Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 12, 1895, Image 4

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    < Your Wife's (
jChristmas Present! )
< Have You Thought About lt?>
{ One for SSO. Parlor Suits would (
I n ' CC '
1 More of the $lO Decorated Dinner Sets Arrived S
/ last week. You never bought a nicer Set for sls. \
C One of Our Extension Tables at $lO Will Please )
/ Your Wife. S
Good Cheer For The
Make Merry and Rejoice.
Speed the parting, welcome the coming New Year.
This is the season of merry-making, of Plum Pudding, Mince
Pies, of good eating and drinking. We have now been before the
public for the past quarter of a century, and have learned how best
to serve the public, especially at this time of the year. Our stock
contains the choicest of liquors, the
Best Rum for the Pudding, Brandy for
the Mince Ties, Wines and Whisky
for the table or sideboard.
Here are some of our prices for absolutely pure liquors:
Silver Age Rye $1.50 per quart
Duquesne Rye '- 2 5
Bear Creek Rye 1 • 00
Guckenheimer 4 years old 3°° "gallon
Possum 2.50
Anchor 2 00
Jamaica Rum SI.OO, 75c ind 50c
Cognac Brandy $1.50, SI.OO and 75c
Cooking Brandy 2.00 " gallon
All brands of California Wines, Malaga, Muscatel, Port, Sherry,
Madeira, Sweet California, Claret, Angelica, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00
per gallon.
Christmas Presents For Friends.
There is nothing more appreciated than a bottle t>f fine Whisky
or Wine—nothing can be more appropriate.
We pay all Express Charges or Orders
of #5.00 and Upwards.
No charge for boxing and shipping. Send for our Catologue
and Price List mailed free on application.
With best wishes to one and all for a Merry Christ mas and A
Happy New Year.
Distiller and Importer
82 Federal St.
Allegheny Pa.
between two men or women generally de
rrelopi the fhet that one or both are troubled
by sickness of some kind. One n: in is all
right except his rheumatism, another has a
"slight touch" of dyspepsia, nnothcr has
bilious headaches, and another is too nerv
ous to sleep well. WTiat'sto be done about it?
The situation is serious. Little thingf#
have a way of getting big. Big disease:, are
bad thing* Sleeplessness brings irritable
nerves, loss of flesh, loss of appetite. Sleep
less people soon get their bodies into such
• condition that disease-germs find it ca r -J
to lodge there and propagate. People di»
from the aggravation of an aggregation of lit
tle things. The more promptly a disease or
disorder is met the more quickly it is cured.
Most all sickness starts in the stomach,
liver or lungs. Rheumatism, scrofula, ec
zema, consumption, come about because
insufficient, impure or impoverished blood
fc present The diseased blood finds the
vreakest spot in the body and a local symp
tom appears. If the impurity is supplanted
with good, rich, red. healthy corpuscles,
the disease will have nothing to feed on.
If the proper cleansing medicine is sent to
the seat of the trouble, it will force out the
jerms and repair the damage done.
I>r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is
a cleansing, purifying medicine, a blood
enricher, a nerve strengthener. It is an
efficient tonic, aids digestion, creates
healthy appetite and healthy flesh. It
does not make people "fat." It makes
them strong. It makes useful flesh—solid
muscle. It will cure any sickness that
has its source in the digestive organs, u*
through them in the blood
Dr. Humphrey*' Specific* arc aclentlflcally and
carefully prepared Renvc'dles, used for years In
prlv&te practhv and for over thirty years by the
peoplo with entire r".ccesa. Every single Specific
a special cure for tae disease named.
