Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 21, 1895, Image 4
T THE TAILOR. We have no fine window •J . O 1U L >.\ vJ ? ; n which we can display our goods, but we have the finest line ol goods to be found in any merchant tailor store in Butler. Call and see for yourseif. \\ c want your trade and can only get it by pleasing you, which we guarantee to do in each and every particular by giving you good material, first class up-to-date work at moderate prices. J. S. YOUNG, The Tailor, Hatter and rilrrusher, 101 ,®south Main St., „ Opposite Lowry House. DIAMONDS M WATCHES M.KXTS (.OLD, I.A{ESTs 'ntLVER, I.AUIES' CHATLAIN. J£IWELRY } GO ' d PlnS ' KiDtfS ' llracdeK Etc'. trf -w f VT van XWT Ik 15 TtT 11 Tea sets. Castors. Butter l»lslitrs .i.-j'tJ Kverytulnt slu V HiXX W AS%Miaj Uiat ran be xound in a lira c !:•-•.-) stor-.. RODGER BROS. 1874 } KNU E8 ' FORK 9, SP<> TIUPLK PLATE. E. GRIEB, 'IL. No. 139, North Main St., B JTLEft, PA„ Buy a Buggy j that's rdiible when you do buy one. Fredonia Buggies have f./ery.hing in their favor —beauty, ease. You can find this out by loot Ing at 'em. Your dealer sells them Made by FPEDONF \ MFfi. CO.. Youngstown, O. — i. —_— - — t THE QUZSTiON is often nskcd, What Taint shall we use? THE ANSWER: If you a:e ] ooking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must bt:y The Sherwin-Whijams P/atl Copers Host, Looitt Beat. VJeuri Longss', r_ 7 ,'u uj Oar prices ar. lor ' f t and all the time e .ire ju U c Oul::h :s to stay and BRusHts, S. W / stays Willi us COLO9S IN OIL. HOUSE A COACH VJIRNiSHES. J. C. REDICK, IOQ N. Hain St. New York Weekly Tribune, + AND + Butler Citizen > ONE YEAR + sl.oO. Addrss All Orders to THE CITIZEN. Speaking About Shoes. Why imt Hpeuk of all L i 11< I. of foul wear. We are in that business and want a few words with you on that subject. We may be able to interest you, in fact, we know we can. Leather has advanced fully 25 iM-r cent, consequently footwear has advarced also. Fortunately my en tire stock of fall and winter goods were ought before the advance. lam in 1 ape to offer you SIO,OOO Worth of Boots, Shoes and Robbers at less than old prices. Space forbids me entering into details or to quote prices at length. Will name few prices to give you an idea of our tqany bargains. LOOK OVKR THESE PRICES. Ladies calf button shoes, J11.15. Ladies oil grain button shoes, |i.io. Ladies oil grain lace shoes, #I.OO. I,adics kid button shoes, 85c. Ladies warm lived shoes, 75c. Mens fine shoes, congress or lace, $1.25. Mens fine wide toe bals, #1.50. Mens g'>od solid taps sole boots, fi.so Mens good solid kip lioots, #2.00, Mens good oil grain loots, $2.50. Mens Jamestown boots, l<ox toe, f yoo. CAN'OEE RUIiBERS ARE Till-: HEST. Mens candee boots, #2.25. Mens candee boots, light, $2.25. Mens candee boots, high, $2.75. Mens candee lx»t, extra high, #3,00. Hoys candee boot, #1,75. Mens overs for felt boots, candee, $1.25. SEE OUR COMBINATION AT #2.00 a gents 4 stay felt l>oot with candee overs for $2.00, 0. E. MILLER, Butler Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Firallnsurance .'Company, off.ee Cor.Main & Cunningham All-. >VICU. I'rrn. —4.1:0. KuTTKItKK. Virt Pm.ri 1.. S. Sw'j and Troa». MItECTOIIS: Alfr-t Wick. |Henderson Oliver, ' r. W. Irviiii lames Steplieimiu, >v. W. Blackmore, |N. Weltzef, K. Bowman "• Kllnifler lleo. Ketteror, C'has. K^bliun, Oeo. K»nno, I John Koeiitiiic. LOYAL S. McJUNKIN, Agent M, A,BERKIMER Funeral Director 237 S. Main.St Sutler Pa. Persons to Travel.** WANTED. Several faith fui gentlemen and ladies to travel for established house. Position permanent if suited; also increase. State reference and enclose self-addressed stamp ed envelope. THE NATIONAL. 