Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 12, 1895, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Auditor's Notice.
Executor's notice, estate of Frank C.
Notice to Stockholders of Worth Mutual
Fir<» Ins. Co.
Huselton's large and complete stock of
shoes, etc.
Richey's Candies.
Zimmerman's Holiday Goods.
Douthett A Graham's Sensible Presents.
Mark's Glove Sale.
C. it T's Holiday Good.
HeinemanVXmas Goods.
Butler Business College's Letter.
SOTE—AI! advertisers intending to make
einpes in their ads. should notity U3 of
th »ir intention to do so, not later than
Mon«Lay morning.
Administrators and Executors ot estatez
oia secure their receipt books at the CIT
NOTICE— Heroafter the prico of tho
CITIZBN will be SI.OO if paid in advance,
vnd #1.25 if not so paid. CITIZEN ami
Veekly Tribune $1.50 in advance.
—Grass widows are seldom green.
—The "ocean jf life which tho poet
speaks of i 3 not always pacific.
—The song: "Only One Gi«l in This
World for Mo" is not popular in Utah.
—H&v a tried Richey's homa-uiado
-Jos.,.- and Arch;e Sandorsoa aro
building r. ore-room at Euclid.
—J. k. Oris well has remodeled his
livery bam at Mars, and is now piepared
to meet ail demands upon him.
Read Mrs. Zimmerman's holiday an
nounci rujnt, and take a look at those beau
iiul sbotf-windows.
—Yesterday was "Visitor's Day" at the
Jefferson street and High schools; and to
day at the Mcl Lean street school.
—The residence of John Hamil in
Millerstown was destroyed by fire on
Wednesday of last week.
Poultry is a good oale in the Butler
market, but there is always a feast or a
famine of it.
—Burt Parks of M-irs has leased his
father's mill, aad employed an expert
millor, aad now turns out first class work
—A pertinent Christmas suggestion:
Give your friend a year's subscription to
—lt you receive a sample copy of the
CI-TIZK.I, take it as a friendly invitation to
become a subscriber—one dollar a year.
—The State Grange is meeting at
Willlamsport thii week, and several ot the
granges ot this county are represented .
—"Praetice makes perfect," says the
Philosopher; "but you dont need practice
to drop a hot plate with neatness and
The members ot the S. S. of the Uniou
aille Pres. Church will given an Oyster
Supper, Friday eve, Dec. 20
All are cordially invited to attend.
—Charles Horabin of.Valencia purchased
Groom's wagon-shop and will torn it into a
livery burn. Groom purchased another lot
and is building upon it.
—The art and Curio Loan will keep op
en the rest of this week, aqd a few days
next week, thus affording teachers attend
ing Institute an opportunity to visit it, at
the Y. M. C. A.
—Part of the Military Co., escorted the
remains of Lewis Black, from his home to
the depot last Friday morning, and six of
them went on to and Petrolia acted as
—lf yon have a life insurance endow
ment polioy, it is taxable. You can tell
the assessor about it the next time he calls
around. —Kittanning Tiiius. No, it isn't;
unless yon have assigned it for a loan or a
—lt has been ascertained that the first
oost of a bicycle which retails at SBO is
only $16.50. This will settle the bicycle
*ith a good many. Finding ont what a
cheap thing they have been using will dis
gust them so they will deny that they ever
rode a wheel.
—Memorial services w ero held at the
late home of George Bester, on W. Clay
St. Sunday afternoon, Rovs. Heminway
and Oiler officiating, and tiie Episcopal
and Presbyterian Choirs leading in the
—"Old Glory" is the name of a favorite
brand of tobacco and also of Blocker <fc
Shaman's new restaurant in the basement
of the Berg bank building, fronting on
Jefferson St. Their bill of fare is the
largest and ever presented to the peo
ple of Butler.
—lt ii said there is a fello* in Arm
strong county who is so cranky on the
silver question that he digs all the golden
roda and marigolds, raisos white corn,
won't speak to his wifo because she has
golden hair, is forever denonncing the
gold enre, don't keep the golden rule and
don't want to enter the golden gates.
—Jordan <fc Co's store in Mars was
broken into last Wednesday night, and
the safe was blown open and robbed ol
about $92 in money, and three watches.
The burglars overlooked about as much
money a* thoy took. No goods were
missed from the atore. Win Biehl saw the
men leaving the store, and they fired upon
—Says a writer: A lew yoa.-s ago I wvs
a blusher of the worst type. Advioa I
had in plenty, "Go into society," rec
ommended one, with almost ghastly hu
mor. "Cultivate will power," said another
with about as much sense, aud sg on it
went, each successively more stupid than
the last, until it beoome qnite evident that
;hat reliel from outside was not forthcom
ing. Upon turning the matter over in my |
mind I came to the conclusion that blush
ing was not a disease but a symptom — a
symptom of a defective nervous system.
The sequel showed that in rny case, ai
least, this was perfectly correct; and I
believe it is equally true of a vast majority
of others. Having the canse. 1 carefully
avoidod tea, ooffee, stimulants, late hours
and other agents which are well known to
to have an enervating influence, living at
the same time as healthily as possible.
The result was most gratifying. At the
end of a tew months blushing no longer
made my life intolerable, and after a fur
ther period of time the tendency almost
entirely disappeared.
LOST—A Wither pooket book, con
taining about s'23, between Pittfburg &
Western railroad depot at Butler, and Ku
clid station, or MoniteAU, on Friday last,
Dec. 0. Tho finder will please leave same
at CITIZEN office, or at West Sunbury post
office, and will be suitably rewarded for
the same.
Moniteau, Butler Co., Pa.
Will be made at the little An'
Gallery, near Wiek House, during
Institute. All teachers and their
Iriends are invited to call. Excursion
rates on photos.
If you want to save money walk
around to Martincourt & Co's. and
bay your robes aud blaujfete.
Commonwealth vs.
Su.-an McClelland and Jane McCormick,
surety of the peace, case continued, de
fendants to enter bail in S2OO to keep the
peace and appear at next term.
Geo. W. Fultz,surety of the peace de
fendant ordered to pay the costs and give
bail in *"200 to keep the peace for one year.
Samuel Johnson, ajrb. Found guilty of
Win. Bortmas, aib and surety of the
peace, verdict, not guilty a?d each party
to pay hall tne eosts.
Christian Weyinan, a«£b, not guilty and
proseci.tor Henry Nagle to pay all costs.
Chas Reed, aib, and surety of the
peace. Defendant enters plea of guilty
and is ordered to give bail in #2OO for his
George E. Magill, destroying a valuable
paper. Not guilty and defendant to pay
two-thirds and J W. Daw on the remain
ing third of the cost.-.