I -Ferfrßf Congestions, Inflammations.. *'2s
2-VVornirt, Worm Fever. Worm C01ic.... M
3-Teething; Colic, Crying. Wakefulness .25
4-Dinrrbea, of Children or Adults 25
7 Cough*. Colds, Bronchitis *25
Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache
9-Headache*, sick Headache, Vertigo., J35
10—I>yMpepMiA« Itiilousuew. Constipation. .25
11—Suppressed or Painful Period* . .! 25
12— White*, Too Profuse Periods .. .25
13—Croup, LuryngitlM, Hoarseness 25
14—Halt K lieu nt. Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .25
15—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains .25
16— >la.larla, Chills, Fever and Asrae .25
19—Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head. .25
20— Whooping ( ough 25
27—Kidney I)l*enwe* «®5
2.B—Nervous Debility 1.00
30-l'rinary Weakness 25
34—Pore Throat, Quincy, Ulcerated Throat.2s
// SPECIFIC FOR Omlj £0 ,
Put up in small bottles of pleasant pellets. just fit
your vent pocket.
Sold by Drucjclttt*. or unit on receipt of prlre.
PallnMrmrv*Manual Entered A mum n r««£K
HIMPHUkVS'Mt D.tt)., 11l A 1 It William 84., NEW YORK.
/ Zl n Earache is about as ,
t painful an ache as
> anything that
' has to deal with. But it
£ stops it immedia.cely. Big S
| pains—little pains—it |
j stops all of them.
<; Salva-c.ea is the quickest ;
I to relieve and cure
s Pllw, Boils,
j Catarrh, Chiflngs,
Sore Throat, Uloors, ■
\ Colds, Rheumatism, i
j Soro Muscles, Burns. j
yiro sizes, 25 and 50 cents. )
Lt or by mail. 1
A.vtatiTH Co. 274 Canal St., N. V. >
Like a Good
A bottle or our Old Export
Whiskey Ss never out of season.
You may not need lt now, you
may 'jot. need It next week, you
may not need it thisyear; and
tbv>u attain, it might prove i»
Messing before nightfall. There
are so many disorders wher»
pure whiskey is required that It
really isn't dale to be without lt.
But then you must have a trusty
article, such as our Old Export
—the always reliable kind.
full Quarts, SI.OO ;
Six Quarts, 95.00.
Mail and Express order*
shipped promptly, and we pay
transportation charges on
orders of 810.00 and over.
Cnmolete Prios Li»t»of Win,* and Liauort mailed frefc.
, Removes quickly and permanently
And other evils arising from early errors
or ..rerwotk, ate. Wauls off
consumption an<l in-aniiv: ciik wlieie
others fail. '.look exi'lniion rni.ilcd
free, -atis'a tlnn jru.iranto'd. Wonder
ful siieci-s in all cases of this nature.
By mail. ■ i On per I'O*. or .* for $> CO.
cai jme" r
J«* a special boon to bu: iness men who, having
drifted unconsciously into tin* drink habit ana
awaken to ilnd the disease of aleoliolism fastened
ii|» .n them, rendering them unfit to manage af
fairs r 'quiring a clear brain. A four weeks
cobb -• i tie •- 11 at Ihe
Ho. 4246 Fifth Avenue,
restorer to them all their powefs, mental and
ph% !. destroy.; the ah < rm.il a: f • • lt« . jind
i ■i. ■ them to the condi • . I hev -•re hi be
fore they indulge iin stimulant T!»I ha been
done la mom (nin 1600 cases treats I here, sad
Hint»ng them f.nm« of your own neighbors, to
whom we «su r« fer with confident" an t«» the
absolute safe! aud effidt icy of the Keeiey Core.
The fullest and most searching inveMi iti< »i is
i \ itod. Scud Tor i HTiO i;kt giving full informa
(Saaendorph'w Patent.)
Lightning, Fire and Proof.
Henri f r Tin* Pr.,n Iron Rnnflnff *i*- * f *♦»••-«-
CHt i • «eai'tJ«£ i «»• t'iriiii., i'u.»
•>* pric«ti. I Solo fitfra
~ . !;.[) ■ • ...
... .
»' «iLi O I l»U .Ol At lo»nil TV
" quart
Happy by Coinpart»on.
"Hello, McGinnis, you look blue.
What is the matter?"
"Matter enough. Boil on the back
of my neck!"
"By George', old fellow, I sympa
thize with you!"
