Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 28, 1895, Image 4

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    JO YOT T N'P THE TAILOR. We have no fine window
• vTj j n which we can display
our goods, but we have the finest line of goods to be found in any
merchant tailor store in Butler. Call and see for yourself. We want
your trade and can only get it by pleasing you, which we guarantee
to do in each and every particular tty giving you good material, tirst
dass up-to-date work at moderate prices.
The Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher, 101, South Main St.,
Opposite Lowry House.
ifT| "wy > Clold l*ins. Kar Kings, Rind?.
JK yyKIjRY / Chains, Bracelets, Ktc.
XMT K TP 11 Tea Castors, Bntter l>lsHe3 an'lj Everytalns
]La V Jfc* Jt* W ia. Jl% Em ( Unit ran be (oun'i in a nrst class store..
ROD6F3 BROS. 1874 } KNI\ E.S, FORKS, .->1 pLATE.
E. GRIEB, jevvelbk.
Ho. 139, North Main St., B JTLEB.iPA.,
A Summer Drive
'.cits a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less la*
/ urious, easy running and handsome than it might be.
Fredonia Buggies
have nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles you can
get are as strong and secure as they're sightly.
Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's.
Made by FREEQNIA MFG- Co. t Youngs town, Ohio,
THE QUESTION is often asked, What Pnint shall we use?
THE ANSWER: if you are looking for covering
capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and
your money's worth, you must buy
Cuacrs Most, Looks Beit, Wears Longest, Most fronomical, Full Measure.
Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all
the time. We are in the business to stay and
■ RUsH£S. S - W ' ' sta > s witil Ui
J. C. REDICK, 109 N. riain St.
the name of the next
President Of The United States
OF NOVEMBER 4th, 1896.
Public interest w'll steadily increase, and the question how the men whose
votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the results under the ad
ministration they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting iu
the history of the country.
The Mew York Weekly Tribune,
the leading Republican family newspaper of the United States, will publish all the
political news of the day, interesting to every Ameiican citizen regardless of party
Also general lews in attractive form, foreign correspondence covering the news
of the world, an argicultural department second to none in the country, market re
ports which are recognized authority, fascinating short stories, complete in each
number, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign inddomestic, Willi their best
comic pictures, fashion plates an<lfel.i!>orate descriptions of woman's attire, with a
varied and attractive department of household interest. The "New York Weekly
Tribune" ir. nil ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any other
weekly publication in the country issued from the office of a daily. Large changes
are being made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi
ally more interest to the women and young people of the household.
A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "THE CITIZEN"
One Year For Only #1.50,
Address all orders to THE CITIZEN.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, room 2,
Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weeekly
Tribune will be mailed to you.
Speaking About Shoes.
Why not speak of all kinds of foot
wear. We are in that business and want
a few words with you on that subject.
We may be able to interest you, in fact,
we know we can. Leather lias advanced
fully 25 per cent, consequently footwear
has advanced also. I'ortunately my cn
irc stock of fall and winter goods were
ought before the advance. lam in
ape to offer you
SIO,OOO Worth of Boots, Shoes and
a t less than old prices. Space forbids
me entering into details or to quote prices
at length. Will name few prices to give
you an idea of our many bargains.
Ladies call button shoes, #1.15.
Ladies oil grain button shoes, £l.lO.
Ladies oil grain lace shoes, {I.OO.
Ladies kid button shoes, 85c.
Ladies warm lived shoes, 75c.
Mens fine Chocs, congress or lace, $1.25.
Mens fine wide l«>e bals, #1.50.
Mens good solid taps sole boots, #l.s°
Mens good solid kip boots, #2.00,
Mens nood oil boots, #2.50.
Mens Jamestown boots, box toe, $3.00.
Mens candee boots, #2.25.
Mens candee boots, light, $2.25.
Mens candee boots, high, $2.75.
Mens candee l>oot, extra high, #3,00.
Boys candee boot, 1,75-
Mens overs for felt boots, candee, $1.25.
a gents 4 stay felt boot with candee overs
for $2.00,
Butler Pa.
