Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 19, 1895, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
liotiie to Stockholders of the Mechanics
B. & L. Aeioeiat.-n.
Huff i Felt Bcctj,
Miller s Fine Foot wear.
Douglass' Christmas Goods.
C. A T.'sXmas Presents.
Kirkpatrick's Hcliday Goods.
Farm for sale.
Prospect Academy.
Philadelphia Press.
VOTE—AII advertisers intending to MAKE
cinees in their ads. should notify ns of
tbair intention to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Administrators and Executors of estate;
ctii secure their receipt books at the CXT
iif oflce
. ~~
NOTlCE—Hereafter the price of the
Citizkjv will be SI.OO if paid in advance,
ind $1.25 if not so paid. Citizes and
Veekly Tribune $1.50 in advance.
—Saturday, will be the shortest day of
the year.
—The Santa-Claus show-windows of But
ler are immense. The whole county
should come to town to see them.
—Philip Schroebei has opened a barber
fhop in the base sent of the Mrs, Lyon
building, on the Diamond.
A . J. Burton of Penn twp, killed three
hogs j ow days ago that averaged 380
pouirl", dressed.
—T:i J next Oest thing to being saved,"
says the philosopher, "is to be buried in a
tire-proof safe."
—Cicero said: "The wise are instructed
by reason, ordinary minds Ly experience,
the stupid by necessity and brutos by in
--We are willing to concede that a man
who geU his hair cut Saturday evening
miy be a good citizen, but he is not as
popular with his fellows as the oue who
chooses some other ti-ne when the barbers
are less busy withsHvm
All the tick maaii factories of the
couatry hsve organized a trust, and here
after the price of lacks will he almost
doable the former rates. The people will
have the one remedy of setting the tacks a
little farther spart, say about t»ice the
former distance.
—Duriag the he lid iys there are alwajs
a great many gatherings and celebrations
of *ll kinds. If anything of this nature
occurs in yonr section write it up and send
it to the CiTfzRR We will be glad to re
ceive such news and jonr friends will be
kept posted on what Is going on
—A circular has been sent out f.om the
department ot public instruction of Penn
sylvania advising school directors that
they may determine for themselves which
holidays designated by law shall be observ
ed as school holidays. When the schools
are open for regnlar instructions on the
days named the time can be counted and
paid for the same as other days.
—Look over the advertising columns of
the Citizi* before making yoar selection
ol Christmas presents. The dealer who
auks lor your trade through your local
paper has confidence in his goods and ye n
are always sore of courteous treatment
and honest values tor the money. He has
a reputation to maintain, and misrepresen
tation is not the road to that end.
—A young lady walked into a store and,
after selecting a piece ot cloth, asked what
it was worth "Four kisses per yard,"
said the polite clerk. The yonng girl
stood abashed for a moment and replied
that she would take four yerds. The
cloth was cut off, Dicely wrapped up and
handed to the fair purchaser, who received
it with a smile and said: "Send the bill
around to my grandmother; she will set
tle It."
—Business men should take note of the
fact that t be laat Legislators passed a law
abolishing day* of grace on promissory
notes and drafts, and determining when
such obligations maturing on Bun Jay or
on legal holidays or balf-helidays shall be
come due. Aa the new measure makes a
radical chabge in tbe law and hastens the
maturity of notes by three days U is es
sential tbat tbe day when the act takes ef
feet should be remembered. It goos into
force on January 1, 1896.
—Just now tbe advertising columns of
the "CITIZIH" are being used extensively
by those people who want the buyers to
know where to get tbe best and cheapest
things for Christmas. The advertisers in
tbe "CITIZCN" are reliable and tbey are
sure to do a good business—in fact, they
already report theoatlook as encouraging
and that it is more than likely they will do
a larger business this Christmas than last
That is what is what we like to bear from
"UITIZKM" advertisjr* Get the b»st, etc.
—Some gentleman who peibaps wishes
to expose oar ignorance sends us the fol
lowing problem to solve, which we most
but lirmly decline to have
anything to do with: "A merchant, on
his 45th birthday, places $250 to his credit
In a savings bank at simple interest. He
repeats this performance on each succeed
ing birthday, until be has made in all 15
deposits. On bis tfOth birthday be drew
out tbe total amount, which was $5,750.
What was the rate ot interertf" That is
an easy one, but as we do not pose as a
calculating machine, we will leave the
question lor our readers to grapple with.
—Tbe spring elections are not a great
way off and the substance ol the law rela I
tive to these elections may not be out of
place at this time. The election next
spring will take place on Tuesday, tbe 18tb
day ol February. Aecording to the Act of
tbe Legislature of 1893, tbe nominations
by party primaries for borough and town
ship offices and school directors must be
filed eighteen days before the election,
whioh will be January 31st, and nomina
tion papers fifteen days before the same,
which will be February 3d. It is a safe
rule not to wait until the last day, but to
file the certificates as early as possible.
—A ne-v and charming custom prevails
in a church in a neighboring city. Just
before tbe regular morning services a five
minute sermon is preached lor the children
of tho congregation. Tbe talk, which is
plain and straightforward, turns upon some
phase of their daily life, and is always list
ened to with interest by the little ones as
well as the adults. When the little sermon
is over the children leave the edifice to the
muslo of tbe organ, and then the regular
servioes begin. As new and simple ideas
in devotion are quite rare nowadays, this
might be profitably applied elsewhere.
—The "Don't" man is at it again. This
time he gives some good advioe on the care
of the eyes. Be »ay«; Don't read in rail
foaij trains qr in vehicles in motion. Hon't
read lying down or in a constrained posi
tion. Don't read by firelight, twilight or
moonlight. Don't read by a flickering gas
ligbt or candlelight. Don't read books
printed ou thin paper. Don't read books
which have no spsce between the lines.
Don't read more than fifty minutes with
out stopping, whether tbe eyes are tired
or not. Don't hold the reading close to
the eyes. Don't study at night, but in the
morning when you are fresh. Don't select
your own glasses at the outset.
Uotict to Coirespor. jenli
We woalJ request all our n.respon
dents to mail us their items not later than
.Vondiy morning for the neit two weeks,
iu ordei to enable the printer t« ad
vantage of the Xr.ias and lie"v \eirs
—The orator who takes the floor to
stato the situation iu a fiaUhe'il invar.ably
tires the audience out.
