Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 14, 1895, Image 4
Jo VOTTVr THE TAILOR. We have no fine window • -J*' in which we can display our goods, but we have the finest line of goods to be found in any merchant tailor store in Butler. Call and see for yourself. We want your trade and can only get it by pleasing you, which we guarantee to do in each and every particular by giving y u good material, first class up-to-date work at moderate prices. J. S. YOUNG, The Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher, 101, South Main St., Opposite Lowry House. DIAMONDS KINGS. KAK KINT.S, GCAKF |PJ NS , GJUUG. WATCHES r iKNTS ' GOLU - I '^lK NT S '"'si IA KK , LADIES' < HAILAIN. •w w-i «"KTT"T U IT l <;old I'lns. Ear Kini;s, liln,-s, «J JE* W JCaJUAm X f Chains, Kraiv-lett. Etc. «7TT vrconr flnt* 1 SilJLl V iU£V WAXV Hi uiat ran m a first ei.i- of.. RODGER BROS. 1874 KNIV US, FORKS. BPO<^ PU£ PIJAT E. E. GRIEB, je »Sk. No. 139, North Main St., B JTLER.JPA., A Summer Drive '.cses a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is kss lux vcurious, easy running anJ handsome than it might be. Fredonia Busies have nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get —are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Made by FRELONIA. MFG. CO.. Yminsfstown, Ohio. THE QUESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER : If you are looking (or covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Cswers Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most Economical, Full Measure. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time We are in the business to stay and (RUSHts. . S ' W - stays with us. COLORS IN OIL. HOUSE A COACH VARNISHES, J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES .AND BURNERS. GAS ' FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS, BATH lUB EN AM EI. etc, is at W. II .O'Brien Sc Soil's 107 East Jelterson IBtreet. New York Weekly Tribune, + AND * Butler Citizen * ONE YEAR + $1.50. Addrss All Orders to THE CITIZEN. Persons to Travel.** WANTED. Several faithful gentlemen and ladies to travel for established house. Position permanent if suited; also increase. State reference anil enclose self-addressed stamp ed envelope. THE NATIONAL, 316-317-1118 Omaha Bldg., CHICAGO. Farms for Sale. Valuable Farm for Sale. A valuable farm, located in Donegal twti. and comprising alxiut 175 acres, 120 of which are cleared and the rest covered with wliite-oak and chestnut timber; well watered and having two orchards with plenty of peaches and grapes; good build ings consisting of a two-story, frame dwelling house, large barn, granery, spring-house, and all other necessary outbuildings; two miles from railroad station and six miles from county seat; convenient to schools and churches, will be sold cheap, one half the purchase money to be paid down and the balance in two payments within two years. The farm is leased until April of 1897, but has no other encumbrances. For furtliec particulars iuouire at this office. Farm For BAlc. Containing 20 acres of good lan.'.. with rrchari'.s of appla, peach, pear, am! elicrr, rec».grape arhoraetc. A good 6-rooni horn" . ilh la-Ke porches, nuoimer house and pring water at door, au excellent spring house and several other ouuide building; This property is looaUd in Franklin 'owesbip, 2 miles from Mt. Chestnut and uetweon it and Pro pact, aud will he sold jr traded for town property. For lurther particularß inauire at tin; office. Lu. c:. WICK DBALKB IK Rough and Med krotti Of AT- KISDB Do»jrs, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. Depot,* BDTLSK PA FACTS! That we sell the following goods at these low prices; 2 years old pure Rye $2 00 per gallon 3" 2 2 4 " ............2 50 " 7 '« 3 50 " 10 " 4 50 14 '• 5 50 '• 17 " G 50 " All from the best known distillers. California 5 years old pare Wines 14 kinds, sweet and dry, $1.50 per gallon; case $3 .".0 to $5.00. My own direct im portations of pure Port and Sherry Wines, Mosel and Rhine, at lowest figures. Call or send tor special price list Mail orders piomptly filled. No extra charge for box iug and packing. A. ANDRIESSEN, NO. 188 FEDERAL ST. AI UOHENV, PA, SACEMDOPPK'S PATENT SECTION Al» Steel Ceiling's and Side Wall For Chimb muxwl i!<»iUlenct < Catalogue, prkvaand I'Mtimatf i. ou npplirulton t«» Muuufartinvrs, THE M.