W. D. Rodger .assault and -urety peace
Defendant dismissed, each party to pay
his own witnesses and Emanuel Bargen t"
pay tto record cost.
Robert Thompson, disorderly conduet
and su.-ety peace. Case settled on pay
ment of cost by defendant
C. B. Smith, cheating a lodging hone
keeper. Nolle pros entered.
! Daniel Surrena, larceny. Not guilty.
Le:u Snyder, fJtb. Settled, Not guilty.
A. N. Richardson, surety peace. Set
J. A. Richardson, :uret} peace. ciet
David GouU, desertion. settlement
Robert McCaaUiess, surety peace. Set
tlement tiled.
Theodore fib. Guilty, and
usual sentence made.
Robert McCollough, desertion and surety
peace. Settlement filed.
Jacob I'isor, adultery and bastardy, Mary
Jane Musser, pros. Not guilty, County to
pay the costs.
Br. Johnston. On trial.
Gibson et-al. Cutting timber on anoth
er's land. Not guilty.
Commonwealth vs:
Wrn. Bortmas and Geo. Gibson, cutting
timber on another's land. A trne bill,
Joseph Douglass, being a tramp. A true
W. D. Rodger?, assault. Not a true bill
and county to pay costs.
Jane Martin, fib. A true bill.
C. A. Sigfried, selling liquor witbont li
cense. A true bill.
Nora Bolton, Nettie Bard and Laura
Campbell, fVfcb. True bills.
Mrs. Ella Smith, selling 'iquor without
license. Not a true bill und county to
pay costs.
Harry Dawson, rape and lib. Not a
true bill.
The Grand Jury approved of the propos
ed bridge over the Slipperyrock in Marion
twp. on the road from Llarrisville to Clin
tonville; also of the bridge over the Con
noquenessine in Butler twp. trom Three
degree road" to Powder-mill road; they
fonnd the jail in good condition but recom
mended that it be better heated; they also
recommended the employment of an assis
tant janitor during the winter months; the
purchase of a revolving desk l«ir the Pro
thonotary's office; and that this county
purchase,a farm for a poor-farm, -'asylum
for the 'insane and weak-minded, and a
hospital for the tick and unfortunate —and
at tne same time (give) employment to
the unemployed tramps that now infest
our county, on one ol whom we were ask
ed to tina an indictment." The latter
parr of the presentment was written by
its foreman, Simeon Nixon, and is quite
eloquent in emphasizing the last recom
Eli Campbell has applied for a divorce
from Catharine Campbell, and Caasie Mc-
Ginniss from W. G. McGinniss.
The Jury Commissioners are filling the
wheel for next year.
The will of Frank C. McGrew, of Pros
pect was probated, and letters granted to
Nannie J. McGrew; also will of Win.
Purvis, of Pine twp. Allegheny Co. no let
Letters testamentary were granted to F.
B. Dodds in estate of Martha J. Weisz.
A motion for a new trial in the case of
the Com, v» Mrs. Lou Cunningham was
refused Monday morning; Mrs. Cunning
hams sentence was suspended indefinitely;
and her license was revoked
T. S. Storey was appointed Overseer of
Karns City, vies Geo. Beck, resigned.
The 17ih and 18th of this month, next
Tuesday and Wednesday, are the last days
for registering for tho Spring election,
which occurs on the 20ih of Fab. The
lists are now hanging up at the polling
places, and every voter mu<t see for him
self that his name is on it.
S. O. Sterritt to Jao. Datt 40 acres in
Adams for $2,200.
J. J. Leidecker to Annie Courtney lot
in Butler for SBOO.
J. H. Davis to M. H. Zieglar, lot in
Evans City for -SBOO.
Sarah Humes to A. Fleming lot at
Delano for $1,400.
Jno. R. Boyd to Wm. Garman et al 32
acres in Clinton for S9OO.
Marriage Licenses
Wm. G. Raabe Butler twp
Minnie Sniuucy Glade Mills
J. H. Pontious Butlor
C'ara Barkley Franklin twp
Fred O'Cozner Butler
Etta Mcßride "
Henry L. Danhart Zelienople
Sadie Vance "
At Pittsburg—Rsbt. J. Boone of Valen
cia and Julia Wills of Gibsonia.
—Cecil Spooner to-night.
—Cecil Spooner all this week.
—At a special meeting of the Council
this evening tho merits of the Universal
Fire Alarm system will be fully explained
by the inventor.
—The en joy able concert given by the
II Brioso Voce Society,in the Opora House
last Thursday evening, proves that there
is an abundance of the best of musical tal
ent in Butler,and that a'.l that is needed to
bring it to the front is a skillful instructor
and thorough musician, such as Prof.
._ —G. W. Miller opened his remodeled and
relurnished store-room for business, Mon
day and you want to stop in and see how
handsomely he is now fixed, and how
convienently the store-room is arranged.
The store-room has beon re floored re
countered and re shelved—everything is
new—including the goods which are all
fresh. He T>OW has tin-boxes for his crack
ers and coffees, each box holding a barrel,
and at the rear end of the store a marble
counter for his butter, salt-meats and eggs.
He does a cash business, has plenty of
obliging help, and is thoroughly prcpaied
to fill your orders promptly and satisfac
Oh Mamma—you ought to see the
big piles of childrens suits at HECK'S
only $1.25, you can't get the same in
town for less than $2.50,
MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 128 W
Wayne St. Also nicely furnished
room to rent.
Sheetings, prints and ging>
hams. Make your purchases
now. This advice if heeded
is like giving you money.
—lt will pay you to call early and
select presents for the Holidays at
CEEELAND'S Jewelry Store, 125 S.
Main St., Butler Pa.
Pants—Over 2000 pairs to select
from, at prices, oh well, don't men
tion them, its awful, where, at
Say Papa—did you see HECK. 'a
neckwear, it beats anything you ever
Sauiu«>l Kmrick of Summit twp. is in poor
I health.
' J. M. Painter. Esq. and wife spent San
i lay with his mother at Euclid.
j Jap. Walker, of Jefferson twp. was in
i town on business Monday,
i S. W. Moore, of Brady ITS- in town on
I oaeiness, last week.
I J. TV". McCandless, of Cherry was in
town on business, Monday.
Jos Thomas, Jr. has moved to Avalon,
| l'a. from Karns City.
J. J. Milford of Allegheny twp. *as in
town, on business, yesterday.
Charley Glasgow of Clinton twp. *a! i n
town on business, yesterday.