—The holiday trade promises to be im
mense. One of oar jewelers sold fourteen
watches, Tuesday, ranging in price from
IS to $25
—They had a lively time in Uillerstown,
over the appearance of a female minstrel
troupe. Our correspondent in that town
gives an account of it in his notes.
—Prospect Academy is prospering un
der Prof. Jno. H. Wilson. He had twenty
eight students for last term, and expects
more for next, which begins Jan. 7th,
189 C.
—Leland Powers' impersonations of the
actor Garrick and the dude, in Y. M. C. A.
Hall Monday evening were greatly en
joyed by all who heard and saw him. He
is a thorough artist. The next event of
that course is Geo. Kennaa's lecture nn
Siberia, January 10th.
—The next storm wave predicted by
Foster is due tomorrow. Most of tLe pre
cipitation from this disturbance will be in
the form of snow and sleet and the snow
line will reach unui-uilly far south. The
cooi w»ve will cross the west of the Rockies
couLtry about the IB'.b.gTeatcentral valleys
20tb, eastern States 22d. Ten days <r
more of continued cold weather will follow
this cold wave.
—Holt lay trade is improving and in !
few days it will be a rush. The best time
to get full benefit of the fine stocks provid
ed by tae enterprise ot Butler me>"ch>»ote
is before the crush of tt.e last week belore
Christmas. And the best way to learn
where and how the largest variety of wares
and the most tempting bargains can be
found is to read the advertising columns of
—Esq. Keeks' made up goods generally
go out the front door, but early yesterday
morning three overcoats, nine vests, half
a-dozen pairs of pants and »omo coats
went out the back window and through the
lot to a hand-cart landing in the alley,
which was wheeled away by two men. A
girl living near saw the two m>jn wheeliug
the cart, 'but supposed they had been
doctoring the Esqu's horse which had been
sick. That was between .'J and 4 o'clock.
They had pried up U'e back window oi
the shop, gone from it to the store
room, and helped themselves to the made
up ololhing. So piece goods were takeD
The Standard is paying $1.50 today.
Sheffield A. Dennison are piping the gas
from the Shanor well North ol Bntler to
Brann <t Co. of Butler have a tremen*
dous 100-foot gasser near Elfinwild station
on the P. <t W,
There are no new wells to report from
any of the oil fields, but consideralde drill
ing is being done all over the southern
part of the county.
Cbanbekky Twp—Lentz A Co.'s have a
50 bbl. well on the John Harris farm,
which seems to extend the Garvin field to
wards Callery.
Pabkkb—Pres Black's well oj the
Amos Young is dry, and the casing lifts
been pulled.
M i'Db yckkkk —E. H. Jennings k Bro.,
of Pittsburg, purchased the F. P. Huo
property in the Mnddycreek field, consist
ing of about 30 weels and leases on the
Itarkley, Ripper, Marshall and other larms.
The daily production is about 80 barrels.
The National Oil Co. was reported to have
purchased this property, but for somo
reason the deal fell through The wells
in tbat field are small but stayers. Mr.
Hue bought the wells about a year ago,
paying about $70,000 for them. The con
sideration in this sale is satd to be $55,000.
FORWARD— On Big Creok, in the old
hundred-foot district, quite a little pool
hu been opened up again, and a number
of well* are being drilled in that sec'ion.
Several good well* are pumping th»:re.
Alexander Bros, No. 2, on Douthett farm
ia completed, and showing up good. The
well commenced pumping all right when
the casing wan found to be tearing, and
thov are trying to remedy that now
McQuinston k Marshall's new well on
the Schilling I* good for 20 bbls.
HABMOHY— Bchlegel it Co.'a No. 5, John
Dambsugh farm is showing for a good
well. The same company have a m>w rig
up for their No. fi welt on the name farm.
Baker <fc (JO.'H NO. 1, name (arm, ia flow
ing for about 3 barrels. They are 500 feet
deep at No. 2.
Lentz Russell's No. G, Swain farm, in
down 600 feet and tliey have a new rig for
their No. 2, Swain.
Baker & Co.'a No. 1, Widow Hay*, ia on
top of aand.
Holiday Excursion
Ticket Agsnts Pittsburg <t Wastern
Railway, Narrow (iauge System, will sell
round trip tickets to all stations between
Allegheny, Clarion ana Orinsby Junction
inclusive, and to stations on the B. B A K.
K. K„ December 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31 and
January 1, at excursion rate(tare and a
third), good to roturn until January 7,
1890, and to points west of Callery Junc
tion up to anil including Cleveland, Chi
cago, St. Louis. Louisville and Cincinnati,
on December 24, 25, 31 and Jauuary 1, at
excursion rate, good to return unlil
January 2, inclusive.
In addition to territory above specified,
Agent, Butler, Fa., will sell round trip
tickets to all points on B. & O. lines east
of Fittsbu gh and Wheeling, December 21,
22, 23, 21, 25, 31 and January 1, good
until January 7, at fare and a third.
Of Interest To The Clergy
Pursuant to the action ot Managers of
the Railway lines comprising the Central
Traffic Association, at a meeting held in
Chicago, December sth, the Pittsburgh <t
Western Railway vill issue to ministers of
religion resident upon its lines anrl in terri
tory adjacent thereto, half ra»e permits for
18H0. Application should be made through
the nearest local agent.
ChrmtiniiKiiinl J Xar Year /Inliilay Hales
Hi Pennsylvania Itailroail
For the ChriittiiiaH and New year Holi
day* the PennHylvania Railroad Company
will plactton Hale excursion litkoU be
tween HtatiouK on llh HyHtem cant of and
including PittHburjr and Erie and wont of
Klizabeth and Hen Girt (except between
the citieH of Philadelphia and Trenton
proper), at reduced raten. The ticknix
will he Hold and good going December 21,
22, 23. 24, 25, and Til, and January
J, IMIMI, and will he good lor return pa«-
Ma)ie until January 7, lh!Hi, inclnnive.
Pros pect Normal and Classical
W inter Term of 12 weeks begins
Tuesday Jon 7, Btudonth
fitted for teaching or entering GO'.lege.
Work thorough. Kxpenses low.
Hoarding in private lamlies at reason
able rates, or students may board on
the clubbing plan, and thus make
actual cosi of a term very low. For
particulars address,
Prospect or Harmony, I'a.