\S IIWS UouFIVi A. COIL («»., (Lid.) Philaila.. Pa. Also wukt*n> «-t Ii; 11»i• *ri. ! i;. uu«l storm-Prouf It »oliuic t:u I "•iJiiitf- circular*. Seanor <& Nace.'s i Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Rear of Wick House, Butter, Pa The bait of horses and first class rig? alwtiyß on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaranteed. Stable room for sixty live horses. A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always on hand slid for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon proper noti fication by SEANOR a." NA'.IE. All kinds of live stock bought and sold. Telephone at Wick House. si- INB,JKk r , , «,( 1 | .< lk< «U U>W t**l Motherhood !a : the actne of wo manhood. It , 1 rounds out a w> MRL man'« life and completes her ,Mi9i most important . ~mission in the " mUI f any woman's life. Health is an inheritance du« to every chiM and within the ranch of every parent to bestow. It is something that no money and is more precious than a mountain of diamonds. The child's health depends almost wholly on the mother's, not only before it"; birth but afterwards. A sick mother can't properly care f<>r her child's health. A sit k mother sometimes bears a healthy child, but it isn't to !>e expected. Maybe the baby will possess the appearance of health, but will lack stamina. Maybe Innate weakness will develop in after years. Every woman should be particularly careful of her health during the period of gestation—when the child is really a part of herself. Inuring all this time, she should keep her body strong and pure and she should take proper precautions against her time of labor. For this purpose Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is prescribed. It h.n been used in thousand* of cases, with the most gratifying results. It ia a tonic to the whole body, but particu larly to the organs distinctly feminine. It cures all female troubles and pro motes regularity. A large book, written by Dr. Pierce, entitled " Woman and Her Diseases" will be sent (securely sealed rn plain envelope) to those who will send this notice and ten cents, in stamps, to part pay postage. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDI CAL ASSOCIATION, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. HUMPHREYS' Nothing li is ever bet n pioduced to equal or compare with Humphreys' "Witch. Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and alwav* gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissure; arid Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. l! Cures BUP. NS, IV aids and Ulceration and 1 Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old ' Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald i Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy I Eruptions, < happed Hands, JK vtr Blisters, ] Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. ' Sold byDrafffp«tft,or sent post-paid on receiptofprie*. tirSPHKKTS* 51 I D. CO., 11l k 113 WllUaa St., New York. ( WITCH HAZEL OIL j j O lib your poor, tired feet J *\ with SaSva-cea / (TRADE MARK). S | < It takes all the aching ( s out of sore or tender feet, < 5 instantly. Strained cr <j > over-worked muscles, ! 5 chafings, or any soreness S / or st i ffnes s—they're all S 1 relieved in the same quick > > v/ay. / It's the best remedy for \ Sprains, Piles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, \ Neuralgia, Sore Throat, \ '> Eurns, Boils, $ } Bruises, Skin Diseasas. I < Two sizes, 85 and 50 cents. < ? At druggists, or by mail. ? S CO., 374 CANAL ST., N. V | A White Crow I ; very rnr<\ so Is a perfectly ' l'ii <• whiskey. Ilowaieyouto know wll it it Is really >afeiiriil pure.' Tust <loes not always reveal tin' 111 t Tlic Lest way is tolmyu 1 ; t: ! that has reached it- euivilart y olety by public fippro\ul. OnrOll 1-. p. .rt Whip, key lu:s l«n 'hi' (iitvlily tried in'tluj cm. il.!e of public judg ment, ami mitbearing all Mi |>ra!rc i l iif.t. usually fall 10 ft meritorious article. Ii is absolutely pure, eight years oi<l, t-moo'li.a:. I jn-t liglit for medi cinal, family <-r .social us.. Full Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5 00. Mail and express orders shipped promptly,and we pay express chnrpes on all orders of £.0.00 and over. Jos. FLEMING <& SON. 412 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURG, PA. Complete I'rtc- 1 ,ists of Wines ami *.ii|uors mailed free. CHH KEYSTONK PRIDE. For \fnlicalFamily $-1 '_M per qt. or 0 i/ls for s•> Finch's (iolden W ediiinir, (iiickenheimer, l.arcre, <iib>nn, I'rid^eport, Oveihold. Kulj quarts sl, <j (jnarts |ur Our coudw \. r ai rantotl pure Orautl Father's Chniee guarranteed Ii ye.trs old, $2 per >cul. 0 <>. I>. and mail orders receive prompt, at tenti"ti. ROBT. LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, I .Mi Water St. I'ittshurK, Pa., opposite B. & (I. k. K. Depot. Do VIM: DESIRI-" to make M ONKVV 01 N PLANS OF OPERATION ASSURE ABSOLUTE SAFETY. Make your money earn you a monthly salary. SIO.OO and m ire uiade daily uy our aew Systematic Plan of Operation on small ic veptments in and stock speculation. All we ask is to investigate our new and original methods. Pa*t workings of plan and highest references furnished. Our Booklet "Points & Hints'' how to make money and other information sent FREE. GILVOKE <t C'l).. Bankers and lirokors. Open Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. THK CITIZEN. Proud of Her Progeny. • (Bios 11. HITLER IS PITTSBURG TIMES.) SAXOSBURG, PA., NOV. s.—Among the hills of this quaint little village one of the £reat enterprises of the world had its 'j.rth. Standing yet on the highway that leads to the West Penn railroad is the old log building, in which John A. Roebling, the famous engineer, made the fir~t cables. From the humble start at Saxonburg Roebling's plan reach ed out into the whole country, uutil some of the finest specimens of bridge engineer ing known are the outgrowth of the schemes that were laid in the Butler Co. backwoods, John K. Muder, livingyet at Saxonburg, wa- a close friend and companion of John Roebling from boyhood. They were both born in the town of Muehlausen, in Sax ony, *now a part of German' empire. Roeb ling attended the engineering schools, where he acquired a finished education. After three years in the service of the gov ernment, Roebliug at the age of about 20, came to America with his brother Charles to locate a colony for a number of families from his neighborhood, and Butler county was selected. From Mrs. Sarah Collins they bought 16,000 acres of the lands once owned by Robert Morris, and the town of Saxonburg was laid out. colonists came in 1832, and Roebling built one of the first houses in the settlement, making the brick for it himself. He married Hannah Her tig, daughter of one of the colonists, and to 'hem in 1837 was born a son, Washing ton A Roebling, who subsequently be came a colonel in the Civil war. and on the death of his father he undertook tne building of the Brooklyn bridge at New York, one ot the finest specimens of bridge engineering in the world. Mr. Muder says that when the colo nists came through the Hartz mountains in Germany on their way to the United States, Roebling noticed that the miner.- drew cages of ore from the shaft with wire. That use of wire stuck in his mind, and in 1840 at his home in Saxonburg he made the first wire rope, so far as known, ever made in the United States. It was of strands of wire laid side by side and wound with wire. It went to a plane at Johns town, and proved but a partial success. When the wrapping wire wore off the other wires were left loose and unsatis factory. The next wire rope were twisted, audits use on the Portage planes of the Pennsylvania canal soon proved the value of the idea. Nine more cables soon followed, and the wire rope became a permanent factor in modern mechanics. Having supersedeo with hi* wire rope the hempen rope ol the Portage planes Koebling conceived the idea of further use of his invention. One day in the early forties a paper from Pittsburg tell into the hands of an old German at Saxonbnrg with an a dvertisement asking plans and bids lor a bridge across the Allegheny to carry the canal. Koebling made some plans and sketches of a wire bridge and appeared before the committee ot the canal. After all the other plans had been heard Roebling's chimerical scheme was listened to, duly ridiculed by some of the other engineers, but as Koebling offered to build the structure himself for about two thirds the estimate for other styles ot bridges he was finally told to proceed. In 1845 the big fire of Pittsburg destroy ed the Monongahela bridge Roebling ob tained the order for a new one, and a handsome suspension bridge was the re sult, which gave place to the structure, that now spans the stream at Smithfield street. Tne Sixth street bridge followed. In 1851' came the contract to build the famous suspension bridge at Niagara Falls for railroad traffic. The span there is 825 feet, the structure hanging from four 10- inch cables. It was one of the wonders el the world, and still holds its pla«e among the notable engineering features. His fame spread and his bridges multi plied, until when the Brooklyn bridge was projected John A. Koebling was made chief engineer. Before the scheme was fairly launched he met with an accident