Consult the Old Reliable" nma ~
Thirty . rllniumiK>Mf , rur** of all
6t*e«uM*a of iuen una w.IW Ti-. suiOfff trout wti*t
or liu# lonic I will uwimnte.* a r,, i r *V
IVi-l'a"** doth-UouuO"Xv«>lt uud xnai-ac
v - i ♦ ; k
.4 11 J i s• v.*/• -«
* -*»4l .or
Persons to Travel.**
WANT E1). Several faith fui
gentlemen and ladies to travel for
established house.
Position permanent if suited;
also increase. State reference
and enclose self-addressed stamp
ed envelope. THE NATIONAL,
310-317-318 Omaha . CHICAGO.
Valuable Fa> m for Sale.
A valuable farni, located ill Donegal
twj). and comprising about 175 acres, 120
of which are cleared and the rest covered
with white-oalc and chestnut timber; well
watered and having two orchards with
plenty of peaches and graj>es; good build
ings, consisting of a two-story, frame
dwelling house, large barn, granery,
spring-house, and all other necessary
outbuildings; two miles from railroad
station ana six miles from county seat;
convenient to sclnxils and churches, will
be sold cheap, one half the purchase
money to be paid down and the balance
in two payments within two years.
The tarm is leased until April of 1897,
but has no other encumbrances. For
further particulars inouire at this office.
Seanor & Nace's
Livery, Feed and Hale Stable,
Rear or Wick House, Butlor, Pa
The be.Jt of hordes aud firwt cIRBB
rigf alwayn ou hand aud for hire.
Ueftt aecommodatiODH in town for
permanent boarding and transient
trade. Special care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-five borne*.
A good class of hornes, both driv
ers and draft horses always on hand
' and for Kale under a full guarantee;
and horses bought upon proper noti
li.ation bv SLIANOH & NACE.
Ali kinds ot live stock bought and
Telephone at Wick House.
Li. (J- WICK
UUALkk 1*
sifiujii mWoikeii Unto
or u> KINIIX
I)at,rr. Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shisgles ana '„atn
Always In Stock.
Office opposite P. W. Depot,]
tVou c*n carry
th* little vial of
Dr. Pierce' 3 Pleas
ant Pellets right
in the vest-pocket
of your dress suit,
and it will not
make even a little
lets" are so small
that 42 to 44 of
them go in a vial
■carcely more than
in inch long, and
as big round as a
lead pencil.
They cure con
is a laxative ; two
a mild cathartic.
One taken after
dinner will stimu
late digestive action and palliate
the effects of over-eating. They
act with gentle efficiency on stom
ach, liver and bowels. They don't
do the work themselves. They
simply stimulate the natural action
of the organs themselves. That
is where they differ from all other
pills. That is what makes them
better than all other pills. You
don't become a slave to their use as
with other pills, because their help
lasts. Once used, they are always
in favor.
CArTIOSf.—Dr Pirrc«'s Pleasant Pellet*—
it's an easy name to remember. Don't let a de
signing druggist talk you into " something just
as good." He makes more money on the "just
as good " kind. That's why he would rather
sell them. That's why you had better not take
For a free sample (4 to 7 doses) of " Pleasant
Pellets." address World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo. N. Y.
Dr. Humphrey*' tepwiflp* are soli ntlflcaUj and
carefully projairwl Rome*lies, used tor years In
private prartleo and for over thirty years t«y the
people with entire c'.ceess. Every single Specific
a special cure for tile disease named.
\ -Fovrrn, Congestions, Inflammations.. »i 5
!*— Worna, Worm Fever. Worm C01ic.... .'IS
3— Teething* Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25
4 —Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 35
r -Cough*. Colds, Bronchitis 28
B—Jicoralgin, Toothache, Faceache 33
9-Headacbes, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25
10-Dynpepxia, Bill«usu<*s, Constipation. .25
11-HupprcMNCd or Painful Period*... .25
12—Whitex, Too Profuse Periods .25
13—Croup, LnryngltiN. Hoarseness 25
l l-Balt Klleum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25
15—Uheumaiiim. Kheumatlo Pains .25
ie—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25
19—Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head. .25
20-Whooping Cough «25
27—Kidney Dlsenaes *25
28-NervoiiN Debility 1.00
30-l'riuary Weakness 25
31 -Sore Throat, Quincy, Ulcerated Throat .25
// SPECIFIC FOR Onlr, £0 ,
put up In small bottles of pleasant pellets, just fit
your vest pocket.