Chris»(ii»H bells will soon ring
merrjly. It's about time jou are
looking around for present* for friends
and loved ones Your will find it to
your advantage to nee the new und
elegant aPHortmeat of articles in gold
itilvcr and cut glass offered by
Nov<lty dress goods at 25
cents up to finest. Wo save
you money on theso.|
(i. tiTf |N 4 fcitlW.
Trial Li>t.
Commonwealth vs.
fj A. Johnson, selling liquor without ii
cer. -o, and to ruen of intempera'e fcabit .
Dec. 13, 1595, jury return a verdict
and the defendant guilty °u the fi rst count
—selling liquor without license.
ICcCurdy Erlekcr, prescribing liqctors to
men of known intemperate habits as a bev
erige. No eatry on trial list but -aid to be
[ quashed.
Elmer Greer, fib. Guilty and us tal
Jas. Carhdollar. surety peace, Adjadg
ed insane and sent to Dixmoct, legal set
tlement in Adams twp.,ali costs to be paid
by tte county with right to collect from
Letters of adm'n were granted to Annie
Meinhart on estate of John J. Meinhart.
0. G. Mechling had a eapius issued lor
J. C. Holman for deceiving aim in the sale
of a horse.
The application of 1). 11. Wuller for a
pardon was heard by the Pail on Board,
yesterday, and a pardon refused.
A B Davitt, trustee, to E B Gibson 75
acres in barker for S4OO.
Wm to John Leasure property
in Winfield for $3,200.
D E Wheeler to 11 Z Wing lot in Butler
for SB,COO.
Jesse B Emery to W N Hippie 100 acrc.i
in Franklin for s'l4o, quit claim.
R L Kirkpatrick to Francis Watson lot
in Renfrew for SIOO.
Jno T Eighatri to W J Booze!, quit claim,
to lot in Centroviile
Stephen Loekwood has lately purchased
a lot of 1 eases in Worth and ilnddycriek
Marriage Licenses
W. W. Shaw, Jr Sharpsburg
Bertha Borland ...Tsrentum
Earnest Wimer Worth
Eila M. Lawrence ..iluddycreek
Fred Bauer ..Allegheny, Pa
Delia Croup Butler
W. T. Siebert Butler
Carrie Kenno.. "
W. W. Vandivort Cranberry
Eva Covert "
W. E. Sarver Butler twp
Laura Barnhart "
V. A. Oswald Altoona, Pa
Ann e McCarro > ...Allegheny,Fa
Edward E. Campbell Summit twp
Olive Timblin Butler
J. E. Brown Chardon, 0
Beriha Ij. Johnston Adams t» p
Hubert J. Leslie .Glade Mill-
Annie M. Cooper ... • •Brownsdale
At Pittsburg, Robert P. .Snyder of But
ler and Agnos J. Gibson of Allegheny Co.
At Jamestown, X. T , I). W. Scbenck
Mabel Gates.
At Pittsbnrg, Forest F. Witherup and
Patience Lovell.
Au unknown man, about CO yearn of agt
was struck by a train of the West Penu
road, near the bridge, last Saturday morn
ing. Be was placed in tbe bcggage car
and brought to Butler, and laid in the car
for some hours, but was afterwards taken
to the homeof Mrs. McCagerty, where he
died next morning. There is ro clue to
his identity.
A 1 Eshenbangh of MifllinSt. was burned
on the hand and face at a well on T. B.
Young's place ia Butler twp. a few days
Gloriaha, Friday Kvekiho, Dec. 20th.
Gloriana was constructed by the author,
Jamts Mortimer, upon tbe basis of the plot
suggested by the cleverness of tbe French
Comedy "True D'Arthur," and was first
produced at the Globe Theatre, London,
whore it attained phenomenal success and
ran for 850 nights. While the comedy
was in the zenith of its London success it
was secured for America by Mr. Charles
Frohman, and was given its first Ameri
can prod action at Herrmann's Theatre,
New York. It attained instant popularity
and succeeded ir. packing that theatre for
150 nights. It was then 'ent on tour, and
visited every prominent city in America,
where it Recorded the same great recep
tion it had met with in New York and
London. The management desires to as
sure you ir. advance that it will be the
comedy event of tho season. _
Fisher's Comedians.
"A Cold Day" will soon be here. Our
fun and music loving peiple will now
have a chance to see a farce comedy that
has played from New York to San Fran
cisco; and from Winnipeg to New Orleans.
This is the ninth successful season of "A
Cold Day." The fun comes quick and
fast, there is no plot in it, and one only
loses time if they try to find It. The best
farce comedies have no plot, as it is im
possible to uiako funny sayings, situa
tions, and plot work together successfully.
Plots belong to dramas, and not to farce
cetnedies. "A Cold Day" is for laughing
purposes only and HH such has been a sue
cess. Perkins D. Fisher has created in
Abe, a character that has made lor Lim a
most excellent reputation, as well as a
small fortune. Miss Jean Delmar, who i<
Mrs. Fisher ia private life, is a clever
actress, and a singer of excellent repu
tation, having been principal soprano of
many first class opera companies, Ihe
balance of the company have a metropoli
tan reputation.
select presents for the Holidays at
CEEELANO'H Jewelry Store, 125 8.
Maiu St., Butler Pa.
Pants—Over 2000 pairs to select
from, at prices, <>h well, don't men
tion them, ItH awful, where, at
Say Papa—did you see HECK'S
neckwear, it beats anything you ever
Job work of all kinds done at the
We sell the lamb knit mittens.
Best fitting goods made and
boat to wear, 25c up.
By wearing our underwear
All grades (or men, women
and cniidren. Perfect in fit
ano finiwh. Small pricoH rule.
—Assistance means help. You
help nature to restore health by UN
inK Nature* Compound. \on also
perform a duty. Ask your Urug
Trunks, valiaou, bag* n "d tele
00|M?H —A'. 11 ECU.
I'obes and blankets cheaper than
anywhere else at Martincourt A CoV.
Our new capes and jackets.
See out $5.00 values in fur and
.lota capea
' L. tif JU4 at ttori
J. T. KitU and family aro at Atlanta.
Ex-Sheriff Dotiaghy is ou the e.ck li-t.
A son of ex-Co. Commisdoaer Kelly of
v eiiaLgo twp. ilieJ yesterday.
Mrs. Will Mechling was seriously ill
yesterday, but i.- improving.
Thos C. McCain of Mar- has been grant
ed a pension,
K. McKeo McCVi has moved to Bjtler
and is lieing a: llfi Elm St.