that resulted in his death, and his son, Washington A. Koebling, finished the work. When Koebling first commenced tho manufacture of wire rope he brought the material to Saxonburg from Pittsburg and elsewhere. The wire was twisied and wound in the shop at Saxonburg. and the finished product hauled to Freeport to tho canal for shipme&t. As the industry be gan to flourish it was eaay to see that it could not be carried on so far away from transportation. One huge cable made tor the Portage planes weighed 11,000 pounds, taking a team of 16 horses to haul it to tte canal at Freeport. To be in touch with the world the shop was subsequent ly removed to Trenton, N. J , and there it ha* grown to be one of the great estab lishments ef this Yankee land. Saxonburg feels a warm interest in the Koebiings. Mr. Muder says Koebling was a wonderful fellow, full of confidence and enthusiasm. "I k.iew him well," said Mr. Muder, "We came from Saxony together, lie would have taken a contract to build a bridge to the luoon if he could have found anything to fasten it to there." The house Koebling lived in is still stand ing, and is owaed by James Wilson, an oil man. It is at the head of the street, on the corner opposite the church, on euch an elevated spot as a man of broad ideas would natural!y select. It is an old-fashioned, homo-like place, command ing a view of '.ho colony ill all dire-j tions. After diphtheria, scarlet fever or pneu monia take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. —At Gravelotte there were 320,000 men opposed and the killed and wounded num bered 45,000. The French sufiered most, because they were compelled to under take an a tack on a very strong position defended by tho whole German force. The French defeat at Gravelotte resulted in the fall ol Metz and the surrender of Bazaiue's army. Dr. Agnew"i> due lor the Hiurl gr.'2 uerfoct reiiet iu all cases of Organic «i' sympathetic ileal Disease iu 30 minutes •nut .-peedily ell'eoLs a cure. It is a peer 'ess remedy for Palpitation, Shortaess o. 'reath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lei ' ido and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart •ne dose convinces. Sold by City Phar tiucy. —The Duke of Marlborough has sloooooa year, but out of this spends littie more than #40.000 a year on his personal ex penses. —fciiglisli Spavin Liniment removes a • l.ard, suit or calloused lumps and b!e:n shes irom horses, blood spavins, curbs pliut*, sweeney, riugboue, stifles, soraia. - 11 swollen throats, coughs, etc. * Save jO by use of one bottle. Warranted the "«o>t wonderful Uleiuish Cure ever known Sold by J. C. liedick, druggist Butler Pa —A few days ago a clergyman in ire land made the following announcement: "Nexl Sunday in the churoh, the Ke v . Mr. will renouaoe the errors of Korne for those of Protestantism." Kelt ef m Six Iloum. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages in malu or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im mediatly, Ifyouwant quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by J. C. itedick druggist Butler Pa. —Some fiend in C'onneautville is rival ling the dog-poisoner. The Courier says that a number of pet house cats have suf fered amputation of their tails the pa»t week, the work seemingly having been done by the same person. This thing of cur-tailing the cat-.tails is verily the acme of fiendishnet-s, —The milkmen of New Castle have combined and raised the price of milk. Of i course the move is denounced by thj j citizens, just a.? if the Hiilkmt>n were the j only dealers who combined —On a recent occasion the pulpit of First Fresbyterian church of Mcadville wa.- adorned with specimens of the harvest, such as potatoes, apples, wheat, corn buckwheat and a pumpkin that weighed 109 pounds. Rev. Hayes, the pastor, preached on "The feast i>f Ingathering." —A cow belonging to a Franklin man was taken sick a few days ago. She display ed the .symptoms ascribed to hydrophobia frothing at the m>uth, bellowing hoarsely, pawing the ground, etc. She quivered a great deal, and when persons came near she made a wild effort to break the rope with which she was tied and ran at them. A veterinary surgeon was called, and by the owner's consent he took a rifle and put an end to the animal's sufferings. The cow had two small wounds on the nose, sup posed to have been inflicted by a dog. A slick rascal has been working some of the postmasters down about Loci: Ha ven. His scheme is to ask for ten cents worth of stamps and present aHO bill in payment. Generally