"But you are not looking'remarkably
cheerful yourself, W'hackstcr. Any
thing wrong with you?"
"My wife is cleaning house."
(Fervently)— Thank heaven for my
boil.—K. Y. Mercury.
Took It tiwratty.
"And then I saw the handwriting on
the wall," said the storyteller, in the 1
course of one of his tales.
"You did?" exclaimed the housewife.
"Well, that's what comes of liavin ~ 3
children In the house. They're always
marking up the walls."—Chicago Even
ing Post.
The Bohemian's Comment.
"I owe my life to a miracle," said one
of the combatants to Murger, the au
thor of "La Vie des Bohetnes." "I had
left in my pocket a five-franc piece and
the hall struck flat on the spot where
it was."
"In your place I should have been a
dead man," was Murger's reply.—Le
Petit Parisien.
That Would Be Odd.
Hojack—l foresee a great difficulty
In the way of electing unmarried
women as members of state legisla
Tomdik—Name it.
Hojack—Well, it would sound odd to
speak of the lower branch as a house
of miss representatives.—Judge.
What Hn Dreaded.
Lea —Great heavens! old man, I have
suffered three days and nights of
sleepless agony from this raging tooth
Perrins—Why don't you get it pulled?
Lea—l would; but I'm afraid it would
hurt!— Puck.
A Bit of Finance.
First Tramp—All I have in the world
5s a counterfeit quarter.
Second Tramp—And all I have is »
plugged dime.
Both —Let's hold a monetary confer
ence!— Detroit Free Press.
nil Supposition.
"I see," said the shoe clerk boarder,
"that a man in New York has succeed
ed in growing a new crop of hair by
sheer will power."
"I suppose," said the Cheerful Idiot,
"that as soon as the new woman hears
of the case sho will start in to grow a
beard."—lndianapolis Journal.
Imitating: the Drop Curtain.
"Where are you going?" said Mrs.
Murray Hill, as her husband started to
go out at the end of the first act.
"Oh, no place much," he replied, "I
notice that the curtain lias taken a drop,
and I thought of doing the same thing
myself.'*—Tammany Times.
Didn't Dare.
Dimpleton—l was talking with your
wife this morning about your riding
the bicycle. Are you going to take it
Von Blumer—No. Somebody's got
to look after the house. —Brooklyn
Itching for th« Chance.
"I dreamed last night that I mt»t that
scoundrel Riggs."
"What did you do?"
"Nothing; that's the worst of it."
"Well, if I ever catch him out in a
dreain I'll knock him down." —Chicago
Caught Napping 1 .
Mrs. Ilicks —I thought you seemed to
agree pretty well with Dr. Thirdly's
eermon this morninp.
nicks—How so?
Mrs. Ilicks —You nodded to about
everything he said.—N. Y. Worlil.
Deferring the Trouble.
"What in the world shall I do with
the baby, John? She's crying for the
"That's nothing. Walt till she's
eighteen and she'll want the earth."—
Placing tie Responsibility.
lie —Will yon be my wife?
She —Oh, this is such a surprise!
He —I can't help that. It isn't my
fault that you've never heard anything
like it before. —Life.
Jinks—What tender care your wife
tai'tes of you. Always worrying about
your health.
Blinks —Yes; I have my life insured
In favor of my sister. —N. Y. Weekly.
The watermelon causes Joy
Among both white and colored folks.
And humorists their time employ
In writing mclon-colic Jokes.
—N. Y Herald.
HOOIVS PILiLS cure tilver Ills,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Ilendaelie.
A pleasant laxative. All Uraggleti.
—Th« Chinese Lanndrymen of Chicago,
probably taking their oue Irotn the news
l>«r>er publishers, have roduced their price
of washing collars to a cent.
Itr. Agnew'f (Jure lor the Heart gt7j
perfect reliet ;n all cases of Organic o'
sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minuter
and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer
'ess remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o.
"rt alb, SniotheriDg Spells, Pain in Lei
- ide and all symptoms of a Diseasod lloart
no dose convinces. Sold I >7 City Phar
—A Chicago man has invented a bicycle
that accomodates the whole l&iuily.