Will Negley of Tarentum, visited his
folks in Penn twp. last week.
D. A Kamerer ft Institute Hill is down
with typhoid.
McMarliu of Adams twp. is
seriously ill.
11. Z. Wmg has purchased the Wheeler
pr 'perty on ibe south Side for SS,COO.
Miss Ar.ua Bronn, .1 teacher, felTon the
lot*, Saturday, and broke an arm.
0. P. Graham of Cranberry < W P- atten
ded the Institute this week.
Ezra Liken oi Jackson, attended the In
stitute this week
B. X. Dickey of Brady, "vas in town on
business Tuesda".
Mr-. Jacob G! issuer of Karns City is the
guest oi Mrs. John Lifaver.
Me.-srs Mitel e'.l and Richey oollected iSOO
for Mrs. Bester, and applied it to the pur
chase money of the house.
Jno G. Bippua.Jr. of Institute Hill is
stul confined to his home, but is improv
Mrs. Fred Birnhaft, Miss Ethel Ham
hart and Miss N'ora Shakeley of Petersvilio
visite 1 friends in Hi' lor lan week.
W S. Brandon ot Lincoln Way, and
Chas TiDKer of McKeau St., are ab'o t<> be
about again, alt or lonz sieges of typhoid
Jno. G. Christy has rented his black
tir. th shop ir Mildletown to Mr. Kiug:-
ley. au<! will make his bo 110 among his
children thus winter.
Antony Thompson of Centre twp, rode a
young horse to Pittsburg, last week, and
then ebippid it to Waverly, W. \ a.s a
present to bis daughter, ilrs I) A. Uphatn.
Johnny Giaham is rejoic'ng over the ar
rival of his first a girl— seigliihg 12
pounds, mother and daughter arej doing
well; and it is hoped that John will pun
through all right.
Wm. Meyers of Muddycreek twp w.«
ia to*-ii ye-i.erday. havinj: with bim a
Ar-i Mali U"J Aim Crfiilf !« tiin hoLHB i."UH*
mollrhri ago, -tu.t *ho proied to be so pond
4 hoy thai lm couclu to I i > K «ii :il ii,
though the hij's uncle attciuptul i<» tiki
lon i'-l.- p»M«rK.<ioli ollom
Mr. Fruicis Murphy, wife uml daughter,
Mis.- A nun; Dr.- L. A. Gibson wib- ami
il lug Vlia-i Anita, left Wednesday
morning ,ur Pittsfl'eld Pa ti> attend rh><
ceremoav which unite* for life Mr Friuk
H ilurphy, Esq. of Butler and May
Whitney of Pittstield. Tne knot will lie
litd today in tin- presence of a large circl*
o! friends and rtdalives. The Ciliz3n ox
t.,nil« to tin'in its congratulations and best
wishes lor a long and happy lifo
Butler County Chiistian Er.dcsvorers as
The November number »f The Reveille,
the new State organ of Christian Endeav
or. published in Pittslmig, under the man
agement of W. D. Vallette contains a well
written and coaiplete history ol the Butler
County Union, together with cuts of the
Butler Presbyterian 'Jhurch, where the
unioa was bom, and the new V M. C. A.
Th'i presidents of the union have been in
order. 0. N Boyd, Kev. Eli Miller, P. W.
Cowry, Br. M. A. utton and Br. Joseph
The articles are well written and practi
ce. and all b" Buler county talent.
The contributors are Br. Jo--. Forrester,
C Boyd, P W. Cowry,Kev. Eli Miller,
Misses L. E. Vimngand Lotta White of
Butler, Ira Graham, Evans City, liev. I'.
J. Slonaker, Zelienople, A 1 it-.: Vina McCol
lough, (Jhicora, and J. 15, Caruthers of the
V. M. C A. Greetings from the State and
United Society oflicers and spicy news
i'ems help to make the paper a creditable
and readable one
It was under the management of the
Prfr- Committee, Rev. Eli Miller, MisH
Bertha Borland and Mrs. \V. H. Collins,
and reflects much credit on the Union.
-Znver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a ccrreo
Sox aud shirts, all wool and a yard
wids, cheaper tbau the oheapost—at
HECK'S, 121 N. Main St.
BoardingHonso Cards, with Ac*
ol A B3orably, 25 coats for half-a-do*«n /
.or Hale at.CITizEN office.
We give better goodß for the
money, or the name goodn lor
le&H money.
L. Stein <t Son.
Vox Popult Boy your clothing,
underwear, bosierv, hata, capg, HOX
and neckwear of D A. HECK, aud
save money.
Underwear—l Hpecia!ty at II ECU'S
his stock is largest aud finest ever
offered in lltitle-
Take your children to Zuver's
(iallerv I'»r Pietunm thai will «tit
j on. Postoffico building
Crepous, Mohairs, Serges and
Henriettas. Perfect in weave,
popular in price. YOll should
inspect them.
1-. Stun AT. SON.
Christmas Excursions.
Passengers for Cleveland and in
termediate points on the Lake Shore
11. If., can make close connections by
faking train 12 on the P., S L. K
It. It., arriving at Cleveland at 1 1 a.
m. For rates and additional infor
mation, ioqnire of tbe nearest P , 8. &
L K. agent.
Tbe P., S. I-. E. R. R. offers
special excursion rates to all points
on its line, for Christmas week
Tickets will be going Monday, Dec. •
23d, to Jan. Ist, inclusive, good re
turning up to and including Jan. 2d,
at tbe rato of one fare for tbe round
Save a day's wages uy buying
robes and blankets at Martincourt &
Do you want a bat or cap? IIECK
has them and can save you money,
More robes and blankets than you
ever saw in one store in your life, at
Martincourt tV Co's.
Your neighbors talk about
the great values in our hosiery
department. Come and see
for yourself.
li, STICIN fi SON.
If you want to save money walk
arcund to Martincourt At Co's. and
buy votir robes and blankets.
(lb Mamma rou ought to see the
big piles of cbildrens suits at IIIO:K'H
only you can't get the same in
town lor leys than
MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 12S W
Wayne St. Also nicely famished
I ru»m 'o rent.
Sheetings, prints and ging
hams. Make your purchases
now. This advice if beetled
is like giving you money.
1.. S T n*t A SON
■Job work uout hero, dobsuribe
1 or the CITIZEN.