he gets a five dollar bill and the rest in silver. After receiving the change he discovers that he had the ten cents and asks for the #lO lull back and hands the cl»*rk ten cents and the silver change, keeping the live dollar bill. The idea is to get the clerk confused and get away with the five dollars before the mistake is noticed. —William Adkinson, of Harrisburg, Ky. who is 81 years of age. is an enthusiastic wheelman, and may enter the old man's race next spring to compete for the SIOO diamond. —ln Exodus, 30, an account is given of the oil of holy ointment made by Moses from myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, ca&saia and olive oil. —Men who have had their arms or legs cut off of:an seem to feel these members, because the nerves, from long habit, locate the sensations at the tips or ex tremities, or where these would be if the missing members were actually in place. Owing to the drouth, 12,000 aores of reclaimed swamp land, belonging to Nel son A Co., of Chicago, near Crown Point, Ind, have been burned over. The fire continues and the town of Wheatfield is threatened. —Judge Love, of the Center county Common Pleas court, holds that a town ship poor overseer can recover for the hire of a horse, and supplies furnished by him self to a pauper. The decision is the first in the State on the question. —ln Illinois a decision has been given by the courts that where a house is haunt ed by a little insect known as "climax leutcarius.'' and fond ot bedsteads, in case the tenant moves out tho landlord can not collect the rent. —The President and Secretary of War have changed the name of Sandy Hook to Port Hancock in honor of the late Gen eral Hancock. This action is taken on the recommendation of General Miles, commander of the department of the East. Will it Kecpt In reply to a correspondent asking Mr. Speer about his Oporto Grape luice, he says he will warrant it to keep any length of time in bottles if they are kept full and well corked. The Juice is not likely to keep long after allowed to come in contact with atmosphere of over 40 degrees tem perature. It is excellent for invalids. —McGarvin, a Calitornian fisherman, who lives at Almamites Bay, is an expert shark catcher. He fishes for them by means of stont lines fastened to stakes on shore. They are sold for the oil in them, and the Chinese consider their fins quite a delicacy. He recently caught eight in one day. For Singers and Public Speakers- Use Aunt Racbael's Elecampane and Horehound. It is known that clear white rock candy is the most healing of all sub stances, and horehound and elecampane the "ory best throat remedies: combined we have Horehound, Elecampane, Grape Juice and Kock Candy, one of the best pulmonaryr rmedies known. Singers and public speakers should carry a bottle in their pocket. For sale by duggists. Price 25 cents and 75 cents. —Mrs. Truxtou Beale, a daughter of the James G. Blaine, has left bir husband, and, it is said, will apply for a divorce. Incompatibility of temper is the alleged cause. Does Your II unhand or Son Drink. If your husbanu or son i 3 addicted to tho use of Liquor, Morphine or Tobacco, purchase of your druggist a bottle of Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablet*-. They are guaranteed to cure or money will be re funded. Tablets may be given secretly in tea or coflee and the free use of stimu lants allowed until voluntarily given np. Price SI.OO pel package. If your drug gist does not keep them, send direct to The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio. Book of particulars and testimonials free. DO'NT EAT TOO MUCH. This warning is intended for persons using Nature's Com pound. It has such appetizing properties that you will want to eat between meals, and too much at meal time. EAT PLENTY I'.ut Stop befoie you arc quite satisfied. Nature's Compound the true health assistant. Purifies the blood, regulates the liver and digest've organs. Sold by Druggists, price si. Six for $5. Every Woman / 2>S Sometimes needs a reli -1 able monthly regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Arc prompt, Bafo und certain in roflult- Tho genu ine (Dr. ival'R) never disappoint. Sent *I.OO. i'eul Mcdiciofi Co . Clev eland. U* For Sale at City Pharmasy. ft:' i \ ui *>i t-- u....;,n livstclli.tl • •i > . ; Uj •I ■ '.<j ».tuua*:e uf -* r • r s.-.ii.. A four weeks r : ~l • . ■], j-irr- • • i:?. i:v r«STitute, • !.'!; r-.f Avenue, tut.mn to t povr n, mental an<! ptiw.enl, i;,- . 