Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 07, 1895, Image 5

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    Jq "VOTING- THE TAILOR. We have no fine window
a O 1 ■ ■ in which we can display j
our goods, but we have the finest line of goods to be found in any
merchant tailor store in Butler. Call and see for yourself. We want
your trade and can only get it by pleasing you, which we guarantee
to do in each and every particular by giving you good material, first
class up-to-date work at moderate prices.
The Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher, 101, South Main St.,
Opposite Lowry House.
JEWELRY ) Gold Pins. Ear Kings. Br4ca ( eu
*«TT TTD far ja O «>> Tea Sen Castors. Butter Dlsnes and' Krerytalni
ZVXJU If l!lX% W AH *>*/ Uiat ran oe round in a first class store..
E. GRIEB, JE W t ETer.
No. 139, North Main St., fi JTL£B f JPA..
As usual wejiave the most complete line of Millinery in Butler at
the lowest prices.
This linejs also complete and contains many items you have not
heretofore been able to get in Butler.
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113_to 117 S. Main St.
ft* fat H
A Hands and arms are counter?"high 'motig
\ \jA nature's charms. When decked with rings
1 I \ „ and bracelets bright, these charms possess
I V \ a greater might to fascinate the beholder.
/|] jL The finest jewelry in this and other lines
to be found at pnccs that defy competition.
->i|r tl IHf I make a specialty of new and fine novel
f* \ WMF/ ties in silver and cut glass.
fT I Htrpf itcßticii Oivci to Watch
18 South Main Street, ... Butler, Pa
THE QUESTION « often asked, What Paint shall we uaet
THE ANSWER: If you are looking (or covering
capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, ana
your money's worth, you must buy
(mrl Matt, Looht tost, Wtast Lonpttt, Moot economical, full Mom*wo.
Our prices are for ' 'best goods" first, last and all
the time. We are in the business to stay aa4
f au»Hts. , . J. W» f. stays with as.
J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St.
V i- • '
The place to bu> _
etc. is ai
w. H .O'Hrien & Soil'®
107 "East Jelterson IHtreet.
+ AND +
AH Orders to
Special Notice.
Pure Rye Whinkiea <rom the best knowu
dißiillew. according to age, troni $2 00 to
$6 00 per gallon. My own importation of
fiue oIU Port*. Sherry. Rhine and Mom 1
WineM from $2 00 t<> $5.00 r gallon. 6
Helena pore old California ** in <». drj »i;d
nweet, 75 cents to #1.50 p«r gallon, a Imi
ageut for the celebrated Lake lljaui«uqu.i
Win«H, $1 50 per gallou. Sen. ca L.ke
pure Wine Vinegar. 500 per g»lloi . Th.
finest imported (jinß. Cog L.."*. mo i-.i »..u
irnih fftiinky, Stout, Ba» Al« A , tt
lowest, price*. Call or wri o <•> a Ah
dneHiteu 188 Federal Ist., Ai'«g"«*» >
Special Price Last on applicauou N
extra charge for jug* oi packing. Man
order* promptly attended to.
* fc,,B Oooault tfca Oic lUllabl*"
S9i 11. VIVVKHTH *T., PHIiA., 9A.
Thirty fMn liA«n>r« of a. i
dl— mm o* men aoa «dHT T>o u4V from wh«t
cmom or lone «tAo<Spa. K will /wi mnte* » cur-
ViSfcT 6 *A4 aii¥
— -i ' • .
That we eell the following good* at then.'
low price*;
2 yearn old pure Rye *2 00 per gallon
3 » 2 25
4 " 2 50
7 " 3 50 "
10 " 4 50 "
14 '• 5 50 "
17 " 6 50 "
All from the bent known dixtillers.
California 5 year* old pure Wine*, 14
kind*, sweet and dry, $1.50 per gallon;
ca*e $3 60 to $5.00. My own direct im
pori«ii"o* pure Port and Sherry Wines,
Moa> I aud Rfnue. at lowest figures. Call
• r »cna lor upwial lint Mail order*
piomptly filled, Ho extra obarge for box
inp and packing.
Steel Ceilings and
Side Wall Finish.
For and Resident «•«. Catalogue, price*sod
mtlm-tn. on application to tuoSole Manufacturer*.