Other styles are a succ ens. but this is cal
culated to bring down the house.
—English Spavin Liniment removes ai'
I ard, suit or calloused lumps aud b!e:n
shes from horses, blood spavins, curbs
plints, sweeney, ringbone, stitlcs. sprain'
II swollen throats, coughs, etc. Savo
50 by use of one bottle. Warranted tfco
Tiost wonderful IJleiutsh Cnre ever known
Sold by J. C. ltedick. druggist Butler Pi
—The land on which the two battles <>»
Ball Ran were fought is to be cut :ip and
auctioned off this month It wiil strike
the average American that it would havo
been a good placu to locate a national
Peltef in Stx Hours
—Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This m w remedy is a great surprise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in re
lievinf pain :n the bladder, kidney, back
and every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost itn
mediatly, If you want t[uick relief and
cure th ts is your remedy. Sold by J. C.
itudick druggist Butler Pa.
—Tho man, who is sitting around wait
ing for a shower of silver dollars to tall in
to h'i> pocket, would be too lazy to pick
them up if they fell at his feet.
Aunt MHCIHHI'S llurchound mi<l Eltcum
ptinefor Sinycm.
There aro thousand* ol cases on record
where persons suffering from consumption
havo been completely cured by the use of
Aunt liachael's Horahound Herb, Elecam
pane Root, and Speers Grape Juice, and
persons are willing to-day to testily to the
miraculous cures wrought for them by this
pleasant and most effective remedy. 1 xed
by public speakurs. For sale by drug
The 1 lime liranily »f IR7G I'mtagr.
Has proven to be a superior distillation,
ai.d with years of ripening is now put up
on the market by the Speer N. J- Wine
Co. It is a superior meliow brandy,
powssing all the in«*dicinal properties for
which brandies from grape are
ly useful. Sold by Druggists.
—Problems multiply a* to how people
shall handle the year 1900, since one will
naturally be obliged to discard familiar
assge in abbreviating year-, as for instance
when si eaking of TO. '4S. etc. The ■
trouble will begin with the next frosbir.an
classes to enter our college* £ach
coming "!"reshie 'w:l! belong to the clas
of 'OO. Ihe conundrum is a« to Low At
lab"l him. Here is a knotty pro!.
and it is no wonder that next year', pr
pective freshmen .ire beginning t" be
worried. "L.ere is a possibility that >:rave
and poteut -euiors ol the t-lass ol liKK) may
end their academic aspirations by going
out mere ciphers. That i 4, ol cour-e, so
far as I be accident ot cipher- is concerned.
Otherwise it is more than likyly the boys
of 1!KK) and during the twentieth cent my I
will bo lietter educated th in the lad.- of
to day
Rich, red blood is the foundation of j
health. Hood's Sars;:panlla makes rich, |
red blood.
--When Slat tor, the unique faith curcr
who appcard in Denver, dubbed himself
•'the healer,' lew people realized the
siguifica: ce of tne cognomen. Wlion his j
disappeariuce wts annoucoed they kn -*
tha". he was indeeu a heeler
—Dennis Scott, reputed to be 10T years
old, died at his home, near Stueldnville,
Minn , a few days ago His age was
to be Weil authenueated. iiis hair Has
never turned gray and until a few days
ago h<**iiad always good health and bad
daily worried upon tin farm
What is believe I to be the lamest
mirror in '.he World lias just beeu set up IU
a >'«s«r York hotel. Uis I'<B iauOes square,
and wr',»s made i i France. It cost #3,1)00.
and two il.iys uuu night » ere consum
ed iu setting it up; hut nothing Mu.ller
will do for a man IJ leet high
—Ac interesting relic was discovered
near San Bernardino, Cal., last week. It
is an imin-jusd sculptured arrowueaJ, 4
feet 4 inches ior.g, and weighing more
than 200 pou.ids. It is of bluisu granae,
aud shaped ir perlect imitation of the
smaller arrowheads friquetitly luand in
tnat region.