316-317-318 Omaha Bldg , Chicaoo. Valuable Farm for Sale. A valuable farm, located in Donegal twp. and comprising about 175 acres, 120 of which are cleared and the rest covered with white-oak and chestnut timber; well watered and having two orchards with plenty of peaches and grapes; good build ings, consisting of a two-story, frame dwelling house, large barn, granery, spring-house, and all other necessary outbuildings; two miles from railroad station and six miles from county seat; convenient to schools and churches, will be sold cheap, one half the purchase money to be paid down and the balance in two payments within two years. The farm is leased until April of 1H97, but has no other encumbrances. For further particulars inouire at this office. eanor & Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Hear or Wick House. Bailor, Pa The b.i it of hArsea and first clans rigs always on bam! and for hire. Beat accommodations in town lor permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaranteed. Stable room for sixty l?e hornet-. A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always on hand and for Hale under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon proper noti fication bv si! A NOK & NA'JE. All kinds ot live stock bought and -old. Telephone at Wick Uoune. Li. C- WiCK UKALKR IN Hou|li aid Woihf lintii I or At,- KtNDM D«'<irs, Ssasn, Blinds. Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always tn Stock. LI MF. HA IK AND PLASTIiK Ottfce opposite P. AjW. Hepot," HITLIK la SACKNDORRHS PATENT SECTIONAL Steel Ceilin Side Wall Finish. For CburcJt*J*n4 Iti-iWW-rir,.*. Catalogue. price* and ♦•Htlniut. s. on HppUi uiion tutbeHoli' Manufecttin-ra, TIK n\ l Iko* KINIMU k CUE. CO.. (U4.) PbiUda. fa. , .Also luaktfra of Ll* btr.uig, f ire and storm-Troof Vtl HuuUmg ub JSI Jlu«. lit l circular*. ®Foul breath ia ft discourager of aflfe etien There in more reasons one for tbia. is tbo starting point ofjmany very serious mala dies. Upon tha haaltbv action of the digestive organ*, the blood depends tor its richness and purity. If digestion stops, poisonous matter accumulates and is forced into tha blood— there is ao place else for it to go. Before this, the fermented, putrid matter has indicated its presence by making the breath foul, the complexion sallow and muddy, the eyes dull and the head heavy. By and by, the genn infected poisonous matter in the blood causes weakness or inflam mation in some part of the body- Then comes rheumatism, scrofula, consump tion, liver complaint, kidney trouble and a half a hundred other ills. The bad breath .is a danger signal. Look out for it! If you have it, or any other symptom of indigestion, take a bottle or two of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It will straighten out the trouble, make your blood pure and healthy and full of nu triment for the tissues. It is a strong statement, but a true one that the "Golden Medical Discovery" will cure 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption if it is taken in the early stages. It will relieve even the most obstinate cases of long standing. Send this notice and six cents to cover Oe and you will receive from the s Dispensary Medical Association, No. 66} Main Street, Buffalo, X. Y., a large book of 160 pages, telling all about the "Golden Medical Discovery " and containing portraits, testimonials and addresses of hundreds of those cured by it. VETERINARY SPECIFICS F:r Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Cogs, Hogs, AND POOLTBY. 300 Pngr liook on Treatment of Animal* and Chart Meui Free. CT-RFP ( A.A. ' spinal .MrningitiN, Milk Fever. liaiiieneM, Kibeumatinm. ( .< • !>ixirmpcr. Nanal Diacharges. l).l).-lloif4 or (>rub!«, Worm*. E.K.—i outfhM, Heaven, Pneumonia. F. F.~Colic or (*ripe«, Bellyache. im( a rriaice. Hemorrhage*. 11.11. I riuary and Kidney DiNcaM N. I. I >Kru pi i\ «■ DIfMMSt .tlanye. J.K.