Sold by nrusrut.. or vat on r«««lpt of prtr®.
I)it. HL'MrnaicYHM.NrAi.?Ku!ari[cdAKAv!>M,) maii-kd rsci.
HriPHKKYH* MKD.CO., 111*1 IS William »L,IHW YOKk.
iF\ Cold in the Head j
The quickest way to \
get rid of it —the simplest (
\ and surest—no bother, no i
I /
£ trouble —is with
| It cures Catarrh. It \
i cures all inflammation. It (
l cures |
j Piles, Skin Dlstases, |
/ Sore Throat, Burnt,
Toothache, Wound#, :
| Earache, Sore Musolos,
\ Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
IT wo sizes, 25 anil 50 cents. (
At druggist, c r by mail. J
A Woman
At eon<linloo< A man limps
towards tlirni Tlio woman Is
jjcnonilly riylil. If your wlfo
asks you to get :i bottle of Old
KxjHirt Whiskey for family or
sricdiclna! purposes, you chii
11:11! e tip j'«ur mind it Is tho
1..->t,ai:<l (h« kind yoa oujrht to
fti You m:.ke no mlst&ko In
H on hand f remeii;ent
i.oc'Js. JL is perfectly pure,
; .smooth and ymra
'd! Quarts, SI.OO ;
Six Quaris, $5.00.
•lu'.liuM rder* uhfpped
prompt!;', wiid wo pay exjpreKs
« :i y.!l order* of £io 00
UD(I •
Oompkto IYIw I.ialj of Wines and Llquom
mailed free.
For Hodicttlln mil y I sr. $-1 2."> jier i/t.
or 0 <//.*. for !?d
Finch'* (iol<lo!i Wedding, Gncknnhoimer,
l.arpe, Gihwon, Hridgeport, Overbold. Kul
quarts sl, C quarts fur #5. Our goods war
ranted pure. Grand Father's Choice
guarranteoil ;i year* old, $2 portal. CI
0. D. anil mail orders receive prompt at
ROBT. I.EWIN, Importer and Wholesaler,
136 Wafer St. Pittsburg, Pa., opposite B. & 0.
R. R. Depot
Im a special boon to bnslne«w moil wlio, having
uiM'onM ioii. ly into ts»«- drink ami
awaken toflii'l tin* dlsmn* of alcoholism fastened
I ui> <n them, rendering Uiom unfit to i.iahJW af
fair* requiring a rlear brain. A four week*
courue of treatment al the
!Jo. 4M6 Filth Avenue,
to tln-m all fheir |K>W'r, manful arnf
physical, t\v tnys Uia abnormal appetite, and
report- tht-m to the condition thev u-.-re in !-e
--fore th v indulge 1 in llioulant: . This has 1«<« n
done in more tnan K«ftO castas treat< i hcr»*. and
imoi i; them e of r own . Co
whom we ran refer with confldenco at t<» the
absolute safety and efficiency of the Keeley Cure.
Th*» fullest and most murrain* investigation U
p vitcd. lor itos.Uilct giviug full iuiormer
Uou. . % . w _J
The Water Trees of Australia.