The l.iquor Cases.
The case of tho Commonwealth vs Dr
Johnston indicted fur -elling liquor with
out license wa taken up la i Thursday
and the evidence of the prosecution show
j ing that employees of the stora had made
some illegal .ales, was taken: then a cloud
; of witnesses were sworn f> r the defe'.se,
• and Court adjourned tii! nest day. Friday
i morning Dr. Johnston went on the sttnd
anu testified that he was the proprietor or
j owner of the Crystal Pharmacy, that he
employed a registered pharmacist or urug
-1 gist to run it f>r him. that the druggist
[ eaiplojed his assistant; and then he was
going on to testily that he iasti-i?'ed li;<
drug#i>t to obey the law in every particu
lar, but Judge Greer stopped him and said
tho druggist was responsible fot '.lis agent's
actr. The attorneys for the defense denied
this, aad argued the p;)iut. uo more
wiuies>es for the defense were beard, tbe
Court instructed the jury that if they be
lieved the evidence for the prosecution
thej- must convicl; the jury went outstand
ing 7 for conviction and 5 for acquittal,
but the 5 gave in and a verdict of guilty
was rendered, and icntecce suspended till
Jan. 13, 189 C, he to givo bail in SSOOO.
In tbe case VJ Dr. McCurdy Bricker, tho
attorneys for the defense motioned to
the indictment for the reason that a
witness had been he&rd who had not been
>pecially sworn in that case, the District
Attorney acknowledged the mistake and
the bill was quashed; but Dr. Bricker »a
iin mediately re arrested and gave bai". tor
Dext term.
ThsWuller Case.
Ou Tue.-day of last *'eek, Judge lireer,
grant, d ilrs. Wuller a divorce 'roui 1). 11-
Wu.ler, both parliea h».vitig previjusly
agreed that be should act as he x;a:. foi
merly Mi.-. Wu'lers attorney. Oan gave
tbe woman a sum of money, and
since he iias l.ad trouble with her. :>he lie
cost hiiii 11 fortune, and yet when a copy
of the decree of divorea was presente'd 10
him he burst otu crying.
~ Some papers in ibis case, sent litre by
Judge Miller o l ' Mercer, aro uuder seal <u
thr Prolhonotarv's i ffije
Holiday Excursijiii via I>.1 > . S. & L. E.
The P. S it L. E niU «<-ll round 'rip
IleKels to »ll p- i'lls on I*. •> <t L El» ■
24. 1895 lo Jan. 1 IHiKI. good reiuriii 1
J.ii:. 2 al Isre one way for round trip
$15.80 To Atlanta Ga. and Return 515.80
via P. & W. and B. <Xt O.
The P. <t W. It. K. will sell round trip
tiekots to Atlanta (!a , Dec. iy and 20 at
r »te of sls 80 from Hurler, good returning
10 days Irom date of Hale For further in
formation apply t» agent P. it VJ. Butler.
Christmas time is now here and
Meineman & Son have as usual a
very fine line of Christmas Presents
to suit every person.
The Line Consists of
Dressing Cases
Cuff and Collar Hoxes
T/avclling Sets
Shaving Sets
Cut Glass
Picture frames
Christmas Cards
Gold Pens
Fine Stationery
All the Popular Books
Leather Goods
Hememan & Son's
By all means TINE at once, %M>U
as soreness is felt in the throat,
something that will act direct
ly on the throat, counteract
disease and effect a cure, for
co'imion sure throat, son
throat with scarlet fever, and
every throat affection. The
most successful and thorough
ly tested remedy, is ARM
QUINSY DROPS. Praised and
recommended hy all that
know them, because they
positively will cure sore throat.
A special .-mil a success —Soi.D
is wrapped around every liot
cough Syrup you ever used,
small doses, grand results, ask
your Druggist.
A visit to our STORK and ex
amination of our STOCK cannot
fail to offer many solutions to
the vexing problem
WHAT **\
Watches, #
J. R. Reed & Co.
Watchmaker* &"Jewclcrs,
4.19 Market St.. PITTSBUBJI
A Xmas Present Free!
During the month of December atul
the Holidays we will present to every
purchaser a bottle of fine Table Wine
also one of our new Calendar.*
We handle nothing b.ut Intro Reli
able oootls, such asOHetoll, Overboil,
Pinch's, (ftickenhriniet, Dogherty,
Bridgeport, Dillingcr, Barge's and
Sam Thompson. All these ('.<HK|S
are sold from four to ten old
atul warranted Pure ,* A full quart,
SI.UU or btx for ss.tti. We have
also u lull line of all kinds Imported
and Domestic Wines, dins, Cugniacs,
Brandies, Ruins, Scotch and Irish
Win kji"- N 1 - extra « barge for pack
ing. All (foods, including C. <). I».
orders, are securely packed ami ship
ped most promptly. I -'.xpress charges
on orders for #to and over we prepay.
Fair dealing to everyliody. Semi f'»r
Price Ijst.
Pittsburg Pa.
i'eleyhouc 21
I George Wiles, whose parents live ia
Kaybnrn township, j : t a hort distance
i from Kittanning, i:ttic)ugh but twenty-six
| years of age. has iiad considerable martial
' experience. lie has oeea married three
times, and all three wives are s*ill living.
On August sixteenth. 1-:"). hi took ou- a
license in the registe-'s office in Kittanning
! ; t nd on the thirtieth of that mont'i Justice
lohn T. Simson married him to Mary J.
Mark- On December fifth. 1592. he was
granted a divorce fro n Ma-/.
On December twenty -fourth
; he *ook out another marriage license, and
on that day the same Justice married him
to Mi.-> Minnie M. Belton. of Toledo. Ohio.
On 'he second of January 1 -95. Miu.iie M.
Uelton Wiles was divorced from h)r hu--
band, aud on December third. 1895,
George pres.-mted himself at Register
SlaymakerV of lice aud producing a certifi
cation from Ihe Clerk of Courts, of Toledo
Ohio, settiug forth this last divorce, was
granted another licen.-e and the « una day
wa.s married to Miss Cora Ivliiie. of Kitlan
ning. by Justice Samuel Donaldson.
Th«re has not been a case of typhoid
fever in the borough of Conne»utville for
»>ver 25 years
Alter J Shame Wi ! soa jud»»e-?leet of
B -avtr county, is worn into .office Jauui.-
ry 1, action will be Viought to impeach
him on the charge of alleged corrupt use
of money a' the election and primaries.