-l)iNeaiteMor Digemiuu, Paralysis* rwAdon4 - - .60 i Hlable Cane, wlrh Specific*, Manual, Veterinary < ure Oil ami Medicator, $7.00 Jar Veterinary Core Oil, - • 1.00 8«M by DmfiUli; or i*at prepaid uyvWraud la My qoaallt} od rw-lpt of prif*. HIIPURKTs am. CO.. »«'. k lltWllU*«i St., K.wTork. 7~]B^|SIIMPgBETS' f HOMEOPATHIC no [J®!!] SPECIFIC No Zo In use 'JO /eari The only aucceaaful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration. from over-work or other caasoa. #1 per vial, or 6 vial® and tarice vial i*jwder, for $5. Sold by Drngßiita, or »»nt p<«tpaid ou recalpt of prlr#. 111! I'll UK In' *M>. to., 11l Alia MUli&a SU, New iork. \ 11 cures Catarrh, even In !; \ ■ serious cases. To get!; \ immediate relief in Ca- | ] tarrh, or a hard " cold in ' I the head," just put a bit | of | Salva-ceaj (tkalhmakk) S the size of a pea, into j 't each nostril. / It's the quickest remedy \ 1 r ? ( for > ' PiUs, Skin Disaaaas, Ulctrs, Boils, Burns, Sora Thraat, j | Bruises, Earacha, Chafir.gs, Haadsoha, j Sprains, Strains. j | Two sizes, 25 and 50 cents. ( At drujjffists, or by mail. / LKANDIf e"?J t Co., What Strikes OUiers 1 Will Mrlke you.—We art? a',' 1' 1 <«iU< ■ I hero and tli -n: with tln: «iiii« litis end di.likt*. 'i'luii.Kiiii Ik «»f ulI sort* of |> <>|ile proii'.imc<• OKI MxjHirl \VI isM-y ll|>-to|i In every |mi ticulu.', nod fur ul I 1. Might liojiist what y .nM tilt*-, no hitim In iui iiLm.ii iii'/ It, anyway. It ix Ky< n old, ttsat's e*i Ulh. it ia p» I t: .1 !y |lUl'|| anil fil l friini fuwl oil Mint is a fact which tiie mi' t expert clieinUt can't dis prove. full Quarts, $1.00; Six Quarts, $5.00. Mail and Kx press order* promptly, and we pay Iran |'ori:iMoii charges on orde. (d SIO.OO and over. Jos. Flkming & Son, 412 MARKET ST., Pittsburg. Pa. r,omplet* Pi icc Lists ul Wines and liquors mai'ed lre» OI K KEYBTONB PRIDE. For Mnliciil Family I'xe. jr 1 2.~> per '/f. or G qtx for :f«>. Finch's Golden Wedding, Gncknnhoimer Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, Overbold. Ful' quarts <il, C quarts for Our goods war ranted puro. Grand Father's Choice guarranteed il years old, $2 per gal. 0 i 0. I), and mail orders receive prompt at tention. ROUT. LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa., opposite B. A 0. k. R. Depot. Do you DHSIKi: to make \I( )X KVV 01 It PI.AXS" OF OPBRATIO.V ASSURE ABSOTjf'TB SAFETY. Make your money earn you a monthly salary. tlo.oo and iniro made iiaily by onr iiew Rj'st. uiatic plan of Operation on small in \erlmeuts in grain and stock speculation. \ll we a-l< i. in invc-siiga'H onr now and •p. i! miFn>-1 ■ P»*t workings of ylau nil li.lii--' rofereuees furuisimd Our l(i».i !••• |'i int., ,v ilir.ts" how to make iiiiiih-> a' i ull.er ioliioiation :«•« iit FREE. Glli-dOKK A CO.. Hankers and Krokers. Open lioard t>l Trade Ifldg., Chicago, Ul. THE CITIZEN- They M'sseJ Each Other. A well dressed woman walked into the (;rooker buildirg yesterday afternoon and took an elevator Her husband saw her from across the street, and hurrying over took the next "levator, lie went to the office where he knew his wile had business, and found that she had stepped in and cut again," and went dowi in the next i elevator. In t e meantime his wile Lad gone down, and the elevator dispatcher said: I "Your husband just went up in the el evator. I thiuk he is looking for yon." The lady took the next elevator up Just then her husband, came down. He looked all around, aad then inquired of the elevator man; "Have you seen my wife here?'* '•Yes; she just went up this minute." The man took the next elevator, and he was no more than out of sight till his wife came down again. ' Your husband has just gone up again" said the elevator man. "I guess he'll wait for me this time, so I'll go up,"' and up she went. Down came her husband a second af terward. "Did my wife come down again? he in quired. '•Yes; and just went up agaiu. She thought you would wait for h6r. " "Well I'll wait here." He waited for abont five minutes and then, growing impatient, took an elevator up-tairs. fjhe had been waiting for him and came down again ja.