Those who go out to grapple with the
danger?, the hardships, and the myaterie*
of the Australian desert regions should,
aboi-e all things, instruct themselves in
bash lore. It has happened more than
once that in these dread torrid wastes the
body ! as been found, lying beneath a tree,
of some poor wanderer who had died from
the lack of water, even whTle there was
within a few inches of him a plentiful sup
In all th 6 unwatered regions ot Austra
lia are to be found -'water trees," trees
which actually provide a supply of wate r
to those whe know where and how to look
for it. The most reliable of the water
trees are the water mailers, jor group of
trees, including the Eucalyptus microtheca,
which form a part oi the terrible mailer
scrub. Outside of these, the currajong,
the desert oak, the bloodwood, and several
varieties of the acacia are water-bearing
I shall not goon forget my first introduc
tion to a water tree. I was in the north
ern territory of South Australia, and I was
makirg my first journey through the desert
in company with a friend who was a well
informed bushman. It was toward the
rnd of the day, and as we had been detain
ed for several hours owing to an accident,
we had still fitteen miles to traveler. The
water bag had been drained hours before,
aud in that dreadful desert our suffering*
nad already become intolerable. Sudden
ly my friend plunged his spurs into his
weary horse and dashed at full gallop to
ward a tree some fifty yards off, shouting
to me to follow. Flinging himself from
bis saddle, he clawed with his fingers the
sand at the base of the tree, and presently
laid bare one of its spreading roots. This
was torn from the earth to the length ot
about six feet, and breaking off a piece
about a foot and a half long, my compan
ion, signing me to follow his example, ap
plied one end ol the piece of root to his
parched lips and elevated the other end.
I followed suit,and to my indescribable
joy a cool refreshing draught of water re
warded me. The one root amply sufficed
tor our wants. There were Home ten or
eleven lbft. enough to have satisfied a dozen
thirsty men. Some of the water we drain
ed into our water bags. It was clear and
c >ol, but after standing for a few hours I
uoticed that it became discolored.—lntro
4 ■ 18Tli Climajs''
In the name of a superior quality of
Brandy, placed on the market by the
opeer N. J. Wine Co. as a companion to
their Superior Old Port Grape Wine.
The Old Brandy is a pure distillation
from the giape and stands unrivalled. It
is considered by eminent medical men far
superior t*» most of the French Brandies lor
medicinal purposes, and is preterred by
them to other Prandieson account ot its
known purity. Sold by Druggists.
—By an act passed by the last Legisla
ture aud approved the 18th day of June,
1895, it is made unlawful for any one, but
near adult relatives, to attend the funeral
of any person who has died of cholera,
small-pox, yellow fever, typhus fever, diph
theria. diphtheric croup. membranous croup
or leprosy. In addition to the immediate
adult relatives of the deceased, a sufficient
number of pall boarera may be in atten
dance. In how many instances is this law
Dr. Agnew's Cure lor tne Heart gi7*
perfect relief in all cases of Organic o
•sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes
and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer
"ess remedy t'.»r Palpitation, Shortness o
,'rciUh, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lei
--ide and all symptoms of a Diseased lleurt
'lie dose convinoes. Sold by City I har
Postmaster General has sent letters to
postmasters enclosing a Urge card, to be
ousted about the postollLe, cautioning the
public in regard to the proper mailing and
stamping ol holiday packages. Every year
the department fullers largely through the
indifference or ignorance of senders ol
holiday packages, and in spite of repeated
warnings and efforts to prevent it each
winter season finds the Dead Letter office
stored high with holiday gifts that go
—English Spavin Liniment removes a '
l.ard, soft or calloused lump.* and lilem
.-hes from horses, blood spavins, curbs
plint*, sweenoy, ringbone, stifles, sprain.
11 swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save
50 by u.so of one bottle. Warranted the
«no*t wonderful I'.lemish Cure ever known
Sold by J. C. Kedick. druggist Butler Pi
—The gauiy of golf is not a now one, but
is simply the old game under
a uew name. Some slight changes have
been made iu the rules lor playing it,but
it would still not bo very far wrong to say
"shinny on your own side."
Relief ill Six Hours
—distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "Now
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in re
lieving pain :u the bladder, kidney, back
ai.ti every part ol the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im
mediatly, If you want ijuick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by J.C.
Kedick druggist Butlor i'a.