TEI rui I HA! IMNI6 * OML CO., (Ltd.) HnlaJa., Pa.
maker* of Llfhtrlng. Ftr«- and istorm-Pruol
IHftHlNUllillM' UoiclxcolM.
Life* as tM
■B book, our (tcM iefl
J 'J the tala at haalth or
tL Pain and
r safferinf and wrong
living write thtir
Ihistory on oar faa
turas in unmistsk
able lines. Hollow
■ _ . | J SHtii sod sunken
RL/VXZ /] eyes, listless steps
' /yl md languorous
JSjgxVJ looks tell of wasting
■ Wt debilitating disease
BLVI some place in the
body. It may be
> one place or an
<T other, tke cause is
HSMiBy traceable to a common source
—impure blood, *sd impure blood starts
is the digestive organs.
That most dreadful disease —consump-
tion is wkat is kaowm as coastitutiooaL
It is is tha blood. In reality, it is scrof
ul* oi tht luaft, and k can bt cured go
times in too a proper treatment be taken
la its oarly stages. Sending good, clean,
pure, rich, wholesome blood continu
ously tfaromgti the diaaaaed parts iii*
gradually aradioafia tSe disease. If the
mediciae taken ba Wrongly purifying,
healing aad soothing, the care will be
even more rapid.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
purifies the Wood, stimulates digestive
action, searches oat disease-germs wher
ever they exist aad puts the whole body
Into a rigorous, strong and healthy con
dition. It builds up solid, useful flesh,
rubs out wrinkls* brightens the eyas
and makes life rsally worth living. A
big book of ife pagea tailing all about It
snd full of good, sensible health hints,
with numerous testimonial letters and
reproduced photographs and addresses
of those cured, wfll Be sent free to any
one who sends six cants to cover postage.
CAL ASSOCIAWOW, MO. *63 Main Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
CAUTION, Nothing else urged
by a tricky dealer, can ba "just as
good' Cor yon to tut*. __
Dr. Humphrey*' Specifles are scientifically and
carefully prepared Remedies, wd for years In
prlTKte practice and for over thirty years by the
people with entire r-cccaa. Erery single Specific
a special cars for tie dtoease named.
srsciric voa eaieas.
1— Fevers. Congestions, Inflammations.. .93
•j— Warms. Worm FeTer. Worm C01ic.... JI9
3—Teething; Colic, Crying. Wakrfulneaa .J3
4—Diarrhea, or Children or Adults 33
7- Coaghs, Colds, Bronchitis .M
8-Neara!gla, Toothache. Fsceache. S3
9-Headaches. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .33
10-Dyspepsia, BUlonsnees, Constipation. .33
11—Sapsreaaed orPainfnl Perleda... JIJ
13-Whites. Too Profuse Periods .33
13—Cronp, Laryngitis, Hoarseness—- .33
14—Salt Kheam. Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .33
13— Bhenmatlsm. Khenmatle Pains .33
10—91 al aria, Chills, Ferer and Ague -33
19— Catarrh , Influenza. Cold la the Head. .33
30-Wkestloi t'ongh .33
37—Kidney Dtaeasee • •33
3S— Nerveas Debility 1-00
SO— Urinary Weaknesa 35
34 —Here Throat, Qulncy, Ulcerated Throat,33
II SPECIFIC FOR onir, to .
Put np In «mall bottles of pleasant pellets. Just fit
your Test pocket.
Sold by Dnuriliu, or Mot pr«I»IS on ne.»pt of prie*.
Da. Hour RUTS' 31. MU AT. I k BcvlMd, i MAILSO riu
BC*PHS«TS'BED. CO., lit Slit *mu» SC. Hit T0«»
I A n Earache Is about as ?
| ** painful an ache as i
/ anything that |
; has to deal with. But it
;j stops it immediately. Big
!; pains—lit tl e pains—it
!; stops all of them.
! Salva-cea is the quickest
!; to relieTe and cure
j! Piles, Btlls,
Catarrh, Chaflnp,
S«re Threat, libera,
| Celds, RheHaatlinif
1 Sore Muscles, Buint.
? Two sires, 3$ and 50 cents. !|
/ At druggists, or by mall. 1
DEFORE you hang np your
hat, look at t be label before
you buy whlbkey. We've got
years of reputation back of that
label. ThequalltyofOld Export j
Whiskey sustains our claims to
the letter.