The move, it is said, is to be made in be
half of John Buchanan, Esq.. the defeated
Democratic candidate.
In re final accouut of M. ) Iu 1110 urpbaris
S. Greer, Ex'r of the last | Court of the
will and testament ot I County of fi.it-
Msrgaret Jane Fleming, f ler. No. 20 of
iaie of Buffalo township, 1 March Term,
deceased. J 1896.
Aud now, to nil, December 7th, lSy>,
O.i motion, the Court appoint Ii P. Scott,
E-q, Auditor in above stated case, to pass
upon tho except org filed and mako distribu
tion of the funds iu the hands of the ati
cottntaut. BY TUB COURT. tSeal )
Certified from the record ibis ytb, day
of December, isys.
Parties interested will please tike no
ti'-e that I 'viil att.Mid to the duties of the
h!*o-, e appointment at my 1 ffice, No. 10
S-'Uib West Diamon.l Street, Buller. Pa
o Thursday Junuaiy 2d. 1890. at 10
• i ck A M. wore iud when th-isi lu
'► 1 ■ iii _. .t' v; '.
Not ce to C llsctcrs.
Noiiio is herehy given to the dilfereui
e.-ileotors of tbe -everal townships and
iioroughs, that the lime lor settling the
l)og Tax for the year lHy.5. will be Dee. 31,
CO. Treasurer.
Treasurer's Office, Dec. 18. 1895.
Notice is hereby given that there will be
all eeting of the stockholders of tho Mo
cbanics Building and Loan Ass'n of Butler
at the office of A brains A Brown, in Butler
on Monday Jan. 13, 1890, at 7 p. m., for
the purpose of hearing Iho report of the
Auditors and election of a board of direc
tors for the ensuing year.
JNO. W. BROWN, Sec'/.
Executor's Notico.
Lelterj testamentary on tho estate of
Frank C. McGrew, dee'd, late of Prospect
borough, Butler Co. Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
state will please mako immediate payment
and any person having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
Nannie J. McGrew, Ex'r.
Prospect Pa
Notice to Stockholders.
The annual meeting of the Worth Mu
tual Fire Insurance 'Jo. will lie hold in the
ricbool house at Wei:t Liberty on the second
Saturday of Janur.ry, being the 11th day
of 1890, at 10 A M for the pnrpo.se of elect
ing officers fur the ensuing year.
The Genearl Meetiug of the Partners
Mutual Fire Insurance Company of
I{anuahstown and Vicinity will be held
on Saturday, January nth. 1596 at 10.
o'clock P. M. at the Creamery building
in Delano. All members arc [invited to
A. KRAUSE,President.
H. IIKCK, Secretary.
Dissolution Notice.
The public will please take notice '.hat
G. B M. (iorden has purchased the inter
est of A. E. Khadel in the firm of Shadcl
A (Jorden, doing business in the name of
The Standard View Co., and will continue
in the business alone, in the same place
Anyouo knowing himself indebted to
sai l firm will please settle at once. Thank
ing the public for pant farors and solicit
ing further patronage, I remain,
Administrator'** Notice.
Belters of administration on the estate
••I Mrs. Annie arv Kelly, late of Middle
* x twp , Butler Co , Pa., dee'd, , wing
ti.-i ii gi anted to the undersigned, therefore
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to . aid estate will please maki< speedy pay
ment and those having oLirna against the
-aine esn present them duly authenticated
for settlement to
J. N. Fl/LTON. Adiu'r.
K. MCJUNKIN. Klick, P. (I
Att'y. Butler Co., Pa.
Executor's Notice.
Betters testamentary on 100 r 'ato of
Jacob Slump, dde'd, late of Kyans City,
Bntler Co. Pa., haviiiu been granted to
the undersighed, all j ersons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
pleas J make immediate payment, aud any
iiav'rig claims agaiust. said estate will pre
sent them properly authenticated to.
1. N. URAIIAM, Kx'r.
Kvans City, Pa.
Males «t Young Att'ys.
Administrator's Notice.
Betters of administration having liee3
granted to the undersigned on the estate
uf Isabella 11. Weisonstein, dee'd, late of
Centre twp , Butler Co. Pa; all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to.
Butler Pa.
Administratrix Notice.
In re estate of Zebulon Cooper dee'd. late
ol Worth twp, Butler Co. Penna.
Whereas letters id administration have
been issued to me the undersigned by the
Register of Wills of said County, on above
estate, notice is herely given to all parties
indebted to decedent's estate to promptly
settle the same and any persons having
claims against said estate will pro-out
them properly proved for ('lyrment to
ol estate of Znhulon Cooper,
W. C. FlNlifcKY, jacksville. P. O.
Att'' - Butler Co., Pa.
Insurance and Real Estate
1 5 f I'm ,KK, - 1 »A
Valuable Fa>*mfor Sale.
A valuable farm, located in Itottegal
twp. and comprising about 175 acres, i/o
of which art- cleared uti<l the rest covered
with wltflf oak ami chestnut timber; well
watcicd and having two orchards with
jilenty of poaches ami grn)>es; good build
ings, consisting of H two-story, frame
dwelling house, large barn,
spring house, and all <;IUCJ ujecesiutry
outbuildings' '.v,«- n.ib . from ruilroai\
stati'.:;, ai.«t i> tiiilei Irojn cuuut.v seal,
|( oiivciticnt to schools atwl (>hurehes, will
be sold clican, obv naif the purch.iM
nioViV) V'< br /laid down and the balance
in two payments within two years.
The farmisl rased until April of 1897,
but has no other encumbrances. For
further particulars iuouirc at this othcc
A Su^restion.
■ iV^Y*
I.;L i : ■ ' -rj
'Anr\Y>.. - . • *Srl
Did it over occur 10 you tLat there are
and drugs—that drug - areiike every
thtu B . are good, bad and indif
ferent. i*. •n'hins else which is
positively bad 11 .1 ' the be t.
Ocr policy has alw:tj ou. .. . n'th
ing but the best.
When you want drugs come tons and be
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what you ask for or your prescription calls
or. It may not always be drugs you wan
-ither. We always have on hand a fill
line of sick room requisites.*
c.. IV. BOYD,
Diamond Block, - B.ttler, Pa
Weaiirn "crnsylvania Division.
Schedule iu Effect ils.y 20, 1895.