J. H. Turner of Parnassus. Allegheny
Co. is in town to-day. His wife has been
in poor health for some years.
Mr- Nora Taylor of Lisbon, O. is visit
ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. al
kernfW. Pearl St.
C. A. Wi.-o of Middlesex twp., is rejoic
ing over the arrival of a bouncing boy at
his place. Monday.
J. 1.. Seat on, of Euclid has been on the
sick list for some time but is able to be
about, and was in Butler Monday.
C. W. Heydrick of Meadville and Mrs J.
A. Adams waynesburg.v'sited their broth
er, Jesse Heydrick, this week.
Robert Frinfi'.o uf tho Ist "Ward is
tarrying hi? right hand in a sling, on
account of a felon.
John Dfcu'ilgcr ot Zelienople and J. A.
Wiles of in town on business,
Friday. .
Homer Martin is said to be lying ser
iously ill at his home in Indiana. He
j issed the slimmer at Prospect.
MitsMay Redick has been elected a
ti acher in the Jefferson street building, by
t..0 the School Board.
Amos Young and James Cochran, of
Clay twp. and their wives were in town,
Jno. Frederick, of Millerstown aid
Jane Wardem, ot Zelienople have been
granted pensions.
Frank Tinker of Walnut street has a
very sore face, lie was burned by an ex
pl'-sion of gas at a well in Armstroung Co.
a few days ago.
D. C. Sanderson of Franklin twp. had
th e contract for Seth Snyder's house ir.
Brady twp. and Mr. Snyder speaks very
highly of his work.
J. C. Ketley and his son Perry, of Worth.
Rudolf Bortmas, ol Oakland,; Nelson
Smith of Bruin, and L. J. ifcQuistioc of
Brady, were in town on business, Tuesday.
W. S. Thompson Sr. oi Middlesex is at
present visiting fricds in Denver and
proposes seeing the Pacific coast states
before returning home. His son W. S. jr,
or Scott as he is usually called, is on the
Jury this week.
John Mitchell A. B. Ritchie circulated a
paper for the relief of Mrs. Bester, whose
husband was immolated by the late ex
plosion and by Tuesday evening had S4OO,
which fund they expected to increase to
to SSOO.
L S. McJuukin sold for Mrs E. A. For
ker, her residence on E. Peail street to E.
G. Humes of Delano for S3OOO. Mrs. Por
ker intends going back to Harrisvillo and
Mr. Humes will move to Bu! lor April Ist
Dick Adams the jovial clerk of the
Grand Ceniral at Zalienople, spent part of
the week in Butler; and by the way the
Grand Central is now one of the best
hotels in the County. It has been newly
furnished, and is fitted throughout with all
tho modern improvements.
Frank Li. Murphy. Esq who is to be
married on the 19[h inst . will enter;,aiu
his gentlemen friends with a " Bachelor
Dinner" on Frioay evening of this week ar
Hotel Butler., Doctor Moore, and attorneys
Christley. Greer, Robinson, Murrin, 11. L.
Graham and Reiber will constitute the
reception committee on the occasion.
Alex Graham, of Connoquenessing twp.
near Buttercup, wus found dead in his
bed last Saturday. He lived by himself
and was latt seen on Friday or Saturday
on the week previous. He had evidently
been dead for a week, as the chickens in
his chicken house had all died of starva
tion but a few. Ttere were no murks of
violence, and his death was due to natural
causes. His body was removed to the
house of his nephew Geo. W. Graham, and
buried last Sunday. He was about 70
years of age, was never married, has been
living by himself lor many yeais; and has
one brother living, at a Soldiers Home.
By a run off near Farmingfon on Wednes
day, of last week, Daniel Billiard of Ven
ango twp, had one arm badly broken, his
sister's skull was fractured and his wife
was injured internally.
John Heckman was severely burned by
gas, on the Cooper farm, near Evans City,
a few days ago.
Geo. Wagner, a demented man, was
burned to death in the liule house in which
he lived in Penn twp, early last Thursday
Clyde Dodds of Zelienople, who was in
jured by having a shinny struck in his eye.
and whose injury caused continued con
vulsions, is improving.
Eddie Geshwind slipped and fell on the
ice ou E. Diamond St., last Friday even
ing and broke bis nose.
The Great Festival.
Our Jitn says that the Christmas Holi
day will be tho next and greatest one of
the year. It is a time when all can re
joice with great gladness—t he old and the
young, the rich and tho poor. The mani
fold blessing we are receiving from this
great Festival should inspire each and all
to gladness. Let the little ones rejoice—
give them presents that will cheer their
hearts, and make their "cup of joy run
over." The poor also should not be for
gotten, for they are entitled to our sympa
thy at all times, and especially at this
coming Festival. You will feel all the
better by bestowing a portion of your
wealth to those who are in needofcharity.
Remember that "it is more blessed to give
than to receive." Those who act up to the
noble injunction will never I egret it, and
they will receive a blessing for so doing.
It is the season of merry-making in the
true sense of the word, and all who act
upon it will surely be "blessed in their
basket and in their store." This is the
way to make a happy Christmas.
—Have you selected your Christ
mas presents? If not you will find
it to your advantage to drop in and ex
amine my stock which consists of
everything to be found in a first class
jewelery store, Articles purchased
may be left for future delivery.
Next to Court House.
—Job work of all kinds douo at tho
We sell the lamb knit uiittenß.
Best fitting goods made and
beet to wear, 25c up.
By wearing our underwear
All grades for men, women
and children. Perlect in fit
ana finish. Small prices rule.
Assistance means help. You
help nature to restore health by us
ing Natures Compound. You also
perform a duty. Ask your Drug
Trunks, yalises, baga and tele
copes—at DECKS.
Robes and blankets cheaper than
anywhere else at Martincourt & Co's.
Our new capes and jackets.
See our $5.00 valucß in fur and
cloth capes
L. SXJUS k Soil.
Teachers institute
The Teachers Institute of Butler County
aud Butler boro. will meet in the Court
House next Monday and continue in ses
cion until Friday.
Enrollment Monday morning beginning
at 10.30, Address of Welcome at 1.40 I\M.
by Ira McJunkin, response by W. P. Day.
Piof. Isensee aud ii>- At well will direct
the music; and ')rs Boone, Car-in, Lucky,
Murphy and Snrder hive bieu engaged a
Directors meeting, Thursday afternoon,
in Arbitration room.
