have reflected the piim trees of coral island, and has caught the sun ray in the arch that spins a cloud cleari.ig away from the valleys ol Cumberland < ; r California. It may have been ea-ried by the Gulf Stream troui the shores < 1 I lorida and Cuba, to be turned into a of j ice beside the precipices of Spitsbergen. ; It may bave hovered over the streets of London, and have formed a nart of murky log, and Lave glistened on iheyoung gra»s blade of April in Irish fields. It has been lifted up to heaven aud sailed in great | wool pack clouds across the sky, forming j part of a cloud mountain echoing wit'i j thunder, it has hung in a fleecy veil j many miles above the earth at the cio-e ! oi a long season ol still weather. It has j defended many tunes over the shoAers to ; refresh the eartn, and has spa.kied anil bubbled in rnos&y '.ouulains in every coun try in Euiope. And it has returned to i.s \ native skies, haviug accomplished lis pur- J pose, to be stored OUCH again witn elec tricity to give it new life-producing quali ties and equip it as n. avail's messenger to earth once more. Superior to Imported H' int s. 29 West 42nd St., Xew York, DJC 11, 1893. Alfred Kachael Prest; Dear Sir; 1 can say emphatically that I like your wines lar better than auy of the imported wines Your CarieE, Sherry and .Sauterue are Very line and ajr.-.eable. Your lalte*" is my favorite lam yours truly. S. F. iiowiand. Among the deep c >a! miuas ij Eu rope is OLO at Lambert, Belgium. 1» -oth 3 - 490 feet. J'eriiritin Hitter#, La Fayette, Ind., August 0, 1893. Aunt Rachaet Speer: I have been using Per uvian Bitters of late for malarial fever that I have liot ieen entirely rid of for the past two years until now I must say your bitters beat everything. I used it only six weeks and begun to improve the fir*t week. 1 am now well and hearty and feel young again, even now in this very hot weather. Mrs. Jane XewmaJ. Paper Pulp Shoe Heels. One of the latest features ol wood pulp industry is the manufacture iu Haverhill, Mass , ot shoe heels lrom the material, white pine aud other kinds being used lor the purpose. In carrying out this art the plan as described consists in reducing the wood in the usual way in digesters, after which the pulp is put into a tank and mix ed with the substances necessary for im parting to heel stock t:runkenne>-H, Morphine and Tobac—o habit* eanilv cured by the line of Hill'* Double Chloride ol Gold Tablet*. No effort in required ol the patient and ntimu lantn may be taken an unual until given up. Tablet* may b t given iji tea or ci flee without the patient'n knowledge. A cure guaranteed in every cane, for Bale by all lirnt clann drugginta, or will be Hent on receipt of SI,OO. For full particular* add rend The Ohio Chemical Work*, Lima, Ohio. Pota**iumnrthodinitrocre»olato i* the name of the new antiseptic ilmcovorod in (inrmany, but a* it i* intended to be u«»d generally, it H alno called ftlitinnu iln. One part of I'ie unbalance in from 1,500 t>. 15,000 parln of noapnudn i* destructive to all tfie common parasite* injurlou* to plat.t*. Vea*t used in brewing remain* frenb fora long ft me when treated with it; it de*troy* ail bacteria, and yea»t can en dure a Holution a* *troiig a* live per cent of the HolMtance. It ia odorlew and very cheap. Leonard lleed, oi New Castle, han been driven from hi* residence by White Cap*. He paid hi* rent regularly, anil neither the landlord nor anyone et*o know* why he wa* preniwmted. —Joanetto, Pa., i« to have an SBO,OOO brewery, (or the erection ol whioh I be con tract ha* been let. A few ft ei k-t ago it took three barrel* of oil to buy a burthel of wheat; now it laki * nearly three bushefi of wheat to buy a bar rel of oil. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL (jonsuitibeoi.i i«»-ii«i-i" DR.LOBB :»4i» n. i'it ""i HT.. 1'1111.A., •'*. „,' lhlr,y y / n ?' t t' I tower I n/v <■>;.* ■fnMoi fiut'le limllud WU&. ! : ' I) t ,a vyJKuTON BEOS, » fill 111 mi Mt »d»»MU»iua »l loKWI •'-» my /\\'^ I I cfer aold for 111 PICciSC Pay particular attention to these few lines—they may interest you. Ponds Extract is so universal a remedy that ycu know of it and its uses well, but so many crude imitations are on the market, that a warning against the use of anvthincr but the genuine Pond's Extract i* necessary. Ponds Extract is absoluU pure, antiscj>tic and anodyne, and m iy iv* used with safety and efiicacy, externally or internally. Accept nothing but the genuine with buff wrapper and yellow label. POND'S EXTRACT CO.. 7 K N f > Vo''*'- "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO BARGAINS in BOOTS and # \\ K ARK? HfcAIJgUARTKHS for Felt Hoots. Wc have them for Men, Boys WWi, ami alTldnds. 0 ' We find Overs,and Prices the very Lowest. Complete stock of Mtshawanka Stockings, am vii »< ■ a , vav down on all heavy we have too many heavy boots ami as wc intend to build next Spring we will carry no s <>\ » i. B -i|: nfy the verv best wearing goods goods. Space will not 'pre,nil me to quote prices, but a visit to our store will convince you that we sec us at extremely |b«r prices/ Full stoc kof Leather and Findings. Repairing done on short notice. When in need of Shoes call JOHN BICKEL M ST BUTLER,PA. BRANCH STORK, i? 5 N. Main St. WHAT IB ON W'-jL DO. IIS NATURE'S 0W!\I TONIC Btlmt'latoa tho appetite ami pro duooa rotVeehtiiK Bleep. GIVES Vim SfHENGTH IJ MJKSIN3 R MOTHERS, Ctiockn wawHnit dlaeaao*. nlopa nlifl.t h weni'i ciron inclpo nl connumptlon. }ncreaaoa ntreri(,.h end flcah. O MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, I'romotcn hen'thy lung tlaatio. Will Klvn the pal* ii "1 J i, : • Nrony chuck* routh cores ALL rr.y ■ r omjt.aints. i Make* el nuiK lU' • iw uiOQ of weak linn*. GILMOiiE'S IRON IONIO PIILS Cure . 1 Vasting Dlseiusa n J their (sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, die. Thoy art' neither nt vptH nor cnuM i'- nnd hnvfi no <"iißuliit Ikk i cm tho « ut« i»t i «»f the atoinHoh or »tn Hum* oonn< « do not hurt Iho tnoth or oou«i«i)ittlr,ri r (liarrhtrn im dotboumml lorm* <»< Iron n miyn trciitcncnt 600. fioo. J! uot kept by your uadroM GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI O. PILES™* S IWuLfm\o fiIWTMfUT rT.if * mtJi • ■ YMf foM* %1 wla< »r» i U* c l-ickn.:ss, worry, etc. o eof h ibac^o,opium aiuliiqtufrTwhicli lead to consunfjition and iiiMiiity. I lieir tise ■ hows immedi ate improvement. Insi I upt n having ther.enuinc MtHiT BLfiIUES, no other. O nvenient to carry in vest pocket. Pi ice, ft a per six boxes, one ful tivalmcnt, (iiiaranteed tocnre any ta e. If not kept by your drug : gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. AMFKICAN IIIIEDICn CO . CINCINIatI. 0. M, A, imm i Director 37 S. Mdio.St. Butler Pa. D. T. PAPE'S lloli'l.av Goods and Christmas Presents. We arc pleased to announce the arrival of our Holiday Stock, and that we are ready for Business villi a rare assortment of Christmas Gifts, suitable for < )ld and Toys, Fancy Goods, V vclties. \'o fions, etc., etc. \ ..,1 lie invited to call and inspect our Giand Display. D. T. PAPE'S , - S. Mam St ,iu,ltT Ph rnK NAMi: OK TllC :"vEXT President Of The United States \IU. 81. VNNOI'NCRD IJC THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRBIUNE OF NOVEMBER 4th. iB-/> J-üblic iuvresi w : ll . te.i-lily increase, and ihc quest 011 how the men v.hut* votes turn 1 the st ale .t the Inst election are satisfied with the results under the ad minist .iti i they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. The YOTIL Weekly Tribune, I the lea«\ii»>i Republican family newspaper of the United States, will publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every Ameiican citizen regardless of party \ affiliations. . , ... Ms.) general news in attractive fonn, foreign correspondence covering the news : of tb. world, an argicultural department second to none in the country, market re ports which .are recognized authority, fascinating short stories, complete in each | tu'mber, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign and domestic, with their l>est I ,-ntuiv 'lictures. fashion platt s and elat>orate desenptions of woman's attire, with a v.irud fiiifl attractive department of household interest. The "New York Weekly Tribune ' is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any other wctfklv publication in the country issued from the office of a daily. Large changes re being made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi- I a lly more interest to the women and young people of the household. ■a A SPECUL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "THE CITIZEN" One Year For Only #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BKGIN AT ANY TIME. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, room 2 M Tribune Building, .\< w York City, ancVa sample copy of The New York Weeekly ! Tribune will lie mailed to you. r o THE TAILOR. We have no fine window J. O IVJ L vJT ? _ —in which we can display our goods, but we have the finest line of goods to be found in any merchant tailor store in Butler. Call and see for yourself. We want youn trade and can only get it by pleasing you, which we guarantee to do in each and every particular by giving you good material, first class up-to-date work at moderate prices. S. YOUNG, The Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher, 101, South Main St., Opposite Lowry House. fjff A Summer Srive | i loses a measure of its pleasure if the carriage Is less ia* j X \lr* _J urious, easy running and handsome than It might W- Fredonia Buggies nave nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles YOU can get are as strong ar.d hc tire as they're sigh ly. Ask and insist thai you see them at your dealer's. Made by FRF&QMA fIFG- CO.. Youn?stown, Ohio, ■ [ SHOEgjrt BICKEL'S Special Notice. Pure lt)e Whi*kie.< f rom the beet known diatiller*. according to age, from »2.00 to «! 00 per gallon My own importation of flue ol.: I'ort*. Slieiry. Khine and Mo*el Wine* from #_'.oo to per gallon. St Helena pur« old i alilornia Wins*, dry and HWeet, 75 cent* to +1 50 per gallon. Al*o agent for the celebrated Lake Chautauqua Wine*. *1 50 per gallioi. Seneca Lake pure Wine Vinegar. 500 per gnllon. The fineat imported Ulna. Cognac*. Scotch and j 1 ririlt Whi*ky, Bloul lia*< Ale. itc ,at biwe*t price*. Call or write to A An drie**en l Veileral St., Special I'rice I.M on application. No extra charge or jug* or packing. Mail I order* promptly attended to. " * IC •. WIC K Dl 4 \LK H I * I 1 Rouyh ami *oiN Itntfi OF Al- KIND* Doors, S;ish, lillnds, Mouldings, Shltitflos and Lath AI wby« In Slock. I.IME. hair and plastuk Otffcn opponite P. AJW. Depot,* f»'r" r .T t p| j PEWNViSem >'iE-' j ■ ~ , t i, im*o«iii;.«>iM ' }-)• $ i if. a•' i;» i»i I f... I ■ I J [f %i M u. iiLOOii > •"" /V* 4 lil.lir«ur« iit-nUiih MmU kS L>i 1 kU*OA.« ■ • PARKIN BROS. % Green Goods Market, * CENTRE AVE. • - • »««!!. K, All kinds of Country I'ro due Iwavs on hands—good amlfresL 11 ighest market price paid in cash for Country Produce. j'I j purr( i J a «PH«, — S bus.*** ¥*. * * Hotel Hutier J. 11. FAUHKL, l'rop'r. This house has been thorough, ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture ;>.r.d carpets; has electric bells and al other modern conveniences fot ffuestv, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers aa cjn be found iii Sutler, |'af Elegant sample room for p ommercial me 3 •