South, —" —Week Days
A. At. A. M. A. M. P. SI. 1* M.
I I Tf. Kit SUO 11 J.'| 2VI a u>,
•axonbur.'.. .Arrive 1. 54 823 II »s j u .-, ■■■
il itler Jet... •• 7-*r me l_- 1_• 310 ..6:1
liutler Jet.. ..Leave 7ao s4s ul7 :i lo
Natrona Arrive". :is HAS U _•<; t . OJ
Tarenlum Vt.i yOj Ij.lt 3-47
tSprlngdalc yl* i.mi 10:
v'laremont so: ;iii u .vj 4_i
SUarpsburg sl3 m ,:I 1~7 4-S 1.3
\l:* iiUe'ij Ctty sa,~ IM 1j 1 140 II!
A. M A. M. r. M. V. M. p.
Bi.'■ DAY n:\iNs Leave Butler iur A.ie
„lit »y l';ry ami principal nuern tat ;.e -uu<i
7:1 • A V„ S J ana ix; I'. M.
Norm. —vVfDi; < , N
». Ji. A. M. A. 11. i\ \|. r, M
. ib-gbem City. U.«U 90.j it 3I > »1..
Sual psOurg 7us yl3 11 -U
«;iaremout. Yin 11 4ii
SiMiijjJal -V 'j 30 I 1 u tt
I'.iiHiuuui 7.1.! yjy lao-. .11 iii.
Nuiruna 737 yti .1
iiuUerJc't Ar 7u !i.« i-jj3 |o4 1o:
llutlerjc't Lv 74j :» .">0 1234 ir,
Saxonburtf »lo 10 is 12 .y.t 440 7 2.1
ill-r:.Kii Ar. 831 10 38 12S SO6 730
A. U. A. M. P. Jl, P. M. p. .« .
SUNDAY THAINS-lx-ave Allegheny Clt" ror
Hut ler ami prliiclpal bilermediati' stations 7-to
A. M., 1 :;3*> and 7:Jo I*. M.
Week Days For the Kaet 'Week Days,
r- ni. a. m. a m p. m.
2 -15 625 Dv BCTLKK. .. Ar 10 38 J 2.,
40 727 Ar Butler Jo't Lv ySO 12 3'
404 745 Lv Butler Je - t Ar y4O 12 3!
110 74y Ar Preeport.. Lv 835 12 30
415 753 " Alleg y Jo't " 'J 31 12 21
42d SO4 " Leectiburg.. " y2O J2 1. ;
i4d 821 "Pault(-u( Apollo" yOS 11 5\
514 851 " fialtsburg "8 37 11 3J
550 y22 " Blairsvilie "8 0S 11 00
000 !( 30 "Blairsvilie lns'n"7 45 10 15
850 11 35 " Altoona "3 40 800
100 310 " Barrisbu:g..."U 00 310
430 G23 " Philadelphia. '8 50 11 20
a. n-. p. in. p. m. r>. m.
Through trains for the east leave Pitts
burg (Union Station) a; fo'lows:
Atlantic Uxpresb', daily 3 10 A. X.
Pennsylvania Limited " 7 15
Day Express, " 730 "
Main Liae Epress •' 8 00
' hiladolpbia Express " 430 P. .V.
Eastern Express " 700 "
Past Line " 8 10
For detailed inloruiatiou, addrojs 71i0.-.
P. Watt, Pass. Agt. Weotuin {District, 110
» -, i|th Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
(•eJera! Maaater. (iet'l I'assr, Agent.
P. & W. K, H.
dolleduiu lu elldCt May 12, !8»5. (Hutler time)
Tiio Sliori l.lne to Pittsburg.
a m Allegheny Kx «.r>am, Allegheny A'
1.15 Utu All'y & Akron O.IHI a in.AI a Nt'asti
o.W ain Allegheny A. : j/jo p iu. Allegheny t:.
.511> m Allegbony Kx I.lc. p in, Allegheny E\
3so p m ChlragoKx. -,: to p m,All'y * Akron
U o."> |) 111 All y x Ell. Kx ii.llo p in, Allegheny Kx
ni.o:> ain Kane & Ilrad. .Os a in. Koxburg Ac
5.13 pin (Marlon Ao '.MI a iu, Cl irlsn Ar
7.30 p m Koxhurg , i.io pin, Kane Mall
8.15 a 111, DeKerest Ac 110.no a m,Allegheny Ac
11.45 a m. Allegheny- KX l.or>p iu, Allegheny K>
'.50 p 111, C!hlru#o Kx ..(I*, pm. Allegheny K»
■OS pm, Allegheny A pm. Deforest Ac
Train arriving at at ».oo p 111 leaves H * (> de
pot, Pittsburg, at 3 :I5 o'clock.
Duller and ilreenville I'n ull »rlll louve Alln
gticiiy at 330 p. m, dally except sun lay. run
uoctlng at illowgrove. irrlvlnir at lluller a'
Pullman llutlet Sleeping ('am and llrst-cla»s
'lay Coaches tun through between liutler and
Chicago dally.
for through tlekelu lo points In UlO West
North west or Southwest apply to
A. B. CROUCH, A K ent
,Tr;ilna leave tho li. ti o. depot lu PiHMiri;
.Or Ihe Kant as follows.
Kor Washln|{toii !>• <•„ Baltimore, l'hilmn i
pliU, in 1 Nuw York. 7:30 una p. in
■ 'uinberl mil, «:40, ; ; .io, u.iu. i : in. ; irji p. m. i on-
U'Nvlllu. fi:iu, 7:: in. a. Hi. 1.10. 1.30, 4.4.1, ft. io i"0
m. Uiilnutowii, ~,20 a in ,t io, l.ao. o.ao p. in.
i nlmitnwn. Mom.t rtn-.vu an<l Fairmont. 7,; m, a.
in. 3tui&3o(>. iu. Mt.Plenaant i!. 40. -..in a. m.
.10 mut I.:HI p IU, Washington, I'a. 7.4» nml
:t« «■ in.. 4,(W, i.ib mill ii.oiv Ii v. p. in . Whirl
in. 7.40 nml i..'io ». in., unit 4.u0. :i.t>o. 11.•■».*» p,
< lin HI null, rtt, I.HIIIH. i 'oliiiiiliUM anil Ni">*-
■»rk, 7.10 a. in.. 11.10, 11 .DA p. m.