Monday—Hon. .Sairuel Fhelps Leiand
in"The World We Live In' —Thb People's
Lecture Onr.-e which wa> a great suc
cess last winter. was ina'igj.'ati u lor the
season l>v a lecture lroai l>r. Samuel
Phelps Leiand, <» i '-World Making." The
lecture, which occupier nearly two hours,
was a very happy blending ot the popular
and scientific. Tnere were passages ot
rare beauty and eloquence; and while dis
cussing the most intricate question o!
geology and astronomy. iL.\vn> done w.,h
such simplicity and rure Kngli .1 that !he
audience WHS held bv the speaker from
the tir-i word 10 tbn last Pittsburg
Daily Dispatch.
Tuesday—"rank R. Hindman on Com
pou saltan —"F li. Ili-idinan, of Clarion,
l'a., delivered his popular lecture "Oom
ptn atiou," in College Hall, to :w atten
tive i.ud appreciative audience. Tho lec
tare ij ft moral, entertaining, instructive
and •etiolariy production, abounding in
wit and tri.-dom. His manner of delivery
i« easj. graceful. and captivating We
bear I: v commend this lecture to any who
are interested in a pure, happy and sue
life Faculty of College at Volant,
Wednesday—Rev. Anna Shaw on - The
Fate of the Republic" —'-Rev. anna Shaw
is oa« «if the ablest speakers oa the pla>
form, either among mi n or worn*n. She
ha-* a » ell trained mind, quenchless en
thusiasm, and that rarest ot ali qualities
pluck. Her history proves all this. >'o
woman could have wrenched . education
and success from more difficult conditions.
A gr adnate of Boston University, in both
medicine and theology, Dr. Shaw brings
rare qualities to her platiorm work. Her
lecture, "The Fate ot Republics," is one
of Ihe tinest I have, ever heard, both in
maiur aud delivery. Audiences will be
conciliated by her cultu.ed manner, en
livei • d by bei wit, and captured by her
logic.'' —Francis cj Willard.
Thursday—l no. R Clark on 'Abraham
Lincoln. -'God made him an orator, and
what God makes is not a failure"'—Rev
Geo W. Cuaudler. A. M , Lockport, N.Y.
Rates To Washington, D. C-
Apart Irom the fact that Washington is
one ol the most interesting cities in the
world, it seems almost as it one were ueg
b ctii g, a principal duty ot citizenship by
tailu.g to visit the ••Nation's Capital."
More upi aren" does this become when
taking into consideration the smell
atiached to such a trip, aud the ease and
comlort with which it can be made by
participating in the Pennsylvania Hailroajl
Company' special ten-day excursion leav
ing Pittsburg December 20, 1895 Exeur
sioo tick ets, good w ithiu ten days, and
permitting stop-over in Baltimore in either
diiecii 111 witbiu limit, will be sold at rates
q iott d below, good lor use on date above
unuieil i>u al! 1 rains except the Pennsylva
nia Limited. Special train ol parlor and
da_i coaches will be run on the following
Train leaves. Rate.
Pittsburg 805 A M. $9 00
Buiier ..6.25 " 900
'Altoona 12 01 P. Al. 7 35
Washington.. Arrive 730 " ....
"itop for dinner.
Parsengeis will use regular trains
through to Washington.
Rot urn coupons good on any regular
trim wi'hin the limit, except the Pennsj I-
Vitma Limited.
I'N kots on sale in Pitt burg, at Union
Ti.net Olli-ie, Fifth Avenue and Sinithfield
Sire'-i, Jiiid Union oiaiion, and at all
otatious mentioned above. For lull infor
mation apply to Thomas E Watt,
Passenger Agent Western District, 110
Filth Avenue, Pittsburg.
ilr. William Morris has fittingly chosen
Detnille's succesful comedy drama "Ths
Lo.-t Paradise" for bis second appearance
in thu city. Oiihe leading men to-day
who rank among our best, Mr Morris id
the joungesl Few jt.ung men have made
the rapid strides of uis talented young
actor, who has in early life climed to the
top ruug ol the ladder in this chosen pro
fession. To day he unuoubtebly enjoys as
large a following as any one leading man
IU the country. Mr. Morris made his first
prole.-sioaal appearance at the Boston
Museieum at, the age ot 18. He then join-
Messers Robihson A Crane in the produc
tion of "A Comedy of E.-ro.s," closely
which followed an engagement with liossi
theltallian tragediau; Augustas Duly
Stock Co, ana the New Yolk Madison
Stock Company.
Mr. Morris will be supported by an ex
cellent company, including Miss Etta
Hawkins the original in the charcter ol
Cynder's. A week of crowded houses is
Friday, December 20, Gloriana.
Novlty drees goods at 25
cents up to finest. We save
you money on these.
—Zuver'a Pictures lenve nothing
wantin;; in Cnieh, tone or «i co>r>o
Sox aud shirts, all wool and a yard
wid;, cheaper than the oheapest—at
HECK'S, 121 N. Main St.
Boardtngfiouse Cards, with Act.
of Asßombly, 25 cents for half-a-doaen,
.or sale at CITIZEN office.
We give better goods for the
money, or the same goods for
less money,
L. Stein & Son.
Vox Popoli Boy your clothing,
underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, sox
aud neckwear of L>. A. IIECK, and
save money
Underwear—a specia'ty at IIECK'S
his stock is largest aurt finest ever
offered in Butle'
—~Take your childron to
(iallory for Pictures that will su:t
j on. Postoffice building
Crepons, Mohairs, Serges and
Henriettas. Perfect in weave,
popular in price. You should
inspect them.
Christmas Excursions.
Passengers for Cleveland and in
termediate poiDts on the Lake Shore
R H can make close connections by
taking train 12 on the P., S ALE
R. R , arriving at Cleveland at 11 a.
m. For rates and additional infor
mation, inquire of tha nearest P , S. &
L. E. agent.
The I'., S. <Kc L. E. R. R. offers
special excursion rates to all points
on its line, for Christmas week.
Tickets will be going Monday, Dec.
23d, to Jun. Ist, inclueivs, good re
turning up to and including Jan. 2d,
at the rate of one fare for tho round
Save a day's wages by buying
robes nnd blankets at Martincourt &
Do you want a hat or cap? HECK
has them and can save you money.
More robes and blauket3 than you
ever saw in one storo iu your life, at
Martincourt & Co's.
Your neighbors talk about
the gieat values in our hosiery
department. Come and see
for yourself.
Instantanec ;s Cremation
Immediately after the explosion of last
Wednesday, week, one ol oar citizens
wno lives on the hill south of town, saw
arise from the valley in which the maga
: ilue were located, a vast cloud of black
| smoke, to the height a of two or three
' hundred feet.
i He saw no pieces o' ent* ot the
' magazines fly thiough the air.