Discriminating and fair <
minded folks claim that it Is an
article pure, smooth, palatable,
and perfectly safe for all
Medicinal, Social or Family
Full Quarts, SI.OO ;
Six Quarts, $5.00.
Mail and Express orders
shipped tho same day as re
, 'ivod, and we pay charges oa
*ll orders of 810.00 and over.
PrrrsßUßQ. P.*.
teinolst: iVi t Lists of WlnwaadLlouor* mailed has
,r K K'" s M K PlO 11K
For Medical IF- Family Use. $d 25 per qt.
or 6 'its for $o
Finoh'S Golden WTMLDING, Ouokeuheinier,
Lsrpe, Gibson, Bridgeport, Overbold Fulj
qnarl- sl. 6 F|iiar'H for $5 Our poods war
rauied PURE Grand FA'HW'S Choice -
GU»RRS';T»*HD 3 Y»HRS old, s'2 PNR gal. (!.
0. D AND mail orders receive prompt at
ROBT. LEWIN, Importer snd Wholesaler,
136 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa., opposite B. & 0.
K. K. Depot.
Do yon DESIRE to make
Make yoor money earn yoo a monthly
SIO.OO and mire made daily by onr oew
SJ »l.~niatic Plan of Operation on Hiiall in
[ \etiirii nis in grain and stock speculation.
ALL we axk is to iuvesiigate onr new and
methods I'ust workings of plan
snd highest, references famished. Our
! M<'<IK!ET " PcintH <T Uinls" Bow to m»ke
IT'T'M Y MIL other information sent FREE.
' Open Board of Trade bldg., Chicago, 111.
Why He Quit Drinking.
A man who had graduated at one of our
lending colleges was taking a course in
tt e Keely Institute at Pittsburg. A bib
ulous gentlemen from tins community
w*s in the pine class, and the college j
anDj bearing that he was from PunxsQ
tawney, told him he kn«w a young man
here wbo was a college chum of his, that
oe wauted hiai to buiit up aud give his
kindest regards. ''Teli him," he said,
"that I am uo longer a worshipper at the
s .line of Bacchus. I aave qau drinking,
aud will henceforth sh»u the place of the
publican and the companionship of the
wine bibber. Tell him the straw that
broke the camel's back w»i this: A few
weeks ttno I got on a protracted peiodieal,
htvmg for a companion an itinerant
dentist. We had been on a baiter for sev
eral days, and were out of money. Ou
fatal boar when I wjs stupidly drunk,and
.ay with my mouth open snoring vociter
ously, this infernal dentist happened to
look Into my mouth and see that I had a
uumber of teeth filled with gold, I bad
fully S6O worth of toe yellow metal in my
mouth. He gazed on them with the glare
ot a fiend, and formed a desperate resolu
tion. He took hie forceps and pulled
every on© of those teeth out Look at
this mouth, willyouf When I came 'o
uiv a-atten the dentist was gone. So were
my teeth. Tnen I resolved to quit drink
ing " Spirit.
A Good Excuse.
A gentle man came into tbe office the
other day. paid for his paper, ana said h«
wanted it stopped,
We were surprised.
*• Well," he said, ''l suppose a man
ought a most to take the paper, but jou
«ee I can't read."
"But your wile or children can read it,"
"No, my wile can't read either, an' 1
aio'i got no children. I took the paper a
couple o* years because 1 believe a man
ought to, but it's no use only when the
neighbors drop in and want to read it, and
I guess I'll quit awhile till times brighten
up a little."
—What a miierable lot ot savages they
nave in some of the Southern States.
Keaently a mob collected from the vicin
ity ol Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee, tortured a
negro who had assaulted a waite girl in a
most fiendish manner, ilad tne> merely
taken hiui out and hanged him, public
opinio would have jusiilied the action
uu' they cat 'lf ni* ear*, then his fingur--",
.me by one. They stripped off his cio.-bea
and mutilated him in a m ist horrible wan
ner. He was completely covered witn
blood, After indulging in this tiemiiau
work for thirty-five minutes, they swun*
iiim up to a telegraph pole witn a rope
aronud his neck, then lowered him auu
out his head off witn oroiuarj j**Jk knives!
fnose southern mountaineers are a long
Kay from bting oiyiliied.