—An Oregon paper cites an instance of
what is considered the crowning act in the
degradation of the horse. A man in
Dalles owns & horse and also a bicycle,
and the bicycle is the latest love. For
ic ho has neglected the horse until the
latter has grown fat and lazy for want of
exercise, so the owner ties it by a long
halter to the handle of his bicjcle and
turndles along three or four miles a day,
leading the horfe ignominiously behind
An Easy Cure for Drunkenness.
Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco
may easily be cured by the use of Bill's
Double Chloride of Gold Tablets. No
effort is required of the patient and stimu
lants may be taken as usual until
given up. Tablet* may b3 given iu tea or
coffee without the patient's knowledge. A
cure guaranteed iu every case. For sale
by ali first-class druggists, or will bo sent
on receipt ol $1;00. For full particulars
address The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima,
The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern,
emulating the example of the New York
Central and the English roads, mado a
fast trial trip from Chicago to Buffalo on
October -4, aiul succeeded in breaking the
world's record, covering 510.1 miles from
100 th Street, Chicago, to Buffalo Creek,
Buffalo, the outskirts of both cities, in
7:50:20, or 470 i minutes, excluding stopi,
an average, excluding stops, of C 5.07 miles
au hour.
Climax Brandy of Grajic,
This superior vintage of 1870 Brandy, in
troduced by the Speer N. J. Wine Co., is
[ highly spoken of by physicians. The fol
lowing tentimony lrom the Baltimore Med
ical College is one among many.
*'l am prepared to bear testimony to
tho value ol your Climax Brandy predicat
ed upon tho ascertained value of your pro
dnctions, and not from general reputation
"H. l>. BYKD, Puksikknt."
—The following is the daily ration of
the animals at the Jardin des Plantes in
Paris: Ten pounds of flesh for each lion,
tiger olid bear, seven pounds for tho hyena,
one pound for tho wild cat, two pounds
fir the eagle, al! of which (Josh must be
fresh,ond without bone.
—lt is estimated that if tbo present
tr.ctliod of capturing salmon in tho Pacific
ocean rivers are continued, this great food
fish will be exterminated in three years.
The Chicago Drainage Canal.
The report of »he board of engineer* de
tailed by the Secretary of Wr.r to rej or'
upon the probable effect ana operation of j
the Chicago drainage canal upon the lake
and harbor levels, an l upon the navags
tion of the great laire-i and their connect
ing waterways, baa been made public
There is nothing to show, the report saj s,
that the consent of Congress has been ask
ed for this enterprise, and it is certain thp.t
it has not bean trettel a- an interstate or
international affair. With this establish
ed fact it 19 impossible to think that the
supervision ot tte Tnited States will not
extend to the canal in due time. This
w;ll become necetsary as soon as it be
comes * part oi the system of navigable
waterways. If the new outlet reduces the
levels of Lake Miotiigau and Huron about
6 inches, that effect will be produced in
about two years, ii not being a question of
many years, as some suppo-e. The board
feels very sure therefore, that: First, the
drainage ct.nal is not solely a State affair,
but a National one. Second, the tapping
of tne lakes must effect their levels. If
the level of the lakes should be reduced,
vessels would have to load accordingly.
The trustees of the drainage company now
contemplate the abstraction of only 300,-
000 cubic feet, but alter the canal is open
ed it is estimated that 600,000 cubic feebp.r
minute will be drawn from Lake Michigan.
This would lower the level of all the
lakes ol the system except Lake Superior,
and reduce the navigable capacities of all
harbors and shallows througbtout the sys
tem. Under the laws of the United States
th< se 'haugos in capacity cannot bo made
without federal authority, and to enable
the executive ..thcers of the United States
to act advisedly in the matter, it is nec
essary, it the opinion of the board, no
only that measurements be takea, but
1 that the money cost ol restoring the navi
gable depth in channels and harbors be
caretullj estimated. The navigable capac
ity of all harbors and channels on the
great lakes below St. Mary's Falls would
be injuriously affected by the proposed
canal, and the navigability effected by the
inner harboi of Chicago would be made
difficult by the introduction of a current
A work ol prime importance is now be
ing accomplished in Asia, silently and
without parade—the construction of the
Transsiberian Rrilroad. When linished,
t his line will exceed in length any ol
those that exist upon the globe. In lact,
its length, from Tcbeliabinsk, its initial
point, to Vladivostok, its terminus, will
be 4,530 miles, while the length of the
Transcanadian, which is alone worthy of
being compared with it, reaches, between
Montreal and Vancouver, 2,7G0 miles.