idade ol Grape Juice, Hock Candy and
the Horehounu herb, is a simple and effec
tive remedy for coughs, eolils, hoarseness
and sore throat —highly recommended lor
consumptivi s This is to patent medicine
mixture, Lul it :» pure horenound, Eleoe.in
pane Hoot, Hock Candy and Crape juice
—Au Alabama paper says that an enter
pris.ng Yankee book agent is making a
barrel of money iu Alabama. He came
from Connecticut, and has been -elling
books chiefly to negroes. Ho soon came
to appreciate the ol Che ne
(jri.es in matters of religion. He found
that in all the illustrated Bibles the pic
tures ol the augels were iu white, aud con
ceived the idea of having a Bible made for
the colored race, tilled to overllowtug
with pictures of negro augels. The books
cost him about #l.lo,but he placed the
first largo shipment at each, payable
$2.50 cash, the balauca in monthly pay
ments. He is selling the Bibles as fust as
he can get them delivered.
—lf any of onr enterprising people con
template buil ling next year they had oet
ter contract for materials now. There is
reason to believe that shortly alter the
lirst of January next, iron will advance,
while lumber, stone, slate, glass, concrete
and paint will jump pin prices very per
—Charley Loyd Barney, a butcher of
Des Moines, lowa, 21 years old, is a rival
of Sandow. He is accustomed to kill
Cattle with a blow of his list. He raises
a beam on which eight men are seated,
and hold, it above his head. He recently
raised a horse weighing 800 pounds on his
shoulders and performs unny ot the re
mai>*ble feats ot Sandow
—A winter bicycle is the latest thing
out. It is a simple matter to change the
ordinary safety into the winter wheel A
patent attachment has i eon invented, con
sisting ot a runner to replace the fiont
wheel and a spiked tire which encircles the
rear wheel. The appliances are made to
suit any modern safety bicycle The rear
wheel fits tightly around the pneumatic
tire, which forms a guard against punc
Easily Cured.
Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco
habit are easily cured by the use at Hill's
Chloride of Cold Tablets. No effort re
quired of the patient who is allowed the
use of stimulants until ho voluntarily
quits their use. May be given secretly in
U*a or coffee a d a cure guaranteed in
every case For sale by ult first class
druggists at SI.OO per package. For lull
particular* and book of testimonials ad
dress The Ohio Chemical Works, Dims,
Special Notice.
Pure Hye Whiskies 'rorn the best know.)
distillers, according to age, from $2.00 to
00 per gallon. My own importation of
tine old Forts. Sherry, Hbiue and Mosel
Wines from $2.00 to $5.00 per gallon. St
Helena pure old California Wins*, dry and
sweet, 75 cents to $1.50 per gallon. Also
agent for the celebrated I.ake Chautauqua
Wines. $1 50 per gallou Seneca Lake
pure Wine Vinegar. 50c per gallon. The
finest imported Gins. Cognacs, Scotch and
Irish Whisky, Stont Bass Ale, «lc , at
lowest prices. Call or write to A. An
driessen U8 Federal St., Allegheny.
Special Price List on application. >o
extra charge for jugs or packing. Mail
orders promptly attended to.
*** ■ Consult the Old IWitable "
:W» N. FIFTEENTH ST., Pll 11.A., »*A.
Thirty yearn i 7«iiiiuajjj*)riu-ti< e ijate rure of all
ulseuHtK of men nii«l wiwW inittW from wriftt
<»une or liovv Jonir sta-n<l4ni;. I v 111 guarantee » «*ur*»
lUi-Ta *'* Ulotii-Uouud Jiook *u<l
for all classes.
We arc tlic Watch Examiners employ
ed by a number of leading railroad com
panies, every engineer and conductor oil
these roads being required to have liis
watch examined by us periodically.
Hundreds of our watches in the pockets
of railroad men testify to the quality of
our timepieces.
Rare Diamonds
and other precious stones mounted in
any style desired.
Try our special makes of
guaranteed to wear for years.