Dr. Agnew's Cure lor the Htsrt gi7j
yi-rlect relict in ull oases of Organic o *
sympathetic iient Disease in 30 minutes
and nyeed'ty etiects a cure. It is a peer
ess remetiy l.>r Palpitation, Shortness o
,'iea.h, Smothering spells, Pain in • Lei
itle and all s> mptoms ul a Diseased Hear;
•no dose convinces. Bold by l-itj Phar
A Boston business man, wh > is a large
advertiser, received a letter not long ago
trim the manager oi a religi >us weesi).
soliciting advertising on :n>« ground thai
tne weekly had not only targe circulation,
"nut a very credulous cia«s t»i readers."
—As an indication of tti® ooadi r ion ol
toe shoe tiade iu Chicago. -ieis., Sonawn
<t Co., who closed their taclory a week
ago to take inventory, nave oblige s
lo open hgitiu. This will give employ
ment to 800 hands.
▲n Easy Cure for Drunkenness.
Drunkenness. Morphine and Tobacco
may easily be cured by cue nse of Hill's
Double Chloride of Gold Tablet*. No
effort is required ot the patient and stimu
lants may be taken as usual until
given up. Tablets may In given in tea or
c< ffee without the patient's knowledge. A
cure guaranteed in every oase. For sale
by all first-class druggists, or will be Bent
on receipt of $1;00. For fall particulars
address The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima.
—The Tchwenkfeldere, a Protestant re
ligions sect that fled from persecution in
Austria under the reign of Maria Theresa,
aettlitgin Berks, Lehigh, Montgomery aud
several neighboring counties ot this State,
r>. lelirato eaot, year a public thanksglVl"/, <
bleb was fir»t offered b> their forefatneis j
nep>eruiiei 24 1734 in" dav after their
' .aft* arrival m Philadelphia Not a:i ati
' .iversj»r» has b<-eu skipped iu the 161
t ais tnat have intervened. The descen
dants ot this retain much of the
! -luriliness an. 1 , ihr.st. of iheir ancestry, and
s.inie ot theui have been notable in publics
affiii.-s inclndiug two Governors of the
•Hate. Francis U Shunk and John F.
—English Spavin Liniment removes a 1
t.ard, soft or calloused lumps and ble-n
shes from horses, blood spavins, curbs,
plints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprain-
II swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save
50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
wist wonderful Blemish Cure ever known,
►.old hv J C. Kedick. drutrgist Butler Pi
One of the Conncilmen of Philadelphia
is ot The opinion that the members ot that
body ought t• do their own praying, in
stead of hiring it. done. A few eye-iings
at£o a resolution was up,providing an item
of S3OO for a chaplain to open 'he sessions.
Thomas Meeban, the millionaire gardener,
journalist and statesman, one of the|three
Councilmen who have the reputation of
r.ever having ridden on a free city railway
oass, said seriously: "I am opposed to
the reso'ation because I think that every
member ought to pray tor himself and not
put the awtul responsibility on some other
man ot praving at the public expense Let
Us lake five miaules at the opening o
each session and every fellow pray for
turn 'elf.
Peltf/ in ISix Hours
—Distressing Kidney end B1 older dis
na«>s relieved in six hours by 'uo "No*'
Great. South An-ri a:i Kidney Cure."!
This • e* re-ueiiy i* a gi. at surprise ■ r. a
c-unt ot Its exceeding promptness in r.>
ii»vif g paiu in the bladder, kidnev, haeit
and every part of inu urinary pass ges in
mil-or female It relieves retention of
water soil jiain in parsing it alroo-t im
I tuedialv. Ify->u Wa'ii qu'ek relief and
eur»' 'iiis i< i our r«ui dt Sold l»y J. C.
Hedii-k druggist Butler Pa.
—ln Vienna there are womea whose
business it is to be "physicians' subjects."