'r.'Miiiiil appetite, and r . I'.. :conditio!, tho tvero In hp- I >rc t'ley • ; > «: nieihrnts. This lets been dono:•! :-.;j t.i ui i •«' i .ises treated lu re, and . of vi.or • vu neighbors, to v . .-,i vi- i:r: i i'l .i us to the n oluii! s-il • i <1 tUioion voftlie Kedi-y ('lire. Kit I Ileal • i'i in*».•■■> '. •! ' i.i' • linitl 'ii la ■j vitcii. tieiid ;ur i »uinl.itl giving lull miurmar jion. j WBATTLEAX Pme IN ME LEAD RATTLE Ax » Puuc r fIAS JUMPED INTO PUBLIC FAVOR ON ACCOUNT OF ITS SIZE AND QUALITY.ITS A GREAT BIG PIECE OF HIGH GRADE TOBACCO FOR 10 CENTS NAPOLEON, J {gT the conqueror of worlds, died in 182 i, 25 years before Pond's Extract, ft* fj\ cor * c 3 lieror of P air l. \ was discovered. Napo leon's greatness dirrirried ~ / with his years; Pond's extract's greatness in~ S $ creases. DAIUTVQ rYTU ATT WILL Sore Throat, Frost lUJjI/u LAlilnul cure Bites, Lamenesa, Rheumatism, Wounds, Piles, Earache, Sprains, Sore Eyes, Hoarseness, Inflammations, Soreness, Burns, Bruises, Sore Feet, and Hemorrhages, "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO tVVli&t Nerve tJerries have done for others anci Permanently A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their trainof evilsresultingfrom early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. sickness, worry, etc. orexcesslve useof tobacco,opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, st.oo per box, six boxes, otie full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO. CINCINSATI. 0. WHAT IRON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TOXIC. Stimulates the appetite and pro duces refreshing sleep GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSIN3 R MOTHERS. Checks wasting diseases, stops eight sweats, cores incipient consumption. O Increases strong.h anil fleah. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissuo. Will give tho pale and puny tho Nrosy cheeks of youth. CITRES ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Makes strong and wouioa of weaklings. GILMORE'S IRON TOIiiS PILLS Csrc all Wasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They aro neither styptic nor caustic, and hnvo no coagulating effect on tho content:! Mh or its liuinß: conseqw I »to not hurt tho teeth or constipation r diarrhoea. as <Jo tho usual formr of Iron x 0 days treatment 60c. pamphlet iroe. It no- kept by your druggist, aadress GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. S *y» o BEST ? I V o| A Buj i | r °p duff | 1 ( : J ■<. juyo. \\r GO TO " • E. R ALSTOX'S I'or tiuo Watches, Diamonds and Optical Goods of all kinds. Examined Free $ N of Charge bv. n. R. fkexcii Graduate Opt c»2n, at No. 132 S Main street* Butler, Fa. HUGUS & HACKE. \\/ill if" \7 V Certainly it will pay women to come or send to this hou-;o. VV 111 1L I CM.y • when there's nice, tasty Dry Goods to be had at often lesi than you might pay for indifferent styles elsewhere. The merchant that wins trade now adays must appreciate the fact that women in this country are the best dressed in tiie world, and good judges of prices too. You will find this house thoroughly Up to Date in Styles and Prices. BLACK DRESS GOODS. st»c yard— Specially g"Od 10-inch wide wale Storra Serge, all-wool, that we would recom mend you to see as an example of how we put prices nil nice goods in this store. Other good all-wool Hlack Serge at same price,that are equal ly convincing— 50c yard. 4()c yard lor all-wool Cashmeres aud Henriettas that are good, tirst-class goods for that price. We might ask 50c for them and get it easily, but that's not the way to build up and hold a trade like ours—4oc yard. 60c, 75c yard—Two qualities of German All-Wool Figured and Striped Suitings, a l * inches wide, that we cut a good many dresses off every day, because the goods are tasty and attractive; we haven't any shelf room in thi s house for any styles except such as are nice, that the women of to-dny want—6oc, 75c yard. Better qualities fine Bla' k Dress Goods, at equal ly as reasonable prices. It don't take long to get here in these days of rapid railroading, and you'll find the trip will pay, but, if you can't come, send for samples and let us give you an exam ple of promptly we fill flail Orders. FIFTH AVENUE AND MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH. DO YOU WANT | i Iff Jackets and Fur Capes | if / 1C AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES? I W If ao, it is to your iaterest to examine our * W Ir ijj,- p ~1/jli' (f,jv andjwear well. If we cannot Mil you goods * X y/. i 7 jjl rcL Jk\ lower than anybody else we do not expect you fh \ / > r ; it" ' lr ' y buy bßre ' but