' The two magazines were built of plank,
| both contained shelving and other furni
ture: and the iron ho.ps around the warm-
I ing tubs in the warm-magazine were as
' heavy as wagon tire-
Allthis stuff; be-ides the many tin cans
containing the explosive and the body of
Geo. Poster, who was likely ic one of the
at the time has vanished frcm
the face of the Karth: and the theory of
; the nitro glycerine men is that besides bc
; ing reduced to atoms, they were inrtantly
j cremated, aud thit that va*,t cloud of
' cnoke represented their transition to
another form. They ray that an explosion
of nitro-glyeerine geuerates a heat of 9,-
0-<> i'c'grees'and that . vervi l;ing within a
certain radius varying the amount ol the
material exploded, is instinily incinerat
W. SUSUCRY —Heydrick d Co's No 2 in
thv S. i". Russell in Concord, east of W.
Sunbury, is doing about S bbls. The E-i-t
End Oil Co. has located in the Knssell aud
also on the Campbell heirs,
MUDDTC SEEK— Zahnhiser A Co's we'll on
•.he Milt Thompson is showing for a 5 libl
well in the 100 foot.
Wheeler A' Co are drilling a test well
o.i the J M. Thompson.
OAKLAND— Patterson Jt Co, are drilling
ot. the Geo. Herdman, and wells are also
drilling on the Isaac Hepler and Nick
Say lor.
To Young Men and Women who Think.
DEAR FRIENDS: — We want a word
with you. We feel that we are not en
tire strangers to the young people of this
community, especial'v to those who have
hopes and ambitions for the future. We
want to help you, if you are willing to
help yourselves. We wish to pnt you in
fnll possession of yourselves, and arouse
you to a realization of your own power.
We want the attention of the young
people of this city and vicinity who have
not had, and cannot secure, the advan
tages of a collegiate or a university
course, but who are anxious to make the
most of themselves, and are willing to
work for that end. Especially do we
wish to reach those who have had
but limited advantages in early life.
Those who are backward in literary
studies, and who feel keenly their need
in this age of competition, of an every
day education, one that is useful rather
than ornamental. One that they must
have if they would win in life's race.
The learned professions are already full,
and 110 young man should aspire to
them who has not the time and money to
spend in years of closest study. In the
business world, however, it is different.
Here there is a brisk demand for bright,
active, entergetic, and wide awake young
men and women, who are thoroughly
qualified to do business. For these the
demand is far beyond the supply. Many
times has it lieen our pleasure to confer
upon such young men and women the
training which has enabled them to se
cure lucrative and pleasant positions, for
hundreds of others, there are still golden
opportunities. The question is. will you
avail yourselves of them? It is our aim
to make this institution peculiarly a
"peoples school." We find our most
satisfactory field in helping young tnen
and women of limited means ac
quirements to preparation that will fit
them for taking a position upon the lad
der that leads to success, In our school,
every effort is made to help our students
to get the most out of the time and mon
ey they are devoting to business training,
In our"class rooms we welcome every one
who wishes to make the most of himself.
Our teachers are capable, scholarly and
generously alive to the welfare of their
pupils. Young friends, do you aspire to
develop your powers of usefulness, and
for making your influence felt in the
world? Would you be something more
than a mere "hewer of wood and drawer
of water" for other people? If so, read
this letter again and ask yourself if we
are not right in advising you to enter at
once upon a course of careful business
instruction. If you are near by, come
and see us: if not, write to us. Tell us
your hopes and plans, and we shall be
only too glad to advise and aid you. We
shall be glad to give full particulars of
the splendid work we are doing in our
school, courses of instruction terms, etc.
May we not see or hear from you soon;
Sincerely yours,
Christ ma sand Xew Year Holiday llatex
rin Pennsylvania Railroad,
For the Christmas and New Year Holi
days the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will place on sale excursion tickets be
tween stations on its system east of and
including Pittsburg and Erie and west of
Elizibetii aud Sea Girt (except between
the cities of Philadelphia and Trenton
proper), at reduced rates. The tickets
will be sold and good g"ing December 21.
22, 2U. 24, 25, and 31, 1893. and January
1, 1890, aud will be' good lor return pas
sage until January 7, 1890, inclusive.
Teachers' Institute.
M'e cordially welcome the teachers
one and all; invite you to visit us
during your visit to Butler, either
socially or for business If for the
latter wo are sure to interest and
please you, and also save you a big
percentage on any goods jou may
wish to purchase Our specialties
are fine dress goods, wraps and mil
linery. A foil and of
% mas Doyelties. We have recently
added a Fine Art Department to our
Blore. Call and see us Let us
know you are a teacher. We will
make your visit one of profit and
Very truly yours,
Christmas time is now here and
Heineman & Son have as usual a
very fine line of Christinas Presents
to suit every person.
The Line Consists of
Dressing Cases
Cuff and Collar lioxes
Travelling Sets
Shaving Sets
Cut Glass
Picture frames
Christmas Cards
Gold Pens
Fine Stationery
j Poems
All the Popular Hooks
' Leather Goods
Heineman & Son's
Dedication of the V M. C. A Building.
Among the exercises recently had in
cocnectior with tho Voung Men's Chr.s
--| tian Association of Butler none were more
t interesting or impre.--ive taan the dedica
tory services held in their new building or.
last Triday evening. That time had beer,
-el a-»art to dedicate the fine and complete
building for the ute of the Association.and
the large audience present attested the in
' terest our citizens take in the Y M C. A.
: oi Butler.
The peio rmances were opened by ma»ic
1 from the boy's drum and fife baud, under
; the direction of Mr. Brjnier, their cap'.aio.
j ir.d Mr Samuel G Ilughos, their leader.
i This was followed by appropriate song
! services by some of the older members.
Miss Alice Wick sang in her bist voice ac-
anied by Miss Hello Lowry on the
: uiai:o. « in. G. Douihett. on behalt ol
the Huildiug Committee, read a well pre
pared history of the Work leading to tho
erection of th j r.cw buildinp. the struggles
attending it :in<i its final triumph. J.
I Frank Ander (TO, for the Building Commit
; tee. presented the new house to it- Board
of Directors, and Vrol. E. Mackey, as pres
ident 11 the amc, received it from their
hand- All the addresses and exercises in
this matter were very able and appropriate.
Rev. J. W. Smith of" Warren, Pa. deliver
ed the dedicatory address, which was ex
cellent in both matter aud manner. Bev.