One of I hem hire* out to medical tneo as
a sol jent on which ib«y may ill istra'e
laryngology aud rhioolo«\. -Jhe receives |
abont sth: an hour, furnishing her own in
struments Her throat so little sen
sibility that the miauplatlons produce no
Be 2fot Deeetnd.
The experience of the Bpoex 8. 3, Wine
O. after a continuous oareer of more thau
forty years in Grape Culture and Wine
making has resulted in the production of
Grape Brandy that rivals Hennessy aud
Martell of Cognao. A fine, delicate fifteen
year old Grape Brandy is rare; their Cli
max vintage >1 1876 is becoming ce'ebrat
ed among Europeans wbo appreciate a
pure article. Druggists sell It.
—Republican papers in various parts of
the State are expressing the opinion that
. no member of the Legislature should be
elected next year who will not openly
p'»dge himself to vote against the re-eleo
tiou of Senator Cameron under all circum
l is noes.
Daniel Webster's
While it cannot be said that the great
writers and speakers of history have stoop
ed to the frivolity of inoessant punning,
yet most of them have not neglected to
make use ot a good pun when - in order " |
Dtniel Webster w »s once addressing ibe
Senate on the dry subjict of internal im
provements when the clock hands came
around to the hour of 2. But instead of
striking twice the clock continued to \
strike without cessation more than forty
times, till it run down All eyes were
turned to the clock and business was
suspended Mr. Webster re named silent
until about twenty strokes bad sounded,
when he thus appealed to the Ch -ir:—
Mr. President, the clock is out of order.
I have tne floor
The staid and august Senate broke into
an uproarious laugh at the timely witti
cism. The Joke can never be repeatediu
the Senate, however, tor the striking part
of the dock is no longer ever wound up
—The drouth in the vicinity of Hazel
ton, Luzerne county. Pa., has become -o
severe tnat it has driven numbers of wild
animals from their mountain bauuts down
into the lowlands in search of water. A
few days ago a man. wben to a
mine at the base of Spring mountain, came
suddenly upon two full-grown bears.
Next day a party of three women were
earning water trom the ariesiaii welt two
miles distant, and bavin* to pass through
a strip of timber land, when a big blank
bear came out of the brush aad began
following tbem, and all fled to tbe village,
parsing several other wild animals ou the
way It then dawned Upon tbe vi lasers
that thirst and he scent of tne water had
emboldened the animals to pursue the
—The best fall medicine is Hood's
Sar-apartlia beoause it purifies, enrich, .-
aud vitalizes tne blood
With a s'gb, or with a song.
Still .be old world rolls along;
But. so quick lj tme is ii g.
Can't sp*re verv m>icu lor sighin'.
Move along
And sing your song.
Till the angels are reply in'!
"As I grow old more dross than gold
Appears in life's alloy;
And buckwheat cakes don't seem as big
As wbeu I was a boy."
—Owing to so tnauy Wes'ern and Soutii
ern aheriffs baviug procured bloou-kouud
the ptice has gone up la'ely, being now
SIOO for a pup Kentucky people have
taken to raising theui iu considerable nuin
—One car-ful boose in Will strent, NV *
V rk. uu\s po.-i ire-ta ops by ibe iiuiidf
ot sheets at a time, and at once, wiin
rubber stamp, marks its union od the bai*
ot them This checks ot stain -
by boys in the otfio». Tnere still exists
a large trade in this form of currency a
lunch counters.
—People of all na ions have believeu
tnat ants lay up I'o «l for winter. The a
leger' (act is mentioned man; times in at,
oient and modern literatures.and is direc
ly stated in the Book of Proverbs. Th- •
do no such ihing During rn.> winter the
remain in a torpid or semi torpid co.idi
Throat Distaf Cured With Grape* an.,
The noted old nurs't. decent ant ol H« >
land Dutch, discovered tnat a o rt.air. c n
biuatiou of grapes wttb the horehoUl
Herb end th« root of Elecaini.aue in (
into a cordial will cure sore throats » .
"Ugbs. ami isex etenl lor colds. ca>an
auu ail irrHa'p-n of me Bronchial in <
loi.eils and tbroat., aud for singers »i •
public speakers. Diuggists say tbe sal
are immense, it is doiug ifeat good It
called Aunt Rtcbael's Eecaiupaiie ai>
riorehound Cor lai.