w# >r< your ***** —* n< * rr iyff//// ' •. hope to get it by offering mperior inducements 2 \ Tailor Made Jackets, made of line ; \ eftVef Be ° "1 from $5.98 to $50.00 each. 60 \ A* kvxJ H W styles Seal Plttoli Ca}>«i, 100 to 120 inchea sweep, satin lined, $4.50, $5.00, jQrV) jg | 1' Jr ivW \(V7S $5-75 and up to $20.00, some richly trimmed with fur and all well made. i§3^s Wtt J 1 -j} yWL F >S y' rJ jlWj Our immense iiuc of French Kid (Moves, at 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 a pair ia auie -$4 *>ll eP M kS to please you, while our etock of Underwear and Hosiery for Ladiea, n? £ W (Gentlemen uud Childrcu baa no superior in this city. / When in the city call on us whether you wish to touy op not, you ift weloomel ROSEN BAUM & CO., I -=■ 510, 512, 514, 516, 518 /Market Street, Cor. of blbertjj, =«= | | —PITTSBURGH. 1 S MILLINERY D. T. PAPE'S The Leading and Largest Millinery House in Butler County. Has just received the handsomest Pattern Hats, Honnets and Children's Hats ever brought to Butler county. PRICES EXTRKMELY LOW Come in and see for yourself and be convinced. Monrning Goods a Specialty. | 122 S. Main St 122 S. Main GOOD TIMES COME. Cold weather always brings with it visions of a ruddy fire and cheerful happy faces. The plentiful harvests have been gathered and stored away, and the merry-making Holidays will soon be coming. What adds more pleasure to the side-board, the feast, or the gather ing, than some Fine Sparkling Wine in its native purity. We have every known brand and quality to se lect from—whether Imported or California. Ports, Sherries, Angel ica, Catawba, Muscatel and many others, all mentioned in our Cata logue, MAILED FREE on application. You must not lose sight of the fact that severe changes in the weather shatter the system, and that whiskey is the best stimulant know. Our Silver Age Pure Rye stands unrivalled as the finest product of Pennsylvania distillation, and sells for $1.50 per full quart, Duquesne Rye at $1.25 per quart, Bear Creek at SI.OO per quart, and Guckenheimer, 4 year old at 75c per quart, and Anchor Rye at 50c, are the best possible values. We pay expressage on all orders of $5.00 and upwards. No charge for packing and shipping. MAX KLEIN, 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer. HAT- FEVER \J Cold" head Kly't Cream Balm i* not a liquid, muff or powder. Applied into the noetrilt it £1 _ quickly absorbed. It eUaneei the head, allayt inflammation, heal* _ . |"o_ they're*. Sold by drugaitU or tent by mail on receipt of price. LIIm DUC ELY BROTHERS 56 Wwu Striet NEW YORK. 9Uu COLORED DRESS GOODS. We are selling a great deal of Ameriean-made colored Dress stuff that are more than good enough for ordinary gowns and young girls - school dresses Tiie nice qualities and pretty designs of these, warrant our asking you to see them at once. You'll say we were right about them. 38 iinjies wide, at 38c, 40c. 45c, 50c per yard. Cashmeres and Serges All-wool, nice colors, just splendid goods for women's wrappers aud tea gowns, and children's wear, at 25c, 40c, BOc per yard,and they are. all overayard wide at that. Better Cashmeres and Henriettas from 60c to SI.OO. Jacqnard Saltings, (which means plain colors with neat, small figures) a line of these fine all-wool Suitings that are 40 inches wide, and are among the choicest goods you ever saw for your second test gowns, 60c the yard. FLANNELS. Once more it's Flannel weather, and very like ly coming stronger soon. Extra quality White Flannel, 25c !>cr yard. Good and heavy country Flannel, 25c l«r yard. Large assortment of Gray, White and Scarlet Flannels. Eider-Down Flannel, for hath robe*, loimg lug robes, dressing sacques. children's clonks. Ac. —in cream white and colors, extra quality, :!S inches wide, at 60c per yard. The all-wool Bordered Skirt Pattern*, ful ly shrunken, aud all cut ami ready to be sewed, should get your attention, for the styles, colors and prices are worthy of It—7Bc, sl, $1.25, St.BO, ft. 75 the pattarn. WRAPPERS. It's acomfort to hare a nica wrapper—one with some beauty and style to it. There are thousands of yards, nice Russian, Verlalne and Oros Grain Fleece Goods here, that will make Just that kind of wrapper, bark shades, handsome effects •> inches wide, lOc yard- Be, Bc, tOc, for light or dark striped or figured Flannelettes, very nice for wrappers lor the women and children—and a good shirting mater ial too. 28 inches wide. German Flannelettes that reflect credit on Ger man skill and taste, at 20c per yurd—three quarters of a yard wide.