J. C. Johnson of the M. E. Church read ap
propriate selections from the scriptures,
and Rev. Oiler t f the Presbyterian Church
made the opening prayer. Rev. McKee,
of the U. P. Church, clo.-ed the exercise*
xiih oje f those prayers for which ho is
so much distinguished, after which bene
diction was pronounced by Rev. Johnstoa
ano the assemblage dismissed.
The whole of the above proceedings,
were i-l a religious and very interesting
character, and too much credit cannot be
given to the Y. M. C. A. for their 'work,
ending iu the erection ol a large and line
building in our town as ihtir future home.
It is well apportioned, commodious and
made to nicommodato the association in
ail branches ot its christian labors.
iu rf final account of M. ] In too orphans'
S. Greer, Ex'r ol the last | Court;-, of the
will and testamint ol (County of But-
Maigaiet Jane Fleming, f ler. No. 26 of
late o! Hull'alo township, 1 Mate , Term,
deceased. J 1690.
And r.ow, to wit, December 7th, 1595,
On motion, the Court appoint R. P. Scott.
Esq, Auditor in above stated case, to pass
upon the except o; 3 filed and make distribu
tion ot" the funds in tho hands ot the ac
countant. Bv THE COURT. (Seal )
C.-rt : ftad from the record this 9th, day
of December, 1893.
I'a. ties interested will please tike no
tine th at I will attend to the duties of the
above appointment at mj- office, No. 10
South West Diamond Street, Butler, Pa
on Thursday, January 2d, 189G, at 10
o'clot kA. M. where and when those iu
terestid may attend.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary op tho estate of
Frank C. MoGrew, dee'd, late of Prospect
borough. Butler Co. Pa., having been
gran'nd to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
si«tn will please tnako immediate payment
and - j . 1■ \ person having claims against said
estate vuli present litem duly authenticat
ed : 1 settlement lu
Nannie J. McGrew, Ex'r.
Prospecl Pa
Notice to Stockholders.
The annual meeting of the Worth Mu
tual Fire Insurance Co. will be held iu the
school house at Weet Liberty ou tho second
Saturday of Janur.ry, being the 11th day
of 181H1, at 10 A M for the pnrposeof elect
ing officer* for tho ensuing year.
The Geneorl Meetiug of the Farmers
Mutual Fire Insurance Company of
Haunahstown and Vicinity will be held
on Satuiday, January nth. 1596 at 10.
o'clock P. M. at the Creamery building
in Delano. All members are invited to
A. KRAUSK, President,
11. HECK, Secretary.
Dissolution Notice.
The public will please take notice what
G. B M. Gorden has purchassed the inter
est of A. E. Sbadel in the firm of Shadol
& Gordon, doing business in the name of
The Standard View Co., and will continue
in the business alone, in the same place.
Auyone knowing himself indebted to
said firm will please settle at once. Thank
ing the public for past farors and solicit
ing further patronage, 1 remain,
Administrator's No'.ice.
Letters of adiuiuiatntion on the estate
of Mrs. Annie Mary Kelly, late of Middle
»n twp., Butler Co , Pa., dee'd, having
been gi anted to the undersigned, therefore
nil persons knowing themselves indebted
to .-aid estate will please make speedy pay
ment aud those having claims against the
same can present them duly authenticated
for settlement to
J. N. FULTON, Adm'r.
E. MCJUNKIN, Flick. P. 0
Att'y. Butler Co., Pa.
Executor's Notice-
Letters testamentary ou LUC c? ( ato ol
Jacob Slioup, dee'd, late of Eyaus City,
Butler Co. Pa., having beon granted to
the undersighed, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
pleasj make immediate payment, and any
hav'ng claims against said estate will pre
sent them properly authenticated to
1. N. GRAHAM, Ex'r.
Evans City, Pa.
Mates it Youug Att'ys.
Administrator's Notice-
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned 011 the estate
ol Isabella H. Weisenstein, doe'd, late of
Centre twp., Butler Co. Pa; all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and any having ciaim* against said estate
w ill presont them duly authenticated for
settlement to.
Butler Pa.
Administratrix Notice.
In re estate ofZebulon Cooper dee'd. late
of Worth twp, Butler Co. Penna.
Whereas letters of administration have
been issued to me the undersigned by tho
Register of Wills of said County, on above
estate, notice is herely given to all parties
indebted to decedent's estate to promptly
settle the same and any persons having
claims against said estate will present
them properly proved for payment to
of estate of Cooper,
W. C. FiNptKy, Jaeksville, P. 0.
Att"'' Butler Co., Pa.
Insurance and Real Estate
. FA
Valuable Farm for Sale.
A valuable farm, located in
twp. and comprising about 175 «cres, l2u
of which are cleared and the rest covered
with white-oak and chestnut timber; well
watered and having two orchards with
plenty of peaches and grapes; good build
mgs, consisting of a two s*ory, frame
dwelling house, barn, granerv,
»pring-iiouse, ; and all other necessary
outbuildings; two miles from railroad
station and six miles from county seat;
convenient to schools and churches, will
be sold cheap, one half the 7.t.i v Juisc
money to be paid dovvr; au«j the* balance
in two payments within two years.
The farm isl eased until April of 1897,
but has no other encumbrances. Vui
further particulars inquire at tliU ofhee.
A Sumicstion.
! * if
• iA-T 'V ;>'- '
rl-1 ! : » imJ
! : " A - ;vV7 ~
j;qu a/
Jlo '4Vf hrtSll
Did it over occur to jua tl>at ttioro ar<
• •■.-■* <'rn£* —thatdru£* are like e'.erv
jthiugci. i •" eood, bad and iadif
'ereat. There . ? "l-e which i
positively bad if it la u , <h» be-t.
Our policy has always m. .
ing but the be<t.
When yon want <lrngs couio to ns anil be
assured of fresh pure goods, and alwav.-
what you a?k for or your pre scription tails
or. It may not always lie drugs vou wan
-ither. We always have ou hand a t'al
line of sick room requisites,
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa
WeslJrn "crnsylvama Division.
Schedule in Effect May 20,. 1 t>9s.
South, Week lujs
A. M. A. M. A. M. p. M. I*. M,
i VTI.KH Leave C2S KOO 11 25 .'45 aOO
-•axonbnr; A rrivc C 54 823 11 48 :i 11 528
riutler Jet... •• 727 12 12 40 5 5.1
Builer Jet....Lea\e 730 tin 1217 ..ID j.»