—Tie Ohio preacher who wit hare"
from the candidacy for tbe Legislator
because his offer to receive a bribe .va<•
exposed will not finish a good job until he
also resigns fr<-m the ministry.
A Letter to Aunt Raehatl
Cario, 111., August 29.—T0 Aunt
RachaelSpeer at Passaic, N. J. —Dea
Madam: —»Ve have used your Maiarim
Bitters fr r several months past, and :iud it
tbe very host tonic we hav« ever used i<
effectually wipe out all traces of
My wife has been sickly, feverish, weak
and languid tor thu psst four seasons, and
tried almost everything We heard si
much of your bitteis tn tl conoluded t.o
fry ii; nij wife's appetite has returned an*
she is rtrong, well atd sprightly again an
all owing to your Peruvian Malarial Bit
ters. G H Woodward,
This warning is intended for
persons using Nature's Com
pound. It has such appetizing
properties that you will want
to eat between meals, and too
much at meal time.
But stop befoie you are quite
satisfied. Nature's Compound
is the true health assistant.
Purifies the blood, regulates
the liver and digestive organs.
Sold by Druggists, price si.
Six for fj.
VSr 7 oman
1 / ®S Sometime 1 , needs a reli
\ abla monthly regulating
i medicine.
Are prompt, n?fo un<l cept.s nln resr.'s. Tt" e«nr.
li,P t>r. f, ar» r. ,-IT rtipap. .jint. S'nt *uy»'ioru>
n.GU Co . Clot ewcJ, U.
T | f to., 'r.' >-■•> V. ill ■ 1 : . having
■ ' ~ . •: i, habit auu
■ ■■•> :-.:.tensd
■wKtuise af
lour weeks
" 'th Avenue,
. :■... ,• JI. «• rs, mental and
' norma! i»-petite, and
■ . •,r .... ■ he icadlttoti tier weninbe
i si' ; jr Jnd>. 1 • ! :r I Thishajbceu
e re 1 tmo cmh treated here, and
• mot n t.. n »..:■> t-f y.,:r o. :i neighbors, lo
wt>c" \ve -ti '.'.ih contldeneo u« to tba
slvuiute pateiv and e! :elency ot'the Keeley ("tire.
I al" nif-t n - . so-, • "-eh ng InvestliraUon U
B-uid for t «-i'Uicl kivlng fulllntcaiM
«oa. "
Persons to frayel.++
WANTED. Several faithful
gentlemen and ladies to travel for
established house.
Position permanent if suited;
also increase. State reference
and enclose self-addressed stamp
ed envelope. THE NATIONAL,
318-317-318 Omaha Bldg , CHICAGO.
pE««Vislsm giiii
l -W- >f.- • "
A fr Molt. i*y»v
AAU fc* 1 tr%i k!4fc * •
" OF I
Pl©£iSo Pay particular attention to
these few lines—they may interest you.
Pond s Extract is so un versal a remedy
that you know of it and its uses well,
but so many crude imitations are on the
market, that a warning against the use
of anything but the genuine Pond's
Extract is necessary. Pond's Extract is
absolutely pure, antiseptic and anodyne,
and may i><• used with safety and efficacy,
externally or internally. Accept nothing
but the genuine with buff wrapper and
yellow label.
POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Ave.. No./ York.
'great saving results from the use of
tWh&t Nerve lierries
have done for others
anCPermanently &6atursd^^^>&-
A positive cure for all WcaKnesses,
Nervousness, Debility, and ail their
train of evils resulting from early errors
and later excesses; the result of over
work, sicknsss, worry, etc.
orexcessrve (obacco,opium
and "liquor, which lead to consumption
and insanity. Tlieir use shows immedi
ate improvement. Insist upon having
the genuine NERVf. B£fif?lES s no other.
Convenient to carry in vest pocket.
Price, $ LOO per box, six boxes, one full
treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed to cure
any case. If not kept by your drug
gist we will send them by mail, upon
receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Pamphlet free. Address mail orders to
Wi:-.L DO,
Stlmriates tho appetite and y.-^-
auoos refreshing sleep.