-t as he appeared "tVdl, I will wait for and catch him this time," she said. Alter standing in '.he corridor several minutes she decided to go up stairs and find him. As she whisked out of sight he stopped out of another elevator. ' Your wife has jnst gone up," said the elevator man. The husband swore a little under his breath and started to leave the building. At ihi door he hesitated, changed bis mi'id and took the next elevator up Down came his wile at the same moment. "He's just gone up agaiu," was the ele vator man's answer to her weary look of inquiry, ,'and he's mad as a horuet." "Then I had better go right up and catch him." she said . Up she went and down he came. "Just went tip," remarked the elevator man "I'm blanked if I'm going up again," said he. "I'll wait right here," and he sat dowc. on the stairs. Half an hour lat er he was still sitting there, and his wife, equally determined, was waiting for him up stairs. "I hope they'll meet in heaven," re marked ttie elevator man.— San Francisco I'on I. Easily Cured. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobaoco habit are easily cured by the use af Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablets. No effort re quired of the patient .who is the use of stimulants until ho voluntarily quits their use. May be given secretly in tea or coffee a d a cure guaranteed in every case. For sale by all first class druggists at SI.OO per package. For full particulars and book of testimonials ad dress The Ohio -Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio. --A reign of terror is sweeping over the end of Lawrence county on account of the many burglaries \nd outrages which are being committed, and the Guardian says that the sooner .the people organize themselyes iuLo a vigilance committee and make short work of the rascals who are committing these daring deeds of law breaking, the better it will be for the en tire community. ''lß7ll Climax" In the name of a superior quality of Brandy, placed on the market by the Speer N. J. Wine Co. as a companion to their Superior Old Port Grape Wine. The Old Brandy is a pure distillation from the grape and stands unrivalled. It is considered by eminent medical meu far superior to most of the French Brandies lor medicinal purposes, and is preferred by them to other Brandies on account of its known purity. Sdd by Druggists. --In foreign cities it is made a penal of tense to litter the street with waste paper, advertising dodgers and the.swoepings from stores and offices, and if the police offioer in a foreign town sees any citizen thus lit tering the streets, the guilty party is to gather up the dirt and he is lucky if he escapes a fine. Here, with us in the United States, little or no attentiou is )>ai<l to it, and our streets art) not unlre quontly made to do duty aw Wilt boards and waste baskets and garbage dump:). Cor tainly this custom in most pernicious; it it* a nuisance, aud there ought to be laws uud ordinances under which it could be abated. It is most unsightly: iljis au offense to our propel ty; it di-cUres u» to be slovenly, aud ha* as » basis not only lack of pride ill the fine appearance of our highway, but a di»reg»rd of the righ's aud comlort of our ne'ghlor. I»r. Aguew's Cure lor the lharl gi/J Derfeet relief in ail canes of Organic «>• ■sympathetic H«ai llisease in UO minuteJ and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer "ess remedy f.»r I'alpitation, Shortness o; 'realh, Smothering Spells, I'ain in Lef '-ide and all symptoms of a Diseased Hoart 'no dose