J. R. Reed & Co.
439 Market St., IMTTSBI RHj
r,. 0- WICK
Rousih and Worked Lumber
Dours, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always In Slock.'
OfMct, opposite P. <fejW. Depot,;
y f \
/ '\ \
, WHAT A \\#
PciV particular attention to
these few lines—they may interest you.
Pond* s Hxtract is so universal a remedy
that ycu know of it and its uses well,
hut so many crude imitations are on the
market, that a warning against the use!
of anvfVng but the genuine Pond's,
Extract > necessary. Pond's Extract is
absoluft i •'ire, antiseptic and anodyne, '
and may i> ' Willi safety and efhcacy,
externally oi intt rnally. Accept nothing I
but the genuine with buff wrapper and
yellow label.
POND'S EXTRACT CO.. 76 Fifth Ave.. Ne.v York.
_____ " i
W E ARE HEADQUARTERS for Fell Boots. We have them for Men, Boys, Women and Children, with either Leather or
VV Overs,and 1 Vices the very Lowest. Complete stock of Mishawanka Stockings; and Rubber Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Wc find
we have too many heavy boots and as we intend to build next Spring we will cam no goods over. nces cu aiav t own .-roods
goods. Space will not premit me to quote prices, but a visit to our store will convince you that we are selling the very best wc a *
at extremely low prices. Full stock of Leather and Findings. Repairing done on short notice. When in need of Shoes call and see
-^s*—-JOHN BICKEL— aC M Kimi?R PA
BRANCH STORE, i? 5 N. Main St. 128 S - Mam St "
Vv i. L DO.
Stimulates tho appetit •• .d i>ro
duces refreshing sl.n p.
Gi"ts vim srnENani to mussins
Checks wasting diseases. stops
night ivoii.<. euros incipient
Increases strongjh end flo3h.
Promotes hcn'thy lur.g tissue.
Will give tho pal- at i runy tho ;
- rosy cheek* <•' ; '>uth.
Makes utrong 1 > ;.!id v.omenoi
Care iJi Wasting Diseases and
their r.fqupn;c3,
Thoy are neither styptio nor enust io. :md
"nnve no coagulating effect on the contents
i f the stomach or its lining
do not hurt tho teeth or c.ii:,..-coisstipn!;. 1
diarrhoea. ns da the usual form.- <>t Iron
'o nays trentraent 60c, p.iinphlot Iroo. li
zot kept by your druggist, addres3
Qii rc itchimb piim
r!l '
STMPTOMW 'I !#-b!ry «.n€
rtioizliiM: ■ni>*l •>;. nig •». »» 1 . ""ftt -hint. If l
nllnwe4l to eonllnu' tI »r»* «n.l {irolru4t\
which oo^ n ' v - '*•- Terr
Hl*Jin*.*-Mro«IUtli»lil t .iru.'/u • I ,
Wliit Nerve Hemes
have done for others
%rjp i iS
ano Permanently
A positive cure for all WeaKnesses,
Nervousness, Debilily, and ail their
train of evils resulting from early errors
and later excesses; the result of over
work, sickness, worry, etc.
■rexce>sfve useof tobacco,opium
anJ liquor, which l .id to consumption
and i.is.inity. Their use sho« s illlQWdt*
ate improvement. Insist upon having
the genuine NERVE BERF.iES, no other.
Q >nvenient to carry in vest pocket.
Price, .oo per box, six boxes, one full
tn :itment, 55.00. Guaranteed tocure
any ca e. It not kept by your drug
pi t u ■ will send them by mail, upon
receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Pamphlet free. Address mail orders to
, ii. I. Kirkpaliick, Optician and Jewilt
I'ourt Jlousi'. ltutter, TH.. crnttluate
Iji l'ort ll.ixuH>t;U'ul Jna'ltne.
lloli'liiv Goods and Christmas Presents.
V.'c jt j>leas».d t< announce the »rrival of our Holiday
St ic, and that ve iic read)' fur
tl: .1 rare .issortmc.it of Christmas Gifts, suitable for
1 ! and Young, Toys, Fancy Goods, Novelties. No
tions. etc.. etc.