Natrona Arrive 7 3# 12 ;;io miu
Tarentutn... 7 4.1 uoj 1231 j."> 7 co 7
Sprlugdale 752 'J 12 1/ 44 407
Ciaremoat... 807 925 12 5;) 421 02
Sharpsborg sis 931 loT 428 0 3
Allegheny City » a y4l 121 440 045
A. M. A. M. I*. m. r. M. P. si.
S'.'SDAY TRAINS—Leave liuUer lor Alle
t,ti» u> City ami principal luteni.ediale stations
7:40 A M„ 2:30 and OO P. M.
North. - - Week Days -»
A. *. A. M. A. «. r. «. P. M.
. lleglieny City.. Lv. 653 900 11 X- 315 ylO
Siiarpslmrg 70S 913 1139
ciaremont 919 11 to
Springdale 030 i> :.u .... c 3.*
Tarentuni 732 939 12 OS 351 04?
Natrona 737 943 lj 13 355 05
Butler Jet Ar 745 •) .HI IJ 23 104 "02
UntlerJc't Lv 740 95u 1234 4r, 702
Saxobliurg Slo 10 15 12 59 410 T j.>
lil llKll Ar. 833 lo 3S 125 ou 750
A. SI. A. M. P. U, I*. M . P. M.
SUNDAX TRAINS—Leave Allegheny 01 ty ror
Builer and principal intermediate stations 7:to
a- M., 1233 and";.'0 r. M.,
Week Days For tho Bia.-'i .Week Days,
p. m. a. m. a. in p. ui.
2 4."> 623 Lv BCTLKK... Ar 10 3S 1 2.>
340 727 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 .'s'.
404 745 Lv Builer Ju't Ar 940 12 3!
410 740 Ar Frecport., Lv 833 12 30
415 703 " Alley ? J«'t " 931 12 21
420 8 0-1 " LeeohourK.. " D2O 12
i 4'j 8 "21 "Faul(on( Apolio" 905 115'
514 851 " Saltsburgß 37 11 32
550 922 •' Blairsville..." 805 1100
GOO 930 "Blairsville Ins'u' 743 10 15
850 11 35 " Altoojja ,- 3 40 800
100 310 " Hairisbu-'g..."!! oo 310
430 023 " Philadelphia. '8 50 11 20
a. a- p. m, p. m. p. ni.
Through trains for the east leave I'itts
burg (Union Station) ar- follows:
Atlantic Kxpres«, daily.3 10 A. M.
I'eiiasylvania Liajited " 715 "
Day Express, " 7 30
Maiu Liae Lproua •' 8 00
' h;l i.lelphi* &cpre«s " 430 V.
f.aiti r:i EiprnMj '• 7OU '
I'axi Lane •• .....8 10
l''>r iletail«d in|ii".i,i»u>*ii. aj.ru.*
v\ »«tr, I'a... A gt. W<sj!er» , Dicirict, 110
AVMHUH, Filtsbu.-J, !'a.
•s. .V. PKEVOST, .1 H. WOOD,
• iea':ra! Miaai.fr. (let'l r»v.r, Ageal.
P. d: W.K, R.
.JoUettslu lu etfjet May 12. !595. (Hutlcr tlmo;
Tiio auort Line to I'lttsburg.
25 a m Allegheny Ex *.25 am, Allegheny A'
4.15 a m AH'y & Akroa o.ooa m.AI <c N t'astl.
u.t's a m Allegheny Ac .2.,f p in. AlloglieuyL
•.55 i> m Allegheny Ex yai p in. Allegheny t:\
350 p m Chicago Kx. -.30 P m.All'y X Akron
13 05 |) 111 AU'y « Ell. Ex s.OO p in. Allegheny Ex
1a.05 aIU Kane ,t Brad. .05 am, Ac
5.1 i pin Clarion Ac o.Mt a tu, < larl ,ii Ac
7.35 prn Koxburg , ~JU p ni, Kaue Mull
sckoat TRAINS.
5.15 a in. DeFerest Ac '.o oo a in. Allegheny Ac
l i.4ja m, Allegheny EX (1.05 p m, AUegteny K>
50 p ni, Chicago Ex ~.o', p in, Allegheny Kv
•05 pm, Allegheny A-'r.3o p in. l>eEor«*i Ac
Train arriving at at s.Oo p m leaves H >« O de
pot. Pittsburg, at 3 :15 o'clook.
Butler and OreenrHle Ooauli will leave Alle
gheny at p. m, dally except Sunday. Con
necting a| Wiilowgiovo. arriving at Butler a'
Kulliiuin Bullet Sleeplug Cars ami llrsl-r'a # s
">ay Coaches tun through hot ween liutKr and
CUluago dally.
i'or through tickets to points iu the West
Northwest or Southwest apply to
A. B. CROUCH, Ageut
1 iTralns leave the B. & O. dopo*; In Piuburc
.or the East as follows.
for Washington D' 0., Baltimore, I'hlladel-
O'lU. 1 New York, 7:30 and 9:20 p. in
-'l'ilb.Tl.irU, 8:40, 7 : 30, a.m. 1 :10. 9r20 p. m. Con
n>-.sv|l[c. 6:1(1, 730. a- m. 1.10. 1.30, 4.45. 5.30. 9.20
in. Unloatown, ".-20 a. in , l. 10, p. in.
i Dion town, Mor»;a rtown and Fairmont, 7,30, a,
MI. and 5.30 p. m, Mt Heasant «.40. 7. :w a. iu.
.10 and 4.30 p in. Washington, l*a. Tin and
30 a. »., 4.0U.4.45 and n.,v5 p. m. WUeel
rg. 7.40. and 9.30 a. m.. and 4.00, 9.00. 11.55 p.
.. Cincinnati. S», l.ouls, Columbus and Nevr
irk, 7.40 a. in., si.io, 11.55 p.m.
Eoy Chicago, 2.40 aud 9.30 p. ni.
Parlor aud alotiplrig cars to Baltimore, W'ash
ngtou. ''ip.ciunati and Chicago.
P, S. & L. E. K. R.
.Takes effect Monday. Nov. 25 1893.
Train* are run by Standard ('entral Tline (90th
Meridian.) One hour slower thar City Time.
To 'l4| 12 1 STATIONS 9'll 113
p.m pm Jp.m. Arr Lv'ea.m. a.m.jp.m.
.... 455 230 Buffalo 3351S 20
... 1 8 *241 l Oo Dunkirk .1 a sti| 1 49
a. m.