convinces. Sold by City Phar nacy. —The surest indication of a narrow and unenlightened mind is intolerance of opin ion. The ugliest characteristic a man can have is the disposition to hate feople of opposite views, religious or political. The spirit of intolerance and bigotiy that once filled the world with blood and groans and teari is no longer with uh in force, but it still lingers in the breasts of a lew. knglisb Spavin Liniment removes a • l.ard, soft or calloused lumps and lilem ahea from horses, blood spavins, curbs plints, sweoney, ringbone, stifles, sprain; U swollen throats, cougha, etc. Save 50 by nso of one bottu. Warranted the •nost wonderful I'.lemish Cure ever kuown Sold bv J. C. Kedick, druggist Butler Pi MissLuel!.* Minner, who lived near Sharon, Pa. died in a painful and distress ing manner a few days s>go. She had been told that if she would swallow the heart of a chicken whole, she would see her future husband iu the next man she would meet. She tried the experiment. The heart lodged in her windpipe and caused strangulation. A physician suc ceeded in forcing it down into her stomach, bnt an abcess formed, resulting in her death in a lew days. Belief in Sue Hour*. -Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relievod in six hours by the "Now (jreat South American Kidney Curo." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its em eeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and everv part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almopt im mediatly. If you want <|uick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by J. C. Kedick druggist Butler Pa. —Lilliuokalani, the deposed Queen of Hawaii, had a good many peculiar charac teristics, one of which was a perfect pas sion for the collection of rope knots made by sailors of different nationalities who visited her domain. Tho result is what is said to be the largest and fidest collection of the kind in the world. —Thin and impure blood is made rich uud healthy by taking Hooi'sSarsaparilla. —lt is strango'that men who know how to make WOO for every $lO they invest for ' you, don't turn their knowledge to their I own profit, instead of advertising it. —The tanneries throughout the country were shut down last week by the Leather Trust. In Warren county, this Stat -, about 600 men are thrown out of employ ment. The Trust has concluded that pco pie are not paying enough for shoes. —The use of hydro-chloric acid ia o:l wells icstead of explosives i-' still proving a dcoided success in Ohio. A well ab< ut four miles from Findlay wasjfctreated last week with the acid, of which 180 carboys Were used The well, which ha'l been pumping about 5 bbls a day, has since been steadily doing 35 bbls a dsy. —Peary's Eskimo dogs are at present the attraction at the z >ologicil exhibit in Central Park They are wolverine in ap pearance and their only virtue seems to be their ability to draw a sledge in the direction of, if uot to, the Nortn Pole. They are the Zoo's -tar attraction at present, however. —The Great charm of the yueen of Madagascar is said to be her unconven tionally. She chews tobacco, drinks champagne, use- palm oil on her hair, wears $5,000 Worth costumes, at the sauie time going barefooted, and is a member of the Orthodox Congregational church. —A medical| journal declares that the common habit among women of biting ofT the thread with which they are sewing is prolific source of sore throat and blood pois >ning. ilr. Spinks—Veil, Willie, has your sister made up her tuiud to go to the con cert with ineT W'.llie—Yep. She's made up her miix', auti she's iuikiu' up her face now. Sfu'il be d.wn in a initiate. ln 11} de Park, the dogs' burial ground at the north end has been dosed by the Duke of Cambridge as ranger of Hyde Park. For nearly forty years persons have