Checks wanting diMMM, at >•
uigtit swoats, curea incipie;.'
_ Jacreases strcnj,.h and flesh.
Promoteu hoa'.i'.y lung tiss-. •
Willnivo th» V 1 end puny t.
Nroay cheoli .j c , • juta.
CURES AT 1, F£.' T • ".oy<?ZAr.:i ■
Makes atror.fi ' \7jiUo2
f»ii yr.nrir inm? " •
Circ l 'aatina a.tcl
tiidlr sequences,
Thoy are neither styjpMo nor oaustjc a*
v« tio coafruliitinj? effect on tho coatei
t:,e stomach or its lininfi' consequent
•. it hi'.rt tha teeth or ceonst:patio.
. (liarrhosa. ns do tho usual lomu ol Xioj
" • ;lay:i treatment 50c. pamphlet lico. 1
Vit kept by your -iruKgist, address
i f* 1 "Jt* BtBT
s S
y eTffi>. ourr|
v * GO T O
For fiue Watcbeß, DiamoDdsand
Optical Goods of all kiudu.
Examined Free
of Charge by.
; H. R. FR IiNCI I
Graduate Opt
ci.n, at No. 132 S Main street,
Butler, Fa.
\\/31[ P'f" V V Certainly it will pay women to come or send to this house,
* * • when there's nice, tasty Dry Goods to De had at often less
than you might pay for indifferent styles elsewhere. The merchant that wins trade now
adays must appreciate the fact that women in this country are the best dressed in the
world, and good judges of prices too. You will find this house thoroughly
Up to Date in Styles and Prices.
SOc yard—Specially Rood 40-inch wide wale
Storm Serge, all-wool, that wo would recom
mend you to sec at an example of how we put
prices on nice goods In this store. Other good
all-wool Black Serge at same price, that are equal
ly convincing—soc yard.
40c yard for all-wool Ca*hm_TC!» am!
Henriettas that arc good, i.nt-elas goods fot
that price. We might ask SOc for them and get it j
easily, but that's not the way to build up and j
hold a trade like ours—4oc yard.
60c, 75c yard —Two qualities i.i (jcrtnau
All-Wool Figured and Striped Suiting*.
38 inches wide, thai we cut a good many drcMe
off every day, beeauf>' the good:, are tasty and
attractive; we haven't any shelf room in thi s
house for any styles except such us are nice, that
the women of to-day want—6oc, 76c yard.
Better qualities line Black Drcsa Cools, at equal
ly as reasonable prices.
It don't take long to get here in these days of rapid railroading, and you'll find the
trip will pay, but, if you can't come, send for samples and let us give you an exam
ple of kow promptly we fill flail Orders.
I Jlf Jackets and Fur Capes |
fir \. If eo ' u 1810 your » iterw,t to « ianiine our Jnyr* jw]
fty $ ll^ I ' C'''j Immense stock of fresh goods—goods that fit ,/W p &jIJ
»V l> ' Q"A j• \ and hour well. If we cannot sell you goods
lif' x/*' ' V I \L- J/' 1 ' lower than anybody clae we do not expect you jjj
ife '' / J/ to buy here, but we are after your trade—and j
I\('/ *((o'> ;&W hope to get it by offering superior inducements Ml
|Ua \f A Tailor Made Jackets, made of fine /ZnWU Jv'm
\© ON \ Bearer (see cut), at $3.50 to $15.00. A H§"| \ nil
/ \ \ Heavy Uoucle Cloth Jackets, //J f i yCT I
/ same style, $4.50, $5-00, ss.j#B /j d i'",*' . oSkTnJV \
: >? and up to $13.50. Fur Capes, /J£! ft M |'3 1,1 'A Jfl !§dJ
(i\y Iwfr' 30 inches long, 100 inch sweep, J||WH
fjV ** from $5.98 to $50.00 each. 50 Ms •7?]
st -' lea L ' al Plush Capca, 100 to 120 inches sweeps satin lined, $4.50, $5.00,
MW $5.75 and up to $20.00, eoine richly trimmed with fur and all well made. 1 iffi •/)}
IJV/ Our immense line of Trench Kid Uloves, at 75c., SI.OO, $1.25 a pair is sure 's)Li $ jSiwlr
>lfc3 ' J ' euM -' - OJ ' wlu '° our stock of Underwear and Hosiery for Ladies, if" 1 Jy ' '
Gentlemen and Children has no superior in this city. Kil
'|w When in the city call on us whether you wish to buy of not, you •r® welcome I fIV
H t —slo, 512, 514, 516, 518 /Vlarl<et Street, Cor. of liberty, ===== ||
The Leading and Largest Millinery House in Butler County.