7 00 1 42 9 4* .Erie G 10 * 35 3 35
(l 95 1 09 9 15 . Wallace Junct. 0 47 9 15 4 12
6 20 1 04 9 11 lilrani r. no 9 1
60912 54 H59 .... Lockport. .. 7 00; 929 4 2«
602 12 A*: 851 .Cianesvllle. -7 OS :> 3» 434
143 110 22|ar.Conneaut IVT ..1 7ni ITTo
3 10' I 7 4011 V ar ....110 221 U >3
557 12 44 8 45|ar.. .A1bi0n,....1v V II 9 41 4 37
1 4312 3.1 831 . Shadelaud. .. 7 23; 9 53; 451
5 40 12 30 9 28 ... fipringhoro .. 7 271 9 sli| 4 55
5 33 12 24 s 90|..Conneautvllle.. 7 31 10 031 5 03
■•« 12oa 8 00;... Mea'v'le Jet... a nojio 25| 525
4 52 .... ' 7 :»iv .Conn't : Lake ~io o» 4 52
... 12 lv g 10 ar ar 810 110 50 539
■4 as 0 53 v .Meadvllle . lv 942 4 21
....|l9 451 8 37: aral H 37 II 25 « 10
No 211 si 7 4:1.. . Hartstown.. •NoI 10 ssi ft 31
.... 11 46 7 3s .. .Adamsvllle 10 44 1 5 44
.... 11 as 7 28 Osgood 110 54 5 Si
f Jsll 30 7 Iti ... Greenville... 6 30 11 0; 6 us
li 18 U 20 7 0(1 ....Slienango c 4') II 20 6 20
C 00 .0 6f 6 45 .... Kredonltt. 7 03 11 44 6*«
A 41 io 43 s 25 Mercer 722 12 04 7 00
r. .HllO 29 6 10 Pardoe 7 3tf 12 2i 7 14
5 1» 10 2o 6 00 ... Gruve city. .. 7 47 12 33 7 26
5 .11.10 Ok 548 .. Uarrlsvllle 768 12 45 736
4 est 10 09 510 . . Branchoon xoi M 7 4..
500:... .t 8 11 1rF.Brancliton.ar 7 10 12 10| ....
} ttl S 851ar...Milliard ..lv 6 2*ll 15| ....
4 53i !t 5»l 5 351. v... KeiicersT. 77 S 10(12 581 749
t J'.ij 42 521 Kuclld 822 112 8 0:1
4 iu| u i.i| 4 a0|.... Butler 8 3'J
2227 20 .'.... I Allegheny. PAWII (*7 3 Ml
•/ 15ja.m I I Pittsburg. H£<>. ji. m p. m
J. T. IS I. A IK. General Manager, (ireenvllle, pa
W. (J. SAKGKANT. U. P. A.. Mpaflvllle. I*a
Seanor & Nace's
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable,
Hear of Wick Mouse, But lor, Pa
The beit of hor«wa and first class
rigs always on hand and for hire.
Beat accommodations in town for
permanent boarding and transient
trade. Special care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-five horses.
A good class of hcreea, both driv
ers and dralt uorses always on hand
aid for sale under a full guarantee;
and horses bought upon proper noti
fication bv SKA NOR & NACE
All kinds ol live stock bought and
Telephone at Wick House.
- «j
schneideman's Old Stand.
Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Jim lei Fa
such a tiling as luck, no doubt, but there's also such a
thing as judgment.
to luck in buying clothing, we don't know where you'll
guides you however, we expect to see you in our store.
100 Men's all-wool suits, Scotch mixtures, single and
double-breasted at $8.50.
Your money back if not as represented.
fcsHLOBS imO'rf,
IG4 8. Main St.i - liutler, £*a
How to Obtain a Watch Free
Trade $lO in Clothing at SCHAUL & NAST'S and get a nickel
plated watch free of any charge
Goes free ol any charge withjevery Boys Suit or Overcoat. Now
come boys and pull for us|and get a wagon free."
Schaul fi Nast,
Leadiriil Cloth ier«, 137 S Main St.. Butler, Pa.
The Pilot Mast See.
Jl Let us pilot you arouud to our store
' ' S^'°^ V ° U t | ie f n ' C< j S°°ds
Silverware, Sterling Silver Nov-
WlSitlil\sJ] cities. Kings, Stick Pins, Watches in
'/I'lffrmfl Gold and Silver, Tribly and Loig-
Chains, Braceletts, etc. We
'ill ( l, c°nie anyway, we can meet
118 South Main Street, ... Butler,
A Xmas Present Free!
During the month of December and
the Holidays we will present to every
purchaser a bottle of fine Table Wine
also one of«our new Calendars,
We handle nothing but l*ure Reli
able goods, such as Gibson, Overholt,
Finch's, Guckenheimer, Dogherty,
Bridgeport, Dillinger, Large's and
9MM Thompson. All these Goods
are -sold from four to ten years old
and warranted Pure.A full quart,
SI.OO or six for f.5.00. We have
also a full line of all kinds Imported
and Domestic Wines, Gins, Cogniacs,
Brandies, Rums, Scotch and Irish
Whiskies. No extra charge for pack
ing. All goods, including C. O. I).
orders, are securely packed and ship
ped most promptly. Express charges
011 orders for f 10 and over we prepay,
l-'air dealing to everybody. Send for
Price List.
136 Water St.
Pittsburg Pa.
Telephone 2179.
A visit to our STORK and ex
amination of our STOCK cannot
fail to offer manyjsolutions to
the vexing problem
J. R. Reed & Co.
Watchmaker* & Jewelers,
«« Market St.. PITTSBURG
1. ' ,:wn
... V / : i , .r- f r :
• • "I
.....'■/.* £ T olf Liiii S.
• 1 i.<; ,ul .rfxlkuiiig »t ,•>
By all means use at once, soon
as soreness is felt in the throat,
something that will act direct
ly on the throat, counteract
disease and effect a cure, for
cotnmon sore throat, sore
throat with scarlet fever, and
every throat affection. The
most successful and thorough
ly tested remedy, is ARM
QUINSY DROPS. Praised and
recommended by all that
know them, because they
positively will cure sore throat.
A special and a success—SOLD
is wrapped around every bot
cough Syrup you ever used,
small doses, grand results, ask
your Druggist.
r Our Christmas Present! V
C A GET a K» ri - i
} w „ GET her consent. /
f K GET a license. N
V GET married %
< MARRY " tme/W /
X Send us your name and ad- f
% dress, and we will send you V
C /£\ THE CITIZEN one year free /
J a Christmas present. This C
\ offer is goo<l only to those #
/ who reside in Butler county V
j who will get married between now /
C and January i, 1596. A jxistal card \
J with your name and address will Q
r do the work. Address it: J
F uneral Director
37 S. MaiD,St. Butler Pa.