been allo-ved to bury their pet dogs there, and put up little tombstones oyer them. Now the cemetery is full A weeping old man picked the pockets of mourners during the funeral services at a private residence ia New York a few days ago, and caused some genuine mourning. —' It may be weakness,'' said the dy ing editor, "but I can't |ielp but feel grate ful to this town." "What f«.rf "For life enough to leave it." —Edward Hughes, a blacksmith of Youngstown, Ohio, has received a check for SI,OOO as a reward for saving a young lady from drowning last summer at Put in-Bay, on Lake Erie. —Englishmen hold $90,000,000 worth of stock in American breweries, when they bought the stock the Englishmeu wtre told that the brewing business was a bonanza in this country, but all they have ever got tor their money is a lot of nicely printed stock certificates. The Pennsylvania counties having the smallest population are Cameron, 7,238; Forest, 8,482; aud Pike, 9,412. Philadel phia has with 1,04(3.964; Al legheny next with 551,95J, and Luzerne third with 201,203 These are the figures in the census oi 1891. —Some time ago at quite a large social accetcblage the question arose as to who could be'considered the greatest man of the century abont to clone, and as there was much difference of opinion, it was put to a vote and by lar the greatest number of votes were cast tor Thomas A. Edison, the inventor. William Wetmore Story, who lately diid at Vallambrosa, Italy, was a man of inort versatile talents. Although chiefly dis tinguished as a sculptrr, he might have made his mark in the profession of his former father, Justice Joseph Story. In deed, law text books propa>ed by him are cited as authorities. He was also a pain ter of merit. Htm for Weakly Persons. Weakly persons use Speer's Port Grape Wine and the unfermented Grape Juice because It gives tone and strength to the system. It is superior to a!l other wines. —There is, sayc au exchange, a man in Wheatland, l'a., named Foley, who swal lowed a frog which has grown in him, till it's large enough to croak; and every little while the frog gives a croak loud enough to cause attention from bystanders who suppose the man does it himself. He had to leave church the other day on account of the frequent croaking. For SiiHjcrx aixl Public Speakers- Use Aunt liacbael's Klecampane and Horehouud It is known that clear white rock candy Is the most healing of all sub stances, and hirehound and elecampane the •'cry best throat remedies: combined we tiave ftorehound, Klecampane, Urape Juice and Kock Candy, une of the best pufmonaryr nnod.es known Singers and public speakers should carry a tiottle in thei. pocket. For sale by duggwls. Price -•"> cents and 75 cents. Recently the wile of a dwarf named Morris gave birth to twins at Uleatiavou North Wale Morris id only 35 inches in height, while his wifj is even smaller in stature. Ttiey wero married at Barthom ley church laxt Christinas, and have been since traveling through the country as General and Mrs. Small, being the small est married couple in the world. The mother and inlants are doing well. —Lady Anae Itlunt, whose "Love Son nets of Proteus" have attracted so much attention, is Lord Byron's granddaughter, the daughter of Ada, the 'sole daughter" of his and heart," who became Lady Lovelace. —Mrs. Jennie King is a Georgia woman who is winning laurels as an evnntrelist. She holds remarkable revival meeting* through the South, and her eloquence is described as phenomenal, although her education is a limited one. She is a pretty young woman of 28, the wife of a prosper ous farmer, who does not. object to her preaching. A woman at Old Orchard, Me., has succeeded in making quite a pet of a hum mingbird. The little creatnre has become perfectly domesticated, and lias been al lowed to fly in and