Has just received the handsomest Pattern Hats, Bonnets
and Children's Hats ever brought to Butler county. PRICES
EXTREMELY LOW. Come in and see for yourself and be I
j Mourning Goods a Specialty. j
122 S. Main St 122 S. Main
,lf We an't
everything we have for sale, we will tell you
that we St ll everything usually sold in a first
class well rtgu'ated shoe store. Do you want
a pair of Kip Boots, a pair of Felt Boots or a
pair of Rubber Boots. We have them at
prices that cannot be duplicated in the county.
Do you want a pair of shoes thai will wear
your wife or child all winter, then you are
looki.ig for our Service Shoes. They are
waterproof. Our stock of Felt Shoes Leggins
Overgaiters, and all winter goods <s the larg •
est and most complete yet shown
114 S Main Street,
THE -O* P%||F; ¥£-'
™ E <V° Wk W? fc:,
Ely'* Cream Jia(m 1' ••' o i \ nn-jff or i,nc<:,r. Applied into the noilriU it it
m _ y ' kit, ■ for d. / it ate* tiie /lead, aUat/s injlammation, hf.aU
Cftjt t' /*-' ! 'l i i*U ~<r sent by mail on receipt of vrirt. E|S„-%
i 3UC - 53 street NEW YORK. DUO
3uy a Buggy
; do buy one.
Fredonia Buggies
Lave f/en »hing in their favor-—beauty, s< ibility, ease. You can
fin'*, this out by loo? n? .it 'em. YOl .lealer sells them
•Wade hv TCi. 1 r<nsrstown. O-
Wo arc polling a srrcat deal of American-made
•olorc'l Drt sn KtufT that are m >rc than good enough
for ordinary gowns and youni? girls' school dresses
The nice qualities an<i pretty designs of these,
warrant our asking you to see them at once.
You'll say we were right aljout them. 38 inches
vide, at 38c, 40c, 4Ac> SOc per yard.
Cashmeres a«d Scrcc** All-uix»l, nice color
just splendid goodk for women's wrappers and tea
<owns. and • hildren's wear, at 28c, 40c, SOc
I per yard.antl they are all ovcrayard wide at that.
Better CashmcrcH aud Henriettas from
60c to
Jacquard Suitings, (which means plain
colors with neat, small figures) a line of the**'
line all-wool Suitings that are 40 inches wide,au«
are am«>iig the choicest go<xls you ever saw for
your >ccond best gowns, 60c the yard.
Once more lt'» Flannel weather, and very like
ly coming stronger soon. Extra quality Whlti
Flannel, 25c per yard, (iood and heavy country
Flannel, 25c per yard. Large assortment of
Gray, White and Scarlet Flannels.
Eider-Down Flannel, for bath robes, loung
ing robes, dressing sacques, children's cloaks, &c.
—ln cream white and colors, extra quality, 88
inches wide, at 60c per yard.
The ull-wool Bordered Shirt Patterns, ful
ly shrunken, and all cut and ready to be sewed,
should «et your attention, for the styles, colon
and prices arc worthy of It—7Bc, SI, $1.28,
$1.(50, $1.75 the pattorn.
It'sacomfort to have a nice wrapper—one with
s< >me beauty and style to it. There are thousands
of yards, nice Russian, Verlaine and Groa Grain
Fleece Goods here, tluit will make just that kind
of wrapper. Dark shades, handsome effects, 28
inches wide, 10c yard-
Be, Bc, 10c, for light or dark striped or figured
Flannelette*, very nice for wrappers tor the
women and children—and a good shirting mater
ial too. 28 inches wide.
German Flannelettes that reflect credit on Ger
man skill and ta-ste, at 20c per yard—three
quarters of a yard wide.