The Russian government is displaying an
activity in prosecuting this great enter
prise which makes it certain, not only
that it will bu completed before the date
originally arranged. Before the close of
this year the road will be opened as far as
the liiver Obi. It will thou be possible in
the Old World to take a continuous jour
ney from the Atlantic eastward of over 4.-
000 miles. It is probable, judging from
the present rate ol progress, that by the
opening of the twentieth century, a con
tinuous belt of steel will stretch from Paris
to the Pacific. It has already been sug
gested—and, as the Siberian road ap
proaches the Pacific Ocean, the matter
will receive increasing attention —that it
would be possible to extend oar American
system of roads northwesterly to A 1 aska,
to a terminus at Bering Strait on the Pa
cific. With a powerful and efficient sys
tem of train ferriage across the strait—a
distance of say fifty miles —the United
Stains system of railroads would be placed
in touch, not merely with that of Siberia
itself, but with the whole Asiatic and
European system,
Merit wins, a.s is shown by the mar
velous success of Hood's Sarsaparilla, the
great blood purifier.
Warships are gathering around Con
stautinople se thick that the Turks will
have to assisinate the sultan oa dry land.
There is hardly elbow room to drown him.
—Charles A. Dana is au enthusiast in
Aboriculture, and his country place on the
northern shore of Long Island is a tree
museum, which contains almost every
species which will flourish in this latitude.
The Trials of Life.
What shall I dot I am so debilitated
with this malarial fever that I cannot at
tend to my ordinary duties. Well, do as
others hive —try Aunt Hachael's Malarial
Bitten-; they are unexcelled and will act
layoiably on all the functions of your sys
tem and.re-'tore the:n to vigorous action.
They are simply Speer's Wine, with such
herbs and roots as Physicians uso daily in
their practice for the cure ol malaria.
—Medical authorities assert that crying
is the chief and best exercise for young
ohildren, and one hospital superintendent
sa\ s 'hat a heathful baby should cry three
or lour times a day at least, and from ten
to fifteen minutes at a time.
The reaeou why wines are not taken
in such quantities as they used to bo is
now attributed to the fact that smoking is
much more general than of old. With a
taste of tobacco iu tl»e mouth, it is not
possible to appreciate the delicacy ol high
class winos.
I fine Fur Weakly Persons.
Weakly persons use Speer's I'ort Grapo
Wine and the unfermonted Grape Juice
because it gives tone and strength to the
system. It w superior to all other wines
When a person in the Soudan is bitten
by a dog supposed to be suffering from tho
rabies, the animal is instantly caught and
killed, and cut open; the liver is taken out
and slightly browned by being hold to tha
fire, after w'lich the whole of tho organ is
oaten by tho patient.
For Singers and Public Speakers-
Uso Aunt Hachael's Elecampane and
Horehound. It is known that clear white
rock uandy is the most healing ol all sub
stances, and h'irchound and elecampane
the very best throat remedies: combined
wo have Horehound, Elecampane, Grapo
Juice and Hock Candy, one of tho best
pulmonaryr rmedios known Singers and
public speakers should carry a bottle in
their pocket. For sale by duggists.
l'rice 25 cents and 75 cents.
Every Woman
Sometime i neecis a
A abla monthly regulating
y medicine.
Arc prompt, wife iind c«rt*ln In result.
lon (I>r. Peat's) ni vor disappoint. H«nt
tl.oo. Modietuu Co .Clo% eland. O.
For Sale at City PharmaHy.