out of the house at pleasure by u window that has purposely been left open. It is a household pet. By night it peiches on a piece of clothes line stiung in the kitchen, and on rainy days flutters among the plants aud flowers in the bouse. Every Woman Sometimes need* a rcli- T al<lo monthly regulating J . •£, medicine. xl Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Are prompt, ante unr! curtain In r««ult. The *wu* Inn i I>r. I'ml'i) m-vht dlMppolnt. Hunt tuftiiHUi •l.ua r«*U ModtcUui Co . CltfvvUuul* U» For Bale at City Pharinany. THE XEELEYCURE In u K[<cciul to Im *vli«». I».iv iu» (Irittcr! iiiiro'i-f on*'v i»l • th« «•; k lial» t uiiu awukt-u i.i iiii*l 11!«• «!iscii «' .»f u'' obiMtfiu !u-l«*in »l U|» >ii iht .i, i ii«t««ii ■( t." Ht «K,fit 1./ iriiunK«- rtf f.iir* r- <|ti:rmur .i < U-»n b;utu. A lour ivo La of tnu'iui ;it lit the WTTSIiLRO KEi: LV INSTITUTE. Uo. i.ic Firth Avenue, to Ihcui all tl*« tr pnw r m< Mai an.! pbrtk* i!. | f 1,/ •••:!• J.. I; V Mi'l fort: they ln«Jnl »- l i , . t .i.•«I»»?*11 Thl* has Nn ii <! >IMS 111 tlti l l ll« « "• 'I ll«Tl\ HII'I nid .me tlk in i •• ; '■ Hfhbosi* to whom v.•• *an r • v u i'li •••.nthlofice as lo the a», oh.-.-- u ivh-:.| fi: . .#f l».«: ki-rley «'ur*. I | . | , , , . ;, \ • ' I•i \ i -• ; ia > \ lied. Semi for UUrl lui.iriu#- fiOU. 'V . I t\ +ilOH FLg^E.R RaWSE/IX y Plug THE LARGEST PIECE OR GOOD TOBACCO EVER SOLD FOR 10 CENTS PlCciSfe' Pfly particular attention to these few lines—they may interest you. Pond's Extract is so universal a remedy that you know of it and its uses well, but so many crude imitations are on the market, that a warning against the use of anything but the genuine Pond's Extract is necessary. Pond's Extract is absolute!v ] >ure, antiseptic and anodyne, and m;iv be used with safety and efficacy, externally or internally. Accept nothing but the genuine with buff wrapper and yellow label. POND'S EXTRACT CO.. 76 fifth Ave. N e ./ York, "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO BARGAINS in BOOTS and BICKEL'S II) E ARE H EAUyU AKTKRS for Felt Hoots. We have them for Men, Hoys, Women ami Children, with either Leather or Rubber Overs, and Prices the very Lowest. Complete stock of Mishawanka Stockings; and Rubber Hoots and Shoes of all kinds. We find we have too many heavy boots and as we intend to build next Spring we will carry no goods over. Prices cut an'ay down on all hea/y goods. Space will not premit me to quote prices, but a visit to our store will convince you that we are selling the very best wearing goods at extremely low prices. Full stock of Leather and Findings. Repairing done on short notice. When in need of Shoes call and see us - BRANCH STORK. N. Main St. 12S S. Mam St., HU 1 LLk, 1 A. WHAT IRON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC Btlmi'latca the appetite unci pro <luaen refreshing sleep GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TJ MJHSiNO R MOTHERS. Checks wastinK diseases, stops night sweats, cures incipient consumption. Jncroasea strong.h and flesli. MAKES HED, RICH BLOOD, Promotoa healthy limn tissuo. Willirive tho pulo and puny tho Nrosy cheeks ol youth. CURES ATX FEMALE COMPLAINTS. M ukes strong u>"n und women of weaklings. GILMORE'S IRON TGfiiG PILLS Care all Wasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They aro neither stvptlc nor caustic and have uo coagulating effect on tho contents of the stomach or its lining, consequently do not hurt tho teeth or oauae constipation or diarrhcaa. aa do tho uaual formr of Iron i(l duya treatment 60c. paniphlot trco. If uot kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. fikt irr* ITCHING Pit: r S BWAYrtF.'B OIHTH XI r \i: ; • • • • • • .mm » * awarjrr fWliikt Herve lierrics have done for others an o PtrmttMmttj A positive cure for all VYeafcnesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry.etc. or excessive use of tobacco,opium and iiquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BERRIES* no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, $' .00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet fire. Address mailordersto AMERICAN MEDIC/L CO. CINCINNATI. 