For Chioac'o, /.Jo will !>.:»» p. in.
I'nrlor 'ind Hli'cplnif ram to IlnltUniirx, Wa*h
n'.'ton.'Tnolunitl an«l Clileuiro,
F, S. & L. E. K. H.
Takes effect Monday, Nov. 29 ihos.
Trillin are run by SI anil aril < 'mitral Time (uotli
Murldlan.) ciiio hour HIOWIT tlmr city Time.
10 U j rj~j HTATTONH i~~i til I)
p.m pm J p.m. Arr l.v'oa.m •m. p.m.
I V. 2 Ml llufTltl» ft :«!u '.'o
... 3 24} I oo| Dunkirk ... .... •m|l 40
< |;t. m.
7 U1 1 421 It ix . KrlO « 111 H :v> 3 35
i'. as l on ii ir. Wallai'n .1 unot n 4". « u I ij
11 .11 I (>l 11 II (ilraril H Ml ll» I I;,
nool2 m H r,v .... Uii'kport. . o 211 4 2ii
ii 0212 4* Hr.l Diaiii'Htllli'. •» 7 oi, » :w 4 .1
•1431 no uiar.Connoaut lv. TTTP• 40 1 :I l»
1 M| | 7 4>|tT ar i 0 1 1
5 57' It liTYlVar. .Albion? U V lit 0 4l] 437
ft 11 I 2 3I * 31, . Hliadolaiut... 7 J;I »53 4 .11
.1 4" 12 30 H2K . .sprlliuboro . 7 27 <1 :»I. 4 Aft
.'1 13 12 21 H unj, Oonni'iiiitvllla*. 7 31 10 fti ft 03
«- IK. A ii'i ... Mra'v'li'. 11' 1.. H no. 111 r. 2..
i"~V 10" Iv i'IIIIITI ,l..ikc 111 hti 1
... 112 1* klO ar ar 810 10 no ft 30
4 25 .ItU V..MoadVllle..l« 1 II 42 4 2ft
.... 112 4ft; K3; ar ai h3. 11 2s 1: lo
No2j!l •! 7 U.. . 11 ari st.. v. 11.. » No 1110 80 fin
...'II W 7 3s .. . Ailoinavllle 'in 4I 1 5 14
.... 11 .n 7 •» .... Osgood. |IOM s 81
1 .'ft 11 30 7 11. ... Un-envllle ... uSOU 0. 11 nr.
n ik 11 20 7 m; ....Hlioiianßo 11 4" 11 20 « 20
1; no ,0 fti 11 4.1 .... Kri-ilonlii. 703 II 41 1; ;<a
11 10 43 11 2.1 Meroer 7 221* 01 7 00
, .10 10211 1; 111 ... . I'ariliHi . ... 7 31112 22 . 14
ft 111 111 20 li Oil Upivr City. .. 7 47 12 33 7 ...
s oi,|io OK S4m .. iiarrlnvtlle— 7 5»;'2 4ft 73«
I fts|io oo ft lo . . Branchix>n.. .. n onl'2 M T 4«
soo . .. ,i H |i. liv .Briinolil/ni ar 7 10112 ioi ....
ft 451 8 f.:, ar ..nililiiril .lv il 2»j_ll l"n
4 ii fthl r, 3i|. v. KflN.iT'i ... n iolia IKT-,
I .I'll 11 4.' ft 21 1 ... .. Kncllll . K 2.' 1 (.'! K II ' I
I io] ') ir-1 4 501.... Il'itler K no. i 4 , . , | K32
'. 7 '.*) ... | Allris'lii'ny. I'AWII «1 B ftbl ~..
• 11 a.lll ' I'tttslmriC.lUHl. p. in p. in
•I. T. 111, A IK, (loni»ral Manancr. (.rocnvlMi', ra
Seanor Nace's
| Livery, Feed and Sale Stable,
Hear of Wlok House, HuU«r, Pa
Tho ho it of hor«en mid iimt elum
ulwayn on haml ami fir hiro.
Hflßt accommodntioiiH In town Tor
permanent boarding anii tranmoit I
traiki. Special oarn guaranteed.
Stable room for ilxty-five hornon.
A good claaH of bornca, both driv
urn and draft horHCH UIWOJH on tiand
and for HIVIII under n full guarantee,'
and horneM bought upon propor rioll
luation bv SKANOH NA'JE.
All kindu ot live bought and
'Vei«l>l>ou« at Wick ilou**.
( —\
BOVS. . . ' .
Cor. Main and Cinmngham St.
how to Obtain a Watch Free
Trade $lO in Clothing at SCHAUL & N AST'S and yet .1 i.tckel
plated watch any charge.
Goes free of any charge with every Boys Suit or Overcoat. Now
come boys and pull for us and"get a wagon free.
Schaul S Nast,
l.ettc 1 imi Clothier**, 137 S. Main St., Butler, P«.
Schneideman's Old Stand.
Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Pa
We have a Christmas present for the boys and girls.
Sleds Sleds Sleds
An elegant round steel spring-runner sled with every sale of
a boy's suit or overcoat.
iVe will
Give these sleds away
Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.
As we could only secure a limited number of
these sleds.
Gets first pick.
104 S. Main St.* - Butler, Fa
The Pilot Most
\j. H. GRIEB,
1 18 South Main Street, - - - Butler, Pa
C The Philadelphia Press §
For 1896. 3
Pennsylvania's greatest Republican family
newspaper, The Philadelphia Press, will enter
y-, upon the new year under the most favorable ck
*0 conditions of its history. °S
A powerful agent in the national com*
)° munity, it is now more than ever a leader in
r° news and able comment.
(° Its various departments have during the ,-J
/° )
p.ist year been greatly strengthened. oi
to Pennsylvania is covered county by county, °\
city by city, town by town. No other news
)° paper covers the State so well. *3
The Woman's Page of The Press has be-
CZ come one of its most prominent features and o/
Lj is eagerly sought by ladu s. °\
70 In the matter of Amateur Sports'l he Press
Vo is also far in the lead and publishes more
news on that subject than any other paper in j
the country. \ 2
The subscription price of The Press, per
* I
y«'ar, is: l)aily, six dollars; Daily and Sun- o<
V, il;iy, eight dollars; Weekly, one dollar. |
The Press is the greatest want rrndium in
>° Philadelphia and gives the lowest rates on j
r that class of advertising. 0
P I — K
y.* 0