That we sell the following goods at these
low prices;
2 years old puro Rye $2 00 per gallon
:! ' 2 25
4 " ...2 50
7 " ...3 50 "
10 " "".I"' * - r >o "
14 <• ....5 50
17 " 0 00 "
All from tho best known distillers.
California 5 years old pure Wines. 11
kinds, sweet and dry, $1.50 per gallon;
case $3. oto $5 00. My own direct im
portations of puro Port and Sherry Wines,
Mosel and Rhine, at lowest figures. Call
i r send lor special price li-t. Mail orders
piomptly (illed No extra chargo for box
ing and packing.
1% fc
U OF THEf A jj®
I k? t\ co HQUeror of worlds,
JL&kn. WL died in 1821, 25 years • I
before Pond's Extract,
(}\ cor > c l Lleror °* P air l-
was discovered. Napo
leon's greatness dirrirried
v{ j with his years; Pond's
•"* , extract's greatness in-
TJAWTk'CJ PYTI? Af'PWlLLSoreThroat.Prost
l Ulill 0 IiAI Haul cure Bites, Lameness,
Rheumatism, Wounds, Piles, Earache, Sprains, Sore Eyes, Hoarseness,
Inflammations, Soreness, Burns, Bruises, Bore Feet, and Hemorrhages,
TV E ARE HEADQUARTERS for Kelt Hoots. We have them for Men, Boys VVomen and C Ink Jren, witl find
™ Overs,and Prices the very Lowest. Complete stock of Mishawanka Stock.n-s; and Rubber Boots and Shoes< of all Un .
we have too many heavv hoots and as we inte nd to build next Spring we w. carry no goods over. 1 ricesrut: away < down on K J
goods. Space will not prcmit me prices, but a visit to our store wil convmce you that we areselhng the vejy best wearmg o
at extremely low prices. Full stoc kof Leather and Findings. Repamng done on short notice. When »n need of Shoes
Will DO.
Stimulates the appetite and pro
duces refreshing sl>-op.
Lw Chocks wanting disoasoH. Htopn
M night sweatrf, euros Incipient
Increases strenfc.h and Hi ah.
Promotes healthy lnac '■
Will Rivo the palo ctul runy tho
Nroiy cbeeka ot ; outh.
Mukoh strong in"'» r.uil wuaon of
Cure &U 'Va9tiny Diseases and
their sequences,
They aro neither styptic noreausfic and
have no coagulating effect ou tho content;!
of the stomach or Its lining; consequently
<io not hurt tho teeth or cause constipation
• r diarrhoea, as do tho usuiil formr ol Iron
"O nays treatment 60c, pamphlet lieu. 1<
not kept by your druggist, address
ABBf»i.vT?KT.Y cim?a I , i
{«••*«■» !• .!r. C **4
inwl ut ulftbis l.f •rtnu-lt'.tg It
Allow**: t* mn'i- , n • .rt \ an..' pr»lrH<if,
which l»n < I »-v : «• f. ".u«, i-jcmmln® trrt
•orr. A vjr* O* •. j *,r \ \ •N.j.ait.hti.g»ia
bleeding. Ml»»oru* (h* .*m> y 4ru«fi«u<>r t j
Lt fc/ Lm. am A t •« k t*j», ruu+itlsuu.
What Nerve Berries
s have done for others
L/ 1 ' '
anu Permanently ftostcred. 30T " L)A? -
A j isilive cure for all Weaknesses,
Nervousness, Debility, and ail their
train of evils resullingfrom curly errors
and later excessei; (lie result of over
work, sickness, worry, etc.
orexcessive u eof tobacco,opium
and liquor, which lead to consumption
and insanity. Their use shows immedi
ate improvement. Insist upon having
the genuine NEfiVE BEfIP.tES, no other.
Convenient <0 carry in vest pocket.
Price, ?*.< )o p.-r box, six i-oxes, ot;e full
treatment,£s.oo. Guaranteed tocure
any case. If not kept by your drug
gist we will send them by mail, upon
receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
I \imjtolet free. Address mJiil ordersto
American medicai co, Cincinnati. 0.