0. •YES EXAMINED FREE OF CHAKGF R.I. Kirkpatrick, Optician and Jewele | Court House. Butler, Pa., graUluat* l.a fori llurologlcal InsUtne. SX MILLINERY D. T. PAPE S The Leading and Largest Millinery House in Mutler County. I Lis iiiit received ttic handsomest I'.;" • Kits, llonnet s and Chi", iron's Hats c - or br ught to Butk \. PRICES EXTRKMELY LOW . Come in a : >c. t > _ «rself«nd be convinced. Mourning Goods •< pecin ! y. 122 S. Main St 122 S. Main GOOD TIMES ill. Cold weather always brings with it vi.-i■ <•! a ruddy fire and cheerful happy faces. The plentiful harvests h;i\e bicii gathered anil stored away, ami the merry-making Holidays \ H soon be coming. What adds more pleasure ro the side-board, tii .east. or the gather ing, than some Fine Sparkling Wine in its native puri'y. Wc have every known brand and quality to se lect from—whether Imported or California, l'orts. Sherries, Angel ica, C.atawba, Muscatel and many others, all mentioned in our Cata logue, MAILED FREE c.ll application. You must not lose sight of the faci that severe changes in the weather shatter the system, and that whiskey is the best stimulant know Our Silver Ag'e Pure live stands unrivalled as the finest product of Pennsylvania distillation, and sells for $1.50 per full quart, Duquesne Rye at $1.25 per quart. Bear Creek at SI.OO per quart, and Guckenheimer, 4 year old at 75c per quart, and Anchor Rye at 50c, are the best possible values. We pay expressagc on all orders of SS <OC) a,u ' upwards. No charge for packing and shipping. MAX KLEIN, 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer. THE Si, Klfi fc-'I O 4 * HAY- FE VE R j E'y's Cream Palm U not 0 [></'"/', tnvff or jwirdir. Applud into Vie no*ti i-t if _ ouif-kln übnorWA. it < < ante* tfte html, a(l*ry* inflammation, healx „g* Cr - ' Uif*>rtx. tv/ld drwjtri.ilii or se>U by vii'l u:i of prin. LISA 3UC ELY BROTHERS. jG Street NEW YORK. 3lk TilE FISH Fa i lori i) <} C<). Butler, Pa. Original Low Priced Tailors and Perfect Fitters. Pants to order.. $ 3.00 to sio.co Suits to order. .$15.00 lo $50.00 Overcoats to order Prom pi work and fit guaranteed. Give us a eat I. The Fish Tailoring Co., 104 DIAMOND, Opp. North si'lc Court House llutlerl'a. Special Notice. Pure Rye Whiskies from the liost known distillers. according to age, from *2.00 to tti 00 per gallon. My own importation of line ol.; Ports. Sherry. Khine anil Mosel Winea from if- (10 to *5.00 per gallon. St. Helena pure old California Win t*, dry and sweet, 75 cents to $1.50 per gallon. Also agent for the celebrated Lake Chautauqua Win«H, *1.50 per gallou. Seneca Lake pure Wine Vinegar. 50c per gallop. The tincHt imported (iins. Cognacs. Scotch and Irish Whisky, Stout, Hans Ale, Ac., at lowest prices. Call or write to A. An driessen KederaJ St., Allegheny'. Special Price List on application. No extra charge lor jugs or packing. Mail orders promptly attended to. ' 1 i ? PA UK IX BROS. * Green Goods Market, * CENTRE AYE. - - - Near 1!. \\ All kinds it Country I'roduC liV.ty-i ci !i v 1 I, — ; j i>dan ! Iresl. Ili'-hest market price paid in ea.sh forC ounlry Pioduce. Hotel Butler J. 11. FAIIiKJ- Prop'r This house has been tliuiough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and al other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in liutler, Pa. Elegant sample room tor use o o<n mercial men c '"JVit^.—f6Va?^i r/o near jJayyuTrf/f ? i * J | { T Pl/ Wr.'^iyr •t ! » r c H 1 | J) T o '' r ourr \ 1 £ A « N<> r lTTSO^l»r..fl < « —• >