Y .! are invited to call and inspect our Grand Display.
1 22 S. Main St Butler I'a
President Of The United States
OF NOVEMBER 4th. 1896.
Public interest w : ll steadily increase, and the qucst'oll liow the men whose
votes turned the scale at tlie last election are satisfied with llil- results under tlic ad
ministration thev elected, will make the campaign the in intensely exciting in
the history of the country.
The ew York Weekly Tribune,
the leading Republican family newspaper of the I'nited States, will publish all the
political news of the day, interesting to every Ameiican citizen reganlless of party
A!s > general news in attractive form, foreign c irre-ipnndence covering the news
..f the world, an argicultural department second to none in the country, market re
.rts which are recognized authority, fascinating short stories, complete in each
number, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign and domestic, with their l)est
comic pictures, fashion plates and elaljorate descriptions of woman's attire, with a
varied and attractive department of household interest. The "New York Weekly
Tribune" is an ideal family paper, with .1 circulation larger than that of any other
weekly publication in the country issued from the office of a daily. Large changes
re being made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi
"Mlv more interest to the women and voung people of the household,
■V SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "THE CITIZEN"
One Year For Only #1.50,
SrnsCRIPTIONS MAY begin at any time.
Address all orders to THE CITIZEN.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. liest, room 2,
Tribune Building, New Y.jrk Citv, and a sample copy of The New York Weeekly
Tribune will lie mailed to you.
h»&i m
Cold-head bmm
Ely'i Cream Balm u not a liquid, xnuff or pmcxirr. Applied into the nostrils it it
_ quickly absorbed. Jt cUatues the head, alLty* inflammation, heal* _
L |l«i the s"re*. A'hi bi/ druqrrista or sen tby moil on rectij-t of price. Lfl
2 A Sismmi. urive
/<MgKom,\ \ loses a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less hi*
■ urious, easy running and handsome than it might
Fredonia Buggies
iiave nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles von can
; get are as strong and secure as they're sightly.
Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's.
Made bv FREDONIA MFG. CO.. Younjrstown, Ohio.
SHOES at kick hi :s
r I T ( i i lori
Butler, Pa.
J Original Low Priced Tailors and
Perfect Fitters.
I Pants to order. .$ 3-°° *° si°-Co
Suits to order.. $ I 5.00 lo $50.00
I Overcoats to order
I Promp work and fit guaranteed.
(Jive us a call.
The Fish Tailoring Co.,
! 104 DIAMOND,
! Opp.North si<lc Court House Butler Pa. j
Mutual Firs Insurance Company,
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
AI.K. Kllk. I'rin
»;K.O. k r TTKISK It. Vice I'rrit."
1,. S. MrJUMilil. Sec'y anil Tr**»
AWrr I Wick. Henderson Oliver,
•r. W. Irv In. lames stcplienson
a . W. Hlackmore, N. Weiuel.
K. Bowman. 11. J. Kllngler
I lie.} Kettern. I'hss. Rebnun.
| i eo. lU'W'O, iJohn Koenlne
f£h • •-
I •••
..... :• -nt
; 1 / : v:,.r. 4 n.
V Li • iu*u 1 ««>• I •" »" " ilrr : b *
V w h~ Mull. IP-000 1 *■ u«ntMN \ i»t'Dtp"
I \ bl< bralrrl Lcßili
ft- ,1 AAi liotfuu. 1 klUka± t n
* Green Goods Market, t
CENTRE AVE. • - - Near It. R :
All kinds of Country I'roduc
'ways 011 hands—gocd and Iresh.
Highest market price paid in
cash for Country I'roduce.
( BC»T jr/»yju-y6}t ?
J' . J
J * r. ourr S
Hotel Butler
J. 11. FAUBKL, IVop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells and al
other modern conveniences foi
guests, and is as convenient, and
desirable a home for strangers as.„
can be found in Butler, Fa.
Elegant sample room for use o)
ommercial ipen