R. L. Kirkpatrick, OpticidQ and Jewele
| ( unit. House, iiutlur. Fa., crutiliritu
l-i I'url Uaxoloiclcal liiStltue.
Ihc I eadiiii; and Largest Millinery house in Butler County.
ll.t ,i I icici\cil the handsomest Pattei ILits, Bonnets
ami Child'"* m": Hits -cr nought t<< Hutlei count)'. PRICKS
EXTREMELY LOW Cotw in and sec f»i and be ,
Mourning Goods a peciflty.
1 22 S Main St 122 S. Main
Cold weather always brings with it visions ot a ruddy fire and
cheerlul happy faces. The plentiful harvests have been gathered and
stored away, and the merry-making Holidays will soon be coming.
What adds more pleasure to the side-board, the feast, or the gather
ing, than some
Fine Sparkling Wine
in its native puri'y. We have ever)' known brand and quality to se
lect from—whether Imported or California. Ports, Sherries, Angel
ica, Catawba, Muscatel and many others, all mentioned in our Cata-
i on application.
You must not lose sight of the fact that severe changes in the
weather shatter the system, and that whiskey is the best stimulant
j know.
Our Silver Age Pure Rye
stands unrivalled as the finest product oi Pennsylvania distillation,
and sells for $1.50 per full quart, Duquesne Rye at $1.25 per quart,
Beat" Creek at SI.OO per quart, and Guckenheimer, 4 year old at 75c
per quart, and Anchor Rye at 50c, are the best possible values.
We pay expressage on all orders of $5.00 and upwards. No
charge for packing and shipping.
82 FEDERAL ST, Allegheny Pa.
Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer.
C 9- W- * HAY- FEVfc K
% MM
i Kit/'* Cream Balm U not a snuff or povder. Applied into thenotlrtU it M
qvifklh n'>sjrbed. J tetanies t/ie head, allays inflammation, heals _
■"ft;, r.< S"l<- /-V (lmi"ist» or tent by mail on receipt of vnce. L||M
3uC ELY BROTHER*. j6 Wto Street NEW YORK. dUb
r l T ci i lori ii o Co.
Butler, Pa.
Original Low I'riced Tailors and
Perfect Fitters.
I'ants to order.. $ 3.00 to SIO.OO
Suits to order. .$1 5.00 to $50.00
Overcoats to order
! Pro nip work and fit guaranteed.
Give us a call.
The Fisli Tailoring Co.,
()pj>. North siilc Court House Butler Pa.
•Mutual Firo Insurance Company,
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
ALF. WK K. Pr«H.
Ml. kfI'TKUKU. Vic« Prc«.;p
1,. S. Hi lIAKIN, .iihl Trr*»
• Airr*'i Nik, IlendenoD OltTer,
• r. W« In lame i Htepbeoioiii
I *. W. HlttCkmore, N. WVitxel.
I*. Itowinaii. 11. J. KUntfler
! <Jeo. Kettercr, rbsui. Kebnun,
< en. K«uno, John Kocnlu,
steel Ceilings and
Side Wall Finish.
Kurl'himli-li.ri.t I:. !.Vnnx CYUxlokup, prtcvsanil
; cstlmut' .. <m nepll . -n tv> tlie x-li .Muiulkcturtn,
liu: n \\ ikoi !:»«nv. sc ok. to., itH.i rhiinu . r*.
A!-" tn.ik> r-4 4*l I l.trii.. . Kir*' mill storru-l'ruuf
V»—l Uuuli ui uul -liiim. Oct circular*.
% Green Goods Market, *
CENTRE AYR. • - - Nearß.R
All kinds of Country Produc
l*v«ivs on ban.ls —good and fresh
Highest market price paid in
eash for Country Produce.
Hotel KiatJer
J. 11. FAUHEL, Prop'r.
This liouse has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells and a!
other modern conveniences for
guests, and is as convenient, and
desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, Pa.
Elegant sample room for vse o
ommercial men
' 5 * "J * T j— * >
s•* roKp. ourr j